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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
El Nido National High School
2nd Periodic Test in English 7

Name: __________________________ Score: ______

General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated
Write the letter of the most appropriate answer on your answer sheet.

Test I. A. Figures of Speech

1. You are sorting through a record collection and find a Simon and Garfunkel album that is titled Sounds of Silence.
a. irony b. oxymoron c. paradox
2. You hear a political candidate give a terribly long speech, one that rambles on and on. Afterward you might turn to a friend
sitting next to you, roll your eyes, and say, “Well, that was short and to the point, wasn’t it?”
a. irony b. sarcasm c. paradox
3. Life looks poorest when you are richest, is an example of
a. irony b. sarcasm c. paradox
4. Sorrow makes us all children again, destroys all differences of intellect. The wisest knows nothing.
a. irony b. oxymoron c. paradox
5. The bees were busy buzzing. This is an example of a/an
A. simile B. alliteration C. personification
6. My car died on the way to work. "Car died" is an example of a/an
A. metaphor B. hyperbole c. personification
7.The baby was a screaming alarm that woke the neighbors.
A. simile B. personification C. metaphor
8. The kitten is as soft as silk.
A. idiom B. personification C. simile
9. Once in a ______ I go to the theater.
a. blue sun b. blue day c. blue moon
10. Let's meet with Harry. We can kill two ____ with one stone.
a. birds b. cats c. bees
11.. It doesn't help to remind him. It just goes in _____ and out the other. hand foot c. one ear
Test 1 B. Basic Sentence Pattern .Identify the pattern used by writing the letter that correspond to your answer
a. S-LV-C b. S-TV-DO c. S-IV
13. Jennifer baked for weeks before the holidays.
14. Brad looks very handsome in his new sweater.
15. There was a strange sound coming from the cellar.
16. Aunt Tilly gave Marty some cookies.
17. Marlene had gone to the concert, but left early.
18. Sam paints portraits, not walls!
19. There is no future in making cassette tapes anymore.
Test I. C Transitional words
20. A water main downtown broke this morning, so several businesses had no water for hours.
a. addition b. time c. comparison d. cause and effect
21. Even though most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in the U.S., it should be remembered that it
is now nearly a worldwide disease.
a. addition b. time c. contrast d. comparison
22. Larry will probably be a late bloomer socially, just like his older brothers.
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. cause and effect
23. There are ways you can make boring tasks more pleasant. For instance, bring a portable radio and listen to music on the
earphones while you work.
a. contrast b. comparison c. illustration/example d. cause and effect
24. The lazy checkout clerk forced the six-pack of cola into the bottom of the bag, tearing it. Then she shrugged her shoulders
and said, “I guess you’ll have to carry the bag from the bottom.”
a. time b. contrast c. comparison d. illustration/example
25. __________ the invention of television, people probably spent more of their leisure time reading
. a. Nevertheless b. Because c. Before
26. If you’re having company for dinner, try to get as much done in advance as possible. __________, set the table the day
a. For instance b. In contrast c. Similarly
27. __________ I’m very allergic to flowers, my boyfriend bought a bouquet of roses.
a. Until b. Because c. Even though
Test I. D. Adjectives
28. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? The job looks interesting but Tom says it's boring.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3
29. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? a long form but some questions are not relevant.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3
30. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? I was really excited when the letter arrived.
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3
31. How many adjectives are there in this sentence? The weather has been terrible today - wet and windy!
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3
32. 'Miserable' is an adjective. A) True B) False
33. ‘Scarecrow' is an adjective. A) True B) False
34. ‘Happiness' is an adjective. A) True B) False
35. Which is a good adjective to finish the sentence? I would really like to buy a(n) ......... dress.
A) ugly B) silk C) wooden
36. Which is a good adjective to finish the sentence? Have you got any .... peaches?
A) mature B) old C) ripe
10. Which is a good adjective to finish the sentence? Well done on tidying your room - it's ...... .
A) spotless B) filthy C) untidy

Test II. A. (Primary/Secondary Source)

a. Primary Source b. Secondary Source
37) A play showing how Benjamin Franklin flew a kite during a lightning storm.
38) A short story describing Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla's 'electrical' battle.
39) Anne Frank's diary describing her life during World War 2.
40) A cartoon showing how Pocahontas met John Smith. 5) A text book describing the civil rights movement.
41) A news report about the opening of a power plant.
42) A scientist explaining what it was like for Buzz Aldrin to walk on the moon.
43) A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built.
44) An interview with Alexander Graham Bell about how he invented the telephone.
45) A radio broadcast from the day the Soviet Union launched Sputnik.
46) An autobiography about the 40th president, Ronald Reagan.
47) A book describing Christopher Columbus sailing to America.
48) A famous artist's painting of what cowboy life was probably like.
49) A journal by a cowboy about the cattle drives from Texas to Kansas.
50) The United States Constitution.

Test III. Literal/Figurative Language:

Decide if the sentences below use literal or figurative language. Then, place an “L” or an “F” before each one.
____ 51. Eric thinks doing schoolwork is one big video game.
____ 52. Lauren has made up her mind to volunteer every Tuesday after school.
____ 53. Thinking about summer camp makes me feel like a bundle of joy and sunshine.
____54. As I delivered my speech, my voice sounded as if I’d swallowed rocks and sand.
____55. Emma may seem clumsy, but onstage she dances like a gazelle.
____56. Jacob expresses many feelings through his photography.
____57. My teammate is a snail and a turtle combined!
____58. Before the soccer match, both teams attended a sportsmanship program.
____59. I have a ton of paperwork to do before I can enjoy the sun this summer.
____ 60. Sometimes I have to be my little brother’s brain

Test IV Matching Type: Match Column A with the Column B. Write the letter only.
Column A Column B
61. How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife a. Amador Daguio
62. The Centipede b. Francisco Arcellana
63. The Mats c.Manuel Arguilla
64. The Wedding Dance d. Rony Diaz
65.The Bread of Salt e.Bejamin Bautista
f. N.V.M Gonzales


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