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Research Proponent: Mark Jimboy Dipasupil

Karl Mykel Fungo

Jose Angelo Valdez

Leigh Jewel M. Garcia

Sophia Martinez

Division: Batangas Province

School: Bauan Technical High School

I. Title: The Impacts of Using Gadgets Among Grade 10 Students

II. Context and Rationale:

In the Philippine 21st century are now facing challenges that brought about by a modern
and rapid change in our society. As of today, using gadgets is considered as a part of our daily
life. The world is now engaged in the process developing of technology. This is the worldwide
reality in where everywhere we face technology which includes the latest gadgets and gizmos.
Since these inventions are useful and can give a lot of entertainment such as games, texting,
calls, media, and many other more, the technology now rages among humans in no exception.
Mostly affected are teens. In connection, they give more attention to their gadgets than their
studies and academic performance. This research study is to determine the effects of gadgets
among high school students in their academic performance. It is also to monitor the use of
gadgets among them and of their studies.

Modern gadgets like Cellphone, laptop, and netbook are brought about by technology.
Now a day, a modern world needs innovation to sustain our needs most especially in educational
institutions. Modern gadgets use by a student as a source of information in their studies. Students
had a chance to use this gadget to be more responsible for additional knowledge. In using
gadgets, sometimes obsession occurs when the person is being addicted giving so much attention
to it that they thought they aren’t affecting other sides of their life, being obsessed to gadgets
especially for the teenagers that are overly exposed to technology at their young age are alarming
and should be monitored. Gadget is one of the influential things to teenager because of the
feeling of being elite that gadgets can give to one’s person, they feel more confident to
themselves because high and tech products that they feel it boost their social status. Gadgets
today are all around.
Whenever you look, you find something that is made of technology that is being used for
some purpose. Gadgets made our life enjoyable and have tried to improve the standard of living,
but we use so much more to enjoy them. A gadget can always make you feel great and better.
The most important part of gadget is that you can play with them, remained engaged with it and
never feel lonely. It has become the most faithful companion of human race today. Gadgets have
become indispensable part of our lives loved by both genders. In a world that every seconds
count, everyone needs something quick to cope up with this kind of environment.

Today, one of the hot issues in technology is about technological devices. Broadly
speaking, all cellular phones, laptop and computers belong to technological devices there’s no
denying that this technological devices has become a significant part of students’ everyday lives.
But the question is, how are this devices affect the student’ learning?

We are witnesses to seek on how the students learning affects by technological devices.
Until now we can read in the newspapers the good and bad effects the technological devices may
give to the learning of the students.

Technology has always flourished for the gain of mankind. The major achievements of
technology have left man spell – bound and every part or the world today is enjoying the
comforts provided by technology. Thanks to technology, all the countries are interlinked and we
are now living in a global village. Modern technology has greatly improved people’s lives
through different fields such as medicine, work, education and industry, especially education.
However, we cannot say that technology is all good in itself. It is two-edged sword and we have
to see to what extent it has really helped improved people’s standard of living. There are many
possible effects on using it. And it depends only on the way the users used it. They have to know
how to use it for their benefit and should not abuse its use. It should be properly used rather than
rely on it totally. These problems inspired the researcher to conduct a study about technological
devices. The researcher focused on how students should interact to those technological devices in
order to attain learning with the help of it.

Gadgets may have a good impact to the children. It may help them to promote their
ability in speaking and listening. This device helps students to easily make their paper works.
They can improve their learning skills by using those devices. It is a good source to relive stress
and entertainment to them. It also gives motivation of having good attitude and moving ahead in
life to achieve their goals. It can make them learn how to write essays. Students can research
their subject matter. Gadgets give them freedom to call or text to their friends or families. With
the use of electronic gadgets, you can even learn from your home.
The technology has been found out its negative impact on academic performance on most
of children. There are many technological gadgets to which children are addicted. They waste
their valuable time on these silly gadgets without worrying about the studies. Also many students
are dependent on getting information off sites like Google. This has reduced their focus on
learning and retaining information since they are reliant on the accessibility of information on
social media. This is resulting in their poor academic performance. This is one of the biggest
problems created by growing technology.

Also technology can cause many health issues. Children can suffer from many various
health problems, like poor eyesight and back pain. Due to less physical activity, they tend to
become fat or obese. Sometimes it can even have a bad impact on social relationship. They do
not spent time to join with their family in eating and other activities.

The adverse effects of gadgets, increases stress, and because of less physical activity
humans are more prone to physical and internal organ system. Using gadgets in a long time will
create pain in neck, shoulders, and in the hand or wrist. Sometimes they are not eating because of
using gadgets. Playing music with the headphones, iPod and mobile phones can cause hearing
disabilities. Gadgets can also damage the brain cells.

Sundus M. said that, “The technology has been proven to be very helpful in educating
study. Children can access all educational website and can get detailed information about
required topic. Technology make things better as have access to pile of materials can be very
useful in research and understanding things better. Visual presentations, educational videos,
interactive programs, learning tutorial and variety of the books available all the time on internet
had revolutionized education in a better way.”

He also said, “Children will learn to talk and communicate through interactions with
others. This is the way how they learn to communicate well if they are not communicating their
not learning. Every one minute that your children are spending on the screen is one minute fewer
that he could speak or learn with others. Screen time takes away the time of child which he can
spend by talking and communicating with other people.”

We, the students of Bauan Technical High School are not allowed to bring gadgets in
school. We need to have a consent letter that is signed by our parents, subject teachers, adviser,
and the prefect of the discipline first to bring gadgets. If we don’t have a permit the teachers will
confiscate our gadget that we brought. In school, we are just using gadgets if it is needed and if
we have a consent letter.
As a student, we need to follow the rules and regulations of our school. We know the
reasons why our school is not allowing us to bring gadgets. In our school, the only gadget that is
only allowed for the students that we can use is the television that is placed in every classrooms.

We conducted this study to help other people to be aware of using gadgets in a nice way.
We want to tell them some idea about the effects of too much exposure in gadgets and what is
the advantage of having gadgets. Be mindful about using gadgets. We hope that you can learn
about this article that we made.

III. Review of Related Literature

Technology aids student expression and improve their study habit. Present what they
have learned. They can use software to make presentations and projects. This makes them more
interested to the subject and leads to better retention of information. With technological aids,
they can make easy-to-remember notes and a creative presentation of the information they have
acquired. It won’t be wrong to say that application of technology has made a students’ life easy,
it easier for sudent to carry a PDA than carrying big fat books to school. An iPod is less balky
than a pile of notebooks or an eBook reader much lighter than a book. (Andersen and Becker,

Technology has revolutionized the field of education. The importance of technology in

schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with onset gadgets in education, it has become easier for
teachers to impart knowledge and for students to acquire it. The use of technology has made the
process of teaching and learning enjoyable. (Muir-Herzig, 2008)

Based on Freeman Dyson, (2008) he stated that “Technology is a teaching aid:

Computers offer an interactive audio-visual medium. PowerPoint presentations and animation
software can be used to present information in an interactive way. Owing to the audio-visual
effects, this way of teaching invites greater interest from students. The method is equally helpful
for teachers,. Projectors and screens simultaneous viewing of information by a large number of
students. Addressing systems using microphones and speakers make it possible for teachers to
reach a larger number of students simultaneously. These teaching aids have led to improvements
in student attendance and their attentiveness in class. Interactive media have proven to be useful
in increasing students’ concentration levels.” It only means that through using those
technological devices the students may improve their learning performance.
Hooft (2006) found gadgets as important resources which make teaching more relevant
and meaningful thereby improving students literary and numeracy skills. In another study
Attewell (2004) reported how gadget use encourages both independent and collaborative
learning experiences and in the process raising self-esteem and self-confidence. Also, Kukulska-
Hulme and Traxier (2007) believe that gadgets are a form of multiple literacies which provides a
bridge between the real life texts of the community and formal learning thereby providing a
multimodal literary approach to learning.

Mendoza (2012) states that gadgets affect us in various sort of ways, being one of those
effects is how it affects students and their academics. Gadgets from simple tools powered by
electricity such as light bulbs evolved to phones and tablets. These gadgets may improve or it
may be a distraction in a reason to fail a student studies or grades.

Many students have become addicted to the sites and digital gadgets and these results into
many distractions while they are trying to study or prepare for a test. This has a negative impact
on their academic performance. They start getting low grades in school due to the lack of
studying and reduction in writing skills. (Simardeepvath, 2013)

Bringing the electronic media into the schools could capitalize on the strong motivation
qualities that these media have for children. Many children who are turned off by school are not
turned off by one or another of the electronic media; quite the opposite. An educational system
that capitalized on this motivation would have a chance of much greater success. Each medium
has its own profile of cognitive advantages and disadvantages, and each medium can be used to
enhance the impact of others. (Chaves, 2008)

Hampton, et al. (2011) on his research presented the following results concerning social
networks users, such as:

- Facebook users are more trusting than others.

- Facebook users have more close relations.
- Facebook users get more social support than other people.
- Facebook users are much more politically engaged than most people.
- Facebook revives “dormant” relations.
- Social networking sites are increasingly used to keep up with close social ties.
- MySpace users are more likely to be open to opposing points of view.
In a 2012 news article of The Irish Times entitled, “Facebook can impact study habits” it
pointed out that Facebook can impact study habits of students. This application is getting in
through the phone, the iPod, the desktop, and WIFI (Wireless Fidelity) connection where you
can connect everywhere. In those technological products, students can easily access or connect
on different social networking sites (SNSs).

Kahari (2013) stressed that Cellphone is a very important tool for study as most of the
respondents used their phones for study purposes. Cell phones are increasingly one of the most
popular information access devices and what stands out from the study is the high use of
interactive, multi user functions which can at times be disruptive or beneficial during study. In
essence, the study revealed that cell phones are beneficial for learning but learners have a
tendency to abuse them. The presence of cell phones presents a host of options and challenges
for today’s students. Cell phone is undeniably convenient, helpful tools for study. However, it
can be a hurtful source of distraction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a student.

Murah (2015) who found that using a mobile phone and other electronic gadgets for an
extended time even affects students who habitually study a lot. A lack of sleep or reduce study
time as a result of mobile phone usage is not the only way these devices affect performance at
school. Similarly, Coughlan 92015) emphasize that the students are always busy sending and
receiving messages while studying. As a result they got lower score in the test and were less
affecting at tasks such as note taking. This generation of “voracious texters” might be affected by
so many online distractions. When students did not use mobiles, they were better at being able to
recall information. In addition, Sato (2015) states that when people talk about children using
smart phones in a negative signs, their main concern seems to be about their criminal use, but
this study calls the attention of parents and students to the risk that excessive use of smart phones
can compromise students.

Shabi and Udolfia (2009) noted that active learning from books is better than passive
learining such as watching televisions and playing games.

IV. Research Questions

The study aims to determine the impacts of Using Gadgets among Grade 10 students.

Specifically, the researchers would like to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the effects of using gadgets?

2. Why do students become addicted to gadgets?

3. What action plan could be proposed to solve the problem?

V. Scopes and Limitations

The scope of this action research is determining the impacts of Using Gadgets among
Grade 10 students. There were 5 students respondents from the mentioned sections.

Sources of data were limited to the research conducted by the researcher. This study was
conducted during the school year 2018-2019.

The study was delimited to other Grade 10 students who are not part of the study.

VI. Methodology and Research Design

The descriptive method of research was used by the researchers in the study. Descriptive
research involves the description, recording, analysis and interpolation of conditions that more
exist. If often involves some type of comparison or contrast and may attempt to discover a cause
and effect relationship that exists between non manipulated variables. It is designed for
investigator to gather information about present existing condition. It has two principle aims,
namely; (1) to describe the cause of gadgets as it exists at the time of the study and (2) to explore
the cause of particular phenomenon. Hence, the researcher employed this method for she wants
to determine the present situation regarding the effects of using gadget among G10 students in
Bauan Technical High School.

A child should be familiar with cause and effect of the gadgets concepts as early as
possible so that this will be available to it when we use the gadget. A person is constantly in
restricting his concept reality as new data become known to him or as he understood old data in
different ways. So too will other people inform be re-evaluated constantly.

The gadgets are the reducing for our problem. But they need to be careful of using our
gadget. It is your task to be a good user of gadget, in ways they can understand experience and
guide them lovingly to live simple and good handling gadgets.

This study is anchored on the concept that the children should be made familiar with
gadgets as early as possible so that these will be available to it when it constructs its world view.
A person is constantly restructuring his concept of reality as new data become known to as he
understands old data in different ways. So too will technology information be re-evaluated

In view of these concepts, the researcher agrees that every student should be insight about
gadgets through educations in schools. It will help them to boost their social communication and
learning system.
VII. Work plan

Table 1

Timetable for the Preparation of Action Research

Activity From To

Gathering Literature
Formulating Objectives
Analyzing and drafting literature
Drafting the introduction
Identifying Research Design and methodology
Drafting and peer validation of questionnaire
Distribution and retrieval of questionnaire
Tallying and interpretation of responses
Drafting results and discussion
Drawing conclusions and writing the recommendation
Finalizing the introduction, review of related literature,
results, discussion, and bibliography
Drafting the problem solving blueprint
Encoding and polishing the entire paper and peer
validation of the problem solving blueprint
Submission of the action research to the district,
division office and presentation to peers

Table 2

Budget Allotment

Budget Items Budget Requirement

Bond Paper
Food (snacks and lunch outside)
Gasoline (transportation)
IX. Action Plan

Table 3

Action Plan

Research Input Scheme of Dissemination Sources Needed

Improved students’ There will be news or some Papers and Attention

Behaviour article about the effects about
Knowledge about Gadgets use of gadgets

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