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Barangay San Diego Zone II

John Carlo D. Raquel


My Assessment in Barangay San Diego Zone II

The economic situation that I’ve just seen a while ago in San Diego Zone II are the

primary issue. Lack of Discipline from desegregation of trash and not enough establishment

for dumping trash that has a sign that says biodegradable and non-biodegradable because of

the Lack of Discipline from desegregation of trash the “Garbage Collectors” will not take

the trash that some of my fellow neighbor has thrown that has a mix of biodegradable and

non-biodegradable trash in conclusion that trash will stay in that same place for a couples of

day although In business 65% of neighbors has business for that it will be a big help

and a progress to our community for the better tomorrow. We must not choose corrupts

politician or leaders that leads as on a path that they’ve want us to go without a choice. In

political condition all individual in our community helps each other in terms of cleaning and

participation about programs that will our barangay San Diego Zone II and all Barangay officials

and SK Chairman are willing to give their time and attention from the problems that our

community face and make an action on it. In terms of social condition most of the people in our

community are participative but they are some people that disrespect our rules and guidelines for

that our barangay officials has punish those who has done wrong or on the wrong path that didn’t

know they have done was wrong and give an advice to so that they will not do that same mistake

that they have done.

I think the situation in our barangay is complicated to elaborate but I will explain it base

on my own perspective, why our community had this type of situations. There are some reasons

that causing this actions, one is the lack of citizens that work here and the others are just causing

something that will make the image of our barangay bad, there are some citizens are

irresponsible and lazy. Because of a wrong management and age gap from kids and old peoples,

we have some crisis issue that causes bad managing they haven’t action to solve it. Although we

have some issues that our barangay are pursuing their self to solve it there is a lot of problems

that are still some problem that our hard to deal with and cannot be solve at the right time.
The root cause of the problem is the people around our barangay because they littered

and it makes our barangay unclean, and some neighbors that has lack of discipline in garbage

management because of age gap. This type of thing causing so much problem in our barangay.

I did not encounter much problems of getting this information. However, Some of the

information that I’ve gathered are out of the date for that I have to find some fresh information to

make my assessment good and I did the best thing that I can do to gather to gather the freshest


Doing this activity I just felt sad about the people in our barangay. They cause so much

problem but they ignore the reasons why this problems are into them and they didn’t think that

they are the actual cause of problem but they connected to issue and still they just ignore it. I just

think that our community must have some guidance, management and a much heavier

punishment to those who have break our law and does not pay attention to it. I’m not saying that

I know how to be a leader of our community and run but because I care for it and the people

around it. Our barangay has the majority of good citizen but I just want an improvement on my

community or barangay.

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