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Capacity Analysis Report Ford Motor Company

I. Key Information: A) Product B) Customer Production C) Capacity Revision Record (e.g. Run at Rate)
Site Location X Cust. Demand / Week (without Service Parts)
Vendor Code Y Number of days customer/supplier works/week
Date of Study Z Customer Demand per Day (DPV) -
Part Name
Part Number Service Parts Annual Volume

II. Capacity Planning

Operating pattern for the specific part Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5 Process 6 Process 7
Process description Turning drill bore washing assembly assembly II assembly III
Dedicated or Shared process (by shared process, show
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
only operating pattern for the specific part)
A. Shifts/day
B. Total hours/shift
C Personal breaks: lunch, breaks (minutes/shift)
Planned Maintenance (minutes/shift)
D Days/week
E Net available time (production hours/week) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Projected Downtime
F Tool / Variant / Consumable Tools changeover (minutes)
G Changeovers per shift
H Inspections of facilities per shift (minutes)
I Breakdowns per shift (unscheduled downtime) (minutes)
J Total projected downtime/week (hours) [(FxG+H)/60xAxD] 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

K Equipment Availability [(E-J)/E] - - - - - - -

Projected Quality Rate (%)
Projected percent of parts scrapped and reworked
For linked processes, please see note in training material
L Projected Quality Rate (%) - - - - - - -
Planned Cycle time / Capacity
Required Cycle time needed to cover exact customer
- - - - - - -
demand (sec/part) [E*3600*K/ X*L]
M Planned ideal cycle time (taken with watch) (sec/part)
For multiple cavities in one tool, see note in training material
Planned production capacity / week [(E-J)*3600/M*L] -
Planned production capacity / day [(E-J)*3600/M*L/D] -

III. Production Run (tick the appropiate box) Run-at-Rate acity Other e.g. Trial Run

Duration data of production run (Phase 0) Verification (Phase

N Total duration of production run (min)

O1 Total planned downtime (lunch, breaks, maint.) (min)

O2 (changeovers, inspections) (min)

P Total unplanned downtime (i.e. breakdowns, unscheduled

adjustments, unscheduled setups, etc.) (min)

Reasons for breakdown

Part quantity data of production run

Q Total parts run

R Total rejected parts

S Total parts reworked, retested or repaired off line

T Total good parts (first time through only- do not include - - - - - - -

parts that were rejected, re-processed or reworked)

Reasons for rejected parts

U Process total actual cycle time (sec/part) - - - - - - -

[(N-O1-O2-P) x 60 / Q]

IV. Capacity Calculation

V Weekly Parts Available for Shipment [E*3600 / ((N-O)*60/T)] - - - - - - -
W Daily Parts Available for Shipment [V/Y] - - - - - - -
Z DPV - - - - - - -
AA Percent above/below DPV [W/Z]
- - - - - - -

V. Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Equipment Availability [(N-O1-O2-P)/(N-O1)] - - - - - - -
Performance Efficiency [(M*Q)/(N-O1)] - - - - - - -
Quality Rate [T/Q] - - - - - - -
OEE - - - - - - -

SHARED DPV comparison Actual daily parts available Percent above/below DPV customer DPV

VI. Manufacturing Bottleneck


Process # 1
% above DPV: 0
0.00% 0
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
0 0.00%
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5 Process 6 Process 7

Run-at-Rate (Phase 0)

Capacity Verification (Phase 3)

Title Phone Number FAX Number
Customer Name
Supplier Name

Supplier Authorized Signature Date Customer Signature Date

File Champion: V Domdei Revision level# 17
S Walsh Page 1 of 7 Revision date : 01.July.2005
Capacity Analysis Sheet Ford Motor Company

General Information - Capacity Analysis Report

Capacity Verification
The Capacity Analysis Report consists of two elements, Capacity Planning (verification of production readiness) and Performance of Capacity Verification.
The Capacity Anaysis Report is though divided into 7 areas for ease of use. Each area has a heading at the top of the box. The headings are:

· Key Information - Product / Customer Production / Capacity Revision Record

· Capacity Planning
· Production Run
· Capacity Calculation
· Original Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)
· Manufacturing Bottleneck
· Supplier Operation Management Approval

Data input
The Capacity Analysis Report worksheet has been divided into a number of easy to identify information boxes. Each box has a main heading to allow easy recognition. Within each box the user is
required to input a variety of data forms. This manual will explain how to complete each section in turn.
Input & Calculation Cells: Data can only be input into the workbook in the cells on each sheet that require data. This ensures that the headings, or other information cannot be accidentally erased or
modified. These cells (input cells ) are clearly identified as white in colour and with a solid outline around the box.
Cells that are grey in colour are calculation cells . The user cannot enter data into these cells. They calculate values according to specific formula using data entered into the input cells.

KEY INFORMATION - Product & Production Information / Capacity Revision Record

I. Key Information A) Product B) Customer Production C) Capacity Analysis Report - Revision Record
Supplier X Cust Demand / Week (excl service parts) 5000 Capacity Date Description
Site Location Y Number of days customer works per week 5 Original submission
Vendor Code Z Customer Demand per Day (DPV) 1000
Date of Study
Part Name Service Parts Annual Volume
Part Number
Product Information
The first Step in completing the Capacity Analysis Report is to enter details of the part being analysed. These Cells hold the basic information on the supplier and the part analysed within the worksheet.

Production Information
Before the Capacity verification can take place, the Program Volume must be verified. This information will be available through the Request for Quote and the Purchase Order or other official information
from the Launch teams. Please note that the RFQ may include 10% uplift for Service parts.

Input Cell: Customer Demand per Week. Note: Weekly volumes in RFQ include a 10% uplift for service parts.
Input Cell: Number of days customer / supplier works per week, this is per default 5, but could be changed to address complex supplier shift patterns e.g. 4 day full work, 5th
day 5 hours. Please note that the supplier should work always in or above Tact with the PTO / VO plant.
Input Cell: Service Parts : Please enter the number of service parts required for this component. This is for information only. The daily volume should be calculated without 10% uplift factor.

Capacity Analysis Report - Revision Record

Record any changes of this document in this fields for follow up. If a ramp up period to full production capacity is required, where the line will achieve full capacity over a number of stages,
then this area will be where these changes are recorded. The proven capacity is entered together with the date. Any revisions to the capacity of the machine must be tracked using this box.


The Capacity Planning element will assess if suppliers have a "true production environment" in place and have a adequately prepared their organization and their suppliers for the start of production and

II. Capacity Planning SHARED

Operating pattern for the specific part Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5 Process 6 Process 7
Process description Turning drill bore washing assembly assembly II assembly III
Dedicated or Shared process (by shared process, show
1 1 1 6 6 1 1
also only operating pattern for the specific part)
A. Shifts/day 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
B. Total hours/shift 8.00 8.00 8.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
C Personal breaks: lunch, breaks (minutes/shift) 30.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 25.00
Planned Maintenance (minutes/shift) 15.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 0.00
D Days/week 2.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
E Net available time (production hours / week)
43.50 112.50 112.50 15.00 112.50 112.50 113.75

A cut of the Operating pattern is shown above with an example of a data input for a process with five operations. The Operating pattern gives the opportunity to give each operation a different operation
pattern. The operating pattern input should mirror the true dedicated manufacturing time for each operation, e.g. by shared machines.

Input Cells: Process Description : Enter a brief Description of a process (e.g. final assembly, or inspection)
Input Cells: Dedicated or Shared Process : Identify from a drop-down box, the process type – dedicated / shared.

Dedicated Machines
A “dedicated” machine is one, which is solely used for the part being analysed in this worksheet. For example, a test station may be a dedicated machine. A machine, which is used by this part, and one
or two others, with a short changeover time can also be categorized as a "dedicated" machine. An example is a manually operated projection nut welder.

A “shared” facility is one which has many different parts manufactured on the facility, and a more significant tool changeover time. It would be usual for such a machine to manufacture parts in a batch
production mode.

Examples of a shared facility are:

· stamping press
· injection moulding machine
· heat treatment facility

The operating pattern should only show the real production time to the part in question.
In addition to identifying the process as "shared" in the Capacity Analysis Report, a Shared Capacity Analysis of the "shared" facility should be calculated, identifying all Ford parts,
Non-Ford parts volume and other production hours produced on the manufacturing line, determining if the capacity or time available is oversold. (See also attached excel sheet for Shared production lines)

· Input Cells: Shifts per day : - indicate the number of shifts in which each process operates per day.
· Input Cells: Gross hours per shift – total number of hours for each shift.
· Input Cells: Personal Breaks – If the machine stops during personal breaks enter the length of time over one shift that the machine will not
be operating. If the machine operates during personal breaks then enter "0".
· Input Cells: Planned Maintenance – this is the length of time that is planned for the machine to be down during a shift for a maintenance.
· Input Cells: Days per Week – indicate the number of days in which each process operates per week. Example: Supplier's working 4 days 3
shifts each and on Friday only 1 shift should just enter: 4 working days plus 0,333 working day = 4,333 days / week

File Champion: V Domdei Revision level# 17

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Capacity Analysis Sheet Ford Motor Company

Projected Downtime
F Tool / Variant changeover (minutes) 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 15.00 0.00 20.00
G Changeovers per shift 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 1.00
H Inspections per shift (minutes) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
I Breakdowns per shift (unscheduled downtime) (minutes) 10.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 50.00
J Total projected downtime/week (hours)
1.00 5.00 2.50 0.55 3.74 2.50 17.50

K Equipment Availability [(E-J)/E] 98% 96% 98% 96% 97% 98% 85%

· Input Cells: Tool / Modul changover – Enter the changeover time for tool changes or module changes for the part in question. Changeover time is defined as the total time from last off previous part to
checked first off new part.
· Input Cells: Changeovers per shift – Enter the frequency of tool / module change per shift.
· Input Cells: Inpections per shift - Enter the time required for inpections or adjustments during a shift
· Input Cells: Downtime – Enter all other projected / planned downtime during a shift.

· Calculation Cell: The Equipment Availability is calculated automatically by using previous data.
Equipment Availability = (Total Planned Production Time – Breakdown) / Total Planned Production Time

Projected Quality Rate (%)

Projected percent of parts scrapped and reworked
0.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00% 2.00% 0.00% 1.00%

L Projected Quality Rate (%) 100.00% 99.00% 99.00% 100.00% 98.00% 100.00% 99.00%

· Input Cells: Projected Scrap Rate – Enter the values for this machines losses. Note: This sheet does not address scrap rate loss of linked processes. To evalute output of linked processes the scrap
rate must be multiplied with the scrap rate of the previous process.
Planned Cycle time / Capacity
Ideal Cycle time needed to cover exact customer
30.60 76.63 78.41 10.40 76.74 79.20 68.61
demand (sec/part) [E*3600 * K / X *L]
M Planned cycle time (sec/part)
31.00 70.00 70.00 8.50 70.00 73.00 90.00
Planned production capacity / week [(E-J)*3600/M*L] 4935 5473 5601 6120 5482 5425 3812
Planned production capacity / day [(E-J)*3600/M*L/D] 2468 1095 1120 1224 1096 1085 762

· Input Cell: Planned Cycle time – Please provide the best estimate of the cycle time of the part on each process. The worksheet will use this data to calculate the Planned Production Capacity. This could
be also a time taken with the stop watch at the bottleneck process. The process taken should always be considered including the time for loading / unloading and inspection. Note: For multiple cavities in
one tool the actual cycle time of the tool must be devided by the number of cavities in the tool.

· Calculation Cell: Required Cycle time needed to cover exact customer demand - For information only the worksheet displays the Cycle time needed to cover exact customer demand, calculated from
planned opperating pattern, projected downtime and quality rate. This is to be compared to the Planned cycle time
· Calculation Cells: Planned production capacity per week and Planned production capacity per day . This is to be compared with the Customer Demand per Week or Day .

Prior to performing Run-at-Rate (Phase 0) or Capacity Verification (Phase 3), the supplier and customer should be in agreement on the following key parameters: quantity of parts to produce, selection of
characteristics to measure, process set-ups, review of personnel involved, data analysis and reporting.
The intent of the Production Run is to determine if the supplier can produce quality parts at production feeds and speeds. No direct data from the Capacity Planning chapter is used in the Production Run

III. Production Run Run-at-Rate acity Other

Sample production run data / actual cycle time V ifi i (Ph
N Duration of production run (min)
480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 480.00 240.00 480.00

O1 Total Planned downtime (lunch, breaks, maint.) (min) 45.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 15.00

(changeovers, set-ups, inspection)

O2 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00
P Total unplanned downtime (i.e. breakdowns,
10.00 0.00 10.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 70.00
unscheduled adjustments, unscheduled setups, etc.)

Reason for breakdown

Q Total parts run

859 362 360 2550 335 170 350

R Total rejected parts

25 7 5 0 10 0 12

S Total parts reworked, retested or repaired off line

5 0

T Total good parts (first time through only- do not include

834 350 355 2550 325 170 338
parts that were rejected, re-processed or reworked)

Reason for rejected parts

U Process actual cycle time (sec/part)

[(N-O1-O2-P) x 60 / Q] 28.99 74.59 73.33 9.88 75.22 77.65 66.00

· Input Cells: Duration of production run – Please enter the amount of time that is used for the production run. If the production run covers one shift of 8 hours, the total minutes run would therefore by
480 minutes (8*60min).
· Input Cells: Total planned downtime (lunch, breaks, maint.) – Please list all real downtimes during production run which have previously been planned according to the capacity planning - opperating
pattern, i.e. lunch, breaks, maintanence.
· Input Cells: The Planned downtime – (changeovers, inspections) - Please list all real downtimes during production run which have previously been planned according to the capacity planning - projected
downtime, i.e. changovers, inpsections and adjustments.
These downtimes will be subtracted from the Duration of production run in the Actual Cycle Time calculation.
· Input Cells: Total unplanned downtime - List all unplanned downtime, i.e. breakdowns or other unsceduled adjustments or setups. The time of the breakdowns will not be subtracted from the duration of
production run.

· Input Cells: Total parts run , the Total rejected parts and Total parts reworked from production run need to be listed.
· Calculation Cell: Total good parts - Only the total good parts will be used for the Actual Cycle time calculation.
Please list in detail the Reasons for breakdown and Reasons for rejected parts .

· Calculation Cell: Process actual cycle time – The Worksheet will automatically calculate the cycle time based on minutes run of production run and total parts produced. This will give the Procuction Run
actual cycle time.
For validation, compare the Actual process cycle time with the Planned ideal cycle time from the Capacity Planning.
This cycle time used for the Capacity Analysis includes though only the good parts produced and excludes the unplanned breakdown time This higher cycle time gives the realistic available capacity

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Capacity Analysis Sheet Ford Motor Company

This part of the Production Run is the analysis of the results. The Cycle time of each process from the Capacity Verification Run is compared with the Customer Demand of the part.
If a process does not cover the customer demand on the daily production volume, the process is highlighted RED and marked as the bottleneck process.

IV. Capacity Calculation

V Weekly Parts Available for Shipment [E*3600 / ((N-O)*60/T)] 5122 5250 5325 5100 4875 5216 5070
W Daily Parts Available for Shipment [V/Y] 1024 1050 1065 1020 975 1043 1014
Z DPV 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
AA Percent above/below DPV [W/Z]
2.43% 5.00% 6.50% 2.00% -2.50% 4.32% 1.40%


The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is calculated from previous data from Production Verification Run. For the calculation of a Performance Efficiency is through the planned cycle time required.
This information is taken from the Cell Planned ideal cycle time from Capacity Planning.
If a calculation cell shows 100% or more, the cell is highlighted RED and data input should be validated.B81

V. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Equipment Availability [(N-O1-O2-P)/(N-O1)] 95% 98% 96% 91% 91% 100% 83%
Performance Efficiency [(M*Q)/(N-O1)] 107% 94% 95% 86% 93% 94% 136%
Quality Rate [T/Q] 97% 97% 99% 100% 97% 100% 97%
OEE 99.06% 88.77% 90.04% 78.53% 82.43% 94.02% 109.03%

SHARED Percent above/below DPV

DPV comparison
Actual daily parts available
VI. Manufacturing Bottleneck customer DPV

Process 5 5.00% 6.50% 4.32%

1000 2.43% 2.00% 1.40%


% above DPV: 600

1024 1050 1065 1020 1043 1014
-2.50% 400


0 -2.50%
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4 Process 5 Process 6 Process 7


VII. Supplier Operation Management Approval

The supplier approval is expected to reflect Operation Management review and signoff of the actual manufacturing processes running in the intended 5-day operating pattern to support
ongoing customer volume requirements and producing parts which satisfy all PPAP requirments consistent with the production control plan.

File Champion: V Domdei Revision level# 17

S Walsh Page 4 of 7 Revision date : 01.July.2005
Capacity Analysis Report Ford Motor Company
Shared Production Line Information Sheet

Supplier / Process Information Production Time Information Capacity Revison Record

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sun. Total Date Desciption Loadi
Supplier Name: ABC Systems Shifts / day 3 3 3 3 3 Original Capacity submission
Site Location Gross hours / shift 8 8 8 8 8
Vendor Code Breaks (min)/shift 30 30 30 30 30
Process Description Blank Assy. Line (Focus) Production hours 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 0 113

Ford Part Data-Specific Process Planned part production Operating Pattern of Specific Part Projected Downtime of Specific Part

Prod. week per year


Hours per week


Parts per week

Annual vol. (k)

Output / hour
Total planned vs. Tool / Other
Gross Personal production Planned Module Change- Planned downtime Total projected Planned Planned
Shifts / hours / breaks Days / time/week Prod. change- overs per Maint. per shift downtime / Cycle time production M
Part Description Part Number day shift (min) week (hours) Time/wk. over (min) shift (min) (min) week (hrs) Availability Scrap (%) (sek) capacity / week Lo

A B C D A*(B*60-C)/60*D F G H I (F*G+H+I)/60*A*D (E-K)/E M N (E-K)*3600/N-(1-M)
Focus 123 4567 50 46 1087 84 12.9 0.5 8 30 4 15.0 86% 10 1 10 5 0.83 94% 1.00% 43 1174 1
NA Focus 123 4567 10 46 217 84 2.6 0.1 8 30 4 3.0 86% 10 1 10 5 0.17 94% 1.00% 43 235 1
SA Focus 123 4567 10 46 217 84 2.6 0.1 8 30 4 3.0 86% 10 1 10 5 0.17 94% 1.00% 43 235 1
EU Focus 123 4567 30 46 652 84 7.8 0.3 8 30 4 9.0 86% 10 1 10 5 0.50 94% 1.00% 43 705 2
PZEV Focus 123 4567 44 46 957 84 11.4 0.4 8 30 4 12.0 95% 10 1 10 5 0.67 94% 1.00% 43 939 3
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00

Total 144 3130 37.3 . 42.0 89% 2.33 3288 7

Total "Other" Customers Production Hours: 0 Total Machine Loading: 7

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Capacity Analysis Report Ford Motor Company





File Champion: V. Domdei Revision: #17

S. Walsh Page 6 of 7 Revision date: 01.July.2005
Capacity Analysis Sheet Ford Motor Company
Capacity Verification (Check One)

Process Description

Capacity Verification Data Collection

2 Data Collection (Actual Production Run)

Hour Total Good Parts Scrap/ Off-Line Downtime (Min.) Breaks (Min.) Changeover Time
Produced (Parts/Hr) Rework Parts (Min.)
Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual Plan Actual

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