The Dance of Souls

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Dance of Souls


>There is only Love(Unconditional Love that must give us what we ask for).
>There is only Free Will (We choose EVERYTHING that happens in our lives).
>Every human chose to incarnate on Earth with a gift and a purpose on the soul’s Journey to Wholeness – the
journey to self-love and self- acceptance.
>Each soul will create the conditions needed to become whole.
1. Will choose its parents and family for the environment needed for this journey.
2. People and circumstances will respond to the soul’s need for its lessons. In other words
the soul will magnetize or influence the behavior of people in its life for its own purposes.
a. In childhood to acquire the “wounds” needed to do the work of becoming whole.
b. In adulthood to create a “mirror” to see these wounds which are resting in the unconscious,
where they are unseen, but are driving the behavior of the person.
c. This is called “the shadow” the parts of oneself one does not yet love.
d. This shadow is usually “projected” upon people most intimately involved in one’s life and
prevents a healthy relationship from evolving – unless one recognizes the “job” of this
relationship – to show, mirror the unconscious wound so that it may be dealt with.
3. The soul will put experiences through a filter that will perceive a situation, even twist it as it enters
the senses, in order to perceive it as the wound (in childhood) or as the trigger for projection** (in

*See below:“THE TRUST FREQUENCY:Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm”

Premise: The underlying and overarching purpose of a person’s physical existence is to become whole by
experiencing these “wounds”, playing out the associated behavior, recognizing the wounds, coming to terms
with them, and integrating them into one’s being. Ultimately coming to love oneself fully and completely as an
aspect of the Divine – perfect, loveable, deserving of abundance, joy, ease, grace, beauty and the actualization
of one’s Divine purpose. The people and experiences in one’s life will repeat over and over until the wound is
dealt with and integrated. Ultimately, there is no escape. This is the conscious loving universe complying with
one’s wish – the commitment to incarnate and proceed on the Journey to Wholeness.

Please see below “Vows of Love” for a conscious agreement between two people who have agreed to play the
role of a conscious intimate relationship – with the purpose of mirroring the light and the shadow in the other on
the soul’s Journey to Wholeness.

This process involves two people in the Dance of Souls – each creating behavior in the other and triggering the
**“projector” to run the unconscious wounds upon the other, like a movie screen.

Until the two people become conscious of this dance, they will suffer unduly. Their love for each other will be
plagued by behaviors that prevent them from seeing and experiencing the love they feel. They may become
estranged, only because they lack the understanding of the Dance of Souls – or are unwilling to become
conscious and deal with the wounds that can be frightening to face. One must admit for a moment that one is
not perfect – only to find out they truly are more perfect than they could imagine.
Dance of Souls, An Example
Soul One incarnated to experience being UNHEARD.

Soul Two incarnated to experience being UNAPPRECIATED.

Soul One chose a family dynamic where a dominant sibling often manipulated circumstances to be in control.
Soul One felt UNHEARD throughout its childhood. Soul One chose to be the middle child. REMEMBER; Soul
One magnetized/created this behavior/situation in order to acquire this wound.
“Can’t you hear me? This is who I am, and this is what would best suit my essence.”

Soul Two chose a family dynamic where one parent was inordinately dependent upon the child for friendship
and advice. The child showed up beyond what is normal for a child. The parent, being unwell emotionally was
erratic in his/her behavior toward the child and often betrayed this friendship with unexpected behaviors that
were mean and critical. Soul Two felt UNAPPRECIATED.
REMEMBER: Soul Two magnetized/created this behavior in order to acquire this wound.
“I’ve given you everything I can, and you don’t appreciate it or me!”

Feelings of being unheard and unappreciated lead the personality to feel unworthy, unloved, unlovable,
undeserving – and create compensating behaviors in all dealings in the world – behaviors that are not aligned
with one’s true being – a mask gets put in place – where one pretends one is OK and does one’s best to function
in society – but always feeling inadequate underneath.

As adulthood approaches the unconscious beliefs/wounds begin to manifest themselves in intimate relationships
– either with a lover, a friend, a boss, a sibling. THE DANCE BEGINS.



Soul One magnetizes a situation in which Soul Two takes control of a situation and repeats Soul One’s
childhood wound of being UNHEARD, controlled – creates a mirror for Soul One to see and experience the
feelings that are put away in the unconscious.
“Can’t you hear me? This is who I am, and this is what would best suit my essence.”

Soul Two magnetizes a situation in which Soul One doesn’t want what Soul Two is doing for Soul One.
Repeating Soul Two’s childhood wound of being UNAPPRECIATED. Projects feelings of being unappreciated
onto Soul One.
“I’ve given you everything I can, and you don’t appreciate it or me!”

No one sees that if Soul Two weren’t obliging Soul One by controlling the situation and not listening to Soul
One’s true desires it wouldn’t be in the mess in the first place. Soul One is not being unappreciative – it is
merely expressing its desires – trying to be HEARD. This is the complex part of the dance – who is doing what
to whom here??? Each is obliging the other in the Dance of Souls!!!!!

Soul One is projecting not being heard.
Soul Two is projecting not being appreciated.

Soul Two thinks it listened to Soul One and wants to be appreciated.

Soul One thinks it appreciates soul Two, but wants to be heard.

Soul One feels unjustly accused of being unappreciative, negated – becomes frustrated, angry, mean and
eliminates Soul Two from its life.

Soul Two feels unjustly dealt with by the mean, angry behavior of Soul One and eliminates Soul One from its

BOTH ARE HURT, BLAMING THE OTHER for feelings of being unheard and controlled – and
unappreciated. These are very real feelings. But they are feelings that mask the true situation at hand. – the
Dance of Souls on the Journey to Wholeness!!!!

The only way for these souls to have a loving relationship is to DO THE WORK. Look at, feel and come to
terms with the feelings of being unheard, unappreciated – and the deeper feelings of being unloved, unlovable,
unworthy, undeserving.

Ultimately one must love oneself - one’s light, one’s beauty, one’s gifts – fully and completely – this is the
Journey to Wholeness – The ONLY GAME IN TOWN!

All of Creation is awaiting the Gifts that Soul One and Soul Two promised to bring to the Party - to Earth –
through their Divine purpose – and that purpose/gift cannot be realized until the Soul has moved into Self-Love
and Self-Acceptance – the gift will be hidden behind the mask – the mask of behaviors that hide the self-doubt
and self-hatred brought on by unresolved wounds and prevent the GIFTS OF LOVE from being given from an
open, accepting heart.

Drafted by Connie Baxter Marlow

July 19, 2009. Edited September 2012
Los Angeles, CA

Vows of Love

I will faithfully reflect the light and beauty that is in your heart.
I will also mirror for you all of your wounds and insecurities
and will help you make friends with your shadow,
those parts of yourself that you do not yet love.

I will, as well, thank you and honor you for mirroring for me
the parts of myself that I cannot see.
Each time I try to blame you and judge you,
I will remind myself to look inside and articulate and
bring into the light my shadow side
that you have shown me.

I realize that by entering into a relationship with you

I have agreed to walk with you into deep unconscious levels
on the journey toward wholeness.

If at any time we decide to end this relationship

I recognize that it will be because we have served each other's
growth as best we can.

I look forward to the day

when the fruit of our time together will have ripened
through the many seasons of our relationship.

Connie Baxter Marlow

1992 & 2006

From the book/workshop: The Trust Frequency: 10 Assumptions for a New Paradigm
by Andrew Cameron Bailey & Connie Baxter Marlow

Ten Assumptions for a New Paradigm
Assumption: A core belief which we take to be true without question.
Paradigm: A set of agreed-upon assumptions which create a consensus reality.
Humanity: A collection of divine, autonomous, sovereign beings who have chosen to incarnate on
Earth to learn and grow on their soul’s journey to wholeness, each with an individual purpose and a
unique gift.
Love: The fundamental unifying and creative force of the Universe.
Frequency: The vibratory “rate” that determines the characteristics of a particular reality. There is a
wide range of frequencies, each with its own reality and its own distinct laws.
The Trust Frequency: Where the soul’s destiny awaits, with more abundance, balance, freedom and
joy than we can fathom. Where the true nature of the Universe is experienced.
Free Will: The right to choose one’s frequency.
Circumstance: The seemingly uncontrollable outward events that influence our decisions.
Consciousness: Universal Consciousness: The primordial life energy of the Universe. Human
Consciousness: The active and passive phenomena of Awareness, Assumption, Attitude, Attention,
Alignment, Action and Allowing - which determine our frequency.
The Universe: All-That-Is, both manifest and un-manifest, also known as God, Creator, Atman, and
so on. We call IT the Conscious Loving Universe.

The Ten Assumptions

1. We live in a conscious, loving Universe. There is ONLY Love.
2. The Universe loves us unconditionally. It gives us everything we ask
3. We create reality by the power of our consciousness.
4. The 7 A’s: Awareness, Assumption, Attitude, Attention, Alignment, Action
and Allowing determine our frequency and are our requests to the
5. Free will is an absolute law of the Universe. WE HAVE THE FREEDOM TO
6. Circumstance guides us on our journey to wholeness.

7. There is only NOW, this precious present moment. LIVING TRUSTINGLY IN

Conscious Loving Universe!
9. Humanity is on an evolutionary upward spiral LEADING INEXORABLY TO
10. The Trust Frequency is a real place of unfathomable joy, peace and
abundance that is freely available to anyone, anywhere, anytime.



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