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Internship report on


Submitted to

In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of

Under the guidance of




I, REETHESH SHETTYhereby declares that the internship report entitle to Sri Anagha
Refineries Privateltd ,Baikampadi ,Mangalore prepared by the guidance ofMr. VENKATESH
AMIN Head Of The Department of MBA department, Shree Devi Institute of Technology,
Kenjar andexternal assistance by Mr. Preethesh SARPL,Baikampadi, Mangalore .

I also declare that this internship work is towards the partial fulfilment of the university

I have undergone an internship project for a period of 4 weeks. I further declare that project is
based on original study undertaken by me.



It gives me a great pleasure to express my gratitude for all the people who helped me directly
or indirectly.

I would like to thank each and every one who offered support, guidelines and help whenever

First and foremost I would like to express gratitude to Mr. Venkatesh,Amin HOD of MBA
Department , SDIT Kenjar.

I would like to thankful to our respected principal Dr.Dilip Kumar for his support and
encouragement .

I extremely thankful to my external guide Mr. Preethesh Shetty , HR MANAGER, SRI


And I also thankful to all the staffs of MBA department for their wonderful support.

Thank you all















Organization study is an understandingthe policy , process, structure and methodology of an

Organization .Organization study provide brief description of the overall function of the
organization .

Organizationstudy is the systematic and careful application of knowledge about how people
perform within organizationand understand the working environment of the organization .

Sources ofcollecting data primary data and secondary data .


• Primary Data
• Secondary Data
• Direct Observation


• To understand the structure and functioning of the organization .
• To understand the delegation of authority and responsibility .
• To understand the policy ,procedure and structure of the organization .

• Intensive collection of data is difficult task with in given period .

• The findings need not conclusive but only expressive.

• The company not disclose their financial details, so detail analysis of financial
performance is not possible . Depth study of the organization is not possible


The Indian Vegetable oil is the world’s 4th largest after US .vegetable oil
consumption has increased following a rise in household incomes and consumer demand .India
imports half of its edible oil requirement and9.3% of edible oil consumption .

Edible oil Industry is one of the most important sector of agriculture industry in India.

India’s edible oil production accounted for 4.96% of the global edible oil production at 9.75
million tones .

India’s GDP grew at an average rate of 6.33% during period from FY 2011-2012 .

Industry highly dependent on availability of raw material , domestic production of seeds , annual
rain fall ,Global price fluctuation and consumer preferences .

Government of India has allowed 100% FDI in edible oil sector to encourage the investors in
the sector .

Branded oil segment in India is annually growing at the rate of 20% , with sunflower and soy
oils leading the markets .

Types of Oils commonly in use in India:

India has a wide range of oilseeds crops grown in its different agro climatic zones. Groundnut,
mustard/rapeseed, sesame, safflower, linseed, Niger seed /castor seed are the major traditionally
cultivated oilseeds.

Soybean and sunflower have also assumed importance in recent years. Groundnut, soybean and
mustard together contribute about 85 % of the country’s oilseeds production. Coconut is most
important amongst the plantation crops. Efforts are being made to grow oil palm in Andhra
Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu in addition to Kerala and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Among
the non-conventional oils, rice bran oil and cottonseed oil are the most important. In addition,
oilseeds of tree and forest origin, which grow mostly in tribal inhabited areas, are also a
significant source of oils.

Until 2002, the olive oil sector in India was predominantly unorganized. The olive oil industry in
India is small and largely people use it more for cosmetic purposes than for cooking. Today
Indians are moving to better cooking mediums like Olive oil for health and wellness reasons.
Olive Oil has always been placed somewhere between food and medicine and the biggest
challenge is to educate Indian consumers on the benefits of olive oil as a cooking medium.
Today, the domestic olive oil consumption is seen rising 25% annually.

Production of Oilseeds in India:

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an
important position in the agricultural economy and accounts for anestimated production of
28.21 million tons of nine cultivated oilseeds during the year 2007-08. India contributes about 6-
7% of the world oilseeds production.

Statutory Regulations:
The Vegetable Oil Industry is administered through the following regulationorders which are
statutory in nature and derive their powers from the Essential

Commodities Act:

· Vegetable Oil Products (Regulation) Order, 1998;

· Edible Oils Packaging (Regulation) Order, 1998;

· Solvent Extracted Oil, De-oiled Meal and Edible Flour (Control) order, 1967.

Custom Duty:

With effect from 1st April, 2008, the customs duty on crude and refined forms ofPalm Oil, Palm
olein, Palm Kernel Oil, Soybean Oil, Rapeseed/Mustard Oil,Sunflower Oil, Safflower Oil,
Groundnut Oil, Coconut Oil and some otherVegetable Oils has been reduced to zero percent and
7.5% respectively .

The customs duty on all grades of olive oil has been reduced to 7.5 percent from the previous 45
percent on virgin olive oil and 40 percent each on refined olive oil and olive pomace oil.

Import Duty:
The import duty on crude edible oils has been abolished and duty on refined edible oils has
been lowered to 7.5%.Value Added Tax (VAT):

There are differences in the percentage rates and rules from State to State under VAT for
oilseeds, oil meals, oilcake and oils.

There is an element of 4% VAT on edible oils / oilseeds plus octroi and other local taxes on
edible oils imposed by the state governments, which accounts to nearly 6 to 7%.

The VAT on Olive oils is also charged at the rate of 4% by the Indian States.

Localization of the Industry:

India is one of the largest producers of oilseeds in the world. The oilseeds area and output is
concentrated in Central and southern parts of India, mainly in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat,
Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. In India, oilseeds are grown in an area of nearly 27
million hectares across the length and breadth of the country.

India ranks second in the world (after China) in groundnut production. The three southern states
of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and the western state of Gujarat together account for
close to 80% of the annual output in India.

Regional trends in groundnut production indicate that the recent increase ingroundnut yields has
mainly occurred in Tami l Nadu due to increased irrigation. Although Tamil Nadu accounts for
12% of the total area under groundnuts, it contributes to 22% of the total production.

India ranks fourth (after China, EU and Canada) in the world in the production of

Rapeseed. Almost 40 percent of the rapeseed output comes from the state of Rajasthan. Other
major states include Uttar Pradesh (18%), Madhya Pradesh(10%) and Haryana (11%). Yield
improvements have taken place in all the major states although Haryana shows the maximum
growth in yields in the last two decades.

In India Madhya Pradesh is the leading state in producing soybean followed by Maharashtra,
Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. On an average, Madhya Pradesh produces 74 percent of India's
total soybean crop; Maharashtra, 13 percent; and Rajasthan, 10 percent. The crop has exhibited a
vast potential as a monsoon season crop mainly in Central India, and is extending its coverage
in theSouthern parts of the country.

Olive Oil:
India relies on import route for its olive requirement, as the country has no olive cultivation
locally except in a few pockets in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh. For the first time,
Rajasthan government has tied up with an Israeli firm Indolive Ltd and Indian company Plastro
Plasson Industries to promote olive farming on 210 hectares in the state.

Major player
The report titled ‘Indian Edible Oil Market ”Trends and opportunities 2014 -2019 provides an in
–depth analysis of the Indian edible oil market with focus on 4 major segments –the established
markets of palm oil like Rapeseed and sunflower oil .

The report assesses the production and consumption trends of Palm ,soybean, rapeseed and
Sunflower oil .Also ,the key opportunities ,the factors driving growth of the market and
challenges being faced by the players in the industry are outlined and analyzed in the forecasted
period 2014-2019 .

Further ,key players of the industry like Ruchi Soya ,Agro tech , JVL agro and Anagha refineries

Segment coverage

Palm oil


Rapeseed oil

Sunflower oil

Importance Edible oil to Indian economy
Oilseeds and edible oils are two of the most sensitive essential commodities. India is one of the
largest producer of oilseeds in the world and this sector occupies an important position in the
agricultural economy, accounting for production of 27.51 million tons of nine cultivated oil
seeds during the year 2014-15 (November-October) as per Final Estimates released by the
Ministry of Agriculture on 09.05.2016.

India contributes about 6-7% of the world oilseeds production. Export of Edible oils was
38317.56 tons in the financial year 2014-15 valued at Rs 46040.37 lakhs.



2011-2012 89.57 99.43 189

309.43 92.19 106.05 198.24


328.79 100.80 109.76 210.56


266.75 89.78 127.31 217.0


Major Features of Edible Oil Economy.

There are two major features, which have significantly contributed to the
development of this sector. One was the setting up of the Technology Mission on Oilseeds in
1986 which has been converted into a National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) in

This gave a thrust to Government's efforts for augmenting the production of oilseeds. This is
evident by the very impressive increase in the production of oilseeds from about 11.3 million
tons in 1986-87 to 26.68 million tons in 2014-15.

Most of the oilseeds are cultivated on marginal land and are dependent on rainfall and other
climatic conditions.

The other dominant feature which has had significant impact on the present status of edible
oilseeds/oil industry has been the program of liberalization under which the Government's
economic policy allowing greater freedom to the open market and encourages healthy
competition and self regulation rather than protection and control. Controls and regulations
havebeen relaxed resulting in a highly competitive market dominated by both domestic and
multinational players.

Export Import Policy on Edible Oils

In order to harmonize the interests of farmers, processors and consumers and at the same time,
regulate large import of edible oils to the extent possible, import duty structure on edible oils is
reviewed from time to time. Current import duties on crude and refined edible oils are 12.5% and
20% respectively.

Export of edible oils had been banned WEF. 17.03.2008. However, WEF. 05.02.2013, castor oil,
coconut oil from Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ports and through notified Land Custom
Stations, edible oils produced from minor forest produce and organic edible oils have been
exempted from the prohibition on export of edible oils. Export of edible oils has been permitted
in branded consumer packs of upto 5 kg, subject to a minimum Export Price of USD 900 per MT
WEF. 06.02.2015. Export of Rice Bran Oil in bulk has been exempted from the ban WEF.

The challenges being faced are “Green House Gas Emission” from planting and
milling developments. Historically, the growth of Oil Palm Plantations was in adjunction
with forests; the early varieties of oil palm being just developed from wild varieties and
grown largely in countries or territories having low-level of centralized jurisdiction, thus
enabling a large and easy inflow-&-outflow of labour force, planting materials and
associated knowledge.

This situ provided growth and challenges and still more opportunities that we reap today across
the world as consumers of oil palm products and thus are also bound – morally & economically
to ensure its all round sustainability. Palm oil makes up about 70 per cent of the total vegetable
oil imported by India, thus making India the world’s top importer of the cooking oil. Edible oil
is one of the most important part of Indian cuisines. With growing population & enhanced per
capita income, edible oil consumption has seen steady growth in India. Palm oil apart from being
used as a cooking medium, has its industrial applications in food processing viz. bakery
products, frozen foods etc.

besides non-food applications like surfactants, soap & detergent, cosmetics, pharma

and in other industries in India Our Palm Oil Plan .

Industry believe in a sustainable future. To do our part, we are committed to developing a fully
sustainable and traceable palm oil supply chain.

1. Industry ambition is to only source palm oil from companies whose operations meet the
following sourcing charter, within the time frame described below:
o Only from legal sources.
o No development in areas of high conservation value.
o No development in high carbon stock forest areas.
o No development on peat lands regardless of depth.
o No burning to clear land for new developments or to re-plant existing
o Compliance with the Mars, Incorporated Supplier Code of Conduct. This sets our
expectations in the areas of child labor, forced labor, discrimination,
compensation and benefits, working hours, freedom of association and right to
collective bargaining, health and safety, the environment and ethical business
o Respect the right of all affected communities to give or withhold their free, prior
and informed consent for plantation developments on land they own legally,
communally or by custom.
o Support farmers and plantation owners to comply with this policy.

2. Industry will only work with palm oil suppliers that share our values and our commitment
to transforming the palm oil supply chain, and required that they confirm their
commitment to comply with the above sourcing charter .

.Industry will maintain supplier engagement, and expand this work by encouraging our direct
suppliers to push for transformation among the mills and producers supplying them.

Finally, we will work toward independent verification that our efforts and those of our suppliers
are leading to genuine transformation on the ground.

Industry believe these steps will help ensure a genuinely sustainable supply chain where all
material is sourced from companies whose mills only produce sustainable palm oil. In addition,
we believe that this will help accelerate change by encouraging our suppliers to source all their
palm oil from companies whose plantations and farms are responsibly run.

Industry, governments and civil society on broader efforts to protect forests and ensure mutual
benefits for the workers and communities that rely on them for their livelihoods.

In particular, we will work with the World Economic Forum, the Tropical Forest Alliance and
the Consumer Goods Forum to speed progress on preventing deforestation.


Edible oil is an important item of Indian food as it is the major source of fat. Vegetable oil
industry of India can be divided into three broad groups depending upon the technology used.

i) Ghani is the main technology for expelling oil in the villages. Different oil seeds are used in
different areas. For example, groundnut is used in Gujarat, coconut in Kerala and mustard seed in
Uttar Pradesh.

(ii) Factories using intermediate level of technology are located in towns. Oil seeds used are
region specific.

(iii) Large scale sophisticated mills are located in big cities and are oriented towards bigger
market. They also procure oil seeds from a much larger area.

Vanaspati is ‘hydrogenerated’ oil. The first Vanaspati factory was established in 1930 which
produced a meagre of 298 tons.

The World War II and the levy of import duty on Vanaspati gave a fillip to this industry and in
1951; there were 48 factories with a capacity of 3.3 lakh tons and a production of 155 thousand
tons. The production showed a significant progress and stood at 1,257 thousand tons in 1998-99


Sunflower seeds are very low in cholesterol and sodium, thereby protect your heart. These seeds
are a good source of vitamin B6, thiamin, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, manganese and
selenium, and are rich in vitamin E (Alpha Tocopherol). To keep your daily nutrition upright,
you should opt for these seeds. Sunflower seeds are also very good for your digestion and brain

Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is a vital component of your day-to-day nutritional
needs. These seeds are great  antioxidants that stop the extensive spread of free radicals within the
human body. These free radicals can lead to a variety of cellular damage and diseases. Rich,
natural sources of vitamin E are rare, but sunflower seeds are rich in this vitamin, which aids in
the proper functioning of the circulatory system .




Sri Anagha Refineries Private limited is a Private incorporated in the year 2012 and registered
under companies act 1956. The company is located in the Industrial area in Baikampadi. total
area is covered around 4-5 acres .

Its Authorized share capital is Rs.15,00,00,000 and

Its paid up capital is Rs.3,90,00,000 .

It involved in production processing ,preservation and packaging of oil .

The company involves current capacity storage of oil 50 ton per day and it may increase of
storage upto 250 ton per day in future expansion and growth .

In 2007 the director of Sri Anagha they promote packaging of sunflower and palm oil it
named as premium packaging in partnership and they made packing within 10sq feet of land
by paying lease for a land .and later the director of Anagha thinks to start its own packaging so
they started its own private organization named as Sri Anagha private limited company
incorporated in the year 2012 under the company act of 1956 .They took around two years to
start its own packaging unit in to practical .

In the year 2014 Director of Sri Anagha started own packaging unit and plant is located in
Baikampadi ,Mangalore and they started to packing of sunflower oil and palm oil .

Since 2014 Sri Anagha company started own oil refineries company imports the crude oil from
other country and started its oil refining .Sri Anagha currently refining oil named as Sunpremium

Company have 2 products one is Sunpremium oil and second product is palm oil brand name is
PalmJyothi . Sri Anagha onlyinvolves packaging of PALM oil not refining ,company purchase
the Palm oil from different company and give his brand name in the packaging currently in an
organization 50 tons of storage per day and also lead in market .

Sri Anagha have Authorized share capital is Rs.15,00,00,000 and paid up capital is
Rs.3,90,00,000 . ,Venkata phaniNadella,Nadella venkata Sambasiva Rao are directors of Sri
Anagha company .

In recent years Sri Anagha have four directors adding two directors for the purpose of expansion
of the company namely Subba Naidu Ravilla,Venkata phani Nadella,Nadella venkata Sambasiva
Rao and Sathyanarayana Rao Boppana .

Currently Sri Anagha company imports crude oil from Eureka for sunflower oil and getting Palm
oil from Malaysia and in India .

Palm oil is very less in price and most are use for wast use of oil ,palm oil is cheaper in quality
and also less in price compare to Sunflower oil.

Sri Anagha main markets are Karnataka ,Kerala, Goa since in 2014 they only have market in
Karnataka later it expand to Kerala and Karnataka ,Sri Anagha have its sub branch of packaging
located in Andra Pradesh .After the GST (goods and service tax) they startsits market in
Maharastra . Sri Anagha planning to expansion in its market also planning of refining of palmoil
in the plant they also expand storage capacity of the company.

The Directors of Sri Anagha are also a shareholders of the company ,directors are owners and
they bear the loss and also receive the profit .

In Anagha the Director give more importance to employees so there is no turnover of employees
,in an Anagha the employee are motivated and work for long period .Sri Anagha have quality
product so they have leading in markets they also contribute to welfare of society and economy
of the state . Sri Anagha distributing product with in the country so they have taken licence
from FSSAI , Sri Anagha Refineries Private Limited Incorporated on 03/07/2012 and its
production unit started in 01/03/2014 and its packaging unit started 01/01/2015.Sri Anagha
refineries private limited corporate identification number U15122KA2012PTCO64680 and
Registration number 64680.

Sri Anagha Refineries Private Limited's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was last held on 30
September 2016 and as per records from Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), its balance sheet
was last filed on 31 March 2016.
The company logo is A for the identification of company the symbol of A defines a Anagha ..

Sri Anagha also planning of expansion of the the production they have plan of adding coconut oil
in future if they grab the market if they have any opportunity in future .


. To carry on the business of manufacturing, recycling, processing, buying, selling, exporting,

importing, dealing in washed, refined, edible and non-edible oil, barns and oil cakes, de-nil cake
of any nature and kind whatsoever, hydrogenated oils, oil substitutes, glycine, fatty acids,
lubricating, oils, greases and oil preparations and by products including linters, edible proteins.

2. To carry on the business of manufacturing, processing, refining, buying, selling,

manipulating, exporting, importing and otherwise dealing in edible and non-edible oils, oilseeds,
brans and oil cakes of any nature and kind whatsoever, including linters, hulls expeller oil cakes,
de-oiled cakes, edible proteins, castor oil, industrial oils, extraction of linsed, cotton seed,
groundnut oil, fertilizer mixtures, hydrogenated castor oil, oil and pharmaceutical, groundnut
cakes, myrabolum and nuts seeds oil and mineral oils.

3. To carry on business is manufacturing producers extractors, refiners, bleaches exporters,

importers distributors and dealers in vegetable oils, marine oils and derivatives thereof.

4. To purchase, sell, import types of oil carry on business of extraction of oil from oil-
bearing commodities and seeds, and manufacture, crude oil, refined oil, perfumed and other
types of oils.

5. To plant, grow, cultivate, produce and raise, purchase, re-fill, re-purchase, re-sell, deal in
or turn to account or otherwise dispose of crushed oil seeds, coconuts and all other plants, grass,
trees, crops and natural products of any kind whatsoever or otherwise to cultivate any land of the
company and to transact or carry on such other work or business as may be thought proper or
necessary in connection with the above objects or any of them.


` To be the best edible oil producer in the region, while not forgetting our environmental
impact and the importance of healthy living .

` Customer satisfaction

` To be the employer to staff to insurer company.

` To produce efficiently and economically in an Eco-friendly manner with due regard to
safety ,conservation and quality .

To continue to diversify and grow ,addressing new products and markets .

Sri Anagha Refineries private ltd. is committed to provide quality products and services to the
satisfaction of the customers.

This system will provide the means by which our mission , business plan , quality objectives and
continues improvement will be effectively maintained at all levels of our Organization .

Palm oil contains Vitamin E, A, and beta carotene! It lowers Cholesterol. Beta carotene helps in
good night vision. It is good for the skin and helps in bone growth.

It plays a vital role in organ protection, tissue membrane structure & metabolism .

The presence of natural oxidants like Tocopherol plays a protective role in cellular aging &

It is an perfect product for Institutions & manufacturers of potato chips & fried products. Small
hotel owners, restaurants, eateries will swear by the superior quality of palm oil.


Palm oil trees are an amazing natural resource. High-yielding and land-efficient, the crop can
bring great wealth to some of the world’s poorest regions — when it’s done right. Unfortunately,
the rapid expansion of palm oil plantations is threatening environmentally sensitive areas of
tropical rainforest and carbon-rich peat lands. In some cases, the rights of communities that
depend on those forests and lands for their livelihoods have been threatened. Labor violations
have been found on some palm oil plantations.

Policy in March 2014 to formalize our commitment to developing a fully sustainable and
traceable palm oil supply chain — one that is free from deforestation and environmental
degradation and grown with respect for the rights of local communities and workers. To this end,
we announced a new palm oil sourcing plan that our suppliers are required to have met by the
end of 2015.

In addition, we committed to tracing all the palm oil we source back to known mills, and to
ensuring that by the end of 2014 our tier-1 palm oil suppliers had agreed to comply with our
sourcing charter.

• Company have quality policy of FSSAI according to FSSAI All major edible oil
manufacturers and processors have agreed to fortify cooking oil with Vitamin A & D
Fortification means deliberately increasing the content of essential micronutrients in food to
improve its quality.
All major edible oil manufacturing and processing sector decides to fortify the edible oil with
vitamin A and D FSSAI statement.
Generate new knowledge that would help in continuously updating and upgrading food
safety standards which are compatible with international organizations Carry out evidence
based studies for improving or building policies.


` Sri Anagha Refineries Private Limited Main products are ;






Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil compressed from seeds of sunflower .

Sunflower oil is commonly used in food as frying oil and in cosmetic formulations as an

Refining losses are low and the oil has good keeping qualities with light tendency for flavor
reversion .

The oil contains appreciable quantities of Vitamin E ,sterols, squalene and other aliphatic

Sunflower oil is pressed from the seeds of the sunflower. The oil is used as medicine.

Sunflower oil is used for constipation and lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol.

Some people apply sunflower oil directly to the skin for poorly healing wounds, skin
injuries, psoriasis, and arthritis; and as a massage oil.

In foods, sunflower oil is used as a cooking oil.

Uses of Sunflower premium Sunflower Oil

` Great emollient .,hydrates the skin and improves skin’s moisture retention.

` Used for normal to dry skin types.

` Great for after sun care , it neutralizes free radicals that Penetrate into the

` Antioxidant properties help prevent fine line and wrinkles .

` Ruchi in vitamin A ,E,C and D ,minerals and oleic acid ,carotenoids.

` A good all purpose oil for bath and body recipes .



1.1 Cleaning, Drying and Preparation of the seeds

As a 1st step the seed is cleaned and then dried. Material, such as stones, glass and metal is
taken out by sieving and magnets and is disposed of outside the feed chain.

Drying is performed while avoiding contact with burning gasses unless natural gas is used.

Some oilseeds, like soybeans and sunflower seeds, may be dehulled (remove the hulls from hull )
after cleaning. After dehulling, the meal has a lower crude fibre content, and hence a higher
protein content.

The soya hulls can also be used for feeding purposes.

1.2. Crushing and Heating

Seeds with high oil content, such as rape seeds and sunflower seeds are
usually mechanically pressed after a pre -heating step.

Pressed cake contains up to 18 % of oil and is further treated in the extractor. In some cases the
pressed cake undergoes deep expelling. This brings oil levels down to below 10% and results in
an expeller sold for feed purposes. Soybeans have a relatively low oil content. They are
thermally treated, mechanically crushed into raw materials that are further extracted.

Sometimes the oil-containing raw material is pressed without heating; such oils are known as
cold-pressed oils. Since cold pressing does not extract all the oil, it is practiced only in the
production of a few special edible oils for example olive oil.

During storage of crude oil, solid sediments may aggregate at the bottom of the tank. Such
sediments can only be removed by a special cleaning company.

There is no reason to question the safety of these sediments. However, these are not sold for feed

1.3. Solvent extraction

It means separates the oil from the seeds. The pre-processed seeds/beans are treated in a
different stage counter-current process with solvent until the remaining oil content is reduced to
the lowest possible level. Hexone is commonly used as extraction solvent. The miscelare is a
mixture of oil and solvent. It is separated by purification into its two components, oil and
solvent. The solvent is recycled for re-use in the extraction process.

1.4. Desolventising and Toasting

The hexane-containing meal is treated in the desolventiser toaster with the help of
indirect heating and steam.

The desolventising toasting process serves 3 purposes;

1) To recover the solvent from the meal

2) To increase thenutritional value of the meal or trypsin inhibitors,
3) To minimise the risk of biological contamination.

1.5. Drying, cooling, storage

To obtain a stable and transportable feed material that is fit for

storage, the meal is subsequently dried and cooled. In general, oilseed meals are stored in tall
towers. The packing in bags is limited to exceptional cases. In order to avoid thesticking of the
meals to the wall of the silo, it is common practice that an anticaking agent is added. This is
particularly necessary when the silos reach considerable heights.


Crude oils obtained by pressing and extraction are sometimes used directly for food and
feed purposes. In most cases, however, the crude oils are refined Crude oil refining entails the
removal of gums or crude lecithins and that of free fatty acids (FFA) from the oil to get a neutral
taste of the edible oil while maintaining the nutritional value and ensuring the quality and
stability of the product.

2.1 Degumming: chemical and physical refining

Degumming is the 1st step of refining and involves the removal of the gums/crude from the oil.
To that effect, the crude oil is treated with water, food grade acid at elevated temperatures. The
hydrated gums are removed at the end of this step or after neutralisation. Gums are a raw
material for the production of lecithins.

2.2. Neutralisation: chemical refining

FFAs are responsible for oil acidity. Chemical refining is the traditional method of oil refining
and involves a neutralisation step of these FFA’s in the crude oil.

The soap stock -together with the precipitated gums, if still present- is separated from the oil by
centrifugation. Typically, soap stocks contain 40% water and 60% fatty matter . In facilities that
both crush oilseeds and refine the seed oils (integrated crushing and refining), the soap and gums
can be added back to the meal or expellers at inclusion levels of around 1.5%. Soap stock can
also be sold to the market as feed material under the denomination “soap stock” or can be split
by means of an acid into acid oils.

The production of gums and soaps stock in integrated crushing refining is a process of
continuously removing the gums and free fatty acids from the oils and continuously adding these
as gums or soap stock to the meal or expellers.

The components in the soap stock are part of the natural composition of seeds or beans. This
means that only natural components separated from the seeds and beans are returned back into
the crushing process. Whether integrated crushing refining plants add soap stocks back to the
meal or expellers is determined by the design of the facility. It is not subject to daily
management decisions.

In their meeting on 17 and 18 January 2013, the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and
Animal Health, section Animal Nutrition confirmed the feed material status of meals and
expellers to which soap stocks have been added in integrated crushing and refining plants.

2.3. Bleaching: chemical and physical refining

The purpose of bleaching is to reduce the levels of pigments such as carotenoids and chlorophyll,
but this treatment also further removes residues of phosphatides, soaps, traces of metals,
oxidation products, and proteins. These trace components interfere with further processing.

They reduce the quality of the final product and are removed by adsorption with activatedclay .
In integrated crushing / refining plants the used bleaching earthmay be brought back into the
meal. Bleaching earth originating from stand-alonerefining plants and hardening plants, the
latter which can contain nickelis excluded from recycling into feed and is disposed of outside
the feed chain. If heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are present in crude oil, activated
carbon shall be used for their removal.The bleaching clay containing activated carbon is disposed
of outside the feed sector.

2.4. Winterisation: optionally both chemical and physical refining

During winterisation waxes are crystallised and removed in a filtering process toavoid clouding
of the liquid fraction at cooler temperatures. The filter cake thatremains after the filtering process
consists of oil, waxes and filter aid. The filtercake can be recycled to the toaster and added to the
meal or sold as such as a feed material.

The term winterisation was originally applied decades ago when cottonseed oil was subjected to
winter temperatures to accomplish this process. Winterisationprocesses using temperature to
control crystallisation are carried out on sunflower and maize oil. Called dewaxing .

2.5. Deodorisation: chemical refining

Deodorisation is a vacuum steam distillation process that removes the relatively volatile
components that give rise to undesirable flavours, colours and odours in fats and oils. This is
feasible because of the great differences in volatility between these undesirable substances and
the triglycerides.

The purpose of deodorisationis to remove odours, off-flavours and other Volatile components
such as pesticides and light polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by stripping Careful execution of
this process will also improve a stability and the colour of the oil, while preserving the
nutritional value.

Depending on the residence time in the deodoriser, the process is carried out under vacuum (0.5
– 8 mbar) and at temperatures between 180° - 270°C, and using a stripping medium, such as
steam or nitrogen, since the substances responsible for odours and flavours are usually volatile.
Conditions are adapted within these ranges as appropriate to ensure the removal of specific

2.6 Distillation: physical refining

Physical refining removes the FFAs by distillation; the boiling point of the FFA is
lower than that of the triglyceride oil. FFA from physical refining are referred to as fatty acid
distillates. Stand-alone refineries, that is those that source crude oils and hence don’t crush
oilseeds often apply physical refining to tropical oils such as palm oil, palm kernel oil and
coconut oil. Integrated crushing and refining plants may also apply physical refining to seed oils
such as rape seed, sunflower seed and soybean oil. Physical refining does not involve a
neutralisation step of the crude oil and hence no soap stock production.


3.1. Hydrogenation

During hydrogenation hydrogen reacts with the points of unsaturation in the fatty acids. The
purpose of hydrogenation is to obtain oils and fats with specific melting profiles or oxidative
stability by reducing unsaturated double bonds inthe oil or fat.

Hydrogenation is accomplished by reacting oil with hydrogen gas and in thepresence of heat and
metal catalysts .


A better melting profile of oil/fat system can also be achieved via interesterification, which is
defined as the interchange of fatty acids from different fats/oils on theglycerol backbone.

There are 2 types of interesterification processes: chemical and enzymatic.

Chemical interesterification in the presence of basic catalysts results in non-selectiveor random

rearrangements of fatty acids.

Interesterification using immobilized lipases is more commonly done in the industry due to its
selective modification of position of fatty acids in the triglycerides.

After interesterification, the output product is bleached and deodorised.

3.3 Fractionation

The chain length of a triglyceride defines its melting point. Fractionation entails controlled
crystallization. Solids are removed by means of solvents or winterization or pressing. Pressing
happens with hydraulic pressure or vacuum filtration.

Fractionation is used to produce specialty fats from palm and palm kernel oil.

3.4 Splitting

Splitting by means of water under high pressure of the ester bonds of triglycerides renders fatty
acids and glycerol molecules. The glycerol is separated with the water.



Edible Oil Testing Services that can be used to control the quality of edible oils. We ensure that
these testing services are rendered under the supervision of our skilled and experienced
professionals who are experts in this process.

The offered services are widely demanded in food industry for assuring oil quality and

These services are rendered for a variety of edible oils like canola, sunflower .

Sri Anagha refineries only include a packaging unit of PALM OIL import oil from other
country for best price and give the packaging brand name of Sri Anagha refineries .


Sunflower palm oil

In Poches

910 grams 200 ML (180grms)

1/2 ltr pack ½ ltr pack

1 ltr pack 1 ltr pack (900grms)

1 kg pack 1 kg pack

In Jar

2 ltr jar (transparent) 5 ltr cans

5 ltr Jar and in cans 15 ltr Tin and 15 kg Tin





A RAO Managinng Director

ELLA Director

A Director

A Director


Sunflower oil is one of the well known brand .

After Ruchi oil ,sunflower oil and palm oil are leading the market.

Sunflower oil is well known for there quality .


Sri Anagha company planning to expand the business while the current storage capacity is
upto 50 ton per day and it may expand up to 250ton per day .

Company also planning to refine the palm oil within the company which gives more profit .

In future company also planning to adopt/ refine the coconut oil if market is available for the
coconut oil .




Developed in the early 1980s by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman, two consultants working
at the McKinsey & Company consulting firm, the basic premise of the model is that there are
seven internal aspects of an organization that need to be aligned if it is to be successful.

The 7S model can be used in a wide variety of situations where an alignment perspective is
useful. For example, it helps to:

• Improve the performance of a company.

• Examine the likely effects of future changes within a company.
• Align departments and processes during a merger or acquisition.
• Determine how best to implement a proposed strategy

The McKinsey 7S model involves seven interdependent factors which are categorized as either
"hard" or "soft" elements:

Hard Elements



Soft Elements
Shared Values




"Hard" elements
e aree easier to define
d or ideentify and management
m can directlyy influence them.
These aree strategy sttatements, orrganization charts and reporting
r linees, and form
mal processes and
IT system

"Soft" ellements, on the other haand, can be more

m difficuult to describbe, and are less tangiblee and
more infl
fluenced by culture.
c How
wever, these soft elemennts are as im
mportant as thhe hard elem
if the orgganization iss going to be successfull. There are many beneffits and disaadvantages of
o the
McKinseey Model. One
O major disadvantage
d is that wheen one of thhe parts is changed, all parts
change because
b they are all interrrelated.

Chart sh
howing the McKinsey’s
M s 7 S Model



 GM(technical)   GM ( sales) 

       RM         ASM         SE 

       ME         SC         AM         PM         HRM         PD 

    LC ( lab chemist) 

 RO ( Refinery)   ET (electrical tech) 


MD –Managing Director SE –Sales executive PM-purchase manager

GM-General manager ME – Maintenance Engineer HRM –Human resource

RM –Regional manager SC –Senior Chemist PD –Production department

ASM-Assistant Sales Manager AM –Account manager AO-Acid oil plant operator

Production manager should operate /handle the acid oil plant ,refinery plant and also
the electrical technician ,Production department under take the raw material for production of
edible oil and also the department have responsibility of producing quality of product and
packaging .

Plant have storage capacity upto 50 ton per day .

Human Resource Management

Manpower is the main resource of any company. For the companies to work
efficiently the company should have good human resource.
The company’s management should maintain efficient working conditions and keep the
employees happy and also take adequate care that the functions of the company are performed

Marketing department

Marketing is perhaps the most important activity in a business because it has a direct effect on
profitability and sales. Larger businesses will dedicate specific staff and departments for the
purpose of marketing. It is important to realise that marketing cannot be carried out in isolation
from the rest of the business.
Under the General Manager in sales department control three department Regional manger
,Assistant manager and sales executive .
Sri Anagha mainly more concentrate on sales because 80 % of there company stand in sales and
marketing . profit is sole motive of company . company is also give advertisement and also give
offers to distributor as well as customer to increase sale of the company .

Sales forecasts will also be an important part of the budgets produced by the finance department,
as well as the deployment of labour for the human resource department. A research and
development department will need to work with the marketing department to understand the
needs of the customers and to test outputs of work very closely with the R&D section.

F. Finance Department:

Finance is the study of how investors allocate their assets over time under conditions of certainty
and uncertainty. A key point in finance, which affects decisions, is the time value of money,
which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of currency
tomorrow. It is the master key of money which provides access to all sources to be employed in
the manufacturing sector .Finance department more care full when dealing of bill and necessary
exchange of money if any mismatch of money in billing that risk should be taken by Finance
department ,finance person should bear the mismatch of money .
Strategy is plan of action for long term business ,company may adopt different type of strategy in
a business according to business plan strategy is adopt in the company .
Strategy is done by longterm business plan according to plan it should be work , Sri Anagha
refineries are more concentrate on the marketing so they adopt the marketing strategy in the
company .
According to Marketing strategy of the Sri Anagha they provide offers like if 1000 box sold one
mobile and 1500 box then fridge so offer is to be given to the distributor to increase the sale and
also a giving advertisement .
Sri Anagha more concentrate on the marketing and quality and price of the product so they can
lead the market ,
Packaging of oil with company barnd also give more sale to company product .


Organization has some systems to support and implement the strategy and run day-to-day
operations. For example, a company may follow a particular process for recruitment. These
processes are normally strictly followed and are designed to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Traditionally the company have been following a bureaucratic-style process model where most
decisions are taken at the higher management level and there are various and sometimes
unnecessary requirements for a specific decision to be taken. Increasingly, the company are

simplifying and modernizing their process by innovation and use of new technology to make the
decision-making process quicker. Special emphasis is on the customers with the intention to
make the processes that involve customers as user friendly as possible .

These aspects need to be looked into when we are talking about systems:

(1) What are the main systems that run the organization? Consider Financial and HR systems as
well as communications and document storage.

(2) Where are the controls and how are they monitored and evaluated?

(3) What internal rules and processes does the team use to keep on track?

Sri Anagha Company need to keep down storage costs while meeting continuous production
demands. Crude oil not only has to be refined reliably and cost effectively, but it also must be
loaded quickly and efficiently.

Shared value

All members of the company share some common fundamental ideas or guiding concepts
around which the business is built. This may be to make money or to achieve excellence in a
particular field. These values and common goals keep the employees working towards a common
destination as a coherent team and are important to keep the team spirit alive. The company with
weak values and common goals often find their employees following their own personal goals
that may be different or even in conflict with those of the organization or their fellow colleagues

The shared values are seen in the dress code that is followed in the organizations. Though there
is no compulsory uniform we could see all the executives, staff, etc. in plain formals,the workers
followed all the practices and procedures imbibed in the culture of Sri Anagha refineries and in
Saturday free to wear any type of dress in the company.


All company’s have their own distinct culture and management style. It
includes the dominant values, beliefs and norms which develop over time and become relatively
enduring features of the company life. It also entails the way managers interact with the
employees and the way they spend their time. The businesses have traditionally been influenced
by the military style of management and culture where strict adherence to the upper management
and procedures was expected from the lower-rank employees. However, there have been
extensive efforts in the past couple of decades to change to culture to a more open, innovative
and friendly environment with fewer hierarchies and smaller chain of command. Culture remains
an important consideration in the implementation of any strategy in the company

Style of the company in Anagha is both top to bottom vice versa, thus company have good
relationship with the employee of the organisation there is smooth flow of working progress.

In a company ,equal responsibility employer as well as employee for the growth of the
organisation .

Employee decision also taken by employee for future planning and employer also take major
decision in an organisation . Every work unit has deep co-ordination with other departments and
with people of various levels because there is a very thin line of difference in the job positions.

Staffing is process of acquaint human resources for the organization and assuring that they have
potential contribute to the achievement of the company goals.

The staffs of Sri Anagha are a mixed blood of young as well as old employees. There are
approximately 70-100 employees working and the individual responsibilities are based on the
department where they work or operate. Entire staff is satisfied with the job even though they
have a lower pay because of other varying form of benefits and allowances they get from the

Sri Anagha provide reward , recognition , retention ,motivation given by the company , In
Anagha only experience person is selected to avoid the risk , mismatch and also not more spend
on training of employee . In an organisation there is direct recruitment done at the factory gate .
company more spend on employee motivation free to work . The employee should work freely
without any disturbance by the employer .

The staffs mainly consists of-

Executives: Group of workers who have attained an executive post due to past experience
and skill obtained in the organization.

Supervisors: All organizations need timely and effective office and administrative support
to operate efficiently. Office and administrative support supervisors and managers coordinate
this support. These workers are employed in virtually every sector of the company, working
as teller supervisor, customer services manager or shipping and receiving supervisor.

Workmen: The employees working in the factory are the workmen .


The organization as awhole which are needed to effective execute of vision

,value ,goals and strategy .
Sri Anagha employer distinct capability that distinguish a firm from its
competitors ,company have friendly knowledgeable staff along with experience
worker they can handle any tuff situvation because of there experience .



When it comes to exploring the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for a business
or venture, the best method is to construct a SWOT Analysis. A SWOT analysis can be
anything from a simplified document created like a mind map to a complex analysis based on
available facts and figures. Nonetheless, you can always summarize the points within your
analysis to create a SWOT analysis presentation, to reflect upon your finding before the
senior management, shareholders and even company employees.

SWOT Analysis or SWOT Matrix is a planning method for exploring the four major aspects of a
business venture, i.e. the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This information
can be interpreted in numerous ways, such as in the form of detailed reports or as a presentation,
using SWOT analysis templates. A SWOT analysis can help explore the critical aspects of an
organization’s products, projects and even its reputation and goodwill.

SWOT Analysis is the most renowned tool for audit and analysis of the overall strategic position
of the business and its environment. Its key purpose is to identify the strategies that will create a
firm specific business model that will best align an organization’s resources and capabilities to
the requirements of the environment in which the firm operates. In other words, it is the
foundation for evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the probable/likely
opportunities and threats from the external environment. It views all positive and negative factors
inside and outside the firm that affect the success. A consistent study of the environment in
which the firm operates helps in forecasting/predicting the changing trends and also helps in
including them in the decision-making process of the organization.


Strengths are the qualities that enable us to accomplish the organization’s mission . Strengths
can be either tangible or intangible .
Sri Anagha main strength is shipping port is near to the company, there is spending lower
cost for shipment .
Import is very is because the company situated near the port so tax and transport cost less .
Sri Anagha have good packaging and good brand name that improve the value of the product
and increase sales ,when there is improvement there is automatic generate of profit if sales is
high .
Sri Anagha have good brand name and also leading the local market .
Company have proper transport facility that give more strength to the company ,placing order
in proper time.
Employer and employee relation is good so there is no irrelevant of work is to be done ,good
relationship will effect the growth of the organization .
Sri Anagha product have good brand name and oil has zero percent of cholesterol and natural
oil with light in taste.
Company give more importance to product promotion, marketing,sales promotion it will give
profit margin to the company .
Good distribution and availability through groceries and retail stores.

Commodity price depend on the dollar price , if price of dollar fall and if raise in
custom duty there is automatic raise in product price .
Foreign custom duty directly effect to the price of the product .
If raise in duty and tax that will effect to the product price ,if company already purchase then
it gives profit to company incase fall In duty dollor product price also comes down this will
be a sign of loss to the company .
Sri Anagha has less storage capacity so some time company require more oil there is a
problem of oil if oil is not available in time ,so storage also a main weakness of the company .
Company is no control on rawmaterial as product is agro based .


Company have planning to expand the business in future so there is a job opportunity .
Company take necessary rawmaterial from local area so there is improvement of the domestic
Company make recruitment from local so there is benefit to the local people .
Developing other healthy products in the line like now company only refining sunflower oil
later expand to the coconut and palm oil.
Better marketing strategy to tap the urban and rural markets.
If market is available for related product producing by the company there is also chance of
expanding the product market.
Port is near to the company so there is opportunity of export make market outside the country.


Company deals with many other state like goa ,maharastra ,kerala so there is risk of
transportation if the goods is not reached in proper time ,any accident that damage the product
If duties and dollar falls there is decline in product price , if reduction in product price there is
loss to the company.
Sri Anagha have 50 ton of storage capacity if some mistake is done and storage explore then
huge loss to the company .
Competitors also the threat to the company .
FSSAI make any changes in food products that will effect to the company .




During the internship I learned lot about the company, Sri Anagha has a good employee team
that give more strength to the company , Directors of the company is intelligent in there work so
the company is in good condition and also a product sales is high in Sri Anagha company. .
company was helpful to make a study of the functioning of various departments and operations
in an organization. I have learnt many of the management lessons and corporate etiquettes and
corporate functioning throughout the training . Sri Anagha have good employee team and also a
good infrastructure and transport facility , company have good brand name and also leading
brand in local market . Every employee of the organization is so efficient because even if it is
work time is over if it is necessary to be there in company employee of Sri work till work
complete , employee of Sri Anagha are hardworkers .

Director /owner is main pillar for a organization because of his intelligence , courage and skill of
work the company doing profit in a market .

As the primary objective of this training is to get exposed to the working and functioning of an
organization, and to relate the theoretical concepts learnt in the class room and to learn real life
application of management .

During the one month internship I understood about , dedication, focus, planning, control and
team work would result in accomplishing the mission. The company was a perfect example of
how the vision becomes a reality. The standards and the quality were maintained at each and
every level. All the members contributed to the cause resulting to smooth functioning. The
growth of the company was visible from all the aspects.

The schedule at Sri Anagha for the Internship was from morning 9:15 am to 6:00 pm. From 9:15
to 1:00 noon I collect the information and discussions with the departmental heads and others
and also get inputs. The lunch break was from 1:00 noon to 2:00 pm. In the afternoon I used to
visit the departments. It helped us to learn and maintain punctuality.

My guide in Sri Anagha was Mr. Preethesh shetty , he was much concerned and very co-
operative throughout period. He was generous, gentle and had patience for all our queries. He
guided us well in understanding the organization from a closed view.

I also enjoyed company with employee of the organization they also gave some information that
I needed .some name of employees are Ramchandra,Mohan ,Prasad,Nithesh, Ranjith,Sandesh
,Rayan they are work in the field of finance and marketing .

I also learnt the functioning of different key departments like Marketing and Sales, Finance,
Human Resource and Production, how they planned their activities and what was their role in the
success of the organization. There was good coordination at all levels, a fine communication and
a strong management information system that kept everyone updated with company’s daily
proceedings and happenings.

The structure of the organization is more of a democratic type i.e., the decisions are made at the
top level and the management will also take the consent of the lower level and the functional
level managers.

Skilled manpower and rich resources have played a very important role in shaping the
organization and kept it growing.

I learnt many unknown things and also knowledge about company , it is very good experience
from last one month with the company , Sri Anagha have very good relation with the employee.

Sri Anagha main distributors are Karnataka ,kerala company also have branch in Andrapradesh

Company has very good market and also a good brand name .

Company more concentrate on product quality and marketing so company is leading in a market




The study helped to understand how the they business processes are carried out in an
organization ,The organizational study carried out in Sri Anagha Refineries , Baikampadi ,
Mangalore was successfully achieving the specific objective it help with the organizational
structure and function. It also help to familiarize with the different department in the
organization and the functions and activities including documentation

This study helped in improving practical knowledge the

organizational study was help beneficial as it help to gain confidence and awareness .



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