Soal Bahasa Inggris Unit 1 Kelas VII

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Name / Class: .......................... / ................... Date: ...................................

I. Fill in the blank areas with suitable greeting expressions!

1 Shidqi : Hello Zahra
Zahra : .........................................
2 Fatimah : How are you, Siti?
Siti : .........................................
3 Gabriel : Nice to meet you
David : ........................................
4 Tina : How do you do?
Tania : .......................................
5 Alex : Good bye
Risa : ........................................
6 Ken : Hi, John
Johny : .......................................
7 Rita : Good morning, sir
Mr. Adit : ......................................
8 Firman : ......................................
Fira : See you

II. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1 a. Good morning
b. Fine, Ma’am, thank you
c. How are you today?
d. Good morning, students
2 a. You, too
b. Good night, honey. Sweet dreams.
c. Good night, Mom and Dad
d. Thanks, dear
3 a. Think nothing of it
b. I think I have to leave now. See you later
c. Thanks for the time to accompany me.
d. Why so hurry? Well, see you soon.

4 a. Everything is fine. No worry. Thanks and you?

b. Good afternoon, Rojak
c. Good afternoon, Ririn.
d. Yeah, all runs well, thanks, Ririn.
e. How is life, Ririn?

III. Match the expressions in column A with the correct responses in column B!

1. You greet your teacher at 1 p.m. a. Good morning, class

2. Mom takes her little son to bed b. Good evening, ladies and gentle men
3. A TV Presenter closes her evening’s program c. Good afternoon, Ma’am
4. A receptionist welcomes a guest at 10 a.m. d. Thank you for joining us, good evening
5. A teacher greets her students e. Good night, sweet dreams.
f. Good morning, sir.
1. It is not a greeting expression
a. Hi!
b. Good Bye
c. Good morning
d. Good Afternoon

2. It is not a parting expression

a. Good night
b. Bye!
c. See you again!
d. Hello!

3. A : ………
B : I am fine, thank you.
a. How old are you?
b. How do you do?
c. How are you?
d. What’s your name?

4. What will you say when you meet your teacher at school gate in the morning?
a. Good evening Sir!
b. Good bye Sir
c. Good morning, Sir!
d. Good luck Sir!

5. The following is what you say to someone when you meet him/her in the afternoon?
a. good night
b. good day
c. good evening
d. good afternoon

6. Dion : “Hi, Jonny. How do you do?

Jonny : “Hello, Dion. How do you do?
Donny : “ It’s nice to meet you.”
Jeremy : “———————-.”
a. nice to meet you, too.
b. I’m glad you like me.
c. Yes, that’s right.
d. Am I really nice?

7. Before Indra goes to bed, he says to his parents:

a. Thank you
b. good bye
c. good night
d. so long

8. What do you say when you make mistake?

a. I am really sorry
b. I am happy
c. Forget me
d.Never mind

9. What is the suitable response of expression

“I am so sorry!”
a. Nothing!
b. Never mind
c. You are welcome

10. What is the suitable response of expression “Thank so much!”

a. Welcome home
b. You are welcome
c. Come here
d.Come in please


Answer the questions below!

1. What do you say to greet someone at 6.30 a.m?

2. What do you say to greet someone at 8 p.m?

3. What do you say to greet someone at 2 p.m?


4. What do you say to your parents before going to bed?

Complete the dialogs below!

5. Andri : Good afternoon, Sir.
Mr. Rolan : ..........

6. Rani : Hi, Anton

Anton : ......

7. Mr. Iko : How are you, Prilly?

Prilly : ........

8. Merry : How do you do?

Lela : ........

Arrange these words into a good sentences!

9. your – sorry – pencil – I’m – for – losing

10. friend – a - you – being – thank – for – good

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 1:

Ardi : Hello Dika. Good afternoon. (Halo Dika. Selamat siang)
Dika : Good afternoon Ardi. Where are you going? (Selamat siang Ardi. Kamu mau
Ardi : I’m going to the bookstore. Would you like to accompany me? (Aku mau pergi ke toko
buku. Maukah kamu menemaniku?)
Dika : No, Sorry. I have to go home right now. (Tidak, Maaf aku harus pulang ke rumah
sekarang juga)
Ardi : Oh, okay. Good bye. (Oh, baiklah. Selamat tinggal)
Dika : Good bye Ardi. (Selamat tinggal Ardi)

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 2:

Sandi : Hi Titin, good morning. (Hai Titin, selamat pagi)
Titin : Good morning Sandi, will you come to the swimming pool after school? (Selamat pagi
Sandi, apakah kamu akan datang ke kolam renang setelah jam sekolah?)
Sandi : Yes I will. How about you? (Ya aku akan. Bagaimana denganmu?)
Titin : I’ll come with you. (Aku akan datang bersamamu)
Sandi : Okay then. I’ll call you when the class is over. (Baiklah, aku akan menelponmu
setelah kelas berakhir)
Titin : Good, See you later. (Bagus, Sampai jumpa nanti)
Sandi : See you. (Sampai jumpa)

I. Read the text carefully and answer the questions!

1. Riri : Andin, it’s time to go to sleep

Andin : ......
a. Good night c. Good morning
b. Good bye d. Good afternoon

2. Mitha :How are you, rina?

Rina : .......
a. Fine thanks c. Bye , thanks
b. Sure, thanks d. See you

3. Daughter : Let me help you to plant flowers, Papa!

Father : You are so kind, dear. ...................................
a. You are kind too. c. Have a nice dream
b. Thank you. d. Good bye.

4. Mother : Tony, did you break (memecahkan) a glass this morning?

Tony : ......, mama
a. No problem c. It’s allright
b. I’m sorry d. Good bye

5. A : I have to go to practice dance now........

B : See you too.
a. Hi c. How are you?
b. See you d. Are you oke

II. Match the expressions in column A with the correct responses in column B!
1. I think I should be going on my way now a. See you tomorrow, Sir
2. See you tomorrow, students. b. My pleasure
3. Morning, Candra. How are you? c. I should get going, too. Bye
4. You are so kind. Thank you. d. Don’t worry about it
5. I’m sorry. I broke your Calculator e. Morning, Anisa. I am very well, thankyou

III. Complete the dialogs based on these expressions!

1. Expressions of greeting
A: Hello, how are you doing?
B: ____________________

2. Expressions of leave-taking
A: ____________________
B: Nice to meet you, too.

3. Expressions of thanking
A: Thank you very much
B: ____________________

4. Expressions of apologizing
A: ____________________. I forgot to bring your dictionary
B: ____________________

IV. Rearrange the sentences below into a good dialog!

1. Tika : We are fine thank you. And you?

2. Sucy : Hi, Tika. Hello, Rendy. I’m Sucy. How are you?
3. Tika : Hi, I am Tika. This is Rendy
4. Sucy : I’m very well, thankyou. Nice to meet you
5. Rendy : Nice to meet you too, Sucy


Read the text below!

(Bacalah Text Di bawah!)

My name is Rendy Ardiansyah. I am a student. I study in SMP 1 Sukabumi. I was born in

Sukabumi, 21st April 2001. I live at Jl. Benteng No.40, my phone number is 085759557046.
I like jogging, bicycling, and listening to music. My parent's name are Mr.Hedi Subagja and
Mrs.Yunita Amretasari. My blood type is AB. You can e-mail me at I
am in 7A. I have lot of friends. Banu Ramadani is one of my friends.

(Nama saya Rendy Ardiansyah. Saya seorang pelajar. Saya sekolah di SMP 1 Sukabumi.
Saya lahir di Sukabumi, pada 21 April 2001. Saya tinggal di Jalan Benteng No.40, nomor
telepon saya 085759557046. Saya suka joging, bermain sepeda, dan mendengarkan musik.
Orang tua saya adalah Pak Hedi Subagja dan Ibu Yunita Amretasari. Golongan darah saya
adalah AB. Kamu dapat mengirim e-mail ke alamat Saya kelas 7A.
Saya mempunyai banyak teman. Banu Ramadani adalah salah satu teman saya.
Answer the questions!
(Jawab Pertanyaan!)

1. Who is in the text?

(Siapa yang ada di dalam teks?)
2. What is he?
(Apa pekerjaan dia?)
3. Where does he study?
(Dimana dia sekolah?)
4. When was he born?
(Kapan dia lahir?)
5. Where does he live?
(Dimana dia tinggal?)
6. Who are his parents?
(Siapa orang tua mereka?)
7. What are his hobbies?
(Apa hobi dia?)
8. Does he have an e-mail?
(Apakah dia memiliki email?)
9. Does he have a lot of friends?
(Apakah dia mempunyai banyak teman?)
10. Who is his friend?
(Siapa temannya?)

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