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Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade first

Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in the first grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, However, this grade arrived with a basic English, but I want to clarify that the majority of the students
have to clear some important commands that they must know, also in spite of that, the students do not know
the enough vocabulary to be in the first grade they learn so fast and it is great; because of this I am going to
apply curricular mesh of English without taking anything away of this grade, owing to with this grade I can work
with any issue.
Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Second
Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz
The diagnosis was made in the second grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, at the beginning to be in applying the diagnosis of this grade I thought that the English level of this
grade was good, but I could realize that they do not have the enough vocabulary, that’s mean that they do not
know the basic thing that is say HELLO OR HI. With this grade will be a little bit hard, but no impossible, other
factors to influence is that this grade has a little of indiscipline and the lazy, but is easy to have of control, in this
grade they do not so fast; because of this I am going to apply curricular mesh of English without taking anything
away of this grade,owing to with this grade I know that it will be a little bit difficult, I know that i can work with
any issue to get the English level that the students should have.

Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Third

Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz
The diagnosis was made in the third grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, at the beginning to have the first diagnosis of this grade I thought that the English level of this grade
was good, but I could realize that they do not have the enough vocabulary and the grammar structures, that’s
mean that they do not know the basic thing that is greeting and response in English. With this grade will be a
little bit hard, but no impossible, other factors to influence is that this grade has a little of indiscipline and the
lazy but is easy to have of control, in this grade they do not learn so fast; because of this I am going to apply
curricular mesh of English without taking anything away of this grade,owing to with this grade I know that it will
be a little bit difficult, I know that i can work with any issue to get the English level that the students should have.
Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Fourth
Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in the fourth grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, at the start to the diagnostic the students had got some nerves, and I could realize that the nerves
were because the students had forgotten the topics that they knew the last year, they knew something but not
all, the majority of the students have the basic English. That’s mean they know some vocabulary and something
about grammar, but I said before not all. I am going to apply curricular mesh of English without taking anything
away of this grade,owing to with this grade I know that it will be a little bit difficult, I know that i can work with
any issue to get the English level that the students should have.
Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Fifth
Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz
The diagnosis was made in the fifth grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, at the start to the diagnostic I did I game where the students had to introduce their personal
information. The majority of the students did, but the rest could not, because they didn't forget how to did it.
They recognized some topics and some vocabulary, but sometimes they forget the grammar structures about
how to do some basic topics, the idea is that they students practice the majority of the time off they can,
because they need to beef up the vocabulary and the topics seem the last years. For this reason I am going to
apply curricular mesh of English without taking anything away of this grade,owing to with this grade I know that
it will be a little bit difficult, I know that i can work with any issue to get the English level that the students should

Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: sixth

Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in the sixth grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, at the start to the diagnostic where I could realize the English level of my students, I gave them a
workshop where I asked him questions about topic seem the last year and something that they was going do on
vacation, however, some students could not do it all because they do not remember all grammar structures see,
the issue was that the students did not practice on vacation and the English must be to practice majority of time,
because when someone does not practice the enough time occurs a problem . that’s mean starting to forgot the
voculabulary and the topics seem, for this reason I am going to apply curricular mesh of English without taking
anything away of this grade,owing to with this grade I know that it will be a little bit difficult, I know that i can
work with any issue to get the English level that the students should have.

Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Seventh

Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in the seventh grade at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, in this grade there are some students who have the good English level, but the rest students do not get
the correct English level to be in this grade, all is a process to get the appropriate English level, for this reason I
must look for the methodology and the strategy to the students start to love the English, because the majority of
the students dislikes the English and the worse is that they think that the English is not important for their lives,
on the other hand I must; I am going to change curricular mesh of English of this grade,because the topics and
the grammar is a little bit avance for them.
Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Eighth
Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in Eighth at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the students,
in this grade was a little poor, but there are two students who have the good English level, but the rest students
do not get the correct English level to be in this grade, all is a process to get the appropriate English level,
however, they have a good attitude to learn new language, the idea is that they know why the English is
important for them and how to use it, for this reason I must look for the methodology and the strategy to the
students start to love the English,, because the mayority of the students dislike the English and the worse is that
they think that the English is not importan for their lives, on the other hand I must; I am going to change
curricular mesh of English of this grade,because the topics and the grammar is a little bit avance for them.

Area: Humanities Subject: English Grade: Ninth

Teacher: Agustin Gonzalez Ruiz

The diagnosis was made in the grade Ninth at the Colegio Clara Theresia, I could realize the English level of the
students, in this grade there are not students who have the good English level, that’s mean all students do not
get the correct English level to be in this grade, also there two students who have so height issue with the
English process, I know that all is a process to get the appropriate English level and it is going to be a little bit
difficult but not impossible, however they have a good attitude to learn new language, the idea is that they know
why the English is important for them and how to use it, for this reason I must look for the methodology and the
strategy to the students start to love the English,, because the mayority of the students dislike the English and
the worse is that they think that the English is not importan for their lives, on the other hand I must; I am going
to change curricular mesh of English of this grade,because the topics and the grammar is a little bit avance for

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