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Code No: I1501/R16

M. Tech. I Semester Regular Examinations, December-2016

Common to Machine Design (15), Mechanical Engg. Design (14) and Computer Aided
Analysis & Design (16)
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 60
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions Carry Equal Marks

1. a Derive stress-strain relations for linear elastic behaviour of an isotropic material 6Marks
b Derive the differential equations of motions for a 6Marks
i. Rectangular co-ordinate axes
ii. Cylindrical Co-ordinates

2. a Explain the any one mode of failure criteria 6Marks

b Explain the Progressive fracture of Ductile fracture resulting from low cycle fatigue loading 6Marks
& high cycle fatigue loading.

3. a Express the equation for determination of the neutral axis of bending of the cross section for 6Marks
symmetrical bending
b Derive the winkler formula for finding circumferential stresses 6Marks

4. a Describe the concept of prandle elastic membrane (soap- film). 6Marks

b Analyze the solution of torsional member whose cross section made up of the long narrow 6Marks

5. a A thin walled torsion member has the cross sectional dimensions as shown in figure. 12Marks
Determine the torque and unit angle of twist if the maximum shearing stress is 45
MPa. Take modulus of rigidity, G = 30GPa.

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Code No: I1501/R16

6. a Expresses the equations of A, Am , R for the following cross section 12 Marks

i. Rectangle
ii. Triangle
iii. circular
iv. ellipse

7. a Briefly explain the methods to compute contact stresses. 6Marks

b Derive the expression for contact pressure on a single row ball bearing. If the ball diameter 6Marks
is 60mm, the radius of the groove is 30mm. The diameter of the outer race is 30mm and the
greatest compressive force on one ball is 60kN. Calculate the contact pressure.

8. Explain any three of the following 12Marks

a) Crack-Growth Analysis
b) Castiglione’s theorem
c) High cycle fatigue and low cycle fatigue
d) Principal stresses of 3D object
e) First law of thermodynamics

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