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German English

wirklich really adverb

Sein tobe Verb
es it personal Pronoun
schon already adverb
Sie You (Formal) personal Pronoun
sicher sure ; safe; secure adjective
Ja yes expression
nur only adverb
Wasser Water Noun Das
Nein No Expression
Ich it personal Pronoun
Und and Conjunction
Diese This
stadt City
ist is verb
groß Big adjective
lecker yummy, tasty adjective
war was verb
bin am verb
Es Gibt there are
viele many
hier here
schön nice, Beautiful
früh early
am morgen in the morning
müde tired
ansehen to look verb
ich esse i eat
Gemüse vegetables
Ein glas a glass das
ohne without
Herr Mister Noun (Masculine)
Order or
Kommen to come verb
aus from preposition
wohnen to live
in in into prepositions
Frau Ms, Woman feminine
nicht not
arbeiten to work
aber but
bitte please
nennen to call, to name verb
mich me akkusative of ich
gut good
du You (Formal) informal
als as, then
tourist tourist masculine Touristen (Plural)
WIE how
lange long
bleiben to stay verb
Zwei two
woche week feminine Wochen
Wetter weather Neuter
Heute today
Kalt cold
Sonne sun Feminine sonnen
Scheinen to shine verb
zumindest atleast
regnen to rain masculine
Schneien to snow
warm warm
manchmal sometimes
Wir we personal Pronoun
bald soon adverb
nach to preposition used with Place, not used with people
hier here adverb
mein my possessive pronoun
Wohnen to live verb
zusammen together
welches which
kaufen to buy
besuchen to visit
austauschen exchange
e, not used with people

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