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Fats & Oils

1. Fats and oils are naturally occurring esters.

2. Differences between
Fats Properties Oils
Physical state at room
Animal fats –tallow Source Olive oil,palm oil
from cattle & sheep
Fatty acid + glycerol Monomer Fatty acid + glycerol
Saturated fatty acid Type of fatty acids
Saturated fatty acid Examples Unsaturated
fatty acid

…………………………… …………………………….
CH3(CH2)10COOH (C=12) CH3(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)7COOH
CH3(CH2)14COOH …………………………….
……………………………. (CH2)7COOH (C=18)
3. Unsaturated fats can be converted into saturated fats through the
………………………………… process, at 200℃ and ……………. As catalyst.
4. For example: sunflower oil (unsaturated fats) can be converted into margarine
through the ……………………...

Natural Rubber
1. There are 2 types of ester
a) natural ester
b) synthetic ester
2. Monomer of ester
Natural Monomer
Protein Amino acid
Starch Glucose
Cellulose Glucose
Natural Isoprene

3. Isoprene- 2-methylbuta-1,3-diene
Structural formula:

4. Coagulation process of latex

1.A rubber particles contains the rubber molecules
2.The rubber molecules are covered by a protein ……………… which
is negatively-charged
3.The negatively-charged particles ……………….. among themselves
and prevent the coagulation of latex.
4.When the acid( ) is added,the
……………….. …………… neutralized the negative charges surround
the protein membrane.
5. The membranes now can come closer and ……………… to each
6. This cause the membrane ……………… ………… and the rubber
molecules ………………… and combine. The latex coagulated.
7. However, the latex will coagulate too if it left to air for few days.
8.This is because the
9. If an alkali ( ) is added, the ……………………..
ions will remains the rubber particle is negatively charged and
the coagulation is ……………………….

5. Vulcanization of rubber
Natural Rubber / Vulcanised Rubber
Unvulcanised Rubber
—C=C— —C-S-S-C—
Sulphur cross-linked
Softer & weaker Harder & stronger
Less elastic More elastic
Lower heat resistant / Higer heat resistant
become soft and sticky
when heated
Oxidised easily More resistant to oxidation

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