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Computers and Chemical Engineering Supplement (1999) S715-S7l8

© 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
PII: S0098·1354199/00188·X

Simulation of Chromatographic Processes

using MATLAB
Bernt Nilsson*, Per Borgqvist, Anders Axelsson and Guido Zacchi
NUTEK Competence Centre for BioSeparation and Dept. of Chemical Engineering I,
Lund Institute of Technology, P.O.Box 124, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
This paper deals with the dynamic simulation of chromatographic processes using MATLAB. Three different
simulation tools are presented,; BIOPR02, CPS toolbox and an application using of FEMLAB. Our main
application is separation of biomolecules, like proteins, using different kinds of stationary phases. BIOPR02 has
a user-friendly graphical interface and is mainly based on simplified models for fast simulation. The CPS toolbox
can facilitate the development of a simulation of different classes of models based on a number of simulation
methods. FEMLAB is a general modelling and simulation system based on finite element method.

Keywords: Chromatography, Computer tool, Modelling, Numerical methods, Process model, Simulation.

Chromatography is one of the most important important part of the downstream process. A general
separation methods in pharmaceutical and reference to the subject is Sofer and Hagel (1997).
biotechnology industry. It is often operated in a A preparative chromatography process is often
stepwise manner creating a production cycle. This performed in packed bed columns. The packing
paper deals with the dynamic simulation of material is a porous gel, i.e. small beads created by a
chromatographic processes using MATLAB. Three matrix of a polymer structure. There are other kinds of
different simulation tools are presented; BIOPR02, column configurations, like expanded beds and
CPS toolbox and an application ofFEMLAB. moving beds, but this work is focused on the
BIOPR02 is a program implemented in MATLAB traditional packed bed column. A separation is
with a user-friendly graphical interface. It is mainly achieved when one or many of the substances in the
based on simplified models for fast simulation to make fluid, the mobile phase, is adsorbed on the packing
simply parameter studies. The CPS toolbox can material, the stationary phase. The separation is
simulate different classes of models based on a complete when the packing material is saturated. Then
number of simulation methods. It can be used for the column is washed for impurities. Finally the
simulations of whole batch cycles. Finally the paper adsorbed substance is eluted by using an eluant at a
briefly presents the use of FEMLAB in certain pH or ion strength. Before the separation can
chromatographic applications. FEMLAB is a general be restarted the column must be regenerated by an
modelling and simulation system based on finite aditional washing and cleaning. This creates a batch-
element method. see Comsol (1998). It is wise process with many important design issues to be
commercially available as an add-on to MATLAB. considered, like operating conditions for each phase,
recovery of product, cycle time, column efficiency,
PREPARATIVE CHROMATOGRAPHY etc. All these parameters have to be considered in
Chromatography is used both in analytical and order to get optimal conditions.
preparative applications in pharmaceutical and
biotechnology industry. It is based on the interaction CHROMATOGRAPHY MO})ELS
between a mobile phase and a stationary phase. The Chromatographic processes can be described with
interaction can be based on different chemical and different types of models which all are dependent in
physical mechanisms that creates the actual separation, time and space, i.e.vinstationary distributed parameter
Ion exchange chromatography uses the charge of 'the systems. These are expressed as a set of partial
molecules as the separating mechanism, affinity differential equations, PDEs. The different models can
chromatography utilises the affinity of the molecules be classified as homogeneous or heterogeneous
to adsorb to active sites on a stationary carrier and gel models. Homogenous models describe the adsorption
filtration separates the molecules due to their diffusive in the column dimension. Heterogeneous models
properties in a stationary gel phase. Chromatographic describe it in a microscopic bead dimension which is
processes are often performed in series creating an coupled with the macroscopic column dimension.
5716 Computers and Chemical Engineering Supplement (1999) S715-S718

Homogeneous Chromatography Models heterogeneous model becomes a set of two parabolic

All quantities are expressed in the same space PDEs in two space dimension. The model is called
dimensions in homogeneous models. One first heterogeneous as the two space dimensions are
example is a simple chromatography model based on described separately. They only interact at a boundary.
convection and adsorption. The concentration in the This model with kinetics is presented in Carlsson et al.
void liquid is modelled by a plug-flow convection and (1994) and with equilibrium in Bautista et al. (1998).
an adsorption term as
ae v Fc I-£caq
Some of the models presented above have analytical
"Jt=- £c J;---e:-Jt
solutions for special cases and many of them can be
where e is the void liquid concentration, t is time and z found in the literature. One set of solutions has been
is the column axial dimension, v is the liquid velocity, implemented in a MATLAB program called
E.. is the void fraction and q is the concentration of the BIOPR02, see Tauson and Levander (1997) and
adsorbed substance. The adsorption can be modelled Berggren (1998). The program can simulate three
by a kinetic expression or by an equilibrium isotherm. different classes of models:
The adsorption equilibrium is often expressed as a i) Homogeneous kinetic model describes plug-flow
Langmuir isotherm like convection and Langmuir kinetics and it can be
qm".e solved for pulse and step responses.
q= KJ +e ii) Diffusive model contains descriptions of film mass
where qmax is the maximum adsorption capacity and Ktl transfer, pore diffusion without accumulation and
is the dissociation coefficient. This model with adsorption equilibrium, see Arnold et al. (1985).
adsorption equilibrium becomes a nonlinear first-order iii) Gel filtration model capture dispersion, film mass
PDE in time and one in space dimension. For a transfer, pore diffusion without any adsorption.
detailed discussion see chap. 6 in Varma and The interface helps the user to calculate a number of
Morbidelli (1997). The second example of a simple physical parameters based on the selected protein. If
model utilizes Langmuir kinetics instead of the protein data is lacking in the program a user-defined
isotherm. Langmuir kinetics is expressed as protein can be created. The user can select between the
aq calculated parameters or define new ones.
Jt = kad,e(qm;u - q) - kJcsq
where kadf is the adsorption coefficient and kd", the
desorption coefficient. This model thus consists of a I i" .......
set of two equations and it has a famous analytical
solution by Thomas, see for instance Chase (1984). ~
An extension of the two homogeneous models rm-
presented above is to add dispersion in the void liquid j t"~~ !!'* _ t .(li<' ~
1 1:'.;.1)4 . ,... ~ .. ~
as ....---- l ~

de Daxaze vae I-£caq

"Jt=e: aZ2 - E
az ---e:-Jt
where Dux is the axial dispersion coefficient. ......
'lO"I ~
A. . . . .

Heterogeneous Chromatography Models

Figure I: Parameter settings for Example I
A model of a porous gel bead is described with
diffusion and adsorption as Example 1: Breakthrough Responses
Dc(a Zp 2a p ) I aq The conditions for a breakthrough response simulation
a p
a r Z +;J; - £p Jt for the protein BSA (Bovine Serum Albumine) is
defined in Figure 1. Two simulations of the
where p is the pore liquid concentration, r is the breakthrough response are shown in Figure 2. The
radius, De is the effective diffusion and Ep is the bead steepest response is a result of the diffusive model
porosity. The last term can be described by a kinetic or with both film mass transfer and pore diffusion
an equilibrium expression. The model describes the resistance. The second response is the Thomas
change of the concentration profile in the bead. The solution, i.e, the kinetic model.
pore concentration at the boundary, PII, is used in the
mass transfer term in the coupled void liquid equation CPS TOOLBOX
ae Dax azc v de I-Ec The CPS toolbox is a set of MATLAB M-files that
-=-- ------ka(c-p)
at e, a ZZ Ec a Z Ec R facilitate the development of a simulation setup of
and here k is the mass transfer coefficient and a is the chromatography models. Parabolic partial differential
mass transfer area. PII is the pore liquid concentration equations are often solved numerically by the method
at the bead surface, i.e, at r=R. This example of a of lines, MOL. This means that the space dimension is
Computers and Chemical Engineering Supplement (/999) S715-S718 5717

order. A good introduction is found in Davis (1984)

and high order approximations are presented in
Schiesser (1991).

Finite Element Method

In FEM the solution is approximated with a set of
finite elements. The elements are piece-wise
polynomials, the so-called base functions. The method
of weighted residuals, MWR, is used to find the
element coefficients using Galerkin. This means that
for every element i a weighted integral can be defined
Figure 2: Breakthrough responses for Example I based
on diffusion (steepest response) and kinetic model.
f Rj(t,z)W(z) = 0
where R is the residual form of the equation and W is
discretized and the resulting system becomes a large
the weighting function. This is the same as the base
set of ordinary differential equations in time, ODEs. In
function in the Galerkin MWR. The integral results in
CPS toolbox the space derivatives can be discretized one equation for each base function, i.e. each element,
with three different methods, finite difference method,
see Davis (1984) for details. These equations can be
FDM, finite element method, FEM and orthogonal
expressed in matrix form and the M and K matrices.
collocation method, OCM. One example of MOL
Each matrix element in M and K is calculated by an
applied to one of the homogeneous models described
integral. In the case of column models dominated by
above is the following. convection the FEM must be modified with
de D""d vde I-t:'·(k c{ ) k ) streamline-diffusion stabilization, see Szepessy
Jt= 7: d Z2 - t: d Z ---;;:- ad, qm>x -q - Jcsq
c (1989).
The model describes dispersion, convection and
Langmuir adsorption kinetics. The general form of the Orthogonal Collocation Method
discretized model becomes Parabolic PDEs are successfully solved by the global
orthogonal collocation method, see Villadsen and
d a D(U ( K
M-=;-=- K/lC') - -
V (
Kia + K1Be) Michelsen (1978). The solution of the problem is
o t e:. 2a+ 2 . t;.
approximated by a set of orthogonal polynomials.
_ I ~ t: (klkl,qma,Koa -kad,KI~qa - kJ<JKI~q) These polynomials are defined in the whole domain.

c.c ~ The polynomials are weighted by a coefficient which

where a is the value of the concentration at certain is found by the method of weighted residuals. MWR.
points in the domain. The discretization methods The weights are Dirac functions at the collocation
calculates the M and K matrices. Note that all terms points and the MWR-integral becomes a set of
except one are linear. The resulting ODE system can equations. These can be expressed in matrix form and
be solved using solvers in MATLAB. The most the M and K matrices are found. For a good
frequently used solver is ode15s, an implicit, introduction see chap. 8 and 12 in Rice and Do (1995).
multistep NDF method for stiff and sparse problems,
see Shampine and Reichelt (1997). Example 2: Intraparticle behaviour
The dynamic response of a heterogeneous model with
Finite Difference Method Langmuir kinetics is shown in Figure 3. The problem
In FDM the space dimension is discretized into a set is solved with a hybrid discretization method using 50
of grid points. Space derivatives of a quantity are ....

:;[* 4[j})
approximated with a relation between the values of the

quantity at the grid points. The relation is found by
using Taylor expansions. The accuracy of the
approximation defines the number of values and the
relation coefficients that are used in the -0 5
o 50 100 ' 50 200 250 300 350
approximation. A second order accurate central- norm. tirr..
Old oons .n 10 N r1iclee
difference approximation of the first and second
derivatives looks as follows
dC cj +1 -ci-I d 2C CH I - 2cj +cj _ 1
dZ'" 2h ; d Z2 '" h2
In the CPS toolbox there are first, second and fourth 100 150 200 250 300 3 50
order FD-approximations. In column models FDM
needs upwind correction and there is a set of backward Figure 3: Dynamic responses of 10 grid points in the
difference approximations of first, second and fourth void liquid with corresponding particle grid points.
57t8 Computers and Chemical Engineering Suppl ement (/999) S715-S718
internal grid points -in the void and 4 points in the order to make fast simulations for parameter studies.
particles, in total 450 states . In the upper plot the The CPS toolbox facilitates the development of
responses of 10 (of 50) internal grid points in the void simulations based on the state-of-the art in numerical
is shown. The lower plot shows the responses of the solution technique. This toolbox is well suited for
corresponding 10 pore liquid concentrations in the whole batch cycle simulations. The use of FEMLAB
particle. The void equation is discretizcd with a fourth in chromatography applications is briefly discussed.
order FDM with upstream correction. The particles are
discretized using Galerkin-FEM with 4 linear base ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
function elements. The authors thank D. Levander, P.-A. Tauson and J.
Berggren for their work on versions of BIOPRO.
FEMLAB is a new general problem solving tool based REFERENCES
on finite element method, see Comsol (1998), and it is Arnold, F.H., Blanch, H.W., and Wilke, C.R., (1985),
an add-on to MATLAB. It has an user-friendly Chem Eng J., 30, B9-B23.
graphical interface for problems defined in two space Bautista, L.F., Martinez, M., and Aracil, J., (1998),
dimensions. "Phenomenological Modelling of Chromatographic
Processes in Biotechnology", In Proc. of SPICA 98,
Sr--- f-- Tondeur (ed).
Berggren, J., (1998), "Modellering av kromatografisk
separation av proteiner", (in Swedish), MSc Thesis,
LUTKDHI(TKKA-5005)11-47/(f998), Dept. of
.,t.s as
Chemical Engineering I, Lund University, Lund,
Figure 4: The geometry definition in Example 3. Carlsson, F., Axelsson, A., Zacchi, G., (1994),
"Mathematical modelling and parametric studies of
Example 3: Column Profiles
affinity chromatography", Computers Chem.Engng.,
A modification of the heterogeneous model with
Vol 18, Suppl, p.657-661.
Langmuir kinetics has been implemented in FEMLAB.
Chase, H.A., (1984), "Prediction of the Performance
The void liquid is described in one domain, the upper
of Preparative Affinity Chromatography", J. of
domain in Figure 4, and the gel beads are defined in
Chrom., 297, pp 179-202.
the lower d<1main. The domains interact at the phase
COMSOL, (1998), FEMLAB- Reference Manual,
boundary. The void liquid flows horisontal from -I to
COMSOL AB, Stockholm, Sweden.
1 in the upper domain and the pore liquid diffuse
Davis, M.E, (1984), Numerical Methods and
vertical from 0.4 to 0 in the lower domain. The result
Modeling for Chemical Engineers, chap 2-4.
from a simulation using streamline-diffusion
Rice, R.G :.. and Do, D.D., (1995), Applied
stabilization is shown in Figure 5. The figure shows
Mathematics and Modeling for Chemical Engineers,
the concentration surface profile in the column just
Wiley, chap. 8 and 12.
before breakthrough. It is clearly seen that there is a
Schiesser, W.E., (1991), The Numerical Method of
quite steep concentration gradient in the pores.
Lines, Academic Press.
Shampine, L.F., and Reichelt, M.W., (1997), "The
MATLAB ODE Suite", SIAM J. SCi. Comput., Vol.
18, No.1, pp. 1-22.
Sofer, G., and Hagel, L., (1997), Handbook ofProcess
Chromatography, Academic Press.
Szepessy, A., (1989), "Convergence of the Streamline
Diffusion Finite Element Method for Conservation
Laws", PhD thesis, Dept. of Mathematics., Chalmers
Institute of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden.
os Tauson, P.-A., and Levander, D., (1997), "Simulering
av kromatografi- och adsorptionskolonner", (in
Swedish), MSc Thesis, LUTKDHI(TKKA-5020)/I-
68/( I997), Dept. of Chemical Engineering I, Lund
Figure 5: Concentration surface in the column. It University, Lund, Sweden.
correspond to the geometry definition in Figure 4. Varma, A., and Morbidelli, M., (1997), Mathematical
Methods in Chemical Engineering, Oxford University
CONCLUSIONS Press, chap 6.
This paper has presented three different MATLAB Villadsen, J., and Michelsen, M.L., (1978), Solution of
tools for simulation of chromatographic processes. Differential Equation Models by Polynomial
The BIOPR02 program uses simplified models in Approximation, Prentice-Hall.

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