2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers in Taxation by The UP Law Complex FEBRUARY 8, 2019

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2015 Bar Exam Suggested Answers in II

Taxation by the UP Law Complex

FEBRUARY 8, 2019 Mr. A, a citizen and resident of the
Philippines, is a professional boxer. In a
I. professional boxing match held in 2013, he
won prize money in United States (US)
Explain the principles of a sound tax dollars equivalent to P300,000,000.
system. (3%) (A) Is the prize money paid to and received
by Mr. A in the US taxable in the
SUGGESTED ANSWER Philippines? Why? (2%)
The principles of a sound tax system and (B) May Mr. A’s prize money qualify as an
their respective explanations, are as exclusion from his gross income? Why?
follows: (2%)
a) Fiscal adequacy which means that the (C) The US already imposed and withheld
sources of revenue should be sufficient to income taxes from Mr. A’s prize money.
meet the demands of public expenditures How may Mr. A use or apply the income
(Chavez v. Ongpin, G.R. No. 76778, June 6, taxes he paid on his prize money to the US
1990); when he computes his income tax liability in
b) Equality or theoretical justice which the Philippines for 2013? (4%)
means that the tax burden should be
proportionate to the taxpayer’s ability to SUGGESTED ANSWER
pay (Sec. 28(1), Art. VI, 1987 Constitution); (A) Yes. Under the Tax Code, the income
and within and without of a resident citizen is
c) Administrative feasibility which means taxable. Since Mr. A is a resident Filipino
that the tax law should be capable of citizen, his income worldwide is taxable in
convenient, just and effective the Philippines (Sec. 23 A, NIRC).
administration, as well as, easy compliance
by taxpayer. (B) No. Under the law, all prizes and awards
granted to athletes in local and international
sports competitions and tournaments
whether held in the Philippines or abroad
and sanctioned by their national sports
associations are excluded from gross (B) Yes, but only a proportionate part of the
income. The exclusion find application only income. Gains, profits and income from the
to amateur athletes where the prize was sale of personal property produced by the
given in an event sanctioned by the taxpayer without and sold within the
appropriate national sports association Philippines, shall be treated as derived
affiliated with the Philippine Olympic partly from sources within and partly from
Committee and not to professional athletes sources without the Philippines (Sec. 42E,
like Mr. A. Therefore, the prize money NIRC).
would not qualify as an exclusion from Mr.
A’s gross income (Sec. 32 B [7] [d], NIRC). Note: The problem does not indicate where
the sale took place. The suggested answers
(C) The income taxes withheld and paid to in a and b above assume that the sale took
the U.S. government maybe claimed by Mr. place in the Philippines. A non-resident alien
A, either as a deduction from his gross is to be taxed by the Philippine government
income or as a tax credit from the income only on her income derived from an activity
tax due, when he computes his Philippine conducted in the Philippines such as the
income tax liability for taxable year 2013 sale of goods irrespective where produced.
(Sec. 34(C)(1)(b), NIRC).
Ms. C, a resident citizen, bought ready-to-
(A) Yes, the income of Ms. B from the sale wear goods from Ms. B, a non-resident
of ready-to-wear goods to C is taxable. A citizen.
nonresident citizen is taxable only on (A) If the goods were produced from Ms.
incorne derived from sources within the B’s factory in the Philippines, is Ms. B’s
Philippines (Sec. 23(B), NIRC). In line with income from the sale to Ms. C taxable in the
the source rule of income taxation, since Philippines? Explain. (2%)
the goods are produced and sold within the (B) If Ms. B is an alien individual and the
Philippines, Ms. B’s Philippine-sourced goods were produced in her factory in
income is taxable in the Philippines. China, is Ms. B’s income from the sale of
the goods to Ms. C taxable in the
Philippines? Explain. (2%)
(A) Yes, the income of Ms. B from the sale
of ready-to-wear goods to C is taxable. A Mr. E and Ms. Fare both employees of AAA
nonresident citizen is taxable only on Corp. They got married on February 14,
income derived from sources within the 2011. On December 29, 2011, the couple
Philippines (Sec. 23(B), NIRC). In line with gave birth to triplets. On June 25, 2013,
the source rule of income taxation, since they had twins. What were the personal
the goods are produced and sold within the exemptions or deductions which Mr. E and
Philippines, Ms. B’s Philippine-sourced Ms. F could claim in the following taxable
income is taxable in the Philippines. years:
(A) For 2010 (2%)
(B) Yes, but only a proportionate part of the (B) For 2011 (3%)
income. Gains, profits and income from the (C) For 2013 (2%)
sale of personal property produced by the
taxpayer without and sold within the SUGGESTED ANSWER
Philippines, shall be treated as derived (A) For 2010, Mr. E and Ms. Fare each
partly from sources within and partly from entitled to personal exemptions of
sources without the Philippines (Sec. 42E, P50,000.00 (Sec. 35A, NIRC).
NIRC). (B) For 2011, Mr. E and Ms. Fare each
entitled to basic personal exemption of
Note: The problem does not indicate where P50,000.00. In addition to his basic
the sale took place. The suggested answers personal exemption, Mr. E could claim
in a and b above assume that the sale took additional personal exemptions for three (3)
place in the Philippines. A non-resident alien qualified dependent children in the amount
is to be taxed by the Philippine government of P25,000.00 for each child (Sec. 35B,
only on her income derived from an activity NIRC).
conducted in the Philippines such as the (C) For 2013, Mr. E and Ms. Fare each
sale of goods irrespective where produced. entitled basic personal exemptions of
P50,000.00. Mr. E could claim additional
personal exemptions for four (4) qualified
dependent children in the amount of
P25,000.00 for each child (Sec. 35B, NIRC).
V. business from BBB, Inc. (Sec. 25(a)(2),
BBB, Inc., a domestic corporation, enjoyed
a particularly profitable year in 2014. In (C) A final withholding tax equal to twenty-
June 2015, its Board of Directors approved five percent (25%) of the entire income
the distribution or cash dividends to its received from all sources within the
stockholders. BBB, Inc. has individual and Philippines, including the cash dividends
corporate stockholders. What is the tax received from BBB, Inc. (Sec. 25(b), NIRC).
treatment of the cash dividends received
from BBB, Inc. by the following (D) Dividends received by a domestic
stockholders: corporation from another domestic
corporation, such as BBB, Inc., shall not be
(A) A resident citizen (1%) subject to tax (Sec. 27(d) (4), NIRC).
(B) Non-resident alien engaged in trade or
business (1%) (E) Dividends received by a non-resident
(C) Non-resident alien not engaged in trade foreign corporation from a domestic
or business (1%) corporation are generally subject to an
(D) Domestic corporation (1%) income tax of 30% to be withheld at source
(E) Non-resident foreign corporation (1%) (Sec. 28(b)(1), NIRC). However, a final
withholding tax of fifteen percent (15%) is
SUGGESTED ANSWER imposed on the amount of cash dividends
(A) A final withholding tax for ten percent received from a domestic corporation like
(10%) shall be imposed upon the cash BBB, Inc. if the tax sparing rule applies
dividends actually or constructively received (Sec. 28(B) (5)(b), NIRC). Pursuant to this
by a resident citizen from BBB, Inc. (Sec. 24 rule, the lower rate of tax would apply if the
(b)(2), NIRC). country in which the non-resident foreign
corporation is domiciled would allow as tax
(B) A final withholding tax of twenty percent credit against the tax due from it, taxes
(20%) shall be imposed upon the cash deemed paid in the Philippines of 15%
dividends actually or constructively received representing the difference between the
by a non-resident alien engaged in trade or regular income tax rate and the preferential
VI. of engaging in business, while the FWT is a
tax on the privilege of earning income (CIR
Differentiate between double taxation in the v. Bank of Commerce, G.R. NO. 149636,
strict sense and in a bro sense and give an June 8, 2005, 459 SCRA 638).
example of each. (4%)
Double taxation in the strict sense pertains On May 15, 2013, CCC, Inc., received the
to the direct double taxation. This means Final Decision on Disputed Assessment
that the taxpayer is taxed twice by the issued by the Commissioner of Internal
same taxing authority, within the same Revenue (CIR) dismissing the protest of
taxing jurisdiction, for the same property CCC, Inc. and affirming the assessment
and same purpose., Example: Imposition of against said corporation. On June 10, 2013,
final withholding tax on cash dividend and CCC, Inc., filed a Petition for Review with
requiring the taxpayer to declare this tax- the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) division. On
paid income in his income tax returns.. July 31, 2015, CCC, Inc. received a copy of
the Decision dated July 22, 2015 of the CTA
On the other hand, double taxation in the division dismissing its Petition. CCC, Inc.
broad sense pertains to indirect double immediately filed a Petition for Review with
taxation. This extends to all cases in which the CTA en banc on August 6, 2015. Is the
there is a burden of two or more immediate appeal by CCC, Inc. to the CTA
impositions. It is the double taxation other en banc of the adverse Decision of the CTA
than those covered by direct double division the proper remedy? (3%)
taxation (CIR v. Solidbank Corp., G.R. No.
148191, November 25, 2003, 436 SCRA SUGGESTED ANSWER
416). Example: Subjecting the interest No, CCC, Inc. should first file a motion for
income of banks on their deposits with reconsideration or motion for new trial with
other banks to the 5% Gross Receipts Tax the CTA Division. Before the CTA en banc
(GRT) despite of the same income having could take cognizance of the petition for
been subjected to 20% Final Withholding review concerning a case falling under its
Tax (FWT), is only a case of indirect double exclusive appellate jurisdiction, the litigant
taxation. The GRT is a tax on the privilege must sufficiently show that it sought prior
reconsideration or moved for a new trial IX
with the concerned CTA Division
(Commissioner of Customs v. Marina Sale, For calendar year 2011, FFF, Inc., a VAT-
G.R. No. 183868, November 22, 2010, 635 registered corporation, reported unutilized
SCRA 606; Rule 8, Sec. 1 of the Revised excess input VAT in the amount of
Rules of Court of Tax Appeals). P1,000,000.00 attributable to its zero-rated
sales. Hoping to impress his boss, Mr. G,
VIII the accountant of FFF, Inc., filed with the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) on
In June 2013, DDD Corp., a domestic January 31, 2013 a claim for tax
corporation engaged in the business of refund/credit of the P1,000,000.00
leasing real properties in the Philippines, unutilized excess input VAT of FFF, Inc. for
entered into a lease agreement of a 2011. Not having received any
residential house and lot with EEE, Inc., a communication from the BIR, Mr. G. filed a
non-resident foreign corporation. The Petition for Review with the CTA on March
residential house and lot will be used by 15, 2013, praying for the tax refund/credit
officials of EEE, Inc. during the visit to the of the P1,000,000.00 unutilized excess input
Philippines. The lease agreement was VAT of FFF, Inc. for 2011. –
signed by representatives from DDD Corp. (A) Did the CTA acquire jurisdiction over the
and EEE, Inc. in Singapore. DDD Corp. did Petition of FFF, Inc.? (2%)
not subject the said lease to VAT believing (B) Discuss the proper procedure and
that it was not a domestic service contract. applicable time periods for administrative
Was DDD Corp. correct? Explain. (3%) and judicial claims for refund/credit of
unutilized excess input VAT. (4%)
DDD Corp. is not correct. Lease of SUGGESTED ANSWER
properties shall be subject to VAT (A) The CTA has not acquired jurisdiction
irrespective of the place where the contract over the Petition of FFF, Inc. because the
of lease was executed if the property is judicial claim has been prematurely filed on
leased or used in the Philippines (Sec. March 15, 2013. The Supreme Court ruled
108(A), NIRC) that the 30-day period after the expiration
of the 120-day period fixed by law for the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to act on premature filing is allowed only if filed
the claim for refund is jurisdictional and between December 10, 2003 and October
failure to comply would bar the appeal and 5, 2010, when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03
deprive the Court of Tax Appeals of its was still in force prior to the reversal of the
jurisdiction to entertain the appeal (CIR v. aforesaid ruling by the CTA in the Aichi case
Aichi Forging Company of Asia Inc.. G.R. on October 6, 2010 (Mindanao Il
No. 183421, October 22, 2014, 632 SCRA Geothermal Partnership v. CIR, G.R. No.
422). in this case, Mr. G filed the 204745, December 8, 2014, 713 SCRA 645).
administrative claim on January 31, 2013.
The petition for relief should have been filed X.
on June 30, 2013. Filing the indicial claim
on March 15, 2013 is premature, thus the Indicate whether each of the following
CTA did not acquire jurisdiction. individuals is required or not required to file
an income tax return;
(B) The administrative claim must be filed (A) Filipino citizen residing outside the
with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Philippines on his income from sources
(CIR) within two years from the close of the outside the Philippines. (1%)
taxable quarter when the zero-rated sales (B) Resident alien on income derived from
were made. The CIR has 120 days from the sources within the Philippines. (1%)
date of submission of complete documents (C) Resident citizen earning purely
in support of the claim to decide. If the CIR compensation income from two employers
decides within the 120-day period or the within the Philippines, whose income taxes
120-day period expires without the CIR have been correctly withheld. (1%)
rendering a decision, the taxpayer has 30 (D) Resident citizen who falls under the
days to file a petition for review with the classification of minimum wage earners.
CTA reckoned from the receipt of adverse (1%)
decision or from the lapse of the 120-day (E) An individual whose sole income has
period. been subjected to final with holding tax.
As a general rule, the 30-day period to
appeal is both mandatory and jurisdictional.
As an exception to the general rule,
SUGGESTED ANSWER What he received is a tax-paid income (Sec.
(A) Not required. The income of a non- 51A (2)(c) NIRC).
resident Filipino citizen are taxable only on
income sourced within the Philippines. XI.
Accordingly, his income from sources
outside the Philippines is exempt from What are de minimis benefits and how are
income tax (Sec. 51A (1)(b), NIRC). these taxed? Give three (3) examples of de
minimis benefits. (4%)
(B) Required. A resident alien is taxable
only for income derived from sources within SUGGESTED ANSWER
the Philippines (Sec. 51A (1)(c), NIRC). De minimis benefits are facilities and
privileges furnished or offered by an
(C) Required. A resident citizen who is employer to his employees, which are not
earning purely compensation income from considered as compensation subject to
two employers should file income tax income tax and consequently to withholding
return. If the compensation income is tax, if such facilities or privileges are of
received concurrently from two employers relatively small value and are offered or
during the taxable year, the employee is not furnished by the employer merely as means
qualified for substituted filing (Sec. 51A of promoting the health, goodwill,
(2)(b), NIRC). contentment, or efficiency of his employees.
If received by rank-and-file employees, they
(D) Not required. Under the law, all are exempt from income tax on wages; if
minimum wage earners in the private and received by supervisory or managerial
public sector shall be exempt from payment employees, they are exempt from the fringe
of income tax (Sec. 51A (2)(d), NIRC in benefits tax (RR No. 2-98, as amended by
relation to Republic Act No. 9504). RR No. 8-2000). The following shall be
considered as de minimis benefits: (Note:
(E) Not required. Under the law, an The examinee may choose any three)
individual whose sole income has been
subjected of final withholding tax pursuant Monetized unused vacation leave credits of
to Sec. 57(A), NIRC, need not file a return. private employees not exceeding 10 days
during the year;
Benefits received by an employee by virtue
Monetized value of vacation and sick leave of a collective bargaining agreement (CBA)
credits paid to government officials and and productivity incentive schemes,
employees; provided that the total annual monetary
Medical cash allowance to dependents of value received from both CBA and
employees, not exceeding P750 per productivity incentive schemes combined do
employee per semester or P125 per month; not exceed P10,000 per employee per
Rice subsidy of P1,500 or 1 sack of 50 kg taxable year (Rev. Regs. 2-98, as
rice per month amounting to not more than amended).
Uniform and clothing allowance not
exceeding P5,000 per annum; XII.
Actual medical assistance not exceeding
P10,000 per annum; Mr. H decided to sell the house and lot
Laundry allowance not exceeding P300 per wherein he and his family have lived for the
month; past 10 years, hoping to buy and move to a
Employees achievement awards, e.g., for new house and lot closer to his children’s
length of service or safety achievement, school. Concerned about the capital gains
which must be in the form of a tangible tax that will be due on the sale of their
personal property other than cash or gift house, Mr. H approaches you as a friend for
certificate, with an annual monetary value advice, if it is possible for the sale of their
not exceeding P10,000 received by the house to be exempted from capital gains
employee under an established written plan tax and the conditions they must comply
which does not discriminate in favor of with to avail themselves of said exemption.
highly paid employees; How will you respond?(4%)
Gifts given during Christmas and major
anniversary celebrations not exceeding SUGGESTED ANSWER
P5,000 per employee per annum; I would advise Mr. H, that he may be
Daily meal allowance for overtime work and exempted from the payment of the capital
night/graveyard shift not exceeding 25% of gains tax on the sale or disposition of the
the basic minimum wage on a per region house and lot where his family lives
basis; because the sale of principal residence by a
natural person is exempt, provided the shares was at fair market value and was
following conditions are complied with, viz: thus not subject to donor’s tax. In BIR
1. The proceeds of the sale is fully utilized Ruling No. 012-14, the CIR held that the
in acquiring or constructing new principal selling price for the shares of stock of HHH
residence within 18 calendar months from Corp, was lower than their book value, so
the date of sale or disposition; the difference between the selling price and
the book value of said shares was a taxable
2. The historical cost or adjusted basis of donation. GGG, Inc. requested the
the real property sold or disposed will be Secretary of Finance to review BIR Ruling
carried over to the new principal residence No. 012-14, but the Secretary affirmed said
built or acquired; ruling. GGG, Inc. filed with the Court of
Appeals a Petition for Review under Rule 43
3. The Commissioner has been duly of the Revised Rules of Court. The Court of
notified, through a prescribed return, within Appeals, however, dismissed the Petition for
30 days from the date of sale or disposition lack of jurisdiction declaring that it is the
of the person’s intention to avail of the tax CTA which has jurisdiction over the issues
exemption; and The exemption was availed raised. Before which Court should GGG, Inc.
only once every 10 years (Sec. 24(d)(2), seek recourse from the adverse ruling of
NIRC). the Secretary of Finance in the exercise of
the latter’s power of review? (3%)
GGG, Inc. offered to sell through GGG, Inc., should seek recourse with the
competitive bidding its shares in HAH Corp., Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) which has
equivalent to 40% of the total outstanding jurisdiction. There is no provision in law that
capital stock of the latter. JJJ, Inc. acquired expressly provides where exactly the
the said shares in HHH Corp. as the highest adverse ruling of the Secretary of Finance
bidder. Before it could secure a certificate under Section 4 of the NIRC is appealable.
authorizing registration/tax clearance for However, RA No. 1125, as amended,
the transfer of the shares of stock to JIJ, addresses the seeming gap in the law as it
Inc., GGG, Inc. had to request a ruling from vests upon the CTA, albeit impliedly, with
the BIR confirming that its sale of the said jurisdiction over the case as “other matters”
arising under the NIRC or other laws SUGGESTED ANSWER
administered by the BIR. Furthermore, the (A) As Ms. J’s supervisor, I will advise that
Supreme Court held that the jurisdiction to KKK Corp. should prepare payment for the
review the rulings of the Secretary of regular corporate income tax and not the
Finance on the issues raised against a ruling minimum corporate income tax. Under the
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Tax Code, minimum corporate income tax is
pertains to the Court of Tax Appeals in the only applicable beginning on the fourth
exercise of its appellate jurisdiction taxable year following the commencement
(Philamlife v. The Sec. of Finance and CIR, of business operation (Sec. 27(e)(1), NIRC).
G.R. No. 210987, November 24, 2014).
(B) The distinctions between regular
XIV corporate income tax and the minimum
corporate income tax are the following:
KKK Corp. secured its Certificate of
Incorporation from the Securities and As to taxpayer: Regular corporate income
Exchange Commission on June 3, 2013. It tax applies to all corporate taxpayers; while
commenced business operations on August minimum corporate income tax applies to
12, 2013. In April 2014, Ms. J, an employee domestic corporations and resident foreign
of KKK Corp. in charge of preparing the corporations.
annual income tax return of the corporation As to tax rate: Regular corporate income
for 2013, got confused on whether she tax is 30%; while minimum corporate
should prepare payment for the regular income tax is 2%.
corporate income tax or the minimum As to tax base: Regular corporate income
corporate income tax. tax is based on the net taxable income;
while minimum corporate income tax is
(A) Ás Ms. J’s supervisor, what will be your based on gross income.
advice? (2%), As to period of applicability: Regular
corporate income tax is applicable once the
(B) What are the distinctions between corporation commenced its business
regular corporate income tax and minimum operation, while minimum corporate income
corporate income tax? (3%) tax is applicable beginning on the fourth
taxable year following the commencement proof or evidence of expenses paid or
of business operation. incurred by him (Sec. 34(L), NIRC; Rev.
As to imposition: The minimum corporate Regs. 16-08, as amended).
income tax is imposed whenever it is
greater than the regular corporate income XVI
tax of the corporation (Sec. 27(A) and (E), LLL is a government instrumentality created
NIRC; RR No. 9-98). by Executive Order to be primarily
responsible for integrating and directing all
XV. reclamation projects for the National
Government. It was not organized as a
In 2012, Dr. K decided to return to his stock or a non-stock corporation, nor was it
hometown to start his own practice. At the intended to operate commercially and
end of 2012, Dr. K found that he earned compete in the private market. By virtue of
gross professional income in the amount its mandate, LLL reclaimed several portions
P1,000,000.00, while he incurred expenses of the foreshore and offshore areas of the
amounting to P560,000.00 constituting Manila Bay, some of which were within the
mostly of his office space rent, utilities, and territorial jurisdiction of Q City. Certificates
miscellaneous expenses related to his of title to the reclaimed properties in Q City
medical practice. However, to Dr. K’s were issued in the name of LLL in 2008. In
dismay, only P320,000.00 of his expenses 2014, Q City issued Warrants of Levy on
were duly covered by receipts. What are the said reclaimed properties of LLL based on
options available for Dr. K, so he could the assessment for delinquent property
maximize the deductions from his gross taxes for the years 2010 to 2013.
income? (3%) (A) Are the reclaimed properties registered
in the name of LLL subject to real property
In order to maximize his deductions, Dr. K (B) Will your answer be the same in (A) if
may avail of the optional standard from 2010 to the present time, LLL is
deduction (OSD) which is an amount not leasing portions of the reclaimed properties
exceeding forty percent (40%) of his gross for the establishment and use of popular
sales or gross receipts. The OSD can be fastfood restaurants J Burgers, G Pizza, and
claimed without being required to present K Chicken? (2%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER person. When LLL leased out portions of the
(A) The reclaimed properties are not subject reclaimed properties to taxable entities,
to real property tax because LLL is a such as the popular fast food restaurants,
government instrumentality. Under the law, the reclaimed properties are subject to real
real property owned by the Republic of the property tax (Sec. 234(a), Local
Philippines is exempt from real property tax Government Code; GSIS v. City Treasurer
unless the beneficial use thereof has been and City Assessor of the City of Manila, G.R.
granted to a taxable person (Sec. 234, Local No. 186242, December 23, 2009).
Government Code). When the title of the
real property is transferred to LLL, the XVII
Republic remains the owner of the real
property. Thus, such arrangement does not Mr. L owned several parcels of land and he
result in the loss of the tax exemption donated a parcel each to his two children.
(Republic of the Philippines, represented by Mr. Lacquired both parcels of land in 1975
The Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA) for P200,000.00. At the time of donation,
v. City of Paranaque, G.R. No. 191109, July the fair market value of the two parcels of
8, 2012, 677 SCRA 246): land, as determined by the CIR, was
P2,300,000.00; while the fair market value
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER of the same properties as shown in the
(A) No. LLL is an instrumentality of the schedule of values prepared by the City
national government which cannot be taxed Assessors was P2,500,000.00. What is the
by local government units. LLL is not a proper valuation of Mr. L’s gifts to his
government-owned or controlled children for the purpose of computing
corporation taxable for real property taxes donor’s tax? (3%)
(City of LapuLapu v. PEZA, G.R. No.
184203, November 26, 2014). SUGGESTED ANSWER
The valuation of Mr. L’s gift to his children is
(B) No. As a rule, properties owned by the the fair market value (FMV) the property at
Republic of the Philippines are exempt from the time of donation. The FMV is the higher
real property tax except when the beneficial of the EMV as determined by the
use thereof has been granted, for Commissioner, or the FMV as shown in the
consideration or otherwise, to a taxable schedule of values fixed by the provincial
and city assessors. In this case, for the free of duties, taxes and other charges,
purpose of computing donor’s tax, the until they have legally left the jurisdiction of
proper valuation is the value prepared by Customs (Sec. 1202 of the Tariff and
the City Assessors amounting to Customs Code).
P2,500,000.00, because it is higher than the
FMV determined by the CIR (Sec. 102 in (B) Whenever the decision of the Collector
relation to Sec. 88(B), NIRC). of Customs in any seizure proceedings is
adverse to the government, the said
XVIII decision is automatically elevated to the
Commissioner of Customs for review, and if
Under the Tariff and Customs Code, as such decision is affirmed by the
amended: Commissioner of Customs, the same shall
be automatically elevated to and be finally
(A) When does importation begin and when reviewed by the Secretary of Finance (Sec.
is it deemed terminated? (2%) 2315 of the Tariff and Customs Code):
(B) In what case/s is the decision of the
Collector automatically reviewed by the XIX
Commissioner of Customs? In what
instance/s is the decision of the In 2014, M City approved an ordinance
Commissioner automatically appealed to the levying customs duties and fees on goods
Secretary of Finance? (4%) coming into the territorial jurisdiction of the
city. Said city ordinance was duly published
SUGGESTED ANSWER on February 15, 2014 with effectivity date
(A) Importation begins when the carrying on March 1, 2014.
vessel or aircraft enters the jurisdiction of (A) Is there a ground for opposing said
the Philippines with intention to unlade ordinance? (2%)
therein. Importation is deemed terminated (B) What is the proper procedural remedy
upon payment of the duties, taxes, and and applicable time periods for challenging
other charges due upon the articles, or the ordinance? (4%)
secured to be paid, at a port of entry and
the legal permit for withdrawal shall have
been granted, or in case said articles are
SUGGESTED ANSWER right to file the corresponding civil action for
(A) Yes, on the ground that the ordinance is the recovery of the civil liability for taxes. As
ultra vires. The taxing powers of local counsel for the accused, comment on the
government units, such as M City, cannot People’s manifestation. (3%)
extend to the levy of taxes, fees and
charges already imposed by the national SUGGESTED ANSWER
government, and this includes, among The manifestation is not proper. The
others, the levy of customs duties under the criminal action and the corresponding civil
Tariff and Customs Code (Sec. 133(e), Local action for the recovery of the civil liability
Government Code). for taxes and penalties shall at all times be
simultaneously instituted with, and jointly
(B) Any question on the constitutionality or determined in the same proceeding before
legality of tax ordinances may be raised on the Court of Tax Appeal (CTA). The filing of
appeal within 30 days from the effectivity to the criminal action is deemed to necessarily
the Secretary of Justice. The Secretary of carry with it the filing of the civil action, and
Justice shall render a decision within 60 no right to reserve the filing of such civil
days from the date of receipt of the appeal. action separately from the criminal action
Thereafter. within 20 days after receipt of shall be recognized (Sec. 7(b)(1) of
the decision or the lapse of the sixty-day Republic Act. No. 9282: Judy Anne Santos
period without the Secretary of Justice v. People, G.R. No. 173176, August 26,
acting upon the appeal, the aggrieved party 2008, 563 SCRA 341).
may file the appropriate proceedings with
the Red Court (Sec. 187, Local Government XXI
MMM, Inc., a domestic telecommunications
XX company, handles incoming
telecommunications services for non-
After filing an Information for violation of resident foreign companies by relaying
Section 254 of the National Internal international calls within the Philippines. To
Revenue Code (Attempt to Evade or Defeat broaden the coverage of its
Tax) with the CTA, the Public Prosecutor telecommunications services throughout the
manifested that the People is reserving the country, MMM, Inc. entered into various
interconnection agreements with local input VAT attributable to its effectively zero-
carriers. The non-resident foreign rated sales in 2012? (2%) ;
corporations pay MMM, Inc. in US dollars
inwardly remitted through Philippine banks, SUGGESTED ANSWER
in accordance with the rules and regulations (A) The appeal of MMM, Inc. must be
of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. MMM, denied. MMM, Inc.’s position that the
Inc. filed its Quarterly VAT Returns for requirements under RR No. 7-95 should not
2000. Subsequently, MMM, Inc. timely filed prevail over a taxpayer’s substantive right
with the BIR an administrative claim for the to claim tax refund or credit is
refund of the amount of P6,321,486.50, unmeritorious. The Secretary of Finance has
representing excess input VAT attributable the authority to promulgate the necessary
to its effectively zero-rated sales in 2000. rules and regulations for the effective
The BIR ruled to deny the claim for refund enforcement of the provisions of the
of MMM, Inc. because the VAT official National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC).
receipts submitted by MMM, Inc. to Such rules and regulations are given weight
substantiate said claim did not bear the and respect by the courts in view of the
words “zero-rated” as required under rule-making authority given to those who
Section 4.108-1 of Revenue Regulations formulate them and their specific expertise
(RR) No. 7-95. On appeal, the CTA division in their respective fields. An applicant for a
and the CTA en banc affirmed the BIR claim for tax refund or tax credit must not
ruling. MMM, Inc. appealed to the Supreme only prove entitlement to the claim, but also
Court arguing that the NIRC itself did not compliance with all the documentary and
provide for such a requirement. RR No. 7- evidentiary requirements. Consequently, the
95 should not prevail over a taxpayer’s Court of Tax Appeal (CTA), and the CTA en
substantive right to claim tax refund or banc correctly ruled that the failure to
credit. indicate the words “zero-rated” on the
invoices and receipts issued by a taxpayer,
(A) Rule on the appeal of MMM, Inc. (3%) would result in the denial of the claim for
refund or tax credit (Eastern
(B) Will your answer in (A) be any different Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. CIR,
if MMM, Inc. was claiming refund of excess G.R. No. 183531, March 25, 2015).

(B) No, my answer will not be different if State the conditions for allowing allowing
the claim for refund is for effectively zero- the following as deductions from the gross
rated sales in 2012. The requirement to estate of a citizen or resident alien for the
print the word “zero-rated” is no longer by purpose of imposing estate tax:
mere regulations, but is now clearly
provided by law as follows — “If the sale is (A) Claims against the estate (2%)
subject to žero percent (0%) value-added (B) Medical expenses (2%)
tax, the term “zero-rated sale” shall be
written or printed prominently on the SUGGESTED ANSWER
invoice or receipt. Failure to comply with
this invoicing requirement is fatal to a claim (A) In order that claims against the estate
for refund of input taxes attributable to the may be allowed as deductions from the
zero-rated sale (Sec. 113(B)(2)(c), NIRC). gross estate of a citizen or resident alien for
Moreover, as recently ruled by the Supreme purposes of imposing the estate tax, the
Court, the subsequent incorporation of Sec. law requires that at the time the
4.108-1 of RR 7-95 in Sec. 113 of the NIRC indebtedness was incurred, the debt
as introduced in R.A. No. 9337, actually instrument was duly notarized. In addition,
confirmed the validity of the imprinting if the loan was contracted within three (3)
requirement on VAT invoices or official years before the death of the decedent, the
receipts-a case falling under the principle of executor or administrator shall submit a
legislative approval of administrative statement showing the disposition of the
interpretation by reenactment (Northern proceeds of the loan (Sec. 86(a)(1)(c),
Mindanao Power Corp. v. CIR, G.R. No. NIRC).
185115, February 18, 2015).
(B) The conditions for the allowance of
medical expenses as deductions from the
gross estate of a citizen or resident alien
are: (1) the medical expenses must have
been incurred within one (1) year before
the death of the decedent; (2) that the
medical expenses are duly substantiated fulfill its mandate of promoting the general
with receipts; and (3) the total amount welfare and well being of the people (CIR v.
thereof, whether paid or unpaid, does not Bank of Philippine Islands, G.R. No. 134062,
exceed P500,000.00 (Sec. 86A(6), NIRC). April 17, 2007, 521 SCRA 373).

✓ Benefits received principle – Taxpayers

2016 Bar Exam Suggested Answers in
receive benefits from taxes through the
Taxation by the UP Law Complex
protection the State affords to them. For
DECEMBER 31, 2018
the protection they get arises their
obligation to support the government
through the payment of taxes (CIR V.
Algue, Inc., G.R. No. L-28896, February 17,
Briefly explain the following doctrines:
1988, 158 SCRA 9).
lifeblood doctrine; necessity the benefits
received principle; and, doctrine of
reciprocal relation of protection a taxpayers.
symbiotic relationship (5%)
The state gives protection an protection, it
must be supported by (CIR v. Algue, Inc.,
G.R. No. L-28896, Februar
The following doctrines, explained:

✓ Doctrine of symbiotic relationship –

✓ Lifeblood doctrine – Without revenue
Taxation arises because of the reciprocal
raised from taxation, the government will
relation of protection and support between
not survive, resulting in detriment to
the state and taxpayers. The state gives
society. Without taxes, the government
protection and for it to continue giving
would be paralyzed for lack of motive power
protection, it must be supported by the
to activate and operate it (CIR v. Algue,
taxpayers in the form of taxes. (CIR v.
Inc., G.R. No. L-28896, February 17, 1988,
Algue, Inc., GR. No. L-28896, February 17,
158 SCRA 9).
1988, 158 SCRA 9).

✓ Necessity theory – The exercise of the

power to tax emanates from necessity,

because without taxes, government cannot II
Decisions of the Commissioner of Customs
State at least five (5) cases under the in cases involving liability of customs duties,
exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court fees or other money charges, seizure,
of Tax Appeals (CTA). (5%) detention or release of property affected,
fines, forfeitures or other penalties in
SUGGESTED ANSWER relation thereto, or other matters arising
The following cases are under the exclusive under the Customs Law or other laws
appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax administered by the Bureau of Customs;
Appeals. and
Decisions of the Central Board of
Exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by Assessment Appeals in the exercise of its
appeal: appellate jurisdiction over cases involving
Decisions of the Commissioner of Internal the assessment and taxation of real
Revenue in cases involving disputed property originally decided by the provincial
assessments, refunds of internal revenue or city board of assessment appeals.
taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in Decisions of the Secretary of Finance on
relation thereto, or other matters arising customs cases elevated to him
under the NIRC or other laws administered automatically for review from decisions of
by the BIR; the Commissioner of Customs adverse to
Inaction of the Commissioner of Internal the Government under Sec. 2315 of the
Revenue in cases involving disputed Tariff and Customs Code; and
assessments, refunds of internal revenue Decisions of the Secretary of Trade and
taxes, fees or other charges, penalties in Industry, in the case of nonagricultural
relation thereto, or other matters arising product, commodity or article, and the
under the NIRC or other laws administered Secretary of Agriculture, in the case of
by the BIR, where the NIRC provides a agricultural product, commodity or article,
specific period of action, in which case the involving dumping and countervailing duties
inaction shall be deemed a denial; under Sec. 301 and 302. respectively, of the
Decisions, orders or resolutions of the RTC Tariff and Customs Code, and safeguard
in local tax cases originally decided or measures under R.A. No. 8800, where
resolved by them in the exercise of their either party may appeal the decision to
original or appellate jurisdiction; impose or not impose said duties.
requisites for deductibility of a “bad debt?”
Exclusive appellate jurisdiction in criminal (5%)
Over appeals from the judgments, I will advise Rakham that the obligation of
resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial Alfonso may now be considered as bad
Courts in tax cases originally decided by debts for having met the yardstick of a debt
them, in their respective territorial which had become worthless. In order to be
jurisdiction; and considered worthless, the taxpayer should
establish that during the year from which a
Over petitions for review of the judgments, deduction is sought, a situation developed
resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial as a result of which it became evident in the
Courts in the exercise of their appellate exercise of sound, objective business
jurisdiction over tax cases originally decided judgment that there remained no practical,
by the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal but only vaguely theoretical, prospect that
Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial the debt would ever be paid (Collector of
Courts in their respective jurisdiction. Internal Revenue v. Goodrich International
Rubber Co., G.R. No. L-22265, December
[NOTE: It is recommended that any five (5) 22, 1967, 21 SCRA 1336). A bad debt is
of the above-enumerated cases be given deductible if it complies with the following
credit]. requisites:(a) There must be a valid and
subsisting debt.
III. (b) The obligation is connected with the
taxpayer’s trade or business and is not
Rakham operates the lending company that between related parties.
made a loan to Alfonso in the amount of (C) There is an actual ascertainment that
P120,000.00 subject of a promissory note the debt is worthless.
which is due within one (1) year from the (d) The debt is charged-off during the
note’s issuance. Three years after the loan taxable year. A partial write-off is not
became due and upon information that allowed.(PRC v. CA, G.R. No. 118794, May
Alfonso is nowhere to be found, Rakham 8, 1996, 256 SCRA 667).
asks you for advice on how to treat the IV.
obligation as “bad debt.” Discuss the
The City of Maharlika passed an ordinance tax will pre-empt Local Government Units
imposing a tax on any sale or transfer of (LGU) only if there is no specific provision
real property located within the city at a under the Local Government Code giving
rate of fifty percent (50%) of one percent said power (Bulacan v. CA, G.R. No.
(1%) of the total consideration of the 126232, November 1998, 299 SCRA 442)
transaction, Jose sold a parcel of land in the
city, which he inherited from his deceased V.
parents, and refused to pay the aforesaid
tax. He instead filed a case asking that the Sure Arrival Airways (SAA) is a foreign
ordinance be declared null and void since corporation, organized under the laws of
the tax it imposed can only be collected by the Republic of Nigeria. Its commercial
the national government, as in fact he has airplanes do not operate within Philippine
paid the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) territory, or service passengers embarking
the required capital gains tax. If you were from Philippine airports. The firm is
the City Legal Officer of Maharlika, what represented in the Philippines by its general
defenses would you raise to sustain the agent, Narotel. SAA sells airplane tickets
validity of the ordinance? (5%) through Narotel, and these tickets are
serviced by SAA airplanes outside the
SUGGESTED ANSWER Philippines. The total sales of airplane
I would argue that the City is allowed to tickets transacted by Narotel for SAA in
levy a tax on transfer of real property 2012 amounted to PIO,000,000.00 The
ownership (Sec. 135, LGC). The capital Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR)
gains tax which is an income tax collected assessed SAA deficiency income taxes at
by the national government is entirely the rate of 30% on its taxable income,
different from the tax on sale or transfer finding that SAA’s airline ticket sales
imposed by the ordinance. The tax imposed constituted income derived from sources
by the ordinance not being in the nature of within the Philippines. SAA filed a protest on
an income tax, the imposition of the income the ground that the alleged deficiency
tax by the national government will not pre- income taxes should be considered as
empt the tax sought to be imposed by the income derived exclusively from sources
ordinance. I would further argue that the outside the Philippines since SAA only
imposition by the national government of a serviced passengers outside Philippine
territory. It, thus, asserted that the received by all the employees, contending
imposition of such income taxes violated the that the courtesy discount is considered as
principle of territoriality in taxation. Is the additional compensation for the rank and
theory of SAA tenable? Explain. (5%) file employees and additional fringe benefit
for the supervisors and managers. In its
SUGGESTED ANSWER defense, the company argues that the
No. The activity which gives rise to the discount given to the rank and file
income is the sale of ticket in the employees is a de minimis benefit and not
Philippines, hence, the income from sale of subject to tax. As to its managerial
tickets is an income derived from Philippine employees, it contends that the discount is
sources which is subject to the Philippine nothing more than a privilege and its
income tax. Accordingly, there is no availment is restricted.
violation of the principle of territoriality in Is the BIR assessment correct? Explain.
taxation (Air Canada v. CIR, G.R. No. (5%)
169507, January 11, 2016, 778 SCRA 131).
[Note: As the case which is the basis of the No. The courtesy discounts given to rank
answer was decided before the cut-off date and file employees are considered “de
for the 2016 Bar Examinations, it is minimis benefits” falling under the category
recommended that this question be of other facilities and privileges furnished or
considered a bonus question, with any offered by an employer to his employees
answer to be given full credit.] which are of relatively small value intended
to promote the health, goodwill,
VI contentment or efficiency of the employee.
These benefits are not considered as
Mapagbigay Corporation grants all its compensation subject to income tax and
employees (rank and file, supervisors, and consequently to the withholding tax
managers) 5% discount of the purchase (Sec.2.78.1′ of RR No. 10-2008). If these
price of its products. During an audit “de minimis benefits” are furnished to
investigation, the BIR assessed the supervisors and managers, the same are
company the corresponding tax on the also exempt from the fringe benefits tax
amount equivalent to the courtesy discount (RR No. 3-98; Sec. 33, NIRC).
g) Laundry allowance not exceeding Php300
Yes, the BIR assessment is correct. De h) Employees’ achievement awards, e.g. for
minimis benefits are benefits of relatively length of service or safety achievement,
small values provided by the employers to which must be in the form of tangible
the employee on top of the basic personal property other than cash or gift
compensation intended for the general certificate, with an annual monetary value
welfare of the employees. It is considered not exceeding Php10,000 received by the
exempt from income tax on compensation employee under an established written plan
as well as from fringe benefit tax, provided which does not discriminate in favor of
it does not exceed P10,000 per employee highly paid employees.
pertaxable year. i) Gifts made during Christmas and major
anniversary celebrations not exceeding
Pursuant to RR No. 1-2015, which amended Php5,000 per employee per annum
RR No. 2-98, 3-98, 5-2008, 5-2011 and 8- j) Daily meal allowance for overtime work
2012, the following are considered de and night/graveyard shift not exceeding
minimis benefits: twenty-five percent (25%) of the basic
a) Monetized unused vacation leave credits minimum wage on a per region basis
of private employees notexceeding 10 days k) Benefits received by an employee by
during the year; virtue of a collective bargaining agreement
b) Monetized value of vacation and sick and productivity incentive schemes provided
leave credits paid to government officials that the total monetary value received from
and employees both CBA and productive incentive schemes
c) Medical cash allowance to dependents of combined do not exceed Php10,000 per
employees, not exceeding Php750 per employee per taxable year.
employee per semester or Php125 per This list is exclusive and anything that is
month. given which is not on the list, shall not be
d) Rice subsidy of Php1,500 considered de minimis. The 5% discount of
e) Uniform and clothing allowance not purchase price of its products, not being in
exceeding Php5,000 per annum this enumeration, is subject to tax as well
f) Actual medical assistance not exceeding as to withholding tax on compensation.
Php10,000 per annum
VIII relinquishment of ownership by Solar. The
transfer being merely a transfer in form but
In 2011, Solar Computer Corporation (Solar) not in substance, the same is not subject to
purchased a proprietaru membership share gift tax.
covered by Membership Certificate No. 8
from the Mabuhay Golf Club, Inc.. for IX
P500,000.00. On December 27, 2012, it
transferred the same to David, its American (A) Explain the procedure for claiming
consultant, to enable him to avail of the refunds or tax credits of input Value Added
facilities of the Club. David executed a Deed Tax (VAT) for zero-rated or effectively zero-
of Declaration of Trust and Assignment of rated sale. under Sec. 112 of the National
Shares wherein he acknowledged the Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) from the
absolute ownership of Solar over the share; filing of an application with the CIR up to
that the assignment was without any the CTA. (2.5%)
consideration; and that the share was (B) Explain the procedure for claiming
placed in his name because the Club refunds of tax erroneously or illegally
required it to be done. In 2013, the value of collected under Sec. 229 of the NIRC from
the share increased to P800,000.00 the filing of the claim for refunds with the
CIR up to the CTA. (2.5%)
Is the said assignment a “gift” and,
therefore, subject to gift tax? Explain. (5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER
(A) In order to be entitled to a refund/tax
SUGGESTED ANSWER credit of excess input VAT attributable to
No. The transfer is not a taxable donation zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sales,
because there is no divestment of the following requisites must be complied
ownership by the transferor. The purpose of with:
the transfer is simply to allow David to avail The claim for refund must be filed with the
of the facilities of the Club. The execution of Commissioner within 2 years counted from
a “Deed of Declaration of Trust and the last day of the quarter when the zero.
Assignment of Shares” where the absolute rated sale was made (Sec. 112, NIRC);
ownership by Solar of the share is The claim for refund must be accompanied
acknowledged would show that there is no by a statement under oath that all
documents to support the claim has been (A) What is the effect of converting the
submitted at the time of filing of the claim 20% discount from a “tax credere to a “tax
for refund (RMC 54-14); deduction”? (2.5%)
The Commissioner must decide on the claim (B) If you are the judge, how will you
within 120 days from date of filing and the decide the case? Briefly explain your
adverse decision is appealable to the CTA answer. (2.5%)
within 30 days from receipt (Sec. 112, SUGGESTED ANSWER
NIRC; CIR v. Aichi Forging of Asia, Inc., (A) The effect of converting the 20%
G.R. No. 184823, October 6, 2010, 632 discount from a “tax credit” to a “tax
SCRA 422); deduction” is that the tax benefit enjoyed
If no decision is made within the 120-day by sellers of goods and services to senior
period, there is a deemed denial or adverse citizens is effectively reduced. A tax credit
decision which is appealable to the CTA reduces the tax liability while a tax
within 30 days from the lapse of the 120- deduction merely reduces the tax base.
day period (Sec. 112, NIRC; Sec. 7(a)(1) of Under the tax credit scheme, the
RA 1125, as amended by RA 9282). establishments are paid back 100% of the
discount they give to senior citizens while
under the tax deduction scheme, they are
X only paid back about 32% of the 20%
discount granted to senior citizens.
Congress issued a law allowing a 20% (B) I will decide in favor of the
discount on the purchases of senior citizens Constitutionality of the law. The 20%
from, among others, recreation centers. discount as well as the tax deduction
This 20% discount can then be used by the scheme is a valid exercise of the police
sellers as a “tax credit.” At the initiative of power of the State (Manila Memorial Park
BIR, however, Republic Act No. (RA) 9257 Inc. v. Department on Social Welfare and
was enacted amending the treatment of Development, G.R. No. 175356, December
20% discount as a “tax deduction.” Equity 3, 2013, 711 SCRA 302)
Cinema filed a petition the RTC claiming XI
that RA 9257 is unconstitutional as it
forcibly deprives sellers a part of the price Soaring Eagle paid its excise tax liabilities
without just compensation. with Tax Credit Certificates (TCCs) which it
purchased through the One Stop Shop unused input taxes and excise taxes on
Inter-Agency Tax Credit Center (Center) of certain goods. As such, tax credit is
the Department of Finance. The Center is a transferable in accordance with pertinent
composite body of the DOF, BIR, BOC and laws, rules, and regulations (Pilipinas Shell
the BOI. The TCCs were accepted by the Petroleum Corp. v. Commissioner of
BIR as payments. A year after, the BIR Internal Revenue, G.R. No. 172598,
demanded the payment of alleged December 21, 2007, 541 SCRA 316).
deficiency excise taxes on the ground that
Soaring Eagle is not a qualified transferee of XII
the TCCs it purchased from other BOl-
registered companies. The BIR argued that The Philippine-British Association, Inc.
the TCCs are subject to post-audit as a (Association) is a non-stock non-profit
suspensive condition. On the other hand, organization which owns the St. Michael’s
Soaring Eagle countered that it is a buyer in Hospital (Hospital) Sec. 216 in relation to
good faith and for value who merely relied Sec. 215 of the LGC classifies all lands,
on the Center’s representation of the buildings and other improvements thereon
genuineness and validity of the TCCs. If it is actually, directly, and exclusively used for
ordered to pay the deficiency, Soaring Eagle hospitals as “special.” A special classification
claims the same is confiscatory and a prescribes a lower assessment than a
violation of due process. Is the assessment commercial classification.
against Soaring Eagle valid? Explain. (5%)
Within the premises of the Hospital, the
SUGGESTED ANSWER Association constructed the St. Michael’s
No. The assessment is invalid because the Medical Arts Center (Center) which will
TCC’s used by Soaring Eagle are valid and house medical practitioners who will lease
effective. A TCC is an undertaking by the the spaces therein for their clinics at
government through the BIR or DOF, prescribed rental rates. The doctors who
acknowledging that a taxpayer is entitled to treat the patients confined in the Hospital
a certain amount of tax credit from either are accredited by the Association. The City
an overpayment of income taxes, a direct Assessor classified the Center as
benefit granted by law or other sources and “commercial” instead of “special” on the
instances granted by law such as on specific ground that the Hospital owner gets income
from the lease of its spaces to doctors who (PCC) was hired to construct the WHO
also entertain out-patients. Is the City Medical Center in Manila. Upon completion
Assessor correct in classifying the Center as of the building, the BIR assessed a 12%
“commercial?” Explain. (5%) VAT on the gross receipts of PCC derived
from the construction of the WHO building.
SUGGESTED ANSWER The BIR contends that the 12% VAT is not
No. The Medical Arts Center is an integral a direct nor an indirect tax on the WHO but
part of the Hospital and should be classified a tax that is primarily due from the
for assessment purposes as “special”. The contractor and is therefore not covered by
fact alone that the doctors holding clinics in the Host Agreement. The WHO argues that
the Center are those duly accredited by the the VAT is deemed an indirect tax as PCC
Association who owns the Hospital, and can shift the tax burden to it. Is the BIR
these doctors are the ones who can treat correct? Explain. (5%)
the Hospital’s patients confined in it, takes
away the said Medical Arts Center from SUGGESTED ANSWER
being categorized as “commercial” since a No. Since World Health Organization
tertiary hospital is required by law to have a (WHO), the contractee, is exempt from
pool of physicians who comprise the direct and indirect taxes pursuant to an
required medical departments in various international agreement where the
medical fields (City Assessora Cebu City v. Philippines is a signatory, the exemption
Association of Benevola de Cebu, Inc., G.R. from indirect taxes should mean that the
No. 152904, June 2007, 524 SCRA 128). entity or person exempt is the contactor
itself because the manifest intention of the
XIII agreement is to exempt the contractor so
that no tax may be shifted to the contractee
Pursuant to Sec. 11 of the “Host Agreement (CIR v. John Gotamco & Sons, Inc., G.R.
between the United Nations and the No. L-31092, February 24, 1987, 148 SCRA
Philippine government, it was provided that 36). The immunity of WHO from indirect
the World Health Organization (WHO), “its taxes extends to the contractor by treating
assets, income and other properties shall the sale of service as effectively zero-rated
be: a) exempt from all direct and indirect when the law provided that, “services
taxes.” Precision Construction Corporation rendered to persons or entities whose
exemption under special laws or Lucky is HSC and not Rainier. It issued an
international agreements to which the assessment for deficiency income tax in the
Philippines is a signatory effectively subjects amount of P79 million against Lucky. Lucky
the supply of such service to zero percent argues that it resorted to tax avoidance or a
(0%) rate” (Section 108(B) 3, NIRC). tax saving device, which is allowed by the
Accordingly, the BIR is wrong in assessing NIRC and BIR rules since it paid the correct
the 12% VAT from the contractor, Precision taxes based on its sale to Rainier. On the
Construction Corporation. other hand, Rainier and HSC also paid the
prescribed taxes arising from the sale by
XIV Rainier to HSC. Is the BIR correct in
assessing taxes on Lucky? Explain. (5%)
Lucky V Corporation (Lucky) owns a 10-
storey building on a 2,000 Sous meter lot in SUGGESTED ANSWER
the City of Makati. It sold the lot and Yes. The sale of the property by Lucky V
building to Rainiere P80million. One month Corporation (Lucky) to Rainer and
after, Rainier sold the lot and building to consequently the sale by Rainer to HSC
Health Smoke Company (HSC) for P200 being prompted more on the mitigation of
million. Lucky filed its annual tax return and tax liabilities than for legitimate business
declared its gain from the sale of the lot purposes, therefore, constitutes tax
and building in the amount of P750,000.00 evasion. The real buyer from Lucky is HBC
as evidenced by the direct receipt of
An investigation conducted by the BIR payments by the former from the latter
revealed that two months prior to the sale where the latter recorded “other
of the properties to Rainier, Lucky received investments – Lucky Building”. The scheme
P40 million from HSC and not from Rainier. of resorting to a two-step transaction in
Said amount of P40 million was debited by selling the property to the ultimate buyer in
HSC and reflected in its trial balance as order to escape paying higher taxes is
“other inv. — Lucky Bldg.” The month after, considered as outside of those lawful means
another P40million was reflected in HSC’s allowed in mitigating tax liabilities which
trial balance as “other inv. — Lucky Bldg.” makes Lucky, criminally and civilly liable.
The BIR concluded that there is tax evasion Hence, the BIR is correct in assessing taxes
since the real buyer of the properties of on Lucky (CIR v. Estate of Benigno P. Toda,
Jr., G.R. No. 147188, September 14, 2004, connected or related to the operation or
438 SCRA 290). conduct of the trade, business or
profession, or that are directly related to or
XV in furtherance of the conduct of his/its
trade, business, or exercise of a profession
Peter is the Vice President for Sales of not to exceed such ceilings prescribed by
Golden Dragon Realty Conglomerate Inc. rules and regulations, are allowed as
(Golden Dragon). A group of five (5) foreign deduction from gross income. In this case,
investors visited the country for possible the expenses incurred were to entertain the
investment in the condominium units and investors of Golden Dragon; thus, the
subdivision lots of Golden Dragon. After a amount deductible for entertainment,
tour of the properties for sale, the investors amusement and recreation expenses is
were wined and dined by Peter at the posh limited to the actual amount paid or
Conrad’s Hotel at the cost of P150,000.00. incurred but in no case shall the deduction
Afterward, the investors were brought to a exceed 0.50% of net sales for taxpayers
party in a videoke club which cost the engaged in the sale of goods or properties
company P200,000.00 for food and drinks, (Sec. 34(A)(1)(a) (iv), NIRC as implemented
and the amount of P80,000,00 as tips for by RR No. 10-2002).
business promotion officers. Expenses at
Conrad’s Hotel and the videoke club were [Note: Reasonableness and liberality are
receipted and submitted to support the recommended in considering an examinee’s
deduction for representation and answer to this question.]
entertainment expenses. Decide if all the
representation and entertainment expenses
claimed by Golden Dragon are deductible.
Explain. (5%)


Reasonable allowance for entertainment,
amusement, and recreation expenses Amor Powers, Inc. (API) is a domestic
during the taxable year that are directly corporation registered with the BIR as a
value-added taxpayer. API incurred excess before It could seek judicial relief with the
input VAT in the amount of CTA.
P500,000,000.00 on August 3, 2008. Hence,
it filed with the BIR an administrative claim Will API’s Petition for Review prosper?
for the refund or credit of these input taxes Decide with reasons. (5%)
on August 15,2010. Without waiting for the
CIR to act on its claim, API filed a Petition SUGGESTED ANSWER
for Review with the CTA on September 15, Yes. The petition for review filed by API falls
2010 before the lapse of two years after the within the exemption from the mandatory
close of the taxable quarter concerned. 120 + 30-day requirement in pursuing a
judicial remedy for a claim of refund of
In its Comment on the Petition, the CIR input taxes attributable to zero-rated sales.
argues that API’s Petition should be All claims for refund filed between October
dismissed as it was filed before the lapse of 6, 2003 when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03
the 120-day period given to the CIR by Sec. was issued until the promulgation of the
112(D) of the NIRC, which became effective decision by the Supreme Court ruling on the
on January 1, 1998. For the CIR, the 120- period by which a taxpayer may pursue a
day period is mandatory and jurisdictional judicial remedy for a claim for refund, must
so that any suit filed before its expiration is follow the period prescribed in the BIR
premature and, therefore, dismissible, API, Ruling (CIR v. Aichi Forging of Asia, Inc.,
on the other hand, invokes BIR Ruling No. G.R. No. 184823, October 6, 2010, 632
DA-489-03 issued by the CIR on December SCRA 422).
10, 2003 in answer to a query posed by the
Department of Finance regarding the
propriety of the actions taken by Lazi Bay
Resources Development, Inc., which filed
an administrative claim for refund with the
CIR and, before the lapse of the 120-day
period from its filing, filed a judicial claim XVII
with the CTA. BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03
stated that the taxpayer-claimant need not The requisites for a valid waiver of the
wait for the lapse of the 120-day period three-year (3-year) prescriptive period for
the BIR to assess taxes due in the taxable The waiver must be executed in three
year are prescribed by Revenue copies, the original copy to be attached to
Memorandum Order (RMO) No. 20-90: the docket of the case, the second copy for
the taxpayer and the third copy for the
The waiver must be in the proper form Office accepting the waiver. The fact of
prescribed by RMO 20-90. receipt by the taxpayer of his/her file copy
The waiver must be signed by the taxpayer must be indicated in the original copy to
himself or his duly authorized show that the taxpayer was notified of the
representative. In the case of a corporation, acceptance of the BIR and the perfection of
the waiver must be signed by any of its the agreement.
responsible officials. In case the authority is After being assessed by the BIR with
delegated by the taxpayer to a alleged deficiency income taxes, VVV
representative, such delegation should be in Corporation (VVV) through Enrique, its
writing and duly notarized. President, executed a waiver of the
The waiver should be duly notarized. prescriptive period. The waiver was signed
The CIR or the revenue official authorized by Revenue District Officer (RDO) Alfredo.
by him must sign the waiver indicating that However, the waiver did not state the date
the BIR has accepted and agreed to the of execution by the taxpayer and date of
waiver. The date of such acceptance by the acceptance by the BIR. Enrique was also
BIR should be indicated. However, before not furnished a copy of the waiver by the
signing the waiver, the CIR or the revenue BIR.
official authorized by him must make sure
that the waiver is in the prescribed form, VVV claims that the waiver ‘is void due to
duly notarized, and executed by the non-compliance with RMO 20-90. Hence,
taxpayer or his duly authorized the period for assessment had already
representative. prescribed. Moreover, since the assessment
Both the date of execution by the taxpayer involves P2million, the waiver should have
and date of acceptance by the Bureau been signed by the CIR and instead of a
should be before the expiration of the mere RDO. On the other hand, the BIR
period of prescription or before the lapse of contends that the requirements of RMO No.
the period agreed upon in case a 20-90 are merely directory; that the
subsequent agreement is executed. execution of the waiver by VVV was a
enunciation of its right to invoke and open a supermarket in Makati City, will
prescription and that the government the BIR tax him on the income he earns
cannot be estopped by the mistakes from his U.S. business? If you were Atty.
committed by its revenue officers. Is VVV Agaton, what advice will you give Patrick?
liable? Explain. (5%) (5%)


No. The waiver was executed after VVV I will advise Patrick that once he re-acquires
Corporation (VVV) was assessed for his Philippine citizenship and establishes his
deficiency income taxes obviously to justify residence in this country, his income tax
the assessment made after prescription had classification would then be a ‘resident
set in. This is the reason why WWV is citizen’. A resident citizen is taxable on all
invoking prescription due to the alleged his income, whether derived within or
invalidity of the waiver for failure to comply without the Philippines; accordingly, the
with the requisites set forth under RMO 20- income he earns from his business abroad
90. A waiver executed beyond the will now be subject to the Philippine income
prescriptive period is ineffective (CIR v. The tax (Sec. 23, NIRC).
Stanley Works Sales (Phils), Inc., G.R. No.
187589, December 3, 2014, 743 SCRA 642). ALTERNATIVE ANSWER
If Patrick becomes a dual citizen under RA
XX 9225 in our country, he shall be allowed to
acquire real properties and engage himself
Patrick is a successful businessman in the in business here just like an ordinary Filipino
United States and he is a sole proprietor of without renouncing his foreign citizenship.
a supermarket which has a gross sales of In addition, his income abroad will not be
$10 million and an annual income of taxed here. These are among the Incentives
$3million. He went to the Philippines on a we have extended to former Filipinos under
visit and, in a party, he saw Atty. Agaton the Dual Citizenship Law so that they will be
who boasts of being a tax expert. Patrick encouraged to come home and invest their
asks Atty. Agaton: if he (Patrick) decides to money in our country.
reacquire his Philippine citizenship under RA
9225, establish residence in this country, XVIII
payments plus interest would be
Henry, a U.S. naturalized citizen, went substantially higher than the depreciation
home to the Philippines to reacquire expense he may claim in computing his
Philippine citizenship under RA 9225. His taxable income; hence, the lease would
mother left him a lot and building in Makati result in the additional benefit of increasing
City and he wants to make use of it in his his additional tax deductions. The buyer will
trading business. Considering that he needs be deriving rental income from the property
money for the business, he wants to sell his and be able to claim business deductions
lot and building and make use of the such as real property taxes, repairs and
consideration. However, the lot has maintenance, depreciation and other
sentimental value and he wants to reacquire expenses necessary for the renting out of
it in the future. A friend of Henry told him of the property.
the “sale-leaseback transaction” commonly
used in the U.S., which is also used for tax XIX
reduction. Under said transaction, the lot
owner sells his property to a buyer on the Jennifer is the only daughter of Janina who
condition that he leases it back from the was a resident in Los Angeles California,
buyer. At the same time, the property U.S.A. Janina died in the U.S. leaving to
owner is granted an option to repurchase Jennifer one million shares of Sun Life
the lot on or before an agreed date. Henry (Philippines), Inc., a corporation organized
approaches you as a tax lawyer for advice. and existing under the laws of the Republic
of the Philippines. Said shares were held in
Explain what tax benefits, if any, can be trust for Janina by the Corporate Secretary
obtained by Henry and the buyer from the of Sun Life and the latter can vote the
sale-leaseback transaction? (5%) shares and receive dividends for Janina.
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the
U.S. taxed the shares on the ground that
Janina was domiciled in the U.S. at the time
SUGGESTED ANSWER of her death.
Henry will be entitled to claim rental (A) Can the CIR of the Philippines also tax
expense as a deduction from his gross the same shares? Explain. (2.5%)
income in the trading business. His lease
(B) Explain the concept of double taxation. a supermarket which has a gross sales of
(2.5%) $10 million and an annual income of
$3million. He went to the Philippines on a
SUGGESTED ANSWER visit and, in a party, he saw Atty. Agaton
(A) Yes. The property being a property who boasts of being a tax expert. Patrick
located in the Philippines, it is subject to the asks Atty. Agaton: if he (Patrick) decides to
Philippine estate tax irrespective of the reacquire his Philippine citizenship under RA
citizenship or residence of the decedent 9225, establish residence in this country,
(Sec. 85, NIRC). However, if Janina is a and open a supermarket in Makati City, will
non-resident alien at the time of her death, the BIR tax him on the income he earns
the transmission of the shares of stock can from his U.S. business? If you were Atty.
only be taxed applying the principle of Agaton, what advice will you give Patrick?
reciprocity (Sec. 104, NIRC). (5%)
(B) Double taxation occurs when the same
subject or object of taxation is taxed twice SUGGESTED ANSWER
when it should be taxed but once. Double I will advise Patrick that once he re-acquires
taxation is prohibited. when it is an his Philippine citizenship and establishes his
imposition of taxes on the same subject residence in this country, his income tax
matter, for the same purpose, by the same classification would then be a ‘resident
taxing authority, within the same citizen’. A resident citizen is taxable on all
jurisdiction, during the same taxing period, his income, whether derived within or
with the same kind or character of a tax (84 without the Philippines; accordingly, the
C.J.S. 131-132). It is permissible if taxes are income he earns from his business abroad
of different nature or character, or the two will now be subject to the Philippine income
taxes are imposed by different taxing tax (Sec. 23, NIRC).
authorities (Villanueva v. City of Iloilo, G.R.
No. L-26521, December 28, 1968, 26 SCRA
If Patrick becomes a dual citizen under RA
Patrick is a successful businessman in the 9225 in our country, he shall be allowed to
United States and he is a sole proprietor of acquire real properties and engage himself
in business here just like an ordinary Filipino HP International already enjoys income tax
without renouncing his foreign citizenship. holiday.
In addition, his income abroad will not be Is the BIR correct in denying SMZ, lnc.'s
taxed here. These are among the Incentives application? Explain your answer. (6%)
we have extended to former Filipinos under
the Dual Citizenship Law so that they will be Suggested Answer:
encouraged to come home and invest their No. The BIR’s contention is not correct
money in our country. applying the new rule which incorporates
the Destination Principle and Cross-Border
Suggested Answers to the 2017 Bar Principle.
Examinations in Taxation Law
The Supreme Court, in the recent case of
by Atty. Francis Kayvin B. Escobar, CPA Coral Bay Nickel Mining Vs. Commissioner of
(2017 Bar Examinee) Internal Revenue (June 13,2016; J.
Bersamin) ruled that the sale of goods or
I. rendition of services to a PEZA registered
SMZ, Inc. is a VAT-registered enterprise enterprise is considered to be Effectively-
engaged in the general construction Zero rated applying the new Rule that
business. HP International contracts the incorporates the Cross-Border and
services of SMZ, Inc. to construct HP Destination Principle despite the availment
lnternational's factory building located in the by the PEZA registered entity of this so
Laguna Techno Park, a special economic called “Income Tax Holiday”. This new rule,
zone. HP International is registered with the as implemented by RMC 74-99, deviates
Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) from the old rule which gives a PEZA
as an ecozone export enterprise, and, as registered entity to choose between
such, enjoys income tax holiday pursuant to payment (1)5% franchise tax in lieu of all
the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995. taxes and (2) the availment of the so called
SMZ, Inc. files an application with the income tax holiday where the PEZA
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the registered entity will no longer pay income
VAT zero-rating of its sale of services to HP tax but will have to pay VAT and thereby
International. However, the BIR denies removing the transaction from zero rated
SMZ, lnc.'s application on the ground that system.
In the given case, although assuming that to the excise taxes it had paid on the
HP international opted to avail of the importation of 225 million liters of Jet A-1
Income Tax Holiday Scheme, the BIR aviation fuel.
should still grant the application for the If you were the Commissioner of Internal
Zero-rating of SMZ’s sale of services to HP Revenue, will you grant Wreck Corporation's
applying the Cross Border and Destination administrative claim for refund or issuance
Principle. of tax credit certificate? Explain your
Thus, the application of SMZ for the zero- answer. (6%)
rating of its sale of services to HP must be
granted. Suggested Answer:
The claim for refund must be partially
II. granted.
Wreck Corporation is a domestic corporation As held in the case of Chevron Vs CIR
engaged in the business of importing, (September 1, 2015; J. Bersamin), excise
refining and selling petroleum products. taxes must be paid on the importation or
During the period from September 1, 2014 the local production of petroleum products
to December 31, 2014, Wreck Corporation by the importer or producer. However, any
imported 225 million liters of Jet A-1 excise tax paid by the statutory taxpayer on
aviation fuel and paid the excise taxes petroleum products sold to any of the
thereon. Seventy-five percent (75%) of the entities or agencies named in Section 135 of
total volume of aviation fuel imported were the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC)
actually sold to international carriers of exempt from excise tax is deemed illegally
Philippine and foreign registries for their use or erroneously imposed, and should be
or consumption outside of the Philippines in credited or refunded to the payor pursuant
the period from November 1, 2014 to to Section 204 of the NIRC. This is because
December 31, 2014. Wreck Corporation did the exemption granted under Section 135 of
not pass on to the international carriers the the NIRC must be construed in favor of the
excise taxes it paid on the importation of property itself, that is, the petroleum
petroleum products. products.
On June 25, 2015, Wreck Corporation filed In the given problem, only 75% of the total
an administrative claim for refund or 225 million liters of JET A-1 Aviation fuel
issuance of tax credit certificate amounting were sold to international carriers. Applying
the formula laid down in the above-cited be refunded' in respect of the total amount
case, it goes to say that only 75% only of of ₱1,100,000.00.
the total taxes paid on the total petroleum Vanderful, Inc. now files in the BIR a claim
products imported by Wreck Corporation for refund of unutilized overpayments of
should be claimed for refund and the other ₱1,100,00.00. Is the claim meritorious?
25% of the excise taxes paid will have to be (4%)
refunded upon the sale of the remaining
liters of JET A-1 aviation fuel. Suggested Answer:
The claim is partially meritorious.
Hence, the claim for refund must be
granted only to the extent of 75% of the It was discussed by the Supreme Court in
total excise taxes paid. the case of CIR Vs. PL Management
International Philippines (April 4, 2011; J.
III. Besamin) that under the last sentence of
Vanderful, lnc.'s income tax return for Section 76 of the Tax Code, once the
taxable year 2015 showed an overpayment option to carry-over and apply the excess
due to excess creditable withholding taxes quarterly income tax against income tax
in the amount of ₱750,000.00. The due for the taxable quarters of the
company opted to carry over the excess succeeding taxable years has been made,
income tax credits as tax credit against its such option shall be considered irrevocable
quarterly income tax liabilities for the next for that taxable period and no application
succeeding years. For taxable year 2016, for tax refund or issuance of a tax credit
the company's income tax return showed an certificate shall be allowed therefor. This is
overpayment due to excess creditable known as the “irrevocability rule”.
withholding taxes in the amount of Inasmuch as Vanderful already opted to
₱1,100,000.00, which included the carry- carry over its unutilized creditable
over from year 2015 in the amount of withholding tax of P750,000 to taxable year
₱750,000.00 because its operations resulted 2015, the carry-over could no longer be
in a net loss; hence, there was no converted into a claim for tax refund
application for any tax liability. This time, because of the irrevocability rule provided in
the company opted and marked the box "To Section 76 of the NIRC of 1997. Thereby, it
became barred from claiming the refund.
However, Vanderful may claim for refund Customs Operations in the Subic Special
with respect to P350,000 excess taxes paid Economic and Freeport Zone, both the
since this portion was not covered by the SBMA and the Bureau of Customs have the
carry over option which was made for power to seize and forfeit goods or articles
taxable year 2015. entering the Subic Bay Freeport, except that
Hence, Vanderful may only claim for refund SBMA’s authority to seize and forfeit goods
in the amount of P350,000 out of the total or articles entering the Subic Bay Freeport
claim of P1,100,000. has been limited only to cases involving
violations of RA No. 7227 or its IRR. There
IV. is no question therefore, that the authority
On the basis of a warrant of seizure and of the Bureau of Customs is larger in scope
detention issued by the Collector of because it covers cases concerning
Customs for the purpose of enforcing the violations of the customs laws.
Tariff and Customs Code, assorted brands
of liquor and cigarettes said to have been The Court added that the authority of the
illegally imported into the Philippines were Bureau of Customs to seize and forfeit
seized from a store operating in a Freeport goods and articles entering the Subic Bay
zone. The store owner moved for the Freeport does not contravene the nature of
quashal of the warrant on the ground that the Subic Bay Freeport as a separate
the Collector of Customs had no jurisdiction customs authority. Indeed, the investors
to enforce it within the Freeport zone. can generally and freely engage in any kind
Should the motion to quash be granted? of business as well as import into and
(3%) export out goods with minimum
interference from the Government
Suggested Answer: Hence, the motion to quash must be denied
No. The motion to quash must be denied. for the reason that the Collector of Customs
As held in the case of Agriex vs. Villanueva has jurisdiction to enforce the TCC within
(September 10, 2014; J. Bersamin), the the Freeport zone.
Supreme Court ruled that by virtue of R.A
7227, as implemented by Customs
Administrative Order No. 4-93 (CAO 4-93),
also known as the Rules and Regulations for
V. denial period has not lapsed yet. The
On March 30, 2016, XL Co. filed an judicial filings were thus made in
administrative claim for refund of unutilized contravention of the provision of Section
input VAT for taxable year 2014, together 112( C ) of the Tax Code.
with supporting documents. XL Co. claimed With respect to the to the claims for refund
that its sale of generated power and covering the 3rd and 4th quarters, the
delivery of electric capacity and energy was judicial claim was timely filed since the 120-
VAT zero-rated. Due to the inaction of the day deemed denial period has lapsed from
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR), XL the filing of the administrative claim and the
Co. filed with the Court of Tax Appeals filing was done within 30 days from the
(CTA) the following judicial claims for lapse of the 120-day period.
Period Covered Date Filed VI.
1st Quarter of 2014 March 31, 2016 Heeding the pronouncement of the
2nd Quarter of 2014 June 30, 2016 President that the worsening traffic
3rd and 4th Quarter of 2014 August 12, condition in the metropolis was a sign of
2016 economic progress, the Congress enacted
Republic Act No. 10701 (RA 10701), also
Is XL Co.'s claim for VAT refund timely known as An Act Imposing a Transport Tax
filed? Explain your answer. (5%) on the Purchase of Private Vehicles.

Suggested Answer: Under RA 10701, buyers of private vehicles

With respect to the claims for refund are required to pay a transport tax
covering the 1st and 2nd quarters, the filing equivalent to 5°/o of the total purchase
of Judicial claims is not timely filed since the price per vehicle purchased. RA 10701
filing is considered premature since the provides that the Land Transportation Office
120-day period has not lapsed yet. Although (LTO) shall not accept for registration any
the administrative filing was timely complied new vehicles without proof of payment of
with, the judicial filing was premature since the 5% transport tax. RA 10701 further
the 30-day period within which to file with provides that existing owners of private
the CTA has not started to run bearing in vehicles shall be required to pay a tax
mind that the 120-day period deemed equivalent to 5% of the current fair market
value of every vehicle registered with the Hence, RA 10701 does not violate the Equal
LTO. However, RA 10701 exempts owners Protection of the Constitution.
of public utility vehicles and the
Government from the coverage of the 5% VII.
transport tax. Calvin Dela Pisa was a Permits and
A group of private vehicle owners sue on Licensing Officer (rank-and-file) of Sta.
the ground that the law is unconstitutional Portia Realty Corporation (SPRC). He invited
for contravening the Equal Protection the Regional Director of the Housing and
Clause of the Constitution. Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) to
Rule on the constitutionality and validity of lunch at the Sulo Hotel in Quezon City to
RA 10701. (5%) discuss the approval of SPRC's application
for a development permit in connection with
Suggested Answer: its subdivision development project in Pasig
RA 10701 is not unconstitutional as there is City. At breakfast the following day, Calvin
a substantial distinction between met a prospective client interested to enter
automobiles used for private purposes and into a joint venture with SPRC for the
those that are used for public purpose or construction of a residential condominium
being operated by common carriers. unit in Cainta, Rizal.
Calvin incurred expenses for the lunch and
An example of this transport tax as levied breakfast meetings he had with the
pursuant to RA 10701 is excise tax on Regional Director of HLURB and the
automobiles. Under Section 149(a) of the prospective client, respectively. The
Tax Code, excise tax shall not be imposed expenses were duly supported by official
on non-automobile such as buses, trucks, receipts issued in his name. At month's end,
cargo vans, jeeps,single cab chassis aand he requested the reimbursement of his
special purpose vehicles. From this, it can expenses, and SPRC granted his request.
be gleaned that Congress has intended to
exclude non automobiles from the coverage
of Transport Taxes such excise tax for the
reason of the substantial distinction
between automobiles and non-automobiles.
(a) Can SPRC claim an allowable general professional partnership or similar
deduction for the expenses incurred by entity if the payment constitutes bribe or
Calvin? Explain your answer. (2.5%) kickback.

Suggested Answer: In the given case, it is clear that the

Yes. SPRC can claim as deduction the expenses incurred by Calvin constitute bribe
expenses incurred by Calvin. or kickback in order to induce the HLURB
Under Section 34(A)(1) of the Tax Code, a and the client to enter into a joint venture
taxpayer shall be allowed as deduction from with SPRC for the construction of a
gross income all the ordinary and necessary residential condominium unit in Cainta,
expenses paid or incurred during the Rizal.
taxable year in carrying on or which are
directly attributable to the development, (b) Is the reimbursement received by
management, operation and/or conduct of Calvin from SPRC subject to tax? Explain
trade, business or exercise of profession. your answer. (2.5%)
In as much as the expenses incurred by
Calvin which will be reimbursed by SPRC are Suggested Answer:
ordinary and necessary expenses directly No. The reimbursements received by Calvin
attributable to the operation of the realty are not constitutive of income, hence not
business and are paid during the taxable subject to tax.
year, such expenses shall be claimed as In BIR Ruling No. DA-158-4-14-97 dated
allowable deduction from the gross income April 14, 1997, citing BIR Ruling No. 202-81
of SPRC. dated October 22, 1981, it is discussed that
that reimbursement of actual expenses
Alternative Answer: being mere return of capital and not return
No. SPRC cannot claim as deduction the on capital does not constitute income.
expenses incurred by Calvin. These sums do not represent any actual
It is clear under Section 34 (A)(1)( C ) that earnings because they are simply replacing
no deduction from gross income shall be funds that the employee already had paid
allowed for payment made directly or rather than paying him something new.
indirectly to an official of the government or
a foreign government or to a corporation or
VIII. required to file an annual income tax return.
On April 30, 2015, Daryl resigned as the The certificate of withholding filed by the
production manager of 52nd Avenue, a respective employers, duly stamped
television studio owned by SSS 'received' by the BIR, shall be tantamount
Entertainment Corporation. 52nd Avenue to the substituted filing of income tax
issued to her a Certificate of Withholding returns by said employees." (As
Tax on Compensation (BIR Form No. 2316), implemented by Rev. Reg. 08-2018)
which showed that the tax withheld from Since only the months of January to April
her compensation was equal to her income are covered by the certificate of withholding
tax due for the period from January 2015 to filed Daryl’s employer, it goes to say that
April 30, 2015. only in these months of the taxable year
A month after her resignation, Daryl put up 2015 will Daryl be eligible or qualified for
her own studio and started producing short substituted filing. He is not qualified for
films. She was able to earn a meager substituted filing for the months of May to
income from her short films but did not December, 2015.
keep record of her production expenses.
Is Daryl qualified for substituted filing for IX.
taxable year 2015? Explain your answer. Upon his retirement, Alfredo transferred his
(3%) savings derived from his salary as a
marketing assistant to a time deposit with
Suggested Answer: AAB Bank. The bank regularly deducted
Daryl is qualified for the substituted filing 20% final withholding tax on the interest
for the months of January to April 2015 but income from the time deposit.
is not qualified for such filing for May to Alfredo contends that the 20% final tax on
December 2015. the interest income constituted double
Under the tax code, individual taxpayers taxation because his salary had been
receiving purely compensation income, already subjected to withholding tax.
regardless of amount, from only one Is Alfredo's contention correct? Explain your
employer in the Philippines for the calendar answer. (3%)
year, the income tax of which has been
withheld correctly by the said employer (tax
due equals tax withheld) shall not be
Suggested Answer: withholding taxes for the year 2012.
No. Alfredo’s contention is not correct. Vantage Point, Inc. filed its protest. On
There is direct double taxation when two or October 30, 2017, the BIR issued a formal
more taxes are imposed on the same letter of demand and final assessment
subject of taxation for the same purpose notice. Vantage Point, Inc. again filed a
during the same period, by the same protest. The Commissioner of Internal
authority under the same jurisdiction. Revenue denied the protests and directed
In the given case, the taxes were imposed the collection of the assessed deficiency
on different subjects of taxation. On one taxes.
hand, the creditable withholding tax was Accordingly, Vantage Point, Inc. filed a
imposed on the salary of Alfredo which is petition for review in the CTA to seek the
the subject of a scheduler or tabular tax cancellation and withdrawal of the
rates. On the other hand, the final income assessment on the ground of prescription.
tax was imposed on the interest income (a) What constitutes a valid waiver of
earned by Alfredo from his investment in a the statute of limitations for the assessment
time deposit. and collection of taxes? Explain your
Clearly there is no double taxation in the answer. (3%)
instant case.
Suggested Answer:
X. A valid waiver of the statute of limitations
On January 27, 2017, Ramon, the under paragraphs (b) and (d) of Section
comptroller of Vantage Point, Inc., executed 223 of the Tax Code of 1977, as amended,
a document entitled Waiver of the Statute must be: (1) in writing; (2) agreed to by
of Limitations in connection with the BIR's both the Commissioner and the taxpayer;
investigation of the tax liabilities of the (3) before the expiration of the ordinary
company for the year 2012. However, the prescriptive periods for assessment and
Board of Directors of Vantage Point, Inc. did collection; and (4) for a definite period
not adopt a board resolution authorizing beyond the ordinary prescriptive periods for
Ramon to execute the waiver. assessment and collection.
On October 14, 2017, Vantage Point, Inc. The period agreed upon can still be
received a preliminary assessment notice extended by subsequent written agreement,
from the BIR indicating its deficiency provided that it is executed prior to the
expiration of the first period agreed upon. of statute of limitation as implemented by
The BIR had issued Revenue Memorandum the foregoing BIR issuances.
Order (RMO) No. 20-90 on 04 April 1990 to As the execution of the waiver of statute of
lay down an even more detailed procedure limitation dated January27, 2017 was made
for the proper execution of such a waiver. beyond the 3-year assessment period (from
RMO No. 20-90 as modified by RDAO No. April 15, 2013 to April 15, 2016), said
05-01, mandates that the procedure for waiver is void. The waiver did not comply
execution of the waiver shall be strictly with one of the requisites for valid waiver.
followed, and any revenue official who fails This leads to the inevitable conclusion that
to comply therewith resulting in the the assessment period was not extended.
prescription of the right to assess and Hence, the right of the Government to
collect shall be administratively dealt with." assess and collect deficiency taxes from
(b) Has the right of the Government to Vantage Point, Inc. for the year 2012 has
assess and collect deficiency taxes from already prescribed.
Vantage Point, Inc. for the year 2012 Note: Even assuming that the principle of in
prescribed? Explain your answer. (3%) pari delicto as laid down by the Supreme
Court in the case of CIR vs. Next Mobile
Suggested Answer: case applies in this case, prescription still
Yes. The right of the Government to assess sets in since the execution of the waiver
and collect deficiency taxes from Vantage was made beyond the 3-year assessment
Point, Inc. for the year 2012 has already period.
As held in the case of CIR vs. Stanley Works XI.
Sales (December 3, 2014; J. Sereno), the The Board of Directors of Sumo
period to assess and collect deficiency taxes Corporation, a company primarily engaged
may be extended only upon a written in the business of marketing and
agreement between the CIR and the distributing pest control products, approved
taxpayer prior to the expiration of the the partial cessation of its commercial
three-year prescribed period in accordance operations, resulting in the separation of 32
with Section 222 (b) of the NIRC. This is regular employees. Only half of the affected
also one of the requisites of a valid waiver employees were notified of the board
Rule on the taxability of the separation pay commercial operations is beyond their
and indemnity that will be received by the control, any and all amounts received by
affected employees as the result of their them as a result thereof are exempt from all
separation from service. Explain your taxes.
answer. (3%)
Suggested Answer: On September 17, 2015, Data Realty, Inc.,
The separation pay received by the affected a real-estate corporation duly organized and
employees shall be exempt from tax. existing under Philippine law, sold to Jenny
Pursuant to Section 332(b) (6) (B) of the Vera a condominium unit at Freedom
Tax Code, as amended, any amount Residences in Malabon City with an area of
received by an official or employee or by his 32.31 square meters for a contract price of
heirs from his employer as a consequence ₱4,213,000.00. The condominium unit had
of separation of such official or employee a zonal value amounting to ₱2,877,000.00
from the service of the employer due to and fair market value amounting to
death, sickness, or other physical disability ₱550,000.00.
or for any cause beyond the control of said (a) Is the transaction subject to value-
official or employee is exempt from taxes added tax and documentary stamp tax?
regardless of age or length of service. Explain your answer. (3%)
The abovementioned law requires the
presence of these two conditions in order Suggested Answer:
that the employee benefits may be granted Yes. The transaction is subject to both VAT
tax exemption: (1) the employee is and Documentary stamp tax.
separated from the service of the employer Data Realty should pay VAT on the sale of
due to death, sickness, or other physical its inventory found in Malabon City since the
disability or for cause beyond the control of same was made in the course of its
the said official or employee; and (2) the business regardless of the amount of the
employer pays benefits to the official or contract price, zonal and fair market value.
employee or his heirs as a consequence of The values of the object of sale for VAT
such separation. purposes matter only in case of sale of a
Since the separation of your employees due sale of residential dwellings.
to partial cessation of Sumo Corporation’s
It shall likewise be liable to pay Receivable account is reversed and a
Documentary Stamp Tax pursuant to ROPOA account is created in the books.
Section 196 of the Tax Code imposing DST As to the liability for DST, the answer will be
upon all conveyances, deeds, instruments, the same for the same reason. See Section
or writings, whereby land, tenement, or 196 of the Tax Code.
realty sold shall be granted, assigned or
transferred to the purchaser or persons XIII.
designated as the purchaser. BATAS Law is a general professional
partnership operating in the City of
(b) Would your answer be the same if Valenzuela. It regularly pays value-added
the property was sold by a bank in a tax on its services. All its lawyers have
foreclosure sale? Explain your answer. (3%) individually paid the required professional
tax for the year 2017. However, as a
Suggested Answer: condition for the renewal of its business
As to the liability for VAT, the answer will permit for the year 2017, the City Treasurer
not be the same. of Valenzuela assessed BATAS Law for the
payment of percentage business tax on its
In Q/A No. 17 of RMC 28-03, it was clarified gross receipts for the year 2016 in
that VAT is payable only at the time the real accordance with the Revenue Tax Code of
and other properties owned or acquired Valenzuela.
(ROPOA) is finally sold or disposed. This is
so because in a foreclosure sale, the right of Is BATAS Law liable to pay the assessed
redemption by the mortgagor is recognized percentage business tax? Explain your
and the property is only considered fully answer. (3%)
disposed after the lapse of the redemption
period. The VAT base shall be the gain or Suggested Answer:
difference between the amount realized at No. Valenzuela City may not impose
the time of sale and the cost thereof which Percentage Business Tax since as BATAS
is equivalent to the bid price or unpaid loan LAW, as a general professional partnership,
value, whichever is lower, at the time of does not operate business.
foreclosure. Time of foreclosure for this In Bureau of Local Government Finance
purpose, means the time when the Loan Opinion dated March 15, 2017 involving
exact same facts as the instant case, it was After hearing, the CTA Division issued a
discussed that following the rules on resolution granting the motion to suspend
taxation provided by the LGC, as well as the but required Globesmart Services, Inc. to
relevant rulings of the Supreme Court, this post a surety bond equivalent to the
Bureau in several occasions held that a GPP deficiency assessment within 15 days from
is not subject to business tax, as it is not notice of the resolution. Globesmart
engaged in any trade or business, but is Services, Inc. moved for the partial
focused on the exercise of the profession of reconsideration of the resolution and for the
its individual partners. reduction of the bond to an amount it could
obtain. The CTA Division issued another
The contention of BATAS Law that it must resolution reducing the amount of the
not be subject to percentage business tax surety bond to l24 million. The latter
based on gross receipts exclusively on year amount was still more than the net worth of
2017 must be upheld, without prejudice to Globesmart Services, Inc. as reported in its
the validity of the assessment made by the audited financial statements.
City Treasurer pursuant to the Revenue
Code of Valenzuela. (a) May the collection of taxes be
suspended? Explain your answer. (3%)
Globesmart Services, Inc. received a final Suggested Answer:
assessment notice with formal letter of Yes. Under Section 11 of RA 1125, when in
demand from the BIR for deficiency income the opinion of the Court, the collection by
tax, value-added tax and withholding tax for the Bureau of Internal Revenue or the
the taxable year 2016 amounting to P48 Commissioner of Customs may jeopardize
million. Globesmart Services, Inc. filed a the interest of the Government and/or the
protest against the assessment, but the taxpayer,the Court at any stage of the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue denied proceeding may suspend the said collection.
the protest. Hence, Globesmart Services,
Inc. filed a petition for review in the CTA
with an urgent motion to suspend the
collection of tax.
(b) Is the CTA Division justified in XV.
requiring Globesmart Services, Inc. to post Casimira died on June 19, 2017 after three
a surety bond as a condition for the weeks of confinement due to an
suspension of the deficiency tax collection? unsuccessful liver transplant. For her
Explain your answer. (3%) confinement, she had incurred substantial
medical expenses that she financed through
Suggested Answer: personal loans secured by mortgages on her
No. The bond requirement should have real properties. Her heirs are still in the
been dispensed with. process of making an inventory of her
assets that can be used to pay the estate
The Supreme Court in the case of taxes, if any, which are due on December
Tridharma Marketing Corporation v. 19, 2017.
CIR;(June 20, 2016;J. Bersamin) which
involves similar facts as in the instant case, (a) Are the medical expenses, personal
ruled that the CTA in Division gravely loans and mortgages incurred by Casimira
abused its discretion under Section 11 deductible from her gross estate? Explain
because it fixed the amount of the bond at your answer.(5%)
amount higher than the net worth of the
petitioner without conducting a preliminary Suggested Answer:
hearing to ascertain whether there were The Medical Expenses can no longer be
grounds to suspend the collection of the deducted from the gross estate of Casimira
deficiency assessment on the ground that since the same were already paid using the
such collection would jeopardize the personal loans secured by mortgages on her
interests of the taxpayer. real properties.

Clearly, the requirement of bond which However, the unpaid mortgage on her real
amounts to more than Globesmart’s net properties can be claimed as deduction
worth would practically deny to it the provided that the amount of the mortgaged
meaningful opportunity to contest the property is included in the gross estate and
validity of the assessments, and would likely the mortgaged loan complied with the
even impoverish it as to force it out of requirements of Section 86 of the Tax Code
business. and related Rev. Regulations.
(b) May the heirs of Casimira file the pursuant to Sections 66 to 71, Chapter 14,
estate tax return and pay the corresponding Book IV of the Administrative Code of 1987
estate tax beyond December 19, 2017 to assail the denial of its protest, and to
without incurring interest and surcharge? seek the proper interpretation of Section
Explain your answer.(3%) 32(8)(7)(b) of the Tax Code that excluded
from gross income the income derived by
Suggested Answer: the Government or its political subdivisions.
Yes. Section 91 (B) of the Tax Code permits The Secretary of Justice rendered a decision
the extension of the filing of estate tax declaring the BWD exempt from the
return and the payment thereof for a period payment of income tax.
of 5 years in case of judicial settlement and
2 years in case of extrajudicial settlement. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue
Since Casimira’s heirs are still in the process appealed to the CTA on the sole ground
of making an inventory of her assets that that the Secretary of Justice had no
can be used to pay the estate taxes, they jurisdiction to review the assessment of the
may opt to settle the estate judicially or BIR.
extra judicially in order that an extension for
the filing of the estate tax return be Is the appeal meritorious? Explain your
granted. answer. (4%)

XVI. Suggested Answer:

The BIR assessed the Babuyan Water Yes. The appeal made by the Commissioner
District (BWD) with deficiency income taxes of Internal Revenue is meritorious.
amounting to P8.5 million, inclusive of
interest and surcharge. The BWD disputed It was held in CIR v. Secretary of Justice (
the assessment, and argued that it was a 2016 J. Bersamin), which involves similar
wholly-owned government entity performing facts, the CTA, not the Secretary of Justice,
essential government functions. However, has jurisdiction to review disputed
the BIR denied the protest. assessment cases, even if protest is initiated
by another agency of the government. RA
The BWD filed a petition for arbitration in 1125 prevails over the Revised
the Office of the Secretary of Justice Administrative Code provisions on settling
disputes or controversies between or among these properties since they are used
government offices, agencies, and actually, directly and exclusively used for
instrumentalities, including GOCCs. educational purposes. (Section 28(3), Article
6 ,1987 Constitution; Section 234 , Local
XVII. Government Unit)
San Juan University is a non-stock, non- As to the land and buildings which are
profit educational institution. It owns a devoted for canteen and bookstore, there
piece of land in Caloocan City on which its shall be levied real property taxes on these
three 2-storey school buildings stood. Two properties since they contribute to the
of the buildings are devoted to classrooms, development and essential usage of the
laboratories, a canteen, a bookstore and industry or work. The same are not
administrative offices. The third building is expressly mentioned by law to be exempt
reserved as dormitory for student athletes from real property tax.
who are granted scholarships for a given
academic year. (b) Is the income earned by San Juan
University for the year 2017 subject to
In 2017, San Juan University earned income income tax? Explain your answer. (5%)
from tuition fees and from leasing a portion
of its premises to various concessionaires of Suggested Answer:
food, books, and school supplies. Yes, provided that the income derived shall
(a) Can the City Treasurer of Caloocan be used actually , directly and exclusivey
City collect real property taxes on the land used for educational purposes. This is
and building of San Juan University? Explain pursuant to the provision of Article 14,
your answer. (5%) section (3) f the 1987 constitution which
prevails over Section 30 of the Tax Code.
Suggested Answer: Also, as held in a catena of cases that the
With respect to the land and buildings that determination of exemption from income
are devoted to classrooms, laboratories, tax on income derived by a non stock non
administrative offices and the dormitory for profit educational institution is the use of
student athletes who are granted such income and not the source. For as
scholarships for a given academic year, no long as the income, regardless of the source
real property taxes shall be imposed on is actually, directly or adequately used for
educational purposes, such income shall be claim against the taxpayer exists or when
exempt from income tax. the financial position of the taxpayer
demonstrates a clear inability to pay the
XVIII. assessed tax.
(a) Differentiate outright smuggling Abatement on the other hand takes place
from technical smuggling. (3%) when the tax or any portion thereof appears
to be unjustly or excessively assessed or
Suggested Answer: when the administration and collection costs
Outright smuggling refers to the act of involved do not justify the collection of the
importing goods into the country without amount due. (Section 204, NIRC)
complete customs-prescribed importation
documents, or without being cleared by XIX.
customs or other regulatory government CMI School, Inc., a non-stock, non-profit
agencies. In this case, imported goods are corporation, donated its three parcels of idle
not registered at all with the BoC or other land situated in the Municipality of Cuyapo,
government agencies. Nueva Ecija to SLC University, another non-
Technical smuggling, on the other hand, stock, non-profit corporation, in recognition
refers to the act of importing goods into the of the latter's contribution to and
country by means of a fraudulent, falsified participation in the spiritual and educational
or erroneous declaration of the goods as to development of the former.
its nature, kind, quality, quantity or weight.
In other words, technical smuggling takes (a) Is CMI School, Inc. liable for the
place through undervaluation, payment of donor's tax? Explain your
misclassification or under-declaration of the answer. (2.5%)
goods shipped. (Section 102, CMTA)
Suggested Answer:
(b)Distinguish compromise from abatement No. Under Section 101(A) of the Tax Code,
of taxes. (3%) gifts made in favor of an educational
institution as defined therein is exempt from
Suggested Answer: Donor’s tax.
Compromise takes place when there is a
reasonable doubt as to the validity of the
(b) If SLC University later sells the three
parcels of idle land to Puregold
Supermarket, Inc., a stock corporation, will
SLC University be liable for capital gains
tax? Explain your answer. (3%)

Suggested Answer:
Yes. Under Section 34(D), sale of real
properties located within the Philippines is
subject to 6% Capital Gains Tax.

(c) If SLC University donates the three

parcels of idle land in favor of the
Municipality of Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija, will
SLC University be liable for donor's tax?
Explain your answer. (2.5%)

Suggested Answer:
No. Under Section 100(A) (2), gifts made to
or for the use of any political subdivision are
exempt from Donor’s Tax.

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