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“Computer is an electronic machine or device which accepts input, processes them and gives
output in meaningful information”.

1. Speed: Computer can generate and executes millions of instructions within a fraction of
2. Storage: The data and information is stored in secondary storage device after
3. Accuracy: The computer will generate the output without any mistakes.
4. Versatility: Computer can capable of doing almost any tasks at a given time.
5. Automation: The processor automatically executes set of instructions till the program
6. Diligence: Computer cannot suffer from any diseases it can run for long time.
7. Cost effectiveness: Computers reduce amount of paper work and human efforts so
reduces time.

Data: It is a collection of information includes text, images and numbers.
Information: It means processed data.
Hardware: Hardware refers to parts of computer that you can see and touch.
Examples are Monitor, keyboard, mouse and printer.
Software: Software refers to set of instructions which tell hardware what to do.
There are two types of software:
a. System software: It consists of programs that control or maintain the operations of
computer and devices.
b. Application software: It consists of programs designed to make users to do personal
Examples for software are operating system like Windows, Unix etc.


Computer can perform mainly the following functions:
 It accepts the data and program from user as input.
 Process the data given by the programmer and convert into meaningful information.
 It will store the data, program and retrieve whenever required.
 It will display the output.

The functional units of computer consist of four units:

a. Input unit
b. Processing unit
c. Storage unit
d. Output unit

Primary storage
Input unit Output unit

Secondary storage




1. Input unit or Device:

An input device is a hardware component which accepts input from the user.
Examples are Keyboard,Mouse,Scanner.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
 CPU is the unit that reads and executes program instructions so it is called brain of the
 It takes all major decisions, makes all sorts of calculations, controls and coordinates all
the parts.
 The main function of CPU is to control and coordinates all the parts of computer system.
2. Storage unit:
Storage unit is used to store the data in memory. There are two types of storage:
a. Primary storage: Primary storage is also called as temporary storage. In this the data is
stored until computer is switched off.
b. Secondary storage: Secondary storage is also called as permanent memory. In this data
can be stored permanently. All the data and information is stored in secondary memory
and it is less expensive.
3. ALU(Arithmetic and Logic unit):
The ALU is responsible for performing all the arithmetical operations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division and logical operations like AND, OR, NOT.
4. CU( Control Unit):
Control unit is responsible to control all the hardware operations or all the input and
output devices.
5. Output unit:
The unit or device which will display the output in user understandable form.
Examples are printer, monitor.
a. 2500 B.C – The Abacus
Abacus is the first known calculating machine used for counting. It is made of beads on
cords and used for simple arithmetic calculations. This was mainly used for addition,
b. 1614 A.D – Napier’s bones
Napier’s bones was invented by John Napier Mathematician mainly designed for
Multiplication. It consists of set of bones consists of nine rods, one for each digit 1
through 9 and a constant rod for digit ‘0’.
c. 1633 A.D – The slide rule
The slide rule was invented by William oughtred in 1633 based on Napier ideas about
logarithms to do multiplications quickly and easily.
d. 1642 A.D - Pascaline
The first mechanical calculator is invented Blaise pascal. It is capable of doing all the
arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
e. Leibnitz calculator
The mathematician Gottfried Leibniz built a calculator in 1650 and it is capable for doing
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
f. Jacquard’s Loom
The Jacquard’s Loom is invented by Joseph Mary Jacquard in 1801. It uses punched
wooden cards to print text and images. This is the first “read only memory” device.
g. The Difference Engine
Charles Babbage a British mathematician designed an automatic calculating machine in
1822 called Difference Engine. Later he developed general purpose mechanical digital
computer called Analytical Engine. Hence he is called “Father of Computer science”.
h. The first programmer
Ada Lovelace is the first programmer designed the program and algorithms in 1833.
i. Hollerith Tabulating Machine
In 1889 an American Herman Hollerith invented tabulating machine. It is mainly used for
counting the population in USA.

1. FIRST GENERATION (1940 - 1956):
 The basic component of first generation computers are vaccume tubes.
 Magnetic drums are used for Memory.
 They are large in size occupies more space and generate more heat.
 They are very expensive and consume more electricity.
 It operates only on Machine level language.
 Input was based on punched cards and output is in the form of printouts.
 Some of the devices introduced in this generation are ENIAC, EDVAC and UNIVAC.
 Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) is the first machine founded
by John W Mauchly and J Presper Eckert in 1943.
 Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC) invented by John Von
Neuman in 1945.
 Universal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC) invented by John Mauchley in 1951 was
the first commercial computer.
2. SECOND GENERATION (1956-1963)
 The basic component used in this generation is Transistors.
 Computers are smaller, faster than first generation.
 Punched cards for input and output are in the form of printout.
 The storage medium is Magnetic core.
 High level languages were developed such as COBOL (Common Basic Oriented
Language) and FORTRAN(Formula Translator).
3. THIRD GENERATION (1964-1971)
 The basic component is Integrated circuits invented by Jack Kilby an engineer in
 These are smaller in size compared to second generation computer.
 It uses operating system which allows computers to run different programs at once.
 The keyboard and monitors are introduced.
 Magnetic disk such as hard disks, floppy disks was used as secondary storage
 The basic component used in this generation are advanced IC with LSI(Large Scale
Integration) and VLSI(Very Large Scale Integration) and Microprocessors.
 Computers are smaller and their prices become lower.
 Computers are more efficient, more reliable and they can perform more operations.
 Networking has been introduced and it can be used by whole world.
 Intel 4004 the first Microprocessor has been introduced.
 Robotics introduced.
 Super computers are introduced with storing huge amount of data.

Computers are mainly classified into three types:
1. Analog computers
2. Digital computers
3. Hybrid computers
1. Analog computers:
 Analog computers are mainly work on the principle of measuring.
 The output generated using these computers are not accurate and process is fast.
 These are generally used to measure temperature, pressure etc.
2. Digital computers:
 Digital computers works on binary data which means 0 & 1.
 The output generated using these computers are fast and accurate.
 These computers are used in homes and offices.
3. Hybrid computers:
 Hybrid computers are the combination of both analog and digital computers.
 These computers are more cost and used to perform complex simulations.
 These are used in hospitals(ex: ECG).

Digital computers again classified into 4 types:

a. Mini computers:
 Mini computers are introduced in the year 1960.
 These computers are larger and more powerful computer than personal computers.
 It can execute 5 million instructions per second.
 These computers consist of two or more processors.
 It can be used as network and internet servers.
b. Micro computers:
 Micro computers are introduced in the year 1970 and it is also called as personal
 These computers consist of one or two processors.
 The micro computers can be used by one person at a time.
 It contains input, output and memory devices.
 Examples are laptops, tablet, notebook computer, desktop.

c. Mainframe computers:
 Mainframe computers introduced in 1975.
 These are more powerful computers consists of multiple processors.
 It can execute 16 million instructions per second.
 These are mainly used in airlines for reservation.

d. Super computers:
 Super computers introduced in 1980.
 These are the most powerful and fastest computer compared to mini and
mainframe computers.
 These are very expensive and used for special applications.
 Example Weather forecasting and Nuclear energy research.

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