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BOBJ for following documents

Freight Unit & Freight Order/Freight Booking --> /SCMTMS/TOR

Forwarding Order --> /SCMTMS/TRQ

Important Transaction Codes

/N/BOBF/CONF_UI --> To view the full landscape of the system
/N/BOBF/CUST_UI --> For all custom developments
/N/BOBF/TEST_UI --> Data Browser

Transaction --> /N/BOBF/CONF_UI

There are only 20 Business Objects in SAP TM and 2 of the most important BOBJ's are marked in the
image above. When we double click on a BOBJ, following screen appears below. TRQ --> Forwarding
Order and TOR --> Freight Order
In the above image, the objects that you see under the Root are related to the UI screen that we see
using NWBC in SAP TM.
Example - Compare the two screens above
STAGE object under the Root reflects the information under the STAGES tab in the UI screen
PROFITANALYSIS object under the Root reflects the information under the PROFITABILITY tab in the UI
TRANSPORTATIONCHARGES object under the Root reflects the information under the CHARGES tab in
the UI screen
Similarly, BUPA_BO, LOC_BO_ADDR_ROOT objects under the Root reflects the information under the

Each BOBJ has only one ROOT NODE.

Combined Structure --> Data Structure of a Node,
Is the Node Instance Key (KEY),
Has the Key of the Direct Parent (PARENT_KEY),
Has the Key of Related BOBJ Instance (ROOT_KEY)
Data Structure --> Has the data structure of the node.
Transient Structure --> Has the data at Runtime only.
Extension Include --> Has Additional Custom Fields (Place where Custom Fields can be added)
Database Table - Table where the Data is stored related to the BOBJ

Business Objects - We all know what it is, if not - please do not proceed further, this document is not
intended for you.
Dependent Objects is linked to a Business Object and cannot exists on its own. They exists only in
context of another Business Object. Example - Transportation Charges, Attachments, etc..
Master data Objects - are objects created by USER in SAP ERP and transferred to TM by CIF interface or
created directly in TM - example - location, partners, materials, etc
Meta Data Objects are customizing elements - example - Freight Unit Building Rule, Planning Profile,

BOPF Design Principles

Clear separation of Business Logic and Data Buffer

Structuring of Business Logic in to small parts - with clear segregation between CHANGING and


Direct, Unidirectional, binary relationship between two BOBJ
Used to Navigate from One Node to Another
Can be nodes within BOBJ or different BOBJ (Cross BOBJ Association)
Can have parameters to filter the result
Can be defined only between 2 nodes and 1 defined direction

Operation Performed on that Node
Can be used for allowing external triggering of a business logic
To trigger and action, we must specify - Key of the instances on which this action is to be performed and
any input parameter that may be required
Can only be performed on the number of instances defined in the cardinality
Double Click on the Implementing Class
The Parameters belonging to the method
IT_KEY is the GUID of the Node on which this determination is triggered.
IO_READ is to read the data of that node
IO_MODIFY is to modify the data of that node
EO_MESSAGE to display messages

This Action can be done at CREATION …more details on this below

Determination Class has many methods inside it and we can see in the code of those methods how
values are computed and updated,
Mostly used for calculations - to compute data that can be derived from the values of other attributes
Persistent Determination - Changes are written away
Transient Determination - Data only used temporarily (Only at runtime)
Must indicate for each determination - whether it is for UPDATE/DELETE/LOAD or CREATE

Execution Time for Determination must be mentioned -->

Often Used --> After Modify, After Validation


Is an Internal Checking of Business Logic on the BOBJ

Checks if an ACTION is allowed
Checks is a BOBJ is consistent
Action Call
Trigger Node (A change of attribute on that node will trigger the action)

Double click on the class interface

Very Simple Logic that we can read in the code
The above call method allows to insert the message wherever required

Allows us to perform search on BOBJ and provides the point of access
Search parameters are predefined.
Result is a set of all record id's that matched the criteria and can also be predefined

Choose and Object -------> Choose an option ----> Your choice

(Freight Order /Forwarding Order) (Retreive, DO Action, Modify, Query, etc…) (Forward
Order, Query, etc….)

The Constants Interface

Double click on the class interface and look at the attributes tab.
Click on the button highlighted

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