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Assignment on finding the

significance of sky blue

color to its car owners.

Submitted by
Gaurav Jyoti Sarma
Roll No. 24
MBA 1stTrimester
The purpose choosing the right color for a car:-

For a business there are all sorts of places where color comes into play. The company
might immediately think of branding elements like the logo, business cards and stationery.
Color choices will also be meaningful across online communication and marketing materials:
the company’s website, social media, emails, presentations as well as offline tools like flyers
and product packaging.

Millions of years of biological conditioning have created certain associations

between colors and objects or emotions, while some associations may be more recent.
Understanding these associations gives a company a shortcut to their customer’s heart,
provoking a specific emotion and maybe even a behavior. Feelings are much more powerful
than rational thoughts based on facts and figures and applying color psychology will make
the company’s branding efforts and designs much more effective.

Points to keep in mind:-

Before getting into the meanings of different colors, there are a few things that a
company want to have in mind first:

 Their target audience— A car manufacturing company always want to start with a
clear idea of who they are talking to. Marketing to kids (and their parents) will
require a different approach to marketing to high-end luxury consumers.
 Their brand personality—Is their brand more masculine or feminine, playful or
serious, modern or classic? They will need to have a good feel for their brand
identity so that they can choose the best color fit.
 Their competition—This is a tricky one: sometimes they will want to play by the
rules of their industry to make sure that people recognize what their company does
and sometimes they will want to break those rules so that they would stand out
against the crowd with a new and innovative approach to the industry.
 Shades and tones—A color may have a general meaning but lighter shades can vary
dramatically compared to darker shades, while more natural, muted shades will
differ from artificial neon colors. Therefore a car manufacturing company will have
to make sure that they look at the specific associations of the different shades and
tones. For example, if the company is using neon green, they should not assume that
just because they have chosen a shade of green it’s going to be a good fit for an eco-
friendly car.

The Results of the survey:-

The following survey has been conducted regarding the choice of the car color
for the personal cars and what that color signifies to the car owner. 25 respondents has
been taken from the Guwahati market at random and has been asked about sky blue
color as the choice for their personal cars and what that color actually signifies to them.
The findings are given below:-

As one can see that out of 25 respondents, 60% (40%+20%) of the people believes that sky
blue colored cars are more efficient compared to other cars.

Here also we can see that out of 25 respondents majority of the people (i.e. 24%+32%=56%) believes
that owners or sky blue colored cars are more productive compared to other people.
Here we can see that out of 25 respondents majority of the people believes owners of sky
blue colored cars are very clear about their way of thinking. They are much focused and
often tends to have a clear mind set towards their objectives.

Even though blue is a popular color in the high tech industry as tech giants like Intel,
Microsoft, IBM, HP, Dell, finance institutions e.g. American Express, Visa, Goldman
Sachs, PayPal Big corporations e.g. Procter & Gamble, General Electric, General
Motors, Boeing and Lowe’s, etc uses the blue color in their products, logos, etc. but
its color variants like sky blue is not used that much frequently. A color may have a
general meaning but lighter shades can vary dramatically compared to darker
shades. Therefore that being one of the reasons, only 40 %( 24%+16%) of 25
respondents agrees with the statement.

As one can see that out of 25 respondents, 56% (36%+20%) of the people believes that
owners of sky blue colored cars are more hygienic than others. From the survey we have
come to know that the sky blue colored car owners keep or atleast tries to keep not only
their car but also the environment around them in a clean and hygienic state.

As we can see it very clearly from the survey, when it comes to relaxation the owners of sky
blue colored cars are very relaxed, calm and composed compared to others. They don’t like
to take their decisions in a hurry. Therefore, it is one of reasons behind acceptance of the
above statement by the majority of the people.

Even though the blue color doesn’t reflect the dust particles very easily, but its lighter shade
sky blue fails to do the same. That is why out of 25, 44% (28%+16%) of the respondent
disagrees with the statement, while 20% of the total respondents neither agrees nor
disagrees with the statement.

This statement is a bit tricky, as from the survey we have come to know that most of the
time people choose the destination, the company, etc rather than spending too much time
on what colored vehicles they are going to take to go there; and that being of the reasons
one can see that the percentages of agreement and disagreement are very close. Out of 25
respondents only 36% (24% + 12%) agrees with the statement while 32% ( 24% + 8%)
disagrees with the statements, and 32% of them are not sure; they neither agrees nor
disagrees with the statement.

Blue is one of the most popular color in the world, both when it comes to personal
preferences (for both genders) and usage in business logos. It’s a serene and calming color
that represents intelligence and responsibility. It’s the go-to color for trusted, corporate
I have collected these opinions only from 25 respondents. So it is very hard to
give a strong opinion about a particular statement. But from the survey I can at least say
that most people choose the color of their car based on emotion rather than logic, reason,
or experience. Some of the respondents even said that they chose this color because some
of the members of his family preferred sky blue.
So if a car manufacturing company really wants to be immediately associated with
professionalism and trust, then sky blue color is a very good choice for them. Since it’s
universally liked, it’s also a great choice if the company want to appeal to both men and

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