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SEMESTER 1, 2019/2020


Developing Arguments in Argumentative Essays

In developing arguments for argumentative essay, it is important to remember that

these arguments are the foundation of the essay. These arguments determine the
structure, evidence and reasoning in reference with the writer’s stand.

Characteristics of an effective argument

 Arrange arguments in logical order

 Display writer’s understanding of the issue
 Present the views of experts accurately
 Acknowledge the opposing arguments

Sources that can be used to develop arguments:

 fact

 statistics

 anecdotes

 cases

 textual evidence

Constructing Effective Supporting Sentences and Supporting Details for the

Body Paragraphs

In developing body paragraphs for argumentative essays, supporting sentences and

supporting details are used to construct opposing arguments and rebuttal
arguments. Take note that:

 Supporting sentences represent the claims and stands.


 Supporting details provides specific information such as examples, facts,

statistics and quotations to support these claims.

Let’s look at the example below. Imagine that you are developing the body
paragraph of your essay based on this brainstorm outline.

Online Learning in Classroom

Debatable Issue
The Use of Online Learning in Classroom Enhances Students’ Academic


Opposing Argument: Opposing Argument:

Only improves basic aspects of learning, not - XXX
academic performance
Rebuttal Argument:
Rebuttal Argument: - YYY
Online learning is a better learning platform,
so will produce better results

Let’s focus on developing the first body paragraph.

As you can see from the above outline, you only have the opposing argument and
the rebuttal argument which are the supporting sentences for this body paragraph.

To make your supporting sentences (points) credible, you need to add the supporting
details. As stated on page 1, you can use facts, statistics, anecdotes, cases or
textual evidence to support the each supporting sentence. This is where you have to
carry out your own research to find relevant information from journal articles, reports
etc. to support your supporting sentences.

Now, let’s add the supporting details for each supporting sentences (points).

Online Learning in Classroom

Debatable Issue
The Use of Online Learning in Classroom Enhances Students’ Academic


Opposing Argument: Opposing Argument:

Only improves basic aspects of learning, not
academic performance
- Bernard et al. (2004) found that overall Rebuttal Argument:
there was no significant difference - YYY

Rebuttal Argument:
Online learning is a better learning platform,
so will produce better results
- Navarro and Shoemaker (2000) found
Add the supporting details to make your
students’ learning performance was
better supporting sentences (points) credible.
- Hamilton (2007) found students
exposed to online learning to score
higher in their examination

Now you are ready to develop your body paragraph.


Body Paragraph 1 (based on the outline)

Supporting Sentence (Opposing argument)

This the
Until now, many have argued that students who practice online learning supporting
in classroom can only improve their learning performance on the basic sentence
representing the
aspects as online learning does not provide any additional benefits opponent’s
towards students’ learning performance.

Supporting Details These are the

Bernard et al. (2004) found that overall there was no significant supporting details
to support the
difference in students’ achievement and academic performance claim made by the
opponent. Here,
between students who practice online learning, and students who prefer
the finding of a
the traditional face-to-face education. research is used
to convince

Supporting Sentence (Rebuttal argument)

This the
Regardless of the notion above, it can be argued that those who practise supporting
sentence that
online learning will have a better learning platform and thus, this practise states your view
will produce better academic results. (also
supporting of
sentence this
you use to support
your stand and to
Supporting Details prove that the
opponent’s claim
Navarro and Shoemaker (2000) found that the learning performance of is wrong. Here,
online learners was better than traditional learners. findings from
research are used.
Since your task is
to convince
Supporting Details readers to accept
Another study by Hamilton (2007) involving students from 10 schools in your stand, you
can have more
West Virginia showed that students who were exposed to online than one
supporting details.
This is to make
your stand

learning in class managed to score higher in their examination than

those who were only exposed to textbook materials.

Activity 1

Read the two excerpts given below. Find relevant information to support the following
opposing arguments and rebuttal arguments.

Excerpt 1

In today’s society many children have grown up to become emotionally stable and
successful whether they had one or two parents to show them the rocky path that life
bestows upon all human beings. The problem lies in the difference of children raised
by single parents versus children raised by both a mother and a father. As parents
are being considered as important agents contributing to the socialisation of children,
the family has continued to be seen as a major arena for socialisation. This reflects
the universal assumption that even though socialisation can occur at any point in life
cycle, childhood is a particularly significant period, and it is the period of life when
enduring social skills, personality attributes, and social orientations and values are
laid down (Harrod, 2010).

Excerpt 2

There are certain circumstances in families which require that the parenting role be
left in the hands of single parents. With regard to the rapidly growing population of
single parents and its implications on the children raised in such families, an in-depth
exploration of the phenomena was therefore necessary. Erikson’s (1902-1994)
theory of development was adopted in the study. Erikson’s theory encompasses
development throughout the entire lifespan, dividing the stages of adulthood into the
experiences of young adults, middle aged adults and older adults. In Erikson’s theory
eight stages of development unfold as people go through their life span and each
stage consists of a unique socialisation task that confronts individuals with a crisis
that must be resolved. Erikson emphasises that this crisis is not a catastrophe but a
turning point of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential. The more successful
an individual resolves the crisis; the healthier the development will be. Erikson’s
theory gives a clear guideline for understanding human behavior thus helping the
society to understand how single parenting can positively affects the psychosocial
development of children (Zachariah & Hemish, 2001).

Supporting Sentence (Opposing argument)

Considering the current scenario, it is understandable that many people believe that
children raised by both parents are better in social skills compared to children raised
by single parent.

Supporting Details
- Children raised by both parents are well taken care of and better socialised
due to the fact that both parents playing complementary roles in the process
of socialisation.

- _____________________________________________________________-

Supporting Sentence (Rebuttal argument)

Even though there are positive findings regarding the ability of the children from
intact-homes to effectively socialise, it is still unclear that these findings can be
generalised across the ages as adolescences who are in a transitory period between
childhood and adulthood will experience certain socio-emotional changes that will
improve their social skills.

Supporting Details

- _____________________________________________________________-

Answer Key

*Answers may vary

Supporting Sentence (Opposing argument)

Considering the current scenario, it is understandable that many people believe that children
raised by both parents are better in social skills compared to children raised by single parent.

Supporting Details
- Children raised by both parents are well taken care of and better socialised due to
the fact that both parents play complementary roles in the process of socialisation
(Harrod, 2010).

- As parents are being considered as important agents contributing to the socialisation

of children, the family has continued to be seen as a major arena for socialisation
(Harrod, 2010).

Supporting Sentence (Rebuttal argument)

Even though there are positive findings regarding the ability of the children from intact-
homes to effectively socialise, it is still unclear that these findings can be generalised across
the ages as adolescences who are in a transitory period between childhood and adulthood
will experience certain socio-emotional changes that will improve their social skills.

Supporting Details (Rebuttal argument)

- In Erikson’s theory eight stages of development unfold as people go through their life
span and each stage consists of a unique socialisation task that confronts individuals
with a crisis that must be resolved. Erikson emphasises that this crisis is not a
catastrophe but a turning point of increased vulnerability and enhanced potential
(Zachariah & Hemish, 2001).

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