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Magnetic potential

According to Green's theorem, if U, V are two functions with

sufficient differentiability in a region R (volume element then dv),
fII(uv 2V- Vv2U)dv= II (u av _Vau)cIS (A 1.1)
R S an an
where S is the surface bounding R and a/an denotes differentia-
tion with respect to the outward normal to cIS.
Let R denote the whole of space, Mx, My, M z the components
of magnetization at any point of it, and I/J the magnetic potential.
Put U = I/J, V = l/r where r is the distance between a definite point
Q(~, 'Y/, in R and an arbitrary point P(x, y, z) in R.
Surround Q by a sphere ~ with Q as centre and let Rl denote
the region of R external to ~. The surface a of ~ is one boundary
of R 1, the other boundary being, of course, at infinity. It can be
verified by direct differentiation that V2 V = 0 in R 1. Then from
(A 1.1),

Hf - Vr 1/J dv= ff

(I/J~ ! -! al/J) da
an r r an
Since the direction of n is opposite to the radius vector £ from Q
to da, a/an = -alae. Furthennore r = £ on a, so that

But da = £2 dn where dn is the solid angle subtended by da at Q.


fII - V2 1/J dv= ff (I/J+£ al/J) dn

R, r a a£
Appendix 1 / 245

which reduces as € ~ 0 (and consequently Rl ~ R) to

I11- vVzr cP dv = cp(Q) JJdn = 41Tcp(Q)

(A 1.2)

Since VZcp = div M (Equation 2.5) we get

cp=-- III --dv
div M (A 1.3)
41T R r
where it is implicit that M is continuous throughout R.
It is more or less obvious that

div M =~ (aMx + aMy + aMz )

r r ax ay az

cp=-~ [J div(M) dv- f ~Mx ~(~)dV]

41T R r ax r R

If M is discontinuous on some surface bounding a volume R 1 ,

encapsule the surface by two surfaces Sl, Sz (dashed lines in Fig.
99) on either side of it, enclosing an infinitesimal volume AT. Then

cp = _ - I [ I- M dv + I -
div- M dv + f -
div- div-
M d V]
41T R, r I1T r R. r

= - ~[ I div (~) dv + Jdiv (~) dv + I divr M dv

41T R, r I1T r R.

J ~Mx ~
(.!.) dv - f
ax r I1T
~Mx ~
(.!.)r dv

~Mx ~
(.!.)r dV] (A 1.4)

However, by the divergence theorem

fv dlV. (M)
dv = JIMx + mMy + nMz dS
s r
(A 1.5)

where S is the bounding surface of a volume V and I, m, n are the

direction cosines of the outward normal of dS. It is easy to see
that S for Rl is Sl ; for AT it is Sl and Sz and for R z it is Sz·
246 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

Fig. 99.

However dS 1, considered as an element of the bounding surface

of R 1, has an outward normal that is exactly opposite to the
outward normal when dS l is considered as an element bounding
dr. Hence the integrals over S 1 cancel each other. Similarly the
integrals over S2 cancel each other. Hence in view of (A 1.5) the
first three terms on the right-hand side of (A 1.4) sum to zero, and
when tlr -+ 0 the equation reduces to

41T R
(!)r +M Y
(!)r +M Z
(A 1.6)
It should be noted that the integral is to be taken over all space
and not merely throughout the bounded volume R 1. Only if the
subspace outside R 1 is non-magnetic (M = 0 outside R 1 ) does the
integral reduce to one over R 1 alone.

Transition energy in the alkali

vapour magnetometer

By the quantum theory the projection of the angular momentum

Ja of an alkali atom on a (weak) magnetic field must be a
half-integral multiple of h/2rr. Thus the possible orientations of Ja
with respect to the field are given by
cos () = - -

where m is half-integral.
Also, in the presence of a weak magnetic field the effective
atomic magnetic moment ma is in the direction of Ja .
The energy of a magnetic dipole that makes an angle () with a
magnetic field B is maB cos () or, for the alkali atom, maB(mh/
2rrJa ). If a transition takes place from a state with m = Y2 to one
with m = - V2 the energy change involved is
ma Bh

and setting this equal to hv we get

v= maB
But from the theory of the gyroscope this is also the frequency of
precession of the atomic spin Ja around B. (It must be remarked
that the above demonstration is incomplete for a variety of
reasons, chiefly because it does not take account of the so-called
Lande factor.)


Magnetized sphere and a

magnetic dipole

A3.1 Isotropic, homogeneous sphere subject to a uniform

external magnetizing force Ho (A m- 1 )
Since the potential due to magnetization is given by Equation
(A 1.6) the net magnetizing force at any point Q(t 1/, n in, say,
the x direction is

(A 3.1)

We shall calculate the components Hix, Hiy , Hiz of the

magnetizing force Hi when Q is inside the sphere, assuming a
susceptibility" for the sphere and zero for the outside medium so
that M = "Hi' Without loss of generality it may be assumed that
x, y, z and ~, 1/, ~ are rectangular coordinates with 0, the centre of
the sphere, as origin. Then from Equations (A 3.1) and (A 1.6),

Hix =Hox - 4"

aa<;;t IfI
(HiX aaX (.!.)r
+ Hi ~
y ay
+ H iz ~ (.!.))
az r du (A 3.2)

with two similar equations for H iy , H iz .

To solve Equation (A 3.2) for H ix , assume as a fIrst guess that Hi
is constant within the sphere. Then the three integrals to be
evaluated on the right-hand side become

(.!.)r du, IfI ~ (.!.) du, IfI aZ~ (.!.)r du
ay r sphere sphere
Appendix 3 / 249

These can be converted into the surface integrals

JJ 1dS , ff mdS , fJndS

r r r
where /, m, n are the direction cosines of the surface element dS.
The integrals are elementary and each can be readily evaluated
by choosing the lines ot OT/ or O~ as the respective polar axis of a
spherical polar coordinate system. Since

r {(X_~)2 +(Y_T/)2 +(z_n2}1/2

the integrals turn out to be 47T~/3, 47TT//3 and 47T~/3 (when Q is

inside the sphere) so that from (A 3.2)
H I• x = Hox - -3 KH. IX

H· = - -Hox
IX I + K/3
By symmetry
Hoy Hoz
H --- H· = - -
iy - 1 + K/3' IZ 1 + K/3
It will be obvious on a moment's reflection that if these values of
Hix , Hiy , Hiz are used as the next guess in Equation (A 3.2) the
new values will again be the same. Hence it follows that the
internal field in the sphere is uniform, as also is its magnetization
M =---=-- (A 3.3)
1 + K/3

The factor 1/3 in the denominator is the demagnetization factor.

A3.2 Magnetic potential of a uniformly magnetized sphere at

external points
There is no loss of generality in rotating the coordinate axes in
Equation (A 1.6) so that the x-axis, say, coincides with the
direction of M. Then My = M z = 0 and Mx = M. Hence

1> = -
Jff -axa (-·1) dv
250 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

The quickest way to evaluate the integral here is to note that

formally it represents the x-component of the external gravita-
tional attraction of a sphere of unit density. Its value is therefore
~ 1Tb 3 (cos () / R 2) where b is the radius of the sphere, R is the
distance of Q from 0, the centre of the sphere, and () is the angle
between OQ and the x-axis, that is, M. Thus
m I
ct> = - - cos ()
41T R2

where m ::: ~1Tb3 M is the magnetic moment of the sphere, a result

that, after comparison with Equation (2.8), shows that the
potential of a homogeneously magnetized sphere at external
points is the same as that of a dipole of identical moment placed
at the sphere's centre.
For a sphere in a uniform field, then,

A3.3 Magnetizing forces parallel and perpendicular to a dipole

Starting from Equation (2.8) we have

act> m 2
- - : : : - - cos()
a, 41T,3
I act> m i .
, ae 41T,3
for the magnetizing forces in the direction of and perpendicular to
the radius vector, from the dipole. Each of these can be resolved
in the direction parallel and perpendicular to the dipole and it is
quite easily shown that the magnetizing forces parallel and
perpendicular to the dipole are
m 1
Ho =--(3 cos 2 () - 1) (A 3.4a)
41T ,3
m 3 sin () cos ()
H1 :::----- (A 3.4b)
41T ,3

Magnetic potential of a linear


Let u be the cross-section of a linear dipole extending, say, in the

y-direction from y =Yl to Y =Y2. Then dv in Equation
(A 1.6) = u dy. If the point of observation Q is chosen as the
origin of coordinates and if M x , My, M z are independent of y,
Equation (A 1.6) can be written immediately as

rjJ=-M ua - f y 2 dy I
+-M u y f a(I)
41f x ax y, (x 2 + y2 + Z2 )1/2 41f Y y, r

+-M u -
a f y. dy
41f z az y, (x2 + y2 + Z2 )1/2

(A 4.1)

where R2 =(x 2 +y~ +Z2)1/2 and Rl =(x 2 +yt +Z2)1/2. (R 1 ,

R2 are the distances of Q from the end-points of the dipole).
For an infinitely long dipole (Y2 = 00, Yl = - 00) the second
term vanishes whereas the limit of the logarithmic terms can be
shown to be -2In(x2 + Z2 )1/2 + C~, where C~ is an infinite
constant, after expressing R I , R 2 as
X2 +Z2) 1/2 X2+z2)1/2
( 1+-- and (1 + - -
YI y~
Hence, for an infinitely long dipole striking in the y-direction
I a I a
rjJ = - -2Mx u -lnp - -2Mz u -Inp + c~ (A 4.2)
41fax 41f az
252 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

where p = (x 2 + Z2 )1/2 is obviously the shortest distance from Q

to the dipole.
Mxa, Mza are the magnetic moments /Jx, /Jz in the x- and
z-directions per unit length of the dipole.

Magnetic anomaly of a thick sheet

A5.1 Derivation of Equation 2.37

The infinitely long thick sheet in Fig. 100 may be considered to be
built up of elementary thin sheets of thickness de as shown. If
d(LlE h ), d(LlE z) are the horizontal and vertical flux densities of an
elementary sheet, the flux density in the direction (I, 0, n) is given

If ~ is the horizontal coordinate of the elementary sheet we get

from Equations (2.34) and (2.35)

deLlE) = 110 2de

[I (x - OM'I + aM~ + n aM 'I - (x - OM~
a 2 + (x - ~)2 a 2 + (x - 0 2
However de = d~ sin () and the above equation may be integrated
from ~ = - b/2 to ~ = + b/2. The integrations are elementary.
Noting further (cf. Fig. 10) that Mil =M' cos(() -i') and M~ =
M' sin(() - i') the result stated in Equation (2.37) is obtained
without difficulty.
~--x -----oj

Fig. 100. Thick sheet built up of thin sheets.


Potential of a point current

electrode on the surface of a
horizontally-layered earth

Let n - 1 layers rest on an nth 'layer', the infinite sub-stratum

(Fig. 101). Choosing a cylindrical coordinate system R, e, z with
the electrode C as the origin and z positive downwards, Laplace's
equation for the electric potential V in each layer can be written

(A 6.1)

since, by symmetry, V is independent of e.

Assuming VCR, z) = F(R)G(z) where F is a function of R only
and G of z only, the equation is separated into the two equations

(A 6.3a)

(A 6.3b)

where A is a constant independent of Rand z.

Equation (A 6.3b) is Bessel's equation of order zero with <

fundamental solutions Jo(AR), Yo (AR). Jo(AR) is finite for R ~ 00

only if A is real, and since Yo (AR) is always 00 for R ~ 00, it must
be rejected. The solutions of (A 6.3a) are exp( -Az) and exp(Az).
The most general solution for the potential in any layer j (j i= 1
or n) is then

Vj =fo {Aj(A)e- AZ +B;CA)lz}Jo(AR)dA (A 6.4)

On account of the occurrence of exp(Az) as well as exp( -Az),

there is no loss of generality in restricting A to positive real values
Appendix 6 I 255
;" ~9

I hn- 1
-----"'-----+------ z =d n- 1
9n (sub-stratum)

Fig. 101. Point electrode on a stratified earth and the cylindrical coordinate

For j = n, the term in exp(Az') must be excluded since the

potential in the sub-stratum must be finite as z -+ 00. Thus

Vn=r AnO\.)e -AZ JoCl\R)dA (A 6.5)

In the topmost layer (j = 1), VI is the sum of the normal potential
(cf p. 107)
V =---
o 21T (R2 +Z2)1/2

and a disturbance potential

Vd = r
A I (A)(e -AZ + e AZ )Jo (AR)dA

The coefficients of exp(-Az') and exp(Az') in Vd are equal since

(11 PI )(a Vd laz) = 0 at z = 0 (no current flow across the earth's
surface except at C). Using Lipschitz's integral in Bessel function
theory for Vo we have

VI =[P1f e-AZJO(AR)dA+r AI(A)(e-Az+eAz)Jo(AR)dA

21T 0 0 (A 6.6)
From the continuity of Vj and the current density normal to the
layer interfaces we have, for depths z = dj (j = I, 2, ... n - I),
Vj _ I = Vi (A 6.7a)

_1_ aVj _ 1 = ~ aVj

(A 6.7b)
Pj- I az Pj az
256 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

There are altogether 2n - 2 unknown functions A (X), B(X) to be

determined (2n - 4 in (A 6.4) and I each in (A 6.5) and (A 6.6)).
They can be determined by solving the system of 2n - 2 linear
equations obtained from the conditions (A 6.7). The solution is
tedious but straightforward. For the details reference may be
made to Kofoed's monograph [83]. Identifying A 1 (X) as
(lPl/rr)K(X) and R as r along the ground surface, it is easily seen
that Equation (A 6.6) is the same as Equation (4.7).
K(X) is a function of the layer parameters, and recurrence
formulae for building it for any number of layers on top of each
other, starting from its expression for two layers, can be found by
solving the system of Equations (A 6.7). Here the recurrence
formulae for the transform T(X) of Equation (4.10) will be given
instead, in terms of the layer thicknesses h; (j = I, ... n - I),
rather than the interface depths dj •
F or a layer (Pn _ 1 , h n _ 1 ) on top of a sub-stratum (Pn)

I - kn _ 1 Un - 1
Tn - 1 (X) = Pn - 1 -------'''--''-----
I k n _ 1 Un - 1
Un - l =exp(-2h n _ l X)
kn - 1 = (Pn - 1 - Pn )/(Pn - 1 + Pn)
For the transform Tj for a layer (p;, dj ) on top of the sequence
(Pj+ l, . . . Pn ; hj + 1 •.• h n ) with the transform T;+ 1 , we have

_ Wj(X) + Tj + 1 (X) .. _
Tj(X) - / 2 ,J - n - 2, n - 3, ... 2, I
1+ W/X)Tj +1 (X) Pj
I - u·
I I 1+ u.

Starting from Tn _ 1 (X) the transform Tl (X) = T(X) of Equation

(4.10) can be obtained by recursive application of the expression
for Tj(X).

Fourier transforms and convolution

A7.1 Fourier transforms

Any arbitrary function f(t) (satisfying certain conditions) can be
synthesized from a number of sine and cosine waves of different
frequencies each with a characteristic amplitude and phase. If f(t)
is periodic with the period T the frequencies are discrete multiples
of the fundamental frequency liT. If f(t) is non-periodic the
frequencies are infinitesimally close to each other and range from
o to 00. For mathematical convenience, however, they are usually
taken to range continuously from _00 to +00. The function F(v)
giving the amplitude of the wave of frequency v is known as the
amplitude spectrum. It can be obtained, as will appear below,
from f(t) while, conversely, if F(v) is given f(t) can be synthesized
by essentially the same process.
We shall start with a periodic function f(t) and express it by
means of a Fourier series:

f(t) = i
{am ei (21rm/T)t + b m e- i (21rm/T)t}

It is easily shown by multiplying both sides by exp (i(27rnIDt) and

exp (-i(27rnIDt) and integrating from -T12 to +T12 that

am = (lID f TI2 ,
f(t') e- i(21rmJT)t dt'
- TI2

bm = (lID f TI2

f(t') e i(2rrmJT)t dt'


f(t) = (liD ~
J"T12 fCt') { i 2rrm
e ( lT)(t - t') + e- i(21rm lT)(t - t')
m=O -T12

258 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

Since the bracketed expression on the right hand side is an even

function of m it is obvious that we may also write

f(t) = (l/2T) m:_ 00

fTI2 {
-T12 f(t') e i(21rm/T)(t- t') +

+ e -i (21rmlT) (t - t') } dt'

Moreover, since exp(x) - exp(-x) is an odd function of x we
obviously have
f TI2
0= (l/2T) f(t') (ei(21rmlT)(t - t')
m=-oo -T12
_ e -i(21rmlT)(t - t') } dt'

Adding these two equations we get

JT I 2 , IT)' ,
f(t) = (l/T) ~
f(t )e-I 1rm t dt
m=- 00 -T12

If f(t) is non-periodic its period may be said to be infinite. Put

miT = v and lIT = dv and let T -+ 00. Then, from the definition of
the Riemann integral, the sum may be replaced by an integral.


f(t) = oo
dv [ ei21rvt {f:oo f(t')e-i21rvt' dt' } ]

(A 7.1)

Then it follows that

f(t) = f:oo F(v)ei21rvt dv (A 7.2)

Fig. 102. Fourier spectrum of a square-wave pulse,

Appendix 7 I 259

F(v) is known as the Fourier transform of f(t) while f(t) is called

the inverse Fourier transform of F(v). If the one is given the other
can be obtained from (A 7.1) or (A 7.2) respectively.
A square-wave pulse (p. 172) of duration T and strength 1 is
defined by the equations

f(t) =1 I t I < TI2

=0 I t I> TI2

It is easy to show by means of (A 7.1) that the corresponding

amplitude spectrum (Fig. 102) is given by

F(v) = T sin(1rvT)

A7.2 Convolution
Let f(t) represent the response of a linear system to a unit impulse,
t seconds after the impulse has been applied. A continuous signal,
whose strength at a time "A is g("A), may be considered to consist of
an infinite number of successive very closely spaced impulses, each
of strength g("A)d"A. At a time t, the system's response to the
impulse g("A)d"A is evidently g("A)f(t - "A)d"A since t - "A is the time
elapsed after the impulse g("A)d"A. The total response of the system
at time t is then

r(t) = f~ g("A)f(t - "A) d"A (A 7.3)

= f:"" get - "A)f("A) d"A (A 7.4)

The integral in (A 7.3) or (A 7.4) is known as the convolution

integral. The limits - 0 0 and +00 are chosen merely for the sake of
convenience in analysis. Physically, if g("A) == 0 for "A < to, say, and
f(t- "A) == 0 for t - "A < t 1 , that is "A > t - t 1, the effective limits
of integration will be simply to and t - t 1 •
260 / Principles of Applied Geophysics

Taking the Fourier transform of both sides of (A 7.4),

R(v) = S:oo S:oo g(t - A)f(A)e-i21rvt dt dA

= Coo [G(v)lf(A)e-i21TVA dA

=G(v) S:oo f(A)e-i21TVA dA

=G(v)F(v) (A 7.5)

Equation (A 7.5) shows that the Fourier transform of the

convolution of two functions is equal to the product of the
Fourier transforms of the functions. The same result follows if we
start from (A 7.3).

A7.2.1 Analytic downward continuation (p. 82)

The formal solution of (3.16a) (p. 83) is easily obtained by using
the above convolution theorem. Since

the right-hand side of (3.16a) may be regarded as a convolution (in

two dimensions) of l/r 3 and (z/2rr)g(xo,Yo,z). Instead of one
frequency as in (A 7.1) we then have two spatial frequencies v, Jl
(that is, wavenumbers = reciprocals of wavelengths) in the x- and
y-directions. Taking the two-dimensional Fourier transform of
both sides in (3.16a) we get, by the convolution theorem,

(A 7.6)

since it can be shown that the Fourier transform of l/r 3 is

2rr • e-.j(v' + JJ.')z • e-i21T(vxo + JJ.Yo) •

Go(v, Jl) = e.j(v2+1J. 2)z G(v, Jl)
Appendix 7 / 261

Now, g(x, y, 0) being the given function, G(v, p.) can be obtained
by the numerical evaluation of two double integrals, namely,

f ~
g(x,y, 0) c.
(vx + I-lY)dx dy

for various values of v and p.. Then g(xo, Yo, z) is obtained as the
inverse Fourier transform of Go (v, I-l). Towards this end we must
numerically evaluate the two double integrals

fO<> fO<> e.J(v 2 +J.L')zG(v,I-l)C?s( vx o+p.Yo)dvdp.

-0<> -0<> stn

for various values of xo, Yo.

It should be noticed here that the amplitudes of all frequencies
in g(x, y, 0) are magnified in downward continuation on
account of the exponential factor. The high frequencies (rapid
variations) are magnified more quickly (that is, at smaller depths
of continuation).

A7.3 Polynomial expression

It is evident from the form of (A 7.1) and (A 7.2) that for
numerical evaluation we can replace a Fourier transform integral
by a polynomial in the variable z = exp( -i21fv~t), and the inverse
Fourier transform by one in liz = exp(i21fv~t). Thus, for example,
F(v) = 1: An zn

where the polynomial coefficients An are given by the integral of

f(t) over the nth ~t-interval.

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Acoustic impedance, 210, 215 Attenuation of electromagnetic

AFMAG, 179, 184 waves, 169 ff.
Airborne methods seismic pulses, 211
comparison with ground A-type curve, 107, 109
methods, 2 Auxiliary point method, 112 ff.
electromagnetic, 180 ff. Average velocity, 203
position location in, 239 Axis poles, 15
radioactivity method, 231
Alkali-vapour magnetometer,
21 ff. Background, radioactive, 227
transition energy in, 247 Beta-particles, 223, 225, 227
Alpha-particles, 223, 225, 227 Body waves, 191
Analytic continuation, 81 Borehole magnetometer, 233
downward, 83, 260 Bouguer anomaly, 69
upward, 82 correction, 66, 67
Anhydrite, 11, 220 Broadside technique, 146, 160
Anisotropy, electrical, 120, 127
paradox, 127
seismic, 193 Caesium magnetometer, 21
Antiferromagnetism, 10 Camaguey province, 92
Apparent conductivity, 173 CDP (or CRP) stacking, 214
Apparent resistivity across Chargeability, 132
vertical discontinuities, Chromite, 52, 92
123-5 6°Co,230
in earth resistivity methods, Compensation variometers, 17
105 Compensator method, 146 ff.
in E-mode VLF, 165 Compressional waves, 191
in magneto-tellurics, 176 Compsite surveys, 240
negative values of, 111 Continuous velocity log (CVL),
on horizontal layers, 110, 111 219,220
Archie's law, 130 Continuous wave methods, 145 ff.
Arrival times, corrections to, 209 classification of, 145
Askania gravimeter, 61 Convolution, 215 ff., 259
270 / Index

Critical angle, 196 Dipole, linear magnetic, 251

distance, 197 oscillating electric, 162, 164
CRM,13 oscillating magnetic, 142
137CS, 230 static magnetic, 7, 250, 251
Curie point (or temperature), 10 Dipping conductors, 122, 123,
Curie (unit), 230 159, 160
Curie-Weiss law, 9 interfaces, 199,207
Current electrode, point, 101 Dip poles, 15
line, 126 Displacement currents, 142, 169,
Curvature difference, 95 170
Dolomite, 9, 11,220
Drift of gravimeters, 65
Dar Zarrouk curves, 120 DRM,13
DA-type curve, 107, 109 d-shells (3d), 10
Decay constant, radioactive, 224 Dual frequency system, 181
Deconvolution, 217
Delay-time, 197
Demagnetization, 46 ff., 249 Earth resistivity method, 101 ff.
Demigun, 146 inverse problem of, 105
Densities of rocks, 73 Elastic constants, 190
Density determinations, in gravity Elastic waves, 191
work,70 Electrical conductivity, deter-
by radioactivity, 230 mination of, 58
Depth determination, electric, Electrical logging (coring), 128,
111 ff. 235
electromagnetic, 150, 156 mapping (trenching), 104, 125,
gravity, 83 127
magnetic, 34,38,39,50-2 sounding, 104, 109, 113, 118
reflection, seismic, 202, 208 Electrode configurations, 103
refraction, seismic, 197, 198,199 polarization, 99, 133
Depth penetration of airborne Electrofiltration potentials, 100
systems, 181, 182, 184 Electromagnetic coupling, 137
of electric current, 102 coils, design of, 187
of electromagnetic waves, sounding, 167
169 ff. Electromagnetic gun (EMG), 146
DH-type curve, 107, 109 Electron volt (eV), 225
Dielectric constant of free space, Elevation correction, electro-
135, 164 magnetic, 152, 154, 161
of rocks, 135, 142, 170 gravity, 66
Differential spectrometer, 227 seismic, 209
Dipole-dipole array, 104, 140 Ellipticity, earth's, 59
e.m. coupling for, 137, 138 Elliptic polarization, 144-6, 163
Dipole moment, 7 Eltran, 171
field,250 E-mode VLF method, 164
potential, 6, 7 Eotvos correction, 69
Index / 271

torsion balance, 94 Geophysical methods, classifica-

unit, 95 tion, 1
Equivalence principle, 119, 167 combination of, 240
example of, 121 Geothermal methods, 235
Equivalent cavity, 210, 215 Ghosh coefficients, 116
method, 115
Gneiss, 9, 73
Far field, electromagnetic, 142 Gradient array, 105
methods, 162 ff. Granite, 11, 73, 129
Fault, geologic, magnetic anomaly Graphite, 9, 98, 141
of,48 Gravimeters, 61 ff.
gravity anomaly of, 75 Gravity, marine measurements,
seismic detection, 207 68
Ferrimagnetism, 10 Gravity, vertical derivatives of,
Ferromagnetism, 9 87
Filtering, seismic, 212 Gravity anomalies, 60, 69, 74 ff.
Flux density, 5 Gravity interpretation, 71
divergence of, 6 fundamental ambiguity of, 78
unit of magnetic, 5 Gravity observations, corrections
values of geomagnetic, 15 to, 65
Flux-gate magnetometer, 18 Gravity surveys, illustrations,
Fourier transforms, 257 88 ff.
Free-air correction, 66 Gravity unit, 60
Frequency-domain IP, 132 Green's equivalent stratum, 80
Frequency effect (IP measure), theorem, 78, 244
133 Ground roll, 212
g.u., 60
Guleman area, 52
G, universal gravitational Gulf gravimeter, 62
constant, 59 Gypsum, 9
Gamma-ray logging, 233 Gyromagnetic ratio, 19
Gamma-rays, 223, 225
Gauss's theorem, 86
Geiger counter, 227, 234
Geochemical prospecting, 236 Haematite, 10
Geologic noise (magnetic), 27 Half-life, 224
strike, 237 H.D.T.,95
Geomagnetic equator, 15 Helicopter e.m. system, 181
field, 14 ff. High-sensitivity magnetometer,
flux density, 15, 16 21
poles, 15 H-mode VIF, 162
variation, 15,27 Hooke's law, 190
Geometric sounding, 167 Horizontal conductors, 106 ff.,
Geophone, 193 148
arrays, 213 interfaces, 195,202,203
272 / Index

Hotchkiss superdip, 16 Lee's method, 124

H-type curve, 107, 109 linear dipole, 40
magnetic potential of, 251
Local gravity variations, 72
Ilmenite, 9, 11 Logging, electrical, 128, 235
Image method, 208 gamma-ray, 233
Inclined conductors, see Dipping neutron, 234
conductors seismic (CYL), 219
Induced polarization, 131 ff. SP, 128
macroscopic theories, 134 thermal, 236
measures of, 132 Love waves, 191
microscopic theories, 135
origin of, 133
Induction factor, 150 Macro-anisotropy, 128
Induction region, 142 Magnetic anomalies, illustrations,
INPUT,186 52 ff., 241,242
Integral spectrometer, 228 of arbitrary shapes, 49, 50
Intercept time, 197, 198 of double lines, 40
International gravity formula, 59 of plates and sheets, 36 ff.,
Interpolation, 28 253
Inverse filtering, 217 of prisms, 46
IRM,13 of sloping step, 48, 49
Isotopes, 223 of spheres, 29 ff.
Magnetic equator, 15
Magnetic moment, 7
4°K,224 permeability, see Permeability
k, propagation constant, 142 potential, 6, 244 fL, 251
Kernel function, 110 properties of rocks, 8 ff.
Koenigsberger ratio, 13, 14 Magnetic recording, 194
K-type curve, 107, 109 Magnetic width, 52
Magnetite, 9, 10, 11
Magnetization, induced, 5
laCoste-Romberg gravimeter, 63 intensity of, 5
Lam (Bavarian Forest), 54 permanent or remanent, of
Lambda (X) point, 10 rocks, 12 ff.
Laplace's equation, 28, 254 Magnetizing force, 5
Larmor precession, 9 Magnetometers, 15 ff.
Latitude correction, 65 comparison of, 24
Layered earth, 106, 167 borehole, 233
apparent resistivity on, 110, Magneto-telluric method, 175 ff.
111 Manganese dioxide, 9
electromagnetic field on, 151, Marble,9, II
167 Mass, determination of total
potential of point current on, anomalous, 80, 94
254 Membrane polarization, 133
Index / 273

Metal factor (IP measure), 133 Planck's constant, 23, 225

Migration, 209 Polarizability (in IP), 132
Milligal,60 Polarization, elliptic, 144-6, 163
Mine compass, 16 induced, 131 ff.
Model experiments, 157, 158, Polynomial expression, 261
168 Position location (of aircraft),
Moving source-receiver method, 239
154 ff. Prisms, gravity anomaly of, 72,
field examples, 160,241 75
vector diagram, 158, 159 magnetic anomaly of, 46, 50
Multiple geophone arrays, 213 ff. Profile shooting, 194
reflections, 205, 211 Proton magnetometer, 19
Multiplexing, 195 Pumpkin Buttes area, 229
P-waves, 191
Pyrrhotite, 10, 11, 129
Near field, electromagnetic, 142
Neutron logging, 234
Newton's law, 59 Qn for rocks, 14
N.m.o. corrections, 205, 207 Q-type curve, 107, 109
Noise, geologic, 27 Quartz, 9, 11
signal-generated, 214 Quasi-static field, 142
Norgaard gravimeter, 62
Radiation detectors, 227
Radiation region, 142
Ohm's law, 175 Radioactive eqUilibrium, 225
Optical pumping, 23 Radiophase method, 185
Optimization, 117 Radon gas, 224, 229
Optimum spacing, 237 Range, 225
Overvoltage, 131 Rayleigh waves, 191
Reciprocity theorem, 104
Reduced Turam ratios, 152
Palaeomagnetism, 12 Reflection coefficient, 215
Paramagnetism, 9 method, 201 ff.
Parametric sounding, 167 seismogram, 204
Pegmatite, 9, 11,52 Refraction method, 195 ff.
Pekeris method, 114 illustration, 200
Per cent IP, 132 non-parallel interfaces, 199
Permeability, magnetic,S parallel interfaces, 195
determination of, 58 Regional gravity anomaly, 72, 73,
effect on electromagnetic 92
measurements, 179,243 Remanent magnetization, see
of vacuum, 5 Magnetization
P.F.E., 133, 137 Residual gravity anomaly, 72, 73,
Phase, 143 93
274 I Index
Resistivity of rocks, 129 Strain, 190
Resistivity transform, 111 Streaming potentials, 100
Resolution of point masses, 87 Stress, 190
Rocks, densities, 73 Superposition, 216
dielectric constant, 135 Suppression, principle of, 119
elastic moduli, 192 Surface waves, 191
electric resistivities, 129 Susceptibility, magnetic,S
magnetic properties, 8 ff. determination of, 56
radioactive contents, 226 of rocks, 18 ff.
Rock salt, 9, 11 tensor of, 8
Rontgen (unit), 229 Swedish mine compass, 16
Rotating field, 182 Syenites, 9

Saturation effect, 123 Tandem outfits, electromagnetic,

Schlumberger configuration, 103 154 ff.
Schmidt variometer, 17 Telluric methods, 174
Scintillation counter, 227 Terrain corrections, gravity, 67
Seismic pulse, 210 ff. in moving source-receiver
Seismic sources, 189 method,154
Seismic velocities, 192, 219 magnetic, 27
Seismogram, 193,197,204 seismic, 209
synthetic, 215 Turam, 152
Self-potential method, 98 ff. Tesla (unit), 5
Self-potentials, origin of, 100 Thalen-Tiberg magnetometer, 16
Shear waves, 191, 199 Thick sheet, gravity anomaly of,
Shoot-back technique, 161 75
Slichter-Langer theorem, lOS, magnetic anomaly of, 41, ff., 253
111 Thin sheet, magnetic anomaly of,
Slingram, 146 36 ff.
Sloping step, magnetic anomaly Tidal correction, 68
of,48 Tilt-angle methods, 145
Smith rules, gravity, 84, 85, 92 Time-distance graphs, 196
magnetic, 50, 51 Time-domain EM, 171 ff.
Snell's law, 195 Time-domain IP, 132
Sounding, vertical electrical, 104, Titanomagnetite, 10
105, 109, 111 ff. Topographic correction, gravity,
vertical electromagnetic, 167 67 (see also Terrain
Sphere, gravity anomaly of, 74 corrections)
magnetic anomaly of, 29 ff. Torsion balance, 94
Spin magnetic moment, 9 Total-field, 20 ff.
quantum number, 22 Total-field anomaly, definition
Stacking, 213, 215 of,25
CDP or CRP, 214 due to sphere, 31 ,33
vertical, 214 due to thick sheet, 42, 43, 44
Index / 275

due to thin sheet, 37 VIBROSElS, 189,219

illustrations of, 55 VLF method, E-mode, 164
Transient-field methods, 171 ff. H-mode,162
airborne, 186 Radiophase, 185
Transverse waves, 191 VRM,13
Turam method, 151 ff.
Wave impedance, 165
Two-layer resistivity curves, 108
Wb/m 2 , see Tesla
Well velocity surveys, 204, 219,
Variable area display 01 AR), 205
Wenner configuration, 103
Variometers, magnetic, 17
West Midlands, 88
Vector diagrams, electromagnetic,
Wing-tip e.m. system, 181
Worden gravimeter, 64
Vertical conductors, 122 ff., 148,
Vertical derivatives, 87
VES, see Sounding, vertical Zeeman effect, 22
electrical Zero level, magnetic, 27

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