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2nd House Lord in 1st House: if it is placed in lagna and lagna is strong then it gives good wealth yoga

through one’s own effort and wisdom, it also makes the person well cultured and well behaved. Person
will have good speaking abilities and he may be very vocal at times. Also he may earn through his speech.
Being a maraka house, 2nd lord in ascendant may give health problems.

Since it is 12th house from 2nd, native may live far from home for earning. He may have eyesight problem.
If 2nd lord is with 9th lord the person will have parental property. Sometime this placement also causes
more than one marriage.

2nd House Lord in 2nd House: it also works as first house lord placed in first house it also works as this is
again a good gesture of wealth and richness through own efforts, wisdom, speaking power. If planets
placement are real good, person will have vaak siddhi. Person will have attractive personality, good face,
and charming voice. He will be interested in food. He may have good early education and will be well
cultured and behaved.

2nd house lord in his own house reduces the marak effect of the second house if planets are good. It
also signifies long life.

2nd House Lord in 3rd House: as per astrological rules, second house lord in third is known as Bhavat
Bhavam and very good for the native if planets are good. It works in the same way of first house lord in
second house. It signifies that person will earn the wealth through his own efforts, most likely with the
help of younger siblings due to third house. Speech house lord is placed in third house communication
house, he will have excellent communication skills, and may earn through the speaking abilities. If Venus
is also supportive then person may become famous singer.

At the same time, third house is one of the dushsthan (evil house). Markesh lord is placed in dushsthan,
which gives health trouble or sometimes life threat depending upon the planets. It also makes person
courageous and good earner if any malefic planet is placed in third house, third house is good for malefic
planets. This placement also gives short travels.

2nd House Lord in 4th House: this combination also works as first lord in third house. It may give good
wealth, lands, vehicles, pleasure, and comfort if planets are good. Second house is speech, so it also makes
person a very good speaker and thinker. Mr. Narendra Modi has his second lord Jupiter placed in the
fourth house. Fourth is mother house, so native may get a lot of money/property from mother or mother
will be rich. Second house is maraka so it may also create health trouble for mother.

4th house relates to wife’s profession, it is possible that wife will earn good. Both the houses are education
house giving a good education or high education. If Mars is good, native will earn through real estate. 4th
is family house, and 2nd is wealth house, native may be born in royal rich family among all the comforts
and will love and stay with his family.
2nd House Lord in 5th House: it is also like first house lord in fourth house. This placement shows that
person will earn money due to his accumulated past good karmas (deeds). 2nd lord in fifth house aspects
11th house of earned wealth and profit, so person will definitely earn good money if planets are good. It
also signified that person may earn money through his children or contribute in their earning efforts.
Person will have good looking face and a good speech power. He will earn money through his speech and
communication. Since 5th house also belong to speculation or sudden income, person may have
unexpected source of money.

If planets are real good then the 2nd lord placement in the 5th house gives vaak siddhi.

2nd House Lord in 6th House also works as first house lord placed in fifth house so it is possible that past
deeds will help in the earning potential. However, it is also possible that person may be earning through
illegal or immoral way as 6th house is dushsthan. There may be wealth related dispute or legal matters
from others or family. Person’s uncle will be rich and native may enjoy his wealth. 2nd is speech house
placed in 6th house, person may be expert in settlement of issues through speech. 6th house gives enemy;
there could be enemies to his wealth or himself due to wealth related matter.

Since wealth lord is placed in disease and debt house, it is possible that person’s wealth is being spent on
some disease or medication or some kind of hospitalization, he may also have eyes related issues. Also,
he may be indebted or under some kind of loan to repay to others or he may be earning through loaning.
2nd house is markesh, and 1st house lord placed in 5th house is not good for children from health or

2nd House Lord in 7th House also works as first house placed in sixth house. Wealth lord is placed in the
wife house means person will get wealth through his wife via different mediums. It also works as 7th
house as lagna and 2nd house as 8th house so it may not be good for the wife health. 7th house is sex
house so person may spend his wealth to get sexual pleasure, 2nd house is sanskar (moral value) house
so person or his wife may not be sexually moral and may have more than one relationship. Sometimes
this placement also causes for second marriage depending upon some other factors.

7th is foreign house, person may go to or settle in foreign country to earn money; he may also marry a
foreign woman. 2nd is family house which lord is placed in 7th indicates person will marry within family
or have relationship with any family member. 7th is travel house, person may involve in traveling to make
money. 2nd is social status, person may be socially famous and respected.

2nd House Lord in 8th House also works as first house placed in 7th house. Eight house is one of the
dushsthan. It belongs to easy gains and inheritance, wealth lord placed here can give some unexpected
income or wealth from inheritance, speculation, lottery etc. It is also accident and longevity house, means
there may be sudden expenses on life or health related issues. Second house is continuance of marriage,
and it is also 7th house (spouse) from 8th house, and eight house is about marital tie and so there may be
problem or break up in the marriage life.
Eight house also relates to obstacles, disgrace, disappointments etc. There could be misunderstanding
among the family members and lack of domestic happiness. Person may have to face obstacles or
disappointments in the wealth related issues. 2nd house is family, so there could be issues in the family.
Person may have food related issues such as eating problems. 2nd house is speech so there could be
speech related issues or eye/vision related problem.

2nd House Lord in 9th House: it can also be read as first house lord in eight house. Wealth house lord in
the trine house is considered auspicious. Ninth house is father’s house. Native’s father will be wealthy or
help the native to earn wealth. However, on the other hand 2nd house is 6th house from 9th which is
disease house so native father’s may have health problems. Native will have attachment with father. Ninth
house is religion, so wealth will be invested in the religious activities. 2nd is family and wealth and 9th is
foreign travel, native may have to go to or settle in foreign to earn fortune and take care of his family.

This placement also signifies good/higher education for the native. Such person will also involve in
spiritual pursuit. This is also eight house from 2nd so not good for the marital tie or marriage
continuance. There could be death of spouse or divorce depending upon the planet strength and

2nd House Lord in 10th House: this also works as first house lord in the ninth house. It is considered good
yoga if planets are in right position. Person will be rich, earn money through his own efforts, wisdom,
speech, he may also start earning in an early age. He will be a successful professional and will be interested
of starting his own business. 10th house related to government, so wealth may come from government
sources. 10th house related to parental property, so native may get property from father. Person will be
very popular in friends, family, and in the society.

If 2nd lord is afflicted then it may cause some problem to the father’s health.

2nd House Lord in 11th House: this placement can also be read as the first house in the tenth house. 2nd
house wealth lord in the 11th profit house is considered very auspicious dhana yoga. This placement
signifies a materialistic approach in money matters. Person will be very money minded and he will earn
through many sources. He will also earn with the help of his elder siblings or friends as 11th is elder sibling
and friends’ house. Person will be able to fulfill his all material desire through money.

2nd is speech house so person will be skilled to earn through his speech. 2nd is 4th house from 11th
which is comfort house so person will be happy in terms of family happiness.

2nd House Lord in 12th House: it works as first house in the 11th house. 12th is expense house and 2nd
is wealth so it means all the earned wealth will be spent in some ways. But it is also 1st house lord in the
11th house which gives good earning potential so there will be good earning as well. 2nd is pleasure house,
12th is bed pleasure so person may spend money on sexual desire etc.
12th house is also spiritual and religion house so person will spend the money on the religious things. This
placement may also send the person to the foreign to earn money. 12th house belongs to hospital, so
there could be expenditure on the hospitalization or person may also earn through hospitals. Person may
have eye problem. 12th is also illegal or immortal house so person may earn through some immoral way.
Person may not have helpful father.

2nd is markesh placed in 12th house which can give serious health trouble or shorter life span to the

7th house

L-7 in 12th House:

 You may also want to read about 7th house and 12th house, as 7th house Lord placed 6th from
own house you may read First house lord in 6th house.
 7th house belongs to partner and 12th house belongs to expenses. When 7th Lord goes into 12th
house native’s wife will be spendthrift. It is also creating 6-8 relationship as 12th house is 6 from
7th and 7th house is 8 from 12th. It is not considered good relationship. It also suggests expenses
through wife may be medical bill or other bills. 12th house is foreign house, L-7 in 12th suggests
partner may be from far place or from other culture – could be from lower standard.
 7th is marak house, L-7 placed in 12th which is one of the dushsthan increase the capacity of marak
ability of L-7 improving evil nature of 7th house, so ill placed 7th house may cause death or death
like situation of wife like suffering from diseases. If marak is created for native then native will
suffer from death or death like situation. 12th house is related to hospital so it could be in the
hospital like place. 7th and 12th are travel and foreign houses. So death may occur during traveling
or in the foreign land. This placement may also cause dispute or separation with wife.
 7th house relates with sexual desires and L-7 placed in the dushsthan so it is possible that native is
not satisfied with his sexual life and he may look for other options with other women. If 7th Lord is
Venus or Venus is in 12th house then results may vary as Venus is considered excellent in 12th
house. This placement may also cause more than one marriage.
 7th is bhavat bhavam (10th from 10th) of 10th house which is profession and 12th and 7th gives
foreign travel so native may go foreign country for livelihood. 12th house belongs to sleep and it is
in 6-8 relationship with 7th house so native will have sleeping disorders and wrong habits of food.
 L-7 in 12th with L-12 may cause native and his partner life in foreign land. Native is possible to
inclined towards spirituality.

L-7 in 11th House:

One should also read about 11th house features for better understanding.

 At first this combination suggests that native will be benefited (11th house) through his wife (7th
house). 11th house is one of the upachay houses, upachaya houses help to increase the
significances, and so L-7 and 7th house itself will improve its natural significant in 11th house.
 7th and 11th are kaam kona (sex house) L-7 in 11th house will increase the native’s sex drive and
make native more Sexual. Native will easily attract other women, and may have more than one
marriage due to 11th house effect or affair with many women. L-7 placed in 11th house will benefit
native from marriage, he may get good dowry, or he will have ‘bhagyadoya’ after marriage, or his
wife may be good earner etc.
 7th house is partnership house, and it is bhavat bhavam of 10th house (business/profession), so
native may have successful partnership in business. It is also possible that native will have
profession/business in foreign land (7th house). 7th house is one of the marak houses, L-7 placed in
11th will increase its marak ability, and in case placement is not so good then native may have
short life span or life threatening desease.
 L-7 in 11th house will aspect 5th house of children which may give girl child or evil related to sons.
Well placed planets will give very good son who will help in his personal and professional life. 11th
house belong to elder brother, 7th house is 9th (fortune) from 11th so native elder brother may be
lucky, however if planets are not well placed then it can cause marak effect to elder brother. L-7 in
11th with L-11 makes the person rich and native will have good success in his professional life.
L-7 in 10th House:

 One should also read about 10th house in detail.

 One should also read about 10th house features. According to one ancient shloka, L-7 in 10th
house makes the person wealthy; however his wife is not in the control of native. 7th house is 10th
from 10th house means as per the bhavat bhavam concept. So L-7 placed in 10th house is
considered good as it is giving strength to 10th house.
 Good 10th house means native is successful in his profession or business. His wife may play an
important role in his professional life. Native could be socially popular. It is possible that his wife is
a well earner and professionally successful. 7th house being ‘far-away-from-home’ house may take
the native to the foreign land or to towns other than his mother land to achieve professional goals.
In such cases people get successful when they leave their houses.
 7th house is also one of the politics house, L-7 placed in 10th may give political career. If planets
are well placed, native will get success in politics, else it will indicate profit obtaining through
Government. When L-7 and L-10 both are placed in 10th house native will get good name and fame
in society. Native’s wife will be religious.
L-7 in 9th House:
 Read 9th house itself.
 Also read about 9th house itself first for better understanding. As per some old books, L-7 in 9th
house gives very good wife, native may have many relationships. 9th house is 3rd from 7th house,
3rd place is considered dushsthan so in general it may not be good. 9th house is very powerful
Dharma kona and 7th house is powerful kaam kona so kaam kona planet placed in dharma kona
may keep native away from Dharma and push towards kaam.
 Further, this placement also suggests that native has low moral regarding sexual conduct as 7th
lord is placed in 3rd house from it. At the same time, it also means that native will fortunate in sex
matters and he will have many relationship with women depending on the 2nd house of sanskar.
Overall being 3rd house from 7th will give good stamina and strength to the native as 3rd house is
strength house.
 9th house is father’s house and 7th house is marak so if L-7 is not well placed then it may cause
marak for father such as serious health problems. It may also cause separation from father or
father may live far from native’s place. If 9th house is weaker than 7th lord then it may cause
danger to father’s life. If 9th house is stronger than 7th house then father may be wealthy and rich
due to 11th (7th is 11 from 9) house planet is placed in 9th house.
 L-7 in 9th house may give a very good and religious wife. Wife may bring a lot of fortune to the
native, in other words native will have ‘bhagyodaya’ after marriage. However, to work this L-7 has
to be well placed or aspect by benefic planets. Bad or afflicted planetary placement will give
troubled married life.
 9th house is bhavat bhavam for 5th house which is house for children. 7th house is marak house
and 9th house is 3rd from 7th house, so this combination may not be good for children. It may
affect children health. If Jupiter is also not good and L-5 is also afflicted then it may cause problem
to the life span of children. 9th house also gives long travel, so it is possible that native will go for a
long religious travel. But regarding mental peace it is not consider good.
 L-7 with L-9 in the 9th house creates a Rajyoga due to Kendra and Trikona combination. If it is well
placed then native may be fortunate after marriage. Native may be religious person, visiting
religious places and give donations. Native wife will have good moral character.
 L-7 in 8th House:
 One should also know about the 8th house itself. Generally, 7th lord placed in 8th house indicates
loss of marriage or wife may be suffering from acute disease. Wife may be of bad character and not
obedient. It may also cause separation or unhappy married life due to misunderstanding or lack of
trust and respect.
 7th house is one of the marak houses, L-7 placed in 8th house (house of death) will improve marak
lord strength, and in case it is afflicted then it may cause short life span. 7th house is kaam kona,
8th house also belongs to sex, and this placement also suggests sexual disease to the native if L-7 is
badly placed or Venus is afflicted.
 L-7 in 8th house may also give a lot of stress to the native as it represents litigation, misfortune,
disgrace, and disappointments. It may come from partner, government body, or trade etc.
 In women horoscope 8th house is Mangal Sthan i.e. house of happiness after marriage. Well placed
L-7 may bring marital happiness as it suggests husband is good, physical fit for relationship. If not
well placed then results may turn evil. 7th house lord in 8th house may also cause two marriages
depending on sign and planet.
 7th house is far place from birth (1st house), its lord placed in 8th may also suggests native’s death
in foreign place. L-7 with L-8 in 8th house could be marak for both husband and wife. They may be
suffering from serious health issues, or may go for divorce. In case it is well placed then native may
earn a lot of money from immoral activities and also get support of his life partner in this immoral
 L-7 in 7th House:
 One should also learn about 7th house and its significance. This placement suggests marital bliss to
the native. House lord in its own house is always good and reduce the evil effects. So 7th lord in its
own house, with good placement, will reduce the marak effect of the 7th house and increase the
significances of the house.
 L-7 in 7th house may give early marriage to the native; he will have happy married life and sexual
pleasures from his partner. In man’s kundli L-7 in 7th house indicates a good wife from reputed
family who likes the freedom of living but at the same time respects his husband. In woman’s
kundli it means brave and fortunate person.
 7th house is bhavat bhavam for 4th and 10th house, so L-7 placed in the 7th house encourages the
significances of both the houses which mean native will have good education, intelligence, family,
he will have good professional skills and will be socially respectable. Both the houses are connected
with power: democracy (4th house) and government (10th house), so 7th house is an important
house for political connection.
 7th house is travel house, L-7 in 7th may send native to foreign places. In case 7th house is afflicted
then all the above results will be affected accordingly.
 L-7 in 6th House:
 Know more about 6th house features. L-7 in 6th house may give disease or sickness to the wife,
native will be devoid of marital happiness. 6th house is 12th from 7th house which is not
considered good for 7th house significances. It may cause bad results regarding 7th house.
 Since 6th is disease house, it may indicate that partner is physically weak or diseased. It is possible
that partner is admitted to the hospital due to this. It is also possible that partner is from other
caste, religion, or culture. Weak 7th lord may give separation or divorce from the partner, or even
cause death of the partner. If 7th lord is in good position then it may cause two marriages.
 6th house is related to something bad or evil, 7th house represents kaam kona which indicates
native has bad habits regarding in sexual matters or has some kind of sexual problems.
 7th house is marak house for native and 6th house is a dussthan so it improves marak capacity or L-
7. This marak will justify itself in terms of some critical disease to the native so native may be
suffering from life threatening disease depending upon the planetary placement. Bad L-7 may
cause death of the native or it may also cause loss of body parts.
 6th house is ripu (enemy) and legal problem house. 7th house is life or business partner house. So
L-7 in 6th house may give legal trouble from the life or business partner. It could be court case for
separation or divorce or any legal issue out of misunderstanding. 6th house is debt, and 7th house
is profession (10th from 10th), so it is possible that native will suffer from debt problem in his
 L -7 with L-6 in 6th house is not considered good as markesh gets strength in dushsthan. It may
work as marak for native or his partner depending on the planetary placement.
 L-7 in 5th House:
 Also read about 5th house. Generally this placement is considered good giving good qualities and
wealth to the native, but not considered good for marriage.
 As per kalpurush, 7th house is owned by Venus, and 5th by Sun, and both are natural enemies.
Secondly, 5th house is 11th (upachaya) from 7th, so being an upachaya bhav it will increase/grow
the significances of the 7th house i.e. marriage and marak. It could mean that person may be
married to more than one woman, and also due to increase in the marak ability L-7 will increase
causing danger to the native.
 7th house belongs to marriage and 5th house belongs to love so 7th house Lord in 5th house may
cause love marriage. 5th house is mentality and 7th house is a kaam kona which suggests native
will have sexual mentality and attracted to sexual matters. If 7th house is afflicted native will have
extra marital affairs or more than one relationship. In this case native may not have happy
marriage. He may experience late marriage or no marriage. If planets are good then native will
have wealthy partner.
 Again, 7th house is 3rd from 5th which is not considered good. 5th house is children so it may not
be that good for children being also one of the marak, and it may not be good for child birth if 7th
house is afflicted or 5th house is afflicted. If both the houses are afflicted then it could be death of
children or having no children. However, well placed 7th house Lord in 5th house may give good
child and children will be fortunate to the native as 5th house is also one of the trikona.
 Good L-7 in 5th showcase native’s good wealth, social respect, and good quality, association with
great and knowledgeable people. If L-7 and L-5 both are well placed in the 5th house, then native
may have good children and good wife and happy life. Afflicted houses may give bad marriage and
health problems to the wife and children.
 L-7 in 4th House:
 Read also about 4th house to know more about its significance. 7th and 4th both are Kendra
houses, thus placement of L-7 in 4th house is generally good. 7th house is bhavat bhavam for 4th
house and 4th house is 10th from 7th house so overall it is it is good placement for L-7.
 As per our old books, it is said that L-7 placed in 4th house gives dominant wife. L-7 placement in
10th from own house i.e. 4th, makes the wife working and independent thinker who will not like to
be controlled. She will earn herself and help native to run the house. So it is possible that native
will be fortunate after marriage.
 Depending on the planets, it is possible that native may go far from home (4th house) for
profession or study purpose. 4th house is education house and good L-7 here will give good
education. Native may be intelligent. 4th house is happiness, good L-7 will give happiness of wife
and children and happy married life. He will have pleasure of vehicle and property.
 If 7th house is afflicted then it may cause bad marital experience. L-7 placed in 4th house also
works as marak for mother in terms of dispute or ill health etc. It may also cause problems from
vehicle such as accident. L-7 in 4th makes the person possibly rich and benefited from maternal
property. Kaam kona (7th house) planet placed in mind (4th) makes the person interested in sexual
matters or easily attracted towards opposite sex.
Good L-7 in 4th house gives good education, materialistic happiness, and marital happiness, foreign
tour for business or education purposes.

 L-7 in 3rd House:
 One should also read about 3rd house itself. 3rd house is one of the dushsthan, but it is 9th house
away from 7th, similarly 7th house is 5 houses away creating 9-5 combination. So L-7 placement in
3rd house needs to be read carefully. As per old books it may suggests loss of children. Apart from
this it is also combination of maraka house lord and dushsthan house which may not consider
 L-7 in 3rd house is 5th house lord placed from 3rd house which may be considered good regarding
3rd house matters. 3rd house primarily belongs to siblings who may be fortunate and living abroad
(7th house) due to this placement. 3rd house is self-effort and L-7 placed here may indicate native’s
success in professional life.
 7th house belongs to foreign place and 3rd house is short travel so it may give frequent short
travels related to professional purposes because 7th house is also one of the karma sthan. Native
may be working in the media or communication related areas.
 3rd and 7th house are related to kaam kona, and 3rd house is related to production capability
(sperm counting) of the native. It may cause some sexual problems related to productivity of child.
As per old books native may have problem to get the child depending upon the planetary
placement. 3rd house may be maraka house for father as 7th is 11th from 9th which may cause
trouble of life span.
 L-7 in 2nd House:
 Read about 2nd house itself. L-7 in 2nd house may give many wives; 2nd house belongs to wealth
so native may get wealth through his wife. It is possible that native will have working wife or native
may get wealth in his marriage or this wealth may come from the succession of life. Overall his
‘bhagyodaya’ is possible after marriage.
 2nd house is sanskar house and 7th house is kaam kona. Native could be interested sex matters
and involved in multiple relationships and have corrupt character in sex matters depending upon
the placement of the planets. 7th and 2nd house both are maraka house so placement of 7th lord
in 2nd house may become stronger maraka. So it may possible native may suffer from health
related serious problems. If this placement is badly afflicted then may cause death of the native.
 2nd house is 8th (life span) from 7th house, if 7th house lord is badly placed in 8th house then it
may cause death of life partner. 2nd house also belong to the continuance of marriage, so 7th
house lord in 2nd house may also indicates separation or divorce from wife.
 7th house is foreign place and partnership, and 2nd house is wealth which could mean native may
earn through foreign land and through partnership. 2nd house belong to eyes, mouths, dental
problems and 7th house is 6th from 2nd house so it may cause the problems related to the above
 L-7 in 1st House:
 According to old books, L-7 in 1st house does not give good mentality towards other wife. Native
may be fickle minded. It is possible that native may marry someone known, but marriage will have
multiple problems regarding understanding. L-7 in lagan may give sex oriented brain as 7th is kaam
kona which will interest native in other women.
 L-7 in the first house (self) gives too much obsession about self. Native thinks too much about self
than other. Gives too much importance to his social image and does not care about the thoughts of
others. This placement does not have stable mind and native will be confused in most of the times.
Native may be wicked.
7th house lord is markesh, if lagan or laganesh is afflicted or 7th house is afflicted then it may affect
life span, otherwise well placed L-7in 1st house indicates long life.
 It is also possible that native will get the wealth after the marriage and materialistic happiness
through his wife in any way. L-7 (foreign places) in 1st house (self) indicates foreign tours for native
for the purpose of education or business, or even he could settle there as per the planets.
 L-7 with L-1 in the 1st house is a good combination which makes native fortunate after marriage.
However, if lagnesh is weak in strength and 7th house lord is powerful then it may cause marak and
native may suffer from health problems.

 Rahu Gets Conjunction with relatively faster moving planet Mars in every 18 months for one and
half months. As Mars is the enemy of Rahu, this conjunction is never that positive for anyone until
you don’t know how to divert this abandon of Martian energy in a positive way. Rahu and Mars
together makes one Yoga called Angarak Yoga. Many well renowned personalities like Shivaji the
Great Maratha, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln as well as many serial killers are having this
Angarak yoga their horoscope. Angarak Yoga or this Rahu Mars conjunction works adverse in few
particular signs like Aries, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio.

 Rahu : Deceptive, selfish, risk taker, taboo breaker, cunning, rebellious, smoke, manipulative,
reflective, ambitious, hungry, amplifier etc.

 Mars : Aggressive, Hot tempered, warrior, courage, brotherhood, accident, high fever, blood
pressure, action, initiator, passion, sex drive, desire, impulsive, volcanic eruption etc.

 As Mars denotes Energy, sitting with Rahu energy of Mars gets amplified which gives abandon of
physical energy to the native. At times this exaggeration of energy show off which can bring blood
on the surface.

 Person with such conjunction of Mars & Rahu are never going to sit idle, they are restless, need
constant activity or change in life where they can utilize their Maritain energy. That’s why its
important to find the positive channelization of utilizing this energy. Better to engage in gyming,
sports etc where they can find relaxation through activity.

 Rahu will surly enhance the Martian power and warrior planet Mars will be ever ready to show his
action, so its very important to show the good direction to this Mars else this energy can be

 Natural 1st and 8th lord Mars with Rahu can have addiction of smoking or drugs. So all depends on
three things – sign in which conjunction taking place, house, strength of the depositor and lastly on
benefic aspects to make it little neutral.

 Being natural 8th house lord and 8th sign Scorpio, Mars with Rahu will amplify the passion level in a
person which can lead to sexual aggression or perversion but then all depends on placement and
aspect too. Mostly it gives multiple partners in life.

 This Angarak Yoga usually destroys the signification of house where it gets formed mostly related
to human relation. For example, If Mars & Rahu conjunction is taking place in 6th house then there
will not be much good relation with maternal uncle, or uncle will be suffering in life but the native
will be giving good fight back to his enemies, can work and shine in technical lines etc.

 If Mars or Rahu is connected with Ascendant, or 10th house then it may give profession related to
Research & development in technical field, engineering, and study in space or aviation. But if this
conjunction having further affliction then it may make a person gangster, smuggler etc.

 If Mars is Yoga Karka in horoscope and the depositor of this conjunction is strong and sitting in
Kendra or kona house, then it may also create Raja Yoga, which will surly confer abandon of
success to native in life.
 Mars is Bhumi karka and Rahu is the foreign element in Astrology, so this conjunction can take the
native away from his birth place.

 Rahu Mars’s conjunction gives rigidity and stubbornness in mind and approach, so they find it very
hard to get adjusted in new atmosphere or new idealism.

 When muscles work, then your brain takes back seat, so people loses their sensitivity, rational
thinking. Activation of Rahu & Mars conjunction is nothing but working like a fool, at times even
self-destructive way. Their excessive hot temper ruins relation with family, partner, and friends.

 Rahu Mars conjunction in certain bad Nakshatra can give tendency of suicide; especially in Aslesha,
Mula. This conjunction gives high blood pressure problem in life.

 If Rahu Mars conjunction taking place in bad houses like 6th, 8th or 12th house and depositor is
also afflicted then it can give many diseases and person can be prone to accident. There can be
many cut mark in body of native.

 As Mars is the significator of brother, when in conjunction with Rahu, it can make the native elder
among siblings or there will be no big brother at all. Rahu Mars conjunction works relatively well in
3rd, 6th or 10th houses of horoscope.

 With the faster moving planet Mercury, Rahu gets conjunct once in every ten months for 25days.
Not too many people are having this conjunction. Mercury being the neutral planet, can do quite
positive with Rahu conjunction. If the position of Mercury is benefic for horoscope, then this Rahu
Mercury conjunction can create many talents in life else we all know how Rahu can trick the

 Rahu: Deceptive, selfish, risk taker, taboo breaker, cunning, rebellious, manipulative, reflective,
ambitious, hungry, amplifier, extreme etc.

 Mercury: Quick, witty, intelligence, rational, analyzer, speech, communication, sales, short travel,
planning, logic, commerce, diplomats etc.

 Mercury the natural 6th house lord Virgo, when with Rahu, can give skin trouble for life long if
Mercury is further afflicted.
 Rahu being the biggest manipulator, when in conjunction with Mercury, the natural 3rd lord
Gemini, can make an excellent fiction writer, one can have good marketing skill with this Rahu
Mercury conjunction, as Mercury denotes communication and writing skills.
 This Rahu Mercury conjunction is very good for those who are in writing, media, travel, sales,
communication oriented profession.
 Rahu & Mercury conjunction works better in Gemini, Virgo & Aquarius sign.
 Mercury is good in numbering games, When comes with amplifying Rahu can give good skill in
speculation or share market analyzing.
 The best way to use this Rahu Mercury conjunction is to divert or the opinion or making huge
impression on mass through your speech or communication skill.
 Conjunction of Rahu Mercury people knows how to tell which thing in any odd or even situations.
How to take advantage of any situation, no one knows better than them.
 Most of the million dollar scammers of this world has this Mercury Rahu conjunction where
Mercury is either functional malefic or afflicted due to other aspect in horoscope.
 This Rahu Mercury conjunction people tell lies so easily with comfort that others will get tricked
very easily.
 This conjunction gives very quick learning in foreign language or culture.
 Rahu Mercury conjunction gives innate flexibility in nature, which helps them to mix up with any
group of people very easily and quickly.
 They can be totally social charmer at any point of time. Their core skill is bargaining.

 With the fastest moving planet Moon, Rahu gets conjunct twice a month and every time for 2 and
half days. Obviously many people have this Rahu- Moon conjunction in their Kundali than any other
conjunction of Rahu. When any horoscope has Rahu Moon conjunction, such people needs special
treatment or care in life as Rahu makes them extreme in many perspective of life. As moon is the
seat of our imagination, Rahu Moon conjunction has more psychological effect than material.

 Rahu : Deceptive, selfish, risk taker, taboo breaker, cunning, rebellious, manipulative, reflective,
ambitious, hungry, amplifier, extreme etc.

 Moon : Emotion, mind, imagination, mother, psychology, psychic ability, home, farming, family,
care, milk, lactation, water, liquid, travel, patriotism, parenting etc.

 As Rahu is illusive, when gets posited with the planet of mind and emotion Moon, it makes a
person dreamy, impractical, always lost in own world.
 Rahu being the foreign element in Astrology and Moon the fastest moving planet, when in
conjunction with each other in horoscope, it gives lots of travel, if this conjunction takes place in
3rd,9th or 12th house then can give foreign travel too.
 Rahu is selfish, and deceptive too, when with the mother of emotion Moon is with such Rahu, it
makes a person harsh, at times they use their emotion to achieve what they want. And of course
such people are mostly emotionally imbalanced, at times extreme emotional the other moment
too shrewd.
 Rahu & Moon conjunction in 3rd house of writing can make a person a fiction writer, provided rest
of the chart also has the supportive factors for being a writer. Moon’s conjunction with Rahu gives
an amazing imaginary mind which can surly help anyone to pen down fictitious stories.
 Rahu plays very well with the planet of emotion Moon, which gives a tendency of being Drama
Queen time to time. Which can seem overdo for others. But for Rahu Moon conjunction people its
very natural outburst of their characteristics.
 Moon the lord of natural 4th house of mother and family, when in conjunction with Rahu, it takes a
person away from birth place, family. They go through sudden dramatic emotional changes in their
 Chandra Rahu conjunction is an abandon of energy, which needs to get channelized properly. So
from childhood parents should know how to divert their mind and channelize that strong power of
this conjunction. Specially by encouraging them to have some positive inspirational figure in life.
 Moon Rahu conjunction people are so good in having their own illusive stories and the hardest part
is that, they keep believing what they are saying. Most common outcome from them is ghost
stories, or having black magic on them. Best way is to ignore and show them the path of
 Rahu is never satisfied by anything, so a person with Rahu Moon conjunction in horoscope will
never be satisfied emotionally, his mind will always be hungry for something more. Rahu will give
the boredom very easily. So the mind wants always something new and challenging.
 Moon is the planet of adultery, when in conjunction with planet of amplification Rahu in a kundali,
gives the tendency to go for illicit relationship, more than one relationship.
 Rahu’s effect on Moon gives psychic capabilities at times, such people are very much emotionally
 Some unknown fear, phobia, isolation, lunacy, paranoia or all distorted mental states are the by
product of Rahu Moon conjunction in a horoscope, as Rahu has the power to strengthen, weaken
or completely neutralize the lunar forces. If no benefic aspect on such conjunction then it can make
wandering soul. That’s why many astrologer tagged this conjunction as “Negative Moon”.
 Its very hard to find the positive effect of Rahu Moon conjunction as Rahu is inimical to Moon, until
other factors in horoscope is not giving the ability to channelize this energy, negative traits are
mostly seens. Though many famous people and evolved Yogis has Rahu Moon conjunction.
 If Rahu Moon conjunction is taking place in 10th house it can give profession related to foreign
land, communication, travel oriented occupation, pirates, navigator, politician, actors and so on.

 Rahu Gets Conjunction with relatively faster moving planet Sun once a year, for entire one month.
So not too many people around this world have this conjunction not even too rare. Rahu is the one
who eclipses Sun. Hence this conjunction is not too positive for anyone in the horoscope. Rahu the
mysterious and mischievous planet doesn’t play any game straight, so with Sun it will display illicit
action with authority.
 Rahu: Deceptive, selfish, risk taker, taboo breaker, cunning, rebellious, manipulative, reflective,
ambitious, hungry, amplifier etc.
 Sun: Authority, power, status, ego, dignity, Govt, father, king, brilliance, Royal Status, political
career, bureaucracy, Administration etc.
 As Rahu amplifies the signification of planet it gets posited with, so Rahu Sun conjunction will give a
confident, charismatic personality. But we need to remember Rahu never reflects the truth. So the
person will show the fake power and confidence, deep down inside he will be having fear which
Rahu will cover up quite nicely.
 Person having Rahu & Sun conjunction in horoscope will talk very high, their expression will be
dramatic to cover up their fear and lack of confidence.
 Rahu is selfish, when in conjunction with Sun, will give the tendency of being self-obsessed who will
always give more importance to himself/herself and overestimate of self-personality and imposing
ego on others.
 As Rahu is reflective, with Sun it starts acting like Sun, So where ever Rahu Sun conjunction will
take place, it will work like double Sun sitting on that particular sign & house. So the result will be
as per the ruler ship of Sun whether its malefic or benefic for the horoscope.
 When Rahu will start working like double Sun in a horoscope, person will start showing fake
bravery, extravaganza.
 Rahu Sun conjunction in Libra will make a person merciless, lame. They need constant motivation
to go ahead in life.
 When Rahu Sun are together in a horoscope, person becomes hungry for power, doesn’t hesitate
to misuse power, authority to reach ultimate goal.
 Sun with Rahu gives too much fake ego, his personality will not be evolved. That can give always
rebellious attitude towards others especially with Govt, authority in work place and of course
 At times a person with Rahu Sun conjunction becomes too much unrealistic about their demand,
and rebellious attitude.
 As Sun the center stage planet gets posited with Rahu, person becomes hungry for center stage
role, and he will be ready to take any risk to be praised for his deeds.

 Combustion is the condition of a planet, which fades away
the core signification of that very planet by coming too close to Sun. Cause of Sun’s proximity to
the planet, it burns out the qualities of planet. Hence, a combust planet – whether benefic or
malefic for horoscope, can’t influence the Sun to its fullest extent. There are certain degrees for
every planet for considering Combustion. As Mercury and Venus are the closest to Sun, hence
mostly we can find these two planets combust in horoscope.

 Combustion Degrees >>>
 Venus within 8 Degrees
 Jupiter within 11 Degree
 Mercury within 12 Degree while retrograde and 14 degree in direction motion.
 Saturn within 15 Degree
 Mars within 17 Degree

 Sun the brightest and visible planet which causes combust, is the key significator of Ego. Hence
when a planet is too much close to Sun, too much ego gets induced in characteristics of a person.
Combust planets doesn’t get disappear but it doesn’t get seen either.

 Mars Combust – Super Ego will make a person aggressive, lack of patience for hearing or using
rational mind.
 Venus Combust – just for the sake of ego running behind relationship, wasting time energy and
money in relation which you know not gona work.
 Mercury Combust – Intellect will get over powered by false ego.
 Jupiter Combust – self-obsessed with the achievement or knowledge, which will make a person
poor in grabbing or making himself resourceful with knowledge further.
 Saturn Combust – Fake ego will not let the person understand where he went wrong, even delaying
in work will make him think he is doing great and everything will be over on time.

 Combust planets doesn’t hamper house significations like career, wealth, intelligence, spirituality. It
mainly effects the relationship with others in our life or at most health or vitality. The main
signification of planet which is in combust will be altered whether its good or bad for the particular
 Combustion will be harmful if Sun is the lord of 3rd,6th, 8th or 12th house. Cause then it will be
affliction by malefic planet of horoscope coupled with the combustion. Never wear Gemstones for
strengthening malefic combust planet.

 Suppose Saturn being the natural and functional malefic in chart getting combust is much desirable
than being functional benefic in chart. For example, Saturn being the lord of Capricorn getting
combust in Virgo can make a person absent minded, lazy, forgetfulness etc but still its not that
harmful if it would be for Pisces Ascendant.

 1st lord combust – weak health
 2nd lord combust – weak family ties
 3rd lord combust – misunderstanding in communication – rough relation with siblings
 4th lord combust – suffering to mother, need push for schooling
 5th lord combust – trouble having children
 6th lord combust – weak resistance to disease, trouble with subordinates
 7th lord combust – Relationship and marriage trouble
 8th lord combust – No peace in partnership or marriage
 9th lord combust – Lack of fortune support, father has slow progress in life
 10th lord combust – Stressful relation with authority
 11th lord combust – Friends will not be much favorable, gain will be stuck or long
 12th lord combust – Feeling of loss or isolation.
 Here in above kundali, 9th house Mars is combust in 6th house where Sun is 6th lord himself.
 For Pisces Ascendant, Sun is functional malefic being 6th lord.
 So Mars being 2nd and 9th lord getting combust by malefic Sun, though posited in friendly sign Leo.
 The person has a very troubling childhood (2nd house lord) where he observed his drunk father
(9th lord) torturing his mother every day.
 Rest of the signification of Mars was positive in his life.
 If a combust planet is exalted, getting maximum point in shaad bal, Vimshopak Bal, directional
strength, then the combustion can be mitigated as per the ratio of strength getting by above
 On this Valentine’s Day many will try to find the compatible one for themselves, few will go for
longer time few for a while and few for life long. Among them few are those who are changing
partner every year in search of true soul mate. Lets talk on those who ever single till now and those
are wana be single forever.
 For marriage we have to assess the Desire Trine (Kaam Trikon) 3-7-10 and the positioning of their
 Venus the chief significator of Marriage, Harmony, Love, and Relationship needs to be assessed
carefully. Venus should not be afflicted or in paap kartari.
 7th house lord’s positioning in Rashi chart and Navamsha
 7th house should not have malefic planet or hammed between two malefic planets.
 One more house which usually many people ignore that is 8th house which says all about
happiness from marriage. Affliction to 8th house will surly give lack of harmony in partnership or
that happiness of conjugal life will be missing.
 8th house affliction in D1 & D9 both in horoscope can give delay or negation of marriage.
 When above all the criteria matches in one chart then negation marriage can happen, else it will be
like delay in marriage or violence in marriage.

 Chart of a very Famous Woman who won International Prizes, But NEVER GOT MARRIED.

 1. When 7th house has malefic, and 7th lord in 9th, that itself is sanyasi yoga for Gals. Such
combination can be found in many Horoscope of married woman in India, but It must be
remembered that most of these women led spiritual lives & towards the end got Immersed In
spiritual pursuits.
 2. Venus is in paap kartari – both the sides hammed by malefic planets.
 3. From Moon chart too, it is same rule you must apply.
 4. From Venus, 7th lord debilitated and 8th lord receives the aspects of two malefics Mars and Sun.
 5. In D9 the picture becomes clearer as the 7th lord & Merc In the 12th house is aspected by Saturn
while the 8th house has mars.
 6. from Venus and Moon, Mars & Saturn aspect the 7th house while the 8th house has Sun.
 7. In Trlmshamsha, D30 7th house has Rahu and the 8th house has double malefic influence of
Mars placed there and aspected by Saturn.
 If your 7th house is dual sign, its lord is afflicted, and Pluto in that 7th dual sign then better to be
single forever.


 We are very well aware of two terms benefic & malefic in astrology. But there are two more terms
very often used in Astrology which every Astro Enthusiast have to understand if wants to know the
real interpretation. That is ‘Functional Benefic’ & ‘Functional Malefic’. Result of every planet in your
horoscope will depend on about these two terms. Whether it is going to be positive for you or
 Functional Benefic: planets those are having the lordship of only positive houses like Kendra or Kona
(Quadrant or Trine) or 2nd house 11th house are the functional benefic planet. Even a natural
malefic like Mars or Saturn can be Functional Benefic in a horoscope. A Functional Benefic planet
will enhance the positivity of the houses or planets it will get conjoin or aspect.
 Functional Malefic : Planets those are having lordship of negative houses like 3rd,6th,8th,or 12th
house or one positive house and another negative house lordship. Result or outcome of those
planets will not be that positive in life. Natural benefic or positive planets like Jupiter or Venus can
be Functional Malefic in a horoscope. A malefic planet will spoil the house or planets it will get
conjunction with.

 Few mistakes related to Functional Benefic & Malefic:

 Exalted Functional Malefic planet doesn’t mean it is going be to better for you or it will give good
result in chart.

 Exaltation or Debilitation only tells about the strength of the planet not about the intention of the

 Exaltation means the strength of a planet, so one needs to understand who is getting strength the
good one or bad one?

 If your Functional Malefic planet is getting strength by getting exaltation or being in Moola trikona
sign then it will do more harm related to the houses it has ownership in our chart.

 Functional Benefic planet if posited in good house then it will enhance the positivity of the
signification of houses it possess.

 Functional Benefic planet if posited in negative houses like 6th, 8th or 12th then the positivity of
the houses it owns will be spoilt upto some extant, but will not transformed into negative one.

 Whether benefic or malefic, natural or functional, in own house does always good to the house it

 When it comes to Functional Benefic or Malefic, house position is more important than sign of a

 A debilitated Functional Benefic planet will do well if posited in a positive house perhaps intensity
of the positivity will be less. Where else an exalted Functional Benefic planet in a negative house
will be of your no use.

 If your Functional Malefic planet is strong or posited in a positive house, it will attain strength or
induce strength to the negative house that Functional Malefic planet owns, which is obviously not a
good thing to have strong negative house in a horoscope.

 A Functional Malefic planet posited in a negative house makes that planet little low in intensity and
that’s when we call it Viparit Raaj Yoga.

 Suppose for Taurus Ascendant Jupiter being the Functional Malefic for having 8th house lordship
posited in ascendant. This Jupiter is strong in 1st house as getting directional strength. But still the
Mahadasha of Jupiter will not be good for that native. As 8th house lord getting strength will give
him sudden loss, accident, anxiety etc. Being natural benefic planet Jupiter in 1st house with
directional strength will perhaps give good knowledge, ordinary earning etc. That’s how you need to
assess the power and result of Functional Malefic planet.


 Literature, dramatics, acting, media, entertainment all these starts as hobby in many people’s lives,
later they found they can either sustain or it or not. Specially in India parents don’t wana give much
chance even though children are talented enough. I find that’s where Astrologer comes in, to show
you the right path to overcome lifelong confusion utilizing the best of his/her technical knowledge
in Astrology.
 For deciding any particular profession, you have to find the related planets, connection of these
planets with financial trine (2, 6, 10), houses, Yogas and lastly right Dasha at right age of life.

 Planets for Dramatics/media/Acting>>>
 Venus – which is for creativity, glamour.
 Moon – for imagination, to support the creativity.
 Mercury – for speech, communication, media.
 Rahu – sheer popularity.
 Among houses, 3rd house is the house for write-ups, media, communication, also for self-
employment. So 3rd house play a huge role in earning via business or self-employment.
 Conditions to be in Dramatics or Acting :
 1. 3rd lord is exalted or posited in own sign – that will say not suitable for employment.
 2. 3rd house lord is in exchange with 1st house lord
 3. 3rd and 1st lords are in conjunction.
 4. Mutual aspect between 1st & 3rd lords.
 5. 3rd lord connection with 10th house or 10th lord.
 6. Venus is in good strength.
 7. Venus making connection with financial trine.

 Today after almost 25years career in Hollywood, Leonardo Dicaprio went home with Oscar award
in hand. He is the promising actor of recent time who can dare to portray any shared of character
in silver screen. I don’t think Hollywood producers think twice putting money on Leonardo. What
gave him such a long career in acting and finally why today was the day for him?
 Career in Acting :
 Venus, Saturn & Mercury are the lords of financial trine 2-6-1oth houses.
 Venus is in own sign with Ascendant and 10th lord Mercury
 Third lord mars is in conjunction with 2nd, 1st and 10th house lord Venus and Mercury.
 In Navamsha or D9 chart, again Venus and Mercury having relation by mutual aspect 3rd lord.
 In Dashamansha or D10 chart too Venus & Mercury both are having mutual aspect.

 Leonardo DiCaprio was born in Moon Mahadasha, and when he was 8 years old his Rahu
Mahadasha started where Rahu is posited in 3rd house. Which gave him work in media; we all
know he was a child artist.
 His huge popularity in Titanic film was also released in Rahu-Venus period which again activated
him 3rd as well entire financial trine as Venus is in conjunction with 1st, 10th and 3rd lord.
 Today on 29th of February 2016, Leonardo DiCaprio won the highest honor of Hollywood this year
Oscar with other prestigious Awards like Golden Globe for his remarkable acting in “The Revenant”,
when he is going through Jupiter-Rahu-Venus period.
 Again his 3rd along with financial house got activated which fulfilled his long desire.
 One thing we need to understand if this relation between 3rd, 1st or financial trine would be of
other planets like Saturn or Mars or Jupiter with Venus and mercury weak in horoscope, then
person will not end up being in pure media or dramatics. So its not only houses, even planets
matter too.

 Looking at Vijay Mallya’s horoscope, the very frist thing I tried to find out what are the planets
talking about his so called good times. Mr. Mallya’s horoscope is having strong Raaj yogas but no
fancy yogas to have the kind of good time he used to have. Nakshatras of each planet in his
horoscope says so loud about his ongoing life. Many said its Saturn who gave him all few saying
Saturn is taking back all. But all I know Govt is still not taking back all from Vijay Mallya neither from
those who was helping him to empty our big big banks.
 Highlights Of Horoscope:
 Mutual exchange between 7th and 11th lord Sun & Jupiter making Maha Parivartan Yoga; were
none of the planets are debilitated or inimical sign. That gave him huge boost in entire Juptier
Mahadasha where he expanded his inherited business so much so that United Breweries was the
second largest liquor company as per volume.
 His 5th Lord Mercury along with 7th lord Sun aspecting 5th house of entertainment, and we all
know how Vijay Mallya was famous for his Kingfisher photoshoot which kept many young guys and
gals waiting for long to be the part of it. And ya how to forget the planet of glamour Venus too is
aspecting 4th house from 11th where Venus is in Uttarashada – the extreme fancy side of Venus
which gets carry forward from P. Ashada.
 He didn’t put break with Kingfisher Model Hunt, for the sake of entertainment and limelight he
stepped in to IPL, Formula One racing, even a television channel named Good Times.
 As I always say, Pluto the planet of duality, in Vijay Mallya’s horoscope gave two marriages sitting in
7th house of partnership.
 His 7th lord and 5th lord are in conjunction which gave him his own choice of marriage both the
times and every time with little off beat partner. First wife was not from same religion and second
one was already twice married.
 His 10th lord Mars is in Rahu nakshtara Swati and 10th house too has Rahu in conjunction with
Ascendant lord Saturn, that made him unstoppable with too much greed or hunger of Rahu.

 What Made Him Liquor Barron?
 8th lord Mercury is with 9th lord Venus in 11th house of gain which says so well he got the business
from his father. As 8th is the house of inheritance which is in conjuction with the house of father
9th lord Venus.
 Of course he has Chandra Mangal Yoga, where one of the yoga causing planet Mars is his 10th the
profession house lord. That helped him to be in liquid business. Even his Dashamansha Chart D10 is
having Chandra Mangal yoga, where Moon is 10th house lord.

 Fall Of Kingfisher Kingdom:
 In Vijay Mallya horoscope, All the airy signs – Gemini, Libra Aquarious are almost empty except
Mars occupying Libra and all these airy sing lords Mercury, Venus & Saturn are posited either in
watery or fiery sings. That is surly not a good positioning to go for Airline business.
 During the time he Bought Deccan Airways from Capt. Gopinath, he was going through Saturn
Mahadasha. Specifically it was Saturn-Saturn-Saturn period for him. During that time Rahu-Ketu
was transiting to his 4-10 axis and Saturn is in 5th house Gemini.
 Saturn is in Saturn Nakshatra Anuradha signifying 1st,9th and 12th houses in KP chart says no way
he can do well in Saturn Mahadasha while opening some new venture that’s too Airlines.
 Nothing in his horoscope says he could be in Airline Business, it seems he got tricked by Capt.
Gopinath and his lucrative narration over Deccan Airways. Secondly his long lost attraction for
Aviation field. Not to forget he even got married to Air India Air hostess. It seems he was always
fascinated about Aviation field like majority of world population.

 Interesting Facts on Vijay Mallya
 Vijay Mallya donated 3KG gold in Tirupati Balaji Temple, He always keep one month fasting during
Shabarimala Parikrama strictly wears Black Dhoti, took his first aircraft to Tirupati immediately
after getting delivery from Aircraft manufacturing company for performing special puja. But The
other side of Flamboyant Vijay Mallya we watch in television or read in media has different shades.
All the credit goes to his Retrograde Jupiter which is a prominent planet for Aquarius.
 When Jupiter is Retrograde, it definitely gives too much expansion in anything or everything where
they don’t know how to stop. Person with Jupiter Rx person has very different concept of religion
or spirituality which is very much visible in Vijay Mallya’s life style.
 Jupiter being 2nd and 11th lord didn’t make him one of the richest men of India. His Juptier is
Avyogi planet still it gave good results interms of wealth and success,; Jupiter MD activated his
Mahaparivartan yoga and 7th house Leo, which is the Indu Lagna For Vijay Mallya. Indu Lagna Lord
is actually having mutual exchange with trine lord that made him Billionaire overnight.
 8th lord of inheritance Mercury is in Mula Nakshatra, 7th lord Sun too in Mula which was bound to
give that fall after achieving all. After all Mula is self-destructive.
 His Dashamansha Ascendant lord Venus is debilitated which is also Yoga karak of D1 chart, which
says he had to go through this fall, if not much precaution earlier.

 Future Prediction :
 Very first thing I wana say, he will bounce back for sure but not so soon.
 Whenever Saturn crosses Natal Rahu or Rahu crosses Natal Saturn, it gives drastic change in life,
the life before and after such transit is never gona be same, and good or bad result depends on
Dasha and other transit results. So for Mallya 2016 is going to be the black marking year in his life.
 Saturn Return in 10th house of Scorpio while passing natal Rahu in 23degree of Scorpio, in few
days, Vijay Mallya already got the heat in the beginning of this month and had to leave the country
to be away from further legal troubles.
 Recently solar eclipse happened in his Ascendant and Jupiter and Rahu too sitting in his 7th house
in transit surly not going to give any helping hand from anyone or from old time (good time) friends
those helped or recommended him to loot many banks.He is yet to face a lot, as his Saturn-Rahu
period will start at the end of this year, at the same time his Ascendant lord Saturn will be crossing
gandant degrees, soon after will cross natal Sun. So till July 2017 life will be upside down.
 Rahu is in 8th lord Mercury nakshatra, and Mercury in 11th so it will give relief in few fields among
so many complains on him, but with the above transit factors surly he will not be able to hold back
his property and luxury of life.
 Saturn the 12th lord will be with the 6th house of disease lord Moon making core Sade Saati during
2020 will make him a frequent visitor to doctors and hospitals.
 His Saturn Mahadasha will be till 2022, and during 2020 he will be going through peak of Sade
Saati, So till his Saturn- Jupiter-Mars period is not starting in 2021, there is no relief for him.
 Best way out for him to keep cool, go with the flow and waiting for 2021. His Mercury Mahadasha
will also activate his Viparit Raaj Yoga in Dashamansha D10 chart. Some opportunity is surly gona
knock his door.
 His 10th house Point in Astakvarga D10 chart is much higher than the 10th house point of D1 chart.
Which is saying when his Mercury Mahadasha will start being 9th lord in D10 chart also making VRY
will give him a bounce back.
 During 2019 one of his children will be going through a very tough time mostly Sid Mallya being the
elder one among children, as Saturn and Ketu both will be aspecting 5th house of progeny during
that time and Dasha too will not be supportive.

 Most of the time I get to hear from people when Every
thing is predestined then what astrology or astrologer can do? There is a word ‘ Free will’ comes
inbetween opening a small window in that fixed condition but then few people are smarter than
me. They go nonstop saying “even how much freewill will be working in life that’s too is written in
destiny.” So why to study astrology and what an astrologer can do?
 We are here in this life due to our own past karmas. What we do in this life time + what karmas we
have left in balance from our past lifetimes, will come to shape our future life times. Oh Ya, Karma
is a bitch.
 So our present life is a swim across Prarabdh Karma, which is fixed and destined to happen. To
make it worse we have three kinds of Karma which will ultimately tell how to deal with destiny.
 Dridha Karma – Fixed Karma
 Adridha Karma – Flexible Karma
 Dridha-Adridha – Mixed Karma.
 If your Prarabdh is Dridha Karma then nothing can change it. Except predicting when the heat will
hit you hard or predicting part, Astrologer cant help you well much. No Astrological Remedy or
gemstone can change your sufferings. So sooner you take shelter on God’s lotus feet better for
 If your Prarabdh is Adridha Karma then Astrologer will have the full grip on your horoscope from
prediction to diverting your destiny with activation of houses through good karma or significant
remedial measures. You don’t have to struggle much to change your life into positivity. A good
astrologer can give a full throttle to your life. Even if you dont seek any guidance of astrologer still
you can enjoy your life upto some extant cause of past life Good karma.
 If your Prarabdh is Dridha-Adridha Karma then you can swim or float well in this birth with the help
of remedies, good advice, blessings of your parents, faith in goodness etc. Now it is upto your free
will to decide whether to to maximize the positivity of life or not.
 Now that’s where the work of a good and experienced Astrologer comes who can find out from
your chart whether your Prarabdh is Fixed, mixed or flexible karma so that there will be any chance
of Free will or remedy to work on you or not. That’s where you can work on your free will to
change the destiny. Lifelong remedial measure and change of life style can even change your
balance your Fixed karma & Agmani Karma then you will start enjoying life. Once again only
Astrologer after analyzing your horoscope can say which type of remedy can balance your Dridha
Karma at the end.

(Remember all the situations are created by us, we are the victim of our past Karma. As you saw, so
you reap.)

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