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PO Box 278 • Mitchell, SD 57301


To: Key State GOP Leaders

From: Dusty Johnson
Date: August 2019
Re: Conservative Leadership

I’ve received positive reviews to information recently distributed on my conservative track

record in Congress. Because you are a grassroots Republican leader, I thought it might be
valuable to provide this information to you, as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Kristie Moore
( leads our political efforts and can be a great resource, as well.


Since joining Congress seven months ago, I have been a conservative voice, a defender of
the Constitution, and a supporter of the President’s agenda. Here are a few facts:

Conservative Voice
Scorecards never tell the whole story, but one well-respected measure of conservatism in
Congress is compiled by Heritage Action (the political arm of the Heritage Foundation). On
that scorecard, I have 98% conservative rating. I’ve also cast conservative votes, without
exception, on bills and amendments scored by National Right to Life and the NRA. I’m also
rated among the 20% most conservative members of the House or Senate by scorecards
compiled by Conservative Review, FreedomWorks, and other conservative organizations.

Supporting the Wall

The President and I agree on the need to secure the southern border. My voting record
proved that throughout the government shutdown. Day in and day out, I refused to vote for
the appropriations packages that didn’t include wall funding.

Paid for by Friends of Dusty Johnson

In fact, I have voted with the President every single time on appropriating funds (the proper
legal mechanism) for the border. Additionally, when the President has wanted to access
funding sources within Homeland Security for the wall, I have supported him.

Our efforts have already secured more than $5 billion for the wall and $4.5 billion to address
other issues at our southern border. The President has asked for $8 billion more starting
October 1, and I support him.

Supporting the President’s Agenda

Two weeks ago, I voted against beginning impeachment proceedings, against officially
condemning the President for his twitter remarks, and against holding Attorney General
Robert Barr and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross in contempt.

Those votes were consistent with my support of the President’s agenda throughout my
tenure in Congress. Here are just a few of the major votes I’ve cast, working with the White
House to advance American interests:

Recent Vote or Issue Dusty’s Vote

Begin impeachment proceedings SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Pelosi resolution on the President’s tweets SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Federalize our elections SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Mandate national $15 minimum wage SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Pelosi appropriations bills SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
DACA citizenship without securing the border SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Strengthen overreaching Consumer Financial Protection Bureau SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Significant Second Amendment restrictions SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Protect White House discretion on arms sales SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT
Ratify the President’s USMCA trade deal SUPPORTED THE PRESIDENT

Like the President, I speak my mind and I’m not a rubber stamp for anyone. No two people
agree on everything, and I do think the President is more effective when he is talking about
his strengths and the strengths of this nation, rather than talking about other people. But I
have an excellent working relationship with the White House, and my voting record clearly
proves that I have been a conservative voice, a defender of the Constitution, and a reliable
supporter of the President’s agenda.

Paid for by Friends of Dusty Johnson

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