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Conceptual Framework

This study entitled A Study on the Strand Reference among SHS ABM Students of
SFNPS: Basis for a career talks aims to know what they look forward to choose the
ABM Strand. As such variables where determine by the researcher to quantitatively test
for significance. The framework below was utilize:

Grade Strand Reference:

*Math -Weakness
Basis for a Career
* English -Strength Talks
*Accounting 2
-Peer Pressure
* Bus. Finance

-Prefered Course



First the input of the study contains grade in Math, English, Accounting 2, Business
Finance, Preferred Course, SHS ABM Students, Sex. Second the dependent variable of
the study contains (1) weaknesses (2) Strength (3) Peer Pressure are descriptors to
specifically answer the Strand Reference among SHS Students of SFNCS according to
Edglossary, 2014 A vertically-algned curriculum is logically-sequence structure that
enhances the learning and skills development of students for higher level work. The
output of the study is Basis for a career talks.
IV. Statement of the Problem

The study A Study on the Strand Reference among SHS ABM Students of
SFNPS seeks to know what they look forward to choose the ABM Strand. Specifically
this will answer the following question:

1. What is the profile of the Grade 11 students in terms of:

1.1. Sex

1.2. Preferred course

1.3 Previous Grade in

- Math

- English

1.2. What is the profile of the Grade 12 students in terms of:

1.1.1. Sex

1.1.2. Preferred course

1.1.3. Previous Grade in

- Principle of Marketing

- Accounting 1

2. What is the level of Strand Reference of the career talks in terms of

2.1. Weakness

2.2. Strength

2.3. Peer Pressure

3. Is there a significant difference among the profile of the respondents if tested with the
strand reference of the project?
4. What plan of action for career opportunities can be crafted from the result of the

V. Statement of Hypothesis

There is no significant difference among the profile of the respondents if tested with the
strand reference of the project.

VI. Statement of Assumption

There is a significant difference among the profile of the respondents if tested with the
strand reference of the project.

VII. Scope and Delimitation

This study entitled A Study on the Strand Reference among SHS ABM Students of
SFNPS: Basis for a career talks aims to know what they look forward to choose the
ABM Strand. The study will involve SHS ABM Students of SFNCS data gathering will be
conducted from Aug 2019 - Jan 2020. Consequently, (under construction)

VII. Significance of the study

The study deemed beneficial to the following members of the community:

Parents. Since the parents are considered the first community of the child, the study will
serve format as a guide to help their children for choosing the right strand that they will

Students. since the students are the one who choose ABM Strand in their SHS.
IX. Definition of terms

1. ABM. Is Accountancy, Business and Management strd would focus on the basic
concepts of financial management, business management, corporate operations
and all the things that are accounted for defined by Pedragoza, G (2016). As a
state of in this study can lead you to careers on management and accounting
which could be sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project
officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk and etc.
2. Career Talk. Provide information on various occupations within an industry. They
introduces students to the nature and scope of the work done and educate them
on the skills necessary to perform certain job functions defined by As a state of in this study the career talks designed to
excite and motivate young people about the career option and oppurtunities
available to them.
3. Reference. Is a relation between objects in which one object designates or acts
as a means by which to connect to or link to, another object defined by Treanor
Brian, 2006. As a state of in this study the word defined use of a source of
information for decision.
4. Strand. Is a consistent thread running through a course offer irrespective of its
subject content defined by WEA Education. As a state of in this study it
has four different strands under the academic track.

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