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Problem Solving

Key to Continuous Improvement

Case Study

Prepare by:
Engr. Khaled M. Al Kolfat
Content List:

1. Researcher Identification.
2. Problem-Solving and Decision Making Steps.
3. Case Study (Marafiq Project) Jubail.
4. What is Cold joint ?

10/15/2014 Problem Solving (Case Study ) Engr. Khaled M. Al Kolfat 2

Professional experience:
• 2012 Operations Manager Ras Al Khair - Riyadh Water
Transmission System project
• 2009 Project Manager Qassim 9025 380 KV Substation
• 2008 Project Manager Marafiq IWPP Jubail
• 2006 Construction Manager PP PDH plant
• 2004 Site Manger Different projects with MODA
• 2003 Site Engineer Fishing Sea Port in Egypt
• Tanta University, BS in civil Engineering
• Helwan University, Pass Prep. MEng with concentration in
project management
• e-mail:
• Tel: 0508016339
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What is a Problem ?

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What is a “Problem”
A Gap between Anything that Deviates from
Actual & Desired condition the Standard or Target

An unfulfilled customer’s need

Problem, Problem Solving and Decision Making

 Problem
1. Exists whenever objectives are not being met.
2. What is happening vs. what is wanted to be happen
 Problem Solving
1. The process of taking corrective action to meet objectives.
 Decision Making
1. The process of selecting an alternative course of action that
will solve a problem.
2. First decision is whether to take corrective action.

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Running Away From Any Problem Only

Increases The Distance From The Solution

The Easiest way to escape from a problem is

to solve it
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Problem-Solving and
Decision Making Steps

Case Study

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Al Marafiq Project Location Map
Marafiq IWPP Jubail Project Bird's Eye View

One special project is the

Marafiq IWPP project in
Jubail. Marafiq had
developed its coveted IWPP
project in Jubail Industrial
City on a build, own, operate
and transfer (BOT) basis of
a power generation facility
(2,745 MW) and water
desalination (800,000 cubic
meters per day).
This project is the biggest
project of its kind in the
world, fully constructed and
commissioned and is already
servicing the needs of both
the Jubail Industrial City and
the Eastern Province of Saudi
Arabia as a whole.
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Problem-Solving and Decision Making Steps

1 – Define the Problem

2 – Gather Information's

3 –Develop Alternatives.

4 – Weigh the Alternative's

5 – Select the best Alternative

6 – Implement the Selected Solution

7 – Monitor progress and follow up

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1 Define the problem

Time delay between the first and second layer concrete

pouring was more than five hours (concrete pour started at 11:30
and the second layer was not poured until 17:30) which should not
exceed above 60-90 min depending on the ambient temperature.
Concrete was found hard in the first layer due to the time delay as it
already started curing.

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1 Define the problem ) cont.):

Creating definite chances for cold joint (vertically). As pouring of

concrete was half completed around the foundation on its first
layer and the other half of pouring had also a delay of 5-6 hours
it also have a high chances for cold joint horizontally between
the two half’s.

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A cold joint is :
An undesirable discontinuity between layers of concrete that
occurs when one layer of concrete is allowed to harden before the
rest of the concrete is poured in what is meant to be a single, solid
mass The discontinuity occurs between the layers due to the inability
of the freshly poured, wet concrete to intermix with and bind
properly to the hardened concrete. Such a discontinuity is often the
result of logistical issues such as a contractor’s work schedule or an
unexpected material shortage.

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Keep Your Boss Informed
You must fully engage and make the
greatest efforts to realize the matter and


They pay the bills.

“PMI Stakeholders Module”

10/15/2014 Problem Solving (Case Study ) Engr. Khaled M. Al Kolfat 15
2 Gather Information's

• Concreting process reports.

• Fresh concrete test reports.

Designer report.
process reports.

Fresh concrete

After cast test

test reports.
After cast test report.


• Designer report.

1 2 3 4

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Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test requirements by client / consultant
This test is done to assess the quality of concrete by ultrasonic
pulse velocity method by measuring the time of travel of an
ultrasonic pulse passing through the concrete being tested.
Comparatively higher velocity is obtained when concrete quality is
good in terms of density, uniformity, homogeneity etc.

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To Solve the Problem must know the Causes to get the Solution for the Effects.

Man Method
Concrete not finished
Did not perform properly Sequence of casting
servicing to
Concrete not vibrated

Wrongly assemble
properly Cold joint
the pump car

Pump car not in proper condition

Vibrators not working properly Ice is not sufficient

Additives is not sufficient

Vibrator lead not working

Machine Material

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3 Develop Alternatives.

How to Find Solutions?

There are a number of methods for finding solutions. We will
describe five thinking methods below, but we recommend that you use
a number of them in finding solutions. The first four methods described
are nontraditional and more innovative. They allow you the possibility of
arriving at a novel solution. The fifth method is a more typical and
straightforward method.

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1. Association

This type of thinking is basically a linking process either through

similarity, difference, or contiguity. For example, contiguity finds
solutions from things that are connected through proximity, sequence,
and cause and effect.

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1. Association (Cont.)

The process works as follows: List as many parts of the

problem you can think of. Then giving yourself a short time limit, list
as many words or ideas that have either proximity, sequence, or
related cause and effect to the ones you have listed. It brings into
focus options you might not have considered if you stuck to ideas
only directly related to the problem.

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2. Analogy
This thinking method is a type of finding solutions through
comparisons. The process based on comparing the different facets of
the problem with other problems that may or may not have similar

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3. Brainstorming

This thinking method is based on a

free, non-threatening. You can brainstorm
alone or with a group of people. Most often
a group of people from diverse
backgrounds is preferable. Each member is
encouraged to throw out as many ideas for
solutions as he can think of no matter how
ridiculous or far-fetched they may sound.

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3. Brainstorming (Cont.)

All the ideas are discussed among the group, revised, tossed
out, expanded, etc. based on the group's analysis and awareness of
the validation for each idea, the best ones are selected for closer

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4. Intuition
This mode of thinking is based on sensation. It is not, as some think,
irrational. Intuition are built on a strong foundation of facts and
experiences that are buried somewhere in the subconscious. Use your
intuition as much as possible but check it against the reality of the

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5. Analytical Thinking

This thinking method is based on analysis. It is the most

conventional and logical of all the methods and follows a step by step

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5. Analytical Thinking( cont.)

a) Examine each cause of the problem. Then for each cause, based
on your direct knowledge and experience, list the solutions that
logically would seem to solve the problem.
b) Check the possible solutions you arrive at with the research you
have compiled on how the problem was solved by others.

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Personal Skills for Developing the Alternative

• At first, consider all alternatives.

• Better alternatives may emerge.

• Look for most interesting aspect.

• Good ideas come from unexpected sources.

• Say ”What I like mostly about this idea is...”.

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Personal Skills for Developing the Alternative ( cont.)

• Ask often for new ideas

• Clarify – “What do you mean when you say...?”

• Use “open” questions. Avoid “Yes” or “no” answers

• Ask “What..., How..., Why...”?

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Using each thinking technique for finding solutions. Keep a

running list for all of them, even the ones that seem far out, too
simple, or even impossible. The effect of this is to give you a rich pool
of ideas that will lead you to the best solution.

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3 Develop Alternatives. ( cont.):

 Choice-1 “Repair the defected structure”

Generally a crack of cold joint will be chipped out using a concrete
chisel bit to 1" (25mm) wide by 1.5" (37mm) deep. The slot will then
be coated with Concentrate in slurry form and then filled with either
by injection or trowel .
Note that many waterproofing repair professionals will have
variations on this procedure that are acceptable.

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 Choice-2 “Demolish by chemical” - Non-Explosive Demolition Agent

Is a powder with amazing 18,000 PSI expansive strength when

mixed with common water. Poured into the same holes where
explosive are traditionally placed in, It breaks reinforced concrete
and rock safely, while providing SILENT cracking.

(1) (2) (3)

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 Choice-3 “Demolish by wire saw by the company

Demolish Tools :

1. Coring machine.

2. Wall saw machine.

3. Wire saw machine.

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Saw blade diameter– range
600 - 900 mm

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 Choice-4 “Demolish by subcontractor.

If the company didn’t have the resources / experience the

company can use the Subcontractor to Demolish the defected
construction elements.

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Client Position For Alternative Corrective Options

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4 Weigh alternatives.

1. Quality of the defected structure

after developing the alternative.

2. Time to implement the alternative.

3. Cost impact of the alternative.

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 Some questions to ask:

1. Will this completely resolve the problem?

2. Will this only satisfy part of the problem?

3. Will this have little or no impact on the problem?

4. Do we have the authority to implement?

5. Do we have the necessary resources?

6. How long will it take to implement?

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5 Select the best alternative

Don't consider any alternative as "perfect solution."

If there were, there probably wouldn't be a problem in the first place
Consider your intuition
or inner feelings in deciding on a course of action
Return to your trusted outsider
Is there something you missed?
Does he/she see a problem with your solution?
Consider compromise when you have a full grasp of the problem, and
your alternatives. Competing solutions may yield a hybrid solution.
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5 Select the best alternative ( cont.)

Choice Choice 2 Choice 3 Choice 4


Repair the Demolish by Demolish by Demolish by

defected chemical wire saw by subcontractor.
structure the company

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6 Implement the solution

1. Determining problem solution response


2. Gathering and reviewing method statement

of the problem solution

3. Coordinate all problem solution activities

4. Allocate resources

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6. Specifying internal and external

7. Training staff

8. Establishing working relationships

with external stakeholders

9. Monitor progress and continuing

situation assessment

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Problem Solving
Key to Continuous Improvement
Case Study

The second lecture

Prepare by:
Engr. Khaled M. Al Kolfat
Building the executing team.

1. To solve problems by drawing on

the talents of variety of
2. To foster togetherness in the
workplace while tackling the
3. To reduce or eliminate a lack of
communication among staff
members on site .

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4. To heighten productivity by encouraging an atmosphere of
5. To achieve a solution that might be unpopular to some but is the
desire of the majority.

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Cutting Plan

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Illustration Elevation.

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Illustration Plan.

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 Working Procedure

G1 28 8
G2 15 6
G3 8 4
G4 6 2
G5 4 2
G6 4 2
G7 6 3
CH1 4
CH2 4
CH3 8
CH4 6
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Operating Floor Plan

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Foundation Section -A

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Foundation Section -B

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Foundation Section -C

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Foundation Section -D

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Foundation Section -E

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Foundation Section -F

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Working Schedule
PLAN Oct-08 Nov-08
START END # 25 # 27 # # # 31 1 2 3 4 5

STG4 MARAFIQ IWPP (STG#4 REPAIR) 82 25-Oct-08 15-Jan-09

STG4-1Mobilization Phase 10 25-Oct-08 4-Nov-08

A1000 Wire Saw Cutting Machine 1 25-Oct-08 25-Oct-08

A1010 Drilling Machine 1 26-Oct-08 26-Oct-08

A1020 Trailer Truck 60T 1 1-Nov-08 1-Nov-08

A1030 Mobile Crane 50T 1 1-Nov-08 1-Nov-08

A1040 Lifting Wires 1 1-Nov-08 1-Nov-08

A1050 Mobilization Of Manpower 1 1-Nov-08 1-Nov-08

A1060 Coring Machine 1 2-Nov-08 2-Nov-08

A1070 Wire Saw Concrete Cutter "2No'S" 1 4-Nov-08 4-Nov-08

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PLAN Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08
START END # 25 # 27 # # # 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 # 21 # # # 25 # 27 # # # 1 2 3 4 5

STG4 MARAFIQ IWPP (STG#4 REPAIR) 82 25-Oct-08 15-Jan-09

STG4-2 Demolition Phase 42 27-Oct-08 8-Dec-08

STG4-2-1 Crew1 39 27-Oct-08 5-Dec-08

A1080 Mark-Up Cutting Line And Hole Location 3 27-Oct-08 29-Oct-08

A1090 Drill Hole By Core Drilling Machine 5 30-Oct-08 3-Nov-08

A1100 Insert Diamond Wire Saw Into Drilled Hole And Apply It Upward 2 4-Nov-08 5-Nov-08

A1110 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 2 6-Nov-08 7-Nov-08

A1120 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Upward 4 8-Nov-08 11-Nov-08

A1130 Lift Demolition Block And Transport It To Trailer 5 12-Nov-08 16-Nov-08

A1140 Move Demolition Blocks Designated Stock Area 4 17-Nov-08 20-Nov-08

A1150 Lift Demolition Block And Transport It To Trailer 3 21-Nov-08 23-Nov-08

A1160 Cut The Column Head By Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 4 24-Nov-08 27-Nov-08

A1170 Lift Column Head Demolition Block And Transport To Trailer 4 28-Nov-08 1-Dec-08

Chip The As – Cast Concrete Above Column And Exposed

A1180 Reinforcement 4 2-Dec-08 5-Dec-08

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PLAN Oct-08 Nov-08 Dec-08
START END # 25 # 27 # # # 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 # 21 # # # 25 # 27 # # # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

STG4 MARAFIQ IWPP (STG#4 REPAIR) 82 25-Oct-08 15-Jan-09

STG4-2 Demolition Phase 42 27-Oct-08 8-Dec-08

STG4-2-2 Crew2 39 30-Oct-08 8-Dec-08

A1190 Mark-Up Cutting Line And Hole Location 3 30-Oct-08 1-Nov-08

A1200 Drill Hole By Core Drilling Machine 5 2-Nov-08 6-Nov-08

Insert Diamond Wire Saw Into Drilled Hole And Apply It
A1210 Upward 2 7-Nov-08 8-Nov-08

A1220 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 2 9-Nov-08 10-Nov-08

A1230 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Upward 4 11-Nov-08 14-Nov-08

A1240 Lift Demolition Block And Transport It To Trailer 5 15-Nov-08 19-Nov-08

A1250 Move Demolition Blocks Designated Stock Area 4 20-Nov-08 23-Nov-08

A1260 Lift Demolition Block And Transport It To Trailer 3 24-Nov-08 26-Nov-08

A1270 Cut The Column Head By Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 4 27-Nov-08 30-Nov-08

A1280 Lift Column Head Demolition Block And Transport To Trailer 4 1-Dec-08 4-Dec-08

Chip The As – Cast Concrete Above Column And Exposed

A1290 Reinforcement 4 5-Dec-08 8-Dec-08

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PLAN Dec-08 Jan-09
START END 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 # 21 # # # 25 # 27 # # # 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

STG4-3 Re-Construction Phase 36 10-Dec-08 15-Jan-09
1 Crew1 33 10-Dec-08 12-Jan-09
Connect New Reinforcement To The Existing Reinforcement
A1300 By Mechanical Coupler 4 6-Dec-08 9-Dec-08
A1310 Rebar works Installation for Raft Foundation 7 10-Dec-08 16-Dec-08
A1320 Form work / Shuttering for Raft Foundation 7 17-Dec-08 23-Dec-08
A1330 Casting The Reinforced Concrete for Raft Foundation. 1 24-Dec-08 24-Dec-08
A1340 Casting Treatment 15 25-Dec-08 8-Jan-09
A1350 Removal The Shuttering of Raft Foundation 4 9-Jan-09 12-Jan-09
2 Crew2 33 13-Dec-08 15-Jan-09
Connect New Reinforcement To The Existing Reinforcement
A1360 By Mechanical Coupler 4 9-Dec-08 12-Dec-08
A1370 Rebar works Installation for Raft Foundation 7 13-Dec-08 19-Dec-08
A1380 Form work / Shuttering for Raft Foundation 7 20-Dec-08 26-Dec-08
A1390 Casting The Reinforced Concrete for Raft Foundation. 1 27-Dec-08 27-Dec-08
A1400 Casting Treatment 15 28-Dec-08 11-Jan-09
A1410 Removal The Shuttering of Raft Foundation 4 12-Jan-09 15-Jan-09

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1 – Mark-up Cutting Line and Hole Location as per Drawing
Refer to “ Demolition Cutting Plan 01~ 03”. & “Demolition Hole Location 01 and 02”

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3 – Drill Hole By Core Drilling Machine.

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4 – Insert Diamond Wire Saw Into drilled Hole and apply it upward.

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5 – Apply Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally.

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6 – As per Cutting Plan, Apply Diamond Wire Saw Upward.

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7 – Lift Demolition Block and transport it to Trailer.

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8 – Move Demolition Blocks Designated Stock Area.

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10 – Lift Demolition Block and Transport it to Trailer.

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11 – Cut the Column Head By Diamond wire Saw Horizontally as per
Cutting Plan

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12 – Lift Column Head Demolition Block and Transport to Trailer.

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14 – Chip the As – Cast Concrete above Column and Exposed

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15 - Connect New Reinforcement to the Existing Reinforcement By
Mechanical Coupler.

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Ready to Connect
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Mechanical Splice

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7 Monitor progress and follow up

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How to monitor?
Issue Resolution/ Decision Implementation plan Implementation notes Followup
Was this satisfactory? What
What you decided to do about Who did what, what
Briefly discuss the issue? Who will do what? changes needed to be
it? happened?

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Schedule Monitoring

Marafiq Project (as of 15-11-2008)

Scheduling Monitoring
Activity ID Activity Name O. D. Planned Dates Actual Dates ASC REMARKS
Start Finish Start Finish
STG4-2 Demolition Phase
STG4-2-1 Crew1
A1110 Mark-Up Cutting Line And Hole Location 3.00 27-Oct-08 29-Oct-08 27-Oct-08 29-Oct-08 completed
A1130 Drill Hole By Core Drilling Machine 5.00 30-Oct-08 3-Nov-08 1-Nov-08 5-Nov-08 completed 1 day delay - resources.
Insert Diamond Wire Saw Into Drilled Hole And
A1140 2.00 4-Nov-08 5-Nov-08 6-Nov-08 7-Nov-08 completed 2 day delay - resources.
Apply It Upward
A1150 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 2.00 6-Nov-08 7-Nov-08 7-Nov-08 9-Nov-08 completed 1 day delay - resources.

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Quantity Monitoring
Marafiq Project (as of 15-11-2008)
Quantities Monitoring
Activity ID Activity Name O. D. Total Quantity Done till date Daily /Weekly Remaining ASC REMARKS
Unit Status
for each item (Previous) this period Quantities
STG4-2 Demolition Phase
STG4-2-1 Crew1
A1110 Mark-Up Cutting Line And Hole Location 3.00 L.m 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 completed
A1130 Drill Hole By Core Drilling Machine 5.00 No. 279.00 210.00 0.00 69.00 completed 1 day delay - resources.
Insert Diamond Wire Saw Into Drilled Hole And
A1140 2.00 L.m 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 completed 2 day delay - resources.
Apply It Upward
A1150 Apply Diamond Wire Saw Horizontally 2.00 l.m 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 completed 1 day delay - resources.

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Please Explain

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Team Work Result

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Bibliography / References
• ASC Project Lesson Learned. “”
• Hiliti Co. “”
• IWPP Specifications “”
• PMI Stakeholders Module

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