Izquierdo-Medina1997 Article TheBiochemistryOfMemoryFormati

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1997,25 (l), 1-9

The biochemistry of memory formation and its

regulation by hormones and neuromodulators
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sui, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Recent findings have shown that the biochemistry of declarative memory in the areas ofthe brain in-
volved with its formation and retrieval is strikingly similar to that of long-term potentiation. The mem-
ory process, like long-term potentiation, involves a sequence of events that starts by the activation of
glutamate receptors, is followed by a variety of enzymatic changes, and involves, some hours after its
initiation, gene transcription and protein synthesis. This sequence of events takes place in the hippo-
campus and, depending on the task, also in amygdala and medial septum and, minutes later, probably
in cortical areas ofthe brain. Peripheral hormones and a variety of brain neuromodulatory systems may
enhance or depress different steps of the biochemical sequence. The hormones act in some cases di-
rectly on the hippocampus and amygdala (glucocorticoids), and in others (corticotropin, epinephrine)
indirectly, through reflex actions on brain neuromodulatory systems (noradrenergic, cholinergic, endor-
phinergic). The best studied modulatory systems are those related to stress. However, many findings
demonstrate a key role in memory modulation of dopaminergic synapses, of brain benzodiazepine-like
substances, and perhaps of serotonin acting at specific steps of the biochemistry of memory processes
in the hippocampus, amygdala, or elsewhere. Since these systems are involved in the regulation of anx-
iety and mood, the findings suggest a strong relation between anxiety, mood, and memory, both in nor-
mal and in pathological conditions.

Recent data have shown that the biochemistry of the Memory is certainly not formed or consolidated in just
formation and storage of declarative memories involves one place (Brioni, 1993; Izquierdo, da Cunha, et aI., 1992;
a cascade of events in specific areas of the brain that is Izquierdo, Medina, Jerusalinsky, & da Cunha, 1992).
similar to that which underlies long-term potentiation Whether it is later stored in restricted areas, particularly
(LTP) in the hippocampus (Baudry & Massicotte, 1992; for long periods after acquisition (Damasio, 1995; Thomp-
Izquierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; Maren & son & Krupa, 1994; Quillfeldt et aI., in press), is a matter
Baudry, 1995; Medina & Izquierdo, 1995; Reymann, 1993; of debate and intensive current study. The site( s) involved
Sossin, 1996). The biochemical cascade of memory has in long-term storage probably vary greatly with the nature
been best studied in the hippocampus in connection with of the information being stored, and probably change
step-down inhibitory avoidance (Izquierdo & Medina, with time (Quillfeldt et aI., in press; Zanatta et aI., 1996);
1995; Medina & Izquierdo, 1995); many findings sug- these sites will not be discussed here.
gest that it also occurs in amygdala, medial septum, and Plastic phenomena different from LTP, including long-
entorhinal cortex (Izquierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, term depression (LTD; Ito, 1996), may use some of the
1995). Involvement of one or another brain area depends steps of that biochemical cascade (Rose, 1995; Sossin,
on the task. In inhibitory avoidance, all these areas par- 1996). In addition, there are several forms of LTP in
ticipate in coordinated and/or sequential fashion; in other which some of the biochemical steps may be different
tasks, like habituation to a novel environment, the amyg- (Nicoll & Malenka, 1995). Further, memory involves mod-
dala and/or the septum are apparently not involved (Bri- ulatory processes that act on several points ofthe cascade
oni, 1993; Izquierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995, (Bohus, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995, 1996; Sossin,
1996; Zanatta et aI., 1996). 1996). Thus, the data that will be discussed here endorse
the hypothesis that LTP is a basis of memory, but do not
rule out the participation in memory of plastic events
The work reported here was supported by Funda~iio Vitae and Fun- other than LTP, and, indeed, suggest that modulatory sys-
da~iiode Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sui, Brazil. tems playa crucial role.
Correspondence should be addressed to I. Izquierdo, Centro de Memo- The biochemical cascade referred to above involves,
ria, Departamento de Bioquimica, Instituto de Biociencias, UFRGS
(Centro), 90046-900 Porto Alegre RS, Brazil.
first, an activation of AMPA, in most cases NMDA, and in
some cases also metabotropic glutamate receptors, fol-
~Accepted by previous editor, Paul E. Gold lowed by pre- and postsynaptic entry of Ca++, which in

Copyright 1997 Psychonomic Society, Inc.


many cases occurs through the channel of NMDA re- Izquierdo, 1989; Izquierdo & Medina, 1996; McGaugh,
ceptors and in others through voltage-dependent Ca++ 1989; McGaugh et aI., 1995). Most of these substances
channels (Izquierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; are in fact released in the brain or outside the brain dur-
Nicoll & Malenka, 1995; Riedel, 1996). This may be ingmany forms of behavioral training (Gold, 1991; Izqui-
coupled with the release of NO, CO, and the platelet- erdo, 1989), which signifies that many or most memories
activating factor, which enhances presynaptic glutamate are actually formed and often retrieved while under their
release (see Medina & Izquierdo, 1995). These events influence (Izquierdo, 1989; Zornetzer, 1978).
are followed by a rapid increase of postsynaptic cyclic All these hormones and modulators have been shown
guanosyl monophosphate (cGMP) and a slow increase of to have effects on hippocampal LTP, and the effects are of
cyclic adenosyl monophosphate (cAMP; Bernabeu, the same sign as those upon memory processes (see Bur-
Schmitz, Faillace, Izquierdo, & Medina, 1996; Huang, Li, gard, Cote, & Sarvey, 1991; Gold, Delanoy, & Merrin,
& Kandel, 1994), by the pre- and postsynaptic activation 1984; Izquierdo & Medina, 1996; Tyler & DiScenna,
of protein kinases A and C and calciumlcalmoduline ki- 1987). In addition, cholinergic agents alter protein ki-
nase II (Reymann, 1993), and by the phosphorylation of nase C activity; catecholamines influence cAMP levels
a variety of proteins, including subunits of the NMDA re- and thereby protein kinase A activity; peripherally admin-
ceptor (Koga, Sakai, Tanaka, & Saito, 1996) and the gene istered catecholamines influence central catecholamine
transcription factor CREB (cAMP-responsive element levels and actions (Gold, 1995; Gold et aI., 1984); vaso-
binding protein) (Ardenghi et aI., in press; Yin & Tully, pressin and corticotropin influence brain catecholamine
1996), among others (Hess, Lynch, & Gall, 1995). Gene levels (de Wied & Bohus, 1979); and corticotropin, corti-
activation leads to protein synthesis (Huang et aI., 1994), costeroids, and opioid agonists and antagonists influence
which is necessary for the long-term maintenance both of brain norepinephrine effects (Gold, 1991; Izquierdo, 1989;
LTP and of memory (Dunn, 1980; Hess etal., 1995; Huang McGaugh, 1989; McGaugh et aI., 1995).
et aI., 1994; Yin & Tully, 1996). Several of the neuromodulatory processes that accom-
The early events of this cascade (glutamate receptor pany learning and memory consolidation and retrieval
activation) are blocked by inhibitory GABA A receptors interact with each other. Thus, j3-endorphin exerts its
(Brioni, 1993) and are modulated by cholinergic musca- generally amnestic (and often state-dependency induc-
rinic and j3-noradrenergic synapses (Izquierdo, da Cunha, ing) effect (Izquierdo, 1989) through influences upon
et aI., 1992; Izquierdo, Medina, et aI., 1992). The GABAA j3-noradrenergic and D2-dopaminergic synapses in the
receptors are in turn also modulated by endogenous amygdala (McGaugh, 1989) and probably also elsewhere
benzodiazepine-like substances (Wolfman et aI., 1991). (Izquierdo, 1989); intraseptal infusions of j3-endorphin
Later events (3 or 6 h after the initial activation of glu- are also amnestic (Bostock, Gallagher, & King, 1988).
tamate receptors) are modulated by dopaminergic mech- Cholinergic muscarinic-j3-noradrenergic interactions in
anisms, first described by Grecksch and Matthies (1982). the amygdala (Dalmaz, Introini-Collison, & McGaugh,
In particular, the late protein kinase A/CREB/protein 1993; Introini-Collison, Dalmaz, & McGaugh, 1996) and
synthesis-dependent phase is modulated by dopamine in the hippocampus and septum (see Izquierdo, Medina,
DIlDs receptors, both in the case of LTP in the hippo- et aI., 1992) relevant to memory modulation have been
campus CAl region (Huang et aI., 1994) and in the case described.
of memory processing by the hippocampus (Ardenghi There is strong evidence that corticotrophin (Gold,
et aI., in press). These later events do not occur if activity 1991), glucocorticoids (Roozendaal & McGaugh, 1996),
of one or another of the protein kinases is inhibited, and vasopressin, and oxytocin (de Wied & Bohus, 1979) cause
abortive forms ofLTP and of memory are then seen (Iz- their effects on memory through interactions with brain
quierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; Reymann, noradrenergic mechanisms in the amygdala and hippo-
1993). Protein synthesis inhibitors or the knockout of the campus. There are specific receptors to glucocorticoids
genes that encode for some forms of CREB have a sim- in hippocampus, amygdala, and other regions of the brain,
ilar "abortive" effect on LTP (Huang et aI., 1994; Yin & however (de Kloet et aI., 1991), and abundant evidence
Tully, 1996). indicates that at least part of their effects on memory may
be directly through these receptors (de Kloet et aI., 1991;
MODULATORY INFLUENCES McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995; Roozendaal & McGaugh,
1996). Peripherally administered opioids and opioid an-
In addition to those mentioned above, a variety of cen- tagonists alter memory mainly through influences upon
tral and peripheral modulatory systems have been de- the amygdala (McGaugh, 1989; Izquierdo, 1989). Periph-
scribed that alter memory formation in the immediate eral epinephrine regulates glycemia, and increases in blood
posttraining period: Brain j3-endorphin and other opioids, glucose mimic the memory-facilitatory effects of epi-
cholinergic nicotinic influences, serotonin, peripheral nephrine (Gold, 1995; Gold & McCarty, 1995) and en-
adrenocorticotropin, vasopressin, oxytocin, glucocorti- hance hippocampal LTP (Gold et aI., 1984). Hypogly-
coids, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glucose (see cemia induces synaptic depression in the hippocampus
Bohus, 1994; Cahill & McGaugh, 1996; Gold, 1991, 1995; (di Blasi, Fleck, & Barrionuevo, 1995). On the basis of
Grigoryan, Hodges, Mitchell, Sinden, & Gray, 1996; many animal and human data, blood glucose levels have,

in fact, been proposed as a major modulatory factor in of the amygdala would be to actually modulate memories
memory processes and related neural events (Gold, 1995; laid down in the hippocampus and other places, particu-
Gold & McCarty, 1995). larly the caudate nucleus (Cahill & McGaugh, 1996; Mc-
It is likely that the widespread posttraining changes Gaugh et ai., 1995). The entorhinal and parietal cortex
reported on cyclic nucleotide levels (Bernabeu et aI., appear to be involved in the late processing of a variety
1996), protein kinase activity (Bernabeu, Izquierdo, Cam- of memories, possibly as an integrator of data previously
marota, Jerusalinsky, & Medina, 1995), AMPA receptor processed by the hippocampus, amygdala, or septum
binding (Cammarota et ai., 1995; Tocco et ai., 1991), and (Zanatta et ai., 1996). Hippocampus, amygdala, septum,
protein synthesis (Dunn, 1980; Izquierdo et ai., 1983) and the neocortex are known to receive extensive nor-
may to a large extent be secondary to effects of the mod- adrenergic, dopaminergic, and cholinergic innervation,
ulatory factors, rather than to synapse-specific, pinpointed whose failure has been attributed a role in the genesis of
events like LTP (Izquierdo & Medina, 1995). In particu- memory disturbances related to aging or to degenerative
lar, the protein synthesis increase that occurs in several diseases of the brain, such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's
regions of the brain following training procedures can be (Izquierdo & Chaves, in press; Izquierdo, Medina, et ai.,
abolished by adrenalectomy or by adrenal medullectomy 1992; Winblad, Hardy, Backman, & Nilsson, 1985).
and mimicked by corticotropin or by epinephrine (Dunn, Since modulatory systems affect the biochemical cas-
1980; Izquierdo et ai., 1983). cade involved in memory, they may in fact introduce in-
It has indeed been suggested that any biochemical formation of their own, and therefore specifically add
change that can actually be detected in an autoradiogram "colors" or "tinges" to the memories, pertaining to emo-
or a homogenate or a subcellular preparation from a whole tional, affective, or related components (Bohus, 1994;
tissue (an entire subarea of the hippocampus, the entire Damasio, 1995; Gold, 1995; Izquierdo, 1989, 1994; Izqui-
hippocampus or amygdala, etc.) must be attributed to erdo & Medina, 1995, 1996; Markowitsch, 1994; Zomet-
modulatory influences (Dunn, 1980), since the changes zer, 1978). In other words, the biochemical cascade in
that would be expected to occur at the particular set of cells a ... n in, say, hippocampus, would not be the same
synapses involved in each particular learning experience as the biochemical cascade stimulated at Step A and B by
should be too small to be measurable and would be lost one neuromodulator, and perhaps inhibited at Step W or
like a needle in a haystack (Dunn, 1980; Izquierdo & Me- Z by another; it would, in fact, store different information
dina, 1995). (see Izquierdo & Medina, 1996). A large amount of evi-
Anyway, the fact that modulatory influences can alter dence from daily life or clinical studies suggests that this
the biochemistry of memory at different stages signifies is true (Markowitsch, 1994).
that they may also influence the intensity, duration, or This hypothesis has recently been reiterated with em-
spread of LTP or of other plastic phenomena that use a phasis on the possible influence of modulatory systems
similar biochemical cascade (see below). on gene transcription (Sossin, 1996). It must be pointed
As noted, modulatory influences act in different places out, however, that all the modulatory systems related to
of the brain: the hippocampus (Izquierdo, da Cunha, alertness or stress (corticotropin, glucocorticoids, vaso-
et ai., 1992; Izquierdo, Medina, et ai., 1992; Gold, 1991, pressin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and central and pe-
1995), the amygdala (Cahill & McGaugh, 1990, 1996; ripherally acting catecholamine releasers) facilitate mem-
McGaugh et ai., 1995; Young et ai., 1995), the medial sep- oryat low to moderate blood levels or administered doses,
tum (Bostock et ai., 1988; Brioni, Decker, Gamboa, Iz- but impair memory at high levels or doses (Gold, 1991,
quierdo, & McGaugh, 1990; Izquierdo, da Cunha, et ai., 1995; Gold & McCarty, 1995; Izquierdo, 1989; McGaugh,
1992; Izquierdo, Medina, et ai., 1992), and elsewhere 1989). This argues strongly against a direct role on gene
(Damasio, 1995; de Kloet et ai., 1991; Gold, 1991, 1995). transcription, which should presumably follow a linear
The relevance of the modulatory influences at each of dose-response curve, and in favor of a mediation of their
these regions obviously depends on the type of memory effects by brain neuromodulators acting synaptically, as
being processed (Brioni, 1993; Gold, 1995; Izquierdo & has indeed been repeatedly and convincingly demon-
Medina, 1995). The hippocampus is an obvious site of strated (see Bohus, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1996;
action for modulatory influences on many types ofmem- McGaugh et ai., 1995). It is common knowledge that low
ory or components of memory: spatial, verbal, and con- to moderate levels of arousal, or mild anxiety, facilitate
textual, among others (see Bechara et ai., 1995; Izquierdo learning and retrieval; whereas too high levels of arousal
& Medina, 1995; Izquierdo, Medina, et ai., 1992). The or anxiety (i.e., stress) have an impairing effect (Gold,
amygdala (Bechara et ai., 1995; Cahill & McGaugh, 1991; Izquierdo, 1989; McGaugh, 1989; Zornetzer, 1978).
1990, 1996; Izquierdo, da Cunha, et ai., 1992; Izquierdo,
Medina, et ai., 1992; Young et ai., 1995) and the medial THE BIOCHEMICAL CASCADE
septum (Davis, 1992; Izquierdo, da Cunha, et ai., 1992; OF MEMORY FORMATION
Izquierdo & Medina, 1995) are in charge of the emo-
tional, and perhaps especially of the more aversive emo- Our laboratories and others have studied the biochem-
tional, aspects of memory. The medial septum is, in addi- ical basis of memory formation in detail over the past
tion, involved in spatial memories (Bostock et ai., 1988; 5 years. The basic strategy has been (1) to determine the
Brioni et ai., 1990). Some data suggest that the main role effect on memory of localized infusions into the hippo-

campus, amygdala, or other related brain areas of drugs septum, and entorhinal cortex (Izquierdo & Medina,
that selectively act upon the biochemical events of the 1995). Now there are eight: The striatum, cerebellum, in-
sequence that underlies LTP (Huang et aI., 1994; Rey- ferior colliculus, and posterior parietal cortex have been
mann, 1993), and the time course of these effects; (2) to added to the list in the past few months.
investigate the biochemical effects of memory para- In spite of the extraordinary degree of coincidence be-
digms in the same brain structures, and the time course tween the findings on LTP and those on learning para-
of these effects. Most of the experiments were carried digms, particularly in hippocampus and in relation to
out using the step-down inhibitory avoidance paradigm, inhibitory avoidance, the caveat expressed above con-
whose pharmacology had been well studied over the years cerning the inability to exclude other, parallel or vicari-
(see Izquierdo, 1989), and which we had recently found ous mechanisms in memory must be kept in mind. First,
to depend on the integrated activity of several brain struc- many ofthe findings can also be taken to endorse the hy-
tures: hippocampus, amygdala, medial septum, and ento- potheses based upon observations in inhibitory avoid-
rhinal cortex (Izquierdo & Medina, 1995, 1996; Wolfman ance in the chick regarding other forms of plasticity (Rose,
et aI., 1991). 1995; Zhao et aI., 1995). Second, Ito (1996) and Tsumoto
The Appendix lists the major findings on the hippo- (1993) have suggested a role for LTD in at least some
campus, and the notes to the Appendix list the findings forms of learning, of which habituation may be part: In-
in other brain structures. deed, by its very nature (it involves the erasure by phos-
Some of the drug classes listed in the Appendix have phatases of whatever protein kinases may be doing in
also been studied by systemic injection. Although the re- LTP), LTD may well be a natural substrate of forgetting
sults often agree with those of intrahippocampal or intra- (Tsumoto, 1993). Some of the early steps of LTD (gluta-
amygdala infusions, they are difficult to interpret be- mate receptor activation, Ca++ entry, protein kinase acti-
cause of the possibility of multiple side effects, and will vation, etc.) are in fact similar to those of LTP, and the
not be commented on here; the interested reader is re- switch between LTP and LTD depends on phosphatase
ferred to Izquierdo and Medina (1995) or Medina and Iz- activity levels beyond those stages (Ito, 1996). Third,
quierdo (1995). Mutant mice lacking one or other gluta- whatever the criticisms, gene knockout experiments may
mate receptor subunit or protein kinase, or CREB, have be taken to suggest that some of the steps in the biochem-
been produced; when they reach a young adult age, these ical cascade leading to hippocampal LTP are not essential
animals present serious deficits, though not a lack of, for LTP, and/or that hippocampal LTP is not an absolute
hippocampal LTP and hippocampus-based learning (Grant requirement for memory and that alternative mechanisms
& Silva, 1994). Although the data also generally support enter into play in both cases (Grant & Silva, 1994).
the pharmacological findings listed in the Appendix, they Actually, none of these hypotheses is absolutely in-
must be viewed with care. The gene knockout technique compatible with the rest of them. LTP may be in charge
is suited to study the role of (1) given protein( s) in de- oflearning in some places and not in others, or some types
velopment, but, if animals do survive up to an age of sev- of learning may require LTP (or LTD) here or there but
eral months, surely they must have generated, through not elsewhere, or not throughout the entire consolidation
their own development, genetic alternatives to the miss- period, and so on. Very brief memories, such as those of
ing protein( s) (Routtenberg, 1995), especially if these working memory, might rely on homo- or heterosynaptic
are "housekeeping" proteins such as GLUR I , calcium/ facilitation (Izquierdo & Vasquez, 1968), or on other
calmodulin kinase II, protein kinase C, or CREB. Thus, short-lasting combinations of simple, short-lasting elec-
both systemic drug injection experiments and gene knock- trophysiological events that may (Grant & Silva, 1994)
out experiments may be viewed as methodologically or may not influence LTP or other longer lasting forms of
"dirty." Systemic drug administration is useful when drugs plasticity. Short-lasting or "abortive" LTPs, such as those
acting on the periphery, or commonly used by systemic that take place when protein kinases (Reymann, 1993)
administration, or of potential therapeutic value, are tested, or protein synthesis (Huang et aI., 1994) are blocked,
but not when mechanisms at a given set of synapses are may play important roles in posttraining memory pro-
under investigation. In this sense, obviously microinfu- cesses (Jerusalinsky et aI., 1994).
sions into restricted brain areas are to be preferred also It may be naive these days to think that something
over intracerebroventricular injections. so basic as learning, which so often looks like what
The speed at which this field is progressing is illustrated brains are primarily designed to do, should rely on just
by the fact that in the three most comprehensive reviews one mechanism, there being so many possibilities avail-
published in the past 4 years on correlations between the able to nerve cells. This thinking may indeed be as naive
pharmacology of LTP and that of memory (Baudry & as it was to think that some forms oflearning rely onjust
Massicotte, 1992; Izquierdo, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, one brain structure (the hippocampus, the cerebellum,
1995), the number of drug classes or pharmacological the amygdala), as seemed to be the fashion only a cou-
variables cited was 4, 17, and 25, respectively; in the Ap- ple of years ago. It is now known that even the simplest
pendix and its notes, the number is 39. In the first of forms of learning and memory rely on more than one
those reviews, only one brain structure was included: the structure. The habituation of exploration of a closed en-
hippocampus (Baudry & Massicotte, 1992). A year ago vironment requires the hippocampus and the entorhinal
the structures were four: hippocampus, amygdala, medial cortex, though not the amygdala or septum (Izquierdo,

da Cunha, et aI., 1992; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995). Step- protein synthesis to other, perhaps morphological, more
down inhibitory avoidance requires the four structures, permanent changes, is yet to be studied, both in relation
and subsequently the posterior parietal cortex (Izquierdo, to LTP, which lasts for several weeks (see Izquierdo, 1994,
da Cunha, et aI., 1992; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; for references), and to long-term memory, which may
Zanatta et aI., 1996). Eye-blink conditioning is formed in last for decades.
a circuit that involves mainly the cerebellum (Thompson So far, the best studied modulatory influences on mem-
& Krupa, 1994), but is accompanied by changes in ory, both at the behavioral and at the biochemical level,
AMPA receptor binding in the hippocampus (Tocco are those related to stress: the peripheral hypersecretion
et aI., 1991) that are very similar to those that have been of corticotropin, vasopressin, corticosteroids, epineph-
described for inhibitory avoidance (Cammarota et aI., rine, norepinephrine, and glycemia changes, and the cen-
1995) or LTP (Tocco, Maren, Shors, Baudry & Thomp- tral activation of noradrenergic mechanisms (Gold, 1995;
son, 1992). Conditioned startle needs the amygdala, Gold & McCarty, 1995; Izquierdo, 1989; McGaugh, 1989;
rather than the hippocampus, but requires the activation McGaugh et aI., 1995). As mentioned above, at low to
of a complex circuit as well (Davis, 1992). It can be at- moderate levels of functioning, these systems facilitate
tenuated by Pavlovian alimentary conditioning, which memory formation, whereas at high levels of activity
indicates that very different pathways than those usually they impair memory (Gold, 1991).
employed by this type of learning can be made to func- Stress has been repeatedly implicated in the genesis
tionally converge on them (Schmid, Koch, & Schnitzler, of depression (see Willner, Sampson, Papp, Phillips, &
1995). Separable components oflearning tasks are being Muscat, 1991) and, of course, of posttraumatic stress dis-
recognized; and each may require different brain struc- order. In addition, repeated stress, through a chronic ac-
tures and involve different neural mechanisms (Grant & tion of glucocorticoids on the hippocampus and other areas
Silva, 1994; Izquierdo & Medina, 1995; McGaugh et aI., involved in memory processing, has been implicated in
1995). Recently, a spatial component of the water maze the direct genesis of cognitive disorders in animals and
task insensitive to intracerebroventricular AP5 has been humans (McEwen & Sapolsky, 1995).
described (Bannerman, Good, Butcher, Ramsay, & Mor- Recent evidence points to memory modulation by
ris, 1995). neurohumoral mechanisms related to anxiety (brain
benzodiazepine-like substances, Wolfman et aI., 1991);
CONCLUSIONS, WITH mood and affect (dopaminergic changes, Ardenghi et aI.,
SPECIAL REFERENCE TO in press; Izquierdo & Chaves, 1996; changes in serotonin
MODULATORY PROCESSES levels, Grigoryan et aI., 1996). Serotonin interacts with
noradrenergic, dopaminergic, and GABAergic mecha-
The biochemistry of memory formation in rat hippo- nisms in the hippocampus, amygdala, and elsewhere,
campus is now rather well known in relation to inhibitory and its role in the regulation of mood and anxiety levels
avoidance learning and, in part, in relation to habituation is thought to derive from these interactions (Graeff, 1993;
to a restricted space and a few other tasks, spatial and non- Grigoryan et aI., 1996; Willner et aI., 1991). Anxiety and
spatial. Some data suggest that a similar biochemical cas- depression deeply affect memory, and it has been sug-
cade takes place in amygdala and medial septum, at least gested that this might be to the dysfunction of serotonin-
for inhibitory avoidance, and, starting 30 or so minutes ergic, dopaminergic, and GABAA/benzodiazepine systems
later, in entorhinal cortex. Some findings suggest simi- (Izquierdo & Chaves, in press). Treatment of depression
lar biochemical processes in other brain areas, including and, particularly, of posttraumatic stress disorder, involves
the parietal cortex and cerebellum. Neuromodulatory and agents active upon serotoninergic, cholinergic, dopami-
hormonal events that accompany training procedures nergic, and noradrenergic synapses (Friedman & South-
may modulate the biochemical cascade at different steps. wick, 1995).
Peripheral corticotropin, glucocorticoids, vasopressin, and The study of the influence of modulatory systems on
epinephrine have reflex influences on f3-noradrenergic the biochemical chain of events underlying brain plastic-
synapses in the amygdala, hippocampus, and elsewhere, ity and memory may open the way not only for a better
which interact with cholinergic, f3-endorphinergic, and understanding of memory, but also for the treatment of its
other synapses and modulate the early glutamate receptor- disorders, and of a variety of brain diseases that are ac-
dependent phase of the biochemical sequence of events companied by disturbed cognition.
that underlies memory. This sequence is closely similar to
the one that has been described for LTP in the CA I region
of the hippocampus, and with at least most of the events ARDENGHI, P., BERNABEU, R., BEVILAQUA, L., BROMBERG, E., IZQUI-
that underlie LTP elsewhere. Somewhere between the ERDO, I., & MEDINA, J. H. (in press). A dopamine 0/0 5 receptor-
3rd and the 6th h ofthe cascade, gene activation and pro- cAMP-PKA-CREB signaling pathway in the late phase of memory
tein synthesis appear necessary for both LTP and mem- consolidation in the rat. Ciencia e Cullura, 45.
ory consolidation. In the case of memory and of CAl LTP, MORRIS, R. G. M. (1995). Distinct components of spatialleaming re-
this is strongly regulated by a dopamine Dl/cAMP/protein vealed by prior training and NMDA receptor blockade. Nature, 378,
kinase A/CREB-P signaling system. The relation of the 182-186.

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Learning & Memory, 64, 1-3. for the hippocampus, as well as a few others, have been studied
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transcription. Trends in Neurosciences, 19,215-218. 1992); picrotoxin, 4' -chlordiazepam (inhibitory avoidance,
TAN, S. E., & LIANG, K. C. (1995). Alteration in the activity ofcalciuml da Cunha et aI., 1991); flumazenil (inhibitory avoidance, Wolf-
calmodulin dependent protein Kinase II associated with spatial learn- man et aI., 1991); mc-PAF (inhibitory avoidance, Izquierdo,
ing in the rat. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 21, 1933. da Cunha, 1995). Amnestic drugs: AP5 (inhibitory avoidance,
THOMPSON, R. E, & KRUPA, D. J. (1994). Organization of memory traces
Izquierdo, da Cunha, et aI., 1992; Kim & McGaugh, 1992);
in the mammalian brain. Annual Review ofNeuroscience, 17,519-549.
Tocco, G., DEVGAN, K., HANGE, S. A., WEISS, C. A., BAUDRY, M., &
AP5 and its heptanoic acid derivative, AP7 (conditioned star-
THOMPSON, R. E (1991). Classical conditioning selectively increases tle, Miserendino, Sananes, Melia, & Davis, 1990); pretest CNQX
AMPA receptor binding in rabbit hippocampus. Brain Research, 559, (inhibitory avoidance, IzqUIerdo, da Silva, et aI., 1993; condi-
331-336. tioned startle (Kim, Campeau, Falls, & Davis, 1993); muscimol
Tocco, G., MAREN, S., SHORS, T., BAUDRY, M., & THOMPSON, R. E (inhibitory avoidance, Izquierdo, da Cunha, et aI., 1992); bicu-
(1992). Long-term potentiation is associated with increased 3 [H]- culline (inhibitory avoidance, Brioni, Nagahara, & McGaugh,
AMPA binding in rat hippocampus. Brain Research, 573, 228-234. 1989); benzodiazepines (inhibitory avoidance, Dickinson-
TSUMOTO, T. (1993). Long-term depression in cerebral cortex: A possi- Anson & McGaugh, 1993); flumazenil (inhibitory avoidance,
ble substrate of "forgetting" that should not be forgotten. Neuro-
Wolfman et aI., 1991); CaM II inhibitors (inhibitory avoidance,
science Research, 16, 263-270.
TYLER, T. J., & DISCENNA, P. (1987). Long-term potentiation. Annual
Wolfman, Fin, Dias, & Bianchin, 1994); PKC inhibitors (in-
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IZQUIERDO, I. (1992). Post-training infusion of glutamate receptor ance, Izquierdo et aI., 1995).
antagonists into the medial septum of rats causes amnesia. Ciencia e Medial septum. Time course of effects similar to hippo-
Cu/tura, 44, 339-341. campus. Enhancing drugs: Glutamate, muscarinic agonists,
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(1991). Animal models of anhedonia. InP. Simon, P. Soubrie, & P. Wid- da Cunha, et aI., 1992); flumazenil (inhibitory avoidance, Wolf-
locher (Eds.), Animal models ofpsych iatric disorders (Vol. 3, pp. 71-
man et aI., 1991). Amnestic drugs: AP5 (inhibitory avoidance,
99). Base I: Karger.
WINBLAD, B., HARDY, J., BACKMAN, L., & NILSSON, L.-G. (1985). Mem-
Izquierdo, da Cunha, et aI., 1992); CNQX (inhibitory avoidance,
ory function and brain biochemistry in normal aging and senile de- Walz et aI., 1992); muscimol (water maze, Brioni et aI., 1990);
mentia. In D. S. Olton, E. Gamzu, & S. Corkin (Eds.), Memory dys- inhibitory avoidance (Izquierdo, da Cunha, et aI., 1992); flu-
functions: An integration of animal and human research from mazenil (inhibitory avoidance, Wolfman et aI., 1991).
preclinical and clinical perspectives (Annals of the New York Acad- Entorhinal cortex. Time window of effects, from 30 to
emy of Sciences, Vol. 444, pp. 265-268). New York: New York Acad- 180 min posttraining, and at the time oftesting. Enhancing drugs:
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campal or intraamygdala infusion of KN62, a specific inhibitor of inhibitors (inhibitory avoidance, Wolfman et aI., 1994); PKC in-
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II, causes retrograde hibitors (inhibitory avoidance, Jerusalinsky et aI., 1994); CNQX
amnesia in the rat. Behavioral & Neural Biology, 61, 203-205. (inhibitory avoidance or habituation, pre-test, Quillfeldt et aI.,
YIN, J. C. P., & TuLLY, T. (1996). CREB and the formation oflong-term 1994; Quillfeldt et aI., in press).
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ZANATTA, M. S., SCHAEFFER, E., SCHMITZ, P. K., MEDINA, J. H., et aI., in press; Zanatta et aI., 1996); CNQX (inhibitory avoid-
QUEVEDO, J., QUILLFELDT, J. A., & IZQUIERDO, I. (1996). Sequential ance, pre-test, Quillfeldt et aI., in press).
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Table Al
Effect of Drugs on Hippocampal Long-Term Potentiation (LTP) and, When Infused Posttraining Into Hippocampus,
on Memory ofInhibitory Avoidance (IA), Spatial Habituation (HAB), or Other Tasks;
Effect of LTP and of the Tasks on Biochemical Measures Related to LTP
Drug Time of Memory Drug Time of Memory
(or Variable) Administration LTP IA HAB Other (or Variable) Administration LTP IA HAB Other
AP5 early I JI JI J2 mc-PAF early E(b) EI8 EI8
late 0 03 BN 52021 early I Jl8 118
expression 0 04 BN 52030 early 0 0 18 0 18
CNQX early I J5 CaM II inhibitors early, late (d) I Jl9 po
late I 16 CaM II activity early, late (d) E E20
expression I 14,6 14,6 PKC inhibitors early, late (e) I pi
AMPA receptor Bmax early E(a) E7 E8 PKC activity early, late (e) E E22
late E E7 E8 PKA inhibitors late (f) I p3 po
expression 09 09 SKF38393 early 0 023
GLURI levels early E EIO late (g) E E23
MCPG early I JlI Jl2 SCH23390 early 0 023
Glutamate early E EI EI late I p3
ACPD early E(b) Ell EI2 SCH23390B max late E E23
Muscimol early I 11.3 II 8-Br-cAMP (f) early 0 023
Picrotoxin early E EI EI late E E24
Benzodiazepines early I 113 Jl3 Jl4 cAMP levels (f) early 0 024
Muscarinic agonists early E(b) EI EI late E E23
Muscarinic antagonists early I(c) JI II Forskolin early 0 0 23
Norepinephrine early I(b) EI EI late E 023
N-nitro-arginine early I Jl5 8-Br-cGMP early E E24
SNAP (or NO) early E EI6 late 0 024
late EI6 cGMP levels early E E24
NO synthase activity early E EI5 late 0 E24
ZnPP early I 116 Jl6 CREB-P levels early E23
Heme-oxygenase activity early E EI7 late E E23
Note~E, Enhancement; I, Inhibition (Amnesia); 0, No Effect. Early, prior to LTP induction or immediately after behavioral training, Late,
30-180 min after induction or training. Expression, prior to the test session, (a) Increased postsynaptic responses to iontophoretic AMPA applica-
tion. (b) Causes long-lasting potentiation on its own. (c) Blocks potentiation induced by muscarinic agonists. (d) For up to 180 min. (e) For up to
120 min. (f) Starting no less than 30 min and lasting at least up to 180-360 min after LTP induction or behavioral training.
For the data on pharmacology ofLTp, see Reymann (1993), Izquierdo (1994), Izquierdo and Medina (1995), Maren and Baudry (1995), and Me-
dina and Izquierdo (1995).
References for the behavioral data are as follows: IJzquierdo et al. (1992). 2S. Davis, Butcher, & Morris (1992; spatial learning; intracere-
broventricular administration, but AP5 concentrations measured in hippocampus). 3Quillfeldt et al. (in press). 4Izquierdo, da Silva, Bueno e Silva,
Quillfeldt, & Medina (1993). 5Jerusalinsky et al. (1992). 6Bianchin et al. (1993). 7Cammarota et al. (1995). 8Tocco et al. (1991; eye-blink condi-
tioning). 9Cammarota et al. (1995). 10 Bernabeu & Medina (in press; western blot). IIBianchin et al. (1994). 12Riedel, Wetzel, & Reymann (1994;
spatial learning). 13 Wolfman et al. (1991; effect of flumazenil). 14 Brioni, Arolfo, Jerusalinsky, Medina, & Izquierdo (1991; water maze). 15Bern-
abeu (1995). 16Fin et al. (1995). 17Bernabeu, Princ, et al. (1995). 18 Izquierdo et a!. (1995). 19Wolfman et a!. (1994). 20Tan & Liang (1995).
21 Jerusalinsky et a!. (1994). 22Bernabeu, Izquierdo, et a!. (1995). 23 Ardenghi et a!. (in press). 24Bernabeu et a!. (1996).

Cerebellum. cAMP and cGMP level changes after inhib- nist; N-nitro-arginine, inhibitor of the enzyme, NO synthase;
itory avoidance similar and simultaneous to those seen in hippo- SNAp, S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillinamine, releaser of NO; ZnPp,
campus (Bernabeu et aI., 1996), Amnestic drug: muscimol (eye- zinc-protoporphyrine-9, an inhibitor of heme oxygenase, the en-
blink conditioning, Thompson & Krupa, 1994); N-nitroarginine, zyme that produces CO; mc-PAF, methyl-carbamyl-PAF or
NO scavengers, inhibitors of protein kinase C, CNQX, MCPG platelet activating factor, a putative synaptic retrograde messen-
(eye-blink conditioning, Ito, 1996). ger like NO or CO; BN 52021 and 52030, ginkolides, antagonists
Inferior colliculus. Amnestic drugs: AP5, ketamine (audi- of receptors to PAF located in presynaptic membranes and in micro-
tory response alignment, Feldman, Brainard, & Knudsen, 1996). somes respectively; CaM II, calcium/calmoduline dependent
Substance name abbreviations and nature. AP5, amino- protein kinase II; PKC, protein kinase C; PKA, protein kinase A;
phosphonopentanoate, antagonist of glutamate NMDA-type re- SKF 38393, selective dopamine D/Ds receptor agonist; SCH
ceptors; CNQX, cianonitroquinoxalinedione, antagonist of gluta- 23390, selective dopamine D/Ds receptor antagonist; cAMP and
mate AMPA-type receptors; GLUR I , a subunit of glutamate 8-Br-cAMp, cyclic adenylyl monophosphate and its soluble de-
ionotropic receptors, essential for LTP; MCPG, methylcarboxy- rivative; cGMP and 8-Br-GMp, cyclic guanylyl monophosphate
phenyl glycine, antagonist of glutamate metabotropic receptors; and its soluble derivative; CREB-P, phosphorylated form of the
ACPD, trans-aminocyclopentyl dicarboxylate, agonist at gluta- cAMP-responsive element binding protein, a transcription factor;
mate metabotropic receptors; muscimol, agonist at GABA A re- ketamine, blocker of glutamate NMDA receptor ionophore.
ceptors; picrotoxin and 4' -chlorodiazepam, blockers of the
ionophore of GABA A receptors; bicuculline, antagonist at
GABA A receptors; benzodiazepines, positive modulators at (Manuscript received July I, 1996;
GABA A receptors; flumazenil, benzodiazepine receptor antago- revision accepted for publication July II, 1996.)

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