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Philosophers Concept About Self Application in Life

We have our own body and soul, so we are the one who is responsible
“every man is composed of body and of it. Our body is imperfect and impermanent, so we make mistakes,
soul” but we have our soul that is perfect and permanent, so we have to
maintain its perfect nature by doing good things.
“man’s soul has three components: Each of these aspects has its own function. If these three are
Plato rational soul, spirited soul, appetitive working in harmony together, we can attain justice, so we have to
soul” maintain the balance between these aspects.
When we die, our body will remain on earth and our soul is expected
St. Augustine “man is of a bifurcated nature” to have its communion with God, but only by living our lives in virtue.
Therefore, we should do good deeds while we are still living.
Our soul is the one who animates our body and it is our essence that
“man is composed of two parts:
St. Thomas Aquinas makes us a human person and who we are, so we have to give importance
matter and form”
to our soul.
We shouldn’t doubt ourselves because if we doubt who we are, it
Rene Descartes “there is a doubting self” feels like we no longer exist. We have to believe in ourselves and in our
existence for us to survive.
“the self is nothing like a bundle of They say that experience is the best teacher, and I agree with it.
David Hume
impressions” We should try to learn things to gain experience as well as knowledge.
“there is a mind that organizes the
Since we can gain knowledge through impressions, we have to use our
Immanuel Kant impressions that man get from the
mind to organize these ideas so that we can apply it on our lives.
external world”
Self is what we refer to the way we behave, so it is important to
Gilbert Ryle “self is not an entity one can locate”
behave accordingly because it determines who we are as a person.
Our mind commands our body. Whatever our mind thinks, we do it.
“mind and body are so intertwined
Merleau Ponty Therefore, we should always think carefully before we act hastily in
that they cannot be separated”
order to avoid facing the consequences later on.

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