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Technological Institute of the Philippines

938 Aurora Blvd. Cubao, Quezon City

College of Information Technology Education

ITE 006 – Database Systems 1 (Oracle 1)

Preliminary Period
Single-Row Functions

Name: Surname, Firstname Mi. Date:

Program / Section: Instructor: Ms. Roxanne A. Pagaduan
Assessment Task: Quiz No. 3 (Hands-on)
The following questions support the attainment of CILOs:
1. Write SQL statements based on given problems and retrieve data in the database.
2. Compare the use of operators and functions.

Score Equivalent:
No error/Correct Query = 5points
1-3 errors = 3points
4-5 errors = 1point
More than 5 errors/Not running = No point

1. Create a new email, which will contain the first 3 letters of the first name and last name and
employee id. Sort the data in ascending order. Do not use Concat Operator ||. See sample output
below for additional character strings and formatting.
Sample Output:

CONCAT(LOWER(SUBSTR(first_name,1,3)) , UPPER(SUBSTR(last_name,1,3))) ,
'_') , SUBSTR(employee_id,1,3)), '') AS "New Email"
FROM employees
ORDER BY "New Email";

2. Starting with the string “Oracle Internet Academy”, pad the string to create

SELECT REPLACE(RPAD(LPAD('Oracle Internet Academy', 27, '*'),31,'*'),' ', '****') AS

3. How many months between your birthday this year and January 1 next year?

TO_DATE('03-16-2019','MM-DD-YYYY') ) "Months"

4. What’s the position of “I” in “Oracle Internet Academy”? Label as Position. Use the string “Oracle
Internet Academy” to produce the following output below. Label this column as The Net. Write your
SQL Statement

SELECT INSTR('Oracle Internet Academy' , 'I') "Position"

, CONCAT(' ' , SUBSTR('Oracle Internet Academy',13,3)) "The"

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