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1. Prologue
2. Chapter 1: Early Mornings and A Surprise Meeting?
3. Chapter 1 Part 2: Kris's P.O.V
4. Chapter 2: Rumor Has It...
5. Chapter 3: Talks
6. Chapter 4: I Have To WHAT?
7. Chapter 5: The Chicken Zombie
8. Chapter 6: Where is She?
9. Chapter 7: The Wushu Master
10. Chapter 8: Memories
11. Chapter 9: A Day Off
12. Chapter 10: Late Nights and Starcraft
13. IMPORTANT NEWS (Please Read!)
14. Chapter 11: Happy Birthday~!
15. Chapter 12: Another Dilemma
16. Chapter 13: Fooling the Agents
17. Chapter 14: Here Comes Trouble!
18. Chapter 15: Clubbing and Confessions
19. Chapter 15 Part 2: Clubbing and Confessions
20. Chapter 16: A Really Bad Hangover
21. Chapter 17: An Unexpected Guest
22. Chapter 18: Confrontation
23. Chapter 19: Operation Match Making 101
24. Chapter 20: The 'Modeling Job'
25. Chapter 21: Captured (Again...)
26. Chapter 22: The Buck Stops Here
27. Chapter 23: Idol's Revolution (Phase 1)
28. Chapter 24: Idol's Revolution (Phase 2)
29. Chapter 25: Idol's Revolution (Phase 3)
30. Chapter 26: Missing
31. Chapter 27: A Shocking Revelation
32. Chapter 28: Recovery
33. Chapter 29: A Belated Birthday Present
34. Chapter 30: Zariah's BACK!
35. Chapter 31: Catfights
36. Chapter 32: Resolutions
37. Chapter 33: Secrets Unveiled
38. BONUS CHAPTER: A 'Normal' Day in the EXO Dorm
39. Chapter 34: Aftermath
40. Chapter 35: A Farewell and A Surprise
41. Chapter 36: What's Next?
42. Chapter 37: Baekhyun's Date
43. Chapter 38: I Have Something To Say...
44. Chapter 39: New Beginnings
45. Epilogue
46. Author's Note

*** Prologue *** (3 pages)

4 Years Ago

"Hey, Four-Eyes" A deep, smooth voice echoed down the empty hallway. Shit, shit,
shit. Please dont let it be him I thought, although it was more than likely that it
was him. I adjusted my big black glasses and turned around, making sure that I hid
my face behind my stack of books in the process.

"Do you have English homework? I forgot it at home today and I need someones to
copy off of." He said, a smirk adorning his princely features. Oh, how I really
want to smack this boy right now. I gritted my teeth with braces behind the stack
of books hiding my face inconspicuously. He didnt forget it. He just wanted to make
my life a living hell. He threw my essay on Henry VIII in the trash the other day
and I had to explain to the teacher that it was all my fault.

What in the world was he doing?

Well, since he is cool and all, he was sitting in the back with his homies and
silently laughing his head off. It was annoying. His homies were his friends
XiuMin, LuHan, Chen, and Tao. They were pretty much all dickheads except for
XiuMin. He was nice to me sometimes. He came from Korea and he didnt know a lot of
English, so I taught him some and we had conversations to help him get better. And
then Kris came along and you can kind of guess what happened. I guess he didnt want
to get his ass kicked by BitchFace.

I know it was a pretty bad nickname for Kris, the school prince. He literally had
girls falling for him left and right, and he was notorious for getting a girl every
couple of weeks, stating she was, in fact, the one for him.

I wasnt that shallow. He was just messing with them, but you couldnt tell because
he was basically expressionless unless he was flirting with you.

Oh, sorry for my rant, I got a bit carried away, didnt I? Hehe.

My name is Annalise, Im 16 years old. I have long black hair that hangs down in
natural corkscrew curls, brown eyes and fair skin. People think I should be a
model, but Im way too clumsy, really. Im actually half-Chinese and half-Russian.
Its pretty strange. I got most of the looks from my moms side. The only thing I got
from my dad was my fair-ish skin.

Im going to an international school in Canada. I know, we are a pretty gifted

school. People from all sorts of backgrouds come here. It was actually pretty fun
going here because I got to know a bunch of new things everyday. I loved learning
something new.

Except when BitchFace ruins the fun for me just because of his presence.

Youre probably thinking OMG but he is so kind, considerate, and he is just the
perfect human being
If you think throwing your 10-page report in a mud puddle is kind, purposefully
tipping your lunch tray towards you to get food all over yourself without
apologizing is considerate, and a BitchFace as the perfect human being, you arent
far off the mark.

This might sound really bad, I know. But whenever he is gone from school, I become
really happy. I know, dont hate me. I just dont like him, and he doesnt like me.

It works out well, huh?

"So?" He said, stepping forward. I stepped back and we continued this dance until I
was up against the wall. "Where is it?" He asked sneering, his nose touching mine.
It was like he enjoyed hurting me. I was sick and tired of playing his stupid
little game.

Tears started to fall as I ran off. "I hate you, Kris Wu" I cried. "We arent
finished" Kris shouted down the hall and I could hear Tao and LuHan laughing and
high-fiving him.

Why does my life have to be like this? I thought as I ran down the hall to my
sanctuary. I turned the corner and there it was. The first door to the left.

The dance room.

I forgot to tell you this, but I am a dancer. Ive danced since I was six years old
and never stopped since. I did tap, jazz, contemperary, hip-hop, popping and
ballet. But mostly ballet; the rest was self-taught. I love to dance, so much that
I do it everywhere. In my room, in the mall, at my friend Zariahs house, you name

Just not in the shower though. Just saying.

I sighed and opened the door. The slightly musty air was comforting, and the filmy
white silk curtains hanging over the windows were rustling in the breeze. There was
a bunch of old equipment here and the dance teacher let me use them. She retired
last year and she wanted the school to let me go into the dance room whenever I
wanted to.

She was the only one who understood me. I wonder where she is now..?

I huffed, blowing the stray hair out of my face as I took my glasses off and placed
them gently in my duffel bag. I yanked my hair back and tied it into a loose bun on
the top of my head and put on my ballet shoes. My tights and loose shirt were on
I took my radio and iPod and placed it in a corner not infested with cobwebs. I
scrolled through my playlist until I found the perfect song to dance to.

As the music started to play, I found myself at ease and one with the rhythm. I
danced and danced and I felt so carefree and happy. I was estatic. When the song
was over, I sat down and leaned my back against the wall. Before I understood what
was happening, I fell into a deep sleep. I never realized there was a person
watching me dance the whole time.

=Kris P.O.V=

"Nice one, man. You shouldve seen the look on her face" Tao said, doubling over in
laughter. Everyone else was laughing incuding me. But something didnt seem right to

Why did she not listen to me?

Not that she ever did to begin with anyway. But she always gave me her homework
before going home so I could copy it. I depended on her all the time. God Forbid if
she ever forgot a homework assignment.

I know, Im pretty good, arent I?

"Wuu Faann" Xie Xie called, running up to me and hugging me. I cringed a bit
because I hated it when she used my real name. She was from China and moved here a
year ago. We both knew how to speak Chinese, so we hit it off. At first we were
good friends, but I felt that I needed to take it to the next step.

She happily agreed. I never thought she would be that shallow.

She was mine though. For now, anyway.

She hugged me and buried her face in my neck. Ugh, she needs to get off now, but I
plastered on a fake smile and beamed at her. I kissed her forehead, a bit
unwillingly, though. "How was your day, babe?"

"It was good. So-and-so..." She babbled on and on and on about the gossip of the
day and I quickly lost interest. When I was sure she was done talking, I told them
I had to leave to go to the library to finish a project. They were all confused
because we werent assigned any projects in any of our classes, so I had to tell
them it was for a presentation a teacher was doing and he wanted it finished by

I was walking down a corridor when I suddenly realized I was going the wrong way. I
was about to turn around until I heard a beautiful song coming out of the dance
room. I recognized it right away. Yirumas Kiss the Rain.
A rectangle of sunlight illuminated the floor where the door was open. I peered
into the room and was instantly mesmerized by what I saw.

She was dancing with such expression in her body, it was hard not to tear my eyes
away from her. Her face was completely calm and serene, as if she didnt have a care
in the world. Every movement of her body told a part of the songs story. A story
that would live on in my memory forever.

A girl who was kissed by the rain. But who was she?

After she was done dancing, she didnt turn around. Instead, she walked over to the
opposite wall and sat there. Soon she was fast asleep, her chest slowly rising up
and down as she breathed. Her face was the prettiest thing I ever saw, her face
relaxed and a small smile playing on her lips. I just wanted to kiss her, but it
would be too complicated. Besides, I was already dating Xie Xie.

Before I could think about her anymore, I turned on my heel and left the corridor
and into the chilly Canadian weather.

This was a pretty bad prologue in my opinion xD I absolutely despise it. Its awful.
But ANYWAY This is my first k-pop fanfic. Im just coming up with ideas as I write
this, so I dont really have a laid out story line. Yet :P

EXO is my addiction now, more EXO-M, though. I love K-pop and apparently a little
bit of Mandapop (Is that how you say it? ;;). Its just like a black hole that once
you hear a song, you just cant get enough of it. Its just so flipping amazing.
Although I hate the way companies treat their artists. Taeminnie is like a skeleton
now, and Onew just looks plain depressed. I just hope things get better soon.

We need some cool new groups. Seriously.


3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 1: Early Mornings and A Surprise Meeting? *** (2 pages)

Present Day

"Lissy...Lissy... LISSY GET UP NOW OR I WILL BREAK YOUR PHONE" Zariah shrieked. I
immediately shot up and squinted at the bright lights of my room. I slowly sat up
and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. When the blurs around me became images, I saw
Zariah standing over me with my phone in her hands. No Not my precious baby

"Give me that phone. NOW." I said, glaring at her.

"Ohh, not a morning person now, are we?" She chuckled, amusement dancing in her
eyes. She handed me the phone and I snatched it away, checking for any tell-tale
signs of abuse.

"I would be a bit happier if you didnt threaten to break my phone." I mumbled,
checking the clock. "And why did you even wake me up at 5 FLIPPING 30 IN THE
MORNING?" I said, pointing at the clock. Today wasnt going to be a good day.

"You have a training session at 7:00, I have a meeting to go to at 6:45 and we need
to leave in an hour." Zariah said pointedly, giving me a stern look in the process.
"Now go take a shower."

"Yes Umma..." I mumbled, stumbling into the bathroom.

Zariah and I moved to Seoul after we finished college. I studied dance and
choreography and Zariah studied show business. We rented a flat together, paying
the rent together. It was pretty fun. We both applied to SM Entertainment as soon
as we moved here and were both hired. I met so many new people.

I was genuinely happy in a long time.

When I turned on the light and saw the reflection in the mirror, I cringed and
wondered why Zariah didnt freak out. I was a mess. My hair was sticking in
different directions, my makeup was smeared because I didnt bother taking it off at
1 in the morning, and I had big bags under my eyes.

In other words, I was absolutely hideous. Medusa could look at me and turn into
stone, not the other way around.

I groaned and started to brush my teeth and wash my face. I hopped into the shower,
turning it on warm. I needed to relax my tense muscles from yesterday. Our
choreographer decided to kill us yesterday by giving us a song by a rookie group
named EXO that was going to come out the following week.

I couldnt even breathe after I was done. Its a miracle that they can sing and dance
to this at the same time. Kudos to them.

I was built for ballet dancing, not street style, plus I already sprained my ankle
a couple weeks ago and I havent exactly been following the doctors orders. I didnt
want to sit in the house all day and eat ice cream.
I sighed and started shampooing my hair with some watermelon and strawberry shampoo
and conditioner. After that I quickly shaved my legs and washed my body. I hopped
out of the shower and looked at the clock. 6:00; I still had about 30 minutes.

I decided to blow-dry the roots and let the rest dry into my corkscrew curls. I
threw on a sparkly navy blue tank-top, some skinny jeans and Doc Martens. Those
were badass, yet amazing. I thought they were cute, so I got them for only 5 bucks
at the local store.I put in my contact lenses and looked in the mirror. I decided
to go neutral today, its not like I was meeting anyone important, anyway.

My braces were taken off after I graduated high school and I got contact lenses my
senior year, the year Kris and his posse left to train in Korea. I dont know where
they are right now, though.

I threw a oversized hoodie on and met Zariah in the kitchen. Her professional
outfit reminded me of my mom. Todays dress suit was a simple black pencil skirt and
a loose white top with a black peter pan collar. She actually looked kind of cute.

"Ready to go?" She asked as she smiled at me. "I see you ditched the straight hair.
It didnt really suit you anyway."

"Gee, thanks. The glasses dont really match with your personality, Umma." I said,
smiling. She was the manager for the new rookie group I mentioned before, and I
heard they were pretty good looking. Zariah blushed everytime their name was
mentioned. She was a very outgoing and sweet girl and loved to have fun.

But she can be quite businesslike when she needs to be. Its actually kind of scary.

"Thanks, dongsaeng. Lets go" She said, putting on her heels. I quickly ran into my
room and threw in my dance gear and training outfit into the duffel bag and took my
phone. I slipped a hairtie on my wrist and walked out, locking the door on my way

The chilly morning air bit at my cheeks, turning them rosy red in the process. I
always had chubby cheeks, and Zariah always pinched them. It was kind of annoying
but pretty funny too.

We walked all the way to the SM headquarters, because they werent far from where we
lived. It was a pretty big building, and there were lots of stairs leading to the
same door.

We took the center flight of stairs, me jogging easily up the steps while Zariah
struggled to keep up with me because of her heels. "Screw you and your extensive
dance training. Im sweating like a pig" She huffed, playfully glaring at me.

"Its called working out. You should try it sometime." I said cheekily, returning
the banter.
"Ahnyeoung" A voice called. I turned around and gasped. The president himself was
walking towards us.

"Ahnyeounghasaeyo" We said at the same time, bowing at a 90-degree angle to show


"Are you going to the meeting Zariah-ssi?" He asked, looking her in the eyes.

"Yes sir." She replied, straightening out.

"Is this the lead dancer you were talking about yesterday?" He said, eyeing me.

"Yes, this is Annalise, she has been training for quite some time now." She said
motioning to me.

"Pleasure to meet you, Annalise. You must be very talented to be recommended by one
of my top advisors. Actually," He said, letting go of my cold hand. "I would like
you to come with me. I think it would be a good idea for the boys to practice along
with the backup dancers, now that they have learned the dance already."

"I think so too, they already know the dance well enough." She said, a mischevious
glint in her eyes. Why was she looking at me like that?

I was starting to get a bit scared. What was her plan?


*** Chapter 1 Part 2: Kris's P.O.V *** (2 pages)

MAMA was blaring out of the stereo in the dance room as me, Xiumin, Lay, Chen,
Luhan and Tao practiced for our next showcase coming up in a couple weeks. We were
going to have backup dancers as well, but we will be in the spotlight most of the

What can I say? Im just awesome like that.

I heard the lead backup was really talented, just like Annalise. Yes I still think
about her sometimes, I really do. Its not that I have any feelings for her. I
sometimes wonder if things wouldve been different had I not been so consumed in my
popularity like Xiumin.

I glanced over at him. He was talking animatedly with Lay, laughing and cracking
jokes in his broken Chinese. I smiled, wishing I could have the same carefree and
animated personality as him.

I know I am thought of as a BitchFace and an Ice Prince, but I really am not like
that. You see, Im just really insecure. Its what the company picked out for me and
that is what I will act like.

All of a sudden, there was a loud knock on the door and the president himself
walked through the door.

I stopped the song and ushered the boys to line up. "Ahnyeonghasaeyo" We said,
bowing 90-degrees.

He waved his hand and we straightened out. "I have some new people for you guys to
meet today." He said. New band members? I thought that was over a long time ago.

"They are not new band members. Instead they are you lead backup and your new
manager from now on. Come in" He called near the doorway.

I couldnt believe my eyes. Standing there was Annalise, without her glasses and
braces. She actually looked...beautiful.

I mentally slapped myself. How could you say that? You bullied her for years Youre
just a coward I dont even know anymore. My feelings are all messed up I dont even
know which was which anymore.

I wasn t the only one who was surprised. LuHan and Chen had their mouths hanging
open. They obviously didnt see that coming either. Tao passively stood his groud,
although I knew he was pretty shocked also. Xiumin and Lay, on the other hand,
smiled at her kindly.

I snapped out of my trance and lined the guys up. "We are ONE Hello, we are EXO-M"
We shouted, bowing in unison.

"Hey guys My name is Annalise and I am the lead backup dancer for your showcase
coming up in a couple weeks." She said in fluent Chinese. Wow, she was pretty good.
I understood everything she said. She started with Lay.

"Hello, my name is Lay. Nice to meet you." He said with a smile. She smiled a
brilliant smile back.

"Hi Im EXO-Ms Baozi, Xiumin" He said, labelling himself with his fan nickname.
Annalise grinned a grin that said How cuteI think she was a bit closer with Xiumin
than the rest of us. I couldnt blame her; he was a nice guy.

"Hi there, Im the main vocal Chen." He said, trying not to have his mouth hang
"Ni hao I am LuHan." The cute deer said, smiling a smile that lit up his whole

"Hi, I am the romantic Kung Fu Panda Tao." He said, blushing. She gave him a warm
smile and he shyly smiled back.

"Hello I am the EXO-M Leader Kris." She visibly paled when she heard my name, but
she regained her composure. I smiled at her, and she gave me a small smile back. I
guess with what I did to her, it was better than nothing. Then again, the president
was standing right there, so knowing her, she wouldve went up and slapped me across
the face had he not been present.

"Well, now that we are all settled, you guys can start practicing now. Good luck
and dont be too hard on her." The president said as he walked out the door.

"Bye Zariah" We called after our manager. She smiled and waved before closing the
door. Annalise breathed out of her mouth before facing us.

"Well, how about we get to know each other better? Since I am going to be training
with you guys for the next couple of weeks." She said, facing all of us. She was
cool and confident now, not the shy insecure nerd that I used to know.

We sat in a circle on the floor. She took out a big purple plush die from her
duffel bag. I remembered that purple was her favorite color and smiled a bit.

"So this is how it will go. I will ask a question and roll the die. Whatever number
it lands on, that is the number of people away from me the person has to answer the
question. Like this." She demonstrated as she threw the die up in the air. It
landed on a four. "So it landed on a four; I count four people away from me, which
will be LuHan, so LuHan answers the question." She said, pointing to him.

"If you go more than once, you can pick the person that you want to question.
Arasso?" She asked. We all nodded our heads in unision. "Okay who wants to go
first?" She asked. I raised my hand. After all, I am the leader; Leaders always go

She threw the purple plush towards me and I caught it. It felt really soft. I threw
it in the air and it landed on a six. I counted six people away from me and I
landed on Tao.

"What do you like to eat?"

"I like anything that is edible, really, but I like candy the best." He said.
Annalise smiled. "We already have so much in common. I like candy too. Have you
ever tried Hersheys?"
"Yeah, that stuff is amazing Its like pure heaven" Tao said, grinning like a fool.
We all laughed.

We did this until we had no more questions. We learned a lot about Annalise. We
learned: her favorite colors were the colors of the rainbow ("There are too many to
pick from, so I just chose them all _"), Her blood type is AB, she is only 165 cm
tall with shoes and 162 without them, she was half-Chinese and half-Russian, she
had been dancing ballet and self-taught street style since she was five, she likes
to play video games and sleep during her off days, and she likes to draw.

I thought she was pretty interesting, I just wish I got to know her better
beforehand. Soon we were dancing History and MAMA with her. She was able to keep up
with all of our dance moves. She was really good; she definitely wasnt a lead
backup for nothing.

"Well, thats it for today. I have my own training session right now, so I will see
you guys tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright We are--"

"Okay, guys, I know who you are, you dont have to say it again." She said,
laughing. "Well, bye guys. Be good"

"We will" We called after her as she walked down the hall.

I think I am starting to like this girl.


*** Chapter 2: Rumor Has It... *** (4 pages)

=Annalises P.O.V=

As I walked down the hall, I thought back to what had just occured in the training
room. Kris was actually pretty nice. Was it because of the image he had to support?
I know there were hidden cameras in all the training rooms. He was probably just
doing it for show.

Before I could really think it through, a voice called me. "Anna"


"Yeah?" I said, turning around to face him. He jogged towards me and smiled. Gawd
his smile was gorgeous. NO. BAD ANNALISE. "Umm.. I know you hate me still and all
that, and I just wanted to say, Im really sorry. For everything. If you dont mind,
do you want to grab dinner after with the rest of the band members?" He asked,
looking at me. His eyes were full of...desperation?

"Well... It depends. When are you guys done training?" I said. I was being
truthful; I had a butt-load of stuff to do today. Plus I was over all that stuff
already. I was glad actually, or else I wouldnt be the person I am now.

"We get done at 5."

"Then I can come. Zariah wants me home by 7:30, though. I still have to practice
for the teaser and help Zariah finish a report for the president."

"Okay cool. Ill swing by and get you at 6, ok?"

"Yeah, sure, see you later." I genuinely smiled at him and walked to my training
session. No, scratch that. I skipped all the way to my training session. Kris was
finally being nice I could barf glitter and rainbows all day Eww, that is

After training for two hours, it was finally 5. By the time I got to our flat, my
whole body was sore. I really wanted to go to sleep, but I promised Kris and the
boys that I would be there tonight.

I took a quick hot shower to relax my muscles and hopped out and dried my hair. I
pulled my hair back into a loose bun with a few strands hanging out, framing my
face. I wore a beige one-strap dress that was modest and came down to the middle of
my thighs, some gold hoops and a gold necklace with an A on it. I threw on my gold
shiny gladiator sandals. By the time I threw everything I needed in my purse,
someone was at the door, ringing the doorbell nonstop. I checked the monitor and
saw Lay and Xiumin pressing their noses to the monitor.

I had to laugh. They are so dorky.

I opened the door, and they gushed at how pretty I looked. They were acting like
ajhummas. Whats up with them? They were all quiet the first time I met them. "Hey
Zariah I am leaving now Ill be back by 7:30" I called. No response. Oh well.

"So, where are you taking me to, guys?" I asked, linking arms with both of them.
They happily returned the gesture.

"To the single-most best resturant you have ever eaten at in Korea And Kris-gege is
paying" Xiumin said, clapping his hands like a little child.

"Arent you older than him? Why are you calling him gege?" I asked, pointing an
accusing finger at the baozi. Lay laughed.
"Its just an inside joke. Well tell you later, dont worry. But off to dinner" He
said as we approached the car.

"Whoa, Mei-mei looks so pretty" Tao gushed, smiling at me. Mei-mei meant little
sister; my brother called me that all the time before he went to college. I blushed
a beet red before replying "Ssei ssei..."

"Waah You look so cute. We can be aegyo buddies" LuHan exclaimed, pinching my
cheeks and smiling that smile. Oh my gosh, please dont tell me he is 22. He cant
possibly be. Hes way to damn adorable for his own good.

Kris didnt say anything. He looked at me from head to toe and then looked away.


I knew he was always a cold prince, but boy that was harsh. I think I felt a cold
breeze just now

Tao elbowed him in the ribs and whispered something in his ear fiercely. Kris
looked at me again, but this time he was blushing. "You look nice..." He mumbled,
looking down at the floor. He was trying to hide his blushing face. This was
thoroughly awkward. I think I heard the crickets chirping...

"Wheres Chen?" I asked, changing the subject. I didnt want Kris feeling more
awkward than he already had.

"Hes coming later, he had some vocal training to do." LuHan said, patting the seat
next to him. Oh yeah, Chen joined the group recently, so he didnt have a whole lot
of experience yet. Poor guy.

"We havent got all night. You guys coming or what?" Kris asked from inside the car.
We all clambered into the car and took off. I had fun the whole time; Lay and LuHan
were lipsyncing to Keha and Britney Spears while Xiumin was doing his Baozi faces.
Kris had his BitchFace on the whole time, while Tao and I were a laughing mess in
the backseat.

I guess some things never change.

"Were here" He said, parking on the side of the road. My jaw slacked at the sight.


The whole resturant was ablaze with Christmas lights. The inside, however, was
dimly lit with red paper lanterns and the tables were made of rich brown wood
polished to perfection. Kris smirked at my reaction.
In other words, the perfect place to eat.

"This is my favorite raymun resturant in all of Seoul." Xiumin said, smiling.

"Youll see why in a bit."

A lady with dark hair and brown eyes came up to our table. "Hey guys How are you?"
She said. I checked the name tag; her name was Hee Jin.

"Good Just the usual for us, please" XiuMin exclaimed, clapping his hands
excitedly. "Oh and give her the best raymun in the house." He said motioning to me.
She smiled, but there was something intimidating about her. Her smile said she was
nice; but her eyes told me to back off.

Bipolar, much?

I smiled back at her though, before she left to get the order ready. Lay, LuHan,
Tao and Xiumin were talking loudly and teaching Xiumin new words in Chinese. Kris
was texting someone on his phone. I peeked over his shoulder, but he blocked the
view. Meanie.

"Whats wrong? Is it your secret girlfriend?" I snickered.

"Yeah. Why?" Kris said sourly, shooting daggers out of his eyes. I dont know why,
but all of a sudden my heart felt like it had been stabbed a hundred times. Why do
I feel this way? There is no WAY that I liked him. He was a dickhead

Just then, Chen walked through the door. He looked beat. "Hey guys." He said with a
raspy voice. At this rate, hes going to damage his vocal cords. I patted the seat
next to mine and he sat, smiling gratefully.

"Hey Chen, I know this might be a little awkward for you, but do you anything about
Kris having a secret girlfriend?" I asked him. Chen motioned me to say it quietly.


"Its okay. And yeah Kris does have a secret girlfriend. But none of the other
members know about it other than me and Xiumin. The other three are so gossipy that
they might spill it by accident and ruin Kriss image." He said. I was confused. You
werent supposed to date?

"You arent supposed to date, do drugs or any of that other stuff in this business.
Image is everything. You have to sign a contract stating that you know that, but I
guess Kris didnt really care." Chen chuckled. Why was he reading my mind?

"If you hadnt realized, you are an open book, Anna." He said. I smacked him in the
arm. "Never piss off a Chinese girl" I said pouting. "Okay okay mianhae, I wont do
it again." He said, chuckling.

"Well, you can date someone as long as they are someone famous, right?" I asked.
Hara and Junhyung were dating. So I thought it was okay.

"Yeah, but we are rookies, so it would be really scandalous if we came out debuting
and one of us had a famous girlfriend." Chen said, looking over at Kris. "But Kriss
girl isnt that prominent in the music industry, so its okay. For now, anyway."

I guess that made some sense. But doesnt that mean Kris didnt really want to do
this whole boy-band shenanigan after all?

"Chows up" LuHan and Tao said cheerfully as they saw the raymun bowls coming our
way. We all got our noodles and dug in. Oh my god. Xiumin was right. This was
absolute heaven

"Im always right" Xiumin said, three bowls scattered all around him. My eyes
widened in surprised.

"He eats way more than this. He is just being courteous because there is a girl
here." Lay said, earning him a poke in the cheek from Xiumin.

"Oh really? You want to bet, hyung?" I asked, shoving the bowl away from me.

"YAY Its a food competition" Tao said, grinning from ear to ear. God this kid is

15 minutes later

"ANNALISE WINS" LuHan shouted into his chopstick, motioning towards me. Everyone
was having fun. Kris the Party-Pooper needed to go outside to take a phone call of
some sort. He didnt tell me who it was, not like it bothered me that much.

"Why...? How? What?" Xiumin said, looking back and forth between me and the 10
bowls stacked up beside me. His chubby pouty face really did remind me of little
dumplings. Again, these people cannot possibly be in their 20s. They act like

"The Chinese girl beat you. Accept that fact." Chen said, pinching his cheek.
Xiumin scrunched up his nose like a bunny-rabbit. Awww...

"Chinese-Russian." I corrected him.

"Same difference." He smirked, flicking my head. That hurt

"Is not" I pouted, folding my arms.

"You guys" Lay shouted, catching everyones attention before it started to escalate
into a full-blown arguement. "Its a bit late now. Anna needs to go home and we need
to rest up for practice tomorrow, dont you think?"

"You make a better leader than BitchFace out there flirting with a bystander." I
said, motioning towards Kris, who was still outside chatting up some girl. She
looked starstruck.

I guess thats what happens when you are an idol, huh?

"So Ive been told by the Deer and the Dumpling, but he isnt that bad once you get
to know him."

"He made my life a living hell in high school."

"Oh... Sorry to hear that. I dont really know what to say, as I have never been
bullied by my peers before." Lay said, nervously scratching the back of his head. A
sheepish smile spread across his face.

"Nah, thats alright, because I met the coolest people ever today." I said gathering
everyone in a group hug. All of a sudden I felt warmth radiating in my back. I
turned my face and saw Kris behind me, joining the group hug. He gave me a small
smile, but he looked conflicted.

"Hey, Im going to drop off Anna at her flat, you guys go ahead in Chens car. Ill
meet you guys at the dorm."

He didnt wait for an answer, or me to contradict him. He grabbed my wrist and

dragged me out into the cool night air of Seoul.

=Kris P.O.V (15 minutes ago)=

I walked out of the resturant and answered my phone. "Yeobuseo?"

"Ah, hello Kris. You guys having fun?" The president said. Why was the president
calling me at this time of night?

"Yeah, we are eating raymun right now with Annalise. The guys seem to like her a

"Thats good, but what about you? You are the leader, after all."
"Shes alright, she isnt too bad. Shes not the main backup dancer for nothing,
though." I admitted; she was a phenomenal dancer, especially in street style. Its
hard to do when you are self-taught, but she made it look so effortless.

"Good, good. Well the reason I called you up is because I want to tell you

"Please say so, Kwangjangnim."

"I know you are dating Hee Jin. And I know that she might not be the most prominent
figure in the K-pop industry right now, but she will be debuting soon with a girl
group that has been causing a lot of hype the past couple months. If the press
finds out about your relationship, it wouldnt be good for anyone, you understand?
If they ask you anything about Hee Jin, just say something that doesnt scream you
were in a relationship with her."

I looked into the restaurant and saw Xiumin slurping down a ramyun bowl while
Annalise was downing another one. Seven bowls were stacked neatly beside her. I
chuckled quietly. Xiumin is so going to have an attack later.

But I didnt want to loose Hee Jin, she was my everything, she completed me. God
that sounded so cheesy, but its true. Although she is a bubbly, happy person
inside, she understood me the most. I glanced at her cleaning the counters and
watching the competiton with silent amusement. I couldnt just let her go like this.

But I guess it was all for the better.

"So what do you want me to do?" I sighed, rubbing my face. Ugh, so stressful.

"I know this might sound a bit weird, but I want you to break up with Hee Jin and
act like you are in a relationship with Annalise."

Oh God. Heck. No.

There is no way that would work out. I knew Hee Jin better than anyone; she would
do anything to get it her way, and she never wanted any excuses for anything. I was
more than positive that she wouldnt take this breakup easily, either. Shoot.


"I know, Kris, but its just acting, and the other guys dont have to know about this
this either. I knowChen and Xiumin know about the situation, right? So you can tell
them, but not anyone else. It cant be let out to the press. Anna is one of our best
dancers, and the last thing I want is the press following her talking about a fake
I couldnt do this to her. As much as I disliked her, I didnt want her to lose her
trust in guys completely. It was too much.

I thought about it for a while and then answered.

"Ill do it."

OMG I just love this chapter. Partially because Lay and Chen are my favorite
members of EXO-M (They both love to troll xD)

I keep on forgetting Tao baby, though (T_T). IM SORRY Kung-Fu Panda will be
featured a bit more in the story as I keep updating it.

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU DID THAT WU FAN I thought his player side was showing again
because he clearly knows that Hee Jin liked him, but I guess he didnt like her back
as much as she wanted to.

Things are going to get pretty messy




*** Chapter 3: Talks *** (3 pages)

=Kris P.O.V=

Anna looked a bit pissed off; I dont blame her. I practically interrupted their
conversation for my own benefit. Im such moron I chided myself .

We rode in silence until we got to her apartment complex. I killed the engine and
we sat there for a couple minutes before she started to talk.

"Did you want to talk to me about something?" She asked, her big brown orbs looking
at me.
"Well, there is a bit of a problem." I admitted hesitantly, sheepishly looking at

I explained the situation to her, and she understood. "So, what are you going to do
about Hee Jin? I mean, she isnt the nicest person. Personally, Im kind of scared of
her." She admitted, shuddering slightly.

I gave her a small smile. At least she understood that aspect.

"So this is what it comes down to, huh? I have to date my bully from high school.
Not only that, but I have to fake-date him. Isnt it wierd? Four years ago you
wouldve laughed at me and called me fat and ugly." She said shakily. Annalise
looked away from me and out into the busy city street.

I felt a jolt of pain in my chest. I still couldnt believe that this beautiful girl
sitting next to me was the same Annalise that I tortured in high school. I felt
awful, but I couldnt change the past now.

I looked at her reflection in the mirror. I remember her eyes were big and
animated, her cute little button nose and dimples when she smiled. Her fair-ish had
a couple blemishes here and there, but there are always something like that on
girls, right? She was still the same, only with years of abuse.

I had a feeling that I wasnt the only one who said those things.

"Kris? I know you want an answer right away, but I cant give you one right now. I
need to think about this. I dont have anything against you; I just need to figure
things out. Ill be sure to get back with you tomorrow before the training session
starts." She told me as she started to get out of the car.

"Wait." I said, gently grabbing her wrist and pulling her back inside the car. Her
back was towards me, but I could tell she was crying. Then I did something that I
thought I would never do.

I bear-hugged her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and waist. I nuzzled my
face into the crook of her neck and inhaled her sweet smell of strawberries and
lemons. It felt like currents of electricity flowing through my body when I touched

We sat like that for a couple minutes until she had calmed down and I rested my
chin on her shoulder. "You dont have to do this." I said.

"No. Its for you. It was your dream, right? To become a singer? You used to tell me
that when I was little. I still remember the Wu YiFan that would stand on the
playset and hold a private mini-concert for me in the backyard." She said smiling,
wiping the tears out of her eyes.
"Yeah... I wish I didnt do these things to you. I wish I could go back to the times
where we were best friends sitting on the swingset, sharing an orange."

"Its alright. I knew there was the old Kris hiding in there somewhere in your
head." She said, gently poking me in the forehead. I wanted to kiss her right
there, but I didnt want to to be rushed. Plus she said she would think about it.
The timing needed to be right.

"Well, thank you. I had a lot of fun, although you had your BitchFace on the whole
time and you were being a party-pooper."

"Sorry. I kind of ruined it for everyone, did I?" I said, mentally facepalming

"No. You have your life. Plus your band mates are hilarious. Especially LuHan and
Xiumin, those notorious guys." She laughed as she got out of the car and shut the
door. Her laughter; it was like music to my ears.

"Yeah. Well, Ill see you tomorrow. Sleep well, yeah?" I said as I pulled out.

"You too. See you tomorrow." She said, turning around and walking to her flat.

I watched her walk out of sight. I rested my head on the steering wheel and

"Wu YiFan, you are officially a complete pabo."

=Annalises P.O.V=

Is Kris bipolar or something? I swear he is only nice to me when no one else is

around. It really scares me.

Not that I didnt mind that little hug he gave me in the car just now. I still felt
all tingly inside, and my skin was ticklish where he had touched me.

Is this what love feels like? I mentally slapped myself. THERE IS NO FLIPPING WAY
THAT YOU LIKE HIM, I thought, smacking myself.

Sure, he was sweet back there, but now is now. And that just now? That was uber

He was giving a BitchFace the whole time we were in the resturaunt. How could he
change faces so quickly?
As I got on the elevator, I checked the clock. 7:15. Whew. Zariah wouldnt have to
worry about me at all. I texted her and left a message on her phone to let her know
where I was. She was just like my mom, yet she acted like a best friend.

I just loved her to bits.

I rang the door and a couple seconds later, Zariah opened the door, towelling her
damp hair. She probably just took a shower. "Hey Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, but Kris had his BitchFace on the whole time and then he hugged me in the
car before I left. It was kind of scary, the way he can change completely and

"Well, tell me everything after you freshen up. You probably had a pretty wacky
night with the guys." She said, laughing. Of course she would know; she was their
manager. She played that card pretty well.

I rushed to my room and picked out some monkey footie pajamas. I went into the
bathroom and washed my face. I then braided my long hair into two braids and
wrapped them around my head. I walked into the kitchen, where Zariah was sitting
with her coffee.

"How many cups of that do you drink every day?" I asked.

"As much as I drink water." She answered, smirking at me. I shuddered. Thats gross.
Straight coffee wasnt even that good, and she could drink organic decaffeinated
coffee? Zariah really is a freak.

"So how was your night out with the boys? Were they good?"

"Yeah they were good. Kris kept on walking out the resturaunt and talking on his
phone for some reason though. Apparently it was a secret girlfriend." I said,
sipping my hot chocolate. Its so GOOD

"Oh, Hee Jin? Yeah, the company wants them to break up because she is debuting
soon." Why am I the one that doesnt know this? Even Chen didnt bother telling me
that much. Note to self: Troll Chen until he tells me everything.

"I saw her working in the resturaunt we went to. She scares me. You shouldve seen
the looks she was giving me It was like she was burning a hole right through my
soul." I said cringing. She was a perfect match for Kris. They do BitchFaces and
dagger glares pretty well.

Then it hit me. Was she glaring at me because I was going to be fake-dating her
boyfriend? It made sense; I wouldnt like it if someone had to fake-date my
boyfriend either. Ugh, too much drama. I hate drama; Drama has been part of my life
ever since Kris came along. I wanted to pull my hair out.
"Hee Jin is actually a pretty nice girl. I never thought that she would become a
brat. Thats kind of strange." Zariah said, scratching her nose. She always did that
when she was thinking. I could make a long list of strange things she does whenever
I see her.

I know her that well. Kekekekeke...

All of a sudden, my phone buzzed. I checked the text and smiled.

From: Deer Boy

Ni hao I hope you went home safely. Xiumin and Tao miss you already Lay and Chen
said good night and they cant wait for tomorrow. Kris is pretty angry though; him
and Hee Jin broke it off today. Oh well. It will get better soon. Text me back when
you get this3 LuHan

How considerate I wish I was fake-dating LuHan, not Kris. He was just so adorable.
I quickly texted him back, smiling the whole time.

To: Deer Boy

Ni hao Dont worry, I came back in one piece :3 and Kris broke it off with her
already? You better tell me all the details tomorrow. I dont think Kris would want
me knowing anyway (kekeke) Im about to go to bed. Tell everyone I miss them already
and get rested up for tomorrow Nighty night 3 Anna

Him and Hee Jin already broke it off, huh? Thats wierd... I thought as I flopped
onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling filled with glow-in-the-dark star stickers.
They looked like they got along pretty well. I forced myself not to think about it
and shut my eyes. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

=LuHan P.O.V=

My phone buzzed as soon as I came out of the shower. I threw on my pajamas and
checked the text and smiled to myself.

From: Dancer Girl

Ni hao Dont worry, I came back in one piece :3 and Kris broke it off with her
already? You better tell me all the details tomorrow. I dont think Kris would want
me knowing anyway (kekeke) Im about to go to bed. Tell everyone I miss them already
and get rested up for tomorrow Nighty night 3 Anna

I didnt bother texting her back because I knew she was going to go to sleep. All of
a sudden I heard some more yelling and banging coming from Kriss room. I sighed and
sat on the bed, looking at the text she sent me.

Did she really want to know? I didnt want to risk ruining Kris and Annalises
relationship right before it started, partially because I knew that they had a
rocky past back when they were going to school together in Canada.

She was just so pure. She was gentle and she treated everyone like she knew them
for years. Anna looked like she was never in a relationship before, which confused
me. I didnt really like her like that. She reminded me of a little sister that I
want to protect from anything. I felt like it was my responsibility and so did
everyone else.

Hee Jin, on the other hand, was just plain scary. Sure, she was pretty and smart
and everything, but boy she had an attitude when things didnt go her way. Kris
completely changed when he was around her. Instead of the funny, cocky Duizhang we
knew in the dorm, he became cold and distant from us. Hee Jin seemed to completely
change him for the worse. Everyone in the band saw it.

In a way, we all hoped that Anna would bring out our old Duizhang and keep him
there for good.

The banging and yelling stopped, and the room became still. I cautiously crept down
the hall towards his door and knocked quietly, making sure not to wake anyone up.
Duizhang opened the door slowly, his face haggard and his eyes red. "Can I come

He didnt say anything, but he stepped aside and I walked in. All the pictures of
Hee Jin and Kris were scattered all over the floor, torn and shredded to pieces.
Shattered picture frames were hanging off the walls, desk and bookshelf overturned.

It was like a tornado swept through the place.

"What happened..?"

"I just dont know who I love anymore, LuHan. Its driving me crazy." I patted him on
the back, encouraging him to tell me more.

"Hee Jin was double dating behind my back, and I had no idea. She called me and
broke it off before I could say anything..." His breathing became irregular as he
started to cry again.

I rubbed his back in circles, trying to calm him down. Tao and the rest of the band
members quietly crept into the room and asked me what had happened. I quietly told
them and they nodded.

Kris stopped crying and composed himself. "You alright?" Lay asked, awkwardly
patting his shoulder.
Kris gave us a grateful smile. "Yeah, Im a bit better now, thanks. You guys are the
best band mambers anyone could ask for." We all crushed him into a group hug. "Now
go to bed Or else you guys will be falling over shoelaces again." He ordered us

When he shut the door, Lay turned to us and smiled. "I guess old Duizhang is coming
out again."

Im just speechless... I worked really hard on this chapter, and it turned out
pretty good. Im supposed to be baking a cake now, but I dont really feel like it. _

So you guys know the drill Saranghae 33



*** Chapter 4: I Have To WHAT? *** (3 pages)

=Lay P.O.V=

I rolled around in my bed and squinted at the red numbers on my alarm clock. 5:30.
Curse you, why do you have to wake me up so early...

I closed my eyes for a bit longer until Tao came in and started to poke my face.
"Lay gege... You need to get up now..." He said shyly, peeling the blankets away
from my face. The bright lights hit me and I groaned. "Okay, okay Im up." I blinked
my eyes a couple of times to clear the image of Taos tired yet bright face looking
down on me.

"Duizhang is cooking breakfast with Xiumin right now. You might want to freshen up
quickly, we have to leave in a bit to meet with Annalise and the president." He
said, walking towards the door. I groggily smiled to myself. Old Duizhang is back;
he sure bounces back fast.


I slowly got up and walked towards the bathroom that connected my room and Lu Hans
room. While I washed my face and brushed my teeth, I thought for a bit. If Kris
could bounce back so quickly from Hee Jin, would he do the same thing to Anna? I
shook my head violently.
There was no possible way that Anna would break up with him. She was just too sweet
and kind. She was our cute little mei-mei. Then again, this whole fake-date
shenanigan was the companys doing, so they were expected not to fall in love.

Yuck. Now I wish I didnt know about this. Now Ill have more stress to deal with.

After I freshened myself up and put on my training clothes, I walked to the dining
room. Chen and Lu Han were arm wrestling, Tao was watching Kung-fu Panda 2 and
Xiumin was cooking with Kris in the kitchen. Something smelled good; I was looking
forward to breakfast. I decided to join Tao and I was soon caught up in the fight
scenes with him.

"CHOWS UP, GUYS We have to hurry, though" Kris shouted, carrying breakfast out to
the dining table. Everyone crowded around, looking at the wonderful food that was
set out. We each got our bowls and utensils and started to fill them up. Tao got
his food and followed Xiumin out to watch Kung-Fu Panda.

After finishing our breakfast and cleaning up, we decided to set out to the
building. As soon as I stepped outside, I regretted not getting a warmer coat. Oh
well. Chen noticed and let me borrow his gloves. I smiled gratefully at him.

We all walked on our way to the SM building; it wasnt as far from our dorm rooms.
All of us were chatting and laughing happily until Kris stopped walking. Chen
noticed and we all turned toward him. He had a deer-caught-in-headlights look on
his face, and he visibly paled.

"Ahnyeounghasaeyo, Kris-oppa" A cute voice called out. Hee Jin.

=Kris P.O.V=

Out of nowhere, she had pounced on me and hugged me as if there was no tomorrow. As
if she had forgot about what had happened yesterday.

"I missed you so much Would you like to walk with me today?" She asked with a
sickly-sweet voice. I contemplated for a while, ignoring her threatening gaze.
Usually under different circumstances I would walk with her anyway, but after what
she had done to me yesterday, I started to have second thoughts.

"No thanks, Hee Jin, I have a meeting to go to right now, so I cant walk with you.
Sorry." I said in a monotone voice. I wasnt that sorry; I was just relieved when we
started to walk away from her again. "Its that girl, isnt it?" Hee Jin asked. I
turned around and meet her cold eyes.

Those steely grey eyes that made me fall in love with her before were replaced by
Annalises gentle, loving brown eyes.
"For your information, that girl has a name. Her name is Annalise, and I know how
you are. If you pull a stunt on her I will make sure you never debut into an idol
group." I said in an icy tone, glaring at her. She visibly shrank back and gaped at

"You wouldnt." She said.

"You better believe it" Xiumin shouted. I mentally face-palmed myself. God Xiumin,
why do you have to be such an idiot?

I didnt reply and turned her back to her. I was done with all this drama for a
while. I was actually pretty glad that the company was breaking us up. I swear I
wanted to shoot myself sometimes when she was around. "Welcome back, old Duizhang."
Chen said, slapping me on the back. Everyone was smiling at me. "Old Duizhang?
Whats that supposed to mean?" I said, faking hurt on my face. We all laughed and
walked away from Hee Jin.

"Well, after that little soap-opera worthy moment, we should probably hurry, yeah?"
Xiumin said. We all laughed and joked around until we arrived outside the
conference room. "You guys ready?" I said. They all nodded, and we opened the door

The president was sitting at the head of the mahogany conference table, and I was
taken aback by Anna sitting at the other end. She had a little bit of makeup on and
dressed up a little bit, but it looked nice. Tao, Lu Han, Chen, and Xiumin all ran
over and engulfed her into a group hug. "Mei-mei" They chorused, obviously happy to
see her. "Oh my gosh guys, Im happy to see you too, but I need to breathe. You guys
are crushing me." She wheezed, flailing an arm toward our direction.

Lay busted out laughing, and I was pretty surprised. Usually he was pretty quiet,
butI guess today was a special day. I wasnt the only one who noticed though.

"Lay ge, you...LAUGHED?" Tao asked, shaking his head. "Lu Han ge, can you pinch me
to make sure Im not dreaming?" Lu Han pinched his nose. "Oww Okay Im not dreaming."
He mumbled, rubbing the sore spot.

"Okay, everyone calm down. Please sit down, guys. This might take a while." The
president said, motioning us to the table.

=Annalises P.O.V= 30 Minutes Earlier...

"You need to look nice for the president and the guys" Zariah said, threatening me
with the brown eyeshadow. "Nooo" I said, crawling towards my bed. "I will take away
your phone if you dont stop." I quickly hopped on the vanity stool and crossed my
arms, upset that she would use my phone against me. Curse you for knowing my
weakness Zariah...I mumbled under my breath.

I was a bit skeptical at first, but I was pretty impressed when she was done. Her
basic training in makeup came in handy. She then dug through my closet and handed
me a cropped leather jacket, a white butterfly tank top with colorful paint
splatters all over it with some black studded shorts. Ooh... Im going to be badass
today. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, leaving my fringe to hang over my eyes.
I noticed it was a bit long, so I got my barber scissors and cut off a little bit
so I could still see my eyes. I threw on my black combat boots, got my change of
clothes and tennis shoes and I was ready.

"Lemme see?" Zariah shouted, opening the door to my room. "Damn girl, you look
gorgeous. Why didnt you debut yet?" She said as I twirled around, letting her see
the outfit from all angles.

"Because I cant sing for shit, Zarri."

"But you can rap like a boss. Better than Nicki Minaj at that, and that alone says
something" Zariahs favorite rapper was Nicki Minaj. I, on the other hand, wanted to
punch a puppy when I heard her rap. It was just plain awful; they dont even make
sense. Who raps about spaceships and getting someone laid in the same sentence? But
Zariah insists she is the best rapper ever to walk this Earth, after me, of course.

"I guess so. Can we leave now?" I whined, doing my best aegyo.

"Ugh, you and your cute face just melts my heart. I was going to get some coffee,
but I guess it wouldnt hurt to walk you there first..." She smiled. I mentally
fist-pumped; I was getting better

I skipped out into the sunshine and instantly regretted it. It was freezing out I
was glad I threw on my winter trench coat; I wouldve died.

We got to the conference room fairly early, so Zariah and I parted ways. I was
instantaneously summoned in to the conference room. Lee Soon Man, the president,
was already there. "Hello Annalise, nice to see you again." He said shaking my

"Likewise, sir." I said, bowing 90 degrees to show respect.

"Please sit down for a bit and make yourself comfortable. The boys will probably be
here shortly."

I spent the time waiting for them listening to my music. All of a sudden, four pair
of arms were squishing me into a group hug. "Mei-mei" The boys except for Kris and
Lay said. After a bit of an introduction, we were finally situated.

"So, you guys probably have no clue why you are here today. You arent in trouble."
Mr. Lee said. I exhaled a sigh of relief.
"However, I want you to create a bit of a... diversion." He said, pointing at me. I
felt everyone staring at me and I instantly felt a bit self-conscious.

"What do you mean, sir?"

"I want you to fake-date Kris during his debut. But you guys cant, under any
circumstances, fall in love." Everyones jaws hit the floor, shocked at what just
came out of the presidents mouth.


=Xs P.O.V=

"I want you to fake-date Kris during his debut." That was all I heard before
balling my hands into angry fists.

Fake-date, huh? You watch your back, Annalise. I will get my revenge on you, sooner
or later.

OH SNAP Somethings going to go down later. Hint: It isnt who you think it is :P
That character will be coming in later in the story _

So yeah, I had a orthodontist appointment today. My teeth hurt like HELL T_T

But it will get better soon. I have to eat mushy food tonight. Hooray... =-=

OH. I found this epically hilarious video on YouTube today. Check out the
multimedia section to see it ;)

So you guys know the drill already. Vote Comment Fan Saranghaeyo



*** Chapter 5: The Chicken Zombie *** (3 pages)

"However, I want you to create a bit of a... diversion." He said, pointing at me. I
felt everyone staring at me and I instantly felt a bit self-conscious.
"What do you mean, sir?"

"I want you to fake-date Kris during his debut. But you guys cant, under any
circumstances, fall in love." Everyones jaws hit the floor, shocked at what just
came out of the presidents mouth.

=Kris P.O.V=

W-what?The president told me that he would be waiting for our answers in a week. I
snuck a glance at Annalise, who didnt seem too happy about the sudden notice.

"I know I asked for your answer within a week, but they are going to be debuting
sooner than expected and we cannot find a replacement if Annalise choose to back
out of this." He said to all of us seriously, but his eyes told another story. Then
it all clicked.

He wanted to create a scandal between the rookie boy band EXO and a trainee from SM
to gain publicity. The new girl group would suffer from the scandal if it ever came
out, so they aimed it on a trainee instead. In short, a publicity stunt.

SM wasnt doing quite well because many of their artists were not satisfied with
their contracts. So to gain back their popularity with the Korean media and general
public, they wanted to create a scandal so the spotlight would be on them again.

Personally, I felt that this whole plan would be a bunch of bullshit. And I wasnt
the only one thinking that.

"So how in the world do you think this plan will work and not backfire on us?"
LuHan asked, a bit peeved at the idea.

"Well just see how it plays out. You are all dismissed." He said shortly with a
wave of his hand. We bowed and filed out the door.I wasnt satisfied with that
answer. Something in the back of my head was nagging at me.

As soon as the door closed, we all walked to the training room in silence. "Well,
you guys will be fake-dating right? So it cant possibly be that bad." Xiumin said,
earning him a slap upside the head from Chen and dagger-glares from everyone else.

"Of course its bad Were going to be used as scapegoats for this, plus Annalise will
be in a lot of danger because she is dating Kris. Why is he defending that girl
group and not us? The girl group probably sucks anyway..." Lay said, scrunching his
nose. Apparently he had seen them train, and they were not as good as f(x). Not
even close to SNSD.
"I trained with them. They are all flirts and they hate anyone who they think is
prettier than they are." Anna said, shuddering. I remembered how they treated me
when I first came to SM. I didnt know an ounce of Korean and they kept on calling
me bad names in Korean (which I obviously didnt understand). I decided to do a
crash course over Korean that week and blew them away with my swearing.

Lets just say they didnt try pulling a prank on me again. I was pretty proud of

"But what I dont get is why Kris will be dating me and not anyone else..." Anna
said, earning a glare from me. "Not that you are ugly or anything." She quickly
corrected. Thought so.

"So you could be a victim of the bullying and torture, not us or the girls." Lay
suddenly said, making us all turn to him. That actually made sense.

"Curse you and your Jiminy Cricket sense, Lay." I mumbled under my breath. "Huh?"

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"So what are you going to do?" Tao asked, worry apparent in his tone.

I sighed and slumped my shoulders. "What other choice do I have? Im going to have
to date Anna." Even if it kills me.

=Xs P.O.V=

"So did you like that plan, Mr. L?" Lee Soo Man asked, leaning forward in his
leather chair. We had just finished briefing the plan, and it was actually pretty

"That was wonderful. That way Annalise will never debut and she will still have to
be bonded by contract. It was a perfectly orchestrated plan. Although I am a bit
concerned about EXO though. Didnt you say that they were debuting in a week?"

"Yes, sir." I hummed in approval. Then it is settled.

"So Anna will not be debuting in a girl group, because I am very aware of her
abilities. My little Hee Jin is more worthy of debut that she is. She will not be a
good role model for Korea."

"Why is that? Her record is clean and--" I tossed him a file that said TOP SERCET
in big red letters. "You might change your mind once you start reading that file".
He carefully opened the folder and started to read the contents inside. His jaw
slacked and he fell back in his chair.
"No way..." He muttered, rubbing his temple in circles.

"Yes way. So is it a deal or not?" I asked, my steel grey eyes boring into his soul
like a drill. He visibly paled and trembled a bit. He contemplated before leaning

"Its a deal."

=Taos P.O.V=

Annalise and Kris were being more awkward than usual today, and I didnt blame them.
Who would have the sense to force two people together? It kind of reminded me of an
arranged marriage.

But something told me that the president wasnt the only one planning this.

This might sound creepy and all, but I can tell what people think by their body
language. Its quite easy, easier because President-nim was a very honest and
straightforward person. Frankly, it was very obvious that he was lying.

Lay plopped his tired body down next to me and we sat in silence. Anna, Kris, Kai
and Baekhyun were still trying to get the moves to MAMA down in the middle of the
room. EXO-K was training with us today, and they got to meet Anna. They liked her
as much as we did, and they didnt like the situation they were in either. It seemed
that Baekhyun was pretty close to her already.

Anna and Kris were looking at each other awkwardly and were trying to hold a normal
conversation without turning silent. It wasnt working. "Youre thinking what Im
thinking, right, Tao?" Lay whispered.

"Yeah... I dont like it at all. Not one bit." I admitted, frowning. I was a bit
skeptical about it, just like everyone else. Although we all love Anna, we knew
that they obviously had a rocky past, and the last thing she probably wanted to
deal with was her ex-bully from high school becoming her boyfriend.

"I dont think the plan is going to work." Suho said, sitting on the other side of
me. "Nope, it isnt. I mean, I want to stay positive, but in reality, the plan is
really a bunch of BS." Lay said.

Sehun and D.O suddenly burst through the door with containers of food. "SURPRISE
GUYS" They shouted, handing us and the rest of EXO-K boxes of chicken. D.O really
is the mother of the group.

"Onew-hyung didnt happen to follow you guys, did he?" XiuMin asked. Just then we
heard Onew moaning "Chicckkkeeeennn" dangerously close to the door.
"You guys might want to hide right about now..." Kai said uneasily, holding his box
of beloved chicken close. That guy and his love for chicken.

"ZiTao, go use your Kung-Fu skills to get him." Chen said, pushing me towards the

"Its called Wushu" I cried, pouting. "Same difference" He smirked. What a troll.

"Hold on guys, I can fight the chicken zombie without anyone dying or injured. Wait
here." She said, getting up and carrying her chicken box with her. Anna cautiously
went to the door and opened it. "CHIIIIICKKEEEEENN" Onew shouted.

May the Chicken God keep her safe.

=Annalise P.O.V=

"CHIIIIICKKEEEEENN" Onew shouted, diving for me. "Whoa, hold it" I said, putting my
hand up so his face smacked into my hand. "Ouch..." He mumbled rubbing his nose.
Seems like his chicken rant had subdued a little bit, but he was still eyeing the
chicken leg hungrily. Anna giggled; Onew reminded her of a little puppy.

"Here, you can have some of my chicken, Im not going to eat most of it, anyway." I
said, shoving the chicken box towards him. His eyes shone with gratefulness and he
started munching hungrily. I giggled and watched him eat. "You really like chicken,
dont you?"

"More than anything else in the world. Do you?" He stated with his mouth full.

"Yup, same here."

Onews mouth formed and "o" shape and I couldnt help but laugh. He pouted "What are
you laughing at me for?"

"You just remind me of a little puppy" I said , squishing him into a bear hug. He
chuckled. "Thanks."

"Sorry about scaring you guys. I become a zombie when I dont have anything to eat."

"So I have heard." He smiled and shoved the box of chicken my way. "Here, I am kind
of full now, and I feel bad taking your food." I glanced at the box, which was now
almost gone.

"Nah its okay, Dubu-hyung. Just tell me next time you feel hungry and Ill treat
you." I said. He grinned and helped me up. "Thanks I like you now. Whats your
"Annalise, but you can call me anything but Four-Eyes." I said, smiling at him.

"Anything but Four-Eyes. Got it." He replied, grinning like a little kid on
A voice shouted down the hall. Probably Jjong.

"Gotta go. I dont want Key turning into a diva. Hes been doing that a lot lately.
Bye" He dashed off before I could reply. What a wierd guy. Oh well.

"Are you still alive out there, Anna?" Baekhyun called out, poking his head through
the door. He breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. No missing limbs or
organs, right?"

"Im perfectly fine, Bacon-hyung." I said, smirking. The fans called him that, and I
found it pretty funny. So I started using it just for the sole purpose of annoying

"Dont call me that" He whined, pouting. Damn, whats up with these people and aegyo?
Theyre going to kill me someday.

"Are you okay, Mei-mei?" LuHan asked, peeping out the doorway. "Yeah, Im good. Dubu
Leader was just really hungry. Do you guys do this to him every time you get

"Yeah..." The admitted sheepishly. I sighed.

"Well, Ill chip in some money so you can get an extra couple boxes for Dubu. He
devoured most of my chicken box in less than a minute." I said, walking back
inside. They laughed as they closed the door.

"Its about time you came back." Kris said coldly, glaring at me. Old Kris is
finally back.

"You missed me? Awww I feel loved" I said, smirking. Two can play at this game, Wu
Fan; dont challenge me. He just rolled his eyes and walked away, obviously

"Hey Anna, how do you do this move? I cant do it without falling." Chen asked,
demonstrating the move. We went through it a couple of times until he finally got
it to the point where he didnt fall down. Kris then took me aside.

"What were you and Onew-hyung doing out there?" He whispered harshly in Chinese.

"Its none of your business. You jealous?" I hissed, yanking my arm away from his
grip. He didnt have any control over me; I am an independent person. Plus, why was
he so concerned?

He let go of my arm and I walked away. "Hey guys, Im going to the bathroom." I
said, walking towards the doorway. "Okay" They chorused, practicing their dance. I
made my way towards the bathroom when I heard muffled voices coming out of the
conference room.

"...My little Hee Jin is more worthy than she is." A mans voice said, cold and
harsh. I was suddenly a lot more interested and pressed my ear closer to the door.

I heard the hefty plop of a file and creaking of chairs. "You may want to
reconsider after you look at this file." Silence, then an exasperated voice
(President Lees voice?) "No way..."

That was all I heard before I felt something hit the back of my head and the world
turned black.

OMIGOSH Is it wierd for a person to become excited over her own writing. Because I
am I really want to know what happens to her and Kris. And why did she suddenly
black out? I WANT ANSWERS

To the people that are reading this and not posting comments: Thanks for reading
However, I dont really have a clue whether you like it or not, so comments are
helpful (If they arent hate comments, anyway.)

Whew, I had a busy weekend, but I managed to finally finish it Yay On the other
hand, I think I have a cold. My throat has been feeling really raw lately :(

SO Vote, Comment and Fan Saranghaeyo



*** Chapter 6: Where is She? *** (4 pages)

=Kris P.O.V=

I was a bit jealous when I saw Onew and Anna hitting it off so quickly. I mean,
what does Onew-hyung have that I dont? On second thought, dont answer that.
Why did the president have to pick me? Why not Luhan, or Chen, or Xiumin? I mean,
yeah, I know her the best, but that doesnt mean she likes me And I definitely dont
like her; at least, thats what I like to think...

I was a bit peeved when she came back in. I was a bit rude to her, but I had to act
like I was jealous and all. But a small part of me told me that I was a bit jealous
in my cold heart. Anna was very sarcastic and irate about my attitude, so she left
to go to the bathroom. When she left, all eyes were on me and there was an eerie
silence in the room.

"What was that all about?" Kai asked, breaking the awkward silence. "Yeah, you
really pissed her off, and she isnt usually like this..." Chanyeol added. He was
right; she almost never lost her temper unless something was bugging her. Which was
probably this whole dating mess.

"This is so FRUSTRATING" I burst out angrily, scaring half of the members out of
their wits. "Sorry..." I mumbled, plunking down on the floor in defeat. Suho came
over and patted me on the back. "Its alright, man. Its really bugging us all, to be
honest." He admitted. Everyone nodded their heads in unison, agreeing with him.

I guess Im not the only one who has a problem with this. I think I was just
stressing it out too much. Just then I heard a girls voice echo down the hallway.
Sooyoung from SNSD poked her head through the door.

"Have you seen Anna anywhere? I need to talk to her." She said, looking at

"No, she said she was going to the bathroom and hasnt come back yet..." D.O said,
scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Oh, okay. If she comes back, just tell her that SNSDs management needs to see her
about the showcase next week. Ahnyeong" She smiled at Baekhyun and skipped down the
hallway. Baekhyun was looking down at the floor, blushing a beet red.

"You like Sooyoung-noona?" Sehun asked, teasingly poking the main vocalists face.
"N-no O-of course not No" He exclaimed, obviously trying to hide his blush.

"Please, hyung, thats a bunch of bullshit and you know it..." Sehun said, but Suho
signalled him to be quiet to avoid Baekhyun any more embarrassment.

"Speaking of which, where is Anna?" Xiumin piped up, looking around the room. "Shes
been gone for a while..."

Where was she? Normal people dont usually take that long to go to the bathroom... I
couldnt help but think of the worst-case scenario. What if she was kidnapped in the
bathroom? Kris, thats ridiculous, no one gets kidnapped in a bathroom...
Buf for some reason, I couldnt help but think that was just the thing that

"Hey guys, Ill be right back." I said, sprinting down the hallway as fast as my
legs could carry me.

=Annalise P.O.V=

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes were eerie flourescent lights dangling
above my head from the ceiling. I squinted at the sudden bright light and blinked a
few times to adjust to the brightness. I looked around the room and gasped. A
closet? Why am I in a closet?? I wondered, starting to get a bit apprehensive.

"Good question, why are you in a closet?" A cold, harsh voice asked me. I was
thinking aloud again. All of a sudden, two burly-looking men dressed in tight black
t-shirts and cargo pants appeared on either side of me. I scoffed. "You have to be
kidding me. kidnapping someone? Thats really smart." I snarled, sarcasm and menace
dripping from my words.

Next thing I knew, I felt a sting on my cheek as my head was whipped to the side. I
gingerly cupped my swollen red cheek and glared at the man sitting at the desk
across from me.

His graying hair was slicked back, exposing his wrinkling face. He had piercing
cold grey eyes that lacked any emotion at all. He was wearing a business suit, and
the bright glow from the flourescent lightblub made him look twice as menacing. I
was literally quaking in my boots.

"I am sure you are aware of who I am, yes?" He said quietly, glaring at me. "Yeah,
youre trying to get Hee Jin to debut in a girl group, even though she isnt talented
at all and just has the looks." I said with sarcasm. He slapped the same cheek
again. He really doesnt know how to treat a woman.

I feel sorry for his wife.

"Dont you trash-talk my daughter, you worthless bitch." He said, anger flashing
through his eyes. My eyes misted over a bit, but I refused to cry. It reminded me
of what happened back in Canada.



"You worthless bitch" My father screamed, slapping me again and again in the face.
The left side was already bruised and purple, and he already started slapping the
good side of my face. My mother cowered in the corner of the room, sobbing.
I wanted to run to her and hug her. Tell her not to cry and stay strong, but my
arms and legs were too weak to crawl towards her.

"We come here after all this hardship and you get a B on your biology test? YOUR A
YOU GET" He then kicked me in the stomach and then turned to my mother, who was in
a fetal position on the other side of the room. Her eyes were filled with fear.

He slowly advanced towards her. "You see what you did, MeiXiu? YOU SPOILED YOUR
DAUGHTER AND NOW SHE CANT DO ANYTHING" He shouted, pulling my mother along by her
hair; her long, beautiful jet black hair that hung in soft curls and framed her
baby face. It used to shine with the dimmest of light, but now had become lifeless
and dull.

Just like her. I didnt know what came over me, but all of a sudden I had more
energy and lunged at my father. Before I knew what I was doing, I screamed and
started to scratch at his arms, desperately trying to get him off of her. He just
shrugged me off and I fell to the floor.

My mother was screaming in pain and agony. Then I heard a crash and she stopped.
The last thing I heard were sirens as my world turned black.


"You understand?" He said. "Im sorry, I didnt quite catch that." I said sincerely,
although I didnt really care about what he needed to say. I just didnt want to be
hit again.

He glared at me and turned around. "Nevermind." He said coldly. "Come along,

gentlemen." The two men at my side started to walk away from me. "Wait What about

"We need you to, ah, think for a bit. So stay in here." That didnt sound good. I
tried to get up, but my hands and ankles were tied down to the chair. Shit, I
probably had no idea that they were doing that while he was talking to me. While I
was struggling to get free, the door lock clicked.

I was locked in.

Oh crap. What do I do??

Seeing as I had no other option for myself, like a good damsel in distress, I
yelled for help. But in vain, because no one heard me. This closet was probably in
the basement of SM with a bunch of other useless things. Plus, the eerie silence of
the atmosphere didnt help calm me down. I unwillingly started to become lightheaded
as dark spots clouded my vision.
So this is how I die, huh...?

=Chen P.O.V=

I saw Kris run like a crazy person down the hallway. For some reason, I felt like
something was up. The look on the stoic Duizhangs face wasnt pretty.

Then again, I was probably overthinking things.

No, I wasnt. He didnt even act like that when Hee Jin had to go to the hospital to
get her appendix removed. I ruffled my short hair angrily. I was thinking about
this way too much.

The other members also saw Kriss behavior and were thinking as well. "Dont you
think we should go help him too..?" Baekhyun asked, his eyes full of worry. We all
turned to him.

"Thats actually a pretty good idea, Bacon-hyung." Kai smirked. "Dont call me that"
He whined, stomping his feet indignantly and pouted. This kid is too cute for his
own good. Suho patted him on the head to calm him down and shot Kai a stern look.

"Okay, guys, lets calm down. We need a plan." Lay said, taking initiative. He could
be a really good leader...

"So if we do go look--"

"What do you mean, if we do?? We are" Xiumin stated, crossing his arms. This is the
first time Ive seen Baozi all worked up over a girl. They must be really close, and
I couldnt help but feel jealous.

"Hey Lets focus here" Lay said a little louder. Thats what I liked about Lay; he
could get peoples attention without yelling. "So, we will divide up into four
groups." The groups were divided so that we could look through the three floors and
the basement. We had to search every nook and crany of the building. They were
divided like this:

First floor: Xiumin, Kai, Sehun

Second floor: Suho, Tao, Chen

Third Floor: Lay, Luhan, Chanyeol

Basement: Baekhyun and D.O

"Why do I have to go in the basement? Its so scary" Baekhyun whined, earning a slap
upside the head from D.O. "Ive got a flashlight, dont worry." D.O said, holding up
the torch. Baekhyun seemed to feel a bit better, but was still a bit apprehensive.
I didnt blame him. Ive heard a bunch of rumors about the basement being haunted,
among others.

"So if we find Kris-ge, will he just join us?" Tao asked me in Chinese.

"Yeah, I guess." I said. Will this plan really work?

=Kris P.O.V=

"Anna Anna Annalise" I shouted down the hallway. "Dammit, where is she..." I
muttered, ruffling my hair in exasperation. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a
door that said STORAGE ROOM in big bold letters. "She might be in here..." I
thought, trying to open the door. Shit, it was locked.

"What are you doing here, Kris-oppa?" A sickly sweet voice asked me. I whirled
around only to see Hee Jin, Na Eun, Han Ah and Ji Yoon behind her. The other girls
were a bit uncomfortable to see me and Hee Jin talking. For a split second, I fet
bad for them, especially Ji Yoon. She was actually the nicest one out of all of

But only for a split second.

"I had to get something for a coordi noona. What are you guys doing here?" I asked
coldly with my ever-so-famous BitchFace.

"Oh, nothing, just checking. Well, see you around. Come along, girls." With a snap
of her fingers, the girls filed out the door one by one, bowing to me on the way
out. Ji Yoon gave me a sad smile as she walked out. I returned it with a curt nod.

"Whew, that was awfully close... Back to what I was doing..." I said, still trying
in vain to unlock the door. A shiny silver bobby pin caught my eye and I picked it
up. I then tried picking the lock.

After about 20 minutes, I almost gave up when the door lock clicked. I silently
cheered and opened the door. The strong mildewy smell almost knocked me off my
feet. It seems like they never opened this closet in years. Cobwebs littered the
ceiling and there were moldy boxes of God-knows-what stacked neatly against the
grey walls. I walked around, careful not to trip over the cracks on the old tiled

This was one huge closet.

After walking around for about half an hour, I discovered a steel door. It looked
fairly new, and instead of a lock that you could unlock with a key, I needed a
passcode to unlock it. Lucky me...
I tried about a zillion different codes before I had a bit of an epiphany. I
realized I tried every other number but the digits in Hee Jins birthday. I typed it
in and waited. The lock whirred and clicked, and I turned the knob, and all of a
sudden I felt a jolt of electricity. Odd, it tried to taze me? That was wierd.

I turned on the dim light and saw Anna. I tried to get to her, but there was
Plexiglas seperating her and I. She looked like she had been knocked out, purple
briuses on her face. Her body was limp, hands and ankles tied to a wooden chair.

I clenched my fists in anger. Who couldve done this?

=D.O P.O.V=

"Kyungsoo-ah, this is scary..." Baekhyun said, clinging onto my arm like a koala
bear as we descended the stairs. My torch was showing a dim light; its probably
running out of batteries. "Quiet, you. Im trying to get out of here as fast as I
can, and if you keep whining, we wont get anything done." I hissed.

Baekhyun nodded with wide eyes. I sighed. "Will it make you feel a bit better if
you held it?" I asked him, handing Bacon the flashlight.

He visibly calmed down and took the flashlight. And it finally decided to stop
working. "Damnit." I cursed, feeling around the dark corridors.

"You didnt bother to change the batteries before we came down here, did you, D.O?"
he hissed.

"That was the only flashlight I could find in the closet I had no idea it was out
of batteries" Now that I thought about it, there was a note that said the
flashlight didnt work anymore. Oops?

"Nice work genius."

"Whatever happened to the Im-so-scared-I-could-piss-my-pants-Bacon?" I snapped.

"Stop calling me that" He whined. I bumped into a metal door. Well, it felt like
metal. "Hey, Baek, I found a door."

"Lemme see, lemme see" He shouted, shoving me aside. "Its just a door..."

Baekhyun opened it and we were greeted with a flood of dim light. "Lights" He
screeched, jumping around like akangaroo.

What a damaged kid.

"Hey, I know you love the sight of light and all, but we still need to find
Anna..." I said, getting him back on track.

"Oh yeah, sorry..." He said, smiling sheepishly. We walked around and found a door
halfway open. We cracked the door and found a pissed-off Kris. I guess he found

"Heya, Kris-hyung" Baekhyun chirped happily. Kris turned around and his face
softened. "Hey guys. Is Tao with you?"

"No, why?"

"His Wushu would probably come in handy right now. Theres--"

"ANNA" Bacon screamed, running for her, but crashed into the Plexiglas divider

"--Plexiglas there..." Kris finished. I winced; that had to hurt. But his spaz
attack seemed to wake Anna up.

She looked up with weary eyes, but her whole face lit up as soon as she saw us. She
tried to get up, but she was restrained by the strings tying her down.

We really do need Tao.


FINISHED Wow, that was a long time no update. AND RIGHT ON CHRISTMAS Merry
Christmas, you guys This is my present to you guys, and you will be getting an
update sometime in January of next year.

Ive been passing my winter break watching EXO videos. What has my life come to?

So yeah Vote, Comment, and Fan, please

Saranghaeyo3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 7: The Wushu Master *** (2 pages)

=Suho P.O.V=

"Do you think the others are still looking for her?" Chen asked in Korean. Poor Tao
didnt understand a whole lot of Korean, so instead of bugging Chen or me for a
translation, he stalked off to search in other parts of the floor.

"I guess so. I didnt get--" BEEEEEEEEEP

"--a message?" Chen smirked, grabbing the walkie talkie from my belt. I swear, this
kid and his cockiness will drive me crazy one day. Chen almost jumped through the
roof hearing the crackly static of D.Os voice. Instead of tuning it, he turned up
the volume. I mentally facepalmed myself. Chen and his EMPTY cockiness is more like

"Whats up, D.O?" I said, snatching it back from Chens fumbling hands.

"Its me, Kris." A deep voice crackled through the walkie talkie.

"TAO, CAN YOU TRANSLATE THIS PLEASE?" I hollered through the empty corridor, and
Tao came running out of nowhere.

He took the walkie talkie and listened to Kris. When the static went dead, he
translated. "He says that they found Anna, but there is a Plexiglas barrier... and
he wants me to use my wushu skills to break it?" He said in broken Korean.

"Basically, he wants us to go down there and save his ass because he cant do
wushu." Chen said, earning a slap on the arms from both me and Tao. "Oww..." He

"So... do we go there now?" Tao asked as we walked down the emergency steps to the

"Where do you think you are going?" A voice asked. I whirled around to see the
President standing there, arms crossed over his chest.

"O-oh. We were just going to get something from the basement for a coordi noona."
Tao said quickly, shuffling his feet from side to side.

"Oh, alright. Quickly get it and come back, arasso?" He said, turning around and
quickly walking away.

"Is it just me, or does he seem a bit suspicious to you guys?" I asked, and they
both nodded their heads. "Lets just do this quickly, yeah?"
As we quickly descended the stairs, it became noticably colder and darker. "Now I
can see why Baekhyun didnt like this place..." Tao mumbled, shivering slightly.

"Dont worry, monsters arent going to eat you. You probably dont even taste that

"Not helping, Jongdae." I said, glaring at him.

"Dont call me that" He snapped. I smirked. Found his weak spot

We came to a cold metal door that was half open. "Hello?"

"In here" Chanyeols voice echoed. Seems like he called the others down here too...

"Why is Baekhyuns nose all bruised?" Chen asked as we walked in. "He tried to
magically go through the Plexiglas barrier." D.O said sarcastically, shaking his

"Hey, no one gave me a warning" He said, trying to justify his mistake. "We tried
to tell you, but you didnt listen" Kris and D.O shouted at the same time,
effectively shutting Baekhyun up.

"Hey guys, can you settle this later and find a way to get me out of this trap? Im
dying of hunger here." Anna said through the Plexiglas. On cue, Annas stomach
rumbled loudly. We all laughed loudly while Anna blushed. "Hey Its not my fault I
didnt get to eat anything today"

"Okay, Tao is here." I said, shoving Tao towards the barrier. "When you get out of
here, well all go to lunch. My treat."

"Why me?" He said, looking at it apprehensively. He sighed and straightened himself

up before taking a deep breath. "Everyone. Out. Now." He said in a dark tone. "Hey,
where are you going? Whats going on?" Anna asked, seeing Taos dark stare and
everyone filing out of the room.

"Dont worry, hes just getting you out of that Plexiglas cage. You might want to
duck your head, though." Xiumin said as he practically skipped out the door
happily. This guy is wierder than Baekhyun...

"Well be waiting outside, Anna. Dont worry." I said soothingly as I walked out the

"He better not mess up." I heard Chen mutter under his breath when I walked out
into the musty storage closet.

=Anna P.O.V=

Duck my head? What? Why did Xiumin tell me to do that?

"Yeah, you might want to do that. There will be flying Plexiglas in half a second,
and I dont want you to get hurt too badly." Tao said, reading my mind. He gave mea
sweet smile and motioned me to duck my head. I did just that, and soon I heard an
ear-piercing shatter of glass. "You can look up now." He said.

I looked up to see Tao undoing the rope knots holding me down. As soon as my wrists
and feet were free, I threw my arms around him and gave him a hug. Damn, he was
pretty tall...

"Ssei Ssei, Tao-ge, youre the best"

"U-umm... Youre welcome, Mei-mei. Dont you think Kris is going to be a bit jealous
seeing us like this?" He asked, a slight tinge of pink on his cheeks.

"Screw Kris." I said indignantly, hugging him tighter. He is such a cute panda...

"Hey, I heard that" Kris said from the doorway. I could sense Tao tensing up a
little bit, and I let go and looked at Kris. He looked VERY P.Oed. I smirked.

"What? You mad that you werent the one saving me?" I snapped, and walked out of the
room. I made sure to purposefully bump his shoulder as I walked out toemphasize my

This guy has some mental issues.

I heard both of them talk before they walked out behind all the others, who were
smiling and talking about the events of the day. I joined into their conversation,
and they willingly filled me in on the gossip of the day.

As we walked into the chilly Seoul weather, Tao appeared beside me and whispered in
my ear. "You might want to go talk to Kris. He seems a bit out of sorts about what

I huffed and looked back at Kris. He was lagging behind the group, sulking with his
hands in his pockets. He was exuding a menancing aura, and I had to admit, I felt
really intimidated. He was far from out of sorts. He looked like he could kill a
"Okay, but Ill do it because you asked me to." Tao gave me a grateful smile and
gently pushed me towards Kris. When I looked back, Tao gave me a thumbs up and a
goofy grin. I rolled my eyes.

I fell into step with Kris, who was still sulking over what happened. We walked in
silence for what had seemed like forever until he broke the silence. "Why do you
act like this towards me, Anna?" He said, looking at me.

"Because of what you did to me in high school. You didnt have a good reason to
bully me, did you? So why should I have a reason to be mean to you?" I countered.

Whats his deal?

=Kris P.O.V=

"Because of what you did to me in high school. You didnt have a good reason to
bully me, did you? So why should I have a reason to be mean to you?" she countered,
glaring at me.

I didnt say anything after that. It was true; I didnt have a good reason to bully
her. Actually I had no good reason at all. It seemed like the cool thing to do back
then. Now I know it wasnt the brightest idea ever. But I still felt a bit offended
at her response.

"So? Two wrongs dont make a right, Anna. You know that." I said, looking at her.
She stopped walking and started to kick at the sidewalk. Her cheeks were rosy red
from the cold air.

"I know... Im sorry." She whispered, and walked off.

"Lu Lijuan" I shouted, running up to her. She stopped and turned around. "Dont call
me that, Kris." She said embarrassed. She was blushing, but she looked a little...

Why was she sad? Was it something I said?

"Why? Its adorable" Luhan said, popping out of nowhere. "It suits you perfectly" He
said, pinching her rosy cheeks.

"Oh gosh, youre freezing Come on, lets go inside." He said, grabbing her hand and
skipping away happily. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. That should be

Why was I feeling so jealous?

Yay She got out finally. Dodges flying keyboards Sorry for uploading a crappy
filler chapter D: My cousins are over and I wanted to give you one last chapter
before 2013 starts So here you go

Happy Early New Year xD

So yeah, you guys know the drill Khamsamnida and Saranghaeyo

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 8: Memories *** (4 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

"Lu Lijuan" Kris shouted, catching up to me. My heart stopped momentarily because
a) That was my Chinese name (I was actually born in Beijing, but I had an older
brother, and they had issues with the single-children-benefit thing and our family
moved to Canada when I was six months old) b) My mother used to call me that and c)
Kris was the only person that knew about it because I didnt want people to know
where I came from.

I guess everyone knew about it now, judging from the stares I got from other
people. I felt a pang in my heart, and I unconciously wiped a tear away before
facing him. I didnt want anyone to know about it yet.

"Dont call me that." I said, glaring at him. He gave me a strange look. Shit, did
he notice I was crying?

"Why? Its cute" Luhan said, popping out of thin air behind me and pinching my
cheeks. He really likes to do that, doesnt he?

"Oh gosh, youre freezing Lets go inside" He sang, grabbing my hand and skipping
inside. He seemed really happy today. No, hes always happy; its just today, hes
even more happy, if thats even possible.

I need to stop being so depressed.

We walked into the same resturaunt as the day before and Hee Jin wasnt there. THANK
GOODNESS. Luhan seemed to calm down a bit too; he didnt like her at all.
We all sat at the same table and we all talked animatedly for a while. I found out
that Baekhyun had a little crush on Sooyoung from SNSD. I gave him a goofy grin and
a thumbs up. "Good choice, Bacon." I teased.

"Stop calling me that" He whined, pouting at me. All I did was give him a

A/N For those of you who dont know what a raspberry is, its just sticking your
tongue out :P LE POOF

"Alright everyone Chows up" Suho shouted, bringing the trays full of food back to
the table. He is such a gentleman. Why wasnt he my fake boyfriend? Then everything
would be all good. Oh wait, it wouldnt be because that creepy guywould be stalking
me every minute. My head hit the table and I groaned.

Ugh, this is so nerve-wracking...

Baekhyun, who was sitting next to me, patted my head. I looked up and he gave me a
cute eye smile. "Here, your ramyun. Youll feel better." He said, shoving a bowl
towards me.

I took a bite of my ramyun and it instantly warmed me up. I shivered slightly. Kris
noticed the subtle gesture and casually draped his arm around my shoulders.
OhMyGod, why is my heart beating so fast? Why was my face heating up? I never felt
like this before. Nope, not at all.

Was this even normal?

I looked at Kris, and he seemed to be alright, but on closer inspection, he seemed

to have reddened considerably. His ears were the reddest, though, which I found
really adorable. Lijuan, you find EVERYTHING adorable...

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom for a bit, okay?" I whispered to him, shying
away from his arm. "Okay, dont get kidnapped again." He whispered in my ear,
teasing me. His breath was warm and it smelled like peppermint. I blushed a tomato
red and he smirked. Why was he playing around with my heart?

I got up from the table, resisting my urge to cry until I found the womens
bathroom. I found an empty stall, locked myself in and let the tears flow. Mom... I
miss you so much...

FLASHBACK (14 years ago)

"Lijuan" My mom called, trying to find me. I giggled quietly as the six-year old me
hid behind a couch. "Wheres my qianjin?" She said in Chinese, sounding like she was
about to cry. I instantly felt bad; my mother was a fragile woman, yet she was
always playful towards me.

She pampered me, read me bedtime stories, helped me with my homework, and took me
on shopping trips. She never scolded me for anything. On occassion she might get a
little bit upset, but that was it. Shed never become mad for anything. She told me
I was her cure for everything, even her cancer.

She was my best friend forever.

"Im here, mommy" I shouted, leaping into her lap and giving her a kiss on the
cheek. She smiled at me and tickled me with her hair. I laughed and squealed; it
was so soft, and hung in long natural curls, framing her smiling baby face. I threw
my little chubby arms around her neck and nuzzled into her neck. "Will you get
better soon, so we can play together and go shopping?" I asked, looking up at her
with eyes full of hope.

"Of course, my princess, just for you" She said cheerfully, bopping my nose. It was
like our secret handshake. I smiled, showcasing all of my missing milk teeth and
laughed. The doorbell rang. "Ill go get it, Mommy" I said, running towards the
door. "Wait for me, Lijuan" She said, slowly getting up and walking towards the
door. She opened it and smiled "Ni hao"

I saw a woman my mothers age and a little boy my age. I suddenly became shy and hid
behind my mothers legs. "Oh, is this Lijuan? Shes so cute" The woman said, looking
at me and giving me a warm smile. I wasnt too afraid anymore and stepped away. "N-
ni hao..." I mumbled shyly.

"Shes so adorable You are blessed to have such a wonderful girl, MeiXiu." She told
my mother, smiling. She then pushed the little boy forward, who was standing there
watching me the whole time. "Go on, Yifan. Tell her who you are." He stuck out his
hand and mumbled, "Im Wu Yifan, but you can call me Kris..." He was blushing really
red. I somehow felt really confident and assured around the boy.

"Okay, lets go play" I said, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the house. Our
mothers were laughing.

We became the best of friends after that.


"Why did you have to leave, Mama?" I whispered, tears still flowing from my eyes. I
reached into my purse and took out a razor. I usually keptone in my purse because I
travelled often and I never had time to shave. I tookout the blade and whispered,
"Why did you have to leave me with that bastard?" I started to slash at my wrist,
letting the blood flow. With every cut I made, I called myself a name my father
would call me.

"Bitch" SLASH
"Whore" SLASH

"Ugly" SLASH

"Worthless" SLASH

"Stupid" SLASH

"Idiot" SLASH

I continued doing this until there were exactly 20 scratches along my arm. I
decided it was enough pain for today. I already felt a bit better. I washed out the
cuts and put skin-colored gauze around it, careful not to make it look conspicuous.
I then stretched my sweater on top of it and came out of the bathroom. I looked at
the person standing outside and my jaw dropped.

Kris? Why was he standing out there?

=Kris P.O.V=

Where did she go? I started to get a bit worried, so I excused myself to the
bathroom. I was walking past thewomens bathroom, I heard a voice. Was it Annalise?

Bitch... Whore... Ugly... I started to become a bit scared, so I stood outside of

the bathroom and waited until she came out. It was a while, but she looked a lot
worse than when she left the table.

She looked like she was crying, and there was something wierd about the way she was
holding her arms. She lookedat me with fear in her eyes. Why was she looking at me
like that?

"Did you hear all of that?" She asked in a scared, hushed tone. "Yeah, but I wont
say anything. Promise." I said.

"It wasnt me, Kris." She said, with a raised eyebrow. Huh? "There was another girl
in the bathroom that was saying that. I was kinda scared. I called someone." Oh. I
breathed a sigh of relief.

Thank goodness. "But it sounded a lot like you, though..." I said, looking at her.
She shook her head rapidly. "Nope. Im hungry, so lets go back to the table." She
said, dragging me by the arm. I blushed a little bit, but I kept my cool.

Was she hiding something from me?

"Hey guys" She shouted, letting go of my arm and happily skipping towards the
table. They greeted her and continued on with their conversations.

And then SOMEONE had to bring up the little incident that happened earlier today.

"How in the world did you get down in that storage closet all tied up?" Sehun
asked, and everyone turned their heads towards Anna. "Yeah, I couldnt get down
there without having the urge to piss my pants..." Suho said, earning a slap upside
the head from D.O. "Suho, there are children here" He whispered fiercely.

"Sorry, Kyungsoo-umma..." He said, smiling sheepishly.

"Well... I was going to the bathroom and something caught my attention from the
conference room. President and some guy were talking about Hee Jin debutting in my
placerather than me. All I heard before I blacked out was a file being dropped and
the President finding out something..." Anna said, a bit uncomfortable.

"Thats wierd." Chanyeol said before waving it off. "Ill worry about it later. Right
now, the ramyun is the only thing that matters to me." He sang, slurping downthe
ramyun from his bowl. I rolled my eyes.

"But why Hee Jin, and not you? Youre ten times better than her" Kai said, his mouth
in an o shape. D.Os eyes became impossibly wider.

"Kyungsoo, stop doing that or your eyeballs will fall out." Anna said, eating her
food calmly. "Im not hungry anymore all of a sudden..." Tao said, shoving his bowl
away from himself, looking a bit green.

We all laughed. "Awww... Did poor Tao become sick because of what Anna said?" I
teased, pinching his cheek. Tao swatted my hand away and glared at me, causing me
to laugh even harder. He was just too cute.

We stayed for a while until late at night. We split up at 7:00 to go to our dorm
and Annalise needed to go home. I offered to walk her home.

"Are you sure? Its a bit of a walk from here..."

"We could always call a taxi."

"Yeah, but I dont have money." Oh yeah. We didnt get a paycheck yet.

"Oh well. Lets go." I said, dragging her away from the group. When I looked back,
Lay winked at me and gave me a thumbs up. Wierdo.

We walked in silence until I decided to break the silence. "I know we started off
on the wrong foot in high school, but I want to start over. I want us to be best
friends, like we were in elementary school. I know, you might not forgive me right
away. Im willing to wait for your answer." I said, looking at her. She was having a
mental battle with herself, chewing hre bottom lip.

"I dont know. We cant be as close as we were before, but I am willing to try again.
But thanks for dropping me off." She said. Huh?

"We are here." She said, laughing at my inattentiveness. "Sorry, Im just really
tired today."

"Wu Yifan? Tired?" She mocked me.

"Hey, Im human, too" I whined, holding my head. My headaches have been getting
worse lately.

"I thought you guys were aliens from some planet called EXO-Planet." She said,
folding her arms over her chest.

"Its just how we were marketed. We are all pure, 100 human." I mumbled, suddenly
taking interest in the pebbles on the asphalt. I started to kick the ground.

"You can stay over at my house if you want to. I dont want you to get mugged, plus
you looked really tired." She offered, reaching the apartment door.

"Sure, just let me call the guys." Great, I shot the gun before aiming. Again. I
mentally facepalmed myself before calling the guys. They were going to have a field
day with this; I was already dreading the answer I was going to recieve.

I called Lay and he answered. "Hullo?" He sounded like he was brushing his teeth.
"Hey, Yixing, Im staying over at Annalises house for the night. Make sure you dont
burn down the house."

"Oooh, getting cheeky, arent we?" He said suggestively. You wait until tomorrow,
Yixing, you just wait.

"Its not like that..." I said, rubbing my temple in circles.

"If you say so. Dont try anything on our Mei-mei."

"Zariahs there, she would probably kill me if I tried." I mumbled.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Bye, make sure you guys go to bed soon and NO VIDEO GAMES."

"Awww" I heard Tao whine before I hung up.

"You sound like a mother." She said, laughing. "Come on in."

"Its a skill." I said, and she just rolled her eyes.

I walked in and I instantly felt at home. It was very simple; white walls, white
furniture, just the basics. "SM pays our rent, so we try to leave it as it was when
we first came here." She explained. Well, that cleared up a lot.

Especially the fact that she didnt try to paint any of the walls a bright yellow
with dark purple polka dots.

"You want to rest in the guest room? There is a seperate bathroom." She said.
"There should be some clothes that fit you in the dresser, too. Everything is in
the guest bedroom." She led me to the bedroom, which was pretty much the same as
the rest of the house. I washed up and changed into a simple white t-shirt with

I walked into the living room, where Annalise was watching TV. She was wearing a
oversized sweater, leggings, beaded bootie slippers and wrapped in a big blanket
with all the Disney characters on it. "What are you watching?" I asked, plopping
down next to her. She shuffled over to give me a little more room.

"Football." She said, not tearing her eyes away from the TV. It was a China vs.
Brazil game. All of a sudden I felt a little bit of weight on my lap and looked
down. I saw her legs resting on my lap and I looked at her. She was wringing her
hands and blushing a deep red.

"Y-you dont mind, do you?" She said shyly, starting to remove her feet, but I
grabbed them to hold them there. "Its fine." I said, watching the game. After a few
minutes, she broke the silence. "Im betting my money on Brazil."

"What? You traitor" I said, holding a hand over my heart. "Im betting on China." I
said smirking. We would always compete and bet on our favorite football teams on
TV. It was pretty hilarious with what the winner would come up with. One time, Anna
won a game and saw me sleeping, and she made me a Santa beard. Lets just say our
parents werent happy.

"Loser gets to pay up twenty bucks and do whatever the winner says." She says,
eyeing the game closely with a small smile on her face. We shouted at the referees
when they made a stupid decision, cheered when our teams made goals and sighed when
a penalty kick went in.

It was the best night ever.

HAHAHAHAHA Sorry... I kinda lied to you. I wanted to give you guys a surprise
before the end of the year. SO HERE YOU GO.

Again. Happy Early New Year 3

You guys know the drill already. Saranghaeyo and Khamsamnida

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 9: A Day Off *** (4 pages)

=Zariahs P.O.V=

I woke up to my phone alarm blaring EXOs song Machine. There were two versions of
the song, I know, and I just couldnt choose. So I alternated between EXO-K and EXO-
Ms version. Today it was EXO-Ms version. Luhans singing woke me up today, and I
couldnt help but smile and fan girl inside.

Lets just say I had a really bad crush on Luhan. Is it bad for a manager to be a
fan girl, too? I still kept it professional at work.

But he was already crushing on Seohyun, as far as I can tell. They looked pretty
cute together, although Luhan did all the talking and Seohyun just sat there. She
hasnt always been the talkative type. She just wasnt interested in dating anyone
right now. Last time I checked, Yonghwa was still trying to get her attention and
contact her after their little fling on We Got Married, but it wasnt working.

I felt sorry for him. I could see why she was the guys perfect girl; she was
pretty, polite, shy and adorable.

Everything I obviously wasnt.

I sat up from my bed and stretched my arms over my head. There was a square of
bright sunlight on my quilted doona and I didnt want to get out. I checked my phone
to see if I got any new messages. Nope, not today. I waddled drowsily into the
bathroom and brushed my teeth. After doing that I took a quick steam shower; I
really needed one of those.

As I was getting out of my bathroom, my phone started to ring. The President was
calling me. Why would he be calling so early in the morning? I guess I will just
have to find out. "Yobuseyo?"

"Ah, Zariah-ssi. Good morning. I needed to tell you something. You know of the
little, erm, predicament between Kris and Anna, right?" He sounded quite nervous.
Why was he nervous?

"Mhm, continue."

"Well, I wanted you to persuade them to go out on a little date today to, you know,
to make amends and hopefully make this plan run a little bit more smoothly? Tell
them they have a day off today. Could you do that for me?" I almost dropped my

Something wasnt right. He usually took the idol scandal business in his own hands,
not anyone like his top advisers or his trainers. No way. But I kept my cool.

"Sure, I can do that." I breathed, and I mentally slapped myself. You have the
charisma of an ant, how the hell are you going to persuade them?

"Oh okay, well, I will see you in a half an hour. Good day." He hung up before I
could even say goodbye. There was a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I
pushed it aside and started to get ready.

I decided on a peach-colored black polka dotted baggy transparent top with a black
Peter Pan collar, and a white tank top underneath. I wore some skinny jeans and
curled my dark hair. Since the boys will be having a hectic schedule today and I
didnt want blisters on my feet, I slipped a hairtie on my wrist and wore some
flats. I threw on a denim jacket because I heard it was going to be a bit chilly
again today.

I looked at myself in the mirror. My Indian features seemed to garner a lot of

attention from the media, partially because SM has always been a bit... picky about
their image. I guess I was an exception? My warm olive skin, dark eyes and my long
layered hair didnt do a whole lot for me in terms of beauty. Its never did. I have
been told I was pretty, but I never really believed it and thought of it as utter

People do it all the time, right?

Oh well, good enough. I stepped out of my room and walked by the living room into
the kitchen.

Wait a second. Something wasnt right. REWIND.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY LIVING ROOM, WU YIFAN?" I screeched, waking both of them
up. Anna fell off the couch and did a face-plant on the floor. I tried to hold back
my laughter, but I couldnt do it. Anna glared at me, and Kris, as usual, was
completely zoning out.

"Goddammit, Zari, is there ever a time where you can chill out?"

"Im a top adviser for SM, Lissy. You do the math. But why. Is. Wu. Yifan. In. My.
Living. Room?" I asked again.

"I asked him to stay over last night because it was late by the time we got home
and the last thing I wanted was for him to be mobbed by a bunch of gangsters." She
said, voice thick with lethargy. I sighed.

"Well, you know there are the buses, right?"

"They dont go to the SM dorms after 7, Zariah. And you know you have to pay for
those buses? We were both broke."

"You couldve borrowed from my wallet."

"And shriek like a banshee and wake up the neighbors? No thanks, Ill pass." She
said, rubbing her eyes and squinting at the bright sunlight.

"She has done that before?" Kris asked with shock on his face.

"More than once, trust me. I give our neighbors earplugs for Christmas every year
to block out her screaming." He just cracked up and became a laughing mess on the

We both just looked at each other with wide eyes. "Did Kris just...?"

"Hold on. Let me go get my video camera. The wild Krisus has just erupted into a
rare fit of laughter." I yelled grabbing the camcorder.

"You guys." He said with a straight face. But the curly mustache and fake unibrow
that was drawn on his face made us laugh even harder.

"Why are you guys laughing? GUYS" He shouted, getting our attention. "Oh, nothing,
it was an inside joke. Go wash up, we have to go to the training rooms today." Anna
said, snickering.

"Actually, the president just called and said you guys had the day off today. He
wanted you guys to go on a date." I said, leaning against the doorpost. "But you
obviously cant go outside or anything."

"So we just have the day off? No good reason?" Anna said. "I guess we will have to
post stuff on social networking sites. Oh, Ill have to write my will too, I have a
feeling I will die young."

"LIJUAN YOU ARE DEAD" Kris shouted from the guest bathroom. She completely froze
and gave me a look that pleaded for my help.

"Youre on your own for this one. Have fun" I sang, skipping out the door.

"I hate you so much, Zari" I heard Anna say before I shut the door.

=Luhan P.O.V=

Whats taking Zariah-noona so long? Weve been waiting in the practice room for a
half an hour now, and we have an interview to go to in 15 minutes. All the guys
except for Suho, Kai and Sehun (they were doing a photoshoot and were joining us
later) were all ready and waiting.

"Sorry, guys I had an emergency meeting with the president." She yelled, bursting
through the door. She was wearing casual clothes today. Another busy day of
promotions. Yay.

"Wheres Duizhang?" Tao asked, holding a stuffed panda bear. He keeps on bringing
that panda plushie everywhere, even though his bed is covered in them. What made
this one so special? Even Lay didnt know, and he knows pretty much everything.

"The president wanted him and Anna to have a day off today to go on a date,
apparently. But they cant go outside for this date." She saw all the looks we were
giving her and held her hands up in surrender. "Hey, I hate this plan as much as
you guys, so dont stare at me like that."

"This is so lame..." Chanyeol said, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
She whipped out a clipboard and read the schedule out to us.

"Okay, guys, lets get a move on You have an interview right now, a couple of shows,
Inkigayo is tonight and that is pretty much it. Ill give you more details in the
car, so any questions?" No response.

"Alrighty then, lets go" She said, leading us into the garage. I couldnt help but
stare at her; she was so poised and confident. Unlike Seohyun, who was quiet and
reserved, Zariah was very outgoing and mature. Although she was younger than us and
usually treated us like best friends, she kept it professional.

I really liked that about her. She was great.

Our first manager was an old man who was really strict about everything and didnt
let us go outside after dark. We were pretty miserable, so the president switched
our manager to Zariah-noona.

Unlike the old manager-ssi, who wanted us to call him manager, Zariah wanted us to
call her by her name. ("Because Manager-ssi makes me sound like a loser")

We all piled into the car and fooled around. We knew there were video cameras in
the car, so we messed around with them while Zariah messed around with our music
collection. She kept on putting Mister by KARA on repeat, which about half the car
was trying to do the dance in the seat while the other half was leaning forward,
trying to persuade her to change the music.

We had the best time ever. It was just like old times, and we were a bit peeved
when the drivier announced we were at the place.

At the interview, we had a lot of fun also. Athough Taos Korean was made fun of by
the others, he understood everything perfectly well. Zariah congratulated us and
gave us some snacks to eat in the car.

Today was going to be a great day.

=Kris P.O.V=

"COME BACK HERE" I roared, leaping over the couch and grabbing at Anna, but I
grabbed at air instead. She was really fast; she wasnt a SM dancer for nothing.

"Catch me if you can" She taunted, sticking her tongue out and locking herself in
an empty room before I could go in. The guest room.

And then I remembered that all the rooms were interconnected. I snickered; I bet
she didnt see that coming.

I entered the bathroom and quietly opened the other door leading to the bedroom,
seeing Lijuan giggling with her back towards me. I tiptoed towards her and loomed
over her. "Boo." I whispered in her ear.

"AHHHHH" She screamed, whirling around and trying to get around me, but I blocked
her path. I grabbed her and started to tickle her. She was a sucker when it came to

"EEEEE, STOP - hahahahahahaha - TICKLING - hahahahah - MEE -

hahahahahahahahahahaha" She shrieked, andwe both collapsed onto the floor,
laughing. Her laugh was like music to my ears. I tickled her just for the sole
purpose of hearing her laugh; it was so unique yet it makes you want to laugh too.
I laughed along with her and we laid there, staring at the ceiling.

"You remember? We used to do this all the time..."Anna said, breaking the silence.
"Yeah. It was pretty funny back then, huh?" I responded, absentmindedly twirling a
curl around my finger. I saw her blush and I smirked. "You like it, dont you?"

"W-what? No Oh, we didnt have breakfast, did we? Hold on, Ill go get some Be right
back" She sang. She sprang up off the floor and dashed to the kitchen. I smiled;
she was too cute.

I peeked into the kitchen, and saw her trying to make omelettes and toast. "You
need some help?" I said from the doorway.

"Some is an understatement. Do you mind just eating toast? I dont want you making
it, since you are the guest and all." She said sheepishly, looking down at the

"Nah, its cool. I wasnt that hungry anyway." I said, grabbing the toast off the
toaster and taking a bite. I instantly gagged. "On second thought, do you just want
to go to a cafe?"

"That would be a good idea. But we have to order. People will see you." Crap, that
was a good point.

"So, do you mind if I go alone?" She asked, obviously knowing what my answer would

"HELL NO. Not after the last time you got kidnapped going to the bathroom. What if
you get hit by a car?" She rolled her eyes.

"Pabo. You think I will be that inattentive? Have you ever heard of the saying
theres safety in numbers?" She said sarcastically, poking my forehead. Ouch, that

"No but still I dont want anything happening to you." I said sincerely. She was
obviously trying to see if there was anything other than sincerety written on my
face. She slumped her shoulders and gave up.

"Fine, but makesure you get a good disguise. I have a feeling there will be people
that will recognize you at the cafe." She said, slipping on her sneakers and
slipping the house keys on her wrist. I mentally fist-pumped myself. You made her
cave in Kris Wu gets one point

"But you clean up the kitchen." I take that back.

"Fine, can we go now? Please?" I said, doing Taos aegyo. She looked like she wanted
to throw up. "Not persuasive enough?"

"That and the fact that a man like you should NEVER do aegyo. It doesnt suit you at
all." She said, stepping out of the house and locking the door behind her.
We made small talk on our way to the cafe across the street. We got there and it
looked like a normal cafe. But I knew very well that a lot of our fans were here,
since this cafe was known for serving a lot of idols like Suju and SNSD.

Technically, if I was discovered with Anna, we were both screwed.

The shops bell tinkled as we walked inside, and everyone almost instantly turned
their heads towards us. I started to become a bit uncomfortabe, and although Anna
looked confident, I didnt think that she was that confident.

"Hi, how may I help you?" The girl behind the counter asked. "Just two frappuchinos
and two bagels, please." Annalise said, tapping the counter. "Is that okay with
you?"She asked, turning to me.


"Is that your boyfriend? And why is he all covered up like that?" Cough cough
cough. Did I hear that right?

"Ah... no, hes just a friend of mine, he caught a bit of a cold because of the
weather lately and I couldnt leave him home bit himself." Anna said, skillfully
dodging the question. She was a pretty good liar.

"Oh, thats a shame, you guys would make a cute couple. Although he looks really
familiar. Is he a trainee from SM?" She asked, and before she could pry any
further, our order was up. "Heres your order, take care"


"Wow, that was really close." I breathed when the cafe shop door closed behind us.
"Yup, it was just pure luck that our order was ready or Zariah woud never forgive
me for hurting you." She said, shivering. "Dammit, I wish I didnt forget my coat."

"Sucks for you." I said, smirking behind my scarf.

"There you are, Arrogant Leader Kris I was wondering when you woud show up" She
said, holding herself back from dumping the coffee all over my head.

We reached home in one piece and finally satisfied our hunger (those bagels were
really good...) The rest of our day was spent uploading mushy pictures on Twitter
and playing video games. It was the first day off I spent actually doing something
instead of sleeping.

And I wouldnt trade this day for the world.

Yay Happy New Year 2013 is finally here 3 And we all survived the Apocalypse. Well,
almost all of us :(

But ANYWAY This is my New Years gift to you all. Surprise surprise

Oh, and I will be uploading something else later tonight or tomorrow about this
story. ITS NOTHING BAD, I PROMISE I dont really know how many of you guys read
this, but I will be posting a complete section dedicated to Author Announcements
every once in a while. So Stay Tuned

Thats all for now. Khamsamnida and Saranghaeyo

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 10: Late Nights and Starcraft *** (3 pages)

=Lay P.O.V=

When Kris clambered into the car, I couldnt help but tease him. "How did it go with
Mei-mei?" I asked him, giving him a mischevious smile. The other guys caught on and
laughed along quietly.

"You wipe that stupidgrin off your face or I do it for you, Yixing. Choose one." He
said sourly, plugging in his earphones and listening to music. I pouted.

"I guess it went well then? Considering you are back to your old self and all..."
Chen said, earning a face smack from Kris. Oh, how I missed those. That sounded
really messed up.

"No, seriously, how did it go?" Xiumin asked, taking on the oldest role. Hes pretty
damn scary when he isnt doing his baozi faces...

"It was pretty good, we just played Black Ops and posted mushy pictures on
Twitter." He said through his headphones, avoiding everyones penetrating gazes. How
could he hear us through that loud music? My selective hearing theory has been

"Like this one?" Tao asked shyly, holding up his phone for all of us to see. It was
a picture of Kris pretending to kiss Annas cheek, with a bunch of emoticons
surrounding it, plus with a bunch of comments. I read some of them and was
pleasantly surprised.

Our fans were taking it pretty well, although there were some death threats thrown
in here and there. The normal idol couple response.

"Awwww..." We all chorused lovingly. "I hate you guys so much..." Kris mumbled,
slumping into his seat out of embarrassment. I chuckled.

"Its nothing to be worried about, Duizhang. For all I know, if Kai was her

"Dont you even start with Kai." He mumbled, rubbing his temple. Kai was the biggest
player in all of EXO. He seemed to have a different girl each week. At first Zariah
told him to stop, but eventually gave up on him, telling us that he can be a
casanova for all his life for all she cared.

The president also seemed to be letting his idols run amok these days as well. At
least every other idol had a relationship with someone, an idol or non-idol. The
media has been having field day with this issue for a long time, and I didnt think
that it was going to stop anytime soon.

I was kind of re-thinking my decision to debut in SM in the first place.

"Yah You guys are so mean" Kai whined from the backseat. Oh, didnt realize that
EXO-K was here too. Everyone burst into laughter at his late reaction. What a slow

"But look at you guys Its so adorable" Luhan sang, pointing at the picture and
grinning from ear to ear. "Should we do something like that, baozi?" He asked,
turning to the chubby-faced rapper.

Xiumin had a look of horror written on his face, his eyes becoming impossibly
wider. "Hell no" He said, still reeling in shock. Luhan pouted and folded his arms
over his chest, leaning back in his seat. Sometimes I wonder if this guy is gay...

Eh, whatever. He will still be my cute little deer forever

"So since you had that little, erm, date-thing, do you think your fling will be
better? I mean, I have no problem with her..." Kai trailed off, earning glares from
everyone else and a puppy look from Sehun. "Am I not enough for you, Jongin-ah?" He
said, pouting. Hes pretty close to the dancing machine (not Chen), being in the
same sub-unit and everything.

"Yeah, sure." He said, patting his head. Sehun beamed at him and leaned back in his
seat, happy that issue was cleared up. For now.
"And about that question, I guess it is a bit better now, although she did tell me
that she will slap me once in a while when I become a BitchFaced bastard." That got
him a lot of laughs. Baekhyun and Chanyeol sounded like they were rolling across
the back of the van laughing their asses off, which made the whole situation ten
times funnier.

"In all seriousness, though, Annas birthday is next week." Kris said, killing the
mood. Really, Kris? We all knew that before you had to kill the great mood. We just
got back from Inkigayo, and that was nerve-wracking enough.

"Well, yeah, we know." Chen said, smirking. "Shut up and take your empty pride with
you, Dancing Machine" Luhan sang, teasing him. Chen gave him a death glare, which
he ignored by happily chewing on yet another previously concealed lollipop. "So
what do you think we should do for her? Shes going to be 21" I sang, smiling.

"How do you know, Lay?" A mysterious voice asked. Was that Kai?

"I dont live under a rock. I talked to her and she told me." I said, sticking my
tongue out. "Smartass..." I heard him grumble. It was probably Kai. Then we started
rattling off suggestions.

"Should we take her to a resturaunt?"

"Too cheesy."

"Bake a cake and leave it on her doorstep?"

"Too simple. Plus she has a camera on her doorbell, shell see us running off."

"Go to a club?"


"What about throwing a surprise party in the EXO dorm?" Hey, that was actually a
really good idea. I turned and saw Baekhyun literally beaming with pride. "I came
up with that one."

"I can tell. Youre grinning like theres no tomorrow." Kris said smartly, flipping
through his apps. How did he see that without looking up? This guy is one heck of a
creepy leader. He doesnt even need to try.

"So how are we going to do that?" Xiumin asked, his eyes lighting up. "Well, this
is how it will go..." I said, getting everyone in a huddle.

=Anna P.O.V=
"IM HOME" A voice echoed through the empty dorm room. "Welcome back" I shouted
back, not bothering to get my butt up from my computer game to greet her. "Well, I
feel loved." She mumbled bitterly from my doorway, crossing her arms and pretending
to be upset.

I groaned and paused the game, getting up and limply pulling her into a half hug
and waddled back to my room. "Kids these days..." I heard her mutter before closing
the door. I hopped back onto my computer to resume my game of Starcraft.

Why Starcraft? Well, Kyuhyun and I got to bond a little bit before he had to leave
for China for promotions. I got to watch him play and he offered to teach me. Ever
since then I got hooked, so he let me borrow his games to play. He couldnt bring
them along because he would become too busy to play them anyway, "so might as well
give them to someone who wil actually use them instead of collect dust." He said.

Although I havent been doing a good job of that, lately. I just wonder when he will
be coming back. I dont think I can take looking at the pile of untouched games

beep StarcraftGamer is now online

Danc3rGirl: KyuKyu

StarcraftGamer: Do I know you? 3

Danc3rGirl: Hows China? Beating the heat? I heard it was really hot up there.

StarcraftGamer: Eh, Im managing. ITS SO HOT UP HERE I managed to superfreeze

everyones drinks :3 huhuhuhuhu...

Danc3rGirl: Stop being such an evil maknae, Kyu. Oh, sorry for not telling you?

StarcraftGamer: Yah, you didnt tell me it was going to be hot, did you? YOU KNEW
ALL ALONG? And you made me pack TURTLENECKS? I was DYING OVER HERE. Oh, and all the
other hyungs were laughing at my pain. HOW COULD YOU?

Danc3rGirl: Err... You look good in turtlenecks? shrugs Plus, it makes up for the
yogurt incident the other week.

StarcraftGamer: Oh, hahahahha. I guess it does ___;;; OH Lets talk with the camera
I want to see you and show you off as my girlfriend.


I heard my skype ringing and I answered to Kyuhyuns groggy face. It looks like he
had been really busy. Poor guy...

"Hey, evil mastermind How are you doing this fine night?"

"Awful." He groaned and his face disappeared. I heard his head hit the desk.

"Aww, busy schedule?"

"Yeah. Are you taking care of my babies well?" I heard him ask, face reappearing on
my screen and staring at me. I swear, sometimes he can see through to my soul.

"Yup, Ive been playing them a lot. You really know how to game, I can give you
that, Kyu." His face brightened up at the compliment.

"Thanks, mei. You really brighten up my day." He said, grinning from ear to ear.
Its strange how he went from a dead zombie to a happy unicorn skipping through a
field of flowers in less than five seconds.

"OH OH OH, CAN I TALK TO ANNA, KYUHYUN??" I heard Sungmin and Donghae scream from
the other room. I heard what sounded like a herd of elephants let out of a zoo
(which was probably just Sungmin and Donghae running/wrestling towards the
computer) and their bright faces popped up beside Kyus

"Hi, hows my pretty Chinese girl doing?" Donghae asks in broken Chinese, grinning
like a kid. He was holding a box of strawberry pocky.

"Great, and your Chinese is getting better, Mr. Fishie Good job" I said, clapping
and giving him a thumbs up. Donghae grinned and waved before disappearing from the
screen. They probably needed to go rest up for tomorrow.

"Oh, Anna, youre wearing the Hello Kitty onesie I got for your birthday. Aigoo, it
looks so cute on you" Sungmin sang, showing off his natural aegyo. Sometimes I just
wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"Sungmin, dont say that Anything looks cute on you. And you are improving too,
good" I told Sungmin, giving him a goofy grin and a thumbs up. I was happy with is
progress. I started to secretly teach Sungmin a bit of Chinese and he did really
well. I told him to tell everyone that his tutor taught him everything.

I didnt want any publicity. Being hated on for being Kris girlfriend was enough.

He giggled cutely and returned the gesture before disappearing off the screen.
"Well, it was really meant for me and you to talk, but--" Kyu started, but I shook
my head.
"Nah, we can still talk."

"The manager wants us to go to sleep now. Shes going to take away my laptop in ten
minutes." He said with a pout. So thats why he couldnt play his games. Because the
manager would catch him and take his laptop away Thats one mean manager...

"Aww... I wanted to talk to you more about China. You better remember to tell me
about it later, Kyu" I sang. He laughed.

"Well, duh Of course I will. Oh, Henry and Zhou Mi want to see you."

There was a little bit of shuffling before two unfamiliar faces came into view.

"Hi Im Henry" The one with the squinty eyes and chubby face sang. This one was
adorable But for some reason, something about him told me he was very mischevious
and playful.

"Hey, Im Zhou Mi." The other one said, a bit quietly. He had very manly features
and it seemed like he was really tall. He had really nice eyes hiding behind those
bangs, though.

Whats up with all the Chinese guys being skyscrapers?

"Hey, you guys, Im Anna." I said in Chinese, waving. They looked shellshocked.

"Did you just--" Henry started, but Zhou Mi gave him a look. I laughed.

"Yeah, Im half-Chinese and half-Russian." I told them. They nodded in understanding

and smiled.

"Its nice to have someone to speak Chinese without an accent once in a while. Henry
just doesnt think when he becomes too happy." Zhou Mi said, earning a glare from
the cute boy.

"Henry reminds me of those cute little red mushrooms Mario eats to make himself
smaller." I said, smiling at Henry. He looked unflattered, though.

"I remind you of a fungus?" He said, wrinkling his nose. "Well, its a CUTE FUNGUS"
I whined, causing Zhou Mi to double over in laughter.

"Ohmigosh, you are hilarious. I think we will get along really well." Henry said,
sticking out his hand. "Friends?"
"Um... I cant really do that, Henry." I muttered, pointing to the computer screen.
Henry took a while to process that before he finaly caught on. "Oh, well, Ill glomp
you when I see you next time, okay?" He promised. Im calling him Little Shroom,
whether he likes it or not. Hes just too cute.

"Cant wait." I said, grinning. They waved and said their goodnights before turning
it back to Kyuhyun.

"Well, guess I have to go too. Im really sleepy..." He said, rubbing his eyes for
emphasis. "Okay, okay, dont make me pity you for being tired. You do well tomorrow.
Hwating" I said, doing a fist-pump. He laughed.

"Okay. Ahnyeong" He waved and smiled before ending the call. I sighed and looked at
the clock. 11:48 PM.

Maybe I should go to bed too. I shut off the computer and put Starcraft back in its
case. I got up, stretched and plopped into bed and fell asleep.


OMG IM SO SORRY Im gone for a week and I upload a crappy chapter. I really suck D:

But anyway. This will be the last chapter for a while. Exams were postponed till
next week because of some issues. I wont get into those :(

However, I will still be on here, writing a chapter. I just have some things to go
over. Its really late and I want to go to bed now, so Im going to go now

VOTE. COMMENT. FAN I hope you enjoy this story so far

3 Nausheen


*** IMPORTANT NEWS (Please Read!) *** (1 page)

Okay, so I have some announcements to make. It wont be that painful, I promise ;)

I will not be updating this story as frequently as I have in the past couple
weeks.My winter break was spent with family andupdating this story, pretty much xD
Since getting back from break,I have exams in less than 2 weeks. Since the teachers
computers have been reconfigured and they have to teach from scratch (a.k.a
Everything wiped out from the hard drive, so absolutely nothing is left) I needto
study my ass offandI wont be updating for a while. Sowwy So any comments and votes
would be appreciated.

I also need to edit some chapters as well. So if you see some chapters missing or
you have trouble opening them, HAVE NO FEAR Im just editing it. Im just winging
this story as I go, and its going better thanI originally thought :3 Just some
minor grammatical changes, mostly spelling errors. It will take at most 10 minutes,

So thats all the news that I have for you guys right now. Thanks for reading and
supporting this story so far. You guys are the best 3



*** Chapter 11: Happy Birthday~! *** (4 pages)

One Week Later

=Anna P.O.V=

"Hey, for the millionth time, where are you guys taking me?" I demanded Kai and
Chanyeol, who were on either side of me, leading me somewhere. They took me dress
shopping earlier and Im now put in a blindfold. Out of all honesty, I was really
scared. What if they threw me in a ditch? Its my birthday, for crying out loud I
dont want to die yet

"If you push me off a cliff, I will kill you all."

"If you get pushed off a cliff, youll die, not us. That defeats the whole purpose."
I heard Chanyeol snicker.

"Shut up you stupid Happy Virus." I grumbled. "Are we here yet?" I whined, pouting.
My legs were killing me in these heels. I cant even call these heels. They barely

"Yeah, we are almost there, princess." Kai said to my left, and I heard the ding of
an... elevator? I was probably bickering a lot with Chanyeol to even notice what
was happening to me. All of a sudden, adrenaline was pumping through my body and I
was trying to figure out where I was.

Chanyeol probably noticed my sudden change in behavior, because he (I think...)

squeezed my hand reassuringly and quickly said, "We wont maim you, promise. We all
love you too much to do that." I heard Kai smirk from beside me and smacked his
arm. Well, tried to; all I felt was air.

I heard us getting off the elevator and walking some more until we came to an
abrupt stop. I heard someone unlocking the door and they were careful to not let me
trip on the tiny step.

"Were here" He sang, taking my blindfold off. I blinked a lot to adjust to the
sudden light and looked around. An empty, dark room? Really? All that fuss for
nothing... Definitely not impressed.

As soon as I decided to turn around and leave, the lights flickered on and 10 guys
jumped out with party poppers and crazy party hats. "Happy 21st" They all sang
together, some letting the party poppers go off for emphasis. My jaw dropped to the

The whole room was decorated in different colored paper, different colored balloons
were scattered all over the floor, and in one corner of the dorm room was dark with
a dance floor completed with a disco ball and a karaoke game. Everyone was even
dressed in a different color, including Kris, who was dressed in pink. I really
wanted to laugh, although I must say, he worked the color pretty well...

To put it frankly, it was amazing.

"Oh my gosh..." I whispered. "Am I dreaming?" Kai and Chanyeol chuckled at me.

"Nope" Baekhyun shouted, grinning from ear to ear. He took my hand and dragged me
to the table, where a cake sat with exactly 21 candles on the top. "Oh Channie,
didnt you and Kai buy a birthday dress for her? Go get her changed first" He said,
gesturing towards the big shopping bag I failed to notice. It looked really

"Yup." They chorused, and the next thing I knew, I was being whisked away into a
random room and shoved inside with the bag. I felt a little bit more comfortable
knowing that I picked the dress inside. We had gone dress shopping earlier and I
got to pick out the dress, although Kai and Chanyeol kept insisting on me wearing a
tight red playsuit that barely covered my ass.

Nope, I dont roll like that.

I took out the dress, which was a fushia dress that had lace over the solid color,
came down to the middle of my thighs and some ruffles on the bust area. There was a
thin black strap running around the waist, finishing off the look. Plus, I was
already wearing my heels, so it was perfect.

(A/N: I suck at describing things, so I hope the external link helps a little bit.
Outfit designed by moi ;) LE POOF)
I looked at the mirror and gasped. My sloppy frizzy french braid was transformed
into soft curls framing my face, my bangs brushed over to the side and a elegant
headpiece accenting the style. They werent joking when they said she was the best
hairdresser in Seoul. She did a really good job.

I shook the bag and something fell out of it with a heavy CLUNK. I picked up the
package and unwraped it, finding a pretty bangle set that matched my dress. A small
slip of paper was enclosed inside also. It read: Happy 21st birthday to our
favorite girl Although we barely even know you, we all appreciate what you have
done for us, especially Kris. Enjoy your birthday It only comes once a year __ Kai,
Chanyeol and the rest of EXO

I was touched. No one had done anything this nice for my birthday in a while,
although I felt really guilty spending their money. Ill have to find a way to pay
up to them somehow. Then I looked at my nails and my jaw dropped. They were in
every color of the rainbow, just like I wanted. I was grinning like an idiot
without realizing.

What other surprises were there? One more surprise and Im going to have a heart

I did a quick smokey eye and eyeliner and hesitantly walked down the hallway. Did I
look okay? What were they going to say when they see me? I shook my head to clear
out the questions rattling around in my brain and took a deep breath.

I entered the room and everyone turned to look at me. I immediately felt a bit
self-concious and looked down at the ground. I looked up and almost wanted to laugh
at everyones reaction.

All of their jaws were slacked, even Suho, who was usually the most composed out of
the group. Lay snapped out of his daze first and walked over to me. "To avoid this
situation from becoming even more awkward, how about we do a karaoke battle?" He
asked, dragging me over to the karaoke machine. Soon everyone else had calmed down
and walked over to where we were.

Kris came over and whispered quietly in my ear. "You look beautiful." I blushed and
he snickered. This guy... He really thought it was a game, didnt he?

"Lets sing this song" Luhan said, picking EXOs MAMA. "Noo, that wouldnt be fair to
Anna Why dont you pick?" Xiumin said, gesturing me to come pick the song. I picked
a random number and Brown Eyed Girls Abracadabra started to play. The guys groaned,
but were obliged to start singing.

We all had a blast. Chanyeol and D.O did the dance pretty well, although Baekhyun
looked really... strange while doing the dance. We made Kris do the dance, and
after 20 minutes of arguing, we finally got him to do the whole song, but with me
doing the singing parts.

He knew my flaws too well, dammit. I cant sing

"Good luck." He said, smirking at me. "Nah, I think youll need it more." I
countered, glaring at him. He said nothing. He knew it was true; Luhan and Lay
would probably loose respect for him for YEARS. I evily smirked at him.

And then he started to dance. He looked really clumsy with his long arms and legs.
By the time we were done with the song, half the room (including me) was a laughing
mess on the floor while the other half tried to comfort Kris, who was huddled in a
corner out of shame and embarrassment.

After a couple more songs, we decided to have some cake. It was a huge chocolate
sheet cake with strawberries and other fruits around the border, and it wasnt like
the cheap ones you can make yourself. It was a specially made one, probably made in
a bakery somewhere in Seoul. Dont ask me how I know, I just do, okay?

In dark chocolate frosting, it said HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY ANNA Simple and sweet. I
really liked it, and it tasted like HEAVEN. We took a bunch of pictures with the
cake, most of them being really silly. There was one with Chanyeol acting like he
was going to eat the whole cake and everyone else was shoving him away. It was
funnier than I was describing it, though.

After cake, we did some more karaoke and finally collapsed on the couches out of
exhaustion. Baekhyun, on the other hand, was running around all over the place,
burning off all the sugar in his system.

"Anna Its really late, do you want to stay over with us?" Luhan asked, turning to
me with a pleading look in his eyes. It was 10:56 PM already, but I promised Zariah
I would be home before 11:30 so I could go to bed. I pouted and looked at Luhan.

"I didnt bring a change of clothes though..." I mumbled, fiddling around with the
hem of my dress.

Lay looked at me, and he somehow knew what I was thinking. "Well tell Zariah that
youll be staying the night because we asked you to. You can borrow some of my
clothes." He said. I smiled up at him gratefully and he returned the gesture.

"Super Unicorn to the rescue" Baekhyun screamed, running around the messy room.
Someone had a bit TOO much sugar today...

Lay threw a dagger glare at the boy in response, but he was too busy bugging Sehun
and Luhan to care. Kris was too busy cleaning up the kitchen to notice what anyone
else was doing. I trotted over to him and started to sweep the floor.

"Its okay, Lijuan. I can clean it myself."

"I told you to not call me that."

"I like it though. It suits you." He snickered. I really want to smack this boy...

"Whatever. Im helping though, because Im going to spend the night." I said,

continuing to sweep the floor. Kris looked on for a while before deciding it would
be better to help. While he was wiping down the counters, he asked me something I
didnt really consider.

"So if youre staying here, where are you going to sleep?"

"I can just sleep on the couch." I said, putting the broom away.

"Or you can sleep with me. Ive been feeling a bit cold lately." Pervert.

"Say that again and I will castrate you." I growled, shooting him a glare. Who did
he think I was? Im not that easy to flatter, Mr. Wu YiFan.

"Anna Where are you?" Lays shy, gentle voice echoed. "Here" I said, running out of
the kitchen and jumping in front of him. He looked a bit frightened, but calmed
down when he saw it was me.

"Gosh, you scared me Here, I think these will be a bit big on you, because they are
MinSeoks. His was the closest size to you I could find. All of my clothes were a
bit big." He said, handing me dark sweatpants and a Mickey Mouse shirt.

He was scratching the back of his neck and shyly looking down at the floor.

"Aww, thanks, gege. I really appreciate it." I said, giving him a hug. He returned
it happily.

"Now hurry up and change. The boys want to watch a movie." He shooed me away. I
found the bathroom, which was thankfully empty, and quickly changed. Dang, Xiumin
was really tiny; his clothes fit me well, except I had to roll the sweatpants a
couple of times at the waist to keep them from falling off. I gently took out the
headpiece and kept the hairstyle, but tied my hair in a side ponytail.

I came out of the bathroom to find everyone changed into their pajamas and arguing
over what movie to watch. Lay was on the phone with someone, who I assumed was
Zariah. Baekhyun was still running around like a hyperactive squirrel, but he
apparently found enough time to change into his Star Wars PJs.

"Everyone be quiet Zariah is on speaker" Lay shouted, gesturing everyone to come

over. Xiumin and Tao stopped fighting over the movies and waddled over to the
phone. Even Baekhyun stopped running around to squeeze himself in between Chanyeol
and Sehun.

"Hey guys" Zariahs voice crackled over the phone. "Hi" We chorused, obviously not

"So how was your birthday, Anna? Pretty good, huh?"

"Wait, you knew about this too??"

"Im their manager. I know everything." The statement triggered a laughing fit among
everyone except me. I was a little upset. Suho patted my head and flashed a smile.

"So anyway, you wanted to stay the night, Anna?"

"Yeah. Its pretty late as it is, and the buses dont run at this time of night." I

"True. I guess your birthday present will have to wait till tomorrow." She said,
faking a sob.

"Aww, sorry, buddy. Ill make it up to you tomorrow." I pouted.

"Nah its okay. Have fun you guys. AND BE CAREFUL Did you lock the doors and shut
the curtains?"

"Yup." The 12 of them chorused.

"Alright then. See you tommorow then Dont be late" She sang before the call was
disconnected. We all looked at each other before D.O broke the silence. "So... what
movie are we watching?"

"Kung Fu Panda 2" Tao said.

"No We agreed on Paranormal Activity" Xiumin shouted, glowering at the panda.





"This is going to be a loong night." I mumbled.

"Agreed." Luhan said, facepalming himself.

SO? How was it? I hoped you guys liked reading this chapter as much as I liked
writing it. It was a bit of a process, because I saved all of my chapters up to
Chapter 15, and then Wattpad trolled me and I have to rewrite them T__T

On the side is what Anna looks like in my mind.

Life is just really sucky right now. In addition to exams, I have a MUN (Model
United Nations) thing going on Thursday. Im going to Ann Arbor for a couple days to
a UN Conference. The worst part?


I know, I sound really lazy and stingy, but debate just isnt for me. My mom wanted
me to do it, but I think Im kind of loosing myself through all of this crap instead
of finding myself. Plus, Im rooming with a but of snobby girls that like to
backstab me in particular. But Im kind of used to that by now; it has been
happening to me ever since 2nd grade.

Ive really wanted to try theater or something like that, but my mom is against it.
It seems like Wattpad is the only thing that is anchoring me to sanity right now.

Fuck my life.

SORRY. I just bogged you down with all that sentimentality. I dont think you had to
read all of that xD

But VOTE. COMMENT. FAN. Saranghae

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 12: Another Dilemma *** (4 pages)

=Xiumin P.O.V=

"Min Seok..." A voice echoed through my dreamland.

"Steamed buns..." I muttered, flopping my body around to avoid the person (or
thing) talking to me. I was too busy fighting a war with lollipops to care right

"Min Seok ge, you need to wake up now..." The feminine voice said, a little bit
louder. It seemed really familiar, but why cant I recognize it?

up into a sitting position and immediately squinting at the bright lights. I rubbed
my eyes and blinked. The blurs became images as I registered where I was.

Oh yeah, I was sleeping on the floor. I must have fallen asleep watching Kung Fu
Panda 2. Tao finally convinced me to watch it AGAIN last night for the hundredth
and first time. Anna was sitting next to me, an astonished look on her face.

"Im speechless. Just speechless." Anna said, looking at me as if I had lost my


Lay emerged from the bathroom, brushing his teeth. "Sorry you had to hear that. He
does that every time we watch Kung Fu Panda. Just ignore it for the time being."

"Ignore what for the time being?" I heard Suhos groggy morning voice. "Oh yeah.
That." He finally remembered, walking away.

"Nah, its okay. Zariah talks in Hindi when she sleeps, so I have NO idea what she
is saying..." Anna said, getting up from my bedside and walking towards the

"Wait, are you not going to brush your teeth? Thats gross" I said, getting up from
the uncomfortable floor. My butt is so sore...

"I got up before all you lazy bums did, so Im making breakfast." She said, pointing
to the kitchen table. My jaw dropped.

There was literally a buffet of different foods, like fruit, eggs, rice, veggie
stir fry, ddobukki, and kimchi. Im going to become fat from all this stuff... But
then my jaw dropped even further. Was it too good to be true? THERE WERE STEAMED
BUNS ALSO. I was bouncing around with happiness.

"HEY GUYS, CHOWS UP" Anna shouted, carrying a steaming pot of soup and setting it
in the middle of the table. "Xiumin ge, stop drooling over the food and go wash up.
Ill save some for you." She said, shooing me away.

I quickly ran into the bathroom and washed up. I was too excited for today.
Outside, there was a commotion of the members trying to get to the breakfast table
first. It sounded like someone unleashed a herd of elephants in the dorm room.
I then ran back to the dining area where everyone was eating and squeezed in
between Kris and Lay. Grabbing a bowl and chopsticks, I started to fill up my bowl
with the delicious food when the doorbell rang. "Ill get it" D.O said, running
towards the door and opening it.

There was loud thuds of footsteps going through the kitchen and all of a sudden,
two men in black tuxedos, ear pieces and dark glasses entered the room. They looked
like those secret agents you saw in spy movies. Kyungsoo trailed behind them, pale
with fear.

What the hell was going on? I felt Kris ball his fists in anger and spite under the
table. Lay looked expressionless, but he knew what was going on. His jaw was
clenched in anger and frustration.

"Is there a person by the name of Annalise Luo in here?" One guy asked, surveying
the room. Anna slowly stood up, an unreadable expression painted across her face.
However, she looked really pale and her knees were slightly shaking.

She glanced at everyone at the table. When her eyes landed on me, I gave her a
thumbs up and a slightly encouraging smile. She returned it with a slight smile of
her own.

The two men walked over to her and escorted her outside. The door slammed shut and
everyone sat frozen in fear and apprehension.

There were muffled voices behind the door, and no one dared to make a peep. Even
Baekhyun, who was usually the loudest one of all, was morbidly quiet. The
atmosphere was tense and so thick that I could cut it with a butter knife.

After what had seemed like hours, the door reopened and Anna walked back in, sat
down and started to eat as if nothing had happened. She looked at our dazed
expressions and shook her head.

"Chill your bones, guys. It was just a misunderstanding of some sort." She said
calmly, eating her rice. It was then I noticed that there was a strange looking
bracelet on her wrist. "Whats that?" I asked her, pointing to the black thing
encircling her wrist. Was it a shock device?

"Its a tracker I have to wear 24/7. Apparently Lee-songsangnim requested them to

put the tracker on me for some odd reason." She mumbled, fiddling around with the
tracker on her wrist. It mustve been really uncomfortable, because her face
contorted with pain.

"By any chance, do you have to wear that because we busted you out of that
Plexiglas barrier the other day?" Tao asked softly, although his face said
"I guess so. They never gave me a reason for it." She pouted. "This thing is so
uncomfortable, though. Why do I deserve this?" She whispered the last part to

Suho patted her head. "Aww... dont wory about it, its probably just some kind of
stunt or something." He said, nodding his head convincingly.

I dont think he was very convinced himself...

=Tao P.O.V=

I looked at the tracking bracelet around her wrist and felt guilty. Maybe I
shouldnt have done that. Now I got Anna into more trouble than she deserves.

No one was as hungry as they were before the little chaotic event, so they quietly
finished their meals and left to go get ready for the training session.

Anna seemed to notice my guilt pretty quickly though, because she came up to me
after breakfast and hugged me. "Dont feel guilty, Tao. Im glad you got me out of
there. Or I would be spending my birthday in a musty closet." She said with a goofy

That made me laugh. "Okay, mei-mei, if you say so. Do you want me to help you clean

"An extra hand would be nice, thanks Tao" She said cheerfully, gathering all the
dirty bowls and chopsticks and carrying them to the sink.

It amazed me how she could still be so cheerful after everything that had happened
to her the past couple of weeks. I wouldve been loosing my mind. I admired her for
not loosing her sanity.

"How were you so calm and quiet when you saw two guards looking like secret agents?
I wouldve passed out on the spot from fear" I told her, wiping down the table.

She shrugged. "I dont know. I guess I felt like I didnt do anything wrong, so why
worry about it? Plus, I was actually kind of excited, as crazy as it sounds." Anna
replied, giggling.

"Why would you be excited about getting a tracking device on your wrist?"

"Cause that kind of stuff only happens in movies" She said, pouting. "Ive always
wanted to know what it felt like. Now I kind of do, but Im glad its not under
different circumstances." She said, washing and drying the dishes. Anna looked at
the clock on the kitchen wall and gasped.
"Oh You guys better go now. Im going to leave; I have to get changed, too" She
said, grabbing her things from Xiumins room and stuffing them into the paper bag.
She slipped on her shoes, said goodbye to everyone, and walked out the door into
the sunshine.

We agreed to meet up at the SM building for training in about half-an-hour. Kris

walked out of the bathroom in his sweats and looked around. "Where did Anna go?"

"She had to leave for her house because she needed to change still." I said,
walking towards my room. I wanted to clean up a bit before I got changed, even
though I knew that I would be getting all sweaty later. However, I wasnt worried
abou that the most.

I was worried she would make it home safely.

=Zariah P.O.V=

I paced back and forth across the living room, anxious as to why she wasnt home
yet. She promised she would be here soon I thought, frustrated and apprehensive.
Then I started to think about the worst case scenario.

What if she got hit by a car? Kidnapped in a crowded place? Killed by a hitman?
Argh, I should stop this now.

On cue, the door opened to a very tired and weary Anna, with a new black bracelet
on her wrist. I assumed it was a birthday present.

"Nice birthday present." I snickered, teasing her. She didnt return the banter back
ike she usually did, though.

"I know, right? From the Secret Service of South Korea." She mumbled sarcastically,
collapsing on the couch. She seemed to have a pretty rough day, and it was only 1
oclock in the afternoon. She looked pale and worn-out, like she ran a Marathon.

"Secret Service?" I said. Thats strange. Why would the Secret Service want her for?

"Yeah, they thought there was something wrong with my visa, when there really
wasnt. Even the president authorized it before I came here. I dont know." She said,
rubbing her temple. I ran to the cupboard, got her some Aspirin, and handed it to
her with a glass of water.

"Thanks." She said hoarsely, chugging the water down. "God, I hate my life right
now." She groaned, sprawled across the couch. "Dont you need to go train today?" I
reminded her.

"Yeah, what time is it?"

"Its almost 1:30"

Her eyes popped out of her head as she shot off the couch and sprinted to her room.
"Tell me what happened later. Well be going somewhere special after you come back
from training." I called after her as she threw on her dancing shoes and closed the
door behind her.

Sighing, I trudged over to the computer and turned it on. While I waited for it to
reboot, I made some ramen, since I hadnt eaten anything since breakfast. When it
was done, I shuffled over to the computer and plopped down in front of it.

I logged into and checked the recent news for today. An article caught
my eye. Kris Mystery Girl?

Suddenly interested, I clicked on the article. A picture popped up. Kris, clearly
in disguise, and Anna, with a scarf around her mouth and a cap covering her face.

=Anna P.O.V=


Fuck my life.

This stupid tracker has been beeping the whole hour and a half we were practicing
for the showcase in a couple of days. Why was it beeping? I swear, the beeping has
been driving me crazy. I was so ready to smash it into a wall.

"Anna, why is that thing beeping like that?" Luhan whined, clapping his hands over
his ears. He looked like he was loosing his mind. Not that I blame him. Even Kris,
who was usually calm, looked like he wanted to shoot someone.

"Thats why I really want to smash it into a wall." I said, trying to rip it off my
wrist out of desperation. I gave out a frustrated sigh and sat down in a corner. I
really wanted to cry right now.

A head popped into the training room. "Why is there a loud beeping noise coming
from your room?" Yunho asked.


"You do realize there is a way to disable the tracker noise, right?" He said,
pointing to the traking device. He walked over to me and plopped down next to me.
"There is?" I said, admiration in my eyes. PLEASE GET IT OFF

"Dont look at me like that I dont know how to do it"

"I dont like you anymore, hyung." I pouted. I started to play with the hem of my
white baggy tank top that had a fancy cross on it.

"Why do you keep calling everyone hyung? You should be calling everyone oppa" Yunho
said incredulously. Changmin had come inside at this point to talk to the other

"Cutesy doesnt suit me. I vow to never do aegyo unless it is absolutely necessary."
I said, playing around with my sloppy side ponytail. He pinched my cheeks and

"Youre already cute as it is" He said, grinning like a kid.

"PFFTT. Please." I said, waving away the compliment. I was never really a person
for flattery and compliments.

"Oh Speaking of tracking devices, Changmin knows how to disable them." Yunho said.
"Yo, Changmin"

"Yeah, hyung?"

"You can disable this tracker right?"

"Um, yeah But it might take a while. Can you take it off?" He asked, looking at my
wrist. "Its a FBI tracker, you cant take it off..." I said, looking at him. He
looked back at me witha mischevious smirk. Oh boy...

"Every tracker hasa method to removing them." He said, taking my arm and looking at
the tracker. "I need a screwdriver, though."

"There arent any screwdrivers lying around, plus, the nearest supply is near the
Presidents office. Were going to get caught" I said, exasperated. This thing was
beeping like crazy. I wanted to remove this desperately.

Changmin thought for a little bit. He then turned to Yunho. "Hyung, do we have a
schedule today?"

Yunho shook his head. "Nope, no schedule today." He turned to me. "Well come over
to your dorm room with some equipment. Well take it off at your dorm."
"Will Zariah be okay with it, though?" I said; I mean, she was a top adviser for
President-nim, for crying out loud

"She hates this plan as much as you do; and knowing her, she might throw you out of
the house because of all that beeping." Lay said, plopping down next to me. This
unicorn and his ways of eavesdropping. I need to watch my back.

I took a deep breath and look at them. "So, when are you going to come over?"

Hehehehehehehee, I really like this chapter. I dont know why though. I have Exams
for the rest of the week. But I have half-days for the rest of the week, so I can
give you more updates YAY

Dedicated this to the best fan EVER Love you Tabby 3

So VOTE COMMENT FAN Love you all You guys are amazing Cant ask for better fans than
you guys

Nausheen 3


*** Chapter 13: Fooling the Agents *** (4 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

Changmin and Yunhocame around 6 PM, after everyone was dismissed from the SM
training halls for cleaning. I was completely and utterly miserable when I got
home. I wasnt able to do anything because the tracker would shock me. How did I

I was getting a glass of water and the tracker tazed me when it got a little bit of
water on it.

So now I was sitting on the couch all sweaty, sleepy, thirsty and about to shoot
someone when my savior (Changmin) burst through the door in rather... interesting

He was wearing a gas mask and those protective suits people wear when they clean up
toxic waste. Really Changmin? Its just a spastic tracker. It wont leak anything
acid or anything...
"This is so heavy to carry around..." Yunho whined, trailing along behind him
dragging a large suitcase looking bag. I was guessing that was for the tracker?
Zariah blinked at the commotion that was going on in our living room, and then ran
over to tackle Changmin.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Youre the SAVIOR" She shouted, finally processing
the situation. Changmin grimaced at the sudden volume, but he bowed a little before
mumbling a greeting. "Hey Anna." He said, approaching me with a grin.

"Hey, Max." I said, pouting. The beeping wasnt as annoying anymore, although I will
be much more thankful if it had stopped. "Whats up with all that gear?"

"Better safe than sorry. Plus I want to save this face for a lucky lady." He said,
wearing a cocky smile. This guy andKris get along pretty well."And you somehow
forget that the leader is much more handsome than you are..." I heard Yunho mumble,
but Changmin ignored it.

"So, not to be a bitch or anything, but where do you start?" I asked, choosing to
ignore the scary-looking thing he had on. I silently pointed at the tracker to get
the boys back on track. HA See what I did there?

"Well, I was planning just to take out the chip to the tracker and attach it on to
something else. Although you might still have it on, the plus side is that there
wont be that annoying beeping sound you have been putting up with for the whole
day." He said, motioning over to Yunho, who handed him a drill-looking thing. I was
honestly kind of scared right now...

"You do know what you are doing, right?" I said, my voice a bit shaky as he started
to screw off the top. He looked like he was demolishing it.

"Youre talking to a guy that disables secret cameras and toys around with
computers. I know what Im doing" He said confidently.

While he was working on the tracker on my wrist, I spent my time reading magazines
and talking toYunho to pass the time. We were having strange conversations; who
knew that Yunho was a genius when it came to cooking?

After what had seemed like an hour, the beeping noise stopped. I turned to see the
tracker on my hand intact, but Changmin was now holding the chip with a victorious
smile. "All done" He chirped.

"Yay" I cheered. I gathered Yunho and Changmin into a hug, although it was kind of
hard for me to do that with all of that stupid gear on him.

"Hey, Yunho-hyung, did you get that toy car that we bought the other day?" He
asked, turning to Yunho.
"Oh, yeah, here." He said, chucking the unopened package at Changmin. He caught it
with one hand and ripped the box open. Inside, there was a sleek, shiny red
convertible toy car with a remote control. I was grinning evilly inside.

I knew what they were going to do.

"Give me some tape and wire." He said, motioning to Yunho. He gave him a roll of
transparent duct tape and copper wire. I heard the door open and close, and the
next thing I knew, Kris was standing by the door. I groaned.

"Missed me?" He smirked. This guy...

"Why are you here?" I said coldly, glaring at him. Yunho and Changmin unconciously
started to back away from the scene. "Luhan told me where you were, but I didnt
know DBSK was in your room too." He said casually, brushing off the glare as if it
were nothing.

Screw you Luhan. I hope your telekenesis picked that up; I wont be talking to you
for a couple days.

"So, did you miss me?"

"Missed me my ass. I would rather jump out the window." I snapped. Just then Yunho

"OKAY Changmin and I are going to go now. We will keep this car here, and bring it
with you in your training bag tomorrow, arasso?" He said nervously, looking at
Changmin. Changmin seemed to take the hint, because they both started to shuffle
out the door with their equipment.

"Aww Why dont you wait here for a while?" I whined, looking at Yunho with puppy
eyes. He chuckled.

"Sorry, dongsaeng, but the vibes around here made me a bit uncomfortable as soon as
Kris walked through the door." He whispered, ruffling my hair. Changmin was waiting
outside, and he gave me lopsided grin and a thumbs-up. "See you guys tomorrow"

"Bye" I shouted after them, and closed the door. I whirled around and glared at
Kris. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just checking on you, but you were apparently having too much fun with the
DBSK hyungs." He said. Was that jealousy I heard?

My mouth dropped. "Having FUN? THEY WERE FIXING MY TRACKER, YOU IDIOT" I screamed,
shooting daggers out of my eyes.
Kris fell silent and the jealousy was replaced with embarrassment. "Oh. Luhan
forgot that tiny detail." He mumbled, his face turning a slight tinge of pink.

"More like big detail How can you just assume that??" I said, my voice becoming
abnormally high. My normal voice had become as high as a squirrel on crack.

Kris fell silent as he tried to make up an excuse. "Because Lay was wondering where
you were. You left so abruptly that we couldnt ask you." He blurted out.

=Kris P.O.V=

I mentally facepalmed myself. That had to be the single worst excuse that I ever
made in my whole life. I wanted to say something else.

But once again, I shot before I aimed. I wanted to say Because I really care about
you, and I love you more than anything.

Nope. What I had said was nowhere near close to what I wanted to say. Stupid me.

Anna didnt seem to catch that, though. All of a sudden, Zariah popped out of
nowhere like a prairie dog. "Hey Anna, do you want to go to the spa today?" Then
she saw me.

"Oh hi, Kris. What are you doing here?" She added (in English)with a warm smile.
What a contrast to what I was greeted with at first. This is starting to scare me a
little bit.

"Just checking on Anna because the other members were too lazy to get up and text."
I said, using the same excuse. YOU ARE SO STOOPID.

"Ahh, I see. Do you want anything to drinkor anything?"

"No thanks, Im about to leave anyways." I said, making my way towards the door.

"You sure?"


"Well, then I will see you tomorrow Good night, and get home safely, arasso?" She
said as she left the hallway towards her room.

"Mhm.." I mumbled, slipping on my shoes and walking out the door. "Wait" Anna
called after me. I turned around and looked at her dead on. She seemed to fidget
under my gaze.

"Look, if you want to say sorry, just dont. Im cool with it, just dont do it again.
I dont mean to do that sometimes." And with that, I turned back around and walked
out of the apartment building.

=Anna P.O.V=

When I closed the door, I thought about what Kris had just said. ...if you want to
say sorry, just dont.

So did he not want me to forgive him? Oh, whatever, Ill just think about this
later. All of a sudden I heard loud footsteps echo through the hallway. "Explain"
Zari hollered, throwing a piece of paper at my face. I grabbed it and looked at the

Kris Mystery Girl?


"Where the hell did they get this?" I asked her, pointing to the picture of Kris
and I.

"I dont know, you tell me. You were the one there. I told you guys specifically not
to go outside Now look Its making it even worse" Zariah said.

All of a sudden, I had an epiphany. Being kidnapped and knocked out. The date. My
birthday. The Secret Service putting the tracker on the day after. It all clicked.
It made complete sense

"You know how President-nim said he was doing this for publicity?" I said, looking
at the tracker. Zari nodded her head. "Yeah? What are you getting at?" Trust Zariah
to always cut to the chase.

I looked at Zariahs dark hazel eyes. "The tracker is for the papparazzitrying to
locate me." I said firmly.

She looked confused. "So how does that clear up anything?"

"So you know how I was eavesdropping and they knocked me out? They probably put a
tracking device while I was knocked out. And then they planned to let the EXO
members bust me out and have that little date so Kris can gain bad publicity. Ever
since then, there were sneaky people trying to get pictures of me The company is
trying to make me get bad publicity before debut so Hee Jin can debut in my place"
I said, my voice escalating in excitement. Zariah fell silent for a while to digest
all thet information and looked at me.

"So what are you going to do now? I mean, I cant back off on this plan. Half of the
board voted against me when I said the plan was a bad idea." Zariah said slowly,a
look of fear and apprehension in her eyes.

I looked towards the car with the chip inside it. "That." I said simply, pointing
to the car. Zariah looked confused. "Okay? So whats so special about that toy car?"

"Have you noticed anything?"

"Ummm... the beeping stopped?" She said, and then her eyes widened in realization.
"No. Way."

"Yes way That car has the tracking chip inside it. Changmin wants me to take that
car to training tomorrow and he will be playing around with it." I said with an
evil grin onmy face.

"God, I love you so much, Anna. But how will this make the President stop doing
that to you?" Huh. Thatwasa pretty good point.

"I dont really know." I said, my head hung down in defeat. Zariah came over and
patted my head.

"Lets not worry about that now. We have some pampering to do"

The next day...

=Kris P.O.V=

"You didnt tell her?" The guys chorused, some looking like they wanted to punch a
wall. This is what I get for my stupidity.

"No, you guys I was just so choked up on seeing the DBSK hyungs at her house that I
forgot I wanted to say it" I said defensively. It was true. I never thought that
DBSK was THAT fond of her. Sure, she was adorable and had an amiable personality,
but I didnt realize that I would have rivals.

And there I go again, babbling like an idiot.

"You mean Luhan didnt tell you?" Xiumin asked, glaring at the cheeky 23-year old.
"I wanted him to see for himself, Baozi. I didnt know he was going to react like
that." Luhan said simply, ignoring the glare and checking his nails.

"Morning, guys" Anna sang, skipping into the training room. She then noticed that
all the guys were looking at her. "What? Did I do something?"

"No, Kris wanted to mrfgrfmemfr." I cut off Luhan by clapping my hand over his
mouth. Is that stupid deer trying to set me up?

Anna had a adorable confused look on her face. "Ohkay..." She said slowly before
taking out a medium sized pakaging box out of her bag.

"Whats that?" D.O asked, getting up and examining it.

"Its a toy car. Changmin wanted me to bring it today." On cue, Changmin busted
through the door and started to catwalk. "Hyuunngg" Kai whined, burying his face in
his hands. Changmin was his mentor when he first came to SM, and they grew really
close. They were like brothers, always doing stuff together. Changmin was the
immature older brother, while Kai was the serious younger brother.

It was pretty funny.

Anna giggled. "Max, you are way too funny."

"Morning, everyone How are you guys?" He said happily, getting sleepy grumbles in
response. Even Chanyeol, who was usually rather hyper, was whipped from the
constant training. After all, it was 4 in the morning. No one gets up at this hour.

"So did you get the car?" He asked eagerly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Anna
nodded and handed him the package.

"This is going to be so much fun" He squealed, taking the package and running out
the door.

"Sometimes I wonder if hes gay..." I mumbled. Anna heard me and looked at me with a
Really? look on her face.

"Just because hes happier than you are doesnt mean that he is gay." She said
bluntly. "Why you little--"

"MEI MEI" Tao shouted, tackling Anna. She happily hugged him back and they walked
away, arms linked. This girl...

"Hyung, maybe you should treat her better." Sehun whispered, plopping down next to
me. He was sucking on yet ANOTHER lollipop. Luhan probably gave it to him.

Hes going to have a bunch of cavities at this rate.

=Changmin P.O.V=

"You sure this is going to work?" Yunho asked as he peeked out behind the curtains.
There were about 5 FBI vans waiting outside, probably for Anna. Why the hell were
they here? Not like the black vans were conspicuous enough. The papparazzi were
here too.

President-nim was really set on her not debuting.

"It should work. Just stalling them to make the President think about his actions."

"You do realize this might get us kicked out of SM, right?"

"You do realize that if that happens, we can always join JYJ, right?" I countered.
Yunho blushed a beet red and looked down at the floor. Hes liked Jaejoong for a
long time, but he never really admitted it.

Plus, if we become DBSK again, our fandom wont be divded anymore. It broke my heart
seeing myCassies being divided like this.

"True, true. So is everything working now?" He asked, crouching down next to me and
watching me work.

I tweaked the GPS system on the remote controls and on the chip. It beeped, and I
nodded. "Its ready." I looked at Yunho and he nodded back with an evil grin on his

We walked down to the lobby completely fine. The staff thought we were doing a
prank video on one of the other trainees, and we passed them fairly easily. When we
got to the reception desk, we hid behind the large pillar and looked out the main

"There arent that many agents out there..." I said quietly. I gently placed the car
on the ground and turned it on. It hummed to life and after a few test drives, it
was good to go. I carefully manuevered it outside on the steps. It was a good
brand, so it didnt do much when it came to noise.

As expected, the agents left their post a few minutes later to chase down Anna (who
was actually inside training)

This is pretty refreshing. I havent done this in a long time. I was enjoying myself
when a deep, authorative voice called us.

"What in the world are you two doing?"

OHH SNAPS They got caught But by who? I guess youll have to wait till the next
chapter kekekekeke :D

So yeah, thats all I have to say for now. Im writing up the ending and epilogue of
the story now. I dont know if I should make the ending happy or angsty. Dont know

I was listening to VIXXs new comeback single On and On; SO FLIPPING AMAZING Its on
the multimedia section if you are interested ;)

SO. You guys know the drill. Saranghaeyo

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 14: Here Comes Trouble! *** (3 pages)

=Lay P.O.V=

"Good job guys I think we are ready for this showcase" Anna cheered. It was 9 AM
right now, and we had been practicing for five straight hours.

Never in my life have I ever felt this exhausted.

We all grumbled in response and collapsed onto the floor. Anna looked a bit
worried. "Whats wrong with you guys?"

"We are soo tired, dongsaeng" Sehun whined with his strong lisp, resting his head
on her shoulder and almost immediately fell asleep. Anna absentmindedly started to
pat his hair, and a smallsmile played on his lips. He was too cute.

"Sometimes, its hard for me to say that you all look and actlike 20-year olds." She
said, giggling.

"I could say the same thing for you, mei-mei" I sang, and everyone laughed as her
face turned into a cherry red. "Come on, you guys" She whined, pouting.

"He was complimenting you" Chen said, pinching her cheeks and laughing his dorky
innocent laugh. I turned to look at Kris, and he looked... normal. He was laughing
along with the rest of us, talking to Chanyeol and Xiumin, being a normal guy.
Except he looked a little... tense?

What was he tense for? Was it because Anna was showing sisterly affection for the
other guys? Probably.

He couldnt tell the difference between relationship love and family love even if it
hit him with a cricket bat.Duizhang was pretty dense when it came to his feelings.
I guess thats why he became a casanova.

This is stupid. Why am I answering my own questions? Oh yeah, I wasnt saying them
aloud. Haha.

"Yixing-ge? Are you alright?" Anna whispered to me in Chinese. She hada worried
look on her face, but she hadnt stopped patting Sehuns hair. He looked like a
sleeping puppy.

"Oh? Yeah, Im okay. Why?"

"You looked like you were solving the cure for cancer when you werent talking." She
said with a small giggle. I smiled shyly.

"Oh, sorry. I think abouta lot of things nowadays." I said sheepishly, scratching
the back of my head. Anna nodded understandingly and smiled a genuine smile. It
wasnt a mere curve of her lips, but it lit up her whole face.

In other words, she was literally glowing. "Thats okay. We think about a lot of
things. Its normal." She said quietly, patting my hair gently and shifting her
position so Sehuns head was resting on her lap.

"Sehun-hyung, you need to wakey-wakey..." She said, brushing the bangs out of his
eyes and gently shaking his shoulders. He groaned and sat up, rubbing the sleep out
of his eyes. "Wha..?"

"Were getting ready to go back to the dorms to rest. You all are coming along. I
need to sleep, like, NOW." She said, and we all laughed. She was like Kris. All she
ever did during her free time is sleep and play video games.

Not like we didnt do that with our free time nowdays.

"Alright, alright, lets go. Im already feeling my legs give out under me." Chanyeol
whined, suddenly regaining some of his energy.

"Lets go" She sang, skipping down the hallway. She left us all in the dust,
dragging our feet along the cold marble floor. Anna turned around and put a hand on
her hips. "Come on You guys are so SLOW" She said teasingly, sticking her tongue
"We are oh so sorry that we arent as refreshed as youare when we dance for 5
straight hours" Baekhyun said, too tired to snap at anyone.

As were were trudging towards the elevator, we were stopped by the President
himself along with his executives, Zariah being one of them. The look in her eyes
told me the following onslaught wasnt going to be pretty.

"All of you. In my office. Now." He said firmly, his face a beet red and his hands
in tight fists. He looked like he was hyperventilating, and I didnt want to mess
with this guy when he was angry. He already looked like he was about to fall off
into a pit of insanity.

We all looked at each other with fear. Who knows what the President might do to us?

=Zariah P.O.V=

"WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOUR HEADS?" The President screamed for the fifth time,
banging his fist against his mahogany table. Ijumped every time he did that.

I never saw himso angrybefore.


But that is what you are. Thats why you guys are the relentless subject of
lawsuits. I wanted to say. But Annas warning gaze made me shut up before I said

The President wiped the sweat from his brow and took a sip of water. "DBSK, youve
been with the company for over eight years now? What has made you do this?" He said
quietly, gazing threateninglyin Changmin and Yunhos direction. They started to
squirm around in their seats.

They looked like a bunch of worm-bait in a fishing pail.

(A/N: Pail, Bucket, whatever floats your boat. I dont really know, I just like
calling it a fishing pail shrugs LE POOF)

"W-well..." Yunho started, but he looked as pale as a ghost, and wasnt able to
finish his sentence under his threatening gaze.

"It was me; I planned it." I heard someone say. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw
Kris standing up. He had a look of determination and fearlessness in his face. My
jaw dropped. I never saw Kris stand up for anyone other than his band-mates.
"Oh? Why did you do it?" The President turned to him with a hard stare to break
down his integrity, but he kept his gaze steady and level.

That is a bucket load of courage to stand up to the President like that.

After what had seemed like hours of silence, President Lee sighed and dismissed
everyone except Kris with a wave of his hand. We all stormed out the door and
waited outside the office.

No one made a single sound.

=Kris P.O.V=

"Well? What was your reason, son?" He said severely.

"I dont like this publicity stunt you are giving to me and Anna. We are already on
a bunch of sites already, and Im already dubbed as The Casanova for EXO as a whole.
Isnt there a better way of preparing this girl group? Other than making it bad for
Anna?" I said angrily.

He sat back in his chair and thought for a moment. "Do you know the reason why I
hired you for SM, YiFan-ssi?"He said in a hushed tone.

"Yes sir."

"And are you going to back down on your dream or not?"


"Then deal with it."


"NO BUTS After the showcase concert next week, you all will be on hiatus for six
months to think about yourselves. Now leave." He said, turning his back on me. I
balled up my fists in anger and stormed out of the room. I made sure to slam the
door on my way out.

The posse all looked at me expectantly to recieve some sort of good news. "We will
be able to perform for the showcase next week, but we wont be doing anything but
hard training for six months." I said, glowering at the floor.

Anna looked at me with pity, but I glared back at her. Why did she have to be in my
life? All she ever did was make it worse for me.

�Kris...� She said, touching my arm gently. I shurgged it off.

�Dont talk to me.� I growled, giving her the cold shoulder and walking away towards
the elevator. As I did so, I felt a pang in my chest. This feeling was new to me.
Why did I feel this way around Anna?

I swear, I think there is something about her that is attracting me to her.

Something that I never felt before.


"Lijuan Are you okay? Youre crying" Lay said, wiping my tears away. I dabbed at my
eyes, and sure enough, they were damp with unshed tears.

Him treating me like this opened up a whole new box of memories. Ones that I hoped
that I would forget coming here and fulfilling my dream.

"I-Im fine, guys. No w-worries..." I said, giving them my shaky smile. That didnt
sound very convincing.

"Come on, lets just forget about Kris for today We can go clubbing" Kai said,
throwing his hands up in the air. "KAI" Everyone screeched, obviously not agreeing
with Kaisidea.

"Idont think thats a bad idea..." I said meekly, lifting up a finger. Kris treating
me like that just now made me revert back to my old awkward self. Someone I didnt
want to see in the mirror.

"SEE?? Finally someone who agrees with me" Kai shouted, marching over and throwing
an arm around my shoulder casually.

"Alright fine, we can all go clubbing tonight. But no funny business, Kai. Arasso?"
She said, shooting Kai a look.

"Hey Why does everyone pick on me all the time?" He shouted. We all started to
laugh, including me.

Clubbing tonight doesnt sound like a bad idea.

OOHH A nightlife chapter coming up next. Planning on making it chock-full of
KrisxAnna moments.

Speaking of KrisxAnna...

What do you think the pairing name should be? I have absolutely no ideas. xD

And Im planning on making a love triangle. Dont know who with, yet _____

Thank you all for reading and putting up with my indecisiveness over the past
couple of months. Means a lot of me. :)

If you were wondering if the chapter name was a reference to a SNSD song, you are
right Ive been listening to I Got a Boy too much... T__T


3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 15: Clubbing and Confessions *** (2 pages)

A/N This is going to be one heck of a long chapter, and I have a really busy week.
So I decided to split it into two parts. Just warning you LE POOF

=Zariah P.O.V=

"ANNA ARE YOU READY YET?" I hollered down the hallway towards her room. "NO" She
yelled back, obviously frantically searching for something.

And then she tells me that I take forever to get ready.

"Hey, Zariah, you look hot tonight. Wanna dance till the dawn?" Kai asked me,
wrapping an arm around my waist casually and winking at me. It took all of my self
control not to smack this boy across the face. But I had to admit, he was pretty
good looking in person.

"No. Because first, I am your manager; second, I will be you guys driver in case
you guys get piss drunk; third, I absolutely despise playboys. Sorry." I said
sourly, giving him the cold shoulder.
"Ouch, that hurt, Zariah I know Im older than you, but shouldnt you treat your
elders with respect?" He said, staggering back and placinga hand over his heart.

"Do you want to hear whats on my mind right now?"


"Thought so." The other boys snickered. Kris wasnt with us because he was too busy
moping around in his room. Suho had tried to persuade him, but it all was in vain
in the end.

Suho was probably the most irritated when he came out of their dorm room no less
than a half hour ago. Now he was chatting amiably with Lay and Luhan.

These guys are so wierd...

"Im done" Anna sang, walking into the room. Everyone stopped talking and all eyes
were on her. She looked a bit uncomfortable and shuffled her weight from side to
side. "What is up with you guys and staring at people?"

"Its not people in general we stare at, its YOU. Plus, we are only staring because
you are just so fucking gorgeous right now. You look like you could be going to a
red carpet event, not a club." I said, looking at her.

She had a peach short dress with black trimmings and a skinny black belt around the
waist. She had nude heels that had a bow in the front. Her hair was parted in the
middle, her fringe flat-ironed to frame her face.

She was just grogeous. I looked down at myself and wondered if I wore a bit too

"Zari, you look amazing too. I wish I had your skin tone. Then I can work any
color" She said, grinning. I smiled back. We didnt realize the boys were inthe room
until Kai cleared his throat.

"Umm... Are you all ready?" He mumbled, looking down at the ground. Where the heck
did his cocky arrogance go?

"Andthe Dancing Machines cocky arrogance is flushed down the toilet." I said in a
mock announcers tone. Kai glared at me while Chen whipped his head around and
looked up. "You mean me, right?"

"Sure?" I said shrugging, although itwas clear that he wasnt paying attention at
all tohis surroundings.
"Last one to the car is rotten kimchi" Chanyeol screamed, running out the doorway.
We all looked a each other. Soon, everyone else was running like madmen towards the
van that was waiting for us inside the parking garage.

"You guys, wait up I have heels" Anna complained, walking along with the support
from the wall.

"Then take them off." I said, showing her my shoes that I took off earlier. Sehun
and Luhan zoomed past us and I looked at her.

"If you dont take those off in five seconds I will leave you behind." I said with a
straight face. Anna scrambled to take off her heels and we both sprinted to the
black van just before Xiumin and D.O. We cheered and shared high-fives with each

Xiumin had the cutest sad face on, so I walked up to him and hugged him. His frown
almost immediately turned into a smile and it just lit up his whole face.

He was just too adorable. I pinched his cheeks and us three walked back together
hand in hand. Kai had a jealous look on his face. What the heck?

=Kris P.O.V=

I was watching Strong Heart reruns again for the second time this week. I yawned
and stretched my arms over my head.

This is a pathetic way of spending my time.

Suho wanted me to go to the club with them, but I refused. There was already a lot
of publicity about me and I frankly didnt want to confront Anna after what had
happened today.

I felt bad after giving her the cold shoulder. She didnt deserve it at all.

Eh, whatever, I needed to eat something before I went to bed. I made myself a bowl
of instant ramen and carried it back to the living room. Apparently now it was
Exploration of the Human Body reruns from when the Suju hyungs were on that show. I
remembered their laughing gas experiment and chuckled to myself.

That was a wierd show.

I turned the TV off and hopped onto my laptop. I connected to the dorminternet and
checked into Twitter. I looked up the picture that was in the article President Lee
showed me. The comments were all hate comments geared towards someone named Lee
Wait, what?

I quickly logged into and searched Lee JaeHwa. Apparently she was a
model in training from YG Entertainment and she hadnt had a HUGE scandal till now.
She lookeda LOT like Anna.

Now I know where the misunderstandng came from.

I started to dial Zariahs number to tell her about the situation, but then I
remembered that she was in the club with everyone else. scrolled through the
contacts till I reached the Presidents number. My thumb hovered over the green call
button, but I gave up and put my phone back into its charger.

I started getting ready for bed when my phone started to ring. I checked the caller
ID. Baekhyun? Why was he calling?


"Kris, did Anna happen to go back to the SM dorms?" Bacon said urgently. Whats up
with him?

"No, why?"

"We cant find her anywhere."

"Did you look everywhere?"

"Yeah, we looked around the club and in the alleyways. We didnt see anything except
her necklace."

I felt a sense of sickness and fear boiling in my stomach. What if she got
kidnapped again? Or something worse?

"Hold on, Bacon. Im coming." I said firmly before hanging up on him. I grabbed my
jacket and quickly slipped on my shoes before heading outside.


This chapter sucked xD I promise the second part will be better, though. I have a
HUGE research due at the beginning of February, and we just got it today. =___=

I just dont like my English teacher. Shes really rude to the people that dont talk
much. She called a kid out because he couldnt find his requirement sheet. In the
end, she realized that she didnt even GIVE him one to begin with.


I seriously LOVE to write, but I hate the way she teaches it. She got mad at me for
asking too many questions.

I sometimes wonder if she even knows what she is talking about.

SORRY xD So yeah, I hope you liked this little tidbit chapter. More to come the
next time I update. hehe.


3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 15 Part 2: Clubbing and Confessions *** (4 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

I was seriously buzzed, and I hadno idea where I was going. Its hard for me to
think clearly with all the alcohol flowing through my bloodstream right now.

I might have an awful hangover when I wake up tomorrow, but right now I felt like I
was on the top of the world. And that was all that mattered. All I remembered was
that I was sitting with Yuri and G-Dragon and they started to do shots, so I
decided to join.

After that was tequilla, and more shots. Everything else after that was blurry
colors and sounds, except now.

I was walking along an abandoned alleyway, heelsin my hand and my phone buzzing
painfully loud in my purse. Probably Zariahor the boys wondering where I was.


Even I didnt know where I was at. Screw this. I stopped for a while to throw up my
guts for the zillionth time tonight. I wiped my mouth afterwardsand kept walking
I didnt know where I was going; but I just needed to get away from my life. My sad,
stupid, fucked-up life. My family, my problems, my dreams that would be ruthlessly
crushed because of this stupid incident. And most of all, Kris and his stupid
bipolar disorder.

"Heyy, whats a sexy doll like you doin out ere in the middle of the night, eh?" I
heard a gravelly voice suddenlycall out. He was probably buzzed too. Or high. Or

"Get LOST" I screamed, swinging my arm with my heels towards the sound. I didnt hit

"Oi, shes a fiesty one, aint she?" Another man called out, and about 3 people

Crap, there were a group of them. I am soo screwed. Zariah, please forgive me if I
come back with a bunch of bruises. I was too drunk to know what I was getting
myself into.

"I told you to go away" I shrieked again, this timea little more forcefully. A man
grabbed one of my arms and covered my mouth. I tried to scream, but that only made
his grip on my arm bone-crushingly tighter.

"Nuh-uh, sweet cheeks, this is OUR territory. And you trespassed." The same guy
said, emerging out of the shadows. I wanted to gag.

He looked like he hadnt shaved or bathed in weeks, his teeth were a stale yellow
with an expensive cigar dangling out of his mouth, and a faded brownpimp suit. He
also had a big beer belly.

He grinned and walked up to me, raking his eyes up and down my body. I felt really
violated and uncomfortable. I fidgeted, but that onlymade his perverted grin grow

He got really close to my face, and I could smell the beer and sweat exuding from
his body. It was disgusting. "And you have to pay." He whispered in my ears, and I

"Looks like her warrior energy is all worn out, eh boys?" He said, laughing and
spraying spit all over my face. The other two men laughed along with him, as if it
were the greatest joke ever.

"Let her go."

The man whirled around and I could see a glimpse ofacertainperson. Who was it? It
was too blurry.

"Ooohh, gettin all mad over your little girlfriend here,eh? How about this."He
said, grabbing myfree arm and ripping meout of the other mans grasp. I heardthe
click of a loaded gun and saw it being aimed at my headout of the corner of my eye.

"We give you your little doll face over here if you pay up."

"And what if I dont?"

"Youll probably just have to watch a little show starring the three of us and this
sweet cheeks." He said with the same grin. At the same time, his other hand was
travelling lower and lower down my back and dangerously close to my ass area.

Also Known As the No-no square. I gritted my teeth to ease the headache that had
suddenly come on and the urge to throw a kick in the place where the sun dont

I looked at whoever was there and gave him a pleading look. He looked back at me
and gave me a small grin. He then turned to the other guys and gave them an
expressionless stare.

"Fine. Name your price." He stated, taking out his wallet. What?

I glared at him, but he winked back at me. Oh. Now I know what hes doing.

"20,000 won. Pay up." He said, motioningthe guyto come towards him. At closer
inspection, it looked like Tao. Oh, thank goodness.

Bad move on the perverts part.

He walked up and started handing him the money, but then quickly changed his mind
and whipped the gun right out of his hands at lightning speed. The man looked
bewildered, but he couldnt stay like that for long.

"Let. Her. Go. NOW." Taogrowled, pointing the loaded gun straight at him. He let go
of me and slowly backed away. Lay popped out of nowhere and motioned me to come
towards him. I stumbled over to him and plopped down next to him.

(A/N: I suck when it comes to one-sideddrunk dialogue, so please bear with me.
Thanks :D LE POOF)

The first thing he did was pull me close and hugged me towards him. "Are you
alright? Did they do anything to you?" He asked with a worried look on his face. I
then felt guilty for ditching them and walking away. I made everyone suffer because
of me. Again.

"Im going to go to Korea." I said at the dinner table.

I had decided that ever since my mothers death, I had no reason to live here
anymore.My father put down his vodka bottle and glared at me. His face looked
haggard and his face needed a desperate shave.

"When are you leaving?"

"Next week, I got everything sorted out." I said calmly, eating the tacos I made
yet agan for dinner.

All of a sudden he stood up and dragged me by the arm to the living room.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?" The man (or my father) shouted, slapping me and
whipping my face around. I stumbled into an expensive vase. The vase fell over and
shattered into a million tiny pieces.

He glared at me with such intensity that it was hard for me to believe this was a

"See? Now look what you did Why are you even here? Youre just like your mother,
just taking up space and make everyone suffer. I WOULD HAVE HAD A BETTER LIFE IF I
NEVER MET YOUR MOTHER" He screamed, punching me square in the jaw.

I fell to the floor, and as he started kicking my stomach, Ilet the unshed tears

I looked at the now shattered glass vase on the floor and felt my heart break into
many tiny little pieces. Like that vase.


"Lijuan..." Lay cooed, wiping my tears away and hugging me close to him.

I was touched that he held me close, even though I reeked with alcohol and sweat.

"I-Im s-s-sorry" I blubbered out, my drunk state still not completely healed. It
sounded more along the lines of "Ibnm sroorryy". He shushed me and patted my hair.

"Its okay, shhh. Im here now." Lay whispered, rocking me back and forth. He started
to hum a song. It sounded familiar, but I wasnt sure what it was called.
Nonetheless, it made me forget about everything as I slowly drifted off to sleep on
Lays chest.

=Lay P.O.V=

I watched her as she slowly started to fall asleep. I hope she didnt hear my heart
beat so fast.

Ive never fallen in love with a girl this quickly before. Dangit, Ive been hanging
out with Kris too much. Im already starting to pick up his bad habits.

I took a good look at her facial features. She had a few blemishes on her forehead
that she tried to cover up with some concealer, but evidently gave up. Her eyes
were closed and her fluttering lashes were really long. Although her mascara and
her eyeliner were smudged around her eye area, she still looked beautiful to me.
She had high cheekbones, but it looked good on her. Her lips were curved into a
small smile.

In a nutshell, she was gorgeous.

Stupid Lay, you only like her as a sister. ONLY A SISTER I kept telling myself. I
hit my forehead a couple times to get rid of the bad thoughts already springing up
inside my head.

Time slowed down when Anna was sleeping in my arms. I wanted to hold her like this
forever. Thank you, Tao. Your power actually came in handy for this one.

Tao finally came around the corner. "Mei-mei Is every--" He shouted, but I shushed
him and pointed to Annas sleeping body. "Oh, sorry, gege." He whispered. "Is she

"Yeah, but she is going to have a crazy hangover tomorrow." I said, shaking her
head. She thought I didnt she her going up to Yuri and GD-hyung and drinking with
them. They were pretty reckless drinkers.

They almost always came to the dorms drunk.

"She drank with them, didnt she?" Tao said, tilting his head. He was old enough to
drink, although his ID caused a bit of a hassle when it came to buying drinks. We
usually let Chen or Xiumin buy the drinks since they knew the drinking laws.


"OMO, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?" A feminine voice hollered, accompanied by a bunch of
footsteps. Zariah and the boys were here.
"Zariah, calm down. Anna sleeping." Tao said in his broken Korean. No one had the
energy to laugh. We were all worried about Anna.

"Lay You naughty boy How could you use mei-mei like that" Luhan sang when he saw
Anna literally curled up next to me. Her soiled dress didnt help the situation
much, either.

"ANI And Luhan, shut up Shes sleeping. She was about to get raped by a bunch of
pimps and she couldnt defend herself, so Tao and I had to go in an get her." I
explained quietly. Luhan simply nodded, although I knew that he was suspicious of
my trustworthiness.

I have nothing to hide.

"What time is it now?" Baekhyun whined, shifting his feet from side to side. He
really looked like a puppy.

"Its almost 1 in the morning." Zariah said, checking her phone.

"Great job, dancing demon. You almost got Anna raped" Kris piped up angrily from
the back of the group. I was surprised that he was even here. Kai glared at him

Poor guy. He seemed to get picked on the most for the stupidest things. Zariah put
a finger to her lips and pointed at Anna, who was still knocked out cold.

"Shush, it wasnt his fault. Anna wanted to go, anyway." She said, givng Kris a
scolding look. "Okay, lets not waste any more time and lets head on home, now shall
we? Im sure were all whipped from today."

We all grumbled in response. We all really needed some sleep after all the things
that had happened today. I picked up Anna bridal style easily. She was so light
that it was pretty scary.

Was she anorexic?

Psshh. You wouldve noticed that by now, Zhang Yixing. Plus, she can eat 5 bowls of
rice in one serving. Thats a big accomplishment for a girl.

Not to be sexist or anything.

We all clambered into the car, me still holding on to her bridal style with Kris
giving me a death gare behind my back the whole way to the the dorms. The car ride
was eerily silent as everyone was pretty much asleep.
We were back at the SM dorms in no time, thanks to Zariahs expansive knowledge of
each and every shortcut to the SM building. All of us were pretty tired and
zombielike from the wacky day (and night)

It wasnt a surprise that Baekhyun and Chanyeol practically fell out of the car out
of exhaustion. Our idol image didnt matter that much anymore, obviously.

Who gives a shit when youre drunk and tired?

All of us managed to slip inside with no one watching us. The ride up the elevator
was pretty silent too, except for the occassional cough or sneeze. All of us
dragged our feet back into the dorms, waved Zariah and Anna (who had regained a bit
of conciousness and was able to stand up) goodbye, and crashed onto the floor.

"Wow, that was a crazy day. Never had a day like that in a while." D.O grumbled,
rubbing his haggard face.

Yup, we all decided to go au naturel to the club, so no one would recognize us, and
it worked pretty well.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Sehun said, rolling over on his stomach and burying his
head in his arms. "Majority vote. Who wants a sleepover in the living room?" Suho
asked, and we all raised our hands except for Kris, who had decided to retire to
his room for the night since he was the only one who didnt get drunk.

"Alrighty then. Well just sleep like this." He said, collapsing onto the floor
without a blanket and pillow.

"Hyuuung" Baekhyun said, shaking Suho awake. "If you sleep like that, youll end up
with a sore back and the President wont be happy again."

"Be right back." I said, rushing to the closet in the corner of the room and
grabbing a lot of blankets, pillows and one big inflatable mattress. Thanks, Zariah

I started to inflate the mattress and get the bed ready while Tao popped in the
movie. "Its Paranormal Activity today." He said, pouting. Xiumin pumped his fist in
the air, silently celebrating behind Tao.

I didnt really care, almost all of us would be knocked out cold by the time the
menu rolls around. We all jumped into the bed and made small talk about the day.

My eyes started to droop towards the beginning, and I was soon fast asleep.

Hehehe... Was it good? I hope you liked it a lot so far. I know the plot is a bit
confusing right now, but it will be cleared up soon, I promise
I was watching an EXO-M interview that they had in Taiwan with Calvin Chen (Go
Fahrenheit) They spelled Baekhyuns name wrong in the intros.

It was BAKEhyun. I laughed so hard after that. Thats pretty embarassing, having
your name spelled wrong on national television.

But I guess its more embarassing to the person who misspelled it. At least thats
what I think. LOL

So. You guys know the drill, bah blah bah. Saranghaeyo

33 Nausheen


*** Chapter 16: A Really Bad Hangover *** (2 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

I woke up with a pounding headache the next morning. Ugh, so this is what it feels
like when you are drunk... I thought, rubbing my eyes. It seemed that any little
sound or light was painful, and I squeezed my eyes shut and buried myself under the

I vow to never drink again.

I heard the door to my room open quietly and soft footsteps padding into the room.
I felt a handrest on myshoulder. "Anna..." Zariah cooed, gently shaking me back and
forth. I groaned; I wasnt ready to get out of bed yet. "Anna, youneed to get up and
eat something." She insisted desperately, but I refused to get out of bed.

I heard her sigh andtiptoe out of the room. I smiled in victory; Yes

I slowly drifted back off to sleep. The next time I woke up, it was already dark
outside. I decidedit was about time for me to get up and get the blood flowing in
my legs again.

I slowly swung my legs off the bed, ignoring the light-headed feeling in my brain.
I took a shaky step, holding onto the wall for support. Left foot, right foot,
left, right, left, right...

I walked the whole way like this, chanting it under my breath. "What are you doing,
Mei-mei?" A voice asked. I turned around and saw Lay sitting on the living room
couch with Tao and Luhan on either side of him. They were watching some sort of
football game on TV. Wait, what?

What is EXO doing over here? This late at night?

"Im walking." I said, giving him a duh-what-did-you-think-I was-doing look. He gave

me an amused grin in return and turned his attention back to the TV. Tao and Luhan
were too busy arguing who had won.

It was some sort of stupid bet, I was guessing.

I left them alone and made my way to the kitchen for something to eat. I didnt see
anyone in there, so I opened the fridge and I saw a container with a note stuck to
it. It was written in Chinese, and underneath it was the English translation.

I was too tired to try reading it in Chinese, so I read the English instead.

Hey Anna, Kris and I made this hangover soup for you. Call me when you see this
note and you find Lay, Tao and Luhan in the house. We had some schedules to attend
later today, we wont be back till late. Eat this up. Ill know if you dont :D Love,

So thats what this gunk was. I took the container and warmed it up in the
microwave. I texed Zari and told her I was awake and was eating the food she made.
I figured that they would be at an interview or something and I didnt want to

I was touched. Kriswas actually showing compassion for once, and not in some lame
here-I-got-roses-for-you-type thing. He ACTUALLY has a HEART.

Now that is an accomplishment.

After warming it up, I smelled it. It didnt smell too bad, I guess... But the
things floating in it didnt look very appetizing.

I took the soup to the living room and parked it in front of the TV. "Mei-mei Youre
blocking the TV Brazil is going to make a score" Tao whined, shifting in his seat
to watch over my head.

"Sorry, Tao." I said, moving over to the other side of Lay, who was staring at the
screen, but obviously not paying attention to the game.

I was curious as to what he was thinking about, so I poked his leg. "Hey, what are
you thinking about?" I whispered. He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"Oh, nothing much." He said with a heart-stopping smile.
"You sure? You can tell me, you know..." I said, a bit skeptical. I knew men werent
the type to express their emotions openly.

I mean, look at Kris. Hes practically bipolar.

He affectionally looked at me. "Nah, its not something to worry your pretty head
over." Lay said, nudging my head to the side. He turned his attention bak to the TV
and I pouted. "Thanks for asking though." He said.

"Sure..." I mumbled, eating my soup. It was really good. I need to ask what it was
made out of.

But a part of me didnt want to know. Whatever.

It couldnt be that bad, right?

"YES BRAZIL SCORED You owe me 200 won" Tao yelled, leaping off the couch and
pointed a finger at the deer. Luhan grumbled a few curse words under his breath as
he retrieved his wallet and handed him a 200-won bill. Tao beamed with joy and sat
back down.

"You owe me later." Luhan said, glaring at the Kungfu Master. "Do not"

"Do to"

"Do not"

"You guys. Shut up and watch the game." Lay said calmly, and that instantly shut
them up. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That? Get them to shut up?"

Lay chuckled. "Well, I dont think they would want to see the angry side of me, now
do they?" I shook my head rapidly. A bit too rapidly, because my headache started
to come back, although it was a bit more tolerable now.

"Aigoo...You are just too adorable sometimes, Mei-mei" He exclaimed, pinching my

cheek. My face instantly flushed. I know he did that often, but this time, little
unicorns started to gallop around in the pit of my tummy.

I couldnt be falling for him now. No way I was already dating Kris; well, fake-

I still had to have SOME dignity. Even if it came to not cheating on my fake
boyfriend. coughcoughcough

=Zariah P.O.V=

"Shes awake, guys." I told the rest of the EXO. I left Lay, Luhan and Tao in charge
of the house. Everyone seemed to exhale at once from the tension they had since
they came to this interview. She hadnt woken up since last night, and I was a bit

They probably sensed my worry for Anna with their crazy-ass powers.

I smiled; I found it cute that they were so concerned about her well being. "You
guys are overreacting. Shes fine." I said, herding them out the door.

We were met with flashes of cameras and ear-blasting screams of fans. Seriously,
how loud can these fans get? Im going to become deaf.

Ugh. Oh well. I was the one who signed up for it, and Anna was already auditioning
as it was.

So why not? I love my job. But these fans make it SO. DAMN. HARDD.

We literally all dogpiled into the car and shut the door, careful not to cut off
some crazy fans hand or fingers. It took us 20 minutes to get out of the throng of
screaming teenage girls and the ride back was peaceful until Chanyeol decided to
become a troublemaker.

"ZARII CHANYEOLS MESSING UP MY HAIR" Sehuns lisp-filled scream snapped me out of

looking at the pretty lights of the city. I checked in the rear-view mirror and saw
Chanyeol messing up his hair, indeed.

"Chanyeol, stop acting like a 5-year old. Keep your hands to yourself" I snapped in
a mocking kindergarten teacher like voice. Apparently they had found it funny,
especially Luhan. My heart started to palpitate really fast.

Ive never felt like this before. Now Im acting like an obsessed fangirl over a man
that is WAY far out of my reach.

Shoot. I acted like it was the funniest thing in the world and laughed along with
them. But it ended up becoming awkward because I was the only one laughing and it
sounded like a dying chicken.
"Hey, Zari, can you put on Inkigayo? I want to know if the Super-Junior sunbaenims
won" Xiumin piped up from the backseat. "Sure thing" I said, cranking up the radio.

We jammed all the way back to our dorms (except for Kris, of course), wringle-
dancing the night away.



I needed to write a really crappy filler chapter because Im crazy busy this week.
Probably wont be updating for a week or so. SO SORRY

But yeah, I am SO hooked on this new Suju-M song that just came out. Its called
that handsome little Nemo :3 My cute mochi is all grown up now D: And I can never
get over the fact that Zhou Mis legs are SO. FREAKING. LONG. Its in the multimedia
section if you are interested ;)

If you couldnt tell yet, Im a huge Suju fan. Especially Henry and ZhouMi. Its a
pity that they get so much hate, though. They are really flipping GOOD I admire
them for keeping with the music industry and stuff, dispite all that hate :)


You know the ritual. Saranghaeyo 33

Nausheen 33


*** Chapter 17: An Unexpected Guest *** (5 pages)

=Kris P.O.V=

"Hey, Kris." Lay greeted me as we squeezed through the small apartment door. We
planned to crash at Zariah and Annas place for a while, since Anna was better from
her hangover.

All of us migrated to the living room and watched the soccer game,while Zariah went
to make dinner. Xiumin, Tao, Luhan, and Sehun were sprawled across the floor while
everyone else managed to squeeze into the couches around the TV.
Then the question popped up.

"Hey, that soup was really good, Kris. What was that made out of?" She asked. Some
of the boys attempted to stifle their laughter, and she looked at them, obviously

"Cow blood and intestines." I said with a straight face. She looked like she was
about to puke, and all the guys busted out into laughter. I chuckled a bit at Annas
surprised and disgusted face. "Hold on a minute." She said, slowly getting up and
waddling into the kitchen.

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU FEED ME COW INTESTINES?" I heard Anna scream from the
kitchen, and that made the situation ten times worse.

Lay was already rolling around the floor, clutching his stomach and laughing. Hes
going to get instant abs from that.

"KRIS DIDNT TELL MEE" Zariah shrieked from the other side of the kitchen. I froze.
Oh crap.

If there was one thing that I remember from our previous years of friendship, it
was this;a mad Anna equaled a dead me.

"WU YI FAN YOU ARE SO DEAD" She yelled, charging into the room and tackling me to
the ground. She started throwing punches at my chest, but it barely hurt because
she wasnt strong enough. All the boys looked flabbergasted.

Baekhyuns jaw dropped to the floor, while D.Os already large eyes became the size
of dinner plates. Luhan, Lay, Chen, Xiumin and Tao were too busy arguing over the
movie collection, and Chanyeol was busy talking to Suho about something. Sehun and
Kai left a long time ago to set up the dinner table.

I guessed they wanted first dibs.

I grabbed a fist comming towards my face and held it there. She struggled to get
out of my grasp, but I didnt let go. "Wu Fan, let me go this instant" She yelled,
but she was a bit calmer now.

"Go get a room, you guys And dinners ready" Zariah sang, finding us in that...
awkward position. Anna flushed a beet red and quickly got off me. She ran off in
the direction of the dining table. I chuckled.

She can act like a tough cookie, but she sure is innocent.

I found myself sitting opposite of her. I smirked at her, and she flushed again and
started to pick at a stray thread on the tablecloth.
"Well, am I the only one whos feeling the awkward tension around here?" Chanyeol
said, motioning towards the both of us. Kai smacked his arm, but it was true.

Ever since that little incident five minutes ago, I dont think Baekhyun and D.O
would be going to sleep soon.

"Care to explain?" Baekhyun asked, a mishevious glint in his eyes. This is the
adorable puppy-like boy fans know as Bacon. Right now he looked like he was
possessed by the devil.

"Well, umm... I asked him what that hangover soup was made of and I got mad at him
because I ate something that was completely disgusting and I didnt know. So I went
to beat him up and... thats how it happened." She mumbled, playing with the
tablecloth even more now.

"Mhm... right." He drawled, sitting back in his chair and giving us the eye. But he
was soon satisfied when Xiumin crammed ddubokki into his mouth. "AHHH, THIS IS TOO
HOT" He screamed, running out of the room to get some milk.

"Jeez, what a sissy..." Anna mumbled, taking a bite of the spicy rice cake and
chewing it as if it werent a problem.

"Yup, he does this every day." D.O said, shaking his head disapprovingly as
Baekhyun came back into the room with a glass of milk. "Hey Its not my fault that I
have a low tolerance for spicy foods" He said, pouting.

"Stop pouting, youre making yourself look younger than you already look." Zariah
said, pinching his cheek. "You dont look that bad, either, Zariah." I said,
shocking everyone in the room.

What? I can be a nice person too, you know

"No way Youre just trying to make me feel better among all you Asian people." She
said, dismissing the comment with a wave of her hand. She giggled a cute giggle.

"No really You could be a good singer Youve got the charisma, stage presence, and
your voice is great" D.O piped up, grinning like a kid.

"Oh, come on, D.O Ive got as much charisma as an ant would have, people would only
notice me on stage because I look different, and when I sing, I sound like a dying
horse. Nice try." She said, cramming food into her mouth.

It was her way of saying that was the end of the story.

=Anna P.O.V=
I actually took a good look at her features. She was clearly Indian; dark skin,
dark thick hair, pretty eyes with long lashes. She was petite, standing at only 164
centimeters, but she was a bit curvy. Her eyes werenta dark brown like the rest of
her family.

She had inherited her grandmothers hazel eyes. Her parents always supported her
endeavors in the music industry; it seemed that everyone in their family that had
hazel eyes became famous for something along the lines of music.

I found it pretty funny.

"What are you laughing at?" Zariah sassed, putting on a playful attitude face.
"Nothing, just a joke Kyuhyun told me the other day." I said, eating some more
spicy rice cakes. I looked up at Kris face, which turned a but dark.

This boy needs to calm down. Really.

"Speaking of which, arent the Suju hyungs going to be arriving from China soon?"
Sehun said, clapping his hands excitedly. Just then the doorbell rang. "I got it."
I said, getting up from the table and running towards the door.

I was really full, plus I didnt really want to be around Kris when he is pissed as

I checked the monitor and my jaw dropped. Crowded around the small screen was none
other than Kyuhyun and the rest of Suju-M. I threw open the door and was almost
instantly tackled by Henry.

Oh yeah, he promised to give me a glomp once he saw me.

"You look prettier in person" He exclaimed in English. "OMG AN ENGLISH BUDDY" I

screamed, hugging Henry. "Hey Am I not good enough for you?" Zariah hollered,
walking out of the dining room. "Ni-hao"

"Ni-hao" They chorused, giving Zariah a warm smile.

"It seems like you got shorter since I saw you last." Kyu said, scruffing Zariahs
hair. She swatted his hand away and glared at him.

"I keep getting shorter because you keep doing that" She whined, glaring at
Kyuhyun. She never really cared that people towered over her, except when they rub
it in her face.

Then you get ready for an ultimate diss-fest.

ZhouMi emerged from the crowd, and hugged me. "Ni-hao" He sang, giving me the
cutest grin. I had to look up at him; He was pretty tall. Screw all these handsome
Chinese guys and their long legs.

"Ni-hao" I said, and then I saw EXO awkwardly sitting there. "Hey, guys, come on
out and introduce yourselves" I said, motioning everyone over. They ordered each
other from oldest to youngest and did their little group thing.

"Hello, we are EXO" They greeted, and Suju looked impressed. Except for Kyu.

Nothing is interesting to him unless its about video games. All of a sudden I
remembered something.

"Hey, Kyukyu I have to give your Starcraft games and stuff back" I said, running to
my room and retrieving the plastic grocery baggie of video games and running back
to the living room.

"Here you go." I said, plopping the games into his waiting hands. He grinned.

"Thanks, mei-mei, youre the BEST" GameKyu said, instantly lighting up like a
lightbulb. He enveloped my into a quick hug before dashing into my room to check on
the progress I had made. I heard a high pitched squeal of joy before hearing
fervent clicking and tapping of the computer.

"I thought we were only going to stop by to get Kyuhyuns games, but I guess not."
Ryeowook said, shaking his head.

"It mustve been hell just seeing Kyuhyun without his games." I said, pitying him. I
felt the same way when I dont get the computer; its my life.

"It isnt too bad the first couple of days, but then he starts to play the pity game
with our manager and then he gets his laptop back." Siwon said, sitting perfectly
cross-legged on the couch and plucking at a stray thread on the couch cushion.

Chanyeol, who was sitting on the opposite end of the couch, looked like he was
about to faint. Oh boy.

He wasnt an obssessed fanboy, but he was a pretty big fan of them. "Hey, hyung." He
said, bowing 90 degrees and snapping out of his trance. Siwon looked appalled. "Oh,
hello." He said, a small grin on his face. Siwon was a nice guy once you get to
know them. All of them were.

Heechul was a bit hard to understand at first, but we got along really well now. I
call him every so often because he is in the army.
"Hey, Anna, right?" Henry said in Chinese, giving me the most adorable grin on this
planet. "Yup?"

"Do you have some food? Im really hungry." He said, doing a cute little dance. "Oh,
yeah You must be hungry, travelling such a far distance. Here, sit down and Ill get
you something." I said, dragging him to the living room table and sitting him down.

I rushed into the kitchen and got a clean bowl. All the other boys were done eating
before the Suju members came, so there was enough food for everyone.

"Hey, Lijuan, do you need help?" Donghae asked in Korean, peeking into the doorway.
"Nope, do you want something?" I said, glancing back at him. Just then his stomach
growled loudly.

"Ill take that as a yes." I said, laughing at Donghaes embarrassed face. "Actually,
I wanted to tell you that all the members wanted to eat something." He said,
walking into the kitchen and gathering 8 bowls for all of them. I filled them all
with rice and Donghae carried them out to the living room. Eunhyuk came in and
started to talk to me in Chinese.

He was still working on it, but his conversational Chinese was coming along well.


"How come you are so nice to everyone?" He asked, a worried look on his face. I was
floored by his statement. I knew he meant well; but that was really blunt.

"I really dont know. Is there something wrong with it?"

I mustve sounded more defensive than I meant it to be, because he put up his hands
in surrender and said, "NONONONONO, it isnt that. I just wanted to give you some
advice." He panicked. "Calm down, Hyukkie. Im not angry." I said, arranging some
ddoubukki on a plate. He sighed with relief.

"I dont know why, but I have a feeling that someone is going to take advantage of
your great personality and break your heart again." He said truthfully, looking at
me. I sighed.

He was a great friend, and I trusted him to keep my terrible past a secret. Hyukkie
was the reason I was back to normal again. Well, almost normal.

No one else knew about it other than Zariah. He leaned into my ear and whispered.
"I know whats going on between you and Kris, and I know that this might be your
first time falling in love, but dont feel like you have to rush anything. If he is
the one for you, he will accept your choices." He leaned back and gave me another
look. I swatted his arm.
"Stop looking like that, Hyukkie You just got back from China and got to see the
other members after a while Dont put on that long face." I said, laughing. Eunhyuk
looked surprised, but he slowly started to grin from ear to ear.

"Yeah, youre right" He said, cheering to himself and running out of the kitchen.
Sungmin then entered the kitchen.

"Alright, how many more of you are going to enter the kitchen? There better not be
a line of you all out there." I said with a mock angry old lady tone, causing
Sungmin to laugh. "Trust me, Im the last one. Siwon and ZhouMi are too busy with
the TV, and Im sure you what Kyuhyun is doing." He said.

"DAMMIT" I heard Kyuhyun curse from my room. "He didnt save his progress again,
right?" I asked. "Sounds like it." Sungmin said, shaking his head from side to
side. "OH IS THAT DDO--"

"Shh" I said, muffling his mouth. He understood and nodded, quietly giggling to
himself. "Its supposed to be a surprise, okay?" I whispered. "Okay" He sang,
grinning like a child.

I swear, this man never ages. "Can I carry this to the table?" He asked, bouncing
on his heels out of excitement. "Go ahead, Ill carry the kimchi." I said, shooing
him away.

I grabbed the pot off the stove and immediately regretted it. It was so heavy I
waddled down the corridor, careful not to spill a drop on myself. Just then, ZhouMi
came out of the living room and saw me with the pot. He rushed over and offered to

"I can carry the kimchi stew, Anna. Dont burn yourself." ZhouMi said, taking the
large hot pot from my hands before I could protest. He carried it to the middle of
the table and set it down.

He really was a gentleman.

"Dont you want some, Anna?" Eunhyuk asked, turning to me.

"Nah, Im fine, we all ate before you came." I said. They all ate like hungry
animals. The plane food mustve been awful, I was guessing. Then again, all plane
food is pretty disgusting.

I chatted with the Suju members and EXO, catching up on the latest gossip from SM
and stuff. Kris kept on glaring at me, but I decided to shrug it off. I didnt want
him to ruin my reunion with friends that I havent seen in two months. The EXO
members decided that it was time to leave and they had left for their dorm at 11
The Suju members dorm was on the other side of the campus, and Kyu was STILL
playing StarCraft, so we all stayed in the living room and watched reality show
reruns on TV and laughed at funny events that had occured while they were in China.

Before I knew it, sleep overtook me and I fell sound asleep on the couch.

=Eunhyuk P.O.V=

"Hey Anna, where is th--" I started to ask, but found Anna curled up in a
comfortable position on the couch. I chuckled to myself.

She really liked that couch, didnt she?

"Well? Did you find the remote?" Henry asked, rubbing his eyes sleepily. It was
already 12:13 AM and I didnt want to sneak out tonight. "Nah, thats okay, we can
turn it off." Ryeowook said, getting up to turn it off. He found a stray blanket
and covered Anna up with it.

He can really make a good husband someday. Maybe.

"I think its about time we go to sleep too, dont you think?" Siwon yawned,
stretching his arms above his head. "Ill go get Kyu and search for the blankets and
stuff. I think we will be fine sleeping on the floor." ZhouMi said, running off to
get blankets and pillows.

I guess Kyuhyun wont be sleeping on a bed tonight. Again. You would think that
after about 2 months he would get used to sleeping on the floor. He never did.

And I was more than 100-percent POSITIVE he was going to throw a fit. Maybe not
now, but in the morning. Definitely in the morning.

"Found them. And Kyuhyun." ZhouMi said, coming back with an armful of sleeping
things and Kyu trailing behind him. "Where are we sleeping?" He asked.

As if that wasnt obvious enough already.

"On the floor." I said, too tired to deal with a fight. He only grunted, albeit

We made ourselves comfy on the floor and whispered, careful not to wake Anna up.
One by one, everyone slipped into Dreamland.

I stayed up and looked up at the ceiling. There were so many thoughts rattling
around in my head. Why was Anna dating Kris? Was this a way to legally bind her by
contract to SM without her ever debuting? Why was President Lee doing this? And the
most important question:

What the hell will happen to her dreams?

I shifted my position and looked up at the sleeping bundle on the couch. There were
bags under her eyes, but her face was peaceful. She was working a lot, and I can
only imagine the amount of extra stress dating one of the hottest rookie groups
around brought her.

I felt awful.

"Hey, Hyukjae, are you still up?" Donghae whispered, glancing at me.


"You thinking what Im thinking?"

"Not at all."

"I think we need to gather all the artists and do a boycott against SM." He said,
putting his hands behind his head and staring up at the ceiling. My jaw dropped.

"Youre shitting me."

"Not at all. Hyuk, Annas been working on this dream ever since she was young. That
takes a lot of effort to get to her level, and I dont think Im the only one who
thinks this whole ordeal is just completely meaningless." Nemo said.

He had a good point. I yawned.

"How about we talk it over with the other guys tomorrow? Im really tired." I said,
snuggling closer to Sungmin, who was holding on to a pink bunny plushie for dear

"Sure. Night, Dancing Machine."

"Night, Nemo."


So? How was it? Sorry I didnt include a whole lot of KrisxAnna in here. I am really
freaking tired. Ive been sleeping in class all week, and it doesnt help that I have
an art project to submit for a contest. Im working really hard on it. Probably
harder than I should be. Why?

If I win, I can win my very own laptop. Not shitting you.

And that would mean faster updates (If my mother doesnt take my laptop away from
me, that is. She is really paranoid, seriously =.=)

I logged on to Wattpad this morning and I was about to scream and dance a really
awful cover to Sorry Sorry (my happy dance)

much This might not mean a whole lot to you guys, but it means a lot to me So thank

SO Vote. Comment. Fan. Saranghaeyo You guys are simply the best 33

Nausheen 3


*** Chapter 18: Confrontation *** (4 pages)

=Kris P.O.V=

"WAKE UP" I heard D.O scream at the top of his lungs, banging on a metal pot with a
wooden spoon. "Ughh... Kyungsoo" I grumbled, sitting up slowly from the bed.
Sunlight was streaming through the window of our room (I share a room with Tao). My
whole body was aching from the hard training we had last night.

Tonight would be the same thing, I just had a feeling. Kyungsoo shook my shoulder
gently to wake me up.

"Come on Hurry and get ready, the others are waiting." He said, before scurrying
over to Tao and shoving him off the bed without a second thought. Tao fell to the
floor with a loud thud, but he didnt wake up. He groaned softly and shifted to make
himself comfortable on the floor.

This guy sleeps like a rock. Im surprised he couldnt hear anything that was going
on the past five minutes.

He could sleep through the Apocalypse if he wanted to.

D.O, being the early bird he was, decided to wake everyone up the old-fashioned
way; make as much of a ruckus as you possibly can with kitchen appliances. Chanyeol
was in the other room, waking Lay and Xiumin up the same way.

I could only imagine what that would look like. I shuddered.

I snuck out of the room when D.O. wasnt looking; he was too busy getting Tao to
wake up by banging the pot by his ear as loud as he could. Heading over to the
washroom, I heard the ruckus going on in the other rooms as well.

Luhan and Chen were already up, sitting at the island in the kitchen drinking
coffee. They both had haggard faces on, and their eyes were a bit red. "Morning." I
grumbled, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Morning." They chorused, Chen struggling to stay awake. "I cant believe they woke
us up this early." Luhan moaned, laying his head on the table and going back to
sleep. Thats strange, Luhan was usually the one who was the most energetic. I
looked at the clock and my eyes almost popped out of my skull.

It was 5:30 in the morning. "CHANYEOL KYUNGSOO YOU GUYS ARE SO DEAD" I roared,
charging into Lay and Xiumins room and throwing open the door, only finding Xiumin
and Lay sprawled out on the floor, obviously crabby from their irritating wake-up

"I have a fucking alarm and they STILL decided to wake me up like this..." Minseok
groaned, flopping over onto his stomach and banging his head on the floor. Lay
literally crawled over to him and weakly pushed his side, all in vain.

Xiuminnie was out cold.

Lay gave up and slowly dragged his feet into the bathroom. "Sometimes I wonder if I
should go run off and make a living off of playing on the street corners..." Xiumin
said, still face-down on the floor.

"You know that wouldnt be such a bad idea if--"

"AHNYEONGHASAEYO, EVERYONE" Zariah shouted into the apartment. "Geez, Zari, other
people are sleeping too. I dont want to get sassed by Jessica again." I heard Anna

She mustve had a rough morning, too. Wait. Why would I care about that?

I walked out of the room, leaving Xiumin to find a way to support his own body
weight with his sore arms and legs. "Morning to you too, Manager-noona." I said,
smirking. I wanted to get on her nerves today.

"I am in a good mood today and I am not going to let you ruin it." She said,
glaring at me. I sighed.

Maybe another day. Maybe.

"How are you more hyperactive than Channie at 5:45 in the morning?" Chen grumbled,
sipping his coffee from the mug.

"Its called organic coffee. Its really good for you, its made from--"

"Before we get too into health drinks that taste like absolute shit," Anna said,
snatching the schedules from Zariahs hands. She looked a little pissed that she
wasnt able to finish her advertising, and she sat down on the island grumpily.

"So, Kris is the only one with a different schedule today. Apparently you have a
press conference." Anna said, looking at me with a knowing look. Actually, we all
knew about the little scandal about the date.

"Oh? With who?"

"Dunno. All it says on it is press conference" She said, handing everyone their
schedules. The rest of the members had some interviews to go to, same old schedule.
Zariah got over her crabby mood and looked around the room. "Wheres Xiumin?"

"Ill go wake him up." Anna offered, jumping off the stool and dashing off into
Xiumins room. What has been up with her and avoiding me lately?

I wasnt stupid and shallow, I could tell what she was doing. She wasnt the best
when it came to hiding her emotions either.

=Lay P.O.V=

I walked out of the bathroom to find Anna hunched over Xiumins bod sprawled on the
floor, poking his back with a toy hammer. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to wake him up, what does it look like Im doing?"

"Checking if hes dead or not." I said smartly, getting a look from her.

"Okay, that too." She sighed, defeated. Anna got up and gently picked Xiumins side
with her foot. "Hurry and get up."

"Noo..." He moaned, weakly flopping his body around like a fish. I stifled a giggle
with my hand as he did that. It looked pretty funny.
"There are steamed buns in the kitchen, but they will be gone if you dont get up

"OKAY IM UP" He shot off the floor and ran off to the bathroom at supersonic speed.
I gaped at her in admiration. "What?"

"Weve been trying to get Minseok up for 20 minutes and you did it in less than
five. How did you do that?"

"I dont think you all want to see me angry in the morning, now do you?" She
questioned, mocking my tone. I laughed.

"I guess not."

Just then, the door slammed open once again, revealing an agitated Kris. "What the
hell are you guys doing? We have to leave in ten minutes" He said, but there was
something different about his voice.

Was he jealous?

"We were just trying to wake Xiumin up, unless your feelings thought otherwise."
Anna said sourly, striding past Kris and giving him a look of contempt before
walking out into the den area. Kris looked taken aback, but quickly snapped out of
it and stared at me.

"What was that all about?"

"What was what all about? Talking to your fake girlfriend?" I countered. I was
pretty fed up with Kriss irrational behavior. One minute, hes treating her like
shit and jealous the next.

He couldnt seem to make up his damn mind.

"Look, Im going to tell this to you straight. Im pretty fed up with the mixed signs
you are giving her. The reason she keeps treating you like that is because she has
no idea what the hell you are thinking. Stop being so freaking bipolar. I know Im
younger than you by a couple months, but seriously. If you cant treat a girl right,
might as well not have one at all." I said, trying to mask my anger with a calm

Kris looked at me with his mouth agape for a while, but what came out of his mouth
next was even more stupid.

"That was the most youve ever talked in months."

"Did you even catch a WORD I was saying? Or were you too busy counting the words
flying out of my mouth?" I snapped, scouring through my closet for something
comfortable to wear. I try to give him good advice, but the one time I was trying
to hep him he DIDNT EVEN LISTEN.

I soon heard another chorus of voices in the living room. It was probably Suju-M.
"Im going to go out now. You better think about what I said." I hissed in his ear
before exiting my room and joining the others in the den.

=Kris P.O.V=

If you cant treat a girl right, might as well not have one at all.

I guess that made some sense. I walked over to the bunk bed and sat on the bottom
bunk. I had to hunch my back because I was too big for the bed.

This is one of the many disadvantages to being a freaking giant here. Other than
the fact that their clothes wont fit you at all.

Its pretty depressing.

I pondered over what Lay had said, as I heard the others have fun in the living
room. They were all probably playing Mario Kart now.

Why cant I have fun once in a while? Im always brooding over something, one way or
another. I hated the fact that I had to always bring down the mood, especially
since I broke up with Hee Jin. I should be happy, right?

Wrong. She was, as cheesy as it sounds, my first real love. I did date a lot of
girls back in high school and such, but she was totally different. It took a long
time for me to finally win her over; and it was totally worth it at the time.

Now I wasnt so sure, since Anna came back into my life.

Donghae scream from the living room. It was really hard to believe this was the
same guy that could win girls hearts with his charisma and style in 5 seconds. A
chorus of laughter erupted.

It pained me to say that used to be me.

"Yah You guys are supposed to be getting ready for a schedule now Shoo" I heard
Zariah say. There was the shuffling of footsteps and the door shut quietly. I
cautiously crept out of my room and tried to go to the kitchen unseen.

My plan was completely foiled when I saw Anna, out of all people, leaning against
the counter and eating a banana. Her eyes popped out of her head and she tried to
flee the kitchen. I grabbed her arm and turned her gently towards me.

"Why have you been avoiding me for the past couple of days?" I asked. She shuffled
her feet from side to side and twinded her thumbs. "Uhhmmm..."

"Well? Are you hiding something?"

"No Its just that... I dont think I really have a good reason to tell you." Anna
chuckled nervously before briefly meeting my gaze.

"So you dont have a reason?"

"Yes I do..." She said hesitantly. Defeated, she looked up and held my gaze
steadily. "Hee Jin told me to stay away from you a while ago. At first I wasnt
listening to her, but she had been stalking me and her father started sending me
death threats." She said with a shaky voice.

She was obviously scared. Who would want a death threat from the daughter of a
notorious loan shark? You might be asking how she had gotten into the music
industry. Long story short, she told everyone her dad was a respected business
partner with SM and that is how she got in.

The music business is so manipulative nowadays, its really pathetic.

And Im pretty sure just about everyone knows about her little secret; she pretty
much flaunts it wherever she goes.

She literally has a walk-in closet of designer everything. Clothes, shoes, bags,
accessories, you name it. Even her training uniform is extravagant.

I hugged her and patted her back awkwardly. "Im sorry for dragging you into this
mess. I wish I--"

"Shush. Ill figure out a way to get out of this mess, even if it kills me." She
said, grinning.

"Lets hope it doesnt come to that." I said, sincerely smiling at her. Who knows how
long I havent done that, but it felt really good to be smiling again.

"Oy, Wu Fan, go get ready for your press conference. Dont want you to miss it" She
said, letting go of me. Then she did something that surprised me.

She got on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek. "Good luck." She whispered in my ear
before she left the kitchen. I didnt realize how embarrassed I was until Tao came
in and said, "Hyung, are you okay? You look really red..."

=Zariah P.O.V=

We had dropped off the other boys to their schedules and now we were on our way to
the conference center. I glanced over at Kris, and I felt really bad for him.

He looked straight ahead with a passive face, but his eyes were filled with fear
and nervousness.

I cant believe the President thought this was a good idea. He was way too young to
be getting into this kind of trouble; to the point that a press conference was

I patted his knee and he turned his head to face me. I then handed him a stick of
gum. "Chew this. Itll make you feel better, but dont smear it all over your teeth.
You just got them whitened yesterday."

"Sure, thanks."

"What happened to the YiFan who flattered me last night at the dining table?"

"You liked that compliment?"

"I wasnt going to say that."

"You didnt have to."

"Touche, Kris." The dirver chukled at our little argument. "You are much closer
with your group than most managers are. Its pretty refreshing to see that." He
said. "Ive never seen such a close relationship before. Whats your group name?"

"Its called EXO."

"Oh? Is it that one group from SM that had been getting all that hype lately?" He
asked. He didnt seem to be intrusive at all. His company was pretty amiable. "I
guess you can say that." I said. He smiled at us. "Were here. Good luck, you two."

The van door opened to flashing bulbs and loud reporters shouting out questions.
Kris looked scared, so I stepped out of the van first and made way for him. I told
him to limit himself to three questions, and he did pretty well.

It felt like hell when we were drilling through the swarming crowd of reporters.
This was totally uncalled for.
When we got inside, it wasnt much better. It took us a while to get to the
conference room (again, because of all the reporters), where YG himself was sitting
in one of the chairs and talking to a beautiful girl.

I assumed she was Lee Jaehwan, and I didnt blame Kris for oogling her. She was
gorgeous. "Oh, ahnyeong." YG said curtly, nodding his head towards us.

He wasnt the only one feeling like that, Im sure.

"Ahnyeong." We both replied at the same time, giving him a respectfull bow. He gave
a short bow in return.

"So this is the infamous Kris Wu we are going to be talking to today?" He said,
stepping forward and scanning him head to toe. Then he looked at Kris full on and
said, "Well, I dont see what the problem is, but he looks like a goody two-shoes to
me." He said.

"I would say the same about Jaehwan-ssi over there, too." I said, motioning to the
young girl jamming on her iPod. She looked picturesque just dancing in her seat.

It was hard to tell if she was doing it for fun or just to get rid of the nerves.
YG chuckled.

"Youre right about that. Why dont you and Jaehwan get to know each other? It will
make the whole conference a lot better if you two can predict what you are going to
say." He said, gently shoving Kris in the girls direction.

She seemed to notice the slight movement because she snapped her head up and gave
him a dazzling smile. He only made a slight bowing motion before striding over to
her cautiously.

YG and I chatted while keeping an eye on Kris and Jaehwan. They were talking
comfortably, but neither of them touched each other.

They were probably trying to keep the paps away from them for as long as possible.
Soon the reporterrs started to stream in and fill in the vacant seats. I tapped
Kris shoulder and gave him a thumbs up from behind the curtain.

He flashed a small smile in return. "Just say what we rehearsed, Kris." I said in
his ear. The reporters were becoming increasingly louder, so it was hard to
whisper. He nodded, but he looked really nervous.

"You can do this" I said before disappearing behind the curtain.

Now all I could do is wait and hope.

And... The dreaded cliffy you guys have been waiting for. Sorry guys I had to do
it. muahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha

So what do you think will happen next? Just comment below. Its fun to see what you
all are thinking as I write this story. It gives me brain power X3

It wont change the plot of the story though. Just saying XD

So Vote. Comment. Fan The second part of this chapter will hopefully be here by
early March-ish (around the time I finish this dreaded research paper. Ugh) Cant
make a guaranteed promise, though ;D


Nausheen 3


*** Chapter 19: Operation Match Making 101 *** (5 pages)

=Zariah P.O.V=

"So what you are saying is that this girl is NOT your girlfriend?" A reporter
asked, mike and notepad at hand. The rest of them seemed to lean forward in
anticipation on what Kris was going to say. YG, seated beside me backstage, shook
his head in disappointment.

"How old is he?"

"Hes 21, sir." I said, sighing. YG shook his head again.

"Hes too young to be getting into this kind of trouble. Actually, both of them are.
To be honest, I was a bit upset when I saw that article online. Jaehwan is a good
girl, she never got into this kind of trouble before." He said.

I glanced at the girl, and frankly, she looked absolutely mortified. I shook my
head to clear up the thoughts. As a diversion, I whipped out my phone and texted
To: Dancer---Hey Are you watching this? These reporters are tearing them apart

It didnt take long for her to answer.

From: Dancer---Yeah. Its pretty depressing. But the girl is gorgeous, though. I
cant believe they took her for me ;)

I shook my head. This girl is too cute.

To: Dancer--YAH Dont be so cocky XD Ill see you later. Practice hard

I didnt expect her to answer back right away, but by the time I put my phone back
in my purse, the press conference was over. I waited until the reporters were gone
and I peeped out of the curtains. "Hey, guys. Are you alright?"

"Yes Can we PLEASE get out of here Im starving" Jaehwan said, clutching her stomach
and pouting. Kris smirked a bit.

"Jaehwan You still have another schedule to go to now We have to hurry, or else
your manager hyung is going to get mad at you for being late, again." YG scolded,
dragging her by the arm.

"Bye Nice meeting you" She called, and the large glass double doors shut behind
her. Kris and I stood there awkwardly before I decided to break the silence.

"Are you alright?" I asked him, patting his shoulder. He nodded. "I felt like my
brain melted inside my head when I saw all those flashing lights." He said, heavily
exhaling all the breath he was holding. "Im just glad its over."

"Yeah, me too. You want to go back to the dorms and rest?"

"Is Anna going to be there?" Kris looked at me with worried eyes.

"No, she is at dance practice right now. Is there something going on between you

"N-No..." He stammered, but thered flush on his cheeks gave it away.

"You dont have to hold back, you know. I do know the President told you not to fall
in love, but that isnt realistic, especially when you guys have known each other
since forever. Just enjoy life right now. You only live once." I said.

Wow, that was probably the most sentimental thing Ive told YiFan in a long time. I
must be going crazy or something. All of a sudden, my phone startedringing. Unknown


I contemplated and just decided to answer it. "Yobuseyeo?"

"Hi, this is YG again."

"Oh Ahnyeonghasaeyo, YG-nim. How did you get my number?"

"There isa database with all the music industry employees personal information in

"Isnt that a bit creepy, coming from you?" I asked. He laughed.

"Youre a lot more intelligent than most managers I know. So anyway, I heard you
used to do a little bit of modelling back in Canada?"

I blushed. The last time I modeled was at a small boutique right outside Vancouver.
The shop closed a couple weeks later.

It was a pretty pathetic attempt.

"A little bit, but it wasnt very successful."

"Well, I wanted to call you to see if you had some free time on Monday next week? I
need another model from a different nationality. There is another model coming from
France and I decided another one wouldnt hurt. Its for Big Bangs photoshoot. So
what do you say?"

I was about to drop my phone out of shock. There was no way this was happening to
me. "Does President Lee know about this?"

"Yes, I told him to give you a day off because of it." If I werent in a conference
room right now, I would be jumping with joy and blasting Big Bangs Fantastic Baby
through the speakers. Kris gave me an odd look and I snapped out of it.

"Sure, Ill do it."

"Great Ill see you on Monday then" YG stated happily and hung up before I could say
anything more.

"So, what was that all about?" Kris asked as I ended the call and slipped the phone
in my back pocket. I squealed and jumped around with joy, earning some strange
looks from passerbys.

"I just got a modeling request by YG himself" I exclaimed. Kris gave me a skeptical
look. "Are you sure its from YG?"

"Sure it was It was the same nasal voice and everything" I pouted. Why does he have
to keep on ruining my day with his constant logical reasons?

"I wouldnt go."

"And why not?"

"Because I dont think its a good idea"

"Who said that you should be making my decisions?" I said. I was a little pissed
off. I sighed. "Kris, I know you mean well, but this is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity. Ill probably never get this chance again" I said. Kris sighed.

"Fine, but take Xiumin with you."

"Okay? Why Xiumin?"

"He is a black belt in Taekwondo."

"I know how to defend myself, mister."

All of a sudden, Kris grabbed my wrist and started to drag me with him. "YAH Where
are you taking me to?" I yelled, shaking my arm around. He still had a good hold on
my hand.

"Get out of it."


"I said get out of my hold on your wrist."


"See? My point exactly." He said, letting go of my wrist and facing me. I groaned.

"Fine, fine. Ill take Xiumin and tell President Lee that Xiumin was part of the
thing, too."
Kris smiled in satisfaction and I said, "You want to go get some noodles for the
members? They are probably really hungry right now."

"Lets go" He said, running out the door to the van. I guess my life is turning
around for the better after all...

=Xs P.O.V=

"Its done." The man said, taking off the headphones. We tracked down their manager,
who was a girl named Zariah, and offered her a modeling job at a photoshoot.

"Perfect. So she said she will be coming next Monday?" I said, pacing back and

"Yes, sir."

"Lovely. This plan is going better than I expected." I walked over to the large
flat screen TV hanging on the other end of the room and turned it on.

There was breaking news about the press conference held by YG and SM to clear up
the scandal that involved one of their rookie models, Lee Jaehwan. I paused the TV
and pointed to the young girls face.

"This is the girl that we are aiming to ransom. Do NOT, under any circumstances,
mistake anyone for her, or else the plan is ruined, arasso?"

"Yes, sir." The man said, giving a salute. I nodded. My phone suddenly started to
vibrate. I walked away from the conversation and answered it. "Yobuseyeo?"

"Appa That girl isnt leaving Kris alone" Hee Jin whined through the phone. I rolled
my eyes.

"Yes, I know, baby. Thats why we are going to ransom their manager, and if that
bitch still doesnt back off, we kill her. Appas doing her best, okay?"

I heard my daughter sigh on the other end of the phone. "Fine, but just dont kill
her. I just want to make her life a living hell for stealing my boyfriend from me."
She huffed. I heard the click of the reciever and I ended the call.

I returned to the table and restated my motives. "You all know what to do, right?"
The men nodded their heads in unison.

"Good, I expect you here early Monday morning, you understand?"

=Anna P.O.V=

"You got a WHAT? From WHO?" I shouted, shaking Zariah by the shoulders.

"I got a modeling offer from YG for Big Bangs photoshoot" Zari squealed. We both
started jumping around the living room, holdng each other and singing Fantastic
Baby off key. D.O was brushing his hair when he came into the living room.

When he saw us, he slowly backed away and slipped into the kitchen.

"Did we scare him off?" I asked. Zariah shruged and said, "They arent even supposed

"Aww But, Zari I didnt get to finish Mulan II" Tao and Xiumin shouted from the next
room. Ten more people groaned in the surrounding rooms. Chanyeol and Kai were the
first ones out the door. "Im out, you two. Have fun." Chanyeol said, winking.

I threw a couch cushion at his head in response. I heard Kai shut the door and
Chanyeol yell loudly about how mean I was.

That was his fault for being a pervert.

Soon, there was an avalanche of boys herding out the small doorway. After the last
person left, it was all empty and quiet inside. We looked at each other and grinned

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Zariah asked.

"WHY THE HELL NOT, SISTA" I screamed, diving for the karaoke set in the corner. I
popped in a CD and we started to belt out tunes at the top of our lungs.

An hour later, we were spread out on the floor, completely exhausted from the
workout. "Whew, that was fun We should do that more often" Zariah said, and I
nodded in agreement. Suddenly the doorbell rang. "I got it" Zariah said, bolting
off the floor and towards the door.

I was too lazy to get up, and all of a sudden I heard shuffling of feet in the den
and someone poke me in the side.

"Lijuan" A melodious voice sang. "Geng" I squealed, hugging him towards me. He
laughed and hugged me back.

You heard me right, ladies and gentlemen. My cousin is the one and only Hangeng
from the original Super Junior lineup. Hes pretty successful in China nowadays, and
he often Skypes me to check up on me when he isnt busy.

Hes like the older brother I never had. "He had been sitting outside the dorm doors
for a half hour in this ass-freezing weather just to see you." Zariah said, leaning
against the doorpost. She had an amused look on her face.

"Ill let you guys have some time for yourselves. Call me if you need anything" She
sang, before I heard her door room close. I turned my attention back to Hangeng,
who was a bright red.

"Who is she?"

"Zariah? Shes my best friend that I live with. Why do you ask?"

"I think I might have a bit of a crush on her..." He mumbled, looking down at the
floor. I squealed even more and I hugged him tight. "Dont do that, Mei-mei Youre
embarrassing me" He said, getting even more red in the face.

"You two would be so cute together" I said.

"Dont say anything, please Can you tell me what she is like?" He asked in a hushed
whisper, his blush a bit less prominent on his cheeks.

"The walls are soundproof you know." I said in my normal voice. Geng motioned at me
to hush up.

"Im not going to take any chances So tell me what she is like" He whispered,
sitting criss-cross apple-sauce on the floor in front of me, his face radiating
eagerness like a little kid about to get his new toy.

Sometimes I cant believe this is my charismatic cousin you saw on Chinese TV. I
giggled and scooched a bit closer to him. "Well, she is really independent. She
might seem cold and distant at first, but she is actually really sweet and caring.
She is really strange, has a wierd obsession with pandas, and she always says whats
on her mind, even if it is insulting to another person."

(A/N: Sounds like someone familiar? winkey face ;))

"So, in a nutshell, shes a lot like Heechul-ah, right?"

"Yup, the definite female incarnate of the Devil."

"Aww... Heechul didnt give you a hard time, did he?"

"A little, but it wasnt anything I couldnt handle. Besides, Im a big girl" I said,
pouncing up off the floor and doing a crazy Superman stance. He completely lost it
and ended up rolling around the floor laughing his butt off.

I couldnt help but join him. I noticed Zariah looking on out of the corner of my
eye and a lightbulb went off in my head.


"Oh Hangeng, I almost forgot I had to run some errands You and Zariah talk to each
other and keep each other company, okay? Ill be right back" I said, dashing out the
door with my shoes and jacket before I could hear them protest.

=Hangeng P.O.V=

As soon as Mei-mei shut the door, I turned back to Zariah, the Indian girl. She
looked a little bit thrown off by her friends sudden departure. I was shy, but I
decided to start some conversation.

I couldnt bear awkward silences. They were just too... awkward.

"Hi, Im Hangeng." I said in broken Korean, sticking out my hand. Zariah giggled a
bit. I found it really endearing.

"I know, you can speak Chinese if you want, I understand some Chinese. But I warn
you; Anna taught me well when it comes to cuss words." I laughed.

She was a lot like Heechul, alright. "Its okay, I dont use them often."

"Aha, alright, thats cool. I heard you made it really big in China."

Soon, our conversation was directed to my career in China and my previous life at
SM Entertainment. Zariah shook her head in shame.

"I hate the way SM treats their artists like crap. I really dont. Im managing EXO
right now, and not once have I seen any of the boys awake and functioning without
caffiene or drugs to wake themselves up. Or they sleep in their makeup chairs while
the makeup artists do their work." She said with sadness.

I patted her hand. "Yeah, it really sucks. So why did you come here?"

"SM offered me a job to become a model, but I decided to do something like managing
a band first before I started to model." She said, giving me a heart-stopping
smile. I felt bad for this girl.
She really sacrificed a lot to do what she loved. "Have you ever modeled before?"

"Yeah, but the boutique I modeled for closed a week later so no one saw my glory."
She said, pouting. It seemed like her only goal in life was to set herself apart
from other people.

And I really liked that about her. I patted her head and she had blushed a
completely light tinge of pink. "Why are you blushing?"

"U-Ummm... I really dont know, to be honest. Ive never really talked to guys this
comfortably before." She said, looking down and playing with her fingers. I grabbed
her hand and she blushed even more. Where did that cold, authorative demeanor go?

"I know this may be rushed, but will you go out with me?" I said, dreading the
answer I was about to recieve. Zariah sighed and looked at me.

"How long will you be staying here?"


"Like, how long will you be staying in Korea for? A week?""

"Im going to be staying here promoting my album for a couple months. Why do you

"I really want to get to know you better. You know, behind all that charisma and
awesome dancing." She said, poking my dancing muscles. "Im not saying I dont want
to be your girlfriend, but I want to test the waters first, you know?"

"I understand. So is that a yes?"

"I dont see why not." She said with a cheeky grin.

=Heechul P.O.V=

"Heebum, come back here" I harshly whispered to my cat, who went to paw at the
wall. He just looked back at me in a disinterested manner and I sighed. I leaned
against the doorway and listened in on Hangengs conversation.

"I understand. So is that a yes?"

"I dont see why not." My jaw dropped.

Did he just ask EXOs manager out? Han wasnt that kind of guy. I guess he had
finally found his girl, although she was a bit far from my standards.

"Heebum-ah, did you hear that? SHE SAID YESS" I whisper screamed, lifting Heebum up
and dancing a happy dance around the corridor with him. All of a sudden the door
opened and Hangeng popped his head out.

His eyes landed on me doing the happy dance. He raised an eyebrow and gave me a
Really? look.

"Hey, Heechul-ah, whats up? Did you need Anna? Or were you eavesdropping?" He said.
I ran up to him and tackled him, causing him to backpeddle and crash into the floor
behind him.

"You asked a girl out Im so happy for you" I said, hugging him to death. Hangeng
laughed a bit breathlessly.

"Thanks, Heechul, but youre kind of strangling me here..." He said, flailing his
arms about. Zariah just glanced my way and sighed. "Sometimes I wonder if you
really are one of the oldest hyungs in Super Junior..."

"Like you should be talking, old woman. Your complexion makes you look old."

"And you look too feminine to be a guy. Are you sure youre doctor checked if you
were a boy or girl properly?"

Poor Hangeng was just looking at us back and forth with a confused look on his
face. "We do this pretty much everyday." She explained and he nodded. "So are you
guys a thing now or what?" I asked, pointing in between the two of them.

"Were just going to try this whole dating thing out, and if it doesnt work, then
you know..." Hangeng said, looking at me. Heebum went up to Hankyung and jumped
into his lap, making himself comfortable. "Hey, Heebum. I missed you too." He said,
scratching him in between the ears.

Heebum just closed his eyes and purred in response.

"Wheres Anna, by the way? I wanted to give this to her. Its from the President or
something." I said, handing Zariah a package.

"She just went to run some errands, a.k.a launch a operation matchmaking thing on
me again." She said, tossing it onto the island and walked into the kitchen. "Do
you guys want anything?"

"Nah, just wanted to stop by and say hi to my Hankyung buddy. See you later, then"
I said, waving and walking out the door.
Yet another filler chapter. Sorry Hangeng is going to be REALLY Important in the
story later.

Its really late at night right now, so I will be updating this Authors note later.


Nausheen 33


*** Chapter 20: The 'Modeling Job' *** (4 pages)

=Zariah P.O.V=

I spent the rest of the week going to EXOs schedules and hanging out with Hankyung.
I started to use his Korean name a bit (although I liked his Chinese name better).
He didnt mind at all, and I really liked that about him. He was a great guy, and I
really enjoyed his company. We hadnt done anything drastic except for holding
hands, which earned a lot of disgusted looks from passerbys.

But they can go die in a hole for all I care. The Super Junior members, on the
other hand, were over the moon when they found out. Ryeowook kept on dragging me
aside and giving me dating tips.

He gave some really good tips sometimes, and he even helped me pick out an outfit
for my first ever date. Bless his adorableheart.

Sungmin, on the other hand, kept on giving me wierd glances and winking in my
direction. I was guessing that was his way of supporting me? I didnt have a clue.

As a result, I started to go on YouTube and watch Hangengs Chinese music videos.

Since I knew a basic amount of Chinese, I kind of understood what he was singing
about, and I liked his songs, because they were somewhat meaningful to me.

His fans were also very supportive of him, and I could only imagine the support he
had gotten over the past couple of years.

Sunday night rolled around, and I was sitting on my bed, looking through a bunch of
dresses through an online catalog. I decided that I wanted a new dress since I had
already outgrown the other ones. Ryeowook knew of my predicament and was only more
than happy to help by sending me a lot of links to different online stores.

All of a sudden, my cell phone rang. It was from Hankyung, and my heart skipped a
beat. I was smiling like an idiot when I answered the call, but I didnt notice it
at the time.


"Hey, Zari, look out your window." His staticky voice said over the reciever. I
walked over to my window and pushed opened the curtain. I saw Hangeng standing
outside with a heavy winter coatand a scarf over his mouth. But he was smiling; he
was willing to take me somewhere in this freezing weather.

Just then,I swore my heart swelled with love for this man.

"Come downstairs. I want to take you somewhere."

"Okay Give me like a couple minutes." I saw him nod and I ended the call. I threw
on a sweater over my pajamas and took my winter coat off the rack and passed by
Annas room. She was playing a one-on-one game with Kyuhyun on Starcraft. "Im going
out for a bit. Ill be back soon" I said, and I earned a grunt in response.

This girl will be like Kyu someday.

I literally raced down the steps and into the cold winter air. I saw him with his
arms wide open, and rushed to give him a hug. He smelled nice, like cologne.

Were we going to go somewhere nice?

"Youre looking nice, Zariah-ssi." He said, gesturing to my pajamas. I smacked his

arm lightly and pouted. "Yah Dont joke around" I whined, and crossed my arms over
my chest. He waved his hands frantically and shook his head.

"No, really You do look nice." He said, affirming it with a final nod. I smiled and
hugged him again. "Thanks, Hankyung."

"You know, I have heard my Korean name so many times, but I like it a lot more when
you say it. I really do." He said, hugging me back and gently stroking my hair. We
stood there like that for a couple minutes before letting go and Hangeng slipped
his hand into mine, intertwining our fingers.

I blushed a lot. I still wasnt quite used to it.

"Where do you want to go?" He asked after getting into the car and turning on the
heat. I was freezing my butt off.
"Can we go to the Han River? I never saw it." I said sheepishly. Ive heard people
say that the Han is the first thing you should see when you first come to Seoul.

But I came here as a trainee at first, so I didnt get to go outside as often as I

liked. I only got my managing job later.

"Sure. I really miss the view." He said, giving me a warm smile. Gosh, I wouldnt
mind seeing that smile every morning for the rest of my life.

The ride to the Han riverside was pleasant and amiable. He told me funny stories of
his broken Korean days that made me laugh so hard that I almost peed myself.

Soon we were parked by the Han river near the bridge. I gasped.

It was absolutely breathtaking. No wonder why so many people come and film drama
scenes here

We were the only ones there, so it was even more romantic. It felt like one of
those romance scenes from animes and k-dramas.

"Wow..." I whispered, mystified from the twinkling lights of Seoul City reflecting
on the river, giving it an extra shine. I heard Hangeng sigh in awe next to me.

"Ive been to so many places in China, but the view never compares to this." He
said, resting his chin on the palms of his hands. I glanced over at him, and he
just looked so darn PERFECT.

I wondered what a normal girl like me did to deserve this.

"Youre different from the other girls Ive meet, Zari." He said, as if he was
reading my mind. I was caught off guard.

He didnt call me Zariah, Zariah-ssi, Zari-ssi or any of that. He had used my

nickname. It just sounded so NATURAL coming from him.

"Really? How so?" I said coolly, keeping my inner fangirl in check and calming
myself. My heart was in such a frenzy I swore I thought I was going to faint.

"You arent afraid to say whats on your mind, you make your decisions based on your
beliefs and morals and dont care what other people think, you always treasure your
relationships and you make people happy. And you know what I like about you most?"
He said, leaning closer to my ear.

"W-what?" I stammered, a bit flustered at his suddenly close contact.

"You hid the fact that you were my fan pretty well." He said, giving me an evil
smirk. Kyuhyun rubbed off this guy pretty well; it was almost perfect. My jaw


"Come on, Zariah, you were pretty careless to not delete your history before giving
a laptop for someone to borrow."

"But I never expect people to go through my HISTORY." I said, pouting. So mean

"It isnt a bad thing, though. It makes me feel a bit better that Im not dating a
crazy-ass fan, but not a crazy-ass-SuJu-Forever-13 kind of fan." He said, slinging
an arm around my shoulder.

"Aigoo Look at you You look so adorable when you blush like that" He said in broken
Korean, and I couldnt help but laugh.

What a great way to calm my nerves

After that, we went into a small cafe on the riverside. Some people recognized him,
but not too many, which was a relief. The both of us went back to the dorms happy
and uplifted for the next day.

"Thanks, Hankyung-oppa I enjoyed it a lot. We should do this more often" I said,

smiling at him. He returned the gesture.

"No problem. And why did you call me oppa?"

"Because Im younger than you."

"Oh yeah, sorry. I become a little bit forgetful sometimes when I meet new people.
Please bear with me." He said, looking down and scratching the back of his head. I
patted his head.

"Its okay, Im like that too. Good night" I said, stepping out of the car. "Hold on"
He called after me and I stopped in my tracks.

"Yeah?" I said, turning around. Hangeng started to walk towards me.

"You forgot something." He whispered, kissing my cheek. The kiss was dangerously
close to my lips. "Sleep well." He said, and he got back in the car and drove off,
leaving me frozen in place.
Was I just kissed by an idol?

The Next Day

"ZARI WAKEY WAKEY" Anna shouted at the top of her lungs, and I felt something heavy
drop on top of my sleeping form.

"Nooo, get off Give me five more minutes" I moaned, shifting my body over so that
Anna fell off with a thud. "Oww Zari, you need to wake up Didnt you have a
photoshoot with Big Bang or something?" She asked.

My eyes popped open and I shot out of bed, nearly knocking Anna over in the
process. "What time is it?" I shrieked, frantically searching through my wardrobe
for something to wear.

"Its 6:30, Zari." She said nonchalantly, playing with Heebum. I stopped in my
tracks and sighed. Anna padded over and patted my head. "Maybe you should cool off
a little bit."

I then noticed Heebum giving me the stink eye (He never really liked me a lot).
"What is that CAT doing here?" I emphasized, pointing to the wretched creature. I
never forgave him for giving me a scratch that was infected for over a week.

Anna picked up Heebum and scratched him behind the ears. He started to pur like
there was no tomorrow. "I found him outside the apartment door this morning. Seems
like he was running away from Heechul again." She said.

I felt bad for Heebum then. I wouldnt want anyone dressing me up in pink shirts and
dancing with me. Then again, Heebum maybe wanted to see Anna, and he probably liked
the treatment he was getting from Heechul.

I wasnt a cat psychic.

"So when are you going to give him back?"

"When Heechul realizes Heebum is gone." She replied, setting Heebum down. He padded
out of my room and made himself comfy on the bathroom floor. "Get him OFF my
bathroom floor" I screeched. I hated it when someone made a mess of my bathroom
floor, and I just cleaned it yesterday.

"Come on Heebum, Zari isnt in the mood today." Anna said, tapping the floor gently,
making Heebum run over to her and make himself comfy on her lap. I sighed.

"He can stay here as long as he doesnt ruin anything in here, okay?"
"But Heebummie is a good cat"

"Tell that to my textbooks and chewed-up iPod. I mean it." I said, giving them a
warning glance. Heebum just gave me a look that seemed to say Whatever, just leave

I turned the shower on full blast and I hummed to different k-pop songs, mainly Big
Bang and Super Junior ones. After freshening up, I wore the clothes I picked out
and stepped out of the bathroom, towel-drying my hair. "You look great, Zariah"
Anna said, giving me a thumbs-up.

"Thanks, I really needed that." I said sincerely. I was a bit more insecure right
now, and I needed all the confidence boosts I could get. All of a sudden, my phone
vibrated, meaning I got a text. It was from Hangeng.

From Hannie-Oppa: Hey, Zariah Hope you slept well. I saw you in my dreams last
night. Did you see me? -

Aww... That was cute. I replied to him, unaware of Anna watching over my shoulder.

To Hannie-Oppa: Morning I saw you in my dreams too Were you dreaming about Willy
Wonka? XD

From Hannie-Oppa: I dont really remember. All I remember was that you were in my
dreams -

"Awww..." Anna gushed, overly exaggerating our conversation. "Oh, Romeo, did thou
dreamt of me? Tis is such an honor" She said in a high-pitched voice, throwing her
hands in the air.

"That will be you and Kris soon." I said matter-of-factly, and she stopped. I

"No, seriously. You guys make a cute couple. Go make some Chinese-Indian babies and
show me or something." My jaw dropped and I smacked her arm.

I didnt want to have such dirty thoughts right before I got to meet Big Bang.

"Ow What was that? I was just saying."She pouted, rubbing her sore arm.

"Im trying to live in blissful ignorance of all the dirty things in the world." I
stated. She grinned.

"Good luck with that." She said, picking up Heebum and leaving my room.
"I guess I might as well leave now..." I thought, as I grabbed my purse and threw
my keys, cell phone, sunglasses and anything else I might need. "Im leaving" I
shouted and I earned a grunt in response.

God, Anna, stop playing StarCraft

I stepped out into the nice Seoul sunshine and warm weather. It was a pretty
drastic change from yesterday. I smiled to myself; I had a great feeling.

I took out the address and walked down an abandoned alleyway. Huh, thats wierd.

A photo studio down an abandoned alleyway. Something in my gut told me that it was
a bad idea, but I ignored it.

I regretted that later. I heard the click of a loaded gun being pointed straight
near my temple and I suddenly felt faint.

The last thing I saw before the world turned black was a man standing over me with
dark glasses.


So? You liked it? I had the same thing happen again. Only this time, its going to
be ten times WORSE than what Anna had to go through.

Sorry for the late update again

I hope I can get you guys the next chapter next Monday If not, expect it to be
coming in the beginning of March


EEEEEEEEE fangirls

Taemin still looks so young, no matter how much makeup he puts on. And JONGHYUN.
DAMN THAT VOICE faints I felt that this song was REALLY good and they showcased
their talents really well in it too. I think of it as an apology for the crappy
comeback they had last year.

Sorry guys. Sherlock just didnt do it for me -

Im actually rewatching it again, and every time I squeal and fangirl, my mom keeps
on giving this look. Like the what-kind-of-daughter-did-I-raise kind of look.
She hasnt seen nothin yet :D

ANYWHO The music video is for those who havent seen it yet. But Im pretty sure you
did, right? -

Vote Comment Fan Saranghae

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 21: Captured (Again...) *** (5 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

"...And five, six, seven, eight Great job, girls We are all done for today" I said,
and the others visibly exhaled. We all had been practicing nonstop for the past
couple hours to get the choreo right. The showcase was tomorrow night I was pumped.

"Thank God Ill need a shower and some sleep tonight" RiNah said, and we all
laughed. "Well, make sure you get here on time tomorrow, or there will be trouble"
I said, playfully glaring at the blonde. She put a hand over her heart and looked
like she was hyperventilating. "You better" Kimmie said in her British accent. The
three of us knew that RiNah had a bad habit of coming to things late.

We all came out of the practice rooms laughing and gossiping about the latest Kpop
news. We saw SHINee giving a CSI interview about their new album that had just come
out yesterday.

Their music video already had a half million views I really liked the song. A LOT.
It was really good. And Taemins pencil pants I need to askthe stylistwhereshe got
them from.

The three of us decided to go to a coffee shop nearby and relax. We sat in the
booth and placed our order. When our coffee came, we were all absorbed in the

Then that question came along.

"So why do you have to date Kris?" Kimmie said, sipping on her latte.

"Publicity." I said frankly, chewing on my straw. "Its not too bad, I guess, until
the haters start to send in hate stuff."
"I dont blame them. Everyone wants a piece of him Hes really hot." RiNah said
dreamily, almost spilling her bubble tea in the process.

"He aint so hot when youve known him for years and years." I grumbled, and the
girls giggled. "What? Im not joking"

That only made them laugh even harder. "You guys are so wierd." I said, rolling my

"But you still love us" RiNah interjected, and I couldnt deny that. I loved them
because of their wierdness.

That was what brought us together, really.

We finished off our coffee, thanked the staff, and headed our seperate ways back to
the dorms. I felt like taking a hot shower and going to bed, so I headed straight
for my dorm room instead of checking on the guys. Zariah should be with them now.

I didnt have any worries.

I scanned my fingerprint and entered the apartment. I breathed in the air and
choked. It was too stale, so I opened the windows. I ran into the bathroom with
sleeping clothes and went into the bathroom. Stripping down, I stepped into the
shower and washed my dirty, sweaty hair andbody. I immediately hopped out of the
shower and steppedin front of the heater. It was freezing in here

I changed into my sleeping clothes and hopped on the computer, and logged on to
StarCraft. Kyu was online on Skype, so we talked for a while.

While the computer was shutting down, the doorbell rang. I stretched and waddled
over to the monitor. Hangengs bright face showed up and I suppressed a giggle. He
wasnt this giddy unless he was seeing Zariah.

Speaking of which, where was she? I shrugged off that thought and opened the door.
Hangeng tackled me and I backpeddled a little. "Wow, are you that happy to see me?"

"Nope. Wheres Zariah?" He asked, letting go of me. I pouted and said sarcastically,
"That didnt hurt, Geng."

"I love you too" He sang, skipping over and giving me a hug. I happily hugged him
back. I was pretty forgiving, unless it was Kris, of course, then you know...

"Where IS that girl? Shes usually here by now." I said, whipping out my phone and
dialing her number. It immediately went to voicemail.
Thats strange...

"She couldnt be going out with another guy, is she?" Hangeng asked worriedly, and I
smacked his arm. "Ow What was that for??"

"Zariah has morals, Geng She never went out with guys before, youre her first" I
said, giving him a stern look. "I guess I dont know her as much as I thought."
Hangeng said, scratching the back of his head.

The doorbell rang again, and I saw all of the EXO members faces crushed against the
screen. I tried hard not to laugh, but I couldnt do it. I busted out laughing so
hard that I fell to the floor. Hangeng popped his head out from the doorway and
raised an eyebrow at my sudden lack of sanity.

After a couple minutes, I composed myself, took a picture as proof, and opened the

I had to grab the doorhandle for dear life to prevent myself getting swept awayby
the herd of boys pouring through the door. Kris wasthe last one, and he
acknowledges my existence with a curt nod and a glare.

Whatever. Ican deal with his attitude tomorrow.

Everyone migrated to the living room, where everyone crowded inside made me realize
how small our apartment actually was.It looked like a bubble ready to burst.

"So why are you all crowded around my room the night before a concert instead of in
your dorms?" I asked sternly, hands on my hips.

"Well... we just wanted to call Zariah because she was probably exhausted from her
photoshoot today, but she never picked up the phone or called back." Kai said

"Do you guys know where she is?"

"No, thats why we thought you would know." Kris said, worry-lines creasing his
blemish-free forehead.

"That IS strange, photoshoots dont even last that long, and Zariah is good at
taking calls and answering them. If she doesnt answer, she usually calls back in a
matter of minutes." Geng muttered looking at me. I glanced at the clock on the wall
and gasped; it had been almost an hour since I had called her.

And she hadnt called back.

"I think she is in trouble, Im going to look for her." Hangeng said, putting on his
hoodie and marching out the door.

"Im going, too. You guys stay here and let her in if she happens to come back while
we are gone, arasso?" They nodded in unison. I hurriedly put on my jacket and boots
and shut the door, following Hangeng to his car.

=Kris P.O.V=

There was an eerie silence settling around the entire apartment like a heavy
blanket. It seemed like time had completely stopped; no one dared to breathe or

"Soo..." D.O mumbled, attempting to break the silence. But it just made it ten
times more awkward. "Im going to go raid Zariahs fridge." Xiumin said, walking
towards the kitchen. Baekhyun and D.O also followed along behind him, leaving the
rest of us still crammed into the tiny living space. Tao, Lay and Kai went to snop
through their DVD collection and decide what movie to watch while the rest of us
sat there doing nothing.

Finally I couldnt take it anymore.

"Im going to go look for Zariah." I said, jumping off the couch and nearly landing
on Taos head.

"But Mei-mei told us to stay put" Luhan said, grabbing my arm. I shoved Luhans hand
off gently and looked at him with a cold stare. "I dont care I have a bad feeling
about this, and I wont stay here"

"We dont want to either, but its either this or getting in even MORE trouble with
the President" Luhan shouted angrily, brows furrowed. I was surprised; this was the
first time I have ever seen the Deer so upset.

"Hes right, Kris. We want to help too, but we cant. Its either that or we dont
debut at all." Suho said, giving me a sympathetic look. I was floored.

I couldnt believe these were the guys I was hanging out with for the past four
years. Tao sat up and looked at everyone.

"I dont blame Kris, though. Id rather not be sitting here not moping around while
our manager is in danger." He said, getting up and standing next to me. I smiled a
little bit.

Even though I wasnt that close to Tao, I was grateful for his logic.

"Fine, do what you all want If we get into more trouble for this, Im going to blame
you two" Luhan growled angrily, throwing his hands up in the air and storming out
of the room.

"Might as well blame me for it then, too." Xiumin said, popping his head out of the
kitchen. "Me too" D.O and Kai chorused from the kitchen as well.

I love these guys so much. They are like brothers to me. "Count me in." Lay said,
getting up from the couch.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Lets go" I said, marching out the door.

=Zariah P.O.V=

"Ughh..." I slowly opened my eyes, only to be met by a bright light. Thats wierd. I
dont remember this being a part of the photoshoot at all.

Oh wait, I was abducted. Damnit.

I heard some kind of murmuring from the people (or aliens. You never know)
surrounding me, but I couldnt see any of them because my vision was still a bit

Soon, my vision started to clear and I looked around the room I was confined in.
Everything was white, so white it burned my eyes. It was the clean type of bleach
white, stainless steel shelves filled with bubbling liquids of all colors,
experiments on the counters. Right in front of me was a suspicious red velvet
curtain. What was it hiding? There were two people in lab coats standing on either
side of me, and one of them was holding a clipboard.

What the heck is going on here?

"Oh, youre awake. It was about time. I thought that tranquilizer would never wear
off." The man chirped cheerfully, writing something down on his clipboard without
making eye contact with me. I suddenly felt uncomfortable. Why was he so happy? IM

"Excuse me, why am I strapped down to this table?" I questioned, trying to shift to
a comfortable spot for extra emphasis.

"Apparently you were dropped off by someone that goes by the name Lee Yoonjae." The
woman stated, staring down at me with hard, icy blush-green eyes.

Shoot. HeeJins dad brought me here as a scientific guinea pig. Lovely.

Now I knew why Kris thought it was a bad idea.

"What am I doing here?"

"I have no clue. Apparently he wanted us to get rid of you, but we dont really do
that kind of stuff." She said, starting to unbuckle the straps holding me down.
"You can walk around for a bit, but you have to be ready for the first test we give
you in an hour." Test? What test?

If it is a written or oral test, I could probably ace it with no problem. But I

felt that this test wasnt the writing type of test.


"Yes. Now rest, miss. Youll need it soon." And with that, she and the other man
stepped out the door (which was also white) and shut it loudly.

I walked around the room and felt really cold. I looked down at my body and gasped;
I wasnt wearing anything but a flimsy paper gown that barely covered my ass. It was
like those paper gowns you wore when you have an examination or something.

I felt really violated and skimpy, even though there was no one in the room. I was
strangely relieved that they had the decency to leave my underwear alone.

All of a sudden, the red velvet curtain started to open slowly. I peeked out of the
curtain and I swore my heart would stop with suspense right then and there.

There were about a thousand people sitting in the auditorium, dressed in a wierd
fashion I couldnt comprehend. It was mostly men, talking amongst themselves and
pointing at the stage. All of the people were holding some sort of strange pamphlet
in their hands. I glanced at the stage and my eyes widened in fear.

There was a young girl caged inside.

(A/N Anyone ever read Black Butler? If you do, hopefully you know where I got the
idea from. If not, its a great manga. I recommend you read it LE POOF)

"Anyone want this kid? Strong and sturdy The starting auction price is 10,000
dollars 10,000 DOLLARS ANYONE 15,000 DOLLARS" The auctioning person shouted. Soon,
the kid was auctioned to a heavyset man, and the sight I saw made me want to gag.

He started to touch her in inappropriate places, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CROWD.
She looked like she wanted to cry, but she couldnt do anything about it.

And I suddenly had a sickening epiphany. I was going to be sold to some guy who
wanted me as a sex toy.
I had to get out of here. Now.

=Anna P.O.V=

"Are you sure its the right place?" I whispered to Geng. We had been walking around
Seoul City for hours until we found Zariahs phone outside YG Entertainments door.
Using the tracking device she had installed on her phone, it lead us to a... shack?

Apparently it wasnt just a shack. There was a beefy bouncer standing by the door,
pounding music and bright lights shining through the cracks.

"Well, at least that was what it said on the GPS." He said hesitantly, checking the
phone and the location at least twice. I started to giggle quietly. "Why are you

"Because its so wierd. Only this kind of stuff happens in action movies." I said.
He just shrugged and checked the GPS. "I guess so." I sighed.

There was no cheering him up when Zariah was in trouble. I guess he really fell for
her hard.

"Cheer up. Once you get Zariah, there wouldnt be any more trouble, right?" I said,
playfully elbowing him and trying to lighten the mood.

"I wouldnt be so sure of that..." He muttered, looking at the bodyguard.

I huffed and squatted on the ground, putting on my best pouty face. Hes been pretty
worked up ever since he realized that Zariah was missing. I suddenly had a great
idea and started to frantically search through my purse.

"What are you doing?" Hangeng asked as I pulled out my makeup kit. I didnt realize
I had an evil grin on my face the whole time until he gave me a wierd look.
"Disguise, duh" I said, starting to apply pink blush on Gengs cheeks.

Half an hour later...

We peeked around the bushes again, and the bouncer was still at his spot. "Okay,
you know the plan, right?" I whispered. Geng nodded, and I couldnt help but giggle.

We looked ridiculous.

"I know, I look stupid. Can we please hurry up now? My skin cant breathe under all
this makeup" He whined, pouting. "Sure, whatever." I shrugged and shoved him
forward. "Now go."
We started to walk towards the back of the shack when the guard caught us. "YAH
What are you punks doing here?" He shouted, threateningly advancing towards us. I
would be lying if I said I wasnt going to pee myself right then and there.

He was freaking MASSIVE.

"Sorry sir, we are the entertainment the boss requested tonight." I said smoothly,
showing my drivers license. He took it and looked between me and the license
several times. I was starting to get a bit irritated by his stupid behavior.

"YES. It is MY license. I only have a bunch of this gunk on because I am doing a

performance tonight. Now may we please go?" I snapped. It surprised him and Geng.

Geng never heard me talk this way to ANYONE. The bouncer quietly handed over my
license and proceeded to open the door.

There was a long, narrow and dimly-lit corridor that seemed to stretch on FOREVER
until we came to a theater. What? I thought this was a club.

How misleading. And everyone in there was dressed in club attire. Even MORE

"Hey, are you done? We need to get on the stage and look for Zariah, pronto." Han
whispered in my ear harshly. Someone was a bit restless tonight.

"Wait a second, I think I see her" I said, patting his arm and pointing towards the
stage. Lo and behold, there she was, scantily clad in nothing but a paper hospital
gown. I turned to Hangeng blushing a beet red. "Never thought I would see her like
this so soon..." He said, trying to pat off the heat that was accumilating on his
face. I giggled.

Well have to go look for her clothes later.

I was snapped back to reality when a bunch of perverted men whooped and hollered at

"Go. Now." I whispered. He nodded and we both started to walk in opposite

directions towards the stage. He seemed to walk faster than normal.

"HELLO EVERYONE" I shouted, cutting off the auctioneer, who didnt look all that
pleased. I glared at him and he ran off the stage with his tail between his legs.

"How are you all tonight?" A voice shouted which obviously didnt belong to Hangeng,
and everyone seemed to cheer. Well, except for the perverts, that is. I turned
around to see Lay with a couple of the other EXO members holding microphones. He
gave a boyish grin at me and mouthed "Nice makeup."

I rolled my eyes. I wasnt exactly going for a put-together look. Out of the corner
of my eye, I saw Hannie take advantage of the distraction and drag Zariah away from
the stage. It seemed like the distraction worked; the auctioneer didnt even notice,
and he was the closest to the stage.

"Well, in case you didnt know who we were, we are EXO" They shouted, doing their
little intro. Some of the women swooned at that. I was thinking they were only
wanting to get in their pants. They all had makeup caked on their faces.

They started to ad-lib their song History, and the crowd went wild. They all
probably knew this song. I snuck over to the other side of the stage without being
seen to meet up with Zari and Hangeng. "Hey, guys, you can cut it out with all the
lovey-dovey crap. Do it at home." I said when I saw them hugging like they havent
seen each other in years.

"Awww, is wittle Anna jeawous?" She cooed, pinching my cheek playfully. I decided
to follow along. "Yeah I need somebody to love" I sang off pitch, causing them to
cringe. "Youve been in SM for a while and you STILL dont know how to sing
properly." Hannie said, rubbing his ears.

"Do you want me to sing again?"

"NO." They said at the same time. I heard clapping and I knew we had to finish up
the plan. "Okay, Zari follow me." Hangeng said, motioning her to follow him out the
back door. I waited to meet the other guys at the sides. "Great job, guys" I said,
giving them each high fives. I even gave Kris one.

What can I say? Im a nice person.

Just then, the heavyset auctioneer pounded up the steps and huffed. "Hey Have you
seen that Indian chick anywhere?" He asked, cigar sticking out of his mouth.

"No sir, sorry." I said, shrugging. He groaned and proceeded to roll in the next

"Well, I think we are done here, arent we?" I said, trying not to make it
suspicious. They all nodded. "Lets go home. I need to rest for that showcase
tomorrow." Kris groaned, walking ahead. I looked at Lay, but he just shrugged.

"Hey, Kris, wait" I shouted, but he kept on walking ahead. I ran up to him and
grabbed his arm. "Kris, why are you treating me like this?" I asked, white frost
forming from my heavy breathing. He turned around and looked at me straight in the

"I dont really know. I cant really remember why Im mad at you, yet I always think I
have a good reason." He said, sighing.
"Look, can we be friends? Please?" I begged. I surprised myself; I never begged for
friendship. Not from Kris, that is.

"Sure whatever." He shrugged, walking along. "I dont want some of that shit.
Really, I want to be friends. And not some awkward friendship." I said, walking
alongside him. He stopped and looked at me.

It wasnt a dagger glare; his eyes were full of guilt and compassion. "No, really, I
hate this stupid thing we have right now. I want a friendship too." He said,
guiltily looking down and kicking the pebbles on the ground.

"So, friends?" I asked, holding out my hand. He looked at it for a bit before
slowly, cautiously grabbing on my hand firmly and shaking it.


Yay They are friends now XD

So SO SO sorry for the late update, guys. I experienced some writers block and had
to kind of chill out for a bit. I read some other books, NOT WATTPAD BOOKS (it
helps me get over my writers block _____) and mangas and stuff like that. So yeah.

Starting a new book in English class. Its called the Great Gatsby by F. Scott
Fitzgerald. The whole book is so darn confusing, and all they talk about are
affairs with other married people and such.


So ANYWAY You all know the drill, right? And Yesungs scary teacher imitation is
right in the Multimedia section. I really have no words for you, Yesung-oppa Such a
cute dork (w)

Saranghaeyo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 22: The Buck Stops Here *** (4 pages)

I decided that I was going to switch up the P.O.V to Hangengs and Zariahs this
time. I might throw in an Annalise P.O.V, too. Just wanted to give you all a heads
up. Enjoy 3

=Hangeng P.O.V=

Its been two weeks since Zari was almost sold as a sex slave. She hasnt been
herself, and its been worrying me. She kept on telling me she was fine and it would
take a while for her to get back on her feet.

But for some reason, I couldnt bring myself to believe her. I spent most of my time
with her, consoling her when she cried, watched sappy chick flicks with her in the
living room while we shared a tub of ice cream, or looked at the funny fanvideos of
me just to make her smile again.

I felt guilty. I wished that I was with her when she fell into that trap, just so I
could protect her.

The Suju guys all undersood that I wanted to be with Zari during my free days, so
they would sometimes join me in her apartment and do stupid things, like playing
school of fish or do a hilariously wierd Titanic parody to cheer her up.

Today I planned something special, just for the two of us. "Morning, Geng." She
mumbled, waddling into the kitchen. Her hair was a curly mass on her head, large T-
shirt and sweatpants hanging off her petite frame, and a teddy bear dangling from
her hand.

I chuckled. I could get used to this.

"Yes, Im a twenty-one year old woman that still carries around a teddy bear to
cuddle at night." She grumbled, blinking furiously to adjust to the sunlight
streaming through the windows. I grinned and she just shook her head and waddled
towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging me.

She was too short to rest her head on my shoulder, which was cute.

"Good morning, and I really dont have a problem with that, Zari. Although I do wish
it was me." I said. kissing her head and giving her a half hug. She was blushing,
but not as badly as before. I was really her first love, and I felt kind of proud
to admit that. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"A little better. The nightmare still keeps on haunting me though." She admitted,
rubbing her tired eyes with the back of her hand. I wrapped her in a hug and she
relaxed a little bit.
The first week I couldnt touch her at all. She kept on freaking out; not that I
blamed her. I would be way too jumpy after that experience, too.

"You feeling a bit better?"

"I guess I cant complain. I do wish I was managing EXO right now more than
anything. I wonder how they are holding up without me." She said, scratching her
nose. "Im sure they are doing fine."

Just then, the doorbell started to ring like crazy. "Ill go get it. You finish
making the tea." I said, rubbing her back comfortingly. Running out of the kitchen
to answer the door, I looked at the monitor and shook my head. Not all 12 of your
heads are going to fit onto one small camera.

"ZAAARRRIIAAHHHH" Tao screamed as soon as I opened the door and barreled into the
kitchen. "OMYGOD TAO YOURE SQUISHING ME" I heard Zariah shout at him. I started to
laugh really hard.

These kids were hilarious. "Sorry, gege. We were trying to convince Tao that Zariah
was okay, but he wanted to see for himself." Lay said in Chinese, shaking his head.
"Youre from Changsa, arent you?" I inquired. I recognized the accent immediately
because I have some relatives in Changsa.

Lay nodded. "Yup. Kris is from Nanjing and Luhan is from Beijing. Tao is from
Qingdao." He said, pointing at each respective member, but waving his hand towards
the kitchen when he mentioned Tao. I saw the Korean members standing awkwardly at
the door.

"You guys can come in, you know. I dont bite. Usually." I said in Korean, motioning
everyone to migrate into the living room. I heard a couple of thuds and Zariah
appeared at the door with Tao hanging around her neck, death-gripping her for life.
She had to grab the doorframe to avoid falling from his weight.

"TAO. FOR THE LAST TIME IM FINE" She said, trying desperately to get him off of
her. It took Lay, Xiumin and Chen to finally unlatch the boy from her neck. "Jeez,
I think your nickname should be Koala You were latched on me so tightly I swear I
though I was going to die" She complained, rubbing her stiff neck for emphasis.

"I thought you didnt swear, Zariah" Chanyeol said, his eyes widening. She gave him
a death glare. "Actually, where is your substitute manager? Did you guys abandon
him again?" She said sternly, looking at each one of them in the eyes.

They all bowed their heads in shame and nodded. "Yess..." They said in unision.

"Well, thanks for checking up on me, guys. But it would make me feel better a whole
lot faster if you just listen to your sub manager and do what your schedule says.
Arasso?" She said, smiling. "Okay" They cheered, getting into a group hug. "Han,
you get in here" She said, grabbing my collar and dragging me into the group.
"So you all know what your schedules are?"

"Actually, thats why we came." Kris said. "Huh? Did your manager not give them to
you guys?" She said, whipping out her phone and dialing a number.

"He did, but there was nothing on it. We thought it was some sort of mistake, but
he said that was what the president gave him." Sehun said. Zariah hopped onto her
computer and quickly typed into the SM database. She logged in and checked EXOs
status. "Huh"

"What is it?" I asked.

"Apparently you guys are on hiatus until further notice." She said, scrunching your
eyebrows in confusion. "And Kris is the only one with a schedule."

"WHAT?" The boys shouted. If it were a cartoon, there would be steam blowing out of
their ears right now. It wasnt a pretty sight.

"I know I dont understand it either. This is becoming so wierd" Zariah exclaimed,
throwing her hands up in the air.

"What is my schedule, though?"

"Apparently you are going to have ANOTHER press conference with Anna in a couple of
days." Zariah said, shaking her head.

"Like the first one wasnt enough already..." I said. "How did you know about the
first one?" She asked me.

"Its all over the kpop online cafes and forums. I look at kpop news too, once in a
while." I said, and Kris groaned and his head fell on the table with a thud. "My
life is officially OVER." He said.

"Its okay. Its only the beginning, you know."

It didnt make the situation much better.

"Hey guys, I think you might want to see this." Suho yelled from the living room.
We all went to the living room and peeked out of the window. There was a HUGE mob
of fans standing outside the SM building, holding signs that said "STOP THE UNFAIR
HUMAN BEINGS" or something along those lines.

It looked pretty crazy. All of a sudden, I saw a rock fly through the air and smash
one of the top story windows. Soon, there were several people throwing stones at
the building, shattering some windows in the process.

"Holy crap, they look pretty pissed." Kai said, his eyes widening. "You think? No
one shatters windows for fun, Kai." Zariah said in a duh tone.

"Do you think we should go stop them?" D.O asked, worry all over his face.

"I dont think that would be a bright idea. We could be injured too, and those fans
dont look like they will be giving anyone any mercy." I reasoned, so we all watched
as police came onto the scene and arrested some of the people holding the protest
and throwing rocks.

I dont know why, but I felt strangely happy that people were finally realizing that
SM werent treating their idols right. My message was finally going through to
people, and the KrisxAnna thing really tipped them over the edge.

I hoped that this was the beginning of a change.

=Anna P.O.V=

I watched from the training room windows as fans were forcefully removed from the
scene. Shattered glass littered the front of the building, and there were already
custodians and janitors cleaning up the mess from the riot. Patrol cars and
ambulances were also parked, carrying away anyone that was injured and regulating
the crowd of people.

I sighed and turned away from the scene. I decided I had to do something about it,

Trudging over to my laptop at the corner of the room, I logged onto Twitter and
fixed up the camera. I hadnt done a Twitcam in a long time. I didnt find much of a
use for it.

Not until now, anyways.

Just then, my phone started to ring. "Yobuseyeo?"

"Hey Anna, just wanted to ask if you were okay." I was surprised to hear Kris voice
on the phone. I stayed silent until I snapped out of my initial shock.

"Oh Uh, yeah Im fine. Thanks." I stammered. Lovely, I just made myself look like a
fool. I could hear him smirking on the other end. Damn you, Kris.

"Oh. Okay. I just wanted to check on you. Ill see you later then." He said, and
ended the call before I could reply. I hesitantly ended the call and suddenly
wanted to hear Kris voice again. I hit my forehead a couple of times to clear up my

You arent falling in love, you arent falling in love, YOU ARENT FALLING IN LOVE I
kept reminding myself. I didnt want to make this more complicated than it really
was. I just wanted to get this overwith and done so I can move on with my life.

Soon, the camera beeped, signalling it was showtime. I looked at the number and my
jaw dropped. 200 people were watching my Twitcam?? Since when was I this popular?

Oh, right, I was dating their idol.

I cleared my throat and started to talk.

"Hey, everyone. My name is Annalise Luo. I just wanted to thank you all for showing
up. So Im assuming you all know about this scandal thing going on, right? If not,
Ill give you a little summary. Basically, I have to look like Im dating EXO-M
member Kris to avoid having some other scandal with another idol girl group coming
out soon. Pretty confusing, right?" I laughed.

"I think so. Just a couple minutes ago there was this HUGE riot going on outside
the SM building. If you guys were there, you all saw it? And I just wanted to give
a big shoutout to the people who were part of the riot. It really means a lot to
all of us. Well, the idols, that is." Smiling, I felt a little more confident.

"I didnt want to do this Twitcam because I felt like it. I want to tell you all my
side of the story; the side that the media doesnt want you all to see." All of a
sudden, my comments completely exploded. I got a lot of You are such a liar, bitch
and Go die in a hole, you whore. comments, but at this point I didnt really care.

"So, my side of the story is that I was forced to date Kris from EXO-M to ganer
more popularity for EXO and the new girl group at the same time. Its pretty
nervewracking, especially when you get hate mail from Kris-biased fans on a regular
basis." At this point, I was ready to cry. It took a lot of willpower not to shed
the tears that were blurring my vision.

"The truth is, Im just a girl who loves what she does. And all I really want is to
debut as a normal K-pop idol without any problems and get to do what I love every
day. Dont take this as begging for sympathy, though. I dont beg for anything. I
just want you guys to think before sending in all that hate mail and rude comments.
Thanks so much, everyone." I bowed at the camera before turning it off.

=Donghae P.O.V=

I kept staring at the screen long after her Twitcam ended. Looking at her comments,
her Twitcam changed some peoples views on her, but still there were a lot of people
that hated her. I couldnt take it anymore. After all the things with Anna and
Zariah the last couple of weeks, I didnt have a whole lot of respect for the
President left.

And the riot, of course. Who could forget about the riot? It was probably the
single most intense one that SM ever faced. EVER.

"Hyung, we need to do something about this" I said, turning to Leeteuk. His mouth
was in a straight line and he looked like he was going to smash the computer witha

"Donghaes right. This is getting way out of hand." Siwon said, and his Shibrows
agreed. The others were doing other things in their rooms, probably reading or
doing whatnot.

"Alright. Get all the members together; we are havinga meeting." Leeteuk said, his
face still expressionless. He was thinking about this pretty hard.

Leeteuk probably didnt want us to end up like Changmin-hyung and Yunho-hyung. They
were subject to harsh training for several months. But as far as Cassies were
concerned, they were on hiatus right now.

We all talked about what we were going to do. We decided to circulate a text to all
the artists in SM. We decided to leave the trainees alone; they didnt have anything
to do with it. Then Ryeowook brought up the fact that the trainees were also given
unreasonable conditions to meet as well. So all of a sudden, we were all quickly
circulatinga text to everyone we knew.

We even got some texts back saying they would also tell the people that didnt get
the message. We had to be careful not to let the staff or anyone know about it
though. Except Zariah and a couple other managers, of course.

I hoped that this would work.



And yeah, things are going to get pretty messy from now on (Im pretty sure you
guessed that by now, right?) So yeah PREPARE FOR SOME ACTION And some romance, of
course 3 The song was the song Anna will be dancing to in the next showcase. And
there will be another surprise there, too ;)

it so so so so so SO MUCH I was fangirling so much this morning when I saw their
live version.

It didnt help that I had a test at 11:00, though. IT INTERRUPTED MY FANGIRLING TIME
Grr... So ANYWHO VOTE. COMMENT. FAN No one commented on my other chapter, though.
Kind of made me a bit sad... :( But I still love you all 3

Saranghaeyo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 23: Idol's Revolution (Phase 1) *** (5 pages)

=Kris P.O.V=

"Duizhang Did you get this message?" Tao asked, showing me his iPhone. It was the
similar text that I got not too long ago. "Yup. Didnt everyone get it?"

"I dont care about that. Im just happy that I got a text from the Super Junior
sunbaes." He said, bounding off to get his makeup done for our performance.

Yup, we were backstage on a music show when we got it. And I wouldnt mind taking
some unauthorized days off. I felt like a piece of walking dog shit. The substitute
manager wasnt helping much either. He was a kiss-up to the President.

No wonder why he wasnt promoted for a while, even though hes been in the company
for the longest time.

I rolled my eyes at Taos childlike behavior; this guy... Aish. "Hey, Kris, can you
believe this?" Suho said, showing me the same text that I saw for probably the
kajillionth time in an hour. "Nope, not really. Still waiting for someone to pinch
me and tell me it was all a dream." Chanyeol popped out of nowhere like a prarie
dog and pinched my arm.

"OW Yah I was being sarcastic." I whined, rubbing my sore arm and glaring at him.
He just gave me a wide grin back. Chanyeol pinches pretty hard...

"Wow, this circulated pretty quickly." I remarked, comparing my time and Suhos
time. "Yeah, I know. I wonder if the other trainees got it..."

"You just want to know if JiYoo got it, right?" I smirked, and his face became a
deep shade of red as he smacked me upside the head. I only laughed.

Hes had a crush on that girl for a while. Her along with Anna and three other girls
were going to form SMs first international girl group. "Oh, that reminds me. Im
going to call someone. Be right back." I said, getting off my chair and going to a
quieter side of the room. (if that was even remotely possible with 12 boys running
around screaming and spraying each other with Silly String)


"Hey, Anna, whats up?"

I heard some shifting on the other side before she said, "Oh, just getting myself
some dinner. Instant ramen never gets old, right?" She remarked sarcastically. I
smiled a bit at that.

"Yup, havent had that in about 24 hours. I miss it so desperately." I said in my

most desperate voice, earning a loud fit of laughter on the other side. My
heartbeat quickened in realization; I just made her laugh. By myself

I secretly pat myself on the back. "You really like the cheesiest jokes, dont you?"

"Not my fault Im slow and not as perverted as you."


"Oh shut up, you. Dont get your hopes up." She countered, and I could imagine her
about to spill her instant ramen. "So did you guys go perform yet? It seems like a
wild party in the backgroud."

"Nope, we didnt. The rest of the boys decided to let off some steam before they
went so they joined the Teen Top guys in their wild ways."

"Please dont tell me they have Silly String in their possession."

"They do." Chanyeol shrieked like a girl when Chunji got neon blue Silly String all
over his costume. The outfit designer noonas are NOT going to be happy about that.

"Oh GOD help us all. The Apocalypse is coming." She wailed hysterically.

"It ended like a couple months ago."

"I KNOW. I was being sarcastic, genius." I heard her slurping on some noodles
before she started to talk again. "Im glad we are able to talk like this. It beats
having to decode all of your moody signs." She said.

"Yeah, that did annoy you a lot, didnt it? Im sorry." I admitted, starting to feel
a slight prickle on the back of my neck. "XIUMIN STOP EAVESDROPPING ON MY
CONVERSATION BEFORE I CASTRATE YOU." I shouted at him, covering the microphone so
she didnt go deaf. Xiumin giggled quietly behind his hand as he started to make
obnoxious kissing noises.

He was such a wierd guy...

"Well, you seem a bit busy. Tell everyone I said hi and tell Chanjo to call me.
That sucker still owes me 50,000 won from last month"

"You sound like a debt collector." I snickered, and I could tell she was rolling
her eyes on the other end.

"Yeah, whatever. Im hanging up now."

"Okay, see you later. Bye." And with that I ended the call. I walked over to my
spot next to Suho and plunked myself next to him. He was STILL trying to beat
Baekhyuns highest record on Temple Run.

Sometimes I think he is the equivalent of Kyuhyun when it came to his extensive

gaming knowledge.

"When are you going to give that up? You arent going to beat his high score." I
said bluntly.

"Gee, love you too, YiFan." He remarked sarcastically without looking up from the
screen. "UGH, SO CLOSE DAMMIT JUST BY 50 POINTS" He exploded, throwing the iPhone
on the table and rubbing his temple in circles. I shook my head.

What kind of damaged people was I living with? I patted his back before walking
over to Chen and Lay, who were recording a video to upload on Youtube later.

"Oh, hi Kris. Do you want to film us while we attempt to do SNSDs I Got a Boy
dance?" Chen asked, aiming the camera towards me. "Uh, sure, I guess." I said
hesitantly, taking the camera and recording Chens awkward dancing and Lays wierd
body gyrations. I laughed so hard I almost dropped the camera.

Yes, I actually laugh.

"Oh... my... God..." I gasped in between fits of laughter. "And this, ladies and
gentlemen, is how you get the EXO-M leader to laugh." Lay said in Chinese, taking
the camera from me and giving it a thumbs-up. I was still not over my laughing fits
when they walked away.

I am going to give those guys a little talk when we got home tonight.

The backstage manager shouted angrily, pointing his pen at the mess of rainbow
Silly String all over the place. The assistant manager looked like he was about to

Today wasnt a bad day, after all... I thought as I smirked at the backstage crew
cleaning up the mess.

=Zariah P.O.V=

"Nooo... Not that sappy movie again That movie makes my insides rot" HanKyung
whined, pouting at my movie collection. We were currently debating whether to watch
Wreck-It Ralph or the Notebook.

Both of us spent the whole day shopping, and he decided that I should do different
with my hair. So we went to the hair salon and got my hari cut. Instead of my long,
layered shaggy hair, I had chest length shaggy layers with bangs to frame my face.
It was adorable. (A/N Picture of Zariahs new haircut on the right. Isnt JLo
gorgeous? :D LE POOF)


I purposefully picked out the Notebook to see his reaction. It was really funny; he
started to roll around the living room floor in agony.

He was still a Super Junior member at heart. I really hope they get back together
again. I have never seen Heechul so happy before.

"Oh-kayy. You win; honestly, that movie made my insides rot, too. I dont even know
why Anna has this in our movie pile anyway." I sang, tossing the Notebook over my
shoulder and inserting Wreck-It Ralph into the Blu-Ray player and pouncing on the
couch and cuddling next to Han. He casually draped an arm over my shoulder and
pulled me closer to him. I was used to it now.

Yes, I have a Disney movie addiction. What can I say? They were all cute. I have
every single one of them, from the classic fairy tales to the more modern day ones,
like Cars.

"Emphasis on the word OUR movie pile." He said, and I wrinkled my nose at his
pickyness. "Whatever." I mumbled. He then kissed my hair. "Did I ever tell you how
much I love you?"

"No; only 500 times a day." I remarked, earning a soft poke to the side of my head.
"Well, I love you so much to the point I would die for you." He said, hugging me

"NO DONT DIE" I exclaimed, hugging his waist. I wasnt ready for that "Pabo I didnt
say I was going to die" He said, poking my cheek.
"You really like poking me, dont you?"

"Because you are just so adorable."

"You mean like aegyo-adorable?" I cringed. It somehow brought an image of Sunny

doing aegyo in my head. What a horrid sight.

(A/N: No offense to all the Sunny-biased Sones out there I just dont like her. And
Jessica. Just my opinion. Dont bash me for it, please LE POOF)

"Oh God no I mean like, not over the top adorable, but you can be feminine
sometimes without trying, even though you are a tough girl. Its pretty refreshing.
If it were like Sunnys aegyo I would rather be blind, no offense." He said,
smiling. Jeez, he was so cute.

"Why thank you." I said, grinning. "Aish, you are so cocky, too. No doubt you are
like Hee-nim." He said, shaking his head. "I guess Heechul did rub off me as far as
the cockiness is concerned, but the rest is 100 me, I assure you." I said, earning
a loud fit of laughter.

"Shush Im trying to watch the movie" I whispered, slapping his rock-hard chest. He
nodded and sat quietly, sometimes tracing nonsense pattern on my arms or cuddling
me in general.

"Awww, look at the two lovebirds" Anna sang in a mocking tone as she walked into
the living room and saw us watching.

"Like I have state before, that will be you and Kris, soon." I said, and she
effectively shut up.

"Maybe we should taunt them a little when they become a thing, dont you agree?"
HanKyung whispered in my ear. I nodded with an evil glint in my eye. "Yah I heard
that, gege" Anna said, pouting. She sat on the opposite end of the couch.

How it feels to be forever alone, huh? Im glad that girl isnt me right now.

I paused at the part where Ralph went into that Sugar Rush racing game and found
Vanellope Von-Shweets, or whatever her name was. We were doing more talking than
watching, anyway. Suddenly, I was craving candy.

Curse Disney movies and playing with your emotions.

"So did you guys ever get The Text? Its been circulating around SM for the past
couple hours. I just got it twenty minutes ago." She said. I shrugged.

"I havent checked my phone at all today." I admitted. HanKyung said the same thing.
She rolled her eyes.

"You guys are so absorbed in each other, I swear to God." She said, throwing her
hands up in the air.

"You just jealous that I give my girl undivided attention." Han mocked her, hugging
my waist and kissing my cheek. Once again, dangerously close to my lips. I blushed,
brushing my newly cut fringe in front of my face.

"Ahem, for your information, dearest cousin of mine, your girl happens to be my
best friend." She corrected him, raising an eyebrow at him. "PFFTTT, Im just too
sexy for the both of you." I stated, sticking my nose up in the air, acting like I
was all prissy.

"Im probably the single most dense person in the WORLD and I could tell that you
didnt mean it." She said incredulously. I rolled my eyes.

"I wasnt trying to make myself look like a bitch, thats why." I playfully said,
smiling. We all cracked up. Soon, we were all back to watching the movie.

A little while later (or quite a while later, I couldnt tell), the doorbell rang.
Anna went to open the door, and the next thing you know, Heechul was chasing Heebum
throughout the house. "HEEEEEEBUUUUMMM" He screamed, trying to catch the poor

He finally caught him, literally right under the couch. " OH MY GOD, HEECHUL I was
trying to watch a moooviee" I cried. He just shrugged.

"Whatever." He said. "Hey, HanKyung." He said, and they did their handshake or
whatever guys do. It was then I notice Heebum centimeters away from my face. He
seemed to give me a death glare. "Heechul?"


"Get. That. Cat. Away. From. Me. NOW." I said, deliberately exaggerating every
word. Heechul looked at me and Heebum, and finally got the message and placed him
in his lap. He knew my discomfort around Heebum. "Whats your problem with Heebum,

"He gave me a scratch that was infected for weeks, chewed up my iPod and literally
shredded my textbooks." I stated, counting off his bad deeds on my fingers.

"Well, he usually doesnt do that kind of stuff." He said, scratching him behind the
ears. He started to purr and gave me a lazy stink-eye. "Is there such a thing as
kitty racism?" I asked. Heechul shrugged. "Hmm... Maybe. I never thought of
"Oh I just got a text from my manager in China to contact him. You two keep on
talking about kitty racism while I go check it. Be right back" Han said, giving me
a quick kiss on the forehead before exiting the room.

"He really loves you, doesnt he?" Heechul asked, looking at me. I nodded and
smiled. "I think he will be a great boyfriend. Hes easy to get along with and very
kind-hearted." Hee-nim said, affirming it with a nod.

"If you two ever get married, Ill be your best man. I called first dibs." He said,
giving me a thumbs up and a wink. My jaw dropped and I smacked his arm. "Ow What
was that for?"

"I wasnt thinking that far ahead We were only dating for a month" I said. You are
so wierd, Hee-oppa

"I am just saying If he breaks up with you... Well, then thats his loss. I think
you are a great girl." He said, ruffling my hair. "Noo Dont do that I just got it
done" I whined, trying to dodge his hand. He started to do his famous scream-laugh.
Hes so mean

"Did you really mean that, though." I said, seriously looking him in the eye.
Heechul noticed right away and nodded quickly. "Yeah Why would I lie to you?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"On second thought, there would be several reasons why I would..." That earned him
another smack in the arm. "OW Why are you so abusive, woman? I got out of the army
a week ago and you treat me like this" He whined, rubbing his sore arm tenderly.

"Its NOT abuse Its called tough love"

=HanKyung P.O.V=

I left Hee-nim and Zariah in the living room together. I trusted him enough not to
make a move on her anyways. Plus, he already has a girl he adores.

I checked my phone and my latest texts, and it was true, indeed. It said:

Dear SM Artists and Trainees. We (Super Junior) are going to be revolting against
SMs harsh conditions and human rights violations. All of us have felt enough pain
and suffering trying to accomplish our dreams, and the CEOs have no right to twist
with our lives and try to crush them. Please reply as soon as possible and pass
this around (NOT to the staff, please) Meeting outside the cafe at 5 AM tomorrow.
See you all soon

Holy cow... This was really happening. I was overjoyed; I called all of them right

"Hello?" Leeteuk answered

"Ni hao ma"

"HanKyung How are you? We miss you a lot Please come over soon" He said, and I
assumed I was on speaker because everyone started to talk at once.

"Guys, GUYS I just wanted to tell you all that I will be there tomorrow at 5." I
heard them cheering on the other side. "But dont tell anyone, though I dont want
anyone to know about this other than the trainees and other artists." Kyuhyun said.

"You have my word. Ill see you tomorrow"

"Bye-bye" They sang, and I hung up.

I felt strangely elated and happy that I was going to see all of my members again.
But I wonder where Kibum was, though. It seemed like he was never around SM

"You alright?" I heard Zariah whisper behind me. I turned around and enveloped her
into a tight hug. "Wow, you must be really happy about something, since you just
started to hug me randomly." She said, patting my back.

"Will you come to the meeting tomorrow, Zariah?" I asked, hope coating my words.
She bit her lip and looked down on the floor. "Whats wrong?"

"I cant go, Han. If the CEO finds out that I skipped a meeting, Ill be fired right
then and there, and then where will I go? No Korean entertainment agency will want
to hired me. And then I will have to go back to Canada." She sighed and slumped her
shoulders. "I really wish I could go, though."

"I think we can figure something out, Zariah." I stated courageously. She smiled a
little bit at that. "Yeah, Im sure we can" A confident look was plastered on her
face and she did a fist-pump motion with her fist. I caught myself smiling like an
idiot in the hall mirror.

She was different in a good way, thats for sure.

Next morning, 4:45 AM

"Morning everyone" Zariah sang, skipping into the cafe. Anna and EXO groaned. "You
know, I will NEVER understand how you can be so much more jittery than Channie in
the morning without drinking all that organic coffee crap." Sehun muttered, earning
a weak slap in the the face from Chanyeol. Everyone else nodded slowly.

"Why did we have to wake up so EARLYY??" Baekhyun and D.O whined simultaneously,
wriggling in their seats. "If you have enough energy to whine, Im pretty sure you
will be fine." I said.

That shut them up.

"So wheres everyone else?" Lijuan asked, checking the clock. "Its already 4:50."

"Ah I didnt know you all would be here this early" Leeteuk exclaimed when he walked
through the glass doors and saw us. He visibly started to panic when he saw Zariah,
but she only laughed.

"Its okay, Teukie Im not here to rat you all out. I hate this whole thing as much
as everyone else does."

"Oh, thank goodness I thought you were one of the CEOs spies or whatever." He

"Spies?" We all said at once, obviously stunned.

"Apparently, the rumor is that there are spies around SM to keep all the artists
and stuff in check nowadays. You guys didnt know?" Yunho said from behind Super
Junior. DBSK showed up, too?

"Nope. This is the first time Ive heard it." I said. So SM really WAS cracking down
on the artists. I thought it was a lame fan joke

"Ahnyeong everyone I hope we arent late" Two girls chorused as they came through
the doors. There was a fair-skinned Chinese girl who had dyed red hair and her
medium eyes were a dark brown. The other girl was obviously a foreigner; she was a
bit curvier with tan skin, wavy brown hair that was dip-dyed blonde and
electrifying green eyes.

"Rinah Kimmie" Annalise squealed as she ran over to them and hugged them both.
"Hey" They said, happily returning the hug. There were several other trainees, SNSD
and f(x) showed up also. They had to sneak out of their dorms because their
managers didnt want them to go.

"So, is that everyone?" Yesung asked, scanning the crowd. I was really pleased with
the results. I never thought that there would be so many people here.

"Yup." Anna nodded.

"So, Im pretty sure everyone had gotten the text, right? So this is how the plan
will go..."


So a lot of you are asking for some more romance between Kris and Anna. Im working
on their relationship part of the story right now. I hope it doesnt feel like Im
ignoring you guys Please dont feel that way If you guys have any questions, please
PM me. I dont usually read comments a lot unless there is a notification on my feed
(which is RARE)

So If you want a quick answer, you might as well PM me. I usually answer those
right away. :D

So there is this rumor that EXO-M is going to have a later comeback because Kris is
having some family issues back in Canada. I saw a fanvid that someone posted on
YouTube where Kris couldnt see where he was going at the airport because there were
SO. MANY. FANS And the look on Kris face just looked so lost and heartbroken that I
wanted to cry.TT

Yet he was willing to take pictures and sign autographs for fans. He even took off
his sunglasses to show his eyes, which were obviously sore and puffy from crying a

I love all my EXOtics, I really do. But sometimes I think we forget that idols are
humans with REAL problems and REAL emotions, just like the rest of us. So I pray
that Kris is okay and that EXO makes a REALLY good comeback.

OKAY Im done now. You might think I hate Kris and stuff because of how I am
portraying him in the story, but that is NOT true. I am well aware that he is a
kind-hearted, innocent guy. Even if he doesnt show it much xD


Saranghaeyeo Nausheen3


*** Chapter 24: Idol's Revolution (Phase 2) *** (4 pages)

=Tao P.O.V=

"Aigoo... Why do I feel like I shouldnt be doing this?" Sehun asked, fidgeting
around in his seat uncomfortably.

"Because you were always a Mommas boy, thats why." Kai smirked, earning himself a
head smack from Suho. He shot him a stern glare. "None of that, Kim Jongin."

"DONT USE MY FULL NAME, JUNG MYEON" Kai exclaimed. We were all currently chilling
on the living room floor of our dorm instead of training in the training room for
the upcoming performance in a couple weeks. We werent the only ones; Super Junior,
f(x), SNSD, DBSK, and most of the trainees were doing the same.

"Oh my gosh, you guys, get over yourselves." Zariah groaned. "Im trying not to get
into a whole lot of trouble with the President again, but those thugs arent making
it any better."

"Thugs? What thugs?" D.O asked, becoming a bit scared. I couldnt blame him; that
sounded really scary...

"Didnt you know?" Kris piped up from the back of the room. "HeeJins father is a
loan shark and the head of a notorious gang. Apparently Lee Soo Man owes him a lot
of money and he is threatening to take over SM and buy out all the stocks."

(A/N: Im not a genius when it comes to economics, so please bear with me if it

sounds a bit wierd. Then again, thats the whole point of the story LOL LE POOF)

"What is really bugging me is how she even got to train in SM in the first place.
Dont they do complete extensive background checks on everyone?" The girl with green
eyes asked. I heard her name was Kimmie and the Chinese girl was RiNah.

I found RiNah kind of cute, actually; she had a bubbly personality and she could
dance and sing. She didnt have a bad figure to her, either... or maybe its just me
being biased towards Chinese girls in general.

"Yeah, thats what I thought too..." I muttered, everyone silently nodding their
heads at each other.

"Thats a bunch of bull, the fact that she could get away with that and everyone
else cant." Anna snapped, a little bit upset. "Mhmm" Kimmie agreed, nodding her
head quickly.

"I never really liked the girl to begin with. Such a snob, aish She spat on my face
and told me foreigners shouldnt be invading the K-pop industry." RiNah said
angrily, her eyebrows creasing in the middle.

"Me too" Anna and Kimmie said at the same time. We sat in silence for another good
five minutes until Suho decided to ask them where they were from.
"China" RiNah shouted, her face practically glowing with pride. This girl was
overflowing with natural aegyo.

"Im from Britain." Kimmie said in a bored tone, checking her nails. Her Korean had
a bit of an accent on it , now that I took the time to notice it.

"Are any of your family Korean, Kimmie?" Kris asked in English. "Well, My dads side
is Korean, but I took after my mum." She said in a thick British accent.


"Thats so cool"

"I guess so." She said with a small smile. "Anna, Im going to go raid your fridge."
She stated, getting up and nimbly hopping around the legs and bodies on the living
room floor and out the hallway.

"Shes a bit of an ice queen at first, but she is really a big dork when you get to
know her better." RiNah said after Kimmie was in the kitchen, grinning from ear to
ear. "YAH I heard that" Kimmie shouted angrily from the kitchen in Korean.

"I love you" RiNah sang, making a big heart towards the kitchen with her arms.

"So, since you started to play 20 Questions, Suho, can we play that with everyone?"

"Sure, Anna, do you want to start?"

"You all already know about me, so Ill start with Kimmie." She pointed at the
British girl as she walked back from the kitchen carrying a box of cookies. "Why
mee? I just wanted to eat my cookies in peace" Kimmie whined.

"Sit your ass down and play the game, missy." She ordered, and Kimmie sat down, but
not before muttering a bunch of British curse words under her breath.

"Okay, so about me, Im 18 years old, born on May 16 and I like the colors green and
yellow. I started dancing when I was 15 years old and didnt stop since, I like to
sit around and eat cookies when Im not training and I dont really know my blood

"OMO. You dont know your BLOOD TYPE?" Kai shouted incredulously.

"My mum died after I was born, so I never knew." She said with a straight face.

"Oh, Im sorry." He said, his arrogant face taking on a tender look towards the
girl. "Ah... thats alright. I never really got to see her, since she died after I
was born and all. Complications with the pregnancy. I admire the fact that she
wanted to have me, even though she knew she was going to die." She said sadly.

"My wild guess would probably be a B negative." Lay joked with a silly grin
plastered on his face, his dimple completing the full effect. Kimmie giggled.

"I will never understand how you people guess blood type based on personality." She
said, grinning back at him. Anna was right; she WAS a big dork.

"Oh Its my turn now, right?" RiNah said, and I swore I could see a tail wagging
behind her. She just reminded me of an energetic dog.

"Go ahead."

"Okay My name is RiNah, Im 16 years old, my birthday is July 7 and I like the color
teal. Ive been dancing all my life, pretty much, and I also play the violin and the
piano. I love animals and when Im not training I like to work out. My blood type is
O negative, by the way." She said with a thumbs up.

"Oh Youre a universal donor? Thats pretty cool." I piped up. She looked at me with
a confused look on her face. "Really? I didnt know that" She said, smiling at me.

"Yup, blood type O negative is the universal donor." I said, mentally patting
myself on the back for making myself sound smart.

"Oh cool I never knew that Most of my family has O blood, but I wasnt sure if it
was positive or negative." She exclaimed, beaming at me with such childish
innocence that I had no choice but to smile back.

"Hey, Im going to take a nap. Ive been really tired." Anna said, getting up from
the floor and walking out the doorway.

"Well, lets play another game then?" Sehun asked hopefully.

"Nah, I want to watch a movie instead. Can we pick up where we left off on Mulan
II?" Everyone groaned in response, except for Kimmie and RiNah, who just looked at
each other and shrugged.

=Kris P.O.V=

It was about halfway through the Mulan movie when I decided to get up and walk
around the apartment. No one noticed when I slipped out of the living room and into
the hallway.
At first, it seemed like everyone was against watching the movie, but as soon as
the fight scene started, everyone was so absorbed in it that no one dared to make a
sound. Even HanKyung-ge, who was older than us by a lot, was leaning towards the TV
and watching the fighting intently.

Only I was bored enough to walk out and start wandering around the apartment. I
didnt remember how I got to the doorway to Annas bedroom, but I remember deciding
that a little peek wouldnt hurt.

It wasnt like she was hiding drugs or anything like that.

I cautiously opened the door a little bit, and it didnt creak, so I decided to open
it up all the way.

CRREEEEEAAAAK These hinges need some oil, aish. I snapped my head to look behind me
and I sighed with relief. Anna just shifted her position on the bed and was still
sleeping soundly. No one was coming down the hall, either. So I was good for now.

I looked around her room. It was just a simple room. A desk in the corner, a
bookshelf built into the wall, a computer, a floor lap on one corner of the room, a
wardrobe and small vanity, a closet and a window leading into the balcony.

As I was walking past her desk, something colorful caught the corner of my eye. On
the bookshelf, there was a colorful windup toy caterpillar that was a bit chipped
and damaged. So shes kept it all those years, huh? I smiled to myself. I carefully
took the little caterpillar and examined it. It was in the same condition as I gave
it to her over 14 years ago.


"God, I hate school so much" the seven-year old me shouted angrily, kicking the
pebbles in the ground at a farther distance. I hated the world so much that even
looking at pebbles made me angry. I had gotten into trouble for something I hadnt
done again, and the teacher decided to send me home.

Not like it had mattered to me. I seemed to always be the scapegoat for anything.

"YiFan, you need to calm yourself down." I told myself a bit loudly, earning quite
a few strange stares from passerbys. I noticed and I quickly walked on with my head
ducked down. Soon, the playground was in sight and a lightbulb flashed in my head.

I threw off my backpack and started to run off towards the slides. After that, I
had gone over to the mountain climbers and jungle gym. I wanted to spend my time
here instead of going home and facing my parents today.

"WAHHHHH" I heard someone cry, and any seven-year old would be curious and go look.
So I did, and I found Lijuan sitting on the swingset, bawling about something or
I cautiously approached her. Our friendship was becoming a bit rocky and I didnt
want to make it more awkward than it was already. "Lijuan, are you okay?"

"Mo-Mommys dead a-and, sniff, Daddy th-thinks its all m-my fault. I-I didnt want to
g-go too far and sniff I e-ended up ge-getting lost..." She stammered, tears
running down her chubby cheeks and her eyes were puffy and red. "Do you know where
your dad is?"

"N-No. He said sniff to s-stay by the s-swingset and h-he would go get some ice
cream. H-He hasnt c-come back y-yet..." She sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back
of her sweater sleeve.

I stood there awkwardly, not too sure how to handle a crying girl. I was older than
her by six months, but I wasnt very comfortable around girls yet.

And I had remembered something that my mother had given me. I kept it in my
schoolbag and I played with it whenever I was upset and it made me feel better. I
fished around in my messanger bag and handed her a green tin caterpillar wind-up
toy. It had bright little dot eyes and yellow polka dots and antennaes.

She had taken it, but looked confused. "Whats this for?" She said, her sniffling
and hiccuping subsiding a little bit.

"Its a caterpillar, duh"

"I know, moron, but whats it for?"

"YAH Dont call me a moron, I was trying to help you"

"Sorry So please tell me what it was for?"

I looked her in the eye. "If you become upset or lonely, you can play with the
wind-up toy to cheer you up. It shows you that if you give it enough power and
encouragement, it will go farther than if you just sit there and do nothing." I
mumbled, blushing and looking at the ground.

I was a bit ashamed that I was carting it around. Thank goodness no one gave me a
hanger yet.

(A/N: A hanger is when you rip off someone elses backpack in the restroom, dump out
all their stuff and maybe steal something, and hang them on the stall door with
those little hooks for your jacket with their backpack. Just for the sake of the
story we will treat it as if it is the worst thing in the world ;)LE POOF)
She started to giggle. "YAH I know, its embarrassing, but--"

"I wasnt laughing at you. I was laughing at how cute the caterpillar is." She
responded, smiling brilliantly at me. Her face was glowing with happiness. I was
about to say something biting back until a mans voice called her over. "ANNALISE"

"I have to go, YiFan, see you at school tomorrow." She said brightly, tucking the
caterpillar toy away safely in her pocket and hugging me quickly before leaving the
park with her father. She stopped walking and turned around. "Thank you" She sang,
turning around smiling and waving at me.

I couldnt help but to wave back at her.


I glanced down at Annas sleeping form and smiled. "I cant believe you kept it for
so long..." I said, placing it back on the shelf quietly. I padded over to the side
of her bed and watched her sleep. She was snoring quietly, curled up into a ball
near the middle of the bed. I tucked a strand of stray hair from her face before
kissing her forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Anna."

=Zariah P.O.V=

"Hey, now that the movie is over, maybe you all should go back to your dorm rooms
now." I suggested, nodding to guys, Kimmie and RiNah.

"RiNah and I would, but we would be caught and shipped back to our homes." Kimmie
stated, picking at imaginary nail polish. RiNah didnt say anything, she was too
caught up in a deep conversation with Tao.

She had a good point.

"Fine then, EXO, you guys go back to your dorm while you two can stay over for a
bit." I said, leading the EXO guys out of the dorm. Tao complained about how he
wasnt finished talking to the Chinese girl yet, but I shoved him out after they
exchanged numbers. I did a quick headcount and realized there was one person
missing. "Wheres Kris?"

"Im here." He said behind me, walking towards the rest of the boys. "Alright. Go
home safely, arasso?"

"Yes, mother." They chorused together, and I could hear Kimmie bust out laughing in
the back.
"YAH IM NOT YOUR MOTHER GET OUT OF HERE" I shouted, shoving all the boys out and
shutting the door in their faces. Kimmie was still laughing loudly, and RiNah
joined her. HanKyung just sat there with an amused look on his face.

"You know, you really do treat them like a mother would do with their kids." He

"Im just trying to keep all of those rascals in line, you know? Im still a bit
upset about what they did yesterday"

"Anna told you, didnt she?"

"Well, of COURSE Shes like my secret agent." I said proudly.

My phone started to ring loudly in my pocket. "Hold on." I said.

Thats wierd, President usually doesnt call in the afternoons. "Yobuseyeo?"

"Ah, Zariah Singh, you decided to take a day off without my permission, huh? Meet
me in my office in five minutes." The President said, and his tone wasnt very

"Yes sir." I said stiffly before hanging up. "Im going with you." Han said, getting
up from the sofa with me.

I had no objections. After that little incident a couple weeks back, I wasnt going
to take any chances. "Where are you all going?" RiNah asked, turning to look at me,
interrupting her game of Jenga with Kimmie.

"Im going out for a bit. My cell phone number is in the kitchen, so call me when
Anna wakes up, okay?"

"Yup." they said, going back to their game. I walked out the door and Han
instinctively held my hand to calm my nerves. I gave him a nervous smile in return.

I sighed. Here goes nothing...

OOHHH Zariah got in trouble D:

I wonder whats going to happen next ;) SORRY FOR MY LATE UPDATES, GUYS School has
been really tough for the past couple of days, and I needed to take a little break
from Wattpad to focus on my exams and stuff like that.
Orange Caramels "Lipstick" has been stuck in my head for the past couple of days.
It kind of reminded me of "We No Speak Americano". KIND OF - Im not a huge fan of
them, but I am a fan of After School. I miss Kahi a lot, though TT

The Multimedia section has the music video. And also there is a picture of what
RiNah looks like. Sort of X3

ANYWHO. You all know the drill, right?

And OH MY GOD 7.6K READS HOLY CRAP Please excuse me while I go have a heart attack
and dance my Yesung-style happy dance. THANK YALL SO MUCH :DD

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 25: Idol's Revolution (Phase 3) *** (4 pages)

=Zariah P.O.V=

I walked into the conference room and all the confidence that I had before was
completely drained from my soul. The administration was there and they were all
literally glaring at me when I walked into the room.

"Sit, please." The President said stiffly, gesturing at the only empty seat next to
him. I bowed to the people in the room before sitting in the seat directly in front
of the President.I looked confident on the outside, but I was literally dying with
shame and embarrassment on the inside.

I lowered my head, but it didnt soothe the intensity I felt from the people who
were drilling holes into my soul with their eyes. They were all silently judging
me, even though their faces were completely stoic and expressionless. The air in
the room suddenly felt thin from the tension and I felt sick in the pit of my
stomach. It felt like forever until the President started to speak.

"Zariah-ssi, do you know why I called you in today?" I kept silent.

"Do you or do you not?" I raised my head and looked him in the eye.

"Yes." I responded simply, regaining the confidence I had lost when I first walked
through the door.
"So do you care to explain why you did it?" He asked me, resting his chin on the
back of his hand. The tone he used was a little shaky, as if he was desperately
trying to grab onto the little authority he had still.

"I dont like this plan of gathering attention to EXO by having a member dating
another trainee within SM. Its completely absurd and meaningless. It will only hurt
EXO more in the long run." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw HanGeng giving me a
thumbs-up. It made me want to tell him my mind even more.

"So you thought that skipping out on a very important meeting is going to change my
mind?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but I really do hope you realize Im not the only one who thinks this. All the
artists and trainees refused to come to their schedules today. Im surprised you
havent noticed yet. Second of all, I think the fans here and especially overseas
are willing to boycott all of your album sales for any artist that is under SM
right now. And you know what that means, right?" I said, raising my voice a little

All the administration looked at each other and murmured things behind their hands.
"If you have something to say against it, say it out loud. I would rather hear it
than have you all backbiting me behind my back." I said, glowering at them, making
some of them slouch in their seats a little bit. I was beyond pissed right now.

All of a sudden, the President slammed his hands against the table and stood up. He
pointed at me, his short frame quaking with anger. He literally looked like a
volcano about to erupt.

"Who are you?" He shouted at me, pointing right at my face. "Who are you to say
things like this? I AM THE PRESIDENT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT" He slammed his fist
onto the table, making it creak. "I AM SICK AND TIRED OF LETTING OTHER PEOPLE
LONG AS I AM GETTING MONEY" He screamed. I was scared now. He never was this
hysterical before; he was always calm and quiet and handled things effectively with
little to no effort at all.

I mean, hes the PRESIDENT of a company that literally rose up from ashes, for Gods

Not that I believe in God, though; Im Hindu. I thought I might as well clear that
up now rather than later. I mean I do believe that God exists but-- nevermind,
thats too complicated.

(A/N: Im not Hindu, by the way, just wanted to let you know. I have really limited
knowledge on the Hindu religion and stuff, so I cant really explain it without
having some keyboards and tables thrown at me. I hope you all understand. ILL STOP

"President-nim. Please calm down." Super Juniors manager said in a soothing voice.
Yup, its Super Juniors Prince Manager, Kim Junghoon. As the President was going to
sit down, he shot me a pointed look.

Im just going to say we were having quite the heated rivalry between us right now.
Not even SNSDs manager, who is a complete asshole with his indignant ignorance to
Indian culture and crude humor towards me, can match up.

Yup. Its that bad.

The President sat down, literally burning holes through my skull and started to
chug water from the bottle. A secretary who was walking around came up to me with a
note in his hand. I took the slip of paper and was surprised with the content:

From: Junghoon

To: Zariah

Im completely with you on the boycott. I was the one who convinced the boys to send
that text around. Im very sorry for causing you any trouble.

I secretly looked at him from the corner of my eye and he was still as passive as
ever. I huffed and quickly flipped the piece of paper to a blank side and scribbled
a note:

Thats alright. Im glad you took the initiative. And thank you.

I quickly folded it up and tossed it at his head. He was startled at first until he
saw the wad of paper on his lap. Looking both ways, he cautiously opened it and a
small smile reached his lips.

I didnt remember what other things the President said, and frankly, I didnt give a
shit at that point. Soon, the meeting was adjourned and the managers and staff
filed out the door. Some were giving me dirty looks, others were actually coming up
to me and giving me pats on the back, including Junghoon.

It seemed everyone was split over the matter. As I walked out into the sunshine
holding HanKyungs hand, something in my heart told me this was just the beginning.

=Kris P.O.V=

"Oy, Kris-ge. Youre zoning out again." Chanyeol whispered, snapping his fingers in
front of my face when the camera wasnt looking. I snapped out of my trance and
looked around in a daze.

Oh yeah. I was filming a reality show for a French reality TV show. "Sorry, where
were we in the script again?" Chanyeol just shook his head and pointed to the line
before padding away. I sighed.

Ever since I saw Anna sleeping, I felt like my heart was going to leap out of my
chest. Just thinking about it was giving me butterflies in my stomach. I couldnt
even concentrate properly. The way she was curled up in a corner of the bed, hands
close to her face, long lashes fluttering ever so slightly, her gentle snore...

It was as if she was ready to jump up into an oncoming assault.

"HEY Li Jiaheng Come here" The substitute manager barked. Shit, he caught me
staring into space again. I hesitantly walked over to him, head down.

"Yah How many times do you need to be told that you are filming? Huh? Hey" He
snapped, slapping me on the side of the head multiple times. He had no idea that
there was a camera on him, and he was caught redhanded. He stopped and smiled at
the camera, slightly bowing.

"Aish... Ill get you next time, kid." He grumbled, glaring from the corner of his
eyes and stalking away to avoid further humiliation.

"Hello, everyone" Zariahs voice rang out, and everyone perked up in excitement.

"Hey, guys How is everything? Young Joo, I see you did well, am I right?" she said
cheerfully, turning to the sub manager. He looked like he was about to explode.

"Everything was fine." He fumed, mumbling through gritted teeth. She dismissed his
behavior with a smile and turned to us. "How are you guys," and adding in a
whisper, "You gave him a hard time like I told you too, right?" We all busted out
laughing, astounding both Young Joo and the film crew.

"Young Joo, you may go now." She said, turning to him with a smile on her face. He
bowed and quickly walked out the door. Then the complaining began.

"Zariah He didnt let me play Temple Run on my phone the other day" Baekhyun whined,
squinting his eyes and pouting like a child.

"What were you doing that he wouldnt let you play Temple Run for?"

"I was just getting my makeup done and stuff and all of a sudden he snatched the
phone out of my hand and took it away" He pouted, crossing his arms like a kid
throwing a temper tantrum. Zariah just patted his head and smiled at him.

"Sorry I was gone for so long. I wouldve come back earlier, but somethings came
up." She said, cringing from a certain memory that was bitter just to think about.
"President called you out again?" Suho guessed, and Zariah nodded, faced scrunched
up as if she bit into a sour lemon.

"He can never get enough, can he? Why cant he just let us do whatever we want?
AISH" D.O cursed loudly, causing the French people to look back at us with a
bewildered expression. "Its fine, please continue." Zariah said in fluent French,
and the narrator nodded and continued with her monologue.

"Why dont we just do whatever we want without the Presidents approval?"Lay

suggested, and a collective lightbulb sprung up throughout our heads. "That may not
be such a bad idea..." Sehun said, an evil grin making its way to his face.

Shits about to get real, now.

=Anna P.O.V=

"GODDAMMIT" Kimmie cursed again as the tower toppled to the floor. She was on a
loosing streak, 20 losses in a row so far.

This should be on the world records. Rinah and I high-fived each other and squealed
in delight. "Thats not fair, though Its a two-against-one match" Kimmie pouted. I
shrugged and reassembled the tower again.

For some odd reason, I felt completely energized when I woke up from my nap.
Usually, after I woke up from a nap I would become more crankyand irritable than
usual. But this time, it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders and I didnt
have a care in the world.

"Hey, Ill get the phone" Rinah shouted, getting up and running across the room to
the wall phone. "Hello?" she answered. She had a confused and lost look on her face
before handing the receiver to me. "They said they want to talk to you. They didnt
want to tell you their name." she said worriedly.

I shuffled over to the reciever and pressed it against my ear. "Hello?"

"Why hello, Annalise Luo." I froze. I could recognize that voice anyday.


"What is it?" I said coldly. Rinah and Kimmie looked at each other and shrugged,
turning back to me. They were watching my every move as if it were a drama.

"I just wanted to remind you again to keep away from Kris Wu. Hes mine" She
snarled. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Sure. What are you going to do about it?
Have your dads thugs and dogs after me? Hes a human being, not your toy." I
I saw Kimmie doing the cut-it-out motion with her hand and I kept my mouth shut. I
could tell HeeJin was on the other side, fuming. Then she let out a laugh. "Whats
so funny?" I asked her harshly. My voice wavered a little bit, because God knows
whether she had me surrounded right now.

"Youre completely surrounded, you cant go anywhere." She said, laughing. That was
when I noticed that there were other people in the background, laughing along with
her. Rinah peeked out of the curtains and looked back at Kimmie with an astounded
look on her face.

My suspicions were confirmed. WE were completely screwed. I heard a dial tone on

the phone before someone kicked down the door and barged in. They were completely
armed, guns and everything. Rinah was shuddering in fear while Kimmie was at the
side, comforting her.

"Come with us, and dont make a peep. Or we will blow your brains out." A mans voice
said, and I gasped when I realized who it was.



OH SHEET Stuff just got real, now :D And yeah This is your update before Spring
break, guys Ill be gone for a while (NOT A HIATUS I will still be on here writing
up the next chapter) so I will let you all guess what will happen next :3

And has anyone heard about the Onew middle finger, dating and smoking thing? Well,
I think you all know by now though. Quick rundown for those who dont ;)

Basically, Onew was caught on camera flipping someone off during a radio show. I
dont know who, but most people assume its Jjong (again, not too sure). A bit
recently, pics surfaced all over the web showing Onew and After Schools Jungah
together in a car and standing outside a resturaunt. He was also apparently smoking
an e-cig.

So what do you all think? I think people are just making it bigger than it should
be. Seriously? Hes a 25-year-old man. Hes a BIG BOY Onew should have the right to
make his own decisions now, and with the lifetime contract with SM and crap, I
think Onew is doing this for opposition. Thats just my take on it.

What do you think?


PS KIMMIES PICTURE ON THE SIDE :) And OMG. 10K READS??? Excuse me while I go and
skip around ina meadow filled with sparkles, unicorns and rainbows. THANK YOU ALL
SO MUCH (Although you guys have been becoming a bit... silent lately ;3)

Saranghaeyeo Have an awesome week



*** Chapter 26: Missing *** (5 pages)

WARNING This chapter contains somegraphic scenes. If you arent comfortable with it,
please skip ahead to Kriss P.O.V. Thanks for reading and sorry for the

=Kimmie P.O.V=

"Ugghhh..." I groaned as I shifted uncomfortably around a gritty floor. I slowly

opened my eyes and looked around what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse. I looked
down at myself and started to panic. My wrists and ankles were bound by a red cord,
and when I tried to call out for help, my mouth was taped shut.

What the hell was going on? And why did this feeling become so fearfully familiar?

"Hey, boss, one of them woke up." A drunk (and probably high) voice called out, and
and a man came out of the shadows in a trench coat and a baseball cap over his
head. His mouth was stretched out into a perverted grin, but I refused to flinch.

Talk about cliche.

"I just wanted that one girl, but I wouldnt mind having more to join the party." He
sneered, and his minions found it the most hilarious thing the world, because they
started to howl with laughter.

"I thought that it would be more fun for all of us, right?" Another one piped up,
and three more guys hummed in approval. He ripped off the tape from my mouth and it
took a lot of willpower not to howl in pain; it hurt like a bitch.

"Well, look who we have here. A foreigner, eh? I like foreign girls. Nice figures."
He said, forcibly tilting my head up to meet his perverted gaze. I scrunched up my
nose; the foul smell exuding from his breath was awful. It was like a mix of
cigars, alcohol and kimchi.
"Oh my, this wont do. What will happen when we start to have fun? It wont be good
that way" He exclaimed. He let go of my face and walked over to Anna, who was still
knocked out. "Yah. Get up, you bitch." He said coldly, kicking her hard in the

Anna groaned and started to get up, but the man kicked her arm, causing her to
collapse back down. My blood was boiling with anger, but I couldnt do anything
because of the stupid cords. Then I had an idea. My pocketknife

I started to look through my pockets and my clothes. As I was searching for it on

the ground, I felt something cool and sharp against my neck. "Looking for
something, miss?" The man growled behind me, his lips dangerously close to my ears.
I shivered in sudden realization.

He had my pocketknife. The guy mustve found it in my pocket while I was knocked out
and took it from me so that I couldnt escape.

That HeeJin girl was really something, that was for sure. "No sir..." I said in
English, and the man froze in fear. "YAH THIS GIRL SPEAKS ENGLISH" He shouted in
Korean, gesturing to me. I was thoroughly confused until I remembered what my
Korean friend Lily told me back in Britain:

If youstart to speak Englishto someone who is going to dobad thingsto you, they
will leave you alone.

That was fine for Anna and I, but I was mostly worried about RiNah, who knew no
English and couldnt speak in Chinese to those thugs. So how were we goingto get out
of this? My mind was clouded up and I couldnt think clearly.

"What about the other girls?" The man asked, his face a mixture of worry and
intense anger. "They havent woken up yet, sir."

"Kimmie..?" I turned and saw RiNah crawling towards me, and I desperately tried to
tell her to get down and not make any noise. But it was too late. "The other girl
is up, sir." RiNah let out a muffled scream as the man roughly grabbed her arm and
taped her mouth shut. She struggled against the mans arm as the guy who was
harassing me before slowly stepped towards her. "Hmmm... this one isnt too bad
either." He contemplated before waving her away. "Have fun, guys." He said, and the
two men started to drag her into a corner of a room.

Soon there were screams of agony and pain as the chilling reality hit me in the
head like a 2-ton brick. They were raping her. And Anna and I would be next.

"YAH STOP" I screamed out, but they didnt stop. Instead, two other men roughly
grabbed my arms and threw me against the wall. "We dont care if you speak English
or not, we are just going to have fun with you." One of them sneered. I was shaking
with fear, my body was in full fight or flight mode.The other man came behind me
and roughly grabbed my body to keep me in place. Great; now I cant fight against

Using my pocketknife, he tore my shirt open and ripped it off.

"No Please, STOP" I shouted, but he completely ignored me as he tore off my pants
and forcefully thrust himself inside. I screamed out in pain as I felt my thing
tear. A single tear rolled down my cheek.

It wasnt supposed to happen like this. I was going to loose my virginity to a man
that I loved on my wedding night.

"Stop." The ringleader said, and the thug stopped as soon as he spilled his seed
into me. I was pissed now. He first took my v-card and now he didnt even bother to
use protection.

Thank goodness I was on birth control.

"D-Dad... Why are you doing this?" Anna whispered, her voice full of fear. My eyes
popped wide open. Dad?

I struggled to see the man. I remembered Anna had shown me a picture of her family
before, and the ringleader was in fact very similar to the man in the picture. Same
strong facial structure, sharp definitions and eyes.

Only more haggard and drunk looking.

He laughed. "Oh my. My daughter is SCARED? I thought you were all badass and
brave." He mocked her, kicking her in the stomach. He crouched down and slapped
her. "What a bitch. You leave your father and pursue your dream while he drinks
away? I was evicted from my home because of your selfishness. And now you ask me
why I am doing this? You should be apologizing." He said calmly, and he started to
drag her around by her hair. She screamed out in pain, and he threw her to the

She looked awful; she was all bruised and bloody and her clothes were also torn.

That was allI saw and heard before I blacked out.

=Kris P.O.V=

"Look around the back side. Copy." The policeman said into his walkie talkie as he
whizzed by me and the other boys. This was so surreal right now.

We had gotten a call from Krystal, who lived next door. She had heard some banging
and mens voices through the wall, but she didnt know what was happening. Amber, who
was also with Krystal, knew something was up; Zariah and Anna never let in strange
men unless it was the Super Junior hyungs or us. She went outside, and found the
front door kicked down and no trace of evidence except for an abandoned Jenga
puzzle and a small slip of paper.

We were abducted. HELP

It was obviously in someone elses handwriting, not Annas hand. I felt sick in the
pit of my stomach; knowing HeeJin, she probably did something worse now. And as far
as I am concerned, I didnt like the fact that we had to call the police. Now, there
was police all over the SM premises and training was cancelled for today.

15 minutes ago...

The door suddenly banged open as Zariah walked inside. Her face was pale and her
legs were a bit wobbly. D.O and Baekhyun helped her into a chair before she
completely collapsed into it.

"Today isnt my day..." She muttered. "Whats the matter?" Lay asked, crawling over
to her.

"I just got a call from Amber. Apparently after we left, Anna and the other two
girls were abducted." Tao became as white as a sheet of paper. I knew he had a
crush on that RiNah girl. He suddenly jumped up in anger. "Where are they?" He said
angrily, his hands balled into fists.

"I dont know..." Zariah said meekly. She was sick with worry, and Tao sat down
immediately. "Sorry, Zariah." The panda whispered, collapsing on the floor and
hanging his head. I could tell tears were threatening to fall. Zariah patted his

"Its alright, Tao. We can do nothing but pray and hope for the best."

"But Im not Christian" Chen exclaimed. I facepalmed myself. Was he really that nave
to what was happening right now? Xiumin just glared at him. His face was all puffy
and his eyes were red from crying.

"You should be thankful that Siwon wasnt here just now, or he wouldve beat you
senseless and dragged you to the nearest church to get you baptized." Chanyeol
mumbled, but no one had the energy to laugh. We were all sick with fear.

"Actually," Zariah started, and we all leaned in to listen. "Practice and schedules
are going to be cancelled until further notice..." We were all happy, but who would
want to smile when your friends was abducted? We sat around for a while, talking in
hushed whispers until Zariah decided it was time to go.

When we got to the dorms, Zariah took the longer way up and decided to sleep with
us since she didnt want to see her apartment. I didnt blame her, though. Hangeng
called us when we got to the dorms and wanted to talk to her. She burst out crying
and had to collapse into a kitchen chair because of the shock. Kai stood by her and
patted her shoulder comfortingly, but it didnt help her ease the pain.

Or anyones pain, for that matter. All of a sudden, Hangeng wanted to talk to me. I
had mixed feeliing going through my head.

Would he be angry with me? Sad? Upset? Threaten me?


"Hey, is this Kris?" His staticky voice crackled over the phone. It was raspy; he
had been crying also.


"Ah, Ive been wanting to talk to you for a while." He chuckled. "I understand you
know Lijuan, right?"


"Well, I just wanted to say thank you. For being friends with her." Friends?

"I know it may not mean much to you now, but when we were younger, she wouldnt play
with anyone. Not even me. She would always sit in the corner of the room, playing
with her stuffed animals or dolls." He said shakily, as if the memory of her cut
deep into his heart.

I failed to understand where this story was going. But I had a feeling that it
would coorelate with me, so I held my tongue.

"When you came along, though, she immediately clicked with you. When I saw her
later, she became more talkative and all she would ever talk about was you. I found
it really amusing and cute. Whenever I came over, she would always have other
friends over, her eyes wouldnt light up as much as they would when she would talk
about you. So I wanted to find you and tell you thank you. For making her a better
person." By that time, I was about to cry.

Hwo did I not notice that before? The way her eyes would light up when she saw me.
The way she would smile brightly up at me. "Uhh... yeah. No problem." I said, my
voice cracking from choking back my sobs.

"So can you do me one favor?"

"Can you please look for her? She is my best friend and cousin, and I wouldnt know
what I would do if she was gone." He pleaded, his voice shaking.

"Of course." I whispered. "Mans honor."

"Thanks, man." He said. "No problem." And the line went dead.

I hung up the phone and rushed to my room. "W-Where are you going?" Lay asked, but
I barely heard him as I slammed the door shut. I collapsed on my bed, covering my
eyes from the lights with my forearm. The tears finally spilled over as I sobbed
into my pillow.

FLASHBACK (16 years ago)

"YiFan" LiJuan shrieked, jumping onto my back. It was her way of hugging me. I
looked around me, making sure no one was watching me. Which was stupid on my part;
no one used this trail to walk back home except me and her. "Yah Get off me, you
hippo Youre breaking my back" I snapped, shrugging her off my back. I didnt have
the greatest day at school that day. The boys were taunting me again, calling me a
sissy and a girl.

"No Im NOT" She pouted, crossing her arms across her chest indignantly. Her Hello
Kitty backpack was hanging off of one shoulder. She seemed to have gotten into a
scuffle; her dress was a bit torn and dirty, her usually fair face had some
scratches, two ponytails askew and her shoelaces were untied.

"Are you okay? You look a little hurt..." I said, walking up to her. "Im fine." She
said, sticking her nose up in the air and limping away. Thats when I found her knee
was gushing blood.

"No your not Look at your knee" I shouted, running after her and blocking her path.
"YiFan. Im okay. Im not like the other girls." She insisted, hobbling around me and
limping away. She then fell down on her knee and screamed out in pain.

"LiJuan" I exclaimed, rushing down the path to her. Her face was contorted with
pain, her knee was now covered in dust and pebbles. I took out the First Aid kit my
mother gave me in case something like this happened in school. She had taught me
how to use each of the supplies before sending me off to kindergarten.

She didnt quite trust the school fully after the broken ankle incident, which left
me bed-ridden for a week. No one, not even the teacher, bothered to call my parents
when I broke my ankle on the jungle gym last year.

"This might hurt a little." I said, and she rolled her eyes. "I know."

"Hey Im trying to help you" I snapped angrily. She fell silent and let me clean her
wound with the antiseptic. She didnt even flinch. "Are you even normal? Why arent
you doing what normal people do? Like scream in pain or something? This stuff
HURTS" I said, looking up at her and wincing. She said nothing. I ignored her and
started to dress her wound.

"This isnt the first time it has happened..." She finally said in a whisper. I held
the BandAid midair and looked at her. "What do you mean?"

"Ahh... well... I guess I get a little clumsy sometimes." She said hesitanty,
looking at me with a bright smile. I slapped on the BandAid and looked away, hiding
the blush on my face."YiFan?"

"Come on, I dont want to keep Moms chocolate chip cookies and milk waiting" I said,
grabbing her hand and not making eye contact. "Yeah" She exclaimed brightly, and
she let me drag her all the way to my house. My five-year old brain never imagined
that she was going through worse things at home.


"Lijuan.." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and sitting up in bed. I looked at the clock
and sighed. When will this nightmare end?

(A/N: Cramming this whole event into one chapter Hope the gigantic time skips dont
confuse you LE POOF)

2 weeks later

=RiNah P.O.V=

Its been two weeks since Kimmie, Anna and I were kidnapped from our dorms. I always
had this kind of hope the whole time, I guess. That I would be rescued and my life
would turn back to normal. I wondered if this was because of Tao.

That hope, however, was slowly ebbing away as the days passed. We were moving
farther and farther away from Seoul, so the police couldnt track us. Right now, we
were at a run down motel at some kind of whorehouse.

"RiNah. Are you sure you okay?" Kimmie asked as she rubbed my back. I had been
throwing up the little food our captors gave us, and it hasnt stopped. They stopped
raping us, but we had become their servants against our will.

I had no idea that being a servant had such a bad connotation till now. I
forcefully leaned over the toilet bowl as I retched out my guts again. The putrid
smell from the bathroom itself was filling my nostils and the bile was rising up in
my throat, but I didnt want to throw up again.

"Just throw up, RiNah." Kimmie urged comfortingly, rubbing my back. I retched in
the toilet bowl again, turned to her and actually looked at her face.

Her complexion was dull and her hair was matted with dirt and sweat. The thugs
refused to let us shower or even wash our faces. Her vivid green-blue eyes were now
dull and there were big bags under them from the restless nights. Anna was the same
way, but there were bruises on her face, dealt by none other than her father. The
little clothes we had on our backs were torn with big holes in them.

It was hard to believe that cool man in the family picture was actually her father.
I wondered what he was doing here in Seoul. All of a sudden, there was a loud
HAVE GLASSES TO FILL." Her father shouted harshly, banging it a couple more times
before it became silent.

A tear unknowingly made its way down my grimy cheek. Kimmie shushed me and wiped it
away. "Its okay, RiNah. Well be out of here soon." She whispered hoarsely, helping
me up. We slowly made our way out of the bathroom. I hung my head in shame. It
seemed like I was letting everyone down.

"Oy Get me some whiskey" A thug shouted at me. He had a whore sitting on his lap,
clad in nothing but what appeared to be a lacy nightgown, fishnet tights and
skyscraper heels. Her face was caked with makeup and her hair was dyed blonde, but
the roots were still black.

I gave him the glass of whiskey he asked for and turned away from the disgusting
sight. I joined Kimmie and Anna, who were sitting in a corner of the room, waiting
for further instruction.

"Everyone, pack up. We are leaving in an hour." Annas father said, standing up and
disappearing in a different room with another prostitute. I snuck a glance at Anna.
I expected her to be crying her eyes out, but her face was stoic, with a hint of
aggression. I assumed it was towards her father. I folded my hands and prayed that
the police would find us soon.


Hello again So sorry for the wait (again...) Went over to my moms friends house and
did nothing but HOMEWORK. Ugh...

ANYWAY I hope you all liked this chapter I know, its pretty depressing right now,
but the next chapter will have some badass action and some good ol romance going
on, too So please stay tuned 10.4K READS?? WOW Im at a loss of words right now,
thank you so much for the support, guys Means a TON to me :D

OMG I just got some message that Teukkie and Heenim sacrified themselves for South
Korea or something. IT WAS ALL AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE I swear I lost ten years of my
life just reading it and finding out it was an April Fools joke. My gosh... T____T
I really hope that everyone is okay. I dont know anyone who IS living in South
Korea right now, but I do pray that they are alright :)
SO. PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, and FAN You all are doing the fanning and the voting
beautifully, but the commenting... not so much xD

Saranghaeyo Nausheen3


*** Chapter 27: A Shocking Revelation *** (6 pages)

=Xs P.O.V=

"YAH I told you to keep it a secret NOT BLOW IT UP INTO A BIG SCANDAL NOW ITS ALL
OVER THE NEWS" I screamed at Mr. L. This whole damn plan is going down the drain
because of him Aish...

"Sorry sir..." He mumbled, staticky shuffling heard in the background.

"Whatever, just fix this mess immediately. And where are the girls? I want to talk
to them on speaker." I heard the crackling of the phone before I heard everything
on speaker.

"What?" I heard a girl snarl. Probably the Chinese girl, her Korean had some heavy
Chinese accent to it. "Now, now, dont talk to me like that." I cooed, chuckling at
their naivety. Didnt they know that their kidnapping was only making my plan better
than I expected?

"Why are you doing this?" Anna asked in English. I laughed. "Oh, Anna, youll find
out in due time." I teased, and that coaxed and frustrated growl from the girl.
"That doesnt help at ALL Im not going to beg you for answers JUST TELL ME" She

"Tsk tsk, no one talks to me like that And like I said before, youll find out in
due time. You should be thanking HeeJin-ah. Shes made it so much easier for you" I
said, hanging up the phone.

"How are the police doing?" I asked, turning to my secretary. She looked at the
iPad in her hand and smiled. "They havent gotten a lead yet, boss." She said.

"Good, so lets keep it that way, yeah? You are dismissed." I said, turning around
with a wave of my hand and looking out the window. I heard the distant clacking of
heels before the heavy oak door closed with a loud bang. I sniggered to myself.
Lets see how Lee Soo Man handles this one...

=Kris P.O.V=
I arrived at the police station with Zariah. "Hey, Kris, this isnt a good idea."
Zariah pleaded to me for what had seemed like the hundredth time. I turned to her
and glared at her.

"Zariah, Anna and those other girls are in trouble. The least I could do is listen
to Hangeng-ge and look for her." I stormed into the police station and walked up to
the front desk as fast as my legs would allow me. I earned some admiring glances
from the women officers, but I disregarded them. "May I speak to the head officer
working on the search case?"

"Is there something urgent you need to speak about him with? Hes in a meeting right
now." The woman said, glancing at me and looking back to her computer. She seemed
disinterested as to who I was.

"Yes. I think I have a lead on where she is." She and Zariah looked at me
incredulously and pressed a button on the handphone. "Officer Kim Jung Min, you are
needed in your office right now." The woman looked at me. "His office is down that
hall and the last one to the left. Good luck, sir." She smiled.

"Thanks." I breathed and I ran all the way there. Zariah struggled to keep up with
me with her high heels, but she ended up catching up to me anyway.

"Kris Wu. This isnt a good idea, seriously. Officers have better things to do other
than listen to your whims." She puffed. She did have a good point there. But I
couldnt come up with a rhetorical answer quick enough, for a officer was
approaching us at a quick pace.

"Hello, Im Officer Kim. Please step inside." A man in his 30s came up to me and
quickly shook my hand before stepping inside. I stepped in after him and Zariah
followed. "Oh? Who is this?"

"Ah, this is my manager, sir." I said, motioning to Zariah, who did a 90-degree
bow. He returned it with the same bow. "Pleasure to meet you..."

"Zariah." She said, shaking his hand. He nodded at her before turning to me. "So
what was the thing you needed to talk to me about?"

"I think I have a lead to where they might be." I said, laying out all the evidence
on the table. It was only a picture of the van and the license plate. "So... please
explain to me how this is going to help." He said bluntly.

"I was walking around the run-down parts of Seoul to look for something my bandmate
wanted, and I came across this car that had a familiar plate number. Ive seen it
around SM premises and it was around the SM dorms on the day of the kidnapping." I
stated, feeling proud of my detective work. He nodded his head in thought before he
stated something crucial:
"So, forgive me for being rude, but whats your case? What makes this car so...
suspicious to you?"

"Its alright, and the color is different from the other vans around SM, like most
of the vans there are black and fancy-looking, this one is a dark blue and its
obviously been used before." I stated, pointing the evidence out. He nodded again
before whisking away the photo from the table.

"Ill see what I can do about it. Thanks for dropping by. Ill call you when we find
a lead." He said, and he literally power-walked out the door. When we came out of
the police station, Zariah patted my back.

"Job well done, Wu YiFan. Even I never noticed that I think Geng will have no
worries." She smiled at me. I decided that I would ask her now.



"Do you think I could... you know... go with the police guys when they find the
guys?" She stopped walking and looked at me as if I was insane.

"Are you CRAZY? YiFan, I know you are obliged to to find her, but if you get hurt,
President is going to blame ME for it Then what am I going to do?" She exasperated,
giving me the bug eyes.

"Ill just tell him that it was my decision." She laughed bitterly.

"I just wish it was that easy, Kris. But there will be a lot of explaining to do."

"So does that mean..."

"Yes, you can go, but as long as you dont hinder the police from doing their job."


"As much as I think its the most insane, stupid and impulsive idea ever, I think
you will handle it well. I trust you as much as Geng does, plus she also happens to
be my best friend; shes been with me through thick and thin. I wouldve been going
through medical school hell if it weret for her." She admitted, walking again.

My heart felt as light as a feather. Just hang in there, LiJuan... Im coming to get
5 hours later

All 12 of us were in the middle of practicing our new choreo when my cell phone
started to ring. Suho turned off the music while I answered the phone. Thats wierd;
it was an unknown number, but I decided to answer it anyway.


"Hi, this is Officer Kim speaking. We finally found a lead, thanks to your
evidence." I was astounded. Am I dreaming? Taos consistent poking proved otherwise.

"Hey, gege, can you put it on speaker? We want to hear it too" He exclaimed
cheerfully, and Xiumin was fervently nodding his head. Everyone seemed to be
glowing with hope, so I put him on speaker and placed it on the floor. Everyone
gathered around and listened. "So whats the deal?"

"Okay, so you gave me that car number and the description, right? After talking to
a couple of the SM staff who saw the same things and a little bit of digging, we
found out the location of the car. It seems to be heading towards Busan as we
speak. Our patrol and SWAT teams are out chasing the car out now."

"Are you going out also?"

"Thats kind of why I called. I wondered if you wanted to go with me. You gave us a
helpful piece of evidence, and I thought I would let you come along with me." He
said. I was estatic.

"Of course Do you mind if you bring some of my bandmates along?"

"How many will you be bringing?" I told him I would bring just three, including me.
"Fair enough. Meet me outside the police station; Ill be taking you all in the
patrol car." He said and he hung up with a click.

"Who wants to go with me?" I asked everyone and Lay was the first one to offer.
"Ill go."

"Me too" Tao chimed in, bouncing around the room in glee.

"What about you, Chanyeol?"

"No way Im not going to risk my pretty face for this" He said, huddling in the
corner. Suho nodded in agreement. "Me too, but Im not narcissistic. Im just too old
for a good police chase." He shrugged and started to play Temple Run.

"Can I go? Please??" Baekhyun pleaded. I nodded and he started to join Tao in
jumping around the room. "What a doofus..." I heard D.O mutter.

Things werent going to be so bad, after all.

=Lay P.O.V=

When I offered to go with Kris, he looked at me as if I was crazy. I know I have a

rare blood disease and stuff, but that doesnt mean I cant go to a good old police
chase. He didnt object, however; I was just happy about that much.

After a lot of contemplation, I realized that I didnt LOVE Anna; I was just simply
infatuated with her. I wasnt completely at ease when she was around, and that
itself was a warning bell. Instead, that Kimmie girl was really interesting.

She wasnt as open as RiNah or Anna and very mysterious, which was pretty intriguing
in its own way. Her looks werent bad, either.

She was also a complete dork when she wants to be, like me. I had gotten to know
her since we first met in Anna and Zariahs living room, and we had become great
friends. We shared the same common interests and we loved cooking or hanging out

In a nutshell, she was pretty awesome.

When I heard they had gotten kidnapped, the first person that concerned me wasnt

It was Kimmie.

It was then I realized that I didnt love Anna as much as Kris did and I backed
down, almost willingly. I wasnt the type to hold on to infatuations for very long.

Anyhow. Enough of my thoughts and lets get on with the story, right?

We arrived at the police station as soon as we could; the police officer was
already in his patrol car, looking through some files on his laptop. Kris rapped
the window of the car and the officer smiled at him.

"Hello, boys, Im Officer Kim." He introduced. I liked him already.

"Im Baekhyun"

"Im Lay." I finished off. He nodded and pointed at Tao and I.

"You guys are Chinese, right? Youre from Changsa and hes from Guangzhou." He
stated, and I nodded my head in bewilderment. He chuckled at my expression. "Ive
spent some time in China. I have some family there." He said.

So thats how he knew us. Officer Kim ushered us into the car quickly and soon we
set off at top speed. Kris was sitting at the front while Tao, Baekhyun and I were
squished in the back. Everything about the car ride seemed to be a blur to me.

All I was thinking about was Kimmie.

We reached a secluded spot in the middle of a forest trail. There were patrol cars
and SWAT vans scattered around the road. We all literally tumbled out of the car at
once when Officer Kim parked it near another patrol car. There werent any paparazzi
around, so it was completey fine. There were dogs barking in the distance and
Officer Kim said that it was a good sign.

I felt butterflies just thinking about Kimmie being safe and sound. After two
weeks, I can finally go to sleep without a turbulent mind.

I started to run towards the source of all that barking. The others ran after me
and called my name, but I couldnt hear anything. It felt like eternity, running
through the rugged brush of the mountains and the continuous crunching of the fall
leaves. Sometimes a sharp branch would narrowly miss my skin, but it didnt matter.

Soon, we reached an abandoned, decimated shed surrounded by yellow caution tape.

There were men being dragged out, hands behind their back and shoved into police
cars. Finally, three filthy looking girls emerged from the shed. I saw her and I
felt my heart leap out of my chest.

Gosh, this is such a wierd feeling.

"Kimmie?" I asked the girl. She looked really unfamiliar with all that dirt on her

"Well, no other, right?" Her characteristic sarcasm made me smile. It made me

realize how much I missed it. It seems like I never notice her impact on my life
until something bad happens. Without understanding the circumstances, I hugged her.
She stood as stiff as a board.

"C-Could you let me go, p-please...?" She asked meekly, trying to push me away.

"Oh, sorry." I said, letting her go quickly and putting some distance between us.
She just shook her head and chuckled drily.
"It doesnt mean I dont want to talk to you, you doofus." She said, smiling at me.
No, stop it, you are making me go crazy.

Curse you, heart.

I looked over to Kris and Anna being all lovey-dovey and sighed. I wish I could be
like that with Kimmie.

"Your wishing you could be as romantic as they are, huh?" She whispered in my ear,
and I jumped, holding my heart.

"My gosh Dont scare me like that" I whispered harshly, and she just giggled. I
couldnt help but laugh along with her.

"Im sorry." She said suddenly, hanging her head.

"For what?"

"That Im not as open as the other girls are." I just patted her head.

"Nonsense Im sure youre just very insecure and scared. Ill wait for you." She
looked up at me with a surprised look plastered on her face, but before she could
say anything, an officer whisked her away.

Officer Kim came up to me. "The girls need to come along with us to the hospital.
We need to check if there was anything wrong with them before they go home, and we
have to ask them some questions." I nodded.

"Okay, can I call my manager? Shes probably chewing off her fingers now." He
guffawed loudly.

"Yes, of course." I called Zariah, and sure enough, she sounded nervous enough to
chew off all of her fingers out of worry.

"Hello??" She answered anxiously. "Hey, its me, Yixing."

"Oh thank GOD Are you all alright? Did you catch the criminal? Are the girls okay?
Where are you now??" She shot out one question after the other faster than I could
answer them.

"Calm down, Zariah. Yes, yes, yes and we are going to the hospital. They need to
see if they had gotten hurt and ask them a few questions."

"Oh..." She exhaled. I heard the shuffling of the phone before Geng started to
talk. "Hello?"

"Hi Yixing. Thank you very much. Tell all the boys that came with you thanks.
Zariah fainted out of joy." I tried to stifle my laughter, but it didnt work. My
loud guffaws caught the attention of Baekhyun, who was getting to know all of the
police dogs. The dogs seemed to like him a lot; he could become an animal trainer
one day.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, pulling myself together a couple minutes later. "Thats okay.
I found it pretty funny, too. I will see you later." He said and hung up. I had no
idea everyone left until Kris shouts rang through the forest.

"Zhang Yixing Hurry up and get your ass out of there" Kris shouted at the top of
his lungs. I started to run towards him. All I had to wait for now were the girls
to come home safe and sound.

=RiNah P.O.V=

The blackness had started to fade into a white light as I opened my eyes. I heard
beeping noises and my nostrils filled up with an antisepticky smell. I suddenly
wanted to throw up again. I grabbed the plastic bag on the other side of the cot
and threw up whatever was left in my stomach.

Wait a second. Why am I in a hospital? Was I safe now? My mind was running through
a trillion questions when a woman dressed in a police uniform entered with a candy

"Hello" She chirped happily, but I didnt have any energy to reply in the same way.
Instead, I just nodded my head in her general direction. "You must be very tired,
right?" She said, placing the chocolate on the bedside table. I nodded again before
sleep covered me like a veil.

When I woke up again, there was sunlight shining through the windows. I looked
around the hospital room. It didnt look like a normal room; it had pink and blue
walls with striped curtains on the windows. There were couches and a flat screen TV
on one side of the room. It was like a mini apartment. A nurse was checking my
vital signs and she was happy that I woke up.

"Oh Youre awake Would you like anything?"

"W-Water..." I croaked out. My throat was so parched I could barely say it. The
nurse nodded and handed me a foam cup. I gulped it down greedily.

"Your vital signs are good. The doctor will be coming in a few. And you can eat the
candy bar now, if youd like. It helps calm the nerves." She flashed a kind smile
before walking out the door. I sighed and laid back on my pillows. I didnt really
feel like eating anything; it would always come back out the same way anyway.

Soon the door opened and a male nurse came in with the doctor. My heart started to
pound; why is there a guy here? "Hello, Im Dr. Lee. And you must be Xu Riah,
right?" She asked in a calm tone, and I nodded.

"The nurse said your vital signs were good. Im just going to do a pregnancy test on
you, okay?" She said, and gave me a motherly smile. I felt more reassured.She
turned to the male nurse with her. "You can go now. I think there are other doctors
that need help, too." He looked confused, but he just bowed and walked out the

She leaned towards me and said in a hushed whisper. "I heard what had happened from
the police. Im very sorry about that. Noone deserves that kind of treatment." She
backed away and started to put on her rubber gloves. "Im going to do a pelvic exam,

"O-Okay... Is it going to hurt?" I stuttered. I wasnt like the sound of pelvic


"Yes, it will be a little uncomfortable, okay? Just tell me when youre ready." She
said as she was getting her equipment together.

It wasnt too bad. We were having a conversation the whole time, and before I knew
it, we were done. "Im going to be right back, I just need to get these samples
tested in the lab, alright?" All of a sudden, there was banging on the door and
assorted voices yelling out questions. I huddled onto the corner of the bed and
started to shake with fear. Were they after me again?

"What did I tell those reporters..?" She muttered under her breath as she stormed
over and opened the door. Reporters were pushing her from all sides trying to enter
the room, cameras flashing at me. They wanted to interview me, and I was scared.

I wasnt ready for the papparazzi Thank goodness the security came along and towed
all the reporters away. "Dont worry, honey. Those were just those pesky reporters.
Theyve been trying to interview your friends, too." She shook her head. "The media
really is ruthless nowadays... Well, theres that red button above your bed there.
Press it if you need help, alright? Im going to get these samples to the lab."

"Thank you" I called out to her as she was walking out. "Youre welcome" She
replied, and soon I was all alone again.

=Anna P.O.V=

"You have some visitors" The nurse chirped happily, as Kris, Baekhyun, Luhan,
Chenand D.O entered the room. "Ohmygod ANNA" Baekhyun shrieked as soon as he saw
me, rushing over to my bed and enveloping me in a tight hug.
"Bacon... I cant breathe..." I wheezed, and he let go. "Sorry. Im just really glad
you are okay" He said, giving me a cute lopsided sheepish grin.

"What are you all doing here?" I asked them. I was strangely energetic today.
Probably because all those drugs wore off a while ago, leaving me even more hyper
and jittery than Chanyeol.

"Just wanted to see how our favorite girl was doing" Luhan and Chen cheered, giving
me a gentle hug on each side. "Aww... Thanks But Im not the only one you should be
checking on..."

"I know, but the doctor told us that Kimmie and RiNah werent ready for visitors
yet. Lay and Tao have been waiting outside their rooms for a while. They dont even
want to eat" D.O said. "Aigoo... Im so worried for them" I pinched his cheeks.

"You really are like an umma." I said, making him blush a beet red while the other
boys busted out laughing. "You guys" He whined like a little kid.

"I guess how much they love them" Kris said, looking down at the floor. Cue awkward

"Im going to go and get some food from the cafe Im starving" Baekhyun said, turning
to me. "Do you want anything?"

"Oh, no. You guys go ahead. Im not hungry."

"Luhan, you need to treat us" Chen said, happily running around the room, earning
curious stares from passerbys. Luhan grumbled about not having enough money as
everyone filed out the door. Kris stayed behind.

"Arent you going?" I asked him. I wasnt trying to get rid of him. He looked a
little worn out from yesterday.

"Are you kicking me out?" Saw THAT one coming.

"ANIYA I was just saying because you looked a little dehydrated and you look like
youhavent slept in forever." I said. He started to make his way towards my bed and
sat down in the chair. Kris grabbed one of my hands and held it in between his two
large hands. They were comfortingly warm.

My stomach started to do cartwheels and backflips. "Im so glad youre okay." He

muttered, and I didnt say anything. There wasnt an awkward silence; this time it
was comfortable. What came out of his mouth next caught me off guard.

"Im sorry I wasnt there to protect you." I flicked his forehead. "Ow What was that
for?" He shouted, rubbing his forehead.
"Dont be an idiot. It was inevitable, anyway. You shouldve seen the men. They had

"So do we." He stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Not like dancer muscles The ones that are big and bulky. They couldve just smushed
Tao like a bug if they wanted to. They were huge"

"I sometimes wish I didnt date HeeJin. Shes so possessive She would never let me
talk to other girls, not even her friends" He complained. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, and if it doesnt go her way, then she will send thugs after you." I stated.
He looked baffled. Then the wires started to connect and a lightbulb seemed to
spring up above his head.

"She sent thugs after you" He exclaimed, and his hands tightened around my hand.
"Why didnt you call us?"

"RiNah tried to run back inside the house to call, but they smashed all of our
phones and unplugged the landline phone. And we couldnt use a payphone, either. We
were literally prisoners."I explained. He sighed and sagged his shoulders.

I shifted over so that I could pat his head. His hair is really soft... I thought.
He sighed and looked up at me, and my hand unconciously slid over to cup his cheek.
"Please dont blame yourself. It wasnt your fault. No one had seen it coming." I
said, smiling at him.

All of a sudden, he gathered me into a hug. My head landed onhis chest, and I could
hear his heartbeat. It was going fast, probably even faster than mine. He rested
his chin on top of my head and sighed. I was blushing profusely now.

"Can you hear it?" He mumbled, his hand holding the back of my head gently. I
nodded slightly. "This is what happens every time I see you." He said, and my eyes

I wasnt the only one who felt like this?

He pulled back and looked at me. Kris smiled fondly and kissed my forehead. "I love

I swore my heart would leap out of my chest and soar to the skyat any given moment
right then and there. "I love you too..."

=Tao P.O.V= (A/N: Damn, these are a lot of POVs =__________= LE POOF)
I was chatting amiably with RiNah about back home and what she missed. She didnt
throw up as much, and I couldnt help but worry.Too soon,the doctor came in. The
look on her face was unreadable, but I was still hopeful. "Did the results come

"Ah.. yeah." She said in a strange tone, and my heart sank. "And...?"

"Ms. Xu Riahs two weeks pregnant..." The doctor said, her face a mix of concern and
sadness. I looked over to RiNah, who was sitting there in shock.

She was pregnant. With a rapists child. I couldnt wrap my head around it. What had
she done to deserve this?

All of a sudden, RiNah started to cry. "What? Why me? What did I do?" She wailed,
burying her face in her hands. Her voice was broken and full of pain, and a tear
unconciously rolled down my cheeks. "RiNah..."

"Please go away" She sniffled, and I hesitantly walked out the door. I barely
acknowlegded the doctor, who came out and sat by me. She started to rub circles on
my back as I started to cry.

RiNahs broken dream was my broken dream also.

Awww man... Im torn on the inside now. RiNahs pregnant with a rapists baby But I
cant judge a baby based on its parents habits D: But what to do?? runs around in
panicked circles Ermm... sorry. And a CUTE KrisAnna moment right there I would be
lying if I said I didnt die of cuteness on the inside there :DD

So sorry for the late updates LONG CHAPTER GUYS I hope you didnt get lost ;; Please
dont mind the late updates. Im trying to make the chapters a little bit more
detailed and add some tidbits to make it longer. PLus I got bombarded with homework
as soon as spring break ended T________T So please give me some feedback on that
Its your story as much as it is mine :P

My cousins came over yesterday, but they only stayed a couple hours because my
sister had to leave for D.C at 12 oclock midnight Meanwhile, we cracked up until we
peed ourselves watching old reruns of SNL ;D

Thats good stuff right there, man. But MBLAQs ddabong game is funnier.
Thundersstage name shouldve been dolphinxD But I dont think that wouldve been so...
manly LOL and Joon... I just have no words for that guy LMFAO w

So VOTE. COMMENT. FAN The comments are starting to pick up a little bit Keep those
wonderful comments coming Im aiming to make a less depressing chapter next time, I
promise :)

Saranghaeyeo Nausheen3


*** Chapter 28: Recovery *** (5 pages)

=Zariah P.O.V=

"This reallyneeds to stop. As in NOW." I told Junghoon. We were currently sittingin

a secluded cafe with little to no fangirls. It was pretty nice; it made me feel
normal for once.

He nodded in agreement. "Did you hear what had happened to RiNah-ssi? Thats just
out of line."

"Yup And whats worse? She has to keep the baby I cant imagine how much suffering it
will have to go through. I know this may sound bad, but I think its better for
RiNah to have a miscarriage or abort it." I told him.

"I completely understand." He said simply, and the conversation fell silent.

I decided to pick up the conversation again. "Hows your wife? She seems to be
taking your absences pretty well." He suddenly seemed to glow with radiant pride.
Junghoon really loved his wife very much.

"Shes alright, shes actually coming with me to the next SMTOWN concert. The boys
love her to death; they say she reminds them of their moms." He said happily,
taking a sip of his coffee. "Hows Hankyung? Hes holding up well?"

"Yeah. Hes a great guy. He took me out to a fancy bar for dinner last week and we
just walked around the city for a while." I said, finding myself smiling from ear
to ear.

"Its a shame for SM to lose a guy like him. Hes really talented, but it was a bit
harsh for them no to let him leave the country. He mustve had a hard time here." He
said. I nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, he told me all about it. Oh" I exclaimed, checking my phone. "Its about time
for me to go back now. What about you?"

Junghoon checked his watch and got up. "Same for me too. Ill pay." He put the money
in the cheque; I waited until he was a safe distance away before I pitched in a
couple extra won for the barista.

We agreed to part ways right after we go coffee to avoid any scandals about us. I
walked over to my car and headed straight for the SM dorms to check on Anna. The
last time she texted me was this morning, and she was taking a shower then.

At least that was what she told me.

I parked my car in the special spot and I decided to give myself a workout. I
bounded up the emergency stairs to my floor and opened the door. I walked down the
hall and finally came to our aparment door. Scanning the key, I opened the door to
a dark hallway. "Anna? Are you in here?"

"Yes..." Her muffled answer sounded really weak, as if she were fatigued after a
long training session. I went through the apartment, turning on all the lights and
closing all the blinds.

"Do you want to-- OH MY GOD" I panicked.

There, sitting in a small pool of blood, was Anna, hiding her hands under her large
sleeves. She was holding something shiny and sharp behind her back; a razor.

"Anna" I barely croaked, and she just hung her head in shame.

All of a sudden, I felt like I was talking to a child that broke a cookie jar.

"I-Im sorry... I couldnt help it..." She whispered, and I instantly felt guilty. I
squatted down to her level and hugged her, letting her sob into my jacket. She
cried out all her sorrows to me, and I just sat there, patting her back and rocking
her back and forth like a mother would with an upset child.

She had been doing this ever since she came back from the hospital. She hadnt
eaten, woke up constantly from nightmares, and frequently locked herself up in her

Who knew how ong she had been cutting herself? The doctor said that this phase
would go away soon, and she would be back to normal.

I wasnt too sure about that.

Fortunately, she fell asleep in my arms, and I wet a tea towel to clean up al the
blood from the floor. I cleaned up her wounds and wrapped them up in bandages.
After changing her out of her bloody clothes, she was half-awake, so I helped her
into her bed and sat there until her breathing was even and she fell asleep.
I couldnt help but tear up at my best friend. The one who was my rock this whole
time, my sturdy mountain.

She was crumbling, and I could do nothing about it.

=Chen P.O.V=

"TAO Where are youu" I shouted down the corridor, earning silence in return. I
huffed and stormed into the kitchen, where Lay was making something again. He had
been bored and restless recently, and I thought our refrigerator would be
overflowing with food.

"Lay, have you seen Tao?" I asked him, and he looked up at me with a bored
expression on his face. Didnt he care that I was alone?

"He just went out with RiNah to look for some baby stuff. Why dont you do something
by yourself, for once?" He said, stirring something in a pot. I pouted.

Lovely; Luhan and Kris went to shop in Myeongdong and now Tao was with RiNah. What
to do??

"But I want my football buddy" I whined like a five-year old. Lay shot me a stern

"Why dont you keep Xiumin busy? Hes been in his room for a while, and I need to
finish this hot pot for his birthday." He said. A lightbulb lit up in my brain.

"So you want me to stall him till you call me?" I asked brightly, and he nodded.
"Dont you DARE tell him. What is said in the kitchen stays in the kitchen, arasso?"

"Yes, mom." I drawled in a bored tone, and I walked out into the hallway. "MINSEOK
HYUNG" I shouted, and I heard Lay grumble something about me being loud.

Pftt. He shouldve said something earlier. I knocked on his door.

"Who is it?" He called out irritably. "Its me."

The door flew open, and Minseoks small frame stood in the doorway. "Whats up?"

"Want to play football?" I asked, tossing the soccer ball to reiterate my point. He
contemplated a bit before catching it in midair and dashing out the door. "LAST ONE
TO THE FIELD IS ROTTEN KIMCHI" He screamed, and I ran out after him. "Come home
before seven thirty" I heard Lay call out after us.

"Omo Hyung, its raining" I came to a screeching halt before the exit when I saw the
downpour. He stuck his tougue out at me and ran ahead out into the sidewalk. "Youre
such a sissy" He called out, running towards the soccer field in the rain.

He knew that really irked me. A lot. "YAH WATCH WHO YOURE CALLING A SISSY" I
shouted angrily, and he just cackled as I dashed out after him. When I caught up to
him, we started to play one-on-one soccer in the ran. It felt like five minutes,
but it was really an hour. By the time we collapsed onto the park benches shaded by
a canopy of flowers, we were soaked to the skin and shivering.

The rain was cool and refreshing. I inhaled the fresh air that the rain had brought
along with it. "Its been a while since we did anything together." Minseok said, and
I nodded.

"Yeah... I like to spend my time like this." I replied, and he just grinned at me.
"Hey Jongdae, want to go get some bubble tea?"

I gasped and dramatically put a hand over my heart. "Bubble tea? Without SEHUN?
Minseok, I am ashamed of you" He just rolled his eyes and started to walk to the
nearest cafe.

"Wait up" I called, and I ran up to him. "Should we play a prank on Sehun?"

"Jeez, you cant be more blunt than that, Jongdae. I was already way ahead of you."
He said, pulling a small package out of his pocket. We grinned evilly at each other
and started to laugh at our childishness.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I knew it was about time for us to go home.
Thankfully, there wasnt a large line at the cafe, so we were able to get our bubble
tea quickly. While he was ordering, I checked my text messages. It was from Lay.

From Unicorn: Chen Hurry up and come home Luhan and Kris are just around the corner
with the cake and presents. Tao already brought the booze and the other guys are
already here

I quickly texted him back.

From TrollMaster: Im coming Just stopped by to get some bubble tea _

My phone vibrated almost 30 seconds afterwards with a message from Lay. We were
already walking out of the shop and into the busy streets by then.

From Unicorn: Oh Gosh=_____= Please dont prank Sehun again.

Oh Lay... If only you had known.

=Kris P.O.V=

Everyone was sitting quietly in their places around the living room, waiting for
Minseok and Jongdae to get back from getting something. Even Chanyeol, who was
usually hyperactive and running around all over the place, was sitting in his spot
as quiet as a mouse. Lay shushed everyone when the door lock was clicking.

Perfect timing.

"SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MINSEOK" The lights flashed on as everyone jumped out of
their hiding spots and literally squeezed the life out of the baozi. His eyes were
sparkling with happiness as a cheesy grin made its way to his face.

"Aww... Thanks, you guys" He squealed like a child, coming up to hug each and every
one of us. Sehun noticed the bubble tea and gave Chen a wary glance.

"We didnt do anything to it I promise" Chen said. Xiumin was to busy sobbing into
Lays shoulder from the shock.

He couldnt be more blatant if he had tried. But Sehun didnt notice at all.

He grabbed the cup and downed the drink in one gulp. He looked fine at first, but I
knew the side effects would come with time.

Soon, his face grew red and he yelled out in pain. "AHHHH" He started to flail his
arms around and run around in circles. I shook my head; Minseok and Jongdae had put
in pepper paste in his bubble tea again.

"Here, have some milk." Lay said in a monotone voice, struggling to keep a straight
face. Chen and Xiumin were already a laughing mess on the floor and the others had
reactions from laughing so hard they were crying to shaking their heads at their
foolishness again.

"Sehun, you shouldve seen that coming." Suho said, wiping a stray tear from his
eyes. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were too busy holding each other up from laughing too

"I didnt know That wath too harth, you guyth" Sehun whined, his lisp even more
prominent now. That had only made Chen and Xiumin laugh even more, and made me
chuckle a little bit.

"ANYWAY Now that that is overwith, lets get the cake and open the presents" I
shouted, looking forward to the presents. I was smirking just at the thought of the
presents. D.O and Tao came out with a small rectangular chocolate cake ablaze with
lighters, and Xiumins eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head.
Everyone cheered.
"Happy birthday, Minseok" We shouted in unison, with a few loud noises coming out
of Chanyeol.

We sung happy birthday and let him blow out the lighters to make a wish. Then it
was time for the speeches while D.O and Lay started to cut the cake into 12 pieces.

"I want to say something" Suho shouted, running up to the front and beating Luhan.
Luhan just pouted and sat on the sofa.

"Minseok hyung was probably the single-most awesomest hyung. I never had an older
brother before I came to SM, and he was the closest thing to a big brother that I
will ever have. He gave me tons of advice when I needed it, and--"

"JUST CUT TO THE CHASE, HYUNG" Chanyeol shouted, and was met with a chorus of
approval. Suho blushed and shuffled his feet. "Thanks for being there for me,
Minseok, hyung. JIA-YOU" He cheered, and the speech was met with a chorus of awws
as he went over and hugged him.

The rest of the process was a blur, and after we ate the cake, the EXO-K boys
decided to stay over. I had a sudden epiphany and I started to make my way to the
front door.

"Where are you going?" I heard Luhan behind me. I turned around and looked at him.

"Im going to visit Anna and Zariah. I havent visited them since she came out of the
hospital yesterday." He nodded in understanding and smiled at me. "Ill save some
hot-pot for you."

"If you dont, thats okay. Ill beat Minseok up later." He laughed and I heard Xiumin
shout in protest before I shut the door.

I walked along the corridor until I reached their apartment and rang the doorbell.
A rather bare-faced Zariah answered the door. "Oh, hey Kris. Whats up?"

Her voice was... different. It sounded defeated and tired. I had a momentary
thought that maybe visiting Zariah and Anna might not be the greatest idea right

But I couldnt back down now.

"Can I go see Anna?" She silently stepped aside and let me into the apartment.

"Annas sleeping in her room right now. Try not to make too much noise; you know how
she is when she wakes up." She laughed drily before she walked into the living room
and turned on the TV.
Something was up; I could feel it.

I tiptoed into Annas room and peeked through the crack in the door. When I was sure
she was asleep, I walked inside and sat on the side of her bed. My heart dropped to
the pit of my stomach when I saw the state she was in.

There were tear stains running down her cheeks, big bags under her eyes, her face
was deathly pallid and her lips were chaffed and dry.

I wouldve mistaken her for a dead person if she hadnt started to breath
irregularly. My eyes involuntarily looked down to her balled-up fists; it was then
I noticed the bloody bandages around her wrists. She had been cutting herself.

"No...No.. STOP IT AAAAHHHH" Her voice escalated to a scream as she jerked into a
sitting position on her bed, her eyes wide open as she alertly scanned the room.
Her eyes were bloodshot and tired as she warily glanced at me. Her eyes then filled
with pain and fear. "K-Kris..?"

I couldnt handle it anymore as the tears started to stubbornly run down my cheeks.
"A-Annalise..." It was all I could muster. She was going through so much pain and
sorrow as it was, and me not being there for her and this incident made her have a
mental breakdown.

I felt like an awful monster.

She looked alarmed. "Please... dont cry because of me. P-Please..." She silently
begged, lowering her head and using her fringe as a curtain. Tears started to fall
one by one onto her lap like raindrops. It just made my heart break into a million
tiny fragments.

I grabbed her wrists, unknowingly hurting her in the process, because she winced
and started to tense up. I looked at her and she slowly relaxed. Her tears started
to flow from her eyes as she sobbed into my chest. "What did I do? Why... Why does
he hate me..." She wailed, her voice broken from the pent up anger and sadness
boiling in her chest.

We sat there for a while, crying our eyes out. My manly and mysteriously cold image
didnt matter to me at that point; I just wanted to see Anna smile again.

She sniffled and wiped the tears away with the back of her hand. "T-Thank you... I
needed that." She muttered, still not meeting my gaze. She got up and headed for
the bathroom.

"I-Im going to take a shower..." She said meekly as she gathered her clothes and
towel. This wasnt the loud, confident, sarcastic Annalise that I knew.

This one was the more afraid, defensive and shy Anna during our high school years.
She was someone that I wanted to protect. Even at the cost of my own life. I
suddenly started to put the pieces together.

My heart was light and carefree whenever she was happy. Dark and heavy when she was
sad or lonely. Aching and painful when I couldnt feel Annas presence. Is this what
love is?

=Anna P.O.V=

I took a shower to calm my nerves and to finally get rid of the stink I
accumulated. When I stepped out of the shower, I saw the razor on the counter. I
picked up the shiny metal and immediately thought better of it.

After seeing Yifan in that state, I suddenly felt that cutting myself wasnt worth
it. I sighed as I tossed the bloody razor into the trash and out of my life.

I changed into a new pair of sweatpants and T-shirt, changed my bandages and walked
out of the bathroom. Yifan was sitting on my bed, looking through all of my manga.
Even Fruits Basket was in the pile, and I had to stifle a laugh.

He mustve seen me, because his head shot up and his gaze was tender and

"Took you long enough." He said as he patted the space beside him. I didnt have the
willpower to come up with a smartass comeback, so I just plopped myself next to him
and started to play with the bedsheets.

I suddenly felt long fingers grab my wrist gently and looked at Yifan. His tears
were still rolling down his cheeks as he unwrapped the bandages and inspected the
damage I had done with my wrists. "Why?" He barely managed to whisper, and the
tears started to flow again. I hung my head in shame.

"Anna, look at me." He tilted my head up gently with his finger and held his gaze.
It wasnt cold or angry, it was more loving and sorrowful.

So this is what my father meant when I made others miserable.

"I dont know what kind of hell you went through the past two weeks, but please,
dont ever cut yourself. You have no idea how much you mean to other people. Zariah
and Han couldnt sleep till they knew you were okay. The boys were completely tense
and snapped at people when they found out. It was hell for you, but for us, it was
even worse. Because we all love you." He then shuffled himself closer and pulled me

I could smell his nice cologne and my face heated up. Then I heard the sentence
that I thought I would never hear from Kris:
"But I love you the most." He whispered. Kris then leaned over and started to
shower me with small kisses all over my face. I pressed my eyes shut and instantly
blushed at his actions. All of a sudden, his lips stopped caressing my face and I
squinted out of one eye. Kris was smirking at my reaction.

That jerk.

"YAH Were you using me??" I shrieked, starting to hit him on the chest. He grabbed
both of my hands and looked down at me.

"Uh, no. Unless you want this." He teased, and he did something I never thought
would happen.

He kissed me.

I never knew a guys lips would be so soft. I do admit, I would sneak a couple
glances once in a while, but I always mentally slapped myself before my imagination
would go... other places. I always thought my Prince Charming would instantly pop
out of nowhere and start passionately kissing me like those cheesy dramas on TV. I
never thought it would happen when I was a complete emotional wreck.

His kiss was soft and gentle, as if he was afraid that I would shatter to pieces
like glass. He broke away from the kiss and looked at me. "Dont tell me..."

"You got it right, Yifan. You took my first kiss." I said, a little bit of
happiness in my voice. I was glad that it wasnt taken by some complete stranger.

"And your second." He stated before leaning in and capturing my lips in a soft kiss
once again.

This time, I kissed him back.

Well. THAT escalated quickly xD Just kidding. I never had a quick relationship
before. Talk about shotgun O-o
ANYWHO Ive been seeing a lot more EXO derpyness and crazy stuff going around. Im
guessing us EXOtics are all restless for a comeback, right? Because I know I am

Speaking of derpyness, there is a video full of it in the multimedia section, just

to get you started ;) ARENT I A WONDERFUL PERSON ;D

Aside from the self praising, I got on Wattpad today after quite a hectic weekend
and my jaw literally dropped. 11K READS I know the number would be higher, but...
11K READS My mind is blown, guys. Thank you, thank you, thank you blows a thousand

Keep, voting, commenting, and following. Ugh... now it doesnt flow as well as it
used to =__=

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 29: A Belated Birthday Present *** (6 pages)

=Hangeng P.O.V=

I rang the doorbell repeatedly before hearing Zariahs voice on the monitor. "Who is

"Its me." The door locked clicked and there she stood, dressed in nothing but baggy
sweats. I assumed it was her lazy day today.

"So... are you going to come in or stand there and check me out?" She asked,
smriking and laughing drily at her humor. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the

Her voice sounded dead and tired. She also looked a little pale, with big bags
under her eyes; I felt bad that I had to run off to my schedules again instead of
helping Zari take care of Anna. My manager told me that the company thought I was
taking way too many days off and the fans were getting restless.

Sometimes I just forget that I am a Mandapop star nowadays.

"Did you hear me?" Zari asked, and I snapped out of my thoughts. "Oh, sorry, just a
lot of stuff on my mind." We made our way into the living room and were now sitting
on the cushions.
She giggled and poked my forehead. "Geez, even when you left to finish your
schedules you completely forgot about me. I wonder how you memorize your songs."

"I never forgot about you, baby And its called a backing track." I said smartly,
flashing a cheesy grin. Zariah huffed and blew the fringe out of her face.
"Smartass..." I heard her mutter.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"Nothing So let me start from the beginning." I nodded and she continued.

"So, when Anna came out of the hospital, she completely changed. She wouldnt eat
anything and she would have these awful nightmares--"

"How bad were they?" I asked; this kind of thing happened before. I felt bad for
Anna because this wasnt the first time her father did THAT to her.

So much for keeping my promise to my dead aunt.

"So bad that she wouldnt be able to go back to sleep and wander around the
apartments. And then today, I came back from meeting up with Junghoon and...I saw
her cutting herself." She had added the last part in a whisper. I balled up my
fists in anger and jumped up from the couch.

"Why did you not tell me??" I shouted, and she finched at the sudden volume.

"I just found this out today And all she had ever done was lock the door to her
room She wouldnt let anyone in, not even me This was the first time she ever even
came OUT of her room willingly." Her voice had started to shake, and I instantly
felt awful for snapping at her.

I never realized that she would be hurting just as bad as me. Seeing a friend in
that state wouldnt leave me in the best mood either.

"Is she...?" I muttered, before I felt Zariahs small hand rest on top of mine. She
flashed me a reassuring smile.

"Kris is with her in her room right now. And dont go off on how you cant trust men
around her. She is strong--"

"I actually trust the kid. Hes got some guts." I said, nodding in approval. Zariah
suddenly started to laugh. "What?"
"We sound more like parents than friends." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes
and I couldnt help but laugh along with her. She was completely right; we were more
like parents than great friends.

But I guess thats a good thing, right?

"I missed you a lot while you were gone." She said, wrapping her arms around my
torso. I smirked at her short stature.

"Im never going to get over how short you are." I said, and she looked up at me and
pouted. "AISH That was a bit mean. The Evil Maknae rubbed off on you, seriously."

I guffawed and hugged her back. "Im kidding, I missed you a lot, too."

The next day... =Tao P.O.V=

"Should I get this one? Or this one?" RiNah asked me, holding the two one-pieces
over her stomach. One was blue with red rocking horses on it, and the other was
pink with little baby rattles sprinkled all over.

It was seriously too hard to choose. I admit; baby shopping was a lot harder than
buying Gucci. Yesterday we werent able to choose what kind of stroller to buy
because our time was cut short by Xiumins surprise birthday party. I asked RiNah to
join us, but she had refused. "Besides," she said, "there wil be alcohol there, and
that will hurt the baby"

I was surprised at her answer. She would make a great mother.

"Maybe you should get both? You dont know if it is a boy or a girl yet." I said,
taking the two nighties from her hands and gently placing them in the cart. Many
people would stop and stare at us, whispering behind their hands. To make RiNah
feel better, I held her hand and acted like a married couple.

We had both bought wigs and went without makeup in order not to be seen.

"Thats true. Okay I think thats it" She exclaimed cheerfully, skipping her way to
the cash register. I chuckled to myself; RiNahs strength during the worst time in
her life never failed to amaze me.

It made me like her even more.

After we had bought the merchandise, we decided to walk around the mall for a
little bit. We started to speak fluently in Mandarin, and we laughed at the
stupidest things. Our loud laughter earned us some judgemental stares from
passerbys, but we didnt care.
"I cant believe there is a life growing inside me right now." She said suddenly,
placing a hand over her slowly-growing stomach. We were sitting on a bench in the

"You dont care if it was a rapists child?" I asked her. I saw a slow tear make its
way down her face and I panicked. Shoot I wasnt supposed to say that

She laughed slowly. "I cant judge the baby from its parents mistakes. It doesnt
matter to me. Its my child now, right?" She looked up at me and gave a smile that
made my heart race.

She truly was beautiful. Inside and out.

I hugged her. "I just want you to know, no matter what happens, Ill be there. For
you and the baby." I muttered in her ear, and I felt her nod and hug me back. I let
go and gently cupped her face in my hands. "You want to go home now?"

She nodded quickly. "Yeah, I need some rest. This baby is tiring me out" She
exclaimed, laughing.

We both caught a taxi and headed back to the SM dorms. The driver was kind enough
to help us get all of our things into the main lobby. After that, we were all on
our own. "How are we going to carry this stuff all the way to the fifth floor?"
RiNah asked, looking back at the mound of baby stuff and scratching her head.

Thankfully, Baekhyun came through the door. He was sweating profusely; he mustve
been training really hard for our comeback. He smiled when he saw us and approached
us, waving frantically.

"Ahnyeong Whats up with all the stuff?" He asked, taking out his earbuds and
stuffing his iPod in his pocket.

"We went out shopping together for the baby." RiNah explained, and Baekhyun pouted.

"Aww You shouldve taken me with you" He joked. "You need help with all that?"

"Thats okay; you looked whipped. Well figure something out." I said earnestly.
Baekhyun shook his head.

"No way Ill help you carry it. Theres no way the two of you could carry that big
baby crib upstairs." He had a point. It would be too risky for the baby in RiNahs

"Okay. Thanks a lot" RiNah said gratefully, gathering all the lighter bags and
making her way to the elevator. Baek looked back at me with a mischevious glint in
his eyes.

"You like her a lot, dont you?" He said, and my eyes widened.

"N-No Only as a friend, I swear" I stammered. I was stunned by his quick

conclusion. Although I would be lying if I said I didnt have the tiniest crush on

He just ignored me. "Just tell her how you feel, man. Just not right now. You might
stun her a little. Plus, youre the only one who has been really helping her out the
past couple of days. Girls like that." He grabbed one side of the baby crib and I
grabbed the other and we lifted it together.

It took us a while, but soon we were able to get the crib box on RiNah and Kimmies
doorstep. I rang the doorbell and Kimmie answered the door. My face fell a little
bit; Baekhyun noticed this and smirked at me.

Screw you, Baekhyun.

"Whoa, whats with the large box? Its not my birthday yet" Kimmie exclaimed.
Baekhyun rolled his eyes at the British girl.

"Its not for you, its for RiNahs baby, you pabo." He deadpanned, and Kimmie nodded.

"Well, gee, thanks Bacon. I feel special." She bantered playfully, and before he
had the time to reply, Kimmie started to move the box a little bit into the room.
It took us 20 minutes to finally get the box into RiNahs room.

"Wheres RiNah?" I asked Kimmie, and she just shrugged.

"She just came back and told me she would be visiting Anna. Which probably means
she will be baking cookies or a cake or something."

"She bakes?" I asked. She never told me that

"Yeah, she LOVES to bake. Cookies, cakes, pies, anything. She isnt bad at it,
either." She explained. "She made chicken pot pie the other day with Anna. It
turned out really nice." She sighed dreamily. "I hope we make that again soon. Best
dinner I ever had in Korea"

"ANYWAY." Baekhyun interrupted her thoughts. "You want to start building this crib

=RiNah P.O.V=
"Anna" I sang as I walked through the door. Zariah and Han looked up at me from
their little cuddle session and simply said, "Anna is in her room."

Gee, I feel welcome.

"Anna Are you in there? I need to talk to you" I sang, and the door flew open,
revealing a fresh-faced Anna. She was smiling from ear-to-ear and Kris was behind
her. Only then did I notice that their hands were interlocked.

Oh, so thats what Tao meant when he said his Duizhang was away.

"What in the world happened? One day you are all depressed and didnt want to see
anyone and now everyone is being all lovey-dovey. Am I Rip Van Winkle or what?" I
asked, throwing my hands up in the air for emphasis. She just giggled and let go of
Kris hand to hug me.

"Thank you so much for everything, RiNah. Really. Im sorry I have been treating you
so coldly; I never realized it mustve been hard for you too. In return, I promise
to take care of your baby" She whispered in my ear, and I patted her back.

"Youre welcome. I wish I could be there for you. You want to go bake some pie?" I
let her go and looked at her. Her eyes were literally twinkling. "YUSH I want to
make some good ol apple pie" She sang as she dashed off into the kitchen. Kris
laughed at her.

"You can come in and help, if you want to." I offered, but Kris shook his head.

"Nah, cooking is for girls."

"Tell that to Lay."

"I do, but he just shrugs it off. Wierd guy, that 4D unicorn." He shook his head
and walked away. I laughed and just made my way into the kitchen, where Annalise
was already getting the things together for apple pie.

While we were making apple pie, we talked about this and that, laughed together,
shared and occasional tear, and squealed when we talked about our day.

"So, Im taking you and Kris are an official couple?" Anna blushed and stared at the
dough she was kneading in response. I squealed and hugged her tight.

"Aww Dont be so shy You guys look cute together" I said, patting her on the back.
She just giggled and said, "Yeah.. I guess youre right."
"What about you? What did you do today?" Annalise asked me. Now it was my turn to
blush a little bit.

"W-Well... I just went out with Tao to go buy some baby things. Then we just walked
around the mall together." I said meekly, and Anna poked my cheek.

"Why are you blushing? Do you like him?" I looked up at her shocked.

"No, unnie I only like him as a friend..." I trailed off at the end, shyly picking
at my nails which were now crusted with dough. She gently shoved me a little bit
before she started to giggle. "What?"

"That was what I said too when Kris was around..." She teased, poking me in the
sides. I screeched and jumped up. Anna started to howl with laughter as she ran out
of the kitchen. "MEANIE" I shouted before pouting and turning back to the half-
finished pie.

I was too busy making the pie to hear the door open again and new voices were
heard. "Wheres RiNah?"

Tao... I blushed and acted like I was working really hard on making the pie.

"RiNah" Kimmie sang as she entered the kitchen. "Oh Apple pie" She said in her
British English. I giggled. "Yup"

"I cant wait till its finished. Maybe you should work at a bakery" Kimmie said, and
it brought back memories of me and my friends opening a small bakery back in China.

Good times, good times. "I actually did work at a bakery me and my friends opened
after we finished high school. Then I was scouted by SM and I had to leave the
bakery behind."

"So you wouldve worked at the bakery had you not been scouted by SM?" Kimmie asked,
and I nodded at her.

"Yeah, you know; save up enough money for college, get a job as a dance instructor,
maybe get married? I had my whole life planned out."

"Is the pie finished yet?" Anna peeked around the entrance to the kitchen when her
eyes landed on us perched on the counter across the oven. "Just five more minutes."
I reassured her.

"Good Xiumins about to devour the whole table." When Anna dissapeared around the
corner, we looked at each other and laughed. Soon, the oven dinged as the pie was
"PIE" I heard Xiumin shout, pounding footsteps getting louder and louder as he
approached the kitchen.

"No You wait just like everyone else Shoo" Kimmie guarded the door to the kitchen
as I put the finishing touches on the crust. I stuck a toothpick inside and it came
out clean; it was finally finished. I secretly took a birthday candle from the
drawer and stuck it in the middle of the pie.

Might as well wish him a belated happy birthday, right?

"Happy belated birthday, Xiumin-ge" I exclaimed as Kimmie rushed over to the table
and squeezed herself in between Baekhyun and Lay.

"Aww I feel loved Thanks, RiNah" He said gratefully, clapping his hands and eyeing
the pie hungrily. "Ah, ah, ah You get a slice." I wagged a finger at him as I
rushed back into the kitchen and grabbed the knife from the kitchen. I come back to
everyone restraining him from the pie as if her were a hungry animal. I fought the
urge to laugh; I had a knife in my hand.

I found that a decent Kodak moment, so through all the screaming and yelling, I set
down the knife quietly, went to get my camera and snapped a picture. They were too
distracted to care about it. Then I yelled out, "OKAY WHO WANTS PIE??"

Everyone rushed over to the table and looked up at me expectantly. I laughed. "You
guys are too funny, seriously" I giggled.

"Thats our job" Lay said, and everyone laughed again.

I guess they never noticed the picture. Ill have to update that on Twitter later.

Everyone stayed over for the pie, having fun and cracking jokes. I felt sick from
the smell, and I had to get up multiple times to go throw up in the toilet. I
caught Tao looking at me with concern in his eyes, but I smiled, silently telling
him that everything was fine.

But in reality, I felt awful.

After everyone finished the pie and migrated to the living room, I stayed behind in
the kitchen and washed up. I suddenly felt two arms encircle my waist and a warm
body hugging me. "Are you okay?"

It was Tao again. I blushed and looked down at the sudsy dishes in the sink. "Y-
Yeah... Im fine..." I mumbled, diverting my attention to the dirty dishes in the
sink. I felt Taos hand gently take the dish out of my hands and put it back in the
sink and he turned the faucet off.
He gently turned me around and looked me in the eyes. His hands never left my waist
the entire time.

"Youre not okay, Ria. I know you." He muttered. I hung my head in shame. I hated
the fact I had to lie to Tao that I was fine and he could see right through it. I
had gone to the training rooms to practice my dancing every day since that
incident, without Tao knowing. I wanted to pursue my dream, even if the baby was in
the way. Guilt consumed me, but I had to do what I came here for.

"Look at me." He cupped my cheek and lifted my face to look into his eyes. My heart
was pounding out of my chest.

"Dont strain yourself anymore, do you understand?" I swore my heart shattered right
then and there. Didnt he work twice as hard to get to where he was today? Why would
he tell me to give up so easily?

"But I have to, Tao. My parents almost lost their grocery store trying to pay for
my plane ticket to Seoul. I cant give up because of this baby." I said shakily,
tears threatening to fall.

It seemed like Tao didnt understand the circumstances that I was in well enough.
Tao looked like he was about to cry, too; but I didnt need his sympathy.

"Excuse me." I said, gently pushing him away and walking out the door.

"Ria Where are you going?" He called after me. But I had already shut the door and
walked down the stairs, making my way to the safe haven across the road; the park.

=Kimmie P.O.V=

When I hear the door slam shut while I was talking to Lay, I knew RiNah was upset.
"Ria Where are you going?" I heard Tao call before running out of the kitchen.

"Did you see RiNah walk out the door?" Tao asked with a worried tone in his voice.
I shook my head.

"Tao, I want to tell you something. I know you care for Ria a lot and you love her,
we all do. But dont give her advice like that; she always take it the wrong way."

"What do you mean?" The panda asked, and I motioned for him to sit down.

"I mean, dont tell her things like dont stress yourself too much or dont work too
hard. She had a hard life in China before coming here. Her parents were really poor
and they only had the family grocery store to run to pay their bills. She worked
multiple jobs along with schoolto make ends meet. When SM scouted her, they couldnt
pay for RiNahs plane ticket to Korea because it was so expensive for them. They had
to get a loan from loan sharks to pay for their bills in exchange for sending RiNah
off to Korea. She hasnt heard from them in three years."

I knew RiNah would kill me for telling everyone, but I had to do it. If she kept on
putting Tao in the dark like that, he will eventually give up on her.

"I-I never knew that..." Tao stuttered, trying to take it all in.

I nodded. "I know. She only told Anna and I. She doesnt like to talk about her past
too much; she hates it when people worry for her."

Tao nodded, finally understanding the situation. "Thanks for telling me, Kimmie Now
I wont be guessing her emotions as often as I did" He hugged me and bounded over to
Kris, Chanyeol and Anna, who welcomed him with open arms.

"Sometimes I feel like a grandmother than a 20-year old..." I sighed; Lay patted my
back reassuringly.

"I feel like that too. I cook for 5 hyperactive boys in the dorm, and Kyungsoo does
the same thing. Why do we have to keep dying our hair? We get gray hair all the
time" Lay retorted, half joking and half honest.

"Says you." I shot back smartly.

"I never said I wasnt one of them." He had a good point there. He sighed and his
posture slumped.

"Whats wrong?"

"I cant seem to do anything the other guys can. You know, play sports and active
games. All I am good at is talking; I sometimes feel like a burden." He admitted,
bringing his knees close and resting his chin on his knees. I looked at his face.

"What do you mean? You can dance like a boss and you always look like you are
healthy and happy." I said. He was really fit and healthy; he was a dancer in EXO-M

"I have a blood coagulation disorder." He said in a monotone voice. I looked at him
and we sat silently for a few minutes.

(A/N: For those of you who dont know what that is, its a blood disease where the
blood cant heal and repair itself (clotting). So if Lay gets a small cut or
something, hell loose a lot of blood because his blood cant heal itself.
Transfusions are also difficult for him because his blood-type is so rare. Hope
that helps a little bit (Im no doctor or anything) LE POOF)
"Well... I know it might not mean much coming from me, but I cant do much either
because I have Type 1 diabetes. I have to keep my blood sugar in check all the
time. Sometimes I cant sleep because my blood sugar is out of whack." I admitted. I
never told anyone that.

Only my family knew about it. But I saw something in Lay; he just looked so honest
and trustworthy. He nodded and chuckled.

"I guess were both misfits in this world of idols, huh?" He grinned, his dimple in
full view. I laughed and nodded in agreement.

We sure as hell were misfits. And misfits always stick together.

=RiNah P.O.V=

Were sorry, the number--

I angrily flipped my phone shut. What was going on at home that had caused my
parents to lose contact with me? I knew we werent on the best terms after what had
happened three years ago, but this was too much I missed them. I sighed and slipped
the phone in my pocket.

I sat on the swings and watched the other children play. They were all laughing and
smiling, chasing each other around the playground. I wished I could go back to
those days. Everything was so simplistic and straightforward. Eat, sleep, play with
friends, and go to school.

I unconciously rubbed my stomach. Was the kid growing inside... Will it be able to
run around with the other kids, free of the worries and prejudices against the
world? The cool breeze blowing through my hair comforted me, as if it were a gentle
reminder that I was still a human; I had feelings and we all act on impulse

Speaking of impulses, was Tao mad at me for what I had done? After all, he was
trying to give me some advice. I let my pride get to me again. This was too much

I felt the swing move as someone started to push me. I looked behind my shoulder
and saw that it was Tao. I quietly acted like I didnt notice him as he gently
started to push me on the swing.

Soon, as the swing started to pick up speed, I pumped my legs on my own. I missed
the exhilarating feeling of a swing ride; sometimes I swore I could touch the sky.

Tao saw that I could start swinging on my own, so he just sat on the swing next to
me and quietly watched with a content smile as I swung on the swings.
It was a while before I let the swing loose its momentum and literally came back
down to Earth. My heels dung into the woodchips on the ground and I peered over to

He was listening to music on his iPod, lipsyncing as he practiced his dance for the
next showcase in five months.

He seemed to be into his own world until he realized that I was sitting there,
watching his entire routine. "Ah, sorry." He smiled sheepishly as he ripped out the
earbuds and stuffed the iPod into his coat pocket.

"Why are you here?" I asked him. I wasnt in the mood to beat around the bush today.

"I just thought that you deserved an apology." He stated simply, shrugging his
shoulders. An apology?

I just kept my mouth shut into a straight line, and when Tao found me unresponsive,
he quickly added, "You were upset when you ran out of the dorms, so I thought I
said something to set you off. Im sorry." He added the last part in a whisper.

"So you know too, huh?" I deadpanned, and he hung his head guiltily. "Sorry... I
know that--"

"No, its fine." I said again, but this time a tear unwillingly ran down my face.

Damn hormones.

Tao gently wiped off the tear with the pad of his thumb, and he smiled. "Its okay
to cry once in a good while." He said and he stuck out a hand. "Want to go home?"

I grabbed his hand silently and we both went back to the apartment, together.


Haha I finally got the nerve to update with a fluffy chapter. For those of you who
dont like fluff, SORRY I was going to add in something else, but that would make
the story way too depressing T_T

LOVES IN THE AIR IN THE SM DORMS I think I will have a big time skip or something
in the next chapter. I think the story is revolving a bit TOO much around the
rapist-baby thing. Dont you agree? Because I think so :3

And OH. MY. GOD. SM Entertainment is really bugging me. WE WANT SOME MORE EXO STUFF
NOW I seriously hope nothing too serious happened between them. I would cry and
lock myself in my room eating nothing but ice cream and Oreos if something bad
happened to them. Really.

Im that big of a fangirl. sigh

But ANYWHO Vote, Comment and Fan (I like that a lot better than following. Dont
you? ;;)

Saranghaeyo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 30: Zariah's BACK! *** (5 pages)

2 months later

=RiNah P.O.V=

"RiNah" Baekhyun screeched as he hurled himself into me, almost knocking the wind
out of my lungs in the process. We were all backstage at Inkigayo, and EXO had just
won an award.

I was seriously really happy for them.

"YAH Quit it with your screeching You sound like a dying donkey." Kimmie snapped,
upset that she was dragged out of her musical trance again. "And you look like one,
too." Baekhyun snapped playfully. I giggled when Kimmie shot me a significantly
softer glare, but I just shook my head.

He knew that he hit a nerve, but he just smiled innocently and stuck out his
tongue. When he was out of earshot, she cursed a him in English. Lay just smiled
and shook his head at her, patting her hand.

They had no idea that they looked insanely cute together.

I had been getting wierd contractions around my abdomen area lately. I thought it
was because of me working hard, but I decided to ignore them. But two hours ago,
they started to get worse and worse.

During rehearsal, I had to sit out in the audience while the other backup dancers
practiced their routine. Tao kept on shooting me worried glances when the camera
wasnt all up in his face.

I felt like a complete letdown and failure. I tried to keep my breathing even like
Anna told me to, but the contractions kept on getting worse.

During the break, I immediately rushed to the bathroom, because I had a sudden urge
to pee. Locking the bathroom door, I felt like someone had kicked me in the gut and
I screamed as blood came out everywhere.

=Kris P.O.V=

I was talking to the other guys when I heard a shattering scream. "What was that?"

"Oh God. I think it came from the bathroom." Anna gasped, rushing down the hall to
the bathroom. "RiNah? RiNah? Are you okay in there?" She called out in a worried

I heard a soft moan of pain from inside the bathroom. "Cant you open the door?" Tao
asked in a meek voice. He was scared; we all were.

"No, its locked" Kimmie said, trying to turn the knob. But it wouldnt budge no
matter how much she would rattle it.

"You guys need to go up stage right now." The backstage manager said, pointing

"But one of our backup dancers is--"

"None of that, you need to get up there like everyone else is. We can handle it
from here." He cut me off rudely before shoving all of us up the stairs and onto
the stage.

We ended up getting a reward for our debut, but I couldnt help but think about the
girl. Taos face was deathly pale and his smiled was forced. It worried me that Tao
woud be so shaken up over a trainee.

Then again, I shouldnt be talking.

When we had gotten backstage, there was a long line of girls waiting to use the

"Whats going on?" Anna inquired Yuri, who was tapping her foot impatiently in front
of the door.

"Well, I wanted to use the bathroom, but this person has a bad case of bathroom
hog." She snapped, finally marching over and pounding on the door.
A soft pained moan was heard and I widened my eyes. The backstage manager never
called an ambulance.

"Excuse me." Anna said urgently, weaving my way through all the people and getting
to the dressing room. I dialled 119 and called for an ambulance. Soon, sirens
started to sound and there was a lot of chaos outside. I opened the door to see a
gurney bearing an unconcious RiNah. There was blood all over the bathroom walls.

Oh my God...

I ran up to Anna, who was standing by the back door with worry painted all over her
face. "What happened??"

"No one ever called an ambulance and now I think I heard the paramedics say she has
a lower chance of survival because she lost a critical amount of blood." Her voice
cracked towards the end with unshed tears. I held her against my chest in a
pathetic attempt to block out the scene, but there was too much turbulence going
through my mind.

"Excuse me, miss. Are you the girl who called?" One of the paramedics asked, and
she nodded stiffly.

"Can you please accompany us to the hospital? We need to know what happened." She
explained and she hesitantly unfolded myself from my arms. I gave her a quick peck
on the forehead and said, "Ill meet you in the hospital, okay?" She nodded and
sniffled, following the paramedic to the ambulance.

I prayed to God for the first time in a long while to keep Ria safe.

Lay looked like he wanted to go, and finally detached himself from the group and
went up together with Kimmie.

"Can we go, too?" The paramedic contemplated for a bit before nodding hesitantly
and opening the ambulance doors. There were camera flashes everywhere as the
reporters tried to get a hold of her and Lay.

It was crazy, but I was more worried for Lay than myself. He had a blood disorder
that made him loose blood, so it was risky for him to be in tight places.

Thankfully, they managed to get into the ambulance okay and they sped off to the
hospital as fast as possible.

=Narrarator P.O.V= (A/N First time doing this, so please bear with me Thanks a
bunch 3)

Ria had been under surgery for the past few hours. After the concert and their
schedule was finally over, EXO came over and stayed in the hospital. There were
many nurses and female staff members that wanted to take a picture or get an
autograph from EXO, and they willingly complied.

It took almost all of their willpower not to completely snap and scare the fans
away. Plus, it was part of the job; why do it if you arent nice to the fans?

Anna and Kimmie stayed in the background, and they were feeling sorry for the guys.
If that was how it was like for them, what would it be like for them?

Probably not much different. Anna was too busy in her own thoughts to notice the
nurse sitting next to her. "Hello, just wanted to tell you that your friend is
doing fine right now." She smiled a warm smile, and happiness coursed through Annas

Her friend was alive and well. Everything was going to be alright. She opened her
mouth to ask a question, but Tao beat her to it.

"Hows the baby? Is it okay?" Tao asked urgently. "Gee, way to snatch the words out
of my mouth, Hwang Zitao." She snapped sarcastically, and Kris gave her hand a
gentle squeeze and a stern glare.

Now wasnt the time to joke around. The nurse shifted uncomfortably on her feet. It
seemed like the clock froze in place before the nurse finally answered in a small,
hesitant voice:

"That was the problem. She had a miscarriage."

=Tao P.O.V=

"That was the problem. She had a miscarriage." I felt like I was being plunged into
a deep dark abyss of worry and pain when I heard the word miscarriage.

And I felt like I was drowning, gasping for air so desperately, but making me fall
to my death quicker.

"I-Is she here, now?" I asked her shakily. I didnt want to to end like this. Sure,
it was good for the company to not deal with a pregnant trainee, but she had become
so much more than that to me.

She was an amazing mother and friend. And all that was gone, destroyed, demolished.
In less than a matter of seconds. Life was so cruel to us.

"Shes resting right now. Shell need a lot of rest to help her body recuperate the
loss of the blood she had because of the length of time she was untreated. It was a
miracle she made it alive for that long. Usually they become more susceptible to
infections after a miscarriage." She explained, but I was barely listening.
Rinah... Her baby is gone. She will be so devastated... I thought over and over
and over again. Before I knew where I was going, I was going to her room. I vaguely
heard a couple of nurses telling me I couldnt go in there.

But I didnt care. Thank goodness the door was unlocked; I turned the knob and
opened the door to Rinah sitting in the hospital bed, watching Inkigayo reruns.

I remembered that was the concert she had to miss out on. She saw me and beamed up
at me. There was so much hope in those big eyes that it broke my heart and I wanted
to cry. I choked back a sob and forced a smile on my face.

Thank goodness she didnt notice.

"Hey." She whispered, her voice hoarse from not using it in a while. Patting a seat
on the foot of her bed, I made myself comfortable before laying down, laying my
head in her lap.

She smelled like a hospital. She looked down at me and smiled a warm smile before
lazily running her fingers through my hair. It felt comforting, even though the
both of us were in turmoil internally.

Silently watching Inkigayo together for a while, just quietly talking, I never felt
happier in my whole life.

"I heard I had a miscarriage." Rinah said suddenly, rubbing her stomach
unconciously. I patted her stomach, causing her to blush.

"I know. Its a cruel world out there, isnt it?" She nodded sadly and sighed.

"And to think we were going to keep the baby together and raise it..." She mumbled,
sagging her shoulders. I saw a tear making its way down her cheek, and I wiped it
away with my thumb. I could feel her blushing from the contact.

I hugged her, supporting the back of her head with my hand. "Dont beat yourself
over it. No one saw it coming, not even me." I said, and she nodded into my
shoulder and sniffled.

"Yeah, youre right. I bet the baby is in a better place now, isnt it?" She asked,
and I grinned, nodding fervently. "I bet he or she is."

Rinah was a lot stronger than I thought. I figured she would be crying out of agony
and pain of loosig her baby, but she was calm and quiet about it. I started to cry.
"T-Tao? Please dont cry" She panicked.

=Kris P.O.V=
Where the heck did Tao go? He hasnt been back since a half hour ago. Anna saw me
tugging at my hair lightly and patted my knee.

"Calm down, Kris. Tao is probably just visiting Rinah right now." She whispered in
Chinese, and I sighed, looking at her.

I definitely didnt deserve a girl like her at all. She was nice, sweet, kind to
everyone. Never held a grudge for longer than thirty seconds. Always smiling,
laughing and happy. She was beautiful inside and out.

And me? I was just the cold-faced Duizhang of EXO-M. I shouldve been better off
with HeeJin.

"If you are bashing yourself, stop it. It isnt worth it. Youre the best boyfriend
ever." She whispered, kissing my cheek.

"Go get a room, guys. Too much PDA." Chen wailed, covering his eyes. Lay and Xiumin
smacked the expert troller over the head at the same time.

"Whatever, Chen. Go talk to Suho or something." Lay said and Chen waddled over to
Suho, who happily accepted him into their conversation.

I couldnt ask for a better team than these guys. They were like my family.

"You can go visit Rinah now, shes with another person." The nurse said, and we all
walked over to her room quickly. Baekhyun was the first person to see her, and I
heard a squeal (Baekhyun?) and Tao yelling at Baekhyun to get off the bed.

I assumed they were okay. Anna was laughing hard, tears threatening to spill out of
her eyes. D.O just shook his head with amusement while Chanyeol was begging Suho to
enter the room with Baekhyun.

Soon it was our time to go. I grabbed her hand and we both entered the room
together. I gently squeezed her hand to reassure her that everything was going to
be okay. She gratefully smiled at me and we peeked over the curtain.

Tao was occupying the only visitors chair, his head on the bed, sleeping next to
Rinah. Rinah stopped playing with Taos hair and beamed up at me. "Hey, guys" She

"Hey. Tao looks like he was knocked out."

"Like you cant believe. Seems like Baekhyun sucked out all the energy out of him."
Rinah said, but there was a sadness in her eyes. Anna hugged her tight.
"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, Im fine." Rinah nodded. I patted her head. "Youll be okay. I know it doesnt
mean much coming from me, but I really mean it." I said, and she nodded.

"I know this may sound a little inhumane, but Im already over it now. Im kind of
glad the baby is gone; its in a better place." Rinah said. Soon, Kimmie busted
through the door, an exasperated Lay trailing behind her.

"Stop being so depressed, guys I got flowers" She called, and by that time, Tao was
awake and sleepily rubbing his eyes. "Flowers...?" Kimmie ignored him.

"I told her that they might not tolerate such a large bouquet of flowers, but she
didnt listen to me. She literally BEGGED me to buy the flowers." He said, running
fingers through his cropped hair, half annoyed and half amused. Kimmie shot the
unicorn a pointed look.

"Well, to be fair, you wanted to buy the flowers, too. You shouldve known that I
splurge a lot by now." She said, and Lay just shrugged lazily. "Eh."

"ANYWAY Here are your flowers" Kimmie said, handing the big flower bouquet of babys
breath, periwinkles, tiger lilies, colorful chrysanthemums and roses. "Aww... That
was sweet of you Thank you guys" She said, hugging Kimmie and Lay.

"So? How are you?" Kimmie asked, pushing Tao off and replacing him on the edge of
the bed. He pouted and glared at Kimmie, rubbing the back of his head in pain. I
helped up the poor panda and he decided to get revenge by sitting on her lap.

Bad move.

"ARGH GET OFF OF ME, YOU FAT PANDA" She screeched, unknowingly waking up Baekhyun.
The vocalist gave Kimmie and evil look and walked around the bed to where Tao was
sitting on her. "Come on, Tao, get off the poor girl. Youre crushing her." He said
with a sickly sweet voice; Kimmie mistook it as a favor. Tao grumpily got off and
then realized the plan. He glanced over to Baekhyun and they both started to sit on

"AGGGHH" She groaned; the weight of two grown men was too much for her lanky frame
to bear. Anna started to laugh at Kimmies misfortune, and Ria wasnt too far behind.
Lay was already busting out laughing.

Ouch, talk about tough love.

In the end, though, we were all kicked out of the hospital for disturbing the
peace. I had no idea what was so peaceful about having machines hooked up to your
body and seeing sick people everyday. Ill probably never understand that.
For all I know, they probably never had a good laugh until today.

"You want to go visit Ria tomorrow, Tao?" I asked him, and he nodded. "Okay, Ill
drop you off here tomorrow." We were all walking to the SM dorms because the
hospital wasnt very far from the dorms. It was dark outside, so we all stuck

"What about mee??" Baekhyun whined, catching up to Tao and clinging to his arm like
a koala.

"No, you were being a bad boy today." Chanyeol said grumpily, upset that he wasnt
allowed into the room after Baekhyun decided to get everyone in trouble. He glared
at the happy virus.

"Maybe we will all go when she is discharged the day after tomorrow." Suho
suggested, and Anna nodded in agreement.

"We can do that, but please keep Kimmie and Baekhyun in two opposite corners of the
room." She groaned, holding her head with her hand, as if she were having a


=Zariah P.O.V= The next day

"Good morning" I shouted into Annas room, banging on a pot. I never realized that I
would miss my manager job so much until today. Today was the day I officially come
back to work. I was fresh faced and ready to go; I had the feeling that I could
conquer just about anything today.

"Gosh, you never get tired of that, do you?" Anna grumbled, stumbling out of her
room with her bunny pajamas, her voice thick with lethargy. I smirked. "Never. You
should know me by now" I said, getting ready to wake up EXO.

"You better be ready by the time I get back, okay? I have to drop you off early." I
said, and she nodded. I doubt she heard a thing, though.

I walked over to the EXO dorm next door and knocked on the door. When no one
answered, I broke into their room and I was right; they were still knocked out
cold. "WAKE UP" I shouted, flickering the lights.

I shouldve known that wouldnt do anything; they just groaned and turned away from
the lights. Then the climax came along. I started to march around, banging the pot
and pan together. "WAKE UP, YOU LAZY BONES YOUVE GOT STUFF TO DO" I saw a pillow
fly towards me out of the corner of my eye and I caught it. I turned over to the
culprit; Sehun. I decided that I would pick on him today.

"SEHUN WAKE UP" I screeched in his ear, and he jumped out of the bed and into the

Huh, that wasnt so hard. Next I intruded Suho and Kais room. "YAH WAKE-- oh, hi
guys." I was pleasantly surprised; they were already up and ready, Kai practicing
dance moves and Suho playing around on the computer. "Hey Zariah." They drawled,
going back to what they were doing before. "If you want to go wake up someone, go
wake up Chanyeol and D.Os room or something." Kai said without looking at me.

Gee, someone fell off the wrong side of the bed today. But I just let it go.

"CHANYEOL D.O WAKE UP" I was met with D.Os frustrated face, his hair dripping wet
from a shower. Oh, they were up, too.

"Whats up with you guys? You almost never wake up early." I said, taking in the
supposedly early birds. They werent completely ready, but they were up nonetheless.

"None of us could sleep, so we decided to wake up early." D.O said. I scratched my

head out of curiousity.

I wonder what happened that caused them to be such early birds?

Oh, Zariah. If only you werent hanging around with Hannie so much, then you wouldve
known... sigh

guys. Im just so happy you all are still reading this fanfic. It means a lot to me.
14K READS sends out a bunch of unicorns to everyone Thank you so much, guys 33

So please Vote, comment and Fan Thanks again and I will try to get the chapters up
sooner. So busy with three projects and then studying for exams T________T I cant
even sleep anymore because of all the anxiety D:

3 Nausheen


*** Chapter 31: Catfights *** (5 pages)

=Zariah P.O.V=

I came back into my apartment, astounded at what I had found. Since when did they
become such early birds?

"Hey, Zari, are you okay?" Anna asked me as I approached the dining room table and
collapsed into a chair. "Ummm..."

"You saw them awake again, didnt you?" She guessed and I nodded my head. She patted
my back and proceeded to tell me what other things I happened to miss.

"Well, RiNah just had a miscarriage and when we gotback to the dorms, no one could
sleep." She said. So THAT explained all those footsteps I was hearing last night

As much as I felt relieved that Rinah finally got rid of the baby, I felt awful. No
one had to go through that at such a young age. Her career was so close to taking
off; now who knows how long it will be before she is good enough to dance again?

Then again, I shouldnt underestimate her strength. She was pretty strong and
resilient about having the baby and raising it on her own. She can probably bounce
back really quickly from loosing the baby.

"Zariah? Are you thinking too much again?"

"Huh?" I drawled, staring at Anna with a blank face. She rolled her eyes and
dragged me over to the vanity. She sat me down and made me look in the mirror. Its
been a while since I looked at myself in the mirror; and boy did I look hideous.

My eyes werent as bright as they were; instead, they were dull and listless. My
face was a sickly pale and it wasnt radiant at all. My lips were chaffed and my
skin was oilier than usual.

I guess I havent been paying a whole lot of attention. I was surprised that I even
let Hannie see me like this. I usually looked cleaned up and put together for

"Zariah Look at you You are completely out of it" She said, lightly slapping my

"Go take a shower, Ill get your clothes ready. You have to be at work in half
hour." She said, rummaging through my closet to find a weather appropriate outfit.
I didnt have the energy to argue, so I just went to the shower after listlessly
staring at her for a bit.

I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the hot water, letting the liquid
clean off the stink from not showering for a couple days. I felt like a child now.

Whats up with us nowadays? One person has a mental breakdown, the other comforts
them only to have the opposite happen to them the next week.
I really need to get my shit together.

I quickly scrubbed down and shaved my legs (how I do it in under 10 minutes without
cutting myself on accident is beyond me) and hopped out of the shower fresh and
clean. Anna was out of the room, the clothes already on the bed. I smiled; she
didnt have a bad taste, either. Maybe we should go shopping together more often.

There was a bright yellow strapless dress that came down to my knees with an empire
waist, and she just paired it with a turtle necklace and a denim vest. I picked out
gold beaded gladiator sandals and applied some light eyeliner around my eyes. I
emerged out of my room looking and feeling a lot better. Anna glanced up from her
magazine and grinned.

"See? Dont you feel a whole lot better?"

"Definitely Thanks. I think it was because of this dress you picked out for me." I
said, twirling around. She clapped her hands happily and hugged me tight.

"You look amazing" She squealed, and I smiled a real smile in a long while. We
should have more friend moments like this.

=Kris P.O.V=

"Where are the girls?" Chanyeol whined, pacing around the garage. I raised my

I was obviously unaware that Chanyeol out of all people had the ability to whine.
Tao and Sehun, sure; they were the maknaes after all.

But Chanyeol? Really? Suho seemed to be reading my mind and scolded the boy.

"Chanyeol, you are a 20 year old guy. Stop acting like a little kid." Chanyeol
rolled his eyes and waddled over to the Dancing Machine, a.k.a Chen.

"Yes, Umma..." He drawled out in a bored tone. Chen was too busy trying to annoy
Luhan by playing around with his hair. Chanyeol decided to join in on the fun,
annoying Luhan even more.

"Hey, guys" I heard Zariahs voice call out. About half of the members had their
jaws literally drop to the floor when they saw her.

She looked really nice today.

"Why are you guys looking at me like that?" She said, a little bit uncomfortable
with the boys that she was managing oogling her. Anna, who also happened to be with
Zariah too, smacked some of them upside the head. "You guys"

"Sorry. I havent seen you look that nice in a long time." D.O. said, and the others
nodded in unison. She started to laugh really hard, she had to grip the hood of the
van for support.

"Oh, my gosh. You guys are too funny Come ere" She said, opening her arms out wide
in front of her. We all surrounded her and hugged her until she was gasping for
breath. "Okay, maybe not that hard next time, okay?" She said meekly, gasping for
air like a fish. We all laughed.

"Theres the Zariah that we know" Lay shouted, clapping his hands happily. Things
were finally looking up, after all.

We all piled into the small van,barely fitting in twelve people as it is, we had to
fit in Zariah and Anna. Our usual ride was taken by someone else; they had to use
it for a show.

Therefore we got the crappy one. Zariah got into the drivers seat and buckled in.
"Ill never get used to the fact that the drivers seat is always on the right
side..." She muttered as she tried to make herself comfortable in the seat.

(A/N: Quickie fact (or something) Some Asian countries have cars that have drivers
seats on the right side instead of the typical left. The only reason that I can
think of is because of where the cars are produced. If you guys live in an Asian
country, you could probably tell me why? LE POOF)

"Arent there any other vehicles that we could use?"Tao asked, uncomfortably
shuffling around the little space he had in the seat, almost squishing Chen in the

"Ouch That hurt" Chen whined, wrenching his poor arm out of the pandas space.

"Zariah Chanyeol is touching my hair again" Sehun wailed in pure agony, trying to
get away from the tall creepster messing with his pink hair.

bellowed, and Anna started to laugh uncontrollably.

"I didnt do anything I swear" He yelled, sitting in his seat like a good boy when
Zariah squinted at him from the mirror, almost hunching himself over from the low
roof. She sighed and shook her head.

"Welcome to my world." I overheard Zariah tell Anna, who was still a laughing mess
in the front seat. She started the car and we were on our way.
=Anna P.O.V=

Our first stop was the SM building, where I was dropped off. A thousand hugs later,
I was waving goodbye to the small white minivan pulling out of the parking lot.
(Ironic, right?)

I walked into the building and checked in like I usually did. But something
seemed... off about the place. I just shrugged it off and went to my practice room.

I spotted Kimmie and RiNah having an argument with some of the other trainees (from
HeeJins gang, of course) and decided to intervene.

"Whats going on here?" I asked in a bored tone. RiNah looked at me as if I was the
savior. The girl, whom I identified as NaEun, sneered at me.

"Well, well, well. Look whose here to save the day."

"Look, just answer the damn question and quit stalling. What are you doing here?" I
said, unfazed by her remark. I didnt really care; I just wanted to practice

"The President said that this was our training room from now on."


"Yeah, really. You dont believe me? I have the President on speed dial." Wow, and I
thought my comebacks were lame. This girl didnt even know how to diss someone; she
was definitely easy prey.

"So do I. Want to give him a call?" I smirked, and she paled almost
instantaneously. Bingo.

She was guilty. She hung her head in shame and gathered her stuff, shuffling out
the door with a mumbled goodbye. Not once did she lift her head.

"What a bitch. Talking like that and then running off with her tail in between her
legs. Geez..." Kimmie grumbled, scratching at the back of her head.

"That was settled fairly quickly, though. She mustve just given up with you." RiNah
said. I contemplated for a bit. That was true; she definitely wasnt the type to
just back off.

Neither was any of HeeJins gang, for that matter.

"Lets just practice. Shes gone now." I said, putting everyone on track and I popped
in some music. We did some freestyling before we started some new choreo that I had
come up with last night.

The whole time I was wondering what had made NaEun just completely stop like that.
Was it the fact that she wasnt able to convince anyone? Or did she just not care

All of a sudden, there was commotion in the hallway. I turned off the music and ran
out the door, RiNah and Kimmie at my heels. There was NaEun, on the floor in a
bloody pulp. HeeJin was kicking her stomach, curse words spewing out of her pretty
mouth like a broken faucet. There were a crowd of trainees surrounding the cat
fight, but no one bothered to help her, and that irritated me.

"Hey" I shouted angrily, and all the trainees turned around and stared at me like
scared squirrels. I made my way to the center of the circle, and the trainees split
like the Red Sea. I looked at NaEun, who was bruised and bloody from the beatings,
and helped her up gently. She winced in pain when she breathed; seems like NaEun
broke a rib from the constant beatings.

HeeJin started to advance towards me. "What the heck are you doing?" She spat,
pointing at me with an accussing finger. I rolled my eyes in a bored way.

"Helping someone that you managed to break. Again." I said, glaring at her. How
dare she try to make everyones life a living hell just to get her way?

"Excuse me. Dont talk to me like that. My dad can kick your ass if he wanted to."
She sassed, and I scoffed.

"I dont care. I can talk to you like a bitch because you are one. And that just
proves your father is a sick bastard that is using you for money. At least I have
people I can lean on, not to beat up." I retorted, and I left HeeJin gaping after
me. I helped NaEun limp to the infirmary, and the nurse got to work with her right
away. She didnt ask any questions; she probably saw more of these cases everyday
now that HeeJin was here.

Although her eyes widened in surprise when I appeared with an injured girl leaning
on me, gasping for breath in shallow gusts.

I sat on the bench while Kimmie and RiNah went back to the practice room, stunned
by what had just happened. NaEun was silent the whole time until she said:

"Why did you help me? After all those things that I did to you?" She said, eyes
bloodshot as fidgety fingers played with the paper gown. There was a long pause as
I processed the question in my head. Why had I helped her? Why didnt I just stand
there like the rest of the trainees and watch her get beaten to death?

"Because that used to be me, and no one deserves that kind of treatment." I
answered simply, and her eyes widened. But before she could say anything, the nurse
walked back inside and ushered me to leave.

=Lee SooMan P.O.V=

"What? Anna saw someone getting beat up?" I bellowed at the English girl. She
winced at the sudden volume, and nodded her head. "Where is she now?"

"The last time we checked, she was at the infirmary." The Chinese girl, RiNah,
piped up. I rubbed my temple in cirlces. This was the first time I was hearing
about this, although the infirmary records state that this wasnt the first time.

"Can you please get me the infirmary records, up to date, please?" I asked the
secretary, and he bowed and rushed off to get the records without delay. I leaned
over my desk and peered at the two girls. "You arent lying to me, are you?"

The English girl, Kimmie, was shocked. "How can I lie about someone getting beaten
up? It happened right before my eyes" She exclaimed defensively. RiNah nodded her
head fervently in agreement. The secretary had come back with the files at that
point, and I flipped through them and my eyes landed on todays date.

May 5th, 2013: Kim NaEun; Sent to infirmary at 10: 55 with severe injuries,
including a broken rib and an unhealed ankle sprain.

There were more of them, dating all the way back to 2012, looking the same way,
except with different injuries. I groaned. How did I not notice this before?

"When did this happen? The files recorded this at 10:55." I asked them, and they
were thinking about the approximate time it happened. The girl checked her watch.

"Around 10:45." The brunette stated simply, her green-grey eyes showing no sign of
pranking. I sighed.

"Thats all I need to know. Thank you." I said, dissmissing them with a wave. They
bowed and filed out the door without hesitation. This needed to be resolved, and
fast. I picked up the phone and dialled a number.

"Ah, yes, this is Lee SooMan. Is Lee YoonJae there? This is urgent."

=NaEun P.O.V=

"Because that used to be me, and no one deserves that kind of treatment."

Anna used to be bullied too? I didnt know anything about that, she seemed like the
type of girl who wouldnt let anyone knock her down. How could she be bullied?
"Here, NaEun. Take this medicine. You will have to stay here for a little bit. Your
injuries seem to be a little extreme from just one beating. But can I ask you just
one thing?"


"Were you beat up before?" This time when she asked the question, I didnt hesitate
to answer. The trainees were gossiping bitterly about the girl, and she didnt
deserve to be there, not the bitch that she was being. I realized that Anna was

I didnt want anyone else that I cared about hurt anymore because of a spoiled rich

"Yeah. Multiple times, actually. But not as bad as this." The nurse nodded
understandingly and smiled.

"That was all I needed to know about that. You go ahead and rest, okay?" I nodded
and closed my eyes. Waking up from my short nap, I felt more energized and happier
than I was before. My heart and mind felt much lighter now that I let it out. It
was a pity that the other girls couldnt do it either.

Looking to the left of my bed, I saw JiYoon and HanAh looking at me. They had a mix
of sympathy and anger in their eyes. I didnt really know them too well, we never
really talked to each other when HeeJin was around. But I know they were nice
girls. HanAh gave me a small smile. "You okay?"

"I guess so. It kind of hurts to breathe, though. That rid was cracked pretty good,
according to the nurse." I replied, scratching at an imaginary itch on my bandage.
JiYoon hung her head in shame.

"Im sorry that we never stick up for you. Its just that HeeJin is really scary when
she is mad. I dont want her beating me up, too."

"What?" I was surprised. HeeJin never laid a hand on JiYoon in front of anyone. I
thought she was lying, but I caught the sincere look on her face and my heart
wrenched a little bit for the girl.

"You know how I live with her, right?" I nodded, feeling bad for the girl. She had
to live with the queen bitch, and we were in a dorm next door. I offered JiYoon to
come stay with us instead of putting up with her constant complaining and whining,
but she had always politely refused. "Besides, having to live alone would make you
a little crazy, dont you think?" She would say before HeeJin started to complain
again in the background.

She was such a kind girl, bless her. She didnt need a bitch like HeeJin as a
"Why? What did she do?" JiYoon fidgeted in her seat for a little bit, obviously a
little hesitant. "Go on, its alright. She needs to know too." HanAh gently prodded,
giving her a soft smile.

Lifting up her shirt almost cautiously and gently, she winced a little bit, and
what I saw made my blood run cold.

Her sides her black and blue with bruises. Some were turning a healing purple, but
the majority of them were still a little black. The bruises ran from her hips to
the middle of her torso, near her stomach. They only covered one side, and the
front, but they were big enough that they were slowly forming on the other side

I fisted the covers of my cot in anger, how could HeeJin do this to her? What did
she do?

"She isnt the only one." HanAh said, taking out her phone, and flipping through the
pictures. She finally found the ones she wanted and gave them to me. Seeing the
injuries made me want to cry, but go over to her and punch the daylights out of
her. Lets see how she likes that.

"These are great and all, but what are you planning to do with them?" I asked,
handing the phone back to her. Sighing, she pocketed her phone before leaning in.

"Were planning to show these to the president so he could kick HeeJin off our
team." She said softly, and my eyes widened. She seemed to be HeeJins right-hand
girl, always following her orders and doing what she did.

"Okay, I know that I am HeeJins little manipulative doll, but that was so I could
avoid her kicking my ass, alright? I know what you think of me, but its really just
selfish of me. Thats what HeeJin did to all of us, made us selfish. The ones that
obeyed her were taken under her wing, the rest of us were scum to her. Easily
pushed aside. Im sorry for doing that, I really am. Thats why I want to make this
right, by kicking her out." She said, leaning back in her chair.

"So are you in or not?" I didnt have to think twice before I answered.

"Im in."

Just then, the nurse came in and shooed out HanAh and JiYoon so I could rest. "Well
see you later" JiYoon waved cheerfully, and I waved back. Her enthusiasm and her
cheerfulness never failed to amaze me.

Leaning back in my bed, I smiled to myself. Just then, the door knocked again, and
the nurse answered it. "My goodness, you seem to be popular today" She teased,
giving me a knowing grin as Baekhyun came into the room. I flushed a little bit,
but thankfully he didnt notice.
Ive had a crush on Baekhyun for the longest time, and everyone seemed to notice but
him. Then again, he was a little slow when it came to peoples feelings, but he was
a nice guy. We had been friends since middle school, and we auditioned together and
got in together. We never really talked much afterwards, since he was in a group
that was set for debut while I was training still.

Now that I looked closer, he seemed much more handsome than I orignally thought.

"Hey..." He muttered awkwardly, pulling up a chair next to my bed and sat on it,
twindling his thumbs.

"Hi..." I said quietly, doing the same thing. I heard a little giggle from the
nurse and she closed the door quietly, giving us some privacy. I blushed even
harder at that and Baekhyun, poor thing, looked confused as hell.

"Whats wrong? Do you have a fever?" He aske urgently, checking my forehead. I

blushed and looked away. "Umm... no Im f-fine" I stammered, my voice becoming
squeaky with nervousness. Baekhyun looked away, looking a little hurt.

"I know we havent really talked since we became busy, but Im not a stranger you
know..." He said softly, looking at the ground. I immediately felt bad.

"Im sorry." I mumbled, and suddenly Baekhyun grabbed my shoulders to face him.
"Dont be, we can just start over again, right?" He smiled brightly, and I could see
where his power of light came from. I was almost blinded just by his grin.

"Sure." I stuck out my hand. "Im Kim NaEun, nice to meet you."

Baekhyun grabbed my hand, and I almost gasped with the electric current that seemed
to flow from my hand to his. He probably noticed it too, because he paused before
he smiled again and said "Hi, Im Byun Baekhyun."

SO SORRY FOR THE CLIFFY, GUYS dodges boulders being thrown

This is going to be a wee bit dramatic, I promise Not as extreme as the last part,
though. It will involve a little bit of fighting and stuff, so please brace

I hope this wasnt TOO fluffy for you guys I made it a lot more light-hearted this
time, because it was getting way too dramatic for me. Im sure you were all feeling
the same way, too. Right? 3
So please Vote Comment And most importantly, FAN Following is too overrated,

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 32: Resolutions *** (5 pages)

"Ah, yes, this is Lee SooMan. Is Lee YoonJae there? This is urgent."

"Hello?" A raspy voice uttered. I was sick and tired of this girl beating up my
trainees, and I needed to talk to her father As Soon As Possible.

"Cut the crap, Lee YoonJae, this has gone way too far." I heard a cynical chuckle
at the end of the line. "What in the world do you mean?"

"Disabling my trainees to the point that they cant train anymore. Your daughter is
beating up my trainees and putting us behind schedule And you know what that
means." I threatened. I didnt care anymore. After seeing my trainees put up with
HeeJin and her fathers loan shark business, it had to be done. He fell silent on
the other end.

"You wouldnt dare." He growled. But I wasnt fazed. "Yes, I have to kick her out of
SM and give her a referral to prison."

"You forgot our deal." He tried to recupirate with his deal. "There wasnt the part
of the deal that you were going to terrorize the rest of the trainees along with
her. I had to deal with a pregnant trainee that recently had a miscarriage, and now
I have to deal with injured trainees that are scheduled for debut in less than two
weeks." I countered firmly.

"The deal was we were going to make Anna a trainee for a long time." He offered,
and I swore I heard his voice shake. I smirked; not so tough, after all?

"That was the deal. Nothing more. You took it too far, so I will have to kick
HeeJin out with a referral. Oh, and I met up with my lawyer and went through the
company finances, and not once did your name show up on the debt, so I dont owe you
any money. In fact, I had no debt to begin with." I said, and I hung up the phone.
I didnt want to talk to him at all.

"Can you bring HeeJin up, please?"

=HeeJin P.O.V=

I was seething with anger when I glanced up at her, laughing and joking around with
her friends as if nothing had happened.

"What in the world. Why. Isnt. She. Breaking. Up. With. Him. Yet?" I growled
through gritted teeth, stabbing my fork into the salad in the canteen. The girls
just ate their food quietly. So much for friends, they were supposed to help you
with your problems.

"Why arent you answering me?" I snapped, and JiYoon stood up from her chair, making
it skid on the tile floor.

"Why dont you just give it up already?" She sassed at me, and the whole room fell

"What did you say?"

"I said, why dont you give it up already? He doesnt even like you anymore; why
waste your time on him? You already beat up NaEun and HanAh already, what for? It
only will get you in trouble anyway." JiYoon said, bravely walking up to me until
we were literally nose-to-nose.

"Because he already knows that I am his, he just doesnt acknowledge it. And Im not
wasting my time, for your information. You all mean nothing to me." I said, and
JiYoon laughed bitterly. I was scared now.

This wasnt the reaction I was supposed to be getting; I shouldve been able to make
her cry and run out of the canteen like a baby. If it were a year ago.

Now she had much more confidence, and wasnt afraid of me. I sure didnt like that
change. I was more used to bossing people around, not people bossing me around.

"You are so naive and STUPID. You think we didnt know? Of course you dont hold us
to a high standard. Thats probably why you never even debuted in the first place.
You thought I was going to run off and cry like a little girl like I did before?
You are so wrong. Your taunting made me much more stronger now, you dont scare me
at all." I was really pissed now.

"Why you little--"

"Excuse me, Miss, you are needed in the Presidents office right now." A man said,
grabbing me by the arm and dragging me away from the scene. JiYoon snickered and
waved goodbye mockingly before turning her back to me and leaving the canteen with
her head held high.
My eyes filled with frustrated tears as the secretary dragged me out and along the
corridors. There were many people staring at me and I never felt so much
embarrassment in my life up until now.

After what had seemed like eternity, we reached the Presidents office. I wiped the
tears away and composed myself.

"HeeJin. Please sit." He said stiffly, not looking up from the files he held in his
hands. I felt like everyone was against me.

What did I do to deserve this? I plopped myself into a chair and exhaled. He looked
up at me with a hard expression.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. I was confused; so I wasnt in trouble? I suddenly
felt at ease and started to initiate conversation.

"Im great, thanks. Ive been a little stressed out the last couple of days, so Ive
been sleeping a bit earlier." He nodded almost mechanically and his lips stretched
into a thin smile.

"Has the therapy been working for you?" I shrugged in response.

"Its been okay. Nothing different." I lied. His expression hadnt changed one bit.

"Alright. Well, that was all I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to feel
comfortable around here, arasso?"

"Yes, President." I said, bowing and walking out the door. I was confused and my
mind was completely blank.

That was a simple conversation, yet it felt like he wanted something from me.
Otherwise, wouldnt he have just come up to me and saidall those things? I shook my
head and walked to the training room. I wordlessly gathered my things and went home
for the day.

=Kimmie P.O.V=

"What was that all about?" I asked, and Anna shrugged, still eating her bento box.
Everyone else resumed to their conversation and the canteen was filled with talking
and laughter again.

"I dont know, but Im just going to act like it never happened." She replied,
stuffing her face with more sushi.

"Slow down, Anna, youre going to choke cramming your food like that." RiNah
scolded, taking her chopsticks away. Anna pouted in protest, but she chewed and
swallowed her food before RiNah gave her chopsticks back.

"Are you sure youre the maknae? Cause you act like the leader here." I teased, and
she blushed.

"Im pretty sure she is my grandma after a ton of plastic surgery." RiNah glared at
Anna, who just waved her chopsticks in the air and said, "Just kidding."

"Hey guys." I heard a familiar voice and I turned around, seeing Henry and ZhouMi,
holding a bottle of water and a little snack. "Oh, hey Henry My English buddy is
back" Anna squealed, hugging the life out of the poor mochi.

"Well, ZhouMi is my Chinese buddy" RiNah exclaimed, hugging ZhouMi, who awkwardly
patted her head in response.

"And I am forever alone." I retorted, faking a pout. Everyone laughed as the two
guys pulled up a chair to sit in. "So how are you all holding up?" ZhouMi asked,
opening his granola bar and chewing on it.

"Eh, lifes pretty normal now. Did you see what happened earlier?"

"Yeah. Serves her right. I was afraid you were going to sass her, but thank God
someone else did it" Henry exclaimed, giving me a look. I shrugged in response.

Sorry I had violent tendencies to the people I dislike strongly.

"What? That was completely called for on her part." I countered, eating the rest of
the ramen bowl and leaving the tray on the counter above the trash can.

"Kimmie has a point." ZhouMi said, his mouth full of the granola bar. Henry shut
his mouth for him before he could say anything else.

"She was so irritating Did you hear what happened to NaEun?" RiNah told them, and
they nodded grimly.

"Yeah, she looked pretty beat up when we visited her. I still cant wrap my head
around it. HeeJin had that strength to do that? To her own friends?" ZhouMi
swallowed his granola bar and dunked the wrapper into the trash can perfectly.

"That isnt considered strength at that point; that is being a coward." I said, and
Anna nodded. "Yeah, she didnt deserve it."

"Why did she even get beat up, anyway?" I wondered. The boys looked at each other
before leaning in. They looked like they were going to tell something really
important, so I leaned in, too.

"I heard that HeeJins father is just a greedy loanshark by faking debts and getting
money for himself." Henry whispered, and ZhouMi nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I heard it from the President himself."

"Really? Thats fraud He shouldve been arrested a long time ago" I exclaimed, but it
came out as a harsh whisper.

"Yeah, but the thing is, he keeps on changing his name, so people cannot track him
down after he has swindled them of their money." ZhouMi whispered. All of a sudden,
the cafeteria became quiet again. I peered behind ZhouMis head and saw HeeJin.

Great, the queen of bitches herself is back.

"Who said that I beat NaEun up?" She shouted through the cafeteria. I think I heard
collective gasps throughout the cafeteria as hushed gossip was floating around. I

She was such an idiot. She completely blew her cover.

"No one did; you just blew your cover." I said boldly, getting up out of my chair.
She took a while to process that before she paled and ran out the door.

Serves the bitch right.

"Well, that ended quicker than I expected." Anna said, and we all laughed

=Zariah P.O.V= 3 hours later meeting

Junghoon and I were the only ones in the conference room with the President after
our monthly meeting. We were held back after everyone else left to go home; and
frankly, the silence was killing me. The President cleared his throat and we turned
to him.

"So I have decided to gather up some evidence about the stuff that has been going
on recently. But first, I think you and Junghoon deserve an apology." He said. Wait
a second.

Was I hearing things right, or am I dreaming? Junghoon mustve thought the same
thing. "What for?"

"For not believing in you, basically. I went to my lawyer recently to check on the
annual finances of SM Entertainment, and there wasnt anything that said I owed
money to a guy named Lee YoonJae. Plus I had been digging through a bit; it seems
like he is a fraud."

Whoa, never thought that THIS would be happening.

"Soo... what is all the evidence of all the incidents that have been going on?" I
asked, and he slid a rather thick file towards me. "Take a look. These are all the
infirmary files from last year until now."

I flipped through the large file and noticed that there were people getting the
same injuries over and over, except with different complications. Some had broken
wrists and fingers, some had sprains, others had muscle tears, and so on.

"So what does this say, really?"

"Someone had been beating them up and then hurting them in some other way to make
it look like a trainee accident." Junghoon explained. Well, that made sense.

"Who did it, though?"

"We just traced it down to one person, and it was HeeJin." Oh, shocker.

"Soo... if HeeJin did it, then wouldnt we refer her to prison and some sort of

"Yeah, but the thing is, shes in a girl group that has been getting a lot of
attention recently, and she has already gotten a large fanbase. I did think of
kicking her out, but that would cause a lot of media frenzy." Well, that was pretty
tricky, I had to admit. I turned to Junghoon, who seemed to be deep in thought. I

"Cant you just debut her in the girl group for a couple of albums and see how she
does? If her behavior hasnt changed, then we can just kick her out and replace
her." Which shouldnt be too hard, since she has no talent to save herself... I
added as an afterthought.

"Well, yeah we can do that, but that would make things more complicated." That was
true, too. I groaned and rubbed my eyes. I was thinking about this way too much.

"Why dont you just release some not so catchy songs for the first album, so that
the girl group would get mediocre attention. And then after that, before their
comeback, we could release HeeJin and replace her with someone else?" Junghoon
suggested. I nodded in approval.

"That doesnt sound like a bad idea." I offered, and he seemed to nod in response.
"Well, thank you for the advice, Ill be thinking about what both of you suggested
today and call you up tomorrow. Sound good?" We both nodded her head in unison, and
we were dissmissed from the conference room.

=Sehun P.O.V=

whined, pouting at my fourteenth second place in a row. Chen cackled with laughter
at his expert trolling. Yoshi was doing his little victory dance in his kart,
zooming around the racetrack as the dashboard displayed our scores.

Sometimes I just want to throw him out of our 4th-story window.

"Because you SUCK at Mario Kart, Sehun-ah." He said, wiping the tears from his eyes
and danced around the room with joy. I pointed the Wii remote at the TV and reset
the race to race Chen again. I wont rest until I get a first place trophy for

"Whats going on here?" Suho asked as he peeked into the room, getting a chocolate
wrapper thrown in his face in response. "Okay then. Miss dinner. Xiumin will inhale
your portions before you even finish the race." He said cooly, walking away. We
both glanced at each other and rushed out of the room like crazy monkeys.

No way would I be missing dinner. Even if it resulted in me loosing to Chen again.

Well, technically that wouldnt count, but I need food. I ran out of the room and
slid into my place between Kris and Chanyeol before Xiumin could grab my bowl.

"Haha, sucks for you." I teased, taking some kimchi and mixing it in the rice. I
practically inhaled my food and brushed my teeth. I raced back to the Wii, only to
find Chen sitting there, ready with his game controls in hand. "You ready to loose

"No way Im gonna win this one"

=Hangeng P.O.V=

"Zariah" I called out from the living room.

"Yeah?" I heard her voice from the kitchen. "Can I eat now? Youve been cooking for
the longest time and Im hungry" I whined, entering the kitchen and snaking my arms
around her waist. I felt her blush and heat up.

"Are you embarrassed?" I smirked.

"No Its just the heat of the stove, thats all." She said, turning off the stove to
face me. "Guess what happened today?" She chirped excitedly.
"What? Spill it" I answered her enthusiastically. I really wanted to know what
happened; it made me happy that Zariah found joy in her work again.

"We found out that the SM debt wasnt actually a debt in the first place. The
loanshark that supposedly lent him the money was just a swindler. And we found out
the HeeJin was causing all those injuries to the trainees so she could get into a
girl group and debut faster." She said all in one breath, and I picked her up and
twirled her around, hugging her. She squealed in delight and was giggling like a
schoolgirl when I let her down.

I kissed both of her cheeks. "Thats awesome Im glad you are okay now. I havent seen
you this happy in a long time."

"I know, and Im sorry for that." I flicked her forehead gently. "Ow"

"Dont be sorry because of what you went through. I wouldnt be in a great mood after
all those things happened at all, and look at you Youre practically beaming with
joy" I said, pinching her cheeks. Then I smelt something burning.


"OHMYGOSH, NOT AGAIN" She wailed, taking the burnt food off the stove and into the
dustbin it went. She sighed and I patted her hair affectionately.

"Maybe we should go on a dinner date tonight." I suggested. She nodded in

agreement. "Yeah Ill go get ready"

"No, we can go out like this."

"Why? I stink like sweat" I kissed her on the lips to stop her ranting. She blushed

"No you dont. You are perfect to me. Now lets go" I yelled, turning off the TV and
making our way out the door to a date long ovedue.


=Anna P.O.V=

"Ohmygosh, do you girls usually take this long to get ready?" Kris complained
outside my bedroom door as I heard the front door close. Probably Zariah and
Hangeng going out on a date.
"I dont know, Mr. Player. You tell me." I retorted, pulling up the black leather
leggings and threw on a pink leopard-print top and my classic cropped leather
jacket on top. I just decided to wear my silver Supras today.

I applied some eyeliner and I was ready. I walked out the door and posed. "How do I

He just grunted. Typical.

"Gee, thats really helpful, thanks. Ill just go ask Chen." I joked, and I felt
myself being yanked back into Kriss arms. I felt his rock-hard abs against my chest
and I blushed.

"You look amazing Anna." He whispered in my ear, kissing my earlobe as he did so. I
shuddered and he let me go.

"Dont do that You almost gave me a heart attack" I whined, and he just laughed.
"You are so mean"

"You shouldve seen your face, though. Aigoo, so cute" He said, pinching one of my
cheeks. I puffed them out and he hugged me. "Gosh, Im so lucky to have an adorable

Then I heard the Presidents words rattling through my brain. Under no circumstances
can you fall in love...

I guess things dont always go the way you plan them, do you?


Soo? How did I do on the double update?? holds out hands expectantly for cookie
dough ice cream

Wow... Never thought I would get a lot of time to get TWO chapters done in a
weekend I feel like I accomplished something in life.

I have athlete probation tomorrow. Which means I cant go on Wattpad as much right
after school until the next week. IT JUST HAD TO BE ON THE WEEK OF SPRING FEVER AND
MY AP TESTING, TOO Ughh... bashes head against bedroom wall

I hate athletics so much. I wouldnt mind doing sports on my own, but two sports in
one school year? I cant handle that type of pressure. Love you too, Mom. sarcasm

Now I feel bad because its Mothers Day :/

ANYWAY Enough of my ranting Vote, Comment and Fan

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen

PS Heres Hitler summing up how sexually frustrated I am with EXO right now. TT
HUNHAN IS REAL (Never argue with Hitler, he will come after you in his grave. Oh
wait, his ashes will float through the sky and beat you with Luhans telekenesis O-


*** Chapter 33: Secrets Unveiled *** (3 pages)

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA You thought the last chapter would be the end, right? Theres more
coming along ;D

=Anna P.O.V=

The fans were cheering loudly as we stepped onto the stage. The bright spotlights
shone with the intensity of a thousand stars, and I couldnt help but become nervous
as thousands of eyes pried at my every move. It seemed like miles when it was
actually only a few feet away from backstage. I vaguely remember someone squeezing
my hand in reassurance, but it didnt matter to me.

All that mattered now was the reward.

"And the winner goes to... EXO Congratulations" The announcer shouted, handling the
elaborate trophy to the boys. I giggled happily and gave Kris a smile showing that
I was proud of him. He gave me a small smile back.

Haha, you were trolled, werent you? The boys waved to the fans and walked
backstage, where everyone was waiting for them. They were ten times happier than

"Oh my gosh, you all did great" Kimmie gushed, giving all the guys a high five and
hugging Lay.

"Hey Dont I get a hug, too?" Baekhyun whined, pouting. Kimmie stuck her tongue out
at him and kept hugging Lay. Baekhyun huffed and I opened my arms for a hug.

But Kris swooped in and hugged me to him before Baekhyun could even take a step.
"No, this is mine." He growled at Baekhyun. He put up his hands in surrender.
"Whoa, for the record, your girlfriend wanted to hug me, not the other way around."
He stated, backing away ever so slowly. He glanced over at RiNah and gave her a
puppy look. "Can I have a hug?"

"Sure, why not?" She said, hugging the poor boy. His face instantly brightened up
as he bounded away to annoy Sehun. I shook my head.

"What a damaged boy..."

"We are all damaged in some way, physically or mentally. Some are just more than
others." Luhan said, shrugging and going back to solving his Rubix Cube. Kris
chuckled quietly at the deer.

"Hey, you want to go somewhere?" I looked at him as if he were a crazy person.


"Whats wrong with talking here? And where will you go so late at night? I dont
think Zariahs up for a heart attack today." I countered, but he ignored me and
dragged me out of the hectic backstage into a quieter enviornment. I was secretly
thankful; some of the girls from the rookie groups were giving me the stink eye.

"So what did you--" I couldnt finish my sentence; Kris started to kiss me like
there was no tomorrow. I was literally gasping for air as he was kissing me, but it
wasnt rough at all; just really passionate. Thankfully, he was grabbing my waist,
so I couldnt fall down. My knees were being stubborn; they became jelly when he
kissed me.

He left my lips and started to slowly kiss down my jawline. My heart was racing; I
could hear and feel it pounding in my ears. He rested his head in the crook of my
neck and planted a few soft kisses on my collarbone once in a while as he hugged me
close. I hugged him back and I laid my head on his chest; I could feel his heart
beating the same way mine was.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear, running his fingers through my hair gently.
I nodded and he kissed my head.

"Why did you ask?" I mumbled.

"Because you looked like you were a drowning fish when I was kissing you." He

"Haha. I see what you did there" I giggled, and he looked confused until he finally
got it. He laughed and grinned like a fool. "But Im not really used to kissing a
guy out of thin air, Kris." I added as an afterthough, pouting up at him.
"Thats okay; itll come." He replied, pecking my nose. "You ready to go back inside?
I bet Zariahs having an anxiety attack right now."

I nodded and unwillingly let go of Kris, and I grabbed his hand. He instantaneously
intertwined his fingers through mine as we walked backstage. Some of the guys
glanced at us hand in hand and started to whoop and holler with joy. Zariah grinned
and gave us a thumbs up.

I blushed and buried my face into Kriss chest, but that only made them do it more.
But I didnt really mind; I think I could get used to this.

"You know, I just realized something." I said, and Kris looked at me curiously.

"Oh, and whats that?"

"That was our third kiss." I said, and I heard him chuckle a little bit. "What?"

Kris gave me a soft, understanding smile before saying, "You wont have to count
anymore, Anna. Youre mine now."

=Chen P.O.V=

"Awww, look at them. Arent they the cutest couple?" Luhan gushed, smiling
affectionately at them. Kris and Anna had their hands intertwined, and her faced
looked a little flushed.

Which only meant that they had a little makeout session in the back.

"Luhan, youre acting like an old grandma more and more. Its kind of scaring me..."
Xiuminshuddered, eating a baozi from the bento box he was currently stuffing his
face with. This guy...

Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Sehun all started to holler and cheer for the new couple,
which made Anna bury her face into the tall leaders chest.

I smirked; The Duizhang was surely becoming a lot more affectionate nowadays. I
like him like this a lot more.

"Come on, guys. Stop picking on them" Zariah said, taking the roll before going
back to the vans. I silently was plotting a troll plan in my head right now. I am
the master troller, after all

We all started to make our way down to the garage where our cars were located. I
started to tease and troll the two of them until Suho decided to drag me away from
them. After piling into the car after a long and exhausting day, we went back to
the SM dorms.
Everyone was in high spirits from the day. I felt like everything was going to
become normal again.

The Next Day

"Hey guys, you got to see this" Sehun shouted as he bolted down the hallway to the
dining table. He simply ignored Kyungsoo and plopped himself in between Kris and

"What is it?" Kris grabbed the newspaper. "New SM Girl Group in a Lawsuit?"


"Oh wow."

"They didnt even debut for that long. How are they in a freaking LAWSUIT already?"
Chanyeol asked, one eyebrow raised in an you are kidding me expression. I took a
glance at the headline.

Nope, he isnt kidding you, Chanyeol. They really are in a lawsuit.

"Can you read it out to us?" Tao asked, tugging Kriss nightshirt and he nodded. He
started to read.

"SMs new girl group, SuperStar, has been going through a lawsuit concerning one of
the members versus the group and the company. Lee HeeJin, the visual of the group,
has filed a lawsuit against SM. There has been no further report of the lawsuit,
nor what it is against, but the top advisors of SM state that this isnt something
to worry about and that this will be taken care of immediately."

Kai scoffed. "She really wants all that publicity? Shes one desperate girl."
Defying all laws of reason, I actually agreed with Kai on this one.

=HanAh P.O.V=

"Excuse me, Miss, would you please answer some questions for us?" I heard for about
the fifty-billionth time this week. I felt like taking a gun and shooting
something, but I just smiled sweetly and walked away, politely declining to answer
any of their questions about this dumb lawsuit.

Gosh, HeeJin always had to have it her way, didnt she? She wasnt even that
talented; every time she dances, it sounds like a little toddler trying to crush an
ant with a powerdrill. Every time she opens her mouth to sing, I would much rather
go deaf.
It was an insult to the trainees that actually worked hard. I was kind of thankful
that we were so under the radar right now.

"Why are you late again?" HeeJin herself barked as soon as I got into the studio. I
just ignored her and plopped my stuff over in the corner where the others were
situated and started to warm up. "Yah"


"Why were you late?" HeeJin asked again, and I looked at the clock.

"It was only two minutes. Take a chill pill." I snapped, continuing to warm up. She
looked like she was about to explode, but she regained her composure and gathered
everyone together. "Lets start practicing."

We werent two minutes into the routine when someone knocked on our door. "Got it"
Jiyoon chirped, running over to the door and opening it to reveal a man. He
whispered in her ear and left as quickly as he had come.

"The President wants everyone except HeeJin to come to his office right now." She
said, an adorably cute look on her face. I patted her head and left the room before
HeeJin can throw a fit.

As we walked down the hall, not a single word was said; we were all busy thinking
of the reasons that the President would want us to come over so early in the
morning. Soon, we were at the door, and we all looked at each other. Na Eun took a
deep breath before cautiously knocking. The door flew open almost instantaneously,
and a hagard-looking President met our eyes.

"Come inside." He said warmly, but there was a hint of anxiousness in his voice. I
wondered what was getting on his nerves lately.

He sat us all down in plush chairs before facing us. "So how are you girls holding

"Could be better, but its okay."

"I agree."


"What do you mean by, could be better?" He asked, leaning forward in his chair
expectantly. His hands were folded and rested on his lap, his face seemed to be
trusting. Ji Yoon finally gave in.
"Well, I mean, I sometimes wish Hee Jin wasnt in the group. She could be so pushy
sometimes, and she is such a diva. She doesnt know when to compromise or how to,
and when she does, she tries to manipulate it in such a way so that it is to her
advantage. She is just so selfish"

"Yeah. She didnt ask any of the members to go eat with her after a long day of
training and we were at home cooking for a long time. Imagine how that was when we
found out HeeJin was out and about without us" NaEun said, and I nodded. my head.

"She doesnt do anything but make things go her way. She is just really irritating.
And this whole lawsuit thing is taking it too far. I didnt think SM had this much
drama in it." I said, and the President looked thoughtful for a minute.

"Well, that was all I wanted to know, ladies. Please rest up well. You have another
schedule coming up tomorrow."

As we bowed and walked out the office, I couldnt help but feel as if a weight was
lifted off my chest. Little did I know that our whole conversation was recorded.

AWWW BOI It was recorded?? I wonder who feigns curiousity

There was the long awaited mushy/romantic KrisAnna moment that you guys have been
waiting for. Ive been wanting to play that romance card for a while now xD And I

And I just got on here to update and my Mind. Was. BLOWN. Seriously. 18K READS????
faints That is AMAZING May Baekhyun bless you with eternal light. HARDY HAR HAR.

More EXO Derpyness on the MultiMedia section. Watch out for the greasy Bacon. YOU

As always Vote, Comment, Fan

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** BONUS CHAPTER: A 'Normal' Day in the EXO Dorm *** (2 pages)

Inspired by the influx of gwiyomi videos Ive been seeing around Youtube lately. (Or
maybe its just me xD) These bonus chappies are SUPER RARE, so you wont see them
often Plus with school and gearing up for EXOs AMAZING comeback, I couldnt help
doing a borderline psychotic chapter xD

WARNING This is mostly fluffy crack junk that I decided to write. If you have a
strong dislike for fillers, dont run me over with a roadroller runs far, far away
If it makes you feel any better, Im working hard on the next chapter as we speak It
will be updated around the time EXOs new album comes out. Maybe :P Enjoy (or
shrivel up in your seat from the pure agony of THE FILLER insert suspenseful music

=Anna P.O.V=

Its was a normal day in the SM dorms. I just decided to crash at EXOs dorm for the
day, and they couldnt care less. I mean, when Chen greeted me at the door, there
were feathers everywhere, and Baekhyun was too busy trying to smother Kai in a
pillow fight.

And I think I heard D.O hitting something (or someone) with a frying pan in the

I logged on to their computer and checked my email while Chanyeol was running away
from Sehun, who had a NERF gun in his hand. Where in the world did he get that

Whatever, just accept it and ask questions later, I thought as I opened and checked
my email. Out of all the junk and spam cluttering my mail (really? Coupons to a
second hand clothing store?), one caught my eye. It was a email from a friend that
I havent seen in a long while.

She basially said what other friends do when they send stuff; ask how youre doing
and to check out the link at the end of their message. And I did just that.

The cutest song started to play and I squealed, remembering exactly what it was.
Her and I used to do the gwiyomi players as a dare for other people. Good times,
good times.

Then I had an idea.

"Kris You have to see this" I shouted from my computer, and I heard groan in
response. I heard the bed in the room next door creak and footsteps in the hall.
Soon, Kris was peering into my room, his eyes halfway closed from his disrupted
nap. I couldnt help but giggle at how adorable he looked.

"Whats up?" He grumbled, collapsing onto the chair next to me and complaining about
how he didnt get enough sleep the night before or something. How does he sleep
through all of that?

"Look at this video" I squealed, clicking on the link. The gwiyomi song started to
play and I followed along with it. Kris paled as Chen and Tao started to bellow
with laughter from the adjacent room.

"Please dont tell me you are going to make me do that" He exclaimed, and Lay
started to shriek with laughter along with them. The evil lightbulb switched on in
my brain.

"OY, THE REST OF YOU ARENT EXEMPT FROM THIS, EITHER" I screamed, marching out and
dragging the rest of the EXO boys into the small room. They had a range of
reactions from completely calm to freaking out.

Xiumin clambered out in front, chewing on a bread roll again. "I can do that like a

"Then do it I want to see" I said, and he gave me a look. "No way, plus I am busy."

"Busy eating."

"Nonetheless I am busy. Go ask Chanyeol to do it or something." He backed away,

still chewing on the bread roll that he was surely going to spoil his dinner with.



"Get over here and do the gwiyomi"

"No way" He screeched, sprinting away with his arms flailing over his head.

"Oh, oh, oh Can I try??" Sehun popped out of nowhere, bouncing on his heels with
pure joy. I was a bit apprehensive. Sure, Sehun can be adorable, but he was only a
year older than Tao.

Oh well.

"One plus one is gwiyomi" He sang along, doing all the motions perfectly. Chanyeol
and Baekhyun, being the little derps they are, started to do the gwiyomi creepster
style. I had to admit, these boys were really creative. Everyone was doing it
except for Kris, who was sitting in his seat like a statue, mortified.

"Please do it, Kris Then I will let you go" I begged, and he started to do the
gwiyomi halfheartedly. I think he wanted to go to sleep more than he wanted to make
me happy, which I didnt blame him for. I was starting to feel a bit bad that I
forced everyone to do it.

"Okay You guys can go now." I said, shooing them all out of the door. Kris waited
until everyone left the room and gave me a quick peck on the lips before going back
to bed.

The commotion and the fry pan clanging started up all over again as I logged onto
my YouTube channel to post the video.

"Now to upload this on YouTube..."


SORRY ITS SO SHORT GUYS dodges boulders being thrown It had to be done :,(

I didnt want you all to wait because of my incessant fangirling over EXO and stuff,
so I had to give you SOMETHING to read while I was working on the new chapter My
ideas have been a little dull lately, so I had to do something like this to keep
you all happy xD

So you guys have been voting a lot, but I havent been getting a lot of feedback
from you all. I dont mean to sound pushy, but I LOVE it when people leave comments
for me to read. Some of your comments make my whole day better, seriously :))

So Vote. COMMENT. Fan

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 34: Aftermath *** (4 pages)

One Week Later

=NaEun P.O.V=

Today was the court date, so all the girls schedules were cancelled for today. I
honestly wouldve liked it better if I had something to do; being on schedule was a
bit less stressful for me right now.

I was mentally chewing off my fingernails just thinking about it. I couldnt help
but wonder what would become of us.
"Hey, NaEun-unnie, we have to go now." HanAh knocked on the door gently. I opened
the door and saw a tired-looking girl in front of me, not the visual and the main
dancer of the group. I bet she was thinking the same thing, too.

I followed her out to the living room, where JiYoon was already waiting, playing
Angry Birds on her iPhone. Wait, where is HeeJin?

"HeeJin will be at the courthouse later, so we have to go first." She explained

without looking up from her phone, and I simply nodded. I was thinking about too
many things right now; I was afraid that something would come out of my mouth and I
would regret it later.

Im not the best when it comes to controlling my impulses.

"Unnie, lets go." JiYoon said, tugging my arm. I hesitantly got out of my chair and
made my way out the door with heavy steps and a heavy heart.

As we walked down the hallway, I noticed Baekhyun talking to a girl. He seemed deep
into conversation, so I didnt bother to greet him. We were best friends before I
was friends with HeeJin. Back then I had no clue what I was getting myself into,
and our friendship wasnt the same ever since.

"Yah NaEun-ah" I could recognize that voice anywhere, and I froze in place. HanAh
and JiYoon gave me knowing glances and walked away.

"Oh, hey, Baekhyun-oppa." I greeted him. There was an awkward silence hanging in
the air as we just stood there, not knowing what to do. I guess that is what
happens when you dont talk to your best friend for two years.

"I havent seen you around a whole lot, oppa." I blurted out, and he gave me a
pointed look. I flushed with embarassment at the sudden realization of how dumb
that sounded. Of course you dont see him that often, you pabo Hes already debuted
and so have you. Both of you are busy Aish

But he just played along and smiled. "Yeah, me neither. How have your promotions

Now it was my turn to give him a look. Was he seriously that clueless? But I just
answered, "They couldve been better."

"What do you mean?"

"One word says it all: HeeJin." I deadpanned, and he sighed and nodded.
"Aigoo, my bestie is going through so much. Sorry I havent been around to help you.
I feel like a bad friend." He pouted, slumping his shoulders and looking at the
tiles on the floor. I patted his shoulder.

"Oppa Dont feel bad about me, Ill be okay. Its my fault for not hanging out with
you more often." Then I had an idea. "Actually, oppa. Do you have anything to do

"No, just recording our new song. Waeyo?"

"Why dont we go out to Lotteworld like we used to? After this stupid court thing is
over." His face instantly brightened up and he hugged me. "Definitely When will we
go? Im done around five oclock."

"Perfect Ill see you there, then" I smiled, walking away and waving goodbye. He was
smiling his signature eyesmile as I was walking away; I felt like things could go
back to normal after all.

=Anna P.O.V=

I woke up to my alarm clock blaring its monotone beep. I groaned as I smacked the
snooze button and I buried myself underneath the covers again. I was texting Kris
all night and didnt get an ounce of sleep.

I couldnt remember how much time had passed, but it mustve been a lot, because
Zariah shoved me out of my bed before I could open my eyes and yelled "DO YOU HAVE

"My birthday?" I snapped, and she facepalmed.

"No, you idiot. The auditions are today." My eyes were about to pop out of my head.
How could I forget that? Ever since that whole deal with SM, YG personally offered
me to come train at his company. He mustve seen some potential in my rapping, but
he had wanted to give me an audition just to make it fair.

Which I didnt understand. Cant he just give me a place in his company for me to

As far as how many people knew about it, only the President, Lay and Zariah knew
about this.

Actually, Lay kind of figured it out with his magical psychic powers. That unicorn
was something, I swear. It ruined the whole point of secret. But I trusted him to
keep it from everyone else. For now.

I couldnt bear to tell Kris; he would be devastated. I felt awful that I would be
throwing sand in his eyes, but I didnt want him to break up with me like he did
with HeeJin because he had thought it would be better for the both of us.

I, Annalise Luo, had the bad case of clingy girlfriend syndrome (also known as
CGS). Now I know how HeeJin felt, but I wouldnt go as far as she had.

I flew out of the bed and made a beeline straight for the shower. I looked at the
clock and I gasped. She woke me up 30 minutes before the auditions started? It took
10 minutes to get to the company, and that was without traffic.

I let out a frustrated groan; now I have to rush, rush, rush. And I absolutely
hated rushing in the mornings. I quickly hopped in the shower and washed down as
fast as I could. Immediately hopping out of the shower I dried my hair and yanked
it back into a ponytail, fringe and all. Then I started to brush my teeth as fast
as my sluggish hands would let me, and washed my face.

I ran to my room and threw on a random tank top and sweatpants with supras. I know
I was going to be stared at, but it was better than getting all dressed and dolled
up and coming out of the audition like Frankenstein.

Or worse.

I checked the clock and I mentally pat myself on the back. Perfect, only 15 minutes
to spare

Casually strolling into the kitchen, I grabbed a banana and chewed on it while I
was waiting for Zari to come out of the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and she
came out and looked at me and shrugged. "Im guessing it was one of your better

"Hey As far as I am concerned, they were looking at how talented I was, not how
pretty I look, even though that would be nice..." I mumbled the last part to
myself, and she somehow caught that over all the TV noise.

"If you dont have eye boogers, then you are pretty enough. Now get your ass out the
door and quit whining" She sang, even though I knew well that was a threat.

Ah, the advantages of having a four-dimensional friend.

We sprinted out to the garage, narrowly dodging some people and bolted into the
car. When we turned the ignition on, we had ten minutes.

Thankfully, there wasnt a whole lot of traffic at 7 in the morning, so I managed to

get to the auditions in time. "Good luck, buddy" Zariah hollered as she pulled out
the parking lot, earning some glances from people. The looked like they saw a
psycho woman escaping from an asylum.
I crossed my fingers entering the building, hoping that the audition would go as

=Kris P.O.V=

"I already told you You cannot dyehis hair blonde AGAIN" The stylist noona
screeched at the other, holding a bottle of jet black dye over my head. Thegirl who
was getting yelled at thought it would look better if I went with a lighter
blonde.I was seriously starting to get fed up with this. Just dye my hair, already

God forbid that I come out with dreadlocks like Kai did. When he saw himself in the
mirror, he looked like he was about to fall through the floor into the pits of

Yeah, we couldnt look in a mirror while the stylists did whatever the heck they
were going to do with our hair. Talk about crazy, right?

"Ugh, whatever" The girl said, getting ready to dye my hair. I was a bit scared as
she, albeit a bit too roughly, turned my face to look at a faded white curtain.
Muttering colorful words under her breath and how she was going to be behind
schedule because of the argument that had just occured, she dutifully colored, cut
and styled my hair. When the curtain fell from the mirror, I was beyond impressed.

My hair was a darker brown with some natural blonde highlights now, and it was the
same style, only a little bit shorter. I walked out with a new sense of pride; Anna
would be so jealous of my hair.

I smirked at the mere thought of it.

OF A NOODLE PROCESSOR?" Kai screeched in agony when he saw me. Suho patted his head
as he buried his face into his shoulder and sobbed uncontrollably. Tao took a side
profile of Kais hair and started to upload it onto Twitter.

"Upload that and I will kill you." Kai threatened the poor panda, his voice full of
venom and malice. But it was too late. My phone buzzed with a new status and I
wasted no time checking it out.

Doesnt Jongin hair look nice? kekekekekekekekekeke KaisBadHairDay

"You do realize that a bunch of girls would love you for your crazy dreadlocks,
right?" Luhan consoled him, patting the Dancing Machine on the back. I was trying
too hard to stifle my laughter, along with Chanyeol and Chen. Jongins head shot up
from the leaders shoulder and gave Tao the infamous death glare.

"It had to be done, Jongin. Sorry." Tao nonchalantly ignored the dancers glare and
I couldnt help but burst with laughter along with half of the other members. This
was a pretty good day.

=JiYoon P.O.V=

"Ah, a well-deserved break. I was about to break out of the courthouse and make a
mad dash for the SM building." I breathlessly exhaled, stretching my arms over my
head as I walked out into the sunshine. HanAh grinned at me, a goofy expression on
her usually stoic face.

"Yeah, tell me about it. It is SO boring in there, chicha" She replied, plopping
her lazy self on a park bench not too far from the courthouse.

"Come on, I want to go to that ice-cream shop down the road. Please go with me?" I
begged, giving her the puppy eyes and bouncing on my toes. She sternly glared at me
in the eyes.

"No Manager-oppa told us to stay near the courthouse when they were on break. Plus,
we are going to be needed inside in 15 minutes." I pouted and sat next to her on
the bench, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Aww... JiYoon-ah, dont be like that Ill tell manager-oppa to treat us all for ice
cream after this thing is overwith."

"Hey, guys" NaEun shouted, crossing the street. "Unnie"

"Whats up?"

"I got some ice cream from that shop across the road for you all." She smiled,
handing me a cookie dough ice cream cone while giving HanAh a mint choco ice cream.

"Thats funny; I wanted to go over there just a few minutes ago." I giggled, happily
eating the ice-cream that I had desperately wanted to eat.

"Ah, yeah. I wanted to go over there because ice-cream relieves my stress. I know,
its bad, but Ive been cutting down, I swear" HanAh gave her a look.

"The half-empty gallon tubs of cookie dough and strawberry ice-cream that we just
bought last week say otherwise." HanAh criticized, licking her sweet treat and
eyeing the vocal suspiciously.

While the two of them were talking, I saw HeeJin coming out of the courthouse and
into a limo. Not once had she looked in our direction, but she knew that we were
looking at her. Just for a moment, I actually felt bad for her.
But just for a moment, because we were ushered back into the courtroom to hear the
final verdict of the case.

And... BAM Another chapter that has been long overdue. SO SORRY The end of the year
is always the busiest time for me. - WARNING: A long-ish authors note coming your

But YEAH Shoutout for those who have requested one-shots. I havent forgotten about
them at all In fact, Ive been working on them for a while, and my ideas have been
running a bit dry and such. SO Im very very sorry for the longer-than-usual wait

GOOD NEWS GUYS So you know, Ive been freaking out a lot about my story for the past
week or so, because Im going to be at a summer program to learn Arabic in Cali.
Initially I thought there was a NO-COMPUTERS-POLICY (I dont even know where the
heck I got THAT from) but I recently found out last night that I needed a laptop in
order to complete assignments and such on a daily basis.

So for those of you who didnt understand what I had just written, that means I get
to update this story during the summer I WONT HAVE TO PUT IT ON HOLD AND MAKE YOU

Okay, Ill stop now xD

But yeah I think that is pretty good news, dont you think? I was going to put the
story on hold till I got back in August, but I guess there is no need for THAT Im
extremely happy jumps for joy


Saranghaeyeo, my lovely Kpop-fangirls (and boys ;D) starts humming I Got a Boy



*** Chapter 35: A Farewell and A Surprise *** (5 pages)

=Narrator P.O.V=

Its been about a month since Anna had auditioned for YG Entertainment. Each passing
day was a struggle for her; she could hardly do daily tasks without thinking about
the audition. Everything seemed daunting to do, even cleaning the dishes, because
she was so nervous. She was supposed to get her results in her email, but they had
never came. Instead of relieving her stress, it only made it worse.

One night, as they were making dinner, she accidently dropped a plate, and it
shattered into tiny little pieces on the floor. Next thing she knew, Zariah was on
her knees, silently cleaning up the mess.

Anna felt awful. She hadnt been doing her best; all because of results from a
company that was already hard to get into.

After sweeping the remains of the poor dish into its haven, Zariah straightened up
and looked her in the eyes.

"You know, I realize you are shitting bricks on the inside right now, but you need
to get your butt in gear and move on." Annalise winced; she knew if Zariah was
swearing in her sentences, shit got real.

And it was rarely ever real with her.

"YG is a great company and all, but only a select few get chosen. Even then, they
are still eliminating people to get the best overall artists." She was right.

As harsh as the reality was, SM was the same way; there was no doubt YG would be
even stricter on its trainees and artists.

The telephone started to ring, and there was no caller ID. Zariah looked confused,
but she answered it, anyway. "Yobuseyeo?"

Anna was staring at the dishes in the sink, wondering what to do with them, until
Zariah tapped her shoulder. "Its for you."

Hands shaking, she dried them off on the tea towel, grabbed the phone with both
hands and steadied herself. "H-Hello?"

"Is this Annalise Luo?" A voice crackled over the static. It sounded familiar, but
she couldnt put her finger on it. "N-Ne.."

"Congratulations, welcome to YG Entertainment. You will start training next month."

Anna gasped and almost dropped the phone, had it not been for Zariah holding her

She vaguely heard what the man said,but there was only one thing on her mind. I got
in I, Annalise Luo, got in
=Zariah P.O.V=

"Hangeng Where are you?" I shouted, trotting around the house to look for a certain
Chinese man that was taking FOREVER to get ready.

Or shall I dare say, my boyfriend.

I swear, I think taking forever to look good runs in their family. I can really
tell that they are related.

"Here, baby" He grabbed me from behind, causing me to squeal in surprise. I was

scared to death, and I felt butterflies in my stomach when he laid his head on my
shoulder. "Sorry I took so long."

"Thats okay, if youre planning to get through the baggage check, immigrationand
security in 45 minutes." I countered. I could tell he was rolling his eyes behind
my head. "No, seriously, youve got less than an hour before you take off for

Contrary to popular belief, he didnt freak out. Instead, he said:

"Got that covered. Drive me to the airport, pretty please?" This guy was something
else entirely.

"Yeah, yeah. Just get in the car." I scoffed, quickly grabbingthe house and car
keys off the rack and rushing outside to the van. I opened the back door and I
helped Hannie get his large blue luggage inside.

"Gosh, this is so freaking HEAVY. What do you carry in there?"

"Bricks." He said with a straight face, and I shot him a playful glare. "Hey, blame
my manager. He wanted me to take care of my face or whatever while I was in Korea."

"So half of your luggage is just face products?" He nodded solemnly, and I busted
out laughing. "Oh my gosh, HanKyung, you are really something, you know that?"

"I know, because I am amazing like that." He grinned playfully before disappearing
into the passenger side of the car. I rolled my eyes at my silly boyfriend and got
in the car.

"So when does your flight take off?" HanKyung just shrugged. "Youre kidding me."

"Like I said, the manager doesnt tell me anything."

"Wow. Hold on." Whipping out my handy-dandy iPhone, I checked all the flights that
were departing from Korea. "Does Flight 5220 with service to Beijing on KoreanAir
sound familiar?" His face had a light of realization, meaning that it was his

"Yup. That was exactly what the manager said. I can see why you are a manager,
now." He smiled fondly. That really meant a lot to me. I smiled genuinely at him
and replied "Thanks."

Turning on the ignition, I wasted no time getting to the airport. There was some
heavy traffic at the entrance, but we managed to get there in time. Hauling out his
luggage, I felta pang of sadness course through my body. As we walked towards the
security and immigration, I felt a jolt of reality pass through me. This was it. I
had to say goodbye now.

But I really didnt want to.

"Well, here you are. Skype and call me often, yeah?" I said, trying to hold back
the tears that were certainly going to fall. All of a sudden, Hannie huggedme out
of the blue.

"I dont want to leave, Zariah. This was probably the best trip to Korea thatI had
in a long time. Thank you for letting me to get to know you better." He whispered
hoarsely. I could feel his strong body shaking with silent sobs, and all I could do
is just stand there, awkwardly patting his back.

"I dont want you to leave, honestly. But you have to, or youll miss your flight." I
said, patting his back. He let me go a little bit to get a good look at my face.
"Did I ever tell you that you were beautiful?"

"Only about a hundred thousandand one times."

"Is that even a number?"

"According to mathematical theory, yes." I replied smartly, and he laughed.

"You are seriously one heck of a girl." He said, pecking my nose.

"And you are one heck of a guy." I replied, before leaning up to him and kissing
him. He returned the kiss eagerly, as if he was mapping out my lips.

Making sure that it was engrained in his memory.

After what had felt like eternity, we parted and looked at each other. "I guess
this is the part where the lovers have to say goodbye, right?" Hangeng said, and I
nodded sadly.
"Dont be sad, princess. Ill still be with you."

But it wont be the same as having you physically by my side.

"Ill be off, then."

Please dont go...

"Okay. Bye. Call and Skype, okay" I called, and I watched him become smaller and
smaller, engulfed by the throngs of people. I never realized it before, but an
airport was teeming with so many emotions. Happiness with the reunions of loved
ones. Relief of finally being home. Sadness of leaving, with no idea when you were
going to be back.

Pain, seeing your lover gone from your life in the blink of an eye.

Please, just come back and say that you will stay with me forever.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned around to look at me. At that moment, I felt like
we were the only two people at the airport, the busy people just melting away into
nothing. He smiled a huge smile and waved furiously.Out of joy, I waved with the
same intensity.

Thinking that parting may not be so hard after all.

=Kris P.O.V=

We were all practicing for our comeback when Rinah walked into our studio. "Hey,

"Hey, Rinah" Tao chirped happily, dashing up to her and engulfing her in a tight
hug. You could tell that he really liked her.

"Hey, Tao, thanksfor the hug, but I cant really get enough oxygen." She wheezed,
and the panda let her go. She shook her head, getting the blood circulating through
her brain again.

"What the hell have you been eating? Every time I see you, you seem to be getting
stronger and stronger" She whined, rubbing her neck in pain.

"Well, Ive been eating whatevers been in my path lately." Tao responded, plunking
himself down next to Rinah, who was sitting against the wall. The other members
decided that we needed a well-earned break and sat in a circle. "Im really liking
your hair, by the way."

Ever since the miscarriage, Rinah had been hard at work training again, against the
advice of President Lee, of course. With that, the girls decided that they would
get a new start by cutting their hair. Rinah had traded her long brown locks for a
cute black pixie that framed her face, Kimmie trimmed her hair up to the middle of
her chest with shaggy layers and dyed it a dirty blonde with purple streaks, and
Anna grew her hair out a little longer and dyed it a light brown, with blunt bangs
and longer layers.

Out of the three, I thought that Anna had looked the best. But maybe that was
because I was her boyfriend.

They were also training to become a trio, because Lee SooMan had seen how close
they were to each other. He originally thought to split them up into different
groups, but they didnt want that. After a long discussion, he finally agreed to let
them debut in a girl group together.

Rinah grinned sheepishly. "Thank you, Tao." She mumbled, blushing and looking down
at the floor. "Hey, mei-mei. Hows life?" Chen jumped in, ruffling the girls hair

"Eh, its pretty good now. Trainings hard, but its good. What about you?"

"Couldve been better. That witch of a vocal teacher is whats wrong with my life."
Chen replied, pouting.

"Yeah, that teacher is really mean, thats for sure." Rinah agreed.

The President had hired a new vocal teacher for our comeback recently, and it wasnt
fun at all. The 5 hours that we spent for vocals werent spent in happiness and
casual talk; they were filled with torture and agony. We almost always came back to
the dorms talking in hoarse whispers because it was so grueling.

"She yelled at me because I was too tired to carry out what she wanted me to do.
And she knew that we had a hard training that day" Baekhyun wailed. Rinah patted
the boys head; she along with Kimmie and Anna had witnessed that. They were also in
the same class as us.

I guess that was the only thing that made it better.

"From what I hear, I think I am pretty glad that I am a dancer." Kai said, and we
all glared at him. Raising his hands in a surrender motion, he shrugged. "Just
saying I never said it was any better than your vocal training."

"Technically, you did." A voice responded, and Kimmies head popped out of the
doorframe. "May I come in?"
"Of course, silly Youre always welcome here" D.O. chirped, bounding over to the
British girl and dragging her by the arm to the circle.

"Why do you always sound like a halmonim? Aish..." Chanyeol cursed, and Suho
slapped him upside the head. "Dont talk to your mother that way"

"But he isnt my mother"

"I am your mother until I say otherwise. Now do what I command" D.O pointed that
the derp threateningly, who just stuck his tongue out and ran out the door,
laughing like a maniac. "That boy..."

"Yeah, you might as well get used to it, huh, Kyungsoo?" Kimmie joked. We all

"I heard that HeeJin was still in SM, even after the lawsuit. Is that true?" Sehun
said, leaning on Kimmies shoulder for support. Lay looked like he was going to burn
the maknae right then and there.

Talk about overprotective.

"Nah, I think it was one of those dumb rumors again." She replied, starting to
braid Kais dreadlocks absentmindedly. The lawsuit was forbidden to be talked about
on the premises to avoid any rumors, but I thought that was bogus. It was only
making things worse.

"So whats the scoop?" Xiumin asked her, and she motioned for us to come closer.

"Dont mention this to anyone.I know what happened, so dont tell anyone that you
heard it from me, okay?" She whispered, and we all nodded.

"So bascally, HeeJin is still allowed to train at SM for a couple more months until
they (the other girls) rest up and start their comeback promotions. She isnt under
contract, but she still has to do group activities with the others. But just for
two more months, and then he will let her go."

My heart sank a little. I was thinking that HeeJin would be gone for good after the
lawsuit. But nope, I had to wait two more months before I could actually live like
a normal human.

"What about her dad?" I asked out of curiousity. I think he would be suffering more
drastic punishment because of what he was doing.

"He was convicted ofan attempt to swindle a large corporations. The court is
looking into the history of his life, company records, transactions andstuff like
that. They think that he will be in prison for the rest of his life, possibly."
Kimmie replied, absentmindedly running her fingers through her hair. "Apart from
that, though, you all must be really exhausted, yeah?"

"More than that. I cant even stand up straight." Lay whined, lying on her lap and
soon falling fast asleep.

"I dont think I want to move from this spot anymore. This is too comfy." Kimmie
told Rinah, and everyone started to laugh lightheartedly.

"Hey, why is everyone having fun without me?" Anna joked, walking in and joining
the group. She had a baby pink crewneck and baggy sweats. She was wearing silver
dancing shoes.

"Why do you look so put together? No oneis filming you 24/7." Chanyeol asked.

"Because my mother always taught me that you should always look good, no matter
where you are. Therefore I might as well look nice, right?" She replied, shrugging
her shoulders and plopping down next to me.

As the others were talking are laughing, I casually draped an arm over her shoulder
and pulled her close. I kissed her hair and whispered in her ear "I missed you."

"Quit being such a flirt, YiFan. I doubt you missed me as much as you say." She
rolled her eyes, but she leaned on my shoulder anyway.

"No, seriously. I couldnt concentrate without thinking about you, thats why my
comeback is taking so long."

"Last time I checked, it was EXOs comeback, not yours, you pabo." She poked my
forehead and smiled that brilliant smile. Her brown eyes werent filled with sadness
and agony, but they were instead filled with joy.

That was how I always wanted her to be.

"Hey, Anna-unnie. Someone wants to see you down at the lobby ASAP." A small girl
peeked her head around the doorframe and told Anna.

"Do you know who it is, HyeWon?" She replied, getting up out of my grasp. I looked
up at the scene that was folding before me, and the room suddenly went silent.

"They didnt tell me who they were, they just wanted to see you right now." The girl
said, looking up at her with big eyes.

"Okay, thanks HyeWon-ah." Hesitantly, she started to make her way to the door
before I got up and said, "Im coming with you."
Anna turned around and looked at me for a second, as if she was reading my mind.
But soon, she just shrugged and walked out the door without another word. I
followed after her, and told her that I had a bad feeling about this visitor.

"Well, I have a pretty bad feeling about this guy, too. However, Ill feel even
worse if I keep away from his request." She said, jogging down the stairs
effortlessly. Her loose ponytail bounced as her foot landed on each step, and it
was strangely beautiful.

Ugh, why was I being so weird.

We arrived at the lobby hand in hand, and we both had high spirits. Anna abruptly
stopped and her eyes clouded over with fear. "Annalise? Whats wrong?"

"Hello, Anna dear." A gravelly voice sang sweetly.

Oh Dear God.

OOHHH I wonder who it is?? (Hint: The character was in previous chapters ;D)

Im so sorry for making you all wait so long I was insanely busy with this whole
dorm thing. I am actually in California right now, and the Wifi here is pretty

Shocking, right?

But anyhow. I was like I NEED TO GET THIS CHAPTER DONE NOW So that was why it was
such a sucky cliffy. Plus I am still working on one shots that some of you
requested. Slow and steady wins the race, right? XD I think I am reading too much
Aesops Fables. Just kidding, I havent read those stories since the first grade. We
actually dida play on those stories that same year.

I was just playing a bunch of green grapes =_______= I still remember myself
teetering on those rickety school chairs, just swaying like a palm tree while some
other kid was trying to get me, like that one fable. I dont even remember the name.
Oh the horror shudders You know those pamphlets that they give out at the entrance
to the theater that has a list of all the roles and who was playing what?

Well, my mother still has that pamphlet taped on her work bulletin. And she makes
fun of me STILL. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. "Hey Nausheen. You remember the time when
you were playing an inanimate object?" facepalm
You can never completely hate mothers, can you? On another note, I never got to
thank you all properly.



ANYWAY I just wanted to thank you all for 24K reads? Holy moly. That is a lot of
reads. I never thought I would get so many reads in only 7 months. You guys really
make my day, commenting and voting and reading diligently. I feel honored that a
humble author like me can gather such a big fanbase on the short amount of time
that I was on here. I know that I dont get to update much and I leave you feeling
like flipping tables out of rage, but you guys are the only reason thatI keep
pushing on to make this story better and better.

So thank you so much. Really. It means more that you will ever know.

By the way, has anyone heard MBLAQs new song "Smoky Girl"? Its pretty damn amazing,
so if you havent seen it, it is in the multimedia section. Have fun hearing your
ovaries explode over and over because of Thunders sexy pink hair or Joons amazing
dancing. (I love G.O the best, by the way. He does those sunglasses justice, Im
telling you. Just amazing blows a kiss)

Until next update, VOTE, COMMENT and FAN




*** Chapter 36: What's Next? *** (4 pages)

Preview: Anna abruptly stopped and her eyes clouded over with fear. "Annalise?
Whats wrong?"

"Hello, Anna dear." A gravelly voice sang sweetly.

Oh Dear God.

=Anna P.O.V=
"Dad? Why are you here?" I managed to squeak out. I felt Kris hand squeeze my own
in reassurance, but I vaguely registered him standing next to me. We were out in
the parking lot of the entertainment company, in the van lot.

Instead of the rags he had on the other day, he instead had a nice tuxedo on. It
was as if he was getting ready to go toa wedding.

"Just wanted to say goodbye to a worthless daughter." He sniggered. I rolled my

eyes at him.

"Good. Because I am so ready to get rid of a dick of a father." I snapped right

back at him. He didnt even deserve to be called a father. He made mine and my
mothers life a living hell.

He looked like he was going to blow, and he started to approach me (probably to

slap the living daylights out of me. Nothing to loose, right?). Kris stepped in
front of me and looked down on him in an intimidating manner. That man looked up at
Kris with such scorn on his face that it made me nauseous.

"This doesnt have anything to do with you, son. Step aside." He told him. Kris
didnt budge an inch. Moving even closer, he glared at that man even more. "And what
if I dont?"

"I told you nicely, but I guess you need to be taught a lesson, boy." He glowered
as he tried to throw a punch at Kris, but he easily dodged it and landeda sharp
uppercut on his chin. The man tumbled back on the floor and sat up, wiping the
blood off his face.

"You made my girls lifea living hell. When can you just back off? You cant live
without seeing your own blood in pain, can you? You worthless piece of shit." He
said dangerously low, and he kicked him, hard in the stomach and left him there.

"Dont talk to your elders that way, boy. Didnt your mother teach you something?" He
growled, getting up and trying to throw another punch atKris. He easily dodged that
one and kicked him in the head, knocking him to the floor.

"She did, actually. One of the things she taught me was to give justice to the
worthless scum in the world, like you."

"Honey OMO, what happened?" A woman screeched. She had on expensive things and she
had makeup caked onto her face like a second mask. She looked like she was in her
30s, and she rushed over to help him up. Honey? What is this? I looked at my dad,
but he didnt meet my gaze.

"You bitch. How dare you treat my husband like that?" I felt nauseous. Husband?
What is this? I glared at her, and she shrank from me.
"Listen, you whore. That is my so-calleddad, and dont you talk to me like that.
While you were sitting therespreading your legs forhim, he was treating his own
family like trash. Watch your mouth." I spat, venom dripping from my words. How
dare she call me a bitch

Her face became pallid, but she laughed. "Dad? You lie really well, you know that?"
She cackled with laughter. She thought this was funny?

There were a whirlwind of emotions that went through my brain as I went up to her
and slapped her. Hard.

I mean, there was a large red hand mark on her pretty face when I was finished. I
had some liquid foundation on my hand when I looked at it. I turned to that man,
thoroughly disgusted.

"You really like fake bitches like her, dont you? I hope you have a happy life and
go to Hell." I snarled, and I just walked away from the scene. I made it through
the double doors before the tears started to fall. I felt someone grab my wrist.

"Anna, wait." Kris said gently, veering me to a more private corner of the lobby.
He wiped the tears from my face and shushed me. "Shh... Im here for you." He hugged
me and stroked my hair, swaying back and forth to calm me. I hiccupped before
finally I stopped crying. He pulled away a little and kissed my nose.

"You are stronger than you think, you know that, Anna?" He wiped the stray tears
from my face and kissed my forehead. I sniffled and he hugged me tightly,
protectively holding my waist.

"I dont really think so..." I mumbled against his chest.His chest vibrated with
forced laughter. "Well, you are. You know why?"

He didnt even wait for an answer. "Even when I was picking on you in high
school,you were resilient. I had no idea about your household life untilI really
got to knowyou now. In elementary school, you had more responsibilities than any
other six-year old girl. But you kept on smiling and laughing and making people
feel like they are worth something, even when you dont feel that way." I was
astonished with what he had said. He looked at my face before he closed the space
between us and kissed me gently.

His hands cupped my face as he turned his head to make the kiss deeper. I returned
the kiss with the same enthusiasm and I felt him smile. He pecked my lips a few
more times before pulling away. "I love you so much, you know that?" He muttered,
leaning his forehead against mine.

"Yeah." I said, poking his sharp nose. "Youre nose is really sharp, you know?"

"Hmm, really?" He had that mischievousglint in his eye. Uh-oh.

"I feel tired all of a sudden." He mumbled, leaning his head on my shoulder,
turning his head into the crook of my neck. "Ack Kris, that tickles" I felt his
nose on the crook of my neck, his breathing giving me goosebumps.

"No, stop moving..." He groaned, hugging me even closer and kissing my collarbone.
"Hey, not here, you idiot. Go back to the dorms and go to sleep." I saw some of the
trainees staring at us, giggling. Some were giving me the dagger glare.

"Li Jiaheng, get off right now. Dont make me do that for you."

"Do what?" He mumbled, snuggling in closer to my neck.

"Not what you are thinking, you perv." I smacked his arm, and that seemed to get
his attention. "Okay, okay. We arent finished yet, missy." He mock-scolded me. I
giggled as we walked hand in hand back to the training room.

=Zariah P.O.V=

"What? Youre kidding right? What the hell would he do that for?" I was seething on
the inside right now, and I felt kind of bad that Kai was on the receiving end of
my anger.

"Dont ask me I am only telling you what I saw from the stairwell" Kai shot back
through the phone, and I heard rustling sounds on the other end. It sounded like
Anna had gotten back, and there was laughter. Kais voice dropped to a whisper.
"Look, Zariah. I got to go, okay?" And he hung up before I could open my mouth.

I sighed and ended the call. Sitting in the parking lot of the airport, I leaned
back in the drivers seat and took a deep breath. There was too much going on at
once, seriously. All of my thoughts evaporated when a security officer knocked on
my window. "Excuse me, maam. Your time meter is up."

Usually I would put up a fight, but this time, I just nodded and rolled up my
window wordlessly. Starting up the car and driving out of the airport, I was in a
daze. It was like my brain was functioning, but not functioning. I barely even
heard my cell-phone ring.

Annas dad had to just do that to her, didnt he? I unconsciously death-gripped the
steering wheel, angry that he had to make her life a living hell by prancing his
fake bitch of a new wife in front of her. Even though my parents were together, I
knew that was too much for a girl like Anna to handle.

I mean, she was still healing from that incident over two months ago. Her dad was
just trying too hard to break her down, and he probably got angry because of it.
Parking my car in the parking garage, I walked up the stairs to the apartment that
Anna and I shared. I opened the door and just collapsed onto the couch. Just as I
was about to fall asleep, Kai had called again.

"Sorry I hung up on you, noona." He apologized, and I could tell he was kind of
freaking out on the inside right now. I laughed dryly.

"Its fine, Kai-goon." I replied, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Dont call me that"

"Then dont call me noona" I countered. I couldnt help but giggle a little bit.

"Zariah, is something wrong?" Kai asked worriedly, and I felt a little happy that
he asked.

"No, dont worry." I replied, smiling to myself. He was a player, but he sure knew
how to make people feel better.

"Well, I cant worry if there isnt anything wrong with you."

"Shut up."

I heard some whispering and rustling at the other end of the line. Kai had beat me
to asking what it was when he said, "Zari, you need to come here. Anna has a
surprise for you"

"What is it?"

"I cant tell you, silly, its a surprise" He laughed.

"Okay, okay Im coming. It better be good." I threatened playfully before ending the
call and getting up. I wonder what the surprise was?

As I walked through the door, I saw Changmin and Yunho. I hadnt seen much of them
since they broke Annas tracking device. "Hey guys" They turned around and looked at
before smiling. "Hey, Zariah-ssi"

"Whats up?"

"Just going up to EXOs studio. Kai texted everyone about some sort of meeting, but
he didnt say what it was." Changmin said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Thats funny, because Im going up there, too." I said, and they looked at each
other before Changmin offered, "In that case, do you want to go together?"

"Sure, why not?" I entered the elevator with them and a couple of the f(x) girls
before the automatic doors closed. The ride up the elevator was silent before I
decided to break the silence. "To this day, I still dont know how you worked that
miracle on that tracker, Changmin-ssi." I said earnestly, and he laughed.

"Yeah, it wasnt much, really. It was definitely worth it." He said humbly, looking
down and suddenly taking interest in his Converse.

"That was Anna that had the tracker on her wrist? What did she do?" Krystal asked,
and I shrugged. She wasnt the smartest when it came to practical things, but she
most definitely wasnt an airhead.

"She didnt do anything. It was just for the paparazzi to follow her." I said, and
she nodded her head in understanding.

"It was probably the most eventful couple months than it ever was. I wish my
trainee days were like that." Amber said, and there was a chorus of agreement
before the elevator doors opened.

"Are you three going to the meeting at EXOs studio?" Krystal asked, and Yunho

"It seems like everyone was invited." He said, and he couldnt be more wrong than

"Nah, only youand some of the Super Junior, SNSD, SHINeeand f(x) memberswere
invited." Amber said, shrugging her shoulders. Invited? So was this a party?

We all reached the door and opened it. Looking around, it was pitch black. "Huh.
Thats weird. There isnt anyone here? Do you all want to leave?" I turned around and
they werent there. "Guys?"

Huh, this is really starting to creep me out. I shrugged off my jacket and walked
into the middle of the room. I looked around when I saw myself in the mirrored
wall. I looked like I lost some weight, which was a good thing, because I needed to
fit into those skinny jeans I bought the other day.

"SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ZARIAH" Oh, I forgot today was my birthday, too. Pretty
pathetic, right? I turned around and saw EXO, Changmin, Yunho, Krystal, Amber,
Hyoyeon, Tiffany, Key, Taemin, Onew, Eunhyuk, Siwon, and Henry in the crowd, among
others. They were all carrying a large birthday cake.

"Oh my God" I squealed, covering my mouth at the sight. "Thank you so much, guys"
My eyes became misty at the sight, and I wish Hangeng was there to witness it.
"Oh, we aint done yet, Zari" Henry wagged a scolding finger at me before the crowd
split and there was Hangeng himself standing there.

pointing an accusing finger at him. He missed his flight because of me?

"I called the manager and he said I could stay in Korea." He said, a smirk playing
on his face.

"How long?"

"How about... indefinite?" My jaw dropped in shock. So does that mean...

"Youll be staying until you WANT to go back??" I said, my eyes popping out of my

"Pretty much."

"But what about your work? And the fans? Oh, what about your schedule??" My voice
involuntarily escalated until it became a squeak. Hannie laughed at my borderline
mental breakdown.

"Ill still be doingmy workhere, you pabo. Ill just be under SM from now on." He

"Dont call me a pabo They all said it was a surprise" I pouted. I was truly happy
for him, soI ran up to him and gave him a big hug. There were a chorus of awwws
that filled the room, and some of the girls even squealed in joy.

"But welcome back anyway, you clown." I said, affectionately pinching his cheek. He
poked my nose in return.

"Thanks, princess."

"OKAY, ENOUGH WITH THE PDA I want some cake" Eunhyuk shouted, breaking the twoof us
apart from our reunion. "Are you jealous, Hyukkie?" Amber joked, and everyone
laughed, including him.

"Yes, I am forever alone" He sobbed dramatically, and everyone laughed even more.
Hyoyeon, being the sweet girl she was, came up and patted him on the shoulder.
"Dont worry, youve got everyone here. So even if you do become the crazy
catajusshi, well still love you."

"Hey, that wasnt funny, Hyoyeon-ah" He whined, and everyone else started to laugh
all overagain.
"But I really do want some cake" Tiffany sang, bringing the cake over and setting
it on the table, with the help of Siwon.

It was a modestly happy affair, everyone was stuffing their faces with cake, Henry
and Amber were acting funny along with Chanyeol. Key was sassing the derp, but his
advice fell on deaf ears with Chanyeol. I was truly happy; my sadness had just
evaporated in a snap.

I prayed that everyone and everything would go as smoothly as it had that day. But
with all good things, it must come to an end, and it was only the beginning of the
real storm that was about to come.


Hmmm... I wonder what that storm will be XD

Im so sorry for this crappy chapter, guys. I am going to be spending some more time
on the next chapter, though. Becausethere is going to be some drama twirls around
like a drunk ballerina

And I dont know about you all, but I really do love me some drama. Seriously. It
puts a lot of emphasis on the story and makes me want to read more. Plus, every
story cant have a happy ending, right?

Does anyone listen to Chocolat? raises a finger meekly I do, and I just listened to
their comeback single, and I am pretty impressed It is in the multimedia section if
you are interested. Plus there is a picture of what Zariah looks like.

I hope you like this chapter and dont forget to VOTE. COMMENT. FAN

Saranghaeyeo 3Nausheen


*** Chapter 37: Baekhyun's Date *** (5 pages)

=Kai P.O.V=

Today we had celebrated Zariahs birthday, which she had obviously forgotten,
because she looked so surprised and starstruckwhen we presented the cake to her.

As the guests started to leave one by one, we started to clean up. Key and Minho,
who were the last ones to stay at the party, helped us a little bit by cleaning up
all the plates and forks. "That was so muchfun We should throw parties in the
studios more often." Key said, his eyes sparkling with glee.

"But you know the rules. Plus, it takes so long trying to get the administration to
agree sometimes." Rinah pouted. Key affectionately ruffled her hair and smiled; it
was too hard to hate a person like Rinah. No wonder Tao liked her.

"Then how did you get to have a party up here?" Minho asked, confused.

"Lets just say we did it behind their backs." Anna whispered, and everyone laughed.

"I heard that" Zariah sang, skipping over to Anna with Hangeng in tow. They were
really cute together, I had to admit. I did have a little crush on her, but then I
realized that she was too far out of my league.

Plus, dating my manager would put the bothof usin an awkward position.

"But I wont say a word. Unless the janitors find a random chocolate stain on the
walls; then weve got some explaining to do." She said, and everyone cracked up.

"Which raises the question. How are we going to take the trash out without anyone
noticing?" I asked, and Anna gasped. "Oh man, youre right I forgot about that The
nearest garbage bin is halfway across the parking lot"

"You could get Tao to do it."

"Hey Just because I know wushu doesnt mean I can fly halfway across the parking lot
like a ninjato take out the trash" Tao whined, lying down on the floor. He mustve
eaten too much cake; his stomach was larger than it was before.

"Yeah, you cant depend on Tao all the time. What about you, Kai?" Baekhyun
defended, looking at me sternly. I sighed and gave in.

"Okay, Ill go take it out now..." Grabbing the two large garbage bags, I made my
way out into the hall and down the back stairwell, grumbling incoherently. I wanted
to avoid as much attention as possible. I was doinga pretty good job of it until I
got to the parking lot.

"Kai-ssi? What are you doing?" One of the janitor ajhummas asked, walking up to me.

I swallowed and smiled stiffly at her. "Just taking out thetrash from the studios."

"Oh, you dont havetodo that, Kai. I can do it for you." She offered, reaching for
my garbage bag. I smiled at her and shook my head.
"No, its okay. I need some more exercise, anyway."I said, giving her a sweet smile,
hoping that it would force her to leave. She seemed to be searching my face before
she laughed.

"Oh, Kai. You are already so skinny You kids and your exercise, you would be
healthier eating more" She smiled fondly before ruffling my hair. "Go on, then. Im
on break, anyway."

"Okay Take care, ajhumma" I sang before running out to the parking lot to take out
the trash. Waving goodbye, she disappeared back into the building and closed the
back door. When I was sure she was out of earshot, I exhaled before hauling one of
the bags over my shoulder and dragging the other to the garbage bin. I managed to
get to the garbage bin in the middle of the parking lot without being seen. After
hauling the large bags over, I dusted my hands off.

"That is such an awkward placement for a garbage bin." I muttered.

"I know, right?" I heard a familiar voice say, and I turned around. Sulli was
standing there, with her training bag in her hands. She had a hand on her hip and
she looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "But why are you hauling two large garbage
bags to the garbage binat this hour?"

I raised a brow at her and let her figure it out. The wheels were slowly starting
to turn and she snapped her fingers in realization. "Oh You had that party for
Zariah-ssi today Im sorry I couldnt make it. I was training for our new song. The
choreography is really hard." I just smiled and nodded, but I knew the real reason.

Zariah and Sulli never really got along. Ever since Zariah joined the company as an
executive, she was jealous of her and always made her feel bad. I did, however,
have a crush on Sulli.

Pretty complicated, right?

"I see, noona. Ill see you later?" Sulli nodded in agreement and smiled as she
walked off to the dorms.

"Back to what I was doing..." I grumbled, trudging back up the same stairs to the
studio, where everyone was still standing around talking. They seemed to be
clustered around a person, who happened to be with Baekhyun. His cheeks were tinted
a light pink out of embarrassment.

This seemed interesting. "Whats up, guys?" My question obviously fell on deaf ears,
because no one bothered to turn around to greet me.

Feeling the love, guys.

"Why are you going on a date with her, of all people??" Anna freaked, throwing her
hands up in the air for emphasis. Date? Our innocent eyelined vocalist is going out
on a DATE? Now this peaked my interest.

"Who is it with?"

"NaEun. Anna still doesnt feel comfortable about it, even though Baekhyun has been
telling her they were best friends back in the day." Kimmie whispered, and then
everything fell into place.

NaEun, the fierce rapper of SuperStar and Baekhyun, the sweet vocal of EXO? Now
that was aninteresting mix.

"Well, she isnt bad once you get to know her. She was just like that to you because
of HeeJin. Otherwise she couldnt hurt a fly" Baekhyun countered, frowning. I was
surprised that Anna was being so touchy about Baekhyun going on a date with her
nemesis. It made me wonder what else I had missed out on. I felt like I had to say
something, even though I wasnt there for a while.

"Anna, maybe you should let Baekhyun go on a date with her. I mean, Baekhyun knows
her the best, right?" I said, and Anna looked at me perplexed.Continuing my point,
I held her gaze. "I know you dont like her, but that doesnt mean that you can hold
Baekhyun back. Then that will make you look like the bad girl."

"Honestly, Ill have to agree with Pea-Brain on this one." Luhan shrugged, and I
shot him a glare. "What? Its true" He raised his hands up in defense.

Anna looked at all of us before she sighed and slumped her shoulders. "Fine, I
guess I can let it slide, but if she does something, dont hesitate to call me and I
will break every single bone in her body. I mean it." She glowered. I shuddered.

I believed that with all of my heart.

"That aside, I think you all should go to bed. Its going to be a pretty busy day
tomorrow." Zariah advised, turning out the lights. The halls were starting to quiet
down as the employees and the artists made their way out of the building. Clustered
in a group, the girls and the boys were all talking about a wide range of topics as
we descended down the elevator.

"Thanks for backing me up there.I was seriously thinking that she was going to
shackle me in my room tomorrow." Baekhyun whispered, giving me a grateful smile.

"No problem. Thats what friends are for. Plus, she isnta bad catch." I winked.

"And here I was thinking that you were being sincere. Lay off, dude." He teased,
nudging my shoulder and grinning like an idiot.
"Had to say something, you know." I countered, and he just chuckled and shook his
head in amusement. "You are something else, Jongin."

"I know Im that amazing."

"Well, Ill see you guys tomorrow then, okay? Get some good sleep, youve got a busy
schedule tomorrow." Zariah said, and she mustve seen Baekhyun freak out a little
bit, because she started to laugh and said, "Dont worry, I cleared some space for
you, so all you have to do is record and go on that date." She shot Baekhyun an
encouraging smile before she left in Gengs car.

"I wonder where hes taking her..." Tao questioned innocently, and I smiled smugly.
"Well see in the morning."

"Yah, Dancing Machine, keep your kinky thoughts to yourself." Kris threatened,
tapping me firmly in the back of the head.

"Nah, I rather live out my fantasies, hyung." I winked, and RiNah clapped her hands
over her ears.

"Enough, Im going to throw up in the nearest trash can if you dont stop" She wailed
in agony, and Tao hugged her and gave me an evil look. Laughter filled the air aswe
went home to prepare for our journey to Dreamland.


=NaEun P.O.V=

"Okay, thats great, girls Good job today" The producer ended our recording session,
giving us a warm smile. I sighed in relief as I took a well-needed swig of water to
soothe my vocal cords. Since HeeJin was kicked out of the group, I had to fill in
the position as a sub-vocal as wellas the rapper.

It sure was hard, but I loved a good challenge.

We were busy preparing for our comeback single, and when I heard our new song, I
instantly had a feeling that it would be our breakthrough song. I just knew it.
There werea lot of emotions going through my head as we listened to the demo track.
But it was mainly excitement and happiness bundled into one.

As we all walked out the studio and complimented everyone on their hard work, I
felt genuinely grateful. I didnt have to hide who I really was anymore, and the
girls were equally as graceful and happy. It was the most wonderful feeling and it
felt like a big burden was taken off my shoulders.

The producer took us all aside and gave us a warm smile at all of us. He didnt do
that when HeeJin was there, and I was a little taken aback. "You all are such hard-
working rookies, I wish I saw all the rookies work as hard as you all do." He
complimented, patting our heads.

"Thank you very much, Producer-nim." We bowed together in unison and smiled at him.
I looked at our visual on my right, HanAh, and she was elated as she shot him her
famous soft smile. Then my eyes went to our adorable maknae, JiYoon, who had her
eye-smile on her highest level. I never saw them this happy in a long time, and at
that moment, I was never morepleased to have these girls by my side.

We walked out into the sunshine, and HanAh turned to me. "Unnie, dont you have a
date with Baekhyun Oppatoday?" Oh crap

"Oh no I completely forgot" I freaked, taking out my mirror and checking my makeup
fervently. The two of them laughed.

"Unnie, calm down It isnt until 6:30" JiYoon giggled, gently taking the pocket
mirror out of my hands and placing it back in my purse. "Plus, Im sure Baekhyun
Oppawont mind that your eye makeup is a little smudged. You are still really
pretty." She gushed, and I knew she wasnt just saying that. She was a very blunt
girl, but she was really sweet.

"Come along, girls We need to get you all to the stylists today" Our manager
hustled us along into the van, and we took off. We stopped at a small salon in
Seoul; we werent that famous in Korea yet, so we didnt have that big of a budget to
work off on. As was stepped into the salon, the lady at the counter smiled at us.
"Hello, guys I heard your demo track, it was great"

"Thanks" We chorused.

"The other girls are in the back waiting for you all. Better hurry" She sang,
gathering us into the small but cozy makeup and hair section of the salon. As soon
as we sat down, the stylists got to work on dying our hair.

I couldnt see what my hair was going to look like, but I was sure it was going to
be really cool. Bye bye, blonde hair

I checked the clock and sighed in relief. Good, its only 2:45... I mused, and
thewoman cutting my hairchuckled quietly.

"Do you have a date today, NaEun-ssi?" She asked, and I grinned. "Yeah. Its with my
childhood friend from school."

"Ooh, that sounds like fun" She replied, coming to the front and cutting my bangs.
I smiled. "Yeah,Im really excited, and a little nervous."

"Have you seen him often?" She asked me, and I shrugged. "Only around the company.
I havent talked to him in two years. We just started to talk recently."

She knew why, but she didnt address it, so she told me something. "Its normal to be
a little nervous on your date. Its agood thing. Is he really handsome?"

"Yeah..." I blushed; thinking about Baekhyun made thebutterflies in my stomach

flutter faster.

"You will be fine, NaEun-ssi. Youre all done" She smiled kindly as she took off the
apron and I stood up from the chair. I was please with the result; my hair was dyed
in an auburn to light brown ombre style, with bangs and feathery layers. Fierce but

"NaEun Unnie You look so pretty" JiYoon squealed in delight, clapping her hands. I
blushed and looked down at my feet. "Thanks... you look great, too, JiYoon-ah" I

Her hair was kept at her long locks, it was just trimmed to the middle of her chest
and it was dyed black with bright red streaks in it, with feathery layers. Her
bangs were swept to the side and were tipped with the bright red.

"JiYoon-ah What did I tell you about playing with ketchup?" HanAh joked, emerging
from the canvas mini studio. Her hair was cut up to her chin in one layer, framing
her face and the slighty longer layer fanned out. Her hair was now dyed red, but
not as bright as JiYoons. It was more of a natural red.

"I think NaEun Unnie looks the prettiest" HanAh nodded. I was embarrassed at the
sudden compliment.

"You guys look really pretty, too" I complimented, and we were all herded to the
nail part of the salon.

Our nails took a lot less time to do, because we already had ours done a while
back. I only had mine done in a black tipped French manicure with little
rhinestones forming haphazard patterns. It was actually very cute.

As we emerged from the salon, we had a few fans that wanted our autographs and we
obliged. It took longer than I thought, and I checked my phone. 4:00, Ive got
enough time, butI wonder what Baekhyun Oppais doing. He isnt the best when it comes
to time...

=Baekhyun P.O.V=

I collapsed on the couch and sighed. It was a long day of recording, and I came
home early. The other boys were busy doing interviews and stuff, and Inkigayo was
justa month away. I ran a hand through my hair and looked at my phone. "4:00... I
guess I can take a nap for a while. I didnt get a whole lot of sleep last night." I
muttered to myself, getting up from the couch and waddling off to my room.There was
no noise, and I didnt want to get ready for the date at 6:30 yet.

2 hours later...

I groaned as I opened my eyes from my sleep. I rubbed the sleep out of them and I
stretched my arms over my head, cracking some bones in the process. I then noticed
my phone by my pillow and checked the time and my eyes widened in horror. "OH SHIT
IVE ONLY GOTA HALF HOUR" I shrieked, flying out of the bed and into the bathroom. I
quickly brushed my teeth and hopped into the shower. After cleaning myself up, I
walked to my closet and sighed. There wasnt much in my closet, but I decided on a
simple t-shirt and jeans with sneakers. After all, it was a date to an amusement

I grabbed the key, my wallet and my cell phone and checked the time. Whew, only

Jumping into my car, I raced out to pick up NaEun. I saw her standing in front of
the SM dorms wearing the same thing, only with worn-out converse sneakers. I smiled
a little bit. Shes the same old NaEun that Ive known in high school. She hasnt
changed at all; well, except for her body and stuff...

"Hey, Baekhyun Oppa" She sang happily as she climbed into my car. "I like your car.
Its really nice." Marveling at the leather and the design of the car, I chuckled;
she reminded me of a little kid. NaEun was bouncing on the seat and she squealed
before she caught me staring at her. Then she tried playing it cool.

"Whats so funny?"

"Your hair is different."

"Yah Dont change the subject"

"I wasnt That was what I was laughing at"

"Does it look bad?" NaEun mustve taken it the wrong way, because she looked hurt
from the comment. I shook my head rapidly. "I was just kidding, NaEun-ah."

"Where are we going?" She switched the subject effortlessly, shrugging off the
throwaway comment. She was really chill about the comment, and that was the only
thing that changed about her.

"Were going to Lotte World. Unless you want to go somewhere else." I offered almost
wholeheartedly. I didnt really think of another place other than Lotte World when I
was coming here, but I think we could fix that as we were driving around.

NaEun thoughtfully tapped her chin before deciding a plan. "Why dont we drive
around and see what catches our eye first?" She smiled at me as I started to pull
out of the parking lot. The drive around town was really awkward, until NaEun
started to fiddle around with the radio.

"What are you doing?"

"Just looking for Inkigayo reruns. What station is it on?"

"Here, Ill do it." I tuned the knob until it settled on the Inkigayo radio station.
There were the screams of thousands of fans packed into an auditorium and the MCs
announcing the winner of the competition. "And the winner is... SUPERSTAR WITH

"I miss the stage." She said suddenly, sighing with the abrupt nostalgic feeling of
remorse. Then I had an idea.

"How about we go to that caf over there?" I offered, pointing out the small shop as
I parked on the side of the road. I had a little plan for her, I knew that this caf
had a stage where anyone could go and sing.NaEun looked bewildered as she unbuckled
her seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

"This place?" She pointed, and she looked at it for a while before she finally just
shrugged and started to enter the building. I hurried after her and took a seat by
her in the booth.

"Oppa? Do you want to playa game?" NaEun offered, looking at me with those eyes.

"What game?"

"Lets play Mercy, and whoever looses has to do what the winner tells them to." I
smirked at her courage. Who did she think she was to challenge the Mercy King?

"Oho, okay" I guffawed as we gripped each others hands. I felt cold wind snap
around me like a storm when I grabbed her hand. Well, that was weird.

We played the game until our hands were red and sore. "Okay, okay, you win" I gave
up, the final slap sending me over the edge. NaEun did a little happy dance in her
chair and squealed with delight. "Yay Oppa I dare you to go up to that stage and
sing our single." I paled. Oh God...

"Ugh, you are such a Devils child."

"But you still love me" She sang, shooting me a puppy glance.

"Sure, whatever." I joked before going up there and grabbing the mike.
The stupid mike decided to give some feedback, and all of a sudden, everyones eyes
were on me and I heard some girls squeal in glee. NaEun, you are so dead...

"H-Hi..." I stammered, and the girls started to squeal even more. I ignored them
and pressed on. "Im going to be singing SUPERSTARs Do Come Back, thank you." The
barista put in the CD and the music started to play. I was a little shy at first,
but as the song progressed, I started to throw in dumb moves on my own, and I
earned myself a standing ovation when I was finished with the song.

As I made my way back to the table, NaEun patted my back. "You did well, Oppa." She
shot me a grin as she handed me a Frappuccino to calm my nerves. "Thanks, NaEun-
ah." I patted her head and sat back down in the booth.

We caught up with each other and talked until the barista requested us politely to
leave because it was closing time. All we did was talk and talk and talk until I
had to drop her off. "Thank you for today, Oppa Good night" She called out, and
waved goodbye as I pulled out of the parking lot and into my parking space.

Today was a great day, and I couldnt wait for tomorrow.

AWWWWW Little Bacon, I didnt know you had it in you squeals even though it is a
fanfic and it will probably never happen So SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE
LATE UPDATE. Happy July 4th? facepalms at my lame excuse

But ANYWAY Thank you all so much for giving this story so much love. Like, you have
no idea how I feel when you compliment my writing and read. In fact, I almost spit
out my cereal in shock when I read how many reads this story has gotten. 31K. 31K
reads, guys. My mind is blown right now, seriously. All I could utter was
OMGKESFSJFDNKSNFIEWNFS31KREADSEROFJDOFJE. My roomie was looking at me and thinking
that I had finally lost my mind. LOL

I love you all so much Heres a fluffy panda and an apple. Apples keep the doctors
away, you know I love you all, and have an awesome weekend. And Happy belated 4th
of July. Calis fireworks are so much better than Michigan fireworks, seriously...
Even though I couldnt see them all becauseof a STUPID TREE. Sheesh. Oh well, at
least I can say I saw fireworks for the 4th of July.

So enough of my ceasless ranting, and VOTE. COMMENT. and FAN


*** Chapter 38: I Have Something To Say... *** (3 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

Taking a break from packing my room,I sat by my bedroom window and watchedas
Baekhyuns car pulled up by the curb. I saw NaEun get out of the car, and saw a
glimpse of an eyeliner-free Baekhyun smiling at her and waving good night.
Thankfully, they were both smiling and happy. Even though I had opposed it at
first, I was relieved that it had gone so well.

"You almost done packing?" Zariahs voice filled the empty room and I turned around.
I pointed to the boxes that littered around the room and said, "Yeah, that is my
room stuffed into those boxes." Slumping my shoulders, I leaned on the now-bare
wall. It used to have pictures of random K-pop stars, family and friends and just
cute animal pictures that Zariah and I printed out from Google Images.

Now it was a clean slate. Just like my switch to YG.

"I feel like it will be a great move for you, buddy." I felt Zariahs hand on my
shoulder, looking out the dorm parking lot. Looking out at Seoul, I said nothing.

I felt that way too, but there were just too many memories that were in this very
room itself, it was overwhelming. It would be too hard just to get rid of all of

The first time meeting EXO. My 21st birthday. The tracker and how Changmin
miraculously got it off. Kris and I having a fake date. Hooking Zariah and Hangeng
up. The now-unbreakable friendships I have with RiNah, Kimmie, TVXQ, SuJu-M, EXO
and F(x).

My first kiss in the most dire circumstances in this room.

It was too hard to let go. I felt the certain sting in my nose and my throat and
felt the wet on my cheeks. I was crying.

"Please dont cry, buddy. It will be okay." Zariah cooed, wiping my eyes and hugging

"Its too hard. I dont want to leave" I choked out, and she patted my head. "Well, I
dont want you to get hurt, so it will be best for you to go. And look, we arent
that far away. Not everyone gets scouted into YG like you." She reassured and I
felt a little better.

"ZARIAH WE WANT FOOD" Our friend moment was cut abruptly by a door slamming shut
and multiple feet walking into the small apartment. I heard the undeniable voice of
EXO chorus loudly, and I shook my head, thoroughly amused. Boy will always be boys.
"GO ORDER SOMETHING, YOU IDIOTS" Zariah screeched at them. I was really feeling the
love between them. "You want to go out there? Or do you want to stay in here?" She
inquired, helping me up from the floor. Wiping away my tears and straightening
myself up, I walked towards the door with Zariah following behind me.

"Ill go out and tell them. They need to know, too." I said.

=Kris P.O.V=

"No I havent had pineapple in YEARS" Xiumin wailed, pointing to the topping on the
pizza menu. I sighed and shook my head. Him and Tao were at it AGAIN. This time ,
it was over pizza toppings.

"Well, why dont we just get a bunch of pizzas with different toppings? So none of
you have to fight?" Suho suggested, swiping the pizza menu off the table and
looking at it. "Hmm... how about vegan? Its got everything on it."

"Hey guys" Anna bounced in, giving everyone a hug. "Hey gramps" She greeted Suho,
and he lowered his head in embarrassment as everyone laughed at his nickname. "Dont
be embarrassed Thats adorable" Ruffling the leaders hair affectionately, she

"No it isnt It makes me sound old" Suho whined, and to reiterate his point,
Chanyeol decided to act like an old man. "Oh, Anna-yah, can you crack my back for
me? I cant seem to-- OUCH" Suho couldnt tolerate the creepsters teasing and smacked
him upside the head. The boy had an impish grin on his face with Suhos normally
calm face steaming with annoyance.

I laughed at them like the rest of the other members. Zariah just stood by the door
and shook her head in amusement.

"Actually I have something to tell you all." Anna interrupted, and everyone looked
at each other with confused looks on their faces. She had something to tell us?

"Well... ah... Im going to be switching to YG Entertainment." She muttered, but we

all heard it. There was a silence in the room as everyone was trying to process the
information. You could heara pin drop from the silence.

She was switching? This quickly? I did see her reasoning, though. What had happened
couple months ago was too much stress for someone like Anna to handle. But did she
have to give up this easily?

"So... when are you leaving?"

"Im leaving next week..." She said, and the members seemed to be unanimously hurt
by the shock and the fact that she didnt want to tell any of us earlier.
"Does anyone else know about this?" Baekhyun asked her, and she nodded. "I already
told RiNah, Kimmie and Amber."

"Well, its a relief that we werent the last ones, right guys?" Lay asked hopefully,
and we all hesitantly nodded our heads in unison. Anna sighed in exasperation.

"I didnt know news would travel this quickly, guys. I was recruited a month ago

"Recruited? YG??" D.O squeaked, his eyes the size of dinner plates. She nodded and
smiled at him. "That is so cool..." He said in awe, and I blushed. "Th-thanks..."

"So... will you still visit us once in a good while?" I asked hopefully, looking up
at Anna like a puppy. "Of course Why wouldnt I visit you?" And after a while, she
hesitantly added, "...and everyone else too, I guess..." They all laughed at her
obvious disappointment. It made me feel good that she wanted to spend time with me

"Congrats, though, Anna. Thats amazing and I hope you havea successful career."
Suho chimed in, and we all nodded our heads in unison. I felt empty, but I was
really glad that she will have a better career and life in YG. It was a good
entertainment agency.

The doorbell chimed and the smell of pizza wafted into the dorm. "Pizza time"
Xiumin yelled, and everyone dug in likea pack of wolves.

While everyone was busy scarfing down the pizza like there was no tomorrow, I took
Annas hand and we walked down to her room. I left the door open because I didnt
want any of the members having... misunderstandings.

"Im sorry." Anna blurted out before I could open my mouth.

"What are you sorry for?"

"That I didnt tell you all first. Im such a bad person." She chided herself, and
suddenly I felt angry. Grabbing her by the shoulders, I looked at her with

"Dont ever say that, do you understand? You arent a bad person. I am a lucky guy to
have a girl like you by my side. Even HeeJin didnt make me feel this way." I said,
and Annas eyes welled up with tears as she hugged me. I threaded my fingersthrough
her hair to comfort her.

"Dont cry, please. I really hate seeing you cry."I whispered in her ear shakily. I
felt my tears coming out, but I held them in.
"I-I cant help it, Kris. I-Its just--" I couldnt take it anymore, so I just kissed
her. This kiss wasnt like the rest of our kisses. It meant much more than a random
liplock, we poured out our feelings for each other into the kiss. I didnt realize
how much I kissed her until I pulled back and Annas lips were a little swollen.

"You look like you ate something spicy." I smirked, and Anna blushed as she hit my
chest. "Sh-shut up..."

"Actually I have something to give you." She cocked her head to the side, her eyes
filled with curiosity as I fished out a small box. My hands were sweaty and I was
anxious; I hope she liked the present that I will give her.

Flashback: An hour ago...

"Welcome, sir How can we help you today?" A cheerful stout woman greeted as the
small shop bell tinkled. I was walking around Seoul, looking for a jeweler store
that was discreet to avoid any scandals, and somehow my feet had taken me here. I
had heard that this store was very unique and many K-pop stars come here because of
the privacy and friendly service.

"Umm... Im just looking for a special ring to give my girlfriend." I said,

scratching the back of my head nervously. As much as I hated to admit, I had done
this with HeeJin before, but she was with me at the time. We just bought the cheap
ones at the roadside stands. But this time, it was intended to be a surprise for

"Ahh. We have a selection of couple rings over here." She replied, giving me a warm
smile and leading me to a glass case with many rings.

I hadnt realized it was going to be so hard to pick one. They were all beautiful.

The woman saw my face and chuckled. "What does your girl like to do? Whats her
personality? You can ask yourself these questions when picking out the ring." She
advised, standing behind the counter and polishing a pendant.

Then it hit me likea tidal wave, and I knew what type of ring I wanted to get her.
Anna had always liked a simple but sophisticated style.

"May I see that one?" I pointed to the one that had a plain sliver band with a
small diamond in the middle with onyx on either side. It was perfect.

"Ah, your girlfriend is the active type, isnt she? She doesnt like to sit still for
long periods of time." The woman deduced and I was stunned. She summed up Annas
personalityin less that ten seconds perfectly. She smiled at me and then said, "You
can tell a persons personality and story through a simple ring. Its really
abeautiful thing."
"Is that why you started to become a jeweler?" I asked as I paid for the ring.

"I suppose so. And the fact that I like to see peoples faces light up when they
exchange rings. Its truly satisfying when you see peoples happiness like that." She
said, a small smile playing on her lips. Handing me the small box, she gave mean
encouragingsmile. "Good luck, young man."

Flashback END

Opening the box, I revealed the ring. She gasped in astonishment as I took out the
ring and slipped it on her finger. It was a perfect fit.

"Im giving this to you so you wont forget me when you become famous. Whenever you
miss me, just look at the ring and I will be there." I said, kissing her forehead.
Her small frame shook, and tears of happiness dropped to the floor.

"I-Its... its so pretty, Kris. Thank you." She sniffled,wrapping her arms around
myneck and hugging me back.

There was the sound ofa camera flashing and I caught Lay redhanded, interrupting
our precious moment. "Daaawwwww, you two look so ADORABLE" He gushed, looking at
the picture he had just taken and ran off. "LAY YOU ARE SO DEAD" I yelled, and
there was laughter in the living room.

I will never forget this.


AWWWWWWWW Wasnt that cute, guys?? Im sorry this was so short. Im really busy and
stuff, and with all the fasting (yep, Im Muslim :DD), Ive been kind of lazy. So Im
sorry about that :( This story is coming to an end soon, and I just want to thank
you all for supporting this story from beginning to end. Holy moly, 36K reads? And
its almost hitting 37K now. This is amazing Never had I imagined my story getting
so many reads.

Awww man, Im crying again...

But anywho Did anyone see Jay Parks new song I Like 2 Party? 0 DANG THAT WAS
AMAZING I love how he put girls of different ethnicities into the music video. It
was amazing Although I was a little iffy on the makeup. Lips that glow in the dark?
I think Ill pass on that O_o

But THANK YOU SO MUCH, GUYS You all are amazing, so Vote Comment Fan

Saranghaeyeo Nausheen3

*** Chapter 39: New Beginnings *** (4 pages)

=Anna P.O.V=

"Bye, guys Be good" I yelled after the white van withtwelve arms waving wildly. As
it waspulling out of the parking lot, I was waving frantically at the boys. I was
really going to miss them.

But I had to move on.

"Ready to go inside and settle down, miss?" The receptionist kindly asked, waiting
for me to respond. I looked back at the new dorm I was going to be staying at and I
nodded. As we went up on the elevator, there were YG music videos playing on the
panels. I couldnt really see myself up there, butI did hope it was going to be

"Heres your dorm, hon. There will be two other girls staying with you in this dorm.
The rules are in the packet I gave you, and I am pretty sure you know all the
procedures regarding training, right?"

She didnt even wait for my respond before saying, "Unpack and come to the
Presidents office within an hour, arasso?" Again, she didnt wait for my response
before she power-walked out the door and slammed shut. I looked around the room and
my eyes hurt from all the white.

"Well, time to do some cleaning."

45 minutes later

I stepped out of my bedroom door and took a look at my newly decorated room. It was
quite an improvement from the sterile white it was about an hour ago. The bed was a
mess of fluffy purplepillows and stuffed animals on top, with a rainbow blanket
thrown on top. There were Christmas lights strung all around my room and the
pictures were retaped onto the opposite wall.

The desk was filled with all of my little trinkets and my laptop on top, plus the
little bookshelf above it was filled with my notebooks and my favorite novels.

It wasnt the same, but I still was somewhat satisfied with my work. While I was
working on my room, I half-expected some of the EXO guys to burst in with a bento
or something, but it was silent.
It was getting harder and harder to adjust to my new company. I then looked at my
watch and decided to go to YG-nims office directly instead of self-touring the
whole building. Better safe than sorry, right? Plus, I will already be training
starting tomorrow, so I was hoping that one of the trainees would be nice enough to
help me through the building.

But I quickly learned not to get my hopes up too soon.

As I walked into the main campus of YG, there was a sense of business and urgency
in the air, unlike SM, where everything seemed relaxed and happy. Everyones faces
were focused on whatever they were doing, and there was a lot of hustle-bustle
going on.

I felt completely opposite from welcome; I felt completely alone, and it really
discouraged me.

"Are you alright?" I heard a soft voice, and looking up to see a pretty girl
staring at me. She must be a trainee too.

"Umm... do you know where the directors office is?" I asked hesitantly, bracing
myself for the onslaught bound to happen. But instead, she smiled.

"Actually, Im going to the directors office too. Do you want to go together?" She
asked, and I quickly nodded my head so fast I was afraid I got whiplash.

"My name is JoonMi, but you can call me Joo." Sticking out her hand, she introduced
herself. I returned the gesture and grinned.

"Im Annalise Luo. But you can call me Anna." Joosuddenly had a sour look on her
face that somewhat confused me. She smiled and shook my hand stiffly, although the
sudden change in attitude threw me off. I had a bad feeling about his girl, I dont
really know why.

"Cool, lets go."

I walked side by side with her, trying to start up conversation with her, but
failed. It always ended up being awkward and strange. It felt likean itchy wool
blanket suffocating the air around us.

Thankfully, she didnt lead me to an abandoned closet and throw me in there, but
instead went up to the directors office and sat there quietly as we waited our
turn. As I sat and looked at her, I wondered what made her so bitter so quickly.

But nothing came into my head.

"YG-nim wants to see you two now." The secretary said, giving us a small smile as
we entered the YG office.

"Ahh, hello you two. How are you both?" He greeted warmly, gesturing to the couch
in front of him. I sat in the plush sofa and looked around his office. It was
shelves upon shelves of little figurines. I smiled; even though he was a head of a
big company, he was still a kid at heart.

"Good." We said at the same time, and I felt right at home. Even though he was the
head of a great company, his office had a homey feel to it, and I really liked

"I wanted to talk to you two about our plans concerning you two." He started out,
and I prayed to God right then and there that he wouldnt put me in a duo with her.
I would have no clue how to solve the awkwardness between us.

"We are thinking of putting you two and ten other trainees into a girl group. We
dont know the name of the group right now, but we will be posting practice videos
of each member as a trailer sort of thing, you know? Get the public hyped about you
all. And Anna," He suddenly directed his conversation at me. "I know youve been
through a lot, but you must train as hard as everyone else, understand?" I knew
that he meant well, but out of the corner of my eye, I could see Joo have the
tiniest hint ofa smirk plastered on her face. I nodded and played off as if I didnt
see it.

"You also, JoonMi." The arrogant smirk was instantly replaced with an embarrassed
expression, and I returned her smirk. Two can play at this game, bitch.

The three of us went through the rest of the plan together, and he was very patient
and kind, cracking small jokes here and there. He definitely knew what he was

"The plans are pretty much finalized, and you all are set to debut around...
December?" he mentally calculated in his head. "Theres a very slim chance of not
following through with the plan, and if that is the case, well have to come up with
something else. But for now, just focus on whats in the present, okay?" We both
nodded out heads in unison.

"Good, that is all I wanted to talk to you both about today. Off to training you
go" He smiled as he waved us out of his office.

"Im so excited" Joo squealed to herself, and I just nodded. "Although it wouldve
been much better without you." She directed at me, glaring daggers out of her eyes.
Oh my God. This girl is worse than HeeJin.

"I can say the exact same thing about you, hon." I retorted sharply, leaving her
gaping after me. If there was one thing Kris had taught me, it was not to take shit
from anyone. And I definitely wasnt about to do that.
=Zariah P.O.V=

"I wonder how shes holding up. I bet the trainees are nicer there." Xiumin wondered
aloud as the makeupnoona put on his eyeliner. They were backstage at a concert
again, this time we were going to be throwing in a sneak peak forEXOs newest album.

I was wondering the exact same thing. I think SM had the members powers all mixed
up. Xiumin would make a great mindreader, of all things.

"Shell be fine, guys. Were only a half an hour away from their dorm. Plus, RinAh
and Kimmie are switching back and forth from YG, so Im sure they can tell us,
right?" I turned to the two girls, and they nodded sullenly.

Jeez, it just seems like Anna has sucked the energy out of this place.

"Cheer up Shes in a better place now."

"You make it sound like she just died or something." Chen said.

"Shut up, you troll."

"Jeez, love you too." He pouted before starting to annoy Sehun. Poor Sehun, hes
always been the funny one to pick on.

"Anyway, lets just hurry up and get a move on, okay? This show isnt going to run by
itself." I clapped my hands and everyone gathered around. "Well be doing this
performance for Anna, okay?"

Everyone nodded their heads, Kriss being the most dramatic. "1, 2, 3, HWAITING" We
all cheered and they all started to file out the door. Right when Kris was walking
by, I gently grabbed his arm. "You okay, Kris?"

"Yeah, Im okay."


"Yes." He replied in a bored tone, and I suddenly felt like a mother talking to her
teenage son.

"Get out there and show them what you got, Tiger." I encouraged, and Kris just
rolled his eyes. "You sound like a grandpa."

"Just doing my job." I replied, and I saw a small sliver of a smile grace his face
before he left. I was a bit worried about him. He was just standingthere, not
joining any conversation like he usually does and was staring at a ring on his
finger. It was probably a couple ring he and Anna bought.

But I couldnt be too sure.

"Zariah" A Chinese-accented voice called, and I smiled and turned around. "Hey,
Hannie" He was also performing with them. I must say, he looked dashing in his
stage costume.

"I told you not to call me that in public" He whined, making some of the coordi
people laugh quietly.

"It suits you and your manliness."

"No, youre just trying to call me a sissy again."

"Youre right, I am." I teased playfully.

"Whos calling you a sissy?" A sassy voice boomed down the corridor. Oh boy, please
dont tell me--

"Heeeeechuuuuuulll Zariah was calling me a sissy" HanKyung wailed playfully as

Heechul approached the two of us. Heechul gave me a small glare before he shrugged.

"Eh, shes your girlfriend. I cant do anything about that." I started to guffaw with
laughter as Hankyungs mouth fell agape. "Yeoboshut your mouth or youll catch flies"
I sang sweetly, and he turned to give me playful glare.

"Too late, my feelings are hurt. No amount of aegyo will cure me." He wailed
dramatically, throwing his hands up to the sky and faking a tear.

"Im sorry"

"Its okay"

"Ewww, you guys both look so dirty, aish. Even Heebum looks better than the both of
you." Heechul complained, scrunching up his face in disgust and walking off into
the changing rooms.

"Do you think Heechul is jealous?"

"Nah, hell get over it, Heebum is his soulmate anyway." Han shrugged, taking my
hand and leading me out to the side of the stage that EXO was performing at. They
were doing really well, I was proud of these boys and how far they came.
My thoughts wandered off to Anna. Is she okay? I really hoped that she was making
friends; she isnt the type to just sit back and watch the action. Hannie noticed my
deep thinking and pinched my arm to bring me back down to Earth.


"Dont worry, Zari. Shes fine. If you are so curious, why dont you call her?" He
suggested. To be honest, I did consider that, but my phone had died earlier, much
to my convenience.

"My phones dead."

"Oh, use mine then" I gratefully took Hannies phone to call her. It took me a while
to find her number, partially because it was under a name other than Annalise. But
when I did call her, she didnt pick up, so I left her a voicemail.

"What did she say?" His eyes shone with such excitement, I almost hated to break
the news to him.

"She didnt pick up. I just left hera voicemail."

"Oh. Shes probably sleeping or practicing or doing whatever you girls do." He
shrugged, as if he was already used to his cousins carelessness.

"Probably." After some more small talk, it was time for Hangeng to go up on stage.
I wished him luck before he left to go backstage.

I wished Anna good luck for her debut, and I had a feeling everything was okay.

=Anna P.O.V=

"COME ON NO RESTING YOU NEED TO GET FIT" The physical trainer blew her whistle
harshly and she started to screech out the randomest things about health or

I definitely wasnt expecting this. Then again, this whole day had been a bundle of

After and even more grueling workout, the physical training was over. I was glad
that dancing was next on my list that I was given today. It was the last thing I
had to do before I could go to my dorm and rest.

Grabbing my things, I noticed that I had a lot of mixed calls. It was mostly during
my training period, so I had a legit reason to miss them. But I just decided to
call them anyway. The phone rang a couple of times before Zariah finally picked up.
There was a lot of background noise; she mustve been at the concert today.

We just talked for a little bit before she handed it to the EXO boys, who had just
finished performing. The call was filled with laughter, and all of a sudden they
didnt feel so far away from me. After the initial chaos died down, Kris took the
opportunity to grab the phone and talk to me.


"Hey, Kris. How was the concert?"

"It was pretty good. Is YG okay?"

"Yeah. Its a lot different from SM, but I can handle it."

"I know. You okay? You sound exhausted."

"A little bit. I miss you a lot."

I heard Kris chuckle before he answered, "I miss you too. But you will be in a
better position, trust me."

"I have to go, my dance practice starts soon."

"Okay, love you"

"Love you too" I sang before I hung up the phone. I sighed as I held my phone close
to my chest and smiled to myself.

Maybe this change wasnt going to be so bad after all.


ONE MORE CHAPTER BEFORE THE END, GUYS I want to thank you all so much for
supporting this story. You all have been so amazing, you cant even think of how
great I feel reading your comments This story reached almost 45K reads?? Dang, my
mind = BLOWN. That is just... wow. Im so glad that my story has been so popular It
touches me :,D

Im actually in the Minneapolis airport right now updating XD Ive been traveling all
day and I just want to fall asleep on my own bed whenI get home. For those of you
who are all why the hell is she updating at an airport, I was in Cali for 8 weeks
for an Arabic intensive course. I must say, I can speak like a pro now LOL. This
has been the most amazing summer ever, and I am almost sad that its going to end so
quickly. Im going to miss a lot of the girls that I became friends with.

We literally had a cry-fest in the middle of the sidewalk during graduation. It was
just such a great experience for everyone.

But yeah, now you know Back to K-pop related things Ive been obsessed with VIXX
lately. Their songs are so freaking amazing I loved all of their concepts since
they had debuted in 2012. Their newest song is in the Multimedia section.
Everything is in REWIND, even their lipsyncing was recorded in rewind It is a
really amazing song and video. Leo, stop killing me with your shy little smile over
and over again. Hyukkie So adorable as usual XD

I think Im going to be making a VIXX fanfiction next XDDD

Okay, Ill just wrap it up here LMAO. Vote, Comment, Fan Saranghaeyeo

3333 Nausheen


*** Epilogue *** (3 pages)

This whole chapter is going to be in Author P.O.V. Just throwing that out there.
Enjoy :D Dedicated to ExTorious for the amazing new cover :D

=5 Years Later...=

"And the first place trophy goes to... GALAXY" The MCs announced happily, and the
12 girls screamed and bounced around on the stage. As they were holding their
trophy, the sunbaes and hoobaes were throwing confetti and congratulatory remarks
left and right.

Anna was truly blessed to have these girls with her.

"Anna The trophy looks so shiny" RiNah squealed in happiness, her petite frame
being overwhelmed by the large gold contraption. Anna nodded and smiled in
agreement; she was in awe of the trophy that was theirs yet again. She could never
get over the feeling of satisfaction of winning a Music Bank or Inkigayo trophy.

"Be careful not to drop it, youll face the wrath of all of us like you did the last
time." Kimmie scolded playfully. She never let RiNah live that down; Anna wondered
what their friendship was based off of sometimes.
You all are probably thinking, why are RiNah and Kimmie in the group, werent they
supposed to be in SM?

In that case, let me tell you what happened.

After Anna was switched into YG, Lee SooMan was a little remorseful for letting go
one of his best trainees, so he called up the two other girls that happened to be
training back and forth between the two companies; RiNah and Kimmie.

Long story short, they along with the nine other girls debuted together.

Joo and Anna have started to get along a little better now, as she felt bad for
giving Anna the cold treatment when she first joined. She later explained that she
had a bad experience in China and that she had thought that all Chinese people were
the same. Which didnt make a whole lot of sense, but Anna let it go anyway.

"We would like to thank our Lightyears for helping us out We wouldnt be here
without them" The leader JayJay said into the microphone, and it was more than

They were insanely close to disbanding, but the fans picked up and now they were
here. As they headed down to the changing rooms, Anna looked at the ring on her
finger and smiled. Kris really had given her a lucky ring.

"Hey guys Congrats on your win You deserved it" JiYoon said, walking up to the
twelve girls. NaEun and HanAh were behind her, big smiles plastered on their faces.
Even though they were rivals when it came to these types of shows, they had a
pretty good friendship with the rest of Galaxy, including Anna. Anna smiled back
and replied, "Thanks You did well too" She spied the couple ring on NaEuns finger
and smiled to herself.

NaEun and Baekhyun had been going steady for the past four years, and they were the
cutest couple ever. HanAh and JiYoon teased her a lot about it, but they were
supportive of it. It seemed like HeeJin was nothing but a distant memory for them.
They talked to each other for a while before their manager herded SuperStar to
their next schedule. Anna looked around the corridor and sighed. She hadnt seen EXO
since she came back down from the stage.

Speaking of, EXO creeped up behind them and scared them senseless. "Hey guys
Congrats on your win" Chen shouted in the petite leaders ear. The microphone
screeched feedback into her ear, and Jay winced a little.

"Thanks, but there was a microphone in here." She grumbled, pointing to her ear.
Anna giggled; JayJay reminded her of Kris.

"Chen, you idiot, what was that for?" Chanyeol scolded, slapping him upside the

"Come on, guys, thats enough" Anna smiled at them. She couldnt forget about these
guys for a long time.

"Anna" Kris tackled her from behind and hugged her. The girls and guys
simultaneously cooed in admiration. "Hey, Kris I missed you a lot." Anna replied,
giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Kris had started to break out of his cold
demeanor ever since they started to date five years ago. Anna loved his sense of
humor; dry but not overly offensive.

"Congrats on your award, girls. I think we should all go somewhere to eat." Kris
suggested, and HiYeon piped up before anyone else, "I want to eat some barbecued

"Yeah, I havent eaten that in a while." D.O trailed off and there were nods of
approval around the room. Just then, Zariah and Galaxys manager came in, with
Hangeng in tow.

"Where are you going to eat without me?" Zariah pointed an accusing finger at the
girl, and Anna laughed. "Aww, you know you guys are invited, too"

"We better be Im starving" Their manager said, rubbing his flat stomach, and
everyone laughed. Anna liked their manager; he was a good-natured guy and he knew
how to make the girls get their things done.

"Well, what the hell are we waiting for? Lets go" Elli yelled, bolting for the
door. Anna laughed and shook her head as she realized an obvious truth; the maknae
will always be the maknae.

"And I thought I was the immature one" RiNah retorted, playfully glaring at Kimmie.
"I never said you were."

"Come on, girls, we can settle this in the car" Anna coaxed the two girls into the
van and they set off for the resturaunt.

Later that night, as Anna was getting ready for bed, she had gotten a text from
Kris. It said:

Meet me by the Han River. Ill be waiting for you 33

I wonder what he needs me for at this time of day...She wondered as she put her
hoodie and her boots on, cell phone in her pocket. She grabbed her glasses by the
door and put them on. "Ill be back in a few, okay?" She told Elli and Joo, and they
nodded and waved her off. They were too busy watching TV to notice, and Anna didnt
mind that. They had a busy day.
As she made her way to the riverside with her boots crunching in the fresh new
snow, she shivered and suddenly regretted not wearing her gloves. She took the
shortcut that was much safer than going by the busy streets. She didnt want to be
recognized tonight.

Humming to herself, she kept her thoughts away from what could potentially happen.
As she neared the riverside, she saw Kris tall frame and she started to run.

"Kris" He turned around and smiled fondly at her. Scooping her up in a hug, he
twirled around and they laughed as they fell together in the snow.

"What are you doing here this late at night, silly?" Anna asked him, poking his
forehead, and she could see him smiling through his scarf. They didnt care that
their jackets were going to become soaked from the snow, they just wanted to be

"This is the only time of day that I can see you without being seen, you dork." He
pinched her cheek affectionately, and she giggled. Her nose and cheeks were a rosy
red from the cold, and that just made her even more beautiful in his eyes. He still
thought that this was all a dream that he would suddenly wake up from.

But the more he was engrossed in it, the less willing he was to let it all go.

"How have you been? Are you taking care of yourself?" Anna asked, and Kris nodded.
"I should be asking you that; you seem to be loosing a lot of weight." Anna
shrugged. "The media thinks Im too fat."

"I dont think the fans agree with that. Because I dont." Kris retorted. Anna
sighed. "Yeah, everything has been really hard lately, you know? I think Im a
little too old to be a Kpop idol." Kriss jaw dropped. He couldnt believe what he
was hearing; this wasnt the Anna that he knew and loved.

"Nonsense Do you realize how many women like you want to be a Kpop star now? If
anything, you inspired them" Anna smiled.

"You know, I really like talking to you. You really make me feel special without
trying, it really makes me happy. I can tell you things that Im otherwise not
comfortable in sharing." Kris felt better; he knew that he would always be there
for her, and he wasnt planning on backing down from his promise anytime soon.

"My dad called me the other day." Kriss facial expression tightened. What did her
dad want now?

"I didnt answer, but he left a pretty nasty voicemail. And it made me realize

"What is it?"
"I realized that I dont need a dad to support myself, I have more friends than I
could dream of and the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. I have more than he
does, really. I pity him a little bit." Kriss heart filled with love for her, and
all of a sudden, the question didnt seem so hard to ask.

"Anna, I want to ask you something." He stood up and helped her up off the snow. He
took out a black box and he got down on one knee, holding her hand.

I think you all know where this is going.

"Im going to make this nice and short, because it is way too late for this, but
will you marry me?" Anna covered her mouth as her eyes filled with happy tears. She
nodded fervently, and Kris had the widest grin on his face. He slipped the ring on
her finger, hugged her close and there were the sounds of party popper and
sparklers in the air. There were more people here.

"Congrats guys" A chorus of voices shouted, and they were none other than EXO and
Galaxy together, celebrating. Elli seemed to have popped the party popper the wrong
way, because the confetti somehow got all over her. RiNah and HiYeon were chasing
Tao and Sehun with the spaklers and Kimmie was fighting with Lay over the best to
pop the party popper. It was quite a spectacle.

"Come on, Kris You shouldve made that more romantic" Luhan whined, obviously
disappointed in his disciples lack of romance in his proposal. Kris shrugged off
the remark and faced Anna.

"I love you."

"And I love you too."

"And your baby is going to have the best uncle ever" Chen remarked.

"Shut UP Jongdae" Everyone chorused.


And BAM That is a wrap for the story guys The curtain has finally closed. How was
the story? I want to thank everyone for contributing to the 50K reads Thats a whole
lot of reading, if I say so myself. There was no way I could do all of that all by

So thank you blows a thousand kisses

I hope this will be a story that you come back to read over and over again, even
after poor little me doesnt come back on Wattpad. Right?
But anyhow, VOTE. COMMENT. FAN

Saranghaeyeo And Kamsahamnida for sticking with me on this journey 333



*** Author's Note *** (1 page)

Hey yall Its me, Nausheen here waves ahnyeong

So I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the almost 150K reads. I
was seriously so happy that I shed a couple tears. I am usually not a crier, but
this story is my baby, and I am so elated that so many people are reading it,
commenting on it, and voting.

Especially the people that commented and voted every chapter. You know who you
are :D

It means so much to me -- even though my writing isnt perfect -- that you still
loved the story and the characters. Well, some of them, anyway. coughHEEJINcough

So after a couple of weeks of reading comments that begged me for a second

installment in the KrisxAnna saga, I finally decided to do a sequel. Yep, thats

My baby now has a sibling that will develop into a story all on its own. It is
called Till Death Do Us Part. It will be a little darker in theme and more
dramatic, but I will try to make it as lighthearted as the previous story was as
well. So stay tuned

There is the intro and the characters up right now. Even if I wont be able to
update this story as much as the first one, I will still try to update with the
first chapter before my Christmas break starts in a couple of weeks.

So give the sequel as much love as you gave the first one, okay?

In other news, my VIXX fanfic is currently being put on hold (Im so sorry,
Starlights I promise I will get back on it soon) I will try to update both of them
as I used to with the Nerd Dancer and my other stories, but I just dont have the
time right now to multitask, because I am a junior in high school and I am busy as
Sometimes I just fall asleep on my keyboard. No joke.

So that is all that I want to tell you all. Thank you all so much for all the
support you gave me this past year I will never forget it

Much love,

Nausheen 33


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