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Standard Specification No: 107

Removal of Moisture from Systems by Vacuum Pump

1.0 Introduction
The purpose of this specification is to improve the effectiveness of our procedures for
removing moisture from refrigerating systems at the commissioning stage on sites.

It should be noted that this is not a factory vessel dehydration standard where different and
rigorous procedures are required and where we apply heat to pressure vessels to remove
water following hydrostatic pressure tests.

1.1 Notes

1.1.1 Evacuating a system before charging serves two purposes. The obvious one is that of
removing air and other non condensible gases from the system. The other equally important
purpose is the removal of moisture.

This document is mainly aimed at all systems.

HFC halocarbon refrigerants and R744 (CO2) are much less tolerant of moisture than

1.1.2 In the case of ammonia systems it is important to remove non-condensible gases before
charging but high quality vacuum pumps are not required.

1.1.3 Vacuum dehydration will not be effective at temperatures below 10ºC. If it is suspected that
a halocarbon or R744 system contains moisture and the temperature is below 10 ºC then it
may have to be heated – consult the Technical Department.

1.1.4 Former practices such as “triple evacuation” using ordinary compressors and expendable
refrigerant are no longer allowable because they result in escape of refrigerants to the

1.1.5 The use of a vacuum pump alone to remove moisture will not work if there is a lot of water
left in the system either from the hydro test or following water ingress during transport or
storage. In these instances all steps must be taken to remove water by draining the water
from the low points of vessels and heat exchangers before connecting the vacuum pump. In
exceptional circumstances heat may also have to be applied but always seek agreement
from the Technical department before applying heat to a refrigeration system or component.

1.1.6 Special care is required where installing air coolers into a chill or cold store where the room
is already down in temperature. In this case it is very important that we never leave the
cooler connections open in the roof void where water vapour can enter and condense inside
the coolers. With the room down to temperature vacuum dehydration will be totally

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Standard Specification No: 107

Also, where chillers are being installed or maintained it is important that chilled water is not
allowed to continue to circulate when the refrigerant circuit is open to atmosphere or again
water can be condensed inside the system.

Degrees of vacuum are often described in units of mmHg or torr where:

1 atmosphere = 14.7 psia = 760mm Hg = 1.013 Bar (A)
1mm Hg = 1 torr = 1,000 microns = 1.33 mbar = 133 Pa

2.0 Equipment and Procedures

2.1 For the evacuation of an industrial refrigerating system, a vacuum pump of reasonable size
will be required. This should have a swept volume in the range of at least 280 to 425
litres/minute (10 to 15 cfm). The vacuum pump should be associated with a vacuum gauge
capable of reading down to at least 1 torr or 1,000 microns. It is desirable to have a vacuum
gauge on the vacuum pump side of the isolating valve to check pump performance and there
must be another vacuum gauge on the plant side of the isolating valve to check behavior of
the vacuum when the pump has been valved off from the system. It is very important to use
good quality vacuum gauges and that these gauges are carefully stored and looked after
when not in use. Gauges that have been subject to rough handling or that are in any way in
doubt should be replaced or recalibrated.

2.2 The vacuum pump must be in good condition and capable of pulling a vacuum of 1000
microns against a shut valve.

2.3 The correct grade of vacuum pump oil to suit the pump must be used and must be changed
at least after every 10 hours operation or when it becomes “milky” or emulsified due to
moisture. Always put new oil in the pump before starting to evacuate a system. Wherever
possible we should avoid pumping refrigerant through the vacuum pump because the
refrigerant will contaminate the oil and rot the pump valves.

2.4 The vacuum pump must be connected to both high and low sides of the system being

2.5 Solenoid valves in the system should be jacked open, have a magnetic coil valve lifter fitted
or their seats and armatures should be removed. Where check valves or thermostatic
expansion valves are likely to prevent or restrict a flow path to the pump, system connections
from either side of the valve will be required.

2.6 A good place to connect the vacuum pump is in place of a relief valve on either the high or
low side of the system. For this purpose a ¾” male NPT to ¾” male flare fitting would be
appropriate. The connections to the vacuum pump must be a generous size, minimum ½”.
6mm tube may be used to connect to the high and low sides of the system if it is a very small
system (say internal volume less than about 200 litres).

2.7 Before starting to pull a vacuum, the complete system should be subjected to a strength
pressure test and a tightness test using oxygen-free nitrogen from a cylinder with a reducing
valve. The pressure test should be at the pressure stated on the refrigerant circuit diagram
(Diagram of Connections or P & ID). The pressure test has the additional benefit of
removing scale or flux which might seal a leak under vacuum.

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Standard Specification No: 107

2.8 Blow off all the pressure.

2.9 Connect the vacuum pump and commence evacuation using the gas ballast if the pump has
this facility.

2.10 Evacuate until a steady condition of 8 torr (8,000 microns) or less is achieved.

2.11 Shut the vacuum pump suction valve and observe the vacuum on the system side, using a
good quality vacuum gauge. Wait for 30 minutes. If the pressure rises by more that 2 torr
then this is not acceptable and it is likely that either there is moisture in the system or a leak
or both. If the pressure rise is due to moisture it will be slower than if there is a leak and will
tend to level off at about the values given in the table in 2.12 for a given temperature. If
moisture is present stop the pump and remove the vacuum gauge. Use OFN to raise the
pressure to atmospheric and leave the system to stand for at least 1 hour to allow the dry
nitrogen to absorb moisture. Change the vacuum pump oil and run the pump again with
vacuum gauge fitted. The vacuum pressure achieved should be lower than the first
evacuation. This process will need to be repeated until the level of vacuum achieved and
held after stopping the pump is less than the values in the table, 2.12 only then will all the
moisture have been removed. The final maximum vacuum required and to be held can then
be attained.

2.12 Once all possibility of leakage has been eliminated the pump should be operated without gas
ballast and run until a vacuum of better than 2 torr (2,000 microns) or 2.66 mbar has been
achieved and maintained for several hours.

Note, virtually all of the air in the system can be removed in about 10 to 15 minutes.
However moisture takes much longer. It is very important that a sufficient length of time is
allowed. The length of time required to remove moisture depends on the quality of the
vacuum pump and the temperature of the system at the time of the evacuation. The table
below is a good guide but only if you are using a high quality vacuum pump with good oil.
The “temperature” represents the coldest part of the system.

System Water Vapour

Minimum Time
Temperature Pressure
ºC Torr
24 22.38 3
18 15.47 8
13 11.22 50
10 9.2 72
<10 Not applicable

In case of ammonia (where we are mainly interested in getting rid of non condesible gases)
the pump should be run until a vacuum of better than 10 torr has been maintained for a
minimum time of 1 hour.

2.13 When it is clear that there is no moisture in the system, the vacuum pump should be isolated
and the vacuum should be broken with refrigerant vapour. Particular care is required when
charging CO2. to prevent dry ice forming.

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Standard Specification No: 107

2.14 If the vacuum pump has a gas ballast facility it is good practice to run it for some time after
dehydration is complete, with its suction valve shut and the gas ballast fully open. This tends
to remove contaminants from the oil. Vacuum pumps are only as good as the vacuum oil
which they contain. When moisture has been removed by use of a vacuum pump, some of
the moisture contaminates the oil and must be drained off or driven off to restore the
effectiveness of the pump.

Remember, it takes time and heat to remove moisture by vacuum. The process cannot be
hurried. It is much easier in summer than it is in winter. Starting to charge a refrigerating
system which has moisture in it will waste a lot more time and money than waiting for the
vacuum pump to do its job properly.

Date Originator Change Details Section
Sept. 1998 1 DJH
March 1998 2 DJH
May 2009 C DJH New requirements on starting with new All
vacuum pump oil and on changing it added.
Extensive rewrite and emphasis placed on use
with halocarbon and carbon dioxide
Extra guidance on vacuum pressures. We
should aim to achieve and hold times added.

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