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It is just possible that some of you are making the remark, "Now what does he mean

by introducing religious discussion into Freemasonr?" Far be from me any such

intention. I have chooen the title of my remarks of set purpose and for three especial


1. Because, this country being, at least nominally so far as religion is concerned

officially Christian, "The Masonic Trinity and Way of the Cross" is the title which will

convey most readily to most of you a conception of the Spiritual Experiences which I

want to consider.

2. Because the Trinity and the Cross are very much older and more universal than

Christianity and I want to consider them in their universal bearing, although I will take

most of my illustrations from the Christian Mythos, I.E. Tom Cruise, Travolta, etc.

3. Because I do not speak to you as a priest, or even as a Christian, but as a humble

student of the Holy Catholic Faith, which those who understand it will find in every

manifested religion in the World. Every religion is founded upon the Gospel of

Catholicism, which phrase means literally "God's Word of Universality," or "God's

universal Plan." Sometimes lost or forgotten, often overlaid or overlooked, seldom

realised or understood, it is always fundamentally the same. It is Religion, with a capital


Perhaps I may also speak as an old soldier who has learned from sad experience that

there is only one enemy whom it pays one to fight and to conquer, one's own lower

In a paper such as this, one cannot fully go into details of the subject; but one can

attempt a general survey of the ground, indicate certain lines of approach and avenues

open, for research and, in some cases, bring forward proven facts and indications

pointing to Freemasonry as the repository of certain teachings which are, and have

always been, the basis upon which religious systems and philosophics have been built

up. These teachings, or this deposit of truth, have been called "The Ancient Wisdom"

and other names, and have underlain every religion and philosophy given to or evolved

by man,

My thesis may be briefly stated:.

1. The conception of a Trinity in Unity is a fundamental truth, and has always been

considered and taught as such.

2. So also has the teaching of a Quest or path of enlightenment, by which it is

necessary that all man ultimately should advance. It has been called by many names

and taught under many different forms and symbols.

3. These two teachings are very closely linked and are necessary to the undestanding

of the third basic teaching of ancient times, the teaching written over the entrance to

every Temple of Initiations "Man, know thyself,"

4. The symbolism of the Cross is an integral part of Freemasonry permeating it from the

very beginning of our masonic experience. The understanding of this symbol throws

light upon a number points in our rituals which are normally difficult to understand, even

when closely studied and not, as is usually the case, simply accepted without thought.
Some of these do not even make sense until considered in the light of the Cross.

No doctrine is more fundamental or more emphasised in Freemasonry than that of the

Trinity, although many masons never realise its presence. From the first moment of our

entrance upon our Masonic journey we find three aspects of the Divine functioning in

the Lodge:- Strength, Wisdom, Beauty; S.W., W.M., J.W. Later you will see why I place

them in this order.

If we dissect Freemasonry we will find its structure, like that of all other religious and

philosophic conceptions, based upon two main doctrines:-

1. The doctrine of One God, Father of all men, who are therefore Brothers. This Unity

manifesting as a Trinity, which, in turn, gives rise to a Septenary.

2. The doctrine of a Quest for something that has been lost, usually a Word, but

sometimes otherwise represented, as in the Graal Quest. It is always a passing through

a regular series of what may be called Expansions of Consciousness, usually five in

number, towards union with God, or some supreme goal. Man himself, being "made

in the image of God," is therefore not only a unity but a trinity and a septenary, and

capable, through the development of full knowledge of himself as such, of Union with

God. This is the same quest which, in Christian parlance, is known as "the Way of the


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