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"Omnipotent" or Vocabulary Omnipotent

A. rain-forest: a vegetation dense for-

"I’m Impotent"? est (like the Amazon) that gets a very
high rate of rainfall.
MONICA: Alright. Phoebe?
B. boobs: colloquial term for women’s
PHOEBE: Okay, okay. If I were om- breasts (or men with more protruding
nipotent1 + PIC for a day, I would breasts- man boobs). Other colloqui-
wantI, um, world peace, no more hun- al terms (warning- vulgar): tits, rack,
ger, good things for the rain-forestA... knockers.
And bigger boobsB! C. to mock (sb): to laugh at or make
fun of someone. 3 Wishes
ROSS: Yeah, see.. you took mine.
D. little Joey (joke): Joey is referring to
Chandler, what about you2?
es OMnipotent for impotent.
CHANDLER: Uh, if I were omnipo-
tent for a day, I’d.. make myself omnip- E. “OMnipotent”: Joey believes Ross is
otent forever. saying “I’m impotent.”

RACHEL: See, there’s always one guy. Pronunciation

(Mocking ) “If I had a wish, I’d wish
1. Omnipotent: Awm-nih-puh-tent
2. what about you: whuh-duh-bout you
ALL: Hey, Joey. Hi. Hey, buddy. bow rhymes with cow
3. what would you do: wuh-wou-jew-do
MONICA: Hey, Joey, what would you wou rhymes with wood
do if3 you were omnipotent?
4. probably: praw-be
JOEY: I’d Probably4 kill myself!
Grammar: Conditional
MONICA: ..Excuse me? i. If I were... I would...: this is the second type condition-
al sentence. It’s used to express what would happen if a
JOEY: Hey, if Little Joey’sD dead, then condition -which is not real- was real.
I’ve got no reason to live!
following way:
ROSS: Joey, uh- OMnipotentE. for three more wishes
If + subject + simple past [...] , subject + would [...]
JOEY: You are? Ross, I’m sorryE... I, you, he, were, had, saw,
she, we, etc. knew, liktetd,
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RealLife English & Learn English w/ TV Series > If he were taller, he would play basketball better.

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