Ingles - Optimismo Puro!!! 20-12

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Preguntero de Ingles- 17 de Diciembre 2018

Sin numeración!
1- Choose the right option for the blank. A: Is the fruit fresh? B: Respuesta: Yes, it is.
2- Read the text. What is the general recommendation expressed toward a healthier diet?
Making changes in your diet for a healthier life can be easier when you go step by step. For example, you may
want to improvise what you eat for lunch, or you could try to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a
day. Pick a change that will be easy for you to make. Or try making a single change that will have a big impact
on your diet, such as reducing the number of meals that red meat as the main course to only 2 per week.
Respuesta: You should make only one change at a time.
3- Read the following text and choose the four (4) options that are correct about Gokid.
“Gokid is an app for people who need to coordinate their carpooling experience. It helps them plan safe
carpools for their kids to school, sports and other activities in an easy and secure way. Users add people by
invitation, so they only organize carpools with families they know and trust. The app helps parents get the
optimal route to pick up and drop off each child in the carpool. It also reminds them when it’s their turn to
drive. Ehen they carpool, Gokid users reduce the congestion at school and socialize more”
*Gokid users are children’s parents
*The app suggests the best route for the carpool
*Carpooling increase social interaction
*Carpools help reduce traffic at school

4- Read the following text. Why the sculpture is called “broken family”?
“This sculpture is by British artist Anthony Haywood. It’s called broken family. It’s a life sized elephant made
from about 80 television and computer screens. The artist said he was inspired to make the pachyderm while
he was watching a television documentary about the killing of elephants for ivory he wanted to use the
medium that informed him off it television themselves. “I want the idea that this lady elephant has lost her
man elephant because he was shot for his tusk”
It reflects the consequences of human action elephant life

5- Read the following passage. Choose the two (2) options that state ideas expressed in the text. “choosing the
location for your new company depends on .. type of business, the facilities and resources you need and where
customers are. If you are in retailing or if you manufacture a product and distribution is a critical .. of your
overall operation, the geographical location is extremely important. If, on the other hand, your business is
information – related or service -related, then location is .. absolutely vital to your company’s success.”
- The type of location you choose depends largely on the type of business you are in.
- If a business involves manufacturing or heavy distribution location is key

6- Choose the four verbs from list of options.
- Ask
- Turn around
- Listen
- Look over

7- Read the text and choose the tree (3) options that are true. “the restaurant industry is worried with sales
results declining. The National Restaurant Association reports Daly restaurant industry sales approaching $2.34
billion across one million restaurant locations in USA. The industry is not entering a recession, .. change and
new generations become consumer, how we buy and consume food away from home will continue to change”.
- Restaurant sales are down, which worries people in the industry
- Consumers habits in the restaurant business are changing all the time
- American restaurants make more than $2 billion a day

8- Read the text. What idea is true about hurling?

“Hurling is a very popular game in Ireland. If you are unfamiliar with, it looks like there are no rules! But that is
not the case; it is a very fast game and you need a lot of skill to play it properly, all over Ireland. There is a big
competition every September called the All Ireland Final. Over 70.000 people go to the stadium to watch the
Respuesta: There are rules to the game, but it looks like there aren’t

9- Read the following passage. What does the use of the expression OOPS indicate in the text? In the process
of applying for a job you have to be quite …. Your email reply or cover letter should be high quality. So pay
attention to details. Don’t misspell your own name, or any name. Forgetting to attach documents, …
documents is an OOPS in most cases, but it can be lethal in the job search.
The recognition of a mistake

10- what three statements describe ACTIONS you can see in the picture? Respuesta:
- The man in sitting next to the dog
- Three people are looking at the lake
- The woman is looking at the man

11- Choose the right option for the blank.

A: What are we supposed to do?
B: The teacher wants_________ research on ecosystems and then write a paper.
Respuesta: Us to do

12- Read the following text about buying property abroad. What does the writer suggest about foreign
“There is no doubt that low air fares, the strong dollar, cheap properties and low interest rates have made
buying a home abroad very attractive, and more and more people are now seriously considering it, either as a
place for their retirement, or as a holidar home which can be rented out when not in use. But buying a holidar
home is a big venture and nees a lot of careful thought and planning.
First of all, property prices are oftern cheap, but be aware of extra costs. The purchase price might be very
attractive but legal expenses and taxes can be much higher, often adding uo to 15% to the total cost”
Respuesta: They´re sometime more expensive than they seem

13- Choose the right option for the blank. “I got a__________- for running a red light”.
Respuesta: Fine

14- Choose the right option for the blank. “Lisa is not home. She ________ a friend.”
Respuesta: ‘s visiting
15- Look at this picture of Singapore. Select 4 adjectives that describe it.
- Interesting
- Clean
- New
- Beautiful

16- Read the following passage and choose the THREE (3) options that ideas expressed in the text.
“ Welcome to MIAMI Q CATERING! Whether you are planning a wedding a corporate event a social gathering
or a picnic, we can offer you a wide range of catering options to choose from and we have the best service in
town. Try our barbecue food delivery catering or our elite Menu, or our Southern Grill Menu! Our wide range
of BBQ options will give you and your guests access to the best South Florida barbecue catering in town. If you
live in Miami. Dade or Broward Country, give us a call today or simply fill out the service online form below and
our friendly staff will provide you with a quote immediately.
- The Company offers you to hire a cook or the get the food delivered to the event
- This catering service can …... simplify the organization of your event
- You can contact this service by phone or through their web site

17- Choose the right option for the blank. “We __________ the paper to your door every morning for only $20
a month.”
Respuesta: Deliver

18- Choose the right option for the blank. “Psychologists recommend that children express their feelings. For
example, it is okay for them to get _______ when they feel frustrated or disappointed and need to cry or
scream. Parents should help them and support them in these situations” Respuesta: angry

19- Choose the right option for the blank. “the TV has an affordable price and comes with a two-year
__________ I think it’s really convenient!
Respuesta: guarantee

20- Choose the right option for the blank. “I ‘d like to make ----- to see Dr. Edwards, please.”
Respuesta: an appointment

21- Select 2 options that describe how the woman in the picture feels.
- Calm
- relaxed

22- Read the text. Select the 4 ideas that are TRUE about the Paskowitz family. “In the 1950s, Dorian “Doc”
Paskowitz was a successful doctor. He was handsome and in good health. To many people, Doc’s life was
perfect. But it wasn’t. Doc was unhappy. He didn’t like his work. The one thing he loved was surfing, So one
day, Doc decided to change his life. He took his wife and his nine children to different beaches and they
became a famous surfing family. They lived in a small camper and traveled all over the world. They had a small
business called surf camp, where people could learn surfing”
- They were a big family
- They owned a business
- they visited many places

23- Look at the picture and choose the right option for the blank. GUEST: Excuse me. Is there a cafe near here?
HOTEL CLERK: Yes, there is. You wanna cross the bridge until you pass the park on your left. The cafe is ______
the school
.Respuesta: opposite

24- Read the text. Select the four ideas that are true about the story.

“Larry page met Sergey brin at Stanford university when they were both computer science graduate students.
Sergey was a Stanford student. Larry was visiting from Michigan, where he had recently built a working inkjet
printer all by himself – out of plastic lego toy pieces.
The two became partners, they thought that there was a better way to search for information on the internet,
so they invented a new kind of “Search Engine” the two shopped their idea around to several computer
companies, but none was willing to put up money. So, in 1998, they started their own company. They called it
Google seemed to grow by word- of- mouth. One person would tell another person about it. in a few years,
google became one of the best know sites on the internet. In 2004, google stock was offered to the public on
the open market. Both page and brin became instant billionaires”
_ Page and brin developed a search engine to simplify the process of finding information on the net.
_Page and brin became billionaires when they sold shares in their company.
_When they first met, Larry page and Sergey brin were both graduate student
_At university, page built a working inkjet printer out of Lego toy pieces
25- Choose the right option for the blank: Let´s see a _______ tonight
My favorite band is playing!
Respuesta: Concert

26- Choose the right option for the blank: “Everything is all ready for the trip . We__________ to spend any
time packing”
Respuesta: Don´t have

27- Read the following. What is the purpose of the next? DANNY MCBRIDE´S HBO TV IN SOUTH CAROLINA
Casting Directors are looking for extras in the new Danny McBride produced show set to debut on HBO. They
need all types of people to play students and government workers in scenes filming in South Carolina in the
middle of July.
This is a great opportunity to be a part of a new show with one of the industry´s modern innovators. McBride
has created plenty f projects that push the limits of the comedic world. His new project will surely be a big hit
in the box office, especially with other big named actors confirmed for roles.
If you are interested, fill out the submission form below to participate in the audition.
Respuesta: To invite people to audition as an extra for a new TV show.
Read the menu. What information is FALSE about it?
Respuesta: They serve tacos and other Mexican dishes

28- Choose the right option for the blank:

Tourists traveling to Nor walk, Connecticut, should not miss the Lockwood. Mathews Mansion Museum – an
incredible country house from the civil War era. The mansion offers guided tours, a botanical garden of great
value and a ______________, where visitors can buy exclusive souvenirs to take back home.
Respuesta: Gift shop

29- Look at the picture and choose the right option for the blank. “Their son is ____________ in the family”:
Respuesta: the youngest

30- Choose the right option for the blank:” My recommendation is that when you travel by plane,
you_________ the most important items for your trip (passport, plane tickets, credit cards, keys, etc.) in your
carry -on bag. That way, you always keep them whit you”
Respuesta: Should put

31- Choose the right option for the blank: “_________a TV in my bedroom. It´s in the living room”:
Respuesta: There isn’t

32- Read the following text. What 3 options are Correct.

Ana Netrebko is an opera start. She is an incredible soprano with a beautiful voice. The magazine “Musical
America” loves her. It say she is “a genuine superstar for the 21st century”
*Anna’s a famous singer
*Anna is a soprano
*Anna’s voice is fantastic

33- Choose the right option for the blank: A: Can you Assemble the parts?
B: I guess so. The Instructions are easy___________
Respuesta: To understand

34- Choose the right option for the blank: “My mother´s brother is my________”
Respuesta: Uncle

35- In the sentence “Carol can´t be a doctor! She is only 20 years old, “The verb CAN´T expresses possibility.
Respuesta: VERDADERO

36- Look at the picture and choose the right option for the blank: GUEST: excuse me. Is there a cafe near here?
HOTEL CLERK: yes, there is, You Wanna cross the bridge until you pass the park on your left. The cafe
is____________ the school.:
Respuesta: OPPOSITE

37- Select 2 options that describe how the woman in the picture feels. (mujer meditando)
Respuesta: Relaxed, calm

38- Choose the right option for the blank: A: ------? B: yes, they are
Respuesta: Are Jimmy and Fred brothers

39- Choose the right option for the blank: COME TO MINDY´S CLOTHES STORE! We are having a big sale! We
are selling all our clothes at half price! Our shirts, pants and shoes are 50%______________I DON´T MISS IT!
Respuesta: off the regular price

40- Choose the right option for the blank: “Worker at the steel __________ have to wear protective clothing”
Respuesta: Factory

41- Choose the right option for the blank: A: How old is your daughter? B: _________ Five years old.
Respuesta: She´s

42- Read the text and choose the two options that answer the following question: when should you phone Zest
Cleaning Solutions?
ZEST CLEANING SOLUTIONS offers a choice of cleaning services for homes and offices, with a team of cleaners
or an individual cleaner. We provide regular cleaning at realistic and cost effective prices. Either for residential
or commercial cleaning, you can book our service for the frequency that you need: daily, weekly, monthly.
*When you need people to clean your home regularly
*When you need people to clean your office

43- Choose the right option for the blank: “The young boy_________________ home when he heard a strange
Respuesta: Was walking

44- Choose the CORRECT option for the blank.

The hospital was crowded after the floods and many people had skin diseases, allergy symptoms and some
other had extremely high temperatures caused by a strange bacteria. The doctor told the
population________________ home and ______________any medicine that hasn´t been prescribed by them.
Respuesta: To stay- not to take

45- Look at the picture and chose CORRECT option for the blank (corredora en el piso)
Respuesta: Did ran.

46- Choose the CORRECT option for the blank. Bernstein and Woodward, nicknamed “Woodstein” are the two
reporters that will forever be credited with breaking the most infamous political scandal to ever hot the United
States: The Watergate Scandal. They are largely credited with leading to new era of responsibility and
transparency for elected officials. The story however did not come easily
Respuesta: Watergate was the most disreputable political event in USA

47- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank. “Her doctor recommends eliminating sodium from her diet. For
example, it may be better to make her own___________ bread or buy bread with minimum added salt or
baking powder”
Respuesta: salt-free

48- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank. A: Hey Marian. I called you last night. Where were you?
B: _________that show “Lonely Hearts”. I guess i didn´t hear the phone.
Respuesta: was watching

49- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank. “I have a _________ for running a red light”
Respuesta: fine (multa)

50- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank: “We_______ the paper to your door every morning for only $20 a
month” Respuesta: deliver

51- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank: “I´d like the chicken and a salad as a ____________, please”
Respuesta: side dish (guarnición)

52- Choose the RIGHT option for the bank:” Everything is all ready for the trip. We __________ to spend any
time packing” Respuesta: don’t have

53- Choose the option that is CORRECT for the blank: Wealthy suburban counties are waking up to the fact that
homelessness is increasing in their secluded neighborhoods. The word secluded in the text means
___________ Respuesta: Sheltered (protegido)

54- Choose the option that is CORRECT for the blank: A personal Loan is an unsecured fixed-rate installment
loan, generally ranging from $500 to $100.000. The load always has a set monthly payment and an end date
when it will be paid off. Interest rates vary, depending on the lender and your creditworthiness, The most
common uses of a personal loan are to consolidate credit card debit or pay for a big, one-time expense like a
wedding, medical bills or funeral. The expression paid off in the text means__________
Respuesta: You give them the total amount of money that you own

55- Choose the right option for the blank: Are there any paper clips here? B: Sorry, but they aren´t _________
why don´t you check on john´s desk? A: Good Idea.
Respuesta: ANY
56- Red the following passage. identify the two (2) ideas that the writer agrees with. (foto starbucks)
*the cheaper something is, the worse quality it will be
*Starbucks is not interested in produced good coffee

57- Choose the right option for the blank: A: You like sushi, ________? B: I love it! it´s my favourite meal!
Respuesta: Don’t you

58- Read the text. What does the Ivy League Include? (Foto simbolo Colegio)
Respuesta: Some colleges from one part of U.S.

59- Choose the right option for the blank: “The best thing about my job is___________with a lot of people i
like! Respuesta: Working

60- Choose the right option for the blank: A: What are you doing? B: I ___________ dinner.
Respuesta: ‘m cooking

61- Choose the right option for the blank: “When we arrived at the theater, Carole had already picked up the
tickets and she was waiting for us near the entrance. She was really angry because she_______________for
more than half an hour”
Respuesta: Had been waiting
62- Choose the option that's best describes the picture (pareja en el supermercado)
Respuesta: She has a shopping list and her son is carrying a shopping basket

63- Which option is INCORRECT in the example

He´s been seriously ill and HAS BEEN in hospital FOR two weeks. The doctor TOLD HIM to quit SMOKING and
TO NOT EAT junk food.
Respuesta: TO NOT EAT

64- Where is this family sitting? (Familia sentada con su perro)

Respuesta: In front of the house

65- Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: (paisaje)

The tourists are visiting the ruins___________
Respuesta: Today

66- What are these people doing? (Culipatin)

Respuesta: Cross- country skiing

67- Choose the best option to complete the blanks

You shouldn´t punish small children too severely if they________________. Learning to_________ is an
important part of growing up and, later in life, _________an honest person.

68- Look at the picture. Choose the correct option for the blank: (plato de canape)

Some people like to have___________before the main dish”
Respuesta: An appetizer

69- Read this email. What is the relationship between Tom and Joe? (Foto de Londres)
To: Laura
From: Tom
Subject: Arrived
Respuesta: They went to school together

70- Choose the right option for the blank: (madre e hija en un avion)
Respuesta: Must/ mustn´t

71- Choose the right option for the blank: “ He had an accident last year. Now, he drives__________than
before” Respuesta: more carefully
72- Read the passage. Identify the four ideas that are expressed in the text (2 nenes en situacion de calle)
_ Homeless children are forced a life full of hardships and struggles.
_ some children live on the streets because their families can´t afford to feed them
_ some children end up living on the streets after experiencing problems al home.
_ It is estimated that there are currently 50 million homeless children in the world

73- read the text. What chance event made sonia stein discover geraldine ( Fila para embarcar)
Respuesta: Her little brother called her attention because he was noisy

74- Choose the right option for the blank: “Come to the USA with YFU and_________school, learn English and
experience the American style------------- Respuesta: attend
75- Choose the right option for the blanks.
“Remember what the flight attendant said, Tammy: All passengers -------- stay in their seats with their seat
belts fastened! She also said that we ----- use our cellphones.”
Respuesta: must / mustn’t

76- Choose the right option for the blank. A: What are you doing? B: I _______ dinner.
Respuesta: “m cooking”

77- Choose the right option for the blanks. A: Where _______ you last week?. B: I _____ away on business.
Respuesta: Were/was.
78- Choose the right option for the blank. “My mother’s brother is my _______ “.
Respuesta: uncle.

79- Choose the right option for the blank. “I got a ________ for running a red light”.
Respuesta: Fine.

80. Choose the right option for the blank. “I’m not running today _______ wheater is too cold”.
Respuesta: The.

81- Read the following job ad (aviso de empleo) and select the FOUR (4) ideas that are expressed about the
selected candidates for the job.
“We are recruiting qualified coaches who have experience coaching football and working with children and
adults to coach a football team in the USA. Applicants must be 19 years or older and have a recognized football
coaching qualification equivalent to an FA Level 1, USSF E or above. We offer competitive pay, accommodation
and transport, and a opportunity to travel in the USA”.
- They need to have proper qualifications to coach football.
- They will get a competitive compensation and travel opportunities.
- They will train either a children’s or an adult’s team.
- They will coach a football team in the United States.
82- Read the article, select FOUR (4) items that are you reported to cause accidents at home.
The most ordinary items in your home can cause an accident, according to government figures. Every year,
more than 2,000 people are injured by soft toys, 700 by envelopes and 1,500 by tissue paper. Another 37,000
people blame slippers fot their injuries, nearly 2,000 blame wallpaper, and almost 18,000 accidents are caused
by armchairs. But by far the greatest danger in the home comes from carpets. Last year around 165,000
accidents involving carpets were reported.”
- armchairs.
- wallpaper.
- soft toys.
- carpets.

Con numeración:

(1.1.1) Choose the right option for the blank: A: Is yous presentation this Friday morning? B: Yes, _________
Respuesta: It is

(1.1.1) Choose the right option for the blank: Are you and John American? B: No, ________ Canadian
Respuesta: We’re
(1.1.1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: “The children are eating _______ rice”
Respuesta: opcion nula (ninguna palabra)

(1.1.2) Which option is INCORRECT? “ The ------ is running” Respuesta: men

(1.1.3) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “Then my husband gets home al half past
five in the evening and I cook dinner. We stay at home in the evening. We don´t go out because i go to bed very
early. We usually watch television and then i go to bed at half past eight. i´m usually asleep by nine o´clock. I
think my job is very interesting but i don´t like getting up very early” QUESTION: Which of the following options
is true according to the text?
Respuesta: After a day of work, she prefers to eat at home and go to sleep very early.

(1.1.8) Read the text. Select the 4 ideas that are TRUE about Hiroko. “My name es Hiroko. I’m from Osaka,
Japan. I am studding computer … in an American… but this summer I am just studding English six hours a day!
Also, I Joined club, and I am playing tennis every day. It is great. I am meeting ….. Respuesta:
- Hiroko plays tennis in here free time
- Hiroko is a Japanese university student
- Hiroko is meeting lots of American people
- Hiroko is studying English this summer
(1.2.1) Read the following text and choose the TWO (2) options that are CORRECT about it. ABC Store has
something for all the family. There are ….. products the quity is good and prices are convent Also, I you buy one
product, you get another one for free. The only……… Respuesta:
- You can buy items for men, women and children there.
- ABC is not near the city center
(1.2.2) which of the following articles of clotting is more appropriate for women? Respuesta: Handbag
(1.2.3) Read the following Text and answer the question that follows: “There are many other color in my
summer garden. In December when it´s cold and gray, it´s nos a very happy place, but now in September, it´s
wonderful. There are the red roses and we have other flowers that are green and yellow. QUESTION: What are
the colors of the roses in September?
Respuesta: Red

(1.3) Read the text. What does Kim do for a living? Hi, my name is Kim, i live with my family in Korea. I´m an
actor. I like sport and healthy food. Respuesta: He’s an actor
(1.3.1) Choose the correct preposition to complete the blank in the following sentence: “The doctor usually
works ____________the hospital”
Respuesta: At

(1.3.2) Choose the correct option for the blank. “She is from Russia, but she ----- speak Russian.”
Respuesta: doesn’t
(1.4.1) Which is THE CORRECT question for the blank? A: Do you buy at Macy´s? __________ B: No, i never do.
it´s really costly. Respuesta: Is that store expensive

(1.4.2) Which of the following FOUR options do people usually buy when they go to a supermarket?
* Some cookies
* Some vegetables
* A bottle of water
* Some meat

(1.4.2) Which four of the following verbs in the -ing form can you use will all this items: juice, milkshake, tea
and coffee?
Respuesta: Serving, preparing, drinking, making

(1.6) Read the text. Where are the people in the conversation? POLICE OFFICER: Is your name Candace Adams? WOMAN:
Yes, it is. POLICE OFFICER: Do you recognize this man? WOMAN: Yes, that’s the thief! POLICE OFFICER: Is he man who
pushed you on the subway? WOMAN: Yes, I’m sure he is the one. POLICE OFFICER: Is this your wallet? WOMAN: Yes!
That’s my wallet! Thank you officer! ____________
Respuesta: At the police station

(1.8.1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: “All- You- Can- Eat is an expression used to describe a buffet
or restaurant where all the food is prepared and available, a guest can eat____________
Respuesta: Guest can eat all the quantity of food they want for a fixed price

(1.12) Read the postcard. Choose the option that is TRUE. “Hi Cary! Greetings from the U.S.! It’s day 6 of my
vacation in this country. Today. I’m in San Francisco. It’s a small city but there is a lot to do here. Right now I’m
in Chinatown. The streets are crowded with people, small markets and restaurants with food from different
parts of China. It’s so much fun! Tomorrow … the Golden Gate Bridge! See you soon, Manish”
Respuesta: For Manish, Chinatown is interesting.
(1.13.1) The question “When he is traveling to Rome?” Is in the CORRECT ORDER.
Respuesta: Falso
(1.19.2) Choose the CORRECT option for the blanks: That is my children _________ School. It is a really modern
building. Respuesta: ´S
(1.21) Read the following text and choose the TWO (2) options that are CORRECT about it. “ABC store has
something for all the family. There are incredible products! The quality is good and prices are convenient. Also,
if you buy one product, you get another one for free!.The only disadvantage is that it is in the suburbs of the
city .
ABC is not near the city
You can buy items for men, women and children three

(1.22.2) choose the CORRECT option for blank: A: Can you help me Jim, please? B: The remote control isn’t
working. B: __________Batterles must be old!
Respuesta: Its
(1.24) Read the conversations. Select the 2 ideas that are TRUE . JENISE: Hello, Mark. Its Jenise. MARK: Hi
Jenise. JENISE: I´m calling to tell you that I am going to be late for our meeting today. MARK: Oh, no! What’s
wrong ? JENISE: I missed the rain !. The text one is at 11 a.m. MARK : What time can you be at my office ?

JENISE: I Think I can be there at 1 p.m. Its that ok? MARK: That’s fine. We can have lunch together and discuss
business. JENIS: excellent! See you then .
Respuesta :
Apparently was late for her train
They are postponing the morning meeting
(2.1.1) Choose the right option for the blank. A: How was the show last night Karen? B: WOW! It ------ fantastic!
We really had a great time! Respuesta: was
(2.1.1.) Choose the right option for the blank: A: the police found my car! B: Oh good! _________ A: it was in
vale, under the bridge. Respuesta: Where was it?

(2.1.1) Which the following option corresponds to a sentence expressed in the future?
Respuesta: They ´re going home early tomorrow

(2.2.1) Look at the following question and choose the best answer for it. QUESTION: “Did you eat an apple
today”? Respuesta: Yes, I ate it

(2.4.2) Which four of the following options are considered “musical instruments”? Respuesta:

(2.4.3) Read the conversation. What is wrong whit the soup?-----------------------

Respuesta: He Doesn´t have enough salt

(2.5.1) I read the text. How many vegetables are mentioned? My favorite dish is called Paella. It´s from Spain. It
has rice, chicken fish, onions, tomatoes, and a spice--------- Respuesta: Two

(2.6) Read the text. Why does Silvia eat a lot of salads? I take a lot of vitamins. I want to be healthy so I also
watch what I eat. Mostly, I have salads, fruit salad, vegetable salad, chicken salad – any salad is fine with me. I
live in Mexico, but I never eat tacos. And I never eat junk food. Sometimes I have smoothies. They’re sweet and
delicious. They’re also good for me.”
Respuesta: She wants to eat healthy food

(2.7.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “Emily works all day as a travel agent. When she gets back home,
it´s usually after 6 pm. In the evenings, she ____________TV. She thinks it´s boring.
Respuesta: Doesn’t watch

(2.9) Read the text. What 4 ideas are TRUE about Tokyo? “Many cultures use street names and numbers is the
addresses, but some cultures don’t. For example, in huge metropolis like Tokyo, where 12 million people live,
only the most important streets have name. The rest of the streets aren’t named and the buildings are
numbered in a random way. What’s more many, streets zigzag. This makes it very difficult for visitors to find
their way around the city. Fortunately, the people from Tokyo are very good at giving directions
Respuesta :
Local people have an ability to give directions
A lot of streets have a zigzag design
Most of the streets don’t have a name
The numbers on the building are not in order

(2.10.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “my parents traveled around Europe last month. They loved the
trip! My father says Paris has___________monuments in the continent, and my mother thanks the city has
the__________shops in Europe! Respuesta: the most spectacular / best

(2.10.1) Choose the right option for the blank: A: So, you are already living in a new house, Greg? What is it
like? B: it´s quite big, but it´s not_________yours Respuesta: As big as

(2.11.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “Some professional_____________earn a lot of money,
particularly in soccer and basketball” Respuesta: Athletes

(2.13.1) The quantifier “any” is only used with countable nouns. Respuesta: FALSO

(2.16.1) Choose the right option for the blank. A: ____________ In Ireland when you were younger?. B: Yes, for
more than ten years!
Respuesta: Did your father work

(2.19.2) Choose the right option for the blank: A: a need to talk to the manager, please. B: She is busy now, but
she_______________ see you in an hour. Respuesta: Can

(2.20) Choose the right option for the blank. “My uncle’s daughter is my -------” Respuesta: cousin
(2.20.1) Read this text and choose the best title for it: “Philip Smith and heather Klingele-Smith share nearly
every aspect of 10- month- old Trevelen´s care. Phillip gets him dressed, prepares his bottles and takes him to
daycare each morning on his way to his job in software sales; after Heather arrives home from her job, she
starts dinner and prepares Trevelen´s baby food. They split housework and alternate waking up to feed
Trevelen at night. “I was raised by parents who shared work equally, and i looked for that in a partner, “ Say
heather. But we´re one of the only couples I know sharing parenting pretty much equally, all the way”
Respuesta: Equally shared parenting

(2.22.1) Choose the right options for the blank A: Why does molly look so stressed today? B: Because she has a
deadline ay university. She ___________finish her report tomorrow.
Respuesta: Has to

(2.22.2) Choose the 2 ideas that express permission. Respuesta:

*I’m sorry but you can’t smoke here
*If you don’t feel well, you may leave earlier today

(2.23.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “Employees at the factory work eight hours a day, from Monday
to Friday, and have a 45 minutes lunch____________ Respuesta: Break

(3.1.3) Choose the right option for the blank: “It seemed the candidate listened and understood all the
questions during the interview, but she__________answer any of the question
Respuesta: Wasn’t able to

(3.2.1) Read the text. Select the three (3) instructions that are given in the text when sending a package. STEPS
FOR PREPARING A PACKAGE if you are sending an object that could be easily damaged, you should pack in a
box with enough room for cushioning material around the contents. If you are reusing an old box, make sure
that you cover all the previous labels and addresses with heavy black pen or sticky labels. Next, place soft
material all around the object. You can use old newspaper, packing paper or bubble wrap, then, seal the box
with special packing adhesive tape, which is stranger than regular tape. Using string is not recommended as it
can get stuck in the processing machines of the post office, finally, write the addressee’s dearly on the front of
the package and your own name and address on the back. Remember to included the correct postal code.
- Write the addressor’s and addressee’s information on the package
- Seal the package with special adhesive tape instead of using string
- Cushion the contents whit enough cushioning material all around

(3.2.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “Bob is learning___________French. He needs it because he
wants to get a summer job in Paris” Respuesta: To speak

(3.2.1) Which of the following options can be used to complete the gap in the following sentence? “He --------
to the gym since June this year and the results are very good. He’s in a better shape now”
Respuesta: has been going

(3.2.2) Look at the gap in the following sentence and choose the best option that completes it: “A lake is a
good place to ------ Respuesta: swim

(3.2.2) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: A: Excuse me, is this suitcase_________ B: Yes, thank you. It
´s mine
Respuesta: Yours

(3.5.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “because John quit his job without giving notice, the rest of us
have to work ----- this week to cover for his work.” Respuesta: overtime

(3.7.2) Choose the right option for the blank: “The workers really needed to talk to the manager but his
assistant __________ Coming back later. He was having a meeting with the Beard of Directors”
Respuesta: Suggested
(3.8.1) Read the text . What does the word “narrow” mean in this context? The natural first step in planning a
trip is deciding where to go. Some people already have a destination in mind, others are more flexible
depending on when they´re able to take off work, or how much money they´re comfortable spending. One of
the simplest tools to use if you´re flexible is Google Flights Discover destinations search. You can NARROW
search results by specifying length travel, time of year, continent and even interests to get a recommendation
and the cost of getting there”
Respuesta : Reduce

(3.10.1) Choose the right option for the blanks: “ My father _________ when the accident ________. My mom
was. He had a broken arm at that moment. Respuesta: Wasn´t driving/ happened

(3.10.2) Choose the right option for the blank: A: Is she good at tennis? B: Oh, yes. She plays very ___________
Respuesta: Well
(3.12) Read the text select the FOUR (4) adjectives that are used to describe the restaurant. ARE YOU
LOOKING FOR AN INTERESTING PLACE TO HAVE A MEAL? One …. The must unusual place to go on a first date.
In the dark, you can relax and talk,” says Zhi -ying Chen, a visitor to the restaurant. “I´ve also had one of the
must delicious meals …. He adds his ….. the food is really good! Respuesta: Interesting / Popular / trendy /
(3.13.2) Choose the right option for the blank: A: ________________ Anything after this class? B:no, not really.
A: i´m meeting some friends for coffee. Why don´t you come with us?
Respuesta: ARE YOU DOING

(3.13.1) Choose the right option for the blank. A: Do you have plans for the weekend? Yes On Saturday
afternoon, I´m going to a sport even, but I don’t know what I___________ in the evening . Shall we meet? .B:
Good Idea!
Respuesta : Will do

(3.13.2) Select the 4 ideas that express an action in the future. Respuesta:
*Thomas is going to start university this year
*We’re meeting for a pizza tomorrow night
*The President leaves for Japan on Monday
*One day I’ll travel to Egypt and visit the pyramids

(3.14.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “Mike is going away ----- next week. He ‘s meeting the president
of the company to talk about the new factory……. Respuesta: on business

(3.14.1) Choose the right option for the blank: A: How was your flight? B: Too Long. From Tokyo to Rio was
twenty-four hours. We had one _______________ in Los Angeles----------
Respuesta: Stopover

(3.16.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “ i just can´t believe it! It´s March 10 today! At this time last
year, i__________around south Africa” Respuesta: Was traveling

(3.16.2) Choose the right option for the blank: I saw you this morning on Regent Street.
Why_________________? B: I was really late for the appointment whit my doctor Fortunately, he could see
me after all. Respuesta: Were you running

(3.19.2) Choose the right option for the blank: ! I didn´t know this was so much fun!________ isn´t difficult at
all! Respuesta: Painting

(3.20.1) Choose the right option for the blank: A: ------- b: I don’t really feel like it. How about Italian?
Respuesta: What about having Chinese food for dinner?

(3.22.3) In negative statements, adverbs of frequency go immediately after the NOT. For example, “ I don´t
often go out on Saturdays” Respuesta: Verdadero

(3.23.1)The expression “to run out of gas” means “to go over the speed limit”
Respuesta: falso ( false )

(3.23.1) Select the 4 words that are related to the theatre. Respuesta:
- Usher
- Orchestra
- Program
- curtain
(3.23.1) Read the following passage. What does the use of the expression OOPS indicate in the text? “In the
process of applying for a job yy have to be quite alert as your email-----------------”
(3.23.1) In the sentence “It’s hot and humid in Miami today, “the impersonal It’ is used as an empty subject.
Respuesta: Verdadero.
(4.1.1) Choose the right option for the blank. A: ------ This software application, Jerry? B: No, never. What
about you? A: Just once! Have you ever used
(4.1.1.) Choose the best answer choice for the following question: “How faris it to the university?
RESPUESTA: It´s three miles from here

(4.2) Read the following text. What is it about? “Having to say bye- bye to mommy and Daddy is often the most
challenging part of starting preschool. The image of your kid clinging to you, crying, and refusing to enter the
classroom may be among your worst first-day fears, too. If you are a working parent, your child has already
adjusted to spending some time apart from you. If not, it would idea to arrange to have him stay with a
babysitter or another family member while you go out for a couple hours. This will give him message that you
will always come back at the end of the day.”
Respuesta: Kid´s separation from parents when starting preschool

(4.2.2) Choose the option that best completes the gap in the following sentence: A: What´s your favorite
outdoor activity? B: Well, i like to discover things in hidden places very much A: so you like
______________right? Respuesta: Exploring caves (explorando cuevas)

(4.3.1) Look at the following instructions and choose the best alternative to complete the gap: “(From a police
officer to a driver)_____________ the trunk, please. I´d like to see whats´s inside
Respuesta: Open

(4.3.2) Choose the best option to complete the sentence that follows: “she´s embarrassed________”
Respuesta: that she wore the wrong clothing for the party

(4.3.2) Look at the following sentence and choose the best option to complete the gap: “She usually uses the
------- to clean the kitchen floor” Respuesta: mop
(4.4.2) Choose the RIGHT option for the bank. “The size of he tree __________how old it is”
Respuesta: Depends on
(4.5.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “ Next year, when you are five years old, you start________
Respuesta: Kindergarten
(4.7.1) Choose the THREE (3) options that use Passive Voice. Respuesta:
- The new hospital will be opened next week
- The road is being repaired at the moment
- Their house was damaged by the storm
(4.7.1) Choose the three options that are correct. Rice eaten by most people in people. The writer was satisfied
with his performance. The mail------------ RESPUESTA:
_ I was surprised at his behavoir
_ The writer was satisfied with his performance
_ The Road is being repaired

(4.8.1) Choose the right options for the blank “Welcome to Greensprin Industries. As you may have noticed,
our logo is a bee ,___________ hard work. But don´t worry; we also like to have fun

(4.9) La celebración de acción de gracia o thanksgiving es un festejo propio de la cultura estadounidense que
se realiza todos los años en agradecimiento al pueblo británico por la posibilidad de independizarse de la
corona y adquirir sus propias tradiciones, modo de gobierno y legislación.
Respuesta: Falso

(4.13.1 )Choose the right option for the blank: A: tell me about the training course , Annie. Are you tired and
hungry now? B: Not really, We __________two coffee breaks!
Respuesta : Were give

(4.17.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “We are currently recruiting a new assistant, we have
received__________for this job form 3000 people”
Respuesta: Applications

(4.20.1) Which of the following terms is a synonym for the word “package”?
Respuesta: parcel

(4.22.1) Choose the right option for the blank: A: Do you have any idea_________ we can give your parents for
their anniversary? B: They ¿re easy to shop for. They love antiques! -------------- Respuesta: what

(4.22.2) Choose the right option for the blank: ________________ He hasn´t successful at the interview, he
hasn´t given up” Respuesta: Although

(5.1.2) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: I´m happy to___________ you my car. After all, what are
friends for? Respuesta: Lend (presar)

(5.1.2) Look at the gap in the following sentence and choose the best option to complete it. “The _________ of
books this factory manufactures has decreased since last year”
Respuesta: Number
(5.2.1) Look at the following sentence and choose the best option to complete the gap: “If it doesn’t rain, ----
soccer tomorrow afternoon”: Respuesta: I’ll play
(5.2.1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: “I have room in my backpack, _________ carry your camera
Respuesta: so i can

(5.2.1) The sentence “If i had won the academy´s Award , I could have starred last Spielberg´s film” imlies that
the speaker:
Respuesta: didn´t win the award

(5.2.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “ If you are planning to buy a new car, before you visit the
___________ it help you know what car model and options you want and how much you are willing to spend.
Respuesta: Dealer

(5.2.1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank:(mujer en la caja del supermercado)
Respuesta: Bringing/to

(5.2.2) Read the following options and think which one represents the following relationship: “Worker” is to
“Job” as “Student” is to _____________ Respuesta: Exam

(5.2.3) Read the following text about jazz music------------------

Respuesta:To play in Joseph Oliver´s band

(5.3.2) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: “To find out how many invitations you still need to write, yoy
should __________the number of guests from the number of cards you have already done”
Respuesta: Substract

(5.3.3) Read the following text and answer the question that follows: “It was Monday. I had just eaten lunch,
and i needed to go to the store. I put on my seat belt and began to drive. Whale i was driving on Elm Street-----
Respuesta: The windshield was broken

(5.4.2) Which of the following FOUR options can be used to describe members of the extended family?
Respuesta: aunts, grandparents, cousins, in-laws

(5.5.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “The boy fell off his bike and hurt his hands badly. He started to
---- profusely so we took him to the hospital” Respuesta: bleed
(5.5.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “The boy fell of his bike and hurt his hands badly. He started to
__________profusely so we took him to the hospital. Respuesta: Bleed

(5.10.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “meg lives in New York, but before she moved there, she
________ in a big city” Respuesta: Had never lived

(5.12) What is the best option to complete the conversation? A: i think i made a mistake. B: What happened?
A: my computer broke and i can´t have access to my files--------------
Respuesta: If you don’t make a backup copy of them

(5.13.1) Choose the right option for the blanks. “He’s angry because he lost his tennis match, but he never
practices! He ---- much better if he --------- more often”. Respuesta: Would play / practiced

(5.13.1) Choose the right option for the blanks, “ My uncle´s daughter is my ________________.
Respuesta: cousin
(5.14.1) What does this idea mean? “There are some beautiful and deserted beaches in mexico ”
There´s no one at the beaches
(5.13.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “He’s angry because he lost his tennis match, but he never
practices! He____________much better if the___________ more often”
Respuesta: Would play / practiced

(5.16.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “The last time I saw Jonathan, he looked very relived, he
explained that he´d been on holiday_____________ Respuesta: the previous week

(5.17.11) Choose the right option for the blank:” the TV has an affordable price and comes whit the two ear
____________ I think it´s really convenient” Respuesta: guarantee

(5.18) What is the main idea in the following text? “What do you think when your hear the statement “They
have money”? If your like most people, you may immediately thinks of a family that lives in a big house drives
a big car------------ Respuesta: Money generates respect

(5.19.1) Identify the two cases of reported questions in the options bellow….. Respuesta:
*The interviewer asked me who I had worked for
*He wondered when Melissa had started acting

(5.20.1) The expression “The vote is in” means that the voting has just started….Respuesta: FALSO

(5.21) Read the following speech. What is happening? “ Hello, everybody! We did It I am so honored to be your
new governor. and it’s all because off you the staff and all of our enthusiastic volunteers, who made it
possible. Today , we saw a record turnout-nearly 95% and that is a wonderful thing .
Respuesta: She is happy because she’s just won the election to governor.

(5.22.1) Identify the four cases of causative passives…... Respuesta:

*How many times has she had her fortune told?
*You really should have your eyes examined
*I’ll probably have my car repaired next week
* She had her hair done for the birthday party
(5.23.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “The police had no reason to ---- that he might try to kill
himself” Respuesta: Suspect
(5.24.1) What does this idea mean? They are some beautiful and deserted beaches in Mexico
Respuesta: there is no one at the beaches
(6.2.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “I met a man on the internet. He seemed great. We ----- right
away, he told me that he was 32 and single. Six months after we met, his wife called me, he was actually 42
and married with three kids” Respuesta: fell in love
(6.5.1) Choose the right Expression for the blank: “He has_______________ as a talented journalist and now
hes very successful” Respuesta: Made a name for himself

(6.7.1) The relative clause placed between commas in “my sister, whose husband is unemployed, has just
found a job as a secretary” provides extra information about
Respuesta: Verdadero
(6.9) Read the text and identify the three (3) ideas that are expressed about telecommuting. “ Today fewer
people in the united states drive to work, instead, they work from home, they are a new type of employee: the
telecomater ------------------- Respuesta:
*New technology makes it easy to work from home
*If managers cooperate, it is not difficult to move the office home
*More and more people in the us are telecommuting

(6.10.2) Choose the right option to complete the blank. “On our way to the city. We passed shops ________
windows were decorated for the Christmas”
Respuesta: “Whose”

(6.13.1) The sentence “perhaps you left your keys in the office , “can alternatively be expressed as you
“___________ your keys in the office.
Respuesta: might have left

(6.14.1) Choose the right option for the blank. “If you want to lose weight, you should eat a low-fat diet, but
some fat is necessary, fat provides energy, helps in the .. and repar of tissues and transports vitamins and
minerals through the body, so you should ------ the amount of fat take, but not eliminate it a together”
Respuesta: Limit

(6.15) Read the passage What does the word “which” (capitalized in the text) refer to? “apart from physical
benefits, doing exercise brings clear psychological benefits achieving fitness goals to self – confidence and
improved body image, self – awareness and self – esteem, there is also the discipline that comes with regular
exercise, which seems to have a positive effect on your professional career, it also seems to have an impact
socially, people involved in activities they enjoy and who have a positive self – image often an ease in social
situations. Ultimately, it’s the growth in confidence, rather than a slimmer waistline, that leads to an improved
social life.
Respuesta: Discipline

(6.15) Read the following passage. What kind of diet is the healthiest, according to the text? “There is now
medical consensus on the sort of diet we should follow to lose weight- which is also the healthiest diet we can
eat. No one can claim we know all there is to know about nutrition, obesity and healthy eating as there are still
gaps in our knowledge. But what wi can confidently assert is that the healthiest diet - the one which most
reduces the risk of a wide range of diseases- is also the safest and most effective one to return you ideal
weight and keep you there. This is good news after all, everyone wants to be slim and healthy, not thin and ill.
---------------Respuesta: A diet that reduces the risk of disease to a minimum

(6.17.1) Choose the right option for the blanks. “ I Have two older sisters, but I don’t look like ---- of them.
They are both extremely tall in fast, they work as models.
Respuesta: other

(6.17,1) Choose the CORRECT option for the blank: A: Why didn´t your brother join us at the pub yesterday
evening? B: He said he had__________the time_________the---------
Respuesta: Neither-nor

(6.20.1) Choose the right option for the blank: “ i had the most terrible time last night, my date was thirty
minutes late. He talked the whole time---------------------
Respuesta: Take care of the check

(6.22.1) Choose the right option for the blanck: “ I think our next door neighbor___________ the flowers from
our garden. it´s not the first time!
Respuesta: might have taken


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