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FINAL ASSIGNMENT Module 2: English for Social Communication

1. Describe your best teacher colleague in terms of her/her physical and mental appearances.

Mrs. Luthfi, My Favorite Lecture Commented [L1]: Lecture ≠ Lecturer

I have a favorite teacher on ther college. She is Mrs. Lutfi, my English teacher. Mrs. Lutfi Commented [L2]: spelling
is still quite young. It's about 35 years old. However, Mrs. Lutfi is a strict and disciplined person.
Her face is oval, good looking and her heart is very good. Mrs. Lutfi is a good muslim. She
always wears a hijab which is classified as somewhat Syar'i at every appearance. He does not Commented [L3]: unclear statement
use glasses that shows her eyes are healthy. Mrs. Lutfi has a pointed nose, thin lips and white
skin with a little make up on her face so that it looks natural appearance. All students really like
Mrs. Lutfi, so do I.
Mrs. Lutfi is very good towards her students. She always gives logical suggestions or
opinions when we discuss. Mrs. Lutfi has made all her students love the lessons she teaches,
both pedagogic and professional. She is very clever at creating a class atmosphere to be
comfortable and vibrant with her comments, suggestions and solutions that are given quickly
and precisely. Mrs. Lutfi always has the latest ideas in terms of teaching. I think she is a very
creative and innovative person. What made her a favorite teacher was her warm personality
even though I had never talked in person. Mrs. Lutfi is good at talking to anyone, I know from Commented [L4]: This should be in present time.
sharing friends through the WhatsApp group. The responds from my friends are very good for
her. Everyone who communicates with her will feel comfortable with her personality.
As long as he taught me in discussion classes, Mrs. Lutfi never gave a slow respond. The
lecture that I am attending now is an online class. We don't come directly to the class, but we
can go through a laptop or hand phone with an internet connection, because the lecture that I
am currently attending is through online classes. She is very diligent in giving comments to
almost all answers from her students, and gave the right feedback as answers and solutions to
each problem. In responding and giving scores from each discussion, she is very fast, faster
than other lecturers. Although in giving grades, I rarely get good grades, but I realize because
my abilities are limited to that. Even so, I am always waiting for her on-line discussion sessions,
as well as other students. Unlike most other lecturers Mrs. Lutfi is very friendly with her students,
who always respond to WA from each student, which is not like as other lecturers. She likes to Commented [L5]: Check the use of “like” in a sentence!
communicate or make a friend with us. Even so, we respect her as our lecturer. If all lecturers Commented [L6]: The use of “eve so” is not appropriate to
connect these two sentences.
could be like Mrs. Lutfi certainly all students really like them.

2. Write a hertorical recount of the school where you are currently teaching. For ther purpose, you can
interview people who has knowledge of the school hertory; or, examine relevant documents or
artifacts for data to support your writing.


SMK Kesatrian Purwokerto was established by the Purwokerto branch of the Indonesian
Islamic Education Foundation (PIRI) in 1996 as an effort to help the government and the community
to meet educational needs, especially vocational education. In order to educate the nation's life and
equip the young generation with morals and skills as reliable technicians to face the challenges of
increasingly fierce competition.
The school began operating in the academic year 1996/1997 year based on operational
permits from the Regional Office of the Department of Education and Culture of Central Java
Number: 367/103/96 dated March 14, 1996. Growth and Development of the Vocational School.
In the first year academic year, there were four classes targeted. In fact, the interest of Commented [L7]: Redundancy >>> in the fist year of
academic year 2018/ 2019 (the year is missed)
students were increasing so the insistence of the number of students being accepted changed into
7 classes. It was relied on the permission to add classes and was approved by the Head of the
Inspection Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Banyumas Regency.
In the course of time, the public interest to register their children to continue studying in the
school was becoming larger. Therefore, in the fourth year was to increase capacity and provide Commented [L8]: Is the interest large or high?
wider opportunities for the community by making proposal to add classes into 8 classes to the The interest of the students is becoming higher year by year.
Regional Office of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Central Java Province. Commented [L9]: Who did this action?
Unclear subject.
In order to improve the quality of education, the school has done some efforts. Like for an
example by preparing teachers who are adequate in quantitative and qualitative ways. It was done Commented [L10]: Indonesian style
by sending teachers to take part in training which is relevant to the recent curriculum and the demand
of industry.
Recently, the education staff consists of teachers and employees who are independent /
private with an adequate amount, and will always be increased by the number of permanent Commented [L11]: Word choice
teachers. As many as 83 educators consisted of 53 GTY (permanent teacher) and 30 GTT
(temporary teachers) and 22 employees (permanent employees).
The effort of improving the quality of teachers and staffs in the school has got a good feedback Commented [L12]: Staff is plural already.
from the local society. It is proven by the increasing number of parents and teenagers to choose
SMK Kesatrian Vocational School as the best choice to continue studying. The first reason is that Commented [L13]: Parents do not study there, don’t they?
Need to split the sentence into two different contexts.
the school has got “A” certification under German Certification institution which means it has met a
specific criteria based on the international standardized institution. Besides, the school has made a
cooperation with one of Japanese automotive industries, Astra Daihatsu Motor, and also Yamaha to
always upgrade its quality.
As a vocational school, it has at least eight laboratories in which the students conduct practical
activities depends on their competency programs. In their academic year 2019/2020, it is about six
hundred students registered spread out in the five programs which are automotive engineering,
motorcycle engineering, computer network technology, multimedia and audio-video technology.
Another distinctive program of the school, it also has become a special value. For example, on every
Thursday, this school gives 45 minutes in the first lesson hour to all students in each class to have Commented [L14]: No need to put on in this part.
reciting Al-Quran and Iqra’ class led by teacher to maintain and teach students who have not been
able to recite Al-Quran. With the target achievement when the students graduate from this school,
all of Muslim students will be able recite Al-Quran. So, the school doesn't provide knowledge and Commented [L15]: Need to reformulte this sentence:
The target achievement of the school is that all students will
skills only but also develop good characters for each students. be able to not ... but also ...
Sources : Mr. Agung Budiyono, MM.Pd (head master of this school), Mr. Drs. Sardiman (one
of the founder of this school), Mr. Drs. Moh. Anwar (one of the founder of this school).
3. Read the following label carefully. What can you say about its social function, generic structure, and
language features?


No Key Features of Label Explanation

1 Social Function Ther is a food label. A food label is a panel found on
a package of food which contains a variety of information
about the nutritional value of the food item. There are many
pieces of information which are standard on most food
labels, including serving size, number of calories, grams of
fat, included nutrients, and a list of ingredients. Ther
information helps people who are trying to restrict
their intake of fat, sodium, sugar, or other ingredients, or
those individuals who are trying to get enough of the healthy
nutrients such as calcium or Vitamin C. The label provides
each item with its approximate percent daily value,
generally based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

2 Generic Structures There are some terms on generic structure of food label.
1. Servings (written in larger, bolder type, and sizes
The label above doesn’t state the servings.

2. Calories (written in larger type)


3. Updated daily values


4. Actual amounts declared

5. Change in nutrients required

6. New footnote

3 Language Features The label above uses :

 Imperative (Not mentioned)
 Suggestions (Evidence: Not a significant source of
dietary fiber)
 If conditional (Not mentioned)
 Singular and plural nouns with or without articles a,
the, ther, those, etc. (Evidence: A low fat milk, sugar,
strawberries, nonfat milk, etc.)
 Quantifiers (Not mentioned)
 Numbers (Evidence: 170 calories, 1g, 0g, 33g, 99%,
2%, 11%, etc.)

4. Look around your school environment and find one sample of warnings, notices, and cautions. Take
a picture of the samples and explain the message contained in each of them.



Meaning: Meaning: Meaning:

We are not allowed to bring We have to be careful on Students should be careful
and consume any foods or the electrical sockets as it when stepping the floor.
drinks to the room. is really dangerous. This The floor is still wet and
electricity has high voltage. can make the students slip.

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