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MATRIC: 15/15CD252




The university, the determiner of what it is life has to offer to man. After the
struggle of getting into one, the struggle continues to make sure one maintains the
admission stays into one. The student’s life is never an easy one for it circles
around many instances. Upon getting an admission, most students have goal(s) at
the back of their minds and some just wants to get the certificate and get out,
especially when offered a course they have no interest in. While some choose to
just exist in the university , others decides to live by venturing into some activities
such as politics; the leadership of the school, sport, entertainment, in any of its
forms, blogging, instagram, etc., some decides to join a trade, learn one or continue
with what they already have at hand, and they are some that sticks to academics
and they mostly resolve to becoming the scholar, each person is actively involved
in whatever it is they are doing and they are popularly known for them.

Aspects of student’s life are more than what has been listed above but there is an
aspect that’s always lurking in the dark what the topic, aspects of students life pops
up, and that aspect is the relationship aspect. Every students is actively involved in
a relationship whether conscious or unconscious and it’s due to the fact that there
are various types of relationship. Why won’t there be? We are in the university
anything can happen.

They are various forms of relationship, the one that are quiet obvious are the
serious relationship which may last the whole academic session of both parties or
one of them depending on the level each was before venturing into the relationship
and sometimes a part of the academic session, maybe a semester or a year it all
depends on the parties involved. The main idea behind the serious relationship is
that parties are committed to one another, they are always seen together, doing
things together and each never pays attention to any side attraction when it comes
to relationship.
One is the couple’s life, in this type of relationship the parties see themselves
married already or at the very least pretend to be. This type of relationship is
common among students who stay off campus and as such they both stay in the
same apartment and practically live like a couple. They are of the opinion that they
will get married sometimes after school and as such begin their “till death do us

Another is the regular dating, it is more or less like the couple’s life r only that they
don’t stay together but they occasionally pay themselves visit at each other’s
abode. The duration of the visit may last a day, over night, a week or just the
weekend. It all depends on the parties involved, they decided on what’s best for

Also, they are those who are married to their books. Most people do not consider
this a relationship, not until you come in close contact with someone in this type of
relationship. People involved in this type will be know as they are only interested
and dedicated to anything readable and have nothing to do with the opposite
gender unless it will provide them with a reading material. Their only contact with
anybody aside their books are during tutorials.

Also, aside the dedicated types of relationship, they are then undedicated ones or
rather the “dedicated unserious relationship”. The first is the open relationship. In
this case both parties are in a crystal clear relationship but are allowed to see other
people based on some rules set and agreed to by but parties. These rules vary and
it’s at the discretion of both parties. The whole ideas is they don’t want to tag other
affairs’ as cheating or anything related to it so they declare themselves in an open

The other end of the open relationship is the cheating spouse. They cheat because
they are unable to reach a compromise like that of the open relationship. Both
parties may or may not know about the other’s atrocities the main point is they will
never admit to each other’s face and as suchact like everything is well with the
world. In my own opinion, each one is afraid of confrontation.

Finally, the friends with benefits, this is closely related to the open relationship, in
this type of relationship both parties had declared that they are not in for anything
serious. They are only interested in the company and the fun it comes with. When
each is asked what the other is to them they respond with”we are just friends”.

With all said and done, they are only two ends to any relationship. It can either end
in marriage or a break up unless you are married to your book. The break up,
depending on the parties can either be brutal or a consensus. Should the
relationship lead to marriage, then the party in question are among the lucky few
and ought to be congratulated. If it is the other way round where they had to break
up, be it a brutal break up or not, both parties sooner or later will feel the void
which if not careful will affect their academic performance since emotions are
attached to this kind relationship.

In conclusion, relationship is also an aspect in students life not just any aspect but a
critical one because the relationship is one of the determiner of a students mental
state. Should a student be in a toxic relationship by all means such a student will
not be stable and most likely to fail and should it be an healthy one, without a
boubt it will be a motivation and a reason to work hard towards studentship. It is
also point note that relationship among students is not just the narrow one people
tend to see it as but rather a broad one.

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