Genetika Unit 2

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A. Background
Drosophila melanogaster, the fruit fly that has all possess life cycles and
traits that make them particularly suitable for genetic study, including a short
generation time, manageable numbers of progeny, adaptability to a laboratory
environment. Developmental patterns are a clue to relationships among living
groups of animals. Adult animals are very different, embryonic similarities
reflect relatedness. Can suggest a more distant relationship or adaptation to
different environments. Drosophila melanogaster has a life cycle that begins.
Female lays eggs , Eggs hatch, that First instar (one day in length), Second
instar (one day in length), and final install (two days in length), Larvae begin
roaming stage. Pupariation (pupal formation) occurs 120 hours after egg
laying Day 11-12, Eclosion (adults emerge from the pupa case). Females
become sexually mature 8-10 hours after eclosion.
The various developmental stages of Drosophila are also essentially
good models for toxicology studies. The embryonic stage, developmental
studies regarding cell fate determination, neuronal development and
organogenesis upon exposure to toxins can be carried out while the
wandering third instar larva can be used for developmental, physiological and
behavioral studies. The identification of how toxins affect the imaginal discs
during the late larval through the pupa stage will also be useful to understand
the adverse effects of toxins on endoreplication and morphological changes
from larval to adult stage.
Metamorphosis in the life cycles of many animals, major changes in
body form and function as the newly hatched young (larvae) mature into
adults. Drosophila melanogaster is types of flies that can be found at rotten
fruits. Drosophila melanogaster has been used for years in genetic and
behavioral studies animal. Drosophila melanogaster also became one of the
frequent organism models used to study gene function, development and
mechanism of disease. The reasons that to use Drosophila melanogaster
because it is easy to get so it is not inhibits research, has size small and easy
to breed in laboratory, has a life cycle short which ranges from 7 to 10 days
depends on environmental conditions including the temperature around so in
time one year can be obtained more than 25 generation.
B. Purpose
1. To know the life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster
2. To distinguish the characteristics fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster of
male and female
C. Benefit
Students acquire the ability to make know the life cycle and distinguish
caharasteristic fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster of female dan male.

Drosophila melanogaster is a small fly, including the order of the diptera

and commonly called fruit fly. Drosophila melanogaster is found throughout the
world with many species in tropical environments. they can be found in deserts,
rainforests and cities, swamps and iceberg zones. some Drosophila melanogaster
species including Drosopila melanogaster are associated with humans and are
often considered to be a species of domestica. Often been used in genetic research
and a model organism that is common in developmental biology.
(Tim Penyusun, 2018).
Sometime during cycles phase appears, and distinct patches of cells with
differentlength cycles become evident within the embryo. The differences in cycle
time between the different cell types are the result of variable phases. Activates
cyclin-dependent kinases to control the timing of mitosis. Many tissues stop
dividing at cycle 16, but a few continue. In the still-dividing cells, phase appears.
Some of these cells will arrest in during larval growth, only to start dividing again
in response to signals relayed during metamorphosis, when the larva changes into
adult form. Regulation of the cell-cycle changes during Drosophila development.
Each step of development has built-in regulators that act as barriers to
uncontrolled reproduction of selfish cells (Hartwel, 2011)
A metamorphosis Insects that do not care for their young lay many more
eggs than insects that do care for their young. Most insects lay their eggs in a
specific habitat where the young can survive. For example, a monarch butterfly
lays its eggs on milkweed plants, which the young feed on after they hatch. After
hatching, most insects undergo metamorphosis, a series of major changes from a
larval form to an adult form. Complete metamorphosis Most insects develop
through the four stages of complete metamorphosis—egg, larva, pupa, and adult.,
when the egg of a butterfly hatches, the wormlike larva that appears commonly is
called a caterpillar. At this stage, the larva usually has chewing mouthparts and
behaves like a feeding machine. The larva molts several times as it grows. A pupa
is a nonfeeding stage of metamorphosis in which the animal changes from the
larval form into the adult form. The adult stage of metamorphosis generally is
specialized for dispersal and reproduction. If adults feed, they generally do not use
the same food source as the larvae, which eliminates competition for the same
food and increases chances for survival if food is scarce (Biggs, 2008).
From egg to adult many insects go through changes in body form as they
grow. This series of changes is called metamorphosis. Grasshoppers, silverfish,
lice, and crickets undergo incomplete metamorphosis,. The stages of incomplete
metamorphosis are egg, nymph, and adult. The nymph form molts several times
before becoming an adult. Many insects butterflies, beetles, ants, bees, moths, and
flies undergo complete metamorphosis. The stages of complete metamorphosis
are egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Caterpillar is the common name for the larva of a
moth or butterfly. Other insect larvae are called grubs, maggots, or mealworms.
Only larval forms molt. (Lucy, 2008).
Based on observations, length development period in all stages fly life
varies according to air temperature, in accordance with the opinion stated that
temperature affects the development of flies egg development on treatment in the
laboratory with the environment free will be different. Developments on the
laboratory will be faster when compared at a temperature free environment,
because the ability of home fly egg adaptation to relatively constant laboratory
temperature high of the ability to adapt to temperature changeable free
environment. The temperature increases until it reaches optimum temperature,
development period. premature house flies will be faster. Effect of temperature on
the speed of development affect the population of house flies in one period. At
temperatures around the temperature optimum, chance of developing disease
caused by house flies can reach optimum. Thus if an area experiences an increase
in temperature inside seasonal or long term period, the threat of a potential house
fly attack increased due to rising temperatures resulting in a period of
development of flie the house is getting faster. Besides that, usually rising
temperatures cause an increase metabolism and result in nature or his behavior
like activity, courage, aggressiveness and exploration of insects . At high
temperatures, properties behavior like flying and mating seems will be negatively
affected by hot. In insects, heat resistance is often different between stages of the
connected stage with the mobility (movement) of each stage. On the egg stage and
insect pupa shows more heat resistance limits height of the moving stadia larvae
and adult. Optimum temperature for survival and rate of development.
(Ihsan, 2016).
Premature (egg development to adulthood) house flies by 28 ºC with low
and high lethal temperatures of 16 ºC and 42 ºC respectively. The pattern of the
relationship between temperature and survival and the rate of adult development
per day is a quadratic curve. The relationship pattern of temperature influences
towards the period of pre-adult longevity forming a different curve with the
relationship between temperature and survival. Increased temperatures also
accelerate the period of premature development following the pattern of equations
exponential (Ihsan, 2016).
Female fruit flies will lay their eggs under the surface of the fruit skin
by sticking the ovipositor on the surface so that the egg can neatly arranged. The
eggs released range from 2-15 grains once laying. Each female fruit fly has laid its
eggs starting at the level of maturity C. The eggs will hatch two days after being
placed by the mother. Larvae consist of 3 instars. Larvae live and develop in fruit
meat for 6-9 days. In the third instar before the pupa, the larvae will come out
from the fruit through a small hole. After being on the surface of the fruit skin, the
larvae will boast, drop and enter the soil. In the soil the larvae become pupae. to
hatch well. Freshly hatched fruit fly larvae creamy white which when touched by
this larvae moves and bounces. Egg laying is an important problem for
remembering fruit flies larval life completely occurs within the host's body.
Therefore flies Adult female fruits are very fond of hosts that resemble the
approaching fruit cook because the fruit contains ascorbic acid and fruit sucrose in
amounts maximum. (Sari, 2017).
Fruit flies experience optimal life cycle conditions and growth around 8-11
days if it is at 25o-28oC. Development time the shortest (egg-adult), is 7 days, and
is reached at 28 ° C. The development increases at a higher temperature, which is
around 30 ° C, for 11 days, this is related to heating pressure. At a temperature of
25 ° C In general, the length of the day is generally around 8.5 days, while at a
temperature of 18 ° C is around 19 days long and at 12 ° C for a long day is 50
days. At 30o, the resulting adult fruit fly will be sterile. Lack of nutrition or food
will cause the number of eggs produced decreases and growth becomes slow.
Fruit flies nutritional deficiencies will also produce small larvae, the pupae small
and often fail to grow into adult flies or produce individuals adults who will
produce a little egg. Viability of these eggs too also influenced by the type and
amount of food eaten by female larvae. (Sari, 2017).
Female flies can produce 30-50 eggs per day and each egg can develop
into adult flies in about 10 days, very different from mice that only produce a
small number of offspring within 3-4 months. D. melanogaster has a short life
span (about 2-3 months) so it is suitable for use in studying a few biological
processes, such as aging mechanisms. With a life span of around 2-3 months,
Drosophila melanogaster fruit flies have a relatively short age when compared to
mice, rats, rabbits, even humans. However, fruit flies share various phases of life
as commonly found in other animals such as the embryo phase, the juvenile phase
(larvae), and the adult phase through a process called metamorphosis.
(Nainu, 2018).
Of course these phases are experienced by D. melanogaster in a time span
that is not too long. For example, fruit fly embryos can develop become the first
instar larvae (1 st instar larvae) only a day ago then developed become second
instar larvae (2 and instar larvae) and third (3 rd instar larvae) in a row one and
two days. In the end, larvae the third instar will turn into a pupa and after
approximately five days (at incubation temperature 25 ° C), adult flies will come
out of the shell pupa (pupal case) hereinafter referred toas an adult fly D.
melanogaster life cycle can be seen Fruit flies are pioneer model organisms in the
discovery of various genes related to functions biologically important for
organisms eukaryotic, including humans. For example, the discovery of
homeobox genes that play an important role in genetic control during
development embryo. (Nainu, 2018). .
Individual vials were set up with a constant density of five females and
five males and allowed to lay eggs for five days, for at least three generations
prior to the experimental crosses. The experimental crosses were kept under
similar light and temperature conditions in standard food vials (described by
Rittschof et al. Flies infected with die after concentrated CO2 exposure which
serves as an inexpensive, quick, and reliable way to test for infection. Females
were transmitting virus at 100% frequency, half their progeny were exposed to
CO2 and all of those progeny died at the start of the study. Virginity was verified
by checking female holding vials for progeny (larvae or pupae) a week later. No
incidents of nonvirginity were discovered. Crosses were performed with a
controlled density of five females and five males in each vial. Females were
permitted to lay eggs for five days at the standard light and temperature conditions
described previously. Females were then assayed for infection via a CO2
sensitivity assay per the protocol of Way. (Bentz, 2017).
In lepidopteran larvae induced precocious metamorphosis; however, the
earliest instar that exhibited the signs of metamorphosis was the third. Chemical
allatectomy, the application of compounds that inhibit the biosynthesis of JHs,
also can induce precocious metamorphosis, but larvae that receive chemical
allatectomy during the embryonic or first larval instar stages do not undergo
metamorphosis until after the second instar or the third instar. , a repressor of
pupal metamorphosis, in the early instars of a hemimetabolous Pyrrhocoris bug
did not cause precocious metamorphosis until after the third instar. In addition, in
the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, deprivation of the CA or double mutation of
two paralogous JH receptor genes, Met and germ cell expressed did not reduce the
number of molts These results consistently suggest that the development of early
larval instars is largely independent of JHs and that the antimetamorphic action of
JHs is required only in the later larval stages to prolong these larval stages until
the larvae attain an appropriate threshold size for metamorphosis.
(Daimon, 2015).
The Drosophila life cycle lasts approximately 10 days at 25°C A single
fertile female can lay hundreds of eggs and Drosophila embryogenesis lasts
approximately 24 h. During that time, the entire larval body plan is established
though the expression of a number of critical genes, starting with several proteins
transcribed from maternally derived mRNAs that were deposited at speciic
locations in the embryo such as bicoid and dorsal These proteins diffuse across it
to establish both the anterior- posterior and the dorsal- ventral axis (e.g. dorsal).
The difusion of these proteins across the embryo forms gradients of each, and the
varying levels of each protein will activate the transcription of speciic cascades of
genes including gap genes, pair-wise genes, segment polarity genes, and hox
genes that will divide the embryo into segments, regions, and eventually
structures Upon completing embryonic development, a irst instar larva hatches
from the egg and begins to eat. (Alocca, 2018).
As larvae grow, they shed their exoskeleton through a process called
molting that is controlled by a ine tuned consequential series of events involving
the hormones ecdysone, juvenile and the prothroacicotropic hormone (PTTH).
that control animal growth. With each molt, the larva will enter a new instar stage,
progressing through three instars before a inal molt to form a pupa. Each instar
stage is regulated by the level of PTTH that rises to control the release of
ecdysone allowing larvae to grow.
PTTH is released from neurosecretory cells in the brain, a process that is
remotely controlled by growth of the larval organs and imaginal discs, sac-like
structures of monoepithelial cells that become organs after metamorphosis, with
the release of dilp8, a member of the secreted insulin-like peptide family, in a
negative feed-back loop that controls PTTH production. Drosophila melanogaster
life cycle. The entire life cycle lasts approximately 10 days at 25°C. Flies
complete embryonic development as eggs before hatching as irst instar larvae.
The larvae eat, grow, and molt though three instar stages before pupariating. Flies
undergo metamorphosis during the pupal stage and adult structures are formed.
Upon completing metamorphosis, an adult ly hatches. (Alocca, 2018).

A. Date and Place

Day/Date : Thursday, 20September 2018
Time : 15.50 p.m. – 17.30 p.m.
Place : Microbiology lab, 2nd floor of Biology Department Faculty of
Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Makassar
B. Tools and Materials
1. Tools
a. Microscope stereo and binokuler 1 piece
b. Petri dish 1 piece
c. Object glass 1 piece
d. Culture bottle contain of medium 5 pieces
2. Material
a. Drosophilla melanogaster 2 tails
b. Plastic pocket (big) 1 piece
C. Work procedures
1. Catching Fruit Flies in Nature
a. Have a clean container with a lid.
b. Enter the pieces of ripe fruit.
c. Place it in an open place. Take care not to let ants enter.
d. Wait after a day or a few days, there will be fruit flies coming in.
e. Close the bottle after the number of fruit flies that enter the bottle is
quite a lot.
f. Transfer flies to a culture bottle that contains media (culture medium).
2. Morphological Observations
a. Observe the fruit flies that have been captured.
b. Differentiate the sex of female and male flies by using a stereo
c. Draw the two types of flies along with their designation and
3. Observation of Life Cycle
a. Maintain 3 pairs of fruit flies in a bottle that contains media.
b. Give a note to the bottle: maintenance start date, group name.
c. Observe the changes that occur every day.

A. Observation Result

Table 1. Life cycle of Drosophilla melanogaster

Fase Egg Larva Larva Larva Pupa Imago
Instar 1 Instar 2 Instar 3
Date 20/9/18 21/9/18 22/9/18 23/9/18 24/9/18 25/9/18


Note No egg No Larva No Larva No Larva No pupa No imago

Table 2. Morphology of Drosopila melanogaster.

Male of Drosophila Female of Drosophila

melanogaster melanogaster

1. Wings
2. Abdomen
1 3. Top of
1 2 Abdoment
4. Legs
2 3

4 4
B. Discussion
In this practicum, observing the life cycle of fruit flies and observing
their morphology. First for life cycle, based on (Oktari, 2015) say that, when
these insects are hatched from eggs, insects are produced which do not have
form is the same as adult insects. Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) are
classified as Holometabola, has a resting period that is in the pupa phase. On
progress Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) undergo complete
metamorphosis, namely through egg phase, larvae, pupae and adult fruit flies
(Drosophila Melanogaster). Female flies after marriage stores sperm in an
organ called a spermatheca (sperm sac). Male and female flies are diploid.
Every time meiosis is produced 4 sperm haploid in adult male fly testes
whereas in adult female flies only 1 egg is produced from each cleavage. But
in the life cycle of fruit flies in the medium that we observed, metamorphosis
has not occurred. This can be due to the slow fruit fly being put into the
medium or because the medium does not meet the nutrients of the fruit fly.
unfavorable medium conditions can affect the breeding and growth of fruit
flies. Fruit flies undergo perfect metamorphosis of eggs, larvae (maggots),
pupae and finally become an adult insect (imago). Adult age or fruit flies can
reach one month. Eggs that are 2-3 days old are placed by female insects into
the skin of the fruit use the egg (ovipositor).
Besides the temperature factor too affect the development of th population,
long life and mortality of fruit flies due to fliesfruit can live and develop at a
temperature of 10-30º C and at temperatures between 25-30o C fruit fly eggs
can hatch in a relatively short time that is 30-36 hours. (Susanto, 2017).
The number of fruit fly eggs (Drosophila melanogaster) released will
decrease if there is a lack of food. Adult fruit flies that lack food will produce
small larvae. This larva is able to form small pupae, but often fails to develop
into an adult individual. Some can become adults who can only produce a few
eggs. Viability of these eggs is also affected by the type and amount of food
eaten by female larvae. In Drosophila melanogaster with ideal conditions
where there is enough space (not too dense) an adult individual can live for
approximately 40 days. But if the condition of the medium bottle is too dense
it will cause a decrease in production eggs and increasing number of deaths in
adult individuals. Light intensity; Drosophila melanogaster prefers dim light
and will experience slow growth while in a dark place.
Second, morphology of fruit fly that body color is brownish yellow
with a black ring on the body part back. Small size, between 3-5 mm. The
costal vein has two parts the interrupted close to his body. Sungut (arista) is
generally fur, has 7-12 branching. The posterior crossvein is generally
straight, not curved. Compound eyes round shape rather elliptical and red in
color. There are oceli eyes on the top of the head with a smaller size than
compound eyes, an elliptical head. Thoracic ulcers with white base color,
while the abdomen is five segments and has black stripes. Wing long,
transparent in color, and the position starts from ththorax. Female-sized
Drosophil greater than male Drosophila Fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster)
are often used in biological research especially in the development of genetic
science and also as a natural swallow bird feed. This fruit fly has dimorphism.
The body of a male fly is smaller than that females with macroscopic signs of
dark color on the tip of the abdomen, at its front legs are equipped with a
genital comb consisting of shiny black teeth Many fruit fly mutants
(Drosophila melanogaster) which can be observed with ordinary eyes, in the
sense of not requiring special tools.
Fruit flie (Drosophila melanogaster) wild type has red eyes, sepia type has
eyes dark brown and ebony type has a shiny black body. In general insects
have 3 body parts, namely the head, thorax and abdomen. The head functions
as place and equipment for food input and nerve stimulation, as well as for
processing information (brain). Flies have a type of mouth suction sponge.
The thorax consists of three segments provide support for three pairs of legs
(a pair on each segment), and if there are wing, two pairs in the second and
third sections. The main function of the abdomen is to accommodate the
digestive tract and reproductive organs. The digestive tract of the insect is
divided into three regions namely stomodaeum, proctodaeum and
mesenteron. Digestive tract it is formed at the time of embryo. Stomodeum
consists of pharynx, esophagus, crop, proventriculus and salivary glands.
Mesenterone consists of gastric kaeka, ventriculus, peritropic membrane.
Proctodeum consists of malphigious tubes, ileum, colon, rectum and anus.
(Oktari, 2015).

A. Conclusion
The embryonic period in the egg during fertilization until the time the
young larvae hatch from the egg. And at times like this, the larvae don't stop-
stop to eat. Period is the period after hatching from the egg and is called
postembrionic development which is divided into three stages, namely larvae,
pupae, and imago . Other formations for sexual development occur as adults.
The difference between male and female flies is that female flies have an
abdominal end that is elongated and tapering whereas in males the tip of the
abdomen is rounded. the number of segments in females is 7 and in males 5.
female body size is larger than males and sex combs are male, and not owned
by females
B. Suggestion
In the next practicum, it is expected that the practican can understands the
work procedures so that there will be no more mistakes in practicum activities.

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Complete Report of Genetics Experiment with the title “Life Cycle of

Drosophila melanogaster” which written by:
name : Fatmah Kamaruddin
ID : 1614440002
class : Biology Education of ICP
group : I (one)
After checked and approved by assistant and assistant coordinator, this report
was accepted.

Makassar, 20th September 2018

Assistant Coordinator, Assistant,

Paewa Panennungi, S.Pd Vivi Salvia Baharsyah


Known by,
Responsibility Lecture

Dr. Hartati, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D

ID. 19740405 200003 2 004

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