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MAD MAN(the real made man)

I saw my watch, it was 11.00 AM. Finally we were out of the grueling traffic of the city and
were inching closer to the railway station. I had a train to catch which was scheduled to
part at 11.15 AM. I knew my chances were weak but still a hope from within gave me the
courage to atleast try. Soon the taxi arrived at the gate I gave him the money and
hurried off towards the platform only to find an empty one. It was then I knew I had
missed my train. I had no idea what to do next but my legs were certainly hurting after
the run I had made at the stairs. I decided to take a seat near the platform and figure out
the next plan of action. Ironically the same me, who never stopped complaining about
the punctuality of Indian Railways, was hoping that my train could have been a little late.
I started thinking as to how to reach Jaipur, now that I had missed my train. There were a
lot of ways but which one to chose I didn’t know.
As I was sitting there shortlisting and eliminating various options another train arrived at
the same platform and alongwith it came the crowd. I was observing them now, some
were asking the train no., some the destination, another one complaining about it being
late, but none of them were still, all were in a hurry either to enter the train or to leave it.
They were pushing each other. Some were shouting to their family members while
another batch was worried about the luggage. The only person who wasn’t doing
anything there was me and yet I was the only one who was understanding everything
happening there. It was this very instant that something struck me hard that this was a
miniature of what happens in our minds. The people are nothing but thoughts, some
unsure of the destination, some unsure of other intricacies, but all in a constant hurry and
the only way you could understand this everything happening in your mind is by staying
still and observing them closely.
One thing to realize here is that, why was everybody in a hurry, it was due to time and
only when you stop caring about it will you be truly understanding your true self. Right
from our childhood we have been told, time is precious, it waits for none, etc.etc. But
what if I told you, time isn’t a challenge, it’s the trick. After all we humans were the one
who created time then why worry about it so much. If time doesn’t wait for you, why care
about it. In the Epic Mahabharata, when Arjun pledged to take revenge for his son’s
death by next day dawn Sri Lord Srikrishna scolded him. Well it was because he brought
a timeline into picture. Why can’t we just worry about our destination and not care about
time. If today, I tell somebody I want to be a doctor, one of the first question that comes to
one’s mind is MBBS takes 5 years. But well how should that affect my desire to be a
doctor. I don’ care when I become a doctor but that I become one. We humans created
Time to mark important events. But unfortunately we have fallen into its trap. We no
longer make important events with time but set deadlines. People are ready to
compromise with their goals to have it done on time. That my dear friends is not what we
are supposed to do. Don’t fall into the trap. Have a goal and complete it but don’t set a
deadline for it.
“Time and Tide don’t wait for me, then why should I care bout it”

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