Mitosek1993 Article OscillatoryLiquidFlowInElastic

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Acta Mechanica !

01, 139-153 (1993)

9 Springer-Verlag 1993

Oscillatory liquid flow in elastic porous tubes

M. Mitosek, Warsaw, Poland

(Received June 3, 1992; revised July 21, 1992)

Summary. An analytical method of solution of some problems of laminar, oscillatory flow in elastic porous
tubes is given. The mathematical model is based on an one-dimensional approach to the liquid motion. The
derived formulae describe the main flow characteristics: pressure, velocity, local and surface outflow of fluid.
Influence of geometric dimensions, mechanical properties of eiastic tubes, local outflow and filtration
through the porous wall, on liquid motion durability is analysed. A simple method of experimental
determination of functional parameters is shown.


Laminar, oscillatory flow of liquid in elastic porous tubes with local and surface (through the pipe
wall) outflow of fluid is considered in the paper. The mechanical properties of pipe walls will be
described by a coefficient of elasticity E* (Mitosek [11], Olsen and Shapiro [14], Porenta et al.
[17]). For viscoelastic materials, parameter E* is equal with the mean value of the coefficient for
the assumed range of pressure variations and their frequency.
Table 1 shows values of E* for some types of elastic tubes. The dynamic values of E* for
pressure oscillation can be higher than for the steady pressure of liquid, e.g. for an aorta by
about 15%, for a frequency of oscillation over 2 Hz (Bergel [2], Franke and Seyler [5],
McDonald [10]).

Table 1. Values of E* for chosen types of elastic tubes

No. Type of a pipe E* [105 Pa] Notes

1 Rubber 28 Treylor [23]

36 Mitosek [t 1]
2 Soft PVC 30-60 Mitosek [11]
3 Softened polyethylene 200 Mitosek [11]
4 Human aorta for Computed mean values in virtue of data
the age of: given by Traczyk and Trzebski [22].
10 3
16-39 4
4 0 - 59 8
60-80 18
5 Dog's aorta 3-12 Pedley [15]
140 M. Mitosek

Very small values of the pipe elasticity coefficient in comparison with the bulk modulus K of
liquid are the reason that:

- the pressure of the liquid stream influences capacity and friction resistance of the pipe
(Limmer [8], Mitosek [11]),
- the character of wave motion is strongly connected with the pipe wall elasticity and slightly
with the bulk modulus of the liquid flow (Pedley [15], Porenta [17]).

A purpose of the paper is: to discuss a method worked out for an analytical solution of some
problems of oscillatory flow in elastic porous tubes, where the author's conception of equivalent
velocity is used, as well as to estimate an influence of some liquid and pipe wall properties on the

2 Assumptions

An oscillatory liquid flow in a porous elastic tube, for two cases of local fluid outflow (with or
without a non-return valve at the inflow of a receiver) is shown in Fig. 1.
It is assumed that the pipe walls are sufficiently thin, so that the circumferential stress
component can be taken constant over the wall thickness e. Furthermore a linear relationship
between stress and strain is applied (Rath [18]). For E* much smaller than the bulk modulus K of
the liquid, a fluid flow occurs simultaneously along the whole length L of the pipe. The
mathematical model is based on an one-dimensional approach to the liquid flow in an elastic
porous tube. The laminar resistance in the unsteady flow is computed from Poiseuille's equation
(Donovan et al. [3], Streater and Weitzer [19]), taking into account the elastic strain energy

pl plc ' ~s(t)
9 i w(t )



0 L

Fig. 1. Oscillatory flow in elastic porous tube: 1 elastic porous tube, 2 supply system (e.g. piston pump),
3 receiver, 4 non-return valvel 5 discharge orifice, or non-return valve (2 variants of local outflow)
Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 14t

dissipation for viscoelastic materials of the walls (Anliker et al. [1], Histand and Anliker [6],
Pedley [15]). It is assumed that the volume of forced liquid Vo (for a forcing time tp < half a wave
period) is much smaller than pipe volume Vp.
For the time t = - tp, the gauge pressure of the liquid is p = Po in a horizontal pipe of the
constant length l = L and the diameter D = d. At t = 0, after forcing of the volume Vo of the
liquid, new values of overpressure Pl and pressure difference 2Apl between the ends of the
pipe, are set. The velocity of the fluid, at the cross-section 0 - 0, is v = vo for this moment.
The fluid motion is described by the axial velocity v(l, t), which consists of two components:
w(l, 7), u(l, 7).
The velocity w(l, t) represents a fluid flow created by simultaneous filling and emptying of
proper parts of the pipe through the cross-section 0 - 0 of the state of equilibrium. The w(l, 7)
changes along the pipe from zero at the tube ends, to maximum value, equal to w(L/2, 7) = w(t), at
the cross-section 0 - 0. The function is assumed continuous and sectionally monotonic.
The velocity u(l, 7) describes local fluid outflow into a receiver. The velocity changes along the
pipe from zero at l = 0, to u(L, t) = u(t), at the inlet of the receiver. The u(l, t) function is
approximated, for uniform expansion (caused by the outflow) of the whole pipe, by linear
dependence. It is assumed, that for laminar motion (e.g. filtration at the inlet of the receiver), the
velocity u(t) is directly proportional to excess pressure (disposable pressure) pa(L, t) = pa(r) related
to P0.
Additional fluid outflow through the porous wall of the pipe is described by the mean
instantaneous velocity s(t) and the flow rate Qs (Fig. 1). The velocity for laminar filtration is
directly proportional to the mean excess pressure Pm of the stream.

3 Functions of velocities

3.1 VelociOy u(t)

The velocity of the local liquid outflow, at 1 = L, may be written:

u(t) = fip~(t), (1)

where fi is the coefficient of proportionality.

If the non-returned valve is used at the receiver, the coefficient may be written

1 + sign Pe
fi = rio (2)

The disposable pressure Pe in Eq. (1) is (Fig. 1):

Pd = P - Po + Ap =Pm + Ap. (3)

The mean excess pressure Pm of the stream, for small increments of the cross-sections
and Vp ~> Vo, is

E*e ( 4Vo
Pm= P -- P0 = ~ //(d 2 q_ 2fi,E*etp)
142 M. Mitosek

where fil denotes the coefficient of proportionality in Eq. (8). The mean integral velocities Um and
sm of the liquid outflow are

u~ = T u(t) dt (5)

1 1 I Qs(t)
s,, = t s(t) dt = t J lT dL dt' (6)
o o

Qs(t) = H D L s ( t ) (7)
s(t) = f l i ( P -- Po). (8)

3.2 Velocity w(t)

The w(L/2, t) is determined by comparison of the liquid volume flowing through the cross-section
0 - 0, and the increase of pipe volume is limited by this section. The pipe shape is approximated
by the frustum of a cone for a continuous and monotonic function of liquid pressure along the
tube and for small increases of diameter (Kavity and Collins [7]). Hence

d(Ap) U L
w = A
dt 2 fll d- (2p,, + Ap), (9)


A - 4E'e" (10)

3.3 Velocity v(t)

The velocity of the fluid at the cross-section 0 - 0 is

v(t) = w(t) + ~ - (11)

Inserting (9) in (11), it is obtained

d(Ap) ~ L
v(t) = A ~ - - Pl ~ (2p,. + Ap). (12)

3.4 Velocity distribution of w(l, t) along the pipe

The velocity distribution w(1, t) for the given moment of time (t = const) is derived from the
equation of fluid continuity

Utx), ~8w(x, t) dx dt - 8F(x)

6 ~ dt dx, (13)

where x = [1 - L/21, F is the cross-section area.

Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 143

Assuming power form of function w(x, t):

w(x, t) = 2 w(t), (14)

where 0 ~ ~ < 2x/L < 1, the value of ~ exponent has been analysed.
The determined average value of 2 is c~ = 0.20 for relative increment of pipe diameter
lAD~D] < 0.1, and laminar flow and outflow of liquid. The mean relative velocity deviation
3(Aw/w) is less than 8% for the whole range of changes: AD/D and 2x/L (0 = 0.01).

4 Differential equation of oscillatory flow

The instantaneous state of fluid flow, for a small increment of diameter along the pipe, is
(Mitosek [12])

32/~pLe(t) d(v*(t)) (15)

-- 2Ap(t) D2 - ~L d~'

where f means the mean velocity along the pipe, v* the equivalent velocity, whose derivative with
respect to time describes the excited resultant inertial force in the stream, and ~ is the coefficient
taking into account additional resistance, caused by oscillation (Donovan [3]) and a flexible pipe
wall strain (Anliker et al. [1], Histand and Anliker [6]).

5 Velocities f and v*

5.1 Integral mean velociO'

The velocity f, at the given moment of time, is derived from

~7=w+u=~+~, (16)

where the integral mean velocity ~', determined for the power function of the velocity
distribution, is

~;, = - - w(t), (17)
and the integral mean velocity ~/is

Substituting (1), (3), (9), (17) and (18) into (16) yields

1 (Ad(Ap) ) (19)
g= ~ + l \ & + A1Ap + A2 ,

where A - Eq. (10),

c~p L
A1 = 5 - - ~1 7 ' (20)

d/ Pro. (21)
144 M. Mitosek

The above equation refers to laminar flow:

v(t) D
Re = =< Recritical. (22)

5.2 The equivalent velocity

The velocity v* is expressed by the velocity v(t) at the cross-section 0 - 0:

v* = ~ov(t), (23)

where q0 is the coefficient of equivalent velocity.

The theoretical value of the coefficient q) is obtained from

c? - 2(2c~ + 1)" (24)

This equation was derived by the author [12] for small mechanical energy dissipation and
negligible values of velocity gradient 6u/61 in comparison with 6v/&. The second condition is
satisfied for laminar flow in the whole range of outflow duration, except of the time intervals for
the immediate neighborhood of extreme points of the velocity v(t) distribution. The value of
coefficient (p is q) = 1.07 for an average value of ct (c~ = 0.20).
Inserting (12) in (23) gives

I d(Ap) L J
v*=cp A d~-/31~(2ps+AP) . (25)

6 Analytical solution

Substituting of (19), (25) into (15), for Vp > Vo, after ordering yields a linear, non-homogeneous
differential equation

d2(Ap) d(Ap)
~ dt + al d T - + azAp = a3, (26)


- (27)
al (c~ + 1) (pd 2

a2=~ ~ + lld2 --fll~ + (28)

a3 = (c~ + 1) ~oLd3 - 213i Pro. (29)

A solution of Eq. (26) may be written as

Ap(t) -Ap(t) + Ap(t), (30)

Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 145

where Ap(t) is the general solution for homogeneous differential equation conjugated with
Eq. (26),

- - -- + a2Ap = 0, (31)
dt 2 + al dt
and ATt) is a particular solution of Eq. (26).
Further considerations will refer to functions for the end cross-section of the pipe (at the inlet
of a receiver), for I = L.

7 Generalsolution
The general solution of Eq. (31) is

Ap(t) = Cle xlt + C2e ~2t, (32)

where, xl, x2 are roots of the characteristic equation

xl.2 = --m_+ n (33)

m= (34)
(r + 1) ~d 2

,, =/5 (35)

A=m2 4E*e[ 32tpv ~(~2if-~oL~L(~+)ld- f l l d ) 21+~. (36)

The influence of geometric dimensions and mechanical properties of elastic pipes on the liquid
motion durability is analysed. For example, Fig. 2 shows the A(L/d) dependence for

r d=2 mm


300 / d=5mm

d = 10 mm

o ~ r .......... ( r

0 104 105 106 [- ]
-100 t
I '/ /31
-200 ,r .8 10-4
-300 [11 ~ =1r 3

//;/ .8

Fig. 2. Liquid motion durability evaluation (e/d = 0.1, E* = 4.10 6 Pa, fl = t 910-4, g~ = 10, water)
146 M. Mitosek

E* = 4" 106 Pa (rubber pipe) for two values of ill/ft. The calculated boundary values of the length
Lcr of the elastic porous tubes (d = 0.01 m, e/d = 0.1, fi = 10 -4, fll = 1 0 - 8 ) for cyclic liquid
oscillation in laminar flow are: in a rubber tube (water, ~p = 10) Lcr = 27 m; in an artery (blood,
= 15) Lc,. = 3 m. For non-porous pipes (ill = 0), the critical length amounts to 42 m and 4 m
The obtained results show that an oscillatory liquid motion should be cyclic (with at least one
full cycle) in the practical range of the applied length of flexible tubes. This kind of flow will be
considered further on.
After transformation of Eq. (32), for A < 0, it is obtained

Ap= e-mr(c1 sin zt + C 2 c o s zt), (37)


z:]/~-: /8E~[ 16~pv ( ~ d; 1] ( _ 1 6 ~ v _ ~2

~/(pLd i ~ + l ) d 2 - fil +~ - (~+l)~pd2J " (38)

8 Particular solution

A particular solution of the non-homogeneous differential equationAp(t) is derived, using the

method of variation of the parameters:

Ap(t)= Fl(t) f l ( t ) + F2(t) f2(t), (39)


fl(t) = e - " t sin zt (4O)

f2(t) = e-mt cos zt. (41)

The unknowns F1 and F2 satisfy the system of equations

[;110 y2I,/] J-rl'I

l'(t) f2'(t)j
tl = [:3] (42)

After solving and ordering, it is obtained

. . . . 4 L 2m )],
Ap(t)= 4A m 2 + z 2 ~ e A P l - - urn+ Sm-d t m 2-T Z2JJ (43)


B - (~ + 1) qozLd 3 (44)

By substituting of
Hd2 ( Ld L)
Vo = ~ - Apl ~ e + 2fil ~ tp (45)

into Eq. (43) one obtains

Ap(t)= 4A m~ 2 2+ z ~ e APl - u,, + 4sm t m22:z2)]

Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 147

9 Functions o f oscillatory fluid flow

Inserting (37), (46) in (30) gives

Ap(t)=e-mt(Clsmzt+C2coszt)-~ ~'eAPl- um+4s~ t

2m "~,

BI = B - - . (48)
m2 + z2

The pressure oscillation function at the outlet section of the pipe (l -- L) is related to the
instantaneous mean gauge pressure p(t) of the stream. The constants of integration are
determined for initiat conditions (Fig. 1)

~. = to = O ~ A p = - A p l , v(to) =- Vo, u m = O, sm =- fil - - (49)

The velocity Vo, at the cross-section 0 - 0 and at the moment t = 0, depends on the conditions of
pump forcing of a determinate liquid volume Vo. It is connected with the forcing time tp and the
performance characteristic of a piston pump:

vo = 17 Fid2tp, (50)

where ~/is the empirical coefficient (r/> 0) depending on the performance characteristic (e.g.
= t ~ v0 is equal to mean velocity of forcing liquid),

tp < --. (51)

After solving and ordering it is obtained

m 4t/Vo L V 3m2 + z2 ]
CI=--(BI-1) ApI+ fll B~ - I d p l (52)
z flzAtpd 2 z ~ k2(m 2 + z 2) J
C2 =
( B1 - 1 - filB1
L m) Apl, (53)
9 Ad m2 + z2

The disposable pressure pd(t) at the inlet of a receiver (transmural pressure) is

pd(t) = L)/(d2 -um + 4sin t + Ap(t). (54)

According to the assumptions, the disposal pressures at the outlet section o f t h e pump and at the
0 - 0 section of the pipe are

[ = 0: pe(O, t) = p,, -- pc(L, t) (55)

l = L/2: pd(L/2, t) = p,,, (56)

where Pm is obtained from Eq. (4).

148 M. Mitosek

After substituting (47) into (12), the velocity v(t) at the 0 - 0 cross-section may be written as
v(t) = Aze-mr(C1 cos zt - C2 sin zt) - A m e - " ~ ( C 1 sin zt + C2 cos z0 - fll ~ (2pd(t) + Ap(t)).

The mean integral velocities u,, and s~ of the liquid outflow in Eqs. (47) and (54) are calculated by
iteration from Eq. (5) for succeeding time intervals.
For fll = 0, the pressure and the velocity functions reduce to the forms:

(i) the pressure oscillation, for 1 = L:

Ap(t) = ( M - N ) Voe-~t
(m sin zt + cos zt + --
Voe-mt sin zt

- MVo + M 4 um t mZ---_ z2 , (58)


256o:fl~pvE*2e z 1
M = / / ( ~ d- 1) (/)L2N 6 " m 2 + z 2 (59)

N - H d3L ' (60)

(ii) the disposable pressure pa(t) at the inlet of a receiver (transmural pressure):

pd(t) = ( M - N ) Vo E(:
e mt sinzt+coszt )] -1 + zt~p

Fld 2 [- 2m 1
+ ~ - u m / ( M - N) t - M ~ , (61)

(iii) the velocity v(t) at the 0 - 0 cross-section of the pipe:

m2+z 2 N-M
v(t) = ~ Voe-m' coszt- sinzt + ~ u~ + - - z HNd2 Voe -rot sin zt. (62)

10 Analysis of formulae

Figures 3 and 4 show the basic characteristics of oscillatory flow in elastic tubes for two
possibilities of liquid outflow into the reservoir. The relationships: pc(L, t), p(t), v(t), A V/Vo(t) refer
to conditions being close to the blood flow in arteries (Anliker and Histand [1], Pedley [15]). The
A V/Vo(t) expression means the relative outflow of fluid initially forced (Vo) into the pipe. The
m a x i m u m value of v(t) is closely connected with the p u m p performance characteristic (tp, ~/).
The expression p(t) - Po determines the mean excess pressure of the stream as well as the
disposable pressure pd(L/2, t) at the cross-section 0 - 0. The wave character of p(t) in the first
variant (without a non-return valve at the receiver) is not directly connected with a pressure wave
of the stream but is with oscillatory outflow (inflow) of fluid into the reservoir. The oscillation of
p(t) increases when participation of filtration through the pipe wall in the combined outflow
decreases (/~1 ~ 0). This is shown in Fig. 5, where two extreme outflow conditions (for fl = 0 and
for/~1 = 0) are analysed. It should be noticed, that the oscillatory character ofpd(L, t) and v(t) is
observed for both of the considered cases.
Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 149



s' f
I <I
Po ~',, \ .. s " ' - ' / ~ ~ __ _ ~ t

' ~ ~ ' II ' ' - - - ' ~ - - ~ ~,~'- '

o-tp 'o .5 1 %1

[m/s] AV
Av I [~176

- 5O

L , e ~ ..., --" ~" -0
i .... i I i
-tp t [s]

Fig. 3. Oscillatory liquid flow characteristics - a discharge orifice at the outlet of the pipe (d = 15 ram,
e/d=O.1, L = l . 5 m , E * = 106pa, Vo/Vp=O.1, / ? = 1 1 0 -4 , i l l = l - 1 0 -7, q2=15, v = 4 1 0 - 6 m Z / s ,
0 = 103 kg/ma)

Figure 6 shows blood pressure oscillation at the chosen cross-sections of arteries (Pedley [15],
Traczyk and Trzebski [22]). The curves: No. 3, for the hypothetical node of a stationary wave (the
cross-section 0 - 0 of the pipe), and No. 5, for a reflection cross-section, are shown there. Before
comparison of Figs. 3, 5 and 6, it should be pointed out that each one of the curves pjl, t) in Fig. 6
refers to a different flow rate of the blood.
The influence of the parameters ~, q), ~ on pjL, t) and A V/Vo(t) characteristics has been
examined. The complementarity of these parameters in the mathematical description of the
oscillatory liquid flow phenomenon in elastic and porous elastic tubes, arose from the analyses. It
150 M. Mitosek



/ r--
I \
/ \
g [_ PO
-tp 0 Is]

i [m/s] ~_._VV [%1

lOO % -- vo

\ v/'31

,I/ \ a
-fp 1 [s]

Fig. 4. Oscillatoryliquid flow characteristics - anon-returnvalve at theoutlet ofthepipe(dataasin Fig. 3)

is particularly important when values of the parameters are determined empirically. The
complementarity of these three quantities permits (for given parameters fi and ill) to use a value
of the c~parameter (c~ = 0.20), then to calculate q~ (Eq. 24) and next to determine the value of ~ by
Substituting Eq. (24) into (34) and (38) produces

m -- 12.44 (63)

/ E*e ~16~pv 0 . 1 f l - B1 + - 155 (64)

z = ~/6"2 ~ - L ~ T - ~-s d4 "
Oscillatory liquid flow in tubes 151

I ",_~.~. \\-~

/ //
,, ,, \ \
i / -*<
i// t
# po , --kv=--z--
-t p o Is]

v [m/s] ~_~v ~ [%3

lOO'/. Vo
I - - 100

/ /

.. s -50

~3 , c~,L ~--, , ~ t

-tp t Is]

Fig. 5. Comparison of liquid flow characteristics for two extreme outflow conditions: fl = 1.10 4,/~1 = 0
- thick lines; p = 0, #1 = 5- 10 -7 - thin lines (other data as in Fig. 3)

The ~ parameter can be calculated from the m e a s u r e m e n t of e.g. the time T~ of succeeding
m a x i m a of pe(t)

Tm~ - - (65)

or the degree of pressure reduction for the succeeding cycle of oscillation.

152 M. Mitosek

P -~p 0 t

@ |
I| @

05 L I_

Fig. 6. Pressure and velocity oscillaton of blood at a chosen cross-section of arteries of a dog (Pedley [15]):
1 asceding aorta, 2 thoracic aorta, 3 abdominal aorta, 4 femoral artery, 5 tibial artery

11 Conclusions

(i) The oscillatory liquid motion in very elastic tubes (viscoelastic as well) in laminar flow is fully
cyclic in the practically applied range of pipe lengths.
(ii) The results show that increasing filtration through the porous pipe wall damps the
pressure oscillation in the middle part of an elastic tube. However, it does not influence
significantly the pressure oscillation at the end cross-section of the tube.


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Author's address: M. Mitosek, Institute of Water Supply and Water Engineering, Warsaw University of
Technology, ul. Nowowiejska 20, PL-00-653 Warsaw, Poland

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