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Six Sigma is a data driven approach that aims to improve process quality by identifying and
eliminating defects and minimizing variation in process outputs.

Methodology- DMAIC (Define, measure, analyze, improve, control )

1) Define: Define the project aims and customer requirements.
2) Measure: Measure the process to determine current performance and quantify the
3) Analyze: analyze and identify the primary causes of the defects.
4) Improve: Improve the process by removing the defects
5) Control: To create a plan to pass on the improved structure to the employees who will
work within the process
2. Leans mean creating the most value for the customer while minimizing waste.
Six sigma means a framework that allows any business to design, improve and manage its
processes so that they perform at the best possible level signifying minimum variation or
defects. So when you combine these two concepts of minimizing waste and eliminating
defects, you get Lean Six Sigma.
3. Six Sigma is a process and not a statistic. Hence it needs a more comprehensive study of how
the high quality delivery service was achieved.
4. C-1, B-2

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