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c o u R s E D I p L o M A

Tokyo Keiki ECDIS Product Specific Training

Mukesh Kumar,
SID992206E 174486

Date of birth : 19.01.1969

Nat,onality· India

has successfully completed product specific ECDIS

familiarization training for Tokyo Keiki ECDIS

Place of issue : Seagull, Harten

Date of issue: 06.03.2015

m.~~mmnmmmmnmn Torger Tau

Senior Instructor/Assessor Manager oiJ rse Section

ThiS distance course has been approved by manufacturer Tokyo Keiki as product speofic training for Tokyo Keiki
EC 7000A and 8000 series , This training is also In accordance with ISM Code section 6.3 and 6,5,

In cooperation with :

This certificate Is not valid without

the imprinted Seagull Marrtime logo
- - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- www , seagul l. no - - ­
Seagu'l AS IS cerufled 11'1 acrordance Wllh DNV StarularCl for CenlficallOn No. 3.403 - Manlome Training Providers Seagull AS
Gam1evelen 36· POBox 1062 N·3194 Horten· Nor....ay
obtr'lt",ng@sguucom . Tel ~4 7 33 03 0910

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