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 Republic Act 1425 : Rizal Law

authored by Senator Claro M. Recto
 signed by President Ramon Magsaysay
 June 12, 1956
 Implementation of the Rizal course as a requirement for graduation in all non degree and degree courses
in the tertiary education
 it includes the life, works, and writings of Jose Rizal, particularly his novels, Noli Me Tangere and El
 august 16, 1956

Aims of Rizal Law

 1. recognize the relevance of Jose Rizal ideas, thoughts, teaching, and life-values to present conditions in
the community and country and apply them in the solution to day to day situations and problems of
contemporary life.
 2. develop an understanding and appreciation of the qualities, behavior, and character of Rizal and thus
foster the development of moral character and personal discipline.

 Seven basic reforms of Jose Rizal
 1. Representation of the country in the Spanish Cortes
 2. Secularization of the parishes
 3. Overhauling of the administration
 4. Promotion of primary education
 5. Better salaries for teachers
 6. Equality between Filipinos and Spaniard in the government positions
 7. Establishment of schools of Arts and Trades

Requirements to achieve freedom

 1. Hard work
 2. Courage
 3. Vigilance
 4. Patience
 5. Perseverance

• Source of inspiration and public worship
• Placed the welfare of their countrymen above their own
• Manifest of strong conviction which aimed to save the country from challenges even at the risk of
• losing his life

• Never self-seeking or seeks rewards for his heroism

• Heroes are made and no one was born as a hero
• They responded to the call of the times which had a decisive effect on the lives of their country men
• They faced challenges with an extraordinary response

Characteristics of a hero
• The extent of the person’s sacrifices for the welfare of the country
• Motive and methods employed in the attainment of the ideal (welfare of the country). In the attainment of
the ideal, did the person concerned sacrificed purely and exclusively for the welfare of the country or was
there any selfish or ulterior motive in the making of such sacrifices? Were methods employed in the
attainment of the ideal morally valid?
• Moral of the person. Did he do any thing immoral to taint his personal character? If there was any
immorality, did it affect his work, his society or the ideal?
• Influence to his age and the succeeding eras
Recognition of Rizal as a hero and other heroes

• On December 20, 1898, Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed December 30 as National Day of mourning in honor
of Dr. Jose Rizal and other victims of the Philippine Revolution.
• Act 345 of the Philippine Commission of 1902 cements the observance of December 30 as death of Rizal.
• Philippine Commission of 1901, through Act 137, changed the name Morong Province to Rizal Province.
• Philippine Assembly of 1901 approved Act 243 granting a land in Luneta, Manila for the monument to
Jose Rizal.
• Act No 2946 by the Phil. Legislature – Bonifacio day
• Public Act No. 3827 – National heroes day
• RA 9256 – Ninoy Aquino Day

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