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Supplier Claims Submission Template:

Instructions Fill in this Column

Select claim type from pull down menu

Enter Event Name

Enter Event Date

Enter claim amount in USD $

Enter Supplier Name

Enter Supplier Site

Claim Owner

Enter Product Group from pull down menu

Enter Platform

Enter US/OE/OCAPAC Split % US

% OE
Total Total does not equal 100%

Enter Part Number

Supporting Doc Attached( Y/N)

Email Finished Template (in pdf format) and Supporting Documentation to: submitclaims_w

Page 1

Clear Data Entry Cells

Purchase Price Variance

Monthly price changes

(DD-MON-YYYY) 01-JAN-2017


Company ABC

Santa Clara, CA USA

John Doe Oracle SPM

Supply Management Ops


50% US 50% OE 0% OCAPAC – Must equal 100%


Yes – waterfall, PQV Template

Page 2
Claim Event Reference

-Select Claim Type- -Select Claim Event

Excess and Obsolete AVL Changes
ECO Changes
Last Time Buys
Part Purges
Product End Of Life
Quality Cost (Purge, Scrap, etc.)
Stop Production Notice
Supply Plan Reduction
Inventory Revaluation Inventory at EM/Qtr End Revalued for Price Changes
Supply Plan Reduction
PPV Cost Audit
Price Changes
Premium Charges 3PL claims for charges over/above standard tarrif rates
Additional freight to deliver Parts Within Lead Time
Additional freight for plan upside
Inventory carrying cost for last time buys
Inventory carrying cost for Supply Plan Reductions
Inventory Held at Supplier – Contract Term
Material Premium for Plan Upside
OT required for Plan Upside
OT to Deliver Parts Within LT
Reverse Claim Audits
Field Change Order Recovery
Stop Ship and Purge
Unexpected Failures
Rework AVL Changes
ECO Changes
Part Purges
Product End Of Life
Stop Production Notice
Supply Plan Reduction

Page 3
1) Once completed save the worksheet as a pdf. Make sure you have the "Worksheet" tab selected.
2) Create an e-mail with the address listed at the bottom of the worksheet.
3) Attach the pdf and other supporting documents and send.

Creating the pdf file: (there are multiple methods)

1) Save as: (from either drop down menu of tool bar button)

a) Name the file

b) IF you chose Save As from a toolbar button, Save As Type should be ".pdf"
IF you chose Save As from the drop down, select "PDF or XPS"
c) Select the Optimize for "Minimum Size" radio button
d) Click the "Options" button
e) A "Page Range" window will open
f) Click the "Page(s)" radio button and make sure range is "From 1 To 1"
g) Click the "OK" button to close the window
h) Click the "Publish" button to save the file (will also open the pdf)

2) Send E-mail as PDF (this is not the prefered method, should have other documents to send)

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