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Magallona v. Exec Sec Ermita Magallona v. Exec Sec Ermita

I. Recit-Ready summary
IV. Ratio/Legal Basis
Petitioners are assailing the constitutionality of RA 9522 (New Baselines Law of
2009) which mandates the adjustment of the country’s archipelagic baselines and Main Issue:
classifying the baseline regime of nearby territories. • No, petitioners’ theory fails to persuade the Court. the UNCLOS III
has nothing to do with the acquisition or the loss of territory. It is
II. Facts of the case a multilateral treaty regulating sea-use rights over maritime zones.
• The Congress passed RA 3046 which is the ruling law that demarcates the Baseline laws such as RA 9522 are enacted by UNCLOS III only
maritime baselines of the Philippines as an archipelagic State. This law serve to mark out specific basepoints from which baselines are
followed the framing of the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the drawn either straight or contoured, and to serve as geographic starting
Contiguous Zone in 1958 (UNCLOS I). points to measure the breadth of maritime zones and continental
shelf. Thus, baselines laws are nothing but statutory mechanisms for
o RA 3046 follows the framing of the Convention on the territorial
UNCLOS III States parties to delimit with precision the extent of
Sea and the Contiguous zone of 1958, which codifies the
their maritime zones and continental shelves. This baseline
sovereign rights of States over their territorial sea. delimitation done by states serves to give notice to the international
• RA 9522 aims to amend RA 3046 by complying with the terms of community of the scope that the states can exercise treaty based
UNLCOS III (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – Ratified rights.
FEB 27, 1984)
• UNCLOS prescribes the water-land ratio, length and contour of baselines Sub- Issues:
of archipelagic states and sets a deadline for filing the application for the a. Yes. Court recognizes the petitioners’ locus standi as citizens with
extended continental shelf. constitutionally sufficient interest in the resolution of the merits of the
• RA 9522 shorted one baseline, optimized the location of basepoints (some case which undoubtedly raises issues of national significance
necessitating urgent resolution. Indeed, owing to the peculiar nature of
and classified adjacent territories like the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) and
RA 9522, it is understandably difficult to find other litigants
the Scarborough Shoal as regimes of islands which generate their own
possessing "a more direct and specific interest" to bring the suit, thus
applicable maritime zones. satisfying one of the requirements for granting citizenship standing.
III. Issue/s
A. Main Issue b. No, the Philippines cannot defy customary International law of right to
a. Whether RA 9522 reduces the PH maritime territory and, safe passage as identified by Section 2 of Article II which states that
logically, the reach of the Philippine State’s sovereign power in “Philippines adopts the generally accepted principles of Int’l law as
Violation of Art 1 of the 1987 constitution which embodies the part of the law of the land. UNCLOS III provides a safeguard, since it
terms of the Treaty of Paris and ancillary treaties. (In short, is the allows states to exercise sovereignty over the body of water lying
RA unconstitutional?) No. landward of the baselines, the airspace over it and the submarine areas
B. Sub-Issue underneath. But in order to be consistent with the international law
a. (Preliminary) Whether the petitioners possess locus standi to principle of freedom of navigation, the government may pass
bring this suit? Yes. legislation designating routes within the archipelagic waters for
b. Whether RA 9522 opens the country’s waters landward of the innocent and sea lanes passage. The petitioners’ invocation of non-
baselines to maritime passage by all vessels and aircrafts, executory constitutional provisions in Article 2 also fail. The
undermining Philippine sovereignty and national security, provisions that the petitioners cited (protection of marine wealth,
contravening the country’s nuclear free policy and damaging subsistence to fishermen are not violated by the RA 9522)
marine resources, in violation of relevant Constitutional
provisions. No. c. No. RA 9522 followed the basepoints of RA 3046 except for at least 9
c. Whether there is a loss of a large maritime area (loss of 15,000 basepoints that it skipped to optimize the location of basepoints and
nautical miles), also prejudicing the livelihood of subsistence adjust the length to comply with the limitation of UNCLOS III. This
fishermen by treating the KIF as regime of islands. No

G.R. NO: PONENTE: Justice Carpio
ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Article I Validity of New baselines Law of 2009 DIGEST MAKER: Shanen Valerie D. Valmonte + NERDS

Magallona v. Exec Sec Ermita Magallona v. Exec Sec Ermita

resulted in an increase of the Philippines’ total maritime space by

145,216 square nautical miles.

d. Disposition

Wherefore, we DISMISS the petition.

e. Anti-Massacre Notes

• Although the KIG and the Scarborough Shoal are outside the
baselines drawn around the archipelago under RA 9522, the
determination of KIG as a Regime of Islands under the Philippines
means that the International community should respect Philippines’
claim to the regime of islands as part of its territory of islands.
• According to Senator Miriam Santiago, we are still allowed by
international law to claim them as our own, these are called contested
islands outside our configuration. The decision to classify them as
regimes of islands under the Republic of the PH manifests the state’s
observance of its pacta sunt servanda obligation under UNCLOS

Two Ways of Drawing the Baseline:

a. Normal baseline: one drawn following the “low water line” along the coast
as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by the coastal state –
> follows the sinuosity of the coast and would normally not consist of
straight lines
b. Straight Baseline: Straight lines are drawn connecting selected points on
the coast without appreciable departure from the general shape –> general
direction of the coast. These divide internal waters from territorial waters.

G.R. NO: PONENTE: Justice Carpio
ARTICLE; TOPIC OF CASE: Article I Validity of New baselines Law of 2009 DIGEST MAKER: Shanen Valerie D. Valmonte + NERDS

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