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+IN RE SHOOP - New York permits conferring privileges on attorneys admitted to

MALCOLM; November 29, 1920 practice in the Phils. similar to those privileges accorded by the
rule of this court.
Points to consider: - Petition granted. Decision is based on the interpretation of the NY
1. Difference between Civil Law and Common Law rule; doesn’t establish a precedent with respect to future
2. Distinguish strains of common law: What are the bases? applications.
3. How did the Court arrive at the conclusion that there is Anglo-
American tradition? Reasoning
4. What system is in place?
5. References to American jurisprudence On TERRITORY:
6. Laws superseded or modified a. Comity would exist if we are a territory of the US
7. Identify what is that important question the Court needed to b. We are NOT an organized territory incorporated into the United
resolve and how it helped solve the Shoop case. States but
c. We are NOT a "foreign country" or "another country" either
FACTS d. Like Puerto Rico, we may not be incorporated but we are a
- Max Shoop is applying for admission to practice law in the territory since the US Congress legislates for us and we have been
Philippines under Par. 4 of the Rules for the Examination of granted a form of territorial government, so to that extent we are
Candidates for Admission to the Practice of Law. It was shown in a territory according to the US Atty. Gen.
his application that he was practicing for more than 5 years in the e. It is not believed that the New York court intended the word
highest court of the State of New York. "territory" to be limited to the technical meaning of organized
- The said rule requires that: territory or it would have used the more accurate expression.
New York State by comity confers the privilege of admission f. Therefore, We have a basis of comity to satisfy the first
without examination under similar circumstances to attorneys requirement since the full phraseology indicates a SWEEPING
admitted to practice in the Philippine Islands. (Aside from comity, INTENTION to include ALL of the territory of the US.
the satisfactory affidavits of applicants must show they have
practiced at least 5 years in any (district or circuit or highest) court On COMMON LAW jurisdiction:
of the US or territory of it. But admission is still in the discretion of (On what principle/s is the present day jurisprudence based?)
the court.) g. In most of the States, including New York, codification and statute
- The rule of New York court, on the other hand, permits admission law have come to be a very large proportion of the law of the
without examination in the discretion of the Appellate jurisdiction, the remaining proportion being a system of case law
which has its roots, to a large but not exclusive degree, in the old
Division in several cases: English cases.
1. Provided that the applicant also practiced 5 years as a member of h. In speaking of a jurisprudence "based on the English Common
the bar in the highest law court in any other state or territory of Law" it would seem proper to say that the jurisprudence of a
the American Union or in the District of Columbia particular jurisdiction Is based upon the principles of that
2. The applicant practiced 5 years in another country whose Common Law if its statute law and its case law to a very large
jurisprudence is based on the principles of the English Common extent includes the science and application of law as laid down by
Law (ECL). the old English cases, as perpetuated and modified by the
American cases.
ISSUE i. Common Law adopted by decision:
WON under the New York rule as it exists the principle of comity is i. In the US, the ECL is blended with American codification and
established remnants of the Spanish and French Civil Codes. There a legal
metamorphosis has occurred similar to that which is
HELD transpiring in this jurisdiction today.
- The Philippines is an UNORGANIZED TERRITORY of the US, under a ii. New York uses the phrase "based on the English Common
civil gov't. established by the Congress. Law" in a general sense
- In interpreting and applying the bulk of the written laws of this iii. And that such Common Law may become the basis of the
jurisdiction, and in rendering its decisions in cases NOT covered by jurisprudence of the courts where practical considerations
the letter of the written law, this court relies upon the theories and the effect of sovereignty gives round for such a decision.
and precedents of Anglo-American cases, subject to the limited iv. If in the Philippines, ECL principles as embodied in Anglo-
exception of those instances where the remnants of the Spanish American jurisprudence are used and applied by the courts
written law present well-defined civil law theories and of the few to the extent that Common Law principles are NOT in conflict
cases where such precedents are inconsistent with local customs with the LOCAL WRITTEN laws, customs, and institutions as
and institutions. modified by the change of sovereignty and subsequent
- The jurisprudence of this jurisdiction is based upon the ECL in its legislation, and there is NO OTHER FOREIGN case law system
present day form of Anglo-American Common Law to an almost used to any substantial extent, THEN it is proper to say in the
exclusive extent. sense of the New York rule that the "jurisprudence" of the
Philippines is based on the ECL.
j. IN THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: d. 4th, by general principles of law
i. The extent of the English or Anglo-Am Common Law here has l. SPANISH STATUTE LAW
not been definitely decided by the SC. But there is a similarity i. All portions of political law were abrogated immediately with
to the quotations from the American decisions cited with the change of sovereignty
reference to the ECL. ii. All Spanish laws, customs, and rights of property inconsistent
ii. Alzua & Arnalot vs. Johnson: we apply Anglo-Am with the Constitution and American principles and
jurisprudence only in "xxx…so far as they are founded on institutions were superseded.
sound principles applicable to local conditions, and are not in iii. It was as if Congress had enacted new laws for the
conflict with existing law; nevertheless, many of the rules, Philippines modeled upon those same Spanish statutes.
principles, and doctrines of the Common Law have, to all m. CASES UNDER AMERICAN DERIVED STATUTES
intents and purposes, been IMPORTED into this jurisdiction, a i. It appears that the bulk of present day Statute Law is
RESULT of the enactment of new laws and the organization derivative from Anglo-American sources; derivative in a
of new institutions by the Congress of the US…xxx" sense of having been COPIED, and in the sense of having
iii. The Spanish judicial system was abrogated replaced with a been enacted by Congress or by virtue of its authority.
new one modeled after the judicial systems of the US. ii. In all of the cases, Anglo-American decisions and authorities
Therefore, those Spanish doctrines and principles in conflict are used and relied upon to a greater or less degree.
with the new one were abrogated. Although in many cases, the use is by way of dictum,
iv. US. v. De Guzman: For proper construction and application nevertheless, the net result is the building up of a very
of the terms and provisions we borrowed from or modeled substantial elaboration of Anglo-American case law.
upon Anglo-Am precedents, we review the legislative history n. CASES UNDER SPANISH STATUTES
of such enactments. i. We use Anglo-Am cases in interpreting and applying the
v. US. v. Abiog and Abiog: The courts are constantly guided by remnants of the Spanish statutes thus showing how
the doctrines of Common Law. Neither ECL or American permanent the hold of the Anglo-Am Common Law has on
Common Law is in force in this Islands…save only in so far as our jurisprudence.
they are founded on sound principles applicable to local ii. Anglo-Am case law plays a very great part in amplifying the
conditions and aren't in conflict with existing law." law on those subjects, which are still governed by the
vi. What we have is a PHILIPPINE COMMON LAW influenced by remaining portions of the Spanish statutes, as exhibited in
the ECL or American Common Law. the groups of cases cited in the footnotes.
vii. A great preponderance of the jurisprudence of our iii. Anglo-Am case law has entered practically every field of law
jurisdiction is based upon Anglo- American case law and in the large majority of such subjects has formed the sole
precedents-exclusively in applying those statutory laws basis for the guidance of the Court in developing
which have been enacted since the change of sovereignty jurisprudence.
and which conform more or less to the American statutes, iv. The result is that we've developed a Phil. Common Law
and-to a large extent in applying and expanding the which is based almost exclusively, except in cases where
remnants of the Spanish codes and written laws. conflicting with local customs and institutions, upon Anglo-
i. The chief codes of Spain that were extended to us were as o. COLLATERAL INFLUENCES
follows: Penal Code, Code of Commerce, Ley Provisional, i. There are no digests of Spanish decisions to aid the study of
Code of Criminal Procedure, and Code of Civil Procedure, Bench and Bar vs. The abundance of
Civil Code, Marriage Law, Mortgage Law, Railway laws, Law digests/reports/textbooks on English/Am. courts.
of Waters. ii. There is a prolific use of Anglo-Am authorities in the
ii. There were also special laws having limited application. decisions of the court, plus, the available sources for study
iii. The foregoing written laws had acquired the force of statute and reference on legal theories are mostly Anglo-Am
law by change of sovereignty. iii. Therefore, there has been developed and will continue a
iv. There was no properly called Case Law of Spain since common law in our jurisprudence (i.e. Phil Common Law)
Spanish jurisprudence does not recognize the principle of based upon the ECL in its present day form of an Anglo-Am
Stare Decisis. CL, which is effective in all of the subjects of law in this
1. Manresa' s discussion of Art. 6 of the Civil shows how far jurisdiction, in so far as it does not conflict with the express
from a case law system is jurisprudence. Spanish courts are language of the written law (where the remnants of the
governed by: Spanish written law present well-defined civil law theories)
a. 1st, by written law or with the local customs and institution.
b. 2nd, by the customs of the place (derives its force
because it is the acknowledged manner on how things
are done and not jurisprudence)
c. 3rd, by judicial decision (when in practice, these were
considered last; the development of case law was
impeded because the courts were free to disregard any
information or decisions of other courts.)

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