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Jennifer A.



Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal

species and their habitat. Wildlife plays an important role in balancing the
ecosystem and provides stability to different natural processes of nature like rain
fall, changing of temperature, fertility of soil. The goal of wildlife conservation is to
ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and also to
recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species

I. How is it done?

a. It has been stated on Sec. 24 of Wildlife Protection Act that conservation

breeding or propagation of threatened species shall be encouraged in order
to enhance its population in its natural habitat. It shall be done
simultaneously with the rehabilitation and/or protection of the habitat where
the captive-bred or propagated species shall be released, reintroduced or

b. These activities must be prohibited :

(i) dumping of waste products detrimental to wildlife

(ii) squatting or otherwise occupying any portion of the critical habitat

(iii) mineral exploration and/or extraction

(iv) burning

(v) logging

(vi) quarrying

(vii) trading of wildlife

(viii) collecting, hunting or possessing wildlife, their by-products and

(ix) gathering or destroying of active nests, nest trees, host plants and the

II. Benefits

a. Wildlife creates opportunity: biodiversity is known to create a large

opportunity may it be on the economy, society, and culture. This opens up
doors to more farmers in improving their agricultural productivity. Unique
species also lures in tourists from all over the globe, allowing local businesses
and investments to earn more. But most especially, it brings the whole
community together as they exert a team effort in protecting and nurturing
the wildlife.

b. Wildlife is a source of medicine: more than 40,000 species of plants, animals,

fungi and microscopic animals are used in some way to benefit humans. More
than a third of pharmaceuticals originated from wild plants. According to a
study, more than 50 percent of modern medicines and more than 90 percent
of traditional medicines come from wild plants and animals.

c. Wildlife enriches food production: Bees, bats, birds, among other animals help
plants become productive by serving as agents of pollination. Through the
protection of forests against deforestation as well as restoring natural
habitats, economic opportunities would rise. Moreover, wildlife conservation
helps in promoting agricultural diversity. It is a crucial factor in building a
secure and thriving food system. However, when this diversity is abused,
resources and extensive habitat loss take place. This would inevitably have a
drastic impact on the nutrition and health of some social groups.

d. Wildlife serves as models for man’s innovations and inventions: Inventors and
engineers modeled some submarines on fish movement. Nematodes were
used by scientists to model an electronic robot that can detect land mines.
Airplanes were modeled after birds.

e. Wildlife serves as food to people: Animals like wild pigs, deer, and a whole lot
of coastal and marine life like fishes, crabs, mollusks, shells, among others
support human population.

f. Wildlife serves as gene pool for pest-resistant strains: Scientists look for
resistant strains in wild plants because wild plants have evolved features
resistant to disease.
g. Wildlife is a pool of nutrients and determines the rate and extent of nutrient
distribution: Wildlife controls the rate and extent by which nutrients are being
distributed in an ecosystem. Animals scatter their manure or excretions in
different places and make the soil fertile.

h. Wildlife has bequest value. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that
nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and also to recognize
the importance of wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species alike.

III. Sources

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