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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y.


TOPICS FOR FINALS Important provisions in the UNCLOS

A. STATE RESPONSIBILITY 1. Internal waters
2. Territorial Sea (Articles 2-32)
I. Scope of Responsibility 3. Contiguous zone (Art 33 and 303)
a. Cessation and a guarantee of non-repetition 4. Exclusive Economic Zone (Articles 55-75)
b. Reparation 5. Continental Shelf Regime (Articles 76-84)
 Restitution 6. High Seas (Articles 86-120)
 Satisfaction 7. International Seabed “The area” (Articles 133-191)
 Compensation
c. Breaching state will be subject to lawful countermeasure Master these:
EEZ and Continental Shelf Regimes (in relation to the current dispute
II. Acts or events precluding wrongfulness concerning the West Philippine Sea)
Important: These topics were not discussed by sir due to lack of
time. Just read the Draft Articles on State Responsibility. Zones to study
1. Internal waters
B. LAW OF THE SEA 2. Territorial sea
5. High seas
LAW OF THE SEA 6. Continental shelf/Extended Continental shelf
7. The area
There is a principle in the law of the sea that “the land dominates the
There have been three conventions, which attempted to codify sea” meaning all these maritime zones are dependent on the land
customary international law pertaining to the Law of the Sea. By the precisely we have to identify the baseline because that baseline is based
very nature of this subject matter, a lot of states had disagreed on on the land territory or the land mass. In other words, we based the
various aspects of the draft convention. So, it took almost three decades extent of these maritime zones from the land mass.
to finalize a convention, which is now called the “Constitution of the
Ocean”. One of the challenges of states in crafting the UNCLOS, is to come up
with a united manner of delineating the baseline. Some have proposed
Codification of CIL or progressive development of IL that there be median delineation on low-water and high-water mark.
Except Part XI of the UNCLOS III, all provisions are either codifications Until eventually, we agreed on low-water mark method.
of customary international law (CIL) or progressive development of
international law, because of the unanimity or at least a general Important: Know how to draw a baseline.
consensus of these provisions by most states after a while.
Two methods in determining baseline
The seabed and mining matters under Part XI have been subjected to When do we apply one method over the other? Determine if State is
several criticisms and reservations, it is very difficult to assume that archipelagic or not.
these can be considered as codification of customary international law.
But of course, for state parties to the convention and those who have 1. Straight baseline method – This is applicable to archipelagic
not made reservations on Part Xi, then they will be bound by the states. This is because it is difficult to apply low-water mark in an
provisions of the UNCLOS III. archipelago. If we apply low-water mark, it would seem that there
is international waters in between the area of Visayas and
How to study the UNCLOS? Mindanao, which is more than 24 nautical miles. That is not
The moment you have this as your framework in reading the articles, possible. And so, we have agreed in the UNCLOS III that we apply
you will effectively understand the same. the straight-baseline method. This is an implementation of the
concept of the Archipelagic Doctrine of Territoriality.
1. Identify and measure the extent of the different maritime zones
2. Low water mark method – We apply this if the state is a non-
2. What consists these zones? archipelagic state. A low-water mark is where the sea stops during
Bretch: Does it consist of body of water, seabed, and subsoil, anything the low tide. During low tide, you’ll see that point where the dry
under, airspace above? area of the foreshore land meets with the water.
3. What is the extent, if any, of the authority, jurisdiction or right of
the coastal state over the zone?
a. If archipelagic State – straight baseline method
Bretch: Is it an exercise of sovereignty? If yes, up to what extent? Or will it b. If not an archipelagic State – low water mark method
only include the exercise of specific jurisdiction?)


“The national territory comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the
islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the ARCHIPELAGIC DOCTRINE OF TERRITORIALITY
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction…” This means that all the islands of the archipelago will be considered as
pertaining to one and single unit. And so as an application of this
Exercise of Sovereignty v. Exercise of Jurisdiction doctrine, we declared in Article I of the 1987 Constitution:
Exercise of sovereignty includes the exercise of jurisdiction.
But if it is an exercise of mere jurisdiction, you have to be specific as to what “…all the waters around between, the connecting the islands of the
particular jurisdiction will be exercised and up to what extent. archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, from part of
the internal waters of the Philippines.”
4. Know the regime applicable to that zone.

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Archipelagic water These zones have to be claimed including Exclusive Economic Zone or
But that is quite disturbing though because the UNCLOS acknowledges EEZ. The only zone here that does not require any claim through the
the possibility of what is called an “archipelagic water” for an issuance of a proclamation or any governmental act is the Continental
archipelago. An archipelagic water will be treated as if it is a territorial Shelf.
sea for purposes of the right of innocent passage. That is why others
claim that it is a controversial pronouncement on our part because it Remember:
seems like we’re the only archipelago where we cannot find archipelagic 1. Territorial sea, contiguous zone, exclusive economic zone have to
waters because all these islands, regardless of breadth and dimension, be claimed.
shall be considered internal waters not archipelagic waters. Except: Contiguous zone doesn’t have to be claimed if you have
already claimed 12 nm territorial sea.
But in reality, this is not a controversy. Whatever we do in our
Constitution in regard to territories and delimitation would have no effect 2. If you haven’t claimed 12 nm territorial sea, then you should claim
in international law because disputes or issues involving territory of the your 24 nm contiguous zone.
state will always be resolved by international law. Even if we claim
whatever island is found in the Pacific, whether we in fact had a law that EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE (EEZ)
we owned the island, this will have to be determined by international 200 nm from baseline. That is for purposes of computation, but
law not by our own domestic law. technically, the regime applicable to EEZ would only be around 188 nm.
This is because 12 nm of that 200 nm is already your territorial sea.
The drawing of the baseline is not determinative of the territory
of the State. HIGH SEAS
Magallona Case What comes after the EEZ is now termed as the High Seas.
(Will be further discussed on the latter part of the discussion)
High Seas v. International Waters
RA 9225 – Baseline Law following straight baseline method. Magallona The term “International waters” applies to that space after the territorial
questioned Baseline Law because it restricted/reduced the territory of sea. This means that we term it international waters for purposes of
the Philippines. It was no longer consistent with historic and legal claims. emphasizing that the sovereign authority or jurisdiction of the state
The Supreme Court said the drawing of the baseline is not determinative extends only up to the territorial sea of 12 nm.
of the territory of the state. It is only relevant for determining maritime
zones. There may be instances where a coastal state may exercise specific
jurisdiction beyond 12 nm, but only for limited purposes.
From the baseline, we reckon the different maritime zones. In contiguous zone (12nm from territorial sea)
1. Territorial Sea The coastal state can only exercise what is called Protective Jurisdiction.
2. Contiguous zone Jurisdiction can be exercised in the contiguous zone only for the
3. Exclusive Economic zone following:
4. High seas
5. Continental shelf 1. Implementation of sanitary or health laws
6. International sea bed “the area” 2. Immigration laws
3. Customs
4. Currency or fiscal laws

All other concerns not related to these four, can no longer be exercised
by the coastal state.

Exclusive Economic Zone (188nm from territorial sea)

The coastal state no longer has jurisdiction similar to the jurisdiction of
that coastal state in its territorial boundaries/sea. The right of the coastal
state over the EEZ is simply called “sovereign rights over the natural
resources”. In particular, resources in the superjacent water because
resources in the seabed or subsoil is governed by another regime which
is the Continental Shelf Regime.

Except: Where the exercise of jurisdiction is with respect to the

enforcement of environmental laws, it may extend up to the EEZ. This
is precisely because under UNCLOS, all coastal states are given not only
the right, but also obligation to preserve the environment up to the EEZ.
12 nautical miles from the baseline.
High seas
No state can ever exercise exclusive jurisdiction. But that is not to say
24 nm from the baseline or 12 nm from the territorial sea. It is called
that there are no rights pertaining to states in the high seas. In fact,
“contiguous” because it is a continuation of the territorial sea which
these rights are shared by all states whether landlocked or not, not just
means that if you have a territorial sea, you don’t have to claim a
coastal states. There are different freedoms in the high seas such as
contiguous zone. Because the contiguous zone is automatically
freedom of navigation, overflight, laying of submarine pipes, cables, etc.
recognized the moment the state claims a territorial sea.

Important: If you have a territorial sea, you do not have to claim a

contiguous zone because once territorial sea of 12 nautical miles is
claimed, contiguous zone is automatically recognized.

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

CONTINENTAL SHELF the coastal state. Let us supposed the applicable rule is 350 nm, after
The continental shelf is that natural prolongation of the continent until the 350 nm, this portion will now form part of the area.
it reaches the very deep sea bed, that portion where the continent will
no longer slope further. If it is already part of the area, we apply the Regime on Common
Heritage of Mankind. This area therefore cannot be exploited, explored
The extent or measurement of the continental shelf: by a state which would use or utilize the produce or the product of such
A. Continental Shelf – it may be up to 200 nm exploitation exclusively. That is why they have an International Seabed
B. Extended Continental Shelf – it could be 350 nm (150 nm after Authority applying the common heritage of mankind, this is reserved not
the EEZ) or 100 nm from the Isobath. to any state exclusively, but to all of mankind. In the same way, that is
the regime applicable to our heavenly bodies. It cannot be appropriated
and exploited.

This is the way through the International Seabed Authority that one
state can actually exploit or explore the resources in the area, but it will
be required to share with other states in particular giving preference or
priority to developing states.

Do all states have EEZ?

Not all. Iraq doesn’t. Landlocked states don’t have EEZ, but all states
whether landlocked or not enjoy the right of innocent passage and will
enjoy all freedoms and rights in the high seas.


The problem here actually is, there are rules that should be observed in
Continental Shelf the delineation of the baseline especially with respect to indentions in
If the natural prolongation of the land mass beneath the water, stops the land mass, I’m talking about the bays for example. If you have an
before reaching 200 nm, the continental shelf of that state extends to archipelago like the Philippines for example.
200 nm. Even if the slope ended earlier than 200 nm, the coastal state
still enjoys sovereign rights over the seabed and the subsoil and
therefore including the minerals and natural gas not only in the seabed
and subsoil, but even beneath.

Extended Continental Shelf

If the natural prolongation extends further than 200 nm, it would extend
up to the maximum of 350 nm only.

Isobath rule
The other extended continental shelf is when you apply an Isobath rule,
depending on whether or not there is a sudden drop of that slope
towards the seabed. If the sloping continental margin suddenly drops,
the state is given up to 100 nm from the Isobath. There is a possibility
that 100 nm after 2500 m Isobath could extend up to 350 nm. Although
this is still an issue whether it can extend because the UNCLOS says the
maximum continental shelf is 350 nm.

Here, I think this is an old one in a sense that this was still amended by
RA 5446. This has already been a little bit adjusted by RA 9522, the new
baseline law which was the subject matter of inquiry in the Magallona

The delineation of the baseline of all States would have to be

under the competence of that State.
We do not have an International body that delineates the baseline of all
states. So, it is us who have the competence because we know our
territory. Provided, that the drawing of the baseline is in accordance with
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. And we were
given a deadline on 2009 and we passed RA 9225 delineating our
baseline. The following week, straight baseline method.

If the high seas is determined on the basis of the EEZ, that area is
determined on the basis of the point of the continental shelf. If the high
seas is to EEZ, the area is to the continental shelf.

In the high seas, there’s freedom of fishing, freedom of navigation. With

respect to the area, since it is part of the continental shelf regime
because it has extended more than 200 nm. This one pertains still to
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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

The drawing of the straight baseline method should be in Historic claim is not our main argument.
accordance with the UNCLOS. We cannot argue historic claim because China became civilized first
That is why we have to observe the following: before we did. We argued that all parties to that convention had
respective historic claims over respective territories. But when they
1. We need to identify the outermost Islands and dry reefs of the signed and became parties to the UNCLOS, defining the sovereign right
archipelago of coastal states over EEZ, without making any reservation – tantamount
to waiving these historic claims and rights over specific territories.
2. We need to identify the outermost points of these outermost Yielding, therefore to the regime of EEZ. This is a strong argument.
Islands and dry reefs.

Bretch: Because that is where we will connect the straight lines that we will TERRA NULLIUS
be drawing applying the straight line method. We need to connect therefore TWO KINDS OF TERRA NULLIUS:
the outermost points of the outermost Islands and dry reefs.
1. Never been appropriated by any State – never been discovered or
3. Then, we draw a straight line connecting these points with a occupied
limitation that each line should not exceed more than 100 nautical 2. After having been discovered, the discoverer failed to consummate
miles. the inchoate right over the discovered territory.

4. Next limitation to the drawing of the straight line. The resultant After a period of time, failure to effectively occupy the territory, although
figure or the straight line as drawn should, however, not depart International Law has not provided us with a definitive period of time
appreciably from the natural configuration of the archipelago. depending on the circumstances, would also make the territory a terra
Notice in this drawing, this is more or less the configuration of our nullius.
archipelago, so the straight lines do follow the natural configuration
of the archipelago. After WWII, no one was occupying there in the concept of territorial
sovereignty as formulated by Max Huber.
5. Finally, in lieu of the consequent enclosure of the straight lines of
bodies of water, the UNCLOS also puts another limitation. The LOW WATER MARK METHOD
enclosed water, however, should not exceed the ratio of land to
mass which should be 1:9 maximum. LOW WATER MARK METHOD
Assuming that this is a non-archipelagic State. We follow the Low water
Q: So, how then will it comply if its shape is very unique in a sense mark here.
that it’s really more than 1:9?
Well, you define your bays. Because you are required to draw, you
are given the deadline your straight baseline.

The delimitation of our baseline only determines the zones but

not necessarily the territory.
Magallona, et al v. Ermita, et al
Magallona questioned the baseline law, RA 9255 because according to
him, it restricted or reduced the territory of the Philippines. It was,
according to him, no longer consistent with our historic or legal claims.
But, the Supreme Court said that the drawing of the baseline is not
actually determinative of the territory of the State. It is just important Q. If there is an indention, are you going to draw a straight line
in determining the maritime zones. or are you going to follow the natural shape of the indention?
That is why we have the concept of a bay. The basic rule is that if the
In fact, in our RA 9255, we did not renounce or abandon our claim over two points of the mouth of the bay is more than a semi-circle, then it is
the Scarborough Shoal or Panatag Island which happens to be outside. now considered a bay and that is where you determine the distance
But according to RA 9255 and so as to manifest that we are not between the two points of the mouth of the bay during low tide. Still
abandoning our claim over these Islands, we assert that these Islands following the low water mark.
shall be called Regime of Islands because it is really possible for a State.
If the points extend to more than 24 nautical miles
The court feared that delimitation of our baseline only determines the You don’t connect a straight line. But you have to look for that point
zones but not necessarily the territory. It could be that as a Philippine where the distance would be 24nm. That is where you draw an
archipelago, we declared that “territories over which the Philippines has imaginary straight line. You look for a point where the distance would
authority or jurisdiction.” So that includes other Islands even outside the be 24 nm or less.
Philippine Archipelago, including Spratlys, Scarborough Shoal and
Sabbah claims. But if the distance between the two points of the mouth of the bay is
less than 24 nm or if it is not a semi-circle
You know of course what triggered everything. China drew 9-dash. In You don’t have to draw inward but you can already draw your straight
2013, they added one more dash to be closer to Taiwan. They are not line. You begin computing your 12 nm from the low water mark.
just exercising just sovereign rights, they are claiming jurisdiction —
Chinese Jurisdiction. Island v. Rock
Important thing, especially in understanding the claim over the Spratlys,
Important: Do a research on the claim of the Philippines over the you have to understand the concept of an Island and a Rock which rock
Spratlys Islands. This may come out in the exam. (But since he said that may be a High Tide Elevation (HTE) or a Low Tide Elevation (LTE).
the exam will be all MCQ, I don’t know how exactly he will ask this.
Maybe bonus essay question) A. Island – presupposes that it is capable of sustaining human life or
that it is habitable. Can be used for purposes of having habitation
or has its own economic life.
B. Rock – Incapable of habitation.

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

If it is an island like any archipelago for that matter, is entitled to a Q. Is it not conflicting to our claim that we did not include the
Territorial sea. It is also entitled to EEZ. If it is just a rock, and a High Spratlys in drawing our baseline?
Tide Rock, it is entitled to only a Territorial sea, but no EEZ of its own. Maybe, it will be a disputable delineation considering that the
If it is a Low Tide Elevation, then it is considered part of the Continental international community knows that there is still a dispute involving the
Shelf, therefore, no Territorial Sea of its own, no EEZ, and cannot be Spratly Islands. Also, if you say Philippine Archipelago, the exercise of
appropriated or cannot form part of the territory of any State. jurisdiction will be limited to it. We are just saying that although not part
of our territory, we exercise rights over the Spratly Islands.
1. Island – entitled to a territorial sea and EEZ. Problem:
2. High Tide rock – entitled only to a territorial sea. X, an American, was in possession of marijuana, while on board M/V
3. Low Tide rock – considered part of the continental shelf. Thus, no Francois, a vessel registered in France, and while the vessel was in
territorial sea nor EEZ and cannot form part of the territory of any British internal waters. When accosted by Y, a Filipino captain of the
State. vessel, X killed Y in the upper deck of the vessel.

Distinguish High Tide Elevation from Low Tide Elevation A. Which court/s has/have jurisdiction over the crime/s committed on
A. THE – During high tide, you can still see the rock. It has its own board M/V Francois. Explain your answer/s.
Territorial sea, but no EEZ compared to an Island. B. Would your answer/s be the same if M/V Francois were in the
B. LTE – It appears only during low tide. territorial sea of UK? Why or why not?
C. Will your answer/s be the same if the case involved a Naval ship of
A LTE rock forms part of the continental shelf France? Why or Why not?
If there is an LTE, it must be part of a continental zone. Under UNCLOS,
if you check the shape of the continent of a State, the LTE really forms First Question:
part of the State. UK because the case happened inside Great Britain’s Internal Waters.
The State has complete jurisdiction over the activities in its internal
You will notice that it LTE is impossible that it will not be part of the waters. The same way that a State has jurisdiction over all crimes
continental shelf. It is also not part of the seabed since nothing will committed over its territory of land mass.
protrude there. In UNCLOS, LTE shall be considered as part of the
continental shelf. Bretch: The idea of whether it will prejudice the Sea’s Peace, Good Orders and
Security (PGS) of the coastal state – that is applicable only to crimes committed
This is what happened to Spratly Islands. Imagine Palawan, islands and on board the vessel in the territorial sea. In the case here, this happened in the
islets — HTE and LTE. The LTE forms part of the continental shelf. This internal waters. A distinction must be made.
is a good argument for the Philippines. If under UNCLOS, LTE is under
the continental shelf, and therefore, governed by continental shelf Second question:
regime, as part of EEZ, we have the exclusive right to construct artificial The application of the French Rule and English Rule would be relevant
Islands, installations and structures for purposes provided for under only if the case is to be resolved outside the regime of UNCLOS. Their
Article 56 which is exploitation of non-living resources in the seabed, application would be of no consequence because the outcome would
marine scientific research, protection and preservation of marine still be the same.
environment and other economic purposes.
Under the English Rule, the State will exercise jurisdiction over the crime
EXCLUSIVE ECONOMIC ZONE committed on board a vessel unless it pertains to the internal matters
of the state. French Rule would say that it would not exercise jurisdiction
Art. 60 - Artificial islands, installations and structures – over the crime committed on board a foreign vessel unless the act will
The coastal State shall have the exclusive right to construct and to affect the peace and order of the coastal state. For the UNCLOS, it has
authorize and regulate the construction, operation and use of: a specific provision on the matter which is actually an application of both
(a) Artificial islands the French Rule and the English Rule.
(b) Installations and structures for the purposes provided for in
article 56 (exploitation of non-living resources in the seabed, Territorial Sea: Criminal jurisdiction on board a foreign ship (Art. 27)
marine scientific research, protection and preservation of marine
environment) and other economic purposes. The criminal jurisdiction of the coastal State should not be exercised on
board a foreign ship passing through the territorial sea to arrest any
The coastal State shall have exclusive jurisdiction over such artificial person or to conduct any investigation in connection with any crime
islands, installations and structures, including jurisdiction with regard to committed on board the ship during its passage, save only in the
customs, fiscal, health, safety and immigration laws and regulations. following cases:
Bretch: Under Article 60 (2), the coastal state shall have exclusive jurisdiction (a) If the consequences of the crime extend to the coastal State;
over artificial islands. There is an extent of jurisdiction but for a specific purpose.
(b) If the crime is of a kind to disturb the peace of the country or the
In this case, only as applicable to artificial islands, installations and structures.
good order of the territorial sea;
(c) If the assistance of the local authorities has been requested by
the master of the ship or by a diplomatic agent or consular officer
Art. 80 – On Artificial islands, installations and structures on the of the flag State; or
continental shelf. Article 60 applies mutatis mutandis to artificial islands, (d) If such measures are necessary for the suppression of illicit traffic
installations and structures on the continental shelf. in narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances.
We are studying the Spratly Islands, LTEs, and therefore forming part
TN: Art. 27 does not apply to foreign ships coming from internal waters.
of the EEZ. We found out that there were LTEs actually occupied by
China and where artificial islands have been built. If that is the case, I
Important: It would be impressive to use Article 27 rather than either
think we have a very strong argument applying Article 60 at least for
English Rule or the French Rule. These two only developed because the
EEZ. We may also include continental shelf because Extended
UNCLOS came later in 1982. It was signed in December 10, 1982 in
Continental Shelf may extend up to 350 n.m. It will cover everything. If
Jamaica and entered into force in 1994. Before that, there was yet no
we only apply EEZ regime, only 80% of Spratly Islands will be covered
UNCLOS. The application of international disputes on the matter is either
by our claim. If we argue this way, the Philippines has a good chance.

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

the English Rule or the French Rule. I am not saying that they are 2. Continental Shelf Regime and Extended Continental Shelf
irrelevant. They are, however, already manifested in Article 27. Regime. We have learned that a continental shelf of a coastal
state can reach up to 200 nautical miles where the slope of that
You must critically think of the facts of the problem. What shelf drops earlier or before reaching 200 miles, that is the regular
about possession of marijuana, aside from murder? continental shelf. And where the slope of that shelf extends
First consideration. Is possession of marijuana illegal? Assuming that it farther than 200 nautical miles which is the EEZ, then it can reach
is illegal, is it a crime that would have consequences reaching the coastal as far as 350 nautical miles or 100 nautical miles from the isobath
state? Second, would it disturb the peace and good order of the coastal of 2500 meters.
This is important because computing the continental shelf
In the earlier case decided by the Supreme Court during the American from Palawan, the right of the Philippines could cover the
Time (around 1920s or 1930s), the SC distinguished between possessing entire Spratlys Island. If we make use of the 200 nautical
of opium and smoking it. miles, we could only cover up to 80%. If we insist on the 350
nautical miles, then we have exclusive rights over low tide
A. If only possession –the consequences will not necessarily reach elevations in the islands.
the coastal state. Definitely, this is not the crime so great that it
will disturb the peace. It is important to distinguish an island, a rock and a low tide
elevation. The difference is their nature.
B. But if the opium was smoked – The consequences will reach the
State. In the bar exam, the suggested exam is really this. An island is capable of habitation or has it an economic life of
its own. If not capable of habitation, it must be a rock at the
Q. But how about Section (d) which states “if such measures very least. An island is entitled to 12 nautical miles territorial
are necessary for the suppression of illicit traffic in narcotic sea and EEZ of 200 nautical miles.
drugs or psychotropic substances.”
Take note, it states “traffic.” Not just possession, unless, such Two kinds of rock:
possession is by bulk so it is necessarily intended for trafficking.
1. If it appears during high tide and low tide, it is a rock
INNOCENT PASSAGE under UNCLOS. This is entitled to 12 nautical miles
territorial sea but not entitled to EEZ.
Territorial Sea, Article 19 UNCLOS 2. If it disappears during high tide, then it is not a rock but
a low tide elevation. Not entitled to territorial sea and
1. Passage is innocent so long as it is not prejudicial to the peace, EEZ.
good order or security of the coastal State. Such passage shall
take place in conformity with this Convention and with other rules What is the treatment of international law on low tide
of international law. elevations?
It forms part of a continental shelf governed by the continental shelf
2. Passage of a foreign ship shall be considered to be prejudicial to regime. There are low tide elevations in Spratlys Islands. That is why
the peace, good order or security of the coastal State if in the Philippines insists that Spratlys forms part of our continental shelf.
territorial sea it engages in any of the following activities:
Paraphrased: threat or use of force, weapons exercise, espionage,
launching or landing of or other military device, violation of customs, CONTINENTAL SHELF REGIME
fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws, wilful and serious pollution, fishing,
research or surveying activities, interfering with communications or Continental Shelf
other facilities or “any other activity not having a direct bearing on Art. 77- Rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf
1. The coastal State exercises over the continental shelf sovereign
Breadth (Art. 3) rights for the purpose of exploring it and exploiting its natural
Up to 12 nautical miles from baseline. resources.
Bretch: You notice that in the EEZ, there is also such pronouncement. So
Measurement – baseline (Art. 5) there seems to be an overlap. But experts in UNCLOS said that the moment
Except where otherwise provided in this Convention, the normal baseline we talk about sovereign rights over the natural resources in the continental
for measuring the breadth of the territorial sea is the low-water line shelf, it should be governed by the continental shelf regime.
along the coast as marked on large-scale charts officially recognized by
the coastal State. Why is this important to decide if covered by continental shelf regime or
EEZ? Refer to the third Right. Also, EEZ should be claimed that it is yours.
In continental shelf, you don’t have to claim it. No need for proclamation.
2. The rights referred to in paragraph 1 are exclusive in the sense
LEGAL BASIS OF THE PHILS CLAIM OVER THE SPRATLYS that if the coastal state does not explore the continental shelf or
exploit its natural resources, no one may undertake these activities
1. Discovery and occupation by Tomas Kloma sometime in without the express consent of the coastal State.
1953. While the Spratlys Island had been previously occupied by
other states notably China and Japan, there is an argument that Bretch: This is different from EEZ. In EEZ, the sovereign rights pertain only
after Japan lost in the WWII in the Pacific, they were forced to to the superjacent waters. Fishing rights in other words. If the coastal state
abandon their hold over the Island and that was the time that fails to exploit its natural resources in EEZ, they are mandated in UNCLOS to
Tomas Kloma discovered the Spratlys Islands and we effectively share the natural resources in the superjacent waters with other states
occupied it by making the Kalayaan Islands P art of the Municipal through agreements. Whereas, in continental shelf, whether you exploit or
territory of Palawan. Spratlys became terra nullius after Japan not, you will not lose your right over it.
abandoned the Island.

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PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

3. The rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf do not 6. Belligerent Rights
depend on occupation, effective or notional, or on any express 7. Self-defense and
proclamation. 8. Authorized by the UN
Bretch: We shouldn’t be faulted if we have not occupied this low tide
elevations in the Spratlys because this is part of our continental shelf. THE AREA

4. The natural resources referred to in this Part consist of the mineral THE AREA
and other non-living resources of the seabed and subsoil together Consists of the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof beyond
with living organisms belonging to sedentary species, that is to say, national jurisdiction. This would start from the outer edge of the
organisms which, at the harvestable stage, either are immobile - continental margin.
seabed or are unable to move except in constant physical seabed
or the subsoil. What regime governs the area?
It shall be governed by the common heritage of mankind regime. This
Art 78. – Legal status of the superjacent waters and air space means no state may exclusively exploit natural resources.
and the rights and freedoms of other States.
Projects on natural exploitation must be approved by the International
1. The rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf do not Seabed Authority. The produce will have to be shared with the rest of
affect the legal status of the superjacent waters or of the air space the International Community, giving preference to developing countries.
above those waters.
A. Its resources are to be deemed to be the common heritage of
2. The exercise of the rights of the coastal State over the continental mankind and no sovereign or other rights may be recognized’
shelf must not infringe or result in any unjustifiable interference B. The International Seabed Authority makes sure that benefits are
with navigation and other rights and freedoms of other States as equitably shared by approving plans of works for the exploration
provided for in this Convention. and exploitation of The Area.

Settlement of Disputes
A. States are mandated to settle disputes peacefully in accordance
HIGH SEAS with UN Charter and shall avail of the various modes of settling
Beyond 200 nm from the base line. May be used freely by ships of all disputes (e.g. negotiation, conciliation, etc)
nations (including land-locked states)
B. If no settlement, parties to the UNCLOS bound themselves through
“Freedom on the high seas” includes: freedom of navigation, freedom ITLOS, ICJ and Arbitral Tribunals (which are all, however, based
of fishing, freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines and freedom on consent because these tribunals have jurisdiction only over
to fly over the high seas. These freedoms are however subject to certain matters “submitted to them by the parties”
conventions and agreements.
The effort to resolve the dispute must be peaceful as mandated by the
What law governs the high seas? UN Charter.
As a rule, ships in the high seas are governed by:
In 2015, the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration affirmed that
1. International law, and China had already submitted itself to the jurisdiction of the court.
2. Law of the flag state – refers to the nationality of the flag which is
determined by the place of registration. China argued that the issue is a maritime delimitation over which the
TN: A ship can only use one flag court has no jurisdiction. Only ITLOS or ICJ. But the court said it is not
a delimitation issue. This is an issue that calls for the interpretation of
For acts committed on board vessels, remember that no state can UNCLOS. And since it requires interpretation, then parties have already
exercise exclusive jurisdiction in the high seas. This is why the submitted themselves to this compulsory arbitration.
rule/nexus applied is the flag state rule.
So in the studying the high seas, take note of the rules governing
interference by warships or naval ships with merchant vessels of another UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS
state of the high seas.
Why is this important? This is a soft law.
Because as a rule, no state can exercise jurisdiction over ships and
vessels in the high seas. There is only limited exercise of jurisdiction. What is a soft law?
Not readily enforceable norms but this character does not say something
“Flags of Convenience” about the importance or the lack of importance of human rights
Countries that allow registration of a ship for a fee documents.

Interference (by warships) with merchant ships of another When can human right documents become hard law?
states in the high seas: Human rights documents are guides for states to pass national
1. Stateless ships legislations. But, there have been several cases especially under the
2. Hot Pursuit auspices of European human rights regime of regional human rights
Bretch: Hot pursuit must be continuous, similar to the hot pursuit in the regime. In Europe, for example, they have a regional human rights
arrest of an offender who has just offended a crime. But hot pursuit right regime where they permit individuals to sue states for human rights
shall only be exercised for as long as the vessel pursued does not enter the violations.
territorial waters of another state.

3. Right of approach In other words, while it is a soft law, they end up as hard law in certain
4. Treaties jurisdictions because some states have already affirmed that they are
5. Piracy readily enforceable norms.

7|U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N C A R L O S
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Basic principles Trail Smelter case

The smelting occurred in Canada sharing borders with USA specifically
A. IHRL began in the second half of the 20 century and fully the State of Washington. This sulfur dioxide resulted to the damage of
recognized in the 21st Century under the aegis of UN nad other crops and trees. It lasted for 13 years of damage. When USA filed a
international and regional bodies claim, Canada submitted itself to arbitration.
B. Art 1(3) of the UN Charter, UDHR (1948)
C. Human rights issues ceased to be mere domestic matters as is The arbitration ruled against Canada because these factories on
the case before the 21st century; States have realized that it is the smelting are operating with the knowledge of the Government of
“respect of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable Canada. Under the circumstances, Canada could have implemented
rights of man” which is the foundation of freedom, justice, and mitigating measures at the very least, if not to prevent it, which Canada
peace in the world did not do. The arbitration tribunal said there was omission on the part
D. Duty to protect aliens in foreign territory under the Doctrine of of Canada to prevent the fumes consisting of sulfur dioxide from
State Responsibility helped develop international human rights reaching the territory of another state. This is an application of “sic utere
law tuo ut alienum non laedas.”
F. The study of IHRL deals with the scope and limitations of HR vis- 1972 Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment
a–vis authority of States to maintain order in society. Stockholm Declaration (Principle 21)
The participants agreed on a declaration which consists of several
The three (3) “Generations” or Categories declarations of norms governing environmental law. One of which is
Principle 21 on the principle of state responsibility that no state shall
UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights permit its own territory to cause damage to the territory of another. This
1. Civil and Political Rights is affirmed as part of CIL.
2. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Articles 192 and 194 of the UNCLOS
Opinion of Publicists Article 192 deals with the duty to protect and preserve marine
3. Right to peace, Self-Determination, common heritage of mankind environment and 194 where duty not to cause damage by pollution to
principle, environment, development, minority rights other states of the UNCLOS III. Articles 192 and 194 deal with marine
International Bill of Rights
UDHR (1948) Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (1992)
Agenda 21 (1992); United Nations Framework Convention on
Two International Covenants Climate Change (1992)
These two international covenants of 1976 are also part of “International Rio Declaration is a reiteration of Stockholm Declaration but there are
Bill of Rights” additions. Convention on Biological Diversity is also an important
1. ICCPR (1976) with two Optional Protocols: (1) Grievance Procedure convention.
and (2) Abolition of Death Penalty
2. ICESCR (1976) ICJ Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Read the text of the UDHR and ICCPR. If you have time, also ICESCR. That states must ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and
When you study ICCPR, be conscious of the rights that are derogable control respect the environment of other states or of areas beyond
and non-derogable (Article 4). national control is now part of the corpus of international law relating to
the environment.
Article 4 of the ICCPR declares the non-derogable rights.
Be familiar with them. Derogable rights may be derogated in times of ICJ included in deciding whether the use of nuclear testing will be
national emergency and other special circumstances recognized by permitted or prohibited the effect on the environment. They have
ICCPR. declared that the principle of state responsibility for environmental law
harm is already part of CIL.
Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary/Slovakia IJC case)
ILC Draft Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm from
International Environmental Law is a fairly recent branch of international Another manifestation of the need to discourage states not to cause
law. It is related to human rights law because one of the human rights transboundary harm.
recognized under ICCPR is the right to a healthy environment.
Kyoto Protocol (1997/2005)
While it is a new regime already covered under CIL, states may be held Established legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce
liable for breach of environmental law. As seen in the Trail Smelter case, their greenhouse gas emissions as it sets emission targets for developed
the arbitration case already applied “sic utere tuo ut alienum non states. The last target was to be complied with within the period of
laedas.” 2008-2012.
A. Now claimed to be a part of human rights in view of the threats
to environment brought about by industrialization and STRICT V. FAULT LIABLILTY
B. Breach of international environmental law may amount to breach What liability regime applies to environmental laws?
of international obligations and can trigger “state responsibility”
C. Origin is the civil law maxim “sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas” Strict liability
D. The “Trail Smelter case” (US v. Canada, 1941) Scholars would argue that we should observe Strict Liability when we
talk about hazardous activities (IE. Transportation of oil or use of nuclear

8|U N I V E R S I T Y O F S A N C A R L O S
PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW l Atty. Bretch Largo l For the exclusive use of EH – 407 A.Y. 2015-2016

Q. Is burning of forest a hazardous activity? The level of obligation shouldn’t be the same and universal to all because
Burning of forest when done in a small-scale level may not be considered we consider the capability of the state. We demand higher from those
as a hazardous activity because it can be regulated. who can because of technology and financial capabilities.

Fault liability Conservation of Resources

Fault Liability is also forwarded by some scholars in particular when Principle 8. Rio declaration
there is a lex specialis like if we are talking about transboundary harm. States must “reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production
You will notice that 2001 Articles on Prevention of Transboundary Harm and consumption and promote appropriate demographic policies.”
suggests the requirement due diligence.
This is a restatement of the principle of sustainable development which
Due diligence means that if the State has shown that it has exerted was pronounced by Judge Weeramantry in the Gabchikovo case as part
efforts to at least prevent the transboundary, even if despite that effort, of CIL.
transboundary harm still happened, then it becomes an obligation not
of result but that of conduct. This means that we utilize and exploit our natural resources not only to
enable us to enjoy the environment at the present generation but to
According to Shaw, opinions of courts do not clarify which of the two also make sure that the future generations will also have enough when
liability regimes would be used. the time comes.

Trail Smelter case Integration

“No State has the right to use or permit the use of its territory is such a Principle 4. Rio declaration
manner as to cause injury by fumes in or to the territory of another or In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection
the properties or persons therein, when the case is of serious shall constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot
consequence and the injury is established by clear and convincing be considered in isolation from it.
How do you integrate environmental protection in your
The concern here really is that there is a principle that States have the development processes?
permanent sovereignty over its natural resources. Therefore, it has You are required to put mechanism whereby the process of development
every right to utilize its resources especially that the right to to take environmental consideration. This is through the requirement of
development is a recognized norm. But the utilization of resources might environmental impact assessment.
result to over exploitation which is the tragedy of the commons.
Example: Coal Fire Power Plant Company has to comply with
The permanent sovereignty over natural resources should be balanced environmental impact assessment.
with the right of the people to a healthy environment. So the study of
the International Environmental Law is the delicate balancing of the right
to development and the right to a healthy environment.
Precautionary principle
Principle of State Responsibility Principle 15. Rio declaration
In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall
Principle 21 of Stockholm Declaration:
be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there
“States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and
are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific
the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their
certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective
own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental
measures to prevent environmental degradation.
policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their
jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other
Example: If state A permits a particular activity that involves exploitation
States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.”
its natural resources and if a group complains that the project will result
to a damage to the environment, the government cannot say that “well
Bretch: It doesn’t have to be activities in the territory. If they have
where is your proof?”
control in the activity even if outside of the territory, then the State can
be held liable. Example, in relation to UNCLOS, the coastal state has the
Regardless of whether there is scientific certainty of a damage, the State
exclusive jurisdiction with respect to the establishment or construction
permitting the use of its natural resources shall not postpone cost-
of artificial islands or installations in its EEZ.
effective measures to prevent environmental damage.
This may only be a declaration of a norm but this have been affirmed
many times by tribunals. POLLUTER PAYS PRINCIPLE
It embodies the idea that “those who create environmental damage
should pay for its remediation or clean-up.” It is understood that
Principle 3. Rio Declaration
requiring the polluters to bear the full cost of their pollution will provide
The right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet
an incentive for the minimization of pollution production
developmental and environmental needs of present and future
generations. This is related to the Common but Differentiated Principle. You must not take this literally. This is applicable in the context of
climate change.
Principle 7, Rio Declaration Example: Read the UNFCC and the Kyoto Protocol. The basic idea is that
“In view of the different contributions to the global environmental when we reduce carbon emission, the reduction of emission is not
degradation, States have common but differentiated responsibilities. uniform among all states.
The developed countries acknowledged the responsibility that they bear
in the international pursuit of sustainable development in view of the
pressures their societies place on the global environment and of the
technologies and financial resource they command.

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