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Software Requirement Specification(SRS)

Online Blood Bank Management System

This is a web application allows you to access the whole information about Blood Bank
Management Software, readily scalable and adaptable to meet
the complex need of Blood Banks Who are key Facilitator for the Healthcare
Sector, it also supports all the functionalities of Blood Bank. This project is developed to manage
the blood stock in the "BLOOD BANK" maintained in the database. New blood details are
entered in to the project to manage blood details. Blood donor details are entered and maintained
in the database

• To provide a means for the blood bank to publicize and advertise blood donation programs.
• To allow the probable recipients to make search and match the volunteer donors, and make
request for the blood.
• To improve the efficiency of blood stock management by alerting the blood bank staffs when the
blood quantity is below it par level or when the blood stock has expired.
• To provide an efficient donor and blood stock management functions to the blood bank by
recording the donor and blood details.

Problem Definition of Existing system

Entering the details about the blood groups, members, addresses etc. And
tracking the database is complicated when the details are maintained
manually. This makes the maintenance of schedule erroneous.

Limitation of manual system:

 It is time consuming.
 It leads to error prone results.
 It consumes lot of men power to better results.
 Retrieval of data takes lots of time.
 Percentage of accuracy is less.
 Reports takes time to produce.
Proposed System
In this project mainly 3 modules are there.

 Admin
 Donors
 Acceptors

Action Plan:
Analysis/Design 3 Days
Coding 8 Days
Review of coding 2 Days
Documentation 2 Days
Total 15 Days

System requirements:
 Operating System : Window XP & higher.
 Code Editor : Sublime Text/Notepad++/Visual Studio Code/Brackets
 Front-end : HTML, CSS , Bootstrap ,JavaScript
 Language : PHP
 Database : MySQL Database.

Hardware Requirement:
 Intel P4 1.5GHz or above.
 512MB ram.
 80GB HDD Minimum.

1. Blood donation management.
2. Blood procurement.
3. Blood safety.
4. Blood and blood component production.
5. Blood and blood component storage and distribution.
6. Blood transfusion management.
7. Routine blood transfusion.
8. Emergency issue of blood.
9. Management of returned and unused blood units.
10 .To provide online information flow for the management
Of blood donors and recipients.

Functional requirements:
 Login of admin.
 Blood Donor
 Admin Panel
 Add blood group, camp, gallery
 Blood Camp
 Camp gallery & Details
 Blood Request
 View Request
 Blood Donated by donor
 Register the donor by himself.
 Register the donor by system admin.
 Login of the donor
 Change the login email of the donor.
 Change personal information , Image, Blood Group, contact details by the donor himself.
 Send blood donation details to the relevant donors.
 Use case diagrams are used to describe functional requirements of the system. The
diagrams are draw below.


Official website

Login admin

Registered donor by

Login donor

Search blood group

Use-case diagram:

Login admin

Add camp and gallery

Add blood group

Register the donor by himself

Donor login Blood donor

Change personal info and

contact by donor

View blood camp

Send blood request

View blood request

Search blood group

Class diagram:


Password Camp-gallery


Donor Admin
Donor_id Admin_id
Name Name District_id
Gender Password Div_id
Age Email Dis_name
Mobile City_name

Donation Request

Donation_id Req_id
Camp_id Req_name
Date Req_mobile Camp_id
Detail Bg_id Dist_id
Email Req_date Div_id
Search Camp_title

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