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Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79

Implication of glass transition for the drying and stability of dried

B.R. Bhandari a,*, T. Howes b
Food Science and Technology, School of Land and Food, The University of Queensland, Gatton, QLD 4345, Australia
Department of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia
Received 29 January 1998; received in revised form 21 September 1998; accepted 7 December 1998

Dry products obtained from most of the common drying processes are predominantly in a glassy amorphous form. The mobility
of the solid matrix in this state is highly limited. For the product to be stable for long periods of storage, this physical state should
not alter with time. When the temperature is above glass transition temperature (Tg ) an amorphous solid exists in a ``rubbery'' state.
In this state, the molecular mobility of the matrix and the reactants are accelerated, which results in an increased rate of physico-
chemical changes in dried products, such as sticking, collapse, caking, agglomeration, crystallisation, loss of volatiles, browning and
oxidation. These changes play an important role in the ability to both process and store dried food products. This paper reviews the
importance of Tg in relation to drying process and dried foods. Ó 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction causes this structural change of the amorphous parts of

the structure is the product temperature. Above a criti-
Drying is one of the major food processing opera- cal value, known as glass transition temperature (Tg ), a
tions. There are several drying techniques, among them glassy solid structure begins to change to a ``rubbery''
the most commonly applied are hot air (®xed and ¯u- state. This structural change in¯uences the process and
idised bed), freeze and spray drying. In most drying physico-chemical quality of the products. The purpose
conditions, a signi®cant amount of the dried product of this review paper is to highlight the importance of
remains in an amorphous state, mainly due to the in- glass transition temperature on drying processes as well
sucient time for crystallisation to occur at the given as on the storage stability of dried food products.
drying conditions. Depending upon the rate of drying,
the dried product obtained can also constitute some
crystalline material. This will be however, in¯uenced by 2. Glass transition
the processing conditions, composition and property of
the individual ingredients present (Roos, Karel & Ko- The glass transition temperature is speci®cally the
kini, 1996; Senoussi, Dumoulin & Berk, 1995; Flink, property of an amorphous material. An amorphous
1983). There are many product quality attributes which food is formed at non-equilibrium conditions either by
are related to the physical state of the ingredients in the removing the dispersing medium (such as water), or
dried product. The minor components such as ¯avours, from the melt by cooling, or by rapid supercooling. This
vitamins, enzymes and microorganisms in the dried material is not at thermodynamic equilibrium, and
product are encapsulated into the major amorphous therefore is unstable relative to the crystalline form
ingredient matrix. Any change in the physical state of (Slade, Levine, Ievolella & Wang, 1993; Flink, 1983;
the product has the possibility to a€ect the physico- Mans®eld, 1993). It behaves as an extremely viscous
chemical characteristics of the minor as well as principal glass having a typical viscosity above 1012 Pa s
ingredients of the product. One of the factors which (Downton, Flores-Luna & King, 1982). In this state,
molecular movement is highly limited, which is neces-
sary for an orderly alignment of molecules to crystallise.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 7 54601196; fax: +61 7 54601171; Nevertheless, the glass is in a meta-stable state and, will
e-mail: tend to convert to the crystal eventually, with a rate
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72 B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79

depending upon temperature and moisture content 1988, Aguilera, Levi & Karel, 1993). When the property
(Flink, 1983). is viscosity, the WLF equation is described as:
A simple representative diagram of the changes to the l ÿC1 …T ÿ Tg †
physical structure and form of a material is depicted in log10 ˆ ; …1†
lg C2 ‡ …T ÿ Tg †
Fig. 1. Glass transition is second-order phase transition
that occurs over a temperature range, although a single where l is the viscosity, lg the viscosity at glass transi-
temperature is often referred (Fox & Flory, 1950; Roos, tion temperature Tg , T the temperature, and C1 and C2
1995; Roos et al., 1996). As the temperature increases are ``universal'' constants (17.44 and 51.6 K, respec-
above Tg , many of the physical properties of the mate- tively). Roos and Karel (1991d) found this relationship
rial suddenly change, among them, the most important using such ``universal'' constant values valid for an
are an increase in the free molecular volume, an increase amorphous sucrose and lactose. Soesanto and Williams
in heat capacity (Cp ), increases in the thermal expansion (1981) also validated the WLF equation for an amor-
coecient (a) and dielectric coecient (e) and changes in phous mixture of sucrose and fructose. Aguilera et al.
viscoelastic properties (Genin & Rene, 1995). The Ôfree (1993) also successfully used the WLF equation to pre-
volumeÕ is the volume unoccupied by the ``solid matter'' dict the viscosity of ®sh protein hydrolyzate matrix at
of the molecules and represents the volume available for the onset of collapse during freeze drying. Nevertheless,
their free movements (Flink, 1983). Accelerated changes Peleg (1992) has debated the validity of these ®xed
in the above properties as a function of temperature are constants after experimenting with some polymers and
the basis for detecting the glass transition temperature. amorphous sugars. He suggested that the WLF equation
The changes continue over a relatively narrow band of with the universal coecients cannot be used as a gen-
temperatures, therefore, onset and termination Tg values erally valid model. It was demonstrated that for certain
are observed. Some of the analytical methods to deter- polymers and sugars this model leads to a considerable
mine Tg are di€erential scanning calorimetry (DSC), error in the magnitude of viscosity, particularly 20±30 K
di€erential thermal analysis (DTA) and thermal me- above the Tg . Peleg (1996) further reported that the
chanical analysis (TMA). The former two methods de- upward concavity of changes in a transitional region,
tect changes in Cp , while the third detects changes in the which cannot be predicted by WLF or Arrhenius
elastic modulus. equation, can be described by a model with the structure
of FermiÕs function. All the above reports indicate that
2.1. Viscoelastic kinetics of an amorphous material above although the WLF model has been validated for various
Tg food systems, a general application of this model in a
food system needs to be carefully examined.
A glassy state can be considered as a ``solid solution'' The same form of this equation can be applied to
(Roos, 1995). As stated earlier, the viscosity of a glass is predict the way that mechanical properties such as re-
around 1012 Pa s. It should be noted that since the laxation time change above Tg , replacing l with the
measurement of viscosity of a glass is dicult and can be relevant property, keeping the same constants. Various
erroneous, this value is derived from an extrapolation. other physico-chemical changes that are related to mo-
When the temperature of the glass is increased to Tg , lecular mobility and which occur above Tg , may also be
this material changes to rubbery state with a viscosity modelled by using the WLF equation (Roos, 1995).
ranging from 106 ÿ 108 Pa s (Downton et al., 1982). The However, as stated earlier an application of the WLF
mechanical properties of a material such as relaxation equation has to be carefully examined in a complex food
time and viscous properties above its glass transition system. As an example, in one experiment Roos and
temperature (T > Tg , e.g. Tg + 100 K) are observed to Himberg (1994) reported that the rate of non-enzymatic
follow William±Landel±Ferry (WLF) kinetics (Roos & browning of a food model system composed of malt-
Karel, 1991a; Reid, Kerr & Hsu, 1994; Wallack & King; odextrin, lysine and xylose did not follow the WLF

2.2. In¯uence of molecular weight of food polymer on Tg

Low molecular weight polymers (e.g. sucrose) and

monomers (e.g. fructose, glucose) in their pure form
have a low glass transition temperature whereas longer
chain molecules have higher glass transition tempera-
tures (Table 1). With a homologous family of food
Fig. 1. Change of physical state of an amorphous glass through rub-
polymers ± such as maltodextrins with varying average
bery (transitional) to crystalline state, T ± temperature, t ± time molecular weights, the Fox and Flory (1950) relation-
(adopted and modi®ed from Bhandari, Datta & Howes, 1997a). ship has been used to determine the e€ect of molecular
B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79 73

Table 1 2.3. Prediction of Tg of a multicomponent system

Glass transition temperature of anhydrous sugars and carbohydrate
The principal solid components of food materials are
Food materials Molecular weight Tg (o C)a b protein, carbohydrates and fat. Carbohydrate constitu-
ents have the largest e€ect in in¯uencing the glass
Fructose 180 5 transition temperature of an amorphous dried food
Glucose 180 31
Galactose 180 32
material. The glass transition temperature of principal
Sucrose 342 62 sugars and other carbohydrate materials found in food
Maltose 342 87 are presented in Table 1. Common sugars such as
Lactose 342 101 fructose, glucose and sucrose have a very low glass
Maltodextrinsb transition temperature, so their in¯uence to depress Tg is
DEc 36 500 100
DE 25 720 121
very notable in sugar-rich foods. The e€ect of protein
DE 20 900 141 and fat on Tg is not signi®cant in common food systems
DE 10 1800 160 such as milk powders (Jouppila & Roos, 1994a,b; Shi-
DE 5 3600 188 mada, Roos & Karel, 1991).
Starch 243d Water is the major component responsible for de-
Roos (1993). pressing the Tg of food materials signi®cantly, as water
Roos and Karel (1991c). has a very low glass transition temperature of ÿ135o C
Dextrose Equivalent. (Johari, Hallbruker & Mayer, 1987). Thus, water is
Predicted. considered as a strong plasticiser in a food system.
The glass transition temperature of a mixture of
various compatible components (including water) is a
weight of a food polymer on Tg (Slade & Levine, 1994;
non-linear function of the glass transition temperature
Roos & Karel, 1991c)
of individual components. Gordon and Taylor (1952)
Kg (Eq. (4)) and Couchmann and Karasz (1978) (Eq. (5))
Tg ˆ Tg1 ÿ ; …2†
M proposed mathematical relationships for determining Tg
where Tg is glass transition temperature of the starch of a mixture. The Couchmann and Karasz equation (Eq.
derivative, Kg a constant (ÿ25 000 K), Tg1 the limiting (5)) is basically an extension of Gordon and Taylor
Tg at in®nite molecular weight (starch), and M is the equation (Eq. (4)).
molecular weight. Tg1 and Kg are material dependent. w1 Tg1 ‡ kw2 Tg2
To and Flink (1978) found this equation valid for Tgm ˆ ; …4†
w1 ‡ kw2
glucose polymers with three or more glucose chains.  
Busin, Buisson and Bimbenet (1996) found a linear re- DC
w1 Tg1 ‡ DCp2 w2 Tg2
lationship between Tg (°C) and ÔDextrose Equivalent Tgm ˆ  p1  ; …5†
(DE)Õ for maltodextrins over a range of DE (2 ± 100) w1 ‡ DCp1 w2
with a satisfactory correlation coecient (r ˆ 0.98) (Eq.
(3)). They also suggested that the measurement of Tg where Tgm is the glass transition temperature (K) of the
could also be a useful tool to determine the degree of mixture, wi the mole fraction of component i, DCpi the
hydrolysis of starch. change in heat capacity of component i between glassy
and rubbery states and Tgi is the Glass transition tem-
Tg ˆ ÿ1:4…DE† ‡ 449:5: …3† perature (K) of component i.
The Tg of very high molecular weight food polymers The Gordon and Taylor equation is typically applied
such as starches and proteins cannot be determined ex- either to predict the in¯uence of moisture content on the
perimentally as they start decomposing before reaching Tg or to estimate the Tg of a binary polymer mixture e.g.
Tg . In this case, the Tg can only be predicted (Busin et low and high molecular weight carbohydrates (Orford,
al., 1996; Roos, 1995), as an intercept (Tg1 ) of a plot of Parker, Ring & Smith, 1989; Aguilera et al., 1993; Roos,
Tg vs 1/M (Eq. (2)). Alternatively, the multicomponent 1995). In the Gordon and Taylor equation the ratio of
analysis in Section 2.3 could be used, by adding di€ering change in heat capacity can be replaced by a constant (k)
amounts of a plasticising agent such as water and again for a binary mixture (water and solute) to be similar in
looking at the intercept as water content tends to zero. form as Couchmann and Karasz equation. The
Slade and Levine (1994) mentioned that although a Couchmann and Karasz equation (Eq. (5)) can be ex-
general correlation between molecular weight and Tg of tended and applied for multicomponent mixture systems
carbohydrates has been widely accepted, one should be such as water, glucose and sucrose. (Roos, 1995, Ar-
aware that the Tg can vary substantially, even within a vanitoyannis, Blanshard, Ablett, Izzard & Lillford,
series of compounds of the same molecular weight due 1993). For an n component system, the Couchmann and
to their chemical structure. Karasz equation can be expanded as:
74 B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79
Pn starch derivatives (glucose syrups/maltodextrin at higher
iˆ1 wi DCpi Tgi
Tgm ˆ P n : …6† dextrose equivalent values) has been well recognised
iˆ1 wi DCpi
(Lazar, Brows, Smith, Wang & Lindquist, 1956; Bren-
nan, Herrera & Jowitt, 1971; Karatas & Esin 1990;
Bhandari, Senoussi, Dumoulin & Lebert 1993, Bhandari
3. In¯uence of glass transition temperature on drying
et al., 1997a; Bhandari, Datta, Crooks, Howes & Rigby,
1997b). During the drying of sugar-rich products, they
may either remain as syrup or stick on the drier chamber
Among various food processing operations, drying is
wall. There is also the problem of unwanted agglomer-
the most commonly used method to preserve and reduce
ation in the drier chamber and conveying system. This
the volume of the food materials. The ``collapse'' of the
can lead to lower product yields and operating prob-
dehydrating food during freeze drying, stickiness of the
product during spray drying, caking and agglomeration
In recent years, the stickiness problem of sugar
of powders during processing and storage are some of
products has been related to their low Tg (Roos et al.,
the properties which are related to the glass transition
1996). Fig. 2 depicts the major changes taking place
temperature. This section illustrates the signi®cance of
during the spray drying of a sugar-rich product. The ®rst
Tg in various types of drying situations.
step of spray drying is the atomisation of feed. Normally
3.1. Freeze drying a concentrate solution is atomised into ®ne droplets of
the range of 20±150 lm diameter (Masters, 1991). As
In the freeze drying process, the liquid product is ®rst water evaporates the solutes in the droplet become more
frozen and then the water is removed by sublimation. concentrated. The physical state of the product changes
This is a low temperature process, and has been con- from liquid as it passes through the drier from solution
sidered superior than other drying methods in terms of to syrup and ®nally to solid form. Based on the report
product quality (taste and aroma) though being rela- published by Bellows and King (1973) and Downton et
tively expensive. While evaporating the moisture, the al. (1982), if the viscosity of the product is below a
product becomes porous in nature and the solid network critical level of 107 Pa s, it may stay as syrup even at low
should be able to hold this porous structure. If the moisture levels. Depending upon the product charac-
temperature of the dehydrating porous product is above teristics and composition, and drying conditions, the
Tg , the viscosity of the solid material may not be enough surface of the drying droplets may remain plastic, re-
to support the structure and ``collapse'' or shrinkage
occurs (To & Flink, 1978; Tsourou¯is, Flink & Karel,
1976). To maintain the original volume, the product
temperature should not be above Tg . This means that
the collapse rate increases as the viscosity of the drying
matrix decreases below 107 Pa s above its Tg . This
structural shrinkage leads to poor aroma retention, poor
rehydration characteristics and uneven dryness. For
various food liquids during freeze drying, the collapse
temperature can vary between ÿ5o C and ÿ60o C (Bel-
lows & King, 1973) depending upon their composition.
Foods which are high in sugars, such as fruit juices, will
have lower collapse temperature. Therefore, it is im-
portant to know the collapse temperature so that the
drying proceeds without any loss of product quality. In
the freeze drying experiments of sugar solutions at var-
ious solids concentration, Tsourous¯is et al. (1976)
showed that the collapse temperatures can be raised by
the addition of high molecular weight materials. It
should be noted here that the increase in collapse tem-
perature is directly related to the increase in glass tran-
sition temperature as stated earlier.
Fig. 2. Schematic representation of physical changes on droplets
3.2. Spray drying
during spray drying process (Dehydration I, II, III represent only the
arbitrary stages of dehydration, l ± viscosity, Tg ± glass transition
The problems of stickiness during spray drying of temperature, Tsurface ± surface temperature of drying particle (Bhandari
sugar-rich foods such as fruit juices, honey and some et al., 1997a).
B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79 75

sulting in sticking on the drier wall or among them- where Xi is the fractional weight of a component i (e.g.
selves. The amorphous product obtained at the end of sucrose, glucose..); ai the index value assigned for that
the drying process could, therefore, be either syrup, a particular component and Y is the overall index. The
sticky powder or a relatively free-¯owing powder. In a index values were calculated so that when Y < 1 drying is
practical sense, the critical viscosity is reached at tem- dicult, Y ˆ 1 indicates a marginally successful drying,
peratures 10±20o C above Tg (Roos & Karel, 1991b). It and Y > 1 a successful drying. Powder recovery was
can be therefore, assumed that the temperature of the again used as the criterion for spray drying perfor-
surface of the particle during spray drying should not mance. Eq. (7) was found to be useful in determining
reach 10±20o C above Tg . The glass transition tempera- optimum additive requirements for honey and pineapple
ture of sugar-rich products is so low that spray drying of juice drying (Bhandari et al., 1997b).
the pure product is generally not economically feasible.
Some speci®c driers (Birs process) have also been men- 3.3. Hot air drying
tioned elsewhere to dry fruit juices at very low temper-
ature conditions (Hayashi, 1989). The most common There are no published reports available on the
approach to dry such products has been to add high consequences of Tg on hot air drying, nevertheless the
molecular weight additives. This has the e€ect of raising knowledge gained in other types of drying can also be
Tg . However, few attempts have been made to develop a logically applied in this process. Hot air drying (®xed or
direct relationship between Tg and stickiness in a spray ¯uidised bed) is normally employed to dry solid foods.
drying process. In a recent report, Busin et al. (1996) There exists glass transition related problems during
studied the role of Tg on the stickiness behaviour of the drying of sugar-rich products such as fruit leathers and
maltodextrin-sugar (fructose, glucose, and sucrose) other products which are extremely sticky. These prod-
mixtures during spray drying. They used product re- ucts appear wet even at very low moisture content. The
covery as a measure of the ease of spray drying. Though leathery texture of these products even at lower moisture
the powder recoveries were correlated to Tg in the case content is due to the plasticising e€ect of low molecular
of individual sugar-maltodextrin mixtures, there was no weight sugars which depress the Tg . Drying of other
consistency on recoveries between three sugar-malt- fruits may pose problems, particularly if there is an ex-
odextrin mixtures with the function of Tg . Bhandari et cessive disruption of skins or tissues resulting in leaching
al. (1997b) found a correlation between Tg and the spray of sugars out on the surface.
drying behaviour of sugars and fruit juices with a Sticky products will not ¯uidise well in a ¯uidised bed
maltodextrin additive (Fig. 3). They also described an system (Papadakis & Bahu, 1992). This problem may
empirical approach (Eq. (7)) to optimise the amount of also be encountered while dehydrating thick pasty
additive needed to be added with the sugar-rich feeds products and cut fruit pieces. The shrinkage and
before spray drying, by assigning drying index values to toughening of the solids product may also be related to
individual components according to their ability to be Tg (Karathanos, Anglea & Karel, 1993). The shrinking
dried successfully in a spray drying system. phenomenon is dependent upon the physical pliability of
Xn the material which should be in¯uenced by Tg and other
a i Xi ˆ Y ; …7† factors. Karathanos et al. (1993) demonstrated a con-
iˆ1 tinuous shrinkage of celery during drying. This was at-
tributed to the drying air temperature which was well
above Tg for celery undergoing drying. In high sugar
products, if the dehydration temperature is higher than
Tg , the product may be soft during drying. Upon cool-
ing they will harden, as the product temperature drops
below Tg .

4. In¯uence of Tg on physico-chemical changes in the dried


To maintain product quality during storage, the

physico-chemical state of the dried product has to be
maintained for as long as possible. Any changes in its
structure not only changes the physico-sensorial attri-
Fig. 3. Drying index versus glass transition temperature for anhydrous
maltodextrin, sucrose, glucose and fructose; and pineapple juice butes but also it may have some other deteriorating
powder at various pineapple solids:maltodextrin ratios (water activity, consequences such as increases in the rate of chemical
aw ˆ 0.085 ÿ 0.12) (Bhandari et al., 1997b). reactions, structural damage and microbial quality
76 B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79

changes etc. An overview of these changes is described (1991b) found the applicability of Eq. (8) for the crys-
below. tallisation of amorphous lactose and sucrose. Karel
(1991) also suggested that the use of the WLF equation
4.1. Crystallisation, agglomeration and caking for estimation of changes in quality based on the mo-
lecular mobility theory is an oversimpli®cation which
All amorphous products are metastable and, there- can lead to erroneous results. Once again, the validity of
fore can crystallise over time during storage. The rate of Eq. (8) which is directly derived from the WLF equation
crystallisation is a function of T ÿ Tg , with increasing should also be carefully examined for various complex
crystallisation rates for higher temperatures (Senoussi et food systems.
al., 1995; Roos & Karel, 1991b). Moreover, the amor-
phous form of low molecular weight carbohydrates and 4.1.2. Caking
protein hydrolyzates are very hygroscopic (Aguilera, de The caking of an amorphous powder is a time de-
Valle & Karel, 1995). If a local portion of the product in pendent phenomenon. The rate of caking due to viscous
a packaging picks up moisture, the glass transition ¯ow property of the material is a function of T ÿ Tg , and
temperature is locally depressed for that particular the kinetics of caking can again be determined by using
portion and crystallisation rate will be accelerated. Tight a WLF-type relationship (Aguilera, et al., 1995).
and orderly molecular packing during crystallisation Downton et al. (1982) studied the following mechanistic
cannot generally accommodate excess moisture which model (Eq. (9)) for estimating the critical viscosity (lc ,
results in the loss of adsorbed water and absorption of Pa s)
this ejected moisture at the surface of neighbouring
particles creating interparticulate liquid bridges resulting lc ˆ ; …9†
in ÔcakingÕ (Jouppila & Roos, 1994a,b; Peleg & Hollen-
bach, 1984). Surrounding particles, which absorb where j is the dimensionless proportionality constant of
moisture, will also be crystallised and the crystallisation order unity; s the contact time (s) c the surface tension,
can proceed as a chain phenomenon. for interstitial concentrate 0.07 N/m, and K is the frac-
Crystallisation process rejects impurities including tion of the particle diameter required as bridge width for
volatiles. Senoussi et al. (1995) found a loss of diacetyl a sucient strong inter-particle bond, usually 0.01±
as a function of rate of crystallisation of lactose during 0.001, D particle diameter (m).
storage. They found that when the lactose was stored This model relationship is particularly important in
20o C above Tg , the amorphous product went through relation to the stability of the dried product during
immediate crystallisation and practically all diacetyl was drying process and storage, as sticking and structural
lost after 6 days. Levi and Karel (1995) also found in- collapse phenomenon have been found to take place at a
creased rate of loss of a volatile 1-n-propanol in an critical viscosity range of 106 ±108 Pa s. It is important to
amorphous sucrose system as a result of crystallisation. note that the caking event is time dependent while the
In an enclosed condition, crystallisation increases the sticking is relatively an instantaneous phenomenon (say
water activity of the system, which may in¯uence the s ˆ 1 s). Longer contact times increase the tendency to-
deteriorating reaction rates and microbial quality of the ward sticking and caking, all other things being equal.
product. So, the dried product recovered during drying with a
relatively free ¯owing property could also cake in a
4.1.1. Crystallisation kinetics as a function of Tg collection or packaging container over a period of time
The crystallisation rate of various amorphous sugars if the surface viscosity is still relatively low due to higher
(lactose, sucrose, sucrose/fructose) may also be deter- temperature or moisture levels (Bhandari et al., 1997a).
mined by using WLF kinetics (Eq. (8)), rather than For this reason, the dried product needs to be cooled
common Arrhenius theory (Peleg, 1996; Levi & Karel immediately to an appropriate temperature before
1995; Roos & Karel, 1991b) packaging. The interesting consequence of this is that
  the viscosity (and thus temperature) requirements for
t ÿC1 …T ÿ Tg †
log10 ˆ …8† storage are much more stringent than those for pro-
tg C2 ‡ …T ÿ Tg †
cessing, however, it is still possible to estimate critical
where t is the time of crystallisation, tg the time to values for both.
crystallise at glass transition temperature Tg , C1 and C2 Lloyd, Chen and Hargreaves (1996), found in a recent
are constants (17.44 and 51.6 K, respectively), and T is study that the caking of spray dried lactose was related
temperature (K). As stated earlier in Section 2.1, the to onset temperature of Tg . In their study, they com-
WLF relationship has been found applicable to predict pressed an amorphous lactose powder at various tem-
the viscosity of the glass as a function of temperature. peratures in a compaction apparatus under a given
As crystallisation is directly related to the viscosity and pressure and found that the packing density of the
the molecular mobility of the glass, Roos and Karel compacted product increased above onset temperature
B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79 77

of Tg , con®rming the viscous ¯ow of the product above loss of volatiles were related to T ÿ Tg . In a previous
Tg . The ®nal shrinkage of the product under compaction study, To and Flink (1978) found that the loss of vola-
increased by increasing T ÿ Tg . tiles were very high at collapse temperatures during
freeze drying or during storage of the dried product.
4.1.3. Clumping and agglomeration Levi and Karel (1995) found an increase in the rate of
Agglomeration is itself a process to instantise several release of volatile 1-n-propanol in an amorphous su-
food powders to improve their wettability property. This crose:ranose system stored at above Tg .
is achieved by two means: by applying heat or rewetting Permeability to oxygen of glass matrices is also lim-
or combining both (Peleg, 1993). If the dried product ited which protects sensitive ¯avours against oxidation.
with relatively higher moisture content is warmed to Gejl-Hansen and Flink (1977) reported that the oxygen
above its glass transition, its surface becomes viscous absorption into a freeze dried lipid-carbohydrate system
and can form a bridge between adjacent particles which was increased signi®cantly at the collapse temperature,
results in an agglomeration (Peleg, 1993; Jouppila & which is known to be related to Tg .
Roos, 1994a,b; Chuy & Labuza, 1994). The viscosity
should be low enough to cause virtually instantaneous 4.3. Crispness and plasticity
sticking of the particles as described by Downton et al.
(1982). No direct study on this process with relation to Crispness and brittleness are some of the important
Tg has been published yet. attributes of dried products. Increased amount of low
The storage of sugar-rich dried product like fruit molecular weight sugars and water reduce the Tg of the
pieces or whole fruits such as sultanas in a bulk bin can product and these qualities are lost. The water acts a
cause clumping and the formation of a hard block. This plasticiser in a food system. Addition of low molecular
may be caused by several reasons. The free sugar can weight sugars and polyols as humectants can maintain
leach out onto the surface due to skin damage. Storing the plastic or chewy texture of intermediate dried
this product at low temperature, the viscosity of highly product even at relatively low moisture content by
concentrated sugar syrup can increase substantially lowering the Tg of the product. The common humect-
which results in cementing the pieces together into a ants used in food are glucose, fructose, sucrose, invert
solid mass. There could also be a partial crystallisation sugar and glycerol. Loss of crispness due to lowering of
of sugars and coalescence. This phenomenon can be Tg of extruded products has also been reported (Katz &
more prominent when the products are packed into a Labuza, 1981; Nelson & Labuza, 1993; Roos, 1995).
big mass which reduces the interparticulate distance and
can also cause further leaching of the syrup from in- 4.4. Chemical changes
ternal tissues at the surface. To minimise this problem,
the product is normally surface coated with oil to avoid The chemical changes in dry products are very slow.
a direct contact between sticky surfaces or further de- But, because of the increase in internal mobility of re-
hydrated (which will elevate Tg ) (Patil, Chakrawar, actants and di€usivity to oxygen, various chemical re-
Narwadkar & Shinde, 1995). actions are also accelerated in dried products if stored at
above Tg . Karmas, Buera and Karel (1992) and Buera
4.2. Di€usion of volatiles and permeability to oxygen and Karel (1993) found an increased rate of non-enzy-
mic reactions in dried vegetables stored above Tg . The
The glass transition temperature is directly related to rate of oxidation of sensitive compounds in a dry matrix
the molecular mobility of not only the matrix, but also is also enhanced above Tg due to crystallisation which
to water and other components entrapped in the matrix forces the encapsulated materials from the system to the
(Karel, Buera & Roos, 1993; Shimada et al., 1991). surface. Increase in di€usivity of oxygen through the
Volatile components in a food system have very limited matrix above Tg also accelerates deteriorative reactions,
mobility in a glassy matrix. Di€usion through the matrix but the consequence of crystallisation on oxidation is
is primarily through the pores of the matrix (Whorton, signi®cantly higher because of the release of encapsu-
1995). Volatile di€usivity is greatly increased, when the lated sensitive compounds (Gejl-Hansen & Flink, 1977;
temperature exceeds the glass transition and continues Karel, 1985; Shimada et al., 1991; Moreau & Rosen-
to increase with an increase in temperature (Roos & berg, 1996). Shimada et al. (1991) reported that an un-
Karel, 1991a; Whorton & Reineccius, 1995). The rub- encapsulated methyl linoleate underwent rapid
bery matrix above the glass transition temperature ac- oxidation while encapsulated oil remained unoxidised,
celerates di€usion due to the increased free volume and in a lactose-based food model. Labrousse, Roos & Karel
change in transport and solution behaviour of volatiles (1992) reported a complete release of encapsulated
(Whorton, 1995). Senoussi et al. (1995) studied the re- methyl linoleate oil in amorphous sugars due to crys-
tention of diacetyl in spray dried lactose and skim milk tallisation (above Tg ) which resulted into oxidation,
systems and found that the rate of crystallisation and whereas upon collapse there was only a partial release of
78 B.R. Bhandari, T. Howes / Journal of Food Engineering 40 (1999) 71±79

the remained methyl linoleate into the dense matrix. Chuy, L. E., & Labuza, T. P. (1994). Caking and stickiness of dairy-
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matrix. In other study, Saltmarch, Vaginini-Ferrari & atures. Macromolecules, 11(1), 117±119.
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in a whey powder at 0.44 critical water activity, where of stickiness in hygroscopic amorphous powders. Industrial and
Engineering Chemistry Fundamentals, 21, 447±451.
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The understanding of glass transition temperature tion. Journal of Food Science, 42, 1049±1055.
Genin, N., & Rene, F. (1995). Analyse du role de la transition vitreause
has advanced signi®cantly in very recent years. Its im-
dans les procedes de conservation agro-alimentaire. Journal of Food
portance in drying and dried foodstu€s has now been Engineering, 26, 391±407.
recognised. Though there are quite a signi®cant number Gordon, M., & Taylor, J. S. (1952). I Non- crystalline copolymers.
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many have dealt directly with the process in the real Hayashi, H. (1989). Drying technologies of foods their history and
future. Drying Technology, 7(2), 315±369.
situation, where there are added complexities associated
Johari, G. P., Hallbruker, A., & Mayer, E. (1987). The glass liquid
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Jouppila, K., & Roos, Y. H. (1994b). Glass transitions and crystalli-
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Karatas, S., & Esin, A. (1990). A laboratory scraped surface drying
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