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Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Selective Electronic Home

Appliances in Hyderabad City

Article · December 2013


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1 author:

Vijayalakshmi S.
Alpha Arts and Science College


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Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040


S. Vijayalakshmi1 V. Mahalakshmi2 S. Magesh3


In India, especially in all the major cities every company is trying to stay alive in their platform to their level best in the
prevailing condition to achieve the desired level of potential customers. The change in the global economy is inevitable and
liberalization plays an indispensable role in our country. The top level Multinational Company has entered into the Indian
market and plays an imperative role with their wide and superior range of products. When compared to the world level market
Indian market is growing with superior product line in electronic home appliances so, it is very significant to the product and
we are aware that our “Customer is the King”. In order to achieve the requisite goal in buying the selective brand of the home
appliances customers are very much conscious and sound enough to take the most appropriate decisions.

The modern home is unaccomplished without Home Appliances especially in the major cities and urban areas. The Electronic
home appliances are considered the windfall in the major metro cities and they are the influential in cutting down the time
concerned in most of the domestic household tasks. So the researchers considered for their research in the consumer‟s buying
behavior towards electronics home appliances in Hyderabad city, Andhra Pradesh. Home appliances products like Microwave
Oven, Television, Washing machine, Refrigerator and Air cooler are taken for this study. An expedient sampling method was
adopted in this study to select 253 respondents in Hyderabad City.

The research design used in this study was demographic; questionnaire was used as a tool to collect information from
respondents. In addition to that, the study will adopt data segmentation. The result found was, demographic factors influencing
the consumer for buying home appliances, other factors like price, quality, offer and features of home appliances empowering
the consumer for buying the home appliances.


Consumer Behaviour, Electronic Goods, Data Segmentation, Home Appliances etc.


Consumer Behavior may be defined as “the interplay of forces that takes place during a consumption process, within a
consumers‟ self and his environment. The communication takes place between three elements viz. knowledge, discrimination and
behavior; it persists through pre-purchase activity to the post purchase experience; it includes the stages of evaluating, acquiring,
using and disposing of goods and services”. Consumer research takes places at every phase of utilization process, before the
purchase, during the purchase and after the purchase. It is concerned with learning the specific meanings that products hold for
consumers. The term consumer is used to denote two different kinds of consumers, entitled that are personal or individual
consumer and organizational consumer. The personal consumer is the individual who buys good and services for his own use or
for his household usage. They buy goods for ultimate consumption; hence, they are called as „end users‟, or „Ultimate users‟. The
year 2000s have borne witness to spectacular shifts in the marketplace activated by prickly changes in the lifestyle patterns of the
past and present and the essential revolution in the communication technology. Time tested concepts on brand loyalty and mass
marketing, are being turned on their heads as they fail to gauge the behaviour of new generation customers. The behaviour is
characterized by the exceptionality of individual prospects, the preference for numerous options, inclination to abandon brand
loyalty and switch to competition brands that give higher apparent value. The new breed is even willing to import to satisfy
specific requirement. It is complicated to categorize this generation by conservative demographic factors and unless their
contemplation process and buying behaviour are fully understood, decisions on product designs and packaging, branding and
distribution channels are likely to be misplaced.

The varying demographic profile of the population in terms of education, income, size of family and so on, are very imperative by
what will be more substantive in days to come will be the psychographics of customers that is how they feel, think or behave.
Markers will have to continually monitor and comprehend the primary Psychographics to map their relevant industries are moving
and decide what required to be done, by way of toting up value that stimulates customers to buy the company‟s products and
empower the potential industry structure. The acquaintances of the consumer behavior assists the marketer to understand how
consumers think, feel and select from alternatives like products, brands and the like and how the consumers are predisposed by
their environment, the reference groups, family, and salespersons and so on. A consumer‟s buying behavior is influenced by
cultural, social, personal and psychological factors. Most of these factors are irrepressible and beyond the hands of marketers but
they have to be carefully measured while trying to comprehend the multifaceted behavior of the consumers.

Research Scholar, Mother Teresa Women‟s University, Tamil Nadu, India,
Professor and Dean, Panimalar Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India,
Head of Department (IT), Kondaikanal Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India,

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 616 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040


A major home appliances, or domestic appliance, are usually defined as a large machine , which accomplishes some routine
housekeeping task, which includes purposes such as cooking, or food preservation, whether in a household, institutional,
commercial or industrial setting. Major appliances have become more technically complex from the control side recently with the
introduction of the various Energy labeling rules across the world. This has meant that the appliances have been forced to become
more and more efficient leading to more accurate controllers in order to meet the regulations. Major home appliances are
differentiated from small appliances because they are large, difficult to move, and generally fixed in place to some extent. They
are often considered fixtures and part of real estate and as such, they are often supplied to tenants as part of otherwise unfurnished
rental properties. Another frequent characteristic of major appliances is that they may have substantial electricity requirements
that necessitate special electrical wiring to supply higher current and/or voltage than standard electrical outlets can deliver. This
limits where they can be placed in a home. Major Appliance brands include such companies as Whirlpool, Samsung, Godrej &
LG. A smaller number of distributors control groups of these brands.


Whirlpool India, owned 75% by the $19bn US based home appliances giant, Whirlpool Corporation, is a consumer centric
innovative company with differentiated product offerings through a 360-degree approach in creating brand visibility in home
appliances. India is the world‟s second fastest growing (~8%) economy and the rapid increase in urbanization and in number of
households from 231 mn in 2010 to about 254 mn by 2015 is expected to help Indian home appliances industry to expand from Rs
229 bn in 2010 to Rs 397 bn by 2014. The growth supported by the rising rural penetration levels of electrical home appliances
and their replacement demand. Consumer durables and other luxury products in India are urban centric and have low penetration
levels in rural areas. With majority of the population residing in rural or semi-urban areas in India, the overall penetration levels
for consumer durables remain low. At all India levels, only 33% of households own color television sets, 22% have refrigerators,
19% have cellular phones and only 7% have cars. With the expanding reach of companies through media and advertising, it
provides a wider platform for consumer durable companies to tap this vast potential. Whirlpool of India operates in four main
segments of refrigerators, air conditioners, microwave oven and washing machines. Color televisions, which have the highest
penetration amongst the commonly used consumer durables, form the significant part of the revenues for all other key industry
players. It is believed that presence of Whirlpool in low penetrated products; its innovative offerings at affordable prices for both
rural and urban consumers will auger well for its strong volume growth in future. Liberalization allowed many foreign players the
opportunity to enter India offering high growth supported by a huge consumer class.


The Rs 1,350-crore Samsung India Electronics Ltd charting out a belligerent marketing strategy to encourage its home appliances
range in the New Year. According to Mr Ravindra Zutshi, vice-president (sales and marketing), Samsung India Electronics
Company plans to invest Rs 25 crore towards developing new moulds for its home appliances range. The SAMSUNG Company
is in the process of rolling out 14 new colour television models with new marketing and promotional initiatives. In addition,
Samsung India plans to introduce four new microwave oven models. The company also targets a market share of 15 to 16 per cent
in both the semi-automatic and fully automatic washing machine (FAWM) segment and is planning to sell around two lakh
washing machines. The company has introduced a new FAWM incorporated with a new „Memory Backup‟ feature to take care of
power failure so that the programme settings of the washing machine are not disturbed during a wash cycle.”


The Rs 7,200-crore Godrej Group unveiled its brand new corporate identity and branding strategy at its headquarters in Mumbai.
The group‟s strategy outlined a roadmap to invest in a renewed Godrej Masterbrand and corporate identity to support the targeted
revenue growth of 25-30% compounded annually, for the group. Godrej Group had appointed global brand consultancy firm Inter
brand to reposition its master brand with a makeover that makes the group identity modern as well as contemporary. Godrej
closely worked with Inter brand to study the Godrej brand across employees, consumers, investors and business partners and
redefine its approach to harnessing the brand‟s intrinsic strengths. The initial phase of the initiative will build the Godrej Master
Brand in tandem with the four businesses of personal grooming, furniture, property and aerospace. Ever since the Godrej Group
was founded at Lalbaug in 1887, the group had sported a traditional logo that‟s common for all its business ranging from soaps to
steel boards. Shedding its fuddy-duddy image, the group has now opted for a new brand identity to acquire an international appeal
in global markets.


LG Electronics was established in 1958 and has led the way into the advanced digital era to the level of technological expertise
acquired by manufacturing many home appliances such as radios and TVs. LG Electronics has unveiled many new products,
applied new technologies in the form of mobile devices and digital TVs in the 21st century and continues to reinforce its status as
a global company. The company sold goods worth R20,000 crore in 2011 while LG came in at the No.2 spot with a reported
R17,500 crore sales, among overall consumer durables sales of R37,790 crore. LG industry estimates suggest LG had sales
around R17,500 crore for 2011, below its own target of R20,000 crore-plus in 2011.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 617 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040


Consumer behavior is a field of study concentrating on consumer activities (Rogers D. Blackwell). Individual towards a product
or service defines consumer behavior as a study of responses. (Kardes) Consumer behavior is to understand how a consumer
makes decision to buy goods by using the available resources such as time, money, and effort for buying, using, and disposing
goods and services (Chetan Bajaj). It is a decision making process of an individual physically by engaging in assessing, buying
and using or disposing the goods and services. (David L. Loudon) It is defined as a combination of emotional, mental and
physical activity of an individual for purchase and use of goods and services for a demand or need (Shukazmi). Consumer
behavior is associated with the culture and economy of a country. Economic growths in India and young Indian population over
21 years have influenced the consumers to spend and buy more. Their friends and socio cultural environment influence
consumers. More spending options are growing among Indian consumers, which induce higher spending on gaining status. Indian
consumers were more careful in lending and now this attitude is changing with more credit options in the form of Credit cards and
loans. The behavior has western influence among the Indian consumers; foreign brands have penetrated the market and acquire a
good share.

In recent years, there is a large shift in consumer behavior among Indians due to enhanced awareness and information technology.
Lifestyle among rural consumers has changed dramatically with influence of socio-economic conditions, cultural environment,
education level, occupation and wide media coverage. There is an increase in working women after 1990„s, they are proving to be
equally good as men, and make their own decision to buy things which they need. Yet Indian consumers think before they buy,
they are more cautious in spending. Retail was successful in west during late 90s to 2009; The “consumer” includes both personal
consumers and business, industrial, organizational consumers. Consumer behavior explains the reasons and logic that underlie
purchasing decisions and consumption patterns; it explains the processes through which buyers make decisions. The behavior that
consumers display in searching for, purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will
satisfy their needs.” Schiffman and Kanuk (2004) “…..the decision process and physical activity engaged in when evaluating,
acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services." Loudon and Bitta (2002). The study of consumers as they exchange
something of value for a product or service that satisfies their needs” - Wells and Prensky (1996). “Those actions directly
involved in obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and services including the decision processes that precede and follow
these actions” (Engel, James F & Blackwell, Roger D).

According to Kotler and Armstrong (2001), consumer buying behaviour refers to the buying behaviour of the individuals and
households who buy the goods and services for personal consumption. Consumers around the world are different in various
factors such as age, income, education level and preferences, which may affect the way they avail of goods and services. This
behaviour affects how products and services are presented to the different consumer markets. There are many components, which
influence consumer behaviour namely: cultural, social, personal and psychological (Kotler & Armstrong, 2001). The companies
cannot control these characteristics; therefore, a need to assess these elements in order to create an effective marketing plan.
Gabbott and Hogg (1998) and Blackwell et al. (2006) further provide a holistic view that defines consumer behaviour as the
activities and the processes in which individuals or groups choose, buy, use or dispose the products, services, ideas or
experiences. Consumers have their favorites in purchasing products from precise retailers and hence the residual retailers are
chosen using the rule of „Survival of the Fittest‟. Therefore, consumers‟ decisions can provide a clue for which industry to
survive, which companies to succeed, and also which products to excel. Second, through understanding the reasons for consumers
to buy the products and their buying habits, the firms can make use of such information to devise corresponding marketing
strategies in response to the consumers‟ needs (Blackwell et al., 2006).


 To unearth the aspects implicated in buying home appliances.

 To find out the basis of information used by customers before making decision of precise brand of home appliance.
 To categorize the features for which the prospective customers looks for when they buy any branded home appliance.
 To understand the buying decision by individual in the groups (age between 25 to 50)
 To know whether and how some demographic variable of the respondents have influence in buying brand or non-
branded Electronic products.
 To understand some of the driving factors of consumerism in India.


 The Study facilitated to acquaint about the customer‟s outlook and opinion.
 This Study assisted to know the dissimilar services offered by home appliance companies.


 There is no significant relationship between demographics and consumer behaviour.

 There is relationship between consumer behaviour and selection of selective brand of Home Appliances.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 618 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040


The study was conducted in Next Shop of Hyderabad City of Andhra Pradesh state in India taking one shop in each zone viz.,
Central, East, West and South Zone. The researcher has adopted group-sampling procedure for the data collection. The entire
population was divided into Central, East, South and West Chennai based on geographical location, using customer directory as
the source (Table 1). From each part of the selected store of Hyderabad city, all possible areas were identified. Among them, few
areas were selected using Systematic Sampling method covering 50 per cent areas from each cluster (Table 2). From each selected
area, the required number of customer was selected based on Judgment Sampling or Purposive Sampling by using some common
criteria like reference groups, subject knowledge, occupational status and their attitude to cooperate for this study. The prepared
questionnaires were distributed among the customers visiting the shops for the survey purpose. The respondents were chosen
through friends, relatives and using customer database including telephone numbers as a source for identification. Of the 300
respondents contacted because of incompleteness and other survey difficulties, only 253 usable questionnaires were collected. Out
of 253 usable questionnaires, the consumer buying behaviour in selective electronic home appliances were analyzed. A study can
be initiated with a proper design and methodology to bring out the suitable findings which are reliable and applicable to solve the
problems and useful to carry out further research of interest. It needs a careful analysis of the consumer through which the results
for the present study can be crystallized for framing suitable solutions.

Table-1: Next Stores Zone wise Division of Hyderabad City

S. No. Zone Areas

1 Central Chikkadpally
2 South Saidabad
3 West Humayun Nagar
4 East Malkajgiri

Table-2: Sampling area of Next Stores Zone wise Division of Hyderabad City

S. No. Zone Areas

1 North Chikkadpally
2 South Saidabad
3 West Humayun Nagar
4 Central Malkajgiri

Sample Size

The sample size was 253 respondents (115 men and 138 women) in Hyderabad. The sampling unit of the study was all users of
home Appliances in the age group of 25-50 yrs of standard income group in Hyderabad.

Sampling Design

The sample population was the consumers, in the age of 25 – 50. The sampling was adopted to cover a sample size of 253 in each
segment (115 male and 138 female). The survey was done through selective questionnaires and purchase data from the selective
store to have stability of response. The sample was heterogeneous to some extent as it includes male, female, and people from
different distances, educational status, and occupation and income group of regular and occasional buyers.

Type of Data Collected

The type of data is Primary data, which is collected through the questionnaire.

Analytical Tool

Frequency analysis and ranking method was used to analyze the information given by respondents.

Method of Data Collection

Well-structured questionnaire was framed and used for collection of data. The consumers were contacted through e-mail and in
person. They were given a brief introduction about the purpose and importance of the study. Enough time was given to them to
think over the answers for the questions to have reliability of response. Details regarding demographic and buying behavior for
buying selective electronic goods were taken as part of the survey.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 619 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040

Table-3: Frequency Analysis

S.No Age of the Respondents Number of Respondents Percentage

1 25-35 94 37.15
2 35-45 83 32.81
3 45-50 76 30.04
Total 253 100.00
Gender of Respondents Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Male 115 45.45
2 Female 138 54.55
Total 253 100.00
Marital Status Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Unmarried 47 18.58
2 Married 206 81.42
Total 253 100.00
Qualification Number of Respondents Percentage
1 SSC 24 9.49
2 Intermediate 38 15.02
3 Graduate 112 44.27
4 Post Graduate 79 31.22
Total 253 100.00
Occupation Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Government / Private 143 56.52
2 Business 57 22.53
3 Home Maker 53 20.95
Total 253 100.00
Income Number of Respondents Percentage
1 10000 -15000 83 32.81
2 15000-25000 116 45.85
3 25000-35000 32 12.65
4 Above 40000 22 08.69
Total 253 100.00
Family Type Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Nuclear Family 114 45.06
2 Joint Family 139 54.94
Total 253 100.00
Source of Information Number of Respondents Percentage
1 TV Ads 157 62.06
2 Newspaper / Magazine 36 14.23
3 Hoardings 12 04.74
4 Exhibitions 48 18.97
Total 253 100.00
No. of Brands Known Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Below 3 118 46.64
2 Above 2 135 53.36
Total 253 100.00
Power of Ads Number of Respondents Percentage
1 Strongly persuaded 46 18.18
2 Persuaded 98 38.74
3 Fairly Induced 81 32.02
4 Not Induced / Motivated 28 11.06
Total 253 100.00
Sources: Authors Compilation

The above table clearly indicates that, age group of the respondents are classified in to 3 groups like 25-35(37.15%), 35-
45(32.81%), and 45-50(30.04%). Gender of the respondents is classified in to male (45.45%) and female (54.55%). Based on the
table, 81.42% of the respondents are married and others are unmarried. In case of educational qualification, 9.49% are SSC,
15.02% are Intermediate, 44.27% are graduated and remaining 31.22% are post graduated. In case of occupation, 56.52% are
working in Government and Private Sector, 22.53% are business people, 20.95% and are Homemakers.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 620 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040

In case of income, 32.89% are between 10000 -15000, 45.85% are between 15000-25000, 12.65% are between 25000-35000,
08.69% are above 40000. In case of family type, 45.06% are nuclear family and others are in joint family. In case of source of
information, 62.06% are TV ads, 4.74%are hoardings, 14.23% are newspapers and magazines, 18.97% are exhibitions. In case of
brands awareness level, 46.64% are below 3, and 53.36% are above 2. In case of Power Ads, 38.74% are persuaded, 3.02% are
fairly induced, 18.18% are strongly induced and remaining 11.06% are not induced or motivated for the purchase of selective

Table-4: Present Usage of Home Appliances Companies

Sl. No Home Appliances Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Total

1 Microwave Owen 127 53 0 61 12 253
2 Television 0 106 21 87 39 253
3 Washing machine 89 41 24 61 38 253
4 Refrigerator 57 65 28 67 36 253
5 Air cooler 68 71 12 48 54 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

In case of television, Samsung is dominating more when compare to other companies, for refrigerator LG is a leading player, in
case of washing machine Whirlpool and LG are leading the market, in case of air cooler Samsung and Whirlpool are the leading
player, and for microwave Whirlpool is the leading player in the market.

Table-5: Features Discriminating the Purchase of Branded TV Set

Sl. No Features Weight Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Weighted Average

1 Picture Quality 5 0 106 35 94 18 253
2 Sound Quality 4 0 79 22 66 86 253
3 Screen 3 0 56 45 77 75 253
4 Size 4 0 24 36 49 144 253
5 Color 5 0 64 69 61 59 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

From the above table it can be inferred that the preponderance of the respondents are influenced by picture quality first, then
sound, then screen quality, then size and color.

Table-6: Features Discriminating the Purchase of Branded Refrigerator

Sl. No Features Weight Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Weighted Average

1 Capacity 4 63 58 55 54 23 253
2 Efficiency 5 60 53 58 51 31 253
3 Storage 3 53 50 53 49 48 253
4 Aesthetic 2 57 51 54 58 33 253
5 Sturdy 5 49 42 60 64 38 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

From the above table it can be inferred that, a large amount of the respondents are influenced by efficiency first, then capacity,
then sturdy, then storage space, and then aesthetic of the refrigerator.

Table-7: Features Discriminating for Purchase of any Branded Washing Machine

Sl. No Features Weight Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Weighted Average

1 Capacity 4 60 42 51 29 71 253
2 Efficiency 5 56 39 48 35 75 253
3 Storage 3 63 58 47 43 42 253
4 Aesthetic 2 47 56 49 55 46 253
5 Sturdy 5 49 45 54 51 54 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

From the above table it can be inferred that, a large amount of the respondents are influenced by efficiency first, then capacity,
then sturdy, then storage space, and then aesthetic of the Washing Machine.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 621 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040

Table-8: Features Discriminating the Purchase of Branded Air Cooler

Sl. No. Features Weight Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Weighted Average
1 Cooling Capacity 5 25 31 27 29 141 253
2 Efficiency 4 31 37 29 31 125 253
3 Space 2 37 34 31 36 115 253
4 Aesthetic 3 32 35 34 31 121 253
5 Sturdy 2 34 30 38 32 119 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

From the above table it can be inferred that, a large amount of the respondents are influenced by cooling capacity first, then
efficiency, then aesthetic, then sturdy, and space.

Table-9: Features Discriminating the Purchase of Branded Microwave Oven

Sl. No Features Weight Whirlpool Samsung Godrej LG Others Weighted Average

1 Heating Capacity 5 41 46 59 48 59 253
2 Grill Fry 4 55 51 54 49 44 253
3 Defrost 3 62 51 60 57 23 253
4 Storage 4 59 57 51 60 26 253
5 Aesthetic 1 65 61 63 59 05 253
Sources: Authors Compilation

From the above table it can be inferred that, majority of the respondents are influenced by heating capacity first, then grill fry and
storage, then defrost, and then aesthetic of the microwave oven


The rising economy has made Indian consumers more affluent. An indication of this is evidently given by the study on consumer
behaviour of Indian consumers at Hyderabad in the age group of 25-50. This study has focused on how the buying behavior on the
investigations the following conclusions can be drawn on the consumer behaviour for this particular group.

Based on this study, the researchers concluded that, people in Hyderabad city has pertinent knowledge about diverse brands of the
Electronic Home Appliances. Knowledge about Electronic Home appliances differ based on the age level. The demographic
factors like age, gender, marital status, qualification, occupation, income and family type discriminating the buying behavior of
home appliances is based on this study the awareness level of home Electronic Home appliances are moderate in Hyderabad City.
Most of the respondents have the relevant knowledge on the renowned brands like Godrej, Whirlpool, LG, Samsung and other
company brands. Based on grades and rankings given by respondents, the main factors involved in selecting home appliances are
price then brand name, then quality, then service and the last are the other offers given by the retailer. Respondents are not much
prejudiced by retailer‟s information.

The media and advertising furnishes more requisite information when compare to other medium of dissemination of information
to the public. In the case of TV, respondents are influenced by picture quality first, then sound, then screen quality, then size and
color. In the case of refrigerator, respondents are influenced by efficiency first, then capacity, then sturdy, then storage space, and
then aesthetic of the refrigerator. In the case of washing machine, respondents are influenced by efficiency first, then capacity,
then sturdy, then storage space, and then aesthetic of the Washing Machine.

In the case of air cooler respondents are influenced by cooling capacity first, then efficiency, then aesthetic, then sturdy, and
space. In the case of Microwave oven the respondents are influenced by heating capacity first, then grill fry and storage, then
defrost, and then aesthetic of the microwave oven. The surveyed age group of 25-50 is very particular about the brands and they
judge brands based on perceived quality, value for money and availability of range of Electronic Home Appliances.

The study also shows that in the age group of 25-50, there is a huge buying seen and more amounts is spent on buying Electronic
Home Appliances based on the selective brands. This can be because of unplanned purchases and directionless purchases.
Indigenous technologies should be developed to ensure sustainability. In depth analysis and introspection is necessary for
Electronic Home Appliances manufacturers in India to develop sustainable products as that will be the main factor to drive the
consumer in buying Home Appliances in the future especially of the age group of 25-50.


The pulse of the India market has to be comprehended enough by the manufacturers so as to induce and persuade the customers to
buy their selective product based on the product, price, place and promotion. The dissemination of fruitful and productive
information has to be shown to the consumers through media rather concentrating mainly on the aesthetic part of the product.

International Journal of Logistics & Supply Chain Management Perspectives © Pezzottaite Journals. 622 | P a g e
Volume 2, Number 4, October – December’ 2013 ISSN (P):2319-9032, (O):2319-9040

Also the selection of the right media with the corresponding ratings will reach the right customers at the right time. The Brand
owners has to compare the other product line on par with their product to improve the standards and discriminate the product line
and elucidate the masses by proper training of sales personnel‟s by the company so that the acquaintance of truthful information
will throw more light on to the public with more effect on purchase of the desired product.

The Social media like Face book, Twitter and blogs have to be used by young customers to gather more knowledge during their
pass time; these media can be used to promote awareness on consumer buying behavior. There should be equilibrium between
sustainability and demand. A new empirical method has to be worked out to maintain for a sustainable business. A more detailed
study has to be carried out to find perception from consumers in different Cities other than Hyderabad to develop a new
sustainability model.


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17. information/overview/history


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