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A six-month voyage aboard the Pitcairn

Captain’s Log
A Daring Decision to Build a Missionary Ship
The Pitcairn was a ves- Mission Board settled on the The ship sailed directly to
sel—built as a schooner and name Pitcairn. Pitcairn Island, arriving
refitted as a brigantine— there Nov. 25, 1890. During
Completed in the fall of
that was used by Seventh- the next 10 years the Pit-
1890, the ship cost almost
day Adventists for trans- cairn made six missionary
$12,000, and furnishings an
porting missionaries across voyages with various crews
additional $2,000; various
the Pacific Ocean from 1890 and missionaries, who estab-
expenses amounted to al-
to 1900. It is probably the lished missions in many of
most $5,000 and stocks of
best known of Seventh-day the islands of the South Pa-
books for missionary pur-
Adventist missionary ves- cific between 1890 and 1899.
pose cost another $3,000.
sels. Because maintenance of the
This made a grand total ex-
missionary ship was expen-
M. C. Wilcox, who was penditure of about $22,000
sive, the Pitcairn was sold in
present at the Pitcairn’s by the time the ship sailed
1900, by which time steam-
dedication, described the on her first voyage.
ship connections with the
schooner as follows: “The
Dedication services for the islands had improved.
length of the ship is 100 feet,
Pitcairn were held Sept. 25,
breadth of beam 27 feet, A model of the Pitcairn is
1890, during the California
depth of hold 10 feet; and it a frequently visited object of
camp meeting, and were
is of about 120 tons burden. interest in the Sabbath
attended by about 1,500
It is made of the very best School Department of the
timber, and the workman- General Conference in Silver
ship is of the best character. The schooner set sail from Spring, Maryland.
The ship has two masts, Oakland, California, Oct. 20,
foremast and mainmast, 1890, with the following
each 79 feet long. She is ca- crew: captain, J. M. Marsh;
pable of spreading to the first mate, J. Christiansen;
breeze 1,576 square yards of carpenter, J. I. Tay; sailors,
canvass” (Review and Her- G. A. Anderson, Peter Han-
ald, Oct. 14, 1890, p. 636). sen, C. Kahlström; cook,
Charles Turner; and cabin
The decision to build a
attendant, Nicholas
missionary ship was made at
Garthofner. The missionary
the General Conference ses-
work was under the supervi-
sion of October 1889, and
sion of E. H. Gates, who was The shoreline around
construction began soon
accompanied by his wife. Pitcairn Island makes
after. The ship was paid for
Other missionaries were A. it difficult for land-
by Sabbath school offerings. ings.
J. Read and his wife, and J.
It was to have been named
I. Tay and his wife.
Glad Tidings, but on further
consideration the Foreign
Page 2 Captain’s Log

Daily Observations and Notes

The following is a transcrip- Jones and learned from them sighted away to the south-
tion of the handwritten diary that they were desirous of west. At 4:00 p.m. a boat
of John Graham, the captain having me take the position came off to us and took our
of the Pitcairn on its voyage of Captain or master of the seasick passengers on shore
into the South Pacific in the ‘Pitcairn’ and that E.E after a voyage of 30 days
latter part of 1894. To retain Hicks should go as mate and from San Francisco. It may
the flavor of his comments and sailing master and Mr. be of interest to record the
observations, no attempt has Variga as bosun. Or I should principle events connected
been made to edit the diary. say that this arrangement with the voyage from San
As a result it reflects its social had been made on a previous Francisco to Pitcairn.
and historical context. visit to Oakland.
The first day out the wind
May 31, 1894 June 13, 1894 held us till we got well off
the Golden Gate. By 6:00
Having received the fol- I went on board the
p.m. the winds had died out
lowing recommendation ‘Pitcairn’ and took up the
Garnet’s Ridge from the and we had the first experi-
from the Foreign Mission new and perplexing duties of
cemetery on Pitcairn Is- ence of a calm at sea in a
Board, “We recommend that master and business man-
land sailing vessel. The ship rolled
Elder J.E. Graham of the ager of the ship ‘Pitcairn’. A
and pitched in the heavy
North Pacific Conference brigantine rigged vessel, 90-
swell. The passengers were
take the general manage- foot keel, 112 feet overall,
all sick and as the shades of
ment of the ‘Pitcairn’ on her 27-foot beam, 10 foot hold,
As the shades of night night settled down over the
next voyage. I bade my fam- and 163 tons register. Two
settled down over the great ocean a sense of the
ily good-by Thursday at 6:00 weeks were spent in fitting
vastness of the great ex-
great ocean a sense of p.m. May 31, 1894. Starting out the vessel purchasing
panse of water and of our
the vastness of the at our pleasant home in necessary supplies etc.
littleness and other insignifi-
great expanse of water Portland, Oregon and took
June 17, 1894 cance came over. We felt
and of our littleness the train for Oakland, Cali-
that in God’s keeping alone
and other insignificance fornia to go with the With a crew of six men, a
we were safe as we remem-
came over. ‘Pitcairn’ on a missionary steward, and cabin boy mak-
bered the words, “Isn’t God
cruise to the South Sea Is- ing 9 in all to man the vessel
upon the water just as well
lands to last about six and with 18 passengers we
as on the land.”
months. launch from San Francisco,
Sunday at 11:10 a.m. A It having been previously
It was a great cross to
number of the friends from arranged that E.E. Hicks
leave my dear wife and chil-
Oakland came out with us to was to be sailing master of
dren but believing that the
see the vessel off. When the ship when out at sea. I
call was from the Lord, I
abreast of San Francisco, the therefore, lost of the feeling
started trusting that “He
little tug backed alongside of responsibility having con-
who has promised to care for
and took our passengers off. fidence that the sailing mas-
the widow and the father-
Then after towing us about ter and boatswain were ca-
less” would care for my
five or six miles further, she pable of sailing and navigat-
loved ones in my absence.
cast off our line and we were ing the ship.
I reached Oakland at soon out on the heaving
July 18, 1894
10:00 a.m. June 2nd on the ocean and as the vessel
Sabbath and went to brother rolled with the sea our pas- Monday morning we were
J.C. Kelley’s room near the sengers caught their berths. headed southwest with a
Pacific Press Publishing good strong breeze from the
July 17, 1894
An artist’s representation Company. After changing northwest. This wind held us
of the Pitcairn my traveling clothing I at- At 12 noon by observation for a week or ten days. So
tended church. After the we found that we were 28 that the first week out we
Sabbath was passed I met miles from Pitcairn Island. made over 1,000 miles of our
Elder O.A. Olsen and C.H. At 1:15 the island was course. By the first of the
Page 3

second week we took on the other landing place on the yet the seemingly peaceful
northeast trade wind, which northwest side of the island. and contented lived as if by
continued for several days or A little sheltered nook. We the peaceful religion of the
until we got within about found that when we began Savior and the power of the
800 or 900 miles of the equa- to ascend the path leading to Bible to influence.
tor when we reached the the village about one mile
July 26, 1894
region of the equatorial away that the first part of
calms. For eight or ten days the path was very steep so From the 17th to the pre- This postcard shows a
typical landing at Bounty
the swells were variable and that the passengers weak- sent time we have been try-
Bay, which is often very
unsteady with occasional ened by sickness had to be ing to get our freight to difficult and takes the co-
rains and wind. The sea was almost carried up the hill by shore. Some days we could operation of many hands.
not exceedingly rough but the strong Islanders. To me get a boatload or two off.
enough to cause our passen- the walk was a source of The wind being in the north
gers much sickness. We fi- much pleasure as we passed made the landing place very
nally got the southeast trade over the high rocky cliff un- rough as Bounty Bay affords
winds when about 300 miles til we reached the top of the but little shelter from the
north of the equator. hill, which was nearly the northerly winds and the
highest point on the island. wind has been in that quar-
July 18, 1894
ter from the time we reached
We descended a path to
We lay close in the wind, the island.
the village winding down the
crossed the equator at 5-6:00
hillside through orange and The people of the island,
a.m. The wind continued in
coconut palm groves. One in taking a load in as they
the southeast until we were
little boy gathered a quan- were making the landing The surf was so
within 40 or 50 miles of Pit-
tity of oranges and carried were caught by a breaker
cairn Island. In order to heavy that we could
them in his shirt next to the and the rudder of the boat
make the course we had to not land the freight
bare hide. The oranges were disabled. The boat swung
lay close on the wind. The
delicious as I ate several on around in the sea and struck for several days.
vessel diving into the hard
the way down. one of the large rocks near
sea caused much sickness
the beach. People and goods
among our passengers. All We were conducted to the
were hurled into the foaming
looked and longed for the home of brother J.R.
breakers and the boat
time when we could reach McCoy, governor of the is-
dashed to pieces on the
Pitcairn Island. land where we were most
rocks. The natives were al-
cordially entertained and
July 18, 1894 most as much in their ele-
where I have made my home
ment in the water as on the
At 1:15 p.m. the Island during my stay on shore.
land. Dr. Caldwell who was
was sighted but we did not
The surf was so heavy that in the boat clung to the boat
get near enough for a boat to
we could not land the freight until it reached the shore.
carry off to us till 3 or 4:00
for several days. In the time One or two of the strong
when we saw a boat ap-
of waiting I was kept busy, young men stayed by him to
proaching us.
as Dr. Caldwell and I had rescue if necessary. The
July 18, 1894 two or three meetings each goods were saved in a damp-
day during the week. Hav- ened condition.
Last evening just as the
ing prayer and social meet-
shades of night were settling Having been directed by
ings at 6:00 a.m. and other
over the sea, I with several the foreign mission board to
meetings during the day.
others landed on Pitcairn go to Oeno a small island
Then at 6:00 p.m., preaching
Island. As the Bounty Bay about 75 miles northwest of
services at which I spoke
or regular landing place was Pitcairn to get some wreck- The Pitcairn as it
several times. The people are
so exposed to the heavy sea age which had been saved by enters the waters of
good Bible students and
as to make a landing danger- the Islanders from the Eng- an island.
though not all are perfect
ous we landed at the one lish ship ‘Bawder’ which was
Page 4 Captain’s Log

wrecked on the island about ing of the 28th we were about the varied colors of the bot-
one year ago. 30 to 35 miles. With wind tom with the pretty fishes
absence by noon the wind swimming after us was
July 26, 1894
had hauled to the southwest grand. The water clear and
We made ready to go to and we were 10 to 15 miles clean that I almost felt like
Oeno to see about the wreck- from the island. At 4:00 p.m. taking a plunge into it.
age. Fourteen of the men we were abreast of the island
On reaching the shore and
and eight women and girls but did not attempt a land-
examining the (sails and
came on board to go with us. ing. Wind very light from
lines) wreckage for which we
The men to assist in gather- the south.
had come to the island we
ing from the shore to our
At 7:00 a.m. we were found them all in very good
vessel and the women to
about 6 or 7 miles to the condition, especially the
cook for the men on shore
southeast of Oeno. Made one sails. We soon got a load of
and to gather shells for our
of our lifeboats ready to the sails into our boat and
Sunset on Pitcairn Island. colleagues. We designed to
launch. Having plenty of were back to the ship by 12
take one of the boats from
help, we took the new boat noon. In the afternoon we
the island with us but found
swung her from the yardarm got another load, quite good
after swinging it up on the
and main mast. Though ropes, to the vessel. The Pit-
side davits that we could not
there was some swell run- cairn Island brethren all
get it swing in shipboard. So
ning we got her into the wa- went ashore to spend the
ran down under the lee of
ter without injury. night and are to bring off a
the island and the boat was
As we were approaching load of sails in the morning.
taken to the shore. We At 8:45 we were loaded
the reef the beauty and
launched our small boat and and ready to start for the I think that I will record in
grandeur of the water
one of the islanders went in island. The sea was very my journal some other mat-
and the varied colors of
with it and brought the boat smooth, for the sea. As we ters. For some time and es-
the bottom with the
crew, six in number from the approached the coral reef pecially so since lying at
pretty fishes swimming
shore to the ship. We got surrounding the island and Pitcairn the conduct of the
after us was grand. underway about 4:45, most which seemed to extend sailing master has been such
of the natives were soon sick, from the shore of the island as to give me some serious
just the same as the other from ¾ to one mile from the thoughts. In some instances
people. shore clear around the island he seemed, or at any rate it
there seemed to be an im- appeared to me so that he
July 29, 1894
passable barrier of breakers. was rather assuming more
We reached Oeno at 4:00 authority than belonged to
But our guide or pilot told
p.m. Sabbath July 28. We him. And did not act as if he
us there was an entrance or
had a very pleasant passage was in any respect subject to
passage through the reef to
up from Pitcairn. Wind the the captain of the vessel.
the shore of the island. This
first night and day ahead. Several little things seemed
we soon found to be true as
We were near Oeno the eve- to indicate this.
we passed along the line of
ning of July 27, but owing to
breakers seemed to rest and This morning as he had
the dangerous character of
we glided safely into the not yet arisen, I in confer-
the island and the uncer-
smooth waters of the lagoon. ring with the boatswain
tainty of its exact location
The water is so clear that the about it decided to launch
we did not deem it prudent
coral on the bottom where the boat to the side of the
to approach it in the night.
the water is several feet deep vessel on which the davits
A beach on the island of As the wind was swell to the
appears to be but a foot or were. The sailing master
Oeno northwest we stood to the
two beneath the surface. came along and was counter-
southwest. Though accord-
manding my order, which
ing to our calculations in the As we were approaching
caused me to speak in a very
evening we were but 16 miles the reef the beauty and
decided way that I had
from the island. The morn- grandeur of the water and
Page 5

given the order and that was low trees and shrubs and and sweet potatoes and a
the boat we should launch. some grass. Water may be few sea biscuits from the
The matter caused us to re- obtained from a well dug by ship. I relished the meal very
flect on some things, which the Pitcairn Islanders on a much.
had transpired recently. previous visit. There are ten
The company of islanders
or twelve coconut trees,
This evening I called all gathered about the campfire
which were well loaded with
the ship’s crew into the sang a few sacred songs,
nuts in various stages of de-
cabin except the cabin boy quoted some passages from The Pitcairn was con-
velopment. structed in Oakland, Cali-
whom I sent to the wheel the scripture, offered some
and read together the testi- After landing last evening, fervent prayers and then it fornia.
mony, which the Lord by his I took a walk around the was time to seek a resting
servant had given to the island, gathered a basketful place for the night. I invited
ship’s crew. After the read- of shells on the way. The brother Alfred Young to
ing of the testimony, I spoke island is a favorite haunt of share my bed with me. We
to the brethren about some the sea birds, many of which place beneath a pandana
points in it and then of my are so tame that they will palm tree the ground was
relation to the ship as chief not fly from their nests. I thickly carpeted with the
officer and the necessity of saw great numbers of them leaves from the palm, here
recognizing and calling by sitting on their eggs or we made our bed for the
the proper titles those who guarding their young. night.
have been chosen to manage
I approached one sitting The sea birds roosting just
the ship on this present voy- The island is a
on a limb about one foot a few feet above our heads
age. favorite haunt of the
from the ground. I reached ceased their cries when our
I am much perplexed and down very cautiously think- light was extinguished. The sea birds, many of
disturbed as I am placed in a ing to catch it by the beak. night was cool and pleasant which are so tame
very embarrassing position. Just as I made a grab for the and wearied with the work
that they will not fly
I desire to maintain order bird it appeared from its of the day and the evenings
and manage affairs on the actions to have been think- walk, I soon fell asleep. from their nests.
vessel in such a way as to ing to do the same as I, for
August 1, 1894
have the blessing of the Lord instead of my catching it by
with us in our work. the beak, it caught me by This morning I was wak-
the finger, and as I reached ened early by the fluttering
July 31, 1894
for it with the other hand, it and cooing of the birds and
Oeno Island, South Pacific flew away. soon heard the devotional
Ocean songs from the natives of
A few steps farther on was
Pitcairn who had gathered
I rolled my blankets and another bird guarding its
for morning worship. I went
came on shore last evening nest. A little bare spot on
to the waters edge and
to take a look at Oeno, a the ground, one egg and one
washed my face in the salt
small island about three small bird. A little farther
seawater. Afterwards visited
miles in circumference was an old bird guarding a
the only grave on the island,
formed of coral and shells young one, which was about
which bore the following
and surrounded by coral reef one third grown. As I pro-
inscription on a marble slab
extending from the shore of ceeded on my walk and
at the head of the grave, “In
the island three fourths to darkness came on, great
memory of Captain Thomas
one mile wide. numbers of the birds congre-
Knowles of Brewster, Mass.
gated in their accustomed
There is an entrance or Died April 2, 1852 aged 29
roosting places.
passage through the reef to years. Captain Knowles re- The island of Oeno
the shore of the island on the It was six o’clock when I mains were taken from San boasts some beauti-
northwest side. The island is reached the camp to find a Francisco by his brother, ful beaches.
very low and curved with good supper of boiled fish Jeb Knowles in the ship
Page 6 Captain’s Log

Wild Wave, which was My hook had no more than we would start out that eve-
wrecked on this island Mar. touched the bottom when I ning.
2nd 1853. felt a strong pull on the line.
They soon gathered up
I hauled in a large red fish
I am told by the Pitcairn their luggage and were all
almost 18-20 pounds called
Islanders that when Captain ready to start out at 4:00
by the islanders a turrse. I
Jeb Knowles ship was p.m. Some thought it being
soon caught another of the
wrecked on this dangerous so near the beginning of the
same kind. Just as we bag
island that he took some of Sabbath that we ought to
our fishing a large shark
the sea fowls from their nests remain on the island till Sun-
comes near the boat but not
with him to Pitcairn Island day.
close enough for the lance.
where after making a safe
Dr. Caldwell expressed
landing he tied a tag to them The sharks were very trou-
himself very emphatically
with a message from those blesome biting our hooks at
saying that the influence
he had left on Oeno. Turning times and taking the bait
would counteract all the
them loose they returned to hook and all. Then again
good that had been done by
their nest after an absence of when we would get a fish
our visit to the island. I
two or three days. Unfortu- they would take it from us.
managed to hold my peace
nately for Captain Knowles But before losing all our
and proceeded to get ready
they came around in the hooks we caught a fine fish
to go. And so we were off for
night and the heavy sea of all sizes kinds and colors.
the ship in a short time and
dashed his boat to pieces
August 2, 1894 all were on board and ready
against the rocks. As the
to start by 6:00 p.m. though
Gathered shells, islanders had all just been We did not reach Pitcairn
it was growing dark and the
moved to Norfolk Island, he Island until Thursday eve-
caught fish got Sabbath had begun. I felt
found the island like a ning the 2nd. As we neared
started for Pitcairn that we must be on our way
dreary prison, but not dis- the Island two boats came
to Tahiti. The boats that
by 5:15 p.m. heartened by the loss of his off to us to take our passen-
brought the passengers off to
boat he set to work and after gers to their homes. I went
the vessel cast off their line
two or three months he had in with them and remained
and as we were getting un-
another boat built with on the island during the
derway sang “God be with
which he made his way to night.
you till we meet again,” in a
Tahiti where he was picked
August 3, 1894 very impressive manner.
up by a whaler and returned
to San Francisco after an I tried this morning to get Our passengers were soon
absence of about one year to the men on the island to sick and sought their berths.
find his wife in a state of start early to get the things The wind was north and the
insanity caused by the sus- off the vessel. One boat’s sea very smooth. We stood
pense consequent on his long crew were at the landing and to the west on the south side
absence. ready to go to the ship at of the island for Tahiti 1200
7:00 a.m. but she was far miles to west, northwest of
But that is not a record of
away we waited until 8:30 Pitcairn. We greatly desire
the day’s incidents. Gath-
before starting out. The to reach there in time to
ered shells, caught fish got
landing was quite smooth. send letters home by the
started for Pitcairn by 5:15
The boat rowed off at 8:30 mail which leaves the 12th or
p.m. As we were waiting for
and reached the ship at 9:15. 15th.
the Pitcairn brethren to get
By hurrying the Islanders as
some lumber I and three of August 11, 1894
much as it was possible to do
The Pitcairn as it appeared them took the small boat
we got nearly all their We are this evening within
shortly before its maiden and went fishing just outside
launches off by 3:00 p.m. At 120 miles of the harbor of
voyage in the interest of the reef. We cast our hooks
that time we landed and sent Papeete, Tahiti at 4:00 p.m.
missions. about 20 rods from the reef
word to our passengers that The island of Mateo 60 miles
in 25 or 30 fathoms of water.
Page 7

to the east of Tahiti was consul. Left ship’s papers as he lives at Rurutu, he
sighted about 30 miles ahead with him thence to Turner gave us much information
of us. and Chapman’s office to en- that will be a great help to
gage them to attend to our us in our work. First that
The first two days out of
shipbrokers business. Left Rurutu is not at the place
Pitcairn the wind was very
manifests with them of indicated on the charts of
light and partially ahead so
ship’s cargo and stores. that group but is at least 25
that we did not make much,
While at the U.S. consul he to 30 miles east of it. That
but since these first from the
volunteered the information the true location is 150 46’
northeast and the past two
that I had been reported west latitude. Regarding a
days from the south have
that in order to bring the teacher said that there was a
made good time all the way.
disaffected districts at Raitia demand there for teachers.
Have had but one squall and
into submission to the But that his mind would be
settled into a good steady
French authority a blockade for the ones who was left
breeze from the south which
might be established there. there to get permission to
has harkened to the south-
That the natives who were stop on the island for a time
east and is taking us along at
holding out against the and gradually work into the
a good rate of speed.
French would eventually be teaching work. That they
If the wind holds as it is compelled to yield and sub- would find plenty to do.
we will get into Tahiti by 4 mit to the French authori-
August 18, 1894
or 5 p.m. tomorrow. The ties.
weather has been very pleas- The past five days have I am convinced that
From all the information I
ant all the way except the been very busy ones. Have it would be very
can gather I am convinced
squall and hard rain with it learned some things that unwise to make the
that it would be very unwise
Wednesday. Temperature may be a help to us in our
to make the disaffected dis- disaffected district at
call about 75-78 degrees. I work. As near as I have been
trict at Raitia a center for Raitia a center for
put on my flannel undershirt able to learn the Marquesas,
our work among these is-
today and am none too Pomoto, Society and Tub- our work among
lands. Nor do I think it best
warm with them. nasa Islands are all under or these islands.
to leave there even those
subject to the French. Ves-
August 12, 1894 who have been given recom-
sels entering from foreign
mendation to go there. If a
Reached Papeete at 10:30 countries are prohibited
number are located there we
a.m., put up signal for pilot from trading therein. The
will at once be abused with
at 12, saw pilot boat coming trade being reserved to ves-
the rebellious natives and
off to us. Took pilot on sels carrying the French flag.
our work and influence in
board 12:30. Pilot ordered Goods taken to any of these
the other islands be cut off.
sails made on, stood out to islands by our missionary
go to upper or eastern chan- In the afternoon I visited vessel is subject to duty.
nel. When we got almost to and took dinner with
Sabbath was spent in the
it the wind came from the brother and sister Read who
following manner. At 9:00
opposite direction so we had have charge of the work at
a.m. went to the house in the
to work back to the first or Tahiti. After dinner, made a
village of brother Bam-
western passage. Papeete the call on a native family who
bordgis who is a blacksmith
main port of Tahiti is situ- are now keeping the Sab-
and wagon maker, is a half
ated on the northwest side of bath. Saw much of the na-
cast as they are called. He
the island. tive trees and shrubs and
has a team of horses and a
breadfruit and cocoa trees.
August 13, 1894 very good coach rigged
In the evening went with wagon, which will carry
At Papeete, Tahiti Frangipani flowers.
brother Read to visit Cap- eight persons. Having an
The first thing this morn- tain Maigle of schooner. The invitation to ride with him Tahiti Tourisme
ing went to visit the U.S. captain is very friendly and to the church I accepted.
Page 8 Captain’s Log

Daily Observations and Notes

With a full load of our peo- Dr. Caldwell spoke to the the green leaves. The foods,
ple, some from the village people through an inter- faye, (a kind of wild ba-
and some from the vessel we preter. The meetings contin- nana), taro (something of
drove to the native church, ued until 5:00 p.m. After the nature of a potato),
which is 21/2 miles from Pa- giving the brethren an invi- yams, sweet potatoes all
peete on a piece of ground tation to visit the ship the cooked and placed on the
donated to the church by meeting closed. The same “table” in their natural
brother Paul Dean the na- spirit of love and devotion state.
tive minister who accepted seemed to characterize our
Baked fish, chicken and a
the truth since time ago but brethren here that is in the
dish of raw fish cut in pieces
who at the time is at Raitia other part of the field.
about two inches square and
working in the district with
August 19, 1894 covered with a salad or
brother Cady.
gravy of coconut milk sea-
The church is a very neat soned with lemon juice and
structure made of Oregon The native brethren made small pieces on onion. A co-
and California lumber with a native feast for the mis- conut at each place and a
corrugated iron roof. It is I sionaries and brethren of the large bunch of oranges. All
think 30x60 feet with 18- Pitcairn. The feast was near were invited to places as-
foot posts, well seated and brother Reads and Chap- signed to them around the
furnished for meeting breth- man’s. At 3:00 p.m. we were table. I was given an honor-
As the shades of night ren in the U.S. Gave $500.00 invited to the grove by the ary place about the center
settled down over the towards it. shady bank of a clear brook. and opposite brother and
Here the food had been sister Read.
great ocean a sense of Meetings began at 10:30
cooked. First a place about
the vastness of the with about 30 natives and After a speech by the local
four feet in diameter had
great expanse of water our ships crew and passen- elder, which was interpreted
been scooped out on the
and of our littleness gers present. It seems to be by brother Read in which
ground 6-8 inches deep. In
and other insignificance the custom with the natives according to native custom
this was placed a lot of hot
came over. to spend much time in pre- he extended “welcome and
stones, which were covered
liminaries. They sang three greeting to the elder and
with a thin layer of dirt,
times, read a chapter and Captain, to the second Cap-
then a layer of leaves. Then
prayed twice. I then spoke tain, to the third Captain, to
the food of various kinds
for 30 or 40 minutes through the missionaries, to the sail-
were placed on the layer of
an interpreter. It seemed ors, to the children, and to
leaves, yams, taro, faye,
very awkward as I could all the friends present. We
sweet potato, fish and
speak but a few words and now prepared you a native
chicken. All cooked in the
then wait for the interpreter feast from native food from
same pile by covering with a
to tell them what I said. the ground and from the
layer of green leaves and
trees and the sea.
At the close of this meet- then with a thick covering of
ing after a short intermission dirt. The fish and chicken Our fathers who lived be-
the sisters had a meeting were merely wrapped in fore prepared their food in
while the brethren and chil- leaves. All were well cooked. this way. And as in the be-
dren waited outside. This ginning there were no dishes
Sticks and brush were
meeting lasted about one but those provided by na-
cleared away under the
hour. Then the bell rang for ture so now you have the
shade of trees. Green leaves
Sabbath school. The native same. There were no knives
Lighthouse at Point Venus. were spread upon the ground
classes recited by themselves and forks but you have a
Tahiti Tourisme then another course of dry
and the English and Ameri- fork with five tines meaning
leaves on sort of wide bladed
can speaking brethren in the hand and fingers with
grass along both sides out-
another class. this eat the food, which we
side of the green leaves. The
consider a privilege to fur-
After the Sabbath school food was neatly spread on
Page 9

nish you in token of our love that they are disposed to try there, I hope they will
and esteem. require us to confirm strictly not do so.
to their laws though other
After giving thanks we I told the consul that the
missionaries may be given a
then sat down on the ground request from the governor’s
measure of freedom in their
native style cross-legged and point of view was reasonable
partook of the meal. I did and that we would comply
not try the fish or chicken August 22, 1894 with it. Later Elder Read
but took the testimony of and I called on the governor. Technically, Huahine is
We cleared our vessel yes- two islands connected
those who did. All said they Told him that we would
terday but did not sail as we today by a bridge.
were good. comply with his request and
had called on the governor
keep away from Raitia with
At the close of the repast I Monday, and in an interview
the vessel. So we must
made a reply to the speech he had informed us that if
change our plans.
of welcome that had been we wished to call at the is-
made at the opening of the lands under the French flag Started for Huahine at
feast. I told them that we we should give him notice of 3:30 p.m. Left Maude Young
enjoyed the food so kindly our intentions. In compli- at Papeete. Elder Read and
prepared for us. But the ance with this request we wife are with us. We will call
spirit of love, which had wrote the governor that we at Huahine but do not know
prompted them to make us intended to call at Huahine, if we will leave anyone there.
the feast, was more highly Raitia, and Rurutu. We Wind is fair and a good
regarded. waited all day for a reply, breeze.
but received none. Wednes-
I then told them that Reached Huahine at 8:00 The native canoes
day morning I went in to
while we thanked them we a.m. A pilot came out to
call on the U.S. consul, Mr. came crowding
together could thank our take us in. We got into the
J. Hank. He said that the around the vessel
heavenly father for all the harbor all right and an-
governor had sent his secre-
bounties of heaven. I wished chored in 20 fathoms of wa- with shells to sell.
tary to see him and that
all joy and peace and that ter at 10:30.
when he called, the governor
together we might gather
refused to see the letter and The native canoes came
around the table in heaven
request to visit Raitia and crowding around the vessel
and our Savior would then
leave some missionaries with shells to sell. One canoe
serve us.
there. Then he says the had two bags of shells, asked
At the close of the speech situation at Raitia is a very 25 cents and 50 cents for
the natives gathered about grave one and the natives of each one. On the other side
the table and ate the remain- a large part of the island are of the vessel is a canoe with
der of the food. We then not in subjugation to the three baskets of yams. The
went to the house of brother French authorities. baskets contain about 3
Read and were treated to pecks. They want one dollar
I intend to visit them and
some of the native songs. per basket. I did not buy.
try by peaceful measures if
August 20, 1894 possible to induce them to At 4:00 p.m. Elder Gates
submit to the authorities. If and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Cald-
Has been a very busy day.
the Pitcairn goes there now well and I went on shore to
We first went to see about
it might encourage them in call first on the queen of the
cleaning the vessel as we
this position against the gov- island, a young lady of 18-20
wish to sail tomorrow for
ernment. Therefore, I cannot years whose father reigned
Rarotonga, touching at
give permission to anyone to as regent.
Huahine Raitia and Rurutu.
land there at the present
We landed near a large
We find that the French time. And though the Pit-
frame house, the queen’s Huahine’s shoreline
authorities are watching our cairn might have a legal
residence. We passed several is graceful and invit-
movements very closely and right to visit the port of en-
natives as we were going by ing.
Page 10 Captain’s Log

the house, then a group of and a young lady on his arm This evening the French
young people sitting on the or rather the lady between cutter came in from Bora
ground native style. Elder two half drunken men. They Bora. They say that the gov-
Read led the way and we were singing hymns. The ernor and the resident are to
followed after up the steps people are now far below the be here Wednesday next, the
and through the large fold- European races and it is said 29th. I feel now that I must
Sunset over the island of ing doors into a large square much lower than they were see Elder Cady. At 10:00
Huahine. room. At the left sat the re- 50 years ago. They are fast a.m. with all the passengers
gent and to his left the going back into heathenism. and officers of the vessel
young queen. A row of went to take breakfast with
August 25, 1894
chairs for visitors was ar- Mr. Mark Anthony.
ranged across the circle of Huahine, Sabbath day
We are given a warm wel-
one side of the center of the
Vessel lying in the quiet come and a good breakfast
harbor of the island of of native food and canned
After going forward and Huahine. We deferred our food also. We have the good-
greeting the regent and Sabbath school until 10:30 will of the people. At 2:00
queen we were invited to be so as to have some of the p.m. went to the native
seated after which we ex- people from the shore. church services. The church
tended our greeting. After a is very large and apparently
All the while people of the
few remarks through the quite old. The people gath-
village were out to the Sab-
interpreter we excused our- ered last evening and are
bath school, though a little
We are given a warm selves and went to call on here again this evening to
late. All remained for the
the native missionary. The hear the blessing of God.
welcome and a good preaching service which was
only preacher on the island, They surely show an interest
breakfast of native food conducted by Elder Read.
he is a fairly intelligent look- to hear. Elder Read speaks
and canned food also. ing man. He and his wife At 4:00 p.m. we gathered to them in the native
We have the goodwill came in and talked very cor- in the cabin for a social tongue. Oh, that the power
of the people. dially for 15 or 20 minutes, meeting. At 7:00 p.m. meet- of God might attend the
brother Read interpreting ing on deck for the natives. word spoken and that souls
for us. I learned that there Natives crowd the deck of might be converted to God.
are eight native churches on the top of the cabin and gal- When, oh when, will the
the island with a member- ley. Several of the whites mighty power of God come
ship of 500. There being also present. Also the secre- to his people? Even among
about 100 people on the is- tary of the native govern- these who have been selected
land and but one preacher. ment official. The day has and sent out as missionaries
There are 11 Europeans on been pleasant and profitably there does not seem to be
the island. spent. that depth of devotion and
fullness of consecration that
This is the first visit of the August 26, 1894
one would expect to see in
Pitcairn to this island and
This morning I rose early those who go as ambassadors
she is viewed with much
and went to see the man who for Christ.
curiosity. The people though
I had engaged to take the
professedly Christian are August 27, 1894
letter to Elder Cady. He was
semi-heathen. In the front
preparing to go by 9:30. He Failing to get a letter to
yard of the queen’s residence
started for Raitia a distance brother Cady, I decided to
there sat a group of people
of 20 miles. The winds were go and see him. In the morn-
Flowers in the South Pa- who were being trained to
blowing hard. After going ing I ordered the lifeboat
cific display vivid colors sing at the expected visit of
out three or four miles from made ready. And at 11:00
year round. the governor. The trainer on
land he turned back and a.m. I with John Chilton
Courtesy Matthew Mumford our return from a call on the
<> gave up going. We do not started to go to Raiatea,
minister came staggering
know what to do now. distance 20 miles by open
along the road half drunk
Page 11

sea. The wind was fair group, Marquesas and Tube- vices. They have unani-
though light. We reached rian group of islands. We mously requested that the
the place by 3:00 p.m. and have barely begun the work Dr. and his family be left
passed safely up the channel among these schools. The here. They say that the re-
through the reef into the laws are such that we cannot gent and the deputy resident
quiet harbor. And ran up to hope to be able to establish who are natives are in favor
Uturoa, the French village. primary schools for children of the Dr. remaining but do
The passage through the reef but religious schools may be not care to make it openly
is between two wooden is- established for the instruc- known. Some of the natives
lands and is very direct into tion of young married men seem to be favorable to us.
the harbor. and women and also older
Conditions of the people;
men who desire to engage in
I steered direct for the they are kind-hearted and
the work.
French flag and went to the apparently generous but in a
resident and customs official Among the natives it is not very low condition morally Flowers are plentiful
to report. He received me expected that young people and in a spiritual sense seem throughout the islands.
very pleasantly. I then went will steady down until they like sheep without a shep- Courtesy Matthew Mumford
to the house of brother are married. They are not herd. There is but one
Henry Dean where I met for admitted to church fellow- preacher on the island and
the first time Elder Paul ship till then. Instead of he a native and of no great
Dean, the half cast who ac- sending so many Americans ability.
cepted the truth at Tahiti and others here to carry on I steered direct for
The field is claimed by the
and a part of whose congre- the work we will have to
French Protestant mission- the French flag and
gation have come into the educate men of ability
aries. Mr. Veano who now went to the resident
truth with him. among the natives. The na-
resides at Raiatea comes
tive can get into the hearts and customs official
I hired a native to take a once a year to receive the
and feelings of the people to report. He
letter out to brother Cady collections but they say does
much more readily than that
who lives at the native vil- not give them anything in received me very
of the white man. Reading
lage some four or five miles return. pleasantly.
matter among the natives,
down the island. I then went
they are not a thinking peo- Vice is very common and
to my boat and Mr. Gooding
ple and therefore will not be drunkenness also. There
who had kindly interpreted
so greatly benefited by the seems to be no restrictions
for me. The French resident
publications as they may placed on the sale of spiritu-
asked me to put our things
read and then lay aside. ous liquor. There are no
into his warehouse, which
schools and the children
we did. And then stopped to September 1, 1894
grow up with no education
supper with him and spent a
Sabbath and little encouragement to
part of the evening also with
him. Later went to brother Elder Read spoke to the
Deans to spend the night. ship’s company at 11:30. September 2, 1894
Two or three of the Europe-
August 28, 1894 Huahine
ans from the shore were pre-
Brother and Sr. Cady ar- sent. There are on the island This morning in company
rived at 9:00 a.m. Spent the two Frenchmen, two Eng- with brother and Sr. Read,
day with brother Cady in lish, and one Scandinavian. Dr. Caldwell and family and
talking over the work and Those who are married have Mr. Barnfield, I took the
the situation in these is- natives for wives. Most of ship’s lifeboat and came to
lands. Elder Cady tells me the white men of these is- the south end of the island;
that there are 40,000 people lands have little respect for distance from ship about 10
in the islands under the themselves or others but miles. Tatutapuapea Marea,
French flag who speak the here they treat us well and Raiatea.
We left the vessel at 9:00
Tahitian. Tahiti, Leeward attend all the English ser- Courtesy Matthew Mum-
Page 12 Captain’s Log

a.m., wind ahead most of the profitably. the natives with no restric-
way, one hard shower. tions. It would appear that
The people are in a sad
Reached Mr. and Mrs. the French have adopted
state. The children grow up
Shaw’s, a Chilean-Spaniard this method of killing off the
with no instruction. Schools
and American; Mrs. Shaw natives.
are needed very much. As it
half cast Tahitian. At 2:00
is true that Satan finds work A good carriage road runs
p.m. they are instructed in
Stone temple in Huahine. for idle hands to do in civi- the entire length of the is-
Tahiti Tourisme the truth. Mr. Shaw having
lized countries it is just as land. The former King of the
brought on previous voyage
true in these islands where island passed a law punish-
of the Pitcairn $25.00 worth
the people have but just ing all drunkards by requir-
of S.D.A books. They gave
engaged from heathen dark- ing them to pay a fine for
us a warm welcome and a
ness. being intoxicated by making
good dinner was awaiting us.
a certain number of feet of
After the dinner, we went
road. Thus they soon built
out to look for shells. I did
Notes Regarding Islands good roads.
not succeed at first in find-
ing any but little native girls Huahine: The second is-
who shop with Mrs. Shaw Tahiti: situated in about land we visited is about 80
came to help me. I then 161/2 south latitude 1491/2 miles to the northwest of
found one very pretty shell west longitude, is 32 miles Tahiti, is in the eastward of
and she found several which long, oval in shape, sur- the group of islands discov-
I have stowed away in a bas- rounded by a coral reef. The ered by Captain Cook in
Orohena the highest ket. island is of volcanic origin, 1769 and called the Society
mountain peak rises Orohena the highest moun- Islands.
7,339 feet above the We have spent the evening
tain peak rises 7,339 feet
sea and in clear quite pleasantly. Mr. Shaw Huahine meaning Wahe-
above the sea and in clear
weather may be has a coconut plantation nie [woman] because of its
weather may be seen 45
seen 45 miles from which he realizes quite peculiar shape. It like other
miles distant. The hills are
distant. a good living. Land on these islands of this group are of
intersected by narrow and
islands cannot be bought, volcanic formation and
fertile valleys though the
but it may be leased for a mountainous having but a
inhabitants dwell near the
long term of years. Mr. Shaw narrow strip of low fertile
shores and the low lands
pays $50.00 per year for a land set at the base of the
only lying at the foot of the
large tract. hills and along the shore.
hills is cultivated and that is
Surrounded by a coral reef,
The island is very hilly and principally set to coconut
which on the northeast side
but a small strip along the trees.
is overgrown with trees
shore and in the bay is culti-
Tropical fruits abound; forming salt lakes. On the
vated and the greater part of
banana, faye (a wild ba- north and west side the reef
it is set out to coconut trees.
nana), oranges, guavas, taro, forms a fine lagoon. Fish of
Wheretofore sugar cane has
yams, breadfruit and coco- various kinds abound and
been cultivated there having
nuts are the principle foods shells are plentiful.
two sugar mills on the is-
of the natives with fish and
land, but there is none now. The population is about
Cotton has also been raised 1,000. Products are coconut,
and there is some grown on The population in 1882 breadfruit, yams, taro, ba-
the island at the present was placed at 10,000. Pa- nanas, guavas, pineapple,
time but I am told by a peete, the port of entry has a oranges, lemons, limes, cot-
European, Mr. Barnfield population of 2,000. Rum ton, coffee, and cane have
that the natives will not drinking and dissipation is been grown with some
work and as there is no other very common. Sugar cane is profit. But since copra can
labor to depend on but little cultivated and chiefly made be produced with much less
can be done in producing into rum, which is sold to labor and the natives can by
Page 13

this means get all the money on board. And three good Mrs. Stringer, Maude and
they need they cannot be letters from home. Sarah Young.
depended on for labor to
Soon got our business done As we approached the
care for other crops requir-
and took on Miss Maude opening in the narrow ledge
ing more work. So planters
Young and returned to the or reef of coral that formed a
have been obliged to aban-
ship leaving landing at 12:45 small harbor for boat of 40-
don these industries.
and reaching ship at 2:00 50 tons, another boat shot
Natives profess the Protes- p.m. Soon got our boat on out from the shore and lay
tant religion, but are very board and stood along the across our bow. They mo-
low morally and the young north shore of the island tioned for us to come along-
people have but little regard toward the east with south side which we did and two of
for rules. Smoking and rum wind. Feel content now to go them got into our boat to
drinking is common. It is on since learning that my pilot us into the harbor
said that there could not be family are well. We will go though we did not ask them A flower on the island of
found a sufficient number of to Rurutu, thence to Raro- to nor did we desire or need Raiatea.
decent men to fill the office tonga. their service as pilot. Courtesy Matthew Mumford
of deacon in the church
When at Papeete we called Yet before we got ashore
which numbers five hun-
on the U.S. consul, Mr. they began to ask for pay.
dred. There are no schools
Doty, who regarding the We told them to wait and we
and no means of educating
trouble at Raiatea said that would settle with them.
the young.
he had heard that the na- Later we referred the matter They motioned for us
Previous to 1889 the island tives who are not in sympa- of the pilotage to the regent to come alongside
was a French protectorate. thy with the French refused who after looking up the law
which we did and two
At that time the French to recognize the governor or said we could do as we
gunboat shelled the town to have anything to do with pleased about paying it. of them got into our
and brought the island un- him. Who said that he would boat to pilot us into
September 14, 1894 the harbor though we
der the French flag. give them till November to
consider whether or not they Rurutu did not ask them to.
September 6, 1894
would recognize the author-
With Elder Read I passed
Arose early after a restless ity and if they then refused
the night at Avero. At 6:00
night. Made ready to land he would proceed at once to
a.m. arose and after a short
with a boat at Papeete. gather troops and would
walk we were told that our
Launched lifeboat, got early subdue them if it required
breakfast was ready for us.
breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. the importation of troops
We went to the dining room,
Wellman, Miss White with from France. It is very evi-
one end of the native house
their baggage, Elder Read, dent that it would be unwise
where in native style we
E.E. Hicks into the boat and to try to establish our head-
found spread on banana
sailed for the shore. Made quarters at Raiatea at the
leaves, taro and in a dish a
the entrance to the harbor present time.
baked chicken.
and sailed in safely with flag
September 11, 1894
flying. Reported on landing As we were eating a mes-
to the customs official and Rurutu senger came from the gover-
was directed to the Captain nor’s house saying that we
By 4:30 p.m. we were in
of the port, who when I pre- must eat with him also. We
our lifeboat and pulling for
sented the paper from the begged to be excused as we
the island of Rurutu. At the
official of Huahine said, “all wished to go to the Kings
Kings village is a landing for
right, go ahead.” We then village at as early an hour as
a small boat, for this we di-
went direct to the post of- possible. Pineapple is a com-
rected the boat. Had with
fice. Mailed letters. Then mon crop through-
me Elder and Sr. Read, Dr. So the old governor came
went to brother Stewarts out the South
Caldwell and family, Mr. and over to see us and sat down
and got a lot of mail for all Pacific.
Page 14 Captain’s Log

cross-legged as we were and 9:30 in company with ahead.

when Elder Read had eaten brother and Sr. Owen and
As we approached a brook
his breakfast placed some of children and a young Swiss,
I heard the water splashing
the food on the same dish he I went for a walk. As we
and dashing and as I came
had used and passed to the started through the village a
to a shaded pool about a rod
governor who ate it with lot of little girls from 6-10
square there were our guides
apparent relish. Being hap- years of age came following
Spotted eagle rays. in nature’s own attire div-
Tahiti Tourisme pily released from breakfast- after us and when they
ing, some head first, from
ing the second time we were learned that we wished to go
rocks and roots of trees six
soon galloping away over up on a high rocky cliff they
to eight feet down, chuck
the hills towards the Kings volunteered their services as
chuck into the pool. Then
village. guides, which readily ac-
the antics, standing on their
cepted as we saw that we
Upon our arrival we heads in the water with just
could not get rid of them
sought an interview with the their feet above the surface
without offending.
Regent and told him that then diving across like seals.
the Stringers wished to re- We reached the hill and Then again up on the bank
main on the island. He said ascended part way when we and with outstretched arms
that he would read the law came to a very steep rough plunging into the pool again.
regarding such matters. Af- place. Up it our little guides
As we came along out they
ter doing so, said that it scrambled over the rough
came and switched their
would be necessary to con- sharp stones with bare feet
long black hair to dry it and
vene the governors of the and legs, but motioned with
They seem to be as donned their single garment,
three or four districts and their hands to us not to fol-
free from care as the some the calico dress,
Mr. Stringer could tell them low. This was unnecessary as
smaller ones a shirt reaching
soft breezes that his desire and state his pur- the way was so rough and
to the knees and others the
sweep over their pose about settling on the steep that the ladies would
pareu (sarong) giving it a
island. That if they could not think of attempting to
island home. turn around the neck to par-
agree he might have permis- climb it.
tially cover the main parts of
sion to remain. This is in
Though the little natives their brown skins.
accordance with the law of
came with dresses and others
the island. They seem to be as free
with the pareu (sarong), all
from care as the soft breezes
Messengers were at once seemed to enjoy the wild
that sweep over their island
sent to the several governors climb and showed no signs of
home. But two or three
who met with the Regent at fear though for myself I did
hours of school in the week
2:30 p.m. After two or three not know but we might have
and that but a few months
hours discussion they de- to report a guide or two
of the year.
cided that he might remain. fallen over the cliff and I
breathed more freely when This evening I attended
We feel that the Lord has
after they had sung two or the singing class and though
guided in this and has thus
three native songs and I might describe the singers
far given us the victory over
hymns as they clung to the I could not write the song.
the enemies of his work. I
rocks like bats or birds they Seated native style on mats
feel to praise his name for it.
returned to us. in an oblong circle three or
September 15, 1894 four rows deep were women
On our return from the
with their babies and
Rurutu, Kings Village walk they took us by an-
younger ladies. The men
other way through gardens
I spent the Sabbath on who are the bass singers in a
of taro and bananas. As I
shore as I stopped last night row on the outside, all sing-
strolled leisurely along they
at the Kings house and in ing with the spirit if not with
motioned to us to come “this
the village called the Kings understanding. They make
way” and ran chattering
village. After breakfasting at very good music.
Page 15

As one who could speak a line of breakers towards the several days before we get
few words of English said, ship. We then rounded the started again on our way.
“This like harmonium,” re- ship too and waited for them
September 21, 1894
ferring to the bass voices to come on board. It seemed
sustaining the organ or pi- altogether too rough to at- At 2:30 p.m. the 20th we
ano. This is indeed true. It tempt to get the freight off set our course westward
has the sound of several or- so I and brother Viriga got from Rurutu, which is in
gans all being played at into the boat to go with latitude 22 29’ south, longi-
once. The singing for the them to the shore. tude 151 201/2’ west for Rarotonga’s beachers are
kind is very good. Rarotonga, which is 487 bright and expansive.
As we were going in the
miles to the west of Rurutu.
September 16, 1894 boat it caught in the break-
ers and partly filled with The winds in this latitude
At 9:00 a.m. took lifeboat
water. The men jumped out blow almost continuously
and went out to the vessel.
of the boat into the water from the east-southeast,
Then went around the island
and pulled it through the therefore it is very easy to go
with the ship to the village
breakers across the reef. to the westward with a sail-
where brother Stringer ex-
They then bailed out the ing vessel. I rejoice to see the
pects to locate. Thinking to
boat and pulled to the shore. blessings and favor shown.
make a landing but found
the surf running in so that I found our people all at September 22, 1894
we did not attempt to land. the village and waiting to go
We then went around to the out on the vessel, but of
lee of the island where the course they could not go. In latitude 22 13’ south, Flies are very
water was smooth and took The natives provided plenty longitude 155 west we are plentiful and seem
the lifeboat aboard. Then of food for us. After we had now 270 miles from Raro-
turned the ship and stood finished our afternoon meal tonga. The wind during the to enjoy a change of
out for the night. at 4:30 p.m. I was invited to day has been light and vari- diet the way they
go to another house to sup- able, the sea smooth and pitch into me.
September 17, 1894
per, which I did and ate weather pleasant. Our pas-
This morning the wind was quite heartily of boiled sengers are getting out.
south southeast but a very chicken and taro.
At 12:30 we held Sabbath
heavy swell running from
The next thing is to find a school in the cabin and at
the southwest. We were
bed. Flies are very plentiful 5:00 p.m. Elder Read
about 8 or 10 miles from the
and seem to enjoy a change preached to the passengers
island. Stood in by the south
of diet the way they pitch and crew gathered amid ship
end and ran up along the
into me. One of the natives on the deck. I am having
west side to the village of
is taking a lesson in naviga- some difficulty with catarrh
Avero and lay the ship to.
tion of Captain Viriga. The (inflammation of mucous
Went aloft to look at the
room I am in is a large one membrane) (this term no
passage through the reef.
divided off by mats hung longer in use) the warmish
The surf seemed to be break-
around and mats on the floor doses does not seem to be
ing clear the entire length of
for carpets. Some of our peo- any great help to me.
the reef. We thought it use-
ple are sitting on the floor
less to attempt a landing, so September 23, 1894
learning to make hats. I am
waited awhile to see if the
sitting on a chair and the We are 230 miles from
natives would come with
lamp on another; not a very Rarotonga. The wind has
their boat.
comfortable position for been light and variable for
Finally we saw a move- writing. the past day. Weather quite
ment around the boat. Then agreeable, a few sprinkles of
As we are to land brother The grackle is com-
they pulled toward the reef rain. I have spent the day in
Stringer’s things before we mon to Rarotonga.
and came out through the making out the manifest so
can go from here it may be Gerald McCormack
Page 16 Captain’s Log

as to be ready to enter vessel done. However, we had a small bay or opening in the
at Rarotonga if necessary. very pleasant conversation barrier of coral that sur-
The sea has been smooth with them regarding their rounds the island. The en-
and our passage quite well. mission work. trance is nearly as wide as
any part of it. The harbor
September 25, 1894 At the present time they
brings but two or three ships
have 17 men and their wives
A small storm at sea. The lengths and just wide
Coconuts drying in Tahiti. at the mission school, which
Tahiti Tourisme wind at 7:00 a.m. was quite enough for a ship of 125 or
is in connection with the
moderate from the north- 130 feet keel to stern round
mission house a solid appear-
east. By 9:00 had hauled to in. We ran in to the mouth
ing stone house said to have
the north and blowing hard. of the harbor and closed up
been built 50 years ago.
At 10:00 took in all upper all sails as rapidly as possi-
sails. By 11:00 the wind had The natives remembered ble.
hauled to the west and a Mr. Read who had visited
The momentum of the ship
heavy sea running. Passen- the mission on a former voy-
carried her well into the har-
gers all sick. By 4:00 the age of the Pitcairn three
bor when at just the right
wind to southwest and sea years ago. No great demand
spot down goes the anchor
settling down and by dark has been made for a doctor
and the vessel fetches up
quite smooth for sea and and we were told by the resi-
within a few fathoms of the
wind moderate. dent that plans were laid to
coral bank.
have a doctor from America
September 26, 1894
but that owing to lack of The natives who assist the
At just the right spot We reached Rarotonga money and a suitable build- pilot then run lines first to
down goes the this morning, launched the ing for a hospital and resi- the anchors, four of which
anchor and the small boat and with Elder dence for the doctor they did have been loaded onto the
vessel fetches up Read, Dr. Caldwell and not think the plan could be coral as moorings for ships
within a few brother Owen went ashore. put into operation for a year to which later forward an-
fathoms of the coral First called on the English or so. chor chains are run and to
bank. resident who received us so secure the stern of the ship.
September 27, 1894
kindly and gave much infor- Chains from moorings near
mation regarding the island, Rarotonga the shore are brought on
laws and customs of the peo- board and fastened to our
This morning we ran up
ple which is of value to us in stern pasterns. Thus securely
our flag for a pilot as we
our work. fastening the ship both fore
stood in towards the shore
and aft which is all very nec-
There are no laws prohibit- and soon saw the pilot boat
essary as the harbor is not a
ing faranji settling on the with 7 men pulling as the
safe one with west or north-
island. A 5% duty is im- boat came alongside out to-
west winds. However, we are
posed on all goods landed wards us. The pilot, a native,
assured by the residents of
from any country. Pilotage came on board. As he could
the village that storms from
and harbor dues are moder- speak English quite readily
that quarter are almost un-
ate and payable in Chilean we could easily understand
known at this season, but
cash. his order.
may be expected later in the
We were told that for our As the wind was favorable season.
vessel it would be about we stood in for the harbor
This afternoon brother
$15.00. Water may be ob- with foresail, upper and
Read and I went to call on
Waterfall, Papanoo. tained from wells. We called lower topsail, fore and main
the judge of the island, a
Tahiti Tourisme on the English missionary sail all set. Anchor made
native who is the grandson
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wat- ready to let go at an instants
of the noted chief who ac-
kins who received us but not notice.
cepted the gospel under the
as warmly or as freely as I
The harbor is merely a labors of the first mission-
thought they might have
Page 17

ary, John Williams. affection for his daughter. went to the queen’s resi-
The natives of these islands dence near by to pay our
We had a very pleasant
show much affection and respects to her and her hus-
visit as we found that he
tenderness for their relatives. band. As we came up the
could talk English quite flu-
steps on the veranda sur-
ently. He began telling us of September 29, 1894
rounding the house the
his children and the death of
Sabbath queen came forward and
a beloved daughter at a time
greeted us kindly. When all
when he was absent in New At 8:30 a.m. with most of
were seated and a few words
Zealand. When he returned the passengers and part of
exchanged through Elder
on a vessel, which he charted the crew went to attend the
Read who acts as our inter-
to bring himself and a little services in the native
preter, we were treated to
sick daughter and a few oth- church. The church, a larger
oranges and bananas.
ers to Rarotonga. As the stone building, is situated in
boat from the shore when the midst of a well-filled The queen’s residence is a
they had reached Rarotonga cemetery. Just in front of very neat frame building,
approached the ship all were the door is a monument of one story surrounded by a
dressed in mourning. one of the old queens who broad porch.
favored the early missionar-
He said that his heart September 30, 1894
beat fast and as the leading
man from the boat came on We entered the church and
board he asked him “what is were given seats near the This morning I went
the matter,” but he gave no speakers stand. The service ashore and got the use of a The queen of the
reply only took his little was conducted by a native horse and buggy and Elder island and the
daughter under his arm and minister in the absence of Read got a saddle horse. I
jumped down into the boat. Mr. Watkins, the English took the doctor and together English resident
He followed and as they missionary who resides at we started on a trip around were present at the
neared the shore all the peo- this village and has charge of the island. It was half past service.
ple were clad as were those the mission work in this and twelve by the time we got
in the boat in deep mourn- other islands of the Cook started. The distance around
ing. Again said he “I asked Group. the island is about twenty
what is it,” “who is dead?” miles. There are three vil-
The service consisted of
but no reply. Then the queen lages: the first one about five
two prayers, a very short
came down the path to meet miles distant. We found the
sermon and four or five
him. They all talked of other road good passing along
hymns. The children as is
things but none could tell through the green shady
customary sat or shuffled
him of the death of his blood woods.
about in the gallery with
daughter who in his absence
just a sprinkling apparently October 2, 1894
had been left with the queen
of grown people to preserve
at her earnest request Yesterday I received a
order. The older people occu-
though the child on her fa- petition signed by a large
pied the lower partition of
ther’s departure for New proportion of the European
the house, which was quite
Zealand went out to the ship residents of the Avatiu Har-
well seated and the side wall
and desired to accompany bor village and also by the
filled with listeners who ap-
her father on a visit to that judge of the island, a native
peared to give more atten-
far off land but was not per- official of reputation asking
tion to the visitors than to
mitted to do so. And on his that we leave Dr. Caldwell
the sermon.
return he found her dead here. I told the one that
and buried. He told us this The queen of the island brought the petition to me Flower hei (crown).
with much pathos and and the English resident that if the people wanted the Tahiti Tourisme
seemed to show the depth of were present at the service. doctor to remain here that
At the conclusion we all they make some proposition
Page 18 Captain’s Log

regarding the support of a Rarotonga and not a definite native mission church begin-
doctor that we would con- reply has been given. ning at 8:30 a.m. by invita-
sider it. tion of Mr. Hutchins, the
Therefore, the resident
Congregationalist minister-
Therefore a meeting was though in favor of Dr. Cald-
who has charge of the Euro-
called and convened this well remaining here is not in
pean mission. Elder Read
evening at the residence of a position to encourage it.
preached to the native con-
the native judge. A very We know that the English
gregation and Mr. Hutchins
Sunset on the island of large proportion of the Euro- missionary is opposed to the
interpreted for him. The
Raiatea. peans and several of the na- doctor remaining. It is re-
meeting consists quite
tive chiefs were present. Af- ported that the Catholics
largely of songs and prayers,
ter a little discussion they have bought a house and
lasted until 10:40 a.m.
made us the following propo- piece of land in this village
sition. That we request that and that they are expected One amusing feature is the
the doctor be left to reside here soon to open a mission. management of the children.
permanently on the island. They have a Sunday school
Mrs. Hutchins, the wife of
That he be supported by in another building before
the resident missionary told
charging a small or minimal the church service opens. At
Mrs. Read when asked if she
fee for services rendered. the opening of the church
would not rather have us
service the children with
Judge Dupon guarantees locate here than the Catho-
their teachers are marched
at lot for the doctor a house, lics said “No, I would rather
If an urchin becomes into the church and up in
that in the meantime while see the Catholics here than
the gallery. They crowd
too boisterous or the house is being built he your people.”
down to the edge of the gal-
fidgety or his would furnish a house for
October 4, 1894 lery to see what is going on
the doctor to live in. I told
conduct unbecoming in the church below.
him that we would consider Avatua, Rarotonga
the church, he gets a the proposition and give him The teachers to keep order
The mail steamer
tap on the head with a reply tomorrow. are stationed back of the
“Richland” of Auckland,
the rod. children with long rods ten
I consider the call as an Captain Hutton arrived this
or twelve feet. If an urchin
indication that the Lord is morning from New Zealand
becomes too boisterous or
opening the way for us to on way to Tahiti. Sent mail
fidgety or his conduct unbe-
leave the doctor here, while by her. This steamer makes
coming the church, he gets a
the field is not occupied by regular monthly trips from
tap on the head with the
another doctor. New Zealand to Tahiti call-
rod. If one does not quiet
ing at Rarotonga both ways
About five or six weeks him he gets it a little harder.
for freight and mail. The fare
ago the parliament held a Thus, though the service
to Tahiti is 6 L. replied to
meeting to discuss a proposi- does not seem to be espe-
the proposition from the
tion to try and get a physi- cially interesting or adapted
people of Rarotonga stating
cian from New Zealand. The to the children they are re-
that we would leave the doc-
result of the meeting was quired to pay respectful at-
tor here. They agree to sub-
that the English resident tention to all the service,
scribe 1.50 each per month
was authorized to corre- which is very lengthy.
and judge Dupon guarantees
spond with the medical
to furnish on lease a plot of Near the close of the ser-
board of New Zealand re-
land for a place for a house vice today the Lord’s Supper
garding terms for a doctor
to live in till he can build was administered: they, us-
The island of Rarotonga. from there. Some correspon-
one. ing the water from the coco-
dence has been had but not
nut for wine and common
definite arrangements made, October 6, 1894
light bread. The service
only that the parliament has
Avatua, Rarotonga though seemingly quite for-
asked the New Zealand fac-
mal runs all very orderly.
ulty to send a physician to Attended service at the
Page 19

After partaking of the bread owner had changed her mind Caldwell would remain for
and wine, exhortations or so she refused to allow him some time and the nature of
testimonies are given by the to put his things in the his work.
lay members. house. So he looked about
I told him that he would
and found another small
English service is held at work in this and other is-
house, which could be got
the church by Mr. Hutchins lands of this group. He then
for $8.00 per month. The
once or twice a month for asked if we expected to build Ceremonial grounds
natives are very fickle and
the Europeans and Ameri- up a church here. I replied where pre-Christian is-
liable to change at any time. landers worshiped their
cans. Today, by invitation, I that we were seeking to do
delivered the sermon. The October 8, 1894 all the good we could and gods.
following is the order of the that if any adapting our
We have spent the day
service. 1st- short prayer, 2. views desired to unite with
discharging freight for Dr.
hymn, 3. scripture respon- us we might receive them.
Caldwell and Owen. As it
sive reading, 4. Lord’s He then says “I presume
seems necessary to build a
Prayer, 5. hymn, 6. scripture that you will follow the ap-
house for the Dr. and his
reading, 7. hymn, 8. prayer, ostolic order and not build
work we have used some of
9. hymn, 10. sermon, 11. on another man’s founda-
the lumber here that was
hymn, 12. benediction. tion.” That there were
intended for use at Raiatea,
plenty of needy fields. He
With our passenger and therefore we have put some
further said that he regarded
crew from the ship we had a of it off.
us as Christian brethren. It’s
fair congregation. The
This afternoon it rained very evident to me that He then says “I
church is constructed after
some but did not hinder the though he seems friendly he presume that you
the English style of 40 or 50
work much. We hope to get is quite uneasy and would
years ago. Pulpit elevated will follow the
all the freight off tomorrow much rather we would not
about 10 feet above the peo- apostolic order and
and will soon be ready to sail remain here.
again. not build on another
October 11, 1894
October 7, 1894 man’s foundation.”
October 9, 1894
I spent part of the day
The day has been showery. looking for a lot for the Dr.
This morning I went with Have discharged all the lum- to build a house on. We
Dr. Caldwell to see a house ber except that for Dr. found a parcel of ground
which arrangements had Willsman. After carefully 75x320 feet fronting the
been made to rent by the considering the situation main street or road in a very
people on shore. Thinking both here and at Raiatea central location, which
that the house was all secure and there brings but little would be a very good place
having bargained to pay prospect of our using the for the Dr.’s work on for
$10.00 Chilean cash per lumber there for several mission purpose owned by
month we proceeded to get months to come. I decided to judge Dupon, which can be
the freight off the vessel. leave the lot here for Dr. got for 4 L per year. This
Caldwell that we had in- seems to be about the only
Brother Owen having se-
tended for B.J. Cady of available place that is cen-
cured a house for $6.00 Chil-
Raiatea. This will enable trally located, and we may
ean per month we got his
Caldwells to build soon and take it.
freight off and he got it
thus save rent.
hauled to the house and are This morning Elder and
there tonight. Mr. Hutchins, the mission- Mrs. Read went up to Mrs.
ary in charge of the Congre- Owens to sing for the na-
We got the Dr’s. house-
gational mission at this place tives. As she sang some of
hold freight off and he had it
came off to the vessel to see the Tahitian hymns they
hauled to the house, but
us this p.m. In the course of were greatly delighted and
when he got it there the
the visit he asked if Dr. said you teach us that so
Page 20 Captain’s Log

that we can sing it in church there was some sea in the The land will produce
next Sunday. You stay here harbor, which made board- sugar cane but sugar can be
and be our teachers. Then ing the ship rather unpleas- imported from New Zealand
they asked Mr. Read for a ant. There were a good num- and islands west of here and
lot of the little books con- ber of the people came out to sold for less than the cost of
taining the hymns that were attend the service, Elder production here. In the Soci-
sung. Read speaking. ety Islands, rum is made
The island of Rarotonga is from the molasses drained
He said that he could not At 5:30 we went out for a
lush with vegetation. from the sugar, but there is a
give them a lot but that he walk on shore. We walked
law here prohibiting the pro-
might give them one. Then out to Captain Englekie’s
duction of rum.
they asked Mrs. Read to farm about a mile distant
come tomorrow and teach from the village. Passed The cow’s cost imported
them the hymns so that they through coconut and orange from 15 to 18 L. This does
could sing it at church ser- groves. Bananas growing not seem to be a very prom-
vice Sunday. So they ar- along either side of the road. ising field for general farm-
ranged to teach them one We saw fields or patches of ing, though coffee growing is
hour tomorrow. At the close cotton and coffee bushes. said to be very profitable.
of the singing Elder Read Mr. Englekie has about 60 or Full-grown bushes produc-
prayed in the Tahitian lan- 70 acres of land leased for a ing $500.00 worth of coffee
guage. At the close of the term of 50 years renegotiable per acre yearly. It is now
This does not seem prayer they said “You stay at the expiration of the time. coffee picking time. The
here and be our minister.” He raises pineapples, cotton, bushes are also in full bloom
to be a very “We can all understand the coconut, bananas and a few and the next crop will be
promising field for Tahitian.” “We won’t let oranges. ripe in a year from now. The
general farming, you go, you must stay with crop is gathered but once a
Has a few cows, which are
though coffee us.” year.
imported from New Zealand.
growing is said to October 12, 1894 Runs a milk wagon to the October 14, 1894
be very profitable. village, in fact his is the only
We’ve spent some time in Rarotonga
dairy on the island. Milk
looking around the town and
sells for 10 cents Chilean per Though nearly ready to
a little way out in the coun-
bottle of about one pint. sail, we have been kept in
try for land for Dr. We have
the harbor. The time though
not yet found anything that They have planted a larger
has not been unprofitably
seems as favorable as the lot area to coconuts as copra
spent as I have been quite
offered by judge Dupon. I and coffee pay the best of
busy all day.
gave notice at the post office any crop that is raised. Cot-
today that we would sail for ton yields well but labor is This morning we went up
Tahiti the 14th. Though scarce and so high that cot- to close the bargain with
there is a little more business ton raising does not pay. judge Dupon for the lot,
to do I hope to get it all done which he had told us we
The land is held by chiefs
and matters in shape to could have for 4 L per year.
or families or rather tribes
leave with the Dr. The peo- When we told him that we
and all belonging to that
ple on shore have a meeting had decided to take the place
tribe or family have a share
this evening to accept sub- he said that on account of
of the products of the land
scriptions from the Dr. the limes on it and the reve-
or a piece of the land to work
nue received from them that
Banana plants are com- October 13, 1894 or plant for their own use.
his son objected to letting it
mon to the islands of the Therefore they are not of the
Hvatin, Rarotonga, Sabbath go for that price. After talk-
South Pacific. necessity of working for
ing with him for some time
Jan & Signe Twardowski At 11:00 we had service wages to gain a living so it is
he said that he was willing to
aboard the ship for the Eng- difficult to get laborers to do
let us have it for 4 L. and
lish-speaking people though general farm work.
Page 21

that if his son would agree to trol and use as we deem best. Nicholas the government
that, we might have it. So interpreter told us today
October 16, 1894
we made an appointment to that the resident said that he
meet him again. He said This morning the pilot would now cancel the nego-
that his son was not willing came on board to take us out tiations for a doctor from
that we should have it, but to sea. This wind at the time New Zealand. We also
that if we would give 6 L. was fair to run out but it learned that the Catholics
per year that he would lease very soon died out and then are expected within two or
it to us. breezed up from the north three weeks to be here to
and was in that quarter all open up a school. Mr. Hut-
I told him that I did not
day, so that we did not get chins, the missionary told us
know as we would give that
out. today that the latest advice
much. He then asked how
from Raitia was that there
much we could give. I told I visited the customhouse
would be trouble there be-
him that I did not come to man and got clearance pa-
fore the matter between the
bicker over the price of the pers and bill of health. He
natives and the government
ground but to consider his kindly remitted the fees for
was settled.
propositions and that if we the clearance papers on ac-
considered them favorable count of our ship being a October 17, 1894
we might accept them. missionary vessel. The fees
for bill of health was $2.40.
He finally said that if we
We have been waiting all
could give 5 L. per year that We cleared for Tahiti ex-
day but no breeze to take us
he would lease the ground to pecting to sail to that port
out of the harbor. This eve- We have been
us for a term of 20 years. I and then as soon as we can
ning the pilot thinks that we
then told him that we would will sail for San Francisco. waiting all day but
may get out early tomorrow
take it at those figures. So he After getting the clearance no breeze to take us
morning. Today brother
said that he would give the papers I visited judge Dupon
Owen returned from a walk out of the harbor.
Dr. a letter of permission to and he kindly remitted the
around the island. He did
move onto the ground and harbor dues, which were four
not succeed in finding any
that the first of January, dollars.
land to rent. I fear that he
1895 the lease would begin
The pilotage is regulated will not get along very well
and that he would make out
by law the rate being 10 here as he does not seem to
the papers and now state in
cents per ton for all vessels know how to adapt himself
them that the lease was to
over 60 tons. I also secured to the native ways.
begin Jan. 1st. He then
the lease to the plot of land
agreed to do that. October 18, 1894
for the doctor for mission
This seems like quite a purposes. Consideration of At 5:00 a.m. the pilot
high rent but it is the most five pounds per year payable came on board or rather
favorable lease that we have on the first day of January came alongside and began to
been able to get. yearly in advance. Terms of cast off our mooring chains.
lease, 20 years with privilege The sea was quite smooth
The location of the lot
of renewal. We feel that this and a very little air stirring
which is 75x320 feet is as
is a step in the right direc- off shore but not sufficient
good as could be desired as is
tion. wind to sail the ship out.
but a short distance from a
When the moorings were
site recently purchased by The English resident told
cast off the pilot boat with
the Catholics who it is said us as we called on him today
six men and another boat
are soon to open a mission that he was pleased to have
with six or seven strong na-
here. I am sure it will be a us begin work here and ex- Tautira River, Tahiti.
tive oarsmen took our vessel
great advantage to our work pressed satisfaction when he Tahiti Tourisme
in tow and soon rowed us
in these islands to have a learned that Mrs. Caldwell
out of the notch in the reef
place here that we can con- had opened a school. Mr.
Page 22 Captain’s Log

and out on the broad ocean hills and mountains extend- them have native wives
again. By 8:00 we were out a ing around the island and in though there are four or five
mile from shore with a very places a mile or two wide white women on the island.
light wind off the land. mostly planted to coconut,
The government is a colo-
bananas, oranges, limes and
I paid the extra boat 4.50 nial protectorate, the New
lemons. Cotton and coffee
(Chilean coin) and the pilot Zealand government having
La Diademe, Tahiti. are also raised for export.
Tahiti Tourisme the regular fees, 10 cents per a resident or governor here.
ton which for our vessel The climate is of course This and the other islands of
made 16.50 in Chilean coin, warm but apparently the Cook Group have a par-
value in U.S. coin including healthful the island being in liament that meet at Ava-
the extra boat $11.35. That latitude 21 11’ 058”, longi- rua, Rarotonga. A native
was the pilotage both in and tude 159 47’ west. It is said chief Mr. Dupon is the judge
out which is a very low fig- that the temperature seldom of this district court and also
ure for the amount of work, rises above 85 or 90. But the of the supreme court of all
as when we entered the har- air being humid even that the islands. All goods enter-
bor it took the pilot with temperature seems oppres- ing the islands of the group
five men nearly half a day to sive when there is no breeze. must be entered at Avarua,
get the vessel moored. Rarotonga and are subject
The products for export
to a 5% duty on the value of
They have two or three are oranges, copra, lime
the goods. The only limita-
anchors loaded into the coral juice, coffee and cotton and
tion to the sale of rum is the
reef on each side of the har- a few pineapples are shipped
inability of the natives to
The products for bor for head moorings and to New Zealand. From 100-
procure money to get it
export are oranges, chains for stern moorings 200 tons of coffee is the aver-
with. The government has
leading on shore and fas- age of that article. Large
copra, lime juice, an officer whose duty it is to
tened to trees. quantities of oranges are
coffee and cotton attend to the sale of liquor.
shipped to New Zealand by
Rarotonga It is said to be in bond.
and pineapples steamer. Lime juice is also
I will here insert a few exported by the barrel. Merchants having rum for
lines regarding this beautiful sale must place it in bond
As coffee requires little
island. From a distance it and the customer will go to
attention except at gather-
appears like a mass of rug- the government agent and
ing time and the quality
ged hills and mountains. The ask for some mans rum
being good the people have
highest peaks towering which is sold and accounts
turned their attention to its
above the sea, 2,900 feet and kept by the agent, no other
cultivation. As the price of
with few exceptions covered is permitted to sell it.
coffee advances it is not
with trees and verdure to the
found profitable to grow Many of the natives are
very peaks.
cotton as the cost of produc- much given to drink though
The island is said to be tion is too great. In fact la- there is some sentiment be-
about 30 miles in circumfer- bor cannot be secured on the ing worked up against it. Mr.
ence and surrounded by a island to pick the cotton. Hutchins, the missionary,
coral reef or ledge with no Some who have cotton fields tells us that there are several
lagoon sufficiently large for say that they cannot get it “Bands of Hope” and that
a vessel anchorage. The har- picked if they give all to the the members are total ab-
bor of Aviton, the best in the natives for picking. stainers.
island is a mere notch in the
The land is held by the There is a demand for
reef and just wide enough for
chiefs and royalty and can- schools in the English lan-
a vessel of 125 feet keel to
not be sold. It is sometimes guage. The resident, Mr. F.J.
turn around in.
leased for a term of years. Moss is advocating and agi-
There is a border of low There are about 35 Europe- tating the matter. The gov-
level land at the base of the ans on the island, most of ernment has made an appro-
Page 23

priation, which is being used as the leading natives wish Society Islands but as the
by the mission for erection of to send their children too. weather was so thick and
a building and establishment stormy we stood off to the
This would be a good field
of a school for the purpose of south where there is sure
for young married men and
educating natives for teach- sailing and no danger of is-
women to enter as teachers.
ers of the island in this lands. Today the wind has
The population of the island
group. Heretofore the mis- been east to east by north. Papeete harbor today.
is about 2000 divided into
sions have taught only in the Clear sky and sea seems Tahiti Tourisme
three districts and there are
Rarotonga language and the smoother. Have all sail set
four villages where most of
books, which have been except top gallant staysail,
the people live.
translated into it are but which was damaged in the
few. The people have not There is a queen for each storm and royal square sail.
made the progress they district whose powers are
Tahiti is by observation
might have done if they had somewhat limited since the
about 190 miles to the
had access to books and adoption of European forms
northeast, which is dead to
English literature. of law.
windward. We are still
Beginning of our Work October 20, 1894 standing on tack south and
making good time.
Though the people at the We are this evening by the
last visit of the Pitcairn had log, 370 miles from Raro- October 24, 1894
asked that our mission pro- tonga with good breeze from
Last night and today up to
vide a doctor for Rarotonga the southeast. Though very
4:00 a.m. we have been on
we found that on our arrival close-hauled on the wind we Mrs. Caldwell began
the port tack with wind east
they had begun negotiations are making good time and school Monday for
by north standing southeast.
with the medical board of are nearly on the course for
The weather has been pleas- the English speaking
New Zealand to provide Tahiti, which is about north-
ant with steady wind. This children of the
them a physician. When it east from Rarotonga and
forenoon we bent the new
was learned by the people on distant 600 miles. village.
top gallant staysail in the
shore that we had a ship
We have but two passen- place of the one that was
doctor he soon had as many
gers on board, Brother and torn a few days ago.
cases as he could attend to.
sister Read. They are sick so
The Europeans and some of At 4:00 p.m. we were
that it seems very quiet on
the leading natives peti- within 20 miles of Rurutu
the vessel.
tioned us to leave our doctor direct ahead. At first I
with them which we decided October 23, 1894 thought of stopping to see
to do and leased a plot of brother Stringer but as a
The past two days have
ground 75x120 feet for a stop would have delayed us
been very stormy with rain
residence for the doctor and over night I decided to go on
squalls and wind southeast
which may also be used for a without making a call. So we
to east. Yesterday we had
mission and school at some put the ship about and are
sail shortened to jib and fore
future time. now standing north toward
staysail, lower topsail, main
the direction of Tahiti with a
Mrs. Caldwell began school staysail. Mainsail slowed and
good steady breeze.
Monday for the English storm sail set. Sea very
speaking children of the vil- heavy. Vessel diving jib October 30, 1894
lage using for the school- boom under at times. We
Early this morning we
room the front porch with a were not able to get an ob-
were at Papeete Tahiti. Sig-
thin cotton screen for a side- servation of the sun and
naled for a pilot and got one
wall. The children seemed therefore had to depend on
at 8:00. As the wind was Tomb of King
pleased with their teacher D.R (dead reckoning) to
favorable we sailed into the Pomare V.
and the opportunity for do- determine our location.
harbor and came to anchor Tahiti Tourisme
ing good work is very great
We were near the Western by 9:30 at the lower end of
Page 24 Captain’s Log

town. The health officer I felt that the Lord had tice of medicine. Foreigners
came alongside for the bill of surely given us favor with with diplomas from medical
health as we were sailing him and that we had gained boards or colleges are per-
along quite fast he did not a great victory for the truth. mitted to practice their pro-
succeed in reaching the ves- fession, but first they must
October 31, 1894
sel so the pilot took the pa- pass an examination of the
per to him. Soon after we Today I untied the vessel French board of examiners
Mountain peaks on the came to anchor, Brother and landed the Read and for the Island colonies and
island of Tahiti Chapman appeared on the Chapman goods. their diplomas must have
Tahiti Tourisme shore with our mail. We sent the seal of the French board.
November 3, 1894
the boat in for him and soon
I have obtained a copy of
received a good batch of let- This morning I went out to
a part of the law regulating
ters. Some were disap- Pera, about 2 1/2 miles from
the practice of a physician in
pointed. I got a good batch the city to our native church
the colonies. In addition to
of letters, four of them from where meetings are held
the above a license fee of 50
wife and children. After every Sabbath. Elder Read
francs equal to $10.00 a year
reading my letters I went on spoke to the natives, the
must be paid.
shore to learn the news. service being all conducted
in the native language was November 7, 1894
At 3:00 p.m. Elder Read
not very interesting as I
and I called on the governor Elder Read and I went to
have attended several and
who received us very kindly, visit the director of the Inte-
the nuances and novelty has
inviting us in to his private rior to ascertain the require-
The church is a very worn off. The church is a
office. He then asked where ments of the law governing
neat structure about very neat structure about
we had been since leaving medical practice in the
30x60 well seated and
30x60 well seated here. I told him that we French colonies. The Direc-
lighted with chandeliers.
and lighted with went first to Huahine and tor was out but his private
Being made of Oregon fir the
then to Rurutu and from secretary read us the law,
chandeliers. interior is neatly painted.
there to Rarotonga and from which states that a foreigner
The roof forms the ceiling
there we had come in and may exercise the profession
and is of corrugated iron.
passed near Raiatea having of a physician or surgeon
The building stands on land
freight for there and desiring under the following regula-
belonging to Paul Dean, the
to call but did not wish to do tions.
native minister
so without first getting the
He must have a diploma
permission of the governor. I am going to try to induce
from a medical college,
him to make a lease of the
He very readily gave us which is recognized by the
ground to the General Con-
permission to go saying that French government. This
ference Association.
it was our right to go to the will be passed upon by the
port of entry there. I told Later in the day we held board or examiners of Tahiti
him that I knew we had a meetings on the vessel, the and if satisfied of the appli-
legal right to go there but as brethren on the shore com- cants ability and his moral
we had promised him that ing off to it. I tried to speak character, the official seal of
we would comply with the to them about the second the colonial government
request he made when we coming of Christ and the may be affixed to the docu-
were here that we would not judgment. ment and he may then prac-
go there without first confer- tice medicine.
November 6, 1894
ring with him about it. He
If the applicant have not a
seemed pleased and said to Papeete, Medical practice
diploma from a medical col-
us to go to Uturoa the port
This morning we visited a lege recognized by the
of entry there and do as we
lawyer to ascertain the colo- French government he must
nial laws regarding the prac- pass an examination by the
Page 25

medical board of the colony Cady on the low boat wharf placed in regular order figu-
before being permitted to waiting for us to come in. As rines of some flowers or
practice. the harbormaster or health shrubs giving them all a
officer did not come off to very checkered aspect..
November 8, 1894
the ship, after waiting half The Work on Raiatea
The pilot came on board an hour I took the papers
and we sailed out of the har- and went to the office of the This evening brother Cady
bor of Papeete at 2:00 p.m. resident to report our arri- spent some time in telling us
for Raiatea with brother and val. Then returned to the of the schoolwork on
Sr. Wellman, Sr. White and ship and brought brother Raiatea. He said that some
brother Harry Dean as pas- and Sr. Cady out with me. months ago when they were
sengers. The wind is fair and We spent the rest of the day about to open the school
the prospects good for mak- in looking after matters per- that Elder Read went to see
ing the distance before taining to the cargo. the resident at Uturoa to get
morning. permission to open a school
November 10, 1894 for the natives at Avero.
I have been very busy all
Raiatea And he gave them verbal
the time we have been at
permission provided they
Tahiti and am glad to get At 10:30 a.m. we all went would have some French
out to sea for a rest, but will on shore to attend the meet- taught in the school. So they
have to enter into business ing of the native brethren. It went ahead and opened with
at Raiatea to get our freight was held at the home of an attendance from 40 to As we approached
off. brother Hunter a half-cast 115, many irregular in atten- the entrance to the
November 9, 1894 who has a large family, 10 or dance.
11 children. There were eight harbor I climbed up
We reached Raiatea and or nine grown people and 12 In speaking to Mr. Bodino the fore rigging to the
came to anchor in the harbor or 15 children besides our (a resident of Avero and foreyard and directed
of Uturoa, the French vil- own crew and company. I quite an intelligent man)
the ship in just
lage at 9:00 a.m. As I was spoke to them and brother about the school, the resi-
here when the vessel was at Dean interpreted for me. dent asked if they taught outside the entrance.
Huahine I would not take a The Lord gave me liberty in French. He was told that
pilot but sailed the ship in speaking. they taught some French,
myself. As we approached and the resident said that
the entrance to the harbor I The house was very neat was all right. In order to
climbed up the fore rigging and the room in which the have French taught in the
to the foreyard and directed meeting was held larger and school they had employed a
the ship in just outside the airy a portion of the floor German who could speak
entrance. The pilot boat neatly carpeted with the French to spend a little time
with four or five men with native mats. A fine chande- teaching in the school.
the pilot came alongside. We lier hung in the center of the
room and a few photo pic- Brother Cady says that
gave them a line but did not
tures on the wall, a stand in from what the natives told
take the pilot on board.
two corners containing some him of the numbers of chil-
We sailed in and anchored pretty shells and curious dren they thought they
off the French village in 20 specimens or coral. And an- could have a school of five or
fathoms of water. The native other center table with mat six hundred or a thousand.
pilot then came on board spread and two or three Bi- That after the school opened
and seemed quite disap- bles on it. The walls were and the numbers seemed so
pointed because we did not neatly painted and matted. small the leading people
take him. At first glance I supposed said, “Oh there will be three Tropical flowers.
they were wall papered but hundred after New Year.” Tahiti Tourisme
Soon after we came to an-
upon closer inspection I But the school never has
chor we saw brother and Sr.
found that the painter had enrolled over 115 and the
Page 26 Captain’s Log

attendance was never up to Christ.” Brother Cady has square is made and this is
that number. told the people that the covered with stone some as
French government will not large as a water pail or eight
As the working season
permit him to have a regular or ten inches in diameter.
came on, the children were
school and one of the gover- When all is arranged the
scattered to the various dis-
nesses saw what has the wood is fired and left to burn
tricts and places so that the
French government to do for 24-30 hours. When the
Traditional canoe in Tahiti numbers were so reduced
sunset. with us. They can’t even pile is flattened out and the
that they thought best to
Tahiti Tourisme come here. After talking stones are red hot or rather a
close the school for a time.
over the matter they told white heat, then the native
A month ago Brother Brother Cady that he might priest will come forth and
Cady went to Tahiti and have a religious school and chant a dirge and mutter
there for the first time do, as he liked in it. Thus the something. Then striking the
learned the laws governing school matter stands at pre- burning pile of stone with a
schools in the French Is- sent. tie plant or shrub will walk
lands. On his return from across the pile with bare feet
He has collected for tuition
Tahiti he went again to visit followed by men, women
about 90.00 in Chilean cash,
the resident and asked him and children. And although
which at present rate of ex-
about conducting a religious the heat from the pile of
change is about $48.00. The
school or if there were any heated stone is intense, none
natives have had schools free
law that would prevent any- are burned, not even their
by the old missionaries,
one from teaching religion. bare feet. Mr. Gustave and
making a small donation
One custom they The resident said “No,” that Mr. Bodine who are men of
once a year or so and provid-
had witnessed and the government had nothing veracity tell me that they
ing the teachers with some
to do with religion that way have passed over or through
taken a part in was native foods. So it will be
and was left free to choose the pile at a slow deliberate
the passing through very hard to get much of a
their own religion. The resi- pace with bare feet, stopping
support from the natives for
the fire. dent then took occasion to for a few seconds in the cen-
schools. Much of the work
say to brother Cady that in ter of the pile.
must be done at a sacrifice.
the school in Avero they had
Brother Cady said that he The only sensation is a
not done as he had directed
did not know but if we had a burning or heated feeling
them to do. That he told Mr.
training school for workers about the ears. After the
Read that before opening
that it would have to be at people have passed through
the school he must have the
Rarotonga or some other the fire the tie plant which
permission of the governor
group of islands. has been gathered and made
at Tahiti and that Mr. Read
ready is piled upon the burn-
failing to get that or to go to November 11, 1894
ing heap and covered with
the governor had gone to the
Raiatea leaves and earth and left for
U.S. consul and he had told
several hours when it is
him to go ahead and open Mr. Gustave and John
taken out and eaten. For-
the school. This all seems to Bodine came on board to
merly rum or a kind of spir-
be the way the resident is visit us today and is speak-
its were made from the plant
trying to shield himself if for ing of the customs of the
in this way.
giving permission to open natives said that one custom
the school and to throw the they had witnessed and November 13, 1894
blame on us. taken a part in was the pass-
Marquesan carved ing through the fire. It is in
For the last month they
coconut shells. this manner. Last evening at 9 0’clock,
have had a religious school
Tahiti Tourisme Fred Tracy the cabin boy
with an attendance of from A large quantity of wood
was sent to take brother and
12-15 using for a textbook and logs perhaps several
sister Cady and a lot of
translation of “Steps to cords or a pile 25-30 feet
young natives to the short
Page 27

wharf on the shore but three then said that it seemed very reluctantly. I set an-
or four minutes row from the strange that he could not be other watch and went to
ship. I was very busy mak- trusted to do anything. That bed.
ing out accounts of freight if we had to set a watch and
November 16, 1894
we have to land here. At then have someone watch
9:40 or nearly that, brother the watch that we might as Uturoa
Hicks the mate came to my well have no such watch.
As the wind was fair this
room and asked if I knew
He then said again in a morning for us to sail out of
that Fred had not yet re-
very burly manner that he the northeast channel, I or-
turned to the vessel. As it
had done nothing wrong. He dered the vessel made ready
has been Fred’s duty to
then said “Where have you for sea. Went to the custom-
watch the vessel since we
been?” I replied, “We have house and gave notice that
have been in this part he
been looking for you.” He we would sail at 4:00 p.m.
should most surely have
then straightened up in the The official said that he
been back and on duty. Af-
boat and said in a very in- would have our papers ready
ter waiting a short time for
sulting way “Well, you by 2:00 p.m. At 3:00 p.m. I
him to come the mate and I
found me didn’t you!” at the went to the customhouse
took the other small boat
same time stepping to the and got the clearance papers,
and rowed into the wharf,
bow of the boat and picking bill of health and mail. We
but neither Fred nor the
up the painlir or bowline to said good-by to our brethren
boat was there.
get aboard over the side of and weighed anchor and
We then rowed along the the ship. I stepped to the sail sailed out of the port at 5:30
shore about half a mile and at the same instance and p.m. with a light northwest He then said again
looked at another landing, took the end of the line out wind. As we are now well out in a very burly
but the boat was not there. of his hand and struck him to sea we have a good strong manner that he had
We then rowed out a little over the back with it. breeze and are standing on done nothing
from the shore and as the our course. All rejoicing to
He then jumped back to wrong.
night was very light, it being think that we are started on
the stern of the boat and
bright moonlight, we could our homeward voyage with
caught up an oar and drew it
see a long distance down the 3,650 miles of water between
back as though he would
shore. Presently we saw a us and the homeport.
strike me if I went near him.
boat rowing out from the
But as I had no intention November 21, 1894
shore a quarter or a third of
of going into the boat after
a mile beyond us. We waited At 4:00 p.m. today we
him, I ordered him out of
until it came near enough for passed to the southward
the boat and to his room and
us to see that it was our about 10 miles off La Mada-
told him that he must not go
ships’ with Fred. We then lena, the southern and east-
on shore again while we were
pulled back to the ship and ern of the Marquesas Is-
in this port. He said that if I
got aboard. lands. This island is situated
struck him again he would
in latitude 10 30’ 40” south,
Soon the other boat came get revenge on me. I said I
longitude 138 41’ 45” west.
up to the steps. I then asked supposed he would try it as
The island is eight miles long
Fred what his business was he seemed to be built that
and four wide extending in a
or what he had been set to way but that I had no inten-
north and south direction.
do. He replied that he had tion of striking him again if
Its appearance from the sea
done nothing wrong. I then he behaved himself. He then
is very mountainous and
began talking to him about said that he would report me
rugged; the highest peak
going off as he did and asked as soon as we got to San
rises 3,670 feet above the
where he had been. He re- Francisco. I then again or- Waterfalls in the
sea. The whole island ap-
plied that he had been to dered him out of the boat Marquesas.
pears very high and hilly.
take some natives home. I and to his room. He obeyed Tahiti Tourisme
The hills are cut with great
Page 28 Captain’s Log

seams like furrows as though dren the dearest beings on and the vessel rolling and
it had been plowed. The top earth to me, but I hope soon pitching about with sails
of the ridges seems barren to see them. flapping and ropes writhing.
but the valley and lower A calm at sea is much more
November 25, 1894
hills are covered with ver- disagreeable than a storm.
dure. We are now within 300
At 5:00 p.m. rain began to
miles of the equator, have
The directory and chart fall and it came down thick
been out 9 days. The past
give the population at from and fast for two hours, but
three days the wind has been
350-500 and speak of them very little wind with it. We
very light and our progress
as in a very low condition. are nearly across the calm
towards the north slow. But
The prevailing vice, licen- belt, which usually does not
at 2:00 p.m. today the breeze
tiousness. The island in years extend more than 10 north
freshened and we are going
gone by was occasionally of the equator in this longi-
along at a lively speed, 9 or
visited by whalers to procure tude.
10 miles per hour. The
water and fruits, but now is
weather is warm and pleas- December 2, 1894
seldom visited except by
ant with clear skies.
local traders perhaps. Latitude 9 45’ north, lon-
November 27, 1894 gitude about 138 45’ west.
Here is a field for mission-
Last night the wind was
ary operations. The direc- At noon today we were in
very light and the rain very
tory states that the French latitude1 40’ north, longi-
heavy. This forenoon there
after attempting for several tude142 10’ west, wind east,
The island in years was scarcely wind enough to
years to civilize and govern temperature 83 degrees. We
gone by was keep steerage way on the
the natives though many crossed the equator at about
vessel but about noon the
occasionally visited professing to be Christian 1:30 a.m. The wind is quite
wind came up from the east
by whalers to are little or no further ad- good; at one watch last night
and to 8:00 p.m. has had all
vanced than they were 100 we made nearly 10 miles an
procure water and we could use. Our course is
years ago. hour. The weather is pleas-
fruits. about north by east and the
ant being 83 degrees during
November 23, 1894 ship is plunging along at
the day. The nights are a
about 9 or 10 miles per hour.
Latitude 9 15’ south, lon- little cooler. All are well on
We have evidently passed
gitude 138 west at noon, the board.
the calm boundary and are
wind is north by east or
November 29, 1894 now swiftly speeding on our
northeast. Have passed 30
way towards the home port.
miles to the east of some of We are now in latitude 7
the Marquesas Islands this north, longitude 141 ½ west. Yesterday and last night
morning; have passed to the We have been becalmed all the rain fell fast. We got our
38 north 45’ latitude. A large day. Are in the equatorial deck casks all full. This
island lies to the west about calms called the doldrums. morning I did my washing
30 miles distant. This is The vessel has been pitching consisting of coat, pants and
probably the last land we and rolling in the sea, rain vest, 2 white shirts, 2 night
shall see until we reach the and sunshine is the order of shirts, 1 drawers, 3 towels, 3
coast of California, but that the day. handkerchiefs, 3 pair of
is a long, long way off. socks, but the day was so
December 1, 1894
rainy that I did not get them
Since starting for home the
We, at 12 noon today were dry.
ship seems to move oh so
Marquesan wood carving. in latitude 8 45’ north and
slow. It seems as though I December 3, 1894
Tahiti Tourisme longitude about 140 west.
can’t wait to get home. It is
From dawn to dark there At noon by dead reckoning
now nearing the Sabbath. I
was scarcely sufficient wind we were in latitude 12 5’
have just been looking at my
to keep steerage way on the west, longitude 138 35’ west.
family group, wife and chil-
vessel, a heavy bumpy sea During last night much rain
Page 29

fell and the wind was quite scooped up by the bow of above the latitude of the
strong from the east by the ship. northeast trades for this sea-
north. We made very good son and so may have winds
I notice quite a perceptible
time. During the day today from the west or southwest
difference in the temperature
there has been light rains to northwest. At time of
today, the thermometer
and light wind. Our progress observation we were about
stood at 74 degrees. The sea
has not been rapid, but 1,100 miles from San Fran- Trigger fish.
is so heavy that we cannot Tahiti Tourisme
steady. All are well. cisco. The course bring
carry full sail, are making
about northeast by east.
December 5, 1894 from 7-8 miles per hour.
The weather seems much
At noon today by observa- December 8, 1894
colder than it really is. The
tion we were in latitude 15 4’
Sabbath temperature being 69-70
north, longitude 141 19’
degrees. I have taken an
west. The wind the past 24 At noon today we were in
inventory of all the provi-
hours has been at northeast latitude 23 12’ north, longi-
sions and goods on board so
by north some of the time tude 145 50’ west. The trade
as to have them ready to
quite strong. Weather wind from the northeast is
enter on manifest as we near
cloudy with occasional light good and strong and we are
the port.
showers. The sun came out making good time.
today so that we got good December 13, 1894
The weather seems much
observations in the morning
cooler than 71 degrees. The By observation at noon we
for longitude and at noon for
days pass much more were in latitude 31 46’ north, Today for the first
latitude. The weather seems
quickly than I thought they longitude 143 14’ west. Tem- time I worked up the
a little cooler though. The
might. We hope that we will perature 69 degrees.
thermometer stands at 77-78 longitude. This is by
not have to spend more than
degrees. For some time it has December 14, 1894 far the most difficult
one Sabbath before we reach
ranged about 80-82 degrees.
San Francisco. Today we are Latitude 32 02’ north, lon- part of the
I have been studying navi- within 600 miles of the gitude 141 36’ west, winds navigation.
gation. Can take an observa- Sandwich Islands. The dis- north. At 4:00 a.m. the wind
tion of the sun and make out tance from San Francisco to came from the north. The
the latitude and can also get Honolulu, Sandwich Islands thermometer went down to
ships position by dead reck- is 2,085 miles. 64 degrees. There was but
oning. And today for the little sea and at first the
We head north to about
first time I worked up the wind was not very strong,
the latitude of San Francisco
longitude. This is by far the but it kept increasing till by
before we get winds that will
most difficult part of the 8 or 9 o’clock it was blowing
take us east, so that we have
navigation. I think that a gale. As the wind increased
as much as 2000 miles yet to
with a little more practice I the sea rose and we short-
sail before we reach San
can soon get quite expert at ened sail. First down came
getting the ships position at the royal staysail, then the
sea. December 12, 1894 main topsail, next the flying
jib. After sailing awhile we
December 6, 1894 We are now in latitude 30
took in the middle or topgal-
22’ north, longitude 144 53’
By observation we are at lant staysail, and then
west. With wind southeast
latitude 17 33’ north and climbed up the topgallant
by south and making good
longitude143 7’ west. The yard, after awhile climbed
time towards San Francisco.
wind is strong from the up the foresail yard and
For the past 36 hours there
northeast and at times to sailed for a time. Then as the
has been a long even rolling Wild horse in the
northeast by north. Sea sea increased we took in the
swell setting in from the Marquesas.
quite heavy so that occa- upper topsail.
northwest directly opposite Tahiti Tourisme
sionally a part of a wave is
to the wind. We are now From noon to 3:30 we
Page 30 Captain’s Log

have sailed with jib forestay east. At noon today we were December 18, 1894
sail, lower topsail, main in latitude 31 18’ and by
Latitude 32 41’, longitude
staysail and mainsail. The dead reckoning longitude
136 9’ west. Wind light vari-
sea is high and the wind 140 14’ west.
able and at times calm with
strong and we are sailing as
We came around at noon heavy seas, not much pro-
close on the wind as we can
and have been standing gress.
and making about east by
northwest this p.m. It has
The sea snake is an occa- north a little south of San Condensed Report of Islands
been a very lonely day, the
sional sight among the Francisco. Visited
vessel rolling and trembling
coral reefs.
Jan & Signe Twardowski
There are frequent rain in the sea. No comfort in Latitude 25 3’ south, lon-
squalls or were in the fore- reading or study. A few of us gitude 130 56’ west. Pitcairn
noon this p.m., the sky has met for Sabbath school at Island is about 2 ¼ miles
been quite clear for most of 5:00 in the cabin but I am long and one mile across.
the time. Our old cat came sorry to see so little interest The entire circuit of the is-
near getting washed over- in religious matters even land with but two or three
board. She happened some among those who are on the exceptions is nearly perpen-
way to go out on the deck missionary vessel. I fear that dicular. The highest hills
and a large wave came over some are but hirelings. rising about 1,000 feet above
the rail. She just saved her- the sea. There are two land-
December 16, 1894
self by catching on the sails. ings, the principle one at
Six or eight goonies or gulls At noon we were in lati- Bounty Bay on the north-
are following the vessel. tude 31 57’ north, longitude east side and the other on
The population are Three of them have been 140 01’west. The wind is in the northwest side.
descendants of the with us for three or four the north and there are fre-
The settlement or village is
mutineers of the days. quent squalls accompanied
on the northeast side on a
Bounty and Tahitian with sprinkles of rain. At
As we are on the port tack plateau as the land gradu-
6:00 we stood about towards
mothers. the water gets into my room ally rises to the summit of
the east and our course dur-
so that I have the cabin boy the island. The soil is very
ing the 12 hours past has
get it out often. I have my rich producing large crops of
been east to northeast.
gum boots on and put on my sweet potatoes, two crops
heaviest undershirt this Our ship cat has found annually during June and
morning. some kittens today. The November, yams, beans,
gulls are still following the sugar cane. Oranges and
4:00 p.m. lowered away
vessel but there is little be- other tropical fruit are abun-
the mainsail and set the
side to break the monotony dant. Oranges grow without
storm sail for the night. This
as the days drag slowly by. cultivation or care. Thou-
is a small sail of strong can-
sands lie on the ground un-
vas not much larger than a December 17, 1894
der the trees ungathered.
fish boat sail. The ship rides
Latitude 32 32’ north, lon- Coconuts thrive but do not
easy with this and the other
gitude 137 26’ west. Wind yield as well as at other is-
sails we have set.
north by west. Sea very lands in the tropics.
December 15, 1894 heavy. At 4:00 took in the
The population are descen-
jib and mainsail and set the
Sabbath dants of the mutineers of the
storm sail for the night. All
Bounty and Tahitian moth-
The wind has continued is safe but making slow pro-
ers. At the time of our visit
strong and the sea heavy. gress. The wind seems to be
the number was 120 or 130.
We have made but little or a succession of squalls. We
The people seem very kind
no progress as our course has are now 830 miles from San
and liberal. All can read and
been east by south and the Francisco to the west south-
write and at the present time
leeway and compass varia- west.
a school is being conducted
tion takes us about south-
Page 31

by Miss Hattie Andrews as- Papeete, the principle hilly in appearance, the
sisted by native teachers. commercial center of this highest hills rising to about
The only animals on the is- and the other outlying is- 1,000 feet above the sea. It is
land are goats, dogs, cats, lands is the port of entry and about 5-7 miles northwest
rats, chickens and ducks. is the center of trade. Nu- and southeast and two miles
Coffee and beans grow wild. merous small vessels trading or so broad with a border of
with leeward, Austral and rich low land and a rim of
Society Group
Pomoto Islands make this coral which does not extend Huahine.
TAHITI— latitude about their headquarters. far from the shore except at Tahiti Tourisme
17 31’ south, longitude 149 the south end where the
The population of Tahiti
33’ west. This is the largest coral may be ¼ mile wide
in 1881 was 9,380 and Pa-
and most important island but there is no lagoon of any
peete, 2,000. Tahiti is under
in this part of the Pacific, it extent and no harbor for
the French government. The
being about 32 miles in vessels except one small
governor of the island colo-
length from northwest to niche in the reef on the
nies being appointed by the
southeast and 10 to 15 miles northeast side where one or
home government. Foreign,
broad. From a low margin of two small vessels of 40-50
especially English and
seacoast the land rises to tons find shelter by being
American influence are
considerable mountains, moored to the rocks.
which are cut, by deep gully
There are three villages on
and gorges, ridges extending Huahine in latitude 17 38’
the island nearly the entire
in all directions but usually 41” south, longitude 150 03’
population of 500 living in There are three
the gullies run towards the is about 20 miles in circum-
some one of the three. The villages on the
sea. ference surrounded by a
people seem to be quite in-
coral reef affording in the island nearly the
The highest peak is 7,339 dustrious and show some
lagoon this formed fine har- entire population of
feet. The island is evidently skill in shipbuilding. Many
bors. Then near the shore a
of volcanic origin. The low of the houses are made of 500 living in some
strip of low land covered
land about the shores are stone and mortar made from one of the three.
with coconut trees and
covered with coconut trees the lime of coral neatly plas-
tropic fruit and vegetation.
and tropical vegetation. tered both outside and in
The center being broken and
There appears to be some with floors of Oregon pine.
mountainous. Like Tahiti
quite extensive valleys in the The native villages are quite
the island is nearly cut in
interior, but the settlements neat. There are no wheeled
two in the center and one
and villages are all near the vehicles and the roads are
part is called Huahine
shore. A fine coral reef sur- only trails. Horses are plen-
(Vahine) large and the
rounds the island with occa- tiful and the climate being
smaller Huahine “Iti” (salt)
sional breaks, which form cooler the horses look
population about 1,000 with
channels through which the stronger than the native
six or eight Europeans.
largest ships may pass into horses at Tahiti.
the safe quiet harbor inside Oranges are abundant and
There are large stone
the reef. all shipped to New Zealand.
churches in each village, and
The natives claim to be
The land produces yams, but one preacher, a native,
Protestant nearly all being
taro, sugar cane, bananas of for the three. The island is
connected to the church, but
several varieties, tropical under the French protector-
they are very low morally
fruit such as oranges, lem- ate flag but the people make
and the children growing up
ons, limes, mango, guava, their own laws and govern
in ignorance.
custard apple, breadfruit, themselves or rather by a
pineapples, coffee, cotton, Rurutu, one of the Austral king or at the present by a The natural fauna of
manioc, arrowroot and coco- group in Latitude 22 01’ regent who is a very good the islands is very
nut trees. south, longitude 151 20’ man. Copra is the chief arti- colorful.
west. Mountainous or rather
Page 32 Captain’s Log

cle of export. Taro, yams, The soil in the valleys and tion. The population num-
bananas and oranges are low lands is very fertile. bers 8,000-10,000. In some of
plentiful and at times the There are some quite exten- the lagoons are pearl fisher-
natives capture a whale. sive coconut plantations ies.
owned by white men. The
Rarotonga in the Cook The Protestant missionar-
population numbers 1,000-
group was the next point ies have not operated in
2,000 perhaps. The larger
visited. This island is in lati- these islands though in re-
number refuse to submit to
tude 21 11’ 35” south, longi- cent years the commons
the French authorities and
tude 159 48’ west. Is about have been around them and
A satellite image of the though the island is claimed
30 miles in circumference. have made many converts.
islands of Raiatea and by the French and they
It’s quite mountainous the The greater number of in-
Tahaa (lower right). maintain a resident and a
highest peak being 2,900 habitants are said to be
NASA photo few troops at Uluo, the na-
feet. There is a border of low Protestant though at the
tives have their own govern-
lands around the shore and a Gaubier group nearly all are
ment and make and execute
coral reef around the island Catholic.
their own laws.
and some harbors for small
These islands are low and
vessels but not safe. Tahaa an island of some
navigation dangerous as
extent is situated near the
The land is very produc- there are strong currents and
island of Raiatea, the same
tive producing the native the southeast trade winds
reef encircling both islands.
fruits and vegetables. Cotton are by no means constant
It is about half the size of
has been quite extensively though trading vessels from
The greater number Raiatea and is not fertile.
cultivated, but owing to the Tahiti make regular trips
of inhabitants are The population may be 500.
low price of the article at the among them.
said to be Protestant present time there is but Though we did not visit
though at the Fiji Islands one of the larg-
little gathered. Coffee cul- Balbolo I will make a brief
Gaubier group est and most beautiful archi-
ture is quite exclusively car- note of it. Situated north-
nearly all are pelagos in the Pacific lies
ried on and from 150-200 west about eight miles from
Catholic. between 178’ west and 177
tons of coffee are annually Tahaa enclosed by a reef,
east longitude and between
shipped from the island. Or- which has numerous little
16 and 20’ south latitude.
anges and pineapples are islets, which are said to be
shipped to New Zealand. fertile and populous. Cotton In 1881 the population
The climate is quite health- is raised here quite exten- was 125,000, 2,293 being
ful. Population numbers sively. Its population may Europeans. These islands are
1,500-2,000 with about 30- be 400-500. Its earliest in- a British possession.
35 Europeans and Ameri- habitants are said to be
Samoa or Navigator Is-
cans. malefactors banished from
lands lie between 13 ½ to 14
the neighboring islands.
Raiatea is about 130 miles ½ south latitude and 168 to
to the northwest of Tahiti in Maupiti is the western 173 west longitude. The area
Leeward Islands of the Soci- most of the group, 40 miles is 2,650 square miles and the
ety group. It is about 40 to the west of Raiatea. It is native population in 1882
miles in circumference of a but six or eight miles in cir- was 31,300 with 300 Europe-
mountainous character and cumference. In 1828 its ans. These groups as is well
covered with vegetation. At population numbered 1,000. known are subject to violent
a distance of from 1-2 miles hurricanes. The soil is fertile
The Poumoto or low is-
from the shore the island is and productive.
The island of Tahaa today lands (Poumoto signifies a
surrounded with a coral reef,
hints at the beauty that the cloud of islands) extend over Tongan Islands comprised
which also goes around the
voyagers of the Pitcairn 16 of longitude east and west of 100 islands small and
island of Tahaa. It is as
must have experienced. about 130 –148 west and great in latitude 16 to 22
pleasantly situated as any
from 24 to 15 south latitude. south, longitude 174 176’
island we visited.
78 in number or coral forma- west. Vavo, the largest is 20
Page 33

miles long. Seven others are Francisco 447 miles. During only time of day that we can
from 5-7 miles in extent, the 24 hours from 12 noon have much attendance as at
most of them low. In 1876 yesterday to 12 noon today other times the sailors who
the population was esti- we sailed 217 miles, averag- are off duty are getting their
mated at 30,000. The islands ing 9 miles per hour. During sleep.
are governed by a king. the night we had only square
December 23, 1894
Much rain falls and the cli- sails set. The ship rolled very Maupiti.
mate is not healthful. heavily in the sea. During the 24 hours past Tahiti Tourisme
to noon we made but about
Marquesas in latitude 7 00’ December 21, 1894
30 miles to the eastward.
to 10 ½ south, longitude 138
We were at noon in lati- Were becalmed all night last
to 140 ½ west. Reported to
tude 37 9’, longitude 128 47’ night and all day. I have
be fertile and the climate
wind still holds in the north been busy making out ac-
healthful. Has a population
northwest and it gradually counts to send to W. H. Ed-
of about 5,000 on 7 or 8 in-
grows colder. This morning wards. It seems like a long
habited islands. The French
the temperature was down time to be lying here so near
claim the islands and have a
to 48 ½ degrees and we have port and yet can’t get there.
resident or director on one of
no fire in our cabin. We eat
the most important. The December 24, 1894
with overcoats on. We are
Catholics are working among
now 305 miles from San At noon we were at lati-
the people, they having
Francisco. tude 37 21’, longitude 125
some missions among them.
12’ distance to San Fran-
It is reported that a species December 22, 1894
cisco 129 miles. Wind from
of leprosy is quite common.
Sabbath 4:00 a.m. to noon east north- It is reported that a
The people are very low
east very light. At 4:00 p.m.
morally and need true mis- At noon our latitude 37 species of leprosy is
hauled a little to the north
sionary workers among 37’, and longitude 125 58’ quite common.
and at 5:00 we are heading
them. the wind during the 24 hours
nearly for San Francisco but
past has been southwest but
December 19, 1894 unless the wind favors we
quite light though we aver-
will not get in for Christmas.
Latitude 33 35’ north, lon- aged over 6 miles per hour.
I have spent the day writing
gitude 134 28’ west. Tem- We are 175 miles from San
letters to the F M board. The
perature 56 degrees. A good Francisco and with the light
sea was the calmest it has
steady breeze all night last winds we cannot expect to
been out in this voyage.
night from north by west. get in before Monday the
During the day it has hauled 24th. December 25, 1894
more to the west so that by
As I write this evening it’s Latitude 37 52’ north, lon-
4:00 p.m. it was west by
almost a dead calm but a gitude 123 52’ west. Dis-
north and a good strong
heavy rolling swell. The Sab- tance to San Francisco, 50
breeze we are running north
bath has not been so pleas- miles, wind east northeast.
northeast with full sheets
ant as it might under more At 12:30 sighted land
and making about 8 miles
favorable conditions. We thought to be 40 miles north
per hour. If wind holds we
have no stove in our cabin of San Francisco. Wind is
will reach port by Sunday.
and no fire. With the present east northeast, a good whole
The distance at noon today
chilly weather we must to sale breeze. We stood north
was 630 miles.
keep warm either walk to 4:00 p.m. when we came
December 20, 1894 about with overcoats on or around and stood to the
go to bed and cover up. south. Though we got the
Latitude 35 46’ north, lon-
sun today the weather is The islands of
gitude 131 24’ west, wind at We had our worship and
hazy and this p.m. heavy Raiatea and Tahaa
northwest. Temperature 52 Sabbath school just as the
bank in the south indicating by satellite.
degrees. Distance to San sun was setting. This is the
southerly weather. We hope NASA photo
Page 34 Captain’s Log

to get into the harbor before over our bows, but we them to hitch on. They then
it comes on. weathered the gale all safely. threw a line and we hauled
their steel hawser aboard
December 26, 1894 At daylight this morning
and were soon leaning
the wind was blowing strong
At daylight we were about against the wind toward San
from the east directly ahead
35 miles off shore 30 miles Francisco.
to the entrance to San Fran-
southwest of San Francisco.
cisco bay. We set the main The wind was very strong
With strong east wind stood
sail and upper and lower but she yanked us along at 8
No accidents on the north and passed in sight of
topsail and staysail and jibs or 9 miles per hour. At 7:10
trip and have been the Farallone Islands which
except flying jib which blew p.m. they dropped us in San
are 25 to 30 miles just out-
brought safely back to pieces last night and stood Francisco harbor. We let our
side the Golden Gate and to
to the port we left north passing a large barge anchor go and felt thankful
the north 12 miles outside of
and then about a mile inside that our voyage had termi-
June 17th having Pt. Reyes. Came about at
the Farallone Islands and nated so favorably. No acci-
sailed about 12,000 noon and the wind soon
light. We stood across to Pt. dents on the trip and have
hauled a little so that we
miles. Reyes, which is about 30 been brought safely back to
could not gain much by the
miles to the north of San the port we left June 17th
tack. At dusk we were but a
Francisco, as there is a light having sailed about 12,000
few miles to the east of the
house and signal station. miles and visited four groups
starting point in the morn-
Though we were five miles of islands.
ing. The barometer was fal-
or so to the windward of it
ling and appearances indi- As we let go and anchor,
we ran down and signaled
cated a blow from the south. the customhouse boat came
them that we wanted a
along side and called for our
December 27, 1894 steam tug, (P.N.) at 11:40
manifest and crew list and
and at 2:25 the large tug
Last night was about as store list, which we produced
“Active” came out to us and
rough and disagreeable as we in short order. They looked
as they came near enough to
have had. The night was over the vessel and sealed all
speak to us they asked if we
dark and rainy and the the hatches leading below
wanted a tug and that they
winds terrific from the east and gave us little bits of
would tow us in for $100.00.
and for a time southeast and news about shipping that
After a bantering we told
the short sharp sea came recently several vessels had
been lost.

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