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Civil & Mechanical Engineering
(as per KTU Syllabus)

Name of student: ……………………………………………………………………

PNR NO: ……………………………………………………………………….……

Class and Branch: …………………………………………………………………..

(Affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University)




Semester & Branch……………………………….……………………..…………………………………..

Roll No………………………………………..……………………………………………………..............

University Reg. No…………………………………………………………………………………………..

Certified that this is the bonafide record of the work done by

laboratory in Civil Engineering Department of Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Chemperi,
Kannur under APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University during the year 20__ - 20__


Staff in charge Head of the Department

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Year of
Course Code Course Name L-T-P-Credits

CE 232 MATERIAL TESTING LAB I 0-0-3-1 2015

Course objectives:
1. To make the student understand the fundamental modes of loading of the structures.
2. To make the student understand the measurements of loads, displacements and strains using different
3. To make the student relate different quantities and hence obtain the strength of the material and
stiffness properties of structural elements.
Course Outcomes:
1. The students will be able to undertake the testing of materials when subjected to different
types of loading.

List of Experiments:
1. Tension test on Structural Materials: Mild Steel and Tor steel (HYSD bars)
(Universal Testing machine and suitable extensometer)
2. Shear test on mild steel rod (Compression Testing Machine and Shear Shackle)
3. Bending test on mild steel ( I sections) ( Universal Testing Machine)
4. Torsion test on Mild steel circular bars ( Torsion Testing Machine)
5. Torsion test on Steel/Copper/ Aluminum wires
a. Using Torsion Pendulum with Central disk
b. Using Torsion Pendulum with distributed Mass
6. Impact test
a. Izod test (Impact Testing Machine)
b. Charpy test (Impact Testing Machine)
7. Hardness test
a. Brinell Hardness test (Brinnel Hardenss Testing Machine)
b. Rockwell Hardness test (Rockwell Hardness Testing Machine)
c. Vickers Hardness test (Vickers Hardness Testing Machine)
8. Test On Springs
a. Open coil (Spring Testing Machine)
b. Close coil ( Spring Testing Machine)
9. Bending Test on Timber ( Universal Testing Machine and dial Gauge)
10. Bend & Rebend test on M S Rods
11. Verification of Clerk Maxwells Theorem
12. Demonstration of Fatigue Test
13. Study/demonstration of Strain Gauges and load cells

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I


1. In the very beginning of the laboratory work, the students will be organized into groups.

2. Every laboratory session is divided into two parts. In the first part, the Faculty in charge

will be lecturing on the test objective, procedure and data collection. In the second part,

the students, organized in groups, are required to conduct the experiment.

3. In order to perform the experiment within the assigned period, and to gain the maximum

benefit from the experiment, the students must familiarize themselves with the purpose,

objective, and procedure of the experiment before coming to the laboratory.

4. Relevant lecture notes and laboratory manual should be studied carefully and thoroughly.

5. At the end of the test, every group should submit a draft sheet of the data collected for

approval by the Faculty.

6. The instruments and tools must be properly cared and cleaned during and after every


7. Assessment

Practical Records /Outputs 60 marks (To be submitted in the class itself)

Regular Class Viva 10 marks

Final written test (Objective) 30 marks

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I


Excellent Good Satisfactory

Above 80% 61% - 80% Below 60%
Entering lab before Entering lab after Entering lab after
commencement of starting the class with starting the class without
(5 Marks)
class a reasonable excuse. reasonable excuse.
Entering lab with all Entering lab with all Dressed inappropriately
Dress code
dress code according dress code according and/or unkempt.
& Guidelines
the guide lines the guide lines
(5 Marks)
(Full time) (Partially)
The purpose of the The purpose of the The purpose of the lab
lab or the question to lab or the question to or the question to be
Knowledge be answered during be answered during answered during the lab
of Theory the lab is clearly the lab is partially is erroneous or
(15 Marks - Experiment)
identified and stated. identified, and is irrelevant.
(30 Marks - Study)
stated in a somewhat
unclear manner.
Used time pretty Did the lab but did Participation was
well. Stayed focused not appear very minimal or student was
on the experiment interested. Sometimes hostile about
Conduction most of the time. provides useful ideas participating. Rarely
(15 Marks) Usually provides when participating in provides useful ideas
(For experiments only) useful ideas when the group and in when participating in the
participating in the classroom discussion. group and in classroom
group and in discussion.
classroom discussion.
Actively looks for Does not suggest or Does not try to solve
Calculation and suggests refine solutions, but problems or help others
(10 Marks) solutions to is willing to try out solve problems. Lets
(For experiments only) problems. solutions suggested others do the work.
by others.
Result Results with 90% Results with 80-89% Results with below 80%
(10 Marks) above accuracy from accuracy from the accuracy from the class
(For experiments only) the class itself class itself. itself.
Student demonstrates Student is Student does not have
full knowledge by uncomfortable with grasp of information;
Viva answering all information and is student cannot answer
(10 Marks - Experiment)
questions with able to answer only questions about subject
(30 Marks - Study)
explanations rudimentary

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I


Sl no: Experiment Date Marks Page No: Remarks


Total marks:

Grade: Signature of Faculty in charge of lab

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of experiment:




To study the various component parts of the Universal Testing Machine (U.T.M.) & test

procedures of various practical’s to be performed.


Universal Testing Machine with all attachment i.e. shears test attachment, bending

attachment, tension grips, compression test attachment etc.


The Universal Testing Machine consists of two units.

1) Loading unit, 2) Control panel.

Loading Unit: It consists of main hydraulic cylinder with robust base inside, the piston

which moves up and down, the chain driven by electric motor which is fitted on left hand

side. The screw column maintained in the base can be rotated using above arrangement of

chain. Each column passes through the main nut which is fitted in the lower cross head. The

lower table connected to main piston through a ball & the ball seat is joined to ensure axial

loading. There is a connection between lower table and upper head assembly that moves up

and down with main piston. The measurement of this assembly is carried out by number of

bearings which slides over the columns. The test specimen each fixed in the job is known as

‘Jack Job’. To fix up the specimen tightly, the movement of jack job is achieved helically by


Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 1

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 1.1: Universal testing Machine

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Control Panel: It consists of oil tank having a hydraulic oil level sight glass for checking the

oil level. The pump is displacement type piston pump having free plungers those ensure for

continuation of high pressure. The pump is fixed to the tank from bottom. The suction &

delivery valve are fitted to the pump near tank Electric motor driven pump is mounted on

four studs which is fitted on the right side of the tank. There is an arrangement for loosing or

tightening of the valve. The four valves on control panel control the oil stroke in the

hydraulic system. When the return valve is closed, oil is delivered by the pump through the

flow control valves to the cylinder & the piston goes up. Pressure starts developing & either

the specimen breaks or the load having maximum value is controlled with the base

dynameters consisting in a cylinder in which the piston reciprocates. The switches have upper

and lower push at the control panel for the downward & upward movement of the movable

head. The on & off switch provided on the control panel & the pilot lamp shows the

transmission of main supply.

Method of testing:

Initial Adjustment: - Before testing adjust the pendulum with respect to capacity of the test

i.e. 8 Tones; 10 Tones; 20 Tones; 40 Tones etc. These ranges of capacity are adjusted on the

dial with the help of range selector knob. The control weights of the pendulum are adjusted

correctly. The ink should be inserted in pen holder of recording paper around the drum & the

testing process is started depending upon the types of test as mentioned below.

Tension test:

Select the proper job and complete upper and lower check adjustment. Apply some greece to

the tapered surface of specimen or groove. Then operate the upper cross head grip operation

handle & grip the upper end of test specimen fully in to the groove. Keep the lower left valve

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

in fully close position. Open the right valve & close it after lower table is slightly lifted.

Adjust the lower points to zero with the help of adjusting knob. This is necessary to remove

the dead weight of the lower table. Then lock the jobs in this position by operating job

working handle. Then open the left control valve. The printer on dial gauge at which the

specimen breaks slightly return back & corresponding load is known as breaking load &

maximum load is known as the ultimate load.

Compression test:

Fix upper and lower pressure plates to the upper stationary head & lower table respectively.

Place the specimen on the lower plate in order to grip. Then adjust zero by lifting the lower

table. Then perform the test in the same manner as described in tension test.

Flexural or Bending Test:

Keep the bending table on the lower table in such a way that the central position of the

bending table is fixed in the central location value of the lower table. The bending supports

are adjusted to required distance. Then place the specimen on bending table & apply the load

by bending attachment at the upper stationary head. Then perform the test in the same manner

as described in tension test.

Brinell hardness test:

Place the specimen on the lower table & lift it up slightly. Adjust the zero fixed value at the

bottom side of the lower cross head. Increase the load slowly ultimate load value is obtained.

Then release the load slowly with left control valve. Get the impression of a suitable value of

five to ten millimeter on the specimen & measure the diameter of the impression correctly by

microscope & calculate brinell hardness.

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Shear test:

Place the shear test attachment on the lower table, this attachment consists of cutter. The

specimen is inserted in roles of shear test attachment & lift the lower table so that the zero is

adjusted, then apply the load such that the specimen breaks in two or three pieces. If the

specimen breaks in two pieces, then it will be in single shear, & if it breaks in three pieces

then it will be in double shear.

Study of extensometer:

This instrument is an attachment to Universal / Tensile Testing Machines. This measures the

elongation of a test place on load for the set of gauge length. The least count of measurement

is 0.01 mm, and maximum elongation measurement is up to 3 mm. This elongation

measurement helps in finding out the stress at the required percentage of elongation.

Working of the instrument:

The required gauge length (between 30 to 120) is set by adjusting the upper knife edges. A

scale is provided for this purpose. Hold the specimen in the upper and lower jaws of Tensile /

Universal Testing Machine. Position the extensometer on the specimen. Position the upper

clamp to press upper knife edges on the specimen. The extensometer will be now fixed to the

specimen by spring pressure. Set zero on both the dial gauges by zero adjust screws. Start

loading the specimen and take the reading of load on the machine at required elongation or

the elongation at required load. For better accuracies, mean of both the dial gauge readings

should be taken as elongation. It is very important to note & follow the practice of removing

the extensometer from the specimen before the specimen breaks, otherwise the instrument

will be totally damaged. As a safety, while testing, the instrument may be kept hanging from

a fixed support by a slightly loose thread.

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Technical data:

Measuring Range: 0 – 3 mm.

Least Count: 0. 01 mm.

Gauge Length adjustable from: 30 – 120 mm

Specimen Size: 1 to 20mm Round or Flats up to 20 x 20 mm.

Stress strain graph of mild steel:

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Stress strain graph of different materials:

• Curve A shows a brittle material. This material is also strong because there is little strain for

a high stress. The fracture of a brittle material is sudden and catastrophic, with little or no

plastic deformation. Brittle materials crack under tension and the stress increases around the

cracks. Cracks propagate less under compression.

• Curve B is a strong material which is not ductile. Steel wires stretch very little, and break

suddenly. There can be a lot of elastic strain energy in a steel wire under tension and it will

“whiplash” if it breaks. The ends are razor sharp and such a failure is very dangerous indeed.

• Curve C is a ductile material

• Curve D is a plastic material. Notice a very large strain for a small stress. The material will

not go back to its original length.

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Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 12

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:



To conduct tension test on the given mild steel rod for determining the yield stress, ultimate

stress, breaking stress, percentage of reduction in area, percentage of elongation over a gauge

length and young’s modulus.


Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Mild steel specimens, Scale, Vernier Caliper


The tensile test is most applied one, of all mechanical tests. In this test ends of test piece are

fixed into grips connected to a straining device and to a load measuring device. If the applied

load is small enough, the deformation of any solid body is entirely elastic. An elastically

deformed solid will return to its original form as soon as load is removed. However, if the

load is too large, the material can be deformed permanently. The initial part of the tension

curve which is recoverable immediately after unloading is termed as elastic and the rest of the

curve which represents the manner in which solid undergoes plastic deformation is termed

plastic. The stress below which the deformation is essentially entirely elastic is known as the

yield strength of material. In some material the onset of plastic deformation is denoted by a

sudden drop in load indicating both an upper and a lower yield point. However, some

materials do not exhibit a sharp yield point. During plastic deformation, at larger extensions

strain hardening cannot compensate for the decrease in section and thus the load passes

through a maximum and then begins to decrease. This stage the “ultimate strength”’ which is

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Observations & Calculations

Original gauge length of the rod (Lo) =

Original diameter of the rod (Do) =

Final length of the rod =

Load at yield point =

Ultimate load =

Breaking load =

Diameter at the neck (Dn) =

Gauge in length =

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

defined as the ratio of the load on the specimen to original cross-sectional area, reaches a

maximum value. Further loading will eventually cause ‘neck’ formation and rupture.


1. Measure the original length and diameter of the specimen.

2. Insert the specimen into grips of the test machine and attach strain-measuring device to it.

3. The left valve of UTM is kept in fully closed position and the right valve in normal open


4. Open the right valve and close it after the lower table is slightly lifted.

5. Adjust the load to zero by using large push button (This is necessary to remove the dead

weight of the lower table, upper cross head and other connecting parts of the load).

6. Lock the specimen in position by operating the jaw locking handle.

7. Turn the right control valve slowly to open position (anticlockwise) until we get a desired

loadings rate.

8. Once the specimen is under load, note down the frequent load elongation readings using


9. At a particular stage there will be a pause in the increase of load. The load at this point is

noted as yield point load.

10. Apply the load continuously, when the load reaches the maximum value this is noted as

ultimate load.

11. Note down the load when the test piece breaks, this load is noted as breaking load.

12. When the test piece breaks close the right control valve, take out the broken pieces of the

test piece.

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Extensometer Reading (mm)

Sl. No. Load (KN)
Left Right (mean x 0.01)
Dial Dial

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

13. By joining the two broken halves of the specimen together, measure the final length and

diameter of specimen.

14. Plot a graph between Elongations (X-axis) and load (Y-axis).


1. Final length of the rod =

2. Diameter at the neck (DN) =

3. Percentage reduction in area =

4. Percentage of Elongation =

5. Yield stress =

6. Ultimate stress =

7. Breaking stress =

8. Young’s modulus =


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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Viva questions:

1. Which modulus did you find from the initial portion of the stress-strain curve?

2. Write the definition using symbols for shear modulus, bulk modulus and Poisson's ratio.

Write the equations relating these two modulus to Young's modulus.

3. What is the approximate value of Poisson's ratio for metals?

4. What is the area under the stress-strain curve equivalent to? What does the area under the

elastic portion of the stress-strain represent?

5. What % elongation and % reduction in area measures of?

6. Explain the different deformation mechanisms which are active in the different regions of

the tensile stress-strain curve. (Elastic, yielding, strain hardening, necking etc.

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 3.1: Helical spring

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:




To determine the stiffness of spring, modulus of rigidity, spring index and maximum energy

stored in the given material


Spring testing machine, open coil spring, Vernier caliper


A helical spring is formed when a wire of solid circular cross section is wound on a circular

core in a spiral from. The spring can undergo considerable deformation without being

permanently distorted. Hence it is a device for storing strain energy. The equation for

deflection of spring under a load may be used for determining modulus of rigidity N. For an

Open coiled spring deflection δ is given as

1. Deflection (δ) =

Where, W= Load applied in N

R= Mean radius of spring coil = (D-d) /2

n= No of Coils

α = Helix angle of spring

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Observations &Calculations:

Compression scale reading

Sl No: Load increasing Load decreasing Mean load
(N) (N) (N)

Length of the spring ,L(mm) =

Diameter of wire, d (mm) =

Mean radius of coil, R (mm) =

Diameter of coil, D (mm) =

No of turns, n =

Pitch ,P = (L-d) / n =

Tanα = Pitch / 2ПR =

α =
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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

N=Modulus of rigidity of spring Material

E=Young’s modulus of the spring material

2. Tanα = Pitch / 2ПR

3. Pitch = L / n

Where, L= Length of spring in mm

N= no of turns in spring

4. Stiffness of spring (K) =w/δ

Where, δ = Deflection of spring in mm

W=Load applied in N

5. Maximum energy stores = 0.5 x Wmax x δmax

Where, Wmax =Maximum load applied

δmax= Maximum deflection


1. By using Vernier caliper measure the diameter of the wire of the spring and also the

diameter of spring coil.

2. Count the number of turns.

3. Insert the spring in the spring testing machine and load the spring by a suitable weight and

note the corresponding axial deflection in compression.

4. Increase theload and take the corresponding axial deflection readings.

5. Plot a curve between load and deflection. The shape of the curve gives the stiffness of the


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Under compression test on open coil helical spring

a. Rigidity Modulus (N) =

b. Stiffness of spring (K) =

c. Maximum energy stored =


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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 27

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Observations &Calculations:

Tension scale reading

Sl No: Load increasing Load decreasing Mean load
(N) (N) (N)

Length of the spring ,L(mm) =

Diameter of wire, d (mm) =

Mean radius of coil, R(mm) =

Diameter of coil, D (mm) =

No of turns, n =

Pitch ,P = L / n =

Tanα = Pitch / 2ПR =

α =
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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:




To determine the stiffness of spring, modulus of rigidity, spring index and maximum energy

stored in the given material


Spring test machine, closed coil spring specimen, Vernier caliper


The equation for deflection of spring under a load may be used for determining modulus of

rigidity N. For an Open coiled spring deflection δ is given as

1. Deflection (δ) =

Where, W= Load applied in N

R= Mean radius of spring coil = (D-d) /2

n= No of Coils

α = Helix angle of spring

2. Tanα = Pitch / 2ПR

3. Pitch = L / n

Where, L= Length of spring in mm

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

N= no of turns in spring

4. Stiffness of spring (K) =w/δ

Where, δ = Deflection of spring in mm

W=Load applied in N

5. Maximum energy stores = 0.5 x Wmax x δmax

Where, Wmax =Maximum load applied

δmax= Maximum deflection


1. Measure the outer diameter (D) and diameter of the spring coil (d) for the given closed coil


2. Count the number of turns i.e. coils (n) of the given specimen.

3. Fit the specimen in the top of the hook of the spring testing machine.

4. Adjust the wheel at the top of the machine so that the other end of the specimen can be

fitted to the bottom hook in the machine.

5. Note down the initial reading from the scale in the machine.

6. Apply the load and note down the scale reading. Increase the load at a suitable rate and

note down the corresponding scale readings.

7. Find the actual deflection of the spring for each load by deducting the initial scale reading

from the corresponding scale reading.

8. Calculate the modulus of rigidity by plotting a graph between load and deflection

9. Determine the stiffness of the given specimen from the graph.

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I


Under tension test on closed coil helical spring

a. Rigidity Modulus (N) =

b. Stiffness of spring (K) =

c. Maximum energy stored =


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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Viva Questions:

1. State any two functions of spring

2. What are the differences between closed coil and open coil helical springs?

3. What are the various types of spring?

4. What are stiffness, spring index and pitch of a spring?

Excellent Good Satisfactory


(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Facult

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 35

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Observations & Calculations:

Time for 20 oscillations (s) N Average N

t t
2 2
( x 105 ( x 105
Length (cm)

2 1

without weights with weights N/mm2) N/mm2)

1 2 Mean, 1 2 Mean,
t1 t2

Diameter of wire, d (mm) =

Outer Radius of annular disc, Ro =

Inner Radius of annular disc, RI =

Weight of disc, wd (kg) =

 R2  R2 
w  o 1 
Mass moment of inertia of annular disc, I 2  I1 

d 4
Polar moment of inertia, J

4 2 ( I 2  I1 )l
Modulus of rigidity, N
J (t 22  t12 )

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:




To determine modulus of rigidity of the material of given wires.


Torsion disc, stand, known weight, stop watch, screw gauge and wires of different materials


Whenever a string or wire is twisted, internal forces come into play and try to untwist the

material. These forces are called torsion forces. A weight suspended by an elastic wire which

is in equilibrium, if twisted slightly in one direction, begins to oscillate about its equilibrium

position. It acts like a torsion pendulum.

For a torsion pendulum,

4 2 ( I 2  I1 )l
Modulus of rigidity, N 
J (t 22  t12 )

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

where, I1 is the mass moment of inertia of the disc without weight about the vertical axis

through the centre of the disc

I2 is the mass moment of inertia of the disc with weight (annular disc) about the

vertical axis through the centre of the disc.

J is the polar moment of inertia of wire

t1 is the time for one oscillation of the pendulum without weight

t2 is the time for one oscillation of the pendulum with weight

l is the length of the pendulum

Diameter of Wire, d Free length between grips

0.4 mm up to 7mm 200 d

1mm to 5mm 100 d

5mm to 12.5 mm 50 d


1. Find the diameter d of the wire in mm using screw gauge.

2. Measure diameter and weight of the disc.

3. Measure inner and outer diameters and weight of annular disc.

4. Suspend the disc horizontally by the wire and clamp it on the stand.

5. Measure the length of the wire between the points of suspension and point of oscillation.

Give a twist to the disc and allow to oscillate. When the oscillation becomes steady, start the

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

stop watch and note the time for 20 oscillations and calculate the period of oscillation, t1.

6. Place the weight (annular disc) on the disc and find the period of oscillation t 2. Repeat the

experiment for different lengths.


Modulus of rigidity of the material of the wire =


Viva Questions:

1. Explain torque.

2. What is Torsional force?

3. What is torsional rigidity?

4. Define polar modulus.

5. What is Moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia?

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 43

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 6.1: Specimen and it’s loading

Observations And Calculations:

1. Material of the specimen =

2. Length of the specimen, L =

3. Breadth of the specimen, b =

4. Depth of the specimen, d =

5. Span of the specimen, l =

6. Least count of the dial gauge, LC =

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:




To determine the Young’s modulus of the given specimen by conducting bending test.


Bending Test Attachment, Specimen for bending test, Dial gauge, Scale, Pencil / Chalk


If a beam is simply supported at the ends and carries a concentrated load at the center, the

beam bends concave upwards. The distance between the original position of the beam and its

position after bending is different at different points along the length of the beam, being

maximum at the center in this case. This difference is called ‘deflection’. In this type of

loading the maximum amount of deflection is given by the relation,

ie, Young’s Modulus,

where, P = Load in N

L = Span of the specimen in mm

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Sl No: Proving ring Dial gauge Deflection Load from

reading reading calibration
graph (N)

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

I = Moment of Inertia in mm4

b = Breadth of the beam in mm.

d = Depth of the beam in mm

δ = Actual deflection in mm.


1. Measure the length (L) of the given specimen.

2. Mark the centre of the specimen using pencil / chalk

3. Mark two points A & B at a distance of 350 mm on either side of the centre mark. The

distance between A & B is known as span of the specimen (l)

4. Fix the attachment for the bending test in the machine properly.

5. Place the dial gauge under this specimen at the centre and adjust the dial gauge reading to

zero position.

6. Place the load cell at top of the specimen at the centre and adjust the load indicator in the

digital box to zero position.

7. Select a strain rate of 2.5mm/minute using the gear box in the machine.

10. Apply the load continuously at a constant rate of 2.5mm/minute and note down the

deflection for every increase of 0.25 tone load.

11. Calculate the Young’s modulus of the given specimen by plotting a graph between load

vs the corresponding deflections obtained.

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Young’s modulus of the given specimen =


Viva Questions:

1 .Define shear force and bending moment

2. What is point of inflection?

3. What are sagging and hogging moments?

4. What is Moment of inertia and polar moment of inertia?

5. Define Section modulus.

6. Define slope and deflection.

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Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 51

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 7.1: Impact testing machine (izod test)

Observation And Calculations:

Impact value of Mild Steel =

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Date of Experiment:




To carry out impact test on a standard specimen to determine the toughness of the material

and to calibrate the impact testing machine. Also find out the angle of rise corresponding to

the impact strength.


Impact testing machine and standard specimen for Izod test.

Specification of the specimen- Specimen should be of standard dimensions –



Impact strength is the energy required to fracture a material under impact loading. This

energy includes energy absorbed by the material during elastic and plastic deformations.

Ductile material will have large toughness value than brittle material. Impact strength is

dependent on the temperature, velocity of impact, the size of the specimen and method of


Two types of impact tests can be done, tensile impact test and impact bending test. Impact

bending test is again classified as Izod test and Charpy test. In the Izod impact test specimen

is held firmly in a vice in the form of a cantilever and load is applied at the free end. A notch

of standard dimensions is provided on the tension side of the specimen so that it breaks

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

across this predetermined weakest section. The clamped specimen is broken by means of a

swinging pendulum, which is allowed to fall from a predetermined height to produce impact

on the specimen. The angle of rise of the pendulum after breaking the specimen is given on a

graduated scale by a friction pointer. Without considering losses, the energy used in rupturing

the specimen both in Izod and Charpy tests can be calculated as follows.

Initial energy E1 = WH  WR (1  cos A)

Energy after rupture E2 = WH '  WR (1  cos B)

Energy to rupture specimen EL= W ( H  H ' )  WR (cos B  cos A)

where W = weight of pendulum,

H = height of fall of center of gravity of pendulum,

H’ =height of rise of center of gravity of pendulum,

A = angle of fall,

B = angle of rise and

R =distance from center of gravity of pendulum to the axis of rotation O.


1. Fix the Izod striker to the pendulum and Izod vice to the base.

2. Bring the striking hammer to its top most position.

3. Fix the specimen firmly in the vice of the machine such that the notch faces the hammer.

Half of the notch should be above the top surface of the vice.

4. Place the indicator to read 168J.

5. Release the hammer.

6. After rupture of the specimen, the hammer continues to swing to the other side and reaches

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some height, which is indicated by the pointer.

7. Note the indicator reading at the topmost position. Take back the hammer to the idle

position and lock.


The equipment is calibrated and a calibration graph is plotted.

Impact strength of the given material =


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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 59

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 8.1: Impact testing machine(charpy test)

Observation And Calculations:

Impact value of Mild Steel =

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Date of Experiment:




To determine the impact strength of steel by (Charpy test)


Impact testing machine, steel specimen of dimensions 10mmx10mmx 55mm


In Charpy test, the standard specimen is supported as simply supported beam and the impact

load is applied at the centre. A tri-axial state of stress is produced at the base of the notch

during the impact test. The brittleness of a material under this state of stress is greater than

for a simple uni-axial stress. And hence the notch-bar test provides a most sensitive means of

evaluating triaxial stress brittleness, or notch sensitivity.

The clamped specimen is broken by means of a swinging pendulum, which is allowed to fall

from a predetermined height to produce impact on the specimen. The angle of rise of the

pendulum after breaking the specimen is given on a graduated scale by a friction pointer.

Without considering losses, the energy used in rupturing the specimen both in Izod and

Charpy tests can be calculated as follows.

Initial energy E1 = WH  WR (1  cos A)

Energy after rupture E2 = WH '  WR (1  cos B)

Energy to rupture specimen EL= W ( H  H ' )  WR (cos B  cos A)

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Where, W = weight of pendulum,

H = height of fall of center of gravity of pendulum,

H’ =height of rise of center of gravity of pendulum,

A = angle of fall,

B = angle of rise and

R =distance from center of gravity of pendulum to the axis of rotation O.


1. Fix the Charpy striker to the pendulum and Charpy vice to the base.

2. Bring the striking hammer to its top most position.

3. Fix the specimen firmly in the vice of the machine such that the notch faces away from the

hammer. The specimen is kept in the form of a simply supported beam.

4. Place the indicator to read 300J.

5. Release the hammer.

6. After rupture of the specimen, the hammer continues to swing to the other side and reaches

some height, which is indicated by the pointer.

7. Note the indicator reading at the topmost position. Take back the hammer to the idle

position and lock.

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Impact strength of the given material =


Viva questions:

1. What are the planes along which the greatest shear stresses occur?

2. Define: Strain Energy

3. Explain how a triaxial stress state can arise at the root of a notch. Would this occur in

thick or thin material? Thus, when does a biaxial stress state occur?

4. What are the main uses of the Charpy test?

5. Give examples for sudden load and impact load.

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 67

CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 9.1: Hardness testing machine

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Date of Experiment:





To study the Brinell hardness testing machine and the Brinell hardness test.


Brinell Hardness testing machine, specimen of mild steel / cast iron/ non ferrous metals and

Brinell microscope.


Hardness represents the resistance of material surface to abrasion, scratching and cutting,

hardness after gives clear identification of strength. In all hardness testes, a define force is

mechanically applied on the test piece for about 15 seconds. The indentor, which transmits

the load to the test piece, varies in size and shape for different tests. Common indenters are

made of hardened steel or diamond. In Brinell hardness testing, steelballs are used as

indentor. Diameter of the indentor and the applied force depend upon the thickness of the test

specimen, because for accurate results, depth of indentation should be less than 1/8th of the

thickness of the test pieces. According to the thickness of the test piece increase, the diameter

of the indentor and force are changed. A hardness test can be conducted on Brinell testing

m/c, Rockwell hardness m/c or Vickers testing m/c. the specimen may be a cylinder, cube,

thick or thin metallic sheet. A Brinell- cum-Rockwell hardness testing m/c is shown in Fig


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Observations & Calculations:

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Its specification is as follows:

1. Ability to determine hardness upto 500BHN.

2. Diameter of ball (as indentor) used D = 2.5mm, 5mm, 10mm.

3. Maximum application load = 3000kgf.

4. Method of load application = Lever type

5. Capability of testing the lower hardness range = 1 BHN on application of 0.5D2 load.


1. Select the suitable diameter indenter depending on the P/D2 ratio for the given specimen

2. Fix it to the indenter holder. Set proper load on the machine. Place the test piece

(specimen) on the test table. The axis of indenter (also the line of indenting force) should be

normal to the test surface. Flat test pieces should be tested on a flat anvil.

3. Keep the loading lever at position ‘A’. Select the additional test force P1 (major load).

4. To apply the minor load, turn the Hand wheel slowly and smoothly so that the longer

pointer coincides with the ‘SET’ mark at the top of the outer scale.

5. Continue to turn the Hand wheel till the smaller pointer reads ‘3’ (red spot) on the inner


6. Now increase the force from Po(Minor load) to P (Total load) by putting the loading lever

at position ‘B’ slowly and smoothly within 2 to 8 seconds. The longer pointer moves due to

the indentation of the material and remain stable after some time. Maintain this total force P

for a period 10 to 15 seconds for materials.

7. While maintaining the preliminary force Po, remove the additional force P1 by putting the

loading lever back to position ‘A’.

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8. Remove the specimen and measure the diameter of indentation in two perpendicular


9. Calculate the hardness number. Repeat the experiment thrice and take the average

hardness number as Brinell Hardness Number.


Brinell Hardness Number of the given material of the specimen =


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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Fig 10.1: Hardness testing machine

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I

Date of Experiment:





To conduct hardness test on mild steel, carbon steel, brass and aluminum specimens.


Hardness tester, soft and hard mild steel specimens, brass, aluminum etc.


Hardness of a material is the resistance it offers to scratch or indentation by other bodies.

Hardness test may be classified into two 1) scratch test and 2) indentation test. Aim of

conducting hardness test is to measure the resistance to plastic deformation of layers of

material near the surface of specimens. In indentation test, the specimen is indented by a tip

generally, steel ball or diamond cone. The tip first overcomes the resistance to elastic

deformation of the specimen material and then a part of plastic deformation. Hardness tests

are simple and nondestructive in nature. The test consists of forcing an indenter (diamond

cone or steel ball) into the surface of a test piece in two steps under specified conditions and

measuring the permanent increase of depth of indentation. The unit of measurement for e is

0.002 mm for Rockwell hardness and 0.001 mm for Rockwell superficial hardness.

Rockwell hardness is denoted by the symbol HR, preceded by the hardness value and

followed by a letter indicating the scale. In general, the test is carried out at ambient

temperature within the limits of 10 to 35o C.

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Observations And Calculations:

Material of the specimen -

Indenter used -

Initial load -

Total load applied -

Average Hardness
Material Trial No. Rockwell hardness value

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CE 232 Material Testing Lab I


1. Select the indenter and Fix it to the indenter holder.

2. Place the test piece (specimen) on the test table. The axis of indenter (also the line of

indenting force) should be normal to the test surface.

3. Keep the loading lever at position ‘A’. Select the additional test force F1 (major load).

4. To apply the minor load, turn the Hand wheel slowly and smoothly so that the longer

pointer coincides with the ‘SET’ mark at the top of the outer scale. Continue to turn the Hand

wheel till the smaller pointer reads ‘3’ (red spot) on the inner scale.

5. Now increase the force from Fo (Minor load) to F (Total load) by putting the loading lever

at position ‘B’ slowly and smoothly within 2 to 8 seconds. The longer pointer moves due to

the indentation of the material and remain stable after some time.

6. While maintaining the preliminary force Fo, remove the additional force F1 by putting the

loading lever back to position ‘A’.

7. Note dials reading (HRB on red dial and HRC on Black dial).

8. Determine the Rockwell hardness from the dial readings. Rockwell hardness number is

derived from the permanent increase in depth of indentation e, and is usually read directly

from the measuring device.

The loading pattern for minor and total load for the B and C scales are as follows:

Fo = 98.07 N (10 kgf) without shock or vibration for (B and C) and

F = 980.7 N for scale B and

F = 1471 N for C scale.

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Steel ball Aluminium alloys, 30-100 for hardness

B 1.587 mm 100 Kgf Red Copper alloys, HB 100-240 lower than 20 in C
( 1/16") unhardened steel etc scale

Hard cast irons,

20-77 for
pearlitic malleable
C Diamond intermediate load
150 Kgf Black iron steel, deep case >HB 230
cone 1200 between A and B
hardened steel,


Rockwell Hardness Number of the given material of the specimen =


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Viva Questons:

1. How do the Rockwell and Brinell tests actually measure

2. Explain the reason for the pre-load I brinell harness test.

3. What is the limitation on the thickness of specimens for a hardness test?

4. Calculate the minimum thickness for one specimen for the Rockwell test and one for the

Brinell test.

5. What are the limitations for distance from specimen edge to indentation and distance

between indentations? Explain why these limitations exist in both cases. .

6. What surface condition is necessary for Brinell and Rockwell?

Criteria/performance Excellent Good Satisfactory

(5 Marks)
Dress code & Guidelines
(5 Marks)
Knowledge of Theory
(15 Marks)
(15 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks)
(10 Marks )

Marks: …………. / 70

Dated signature of Faculty:

Department of Civil/Mechanical Engineering 83

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