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A Proposed Theater Complex

A Study On Igniting Nationalism To The Filipino People Through The

Application Of Contemporary Architecture

The Philippines, a country blending with influence from different cultures around the

globe has been struggling with an Identity Crisis. First and foremost, this has been the

effect of colonialization, which has happened in the country one too many times.

Moreover, it alters how the Filipino people would see their own culture, having more

exposure to the culture of other countries rather than their own. It boils down to every

cultural trait being subjected to the question: “Is it Filipino?”.

The focus of the study revolves around the idea of captivating the Filipino people with

their own culture by means of a theatre complex. Therefore, the problem would be on

how to design a complex that would cater to that idea, while establishing an icon that

would describe the Filipino culture. This in turn, would lead to the exploring of influence

on cultural heritage in the perspective of contemporary architecture. Since it is the age

of globalization, a contemporary approach is well suited to attract the Filipino people

whilst integrating within the complex, key-elements within Philippine Culture, solidifying

the Filipino Identity.

The design approach on this type of concept will consist of two key elements; firstly,

focusing on the structures aesthetics by integrating proper cultural design within the

complex. Secondly, is to optimize the users experience through an interactive design

approach, resulting in a more engaging experience for the audience. In addition,

necessary data for the study shall be collected through various surveys, interviews and

discussions with key experts on theater design. To conclude, it all summarizes down

on how the Philippines would want itself to be perceived by the rest of the world.

Keywords: Theater Complex, Interactive Design, Contemporary Architecture

A Proposed K-12 Educational Institution

Redefining The Learning Environment Using David Thornburg’s Ideology And

The Application Of Interactive Architecture Through The Cultural Lenses

A good education is the foundation for a brighter future; and in the case of a country

like the Philippines, it is important to rethink and redefine its educational institutions.

Major concerns of the country can all be traced back to the root of the problem, which

is quality education. Moreover, today’s era focuses more on globalization and

digitalization; aspects that were unfamiliar during the creation of the current school

system. In addition, information is now more accessible than ever before; however,

this introduces the problem on the application of knowledge regarding proper

communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

This study aims to bridge the widening gap of today’s contemporary society and the

educational system by means of transforming the model to create a new learning

experience today’s era. The proposed solution would be to integrate an interactive

design to the institution, therefore breaking the tradition of a 4-walled classroom.

Through this method; Thornburg’s Ideology comes into play, by introducing the 4

learning environments, comprising of: campfire, cave, watering hole and workshop. In

addition, integrating the Filipino’s cultural elements within the institution will bring out

the structure’s identity, furthermore, igniting the student’s interest in Filipino culture.

The application of the study will result in a more thorough learning experience,

compared to past educational systems. Various data’s will be collected throughout the

development of the study to improve upon it. This can be achieved through the

collection of various surveys, evaluations from different educational institutions, and

interviews with key-experts. In conclusion, the Philippine education must learn to adapt

to the changing environment of today’s society in order to stay globally competitive.

Keywords: Educational Institution, Contemporary Education, Spatial Experience

A Proposed Public Library

Innovating the Reading Culture Through Cultural Integration And

Transformative Design

Libraries have always been known as the public’s center for providing knowledge and

information. Public libraries are still relevant today due to their ability to adapt, even

during the age of digitalization. Moreover, due to the rise of technology, it has paved

the way for easier access to information via computers, therefore, leaving physical data

to the public libraries in question. This in turn, would lead to the proposal of redefining

public libraries, creating an environment; not just for access to information through

books and computers, but rather, integrating a social interactive space.

This paper aims to cement the idea of incorporating socially active spaces within the

proposed library; through a transformative approach, whilst still preserving the

traditional aspects of a library. Davao City is a good candidate in establishing a new

public library, giving the city a new public space that strengthens community, improves

literacy and learnings of the people, and use of the structure to convey diversity of

culture and heritage. It should be highlighted that cultural representation is a key

element in the design process, giving the public library a sense of identity, whilst still

being innovative by incorporating a transformative design to ensure the integration of

an active social space. The proposed library is expected to invoke and instill a sense

of nationalistic pride when library goers enter its premise, due to the integration of

Filipino culture

The key idea of this paper is that through the redefinition of a public library, since it will

be much easier to formulate a design solution that would cater Davao city’s literacy

and social development goals. Moreover, it will also become a center of research and

innovation for the people within the community. To accomplish this task, proper

research must be conducted for literature studies to better understand the mechanics,
classifications and methods of a library. To conclude, public libraries play an important

role within society and it is important to direct influence on cultural and artistic

development within them to help shape and support cultural identity within the


Keywords: Public Library, Social Interactive Space, Cultural Integration

A Proposed Wellness Resort

A Study On Harmonious Exchange Between Health, Nature And Human

Ecology Through Integration Of Spatial Planning

A wellness resort is a type of facility which aims to provide health services catering to

the mind and body. In a country like the Philippines, wherein it is labeled as one of the

most physically and emotionally stressed countries in the world, investments on

wellness resorts is ideal in keeping the Filipino’s stress at a bare minimum. Because

of today’s generation on work ethics, it has become problematic for Filipinos to keep

their physical and mental health in check due to priorities with their work. This in turn,

would lead to the proposal on designing a wellness resort, focusing on spatial planning

in order to establish proper natural lighting, green scenes and a calm, clean


The aim of the study is to focus on the integration of proper spatial planning within a

wellness resort in order to create a relaxing environment for its patrons. Research

dictates that spaces can heavily impact a person’s mood and speed of recovery.

Therefore, architectural attributes within the facility shall include functionality, in order

to give people a healthy experience rather than containing health within a certain

space. The resort’s façade shall take inspiration from the Sarimanok, which is a

legendary bird originating from Mindanao. Known for having distinct colors, integration

to the façade shall bring life to its facilities and integrate the Filipino’s cultural identity

within the resort.

The intent of this thesis is to design on proper spatial planning, therefore creating an

efficient space for healing. Moreover, Filipino cultural integration is included within the

facilities in order to create a strong visual connection with guests. In addition, various

data are to be collected in order to improve upon the study. In conclusion, this study
seeks to better the lives of the people regarding their physical, mental, spiritual and

emotional stresses by creating a tranquil environment.

Keywords: Wellness Resort, Spatial Planning, Atmospheric Effect

A Proposed Correctional Institution

A Study On The Integration Of Cultural Values And The Application Of

Neuroscience And Social Science Within Architecture

Correctional Institutions are meant to rehabilitate and reintegrate prisoners, and not

solely to punish them. This has not been the case in the Philippines, due to poor

designs with correctional facilities. It has been monitored by the Commission of Human

Rights that the status within jails and detention centers in the Philippines were found

unfit for human confinement; this in turn would lead to an unsuccessful rehabilitation

on the part of prisoners. Therefore, a study is proposed on addressing proper

rehabilitation through the merging of neuroscience and social science within an

architectural perspective.

A humanitarian standard must be set before redefining the spaces for a correctional

institute. The Philippines design on this type of institute is clearly outdated and reflects

the idea of past prisons, adding to the problem of overcrowding, which in turn, would

lead to a poor rehabilitation for its prisoners. Redefining the institution’s space through

cultural integration is an important aspect to rehabilitate inmates. This is because

social practices can still be applied within their surroundings, therefore letting them

keep up with social practices even when inside the institute.

This paper’s purpose is to explore possible architectural techniques that would aid in

creating a proper correctional institution. Proper data collection regarding the

application of neuroscience and social science within the study will be strictly

implemented. Methods in gathering said data shall include surveys and evaluation,

addressing to key individuals with knowledgeable ideas on the topic. To conclude, this

thesis is a challenge on the influence of architecture and how it can shape the social

perspective of the prison system within the Philippines.

Keywords: Correctional Institute, Neuroscience Architecture, Social Science, Cultural

A Proposed School of Criminology Integrated Within An Urban Prison

An Architectural Approach In Rehabilitating Ex-Convicts Through The

Integration Of A Definite Learning Space

A common misinformation amongst Filipinos is that a prison only serves as a facility to

subject punishment. However, the true goal of a prison is to rehabilitate its prisoners

and adjust their behavior on how they must respect the law and other people within

society. The state of prisons within the Philippines has been evidently poor, as

prisoners increase by the day; correctional institutions have not been able to adjust

properly to meet the demands. Effects of poor rehabilitation on prisoners would only

promote recidivism, making it harder for ex-convicts to re-integrate into society.

Therefore, this thesis seeks to understand the current state of correctional institutions

within the Philippines and study key ideas regarding its social and economic

conditions. This is to better understand how they factor in within the current prison

system and how data collected from the study will formulate a new design better suited

for rehabilitating prisoners. Moreover, research has suggested that a proper education

is a suitable deterrent for imprisonment. This would mean that a sentence to prison,

isn’t the end for an inmate’s future, but a chance for better rehabilitation and self-


The variables within the study can only be applied for non-violent offenders. To

continue, the proposed idea is integrating an educational space within the prison

facility, merging two different spaces into one unique environment. Programs shall

focus on criminology/laws and cultural values of the country. This is to ensure that

inmates in the future shall have a softer transition when re-integrating into society. The

approach shall be handled in both a traditional and non-traditional learning

environment. Data’s shall be collected from surveys, interviews, and discussions with

key individuals knowledgeable about factors concerning the study, in order to improve
upon it. In conclusion, education has always been a key factor in shaping a person’s

future; it is why this study seeks to redeem convicts and transform them into productive

members of society through the means of architecture.

Keywords: School of Criminology, Prison, Education

A Proposed Institution For Animation And Gaming

An Architectural Approach On Reigniting The Filipino Culture Through The

Lenses Of Multimedia Arts

Today is the golden age for gaming and animation, since the industry is continuously

breaking boundaries within its art and rising in the global market while doing so. Well-

known companies come seeking help from the Philippines; as the country is usually

preferred for their lower costs on services in-exchange for higher quality outputs.

These specific circumstances can be utilized to share the Filipino culture through the

medium of animations and video games. The problem facing this subject however, is

the lack of facilities that would cater to the Filipino’s services in terms of – productions,

animations, gaming-related services etc.

Therefore, this study aims to show the effects of a proposed institution for animation

and gaming within the Philippines. Moreover, on how this facility would cater to the

Filipino people, by addressing job opportunities problems. In addition, their services

can be recognized around the world via through the influence of huge companies that

chose the Philippines as its outsourcing partner. Video games and animation can be

seen almost anywhere today, making it easier to invoke a sense of culturalism for those

who have experienced them. This in turn, would make the proposal a suitable method

in integrating culture in today’s modern age.

This research aims to give exposure on the rising industry of animation and gaming

within the country. Necessary data shall be collected throughout the research in order

to reinforce the idea of the study and improve upon it. Survey’s shall be integrated

within the research to assess the situation regarding the application of the study. To

conclude, the Filipino people have enough skill and talent to grow within the industry;

and with integration of new facilities it is possible that the Philippines will become a

renowned destination for animation and gaming in the future.

Keywords: Animation, Gaming, Contemporary Approach
A Proposed Market Complex

Creating A Cultural Icon Within Davao City Through The Application Of

Sustainable Urbanism

A space where one can have a glimpse of how the local’s go about on their everyday

lives. The marketplace is an ideal area wherein tourists and visitors can come and

shop local produce which could vary depending on the location. The Filipino people

love markets, since everyday necessities are usually bought there; moreover, it also

comprises of bazaars and certain events from time to time making it an ideal place for

social interaction. The aim of this research is to study the effects of a proposed market

complex within Davao City wherein cultural relevance has been integrated within its


The market complex is to be designed in a way that makes it a daily cultural attraction.

This can be done by adding amenities such as restaurants, art galleries and performing

arts for events. It aims to reflect the culture of Davao city, in design and in what is being

sold within the market. Moreover, the design encourages exposure on culture; which

can only be done when the public has their attention on the complex. This would mean

that the design should be clearly visible and open to the surrounding streets and

sidewalks; making it more inviting for the people to enter and explore the complex.

Sustainable Urbanism shall be implemented within the design to ensure a proper flow

for the complex. In addition, multiple data shall be collected in order to improve upon

the study. This shall be done through interviews with the people visiting markets within

Davao City. Moreover, a study on people’s daily flow shall aid in determining the proper

location for the market complex. To conclude, a market must reflect on the culture of

its country in order to entice visitors and locals alike; this is to ensure the spread of

cultural awareness within the country.

Keywords: Market, Sustainable Urbanism, Localized Produce, Cultural Relevance

A Proposed Subway Station

A Study On The Effectiveness Of Subway Transportation On Tackling Urban

Traffic Within Davao City

The effects of urban traffic has already made its way within the city of Davao. Its

presence can be felt throughout the districts of the city itself, wherein the roads can be

seen being littered with vehicle congestion. It can all be traced back to the root of the

problem, which is the Philippine economy. And because of it, people can easily buy

their own personal vehicles, contributing to the influx of vehicles within the roads of

Davao city.

Therefore, the aim of this paper is to address the problem of urban-traffic with the

integration of a subway station within Davao city. By properly integrating a subway

station with its key design focused on the passenger’s safety, comfort, and

convenience; the station can be the key in shifting the influx of vehicle within the streets

of Davao. Moreover, within its design elements, it shall adapt to the cultural side of

Davao, having passengers become more immersed with the culture of Davao as they

travel within the subway station. Its interior spaces shall be inspired by the weaving

patterns uniting the 18 tribes of Davao.

The proponent shall gather the necessary data needed in order to improve upon the

study. Data shall include surveys collected from commuters around Davao city,

interviews with key people knowledgeable on the design of subway stations and so on.

In addition, an observation shall be made to accurately determine key causes within

the on-going urban traffic in the city. To conclude, a subway station is the optimal

solution in addressing the traffic woes of Davao city, in addition; a mobile alternative

for passengers to use to get around the city more quickly.

Keywords: Subway Station, Traffic Control, Vehicle Congestion, Rapid Transit

A Proposed Response Center For National Disaster

A Study On Sustainable Architecture And Its Application On Designing An

Effective Response Center For Natural Calamities

The Philippines is one of the most hazard-prone countries in the world, since it is

located within the pacific ring of fire. It experiences hazardous climates such as

tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc. Therefore, the need for an immediate

response team during these types of disaster is necessary to ensure a higher survival

rate for the people affected. To continue, this paper aims to provide a solution by

designing a resilient response center that would serve as a first-respondent to disaster

related activities, an evacuation center, and a learning institute with regards to dealing

with emergencies and preparedness during response.

Resiliency is a key idea within the design process for the response center. However,

resiliency has no definite term and can only be achieved through a collective goal of

establishing a safe and sound environment. With regards to materials and

construction, heavy, light and local materials are to be integrated within the design.

Since heavy materials are an important aspect in resiliency design, to ensure a shield

from heavy winds and flash floods; but having a drawback of being harmful to humans

when destroyed. In addition, lightweight materials are damaged more easily but are

less harmful to humans. Moreover, local materials such as bamboo can be utilized

more easily since they are quick to be transported and are easily repairable.

This research aims to show the effects on the proper integration of a response center

for national disaster. Therefore, data gathering shall be implemented within the project

to improve upon the paper. Furthermore, interviews with key personnel’s

knowledgeable on disaster prevention designs shall be conducted to enhance the

study. To conclude, the Philippines must invest on response centers to mitigate

potential life-threatening disasters; and it can be accomplished through proper

establishment on these types of centers.

Keywords: Response Center, Natural Calamities, Resiliency, Resilient Architecture

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