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EN BANC the house about the same time with intention of assaulting defense, finding the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable
Dunca, but in the darkness of the evening and in the doubt.
[G.R. No. 32066. March 15, 1930.] intoxicated condition of the defendant, he mistook Mapudul The evidence of the prosecution shows that the accused and
for Dunca and inflicted on him a mortal wound with a bolo. Juana Buralo were sweethearts. Juana had been jealous of
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, Plaintiff- the accused on account of the latter having frequently visited
Appellee, v. GONA (Mansaca), Defendant-Appellant. There can be no doubt that the defendant killed Mapudul the house of one Carmen. Their relations were such that the
and that he is guilty of the crime charged, but his attorney accused invited Juana to take a walk on the afternoon of
Jose Ma. Capili, for Appellant. argues that in view of the fact that said defendant had no August 9, 1925, Juana refused him, later sending him a note
intention to kill the deceased and committed the crime by of excuse. On the third day, or the night of August 11th, the
Attorney-General Jaranilla, for Appellee. mistake, he should have been found guilty of homicide accused went to the threshold of Cirilo Banyan's house
through negligence under paragraph 1 of article 568 of the where Juana Buralo had gone to take part in some devotion.
SYLLABUS Penal Code and not of the graver crime of intentional There the accused, revolver in hand, requested Francisco
1. HOMICIDE; MISTAKE AS TO VICTIM. — As a result of a homicide. This contention is contrary to earlier decisions of Abellon to ask Juana to come downstairs and as Abellon
quarrel, the defendant endeavored to kill D, but by mistake, this court. In the case of United States v. Mendieta (34 Phil., refused to do so, the accused said: "If you do not want to go
killed M. Held, that his mistake in killing one man instead of 242), the court said: upstairs, I will get Juana and if anyone tries to defend her I
another did not relieve him from criminal responsibility and will kill him."
could not even be considered a mitigating circumstance. "Even admitting that the defendant intended to injure Hilario
Lauigan instead of Pedro Acierto, even that, in view of the The accused waited until Juana and her niece Perfecta
DECISION mortal wound which he inflicted upon the latter, in no way Buralo came downstairs, when they went in the direction of
could be considered as a relief from his criminal act. That he their house. The accused, who was seen by the two girls,
OSTRAND, J.: made a mistake in killing one man instead of another, when followed them without saying a word. It is only a short
it is proved that he acted maliciously and willfully, cannot distance from the house where the devotion took place to
The defendant was charged before the Court of First relieve him from criminal responsibility. Neither do we that of the offended party, the houses being adjacent. As the
Instance of the Province of Davao with the crime of believe that the fact that he made a mistake in killing the two girls were going upstairs, the accused, while standing at
homicide, the information reading as follows: wrong man should be considered as a mitigating the foot of the stairway, fired a shot from his revolver which
circumstance." wounded Perfecta Buralo, the bullet passing through a part
"That on or about October 26, 1928, in the municipal district of her neck, having entered the posterior region thereof and
of Pantukan, Province of Davao, Philippine Islands, and The appealed sentence is affirmed with the costs against the coming out through the left eye, which was completely
within the jurisdiction of the court, the said accused defendant. So ordered. destroyed. Due to proper medical attention, Perfecta Buralo
voluntarily, illegally, and criminally and with a bolo which he did not die and is one of the witnesses who testified at the
then carried, assaulted the Mansaca Mapudul, causing him a Johnson, Malcolm, Villamor, Johns, Romualdez and Villa- trial of this case.
mortal wound on the left side of the neck and that, as a Real, JJ., concur.
consequence of said wound, the said Mapudul died." The defense, without abandoning its allegation that the
[ GR No. 25459, Aug 10, 1926 ] accused is not responsible for the crime, contends that the
Upon trial the court below found the defendant guilty as PEOPLE v. RAMON MABUG-AT crime proven is not frustrated murder but the discharge of a
charged in the information and taking into consideration the DECISION firearm, with injuries, it not having been proven that it was
extenuating circumstance of non-habitual intoxication, the accused's intention to kill.
sentenced him to suffer twelve years and one day of ROMUALDEZ, J.:
reclusion temporal with the accessory penalties prescribed The Court of First Instance of Oriental Negros impojed upon The relations existing between the accused and Juana
by law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the sum of Ramon Mabug-at the penalty of twelve years and one Buralo, his disappointment at her not accepting his invitation
P1,000, and to pay the costs. From this sentence the day cadena temporal, with the accessories of the law, to to take a walk, the fact that the accused, revolver in hand,
defendant appealed. indemnify the offended party in the sum of P700 and to pay went to look for Juana Buralo at the house where the
the costs, for the crime of frustrated murder. devotion was being held, later following her to her house,
It appears from the evidence that on the evening of October and especially having aimed at her person the head are
26, 1928, a number of Mansacas celebrated a reunion in the The appellant appealed from this judgment, making two facts which, in our opinion, permit of no other conclusion
house of the Mansaca Gabriel. There seems to have been a assignments of error as committed by the trial court, to wit: than that, in firing the shot, it was the accused's intention to
liberal supply of alcoholic drinks and some of the men kill.
present became intoxicated, with the result that a quarrel 1. In holding that the crime committed is frustrated murder,
took place between the Mansaca Dunca and the defendant. and In the decision of this court in the case of United States vs.
Dunca and his son Aguipo eventually left the house and 2. In not giving any credit to the evidence presented by the Montenegro (15 Phil., 1), it was held:
were followed by Mapudul and one Awad. The defendant left
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"We do not doubt that there may be cases wherein the the commission of the crime without any risk to himself "That on or about the 24th day of July, 1932, in the City of
discharge of a firearm at another is not in itself sufficient to arising from any defense that might be made by the offended Manila, Philippine Islands, the said accused did then and
sustain a finding of the intention to kill, and there are many party, for neither the wounded party Bartolome Lobejano, at there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, without any just
cases in the books wherein the attendant circumstances whom the shot was aimed in order to kill him so that he cause therefor and with intent to kill and treachery, assault
conclusively establish that on discharging a firearm at might not testify as to the assault committed upon him and attack one Yu Lon by suddenly giving him a fist blow on
another the actor was not in fact animated by the intent to shortly before, as held by the trial court, was not in a position the back part of the head, under conditions which intended
kill. But, in seeking to ascertain the intention with which a to defend himself in any way, nor could Nazario Inigo directly and especially to insure the accomplishment of his
specific act is committed, it is always proper and necessary become aware of any attack so unjustified, rapid and purpose without risk to himself arising from any defense the
to look not merely to the act itself but to all the attendant unforeseen; considering, further, that the purely accidental victim Yu Lon might make, thus causing him to fall on the
circumstances so far as they are developed by the evidence; circumstance that as a result of the shot a person other than ground as a consequence of which he suffered a lacerated
and where, as in the case at bar, a revolver is twice the one intended was killed, does not modify, in the instant wound on the scalp and a fissured fracture on the left
discharged point-blank at the body of another, and the shots case, the elements constituting the crime of murder qualified occipital region, which were necessarily mortal and which
directed at the most vital parts of the body, it needs but little by the treachery with which Alejandro Sola acted, whether caused the immediate death of the said Yu Lon."
additional evidence to establish the intent to kill beyond a with respect to the wounded Bartolome Lobejano or to the After hearing the evidence, Judge Luis P. Torres found the
reasonable doubt." deceased Nazario Inigo, for which reason the rules of article defendant guilty as charged, and sentenced him to
The fact that a person received the shot which was in-tended 65 are not applicable herein, the culprit not having, in fact, suffer reclusion perpetua, with the accessory penalties of the
for another, does not alter his criminal liability. (Art. 1, par. 3, committed a crime different from that which he intended, law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Yu Lon in the
Penal Code.) taking into consideration the substantial and intrinsical sum of P1,000, without subsidiary imprisonment in case of
meaning thereof, etc." insolvency, and to pay the costs.
The circumstances qualifying the murder alleged in the Although the case just cited refers to the crime of Appellant's attorney de oficio makes the following
complaint are evident premeditation and treachery. Even consummated murder, the doctrine sustained therein is assignments of error:
when there is sufficient proof of premeditation (which we do applicable to the case at bar so far as the concurrence of "1. The trial court erred in finding that the appellant is the
not believe has been sufficiently established), yet, it cannot treachery as a qualifying circumstance is concerned. person who committed the assault on Yu Lon, the victim of
be considered as a qualifying circumstance in the present the crime charged in the information.
case, because the person whom the accused intended to kill The crime now before us is frustrated murder, the accused "2. Assuming that the appellant is the person who committed
was not Perfecta Buralo, who was hit by the bullet, but her having intended to kill and performed all the acts of the assault on Yu Lon (a fact which we specifically deny), the
aunt Juana Buralo. Had evident premeditation been proven, execution which would have produced the crime of murder trial court erred in finding that the appellant struck his
and there being no other qualifying circumstance of but which, nevertheless, did not produce it by reason of supposed victim.
frustrated murder present in this case, the acts should be causes independent of his Will. (Art. 3, Penal Code.) "3. Assuming that the appellant is the person who committed
held to be frustrated homicide and punished with the the assault on Yu Lon, and that the appellant did strike his
maximum degree of the penalty prescribed by law. (Question We find no merit in the first assignment of error. In regard to supposed victim (facts which we specifically deny) the trial
2, p. 28, 1890 ed., Viada's Penal Code.) But, the 'fact is that the second, it appears beyond a reasonable doubt that the court erred in finding that the blow was dealt from the
treachery was proven and must be taken into consideration facts enumerated above constitute the crime of frustrated victim's rear.
in this case, because the accused fired at Perfecta Buralo, murder. With the exception of the qualifying circumstance of "4. The trial court erred in finding that the identity of the
employing means which tended to insure the execution of treachery, we find no other aggravating circumstance. The appellant was fully established.
the crime without running any risk himself from anyone who judgment appealed from being in accordance with the law "5. Assuming that the four preceding errors assigned are
might attempt to defend the said offended party. The and the facts proven, the same is hereby affirmed in all its without merit, the trial court erred in convicting the appellant
treachery which, according to the evidence, would have parts, with the costs against the appellant. So ordered. of the crime of murder, under article 248 of the Revised
attended the crime had the bullet hit Juana Buralo was Penal Code, instead of convicting him of the crime of
present in this case because the offended party Perfecta Avanceña, C. J., Street, Villamor, Ostrand, Johns, and Villa- maltreatment, under article 266 of the said Code."
Buralo and Juana were going upstairs with their backs Real, JJ., concur. It appears from the evidence that about 8.30 on the night of
towards the accused when he fired his revolver. The July 24, 1932 Yu Lon and Yu Yee, father and son, stopped
Supreme Court of Spain, in a decision of May 7, 1885 [ GR No. 38511, Oct 06, 1933 ] to talk on the sidewalk at the corner of Mestizos and San
(Viada, do., pp. 29, 30), in holding a crime to be murder and PEOPLE v. FRANCISCO CAGOCO Y RAMONES Fernando Streets in the District of San Nicolas. Yu Lon was
not homicide, stated the following: DECISION standing near the outer edge of the sidewalk, with his back
to the street. While they were talking, a man passed back
"Considering that, according to the concept of treachery as it VICKERS, J.: and forth behind Yu Lon once or twice, and when Yu Yee
is explained in article 10 of the Civil Code dealing with said The accused was charged in the Court of First Instance of was about to take leave of his father, the man that had been
circumstance, it is evident that in firing the gun which Manila with the crime of asesinato, committed as follows: passing back and forth behind Yu Lon approached him from
Alejandro Sola was carrying which caused the death of behind and suddenly and without warning struck him with his
Nazario Inigo, he employed means which tended to insure fist on the back part of the head. Yu Lon tottered and fell
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backwards. His head struck the asphalt pavement; the lower assailant, and that he had exceptional opportunities for region, notwithstanding the fact that the blow leaves no
part of his body fell on the sidewalk. His assailant observing his father's assailant, because while that person outward mark of violence; that where death results as the
immediately ran away. Yu Yee pursued him through San was walking back and forth behind Yu Lon, Yu Yee was direct consequence of the use of illegal violence, the mere
Fernando, Camba, and Jaboneros Streets, and then lost facing the assailant. fact that the diseased or weakened condition of the injured
sight of him. Two other Chinese, Chin Sam and Yee Fung, We find the testimony of the defendant and his witnesses as person contributed to his death, does not relieve the illegal
who were walking along Calle Mestizos, saw the incident to the whereabouts of the defendant on the night in question aggressor of criminal responsibility; that one is not relieved,
and joined him in the pursuit of Yu Lon's assailant. The unworthy of credit. under the law in these Islands, from criminal liability for the
wounded man was taken to the Philippine General Hospital, The testimony of the three Chinese that a man struck the natural consequences of one's illegal acts, merely because
where he died about midnight. A post-mortem examination deceased and then ran away is corroborated by the one does not intend to produce such consequences; but that
was made the next day by Dr. Anastacia Villegas, who found testimony of a 15-year old boy, Dominador Sales. in such cases, the lack of intention, while it does not exempt
that the deceased had sustained a lacerated wound and As to the contention that the deceased would have fallen on from criminal liability, is taken into consideration as an
fracture of the skull in the occipital region, and that he had his face if he had been struck on the back of the head, the extenuating circumstance. (U. S. vs. Luciano, 2 Phil., 96.)
died from cerebral hemorrhage; that he had tuberculosis, expert testimony shows that in such a case a person The reasoning of the decisions cited is applicable to the case
though not in an advanced stage, and a tumor in the left instinctively makes an effort to preserve or regain his at bar. There can be no reasonable doubt as to the cause of
kidney. balance, and that as result thereof the deceased may have the death of Yu Lon. There is nothing to indicate that it was
Yu Yee promptly reported the incident to the police, and fallen backwards. Another consideration is that sidewalks due to some extraneous case. It was clearly the direct
about 3 o'clock the next morning Sergeant Sol Cruz and almost invariably slope towards the pavement, and this consequence of defendants felonious act, and the fact that
other detectives, accompanied by Yu Yee, went to the scene being true, when the deceased straightened up, he naturally the defendant did not intend to cause so great an injury does
of the crime and found blood stains in the street. Yu Yee tended to fall backwards. The evidence leaves no room for not relieve him from the consequence of his unlawful act, but
said that he could recognize his father's assailant, and doubt that the accused struck the deceased on the back of is merely a mitigating circumstance (U. S. vs. Rodriguez, 23
described him as being about five feet in height, 25 or 30 the head, because when the deceased was assaulted he Phil., 22).
years old, with long hair and wearing a suit of dark clothes. and Yu Yee were standing on the sidewalk, facing each The next question is whether the crime committed by the
After Sergeant Sol Cruz had been working on the case for other, and if the accused had not struck the deceased on the defendant should be classified as homicide or murder. Can
three or four days he received information that the accused back of the head, it would have been necessary for him to go the defendant be convicted of murder when he did not intend
might be the person that had assaulted Yu Lon, and on between the deceased and Yu Yee. Since the accused to kill the deceased?
August 4th the accused was arrested by detectives struck the deceased from behind and without warning, he We have seen that under the circumstances of this case the
Manrique and Bustamante. He was wearing a dark wool suit. acted with treachery. "There is treachery when the offender defendant is liable for the killing of Yu Lon, because his
Yu Yee was immediately called to the police station. The commits any of the crimes against the person, employing death was the direct consequence of defendant's felonious
accused was placed near the middle of a line of some means, methods, or forms in the execution thereof which act of striking him on the head. If the defendant had not
eleven persons that had been detained for investigation. tend directly and specially to insure its execution, without risk committed the assault in a treacherous manner, he would
They were wearing different kinds of clothes. Yu Yee without to himself arising from the defense which the offended party nevertheless have been guilty of homicide, although he did
hesitation pointed out the defendant as the person that had might make." (Article 14, No. 16, of the Revised Penal not intend to kill the deceased; and since the defendant did
assaulted Yu Lon. He identified him not only by his long hair Code.) commit the crime with treachery, he is guilty of murder,
combed towards the back and worn long on the sides in the The fourth assignment of error is a repetition of the first. because of the presence of the qualifying circumstance of
form of side-whiskers (patillas), but also by his high cheek- In the fifth assignment of error it is contended that the treachery.
bones and the fact that his ears have no lobes. The appellant if guilty at all, should be punished in accordance The Supreme Court of Spain has held that there is no
defendant was identified at the trial not only by Yu Yee, but with article 266 of the Revised Penal Code, or for slight incompatibility, moral or legal, between alevosia and the
also by Chin Sam and Yee Fung. physical injuries instead of murder. mitigating circumstance of not having intended to cause so
With respect to the first four assignments of error, which Paragraph No. 1 of article 4 of the Revised Penal Code great an injury:
raise questions of fact as to the identification of the accused, provides that criminal liability shall be incurred by any person "Considering that there is no moral or legal incompatibility
and whether or not he struck the deceased, and if he did committing a felony (delito) although the wrongful act done between treachery and the mitigating circumstance No. 3 of
assault the deceased, whether he did so in a treacherous be different from that which he intended; but in order that a article 9 of the Penal Code, because the former depends
manner, we see no sufficient reason, after considering the person may be criminally liable for a felony different from upon the manner of execution of the crime and the latter
evidence and arguments of counsel, to doubt the that which he proposed to commit, it is indispensable that upon the tendency of the will towards a definite purpose, and
correctness of the findings of the trial judge. The accused the two following requisites be present, to wit: (a) That a therefore there is no obstacle, in case treacherous means,
was identified by Yu Yee and two other Chinese, and felony was committed; and (b) that the wrong done to the modes or forms are employed, to the appreciation of the first
although Yu Yee may have overstated at the trial some of aggrieved person be the direct consequence of the crime of said circumstances and simultaneously of the second if
the facial peculiarities in the defendant that he claimed to committed by the offender. (U. S. vs. Brobst, 14 Phil., 310; the injury produced exceeds the limits intended by the
have observed at the time of the incident, it must be U. S. vs. Mallari, 29 Phil., 14; U. S. vs. Diana, 32 Phil., 344.) accused; and for that reason it cannot be held in the instant
remembered that Yu Yee without hesitation picked the In the Brobst case, supra, it was held that death may result case that this mitigating circumstance excludes treachery, or
defendant out of a group of eleven persons as his father's from a blow over or near the heart or in the abdominal that the accused, being chargeable with the death of the
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offended party, should not be liable for murder, inasmuch as the accused is homicide, according to the following The wound which Omamdam received in the chest, judging
this was the offense committed due to the voluntary information: by the description given by the sanitary inspector who
presence of treachery in the act perpetrated, although with attended him as he lay dying, tallies with the size of the point
the mitigation corresponding to the disparity between the act "That on or about the 6th of May, 1930, in the barrio of of Bindoy's bolo.
intended and the act consummated, etc." (Decision of May Calunod, municipality of Baliangao, Province of Occidental
10, 1905, Gazette of April 20, 1906; Viada: 5th edition, Vol. Misamis, the accused Donato Bindoy willfully, unlawfully, There is no doubt that the latter caused the wound which
2, p. 156.) and feloniously attacked and with his bolo wounded produced Emigdio Omamdam's death, but the defendant
In the case of the United States vs. Candelaria (2 Phil., 104), Emigdio Omamdam, inflicting upon the latter a alleges that it was caused accidentally and without malicious
this court speaking through Chief Justice Arellano said: serious wound in the chest which caused his instant intent.
"In tying Jacinto to a tree the three defendants acted death, in violation of article 404 of the Penal Code."
treacherously (alevosamente). Whether it was to prevent him The accused appealed from the judgment of the trial Pacas and the widow of the deceased, Carmen Angot,
from making resistance, whether it was to torture him for the court, and his counsel in this instance contends that the testified having seen the accused stab Omamdam with his
purpose of making him give information, or whether it was court erred in finding him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, bolo. Such testimony is not incompatible with that of the
for the purpose of inflicting further punishment, the fact is and in convicting him of the crime of homicide. accused, to the effect that he wounded Omamdam by
that by this means the defendants secured themselves accident. The widow testified that she knew of her
against any risk which might have arisen from an attempt at The record shows that in the afternoon of May 6, 1930, a husband's wound being caused by Bindoy from his
self-defense on the part of the victim. We are of opinion that disturbance arose in a tuba wineshop in the barrio market of statement to her before his death.
they had no intention to cause so great an evil as that which Calunod, municipality of Baliangao, Province
resulted, but this does not neutralize that other qualifying of Occidental Misamis, started by some of The testimony of the witnesses for the prosecution tends to
circumstance of the resulting death, because if there was the tuba drinkers. There were Faustino Pacas show that the accused stabbed Omamdam in the chest
no alevosia for the purpose of killing there was alevosia for (alias Agaton), and his wife called Tibay. One Donato with his bolo on that occasion. The defendant, indeed, in
the purpose of illtreating. The means employed were not Bindoy, who was also there, offered some tuba to Pacas' his effort to free himself of Pacas, who was endeavoring to
made use of for the precise purpose of making certain the wife; and as she refused to drink having already done so, wrench his bolo from him, hit Omamdam in the chest; but, as
death of Jacinto de Jesus, but as a safe means of illtreating Bindoy threatened to injure her if she did not accept. There we have stated, there is no evidence to show that he did so
him without risk to the persons who were doing so. If by this ensued an interchange of words between Tibay and Bindoy, deliberately and with the intention of committing a crime. If,
means the ill treatment was aggravated, it follows that it is a and Pacas stepped in to defend his wife, attempting to take in his struggle with Pacas, the defendant had attempted to
qualifying circumstance in the death which resulted. It was away from Bindoy the bolo he carried. This occasioned a wound his opponent, and instead of doing so, had wounded
not a condition of the purpose, but it was a condition of the disturbance which "attracted the attention of Emigdio Omamdam, he would have had to answer for his act, since
criminal act itself, in whatever sense this be taken." Omamdam, who, with his family, lived near the whoever willfully commits a felony or a misdemeanor incurs
The penalty for murder (article 248 of the Revised Penal market. Emigdio left his house to see what was happening* criminal liability, although the wrongful act done be different
Code) is reclusion temporal in its maximum period to death, while Bindoy and Pacas were struggling for the bolo. In the from that which he intended. (Art. 1 of the Penal
and there being present in this case one mitigating and no course of this struggle, Bindoy succeeded Code.) But, as we have said, this is not the case.
aggravating circumstance the prison sentence of the in disengaging himself from Pacas, wrenching the bolo
appellant is reduced to seventeen years, four months, and from the latter's hand towards the left behind the accused, The witness for the defense, Gaudencio Cenas,
one day of reclusion temporal. As thus modified, the decision with such violence that the point of the bolo reached corroborates the defendant to the effect that Pacas and
appealed from is affirmed, with the costs against the Emigdio Omamdam's chest, who was then behind Bindoy. Bindoy were actually struggling for the possession of the
appellant. bolo, and that when the latter let go, the former had pulled
Avanceña, C. J., Street, Abad Santos, and Butte, JJ., There is no evidence that Emigdio took part in the fight so violently that it flew towards his left side, at the very
concur. between Bindoy and Pacas. Neither is there any indication moment when Emigdio Omamdam came up, who was
that the accused was aware of Emigdio Omamdam's therefore hit in the chest, without Donato's seeing
[ GR No. 34665, Aug 28, 1931 ] presence in the place, for, according to the testimony of the him, because Emigdio had passed behind him. The same
PEOPLE v. DONATO BINDOY witnesses, the latter passed behind the combatants when he witness adds that he went to see Omamdam at his home
DECISION left his house to satisfy his curiosity. There was no later, and asked him about his wound when he replied: "I
disagreement or ill feeling between Bindoy and Omamdam, think I shall die of this wound." And then
VILLAMOR, J.: on the contrary, it appears they were nephew and uncle, continued: "Please look after my wife when I die: See that
The appellant was sentenced by the Court of First In- stance respectively, and were on good terms with each she doesn't starve,'* adding further: "This wound was an
of Occidental Misamis to the penalty of twelve years and other. Bindoy did not try to wound Pacas, and instead of accident. Donato did not aim at me, nor I at him: It was a
one day of reclusion temporal, with the accessories of wounding him, he hit Omamdam; he was only defending mishap." The testimony of this witness was not contradicted
law, to indemnify the heirs of the deceased in the amount of his possession of the bolo, which Pacas was trying to by any rebuttal evidence adduced by the fiscal.
P1,000, and to pay the costs. The crime charged against wrench away from him, and his conduct was perfectly lawful.
We have searched the record in vain for the motive of this
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kind, which, had it existed, would have greatly facilitated Tubio and Daligdig fired at said room. It turned out; however, present, the law and the courts did not hold him criminally
the solution of this case. And we deem it well to that Palangpangan was in another City and her home was liable.[5]
repeat what this court said in United States vs. Carlos (15 then occupied by her son-in-law and his family. No one was This legal doctrine left social interests entirely
Phil., 47), to wit: in the room when the accused fired the shots. No one was unprotected.[6] The Revised Penal Code, inspired by the
hit by the gun fire. Positivist School, recognizes in the offender his
"The attention of prosecuting officers, and especially of Petitioner and his companions were positively identified by formidability,[7] and now penalizes an act which were it not
provincial fiscals, directed to the importance of definitely witnesses. One witness testified that before the five men left aimed at something quite impossible or carried out with
ascertaining and proving, when possible, the motives which the premises, they shouted: "We will kill you (the witness) means which prove inadequate, would constitute a felony
actuated the commission of a crime under investigation. and especially Bernardina Palangpangan and we will come against person or against property.[8] The rationale of Article
back if (sic) 'you were not injured".[2] 4(2) is to punish such criminal tendencies.[9]
"In many criminal cases one of the most important aids in After trial, the Regional Trial Court convicted Intod of Under this article, the act performed by the offender cannot
completing the proof of the commission of the crime by the attempted murder. The Court of Appeals affirmed in toto the produce an offense against persons or property because: (1)
accused is the introduction of evidence disclosing the trial court's decision. Hence this petition. the commission of the offense is inherently impossible of
motives which tempted the mind of the guilty person to This petition questions the decision of the Regional Trial accomplishment; or (2) the means employed is either (a)
indulge the criminal act." Court (RTC), as affirmed by the Court of Appeals, holding inadequate or (b) ineffectual.[10]
In view of the evidence before us, we are of opinion and so that Petitioner was guilty of attempted murder. Petitioner That the offense cannot be produced because the
hold, that the appellant is entitle to acquittal according to seeks from this Court a modification of the judgment by commission of the offense is inherently impossible of
article 8, No. 8, Penal Code. Wherefore, the judgment holding him liable only for an impossible crime, citing Article accomplishment is the focus of this petition. To be
appealed from is reversed, and the accused Donato Bindoy 4(2) of the Revised Penal Code which provides: impossible under this clause, the act intended by the
is hereby acquitted with costs de oficio. So ordered. ART. 4(2). CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. -- Criminal offender must be by its nature one impossible of
Responsibility shall be incurred: accomplishment.[11]There must be either (1) legal
Avanceña, C. J., Johnson, Street, Malcolm, Romualdez, xxx xxx xxx impossibility, or (2) physical impossibility of accomplishing
Villa-Real, and Imperial, JJ., concur. 2. By any person performing an act which would be an the intended act[12] in order to qualify the act as an
offense against persons or property, were it not for the impossible crime.
[ GR No. 103119, Oct 21, 1992 ] inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on account of Legal impossibility occurs where the intended acts, even if
SULPICIO INTOD v. CA the employment of inadequate or ineffectual means. completed, would not amount to a crime.[13] Thus:
DECISION Petitioner contends that, Palangpangan's absence from her Legal impossibility would apply to those circumstances
room on the night he and his companions riddled it with where (1) the motive, desire and expectation is to perform an
CAMPOS, JR., J.: bullets made the crime inherently impossible. act in violation of the law; (2) there is intention to perform the
Petitioner, Sulpicio Intod, filed this petition for review of the On the other hand, Respondent People of the Philippines physical act; (3) there is a performance of the intended
decision of the Court of Appeals[1] affirming in toto the argues that the crime was not impossible. Instead, the facts physical act; and (4) the consequence resulting from the
judgment of the Regional Trial Court, Branch XIV, Oroquieta were sufficient to constitute an attempt and to convict Intod intended act does not amount to a crime.[14]
City, finding him guilty of the crime of attempted murder. for attempted murder. Respondent alleged that there was The impossibility of killing a person already dead[15] falls in
From the records, we gathered the following facts. intent. Further, in its Comment to the Petition, respondent this category.
In the morning of February 4, 1979, Sulpicio Intod, Jorge pointed out that: On the other hand, factual impossibility occurs when
Pangasian, Santos Tubio and Avelino Daligdig went to x x x. The crime of murder was not consummated, not extraneous circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond
Salvador Mandaya's house in Katugasan, Lopez Jaena, because of the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment his control prevent the consummation of the intended
Misamis Occidental and asked him to go with them to the (Art. 4(2), Revised Penal Code), but due to a cause or crime.[16] One example is the man who puts his hand in the
house of Bernardina Palangpangan.Thereafter, Mandaya accident other than petitioner's and his co-accused's own coat pocket of another with the intention to steal the latter's
and Intod, Pangasian, Tubio and Daligdig had a meeting spontaneous desistance (Art. 3., ibid.) Palangpangan did not wallet and finds the pocket empty.[17]
with Aniceto Dumalagan. He told Mandaya that he wanted sleep at her house at that time. Had it not been for this fact, The case at bar belongs to this category. Petitioner shoots
Palangpangan to be killed because of a land dispute the crime is possible, not impossible.[3] the place where he thought his victim would be, although in
between them and that Mandaya should accompany the four Article 4, paragraph 2 is an innovation[4] of the Revised Penal reality, the victim was not present in said place and thus, the
(4) men, otherwise, he would also be killed. Code. This seeks to remedy the void in the Old Penal Code petitioner failed to accomplish his end.
At about 10:00 o'clock in the evening of the same where: One American case has facts almost exactly the same as
day, Petitioner, Mandaya, Pangasian, Tubio and Daligdig, all x x x it was necessary that the execution of the act has been this one. In People vs. Lee Kong,[18] the accused, with intent
armed with firearms, arrived at Palangpangan's house in commenced, that the person conceiving the idea should to kill, aimed and fired at the spot where he thought the
Katugasan, Lopez Jaena, Misamis Occidental. At the have set about doing the deed, employing appropriate police officer would be. It turned out, however, that the latter
instance of his companions, Mandaya pointed the location of means in order that his intent might become a reality, and was in a different place. The accused failed to hit him and to
Palangpangan's bedroom. Thereafter, Petitioner, Pangasian, finally, that the result or end contemplated shall have been achieve his intent. The Court convicted the accused of an
physically possible. So long as these conditions were not attempt to kill. It held that:
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The fact that the officer was not at the spot where the American laws regarding the concept and appreciation of accomplishment, the actor cannot be held liable for any
attacking party imagined where he was, and where the bullet impossible crimes. crime -- neither for an attempt nor for an impossible crime.
pierced the roof, renders it no less an attempt to kill. It is well In the Philippines, the Revised Penal Code, in Article 4(2), The only reason for this is that in American law, there is no
settled principle of criminal law in this country that where the expressly provided for impossible crimes and made them such thing as an impossible crime. Instead, it only
criminal result of an attempt is not accomplished simply punishable. Whereas, in the United States, the Code of recognizes impossibility as a defense to a crime charge --
because of an obstruction in the way of the thing to be Crimes and Criminal Procedure is silent regarding this that is, attempt.
operated upon, and these facts are unknown to the matter. What it provided for were attempts of the crimes This is not true in the Philippines. In our jurisdiction,
aggressor at the time, the criminal attempt is committed. enumerated in the said Code. Furthermore, in said impossible crimes are recognized. The impossibility of
In the case of Stokes vs. State,[19] where the accused failed jurisdiction, the impossibility of committing the offense is accomplishing the criminal intent is not merely a defense,
to accomplish his intent to kill the victim because the latter merely a defense to an attempt charge. In this regard, but an act penalized by itself. Furthermore, the phrase
did not pass by the place where he was lying-in wait, the commentators and the cases generally divide the "inherent impossibility" that is found in Article 4(2) of the
court held him liable for attempted murder. The court impossibility defense into two categories: legal versus factual Revised Penal Code makes no distinction between factual or
explained that: impossibility.[22] In U.S. vs. Wilson[23] the Court held that: physical impossibility and legal impossibility. Ubi lex non
It was no fault of Stokes that the crime was not committed. x x x x factual impossibility of the commission of the crime is distinguit nec nos distinguere debemos.
x x It only became impossible by reason of the extraneous not a defense. If the crime could have been committed had The factual situation in the case at bar presents a physical
circumstance that Lane did not go that way; and further, that the circumstances been as the defendant believed them to impossibility which rendered the intended crime impossible
he was arrested and prevented from committing the murder. be, it is no defense that in reality the crime was impossible of of accomplishment. And under Article 4, paragraph 2 of the
This rule of the law has application only where it is inherently commission. Revised Penal Code, such is sufficient to make the act an
impossible to commit the crime. It has no application to a Legal impossibility, on the other hand, is a defense which impossible crime.
case where it becomes impossible for the crime to be can be invoked to avoid criminal liability for an attempt. To uphold the contention of respondent that the offense was
committed, either by outside interference or because of In U.S. vs. Berrigan,[24] the accused was indicted for Attempted Murder because the absence of Palangpangan
miscalculation as to a supposed opportunity to commit the attempting to smuggle letters into and out of prison. The law was a supervening cause independent of the actor's will, will
crime which fails to materialize; in short it has no application governing the matter made the act criminal if done without render useless the provision in Article 4, which makes a
to the case when the impossibility grows out of extraneous the knowledge and consent of the warden. In this case, the person criminally liable for an act "which would be an offense
acts not within the control of the party. offender intended to send a letter without the latter's against persons or property, were it not for the inherent
In the case of Clark vs. State,[20] the court held defendant knowledge and consent and the act was performed. impossibility of its accomplishment x x x". In that case, all
liable for attempted robbery even if there was nothing to rob. However, unknown to him, the transmittal was achieved with circumstances which prevented the consummation of the
In disposing of the case, the court quoted Mr. Justice the warden's knowledge and consent. The lower court held offense will be treated as an accident independent of the
Bishop, to wit: the accused liable for attempt but the appellate court actor's will which is an element of attempted and frustrated
It being an accepted truth that defendant deserves reversed. It held unacceptable the contention of the state felonies.
punishment by reason of his criminal intent, no one can that "elimination of impossibility as a defense to a charge of WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the petition is
seriously doubt that the protection of the public requires the criminal attempt, as suggested by the Model Penal Code hereby GRANTED, the decision of respondent Court of
punishment to be administered, equally whether in the and the proposed federal legislation, is consistent with the Appeals holding Petitioner guilty of Attempted Murder is
unseen depths of the pocket, etc., what was supposed to overwhelming modern view". In disposing of this contention, hereby MODIFIED. WE hereby hold Petitioner guilty of an
exist was really present or not. The community suffers from the Court held that the federal statutes did not contain such impossible crime as defined and penalized in Articles 4,
the mere alarm of crime. Again: 'Where the thing intended provision, and thus, following the principle of legality, no paragraph 2, and 59 of the Revised Penal Code,
(attempted) as a crime and what is done is a sort to create person could be criminally liable for an act which was not respectively. Having in mind the social danger and degree of
alarm, in other words, excite apprehension that the evil made criminal by law. Further, it said: criminality shown by Petitioner, this Court sentences him to
intention will be carried out, the incipient act which the law of Congress has not yet enacted a law that provides that intent suffer the penalty of six (6) months of arresto mayor,
attempt takes cognizance of is in reason committed. plus act plus conduct constitutes the offense of attempt together with the accessory penalties provided by the law,
In State vs. Mitchell,[21] defendant, with intent to kill, fired at irrespective of legal impossibility until such time as such and to pay the costs.
the window of victim's room thinking that the latter was legislative changes in the law take place, this court will not SO ORDERED.
inside. However, at that moment, the victim was in another fashion a new non-statutory law of criminal attempt.
part of the house. The court convicted the accused of To restate, in the United States, where the offense sought to Feliciano, Regalado, and Nocon, JJ., concur.
attempted murder. be committed is factually impossible of accomplishment, the Narvasa, C.J., (Chairman), on official leave.
The aforecited cases are the same cases which have been offender cannot escape criminal liability. He can be
relied upon by Respondent to make this Court sustain the convicted of an attempt to commit the substantive crime
judgment of attempted murder against Petitioner. However, where the elements of attempt are satisfied. It appears, [ GR No. 95322, Mar 01, 1993 ]
we cannot rely upon these decisions to resolve the issue at therefore, that the act is penalized, not as an impossible PEOPLE v. PABLITO DOMASIAN
hand. There is a difference between the Philippine and the crime, but as an attempt to commit a crime. On the other DECISION
hand, where the offense is legally impossible of
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warned that otherwise the boy would be killed. Agra thought boy's naiveté made him even more believable. Tirso
CRUZ, J.: the handwriting in the note was familiar. After comparing it Ferreras, Enrico's classmate and also his age, pointed to
The boy was detained for only about three hours and was with some records in the hospital, he gave the note to the Domasian with equal certainty, as the man who approached
released even before his parents received the ransom note. police, which referred it to the NBI for examination.[3] Enrico when they were walking together that morning of
But it spawned a protracted trial spanning all of 8 years and March 11, 1982. Grate, the tricycle driver who suspected
led to the conviction of the two accused.[1] The test showed that it had been written by Dr. Samson Enrico's companion and later chased him, was also positive
Tan.[4] On the other hand, Enrico was shown a folder of in identifying Domasian. All these three witnesses did not
The victim was Enrico Paulo Agra, who was 8 years old at pictures in the police station so he could identify the man know Domasian until that same morning and could have no
the time of the incident in question. The accused were who had detained him, and he pointed to the picture of ill motive in testifying against him. By contrast, Eugenia
Pablito Domasian and Samson Tan, the latter then a Pablito Domasian.[5] Domasian and Tan were subsequently Agtay, who testified for the defense, can hardly be
resident physician in the hospital owned by Enrico's parents. charged with the crime of kidnaping with serious illegal considered a disinterested witness because she admitted
They were represented by separate lawyers at the trial and detention in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon.[6] she had known Domasian for 3 years.
filed separate briefs in this appeal.
The defense of both accused was denial and alibi. Domasian The defense asks why Domasian openly took Enrico to
The evidence of the prosecution showed that in the morning claimed that at the time of the incident he was watching a several public places if the intention was to kidnap and
of March 11, 1982, while Enrico was walking with a mahjong game in a friend's house and later went to an detain him. That is for Domasian himself to answer. We do
classmate along Roque street in the poblacion of Lopez, optical clinic with his wife for the refraction of his not have to probe the reasons for the irrational conduct of an
Quezon, he was approached by a man who requested his eyeglasses.[7] Dr. Tan for his part said he was in Manila.[8] accused. The more important question, as we see it, is why
assistance in getting his father's signature on a medical Domasian detained Enrico in the first place after pretending
certificate. Enrico agreed to help and rode with the man in a After trial, Judge Enrico A. Lanzanas found both accused he needed the boy's help. That is also for Domasian to
tricycle to Calantipayan, where he waited outside while the guilty as charged and sentenced them to suffer the penalty explain. As for Enrico's alleged willingness to go with
man went into a building to get the certificate. Enrico of reclusion perpetuaand all accessory penalties. They were Domasian, this was manifested only at the beginning, when
became apprehensive and started to cry when, instead of also required to pay P200,000.00 to Dr. and Mrs. Enrique he believed the man sincerely needed his assistance. But he
taking him to the hospital, the man flagged a minibus and Agra as actual and moral damages and attorney's fees. was soon disabused. His initial confidence gave way to fear
forced him inside, holding him firmly all the while. The man when Domasian, after taking him so far away from the
told him to stop crying or he would not be returned to his In the present appeal, the accused-appellants reiterate their hospital where he was going, restrained and threatened him
father. When they alighted at Gumaca, they took another denial of any participation in the incident in question. They if he did not stop crying.
tricycle, this time bound for the municipal building from belittle the credibility of the prosecution witnesses and
where they walked to the market. Here the man talked to a submit that their own witnesses are more believable. Tan Domasian's alibi cannot stand against his positive
jeepney driver and handed him an envelope addressed to specifically challenges the findings of the NBI and offers identification by Enrico, Grate and Ferreras, let alone the
Dr. Enrique Agra, the boy's father. The two then boarded a anew the opposite findings of the PC/INP showing that he contradictions made by his corroborating witness, Dr. Irene
tricycle headed for San Vicente, with the man still firmly was not the writer of the ransom note. He maintains that in Argosino, regarding the time he was in the optical clinic and
holding Enrico, who continued crying. This aroused the any case, the crime alleged is not kidnaping with serious the manner of his payment for the refraction.[9] Tan's alibi is
suspicion of the driver, Alexander Grate, who asked the man illegal detention as no detention in an enclosure was not convincing either. The circumstance that he may have
about his relationship with the boy. The man said he and the involved. If at all, it should be denominated and punished been in Manila at the time of the incident does not prove that
boy were brothers, making Grate doubly suspicious because only as grave coercion. Finally, both Domasian and Tan he could not have written the ransom note except at that
of the physical differences between the two and the wide insist that there is no basis for the finding of a conspiracy time.
gap between their ages. Grate immediately reported the between them to make them criminally liable in equal
matter to two barangay tanods when his passengers alighted degree. Concerning the note, Rule 132, Section 22, of the Rules of
from the tricycle. Grate and the tanods went after the two Court provides as follows:
and saw the man dragging the boy. Noticing that they were First, on the credibility of the witnesses. This is assessed in
being pursued, the man told Enrico to run fast as their the first instance by the trial judge, whose finding in this The handwriting of a person may be proved by any witness
pursuers might behead them. Somehow, the man managed regard is received with much respect by the appellate court who believes it to be the handwriting of such person and has
to escape, leaving Enrico behind. Enrico was on his way because of his opportunity to directly observe the demeanor seen the person write, or has seen writing purporting to be
home in a passenger jeep when he met his parents, who of the witnesses on the stand. his upon which the witness has acted or been charged and
were riding in the hospital ambulance and already looking for has thus acquired knowledge of the handwriting of such
him.[2] In the case at bar, Judge Lanzanas relied heavily on the person. Evidence respecting the handwriting may also be
testimony of the victim himself, who positively identified given by a comparison, made by the witness or the court,
At about 1:45 in the afternoon of the same day, after Enrico's Domasian as the person who detained him for three hours. with writings admitted or treated as genuine by the party
return, Agra received an envelope containing a ransom note. The trial court observed that the boy was "straight-forward, against whom the evidence is offered or proved to be
The note demanded P1 million for the release of Enrico and natural and consistent" in the narration of his detention. The genuine to the satisfaction of the judge.
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Two expert witnesses were presented in the case at bar, one 1. If the kidnapping or detention shall have lasted more than Even before the ransom note was received, the crime of
from the NBI,[10] who opined that the ransom note and the five days. kidnaping with serious illegal detention had already been
standard documents were written by one and the same committed. The act cannot be considered an impossible
person, and another from the PC/INP[11] who expressed a 2. If it shall have been committed simulating public authority. crime because there was no inherent improbability of its
contrary conclusion. The trial court chose to believe the NBI accomplishment or the employment of inadequate or
expert because his examination and analysis "was more 3. If any serious physical injuries shall have been inflicted ineffective means. The delivery of the ransom note after the
comprehensive than the one conducted by the PC/INP upon the person kidnapped or detained; or if threats to kill rescue of the victim did not extinguish the offense, which had
handwriting expert, who virtually limited his reliance on the him shall have been made. already been consummated when Domasian deprived
perceived similarities and dissimilarities in the pattern and Enrico of his liberty. The sending of the ransom note would
style of the writing, thereby disregarding the basic principle 4. If the person kidnapped or detained shall be a minor, have had the effect only of increasing the penalty to death
in handwriting identification that it is not the form alone nor female or a public officer. under the last paragraph of Article 267 although this too
anyone feature but rather a combination of all the qualities would not have been possible under the new Constitution.
that identify." The penalty shall be death where the kidnapping or
detention was committed for the purpose of extorting ransom On the issue of conspiracy, we note first that it exists when
We have held that the value of the opinion of a handwriting from the victim or any other person; even if none of the two or more persons come to an agreement concerning the
expert depends not upon his mere statements of whether a circumstances above-mentioned were present in the commission of a felony and decide to commit it, whether
writing is genuine or false, but upon the assistance he may commission of the offense. they act through physical volition of one or all, proceeding
afford in pointing out distinguishing marks, characteristics Contrary to Tan's submission, this crime may consist not severally or collectively.[17]
and discrepancies in and between genuine and false only in placing a person in an enclosure but also in detaining
specimens of writing which would ordinarily escape notice or him or depriving him in any manner of his liberty.[16] In the It is settled that conspiracy can be inferred from and proven
detection from an unpracticed observer.[12] The test of case at bar, it is noted that although the victim was not by the acts of the accused themselves when said acts point
genuineness ought to be the resemblance, not the formation confined in an enclosure, he was deprived of his liberty when to a joint purpose and design, concerted action and
of letters in some other specimens but to the general Domasian restrained him from going home and dragged him community of interests.[18] In the instant case, the trial court
character of writing, which is impressed on it as the first into the minibus that took them to the municipal building correctly held that conspiracy was proved by the act of
involuntary and unconscious result of constitution, habit or in Gumaca, thence to the market and then into the tricycle Domasian in detaining Enrico; the writing of the ransom note
other permanent course, and is, therefore itself bound for San Vicente. The detention was committed by by Tan; and its delivery by Domasian to Agra. These acts
permanent.[13] Domasian, who was a private individual, and Enrico was a were complementary to each other and geared toward the
minor at that time. The crime clearly comes under Par. 4 of attainment of the common ultimate objective, viz. to extort
Presented with the conflicting opinions of the witnesses in the above-quoted article. the ransom of P1 million in exchange for Enrico's life.
the case at bar, the Court feels that the scales should tilt in
favor of the prosecution. Significantly, the NBI opinion was Tan claims that the lower court erred in not finding that the The motive for the offense is not difficult to discover.
bolstered by the testimony of Agra, who believed that the sending of the ransom note was an impossible crime which According to Agra, Tan approached him six days before the
ransom note was written by Tan, with whose handwriting he he says is not punishable. His reason is that the second incident happened and requested a loan of at least
was familiar because they had been working in the hospital paragraph of Article 4 of the Revised Penal Code provides P15,000.00. Agra said he had no funds at that moment and
for four years and he had seen that handwriting every day in that criminal liability shall be incurred "by any person Tan did not believe him, angrily saying that Agra could even
Tan's prescriptions and daily reports.[14] performing an act which would be an offense against raise a million pesos if he really wanted to help.[19] The
persons or property, were it not for the inherent imposibility refusal obviously triggered the plan to kidnap Enrico and
Cesar v. Sandiganbayan[15] is not applicable because that of its accomplishment or on account of the employment of demand P1 million for his release.
case involved a forgery or the deliberate imitation of another inadequate or ineffectual means." As the crime alleged is not
person's signature. In the case before us, there was in fact against persons or property but against liberty, he argues The constitutional issues raised by Domasian do not affect
an effort to disguise the ransom note writer's penmanship to that it is not covered by the said provision. the decision in this case. His claim that he was arrested
prevent his discovery. without warrant and then tortured and held incommunicado
Tan conveniently forgets the first paragraph of the same to extort a confession from him does not vitiate his
As for the nature of the crime committed, Article 267 of the article, which clearly applies to him, thus: conviction. He never gave any confession. As for the
Revised Penal Code provides as follows: allegation that the seizure of the documents used for
Art. 4. Criminal liability. - Criminal liability shall be incurred: comparison with the ransom note was made without a
Art. 267. Kidnapping and serious illegal detention. - Any search warrant, it suffices to say that such documents were
private individual who shall kidnap or detain another, or in 1. By any person committing a felony (delito) although the taken by Agra himself and not by the NBI agents or other
any manner deprive him of his liberty, shall suffer the penalty wrongful act done be different from that which he intended. police authorities. We held in the case of People vs. Andre
of reclusion perpetua to death: Marti,[20] that the Bill of Rights cannot be invoked against
xxx acts of private individuals, being directed only against the
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government and its law-enforcement agencies as a limitation The five appellants, all farmers and residents of Barangay After shooting Siegfred Insular, the accused turned to his
on official action. Caraudan, Janiuay, Iloilo, are related to each other. Jose wife, Paterna, and attempted to shoot her but Paterna
Enoja @ "Moros", Ronnie Enoja @ "Bud-oy", and Yolly Insular hugged Teodoro Salamanca who was then and there
We are satisfied that Tan and Domasian, in conspiracy with Armada, are the brother, son and first cousin, respectively, present, thus prompting the latter to shout to the accused:
each other, committed the crime of kidnaping as defined and of appellant Nicasio Enoja, while Antonio Galupar is a "do not include the girl." The accused heeded the plea of
penalized under Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code and "kumpadre." Three other accused, Joel Enoja @ "Mike", Teodoro Salamanca and refrained from shooting Paterna
so deserve the penalty imposed upon them by the trial court. Melvin Castor, and Antonio Enoja, remain at-large. Insular.

WHEREFORE, the appealed decision is AFFIRMED, with The victim, Siegfred G. Insular, was a suspected Jose Enoja then turned to his brother Antonio Enoja and
costs against the accused-appellants. commander of the "New People's Army" (NPA). A day fired at the latter hitting him on the thigh. Thereafter, Jose
before the incident, the house of Romulo Enoja, brother of Enoja approached Siegfred Insular who was then lying on
Let a copy of this decision be sent to the Commission on the Enojas, was allegedly sprayed with bullets by the NPA, the ground and placed the gun he used in shooting his
Human Rights for investigation of the alleged violation of the killing Romulo's daughter and son. Before that, the house of brother, Antonio, near the hand of Siegfred Insular. Then
constitutional rights of Pablito Domasian. Catelina Enoja, mother of the Enojas, at Barangay Jose Enoja placed some live bullets into the pocket of
SO ORDERED. Caraudan, was allegedly burned by the NPA. Siegfred Insular. Jose Enoja called for a hammock and, in
no time at all, there was a hammock brought to the place
Griño-Aquino, Bellosillo, and Quiason, JJ., concur. The facts are not in dispute. In their consolidated brief, where Antonio Enoja was loaded and, thereafter, brought to
appellants adopted the factual findings of the trial court, as the hospital. The body of Siegfred Insular was, however, left
[ G.R. No. 102596, December 17, 1999 ] follows:[2] lying on the ground at the scene of the incident.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, PLAINTIFF-APPELLEE, "x x x [I]n the afternoon of July 2, 1987, at around 4:30
VS. NICASIO ENOJA @ “NICK”, JOSE ENOJA @ o'clock, while Siegfred Insular and his wife, Paterna, were on Nicasio Enoja announced that they would bring Paterna
“MOROS”, ANTONIO GALUPAR @ “TONY”, RONNIE their way home from the market walking along the ricefield at Insular and Teodoro Salamanca to the ricefield where they
ENOJA @ “BUD-OY”, AND YOLLY ARMADA, ACCUSED- Barangay Caraudan, Janiuay, Iloilo, they saw Yolly Armada would be made to spend the night but Paterna pleaded to
APPELLANTS. with a long firearm in hand, walking on the other side of the Nicasio Enoja to just bring them to the house of Patria
field towards the same direction where the couple were Alcantara about five meters away from the scene of the
DECISION going. incident. The accused granted the request of Paterna and
QUISUMBING, J.: brought her and Teodoro Salamanca to the house of Patria
This is an appeal from the decision dated October 31, 1990, Paterna did not at first recognize Yolly Armada as the man Alcantara where they were told to stay with the warning not
of the Regional Trial Court, Iloilo City, Branch 26, in Criminal on the other side of the ricefield, and so, she called the to get out or they would be shot. It was only the following
Case No. 31550, convicting accused-appellants Nicasio attention of her husband saying that the man was carrying a morning, after policemen and PC soldiers had arrived that
Enoja @ "Nick", Jose Enoja @ "Moros", Antonio Galupar @ firearm. Recognizing the man, however, Siegfred told his Paterna and Salamanca were able to go out of the house of
"Tony", Ronnie Enoja @ Bud-oy", and Yolly Armada of the wife: "never mind, he is Yolly Armada". The spouses Insular Alcantara.
crime of murder, and sentencing them as follows: and Yolly Armada continued walking until they met ways in
"...Nicasio Enoja @ Nick, Jose Enoja @ "Moros", and front of the ricemill of Teodoro Salamanca near the The shooting incident reached the police station of Janiuay,
Antonio Galupar alias "Tony", each to suffer the penalty of chapel. Siegfred greeted Armada by nodding his head to Iloilo upon the report of one Alfredo Galupar, and so, a joint
reclusion perpetua; Yolly Armada to suffer an indeterminate which Armada responded by also nodding his PC-INP team under P.C. Lt. Pangina and police station
prison sentence ranging from ten (10) years and one (1) day head. Siegfred then said "We will leave" but as he and his commander, Sgt. Reynaldo Soroñgon went to Barangay
of prision mayor as minimum to eighteen (18) years, eight wife were about to proceed on their way, Armada blocked Caraudan and conducted investigation of the incident. That
(8) months and one (1) day of reclusion temporal as the couple and pointed his firearm to Siegfred with the barrel was already around 8:00 o'clock in the morning of July 3,
maximum, and Ronnie Enoja alias "Bud-oy" to suffer of the gun touching the left side of the body of the latter. 1987. The policemen were able to recovery several empty
indeterminate prison sentence ranging from six (6) years and Suddenly, Armada fired his gun and as Siegfred turned his shells of different caliber of firearms from the crime
one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to twelve (12) back to run, Armada fired successive shots at him causing scene. One short homemade firearm caliber .30, with one
years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum him to fall to the ground, wounded. empty shell inside the chamber was likewise found and
and all the said accused, to pay, jointly and severally, the recovered from the ground near the left arm of the victim."
heirs of the deceased Siegfred Insular the sum of Almost simultaneously, several armed men appeared and On March 11, 1988, Provincial Fiscal Vicente E. Aragona
P30,000.00 for his death and P19,200.00 as actual damages took turns in firing at Siegfred. Among these armed men filed an Information[3] for murder against appellants and their
representing expenses, without subsidiary imprisonment in were Nicasio Enoja alias "Nick," Jose Enoja alias "Moros", three companions who were still at-large. The Information
case of insolvency together with all the accessory penalties Antonio Galupar alias "Tony," and Ronnie Enoja alias "Bud- alleged:
provided for by law and to pay the costs."[1] oy." The body of the victim jerked as the accused took turns "The undersigned Provincial Fiscal accuses NICASIO
in shooting him. ENOJA alias "Nick", JOSE ENOJA alias "Moros", ANTONIO
GALUPAR alias "Tony", RONNIE ENOJA alias "Bud-oy" and
Page 10 of 53

YOLLY ARMADA of the crime of Murder committed as denial and alibi. and was resting in his house in Barangay Caraudan when he
follows: heard explosions. He remained at home the whole night and
Appellant Armada pleaded self-defense in shooting only learned of the death of Siegfred the following
That on or about July 2, 1987, in the Municipality of Janiuay, Siegfred. He claimed that while he was on his way from morning. He claimed that he was implicated in the case
Province of Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of Barangay Quipot to Caraudan, to attend the wake of his because he refused to act as witness for the prosecution. [16]
this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring, niece and nephew, he heard gunshots near the
confederating and mutually helping one another with JOEL chapel. When he went to the place, he saw Galupar lying On October 31, 1990, the trial court rendered a
ENOJA alias "Mike", MELVIN CASTOR and ANTONIO wounded on the ground, shot by Siegfred. Siegfred then decision[17] finding appellants guilty as charged. The trial
ENOJA, who are still at large, armed with firearms and attempted to shoot Armada, but the latter beat him to the court did not give credence to Armada's claim of self-
taking advantage of superior strength to better realize their draw. Armada fired successive shots at Insular with his M-2 defense inasmuch as policemen recovered several empty
purpose, with treachery and evident premeditation and with automatic carbine. He did not see Paterna in the bullet shells from firearms of different calibers at the scene of
intent to kill, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and vicinity. After the shooting, Salamanca, Nicasio and Arnold the crime. The short homemade firearm found near the left
feloniously attack, assault and shoot one SIEGFRED came out of the rice mill. Salamanca asked what happened arm of the victim could not have been used by the victim
INSULAR with said weapon with which they were then and Armada answered that Siegfred shot Antonio and so, he since it only had one empty shell in its chamber, not to
provided, thereby inflicting upon the latter gunshot wounds shot Siegfred. Armada then left and surrendered to the PC mention that the victim was right-handed. Lastly, the trial
on the vital parts of his body which caused his death station at Jibolo, Janiuay, Iloilo City.[8] court found it highly suspicious that Antonio, who was
thereafter. allegedly shot by the victim and who could have
The other appellants admitted being in the vicinity of the corroborated Armada's story of self-defense, went into hiding
CONTRARY TO LAW." crime, but categorically denied any participation in the and had not surfaced up to the present.
On August 5, 1988, appellants were arraigned and entered shooting.
their respective pleas of not guilty. In this appeal, in their joint brief,[18] appellants raise the
Nicasio claimed that he was with his son, Arnold, and following errors:
During trial, the prosecution presented the following Salamanca inside the latter's ricemill, milling palay when the I. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING
witnesses: Teodoro Salamanca, an eyewitness to the shooting occurred.[9] However, Salamanca testified that at CONSPIRACY;
shooting; Paterna Insular, widow of Siegred; Dr. Tito D. the time of the incident, there was no palay milling going
Doromal, medico-legal officer who did the autopsy; Pfc. Juan on.[10] II. THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING THE
O. Gañon, and Pfc. Moises C. Reiteracion, Integrated ACCUSED-APPELLANTS GUILTY;
National Police officers who responded to the shooting Ronnie testified that he was doing household chores in their
incident. house at Barangay Caraudan, where his brother Rowel and III. ASSUMING THEM GUILTY, THE LOWER COURT
sister Annelyn were lying in state, when he heard explosions ERRED, EXCEPT FOR APPELLANT YOLLY ARMADA, IN
Dr. Doromal testified that the victim suffered five (5) gunshot coming from the direction of the ricemill.[11] Shortly thereafter, NOT FINDING THAT THE OFFENSE COMMITTED WAS
wounds in the head and neck area, six (6) gunshot wounds Arnold arrived and told them that Antonio was shot by ONLY AN IMPOSSIBLE CRIME.
in the thoraco-abdominal regions, and two (2) gunshot Siegfred and requested that a hammock be brought to the The records show that appellant Antonio Galupar died
wounds in the extremities. The cause of death was scene so that Antonio could be brought to the pending appeal. Pursuant to our ruling in People v.
maceration of the brain, secondary to gunshot wounds.[4] hospital. Ronnie, Jose, and Jonathan Lazo, Ronnie's first Bayotas, 236 SCRA 239, the death of appellant Galupar
cousin, immediately brought the hammock to the scene of pending appeal extinguished his criminal liability as well as
Pfc. Juan O. Gañon stated that he entered the incident in the the incident.[12] Ronnie thereafter saw Paterna arrive and cry his civil liability ex delicto in senso strictiore.
police blotter.[5] Pfc. Moises C. Reiteracion said he was part upon seeing her slain husband. Ronnie and his companions
of the team which responded to the report of the shooting placed Antonio in the hammock, boarded him in a tricycle, Appellant Yolly Armada escaped from the New Bilibid Prison
incident. The team found the body of the victim still lying on and rushed him to the hospital.[13] On the way, Ronnie heard on September 25, 1996.[19] As a result, his appeal was
the same spot the following morning. They recovered empty explosions and when he looked back, he saw his uncle Joel dismissed and the judgment against him became final and
shells of different calibers and a homemade short firearm Enoja alias "Mike" and his friend, Melvin, shooting the executory. Entry of judgment was made on January 9,
near the left arm of the victim.[6] Pfc. Reiteracion and two prostrate body of Siegfred.[14] 1997.[20]
companions brought the body of the victim to the funeral
home.[7] Jose testified that he was at his house, about 300 meters In the meantime, appellant Jose Enoja jumped bail, which
from the scene of the crime. He was weeding in his yard also resulted in the dismissal of his appeal. Judgment
For the defense, appellants presented Atty. David when he heard gunfire. After a short while, Arnold arrived against him became final and executory, and entry of
Tubongbanua, 4th Assistant Provincial Prosecutor of Iloilo, and asked him to bring a hammock to the scene of the judgment was made on March 21, 1997.[21] An appellant who
who recommended the dismissal of the case but was incident.[15] escapes or refuses to surrender to the proper authorities is
overturned by the Provincial Fiscal. Appellants themselves deemed to have abandoned his appeal,[22] hence, the
testified and, except for Armada, interposed the defense of Galupar related that he had just finished plowing his farm judgment against him becomes a final and
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executory. Nonetheless, the appeal proceeds as to the Appellants suggest that since Paterna was crying at the time it is also speculative as to cause of death. The defense of
remaining appellants, Nicasio Enoja and Ronnie Enoja, who of the shooting, she could not have clearly witnessed the impossible crime is irreconcilable with alibi.
are now detained at the New Bilibid Prison, Muntinlupa commission of the crime. This contention is disingenuous, to
City. Our present review, therefore, concerns only these two say the least. Paterna's crying does not impair her Appellants Nicasio and Ronnie Enoja claim that they were
appellants. credibility. Witnesses of startling occurrences react elsewhere during the offense. For alibi to prosper as a
differently depending upon their situation and state of mind, defense, the accused must show that he was so far away
Appellants assail the trial court's finding of conspiracy by and there is no standard form of human behavioral response that he could not have been physically present at the place
pointing out alleged inconsistencies in the testimonies of the when one is confronted with a strange, startling or frightful of the crime, or its immediate vicinity at the time of its
prosecution witnesses Salamanca and Paterna. Appellants experience. [27] Her powers of observation could even be commission[32] and that his presence elsewhere renders it
contend that while Salamanca testified that it was heightened by the startling event to imprint the details in her impossible for him to be the guilty party.[33] In this case,
only after Armada shot the victim that the other appellants memory. We have gone over the records and find her Nicasio admitted he was within the vicinity of the crime but
came "one after the other" and fired at the victim, Paterna testimony clear, credible and consistent with the testimony of presented the lame excuse that he was inside Salamanca's
testified that appellants fired successive shots at the victim, Salamanca. rice mill at the time of the shooting. His son, Arnold,
implying that all appellants were already in the crime scene corroborated this testimony. But it was put in doubt by the
when Armada fired at Siegfred. However, close perusal of Appellants further insist that the trial court erred in finding testimony of Salamanca, who stated that no milling of palay
the pertinent transcript of stenographic notes (TSN) shows that treachery accompanied the killing, considering that the in his ricemill was going on at the time of the shooting. Alibi,
no inconsistencies in the two testimonies. Paterna actually victim was already forewarned of the impending danger especially when it is corroborated mainly by relatives and
testified that after Armada fired at her husband, the other when he saw appellant Armada carrying a firearm. friends of the accused, is held by this Court with extreme
appellants arrived one after the other ("nag-arabot Appellants contend that for treachery to exist, the offended suspicion for alibi is easy to fabricate and concoct. [34]
abot"),[23] and continued to fire at the prostrate body of her party is completely denied of the opportunity to defend
husband. The two testimonies constitute cumulative himself, but it is not so in this case. Both Paterna and Salamanca positively identified Nicasio
evidence on who participated in the shooting of Enoja as one of those who took part in the shooting
Siegfred. Both witnesses pointed to all five accused- As the Solicitor General correctly pointed out, there was incident. Paterna categorically pointed to Ronnie Enoja as
appellants. nothing in the behavior of Armada that could have the person who shot her husband in the right
forewarned the victim of an impending danger. Both the eye.[35]Appellants could not attribute any motive against
On the matter of conspiracy, we have consistently held that victim and Armada knew each other. Armada even these witnesses to falsely testify against them. In the light of
conspiracy need not be shown by direct proof of an acknowledged the greeting of the victim. The latter was positive identification by witnesses who have no motive to
agreement by the parties to commit the crime. The conduct walking along the ricefield with his wife[28] when he was falsely testify, the feeble defense of alibi cannot prevail over
of the malefactors before, during or after the commission of suddenly gunned down by the appellants. The victim gave the clear and positive identification of the accused as the
the crime is sufficient to prove their conspiracy. Once no provocation for the attack. The essence of treachery is perpetrators of the crime.[36]
proved, the act of one becomes the act of all. All shall be the sudden and unexpected attack without the slightest
answerable as co-principals regardless of the extent or provocation on the part of the person attacked.[29] Clearly, At the time of the commission of the crime, on July 2, 1987,
degree of their participation.[24] In this case, circumstances the qualifying circumstance of treachery is present in this the penalty for murder under Article 248 of the Revised
indubitably show that appellants acted concertedly to kill case. Penal Code was reclusion temporal in its maximum period to
Siegfred. First, after appellant Armada fired at the victim death.[37]
incapacitating the latter, the other accused arrived "almost Considering the number of the armed assailants against the
simultaneously" and took turns in shooting the victim. The lone unarmed victim, there was also abuse of superior There being no mitigating nor aggravating circumstance,
successive shots riddled the victim's body with strength. Since treachery absorbs the aggravating with respect to Nicasio Enoja's culpability, the trial court
bullets. Several empty cartridges from guns of different circumstance of abuse of superior strength this aggravating correctly imposed the penalty for murder in its medium
calibers found in the scene and the numerous wounds of the circumstance need not be appreciated separately.[30] period,[38] which is reclusion perpetua.
victim indicate plurality of assailants.[25]Second, appellant
Jose Enoja thereafter fired a shot at the thigh of his brother As an alternative defense, appellants present the theory that With respect to appellant Ronnie Enoja, who was born on
Antonio to make it appear that the shooting was in self- even assuming they participated in the killing of Siegfred, February 21, 1970, and was below 18 at the time of the
defense. Third, Jose planted a short firearm near the body they should only be held liable for the commission of an commission of the crime, the trial court correctly appreciated
of the victim and placed bullets in the pocket of the impossible crime under Article 4, Par. 2 of the Revised Penal the privileged mitigating circumstance of minority. Thus, the
victim. Fourth, strangely after Antonio was brought to the Code, penalized under Article 59 thereof.[31] Appellants penalty next lower in degree was imposed on him in its
hospital, he conveniently disappeared and could no longer theorize that the shots fired by Armada already resulted in proper period pursuant to Article 68, second paragraph of
be located by the authorities. The aforementioned acts of the the death of the victim, and hence, their subsequent the Revised Penal Code, which is prision mayor maximum
appellants clearly point to their common purpose, concert of shooting of the victim merely constitutes the impossible to reclusion temporal medium. Applying the Indeterminate
action, and community of interest.[26] crime of killing an already dead person. The proposition not Sentence Law, the maximum penalty to be imposed upon
only completely contradicts their defense of alibi and denial, appellant Ronnie Enoja shall be taken from the medium
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period of the imposable penalty, which is reclusion Petitioner, along with two other women, namely, Anita Busog
temporal minimum or twelve (12) years and one (1) day to de Valencia y Rivera and Jacqueline Capitle, was charged Ricablanca then phoned accused Anita Valencia, a former
fourteen (14) years and eight (8) months, while the minimum before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City, employee/collector of Mega Foam, asking the latter to inform
shall be taken from the penalty next lower in degree, which Branch 131, with the crime of Qualified Theft, allegedly Jacqueline Capitle about the phone call from Land Bank
is prision correccional maximum to prision mayor medium or committed as follows: regarding the bounced check. Ricablanca explained that she
four (4) years and two (2) months to ten (10) That on or about and sometime in the month of July 1997, in had to call and relay the message through Valencia,
years. Consequently, the trial court correctly imposed upon Kalookan City, Metro Manila, and within the jurisdiction of because the Capitles did not have a phone; but they could
Ronnie Enoja the indeterminate sentence of six (6) years this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, conspiring be reached through Valencia, a neighbor and former co-
and one (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to twelve (12) together and mutually helping one another, being then all employee of Jacqueline Capitle at Mega Foam.
years and one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum. employees of MEGA FOAM INTERNATIONAL INC., herein
represented by JOSEPH DYHENGCO Y CO, and as such Valencia then told Ricablanca that the check came from
Pursuant to prevailing jurisprudence, the award of had free access inside the aforesaid establishment, with Baby Aquino, and instructed Ricablanca to ask Baby Aquino
P30,000.00 as indemnity should be increased to grave abuse of trust and confidence reposed upon them with to replace the check with cash. Valencia also told
P50,000.00. However, the award of actual damages in the intent to gain and without the knowledge and consent of the Ricablanca of a plan to take the cash and divide it equally
amount of P19,000.00 should be deleted. Credence can owner thereof, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and into four: for herself, Ricablanca, petitioner Jacinto and
only be given to claims, which are duly supported by feloniously take, steal and deposited in their own account, Jacqueline Capitle. Ricablanca, upon the advise of Mega
receipts.[39] The testimony alone of the widow, that her sister- Banco De Oro Check No. 0132649 dated July 14, 1997 in Foam's accountant, reported the matter to the owner of
in-law incurred about P20,000.00 expenses in connection the sum of P10,000.00, representing payment made by Mega Foam, Joseph Dyhengco.
with the death of the victim, is insufficient basis to award customer Baby Aquino to the Mega Foam Int'l. Inc. to the
actual damages. damage and prejudice of the latter in the aforesaid stated Thereafter, Joseph Dyhengco talked to Baby Aquino and
amount of P10,000.00. was able to confirm that the latter indeed handed petitioner a
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of BDO check for P10,000.00 sometime in June 1997 as
Iloilo City, Branch 26, in Criminal Case No. 31550, convicting CONTRARY TO LAW.[3] payment for her purchases from Mega Foam.[4] Baby Aquino
accused-appellants Nicasio Enoja @ " Nick" and Ronnie further testified that, sometime in July 1997, petitioner also
Enoja @ "Bud-oy" of the crime of Murder is The prosecution's evidence, which both the RTC and the CA called her on the phone to tell her that the BDO check
hereby AFFIRMED, with the MODIFICATION that accused- found to be more credible, reveals the events that transpired bounced.[5] Verification from company records showed that
appellants are ordered to pay the heirs of the victim, jointly to be as follows. petitioner never remitted the subject check to Mega Foam.
and severally, the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity. The However, Baby Aquino said that she had already paid Mega
award of P19,200.00 as actual damages is deleted. Costs In the month of June 1997, Isabelita Aquino Milabo, also Foam P10,000.00 cash in August 1997 as replacement for
against appellants. known as Baby Aquino, handed petitioner Banco De Oro the dishonored check.[6]
(BDO) Check Number 0132649 postdated July 14, 1997 in
SO ORDERED. the amount of P10,000.00. The check was payment for Baby Generoso Capitle, presented as a hostile witness, admitted
Aquino's purchases from Mega Foam Int'l., Inc., and depositing the subject BDO check in his bank account, but
Bellosillo, (Chairman), Mendoza, Buena, and De Leon, Jr., petitioner was then the collector of Mega Foam. Somehow, explained that the check came into his possession when
JJ., concur. the check was deposited in the Land Bank account of some unknown woman arrived at his house around the first
Generoso Capitle, the husband of Jacqueline Capitle; the week of July 1997 to have the check rediscounted. He
[ G.R. No. 162540, July 13, 2009 ] latter is the sister of petitioner and the former pricing, parted with his cash in exchange for the check without even
GEMMA T. JACINTO, PETITIONER, VS. PEOPLE OF THE merchandising and inventory clerk of Mega Foam. bothering to inquire into the identity of the woman or her
PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT. address. When he was informed by the bank that the check
Meanwhile, Rowena Ricablanca, another employee of Mega bounced, he merely disregarded it as he didn't know where
DECISION Foam, received a phone call sometime in the middle of July to find the woman who rediscounted the check.
PERALTA, J.: from one of their customers, Jennifer Sanalila. The customer
Before us is a petition for review on certiorari filed by wanted to know if she could issue checks payable to the Meanwhile, Dyhengco filed a Complaint with the National
petitioner Gemma T. Jacinto seeking the reversal of the account of Mega Foam, instead of issuing the checks Bureau of Investigation (NBI) and worked out an entrapment
Decision[1] of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CR No. payable to CASH. Said customer had apparently been operation with its agents. Ten pieces of P1,000.00 bills
23761 dated December 16, 2003, affirming petitioner's instructed by Jacqueline Capitle to make check payments to provided by Dyhengco were marked and dusted with
conviction of the crime of Qualified Theft, and its Mega Foam payable to CASH. Around that time, Ricablanca fluorescent powder by the NBI. Thereafter, the bills were
Resolution[2] dated March 5, 2004 denying petitioner's also received a phone call from an employee of Land Bank, given to Ricablanca, who was tasked to pretend that she
motion for reconsideration. Valenzuela Branch, who was looking for Generoso Capitle. was going along with Valencia's plan.
The reason for the call was to inform Capitle that the subject
BDO check deposited in his account had been dishonored. On August 15, 2007, Ricablanca and petitioner met at the
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latter's house. Petitioner, who was then holding the bounced Hence, the present Petition for Review on Certiorari filed by
BDO check, handed over said check to Ricablanca. They Anita Valencia also admitted that she was the cashier of petitioner alone, assailing the Decision and Resolution of the
originally intended to proceed to Baby Aquino's place to Mega Foam until she resigned on June 30, 1997. It was CA. The issues raised in the petition are as follows:
have the check replaced with cash, but the plan did not push never part of her job to collect payments from customers. 1. Whether or not petitioner can be convicted of a
through. However, they agreed to meet again on August 21, According to her, on the morning of August 21, 1997, crime not charged in the information;
2007. Ricablanca called her up on the phone, asking if she 2. Whether or not a worthless check can be the
(Valencia) could accompany her (Ricablanca) to the house object of theft; and
On the agreed date, Ricablanca again went to petitioner's of Baby Aquino. Valencia claims that she agreed to do so, 3. Whether or not the prosecution has proved
house, where she met petitioner and Jacqueline Capitle. despite her admission during cross-examination that she did petitioner's guilt beyond reasonable doubt.[8]
Petitioner, her husband, and Ricablanca went to the house not know where Baby Aquino resided, as she had never
of Anita Valencia; Jacqueline Capitle decided not to go with been to said house. They then met at the house of The petition deserves considerable thought.
the group because she decided to go shopping. It was only petitioner's mother, rode the jeep of petitioner and her
petitioner, her husband, Ricablanca and Valencia who then husband, and proceeded to Baby Aquino's place. When they The prosecution tried to establish the following pieces of
boarded petitioner's jeep and went on to Baby Aquino's arrived at said place, Ricablanca alighted, but requested evidence to constitute the elements of the crime of qualified
factory. Only Ricablanca alighted from the jeep and entered them to wait for her in the jeep. After ten minutes, theft defined under Article 308, in relation to Article 310, both
the premises of Baby Aquino, pretending that she was Ricablanca came out and, to her surprise, Ricablanca gave of the Revised Penal Code: (1) the taking of personal
getting cash from Baby Aquino. However, the cash she her money and so she even asked, "What is this?" Then, the property - as shown by the fact that petitioner, as collector
actually brought out from the premises was the P10,000.00 NBI agents arrested them. for Mega Foam, did not remit the customer's check payment
marked money previously given to her by Dyhengco. to her employer and, instead, appropriated it for herself; (2)
Ricablanca divided the money and upon returning to the The trial of the three accused went its usual course and, on said property belonged to another − the check belonged to
jeep, gave P5,000.00 each to Valencia and petitioner. October 4, 1999, the RTC rendered its Decision, the Baby Aquino, as it was her payment for purchases she
Thereafter, petitioner and Valencia were arrested by NBI dispositive portion of which reads: made; (3) the taking was done with intent to gain - this is
agents, who had been watching the whole time. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the Court finds presumed from the act of unlawful taking and further shown
accused Gemma Tubale De Jacinto y Latosa, Anita by the fact that the check was deposited to the bank account
Petitioner and Valencia were brought to the NBI office where Busog De Valencia y Rivera and Jacqueline of petitioner's brother-in-law; (4) it was done without the
the Forensic Chemist found fluorescent powder on the Capitle GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime owner's consent - petitioner hid the fact that she had
palmar and dorsal aspects of both of their hands. This of QUALIFIED THEFT and each of them is hereby received the check payment from her employer's customer
showed that petitioner and Valencia handled the marked sentenced to suffer imprisonment of FIVE (5) YEARS, FIVE by not remitting the check to the company; (5) it was
money. The NBI filed a criminal case for qualified theft (5) MONTHS AND ELEVEN (11) DAYS, as minimum, to accomplished without the use of violence or intimidation
against the two and one Jane Doe who was later identified SIX (6) YEARS, EIGHT (8) MONTHS AND TWENTY (20) against persons, nor of force upon things - the check was
as Jacqueline Capitle, the wife of Generoso Capitle. DAYS, as maximum. voluntarily handed to petitioner by the customer, as she was
known to be a collector for the company; and (6) it was done
The defense, on the other hand, denied having taken the SO ORDERED.[7] with grave abuse of confidence - petitioner is admittedly
subject check and presented the following scenario. entrusted with the collection of payments from customers.
The three appealed to the CA and, on December 16, 2003, a
Petitioner admitted that she was a collector for Mega Foam Decision was promulgated, the dispositive portion of which However, as may be gleaned from the aforementioned
until she resigned on June 30, 1997, but claimed that she reads, thus: Articles of the Revised Penal Code, the personal property
had stopped collecting payments from Baby Aquino for quite IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the decision of the trial subject of the theft must have some value, as the
some time before her resignation from the company. She court is MODIFIED, in that: intention of the accused is to gain from the thing stolen.
further testified that, on the day of the arrest, Ricablanca (a) the sentence against accused Gemma Jacinto stands; This is further bolstered by Article 309, where the law
came to her mother's house, where she was staying at that (b) the sentence against accused Anita Valencia is reduced provides that the penalty to be imposed on the accused is
time, and asked that she accompany her (Ricablanca) to to 4 months arresto mayor medium. dependent on the value of the thing stolen.
Baby Aquino's house. Since petitioner was going for a pre- (c) The accused Jacqueline Capitle is acquitted.
natal check-up at the Chinese General Hospital, Ricablanca In this case, petitioner unlawfully took the postdated check
decided to hitch a ride with the former and her husband in SO ORDERED. belonging to Mega Foam, but the same was apparently
their jeep going to Baby Aquino's place in Caloocan City. without value, as it was subsequently dishonored. Thus, the
She allegedly had no idea why Ricablanca asked them to A Partial Motion for Reconsideration of the foregoing CA question arises on whether the crime of qualified theft was
wait in their jeep, which they parked outside the house of Decision was filed only for petitioner Gemma Tubale Jacinto, actually produced.
Baby Aquino, and was very surprised when Ricablanca but the same was denied per Resolution dated March 5,
placed the money on her lap and the NBI agents arrested 2004. The Court must resolve the issue in the negative.
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Intod v. Court of Appeals[9] is highly instructive and impossible under this clause, the act intended by the language of the law -- that theft is already "produced" upon
applicable to the present case. In Intod, the accused, offender must be by its nature one impossible of the "tak[ing of] personal property of another without the
intending to kill a person, peppered the latter's bedroom with accomplishment. There must be either (1) legal impossibility, latter's consent."
bullets, but since the intended victim was not home at the or (2) physical impossibility of accomplishing the intended xxxx
time, no harm came to him. The trial court and the CA held act in order to qualify the act as an impossible crime.
Intod guilty of attempted murder. But upon review by this x x x when is the crime of theft produced? There would be all
Court, he was adjudged guilty only of an impossible Legal impossibility occurs where the intended acts, even if but certain unanimity in the position that theft is produced
crime as defined and penalized in paragraph 2, Article 4, in completed, would not amount to a crime. when there is deprivation of personal property due to its
relation to Article 59, both of the Revised Penal Code, taking by one with intent to gain. Viewed from that
because of the factual impossibility of producing the crime. xxxx perspective, it is immaterial to the product of the felony that
Pertinent portions of said provisions read as follows: the offender, once having committed all the acts of execution
Article 4(2). Criminal Responsibility. - Criminal responsibility The impossibility of killing a person already dead falls in this for theft, is able or unable to freely dispose of the property
shall be incurred: category. stolen since the deprivation from the owner alone has
xxxx already ensued from such acts of execution. x x x
On the other hand, factual impossibility occurs when xxxx
2. By any person performing an act which would be an extraneous circumstances unknown to the actor or beyond
offense against persons or property, were it not for his control prevent the consummation of the intended crime. x x x we have, after all, held that unlawful taking,
the inherent impossibility of its accomplishment or on x x x [11] or apoderamiento, is deemed complete from the moment the
account of the employment of inadequate to ineffectual offender gains possession of the thing, even if he has no
means. (emphasis supplied) In Intod, the Court went on to give an example of an offense opportunity to dispose of the same. x x x
that involved factual impossibility, i.e., a man puts his hand
Article 59. Penalty to be imposed in case of failure to commit in the coat pocket of another with the intention to steal the x x x Unlawful taking, which is the deprivation of one's
the crime because the means employed or the aims sought latter's wallet, but gets nothing since the pocket is empty. personal property, is the element which produces the felony
are impossible. - When the person intending to commit an in its consummated stage. x x x [13]
offense has already performed the acts for the execution of Herein petitioner's case is closely akin to the above example
the same but nevertheless the crime was not produced by of factual impossibility given in Intod. In this case, petitioner From the above discussion, there can be no question that as
reason of the fact that the act intended was by its nature one performed all the acts to consummate the crime of qualified of the time that petitioner took possession of the check
of impossible accomplishment or because the means theft, which is a crime against property.Petitioner's evil intent meant for Mega Foam, she had performed all the acts to
employed by such person are essentially inadequate to cannot be denied, as the mere act of unlawfully taking the consummate the crime of theft, had it not been
produce the result desired by him, the court, having in mind check meant for Mega Foam showed her intent to gain or be impossible of accomplishment in this case. The
the social danger and the degree of criminality shown by the unjustly enriched. Were it not for the fact that the check circumstance of petitioner receiving the P5,000.00 cash as
offender, shall impose upon him the penalty of arresto bounced, she would have received the face value thereof, supposed replacement for the dishonored check was no
mayor or a fine ranging from 200 to 500 pesos. which was not rightfully hers. Therefore, it was only due to longer necessary for the consummation of the crime of
the extraneous circumstance of the check being unfunded, a qualified theft. Obviously, the plan to convince Baby Aquino
Thus, the requisites of an impossible crime are: (1) that the fact unknown to petitioner at the time, that prevented the to give cash as replacement for the check was hatched only
act performed would be an offense against persons or crime from being produced. The thing unlawfully taken by after the check had been dishonored by the drawee bank.
property; (2) that the act was done with evil intent; and (3) petitioner turned out to be absolutely worthless, because the Since the crime of theft is not a continuing offense,
that its accomplishment was inherently impossible, or the check was eventually dishonored, and Mega Foam had petitioner's act of receiving the cash replacement should not
means employed was either inadequate or ineffectual. The received the cash to replace the value of said dishonored be considered as a continuation of the theft. At most, the fact
aspect of the inherent impossibility of accomplishing the check. that petitioner was caught receiving the marked money was
intended crime under Article 4(2) of the Revised Penal Code merely corroborating evidence to strengthen proof of her
was further explained by the Court in Intod[10] in this wise: The fact that petitioner was later entrapped receiving the intent to gain.
Under this article, the act performed by the offender cannot P5,000.00 marked money, which she thought was the cash
produce an offense against persons or property because: (1) replacement for the dishonored check, is of no moment. The Moreover, the fact that petitioner further planned to have the
the commission of the offense is inherently impossible of Court held in Valenzuela v. People[12] that under the dishonored check replaced with cash by its issuer is a
accomplishment; or (2) the means employed is either (a) definition of theft in Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code, different and separate fraudulent scheme. Unfortunately,
inadequate or (b) ineffectual. "there is only one operative act of execution by the actor since said scheme was not included or covered by the
involved in theft ─ the taking of personal property of allegations in the Information, the Court cannot pronounce
That the offense cannot be produced because the another." Elucidating further, the Court held, thus: judgment on the accused; otherwise, it would violate the due
commission of the offense is inherently impossible of x x x Parsing through the statutory definition of theft under process clause of the Constitution. If at all, that fraudulent
accomplishment is the focus of this petition. To be Article 308, there is one apparent answer provided in the scheme could have been another possible source of criminal
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liability. medico-legal officer.[4] Thereafter, they proceeded to the

"That in or about the month of December, 1995, in the Malolos Police Station where she executed a sworn
IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the petition is GRANTED. municipality of Malolos, province of Bulacan, Philippines, statement.[5]
The Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated December 16, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the
2003, and its Resolution dated March 5, 2004, above-named accused, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully Dr. Ida P. Daniel, a Medico-Legal Officer of the NBI, testified
are MODIFIED. Petitioner Gemma T. Jacinto is and feloniously, by means of force, threats and intimidation that she conducted a medico-genital examination of Michelle
found GUILTY of an IMPOSSIBLE CRIME as defined and and with lewd designs, have carnal knowledge of said dela Torre. Her findings,[6] which she confirmed on the
penalized in Articles 4, paragraph 2, and 59 of the Revised Michelle L. dela Torre, 11 years of age, against her will and witness stand, are as follows:
Penal Code, respectively. Petitioner is sentenced to suffer without her consent. "GENERAL PHYSICAL EXAMINATION:
the penalty of six (6) months of arrresto mayor, and to pay Height: 132.0 cms
the costs. "Contrary to law."
Upon arraignment, appellant, assisted by counsel, pleaded Weight: 78.0 cms
SO ORDERED. not guilty to the crimes charged. Normally developed, fairly nourished, conscious, coherent,
cooperative, ambulatory subject.
Ynares-Santiago, (Chairperson), Chico-Nazario, Velasco, Thereafter, trial ensued. The evidence for the prosecution
Jr., and Nachura, JJ., concur. shows that complainant Michelle dela Torre was born on Breasts, developing, conical, firm. Areolae, brown, 2.5 cms
April 2, 1984[2] to spouses Exequiela Lacanilao and Eduardo in diameter. Nipples, brown, protruding, 0.5 cm in diameter.
[ G.R. Nos. 136592-93, November 27, 2003 ] dela Torre. After Michelle's father passed away, her mother No sign of extragenital physical injury noted.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, APPELLEE, VS. contracted a second marriage with appellant. Michelle and "GENETAL EXAMINATION:
MANOLITO PANCHO, APPELLANT. her two (2) brothers live with the couple at Look First,
Malolos, Bulacan. Pubic hair, fine, scanty. Labia majora and minora, coaptated.
DECISION Fourchette, tense. Vestibular mucosa, pinkish. Hymen,
SANDOVAL-GUTIERREZ, J.: On August 1, 1994, at around 6:00 o'clock in the morning, moderately tall, moderately thick, intact. Hymenal orifice,
This is an appeal from the Joint Decision[1] dated June 19, Michelle, who was then only ten years old, went home after annular, admits a tube 2.0 cms in diameter with moderate
1998 of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 15, Malolos, spending the night at her aunt's house. While she was about resistance. Vaginal walls, tight. Rugosities, prominent.
Bulacan, finding appellant Manolito Pancho guilty beyond to undress, appellant suddenly dragged her and forced her
reasonable doubt of rape in Criminal Case No. 837-M-96 to lie down on the floor. Although frightened, she struggled "CONCLUSIONS:
and attempted rape in Criminal Case No. 838-M-96. In by kicking and boxing him. However, he forcibly removed her 1. No evident sign of extragenital physical injury
Criminal Case No. 837-M-96, the trial court sentenced him to clothes and underwear. Then he took off his clothing. noted on the body of the subject at the time of
suffer reclusion perpetua, while in Criminal Case No. 838-M- Appellant started kissing and holding her breast and examination.
96, the penalty of 10 years and 1 day, as minimum, to 12 eventually had carnal knowledge of her. She felt pain when 2. Hymen, intact and its orifice small (2.0 cms in
years, as maximum of prision mayor, was imposed upon he inserted his organ into her vagina which bled. She tried to diameter) as to preclude complete penetration by
him. resist but he held her both arms. He was on top of her an average sized adult Filipino male organ in full
making push and pull movements for four (4) minutes. Then erection without producing any genital injury."
The Informations in both Criminal Case Nos. 837-M-96 and he dressed up, threatening to kill her should she complain or For his part, appellant strongly denied the charges,
838-M-96 read: tell anyone about the incident. contending that it was impossible for him to commit the
For Criminal Case No. 837-M-96 (For Rape): crimes considering that during the incidents, his wife and her
Sometime in December, 1995 at the family's new residence two sons were also inside the house.[7] Moreover, the charge
"That in or about the month of August, 1994, in the at Bayugo, Meycauayan, Bulacan, appellant arrived from of rape is totally belied by the finding of the NBI Medico-
municipality of Malolos, province of Bulacan, Philippines, work. When Michelle opened the door and saw him, she got Legal Officer that Michelle's hymen has remained intact with
and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the scared. While he was approaching her, she managed to hit no sign of extra-genital or genital injuries.
above-named accused, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully him. Then she attempted to jump out of the window, but he
and feloniously, by means of force, threats and intimidation dragged her by her feet. At that instance, her uncle (Tito After trial, the lower court rendered a Joint Decision dated
and with lewd designs, have carnal knowledge of said Onio) suddenly arrived. [3] Immediately, appellant stopped, June 19, 1998, the dispositive portion of which reads:
Michelle L. dela Torre, 11 years of age, against her will and thus thwarting his bestial desire. "In view of all the foregoing and by proof beyond reasonable
without her consent. doubt, the Court hereby renders judgment as follows:
After sometime, Michelle mustered enough courage to report 1. With respect to Criminal Case No. 837-M-96, the
"Contrary to law." the incidents to her mother, but the latter casually ignored Court finds the accused guilty beyond reasonable
her. So, she turned to her grandmother Natividad Lacanilao, doubt of the crime charged and hereby sentences
For Criminal Case No. 838-M-96 (For Attempted Rape): who brought her, sometime in February, 1996, to the accused MANOLITO PANCHO to suffer the
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) for examination by a penalty of RECLUSION PERPETUA.
Page 16 of 53

2. With respect to Criminal Case No. 838-M-96, the Q: And what happened when you went home at Look,
Court finds the accused guilty beyond reasonable Rape under the above provisions is either simple or Malolos, Bulacan?
doubt of the crime of Attempted Rape, and hereby qualified. It is qualified when the age of the victim (below 18) A: Manolito Pancho dragged me and forced me to lie on
sentences accused MANOLITO PANCHO to and her relationship with the appellant are both alleged in the floor.
suffer an imprisonment of TEN (10) YEARS and the Information and proved.[10] In this case, the prosecution
ONE (1) DAY to TWELVE (12) YEARS. failed to allege in the Information the qualifying circumstance
3. To indemnify the victim Michelle dela Torre the that appellant is the victim's step-parent. Thus, he may only
Q: And what happened when after Manolito Pancho lay
amount of P20,000.00 - each case. be convicted of simple rape.
you on the floor?
"The period of the accused's detention is credited in his
A: He took off all my clothes.
favor. Simple rape is committed under any of the following
"SO ORDERED." 1. By using force or intimidation;
In this appeal, appellant ascribes to the trial court the 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or
following errors: otherwise unconscious; and Q: And what clothes you are wearing at that time, Ms.
"I 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age witness?
(statutory rape) or is demented. A: I was wearing a t-shirt and short, sir.
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN FINDING ACCUSED- In the Information, appellant is being charged of statutory
APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT OF rape considering that Michelle was then below 12 years old.
DESPITE INSUFFICIENCY OF EVIDENCE. The gravamen of the offense of statutory rape is carnal Q: What else Manolito Pancho removed?
"II knowledge of a woman below twelve (12) years old. [11] In
statutory rape, force, intimidation or physical evidence of A: My clothes, short and panty, sir.
THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DISREGARDING THE injury is immaterial.[12] Where the girl is below 12 years of
DEFENSE PUT UP BY ACCUSED-APPELLANT." age, violence or intimidation is not required, and the only
As alleged in the Informations, the crimes charged were subject of inquiry is whether carnal knowledge took place.[13]
committed sometime in August, 1994 and December, 1995.
Q: And what was your appearance after these clothes
Thus, the governing law is Article 335[8] of the Revised Penal As shown by her Certificate of Live Birth,[14] Michelle was
were removed by Manolito Pancho?
Code which, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659 (The born on April 2, 1984. Thus, on August 1, 1994 when the
Death Penalty Law),[9] provides: incident took place, she was only 10 years and 3 months old. A: I was naked, sir.
"ART. 335. When and how rape is committed. - Rape is
committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman under Michelle identified appellant in open court as the culprit who
any of the following circumstances: raped her. She testified as follows:
1. By using force or intimidation; "FISCAL: Q: How about Manolito Pancho, what did he do after he
2. When the woman is deprived of reason or removed your dress?
otherwise unconscious; and A: He also took-off his clothes, sir.
3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or
is demented. Q: Ms. Witness, you claim in your testimony that you
"The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua. were raped by your step father Manolito Pancho last
August 1, 1994, will you please tell this Honorable Q: What clothes did he remove?
xxx Court how Manolito Pancho raped you?
A: About 6:00 o'clock in the morning I went home, sir. A: His t-shirt, short and brief, sir.
"The death penalty shall also be imposed if the crime or rape
is committed with any of the following attendant
1. When the victim is under eighteen (18) years of
Q: And where is your home located? Q: After Manolito removed all these: his short, brief and t-
age and the offender is a parent, ascendant, step-
parent, guardian, relative by consanguinity or shirt, what did he do?
affinity within the third civil degree or the common- A: I went home at Look First, Malolos, Bulacan. A: He placed himself on top of me.
law spouse of the parent of the victim.
2. xxx."
A. - G.R. No. 136592 for rape:
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Q: And what happened after he placed himself on top of A: Yes, sir.

A: He inserted his penis on my vagina. Q: And after four (4) minutes, what did Manolito Pancho
A: I already dressed up because he already dressed-up, xxx."[15]
Q: Were you able to see his organ when he inserted it on
your vagina? Michelle's testimony is straightforward, unflawed by
A: Yes, sir. Q: And what did Manolito Pancho tell you, if any? significant inconsistency, and unshaken by rigid cross-
examination. It deserves full faith and credence. In rape
A: He said, do not complain because if you do so, I am cases, the accused may be convicted solely on the
going to kill you. testimony of the rape victim if her testimony is credible,
natural, and convincing.[16]
Q: What happened when he inserted his organ on your
When a woman says she was raped, she says in effect all
A: He was kissing me and touching my body, sir. Q: How are you related with Manolito Pancho, Ms.
that is necessary to show that rape had been committed,
and if her testimony meets the test of credibility, the accused
A: My step father, sir. may be convicted on the basis thereof.[17] It bears stressing
that Michelle, a girl of tender years, innocent and guileless,
Q: What particular parts of your body did Manolito cannot be expected to brazenly impute a crime so serious as
Pancho kiss and touch, Ms. witness? rape to her step-father if it were not true.
A: My both breasts, sir. Q: At the time you claimed that you were raped by
Manolito Pancho, will you please tell this Honorable Appellant vigorously denied the charge, contending that per
Court, how young were you then? the Medical Report of Dr. Ida Daniel, Michelle's hymen has
A: Ten (10) years old, sir. remained intact.[18]
Q: And what did you feel when Manolito Pancho inserted
his organ on your vagina? We are not persuaded.
A: It hurts, sir.
Q: Do you have evidence to show Ms. witness that you Appellant heavily relies on the virgo intacta theory.[19] He
are ten (10) years old at that time? disregards Dr. Daniel's testimony that there are two types of
A: My birth certificate, sir. hymen: (1) one that remains intact even though there is
penetration; (2) the other is lacerated after penetration.[20]We
Q: What motion did he do if you can still remember when
have ruled that in rape cases the absence of fresh
Manolito Pancho was on top of you?
lacerations does not preclude the finding of
A: He was kissing me, touching me and then I tried to rape, [21]especially when the victim is of tender
struggle against him but he was holding my both Q: Do you have with you your birth certificate?
age.[22] Moreover, laceration of the hymen is not an element
hands so that I could not struggle. of the crime of rape.[23] Hymenal rupture or any indication of
A: Yes, sir. (The grandmother is producing the Live Birth vaginal laceration or genital injury is not necessary for the
Certificate of the complainant Michelle dela Torre.) consummation of rape.[24] Its absence does not negate a
Q: And what happened to your vagina after he inserted finding of forced sexual coitus.[25] For the rule is well settled
his penis? that rape is consummated by the slightest penile penetration
A: It bled, sir. Q: Will you please tell this Honorable Court what is your of the labia majora or pudendum of the female
date of birth, Ms. witness? organ.[26] Indeed, the evidentiary weight of the medical
A: April 2, 1984. examination of the victim, as well as the medical certificate,
is merely corroborative in character and is not an
Q: How long did Manolito Pancho stay on top of you? indispensable element for conviction for rape.[27]

A: Four (4) minutes, sir. Q: And you claimed that you were 10 years old when you Appellant's denial is an inherently weak defense. It has
were raped by Manolito Pancho? always been viewed upon with disfavor by the courts due to
the ease with which it can be concocted.[28] Inherently weak,
Page 18 of 53

denial as a defense crumbles in the light of positive Q: And what happened after Manolito Pancho held your decreed, the victim should be entitled to P50,000.00 only.[36]
identification of the accused, as in this case. The defense of feet?
denial assumes significance only when the prosecution's A: When he was holding my feet I was not able to jump In line with current jurisprudence, we also award the victim
evidence is such that it does not prove guilt beyond from the window and that's the time the door opened moral damages in the amount of P50,000.00 without need of
reasonable doubt.[29] Verily, mere denial, unsubstantiated by and then I saw my uncle that is why the rape was not pleading or proof of the basis thereof.[37] The anguish and
clear and convincing evidence, is negative self-serving committed. pain she has endured are evident.
evidence which cannot be given greater evidentiary weight
than the testimony of the complaining witness who testified WHEREFORE, the Decision dated June 19, 1998 of the
on affirmative matters. [30] xxx."[33] Regional Trial Court, Branch 15, Malolos, Bulacan, in
B. - G.R. No. 136593 for attempted rape: Criminal Case No. 837-M-96, convicting appellant Manolito
Pancho of rape and sentencing him to suffer the penalty
Appellant also contends that his conviction of attempted rape Under Art. 6, in relation to Art. 335, of the Revised Penal of reclusion perpetua is AFFIRMED, with the modification
in Criminal Case No. 838-M-96 is not supported by Code, rape is attempted when the offender commences the that he is ordered to pay the victim, Michelle dela Torre,
evidence. P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, and P50,000.00 as moral
commission of rape directly by overt acts, but does not
perform all the acts of execution which should produce the
Michelle testified that when appellant "was coming near me,
crime of rape by reason of some cause or accident other
I hit him and I saw that our door was opened. I tried to jump than his own spontaneous desistance. [34] In Criminal Case No. 838-M-96, the trial court's judgment
and that was the time he dragged and he held my convicting the appellant of attempted rape is REVERSED
feet." [31] Appellant and Michelle were in this snap situation In this second case, the prosecution failed to prove that AND SET ASIDE and a new one is entered ACQUITTING
when his Tito Onio arrived.[32] Her testimony regarding this him of the crime charged.
appellant started to rape the victim and had commenced the
incident is quoted as follows:
performance of acts of carnal knowledge. He did not force
"FISCAL: Costs de oficio.
her to lie down or remove her garment. In short, there was
no showing that he did commence at all the performance of
any act indicative of an intent or attempt to rape the victim. SO ORDERED.
What he did was to "drag" her and hold her feet. At this
xxx Vitug, (Chairman), Corona, and Carpio Morales, JJ., concur.
juncture, we can not safely conclude that he was attempting
to rape her.
[ GR No. 43530, Aug 03, 1935 ]
In People vs. Campuhan,[35] we held that the thin line that PEOPLE v. AURELIO LAMAHANG
Q: And what happened in that place at Bayugo, separates attempted rape from consummated rape is the DECISION
Meycauayan, Bulacan? entrance of the male organ into the labial threshold of the
female genitalia. In that case, the accused was caught by RECTO, J.:
A: When the door opened I thought it was my mother and
the mother of the victim kneeling on top of her. The victim The defendant Aurelio Lamahang is before this court on
when I saw him I was scared, sir.
testified that the accused's organ merely touched but did not appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Iloilo,
penetrate her vagina. We held that he could not be convicted finding him guilty of attempted! robbery and sentencing him
of statutory rape but only attempted rape. to suffer two years and four months of prisidn correctional
Q: And what happened when you saw Manolito Pancho? and to an additional penalty of ten years and one day of
In the instant case, appellant was merely holding prisidn mayor for being an habitual delinquent, with the
A: I closed the door, sir. complainant's feet when her Tito Onio arrived at the accessory penalties of the law, and to pay the costs of the
alleged locus criminis. Thus, it would be stretching to the proceeding.
extreme our credulity if we were to conclude that mere
holding of the feet is attempted rape. At early dawn on March 2, 1935, policeman Jose
Q: Thereafter, what happened? Tomambing, who was patrolling his beat on Delgado and C.
Anent the award of damages in G.R. No. 136592, we R. Fuentes streets of the City of Iloilo, caught the accused in
A: When he was coming near me, I hit him and I saw that observed that the trial court only awarded the victim civil the act of making an opening with an iron bar on the wall of a
our door was opened. I tried to jump and that was the indemnity in the amount of P20,000.00. This must be store of cheap goods located on the last named street. At
time he dragged and he held my feet. corrected. We have consistently ruled that upon a finding of that time the owner of the store, Tan Yu, was sleeping inside
the fact of rape, the award of civil indemnity is mandatory. If with another Chinaman. The accused had only succeeded in
the death penalty is imposed, the indemnity ex delictoshould breaking one board and in unfastening another from the wall,
be P75,000.00. Where, as here, the death penalty is not when the policeman showed up, who instantly arrested him
Page 19 of 53

and placed him under custody. "It must be borne in mind (I Groizard, p. 99) that in offenses an iron bar forced the wall of said store by breaking a board
not consummated, as the material damage is wanting, the and unfastening another for the purpose of entering said,!
The fact above stated was considered and declared nature of the action intended (action fin) cannot exactly be store * * * and that the accused did not succeed m entering
unanimously by the provincial fiscal of Iloilo, the trial judge ascertained, but the same must be inferred from the nature the store due to the presence of the policeman on; beat Jose
and the Solicitor-General, as constituting attempted robbery, of the acts executed {action medio). Hence, the necessity Tomambing, who upon hearing the noise produced by the
which we think is erroneous. that these acts be such that by their very nature, by the facts breaking of the wall, promptly approached f$e accused * * V
to which they are related, by the circumstances of the Under the circumstances of thisicase the prohibition of the
It is our opinion that the attempt to commit an offense which persons performing the same, and by the things connected owner or inmate is presumed. (U. S. vs. Ostrea^ 2 Phil., 93;
the Penal Code punishes is that which has a logical relation therewith, they must show without any doubt, that they are U. S. vs. SHvano, 31 Phil., 509 ^U. S'. vs. Ticson, 25 Phil.,
to a particular, concrete offense; that, which is the beginning aimed at the consummation of a crime. Acts susceptible of 67; U. S. vs. Mesina, 21 Phil., 615; U. S. vs. VillanuevaTl8
of the execution of the offense by overt acts of the double interpretation, that is, in favor as well as against the Phil., 215; U. S, vs. Panes, 25 Phil., 292.) Against the
perpetrator, leading directly to its realization and culprit, and which show an innocent as well as a punishable accused must be taken into consideration the aggravating
consummation. The attempt to commit an indeterminate act, must not and can not furnish grounds by themselves for circumstances of nighttime and former convictions,
offense, inasmuch as its nature in relation to its objective is attempted nor frustrated crimes. The relation existing inasmuch as the record shows that several final judgments
ambiguous, is not a juridical fact from the standpoint of the between the facts submitted for appreciation and the offense for robbery and theft have been rendered against him and in
Penal Code. There is no doubt that in the case at bar it was which said facts are supposed to produce must be direct; the his favor, the mitigating circumstance of lack of instruction.
the intention cf the accused to enter Tan Yu's store by intention must be ascertained from the facts and therefore it The breaking of the wall should not be taken into
means of violence, passing through the opening which he is necessary, in order to avoid regrettable instances of consideration as an aggravating circumstance inasmuch as
had started to make on the wall, in order to commitan injustice, that the mind be able to directly infer from them the this is the very fact which in this case constitutes the offense
offense which, due to the timely arrival of policeman intention of the perpetrator to cause a particular injury. This of attempted trespass to dwelling.
Tomambing, did not develop beyond the first steps of its must have been the intention of the legislator in requiring
execution. But it is not sufficient, for the purpose of imposing that in order for an attempt to exist, the offender must The penalty provided by the Revised Penal Code for the
penal sanction, that an act objectively performed constitute a commence the commission of the felony directly by overt consummated offense of trespass to dwelling, if committed
mere beginning of execution; it is necessary to establish its acts, that is to say, that the acts performed must be such with force, is prision correctional in its medium and maximum
unavoidable connection, like, the logical and natural relation that, without the intent to commit an offense, they would be periods and a fine not exceeding P1,000 (art. 280, par. 2);
of the cause and its effect, with the deed which, upon its meaningless." therefore the penalty corresponding to attempted trespass to
consummation, will develop into one of the offenses defined Viada Vol. I, p. 47) holds the same opinion when he says dwelling is two degrees lower (art. 51), or, arresto mayor in
and punished by the Codej it is necessary to prove that said that "the overt acts leading to the commission of the offense, its minimum and medium periods. Because of the presence
beginning of execution, if carried to its complete termination are not punishable except when they are aimed directly to its of two aggravating circumstances and one mitigating
following its natural course, without being frustrated by execution, and therefore they must have an immediate and circumstance the penalty must be imposed in its maximum
external obstacles nor by the voluntary desistahce pf the necessary relation to the offense." period. Pursuant to article 29 of the same Code, the accused
perpetrator, will logically and necessarily ripen into a is not entitled to credit for one-half of his preventive
concrete offense. Thus, in case of robbery, in order that the "Considering says the Supreme Court of Spain in its decision imprisonment.
simple act of entering by means of force or violence another of March 21, 1892 that in order to declare that such and
person's dwelling may be considered an attempt to commit such overt acts constitute an attempted offense it is Wherefore, the sentence appealed from is revoked and the
this offense, it must be shown that the offender clearly necessary that their objective be known and established, or accused1 is hereby held guilty of attempted trespass to
intended to take possession, for the purpose of gain, of that said acts be of such nature that they themselves should dwelling, committed by means of force, with the aforesaid
some personal property belonging to another. In the instant obviously disclose the criminal objective necessarily aggravating and mitigating circumstances and sentenced to
case, there is nothing in the record from which such purpose intended, said objective and finalityto serve as ground for the three months and one day of arresto mayor, with the
of the accused may reasonably be inferred. From the fact designation of the offense: * * *." accessory penalties thereof and to pay the costs.
established and stated in the decision, that the accused on In view of the foregoing, we are of the opinion, and so hold
the day in question was making an opening by means of an that the fact under consideration does not constitute Avanceña, C.J., Abad Santos, Hull, and Fickers, JJ., concur.
iron bar on the wall of Tan Yu's store, it may only be inferred attempted robbery but attempted trespass to dwelling
as a logical conclusion that his evident intention was to enter (People vs. Tayag and Morales, 59 Phil., 606, and decisions Judgment revoked and defendant found Muilty of attempted
by means of force said store against the will of its owner. of the Supreme Court of Spain therein cited). Under article trespass to dwelling.
That his final objective, once he succeeded in entering the 280 of the Revised Penal Code, this offense is committed
store, was to rob, to, cause physical injury to the inmates, or when a private person shall enter the dwelling of another [ G. R. NO. 160188, June 21, 2007 ]
to commit any other offense, there is nothing in the record to against the latter's will. The accused may be convicted and ARISTOTEL VALENZUELA Y NATIVIDAD, PETITIONER,
justify a concrete finding. sentenced for an attempt to commit this offense in VS. PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES AND HON. COURT
accordance with the evidence and the following allegation OF APPEALS, RESPONDENTS.
contained in the information: "* * * the accused armed with
Page 20 of 53

petitioner and Calderon reacted by fleeing on foot, but Lago that he had been employed as a "bundler" of GMS
DECISION fired a warning shot to alert his fellow security guards of the Marketing, "assigned at the supermarket" though not at
TINGA, J.: incident. Petitioner and Calderon were apprehended at the SM.[15]
This case aims for prime space in the firmament of our scene, and the stolen merchandise recovered.[8] The filched
criminal law jurisprudence. Petitioner effectively concedes items seized from the duo were four (4) cases of Tide In a Decision[16] promulgated on 1 February 2000, the
having performed the felonious acts imputed against him, Ultramatic, one (1) case of Ultra 25 grams, and three (3) Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Quezon City, Branch 90,
but instead insists that as a result, he should be adjudged additional cases of detergent, the goods with an aggregate convicted both petitioner and Calderon of the crime of
guilty of frustrated theft only, not the felony in its value of P12,090.00.[9] consummated theft. They were sentenced to an
consummated stage of which he was convicted. The indeterminate prison term of two (2) years of prision
proposition rests on a common theory expounded in two Petitioner and Calderon were first brought to the SM security correccional as minimum to seven (7) years of prision
well-known decisions[1] rendered decades ago by the Court office before they were transferred on the same day to the mayor as maximum.[17]The RTC found credible the
of Appeals, upholding the existence of frustrated theft of Baler Station II of the Philippine National Police, Quezon testimonies of the prosecution witnesses and established the
which the accused in both cases were found guilty. City, for investigation. It appears from the police investigation convictions on the positive identification of the accused as
However, the rationale behind the rulings has never been records that apart from petitioner and Calderon, four (4) perpetrators of the crime.
affirmed by this Court. other persons were apprehended by the security guards at
the scene and delivered to police custody at the Baler PNP Both accused filed their respective Notices of Appeal,[18] but
As far as can be told, the last time this Court extensively Station in connection with the incident. However, after the only petitioner filed a brief[19] with the Court of Appeals,
considered whether an accused was guilty of frustrated or matter was referred to the Office of the Quezon City causing the appellate court to deem Calderon's appeal as
consummated theft was in 1918, in People v. Adiao.[3] A Prosecutor, only petitioner and Calderon were charged with abandoned and consequently dismissed. Before the Court of
more cursory treatment of the question was followed in theft by the Assistant City Prosecutor, in Informations Appeals, petitioner argued that he should only be convicted
1929, in People v. Sobrevilla,[4] and in 1984, in Empelis v. prepared on 20 May 1994, the day after the incident.[10] of frustrated theft since at the time he was apprehended, he
IAC.[5] This petition now gives occasion for us to finally and was never placed in a position to freely dispose of the
fully measure if or how frustrated theft is susceptible to After pleading not guilty on arraignment, at the trial, articles stolen.[20] However, in its Decision dated 19 June
commission under the Revised Penal Code. petitioner and Calderon both claimed having been innocent 2003,[21] the Court of Appeals rejected this contention and
I. bystanders within the vicinity of the Super Sale Club on the affirmed petitioner's conviction.[22] Hence the present Petition
afternoon of 19 May 1994 when they were haled by Lago for Review,[23] which expressly seeks that petitioner's
The basic facts are no longer disputed before us. The case and his fellow security guards after a commotion and conviction "be modified to only of Frustrated Theft."[24]
stems from an Information[6] charging petitioner Aristotel brought to the Baler PNP Station. Calderon alleged that on
Valenzuela (petitioner) and Jovy Calderon (Calderon) with the afternoon of the incident, he was at the Super Sale Club Even in his appeal before the Court of Appeals, petitioner
the crime of theft. On 19 May 1994, at around 4:30 p.m., to withdraw from his ATM account, accompanied by his effectively conceded both his felonious intent and his actual
petitioner and Calderon were sighted outside the Super Sale neighbor, Leoncio Rosulada.[11] As the queue for the ATM participation in the theft of several cases of detergent with a
Club, a supermarket within the ShoeMart (SM) complex was long, Calderon and Rosulada decided to buy snacks total value of P12,090.00 of which he was charged.[25] As
along North EDSA, by Lorenzo Lago (Lago), a security inside the supermarket. It was while they were eating that such, there is no cause for the Court to consider a factual
guard who was then manning his post at the open parking they heard the gunshot fired by Lago, leading them to head scenario other than that presented by the prosecution, as
area of the supermarket. Lago saw petitioner, who was out of the building to check what was transpiring. As they affirmed by the RTC and the Court of Appeals. The only
wearing an identification card with the mark "Receiving were outside, they were suddenly "grabbed" by a security question to consider is whether under the given facts, the
Dispatching Unit (RDU)," hauling a push cart with cases of guard, thus commencing their detention.[12] Meanwhile, theft should be deemed as consummated or merely
detergent of the well-known "Tide" brand. Petitioner petitioner testified during trial that he and his cousin, a frustrated.
unloaded these cases in an open parking space, where Gregorio Valenzuela,[13] had been at the parking lot, walking II.
Calderon was waiting. Petitioner then returned inside the beside the nearby BLISS complex and headed to ride a
supermarket, and after five (5) minutes, emerged with more tricycle going to Pag-asa, when they saw the security guard In arguing that he should only be convicted of frustrated
cartons of Tide Ultramatic and again unloaded these boxes Lago fire a shot. The gunshot caused him and the other theft, petitioner cites[26] two decisions rendered many years
to the same area in the open parking space.[7] people at the scene to start running, at which point he was ago by the Court of Appeals: People v. Diño[27] and People v.
apprehended by Lago and brought to the security office. Flores.[28] Both decisions elicit the interest of this Court, as
Thereafter, petitioner left the parking area and haled a taxi. Petitioner claimed he was detained at the security office until they modified trial court convictions from consummated to
He boarded the cab and directed it towards the parking around 9:00 p.m., at which time he and the others were frustrated theft and involve a factual milieu that bears
space where Calderon was waiting. Calderon loaded the brought to the Baler Police Station. At the station, petitioner similarity to the present case. Petitioner invoked the same
cartons of Tide Ultramatic inside the taxi, then boarded the denied having stolen the cartons of detergent, but he was rulings in his appeal to the Court of Appeals, yet the
vehicle. All these acts were eyed by Lago, who proceeded to detained overnight, and eventually brought to the appellate court did not expressly consider the import of the
stop the taxi as it was leaving the open parking area. When prosecutor's office where he was charged with rulings when it affirmed the conviction.
Lago asked petitioner for a receipt of the merchandise, theft.[14] During petitioner's cross-examination, he admitted
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It is not necessary to fault the Court of Appeals for giving phase," or that portion of the acts constituting the crime acts that constitute the crime. For a crime to exist in our legal
short shrift to the Diño and Flores rulings since they have not included between the act which begins the commission of law, it is not enough that mens rea be shown; there must
yet been expressly adopted as precedents by this Court. For the crime and the last act performed by the offender which, also be an actus reus.[40]
whatever reasons, the occasion to define or debunk the with prior acts, should result in the consummated
crime of frustrated theft has not come to pass before us. Yet crime.[31] After that point has been breached, the subjective It is from the actus reus and the mens rea, as they find
despite the silence on our part, Diño and Floreshave phase ends and the objective phase begins.[32] It has been expression in the criminal statute, that the felony is
attained a level of renown reached by very few other held that if the offender never passes the subjective phase of produced. As a postulate in the craftsmanship of
appellate court rulings. They are comprehensively discussed the offense, the crime is merely attempted.[33] On the other constitutionally sound laws, it is extremely preferable that the
in the most popular of our criminal law annotations,[29] and hand, the subjective phase is completely passed in case of language of the law expressly provide when the felony is
studied in criminal law classes as textbook examples of frustrated crimes, for in such instances, "[s]ubjectively the produced. Without such provision, disputes would inevitably
frustrated crimes or even as definitive of frustrated theft. crime is complete."[34] ensue on the elemental question whether or not a crime was
committed, thereby presaging the undesirable and legally
More critically, the factual milieu in those cases is hardly akin Truly, an easy distinction lies between consummated and dubious set-up under which the judiciary is assigned the
to the fanciful scenarios that populate criminal law exams frustrated felonies on one hand, and attempted felonies on legislative role of defining crimes. Fortunately, our Revised
more than they actually occur in real life. Indeed, if we finally the other. So long as the offender fails to complete all the Penal Code does not suffer from such infirmity. From the
say that Diño and Flores are doctrinal, such conclusion could acts of execution despite commencing the commission of a statutory definition of any felony, a decisive passage or term
profoundly influence a multitude of routine theft felony, the crime is undoubtedly in the attempted stage. is embedded which attests when the felony is produced by
prosecutions, including commonplace shoplifting. Any Since the specific acts of execution that define each crime the acts of execution. For example, the statutory definition of
scenario that involves the thief having to exit with the stolen under the Revised Penal Code are generally enumerated in murder or homicide expressly uses the phrase "shall kill
property through a supervised egress, such as a the code itself, the task of ascertaining whether a crime is another," thus making it clear that the felony is produced by
supermarket checkout counter or a parking area pay booth, attempted only would need to compare the acts actually the death of the victim, and conversely, it is not produced if
may easily call for the application of Diño and Flores. The performed by the accused as against the acts that constitute the victim survives.
fact that lower courts have not hesitated to lay down the felony under the Revised Penal Code.
convictions for frustrated theft further validates We next turn to the statutory definition of theft. Under Article
that Diñoand Flores and the theories offered therein on In contrast, the determination of whether a crime is frustrated 308 of the Revised Penal Code, its elements are spelled out
frustrated theft have borne some weight in our jurisprudential or consummated necessitates an initial concession that all of as follows:
system. The time is thus ripe for us to examine whether the acts of execution have been performed by the offender. Art. 308. Who are liable for theft.–; Theft is committed by any
those theories are correct and should continue to influence The critical distinction instead is whether the felony itself was person who, with intent to gain but without violence against
prosecutors and judges in the future. actually produced by the acts of execution. The or intimidation of persons nor force upon things, shall take
III. determination of whether the felony was "produced" after all personal property of another without the latter's consent.
the acts of execution had been performed hinges on the
To delve into any extended analysis of Diño and Flores, as particular statutory definition of the felony. It is the statutory Theft is likewise committed by:
well as the specific issues relative to "frustrated theft," it is definition that generally furnishes the elements of each crime 1. Any person who, having found lost property, shall
necessary to first refer to the basic rules on the three stages under the Revised Penal Code, while the elements in turn fail to deliver the same to the local authorities or to
of crimes under our Revised Penal Code.[30] unravel the particular requisite acts of execution and its owner;
accompanying criminal intent. 2. Any person who, after having maliciously
Article 6 defines those three stages, namely the damaged the property of another, shall remove or
consummated, frustrated and attempted felonies. A felony is The long-standing Latin maxim "actus non facit reum, nisi make use of the fruits or object of the damage
consummated "when all the elements necessary for its mens sit rea" supplies an important characteristic of a crime, caused by him; and
execution and accomplishment are present." It is frustrated that "ordinarily, evil intent must unite with an unlawful act for 3. Any person who shall enter an inclosed estate or a
"when the offender performs all the acts of execution which there to be a crime," and accordingly, there can be no crime field where trespass is forbidden or which belongs
would produce the felony as a consequence but which, when the criminal mind is wanting.[35] Accepted in this to another and without the consent of its owner,
nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of causes jurisdiction as material in crimes mala in se,[36]mens rea has shall hunt or fish upon the same or shall gather
independent of the will of the perpetrator." Finally, it is been defined before as "a guilty mind, a guilty or wrongful cereals, or other forest or farm products.
attempted "when the offender commences the commission purpose or criminal intent,"[37] and "essential for criminal Article 308 provides for a general definition of theft, and
of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not perform all liability."[38] It follows that the statutory definition of our mala three alternative and highly idiosyncratic means by which
the acts of execution which should produce the felony by in se crimes must be able to supply what the mens rea of the theft may be committed.[41] In the present discussion, we
reason of some cause or accident other than his own crime is, and indeed the U.S. Supreme Court has need to concern ourselves only with the general definition
spontaneous desistance." comfortably held that "a criminal law that contains no mens since it was under it that the prosecution of the accused was
rea requirement infringes on constitutionally protected undertaken and sustained. On the face of the definition,
Each felony under the Revised Penal Code has a "subjective rights."[39] The criminal statute must also provide for the overt there is only one operative act of execution by the actor
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involved in theft ─ the taking of personal property of Regalado notes, the Court adopted the latter thought that apparently on those two circumstances, the trial court had
another. It is also clear from the provision that in order that there was no need of an intent to permanently deprive the found him guilty, instead, of frustrated theft. The Court
such taking may be qualified as theft, there must further be owner of his property to constitute an unlawful taking. [51] reversed, saying that neither circumstance was decisive, and
present the descriptive circumstances that the taking was holding instead that the accused was guilty of consummated
with intent to gain; without force upon things or violence So long as the "descriptive" circumstances that qualify the theft, finding that "all the elements of the completed crime of
against or intimidation of persons; and it was without the taking are present, including animo theft are present."[55] In support of its conclusion that the theft
consent of the owner of the property. lucrandi and apoderamiento, the completion of the operative was consummated, the Court cited three (3) decisions of the
act that is the taking of personal property of another Supreme Court of Spain, the discussion of which we
Indeed, we have long recognized the following elements of establishes, at least, that the transgression went beyond the replicate below:
theft as provided for in Article 308 of the Revised Penal attempted stage. As applied to the present case, the The defendant was charged with the theft of some fruit from
Code, namely: (1) that there be taking of personal property; moment petitioner obtained physical possession of the cases the land of another. As he was in the act of taking the fruit[,]
(2) that said property belongs to another; (3) that the taking of detergent and loaded them in the pushcart, such seizure he was seen by a policeman, yet it did not appear that he
be done with intent to gain; (4) that the taking be done motivated by intent to gain, completed without need to inflict was at that moment caught by the policeman but sometime
without the consent of the owner; and (5) that the taking be violence or intimidation against persons nor force upon later. The court said: "[x x x] The trial court did not err [x x x ]
accomplished without the use of violence against or things, and accomplished without the consent of the SM in considering the crime as that of consummated theft
intimidation of persons or force upon things.[42] Super Sales Club, petitioner forfeited the extenuating benefit instead of frustrated theft inasmuch as nothing appears in
a conviction for only attempted theft would have afforded the record showing that the policemen who saw the accused
In his commentaries, Judge Guevarra traces the history of him. take the fruit from the adjoining land arrested him in the act
the definition of theft, which under early Roman law as and thus prevented him from taking full possession of the
defined by Gaius, was so broad enough as to encompass On the critical question of whether it was consummated or thing stolen and even its utilization by him for an interval of
"any kind of physical handling of property belonging to frustrated theft, we are obliged to apply Article 6 of the time." (Decision of the Supreme Court of Spain, October 14,
another against the will of the owner,"[43] a definition similar Revised Penal Code to ascertain the answer. Following that 1898.)
to that by Paulus that a thief "handles (touches, moves) the provision, the theft would have been frustrated only, once
property of another."[44] However, with the Institutes of the acts committed by petitioner, if ordinarily sufficient to Defendant picked the pocket of the offended party while the
Justinian, the idea had taken hold that more than mere produce theft as a consequence, "do not produce [such theft] latter was hearing mass in a church. The latter on account of
physical handling, there must further be an intent of by reason of causes independent of the will of the the solemnity of the act, although noticing the theft, did not
acquiring gain from the object, thus: "[f]urtum est contrectatio perpetrator." There are clearly two determinative factors to do anything to prevent it. Subsequently, however, while the
rei fraudulosa, lucri faciendi causa vel ipsius rei, vel etiam consider: that the felony is not "produced," and that such defendant was still inside the church, the offended party got
usus ejus possessinisve."[45] This requirement of animo failure is due to causes independent of the will of the back the money from the defendant. The court said that the
lucrandi, or intent to gain, was maintained in both the perpetrator. The second factor ultimately depends on the defendant had performed all the acts of execution and
Spanish and Filipino penal laws, even as it has since been evidence at hand in each particular case. The first, however, considered the theft as consummated. (Decision of the
abandoned in Great Britain.[46] relies primarily on a doctrinal definition attaching to the Supreme Court of Spain, December 1, 1897.)
individual felonies in the Revised Penal Code[52] as to when
In Spanish law, animo lucrandi was compounded a particular felony is "not produced," despite the commission The defendant penetrated into a room of a certain house and
with apoderamiento, or "unlawful taking," to characterize of all the acts of execution. by means of a key opened up a case, and from the case
theft. Justice Regalado notes that the concept took a small box, which was also opened with a key, from
of apoderamiento once had a controversial interpretation So, in order to ascertain whether the theft is consummated which in turn he took a purse containing 461 reales and 20
and application. Spanish law had already discounted the or frustrated, it is necessary to inquire as to how exactly is centimos, and then he placed the money over the cover of
belief that mere physical taking was constitutive the felony of theft "produced." Parsing through the statutory the case; just at this moment he was caught by two guards
of apoderamiento, finding that it had to be coupled with "the definition of theft under Article 308, there is one apparent who were stationed in another room near-by. The court
intent to appropriate the object in order to answer provided in the language of the law – that theft is considered this as consummated robbery, and said: "[x x x]
constitute apoderamiento; and to appropriate means to already "produced" upon the "tak[ing of] personal property of The accused [x x x] having materially taken possession of
deprive the lawful owner of the thing."[47] However, a another without the latter's consent." the money from the moment he took it from the place where
conflicting line of cases decided by the Court of Appeals it had been, and having taken it with his hands with intent to
ruled, alternatively, that there must be permanency in the U.S. v. Adiao[53] apparently supports that notion. Therein, a appropriate the same, he executed all the acts necessary to
taking[48] or an intent to permanently deprive the owner of the customs inspector was charged with theft after he abstracted constitute the crime which was thereby produced; only the
stolen property;[49] or that there was no need for permanency a leather belt from the baggage of a foreign national and act of making use of the thing having been frustrated, which,
in the taking or in its intent, as the mere temporary secreted the item in his desk at the Custom House. At no however, does not go to make the elements of the
possession by the offender or disturbance of the proprietary time was the accused able to "get the merchandise out of consummated crime." (Decision of the Supreme Court of
rights of the owner already the Custom House," and it appears that he "was under Spain, June 13, 1882.)[56]
constituted apoderamiento.[50] Ultimately, as Justice observation during the entire transaction."[54] Based
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It is clear from the facts of Adiao itself, and the three (3) driven his truck into the port area of the South Harbor, to frustrated. This theory was applied again by the Court of
Spanish decisions cited therein, that the criminal actors in all unload a truckload of materials to waiting U.S. Army Appeals some 15 years later, in Flores, a case which
these cases had been able to obtain full possession of the personnel. After he had finished unloading, accused drove according to the division of the court that decided it, bore "no
personal property prior to their apprehension. The interval away his truck from the Port, but as he was approaching a substantial variance between the circumstances [herein] and
between the commission of the acts of theft and the checkpoint of the Military Police, he was stopped by an M.P. in [Diño]."[64] Such conclusion is borne out by the facts
apprehension of the thieves did vary, from "sometime later" who inspected the truck and found therein three boxes of in Flores. The accused therein, a checker employed by the
in the 1898 decision; to the very moment the thief had just army rifles. The accused later contended that he had been Luzon Stevedoring Company, issued a delivery receipt for
extracted the money in a purse which had been stored as it stopped by four men who had loaded the boxes with the one empty sea van to the truck driver who had loaded the
was in the 1882 decision; and before the thief had been able agreement that they were to meet him and retrieve the rifles purportedly empty sea van onto his truck at the terminal of
to spirit the item stolen from the building where the theft took after he had passed the checkpoint. The trial court convicted the stevedoring company. The truck driver proceeded to
place, as had happened in Adiao and the 1897 decision. accused of consummated theft, but the Court of Appeals show the delivery receipt to the guard on duty at the gate of
Still, such intervals proved of no consequence in those modified the conviction, holding instead that only frustrated the terminal. However, the guards insisted on inspecting the
cases, as it was ruled that the thefts in each of those cases theft had been committed. van, and discovered that the "empty" sea van had actually
was consummated by the actual possession of the property contained other merchandise as well.[65] The accused was
belonging to another. In doing so, the appellate court pointed out that the evident prosecuted for theft qualified by abuse of confidence, and
intent of the accused was to let the boxes of rifles "pass found himself convicted of the consummated crime. Before
In 1929, the Court was again confronted by a claim that an through the checkpoint, perhaps in the belief that as the the Court of Appeals, accused argued in the alternative that
accused was guilty only of frustrated rather than truck had already unloaded its cargo inside the depot, it he was guilty only of attempted theft, but the appellate court
consummated theft. The case is People v. would be allowed to pass through the check point without pointed out that there was no intervening act of spontaneous
Sobrevilla,[57] where the accused, while in the midst of a further investigation or checking."[60] This point was deemed desistance on the part of the accused that "literally frustrated
crowd in a public market, was already able to abstract a material and indicative that the theft had not been fully the theft." However, the Court of Appeals, explicitly relying
pocketbook from the trousers of the victim when the latter, produced, for the Court of Appeals pronounced that "the fact on Diño, did find that the accused was guilty only of
perceiving the theft, "caught hold of the [accused]'s shirt- determinative of consummation is the ability of the thief to frustrated, and not consummated, theft.
front, at the same time shouting for a policeman; after a dispose freely of the articles stolen, even if it were more or
struggle, he recovered his pocket-book and let go of the less momentary."[61] Support for this proposition was drawn As noted earlier, the appellate court admitted it found "no
defendant, who was afterwards caught by a policeman."[58] In from a decision of the Supreme Court of Spain dated 24 substantial variance" between Diño and Flores then before it.
rejecting the contention that only frustrated theft was January 1888 (1888 decision), which was quoted as follows: The prosecution in Flores had sought to distinguish that case
established, the Court simply said, without further comment Considerando que para que el apoderamiento de la cosa from Diño, citing a "traditional ruling" which unfortunately
or elaboration: sustraida sea determinate de la consumacion del delito de was not identified in the decision itself. However, the Court
We believe that such a contention is groundless. The hurto es preciso que so haga en circunstancias tales que of Appeals pointed out that the said "traditional ruling" was
[accused] succeeded in taking the pocket-book, and that permitan al sustractor la libre disposicion de aquella, qualified by the words "is placed in a situation where [the
determines the crime of theft. If the pocket-book was siquiera sea mas o menos momentaneamente, pues de otra actor] could dispose of its contents at once."[66] Pouncing on
afterwards recovered, such recovery does not affect the suerte, dado el concepto del delito de hurto, no puede this qualification, the appellate court noted that "[o]bviously,
[accused's] criminal liability, which arose from the [accused] decirse en realidad que se haya producido en toda su while the truck and the van were still within the compound,
having succeeded in taking the pocket-book.[59] extension, sin materializar demasiado el acto de tomar la the petitioner could not have disposed of the goods "at
If anything, Sobrevilla is consistent with Adiao and the cosa ajena.[62] once." At the same time, the Court of Appeals conceded that
Spanish Supreme Court cases cited in the latter, in that the Integrating these considerations, the Court of Appeals then "[t]his is entirely different from the case where a much less
fact that the offender was able to succeed in obtaining concluded: bulk and more common thing as money was the object of the
physical possession of the stolen item, no matter how This court is of the opinion that in the case at bar, in order to crime, where freedom to dispose of or make use of it is
momentary, was able to consummate the theft. make the booty subject to the control and disposal of the palpably less restricted,"[67] though no further qualification
culprits, the articles stolen must first be passed through the was offered what the effect would have been had that
Adiao, Sobrevilla and the Spanish Supreme Court decisions M.P. check point, but since the offense was opportunely alternative circumstance been present instead.
cited therein contradict the position of petitioner in this case. discovered and the articles seized after all the acts of
Yet to simply affirm without further comment would be execution had been performed, but before the loot came Synthesis of the Diño and Flores rulings is in order. The
disingenuous, as there is another school of thought on when under the final control and disposal of the looters, the determinative characteristic as to whether the crime of theft
theft is consummated, as reflected in offense can not be said to have been fully consummated, as was produced is the ability of the actor "to freely dispose of
the Diño and Flores decisions. it was frustrated by the timely intervention of the guard. The the articles stolen, even if it were only momentary." Such
offense committed, therefore, is that of frustrated theft.[63] conclusion was drawn from an 1888 decision of the
Diño was decided by the Court of Appeals in 1949, some 31 Diño thus laid down the theory that the ability of the actor to Supreme Court of Spain which had pronounced that in
years after Adiao and 15 years before Flores. The accused freely dispose of the items stolen at the time of apprehension determining whether theft had been consummated, "es
therein, a driver employed by the United States Army, had is determinative as to whether the theft is consummated or preciso que so haga en circunstancias tales que permitan al
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sustractor de aquella, siquiera sea mas o menos onto a truck. However, as the truck passed through the a consequence. They were not able to carry the coconuts
momentaneamente." The qualifier "siquiera sea mas o checkpoint, the stolen items were discovered by the Military away from the plantation due to the timely arrival of the
menos momentaneamente" proves another important Police running the checkpoint. Even though those facts owner.[80]
consideration, as it implies that if the actor was in a capacity clearly admit to similarity with those in Diño, the Court of No legal reference or citation was offered for this averment,
to freely dispose of the stolen items before apprehension, Appeals held that the accused were guilty of consummated whether Diño, Flores or the Spanish authorities who may
then the theft could be deemed consummated. Such theft, as the accused "were able to take or get hold of the have bolstered the conclusion. There are indeed evident
circumstance was not present in either Diño or Flores, as the hospital linen and that the only thing that was frustrated, problems with this formulation in Empelis.
stolen items in both cases were retrieved from the actor which does not constitute any element of theft, is the use or
before they could be physically extracted from the guarded benefit that the thieves expected from the commission of the Empelis held that the crime was only frustrated because the
compounds from which the items were filched. However, as offense."[76] actors "were not able to perform all the acts of
implied in Flores, the character of the item stolen could lead execution which should have produced the felon as a
to a different conclusion as to whether there could have In pointing out the distinction between Diño and Espiritu, consequence."[81] However, per Article 6 of the Revised
been "free disposition," as in the case where the chattel Reyes wryly observes that "[w]hen the meaning of an Penal Code, the crime is frustrated "when the offender
involved was of "much less bulk and more common x x x, element of a felony is controversial, there is bound to arise performs all the acts of execution," though not producing
[such] as money x x x."[68] different rulings as to the stage of execution of that the felony as a result. If the offender was not able to perform
felony."[77] Indeed, we can discern from this survey of all the acts of execution, the crime is attempted, provided
In his commentaries, Chief Justice Aquino makes the jurisprudence that the state of the law insofar as frustrated that the non-performance was by reason of some cause or
following pointed observation on the import of theft is concerned is muddled. It fact, given the disputed accident other than spontaneous
the Diño ruling: foundational basis of the concept of frustrated theft itself, the desistance. Empelis concludes that the crime was frustrated
There is a ruling of the Court of Appeals that theft is question can even be asked whether there is really such a because not all of the acts of execution were performed due
consummated when the thief is able to freely dispose of the crime in the first place. to the timely arrival of the owner. However, following Article
stolen articles even if it were more or less momentary. Or as IV. 6 of the Revised Penal Code, these facts should elicit the
stated in another case[[69]], theft is consummated upon the conclusion that the crime was only attempted, especially
voluntary and malicious taking of property belonging to The Court in 1984 did finally rule directly that an accused given that the acts were not performed because of the timely
another which is realized by the material occupation of the was guilty of frustrated, and not consummated, theft. As we arrival of the owner, and not because of spontaneous
thing whereby the thief places it under his control and in undertake this inquiry, we have to reckon with the import of desistance by the offenders.
such a situation that he could dispose of it at once. This this Court's 1984 decision in Empelis v. IAC.[78]
ruling seems to have been based on Viada's opinion that in For these reasons, we cannot attribute weight to Empelis as
order the theft may be consummated, "es preciso que se As narrated in Empelis, the owner of a coconut plantation we consider the present petition. Even if the two sentences
haga en circumstancias x x x [[70]]"[71] had espied four (4) persons in the premises of his plantation, we had cited actually aligned with the definitions provided in
In the same commentaries, Chief Justice Aquino, concluding in the act of gathering and tying some coconuts. The Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code, such passage bears no
from Adiao and other cases, also states that "[i]n theft or accused were surprised by the owner within the plantation reflection that it is the product of the considered evaluation of
robbery the crime is consummated after the accused had as they were carrying with them the coconuts they had the relevant legal or jurisprudential thought. Instead, the
material possession of the thing with intent to appropriate the gathered. The accused fled the scene, dropping the passage is offered as if it were sourced from an indubitable
same, although his act of making use of the thing was coconuts they had seized, and were subsequently arrested legal premise so settled it required no further explication.
frustrated."[72] after the owner reported the incident to the police. After trial,
the accused were convicted of qualified theft, and the issue Notably, Empelis has not since been reaffirmed by the Court,
There are at least two other Court of Appeals rulings that are they raised on appeal was that they were guilty only of or even cited as authority on theft. Indeed, we cannot see
at seeming variance with the Diño and Flores rulings. People simple theft. The Court affirmed that the theft was qualified, how Empelis can contribute to our present debate, except for
v. Batoon[73] involved an accused who filled a container with following Article 310 of the Revised Penal Code,[79] but the bare fact that it proves that the Court had once
gasoline from a petrol pump within view of a police detective, further held that the accused were guilty only of frustrated deliberately found an accused guilty of frustrated theft. Even
who followed the accused onto a passenger truck where the qualified theft. if Empelis were considered as a precedent for frustrated
arrest was made. While the trial court found the accused theft, its doctrinal value is extremely compromised by the
guilty of frustrated qualified theft, the Court of Appeals held It does not appear from the Empelis decision that the issue erroneous legal premises that inform it, and also by the fact
that the accused was guilty of consummated qualified theft, of whether the theft was consummated or frustrated was that it has not been entrenched by subsequent reliance.
finding that "[t]he facts of the cases of U.S. [v.] Adiao x x x raised by any of the parties. What does appear, though, is
and U.S. v. Sobrevilla x x x indicate that actual taking with that the disposition of that issue was contained in only two Thus, Empelis does not compel us that it is an
intent to gain is enough to consummate the crime of theft."[74] sentences, which we reproduce in full: insurmountable given that frustrated theft is viable in this
However, the crime committed is only frustrated qualified jurisdiction. Considering the flawed reasoning behind its
In People v. Espiritu,[75] the accused had removed nine theft because petitioners were not able to perform all the conclusion of frustrated theft, it cannot present any
pieces of hospital linen from a supply depot and loaded them acts of execution which should have produced the felony as efficacious argument to persuade us in this case. Insofar
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as Empelis may imply that convictions for frustrated theft are a haberdashery as he was abstracting a layer of clothing off be difficult to foresee how the execution of all the acts
beyond cavil in this jurisdiction, that decision is subject to a mannequin, and who then proceeded to throw away the necessary for the completion of the crime would not produce
reassessment. garment as he fled.[84] the effect of theft.
Nonetheless, Viada does not contest the notion of frustrated This divergence of opinion convinces us, at least, that there
At the time our Revised Penal Code was enacted in 1930, theft, and willingly recites decisions of the Supreme Court of is no weighted force in scholarly thought that obliges us to
the 1870 Codigo Penal de España was then in place. The Spain that have held to that effect.[85] A few decades later, accept frustrated theft, as proposed in Diño and Flores. A
definition of the crime of theft, as provided then, read as the esteemed Eugenio Cuello Calén pointed out the final ruling by the Court that there is no crime of frustrated
follows: inconsistent application by the Spanish Supreme Court with theft in this jurisdiction will not lead to scholastic pariah, for
Son reos de hurto: respect to frustrated theft. such a submission is hardly heretical in light of Cuello
1. Los que con ánimo de lucrarse, y sin volencia o Hay frustración cuando los reos fueron sorprendidos por las Calón's position.
intimidación en las personas ni fuerza en las guardias cuando llevaban los sacos de harino del carro que
cosas, toman las cosas muebles ajenas sin la los conducia a otro que tenían preparado, 22 febrero 1913; Accordingly, it would not be intellectually disingenuous for
voluntad de su dueño. cuando el resultado no tuvo efecto por la intervención de la the Court to look at the question from a fresh perspective, as
2. Los que encontrándose una cosa perdida y policia situada en el local donde se realizó la sustracción we are not bound by the opinions of the respected Spanish
sabiendo quién es su dueño se la apropriaren co que impidió pudieran los reos disponer de lo sustraído, 30 commentators, conflicting as they are, to accept that theft is
intención de lucro. de octubre 1950. Hay "por lo menos" frustración, si existe capable of commission in its frustrated stage. Further, if we
3. Los dañadores que sustrajeren o utilizaren los apoderamiento, pero el culpale no llega a disponer de la ask the question whether there is a mandate of statute or
frutos u objeto del daño causado, salvo los casos cosa, 12 abril 1930; hay frustración "muy próxima" cuando el precedent that must compel us to adopt
previstos en los artículos 606, núm. 1.0; 607, culpable es detenido por el perjudicado acto seguido de the Diño and Flores doctrines, the answer has to be in the
núms, 1.0, 2.0 y 3.0; 608, núm. 1.0; 611; 613; cometer la sustracción, 28 febrero 1931. Algunos fallos han negative. If we did so, it would arise not out of obeisance to
Segundo párrafo del 617 y 618. considerado la existencia de frustración cuando, perseguido an inexorably higher command, but from the exercise of the
It was under the ambit of the 1870 Codigo Penal that the el culpable o sorprendido en el momento de llevar los function of statutory interpretation that comes as part and
aforecited Spanish Supreme Court decisions were handed efectos hurtados, los abandona, 29 mayo 1889, 22 febrero parcel of judicial review, and a function that allows breathing
down. However, the said code would be revised again in 1913, 11 marzo 1921; esta doctrina no es admissible, éstos, room for a variety of theorems in competition until one is
1932, and several times thereafter. In fact, under Codigo conforme a lo antes expuesto, son hurtos consumados.[86] ultimately adopted by this Court.
Penal Español de 1995, the the crime of theft is now simply Ultimately, Cuello Calón attacked the very idea that V.
defined as '[e]l que, con ánimo de lucro, Codigo Penal frustrated theft is actually possible:
Español de 1995,tomare las cosas muebles ajenas sin la La doctrina hoy generalmente sustentada considera que el The foremost predicate that guides us as we explore the
voluntad de su dueño será castigado"[82] hurto se consuma cuando la cosa queda de hecho a la matter is that it lies in the province of the legislature, through
disposición del agente. Con este criterio coincide la doctrina statute, to define what constitutes a particular crime in this
Notice that in the 1870 and 1995 definition of theft in the sentada últimamente porla jurisprudencia española que jurisdiction. It is the legislature, as representatives of the
penal code of Spain, "la libre disposicion" of the property is generalmente considera consumado el hurto cuando el sovereign people, which determines which acts or
not an element or a statutory characteristic of the crime. It culpable coge o aprehende la cosa y ésta quede por tiempo combination of acts are criminal in nature. Judicial
does appear that the principle originated and perhaps was más o menos duradero bajo su poder. El hecho de que éste interpretation of penal laws should be aligned with what was
fostered in the realm of Spanish jurisprudence. pueda aprovecharse o no de lo hurtado es indiferente. El the evident legislative intent, as expressed primarily in the
delito no pierde su carácter de consumado aunque la cosa language of the law as it defines the crime. It is Congress,
The oft-cited Salvador Viada adopted a question-answer hurtada sea devuelta por el culpable o fuere recuperada. No not the courts, which is to define a crime, and ordain its
form in his 1926 commentaries on the 1870 Codigo Penal de se concibe la frustración, pues es muy dificil que el que punishment.[88] The courts cannot arrogate the power to
España. Therein, he raised at least three questions for the hace cuanto es necesario para la consumación del hurto introduce a new element of a crime which was unintended
reader whether the crime of frustrated or consummated theft no lo consume efectivamente, los raros casos que by the legislature, or redefine a crime in a manner that does
had occurred. The passage cited in Diño was actually nuestra jurisprudencia, muy vacilante, declara hurtos not hew to the statutory language. Due respect for the
utilized by Viada to answer the question whether frustrated frustrados son verdaderos delitos prerogative of Congress in defining crimes/felonies
or consummated theft was committed "[e]l que en el consumados.[87] (Emphasis supplied) constrains the Court to refrain from a broad interpretation of
momento mismo de apoderarse de la cosa ajena, viéndose Cuello Calón's submissions cannot be lightly ignored. Unlike penal laws where a "narrow interpretation" is appropriate.
sorprendido, la arroja al suelo."[83] Even as the answer was Viada, who was content with replicating the Spanish "The Court must take heed of language, legislative history
as stated in Diño, and was indeed derived from the 1888 Supreme Court decisions on the matter, Cuello Calón and purpose, in order to strictly determine the wrath and
decision of the Supreme Court of Spain, that decision's actually set forth his own thought that questioned whether breath of the conduct the law forbids."[89]
factual predicate occasioning the statement was apparently theft could truly be frustrated, since "pues es muy dificil que
very different from Diño, for it appears that the 1888 decision el que hace cuanto es necesario para la consumación del With that in mind, a problem clearly emerges with
involved an accused who was surprised by the employees of hurto no lo consume efectivamente." Otherwise put, it would the Diño/Flores dictum. The ability of the offender to freely
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dispose of the property stolen is not a constitutive element of will not apply to the facts of this particular case. We are to when a stolen item is susceptible to free disposal by the
the crime of theft. It finds no support or extension in Article satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the taking by the thief. Would this depend on the psychological belief of the
308, whether as a descriptive or operative element of theft or petitioner was completed in this case. With intent to gain, he offender at the time of the commission of the crime, as
as the mens rea or actus reus of the felony. To restate what acquired physical possession of the stolen cases of implied in Diño?
this Court has repeatedly held: the elements of the crime of detergent for a considerable period of time that he was able
theft as provided for in Article 308 of the Revised Penal to drop these off at a spot in the parking lot, and long enough Or, more likely, the appreciation of several classes of factual
Code are: (1) that there be taking of personal property; (2) to load these onto a taxicab. circumstances such as the size and weight of the property,
that said property belongs to another; (3) that the taking be the location of the property, the number and identity of
done with intent to gain; (4) that the taking be done without Indeed, we have, after all, held that unlawful taking, people present at the scene of the crime, the number and
the consent of the owner; and (5) that the taking be or apoderamiento, is deemed complete from the moment the identity of people whom the offender is expected to
accomplished without the use of violence against or offender gains possession of the thing, even if he has no encounter upon fleeing with the stolen property, the manner
intimidation of persons or force upon things.[90] opportunity to dispose of the same.[92] And long ago, we in which the stolen item had been housed or stored; and
asserted in People v. Avila:[93] quite frankly, a whole lot more. Even the fungibility or
Such factor runs immaterial to the statutory definition of theft, x x x [T]he most fundamental notion in the crime of theft is edibility of the stolen item would come into account, relevant
which is the taking, with intent to gain, of personal property the taking of the thing to be appropriated into the physical as that would be on whether such property is capable of free
of another without the latter's consent. While power of the thief, which idea is qualified by other conditions, disposal at any stage, even after the taking has been
the Diño/Flores dictum is considerate to the mindset of the such as that the taking must be effected animo lucrandiand consummated.
offender, the statutory definition of theft considers only the without the consent of the owner; and it will be here noted
perspective of intent to gain on the part of the offender, that the definition does not require that the taking should be All these complications will make us lose sight of the fact
compounded by the deprivation of property on the part of the effected against the will of the owner but merely that it that beneath all the colorful detail, the owner was indeed
victim. should be without his consent, a distinction of no slight deprived of property by one who intended to produce such
importance.[94] deprivation for reasons of gain. For such will remain the
For the purpose of ascertaining whether theft is susceptible Insofar as we consider the present question, "unlawful presumed fact if frustrated theft were recognized, for therein,
of commission in the frustrated stage, the question is again, taking" is most material in this respect. Unlawful taking, all of the acts of execution, including the taking, have been
when is the crime of theft produced? There would be all but which is the deprivation of one's personal property, is the completed. If the facts establish the non-completion of the
certain unanimity in the position that theft is produced when element which produces the felony in its consummated taking due to these peculiar circumstances, the effect could
there is deprivation of personal property due to its taking by stage. At the same time, without unlawful taking as an act of be to downgrade the crime to the attempted stage, as not all
one with intent to gain. Viewed from that perspective, it is execution, the offense could only be attempted theft, if at all. of the acts of execution have been performed. But once all
immaterial to the product of the felony that the offender, these acts have been executed, the taking has been
once having committed all the acts of execution for theft, is With these considerations, we can only conclude that under completed, causing the unlawful deprivation of property, and
able or unable to freely dispose of the property stolen since Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code, theft cannot have a ultimately the consummation of the theft.
the deprivation from the owner alone has already ensued frustrated stage. Theft can only be attempted or
from such acts of execution. This conclusion is reflected in consummated. Maybe the Diño/Flores rulings are, in some degree,
Chief Justice Aquino's commentaries, as earlier cited, that grounded in common sense. Yet they do not align with the
"[i]n theft or robbery the crime is consummated after the Neither Diño nor Flores can convince us otherwise. Both fail legislated framework of the crime of theft. The Revised
accused had material possession of the thing with intent to to consider that once the offenders therein obtained Penal Code provisions on theft have not been designed in
appropriate the same, although his act of making use of the possession over the stolen items, the effect of the felony has such fashion as to accommodate said rulings. Again, there is
thing was frustrated."[91] been produced as there has been deprivation of property. no language in Article 308 that expressly or impliedly allows
The presumed inability of the offenders to freely dispose of that the "free disposition of the items stolen" is in any way
It might be argued, that the ability of the offender to freely the stolen property does not negate the fact that the owners determinative of whether the crime of theft has been
dispose of the property stolen delves into the concept of have already been deprived of their right to possession upon produced. Diño itself did not rely on Philippine laws or
"taking" itself, in that there could be no true taking until the the completion of the taking. jurisprudence to bolster its conclusion, and the
actor obtains such degree of control over the stolen item. But later Flores was ultimately content in relying on Diño alone
even if this were correct, the effect would be to downgrade Moreover, as is evident in this case, the adoption of the rule for legal support. These cases do not enjoy the weight
the crime to its attempted, and not frustrated stage, for it "that the inability of the offender to freely dispose of the of stare decisis, and even if they did, their erroneous
would mean that not all the acts of execution have not been stolen property frustrates the theft – would introduce a appreciation of our law on theft leave them susceptible to
completed, the "taking not having been accomplished." convenient defense for the accused which does not reflect reversal. The same holds true of Empilis, a regrettably stray
Perhaps this point could serve as fertile ground for future any legislated intent,[95] since the Court would have carved a decision which has not since found favor from this Court.
discussion, but our concern now is whether there is indeed a viable means for offenders to seek a mitigated penalty under
crime of frustrated theft, and such consideration proves applied circumstances that do not admit of easy We thus conclude that under the Revised Penal Code, there
ultimately immaterial to that question. Moreover, such issue classification. It is difficult to formulate definite standards as is no crime of frustrated theft. As petitioner has latched the
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success of his appeal on our acceptance of P28,627,20, belonging to Ororama Mega Center, where he was mauled and kicked by one of those who
the Diño and Flores rulings, his petition must be denied, for represented by William Michael N. Arcenio, thus, performing chased him; that they took his Nokia 5110 cellular phone
we decline to adopt said rulings in our jurisdiction. That it has all the acts of execution which would produce the crime of and cash amounting to P2,500.00; and that Ompoc took his
taken all these years for us to recognize that there can be no theft as a consequence but, nevertheless, did not produce it Seiko watch and ring, while a certain Amion took his
frustrated theft under the Revised Penal Code does not by reason of some cause independent of accused's will, that necklace.[6]
detract from the correctness of this conclusion. It will take is, they were discovered by the employees of Ororama Mega
considerable amendments to our Revised Penal Code in Center who prevented them from further carrying away said Canceran further claimed that an earlier Information for theft
order that frustrated theft may be recognized. Our deference 14 cartons of Ponds White Beauty Cream, to the damage was already filed on October 9, 2002 which was eventually
to Viada yields to the higher reverence for legislative intent. and prejudice of the Ororama Mega Center. dismissed. In January 2003, a second Information was filed
for the same offense over the same incident and became the
WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Costs against Article 308 in relation to Article 309, and 6 of the Revised subject of the present case.[7]
petitioner. Penal Code.[4]
Version of the Prosecution The Ruling of the Regional Trial Court
To prove the guilt of the accused, the prosecution presented In its Judgment, dated September 20, 2007, the RTC found
Puno, C.J., Ynares-Santiago, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio, Damalito Ompoc (Ompoc), a security guard; and William Canceran guilty beyond reasonable doubt of consummated
Austria-Martinez, Corona, Carpio-Morales, Azcuna, Chico- Michael N. Arcenio (Arcenio), the Customer Relation Officer Theft in line with the ruling of the Court in Valenzuela v.
Nazario, Garcia, Velasco, Jr., and Nachura, JJ., concur. of Ororama Mega Center (Ororama), as its witnesses. People[8] that under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code
Quisumbing, J., on official leave. Through their testimonies, the prosecution established that (RPC), there is no crime of "Frustrated Theft." Canceran was
on or about October 6, 2002, Ompoc saw Caneeran sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of
[ G.R. No. 206442, July 01, 2015 ] approach one of the counters in Ororama; that Caneeran imprisonment from ten (10) years and one (1) day to ten (10)
JOVITO CANCERAN, PETITIONER, VS. PEOPLE OF THE was pushing a cart which contained two boxes of Magic years, eight (8) months of prision mayor, as minimum, to
PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT. Flakes for which he paid P1,423.00; that Ompoc went to the fourteen (14) years, eight (8) months of reclusion temporal,
packer and asked if the boxes had been checked; that upon as maximum.[9]
DECISION inspection by Ompoc and the packer, they found out that the
MENDOZA, J.: contents of the two boxes were not Magic Flakes biscuits, The RTC wrote that Canceran's denial deserved scant
This is a petition for review on certiorari seeking to reverse but 14 smaller boxes of Ponds White Beauty Cream worth consideration because it was not supported by sufficient and
and set aside the August 10, 2012 Decision[1] and the March P28,627.20; that Caneeran hurriedly left and a chase convincing evidence and no disinterested witness was
7, 2013 Resolution[2] of the Court of Appeals (CA), in CA- ensued; that upon reaching the Don Mariano gate, Caneeran presented to corroborate his claims. As such, his denial was
G.R. CR No. 00559, which affirmed and modified the stumbled as he attempted to ride a jeepney; that after being considered self-serving and deserved no weight. The trial
September 20, 2007 Judgment[3] of the Regional Trial Court, questioned, he tried to settle with the guards and even court was also of the view that his defense, that the
Branch 39, Misamis Oriental, Cagayan de Oro City (RTC), in offered his personal effects to pay for the items he tried to complaint for theft filed against him before the sala of Judge
Criminal Case No. 2003-141, convicting petitioner Jovito take; that Arcenio refused to settle; and that his personal Maximo Paderanga was already dismissed, was not
Canceran (Canceran) for consummated Theft. belongings were deposited in the office of Arcenio.[5] persuasive. The dismissal was merely a release order
signed by the Clerk of Court because he had posted bail.[10]
The records disclose that Caneeran, together with Frederick Version of the Defense
Vequizo and Marcial Diaz, Jr., was charged with "Frustrated The Ruling of the Court of Appeals
Theft." The Information reads: Canceran vehemently denied the charges against him. He
That on or about October 6, 2002, at more or less 12:00 claimed that he was a promo merchandiser of La Tondena, Aggrieved, Canceran filed an appeal where he raised the
noon, at Ororama Mega Center Grocery Department, Inc. and that on October 6, 2002, he was in Ororama to buy issue of double jeopardy for the first time. The CA held that
Lapasan, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines, and within the medicine for his wife. On his way out, after buying medicine there could be no double jeopardy because he never
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named and mineral water, a male person of around 20 years of age entered a valid plea and so the first jeopardy never
accused, Jovito Caneeran, conspiring, confederating requested him to pay for the items in his cart at the cashier; attached.[11]
together and mutually helping one another with his co- that he did not know the name of this man who gave him
accused Frederick Vequizo, URC Merchandiser, and Marcial P1,440.00 for payment of two boxes labelled Magic Flakes; The CA also debunked Canceran's contention that there was
Diaz, Jr., a Unilever Philippines merchandiser both of that he obliged with the request of the unnamed person no taking because he merely pushed the cart loaded with
Ororama Mega Center, with intent to gain and without the because he was struck by his conscience; that he denied goods to the cashier's booth for payment and stopped there.
knowledge and consent of the owner thereof, did then and knowing the contents of the said two boxes; that after paying The appellate court held that unlawful taking was deemed
there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously take, steal and carry at the cashier, he went out of Ororama towards Limketkai to complete from the moment the offender gained possession
away 14 cartons of Ponds White Beauty Cream valued at take a jeepney; that three persons ran after him, and he was of the thing, even if he had no opportunity to dispose of the
caught; that he was brought to the 4th floor of Ororama, same.[12]
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person accused in a criminal prosecution to be informed of

The CA affirmed with modification the September 20, 2007 the nature and cause of accusation against him.[16] It is "[A]n accused cannot be convicted of a higher offense than
judgment of the RTC, reducing the penalty ranging from two fundamental that every element of which the offense is that with which he was charged in the complaint or
(2) years, four (4) months and one (1) day of prision composed must be alleged in the complaint or information. information and on which he was tried. It matters not how
correccional, as minimum, to eight (8) years, eight (8) The main purpose of requiring the various elements of a conclusive and convincing the evidence of guilt may be, an
months and one (1) day of prision mayor, as maximum. crime to be set out in the information is to enable the accused cannot be convicted in the courts of any offense,
accused to suitably prepare his defense. He is presumed to unless it is charged in the complaint or information on which
Canceran moved for the reconsideration of the said decision, have no independent knowledge of the facts that constitute he is tried, or necessarily included therein. He has a right to
but his motion was denied by the CA in its March 7, 2013 the offense.[17] be informed as to the nature of the offense with which he is
resolution. charged before he is put on trial, and to convict him of an
Under Article 308 of the RPC, the essential elements of theft offense higher than that charged in the complaint or
Hence, this petition. are (1) the taking of personal property; (2) the property information on which he is tried would be an unauthorized
belongs to another; (3) the taking away was done with intent denial of that right."[20]
As can be synthesized from the petition and other pleadings, of gain; (4) the taking away was done without the consent of
the following are the issues: 1] whether Canceran should be the owner; and (5) the taking away is accomplished without Indeed, an accused cannot be convicted of a crime, even if
acquitted in the crime of theft as it was not charged in the violence or intimidation against person or force upon things. duly proven, unless it is alleged or necessarily included in
information; and 2] whether there was double jeopardy. "Unlawful taking, which is the deprivation of one's personal the information filed against him.[21] An offense charged
property, is the element which produces the felony in its necessarily includes the offense proved when some of the
Canceran argues that the CA erred in affirming his consummated stage. At the same time, without unlawful essential elements or ingredients of the former, as alleged in
conviction. He insists that there was already double jeopardy taking as an act of execution, the offense could only be the complaint or information, constitute the latter.[22]
as the first criminal case for theft was already dismissed and attempted theft, if at all."[18]
yet he was convicted in the second case. Canceran also The crime of theft in its consummated stage undoubtedly
contends that there was no taking of the Ponds cream "It might be argued, that the ability of the offender to freely includes the crime in its attempted stage. In this case,
considering that "the information in Criminal Case No. 2003- dispose of the property stolen delves into the concept of although the evidence presented during the trial prove the
141 admits the act of the petitioner did not produce the crime 'taking' itself, in that there could be no true taking until the crime of consummated Theft, he could be convicted of
of theft."[13] Thus, absent the element of taking, the felony of actor obtains such degree of control over the stolen item. But Attempted Theft only. Regardless of the overwhelming
theft was never proved. even if this were correct, the effect would be to downgrade evidence to convict him for consummated Theft, because the
the crime to its attempted, and not frustrated stage, for it Information did not charge him with consummated Theft, the
In its Comment,[14] the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) would mean that not all the acts of execution have not been Court cannot do so as the same would violate his right to be
contended that there was no double jeopardy as the first completed, the "taking not having been accomplished."[19] informed of the nature and cause of the allegations against
jeopardy never attached. The trial court dismissed the case him, as he so protests.
even before Canceran could enter a plea during the A careful reading of the allegations in the Information would
scheduled arraignment for the first case. Further, the show that Canceran was charged with "Frustrated Theft" The Court is not unmindful of the rule that "the real nature of
prosecution proved that all the elements of theft were only. Pertinent parts of the Information read: the criminal charge is determined, not from the caption or
present in this case. x x x did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously preamble of the information nor from the specification of the
take, steal and carry away 14 cartons of Ponds White law alleged to have been violated - these being conclusions
In his Reply,[15] Canceran averred that when the arraignment Beauty Cream valued at P28,627,20, belonging to Ororama of law - but by the actual recital of facts in the complaint or
of the first case was scheduled, he was already bonded and Mega Center, represented by William Michael N. Arcenio, information."[23] In the case of Domingo v. Rayala,[24] it was
ready to enter a plea. It was the RTC who decided that the thus performing ail the acts of execution which would written:
evidence was insufficient or the evidence lacked the element produce the crime of theft as a consequence, but What is controlling is not the title of the complaint, nor the
to constitute the crime of theft. He also stressed that there nevertheless, did not produce it by reason of some designation of the offense charged or the particular law or
was no unlawful taking as the items were assessed and paid cause independent of accused's will x x x. part thereof allegedly violated, these being mere conclusions
for. [Emphasis and Underscoring Supplied] of law made by the prosecutor, but the description of the
The Court's Ruling As stated earlier, there is no crime of Frustrated Theft. The crime charged and the particular facts therein recited.
Information can never be read to charge Canceran of The acts or omissions complained of must be alleged in
The Court finds the petition partially meritorious. consummated Theft because the indictment itself stated that such form as is sufficient to enable a person of common
the crime was never produced. Instead, the Information understanding to know what offense is intended to be
Constitutional Right of the Accused to be Informed of the should be construed to mean that Canceran was being charged, and enable the court to pronounce proper
Nature and Cause of Accusation against Him. charged with theft in its attempted stage only. Necessarily, judgment. No information for a crime will be sufficient if it
Canceran may only be convicted of the lesser crime of does not accurately and clearly allege the elements of the
No less than the Constitution guarantees the right of every Attempted Theft. crime charged. Every element of the offense must be stated
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in the information. What facts and circumstances are of Arresto Mayor, as minimum, to Two (2) Years, Four (4)
necessary to be included therein must be determined by Here, the CA correctly observed that Canceran never raised Months of Prision Correccional, as maximum.
reference to the definitions and essentials of the specified the issue of double jeopardy before the RTC. Even
crimes. The requirement of alleging the elements of a crime assuming that he was able to raise the issue of double SO ORDERED.
in the information is to inform the accused of the nature of jeopardy earlier, the same must still fail because legal
the accusation against him so as to enable him to suitably jeopardy did not attach. First, he never entered a valid plea. Carpio, (Chairperson), Bersamin*, Del Castillo, and Leonen,
prepare his defense.[25] He himself admitted that he was just about to enter a plea, JJ., concur.
In the subject information, the designation of the prosecutor but the first case was dismissed even before he was able to
of the offense, which was "Frustrated Theft," may be just his do so. Second, there was no unconditional dismissal of the [ GR No. 26298, Jan 20, 1927 ]
conclusion. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the charge complaint. The case was not terminated by reason of PEOPLE v. JULIAN ERINIA Y VINOLLA
was qualified by the additional allegation, but, nevertheless, acquittal nor conviction but simply because he posted bail. DECISION
did not produce it by reason of some cause independent of Absent these two elements, there can be no double
accused's will, that is, they were discovered by the jeopardy. OSTRAND, J.:
employees of Ororama Mega Center who prevented them This is an appeal from a judgment of the Court of First
from further carrying away said 14 cartons of Ponds White Penalty of Attempted Theft Instance of Manila finding the defendant guilty of the crime of
Beauty Cream, x x x[26] This averment, which could also be consummated rape and sentencing him to suffer seventeen
deemed by some as a mere conclusion, rendered the charge The penalty for consummated theft is prision mayor in its years, four months and one day of reclusion temporal, with
nebulous. There being an uncertainty, the Court resolves the minimum and medium periods.[29] The penalty lower by two the accessory penalties provided by law and to pay the
doubt in favor of the accused, Canceran, and holds that he degrees than that prescribed by law for the consummated costs.
was not properly informed that the charge against him was felony shall be imposed upon principals in an attempt to
consummated theft. commit a felony.[30] The basis for reduction of penalty by two The victim of the crime was a child of 3 years and 11 months
degrees is the penalty prescribed by law for the old and the evidence is conclusive that the defendant
No double jeopardy when the first jeopardy never attached consummated crime. Also, when the offenses defined in the endeavored to have carnal intercourse with her, but there
RPC are punished with a penalty composed of two periods, may be some doubt whether he succeeded in penetrating
Anent the issue of double jeopardy, the Court finds no like in the crime of theft, the penalty lower by one degree is the vagina before being disturbed by the timely intervention
reason to deviate from the ruling of the CA. formed by two periods to be taken from the same penalty of the mother and the sister of the child. The physician who
prescribed.[31] examined the genital organ of the child a few hours after the
No person shall be twice put in jeopardy for punishment for commission of the crime found a slight inflammation of the
the same offense. The rule of double jeopardy has a settled Here, the products stolen were worth P28,627.20. Following exterior parts of the organ, indicating that an,effort had been
meaning in this jurisdiction. It means that when a person is Article 309 par. 1 of the RPC, the penalty shall be the made to enter the vagina, but in testifying before the court he
charged with an offense and the case is terminated either by maximum period of the penalty prescribed in the same expressed doubts as to whether the entry had been effected.
acquittal or conviction or in any other manner without the paragraph, because the value of the things stolen exceeded The mother of the child testified that she found its genital
consent of the accused, the latter cannot again be charged P22,000.00. In other words, a special aggravating organ covered with a sticky substance, but that cannot be
with the same or identical offense. This principle is founded circumstance shall affect the imposable penalty. considered conclusive evidence of penetration.
upon the law of reason, justice and conscience.[27]
Applying the Indeterminate Sentence Law, the minimum It has been suggested that the child was of such tender age
Canceran argues that double jeopardy exists as the first penalty should be within the range of Arresto MayorMinimum that penetration was impossible; that the crime of rape
case was scheduled for arraignment and he, already to Arresto Mayor Medium. In view of the special aggravating consequently was impossible of consummation; and that,
bonded, was ready to enter a plea. It was the RTC who circumstance under Article 309 (1), the maximum penalty therefore, the offense committed should be treated only
decided that there was insufficient evidence to constitute the should be Arresto Mayor Maximum to Prision as abusos deshonestos. We do not think so. It is probably
crime of theft. Correccional Minimum in its maximum period. true that a complete penetration was impossible, but such
penetration is not essential to the commission of the crime; it
To raise the defense of double jeopardy, three requisites WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. The is sufficient if there is a penetration of the labia. In the case
must be present: (1) a first jeopardy must have attached August 10, 2012 Decision and the March 7, 2013 Resolution of Kenney vs. State ([Tex. Crim. App.], 79 S. W., 817; 65 L.
prior to the second; (2) the first jeopardy must have been of the Court of Appeals m CA-G.R. CR No. 00559 are R. A., 316) where the offended party was a child of the age
validly terminated; and (3) the second jeopardy must be for hereby MODIFIED, in that, the Court finds accused Jovito of 3 years and 8 months, the testimony of several physicians
the same offense as that in the first. Legal jeopardy attaches Canceran guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of was to the effect that the labia of the privates of a child of
only (a) upon a valid indictment, (b) before a competent Attempted Theft. that age can be entered by a man's male organ to the hymen
court, (c) after arraignment, (d) a valid plea having been and the defendant was found guilty of the consummated
entered; and (e) the case was dismissed or otherwise Accordingly, the Court sentences the accused to suffer the crime of rape.
terminated without the express consent of the accused.[28] indeterminate prison term ranging from Four (4) Months
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"That on March 20, 1983, at about 1:30 o'clock in the conjunction with Section 17, paragraph 3, subparagraph 1 of
There being no conclusive evidence of penetration of the morning inside a boarding house at Victoria St., Poblacion, the Judiciary Act of 1948.
genital organ of the offended party, the defendant is entitled Borongan, Eastern Samar, Philippines, and within the
to the benefit of the doubt and can only be found guilty of jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, above?named accused The antecedent facts as summarized in the People's brief
frustrated rape, but in view of the fact that he was living in with lewd designs and by the use of a Batangas knife he are as follows (pp. 71-75, Rollo):
the house of the parents of the child as their guest, the conveniently provided himself for the purpose and with
aggravating circumstance of abuse of confidence existed threats and intimidation, did, then and there wilfully, "Complainant Cristina S. Abayan was a 19-year old
and the penalty must therefore be imposed in its maximum unlawfully and feloniously lay with and succeeded in having freshman student at the St. Joseph's College at Borongan,
degree. sexual intercourse with Cristina S. Abayan against her will Eastern Samar. Appellant was a Philippine Constabulary
and without her consent. (PC) soldier.
The judgment appealed from is modified and the defendant-
appellant is hereby found guilty of the crime of frustrated "CONTRARY TO LAW." "In the early morning of March 20, 1983, complainant arrived
rape,and is sentenced to suffer twelve years of prision Upon being arraigned, the accused entered the plea of not at her boarding house. Her classmates had just brought her
mayor, with the accessory penalties prescribed by law, and guilty to the offense charged. After the witnesses for the home from a party (p. 44, tsn, May 23, 1984). Shortly after
with the costs in both instances. So ordered. People testified and the exhibits were formally offered and her classmates had left, she knocked at the door of her
admitted, the prosecution rested its case. Thereafter, the boarding house (p. 5,ibid). All of a sudden, somebody held
Johnson, Street, Villamor, Romualdez, and Villa-Real, defense opted not to present any exculpatory evidence and her and poked a knife to her neck. She then recognized
JJ., concur. instead filed a Motion to Dismiss. On August 5, 1985, the appellant who was a frequent visitor of another boarder (pp.
trial court rendered its decision, the dispositive portion of 8-9, ibid).
MALCOLM, J., dissenting: which reads (pp. 59-60, Rollo):
"She pleaded with him to release her, but he ordered her to
In my opinion, the accused is guilty of raping a child 3 years "WHEREFORE, the Court being morally certain of the guilt go upstairs with him. Since the door which led to the first
and 11 months of age. It is consummated rape according to of accused CEILITO ORITA @ LITO, of the crime of floor was locked from the inside, appellant forced
the evidence of record, the findings of the trial judge, and our Frustrated Rape (Art. 335, RPC), beyond reasonable doubt, complainant to use the back door leading to the second floor
decisions. (People vs. Hernandez [1925], 49 Phil., 980; with the aggravating circumstances of dwelling and nightime (p. 77, ibid). With his left arm wrapped around her neck and
People vs. Oscar [1925], 48 Phil, 527.) The instant case is (sic) with no mitigating circumstance to offset the same, and his right hand poking a 'balisong' to her neck, appellant
on all fours with the case of Kenney vs. State (65 L. R. A., considering the provisions of the Indeterminate Sentence dragged complainant up the stairs (p. 14, ibid). When they
316), cited in the majority decision. In the Kenney case, the Law, imposes on accused an imprisonment of TEN (10) reached the second floor, he commanded her to look for a
penalty was death, and here for this horrible crime, should YEARS and ONE (1) DAY, PRISION MAYOR, as minimum room. With the Batangas knife still poked to her neck, they
be placed in the maximum degree, or seventeen years, four to TWELVE (12) YEARS PRISION MAYOR,maximum; to entered complainant's room.
months, and one day imprisonment, as imposed by the trial indemnify CRISTINA S. ABAYAN, the amount of Four
court. Accordingly, my vote is for affirmance of the judgment. Thousand (P4,000.00) pesos, without subsidiary "Upon entering the room, appellant pushed complainant who
Judgment modified. imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay costs. hit her head on the wall. With one hand holding the knife,
appellant undressed himself. He then ordered complainant
[ GR NO. 88724, Apr 03, 1990 ] "SO ORDERED." to take off her clothes. Scared, she took off her T-
PEOPLE v. CEILITO ORITA Not satisfied with the decision, the accused appealed to the shirt. Then he pulled off her bra, pants and panty (p.
DECISION Court of Appeals. On December 29, 1988, the Court of 20, ibid).
Appeals rendered its decision, the dispositive portion of
MEDIALDEA, J.: which reads (p. 102, Rollo): "He ordered her to lie down on the floor and then mounted
The accused, Ceilito Orita alias Lito, was charged with the her. He made her hold his penis and insert it in her
crime of rape in Criminal Case No. 83-031-B before the "WHEREFORE, the trial court's judgment is hereby vagina. She followed his order as he continued to poke the
Regional Trial Court, Branch II, Borongan, Eastern MODIFIED, and the appellant found guilty of the crime of knife to her. At said position, however, appellant could not
Samar. The information filed in the said case reads as rape, and consequently, sentenced to suffer imprisonment fully penetrate her. Only a portion of his penis entered her
follows (p. 47, Rollo): of reclusion perpetua and to indemnify the victim in the as she kept on moving (p. 23, ibid).
amount of P30,000.00.
"The undersigned Second Assistant Provincial Fiscal upon "Appellant then lay down on his back and commanded her to
prior complaint under oath by the offended party, accuses "SO ORDERED." mount him. In this position, only a small part again of his
CEILITO ORITA alias LITO of the crime of Rape committed On January 11, 1989, the Court of Appeals issued a penis was inserted into her vagina. At this stage, appellant
as follows: resolution setting aside its December 29, 1988 decision and had both his hands flat on the floor. Complainant thought of
forwarded the case to this Court, considering the provision of escaping (p. 20, ibid).
Section 9, paragraph 3 of Batas Pambansa Blg. 129 in
Page 31 of 53

"She dashed out to the next room and locked herself vulva, errythematous (sic) areas noted there. The victim testified further that the accused was
in. Appellant pursued her and climbed the partition. When surrounding vaginal orifice, tender; hymen holding a Batangas knife during the aggression. This is a
she saw him inside the room, she ran to another intact; no laceration fresh and old noted; material part of the victim's testimony which the accused
room. Appellant again chased her. She fled to another examining finger can barely enter and with conveniently deleted.
room and jumped out through a window (p. 27, ibid). difficulty; vaginal canal tight; no discharges
noted.'" We find no cogent reason to depart from the well-settled rule
"Still naked, she darted to the municipal building, which was As aforementioned, the trial court convicted the accused of that the findings of fact of the trial court on the credibility of
about eighteen meters in front of the boarding house, and frustrated rape. witnesses should be accorded the highest respect because it
knocked on the door. When there was no answer, she ran has the advantage of observing the demeanor of witnesses
around the building and knocked on the back door. When In this appeal, the accused assigns the following errors: and can discern if a witness is telling the truth (People v.
the policemen who were inside the building opened the door, Samson, G.R. No. 55520, August 25, 1989). We quote with
they found complainant naked sitting on the stairs 1) The trial court erred in disregarding the substantial favor the trial court's finding regarding the testimony of the
crying. Pat. Donceras, the first policeman to see her, took inconsistencies in the testimonies of the witnesses; and victim (p. 56, Rollo):
off his jacket and wrapped it around her. When they
discovered what happened, Pat. Donceras and two other 2) The trial court erred in declaring that the crime of "As correctly pointed out in the memorandum for the People,
policemen rushed to the boarding house. They heard a frustrated rape was committed by the accused. there is not much to be desired as to the sincerity of the
sound at the second floor and saw somebody running offended party in her testimony before the court. Her
away. Due to darkness, they failed to apprehend appellant. The accused assails the testimonies of the victim and Pat. answers to every question profounded (sic), under all
Donceras because they "show remarkable and vital circumstances, are plain and straightforward. To the Court
"Meanwhile, the policemen brought complainant to the inconsistencies and its incredibility amounting to fabrication she was a picture of supplication hungry and thirsty for the
Eastern Samar Provincial Hospital where she was physically and therefore casted doubt to its candor, truth and validity." immediate vindication of the affront to her honor. It is
examined. (p. 33, Rollo) inculcated into the mind of the Court that the accused had
wronged her; had traversed illegally her honor."
"Dr. Ma. Luisa Abude, the resident physician who examined A close scrutiny of the alleged inconsistencies revealed that When a woman testifies that she has been raped, she says
complainant, issued a Medical Certificate (Exhibit 'A') which they refer to trivial inconsistencies which are not sufficient to in effect all that is necessary to show that rape was
states: blur or cast doubt on the witnesses' straightforward committed provided her testimony is clear and free from
attestations. Far from being badges of fabrication, the contradiction and her sincerity and candor, free from
Patient is fairly built, came in with loose clothing inconsistencies in their testimonies may in fact be justifiably suspicion (People v. Alfonso, G.R. No. 72573, August 31,
with no under-clothes; appears in state of considered as manifestations of truthfulness on material 1987, 153 SCRA 487; People v. Alcid, G.R. Nos. 66387-88,
shock, per unambulatory. points. These little deviations also confirm that the February 28, 1985, 135 SCRA 280; People v. Soterol, G.R.
witnesses had not been rehearsed. The most candid No. 53498, December 16, 1985, 140 SCRA 400). The victim
witnesses may make mistakes sometimes but such honest in this case did not only state that she was raped but she
'PE Findings Pertinent Findings only. lapses do not necessarily impair their intrinsic credibility testified convincingly on how the rape was committed. The
- (People v. Cabato, G.R. No. L-37400, April 15, 1988, 160 victim's testimony from the time she knocked on the door of
SCRA 98). Rather than discredit the testimonies of the the municipal building up to the time she was brought to the
Circumscribed hematoma at Ant. neck. prosecution witnesses, discrepancies on minor details must hospital was corroborated by Pat. Donceras. Interpreting the
'Neck -
be viewed as adding credence and veracity to such findings as indicated in the medical certificate, Dr. Reinerio
spontaneous testimonies (Aportadera, et al. v. Court of Zamora (who was presented in view of the unavailability of
Well developed, conical in shape with Appeals, et al., G.R. No. L-41358, March 16, 1988, 158 Dr. Abude) declared that the abrasions in the left and right
prominent nipples; linear abrasions below (L) SCRA 695). As a matter of fact, complete uniformity in knees, linear abrasions below the left breast, multiple
'Breast -
breast. details would be a strong indication of untruthfulness and pinpoint marks, circumscribed hematoma at the anterior
lack of spontaneity (People v. Bazar, G.R. No. L-41829, neck, erythematous area surrounding the vaginal orifice and
June 27, 1988, 162 SCRA 609). However, one of the tender vulva, are conclusive proof of struggle against force
Multiple pinpoint marks. alleged inconsistencies deserves a little discussion which is, and violence exerted on the victim (pp. 52-53, Rollo). The
'Back -
the testimony of the victim that the accused asked her to trial court even inspected the boarding house and was fully
hold and guide his penis in order to have carnal knowledge satisfied that the narration of the scene of the incident and
'Extremities Abrasions at (R) and (L) knees. of her. According to the accused, this is strange because the conditions therein is true (p. 54, Rollo):
- "this is the only case where an aggressor's advances is
being helped-out by the victim in order that there will be a "x x x. The staircase leading to the first floor is in such a
No visible abrasions or marks at the perineal consumation of the act." (p. 34, Rollo). The allegation would condition safe enough to carry the weight of both accused
'Vulva -
area or over the have been meritorious had the testimony of the victim ended and offended party without the slightest difficulty, even in the
Page 32 of 53

manner as narrated. The partitions of every room were of therefore, merit consideration. We are convinced that the Correlating these two provisions, there is no debate that the
strong materials, securedly nailed, and would not give way accused is guilty of rape. However, We believe the subject attempted and consummated stages apply to the crime of
even by hastily scaling the same." matter that really calls for discussion is whether or not the rape. Our concern now is whether or not the frustrated
A little insight into human nature is of utmost value in judging accused's conviction for frustrated rape is proper. The trial stage applies to the crime of rape.
rape complaints (People v. Torio, et al., G. R. No. L-48731, court was of the belief that there is no conclusive evidence of
December 21, 1983, 126 SCRA 265). Thus, the trial court penetration of the genital organ of the victim and thus The requisites of a frustrated felony are: (1) that the
added (p. 55, Rollo): convicted the accused of frustrated rape only. offender has performed all the acts of execution which would
produce the felony and (2) that the felony is not produced
"x x x And the jump executed by the offended party from that The accused contends that there is no crime of frustrated due to causes independent of the perpetrator's will. In the
balcony (opening) to the ground which was correctly rape. The Solicitor General shares the same view. leading case of United States v. Eduave, 36 Phil. 209, 212,
estimated to be less than eight (8) meters, will perhaps Justice Moreland set a distinction between attempted and
occasion no injury to a frightened individual being Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code defines and frustrated felonies which is readily understood even by law
pursued. Common experience will tell us that in occasion of enumerates the elements of the crime of rape: students:
conflagration, especially occuring (sic) in high buildings,
many have been saved by jumping from some considerable "ART. 335. When and how rape is committed. - Rape is "x x x A crime cannot be held to be attempted unless the
heights without being injured. How much more for a committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman under offender, after beginning the commission of the crime by
frightened barrio girl, like the offended party to whom honor any of the following circumstances: overt acts, is prevented, against his will, by some outside
appears to be more valuable than her life or limbs? Besides, cause from performing all of the acts which should produce
the exposure of her private parts when she sought "1. By using force or intimidation; the crime. In other words, to be an attempted crime the
assistance from authorities, as corroborated, is enough purpose of the offender must be thwarted by a foreign force
indication that something not ordinary happened to her "2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise or agency which intervenes and compels him to stop prior to
unless she is mentally deranged. Sadly, nothing was unconscious; and the moment when he has performed all of the acts which
adduced to show that she was out of her mind." should produce the crime as a consequence, which acts it is
In a similar case (People v. Sambili, G.R. No. L-44408, "3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even his intention to perform. If he has performed all of the acts
September 30, 1982, 117 SCRA 312), We ruled that: though neither of the circumstances mentioned in the two which should result in the consummation of the crime and
next preceding paragraphs shall be present. voluntarily desists from proceeding further, it can not be an
"What particularly imprints the badge of truth on her story is attempt. The essential element which distinguishes
her having been rendered entirely naked by appellant and attempted from frustrated felony is that, in the latter, there is
that even in her nudity, she had to run away from the latter "xxx xxx xxx." no intervention of a foreign or extraneous cause or agency
and managed to gain sanctuary in a house owned by Carnal knowledge is defined as the act of a man in having between the beginning of the commission of the crime and
spouses hardly known to her. All these acts she would not sexual bodily connections with a woman (Black's Law the moment when all of the acts have been performed which
have done nor would these facts have occurred unless she Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 193). should result in the consummated crime; while in the former
was sexually assaulted in the manner she narrated." there is such intervention and the offender does not arrive at
The accused questions also the failure of the prosecution to On the other hand, Article 6 of the same Code provides: the point of performing all of the acts which should produce
present other witnesses to corroborate the allegations in the the crime. He is stopped short of that point by some cause
complaint and the non?presentation of the medico-legal "ART. 6. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies. apart from his voluntary desistance."
officer who actually examined the victim. Suffice it to say - Consummated felonies, as well as those which are Clearly, in the crime of rape, from the moment the offender
that it is up to the prosecution to determine who should be frustrated and attempted, are punishable. has carnal knowledge of his victim, he actually attains his
presented as witnesses on the basis of its own assessment purpose and, from that moment also all the essential
of their necessity (Tugbang v. Court of Appeals, et al.,G.R. "A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary elements of the offense have been accomplished. Nothing
No. 56679, June 29, 1989; People v. Somera, G.R. No. for its execution and accomplishment are present; and it is more is left to be done by the offender, because he has
65589, May 31, 1989). As for the non-presentation of the frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of performed the last act necessary to produce the
medico-legal officer who actually examined the victim, the execution which would produce the felony as a consequence crime. Thus, the felony is consummated. In a long line of
trial court stated that it was by agreement of the parties that but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of cases (People v. Oscar, 48 Phil. 527; People v.
another physician testified inasmuch as the medico-legal causes independent of the will of the perpetrator. Hernandez, 49 Phil. 980; People v. Royeras, G.R. No. L-
officer was no longer available. The accused did not bother 31886, April 29, 1974, 56 SCRA 666; People v.
to contradict this statement. "There is an attempt when the offender commences the Amores, G.R. No. L-32996, August 21, 1974, 58 SCRA 505),
commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not We have set the uniform rule that for the consummation of
Summing up, the arguments raised by the accused as perform all the acts of execution which should produce the rape, perfect penetration is not essential. Any penetration of
regards the first assignment of error fall flat on its felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his the female organ by the male organ is sufficient. Entry of the
face. Some were not even substantiated and do not, own spontaneous desistance." labia or lips of the female organ, without rupture of the
Page 33 of 53

hymen or laceration of the vagina is sufficient to warrant should be stressed that in cases of rape where there is a perpetua to death. The trial court appreciated the
conviction. Necessarily, rape is attempted if there is no positive testimony and a medical certificate, both should in aggravating circumstances of dwelling and nighttime. Thus,
penetration of the female organ (People v. Tayaba, 62 Phil. all respect, compliment each other, for otherwise to rely on the proper imposable penalty is death. In view, however, of
559; People v. Rabadan, et al., 53 Phil. 694; United States v. the testimony alone in utter disregard of the manifest Article III, Section 19(1) of the 1987 Constitution and Our
Garcia, 9 Phil. 434) because not all acts of execution was variance in the medical certificate, would be productive of ruling in People v. Millora, et al., G.R. Nos. L-38968-70,
performed. The offender merely commenced the mischievous results." February 9, 1989, that the cited Constitutional provision did
commission of a felony directly by overt acts. Taking into The alleged variance between the testimony of the victim not declare the abolition of the death penalty but merely
account the nature, elements and manner of execution of the and the medical certificate does not exist. On the contrary, it prohibits the imposition of the death penalty, the Court has
crime of rape and jurisprudence on the matter, it is hardly is stated in the medical certificate that the vulva was since February 2, 1987 not imposed the death penalty
conceivable how the frustrated stage in rape can ever be erythematous (which means marked by abnormal redness of whenever it was called for under the Revised Penal Code
committed. the skin due to capillary congestion, as in inflammation) and but instead reduced the same to reclusion perpetua (People
tender. It bears emphasis that Dr. Zamora did not rule v. Solis, et al., G.R. Nos. 78732-33, February 14,
Of course, We are aware of our earlier pronouncement in the out penetration of the genital organ of the victim. He merely 1990). Reclusion perpetua, being a single indivisible penalty
case of People v. Eriñia, 50 Phil. 998 [1927] where We found testified that there was uncertainty whether or not there was under Article 335, paragraph 3, is imposed regardless of any
the offender guilty of frustrated rape there being no penetration. Anent this testimony, the victim positively mitigating or aggravating circumstances (in relation to Article
conclusive evidence of penetration of the genital organ of the testified that there was penetration, even if only partially (pp. 63, paragraph 1, Revised Penal Code; see People v.
offended party. However, it appears that this is a "stray' 302, 304, t.s.n., May 23, 1984): Arizala, G.R. No. 59713, March 15, 1982, 112 SCRA
decision inasmuch as it has not been reiterated in Our 615; People v. Manzano, G.R. No. L-38449, November 25,
subsequent decisions. Likewise, We are aware of Article "Q Was the penis inserted on your vagina? 1982, 118 SCRA 705; People v. Ramirez, G.R. No. 70744,
335 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic "A It entered but only a portion of it." May 31, 1985, 136 SCRA 702).
Act No. 2632 (dated September 12, 1960) and Republic Act
No. 4111 (dated March 29, 1965) which provides, in its xxx xxx x ACCORDINGLY, the decision of the Regional Trial Court is
penultimate paragraph, for the penalty of death when the xx hereby MODIFIED. The accused Ceilito Orita is hereby
rape is attempted or frustrated and a homicide is committed found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of rape
by reason or on the occasion thereof. We are of the opinion What do you mean when you said comply, or and sentenced to reclusion perpetua as well as to indemnify
that this particular provision on frustrated rape is a dead "Q what act do you referred (sic) to, when you said the victim in the amount of P30,000.00.
provision. The Eriñia case, supra, might have prompted the comply?
law-making body to include the crime of frustrated rape in "A I inserted his penis into my vagina. SO ORDERED.
the amendments introduced by said laws.
"Q And was it inserted?
In concluding that there is no conclusive evidence of "A Yes only a little." Narvasa, (Chairman), Cruz, Gancayco, and Griño-Aquino,
penetration of the genital organ of the victim, the trial court JJ., concur.
relied on the testimony of Dr. Zamora when he "categorically The fact is that in a prosecution for rape, the accused may
declared that the findings in the vulva does not give a be convicted even on the sole basis of the victim's testimony [ G.R. No. 202867, July 15, 2013 ]
concrete disclosure of penetration. As a matter of fact, he if credible (People v. Tabago, G.R. No. 69778, November 8, PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, APPELLEE, VS. REGIE
tossed back to the offended party the answer as to whether 1988, 167 SCRA 65; People v. Aragona, G.R. No. L-43752, LABIAGA, APPELLANT.
or not there actually was penetration." (p. 53, Rollo) September 19, 1985, 138 SCRA 569; People v.
Furthermore, the trial court stated (p. 57, Rollo): Taduyo, G.R. Nos. L-37928-29, September 29, 1987, 154 DECISION
SCRA 349). Moreover, Dr. Zamora's testimony is merely CARPIO, J.:
"x x x It cannot be insensible to the findings in the medical corroborative and is not an indispensable element in the The Case
certificate (Exhibit 'A') as interpreted by Dr. Reinerio Zamora prosecution of this case (People v. Alfonso, supra). Before the Court is an appeal assailing the Decision[1] dated
and the equivocal declaration of the latter of uncertainty 18 October 2011 of the Court of Appeals-Cebu (CA-Cebu) in
whether there was penetration or not. It is true, and the Although the second assignment of error is meritorious, it will CA-G.R. CEB CR-HC No. 01000. The CA-Cebu affirmed
Court is not oblivious, that conviction for rape could proceed not tilt the scale in favor of the accused because after a with modification the Joint Decision[2] dated 10 March 2008
from the uncorroborated testimony of the offended party and thorough review of the records, We find the evidence of the Regional Trial Court of Barotac Viejo, Iloilo, Branch 66
that a medical certificate is not necessary (People v. sufficient to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt of the (RTC), in Criminal Case No. 2001-1555 convicting Regie
Royeras, People v. Orteza, 6 SCRA 109, 113). But the crime of consummated rape. Labiaga alias “Banok” (appellant) of murder and Criminal
citations the people relied upon cannot be applicable to the Case No. 2002-1777 convicting appellant of frustrated
instant case. The testimony of the offended party is at Article 335, paragraph 3, of the Revised Penal Code murder.
variance with the medical certificate. As such, a very provides that whenever the crime of rape is committed with The Facts
disturbing doubt has surfaced in the mind of the court. It the use of a deadly weapon, the penalty shall be reclusion
Page 34 of 53

WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, the court hereby

In Criminal Case No. 2001-1555, appellant, together with a The prosecution’s version of the facts is as follows: At finds the accused Regie Labiaga @ “Banok” GUILTY
certain Alias Balatong Barcenas and Cristy Demapanag around 7:00 p.m. on 23 December 2000, Gregorio Conde, beyond reasonable doubt of the Crime of Murder in Crim.
(Demapanag), was charged with Murder with the Use of and his two daughters, Judy and Glenelyn Conde, were in Case No. 2001-1555 and hereby sentences the said
Unlicensed Firearm under an Information[3] which reads: their home at Barangay Malayu-an, Ajuy, Iloilo. Thereafter, accused to reclusion perpetua together with accessory
That on or about December 23, 2000 in the Municipality of Gregorio stepped outside. Glenelyn was in their store, which penalty provided by law, to pay the heirs of Judy Conde
Ajuy, Province of Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction was part of their house. P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, without subsidiary
of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, imprisonment in case of insolvency and to pay the costs.
conspiring, confederating and helping one another, armed Shortly thereafter, appellant, who was approximately five
with unlicensed firearm, with deliberate intent and decided meters away from Gregorio, shot the latter. Gregorio called In Crim. Case No. 2002-1777, the court finds accused Regie
purpose to kill, by means of treachery and with evident Judy for help. When Judy and Glenelyn rushed to Gregorio’s Labiaga @ “Banok” GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the
premeditation, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and aid, appellant shot Judy in the abdomen. The two other crime of Frustrated Murder and hereby sentences the said
feloniously attack, assault and shoot JUDY CONDE alias accused were standing behind the appellant. Appellant said, accused to a prison term ranging from six (6) years and one
‘JOJO’ with said unlicensed firearm, hitting her and inflicting “[s]he is already dead,” and the three fled the crime scene. (1) day of prision mayor as minimum to ten (10) years and
gunshot wounds on the different parts of her breast which one (1) day of reclusion temporal as maximum, together with
caused her death thereafter. Gregorio and Judy were rushed to the Sara District Hospital. [the] necessary penalty provided by law and without
Judy was pronounced dead on arrival while Gregorio made a subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency and to pay the
CONTRARY TO LAW. full recovery after treatment of his gunshot wound. costs.

The same individuals were charged with Frustrated Murder Dr. Jeremiah Obañana conducted the autopsy of Judy. His Accused[’s] entire period of detention shall be deducted from
with the Use of Unlicensed Firearm in Criminal Case No. report stated that her death was caused by “cardiopulmonary the penalty herein imposed when the accused serves his
2002-1777, under an Information[4] which states: arrest secondary to Cardiac Tamponade due to gunshot sentence.
That on or about December 23, 2000 in the Municipality of wound.”[5]
Ajuy, Province of Iloilo, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction For lack of sufficient evidence, accused Cristy Demapanag
of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused, Dr. Jose Edwin Figura, on the other hand, examined is acquitted of the crime[s] charged in both cases. The
conspiring, confederating and helping one another, armed Gregorio after the incident. He found that Gregorio sustained Provincial Warden, Iloilo Rehabilitation Center, Pototan, Iloilo
with unlicensed firearm, with deliberate intent and decided a gunshot wound measuring one centimeter in diameter in is hereby directed to release accused Cristy Demapanag
purpose to kill, by means of treachery and with evident his right forearm and “abrasion wounds hematoma from custody unless he is being held for some other valid or
premeditation, did then and there wilfully, unlawfully and formation” in his right shoulder.[6] lawful cause.
feloniously attack, assault and shoot Gregorio Conde with
said unlicensed firearm, hitting him on the posterior aspect, Version of the defense SO ORDERED.[7]
middle third right forearm 1 cm. in diameter; thereby
performing all the acts of execution which would produce the Appellant admitted that he was present during the shooting The Ruling of the CA-Cebu
crime of Murder as a consequence, but nevertheless did not incident on 23 December 2000. He claimed, however, that
produce it by reason of causes independent of the will of the he acted in self- defense. Gregorio, armed with a shotgun, Appellant impugned the RTC’s Joint Decision, claiming that
accused; that is by the timely and able medical assistance challenged him to a fight. He attempted to shoot appellant, “[the RTC] gravely erred in convicting the [appellant] of the
rendered to said Gregorio Conde which prevented his death. but the shotgun jammed. Appellant tried to wrest the shotgun crime charged despite failure of the prosecution to prove his
from Gregorio, and during the struggle, the shotgun fired. He guilt beyond reasonable doubt.”[8] The CA-Cebu, however,
CONTRARY TO LAW. claimed that he did not know if anyone was hit by that upheld the conviction for murder and frustrated murder.
Alias Balatong Barcenas remained at large. Both appellant The CA-Cebu also modified the Joint Decision by imposing
and Demapanag pled not guilty in both cases and joint trial Demapanag claimed that at the time of the shooting, he was the payment of moral and exemplary damages in both
ensued thereafter. The prosecution presented four in D&D Ricemill, which is approximately 14 kilometers away criminal cases. The CA-Cebu made a distinction between
witnesses: Gregorio Conde, the victim in Criminal Case No. from the crime scene. This was corroborated by Frederick, the civil indemnity awarded by the RTC in Criminal Case No.
2002-1777; Glenelyn Conde, his daughter; and Dr. Jeremiah Demapanag’s brother. 2001-1555 and the moral damages. The CA-Cebu pointed
Obañana and Dr. Edwin Jose Figura, the physicians at the The Ruling of the RTC out that:
Sara District Hospital where the victims were admitted. The The trial court granted the amount of P50,000.00 as civil
defense, on the other hand, presented appellant, In its Joint Decision, the RTC acquitted Demapanag due to indemnity in Criminal Case No. 2001-1555. It did not award
Demapanag, and the latter’s brother, Frederick. insufficiency of evidence. Appellant, however, was convicted moral damages. Nonetheless, the trial court should have
of murder and frustrated murder. The dispositive portion of awarded both, considering that they are two different kinds
Version of the prosecution the Joint Decision reads: of damages. For death indemnity, the amount of P50,000.00
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is fixed “pursuant to the current judicial policy on the matter, unearthing the truth, especially in the face of conflicting
without need of any evidence or proof of damages. Likewise, Our review of the records of Criminal Case No. 2002-1777 testimonies. For, indeed, the emphasis, gesture, and
the mental anguish of the surviving family should be convinces us that appellant is guilty of attempted murder and inflection of the voice are potent aids in ascertaining the
assuaged by the award of appropriate and reasonable moral not frustrated murder. We uphold appellant’s conviction in witness’ credibility, and the trial court has the opportunity [to]
damages.”[9] Criminal Case No. 2001-1555 for murder, but modify the civil take advantage of these aids.[16]
indemnity awarded in Criminal Case No. 2001-1555, as well
The dispositive portion of the Decision of the CA-Cebu as the award of moral and exemplary damages in both Since the conclusions made by the RTC regarding the
reads: cases. credibility of the witnesses were not tainted with arbitrariness
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the appeal is DENIED. or oversight or misapprehension of relevant facts, the same
The Joint Decision dated March 10, 2008 of the Regional Justifying circumstance of self-defense must be sustained by this Court.
Trial Court, Branch 66, in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo is AFFIRMED
with MODIFICATIONS. The dispositive portion of the said Appellant’s feeble attempt to invoke self-defense in both Attempted and Frustrated Murder
Joint Decision should now read as follows: cases was correctly rejected by the RTC and the CA-Cebu.
WHEREFORE, in light of the foregoing, the court hereby This Court, in People v. Damitan,[11] explained that: Treachery was correctly appreciated by the RTC and CA-
finds the accused Regie Labiaga @ “Banok” GUILTY When the accused admits killing a person but pleads self- Cebu. A treacherous attack is one in which the victim was
beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder in Crim. defense, the burden of evidence shifts to him to prove by not afforded any opportunity to defend himself or resist the
Case No. 2001-1555 and hereby sentences the said clear and convincing evidence the elements of his defense. attack.[17] The existence of treachery is not solely determined
accused to reclusion perpetua together with the accessory However, appellant’s version of the incident was by the type of weapon used. If it appears that the weapon
penalty provided by law, to pay the heirs of Judy Conde uncorroborated. His bare and self-serving assertions cannot was deliberately chosen to insure the execution of the crime,
P50,000.00 as civil indemnity, P50,000.00 as moral prevail over the positive identification of the two (2) principal and to render the victim defenseless, then treachery may be
damages and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages, without witnesses of the prosecution.[12] properly appreciated against the accused.[18]
subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency and to pay the
costs. Appellant’s failure to present any other eyewitness to In the instant case, the Condes were unarmed when they
corroborate his testimony and his unconvincing were shot by appellant. The use of a 12-gauge shotgun
In Crim. Case No. 2002-1777 the court finds accused Regie demonstration of the struggle between him and Gregorio against two unarmed victims is undoubtedly treacherous, as
Labiaga @ “Banok” GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the before the RTC lead us to reject his claim of self- defense. it denies the victims the chance to fend off the offender.
crime of Frustrated Murder and hereby sentences the said Also, as correctly pointed out by the CA-Cebu, appellant’s
accused to suffer the indeterminate penalty of eight (8) years theory of self- defense is belied by the fact that: We note, however, that appellant should be convicted of
and one (1) day of prision mayor, as minimum, to fourteen x x x [T]he appellant did not even bother to report to the attempted murder, and not frustrated murder in Criminal
(14) years and eight (8) months of reclusion temporal, as police Gregorio’s alleged unlawful aggression and that it was Case No. 2002-1777.
maximum, together with the accessory penalty provided by Gregorio who owned the gun, as appellant claimed. And,
law, to pay Gregorio Conde P25,000.00 as moral damages when appellant was arrested the following morning, he did Article 6 of the Revised Penal Code defines the stages in the
and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages, without subsidiary not also inform the police that what happened to Gregorio commission of felonies:
imprisonment in case of insolvency and to pay the costs was merely accidental.[13] Art. 6. Consummated, frustrated, and attempted felonies.—
Consummated felonies as well as those which are frustrated
Accused(’s) entire period of detention shall be deducted from Appellant’s claim that he did not know whether Gregorio was and attempted, are punishable.
the penalty herein imposed when the accused serves his hit when the shotgun accidentally fired is also implausible.
sentence. A felony is consummated when all the elements necessary
In contrast, we find that the Condes’ account of the incident for its execution and accomplishment are present; and it is
For lack of sufficient evidence, accused Cristy Demapanag is persuasive. Both the CA-Cebu and the RTC found that the frustrated when the offender performs all the acts of
is acquitted of the crime(s) charged in both cases. The testimonies of the Condes were credible and presented in a execution which would produce the felony as a consequence
Provincial Warden, Iloilo Rehabilitation Center, Pototan, Iloilo clear and convincing manner. This Court has consistently but which, nevertheless, do not produce it by reason of
is hereby directed to release accused Cristy Demapanag put much weight on the trial court’s assessment of the causes independent of the will of the perpetrator.
from custody unless he is being held for some other valid or credibility of witnesses, especially when affirmed by the
lawful cause. appellate court.[14] In People v. Mangune,[15] we stated that: There is an attempt when the offender commences the
It is well settled that the evaluation of the credibility of commission of a felony directly by overt acts, and does not
SO ORDERED. witnesses and their testimonies is a matter best undertaken perform all the acts of execution which should produce the
SO ORDERED.[10] by the trial court because of its unique opportunity to felony by reason of some cause or accident other than his
observe the witnesses first hand and to note their demeanor, own spontaneous desistance.
Hence, this appeal. conduct, and attitude under grilling examination. These are
The Ruling of the Court important in determining the truthfulness of witnesses and in
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be two degrees lower than that prescribed for consummated SIMON FERNAN, JR. AND EXPEDITO
In Serrano v. People,[19] we distinguished a frustrated felony murder under Article 248, that is, prision correccional in its TORREVILAS,[1] PETITIONERS, VS. PEOPLE OF THE
from an attempted felony in this manner: maximum period to prision mayor in its medium period. PHILIPPINES, RESPONDENT.
1.) In [a] frustrated felony, the offender has performed all the Section 1 of the Indeterminate Sentence Law provides:
acts of execution which should produce the felony as a x x x the court shall sentence the accused to an DECISION
consequence; whereas in [an] attempted felony, the offender indeterminate sentence the maximum term of which shall be VELASCO, JR., J.:
merely commences the commission of a felony directly by that which, in view of the attending circumstances, could be The instant petition under Rule 45 originated from 119
overt acts and does not perform all the acts of execution. properly imposed under the rules of the [Revised Penal] criminal cases[2] filed with the Sandiganbayan (SB) involving
Code, and the minimum which shall be within the range of no less than 36 former officials and employees of the then
2.) In [a] frustrated felony, the reason for the non- the penalty next lower to that prescribed by the Code for the Ministry of Public Highways (MPH) and several suppliers of
accomplishment of the crime is some cause independent of offense. construction materials for defalcation of public funds arising
the will of the perpetrator; on the other hand, in [an] from numerous transactions in the Cebu First Highway
attempted felony, the reason for the non-fulfillment of the Thus, appellant should serve an indeterminate sentence Engineering District in 1977. Because of the sheer
crime is a cause or accident other than the offender’s own ranging from two (2) years, four (4) months and one (1) day magnitude of the illegal transactions, the number of people
spontaneous desistance.[20] of prision correccional in its medium period to eight (8) years involved, and the ingenious scheme employed in defrauding
and one (1) day of prision mayor in its medium period. the government, this infamous 86 million highway scam has
In frustrated murder, there must be evidence showing that few parallels in the annals of crime in the country.
the wound would have been fatal were it not for timely Award of damages The Case
medical intervention.[21] If the evidence fails to convince the
court that the wound sustained would have caused the In light of recent jurisprudence, we deem it proper to Petitioners Simon Fernan, Jr. and Expedito Torrevillas seek
victim’s death without timely medical attention, the accused increase the amount of damages imposed by the lower court the reversal of the December 4, 1997 Decision[3] of the SB in
should be convicted of attempted murder and not frustrated in both cases. In Criminal Case No. 2001-1555, this Court the consolidated Criminal Case Nos. 1640, 1641, 1642,
murder. hereby awards P75,000.00 as civil indemnity[23] and 1643, 1818, 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1879, 1880,
P30,000.00 as exemplary damages.[24] The award of 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889,
In the instant case, it does not appear that the wound P50,000.00 as moral damages in the foregoing case is 2839, 2840, 2841, 2842, 2843, 2844, 2845, 2846, 2847,
sustained by Gregorio Conde was mortal. This was admitted sustained. Appellant is also liable to pay P40,000.00 as 2848, 2849, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2853, 2854, 2855, 2856,
by Dr. Edwin Figura, who examined Gregorio after the moral damages and P30,000.00 as exemplary damages, in 2857, 2858, 2859, 2860, 2861, 2862, 2863, 2864, 2865,
shooting incident: relation to Criminal Case No. 2002-1777. 2866, 2867, 2868, 2869, 2870, 2871, 2872, 2873, 2874,
Prosecutor Con-El: 2875, 2876, 2877, 2878, 2879, 2880, 2881, 2882, 2883,
WHEREFORE, we AFFIRM the 18 October 2011 Decision 2884, 2885, 2886, 2887, 2888, 2889, 2890, 2891, 2892,
Q: When you examined the person of Gregorio Conde, can of the Court of Appeals-Cebu in CA-G.R. CEB CR-HC No. 2893, 2894, 2895, 2896, 2897, 2898, 2899, 2900, 2901,
you tell the court what was the situation of the patient when 01000 with MODIFICATIONS. In Criminal Case No. 2002- 2902, 2903, 2904, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2910,
you examined him? 1777, we find that appellant Regie Labiaga is GUILTYof 2911, 2912, 2913, 2915, 2917, 2918, 2919, 2920, 2921,
Attempted Murder and shall suffer an indeterminate 2922, 2923, 2924, 2925, 2926, 2927, 2928, 2929, 2930,
A: He has a gunshot wound, but the patient was actually sentence ranging from two (2) years, four (4) months and 2931, 2932, 2936, 2937, 2938, and 2939,[4] all
ambulatory and not in distress. one (1) day of prision correccional as minimum, to eight (8) entitled People of the Philippines v. Rocilo Neis, et al.,
years and one (1) day of prision mayor as maximum, and finding them guilty of multiple instances of estafa through
xxxx pay P40,000.00 as moral damages and P30,000.00 as falsification of public documents;[5] and the subsequent
exemplary damages. In Criminal Case No. 2001-1555, August 29, 2000 SB Resolution which denied their separate
Court (to the witness) appellant shall pay P75,000.00 as civil indemnity, pleas for reconsideration.
P50,000.00 as moral damages, and P30,000.00 as
Q: The nature of these injuries, not serious? exemplary damages. Petitioner Fernan, Jr. disputes the adverse judgment in only
six (6) cases, namely: 2879, 2880, 2881, 2885, 2914, and
A: Yes, Your Honor, not serious. He has also abrasion SO ORDERED. 2918; while petitioner Torrevillas seeks exoneration in nine
wounds hematoma formation at the anterior aspect right (9) cases, namely: 2855, 2856, 2858, 2859, 2909, 2910,
shoulder.[22] Del Castillo, Perez, Mendoza,* and Perlas- Bernabe, JJ., 2914, 2919, and 2932.
Since Gregorio’s gunshot wound was not mortal, we hold Both petitioners assert their strong belief that their guilt has
that appellant should be convicted of attempted murder and [ G.R. No. 145927, August 24, 2007 ] not been established beyond reasonable doubt and, hence,
not frustrated murder. Under Article 51 of the Revised Penal exculpation is in order.
Code, the corresponding penalty for attempted murder shall
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Finance Ministry Intelligence Bureau (FMIB), National ROA signifies that a certain amount of district funds has
The Facts Bureau of Investigation (NBI), the Bureau of Treasury and been set aside or earmarked for the particular expenditures
The SB culled the facts[6] this way: the Commission on Audit. The mission of the task force was stated in the RSE. On the basis of the ROA, the District
On June 21, 1978, COA Regional Director Sofronio Flores to conduct a wider and more extended investigation in all the Office puts up advertisements, [conducts] biddings, makes
Jr. of COA Regional Office No. 7, directed auditors Victoria fifteen (15) highway engineering districts of MPH Region VII, awards and prepares purchase orders which are served on
C. Quejada and Ruth I. Paredes to verify and submit a report including the Cebu First Highway Engineering District, the the winning bidder. The District Office also prepares a
on sub-allotment advises issued to various highway 1977 questionable disbursements of which are the subject summary of deliveries with the corresponding delivery
engineering districts in Cebu, particularly, the Cebu City, matter of these cases. receipts and tally sheets, conducts inspection and prepares
Cebu 1st, Cebu 2nd and the Mandaue City Highway the General Voucher for the payment of deliveries. Once the
Engineering Districts. Complying with the directive, they xxxx General Voucher (GV) has been prepared, the
conducted an investigation and in due course submitted their corresponding check in the form of a Treasury Check
findings. Their report (Exhibit C) confirmed the issuance of For a better understanding of these highways cases, the flow Account for Agency (TCAA) is drawn by the Disbursing
fake Letters of Advice of Allotments (LAAs) in the districts in the release of funds to the various agencies of the Officer and finally released to the contractor.
mentioned. They discovered that two sets of LAAs were government and the control devices set up for disbursement
received by the districts. One set consists of regular LAAs and accounting of public funds should first be explained. A At the end of every month, the Report of Checks Issued by
which clearly indicated the covering sub-allotment advices chart (Exhibit B) graphically shows the flow of allotments Deputized Disbursing Officer (RCIDD) is prepared, listing all
and were duly signed by Mrs. Angelina Escaño, Finance from the Ministry down to the district level. the checks issued during that period. The RCIDDO is
Officer of the MPH Regional Office. The LAAs were submitted to the accounting division of the region. Upon
numbered in proper sequence and duly recorded in the On the basis of appropriation laws and upon request made receipt of the RCIDDO, the Regional Office draws a journal
logbook of the Accounting, Budget and Finance Division. by heads of agencies, the then Ministry of Budget released voucher, debiting the account obligation (liquidated or
The other set consists of fake LAAs which do not indicate funds to the various agencies of the government by means unliquidated obligation, whichever is applicable), and
the covering sub-allotment advice and were signed by Chief of an Advice of Allotment (AA) and a Cash Disbursement crediting the account Treasury Check Account for Agency
Accountant Rolando Mangubat and Engr. Jose Bagasao, Ceiling (CDC). The Advice of Allotment is an authority for the (TCAA). The RCIDDO is recorded in the Journal of Checks
instead of the Finance Officer. These fake LAAs were not agency to incur obligations within a specified amount in Issued by Deputized Disbursing Officers (JCIDDO) and
numbered in proper sequence; they were mostly undated accordance with approved programs and projects. The Cash posted in the general ledger at the end of each month.
and were sometimes duplicated. They could not be traced to Disbursement Ceiling is an authority to pay. Upon receipt of
the files and records of the Accounting, Budget and Finance the AA and CDC from the Budget, the Central Office of the Simultaneous with the flow of the RCIDDO, the ROAs are
Division. The accounting entry for the disbursements made agency prepares the Sub-Advice of Allotment (SAA) and the summarized in the Reports of Obligations Incurred (ROI) in
on the fake LAAs was debited to the Accounts-Payable Advice of Cash Disbursement Ceiling (ACDC) for each the District Office, once or twice a month, depending upon
Unliquidated Obligations (8-81-400) and credited to the region, in accordance with the disbursement allotment. the volume of transactions. The ROI is then submitted to the
Checking Account with the Bureau of Treasury (8-70-790). These are sent to the Regional Office. Upon receipt, the Regional Office. Upon receipt of the ROI, the accountant of
Nevertheless, the expenditures were taken from obligations Budget Officer of the region prepares the corresponding the Regional Office draws a journal voucher taking up the
of the current year (1978) because all the supporting papers Letters of Advice of Allotment (LAA) which are forwarded to following entry: debiting the appropriation allotted (0-90-000)
of the payment vouchers were dated in that year. The entries the various districts of the region (The amount that goes to and crediting the obligation incurred (0-82-000). This is
in the journal vouchers filed with the MPH Regional Office each district is already indicated in the Advice of Allotment). recorded in the general voucher and posted to the general
were adjusted every month to 8-81-400 (unliquidated or prior Only upon receipt of the LAA is the district office authorized ledger at the end of each month. The journal voucher is
years obligation), 8-83-000 (liquidated or current year to incur obligations. prepared, closing the account 8-70-709 to 8-71-100-199 at
obligations) and 8-70-700 (Treasury/Agency Account). All of the end of each month. It is also recorded and posted to the
these were approved for the Finance Officer by Chief Now, how are funds released by the Regional Office to the general ledger. At the end of the month, the balances of
Accountant Rolando Mangubat. Mangubat, however, had no different districts and ultimately paid out to contractors, the each account shown in the general ledger are summarized
authority to approve them because since October 1977, he District Engineer submits to the Regional Director a request in a statement called the trial balance. The trial balance is
had already been detailed to the MPH Central Office. There for allotment in accordance with the program of work submitted to the MPH Central Office in Manila where it is
were indications that the practice had been going on for prepared by the former. This procedure starts with the consolidated with other trial balances submitted by other
years. preparation of a Requisition for Supplies and Equipment regional offices.
(RSE) in the District Office by the Senior Civil Engineer,
xxxx approved by the District Engineer, and signed by the Chief xxxx
Accountant of the Highway Engineering District, who certifies
Due to these serious irregularities, then President Marcos as to the availability of funds. The RSE is then submitted to The elaborate accounting procedure described above with
created a Special Cabinet Committee on MPH Region VII the Regional Director for approval. Once it is approved, a its system of controls was set up obviously to make sure that
"Ghost Projects Anomalies" which in turn organized a Request for Obligation of Allotment (ROA) is prepared by the government funds are properly released, disbursed and
Special Task Force composed of representatives from the Chief Accountant of the district Senior Civil Engineer. The accounted for. In the hands of untrustworthy guardians of the
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public purse, however, it proved to be inadequate. There and a negative credit to the Treasury Checking Account for consonance with accounting procedures.
were loopholes which an unscrupulous person adroit in Agencies Account 8-70-790. These journal vouchers in
government accounting could take advantage of to effect cancelled the previous entry to record the It was also made to appear that the payments were made for
surreptitiously draw enormous sums of money from the disbursements made on the basis of the fake LAAs. Thus, alleged prior year's obligations and chargeable to Account 8-
government. the affected accounts (Accounts 8-81-400 and 8-70-790), as 81-400, obviously because, they were not properly funded.
appearing in the trial balance would not show the irregularity. Furthermore, the list of projects in Region VII for 1977
Sometime in February, 1977, accused Rolando Mangubat The checks, however, were actually issued." showed that Cebu First HED completed rehabilitation and/or
(Chief Accountant), Delia Preagido (Accountant III), Jose The four formed the nucleus of the nefarious conspiracy. improvement of roads and bridges in its districts from
Sayson (Budget Examiner), and Edgardo Cruz (Clerk II), all Other government employees, tempted by the prospect of February to May 1977, with expenditures amounting to
of MPH Region VII, met at the Town and Country Restaurant earning big money, allowed their names to be used and P613,812.00. On the other hand, the expenditures for
in Cebu City and hatched an ingenious plan to siphon off signed spurious documents. barangay roads in the same district in 1977 amounted to
large sums of money from government coffers. Mangubat P140,692.00, and these were all completed within the period
had found a way to withdraw government money through the Although the anomalies had been going on for sometime from November to December, 1977. These completed
use of fake LAAs, vouchers and other documents and to (February 1977 to June 1978), the PNB and Bureau of projects were properly funded by legitimate LAAs and CDCs
conceal traces thereof with the connivance of other Treasury had no inkling about it until the NBI busted the in the total amount of only P754,504.00. However, an
government officials and employees. In fine, the fraudulent illegal operations. (Some of the recipients of the stolen funds additional amount of P3,839,810.74 was spent by the Cebu
scheme involved the splitting of LAAs and RSEs so that the spent lavishly and bought two cars at a time). The reason for First HED for maintenance of roads and bridges for the
amount covered by each general voucher is less than this is that, at that time, the PNB and Bureau of Treasury same year (1977) but the same could not be traced to any
P50,000.00 to do away with the approval of the Regional were not furnished copy of the mother CDC and the local authoritative document coming from the MPH.
Auditor; the charging of disbursements to unliquidated branch of the PNB did not receive independent advice from
obligations due the previous year to provide the supposed the PNB head office in Manila. There were no deposits of xxxx
source of funds; and the manipulation of the books of money made with the PNB from which withdrawals could be
account by negation or adjustment, i.e., the cancellation of charged. Only CDCs were presented to it, and not knowing A total of 132 General Vouchers, emanating from fake LAAs
checks through journal vouchers to conceal disbursements that some of the CDCs were fake, the PNB branch paid out and ACDCs, were traced back to Rolando Mangubat,
in excess of the cash disbursement ceiling (CDC), so as not the checks drawn against them. The bank had also no way Regional Accountant of Region VII and Adventor Fernandez,
to reflect such disbursements in the trial balances submitted of knowing what amount was appropriated for the district; Regional Highway Engineer, also of Region VII. Those LAAs
to the Regional Office. consequently, it did not know if the limit had already been and ACDCs became the vehicles in the disbursement of
exceeded. Only an insider steep in government accounting, funds amounting to P3,839,810.74, through the vouchers
Mangubat enticed Preagido, Cruz and Sayson to join him. All auditing and banking procedures, particularly their flaws and purportedly issued for the purchase and delivery of the
three agreed to help him carry out his plan. They typed the loopholes, could have pulled off such an ingenious and aforementioned materials allegedly used for the
fake LAAs during Saturdays. Cruz and Sayson also took audacious plan. maintenance and repair of the national highways within the
charge of negotiating or selling the fake LAAs to contractors Cebu First HED. Despite the enormous additional
at 26% of the gross amount. Preagido on her part xxxx expenditure of P3,839,810.74, the roads and bridges in the
manipulated the General Ledger, Journal Vouchers and district, as found out by the NBI, did not show any
General Journal thru negative entries to conceal the illegal Focusing our attention now on the anomalies committed in improvement. As testified to by several barangay captains,
disbursements. Thus, in the initial report of the auditors the Cebu First District Engineering District, hereinafter the road maintenance consisted merely of
(Exhibit D), it was discovered that the doubtful allotments referred to as the Cebu First HED for brevity, the Court finds spreading anapog or limestone on potholes of the national
and other anomalies escaped notice due to the following that the same pattern of fraud employed in the other highway highway.
manipulations: engineering districts in MPH Region VII was followed. The
"The letter-advices covering such allotments (LAA) were Cebu First HED received from Region VII thirty-four Letters Obviously, the vouchers for payments of alleged
generally not signed by the Finance Officer nor recorded in of Advice of Allotment (LAAs) in the total sum of maintenance of roads and bridges in the additional amount
the books of accounts. Disbursements made on the basis of P4,734,336.50 and twenty-nine (29) corresponding Sub- of P3,839,810.74 were prepared for no other purpose than to
these fake LAAs were charged to the unliquidated Advices of Cash Disbursement Ceiling (SACDCs), siphon the said amount from the government coffer into the
Obligations (Account 8-81-400), although the obligations amounting to P5,160,677.04 for the period January 1, 1977 pockets of some officials and employees of Region VII and
being paid were not among those certified to the to December 31, 1977. But apart from this, the Cebu First the Cebu First HED, as well as the suppliers and contractors
unliquidated obligations (Account 8-81-400) at the end of the HED appears to have also received for the same period who conspired and confederated with them.
preceding year. To conceal the overcharges to authorized another set of eighty-four (84) LAAs amounting to The nuclei of this massive conspiracy, namely: Rolando
allotments, account 8-81-400 and the excess of checks P4,680,694.76 which however, could not be traced to any Mangubat, Jose Sayson, and Edgardo Cruz, all of MPH
issued over authorized cash disbursements ceiling, Sub-Advice of Allotment (SAA) or matched to the Advices of Region VII, were found guilty in all 119 counts and were
adjustments were prepared monthly through journal Cash Disbursement Ceiling (ACDCs) received from the MPH accordingly sentenced by the SB. The other conniver, Delia
vouchers to take up the negative debit to Account 8-81-400 and Regional Office. This is highly irregular and not in Preagido, after being found guilty in some of the cases,
Page 39 of 53

became a state witness in the remainder. On the basis of her Central Office; Abelardo Cardona, Assistant Chief the supposed project and that the alleged supplier was
testimony and pertinent documents, Informations were filed, Accountant, MPH, Central Office; Leonardo Tordecilla, entitled to payment when in truth and in fact, as all the
convictions were obtained, and criminal penalties were Supervising Accountant, MPH, Central Office; Agripino accused know, all of the foregoing were false and incorrect
imposed on the rest of the accused. Pagdanganan, Budget Officer III, MPH, Central Office; and because of the foregoing falsifications, the above-
Ramon Quirante, Property Custodian of Cebu I HED; named accused were able to collect from the Cebu I HED
On the other hand, petitioners were both Civil Engineers of Mariano Montera, Senior Civil Engineer Engineer of Cebu I the total amount of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND PESOS
the MPH assigned to the Cebu First Highway Engineering HED; Mariano Jarina, Clerk in the Property Division of Cebu (P28,000.00), Philippine Currency, in payment of the non-
District. Petitioner Fernan, Jr. was included among the I HED; Leo Villagonzalo, Auditor's Aide of Cebu I HED; existing deliveries; that the said amount of P28,000.00 was
accused in Criminal Case Nos. 2879, 2880, 2881, 2885, Zosimo Mendez, Auditor of Cebu I HED; Asterio Buqueron, not reflected in the monthly trial balance submitted to the
2914, and 2918 allegedly for having signed six (6) tally Administrative Officer of Cebu I HED; Simon Fernan, Jr., Central Office by Region VII showing its financial condition
sheets or statements of deliveries of materials, used as Civil Engineer of Cebu I HED and Juliana de los Angeles, an as the same was negated thru the journal voucher, as a
bases for the preparation of the corresponding number of alleged supplier, all of whom took advantage of their official designed means to cover-up the fraud; and the accused,
general vouchers. Fund releases were made to the positions, with the exception of Juliana de los Angeles, once in possession of the said amount, misappropriated,
suppliers, contractors, and payees based on these general mutually helping each other did then and there willfully, converted and misapplied the same for their personal needs,
vouchers. unlawfully and feloniously falsify and/or cause the to the damage and prejudice of the Philippine Government in
falsification of the following documents, to wit: the total amount of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND PESOS
The Information against Fernan, Jr. in SB Criminal Case 1. Request for Allocation of Allotment (P28,000.00), Philippine Currency.
No. 2879 reads as follows: CONTRARY TO LAW.
The undersigned accuses Rocilo Neis, Rolando Mangubat, 2. Letter of Advice of Allotment The Informations in the six (6) cases involving Fernan, Jr.
Adventor Fernandez, Angelina Escaño, Delia Preagido, were essentially identical save for the details as highlighted
Camilo de Letran, Manuel de Veyra, Heracleo Faelnar, 3. Advice of Cash Disbursement Ceiling in boldface above. For ease of reference, Fernan, Jr.'s
Basilisa Galvan, Matilde Jabalde, Josefina Luna, Jose criminal cases are detailed below:
Sayson, Edgardo Cruz, Leonila del Rosario, Engracia 4. General Voucher No. B-15 Crimina Dates of Main Items Amount
Escobar, Abelardo Cardona, Leonardo Tordecilla, Agripino l Case Commissio Document Allegedly of Fraud
Pagdanganan, Ramon Quirante, Mariano Montera, Mariano 5. Check No. 9933064 No. n s Falsified Purchased
Jarina, Leo Villagonzalo, Asterio Buqueron, Zosimo Mendez, 2879 December 1, 1. General 1,400 cu. m. PhP
Simon Fernan, Jr. and Juliana de los Angeles for estafa thru 6. Abstract of Bids 1976 up to Voucher of item 108 28,000.0
falsification of public and commercial documents, committed January 31, No. B-15;2. for use in the 0
as follows: 7. Purchase Order 1977 Check No. repair of the
That on, about and during the period from December 1, 9933064; Cebu
1976 up to January 31, 1977, both dates inclusive, in the 8. Statement of Delivery Hagnaya
City of Cebu and in Cebu Province, and within the Wharf road
jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the accused Rocilo Neis, 9. Report of Inspection from Km.
Assistant District Engineer of Cebu HED I; Rolando 50.30 to Km.
Mangubat, the Chief Accountant of Region VII of the Ministry 10. Requisition for Supplies or Equipment 60.00
of Public Highways and Adventor Fernandez, Regional
2880 December 1, 1. Request 1,400 cu. m. PhP
Highway Engineer of same Regional Office, conniving with 11. Trial Balance
1976 up to for of item 108 28,000.0
each other to defraud the Philippine Government with the by making it appear that Regional Office No. VII of the
January 31, Allocation for use in the 0
indispensable cooperation and assistance of Angelina Ministry of Public Highways regularly issued an advice of
1977 of Allotment repair of the
Escaño, Finance Officer of Region VII of the Ministry of cash disbursement ceiling (ACDC) and the corresponding
101-12- Bogo-Curva-
Public Highways; Delia Preagido, Assistant Chief Accountant letter of advice of allotment (LAA) to cover the purchase
105-76; Medellon
of same Regional Office; Camilo de Letran, Chief of 1,400 cu. m. of item 108[7] for use in the repair of the
2. General road from
Accountant of Cebu I HED; Manuel de Veyra, Regional Cebu Hagnaya Wharf road from Km. 50.30 to Km. 60.00,
Voucher Km. 110.00 to
Director, MPH, Region VII; Heracleo Faelnar, then Assistant when in truth and in fact, as all the accused knew, the same
No. B-55; Km. 119.00
Director MPH Region VII; Basilisa Galvan, Budget Officer, were not true and correct; by making it appear in the voucher
3. Check
MPH, Region VII; Matilde Jabalde, Supervising Accounting that funds were available and that there were appropriate
Clerk, MPH, Region VII; Josefina Luna, Accountant II, MPH, requests for allotments (ROA) to pay the aforesaid purchase;
Region VII; Jose Sayson, Budget Examiner, MPH, Region that a requisition for said item was made and approved; that
2881 January 2, 1. Request Approximatel PhP
VII, Edgardo Cruz, Accountant I, MPH, Region VII; Leonila a regular bidding was held; that a corresponding purchase
1977 up to for y 1,500 cu. 31,000.0
del Rosario, Chief Finance and Management Service, MPH, order was issued in favor of the winning bidder; that the road
Allocation m. of item 0
Central Office; Engracia Escobar, Chief Accountant, MPH, construction materials were delivered, inspected and used in
Page 40 of 53

February 28, of Allotment 108 for use in The Information against Torrevillas in SB Criminal Case 1. Request for Allocation of Allotment - 101-10-186-
1977 101-2-56- the repair and No. 2855 reads as follows: 76; 10-190-76; 10-192-76; 10-188-76; 10-180-76
77; rehabilitation The undersigned accuses Rocilo Neis, Rolando Mangubat,
2. General of damaged Adventor Fernandez, Angelina Escaño, Delia Preagido, 2. Letter of Advice of Allotment
Voucher roads and Camilo de Letran, Manuel de Veyra, Heracleo Faelnar,
No. B-245; bridges by Basilisa Galvan, Matilde Jabalde, Josefina Luna, Jose 3. Advice of Cash Disbursement Ceiling
3. Check Typhoon Sayson, Edgardo Cruz, Leonila del Rosario, Engracia
No. Aring at the Escobar, Abelardo Cardona, Leonardo Tordecilla, Agripino 4. General Voucher No. B-613
9933294; Tabogon- Pagdanganan, Ramon Quirante, Jorge de la Peña, Leo
Bogo Villagonzalo, Asterio Buqueron, Expedito Torrevillas, 5. Check No. 9403099
provincial Mariano Montera and Rufino V. Nuñez for estafa thru
road from falsification of public and commercial documents, committed 6. Abstract of Bids
Km. 92 to as follows:
Km. 98 That on, about and during the period from June 1, 1977 up 7. Purchase Order
2885 January 2, 1. Request materials for PhP to June 30, 1977, both dates inclusive, in the City of Cebu
1977 up to for use in the 30,000.0 and in Cebu Province, and within the jurisdiction of this 8. Statement of Delivery
January 31, Allocation repair and 0 Honorable Court, the accused Rocilo Neis, Assistant District
1977 of Allotment rehabilitation Engineer of Cebu HED I; Rolando Mangubat, the Chief 9. Report of Inspection
101-12- of the Daan- Accountant of Region VII of the Ministry of Public Highways
112-76; Bantayan and Adventor Fernandez, Regional Highway Engineer of 10. Requisition for Supplies or Equipment
2. General road from same Regional Office, conniving with each other to defraud
Voucher Km. 127.00 to the Philippine Government with the indispensable 11. Trial Balance
No. B-76; Km. 136 cooperation and assistance of Angelina Escaño, Finance by making it appear that Regional Office No. VII of the
3. Check Officer of Region VII of the Ministry of Public Highways; Ministry of Public Highways regularly issued an advice of
No. Delia Preagido, Assistant Chief Accountant of same cash disbursement ceiling (ACDC) and the corresponding
9933125; Regional Office; Camilo de Letran, Chief Accountant of Cebu letter of advice of allotment (LAA) to cover the purchase
I HED; Manuel de Veyra, Regional Director, MPH, Region of 153.63 m. t. of item 310[8] for use in asphalting of the
2914 October 1, 1. General1,200 cu. m. PhP
VII; Heracleo Faelnar, then Assistant Director MPH Region Toledo-Tabuelan road at Km. 108.34 to Km. 109.52, when
1977 up to Voucher of item 108 27,000.0
VII; Basilisa Galvan, Budget Officer, MPH, Region VII; in truth and in fact, as all the accused knew, the same were
November No. B-927;for use in the 0
Matilde Jabalde, Supervising Accounting Clerk, MPH, not true and correct; by making it appear in the voucher that
30, 1977 2. Check rehabilitation
Region VII; Josefina Luna, Accountant II, MPH, Region VII; funds were available and that there were appropriate
No. of the Cajel-
Jose Sayson, Budget Examiner, MPH, Region VII, Edgardo requests for allotments (ROA) to pay the aforesaid purchase;
9403425; Lugo, Barbon
Cruz, Accountant I, MPH, Region VII; Leonila del Rosario, that a requisition for said item was made and approved; that
Chief Finance and Management Service, MPH, Central a regular bidding was held; that a corresponding purchase
Office; Engracia Escobar, Chief Accountant, MPH, Central order was issued in favor of the winning bidder; that the road
2918 January 2, 1. General 1,500 cu. m. PhP
Office; Abelardo Cardona, Assistant Chief Accountant, MPH, construction materials were delivered, inspected and used in
1977 up to Voucher of item 108 30,000.0
Central Office; Leonardo Tordecilla, Supervising Accountant, the supposed project and that the alleged supplier was
February 28, No. B-107; for the 0
MPH, Central Office; Agripino Pagdanganan, Budget Officer entitled to payment when in truth and in fact, as all the
1977 2. Check rehabilitation
III, MPH, Central Office; Ramon Quirante, Property accused know, all of the foregoing were false and incorrect
No. of the Cebu
Custodian of Cebu I HED; Jorge de la Peña, Auditor of Cebu and because of the foregoing falsifications, the above-
9933157; North
I HED; Leo Villagonzalo, Auditor's Aide of Cebu I HED; named accused were able to collect from the Cebu I HED
Asterio Buqueron, Administrative Officer of Cebu I HED; the total amount of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR
Wharf road
Expedito Torrevillas, representative of the Engineer's Office, HUNDRED THIRTY ONE PESOS & 85/100 (P48,431.85),
from Km. 71
Cebu I HED; Mariano Montera, Senior Civil Engineer Philippine Currency, in payment of the non-existing
to Km. 76
Engineer of Cebu I HED; and Rufino V. Nuñez, an alleged deliveries; that the said amount of P48,431.85 was not
supplier, all of whom took advantage of their official reflected in the monthly trial balance submitted to the Central
On the other hand, petitioner Torrevillas was one of the positions, with the exception of Rufino V. Nuñez, mutually Office by Region VII showing its financial condition as the
accused in Criminal Case Nos. 2855, 2856, 2858, 2859, helping each other did then and there willfully, unlawfully and same was negated thru the journal voucher, as a designed
2909, 2910, 2914, 2919, and 2932. feloniously falsify and/or cause the falsification of the means to cover-up the fraud; and the accused, once in
following documents, to wit: possession of the said amount, misappropriated, converted
and misapplied the same for their personal needs, to the
Page 41 of 53

damage and prejudice of the Philippine Government in the 76; 6-237- the Toledo- November 2. Check the
total amount of FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR 76; 6-239- Tabuelan 30, 1977 No. rehabilitation
HUNDRED THIRTY ONE PESOS & 85/100 (P48,431.85), 76; 6-241- road from 9403425; of the Cajel-
Philippine Currency. 76; 6-240- Km. 108.34 Lugo,
CONTRARY TO LAW. 76 to Km. Barbon
The Torrevillas cases were substantially the same save for 2. General 109.52 barangay
the details highlighted in the aforequoted typical accusatory Voucher road
pleading. For ease of reference, Torrevillas' criminal cases No. B-629; 2919 January 2, 1. General 1,550 cu. m. PhP
are particularized as follows: 3. Check 1977 up to Voucher of item 108 31,000.00
Criminal Dates of Main Items Amount No. February 28, No. B-244; for use in
Case Commission Documents Allegedly of Fraud 9403115; 1977 2. Check the repair
No. Falsified Purchased 2859 June 1, 1977 1. Request 110.01 m. t. PhP No. and
2855 June 1, 1977 1. Request 153.63 m. t. PhP up to June for of item 310 34,680.65 9933293; rehabilitation
up to June for of item 310 48,431.85 31, 1977 Allocation of for use in of damaged
30, 1977 Allocation of for use in Allotment asphalting of roads and
Allotment asphalting of 101-7-63- the Toledo- bridges at
101-10-186- the Toledo- 76; 8-102- Tabuelan the Toledo-
76; 10-190- Tabuelan 76; 8-121- road from Tabuelan
76; 10-192- road from 76 Km. 108.34 national
76; 10-188- Km. 108.34 2. General to road from
76; 10-180- to Km. Voucher Km.109.52 Km. 71 to
76; 109.52 No. B-631; Km. 83
2. General 3. Check 2932 June 1, 1977 1. Request 250 gals of PhP
Voucher No. up to July 31, for aluminum 44,762.58
No. B-613; 9403117; 1977 Allocation of paint 324
3. Check 2909 September 1, 1. General 1,200 cu.m. PhP Allotment gals of red
No. 1977 up to Voucher of item 108 27,900.00 101-7-83- lead paint
9403099; November No. B-928; for use in 76; 7-84-76; for use in
2856 June 1, 1977 1. Request 153.76 m. t. PhP 30, 1977 2. Check the 7-124-76; 8- the
up to June for of item 310 48,472.84 No. rehabilitation 153-76; 8- maintenance
30, 1977 Allocation of for use in 9403426; of the 170-76; of national
Allotment the Buanoy- 2. General roads and
101-10-15- asphalting of Cantibas, Voucher B- bridges
76; 9-201- the Toledo- Balaban 643;
76; 8-152- Tabuelan barangay 3. Check
76; 8-153- road from road No.
76;9-181- Km 108.34 2910 September 1, 1. General 1,200 cu. m. PhP 9403130;
76; 9-184- to Km. 1977 up to Voucher of item 108 27,900.00
76 109.52 November No. B-929; for use in The Sandiganbayan's Ruling
2. General 30, 1977 2. Check the
Voucher No. rehabilitation The anti-graft court was fully convinced of the guilt of
No. B-619; 9403427; of the petitioner Fernan, Jr.; and in its December 4, 1997 Decision,
3. Check Magay- it found him criminally liable in the six (6) cases against him,
No. Canamukan, thus:
9403105; Compostela In Criminal Case No. 2879, the Court finds accused JOSE
2858 June 1, 1977 1. Request 151.35 m. t. PhP barangay SAYSON, RAMON QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA,
up to July 31, for of item 310 47,713.09 road ZOSIMO MENDEZ, MARIANO JARINA and SIMON
1977 Allocation for use in 2914 October 1, 1. General 1,200 cu. m. PhP FERNAN, Jr., GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-
Allotment the 1977 up to Voucher of item 108 27,000.00 principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public
101-6-234- asphalting of No. B-927; for use in Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and
Page 42 of 53

171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and QUIRANTE, ZOSIMO MENDEZ and SIMON FERNAN, Jr., their proportionate share of the costs.[14] (Emphasis
there being no modifying circumstances in attendance, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-principals in the supplied.)
hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public Documents as Petitioner Torrevillas suffered the same fate and was
ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and 171, in relation to convicted in the nine (9) criminal cases, to wit:
minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and there being no In Criminal Case No. 2855, the Court finds
of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties modifying circumstances in attendance, hereby sentences accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON
provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five each of them to an indeterminate penalty ranging from six QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA, and EXPEDITO
Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and (6) years of prision correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) TORREVILLAS GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-
severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of years, eight (8) months and one (1) day of prision mayor, as principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public
Twenty Eight Thousand Pesos (P 28,000.00); and, to pay maximum, with the accessory penalties provided by law, to Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and
their proportionate share of the costs.[9] (Emphasis supplied.) pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and
3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and severally the Republic of there being no modifying circumstances in attendance,
In Criminal Case No. 2880, the Court finds the Philippines in the amount of Thirty Thousand Pesos (P hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON 30,000.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as
QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA, ZOSIMO costs.[12] (Emphasis supplied.) minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day
MENDEZ, and SIMON FERNAN, Jr., GUILTY beyond of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties
reasonable doubt as co-principals in the crime of Estafa thru In Criminal Case No. 2914, the Court finds provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five
falsification of Public Documents as defined and penalized in accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and
Articles 318 and 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised QUIRANTE, EXPEDITO TORREVILLAS and SIMON severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of
Penal Code, and there being no modifying circumstances in FERNAN, Jr., GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co- Forty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Thirty One Pesos and
attendance, hereby sentences each of them to an principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public 85/100 (P 48,431.85); and, to pay their proportionate share
indeterminate penalty ranging from six (6) years of prision Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and of the costs.[15] (Emphasis supplied.)
correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and
and one (1) day of prision mayor, as maximum, with the there being no modifying circumstances in attendance, In Criminal Case No. 2856, the Court finds
accessory penalties provided by law, to pay a fine of Three hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA and EXPEDITO
jointly and severally the Republic of the Philippines in the minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day TORREVILLAS GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-
amount of Twenty Eight Thousand Pesos (P 28,000.00); of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public
and, to pay their proportionate share of the provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and
costs.[10] (Emphasis supplied.) Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and
severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of there being no modifying circumstances in attendance,
In Criminal Case No. 2881, the Court finds Twenty Seven Thousand Pesos (P 27,000.00); and, to pay hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON their proportionate share of the costs.[13] (Emphasis ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as
QUIRANTE, ZOSIMO MENDEZ and SIMON FERNAN, Jr., supplied.) minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day
GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-principals in the of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties
crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public Documents as In Criminal Case No. 2918, the Court finds provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five
defined and penalized in Articles 318 and 171, in relation to accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and
Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and there being no QUIRANTE, ZOSIMO MENDEZ, SIMON FERNAN, severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of
modifying circumstances in attendance, hereby sentences Jr. and ISMAEL SABIO, Jr. GUILTY beyond reasonable Forty Eight Thousand Four Hundred Seventy Two Pesos
each of them to an indeterminate penalty ranging from six doubt as co-principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification and 84/100 (P 48,472.84); and, to pay their proportionate
(6) years of prision correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) of Public Documents as defined and penalized in Articles share of the costs.[16] (Emphasis supplied.)
years, eight (8) months and one (1) day of prision mayor, as 318 and 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal
maximum, with the accessory penalties provided by law, to Code, and there being no modifying circumstances in In Criminal Case No. 2858, the Court finds
pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P attendance, hereby sentences each of them to an accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON
3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and severally the Republic of indeterminate penalty ranging from six (6) years of prision QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA and EXPEDITO
the Philippines in the amount of Thirty One Thousand Pesos correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months TOREVILLAS, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-
(P 31,000.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the and one (1) day of prision mayor, as maximum, with the principals in the crime of Estafa thru Falsification of Public
costs.[11] (Emphasis supplied.) accessory penalties provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and
Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal relation to
In Criminal Case No. 2885, the Court finds jointly and severally the Republic of the Philippines in the Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and there being no
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN JOSE SAYSON, RAMON amount of Thirty Thousand Pesos (P 30,000.00); and, to pay modifying circumstances in attendance, hereby sentences
Page 43 of 53

each of them to an indeterminate penalty ranging from six TORREVILLAS GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co- costs.[20] (Emphasis supplied.)
(6) years of prision correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public
years, eight (8) months and one (1) day of prision mayor, as Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and In Criminal Case No. 2932, the Court finds
maximum, with the accessory penalties provided by law, to 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON
pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos there being no modifying circumstances in attendance, QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA, PEDRITO
(P3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and severally the Republic hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty SEVILLE and EXPEDITO TORREVILLAS GUILTY beyond
of the Philippines in the amount of Forty Seven Thousand ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as reasonable doubt as co-principals in the crime of Estafa thru
Seven Hundred Thirteen Pesos and 9/100 (P47,713.09); minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day falsification of Public Documents as defined and penalized in
and, to pay their proportionate share of the costs. of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties Articles 318 and 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised
provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Penal Code, and there being no modifying circumstances in
In Criminal Case No. 2859, the Court finds Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and attendance, hereby sentences each of them to an
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of indeterminate penalty ranging from six (6) years of prision
QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA and EXPEDITO Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Pesos (P correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months
TOREVILLAS, GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co- 27,900.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the and one (1) day of prision mayor, as maximum, with the
principals in the crime of Estafa thru Falsification of Public costs.[19] (Emphasis supplied.) accessory penalties provided by law, to pay a fine of Three
Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify,
171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and In Criminal Case No. 2914, the Court finds jointly and severally the Republic of the Philippines in the
there being no modifying circumstances in attendance, accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON amount of Forty Four Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Two
hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty QUIRANTE, EXPEDITO TORREVILLAS and SIMON Pesos and 58/100 (P 44,762.58); and, to pay their
ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as FERNAN, Jr., GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co- proportionate share of the costs.[21] (Emphasis supplied.)
minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public Petitioners made the supplication before the court a quo to
of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and recall the adverse judgments against them which was
provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five 171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and declined by the August 29, 2000 SB Resolution.
Hundred Pesos (P3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and there being no modifying circumstances in attendance,
severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty Firm in their belief that they were innocent of any
Thirty Four Thousand Six Hundred Eighty pesos and 65/100 ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as wrongdoing, they now interpose the instant petition to clear
(P34,680.65); and , to pay their proportionate share of the minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day their names.
costs.[17] of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties
provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five The Issues
In Criminal Case No. 2909, the Court finds Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of Petitioners put forward two (2) issues, viz:
QUIRANTE, FLORO JAYME and EXPEDITO Twenty Seven Thousand Pesos (P 27,000.00); and, to pay I
TORREVILLAS GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co- their proportionate share of the costs. (Emphasis supplied.)
principals in the crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public THE HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN TOTALLY
Documents as defined and penalized in Articles 318 and In Criminal Case No. 2919, the Court finds IGNORED PETITIONERS CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO
171, in relation to Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON BE PRESUMED INNOCENT WHEN IT RULED THAT THE
there being no modifying circumstances in attendance, QUIRANTE, MARIANO MONTERA, ZOSIMO BURDEN OF CONVINCING THE HON. COURT THAT THE
hereby sentences each of them to an indeterminate penalty MENDEZ, EXPEDITO TORREVILLAS and ISMAEL SABIO, DELIVERIES OF THE ROAD MATERIALS ATTESTED TO
ranging from six (6) years of prision correccional, as Jr. GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt as co-principals in the HAVE BEEN RECEIVED BY THEM WERE NOT GHOST
minimum, to ten (10) years, eight (8) months and one (1) day crime of Estafa thru falsification of Public Documents as DELIVERIES RESTS WITH THE ACCUSED AND NOT
of prision mayor, as maximum, with the accessory penalties defined and penalized in Articles 318 and 171, in relation to WITH THE PROSECUTION.
provided by law, to pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Article 48 of the Revised Penal Code, and there being no II
Hundred Pesos (P 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and modifying circumstances in attendance, hereby sentences
severally the Republic of the Philippines in the amount of each of them to an indeterminate penalty ranging from six THE HONORABLE SANDIGANBAYAN ERRED IN
Twenty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Pesos (P (6) years of prision correccional, as minimum, to ten (10) CONVICTING PETITIONERS AS CO-CONSPIRATORS
27,900.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the years, eight (8) months and one (1) day of prision mayor, as DESPITE THE PROSECUTION'S FAILURE TO
costs.[18] (Emphasis supplied.) maximum, with the accessory penalties provided by law, to SPECIFICALLY PROVE BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT
pay a fine of Three Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (P THE FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES THAT WOULD
In Criminal Case No. 2910, the Court finds 3,500.00); to indemnify, jointly and severally the Republic of IMPLICATE THEM AS CO-CONSPIRATORS AND JUSTIFY
accused CAMILO DE LETRAN, JOSE SAYSON, RAMON the Philippines in the amount of Thirty One Thousand Pesos THEIR CONVICTION.
QUIRANTE, FLORO JAYME and EXPEDITO (P 31,000.00); and, to pay their proportionate share of the The Court's Ruling
Page 44 of 53

testify as a State witness in the instant cases without

We are not persuaded to nullify the verdict. xxxx reproducing and adopting her previous testimonies in the
4. Making untruthful statements in a narration of Mandaue City HED '78 and the Danao City HED '77 cases,
Petitioners' guilt was established beyond reasonable facts; she will identify documents and exhibits which have been
doubt ART. 48. Penalty for complex crimes. - When a single act previously marked and identified by other prosecution
constitutes two or more grave or less grave felonies, or when witness x x x.
Petitioners mainly asseverate that their guilt was not shown an offense is a necessary means for committing the other,
beyond a peradventure of doubt and the State was unable to the penalty for the most serious crime shall be imposed, the (3) That in the previous testimonies of Mrs. Delia Preagido in
show that government funds were illegally released based same to be applied in its maximum period. the Mandaue City HED '78 and the Danao City HED '77
on alleged ghost deliveries in conjunction with false or fake The complex crime is pruned into the following essential cases, she identified twenty-six separate lists containing
tally sheets and other documents which they admittedly elements: names of officials and employees of MPH, Regional Office
signed. For estafa No. VII, of the various Highways Engineering Districts in
1. Deceit: Deceit is a specie of fraud. It is actual MPH, Region VII, and the MPH Central Office who have
We are not convinced. fraud, and consists in any false representation or allegedly received money or various sums from 1977 to
contrivance whereby one person overreaches and 1978 out of the proceeds or sales of fake LAA's in 1977 and
Our Constitution unequivocally guarantees that in all criminal misleads another, to his hurt. There is deceit when 1978 and, therefore, to obviate Mrs. Preagido's previous
prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until one is misled, either by guile or trickery or by other testimony of these lists, the Prosecution hereby reproduces
the contrary is proved.[22] This sacred task unqualifiedly means, to believe to be true what is really false.[24] and adopts specifically such testimony and the markings of
means proving the guilt of the accused beyond a reasonable 2. Damage: Damage may consist in the offended the lists, i.e., Exhibits "KKK", "KKK-1" to "KKK-25" in the
doubt. Definitely, "reasonable doubt" is not mere guesswork party being deprived of his money or property as a Mandaue City HED '78 cases and Exhibits "0000", "0000-1"
whether or not the accused is guilty, but such uncertainty result of the defraudation, disturbance in property to "0000-25" in the Danao City HED '77 cases, substituted or
that "a reasonable man may entertain after a fair review and right, or temporary prejudice.[25] re-marked accordingly as "Exhibits "LL", "LL-1" to "LL-25" in
consideration of the evidence." Reasonable doubt is present For falsification the instant cases.[27]
when 1. That the offender is a public officer, employee, or As a result of this MOA, the testimony of state witness
after the entire comparison and consideration of all the notary public; Preagido on the modus operandi of the conspirators, or the
evidences, leaves the minds of the [judges] in that condition 2. That he takes advantage of his official position; unique and distinct method of procedure by which the
that they cannot say they feel an abiding conviction, to a 3. That he falsifies a document by committing any of malversation of public funds in Region VII of the MPH was
moral certainty, of the truth of the charge; a certainty that the acts defined under Article 171 of the Revised perpetrated and accomplished, dealt a major blow to the
convinces and directs the understanding, and satisfies the Penal Code.[26] defenses raised by petitioners. Preagido's vital testimony,
reason and judgment of those who are bound to act Before the SB, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) dated wherein she identified the methods, documents, exhibits,
conscientiously upon it.[23] September 1, 1988 was entered into between the State and and other pertinent papers that led to the crafting of fake
A thorough scrutiny of the records is imperative to determine the accused with the following stipulations and admissions: Letters of Advice of Allotment (LAAs),[28] general vouchers,
whether or not reasonable doubt exists as to the guilt of (1) To expedite the early termination of the instant cases and disbursement of funds for non-existent projects, general
accused Fernan, Jr. and Torrevillas. abbreviate the testimony of Mrs. Delia Preagido, the vouchers, and other documents, was not even successfully
prosecution and the accused have agreed to reproduce and refuted or overturned by petitioners.
Petitioners were charged with the complex crime of estafa adopt as the testimony of Preagido in the instant cases, her
through falsification of public documents as defined and previous testimonies in Criminal Cases Nos. 889, etc. Preagido confirmed and admitted under oath that the illegal
penalized under Articles 318 and 171 in relation to Article 48 (Mandaue City HED '78 cases), on May 18 and 19, 1982 and disbursement of public funds pertained to non-existent
of the Revised Penal Code, thus: in Criminal Cases Nos. 1446-1789, etc. (Danao City HED '77 projects and was supported by fake LAAs, fake general
ART. 318. Other deceits. - The penalty of arresto mayor and cases) on November 10, 1987 and March 14, 1988, both on vouchers, and other pertinent papers that were also falsified.
a fine of not less than the amount of the damage caused and direct and cross examination x x x without prejudice to The fake LAAs and general vouchers were, in turn,
not more than twice such amount shall be imposed upon any whatever direct and/or cross examination question, that may supported by signed tally sheets that pertained to alleged
person who shall defraud or damage another by any deceit be propounded by the Prosecution and the accused on said ghost deliveries of road construction materials for non-
not mentioned in the preceding articles of this chapter. State witness, which questions will only be limited to the fake existent or illegal projects.
or irregular LAA's and SACDC's issued to Cebu I HED in
ART. 171. Falsification by public officer, employee; or notary 1977, the sale of such fake or irregular LAA's and SACDC's The fake tally sheets, delivery receipts, reports of inspection,
or ecclesiastical minister. - The penalty of prision mayorand issued to Cebu I HED in 1977, the sale of such fake or requests for supplies and materials, and other related
a fine not to exceed 5,000 pesos shall be imposed upon any irregular LAA's and SACDC's in said engineering district in documents signed on separate occasions by petitioners,
public officer, employee, or notary who, taking advantage of the said year and the participation of the accused thereon; which were attached as supporting documents to
his official position, shall falsify a document by committing corresponding general vouchers; the alleged amounts and
any of the following acts: (2) That in the event Mrs. Delia Preagido is presented to quantities of road construction materials delivered; and the
Page 45 of 53

specific fake general vouchers, checks, and other pertinent Bogo 2855 T-33-f 1. 153.63 m. Not PhP
documents issued which led to the illegal disbursement of provincial (Delivery Request t. of item numbere 48,431.
funds are summarized as follows: road from Receipt); for 310 for d 85
Km. 92 to T-33-f-1 Allocation use in contrary
Petitioner Fernan, Jr. Km. 98 (Daily of asphalting to official
2885 T-89-f- 1. Materials for Not PhP Tally Allotment of the procedur
Crimin Specifi Main Items FAKE Amount 1, etc. Request use in the numbere 30,000.0 Sheet); 101-10- Toledo- e
al Case c Documen Allegedly LAAs of (Tally for repair and d contrary 0 186-76; Tabuelan
No. Exhibit ts Purchased that Fraud Sheets Allocation rehabilitatio to official 10-190- road from
s Falsified authorize ) of n of the procedur 76; 10- Km.
d Allotment Daan- e 192-76; 108.34 to
purchase 101-12- Bantayan 10-188- Km.
2879 T-86-f- 1. General 1,400 cu. m. Not PhP 112-76; road from 76; 10- 109.52
1, etc. Voucher of item 108 numbere 28,000.0 2. General Km. 127.00 180-76;
(Tally No. B-15; for use in d contrary 0 Voucher to Km. 136 2.
Sheets 2. Check the repair of to official No. B-76; General
) No. the Cebu procedur 3. Check Voucher
9933064; Hagnaya e No. No. B-
Wharf road 9933125; 613;
from Km. 2914 T-115- 1. General 1,200 cu. m. PhP 3. Check
50.30 to g-1, Voucher of item 108 27,000.0 No.
Km. 60.00 etc. No. B-927; for use in 0 9403099;
2880 T-87-f- 1. 1,400 cu. m. Not PhP (Tally 2. Check the 2856 T-34-f 1. 153.76 m. Not PhP
1, etc. Request of item 108 numbere 28,000.0 Sheets No. rehabilitatio (Delivery Request t. of item numbere 48,472.
(Tally for for use in d contrary 0 ) 9403425; n of the Receipt); for 310 for d 84
Sheets Allocation the repair of to official Cajel-Lugo, T-34-f-1 Allocation use in the contrary
) of the Bogo- procedur Barbon (Daily of asphalting to official
Allotment Curva- e barangay Tally Allotment of the procedur
101-12- Medellon road Sheet); 101-10- Toledo- e
105-76; road from 2918 T-116- 1. General 1,500 cu. m. Not PhP 15-76; 9- Tabuelan
2. General Km. 110.00 f-1, Voucher of item 108 numbere 30,000.0 201-76; 8- road from
Voucher to Km. etc. No. B-107; for the d contrary 0 152-76; 8- Km 108.34
No. B-55; 119.00 (Tally 2. Check rehabilitatio to official 153-76;9- to Km.
3. Check Sheets No. n of the procedur 181-76; 9- 109.52
No. ) 9933157; Cebu North e 184-76
9933104; Hagnaya 2.
2881 T-104- 1. Approximat Not PhP Wharf road General
g-1, Request ely 1,500 numbere 31,000.0 from Km. 71 Voucher
etc. for cu. m. of d contrary 0 to Km. 76 No. B-
(Tally Allocation item 108 for to official 619;
Sheets of use in the procedur 3. Check
Petitioner Torrevillas
) Allotment repair and e No.
101-2-56- rehabilitatio 9403105;
Crimin Specific Main Items FAKE Amount
77; n of 2858 T-35-f 1. 151.35 m. Not PhP
al Exhibits Documen Allegedly LAAs of
2. General damaged (Delivery Request t. of item numbere 47,713.
Case ts Purchase that Fraud
Voucher roads and Receipt); for 310 for d 09
No. Falsified d authoriz
No. B-245; bridges by T-35-f-1 Allocation use in the contrary
3. Check Typhoon (Daily Allotment asphalting to official
No. Aring at the Tally 101-6- of the procedur
9933294; Tabogon- Sheet); 234-76; 6- Toledo- e
Page 46 of 53

237-76; 6- Tabuelan Equipmen 2. Check on of the procedur 76; 7-124- ce of

239-76; 6- road from t); T-114- No. Magay- e 76; 8-153- national
241-76; 6- Km. e (Report 9403427; Canamuka 76; 8-170- roads and
240-76 108.34 to of n, 76; bridges
2. Km. Inspection Compostel 2.
General 109.52 ); T-114-f a General
Voucher (Abstract barangay Voucher
No. B- of Sealed road B-643;
629; Quotation 3. Check
3. Check ) No.
No. 2914 T-115-c 1. 1,200 cu. Not PhP 9403130;
9403115; (Request General m. of item numbere 27,000.
2859 T-36-f 1. 110.01 m. Not PhP for Voucher 108 for d 00 On the part of petitioners, they readily admitted that they
(Delivery Request t. of item numbere 34,680. Supplies No. B- use in the contrary either signed the tally sheets and/or delivery receipts, reports
Receipt); for 310 for d 65 and 927; rehabilitati to official of inspection, requests for supplies and materials, and other
T-36-f-1 Allocation use in contrary Equipmen 2. Check on of the procedur related documents which became part of the supporting
(Daily of asphalting to official t); T-115- No. Cajel- e documents that led to the issuance of general vouchers and
Tally Allotment of the procedur e (Report 9403425; Lugo, eventually the disbursement of public funds.[29] The tally
Sheet); 101-7-63- Toledo- e of Barbon sheets are statements of delivery that purportedly indicated
76; 8-102- Tabuelan Inspection barangay the specified quantities of materials for the construction and
76; 8-121- road from ); T-115-f road maintenance of roads that have been delivered on supposed
76 Km. (Abstract project sites on given dates at specific places.
2. 108.34 to of Sealed
General Km.109.52 Quotation As a result of petitioners' signatures in the tally sheets and/or
Voucher ) delivery receipts, reports of inspection, requests for supplies
No. B- 2919 T-117-g 1. 1,550 cu. Not PhP and materials, and other supporting documents--which
631; (Delivery General m. of item numbere 31,000. became the basis for payment to suppliers--public funds
3. Check Receipt); Voucher 108 for d 00 were released via general vouchers and checks to the said
No. T-117-g- No. B- use in the contrary suppliers despite the fact that the latter did not make any
9403117; 1, etc. 244; repair and to official deliveries in accordance with projects allegedly funded by
2909 T-113-b 1. 1,200 Not PhP (Daily 2. Check rehabilitati procedur mostly fake LAAs.
(Request General cu.m. of numbere 27,900. Tally No. on of e
for Voucher item 108 d 00 Sheets) 9933293; damaged The accusation that there were no actual deliveries of road
Supplies No. B- for use in contrary roads and construction and maintenance materials in support of
and 928; the to official bridges at projects or otherwise funded by LAAs was proven true by the
Equipmen 2. Check rehabilitati procedur the testimonies of the various barangay captains and residents
t); T-113- No. on of the e Toledo- of the barangay who were supposed to be benefited by the
d (Report 9403426; Buanoy- Tabuelan construction and repair activities of the Cebu First Highway
of Cantibas, national Engineering District. The testimonies of these barangay
Inspection Balaban road from captains and residents are summarized as follows: [30]
); T-113-c barangay Km. 71 to 1. MACARIO LIMALIMA, Barangay Captain of
(Abstract road Km. 83 Barangay Antipolo, Medellin, Cebu, testified that
of Sealed 2932 1. 250 gals of Not PhP his barangay is traversed by the national highway
Quotation Request aluminum numbere 44,762. stretching to a distance of 2 kilometers and 750
) for paint 324 d 58 meters (Km. 122; Km. 123 to 125). He described
2910 T-114-c 1. 1,200 cu. Not PhP Allocation gals of red contrary the road as full of potholes. Except for filling up
(Request General m. of item numbere 27,900. of lead paint to official these potholes with "anapog" or crushed
for Voucher 108 for d 00 Allotment for use in procedur limestone, no major repairs were undertaken on
Supplies No. B- use in the contrary 101-7-83- the e the said road in 1978 or in previous years. (TSN.,
and 929; rehabilitati to official 76; 7-84- maintenan pp. 6-14, June 5, 1986).[31]
Page 47 of 53

2. FELOMINO ORBISO, Barangay Captain of Cawit, testified that her barangay is traversed by the road with potholes. In the same year, camineros
Medellin, Cebu, from 1972 to 1981, testified that national highway, stretching form Km. 109 to Km. worked on the road, using wheelbarrows, shovels
his barangay is traversed by the national highway, 110. She described said portion of the national and rakes, pitching up the potholes with anapog.
stretching from Km. 125 to Km. 127.9. He highway as "stoney." The only maintenance work (TSN., pp. 29-35, June 6, 1986).[40]
described the road as a rough or dirt road. No undertaken to improve the road was the filling up 11. PEDRO ORSAL, Barangay Captain of Poblacion,
improvement was ever made on this road whether of potholes with crushed limestone which San Remigio, Cebu, from January 1972 to 1980,
during the year when he gave his statement to the camineros gathered from the roadside. (TSN., testified that his barangay is traversed by the
NBI (1978) or in previous years. The road pp.57-67, June 5, 1986).[36] national highway, from Km. 107 to Km. 110, or a
remained in bad shape, with numerous potholes 7. ALBERTO BRANSUELA, a resident of Barangay distance of three kilometers more or less. In 1977,
which the camineros merely filled up with San Jose, Catmon, Cebu, from 1974 to 1978, the road from Km. 107 to Km. 108 was a gravel
limestone. (TSN., pp.14-19, June 5, 1986).[32] testified that barangay San Jose is traversed by road. It was properly maintained by the highways
3. TIMOTEO ANCAJAS, Barangay Captain of the national highway (Km. 58), covering a distance people, and every time potholes appeared on the
Paypay, Daan Bantayan, Cebu, from 1972 to of ½ kilometer more or less. He stated that while road, they would be filled-up with anapog. This
1982, testified that his barangay is traversed by this portion of the national highway was already material was dumped along the road by trucks of
the national highway, stretching from Km. 132 to asphalted as of 1977, there were potholes which the Bureau of Public Highways. On the other
Km. 134 ½, or a distance of 2 ½ kilometers. He the camineros filled up with anapog taken from the hand, the road leading to the heart of the
described the portion of the highway as a rough roadside. (TSN., pp. 69-80), June 5, 1986).[37] poblacion was asphalted, but with potholes. In
road with potholes. He stated that the only 8. CARIDAD PUNLA, Acting Barangay Captain of 1977, the potholes were filled up by camineros
improvement done on this road was the filling up Barangay Corazon, Catmon, Cebu, from 1977 to with gravel delivered by dump trucks of the Bureau
of the potholes with "anapog" or crushed 1982, testified that the Poblacion of Catmon is of Public Highways. It was only in 1978 when the
limestone and this was done only once in 1977. It traversed by the national highway, stretching from road was re-asphalted and extended from the
even took the camineros three months from the Km. 57 to Km. 58. In 1977, only more than ½ of junction of the poblacion to the adjacent barrio of
time the limestones were delivered to start working this portion of the national highway was cemented Looc. x x x (TSN., pp.36-45, June 6, 1986).[41]
on the road. (TSN., pp. 20-26, June 5, 1986).[33] while the remaining portion was asphalted. While The inescapable conclusion from the aforementioned
4. LUCIA PEÑAFLOR, Barangay Captain of Don said portion of the national highway already had testimonies of the barangay captains and residents of Cebu
Pedro, Bogo, Cebu, from 1966 to 1982, testified cracks and potholes as of 1977, the real problem whose respective barangay are traversed by the national
that her barangay is traversed by the national was the uneven elevation of the surface of the highway is that there were no actual major repair works
highway, stretching from Km. 103 to Km. 105 ½, shoulder of the road. No general repair was undertaken on the national highway except the filling of
up to the boundary of San Remigio, and from the undertaken by the authorities to correct the potholes by crushed limestone (anapog). Clearly, there were
boundary to Daan Bantayan, a distance of more uneven elevation, except for the work done by the no deliveries of supplies and materials for asphalting and
than 3 kilometers. It was only in 1984 or 1985 camineros who covered up the potholes. (TSN., repair of roads described in the tally sheets and other
when this portion of the national highway was pp. 81-89, June 5, 1986).[38] supporting documents signed by petitioners.
asphalted. Prior to that, the road was maintained 9. FELIPE MOLIT, Barangay Captain of Bao, Sugud,
by filling up the potholes with crushed limestone or Cebu, from 1975 to 1982, testified that barangay While petitioner Torrevillas presented Vice-Mayor Emigdio
"anapog." These potholes started to appear Bao was traversed by the national highway, Tudlasan of Tabuclan, Cebu, who testified that he saw the
between January and June of 1977. However, as stretching from Km. 59 to Km. 60 1/2. He asphalting of the Tabuclan Road from kilometers 18 to 19,
alleged by her in her affidavit (Exh. II-1-d), these described said portion of the national highway as a said testimony is not conclusive on the actual delivery of the
potholes were filled up only from January to June, gravel road surfaced with anapog. In 1977, the supplies indicated in the tally sheets, as Tudlasan was not
1978. (TSN., pp. 28-46, June 5, 1986).[34] said road already had potholes which present at the time of alleged delivery. Moreover, his
5. MARCELO CONEJOS, Barangay Captain of maintenance men filled up with anapog beginning testimony runs counter to the testimonies
Tapilon, Daan Bantayan, from 1972 to 1982, in March, 1977. The anapog was hauled in from of Barangay Captain Remedios Feliciano of Looc, San
testified that his barangay is traversed by the Km. 64, the usual excavation place of anapog. It Remigio, Cebu and Barangay Captain Pedro Orsal of
national highway, stretching from Km. 130 to Km. took only 3 truckloads of anapog to cover the Poblacion, San Remigio, Cebu. Feliciano testified that she
134, or a distance of 4 kilometers. In 1977, said entire length of the 1 ½ kilometers traversing their was Barangay Captain of Looc, San Remigio, Cebu from
portion of the national highway was in bad barangay. (TSN., pp. 90-99, June 5, 1986).[39] 1977 to 1982; that her barangay is traversed by the national
condition and that nothing was done to improve it 10. LEONARDO PINOTE, Barangay Captain of highway, stretching from km. 109 to km. 110; and that the
until 1982, except for the time when the potholes Barangay Argawanon, San Remigio, Cebu, from only work undertaken to improve the road was the filling up
were filled up with crushed limestones. (TSN., pp. 1972 to 1980, testified that his barangay is of potholes with crushed limestone which camineros
48-56, June 5, 1986).[35] traversed by the national highway covering a gathered from the roadside. On the other hand, Orsal
6. REMEDIOS FELICANO, Barangay Captain of distance of ½ kilometers more or less. In 1977, testified that he was Barangay Captain of Poblacion, San
Looc, San Remigio, Cebu from 1977 to 1982, this portion of the national highway was a rough Remigio, Cebu, from January 1972 to 1980; that
Page 48 of 53

his barangay is traversed by the national highway, from km. where petitioner Torrevillas was among the co- there exists not even an iota of doubt as to petitioners' guilt.
107 to km. 110; that in 1977, the road from km. 107 to km. accused.[45] These tally sheets were attached as the
108 was a gravel road maintained by the highways people, supporting papers to fake general vouchers which facilitated The essential elements of estafa through falsification of
and every time potholes appeared on the road, they would the release of check payments to suppliers. public documents are present in the cases against
be filled-up with anapog, which was dumped along the road petitioners, as follows:
by the Bureau of Public Highways; and that it was only in These checks were allegedly paid to suppliers Juliana de los 1. Deceit: Petitioners Fernan, Jr. and Torrevillas
1978 when the road was re-asphalted and extended from Angeles (Criminal Case Nos. 2879, 2880, 2881, 2885, and made it appear that supplies for road construction
the junction of the poblacion to the adjacent barrio of Looc. 2914) and Ismael Sabio, Jr. (Criminal Case No. 2918).[46] and maintenance were delivered by suppliers
allegedly in furtherance of alleged lawful projects
Compared to the testimony of Vice-Mayor Tudlasan, the On his part, petitioner Torrevillas voluntarily admitted to when in fact said supplies were not delivered and
testimonies of Barangay Captains Feliciano and Orsal are signing tally sheets, reports of inspection, requisitions of no actual asphalting or repair of road was
entitled to more weight and credit, and are more credible supplies and equipment, and other pertinent documents implemented. In doing so, petitioners:
considering the fact that they are residents of the area where totaling an even greater amount of PhP
the road supposedly to be repaired is located plus the fact 337,861.01,[47]including PhP 27,000 in Criminal Case No. 1.1. Were public officers or employees at the time
that they saw only limestone, not asphalt, that was used in 2914 where petitioner Fernan, Jr. was among the co- of the commission of the offenses;
the repair of the road in 1977. The testimonies of Feliciano accused.[48] These documents signed by petitioner
and Orsal are further buttressed by the findings and Torrevillas were likewise attached as supporting papers to 1.2. Took advantage of their official position as
statements of government witnesses, namely--Ruth Inting fake general vouchers which facilitated the release of check highway engineers; and
Paredes, Supervising Commission on Audit (COA) Auditor payments to suppliers.
assigned to Region VII; Felicitas Cruz Ona, Supervising 1.3. Made untruthful statements in several
COA Auditor assigned to the main COA office; Federico A. These checks were allegedly paid to suppliers Rufino V. narrations of fact.
Malvar, Senior National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Agent Nuñez (Criminal Case Nos. 2855, 2856, 2858, and 2859), 2. Damage: The government disbursed PhP 146,000
of the Anti-Graft Section and member of the COA NBI team Juliana de los Angeles (Criminal Case Nos. 2909, 2910, and in the case of Fernan, Jr. and PhP 337,861.01 in
assigned to investigate the anomalies; Rogelio C. Mamaril, 2914), Ismael Sabio, Jr. (Criminal Case No. 2919), and the case of Torrevillas, as payments to various
Supervising NBI Agent of the Anti-Fraud and Action Section; Manuel Mascardo (Criminal Case No. 2932).[49] suppliers for the delivery of non-existent supplies.
and Delia Comahig Preagido, Accountant III, MPH, Region
VII--to the effect that the general vouchers and LAAs that These general vouchers and checks could not be traced to By way of defense, petitioners posit that the tally
corresponded to the aforementioned tally sheets signed by genuine LAAs. Ergo, there were no actual deliveries of sheets and other documents could in fact be
petitioner Torrevillas were fake or falsified. Undeniably, the supplies and materials for the road repair and rehabilitation traced to genuine LAAs that were in the custody of
government witnesses have no motive to testify falsely in Region VII, which were the subjects of the criminal cases the NBI. Unfortunately, these genuine LAAs were
against petitioner Torrevillas and, hence, credible. We where petitioners were charged. not introduced in evidence. It is an age-old axiom
conclude that there were no actual deliveries of supplies for that s/he who alleges something must prove it.
asphalting of road and repair on kilometers 108 and 109, We find no reason to disturb the findings of the court a Petitioners' assertion that the documents they
which were the subjects of Criminal Case Nos. 2855, 2856, quo that all the essential elements of the crime of estafa signed were all genuine and duly covered by
2858, and 2859. through falsification of public documents were present. genuine LAAs was substantiated only by their own
There is no question that petitioners, at the time of the self-serving and uncorroborated testimonies. We
Glaring is the finding of the SB that the Cebu First Highway commission of the crime, were public officers"civil hesitate to give much weight and credit to their
Engineering District, to which petitioners were assigned, had engineers"assigned to the MPH. Their signing of tally sheets bare testimonies in the face of clear, convincing,
fake LAAs totaling to PhP 4,924,366.50, while the fake Cash and related documents pertaining to the alleged deliveries of overwhelming, and hard evidence adduced by the
Disbursement Ceilings issued amounted to PhP supplies for road repair and construction constitutes State.
6,271,150.[42] The Cebu First Highway Engineering District intervention and/or taking advantage of their official If the genuine LAAs were vital to their defense, and they
had also issued checks per unrecorded reports in the total positions, especially considering that they had the duty to firmly believed that the documents were indeed in the
sum of PhP 1,135,176.82.[43] Therefore, the total illegal inspect the purported deliveries and ascertain the veracity of custody of the NBI, then petitioners could have easily
disbursements in the Cebu First Highway Engineering the documents and the statements contained in them. procured the compulsory process to compel the production
District alone were a staggering PhP 12,330,693.32 circa of said documents. However, petitioners miserably failed to
1977. The tally sheets bearing their signatures contained false avail of subpoena duces tecum which the court a quo could
recitals of material facts which the petitioners had the duty to have readily granted. The inability to produce such important
Of this total, petitioner Fernan, Jr. freely admitted signing verify and confirm. These tally sheets were attached as and exculpatory pieces of evidence proved disastrous to
tally sheets which pertained to non-existent deliveries of supporting documents to fake LAAs and subsequently petitioners' cause. Their conviction was indeed supported by
road construction supplies and materials totaling PhP became the bases for the disbursement of public funds to proof beyond reasonable doubt which was not overturned by
146,000,[44] including PhP 27,000 in Criminal Case No. 2914 the damage and prejudice of the government. Indubitably, defense evidence.
Page 49 of 53

(Accountant III), Jose Sayson (Budget Examiner), and engineering districts in MPH Region VII was followed. The
Petitioners acted in conspiracy with one another Edgardo Cruz (Clerk II), who controlled the separate Cebu First HED received from Region VII thirty-four Letters
"spokes" of the conspiracy. Petitioners were among the of Advice of Allotment (LAAs) in the total sum of
Petitioners vigorously claim error on the part of the lower many spokes of the wheel. P4,734,336.50 and twenty-nine (29) corresponding Sub-
court when it made the finding that they were co- Advices of Cash Disbursement Ceiling (SACDCs),
conspirators with the other parties accused despite the We recall the painstaking efforts of the SB through Associate amounting to P5,160,677.04 for the period January 1, 1977
dearth of evidence to amply demonstrate complicity. Justice Cipriano A. Del Rosario, Chairperson of the Third to December 31, 1977. But apart from this, the Cebu First
Division, in elaborating the intricate web of conspiracy HED appears to have also received for the same period
We are not convinced by petitioners' postulation. among the accused, thus: another set of eighty-four (84) LAAs amounting to
Mangubat enticed Preagido, Cruz and Sayson to join P4,680,694.76 which however, could not be traced to any
Indeed, the burden of proving the allegation of conspiracy him. All three agreed to help him carry out his plan.They Sub-Advice of Allotment (SAA) OR MATCHED TO THE
falls to the shoulders of the prosecution. Considering, typed fake LAAs during Saturdays. Cruz and Sayson also Advices of Cash Disbursement Ceiling (ACDCs) received
however, the difficulty in establishing the existence of took charge of negotiating or selling fake LAAs to contractors from the MPH and Regional Office. This is highly irregular
conspiracy, settled jurisprudence finds no need to prove it by at 26% of the gross amount. Preagido manipulated the and not in consonance with accounting procedures.
direct evidence. In People v. Pagalasan, the Court general ledger, journal vouchers and general journal through
explicated why direct proof of prior agreement is not negative entries to conceal the illegal disbursements. In the It was also made to appear that the payments were made for
necessary: initial report of COA auditors Victoria C. Quejada and Ruth I. alleged prior year's obligations and chargeable to Account
After all, secrecy and concealment are essential features of Paredes it was discovered that the doubtful allotments and 81-400, obviously because, they were not properly funded.
a successful conspiracy. Conspiracies are clandestine in other anomalies escaped notice due to the following Furthermore, the list of projects in Region VII for 1977
nature. It may be inferred from the conduct of the accused manipulations: showed that Cebu first HED completed rehabilitation and/or
before, during and after the commission of the crime, "The letter-advices covering such allotments (LAA) were not improvement of roads and bridges in its districts from
showing that they had acted with a common purpose and signed by the Finance Officer nor (sic) recorded in the books February to May, 1977, with expenditures amounting to
design. Conspiracy may be implied if it is proved that two or of accounts. Disbursements made on the basis of these fake P613,812.00. On the other hand, the expenditures for
more persons aimed their acts towards the accomplishment LAAs were charged to the unliquidated obligations (Account barangay roads in the same district in 1977 amounted to
of the same unlawful object, each doing a part so that their 8-81-400), although the obligations being paid were not P140,692.00, and these were all completed within the period
combined acts, though apparently independent of each among those certified to the unliquidated obligations from November to December, 1977. These completed
other, were in fact, connected and cooperative, indicating a (Account 8-81-400) at the end of the preceding year. To projects were properly funded by legitimate LAAs and CDCs
closeness of personal association and a concurrence of conceal the overcharges to authorized allotments, account in the total amount of only P754,504.00. However, an
sentiment. To hold an accused guilty as a co-principal by 8-81-400 (sic) and the excess of checks issued over additional amount of P3,839,810.74, was spent by the Cebu
reason of conspiracy, he must be shown to have performed authorized cash disbursements ceiling, adjustments were First HED for maintenance of roads and bridges for the
an overt act in pursuance or furtherance of the complicity. prepared monthly through journal vouchers to take up the same year (1977) but the same could not be traced to any
There must be intentional participation in the transaction with negative debit to Account 8-81-400 and a negative credit to authoritative document coming from the MPH.
a view to the furtherance of the common design and the Treasury Checking Account for Agencies Account 8-70-
purpose.[50] 790. These journal vouchers in effect cancelled the previous The following payments for materials purchased for the year
In Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, we categorized two (2) entry to record the disbursements made on the basis of fake 1977 were made to appear as payment for prior year's
structures of multiple conspiracies, namely: (1) the so-called LAAs. Thus the affected accounts (Accounts 8-81-400 and obligation and were paid out of fake LAAs:
"wheel" or "circle" conspiracy, in which there is a single 8-70-790), as appearing in the trial balance, would not show Supplier No. of Kind of Measuremen Amount
person or group (the "hub") dealing individually with two or the irregularity. The checks, however, were actually Voucher Material t
more other persons or groups (the "spokes"); and (2) the issued."[52] s s
"chain" conspiracy, usually involving the distribution of The four formed the nucleus of the nefarious Rufino 29 Item 310 4,640,275 mt P1,374,135.0
narcotics or other contraband, in which there is successive conspiracy. Other government employees, tempted by Nuñez 0
communication and cooperation in much the same way as the prospect of earning big money, allowed their names
J. delos 21 Item 108 22,290 cu.m. 433,300.00
with legitimate business operations between manufacturer to be used and signed spurious documents.
and wholesaler, then wholesaler and retailer, and then
retailer and consumer.[51] xxxx Iluminada 11 Item 108 8,325 cu.m. 191,500.00
3. Cebu First Highway Engineering District Vega
We find that the conspiracy in the instant cases resembles Anomalies Florencio 10 Item 108 7,800 cu.m. 156,000.00
the "wheel" conspiracy. The 36 disparate persons who Focusing our attention now on the anomalies committed in Gacayan
constituted the massive conspiracy to defraud the the Cebu First District Engineering District, hereinafter Ismael 6 Item 108 6,198 cu.m. 123,960.00
government were controlled by a single hub, namely: referred to as the Cebu First HED for brevity, the Court finds Sabio, Jr.
Rolando Mangubat (Chief Accountant), Delia Preagido that the same pattern of fraud employed in the other highway
Page 50 of 53

FBS 3 Lumber 70,610.00 A total of 132 General Vouchers, emanating from fake LAAs
Marketing and ACDCs, were traced back to Rolando Mangubat, State witness Ruth Paredes, Supervising COA Auditor,
Regional Accountant of Region VII and Adventor Fernandez, elaborated on the procedure regarding the award of the
Cebu 2 Hollow 19,880.00
Regional Highway Engineer, also of Region VII. Those LAAs contract more specifically to the payment of the contractor or
Hollow Blocks
and ACDCs became the vehicles in the disbursement of supplier. Once the Request for Supplies and Equipment is
funds amounting to P3,839,810.74, through the vouchers approved by the Regional Office, the Request for Obligation
Bienvenid 4 Equip. 29,580.00
purportedly issued for the purchase and delivery of the of Allotment (ROA) or the request for funds is signed by the
o Presillas Rental
aforementioned materials allegedly used for the District Engineer pursuant to the approved plans and budget
T.R. 1 Office 7,461.90 maintenance and repair of the national highways within the and signed by the district accountant as to availability of
Eustaquio Supplies Cebu First HED. Despite the enormous additional funds.
Ent. expenditure of P3,839,810.74, the roads and bridges in the
Santrade 1 Johnson 8,392.90 district, as found out by the NBI, did not show any The district office will advertise the invitation to bid and
Mktg. Products improvement (Exhibit II). As testified to by several barangay award the contract to the lowest bidder. The Purchase Order
Pelagia 1 Item 108 2,000 cu.m. 40,000.00 captains, the road maintenance consisted merely of (PO) is prepared and addressed to the winning bidder. Upon
Gomez spreading anapog or limestone on potholes of the national delivery of the supplies and materials, the supplier bills the
Highway. district office for payment. Consequently, the requisitioning
M&M 1 Paints 49,736.20
officer will prepare the general voucher which must be
Obviously, the vouchers for payments of alleged accompanied by the following documents:
Freent 1 Office 590.20 maintenance of roads and bridges in the additional amount a. The ROA;
Ind. Supplies of P3,839,810.74 were prepared for no other purpose than to
Total... P2,505,147.0 siphon off the said amount from the government coffer into b. The PO;
0 the pockets of some officials and employees of Region VII
The NBI also discovered that there were purchases of and the Cebu First HED, as well as the suppliers and c. The abstract of Bid together with the Bid
materials in 1977 that were charged to current obligations contractors who conspired and confederated with them. [53] quotations;
but paid out of spurious LAAs, to wit: After a close re-examination of the records, the Court finds
no reason to disturb the finding of the anti-graft court that d. The delivery receipts together with the tally sheets;
Supplier No. of Kind of Measuremen Amount
petitioners are co-conspirators of the other accused, headed and
Voucher Material t
by Chief Accountant Rolando Mangubat, who were similarly
s s
convicted in practically all the 119 counts of estafa. e. The tax clearance and tax certificate of the
Rufino 11 Item 310 162,549 m.t. P529,475.00
Undisturbed is the rule that this Court is not a trier of facts supplier.
Nuñez Item 108 5,000 cu.m.
and in the absence of strong and compelling reasons or After the preparation and submission of the general voucher
Juliana 16 Item 108 13,280 cu.m. P276,400.00 justifications, it will accord finality to the findings of facts of and the supporting documents, the disbursing officer shall
delos Item 111 1,00 cu.m. 24,000.00 the SB. The feeble defense of petitioners that they were not prepare and draw a check based on said voucher. The
Angeles Item 200 307 cu.m. 7,982.00 aware of the ingenuous plan of the group of accused check is countersigned by an officer of the district office
Iluminad 3 Item 108 3,600 cu.m. 72,090.00 Mangubat and the indispensable acts to defraud the and/or the COA Regional Director based on the amount of
a Vega government does not merit any consideration. The State is the check.
Florencio 2 Item 108 2,400.00 48,000.00 not tasked to adduce direct proof of the agreement by
Gacayan cu.m. petitioners with the other accused, for such requirement, in Thus, it is clear that without the tally sheets and delivery
many cases, would border on near impossibility. The State receipts, the general voucher cannot be prepared and
Vicon 1 Steel 19,042.74
needs to adduce proof only when the accused committed completed. Without the general voucher, the check for the
Ent. Frame
acts that constitute a vital connection to the chain of payment of the supply cannot be made and issued to the
Ismael 5 Item 108 6,950 cu.m. 139,000.00 conspiracy or in furtherance of the objective of the supplier. Without the check payment, the defraudation
Sabio, Jr. conspiracy. In the case at bench, the signing of the fake tally cannot be committed and successfully consummated. Thus,
Jabcyl 3 Bridge 128,764.80 sheets and/or delivery receipts, reports of inspection, and petitioners' acts in signing the false tally sheets and/or
Mktg. Materials requests for supplies and materials by petitioners on delivery receipts are indispensable to the consummation of
Total... P1,339,663.7 separate occasions is vital to the success of the Mangubat the crime of estafa thru falsification of public documents.
4 Group in siphoning off government funds. Without such Surely, there were ghost or false deliveries of supplies and
fabricated documents, the general vouchers covering the materials as convincingly shown by the testimonies of the
supply of materials cannot be properly accomplished and barangay captains, officials, and residents of the areas
Grand Total .... P3,839,810.74
submitted to the disbursing officer for the preparation of where the materials were allegedly used. More importantly, if
checks. there were actual deliveries of materials made, then there
Page 51 of 53

would be no need to fake the LAAs because the suppliers Opposition[11] to respondents' Motion to Dismiss arguing that
will have to be paid the cost of said materials plus a No costs. respondents were covered by R.A. No. 9262 under a liberal
reasonable profit. As a result, there is nothing or not much to interpretation thereof aimed at promoting the protection and
share with the more than 30 or so co-conspirators, for the SO ORDERED. safety of victims of violence.
suppliers would not be too dim-witted to part with even their
cost in buying the materials they allegedly supplied. Quisumbing, (Chairperson), Carpio, Carpio- On March 7, 2005, the RTC issued a
Moreover, the fake delivery receipts and tally sheets signed Morales, and Tinga, JJ., concur. Resolution[12] dismissing the case as to respondents on the
by petitioners were linked to the general vouchers upon ground that, being the parents-in-law of the petitioner, they
which check payments were made to the suppliers who were [ G.R. No. 168852, September 30, 2008 ] were not included/covered as respondents under R.A. No.
found guilty of participating in the fraud. With respect to SHARICA MARI L. GO-TAN, PETITIONER, VS. SPOUSES 9262 under the well-known rule of law "expressio unius est
petitioner Fernan, Jr., he signed tally sheets on the ghost PERFECTO C. TAN AND JUANITA L. TAN, exclusio alterius."[13]
deliveries of Juliana de los Angeles and Ismael Sabio, Jr. On RESPONDENTS.*
the part of petitioner Torrevillas, he signed false tally sheets On March 16, 2005, petitioner filed her Verified Motion for
and delivery receipts on supplies allegedly delivered by DECISION Reconsideration[14] contending that the doctrine of necessary
Rufino V. Nuñez, Juliana de los Angeles, Ismael Sabio, Jr., AUSTRIA-MARTINEZ, J.: implication should be applied in the broader interests of
and Manuel Mascardo. Lastly, the checks issued to these Before the Court is a Petition for Review on Certiorari under substantial justice and due process.
suppliers based on general vouchers supported by the false Rule 45 of the Rules of Court assailing the Resolution[1]dated
tally sheets and general vouchers signed by petitioners March 7, 2005 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 94, On April 8, 2005, respondents filed their Comment on the
cannot be traced to any genuine LAAs, resulting in the Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-05-54536 and the RTC Verified Motion for Reconsideration[15] arguing that
inescapable conclusion that these LAAs were unauthorized; Resolution[2] dated July 11, 2005 which denied petitioner's petitioner's liberal construction unduly broadened the
hence, fake or fabricated. These are undisputed tell-tale Verified Motion for Reconsideration. provisions of R.A. No. 9262 since the relationship between
signs of the complicity by petitioners with the Mangubat the offender and the alleged victim was an essential
syndicate. The factual background of the case: condition for the application of R.A. No. 9262.

In People v. Mangubat, the court a quo elucidated the On April 18, 1999, Sharica Mari L. Go-Tan (petitioner) and On July 11, 2005, the RTC issued a Resolution[16] denying
conspiracy in the Cebu highway scam in a trenchant Steven L. Tan (Steven) were married.[3] Out of this union, petitioner's
manner: two female children were born, Kyra Danielle[4] and Kristen
Where the acts of each of the accused constitute an Denise.[5] On January 12, 2005, barely six years into the Verified Motion for Reconsideration. The RTC reasoned that
essential link in a chain and the desistance of even one of marriage, petitioner filed a Petition with Prayer for the to include respondents under the coverage of R.A. No. 9262
them would prevent the chain from being completed, then no Issuance of a Temporary Protective Order (TPO)[6] against would be a strained interpretation of the provisions of the
conspiracy could result as its consummation would then be Steven and her parents-in-law, Spouses Perfecto C. Tan law.
impossible or aborted. But when each and everyone of the and Juanita L. Tan (respondents) before the RTC. She Hence, the present petition on a pure question of law, to wit:
accused in the instant cases performed their assigned tasks alleged that Steven, in conspiracy with respondents, were
and roles with martinet-like precision and accuracy, by causing verbal, psychological and economic abuses upon WHETHER OR NOT RESPONDENTS-SPOUSES
individually performing essential overt acts, so much so that her in violation of Section 5, paragraphs (e)(2)(3)(4), (h)(5), PERFECTO & JUANITA, PARENTS-IN-LAW OF SHARICA,
the common objective is attained, which is to secure the and (i)[7] of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9262,[8] otherwise known MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE PETITION FOR THE
illegal release of public funds under the guise of fake or as the "Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act ISSUANCE OF A PROTECTIVE ORDER, IN
simulated public documents, then each and everyone of said of 2004." ACCORDANCE WITH REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9262,
accused are equally liable as co-principals under the well- OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "ANTI-VIOLENCE
established and universally-accepted principle that, once a On January 25, 2005, the RTC issued an AGAINST WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN ACT OF
conspiracy is directly or impliedly proven, the act of one is Order/Notice[9] granting petitioner's prayer for a TPO. 2004".[17]
the act of all and such liability exists notwithstanding no- Petitioner contends that R.A. No. 9262 must be understood
participation in every detail in the execution of the offense.[54] On February 7, 2005, respondents filed a Motion to Dismiss in the light of the provisions of Section 47 of R.A. No. 9262
In sum, the required quantum of proof has been adduced by with Opposition to the Issuance of Permanent Protection which explicitly provides for the suppletory application of the
the State on the conspiracy among the accused including Order Ad Cautelam and Comment on the Revised Penal Code (RPC) and, accordingly, the provision
petitioners. The conviction of petitioners must perforce be Petition,[10] contending that the RTC lacked jurisdiction over on "conspiracy" under Article 8 of the RPC can be
sustained. their persons since, as parents-in-law of the petitioner, they suppletorily applied to R.A. No. 9262; that Steven and
were not covered by R.A. No. 9262. respondents had community of design and purpose in
WHEREFORE, we DENY the petition and AFFIRM the tormenting her by giving her insufficient financial support;
December 4, 1997 Decision of the SB in the consolidated On February 28, 2005, petitioner filed a Comment on harassing and pressuring her to be ejected from the family
criminal cases subject of this petition. home; and in repeatedly abusing her verbally, emotionally,
Page 52 of 53

mentally and physically; that respondents should be included special law is silent on a particular matter.
as indispensable or necessary parties for complete It must be further noted that Section 5 of R.A. No. 9262
resolution of the case. Thus, in People v. Moreno,[18] the Court applied suppletorily expressly recognizes that the acts of violence against
the provision on subsidiary penalty under Article 39 of the women and their children may be committed by an offender
On the other hand, respondents submit that they are not RPC to cases of violations of Act No. 3992, otherwise known through another, thus:
covered by R.A. No. 9262 since Section 3 thereof explicitly as the "Revised Motor Vehicle Law," noting that the special SEC. 5. Acts of Violence Against Women and Their
provides that the offender should be related to the victim law did not contain any provision that the defendant could be Children. - The crime of violence against women and their
only by marriage, a former marriage, or a dating or sexual sentenced with subsidiary imprisonment in case of children is committed through any of the following acts:
relationship; that allegations on the conspiracy of insolvency.
respondents require a factual determination which cannot be xxx
done by this Court in a petition for review; that respondents In People v. Li Wai Cheung,[19] the Court applied suppletorily
cannot be characterized as indispensable or necessary the rules on the service of sentences provided in Article 70 (h) Engaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct,
parties, since their presence in the case is not only of the RPC in favor of the accused who was found guilty of personally or through another, that alarms or causes
unnecessary but altogether illegal, considering the non- multiple violations of R.A. No. 6425, otherwise known as the substantial emotional or psychological distress to the woman
inclusion of in-laws as offenders under Section 3 of R.A. No. "Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972," considering the lack of or her child. This shall include, but not be limited to, the
9262. similar rules under the special law. following acts:

The Court rules in favor of the petitioner. In People v. Chowdury,[20] the Court applied suppletorily (1) Stalking or following the woman or her child in public or
Articles 17, 18 and 19 of the RPC to define the words private places;
Section 3 of R.A. No. 9262 defines ''[v]iolence against "principal," "accomplices" and "accessories" under R.A. No.
women and their children'' as "any act or a series of acts 8042, otherwise known as the "Migrant Workers and (2) Peering in the window or lingering outside the residence
committed by any person against a woman who is his wife, Overseas Filipinos Act of 1995," because said words were of the woman or her child;
former wife, or against a woman with whom the person has not defined therein, although the special law referred to the
or had a sexual or dating relationship, or with whom he has a same terms in enumerating the persons liable for the crime (3) Entering or remaining in the dwelling or on the property of
common child, or against her child whether legitimate or of illegal recruitment. the woman or her child against her/his will;
illegitimate, within or without the family abode, which result in
or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or In Yu v. People,[21] the Court applied suppletorily the (4) Destroying the property and personal belongings or
suffering, or economic abuse including threats of such acts, provisions on subsidiary imprisonment under Article 39 of inflicting harm to animals or pets of the woman or her child;
battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary the RPC to Batas Pambansa (B.P.) Blg. 22, otherwise and
deprivation of liberty." known as the "Bouncing Checks Law," noting the absence of
an express provision on subsidiary imprisonment in said (5) Engaging in any form of harassment or violence; x x x.
While the said provision provides that the offender be related special law. (Emphasis supplied)
or connected to the victim by marriage, former marriage, or a In addition, the protection order that may be issued for the
sexual or dating relationship, it does not preclude the Most recently, in Ladonga v. People,[22] the Court applied purpose of preventing further acts of violence against the
application of the principle of conspiracy under the RPC. suppletorily the principle of conspiracy under Article 8 of the woman or her child may include
RPC to B.P. Blg. 22 in the absence of a contrary provision
Indeed, Section 47 of R.A. No. 9262 expressly provides for therein. individuals other than the offending husband, thus:
the suppletory application of the RPC, thus: SEC. 8. Protection Orders. - x x x The protection orders that
SEC. 47. Suppletory Application. - For purposes of this Act, With more reason, therefore, the principle of conspiracy may be issued under this Act shall include any, some or all
the Revised Penal Code and other applicable laws, shall under Article 8 of the RPC may be applied suppletorily to of the following reliefs:
have suppletory application. (Emphasis supplied) R.A. No. 9262 because of the express provision of Section
Parenthetically, Article 10 of the RPC provides: 47 that the RPC shall be supplementary to said law. Thus, (a) Prohibition of the respondent from threatening to commit
ART. 10. Offenses not subject to the provisions of this Code. general provisions of the RPC, which by their nature, are or committing, personally or through another, any of the
- Offenses which are or in the future may be punishable necessarily applicable, may be applied suppletorily. acts mentioned in Section 5 of this Act;
under special laws are not subject to the provisions of this
Code. This Code shall be supplementary to such laws, Thus, the principle of conspiracy may be applied to R.A. No. (b) Prohibition of the respondent from harassing, annoying,
unless the latter should specially provide the 9262. For once conspiracy or action in concert to achieve a telephoning, contacting or otherwise communicating with the
contrary. (Emphasis supplied) criminal design is shown, the act of one is the act of all the petitioner, directly or indirectly; x x x (Emphasis supplied)
Hence, legal principles developed from the Penal Code may conspirators, and the precise extent or modality of Finally, Section 4 of R.A. No. 9262 calls for a liberal
be applied in a supplementary capacity to crimes punished participation of each of them becomes secondary, since all construction of the law, thus:
under special laws, such as R.A. No. 9262, in which the the conspirators are principals.[23]
Page 53 of 53

SEC. 4. Construction. - This Act shall be liberally Ynares-Santiago, (Chairperson), Chico-Nazario, Nachura,
construed to promote the protection and safety of victims of and Reyes, JJ., concur.
violence against women and their children. (Emphasis
It bears mention that the intent of the statute is the
law[24] and that this intent must be effectuated by the courts.
In the present case, the express language of R.A. No. 9262
reflects the intent of the legislature for liberal construction as
will best ensure the attainment of the object of the law
according to its true intent, meaning and spirit - the
protection and safety of victims of violence against women
and children.

Thus, contrary to the RTC's pronouncement, the

maxim "expressio unios est exclusio alterius" finds no
application here. It must be remembered that this maxim is
only an "ancillary rule of statutory construction." It is not of
universal application. Neither is it conclusive. It should be
applied only as a means of discovering legislative intent
which is not otherwise manifest and should not be permitted
to defeat the plainly indicated purpose of the legislature.[25]

The Court notes that petitioner unnecessarily argues at great

length on the attendance of circumstances evidencing the
conspiracy or connivance of Steven and respondents to
cause verbal, psychological and economic abuses upon her.
However, conspiracy is an evidentiary matter which should
be threshed out in a full-blown trial on the merits and cannot
be determined in the present petition since this Court is not a
trier of facts.[26] It is thus premature for petitioner to argue
evidentiary matters since this controversy is centered only
on the determination of whether respondents may be
included in a petition under R.A. No. 9262. The presence or
absence of conspiracy can be best passed upon after a trial
on the merits.

Considering the Court's ruling that the principle of conspiracy

may be applied suppletorily to R.A. No. 9262, the Court will
no longer delve on whether respondents may be considered
indispensable or necessary parties. To do so would be an
exercise in superfluity.

WHEREFORE, the instant petition is GRANTED. The

assailed Resolutions dated March 7, 2005 and July 11, 2005
of the Regional Trial Court, Branch 94, Quezon City in Civil
Case No. Q-05-54536 are hereby PARTLY REVERSED and
SET ASIDE insofar as the dismissal of the petition against
respondents is concerned.


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